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Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

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Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want. Step by Step to Your Destination
Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want Step by Step to Your Destination Understanding Yourself Defining Your Destination Defining Your ‘Unique Selling Proposition’ Managing The Moments Of Truth Standing Out From The Crowd 1 2 3 4 5
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Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

Step by Step to Your Destination

Understanding Yourself

DefiningYour Destination

Defining Your ‘Unique Selling Proposition’

Managing The Moments Of Truth

Standing Out From The Crowd





Page 2: Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

It all starts by…

Understanding Yourself

First of all, find your rock, take a deep breath, and reflect: What Is Your Essence?

What are your strengths?

What are your pitfalls? What gives you energy?

What are your values?


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Think about your strengthsfirst. You will be most successful if you focus on nurturing your strengths

Spot your strengths by asking yourself…• I realize my best results by doing …

• I typically get recognized for...

•The things I prefer to do are...

• I engage in a specific activity when …

•When I am successful it is because of …

• I get excited about...• I am an expert in ….•When I evaluate myself, I feel comfortable with …

•The things I learn the fastest are …


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Be weary about your pitfalls. Recognize and contain them so they don’t hold you back


• I feel insecure about...• I try to make sure people can’t see that I...• I typically need some support when ...• I loose my energy when...• I am vulnerable if...

Think…• I typically avoid...• I have trouble doing...•Sometimes I get negative feedback on...• I have trouble learning things like...

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What are your values?What do you find truly important? What are your drivers? Is it...

Status Power Mental rewardsAutonomy Expertise Creativity

Security Affiliation Search for meaning ...

Values are personal preferences, they reflects what you deem right and wrong or what “ought” to be. Values are traits or qualities that

you consider worthwhile; they represent your highest priorities and deeply held driving forces. Values evolve over time as you

absorb influences and experience things firsthand


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What about your energy?• I feel at my best when...•The things I would like to do most are...

•When working with other people, I feel best when...

• If time and money did not matter, my dream in life is...

• I have most respect for people who...

• I am feel most proud when...


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Can you recognize your reflection? Do you know what makes you tick?


Now, let’s see if you can define your destination…

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Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

Step by Step to Your Destination

Understanding Yourself

DefiningYour Destination

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition

Managing The Moments Of Truth

Standing Out From The Crowd





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Defining Your



Do you know the job market you want to enter?

What do you know about the company you want to join?

Do you understand the requirements of the job you aspire?

Is there a match between who you are, the job you aspire & your long term career objectives?

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Do you know the market you want to enter?•What is typical about this market and what are the main trends?

•Who are the main players? •What is the market size and who has which market share?

•Of the companies that interest you...•What is the positioning and reputation?•What is the geographical scope?•Who are the competitors?

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Make sure you analyse the company you want to join:•What is the company’s history and legacy?•What is their business model and operational scope?•Are their vision, mission and values appealing for you?•How are the financial results and what are the trends?•What vacancies do they have for the moment?•What career & development opportunities do they offer?• Is this an ‘employer of choice’?

Use all possible channels for this research: search online, watch the press, use social media & blog forums, check corporate websites and official publication, ask current employees,…

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Do you understand the job you aspire?•Review the job description in detail•Talk to people who do this kind of work, preferable at the same company

•Think about the core competencies that are required, both in terms of technical skills as well personal competencies


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How is the match?• Is this a company you really want to work for? Do they share your values and is this the right party to join in view of your long term career objectives?

• Is this a job that you aspire to do? Will it allow you to feel good and learn & grow?

•And... do you have what it takes?

You think so?Then it’s time to proceed!


Not sure...Think twice before applying. Ask others for feedback about the fit between you and the job. Try to be as objective and realisitic as you can

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Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

Step by Step to Your Destination

Understanding Yourself

DefiningYour Destination

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition

Managing The Moments Of Truth

Standing Out From The Crowd





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3Defining Your

Unique Selling Proposition

Don’t forget, it’s a Job Market. You are about to enter a Competitive Arena.

So you will need a plan of attack to win in the market place.

Ask yourself: What do you have to offer? Why should they be interested in you?Define your USP that articulates what makes you different from the rest

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The job market is a competitive arena. In order to be recruited, you will need to do more than list your academic track record. You will need to sell yourself, convince the buyer that you are the best choice to make. You need to stand out from competition, offer something unique in the eyes of your customer. This is what is called the ‘unique selling proposition’ (USP)

What do you have to offer to your customer?Can you define why you would be the best candidate?

• If the company that is hiring could only see that ...

•The first things I would do when I would be hired are...

•My most useful skills or strengths for this job are...

•Compared to others, I typically do better in...

•The three things I could do very well in the job I aspire to have are...

•A core strength that is so obvious for me that I take it for granted is...

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Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

Step by Step to Your Destination

Understanding Yourself

DefiningYour Destination

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition

Managing The Moments Of Truth

Standing Out From The Crowd





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Standing Out

From The Crowd

Make sure you get noticed!

Build a 5-star CVDesign a compelling motivation letterManage your online visibility


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Build a Complete, Correct, Credible, Compelling CV:•A CV is a business document. Be clear and formal in language and layout•Make sure the text is well written and triple check for spelling mistakes. Use active verbs (‘organized’, ‘lead’, ‘coordinated’,…) and avoid jargon or acronyms

•Never lie. Do not falsify information or do not cover up mishap. Be honest about your activities and accomplishments

•Start with the most recent items so they catch the recruiters’ attention first


TalentSquare helps you build a

best practice CV allowing you to…•Document your profile in a best practise template

•Add credibility to your claims by collecting reference feedback & uploading diplomas and certificates

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Customise your

motivation letter to demonstrate that you are a strong fit for the open position •Every application should have a tailored motivation letter that proves you understand the job requirements, highlights your relevant experiences and promotes your USP. Make sure your arguments jump off the page!

• If possible be creative and think of other ways to demonstrate your motivation: network with company stakeholders or engage in corporate events or discussions. Get noticed!

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We live in an online world. Don’t forget that a savvy researcher can surface a lot of information about you. So manage your

online visibility• Be thoughful about what content you upload online•Review the visibility setting in your social networks• Remember that ideas expressed in blogs and forums can always be retrieved

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Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

Step by Step to Your Destination

Understanding Yourself

DefiningYour Destination

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition

Managing The Moments Of Truth

Standing Out From The Crowd





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Managing Your Moments of Truth


Moments of Thruths are the moments that count. Make sure you are prepared!

How to prepare for an interview?

How to remain calm?

How to manage your body language?

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Tips for a telephone interview:•Make sure you are relaxed and sitting in a calm environment

•Always stop doing whatever it is you are doing 15 minutes before the interview

•Make sure all distractions are gone•Make sure your desk is clean •Start focusing on your strengths, be positive

•Be convinced you really want this job. Tell yourself why you want the job

•Maintain your focus until the end•Take notes•Speak clearly as if you were in a live meeting – don’t forget: people can hear it when you smile

•Listen carefully and make sure to respond to all questions


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Tips for a live interview•Wear the proper attire and make sure you are well groomed – from head to toes

•Always bring a copy of your CV•Make sure to arrive 10 minutes early•Take time to relax, focus on positive things

•Remind yourself about your strengths and tell yourself why you want the job

•Maintain your focus until the end•Be engaged and remain alert•Takes notes•Speak clearly and make sure to pay attention to all interviewers (if there are several)

•Listen carefully and respond to all questions


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Use the right body language – be natural, be you•Show an open attitude•Gentle eye contact•Assertive attitude•Relax and try to sit still•Show that you are listening

•Articulate your ideas in a clear way

•Smile•Take care of the way you talk

•Use your hands adequately

•Mirror the other person’s body language

•Keep the right distance

•Don’t cross your arms•Don’t be defensive

Try to stay calm – after all, it’s only a conversation•When you feel stress, ask yourself: what are the risks or what could you loose?

•Be realistic about your expectation – don’t get carried away by excitement

•Breathe slowly•When you feel stress, don’t fight it, accept it. Focus on specific body parts or sensations (e.g. your breathing rhythm) to let your anxieties fade and return to calmness

•Focus on your goals and believe in your strengths

•Remember that you are fully prepared

•Be open and accept that things can move in different directions


Page 27: Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want

Step by Step to Your Destination

Understanding Yourself

DefiningYour Destination

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposal

Managing the Moments of Truth

Standing Out From The Crowd





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“Nothing happens unless first we dream”

Carl Sandburg (1878 – 1967), American writer

Inspirational Quotes

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“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil”

James Allen (1864–1912), British Poet

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“We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view”

Mao Tse-Tung, (1893 – 1976), Chinese revolutionary

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“Strength is a matter of a made up mind”

John Beecher (1904 – 1980), American Poet

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"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing“

Muhammad Ali (1942), American heavyweight boxer

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”Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right”

Henry Ford (1863 – 1947),

prominent American industrialist

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This roadmap is presented by International Power GDF Suez for applicants of the ‘Cuanta Energia Tienes’ recruitment campaign

Production and copyrights TalentSquare. Check www.talentsquare.com for more info

Compiled & written by Pieterjan Kempynck. Pieterjan graduated as Master in Clinical Psychology and is CEO of TalentSquare. He has over 20 years experience in human resources and talent management. Pieterjan took part in several polar expeditions

All pictures courtesy and copyright Laurent Dick at www.laurentdick.com

Pictures taken during the Antarctic Sailing Expedition 2007/2008. More info on www.circles.cc

October 2011
