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Exodus and the Holy Land Devotional Full Publication

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Devotional essays that follow a 12 day tour through Egypt and Israel
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Dear Tour Family,

I want to personally express my appreciation for your coming

with us on this trip. I am so excited about walking and experienc-

ing the land of the Bible. I trust this little devotional book will

stimulate your thinking and excite your heart about the things

God will show to us on the trip.

Please read the daily reading and look up the various passages

and verses presented in each study. I trust the Lord will use His

Word to bless your heart.

I am looking forward to making life long friendships as we enjoy

these two weeks together. I thank the Lord for the unity and com-

mon bond we have with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

May God bless you,

Pastor Berlin

Sea Of Galilee

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Exodus and Holy Land Tour 2011

Table of Contents

Day 2 God’s Plan for Our Lives………………………………………….pg 1

Day 3 Pyramids…………………………………………………………....pg 3

Day 4 Guarding the True Believer…………………………………….....pg 5

Day 5 The Footsteps of Moses in Sinai…………………………….…….pg 7

Day 6 The City of God ……………………………………………………pg 9

Day 7 Disobedience and Submission …………………………………...pg 13

Day 8 The Miracles on the Sea of Galilee ………………………………pg15

Day 9 Jesus at Home in Nazareth ………………………..……………..pg 17

Day 10 The Miracles of Jericho …………………………………………pg19

Day 11 The Upper Room ………………………………………………..pg 21

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Daily Reading: Exodus 19


1 Cairo is one of the exciting cities of the world.

2 It spans the great Nile River and is filled with tradition and history.

3 Cairo is a growing city of over 7 millions of people, it is a city of spiritual

darkness, one section of the city is actually called the city of the

dead.” (see map)

4 Cairo is deep in the Muslim belief, it houses the city‟s largest Muslim Uni-

versity in the world.

5 Cairo can be traced back to the ancient capital of Memphis in Ancient

Egypt. (Encarta, reference library)

6 There is little doubt that Joseph spent much time in Memphis/

Cairo developing God‟s plan for Israel..

7 You are part of that same plan Joseph worked in, for:

I. God has one immutable, eternal plan.

A. God‟s plan is forever, it cannot be changed and one cannot take from

it or add to it. Eccl. 3:14.

B. It is amazing, but everything will work out according to His plan and

purpose. Eph.1:11.

C. The Lord made sure that we understood this plan and purpose includ-

ed us, for it is eternal. Eph.3:11.

D. The wonder of it all is that He will work all things for good to those

who love Him. Rom.8:28.

II. God‟s plan for Israel.

A. A safe haven for 430 years expanding them from 70 people to 2 1/2


B. He met their every need physically and spiritually.

C. He fulfilled His promise to Abraham providing by faith a place on

earth and in heaven.

D. He promised the believer they would be His peculiar people that

would enter into His rest. Ex. 19:5

III. God‟s plan for you.

A. A safe haven in Christ; nothing will happen but that you can‟t handle

it through Christ. I Cor. 10:13 Nothing.

B. He will meet your every need, even when you don‟t understand what

Feb 8, 2011 God’s Plan for Our Lives Day 2

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the need is. Phil 4:13; 19 Every need supplied.

C. He will keep the promise that He made to the believer in John 14:2.

We are his peculiar ( Special) people. I Peter 2:9.

D. He promises the believer will enter into His rest. Rev. 22.


Prov. 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understand-

ing. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

City of the Dead

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Daily Reading: Matthew 22:23-46


1. Pyramids were the tombs for the Kings and Queens of ancient Egypt.

2. The great pyramid, one of many, was built by King Khutu (Hut-to) many

centuries ago 2551-2528 B.C. (Encarta, reference library)

He was considered deity among many false gods of Egypt.

3. Egyptian history, traditions and religion may be interesting, but empty of

the truth that would prepare a soul for eternity.

4. The ancient Egyptians believed their dead monarch‟s spirit left the body

and traveled through the sky with the sun each day, when the sun set the

spirit would return to the body and renew itself. (Comptons Encyclopedia)

5. Can one imagine our Lord allowing a spirit to chase after the sun for eter-


I. Our God is the God of the living.

A. As touching life after death Jesus no less than 9 times claims that God

is the God of the living. Matt. 22:31-32,etc.

B. The Egyptians spent 40 days embalming Jacob‟s body for eternity but

our Lord has Jacob‟s Spirit with Him and will raise up his body at the

end of the tribulation. Genesis 50:1-3; Dan. 12:1-2.

C. We can assume some things, but God knows where the Pharaohs are.

He also knows Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are with Him.

II. Our God is a God of life, power and resurrection.

A. Our blessed Lord himself descended into the center at the earth and

led all the Old Testament believers up into heaven at the time of His

ascension, and they are present with Him today. Matt. 12:40; Eph


B. Our wonderful Lord will raise all Old Testament saints‟ bodies, ac-

cording to His plan, at the end of the tribulation period so they can in

bodies enter into the millennial period. Dan 12:1-2.

C. Our promise kept. God promised this to Abraham long before King

Hut-to built his pyramid. Genesis 12, 15, and 17.

D. It is with great anticipation that believers today look for the Lord to

come for us and take us to be with Him.

III. Our God is coming for us (the believer) (Walvoord‟s)

A. There are over a thousand prophecies in the Bible approximately 500

Feb 9, 2011 Pyramids Day 3

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of them have be have been fulfilled assuring the fact that the remain-

ing will be fulfilled also. (Every prophecy of the Bible)

B. The same Spirit that raised up Christ is the Holy Spirit living in the

believer assuring the resurrection of every born-again believer. Rom.

8:11; I Cor. 6:19 .

C. Jesus Christ said He was the resurrection, John 11:25. He also said

He and the Father are one. John 10:30 Many believe death is the

end of all things. The Divine Godhead Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

guarantee the resurrection of all true believers.


A friend, claiming to be born-again, said I don't want Christ to come now,

I want to enjoy the new home we just built and my grandchildren. Is Jesus

Christ enough for you? Suppose He were to come while on this trip, is He

enough or would you like first to return home to loved ones?

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Daily Reading: Psalm 135


1. The Sphinx has the head of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of

a bird.

2. It represents the many deities of the ancient Egyptians.

3. Its purpose is to guard the tombs of the Kings and Queens of Ancient


4. The erosion of the stone guard pictures the helplessness of such beliefs.

God says not to trust in the work of man‟s hands, they see not, thy have

mouths but speak not, thy have ears but hear not. Psalm 135:15-17

5. Turn with me to Psalm 121 The word “preserve” in this Psalm is the word

“Samar” which means “to place a hedge of protection”, to guard, to pro-


6. God is a living God who promises to be the protector of the true believer.

I. The Lord continually watches over the true believer. Psalm 121:3-4

A. He never slumbers or sleeps but continually protects.

B. Nothing will ever come upon us but that we are equipped to handle it.

I Cor. 10:13. Psalm 121: 5-6.

C. If He does allow something grievous, remember it is a righteous judg-

ment of God designed to give opportunity for a godly testimony and

produce a worthy person for the Kingdom of God. II Thess. 1:4-6.

II. The Lord guards from all evil Psalm 121: 7a

A. Our responsibility is to be emptied of self by putting off the old man-

ner of living and put on the new man. If any man be in Christ he is a

new creature. Eph. 4:22-23; Eph 5:8.

B. Satan continually has his servants looking for a way or means to cause

the believer to fall, so supplies an armor to stand against Satan. Eph


C. God makes available everything needed to guard the believer against

all evil.

III. The Lord guards thy soul. Psalm 121:7b

A. Sometimes one hears of a believer, for one reason or another, that

doubts their salvation. God is so faithful and wonderful and directs

the Holy Spirit to witness to our spirit that we are the Children of

Feb. 10, 2011 Guarding the True Believer Day 4

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God. Rom. 8:16.

B. God knows Satan would desire to have the believer, but He will not

allow it.

1. Jesus told Peter Satan would desire to have him, but Jesus

prayed for him. Luke 22:31-32

2. Romans 8:38-39 The Lord said no one/nothing can separate the

true believer from Him. No one/nothing is greater than the Lord.

3. Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God making intercession for us.

IV. The Lord guards our going out and our coming in. Psalm 121:8

A. We ear quite often , recently, that things are out of control: Economi-

cally this may be true, morally it may be true, and philosophically we

have so many rebellions growing into worldwide riots, but its not true

from God‟s point of view.

B. Things are right on schedule with God‟s plan. He will not only guard

us as things progress but will work things out for good to those who



Prov. 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understand-

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Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-17


1. Jesus Christ is the preeminent one over everyone and everything, but the

footprints of Moses are remarkable.

2. The Scriptures call Moses a meek man, a man humble but strong in his


3. He actually provoked the Lord refusing 5 times to serve, God called Aa-

ron to help.

4. God took a mild man like Moses and developed a boldness that confronted

one of the strongest and obstinate rulers in history and backed him down.

I. It is amazing what God can do through a yielded servant.

A. He parted the Red Sea.

B. He lead 2.5 million murmuring Jews for years.

C. He healed a multitude of poisoned people at the place of the brazen


D. He counseled them, fathered them, made sure their needs were met.

II. But God is not dealing in such miracles today, not so:

A. A yielded servant today can be used in greater miracles.

B. Salvation is a miracle at God‟s grace, it‟s a marvel that an absolute

Holy God could justify a sinner and take him to heaven.

C. Every soul won to Christ is a miracle.

D. Every malady turned into a good thing, for the believer, is a miracle.

Rom 8:28.

E. Everything in the believer‟s life can be understood and handled realiz-

ing God uses it to make us worthy of the Kingdom of God. I Cor.

10:13 with II Thess. 1:46.

F. We can pray and cause untold miracles. Mk. 11 22-23.

III. God is holy and just, We must have obedience to His revealed Word.

A. God is no respecter of persons. Job 37:24; Acts 10: 34.

B. Is it possible a tear could be on the cheek of the Lord as He ministers

judgment to Moses? Jesus wept; we understand the Lord is touched

with our infirmities.

C. God loved Moses and used him greatly as an example. I Cor. 10:1-6.

D. The Lord loved the disciples so much that the people knew they had

been with Jesus.

Feb. 11, 2011 The Footsteps of Moses in Sinai Day 5

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E. God loves you, He wants you to let your life shine and glorify Him.


I Cor. 12: He giveth gifts to be used to glorify Him

Mt. Sinai

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Daily Reading: John 14:1-15


1. Petra is one of the Seven Wonders of mankind. One stands in awe of what

man has done.

2. Petra is mentioned once in the Bible under the name of Sela, meaning the

rock. II Kings 14:7.

3. The Greek work for Peter is Petra, a small rock off of the large rock.

4. Some Bible preachers make the assumption that Israel, according to Mat-

thew 24 & 25, will flee to Petra at the future invasion of Russia or the

Antichrists activities.

5. Petra is eroding and will eventually vanish, but God has a city that will last


I. The city of God, the new Jerusalem, was planned before the foundation of

the earth as a habitat for all believers. Eccl. 3:14; Eph. 1:11; 3:11.

A. It is a wonderful thing to know that the believer was in the mind of

God before the world was ever formed. Eph. 1:4.

B. The Old City of Jerusalem, loved by God, was a place where God

chose to put his name, II Kings 21:4, but He had to abandon it be-

cause it became sinful. Ezek. 8,9, 10, 11.

C. He likened it to Hagar, in the bondage of sin, and not a city of God.

Gal. 4:24-25.

D. It became a city defiled by Jewish idol worship, and heathen pollu-

tion. Psa. 79:1.

E. In our modern day it is a city without the beautiful temple, priesthood,

and the light of the world. Romans 11.

II. God‟s love for Jerusalem will be fulfilled in the creation of a new Jerusa-


A. It was promised to Abraham, for he looked for a city not made with

hands whose builder and maker is God. Heb 11:10.

B. The Lord prophesied he would create a new Jerusalem. Isaiah 65:17-


C. Many believe Jesus Christ, who is Jehovah God, is preparing a beauti-

ful dwelling place for those who are true believers. John 14: 1-2.

(John the Baptist preparing the way for the Lord Isa. 40:3, The word

Lord is Jehovah. John said he was the one spoken in Isaiah 40:3 and

in John 1:23 the word Lord (Kupiou) refers to Jesus Christ.)


Feb. 12, 2011 The City of God Day 6

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III. God‟s love for Jerusalem realized.

A. New Jerusalem, a tremendous city approximately fourteen hundred

miles high and square.

B. The mighty God will be there for we shall see Him in all His fullness.

Col. 1:18; 2:9.

C. We will not lose our identity in the New Jerusalem for we shall be

known as we are now known by the Lord, the exception will be we

will have a perfect love and personality like Jesus. I Cor. 13:12; I

John 3: 2.

D. It will have beauty and perfection beyond our ability to now fully

describe it.

E. A perfect love that transcends faith for it will become sight and all

hope will be a reality.

Conclusion: It is astounding, but we will inherit all things. Rev. 2:7.


Petra (Greek, “city of rock”), ancient city of Arabia, in what is now southwest-

ern Jordan, immediately east of the village of Wadi Musa. The stronghold and

treasure city of the Nabataeans, an Arab people, Petra is referred to as Sela in

the Bible (see 2 Kings 14:7). It was situated in the land of Edom, between the

Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, near the points of intersection of great cara-

van routes from Gaza on the Mediterranean Sea, from Damascus, from Elath

(now Al‟Aqabah, Jordan) on the Red Sea, and from the Persian Gulf. From the

4th century BC until the 2nd Century AD, Petra was the capital of the Nabatae-

an Kingdom. The Romans conquered it in 106AD and made it part of the Ro-

man province of Arabia Petraea. The city continued to flourish in the 2nd and

3rd centuries, but later, when the rival city of Palmyra took away most of Pet-

ra‟s trade, the importance of Petra declined. It was conquered by the Muslims

in the 7th century and captured by the Crusaders in the 12th century; gradually

it fell into ruins.

The site of the ancient city was rediscovered in 1812 by the Swiss explorer

Johann Burckhardt. An impregnable fortress, conspicuous both for its great

natural beauty and for the magnificence of its monuments, it is approached by

a chasm, or ravine, which in some places is only 3.7m (12 ft) wide and has

towering rocky walls. Along this ravine are the ancient structures carved out

of the walls of solid rock, the most famous of which include the Khaznet Fira-

oun, a temple also known as the Treasury of the Pharaohs, and a semicircular

theater capable of seating about 3000 spectators. All along the face of the pink

rocks that overlook the valleys are rows of tombs hewn out of the solid stone.

The remains of Petra bear eloquent testimony to its former power, wealth, and

culture. Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2003. c1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Mt Nebo - Jordan River

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 34


1. Today we travelled (will travel) in the footprints of Moses at Nebo and

approach the Lord‟s foot steps at the River Jordan.

2. The actions of both are not only historical but in great contrast. Moses

having the consequence of disobedience and our blessed Lord one of sub-


3. We learn from Moses there is always a consequence to disobedience, and

God is no respecter of persons.

4. Moses was greatly used of God but when disobedience is involved God

must administer no matter how difficult it must be. One wonders whether

the Lord had a tear over the wrath needed. We know that Jesus wept

over trying circumstances.

5. The Father turned away when the wrath came at Calvary.

I. The Demise of Moses at Pisgah of Nebo

A. Moses was allowed to climb to the top of Pisgah of Nebo and see the

promised land, but was not allowed to enter because of disobedience.

Deut. 34:1.

B. Moses could not lose his salvation, but was not allowed to come down

and died there. Deut 32:49-50.

C. The mount became a symbol of death and disobedience, but when we

travel (travelled) to the Jordan River we think of a symbol of sub-

mission in Christ‟s baptism.

II. The Complete Submission of Jesus.

A. Jesus who was Elohim Jehovah spoke the world into being (Gen 1:1;

Col, 1:16) yet so emptied himself of an agenda of his own and said in

John 5:30. “I can of myself do nothing … but the will of my Father”.

B. John 5:19 “The Son can do nothing of himself.”

C. We believe in the hypostatic union of Christ, He is fully God, He is

fully human without sin.

D. He voluntarily emptied himself of the use of his divine attributes and

became obedient unto death. Phil. 2:8.

E. He did this all for us that he might be our substitute, take the wrath for

sin and set us free from the penalty of sin.

III. The Directive of Christ Concerning our Obedience. Phil. 2:5-8


Feb 13, 2011 Disobedience and Submission Day 7

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A. The Lord says let me put this way of thinking in you that was in

Christ. (The work “let” is a present command but passive. He will do

it if we will let Him)

B. For the Lord to do this we must be emptied of self. Eph. 4:22

C. He wants us to have the mind of a servant. Phil. 2:7

D. He wants us to have a mind of humility. Phil. 2:8a

E. He wants us to have a mind of obedience. Phil. 2:8b


Like Paul of old, for us to live is Christ. Phil 1:21.

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Daily Reading: Matthew 5:1-20


1. Today we will sail on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus sailed and performed

no less than 6 miracles.

2. Jesus had a difficult task endeavoring to convince people He is God, the

very Son of God.

3. According to John 20:30-31. This was the purpose for His miracles.

4. People knew and proclaimed only God could forgive sin. Mark 2:7 Christ

wanted man to know He is God and can forgive sins.

5. Christ proclaimed that He forgave the sins of the man in Matthew 9 and

demonstrated his power by having the man take up his bed and walk.

I. Paul declared Jesus as the Son of God in Hebrews

A. He was greater than Moses. Heb. 3:1-6

B. He was greater than the angels. Heb. 1:5

C. He had a greater priesthood. Heb. 5:5-6

D. He had greater power.

E. He had superior principles.

II. Jesus demonstrated He is the Son of God.

A. He is greater than the laws of motion.

1. He gathered schools of fish at the right time and place to benefit

his disciples.

B. Man cannot create, we can form things but we cannot create.

1. He fed many and when the disciples forgot bread on board ship.

Christ supplied. Matt 16:7-12

C. Jesus Christ controls nature

1. Calmed the sea and the wind. Matt. 8:26

2. Man uses the term mother nature when weather needs to be men-

tioned, but there is no mother nature. Jesus Christ controls the

elements. Psalm 104

3. Some Bible believing preachers state that at times God allows se-

vere weather to get man‟s attention.

4. Col. 1:17 - By Jesus Christ all things consist, have their being.

When He takes his hands off the earth this old earth will be no


D. Jesus defies the law of travel. John 6:21

1. The word “immediately” is “Etheos” which means “at once”.

2. This probably was the fastest the disciples ever travelled.


Feb. 14, 2011 The Miracles on the Sea of Galilee Day 8

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3. “In a moment” found in I Cor. 15:52 is atamos - time so short it

can‟t be measured, the speed of the rapture.

E. Jesus greater than the law of gravity. Matt. 14:25

1. Jesus walking on the sea.

2. He descended upon earth, met with people and ascended back into


3. He will call the bodies of the dead and living, changing them and

having them ascend into heaven.


I am the way, the truth, and the life, I‟m all the believer needs.

TIBERIAS Tiberias, city in northeastern Israel, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee

(Lake Tiberias), located about 209m (about 686 ft) below sea level. One of the

holy cities of Judaism, Tiberias was a center of Jewish learning from its found-

ing in AD19 until the Middle Ages. The city was founded by Herod Antipas,

who named it for the emperor Tiberius. After the Roman destruction of the

Temple at Jerusalem in AD70, Jewish scholars began to settle in Tiberias,

where the highest rabbinical court, the Sanhedrin, convened. The body of

commentaries on Jewish civil and religious law called the Talmud, containing

the Mishnah and a version of the Gemara, was chiefly compiled in Tiberias

between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD. The Jewish community continued to

thrive under Byzantine and Arab rule, but declined with the rest of the town

after the 12th century. The city was rebuilt in the 1800s, and its agricultural

opportunities and mild climate attracted a large number of Jewish immigrants.

The city joined the British mandate of Palestine in1922, by which time it al-

ready had a Jewish majority. The tomb of Maimonides is here, as are hot

springs and lakeside hotels; the city is also a popular winter resort. Population

*(1999 estimate) 37,700.

Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2003. c1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Daily Reading: Mark 1:1-22


1. Today we will travel to Nazareth, the home of Jesus for approximately 25

years of his earthly life. (when He returned from Egypt to Nazareth he

was a young child, when he was baptized at age 30 he came from Nazareth

to John the Baptist for baptism. Luke 30:21-23 with Mark 1:9.)

2. We think the sacrifices of leaving the Ivory palace of heaven and Calvary

are tremendous, but the sacrifices of empting himself of the use of his at-

tributes and dwelling on earth were great sacrifices also. Phil. 2:7 (the

word “reputation” comes from the word „kenow” which meant “to empty”,

to divest one‟s self”)

3. He was not known as the Son of God, he was called a Nazarene. Matt.


4. He was called the prophet of Nazareth. Matt.21:9,11

5. He was known in the area as Jesus of Nazareth. Mk. 1:9

6. The demons knew him as Jesus of Nazareth. Mk. 1:24

7. Moses wrote about Jesus of Nazareth. Jn. 1:45

I. Jesus Christ as a Child in Nazareth

A. Understanding the hypostatic union of Jesus. We know he was the

Almighty God of the universe (Col. 1:16) and at the same time fully

human yet without sin.

B. It is amazing to think the mighty God in human flesh submitted to the

care of Mary and Joseph. Luke 2:51

C. His purpose to become a substitute for sinners, Oh! How He loved us

to voluntarily make himself of no reputation to accomplish the will of

the Father. Matt 20:28 Phil. 2:7

D. He came to do the will of the Father. John 4:34

E. He said “Of myself I can do nothing.” John 5:19

II. Jesus Christ as a young boy.

A. He grew in wisdom and stature. He who is omniscient, emptied now

acquiring wisdom.

B. As a boy of twelve he knew that he was to obey the Father rather than

anyone, even his parents who did not understand. (He stated “I

must.” The word is “deo” a command, imperative, present tense. He

was commanded by the Father. “deo” means it is binding.)

C. Many times the command came from the Father through the Holy


1. I must abide by the well at Sycar at noon. John 4:4


Feb. 15, 2011 Jesus at Home in Nazareth Day 9

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2. I must work the works of him that sent me. John 9:4

3. I must abide at thy house, Zacchaeus. Lk. 19:5

D. One church teaches that Jesus as a boy formed clay into birds, threw

them into the air, and they flew away. Not so. The first miracle was

water to wine.

III. Jesus as a teen-ager.

A. The scriptures are silent. But can one imagine the heart of Jesus to

live in a home with half-brothers and half-sisters not saved.

B. Everyone had to recognize Jesus was different.

IV. Jesus as an adult in Nazareth.

A. He was known as the carpenter of Nazareth. Matt. 13:55

B. People of Nazareth were displeased with Jesus they did not believe

him to be the Son of God. Matt 13:53-8

C. He could not do mighty works there


The church of the Annunciation is located in Nazareth commerating the an-

nouncement of the Angel Gabriel to the incarnation of Jesus to Mary. Luke



Nazareth, town in northern Israel, in lower Galilee, near Haifa. It is on a hill

overlooking the Plain of Esdraelon. According tot eh New Testament, Naza-

reth was the home of Mary and her husband, Joseph, and th5e childhood home

of Jesus Christ. Christ was later rejected by the town‟s inhabitants and made

Capernaum his headquarters. Contemporary Nazareth,, a place of pilgrimage,

contains many shrines commemorating its biblical associations, some of them

having been rebuild after destruction by the Muslims during the Middle Ages.

Prominent among them are the Church of the annunciation, the Church of St.

Joseph, and St. Mary‟s Well. Population (1999 e3st59imate) 57,200.

Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2003. c1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Grotto of the Holy Family

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Daily Reading: Luke 19:1-10


1. The Jericho of today is not the Jericho of antiquity.

2. The modern day Jericho was built by Herod about 1 1/2 miles from the

mound where the ancient city rested.

3. The ancient city was one of the first inhabited cities of the world, both

cities are known for the great miracles that took place in them.

I. The miraculous appearance of the Son of God.

A. He appears as a man, as he appeared as Jehovah with two angelic be-

ings to Abraham. Jos. 5:13; Gen . 18:1-2

B. Rev. 22:8-9 forbids the worship of anything or anyone but the Lord.

Joshua, knowing who this was, fell down and worshipped for he was

on holy ground. Josh. 5:14-5

C. Scripture confirms that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was in his pre-

incarnate form; the Jehovah of the Old Testament.

1. Isaiah 40:3 states along with Mal. 4:5-6 that Elijah shall prepare

the way of Jehovah. The word “Lord” is Jehovah.

2. Matt 17:10-13 states that John the Baptist fulfilled Elijah‟s com-

mission and prepared the way of Jehovah, indicating Jesus Christ

was Jehovah for John prepared the way for Jesus Christ.

3. Today when the Jews celebrate the Passover, part of the celebra-

tion is a knock where the oldest boy answers the knock expecting


II. The wall of Jericho fell flat by faith. Heb. 11:30.

A. The wall fell flat except where Rahab‟s house was. God saw that the

promise was kept and Rahab‟s family secure. Josh. 2:15; 6:5, 20

B. The faith displayed by walking around Jericho, trumpeting and shout-

ing, and expecting the wall to fall is amazing faith.

C. The skeptics claim a fault in the ground under the wall gave way and

the wall fell.

D. Other skeptics claim it was the result of an earthquake, but the Lord

said it came down by faith.

III. The miracle of salvation in Jericho. Luke 19:1-9

A. Jesus said I must abide at Zacchaeus‟ house. (the word “must” is a

binding directive as the Holy Spirit directed Jesus ministry)

B. Jesus knew Zacchaeus was a Jericho.

C. Jesus knew Zacchaeus‟ name.


Feb. 16, 2011 The Miracles of Jericho Day 10

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D. Jesus knew Zacchaeus was up a large shade tree.

E. Jesus knew Zacchaeus‟ need.

F. God had chosen Zaccaeus before the foundation of the world because

he was in Christ. Eph. 1:4


He knows every thought, every action, every prayer before it is thought. Matt.


Zacchaeus Tree

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Daily Reading: Luke 22:1-30


1. Entering the upper room brings a sense of awe realizing we are standing

where Jesus met, as the lamb of God, celebrating the Passover for the last

time with his disciples

2. This is an emotional time knowing Judas will sell Him for 30 pieces of

silver, Peter will deny Him, and Thomas will doubt Him. Yet He loved

them and asked them to remember.

I. Remember me.

A. There are a number of words translated “remember” in the New Tes-

tament but this one is different. It means “weigh well the meaning of

my words”. Its only used four times and Christ uses it three of the

four times.

B. He wants us to remember what will be accomplished at Calvary.

1. His words promise he will sustain us no matter how difficult mat-

ters may become.

2. He said many years previous if you remember me and have your

mind fixed on me, I will give you perfect peace no matter how diffi-

cult the circumstance. Isa. 26:3

C. Remember me.

1. I am the bread (the provision of life) that came down from heaven.

2. I am the one God sent to do his will.

D. Remember me as you drink this cup.

1. It is the blood that justifies us before a holy God.

2. It will be my resurrection that will testify that justification has tak-

en place. Rom 4:25

II. Copy Me. (example John 13:15.)

A. The previous conduct of some of the disciples wanting honored posi-

tions necessitated Jesus deal with the matter of humility. Christ

thought it so important, only having a few days to live, that he had to

deal with it.

B. The great creator of the universe washing the feet of the disciples.

John 13:12-13

C. The example was washing the feet, the teaching was humility.

D. It also taught the daily need of evaluating our spiritual cleansing by

Feb. 17, 2011 The Upper Room Day 11

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the Word of God. Eph. 5:26

III. Listen to me. A new commandment I give thee. John 13:34

A. The Lord is not talking about an emotional love. He‟s talking about a

love that produces self-sacrifice.

B. God loved that He gave his son.

C. Christ loved the church and gave himself.

1. He gave up the ivory palaces and came to a wicked world.

2. He gave up the use of his attributes to the guidance of the Holy

Spirit doing the will of the Father. My will is to do the will of the Fa-


3. He gave up his life for others.

D. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ. Phil. 2:5

1. Example - The mercies of God. Rom. 12:1

2. Become a living sacrifice. Rom 12:1-2


It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.

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House of Simon the Tanner

Old City Western Wall

Pool of Siloam

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