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Experiences with Integrating Custos Security Services

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Experiences with Integrating Custos Security Services Isuru Ranawaka Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA [email protected] Juleen Graham Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, USA [email protected] Enis Afgan Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, USA [email protected] Samitha Liyanage Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA [email protected] Terry Fleury University of Illinois Champaign, IL, USA tfl[email protected] Jim Basney University of Illinois Champaign, IL, USA [email protected] Dannon Baker Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, USA [email protected] Dimuthu Wannipurage Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA [email protected] Suresh Marru Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA [email protected] Alexandru Mahmoud Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, USA [email protected] Yu Ma Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA [email protected] Marlon Pierce Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA [email protected] Abstract—Science gateways are user-facing cyberinfrastruc- ture that provide researchers and educators with Web-based access to scientific software, computing, and data resources. Managing user identities, accounts, and permissions are essential tasks for science gateways, and gateways likewise must man- age secure connections between their middleware and remote resources. The Custos project is an effort to build open source software that can be operated as a multi-tenanted service that provides reliable implementations of common science gateway cybersecurity needs, including federated authentication, iden- tity management, group and authorization management, and resource credential management. Custos aims further to provide integrated solutions through these capabilities, delivering end-to- end support for several science gateway usage scenarios. This paper examines four deployment scenarios using Custos and associated extensions beyond previously described work. The first capability illustrated by these scenarios is the need for Custos to provide hierarchical tenant management that allows multiple gateway deployments to be federated together and also to support consolidated, hosted science gateway platform services. The second capability illustrated by these scenarios is the need to support service accounts that can support non-browser applications and agent applications that can act on behalf of users on edge resources. We illustrate how the latter can be built using Web security standards combined with Custos permission management mechanisms. Index Terms—Science gateways, cybersecurity, Custos I. I NTRODUCTION Science gateways play a vital role in research cyberinfras- tructure by bridging the gap between scientists and research computing and data management infrastructure providers [1]. Science gateways provide user-friendly, domain-specific in- terfaces to researchers, students, and other users to access a wide variety of scientific computational resources while absorbing complexities such as using job schedulers on diverse high performance computing systems, interacting with storage infrastructure, moving and managing data, executing scientific software, and complying with security and usage policies that arise when using shared scientific computing resources. Science gateways can be built using open source software such as Galaxy [2], HUBzero [3], Tapis [4], Open OnDemand [5], or Apache Airavata [6]. These systems have common security requirements, including authentication and authoriza- tion, user and group management, and resource credential management. At a higher level of organization, gateway de- ployments may want to form a federation that allows users of one gateway to move to other deployments or that controls ac- cess to common resources. Finally, gateways may be deployed on consolidated hosting environments that provide “Platform as a Service” capabilities [7]. In this case, a single gateway is a tenant of the hosting platform. Gateways furthermore are not monolithic applications de- ployed on a single Web server. They may be composed of multiple distributed components or microservices, and they may incorporate “edge” applications, or agents, that are de- ployed directly on target resources. Managing authentication and authorization in these scenarios is an interesting challenge. Custos [8] is an open-source security framework, currently part of the Apache Airavata project, developed around the end-to-end security requirements of science gateways. Cus- tos’s core capabilities are identity and user management [9], group and sharing management [10], and resource credential management [11]; these capabilities are based on significant prior work that has been integrated and updated to work as a standalone service. Custos is designed to be operated as a service separate from its client gateways. Custos is accessed through its API by client gateways using either gRPC or REST arXiv:2107.04172v1 [cs.DC] 9 Jul 2021

Experiences with Integrating Custos SecurityServices

Isuru RanawakaIndiana University

Bloomington, IN, [email protected]

Juleen GrahamJohns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD, [email protected]

Enis AfganJohns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD, [email protected]

Samitha LiyanageIndiana University

Bloomington, IN, [email protected]

Terry FleuryUniversity of Illinois

Champaign, IL, [email protected]

Jim BasneyUniversity of Illinois

Champaign, IL, [email protected]

Dannon BakerJohns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD, [email protected]

Dimuthu WannipurageIndiana University

Bloomington, IN, [email protected]

Suresh MarruIndiana University

Bloomington, IN, [email protected]

Alexandru MahmoudJohns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD, [email protected]

Yu MaIndiana University

Bloomington, IN, [email protected]

Marlon PierceIndiana University

Bloomington, IN, [email protected]

Abstract—Science gateways are user-facing cyberinfrastruc-ture that provide researchers and educators with Web-basedaccess to scientific software, computing, and data resources.Managing user identities, accounts, and permissions are essentialtasks for science gateways, and gateways likewise must man-age secure connections between their middleware and remoteresources. The Custos project is an effort to build open sourcesoftware that can be operated as a multi-tenanted service thatprovides reliable implementations of common science gatewaycybersecurity needs, including federated authentication, iden-tity management, group and authorization management, andresource credential management. Custos aims further to provideintegrated solutions through these capabilities, delivering end-to-end support for several science gateway usage scenarios. Thispaper examines four deployment scenarios using Custos andassociated extensions beyond previously described work. Thefirst capability illustrated by these scenarios is the need forCustos to provide hierarchical tenant management that allowsmultiple gateway deployments to be federated together andalso to support consolidated, hosted science gateway platformservices. The second capability illustrated by these scenarios is theneed to support service accounts that can support non-browserapplications and agent applications that can act on behalf ofusers on edge resources. We illustrate how the latter can be builtusing Web security standards combined with Custos permissionmanagement mechanisms.

Index Terms—Science gateways, cybersecurity, Custos


Science gateways play a vital role in research cyberinfras-tructure by bridging the gap between scientists and researchcomputing and data management infrastructure providers [1].Science gateways provide user-friendly, domain-specific in-terfaces to researchers, students, and other users to accessa wide variety of scientific computational resources whileabsorbing complexities such as using job schedulers on diverse

high performance computing systems, interacting with storageinfrastructure, moving and managing data, executing scientificsoftware, and complying with security and usage policies thatarise when using shared scientific computing resources.

Science gateways can be built using open source softwaresuch as Galaxy [2], HUBzero [3], Tapis [4], Open OnDemand[5], or Apache Airavata [6]. These systems have commonsecurity requirements, including authentication and authoriza-tion, user and group management, and resource credentialmanagement. At a higher level of organization, gateway de-ployments may want to form a federation that allows users ofone gateway to move to other deployments or that controls ac-cess to common resources. Finally, gateways may be deployedon consolidated hosting environments that provide “Platformas a Service” capabilities [7]. In this case, a single gateway isa tenant of the hosting platform.

Gateways furthermore are not monolithic applications de-ployed on a single Web server. They may be composed ofmultiple distributed components or microservices, and theymay incorporate “edge” applications, or agents, that are de-ployed directly on target resources. Managing authenticationand authorization in these scenarios is an interesting challenge.

Custos [8] is an open-source security framework, currentlypart of the Apache Airavata project, developed around theend-to-end security requirements of science gateways. Cus-tos’s core capabilities are identity and user management [9],group and sharing management [10], and resource credentialmanagement [11]; these capabilities are based on significantprior work that has been integrated and updated to work asa standalone service. Custos is designed to be operated as aservice separate from its client gateways. Custos is accessedthrough its API by client gateways using either gRPC or REST








] 9




calls. A Custos Service deployment is designed to serve thesecurity needs of multiple gateways; each gateway is a tenant.Custos leverages best-of-breed security software wherever pos-sible, building on Keycloak [12] to provide authentication andidentity management services, and on HashiCorp Vault [13] toprovide resource credential (“secrets”) management. Custosis integrated with CILogon [14], which provides federatedauthentication to client gateways.

This paper examines four different Custos integration sce-narios: with the Galaxy Project, with the HathiTrust ResearchCenter’s Analytics Gateway and Data Capsule system, withthe Apache Airavata-based Science Gateways Platform as aservice system, and with the Airavata Managed File TransferService. These scenarios illustrate the use of hierarchicallyarranged tenants and the use of service accounts that supportagents deployed outside the managed middleware deployment.


A. Galaxy Overview

The Galaxy Project https://galaxyproject.org/ offers soft-ware and services for analyzing biomedical data via a Webbrowser [15]. The flagship Galaxy open source applicationprovides a consistent Web interface for thousands of domain-specific command-line tools that have been “wrapped” for usewith Galaxy and makes those tools easily accessible to domainresearchers [16]. Once a user submits a job, the job is executedon a suitable HPC or cloud resource and, once complete, theoutputs are returned to the user via Galaxy [17]. Typically,all jobs are submitted using a generic system user accountwithout regard for the identity of the researcher submittingthe job or using the service. The integration of Custos withGalaxy will enable a much richer experience for researchersand more accountable system insights for the service providerby connecting an individual user’s identity to their Galaxyaccount [18].

Galaxy can be installed locally or used via any of the manymanaged Galaxy services provided by the Galaxy community.The most popular Galaxy services are known as usegalaxy.*(e.g., usegalaxy.org, usegalaxy.org.au, usegalaxy.eu). This isa federation of world-wide Galaxy installations hosted onnational infrastructure from around the world that adheres toa set of common guidelines. Because each service is hostedon a given nation’s public infrastructure, researchers fromthat country may be given higher storage quotas or priorityin running jobs. For example, usegalaxy.org.au service offersa six-times-larger storage quota for Australian researchers.Currently, this is realized through an “allow list” concept thatis manually curated based on the domain of the user’s emailaddress, which may be error prone and may change over time.

B. Galaxy-Custos Integration

Thus far, Galaxy has developed integration with Custos forhandling user authentication. Users are no longer requiredto create a local username and password but can use anyof 4,000+ Identity Providers (IdPs) available via Custos and

brokered via CILogon to authenticate. While improving ac-cessibility of the Galaxy service for users, this facilitatesservice providers to “reason” about the user’s identity withoutmanual interpretation of the user’s registration information(e.g., domain of the registered email address). Starting withGalaxy release 21.01, Galaxy supports native integration withCustos where enabling this form of user authentication isa matter of simple configuration. Once enabled, users canlogin using their institutional credentials while Galaxy, viaCustos, can associate the user’s identity with an institutionfrom InCommon and other supported federations. A givenGalaxy installation will internally process the now-availableuser’s affiliation as an authoritative source of information andact accordingly (e.g., automatically provide larger quota orsubmit jobs to more capable machines).

The second form of Galaxy integration with Custos issupport for resource credentials (secrets) management. Custosoffers capabilities to store and manage users’ sensitive infor-mation in the form of key-value pairs, such as authorizationtokens, SSH keys, and passwords for third-party applications.The benefits of storing secrets with Custos include the fol-lowing: (1) the gateway does not hold this high-risk data;(2) the Custos implementation is validated to ensure properhandling of such data; and (3) Custos stores the data inan encrypted data store based on HashiCorp’s Vault. WhileCustos provides secure management of these secrets, clientapplications such as Galaxy can retrieve the secret on behalfof the user by using the user’s consistent identity. Traditionally,Galaxy has refrained from wrapping tools that require users toauthenticate using their password because the only mechanismfor Galaxy to interact with those remote services was tostore the password in plain text in its local database. Thispassword could also leak into the application logs and henceinteraction with such services was not enabled in Galaxy. WithCustos integration, such secrets can be retrieved on behalf ofthe user from the Custos resource credentials service withoutbeing stored locally. The user would link a secret stored inCustos with their account in Galaxy via user preferences (e.g.,CloudStor app passwords or NCBI API keys) and the secretwould be used to populate an input field in the tool form (e.g.,use a stored password) or to facilitate an authorization flowbetween Galaxy and the third-party service (e.g., use a storedtoken), depending on how the given tool is wrapped.

Looking ahead, the availability of the user’s stable identityand a centralized location for secrets paves a path for unifyingthe usegalaxy.* services. Rather than each Galaxy servicebeing a completely independent installation with its owndatabase of users and the user’s data being tied to the singleservice, Galaxy is on track to provide a single, global Galaxyservice that is federated across multiple Galaxy installationsand uniformly perceived by users. To start, users will be able tolog in using their preferred credentials and retrieve the samesecrets from Custos regardless of which usegalaxy.* serverthey are using. Once support for federated data is enabled inGalaxy, it will be possible to extend this notion to access auser’s data uniformly across any Galaxy instance. Visualized


Fig. 1. Custos enabling better connectivity and eventual federation of Galaxyservices. All Galaxy instances can by default enable Custos identity integrationbut selectively (based on the need) can choose to take advantage of secret andgroup management capabilities.

in Fig. 1, Custos integration is a critical component of thisvision for seamless Galaxy federation. Currently, Custos isfacilitating the use of user identities within Galaxy and the useof protected external services. In the future, the interconnectiv-ity of the identity, external services, and Galaxy services willenable the development of a well-connected, federated Galaxyservice that links multiple components to deliver an enhanceduser experience and provide better tools for service providers.


The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) enables compu-tational analysis of the HathiTrust Digital Library, which isthe largest non-profit digital library in the world. HTRC is acollaborative research center launched jointly by Indiana Uni-versity and the University of Illinois, along with HathiTrust,which is based at the University of Michigan. HTRC’s missionis to help meet the technical challenges researchers facewhen dealing with massive amounts of digital text availablethrough HathiTrust. Using the data storage and computationalinfrastructure at Indiana University and the University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign, HTRC develops and deploystools for large-scale text mining and non-consumptive research[19], allowing scholars to utilize HathiTrust content fully whilepreventing intellectual property misuse within the confines ofU.S. copyright laws.

HTRC supports users primarily through two mechanisms:a Web-based science gateway front end for basic analysisand an innovative “data capsule” system that gives controlledcommand-line access to advanced users [20]. We examine thesupport for both of these mechanisms with Custos.

A. Authenticating HTRC Analytics Gateway Users

The HTRC Analytics Gateway provides Web-based ac-cess to tools for analyzing the HathiTrust collection whilepreventing users from directly accessing restricted materials.The organizational separation between HathiTrust and HTRCintroduces some authentication and authorization challenges.Some HathiTrust services are limited to individuals affiliated

with those in its membership community, which consistsprimarily of academic institutions. HathiTrust uses federatedidentities to access these digital library services, while theHathiTrust Research Center has maintained its own uniqueidentity provider. Due to this, users of services from bothorganizations must authenticate separately to each service, andcross-organizational services are impossible due to discon-nected identities. Members of HathiTrust often view the digitallibrary and HTRC services as part and parcel of the largerHathiTrust enterprise, and find the separate authenticationsystems confusing.

Fig. 2. Unifying identity management between HathiTrust and the HTRCAnalytics Gateway.

A revised Identity and Access Management (IAM) infras-tructure for HTRC aims to solve the first problem by brokeringidentities via Custos for authenticating to HTRC managedservices. Information flow is depicted in Fig. 2. A user (1)goes to the HTRC Analytics Gateway and selects his/herinstitution from the dropdown list to initiate authentication.The HTRC Analytics Gateway (2) sends the request to theCustos server with the correct external IdP Hint [21] and theselected institution’s entityID as parameters. Custos (3) sendsthe request to the external IdP (either CILogon or HathiTrust’sown IdP) with the institution’s entityID as a parameter. Theexternal IdP (4) redirects the user to the login page of the user’sinstitution. The user (5) provides institutional credentials andauthenticates with the institution’s identity server. Successfulauthentication responses return to the external IdP with anaccess token and an id token. The external IdP (6) forwardsthe authentication response and access tokens to the Custosserver. Finally, Custos (7) returns the authentication responseto HTRC Analytics Gateway with access tokens. Failed au-thentications return error codes along the same path.

In this scenario, Custos supports two external identityproviders, CILogon and HathiTrust. CILogon federates alleducational institutions supporting InCommon and eduGAIN,but some HathiTrust users come from universities outsidethese federations. HathiTrust operates an instance of Ope-nAthens [22] as an Open ID Connect (OIDC) endpoint forthese users. Additionally, support for the HathiTrust identityprovider results in a more consistent login experience forHathiTrust members across the HathiTrust and HTRC services,as described above. Custos registers aforementioned identityproviders under different aliases and HTRC requests a partic-


ular alias to select a specific identity provider from Custos.HTRC keeps institutions and identity provider mapping toavoid duplicate account creation from two different identityproviders.

B. HTRC Data Capsule Service Accounts

HTRC Data Capsules complement the HTRC AnalysisGateway by providing individual, secure computing environ-ments that allow users to undertake more open-ended analysisof the content in the HathiTrust Digital Library. Researcherscan create virtual machines (a.k.a., “capsules”) where theycan import and then analyze HathiTrust text data. Researcherscan only perform computational analysis within the secureData Capsule environment and then export the results oftheir analysis. Volume text may not be exported outside theHTRC Data Capsule, and data products leaving a capsulemust undergo review prior to release to ensure they meet theHTRC’s policy for non-consumptive data exports. All usersmay access public domain items. Computational access toitems in copyright is available only to HathiTrust member-affiliated researchers due to resource constraints.

Data Capsules are created through the HTRC AnalyticsGateway as shown in Fig. 3. Users are authenticated throughthe process described in the preceding section. After thecapsule is created, a user loads the desired volumes onto thevirtual machine using the HTRC Data API using commandline tools within the capsule. API calls are secured using thecapsule-specific ID tokens that are retrieved from the tokenservice running in the host.

HTRC uses Custos service accounts (described in greaterdetail below) for this purpose. Each Data Capsule is rep-resented by a Custos service account, and service accountcredentials can be used with OAuth2’s Client Credentials granttype [23].

Fig. 3. Capsule agent creation and token retrieval steps.

Fig. 3 shows the capsule-specific agent creation process.An authenticated user (1) requests the Analytics Gateway tocreate a Data Capsule. The HTRC Analytics Gateway (2)

sends a request to the Data Capsule API and creates a capsule.The Data Capsule service creates a unique capsule ID that isincluded in the Data Capsule API response. The Data Capsuleservice (3) deploys the created Data Capsule on the DC Hostserver. The Analytics Gateway (4) uses the capsule ID andsends a request to Custos to create a service account for thecapsule. Custos generates a service account ID and secret thatit returns to the gateway. Custos will delete this service accountwhen the capsule is deleted. The Analytics Gateway sendsa request to the Data Capsule API to add service accountcredentials into the capsule’s configuration file stored in thecapsule registry.

An authenticated user (5) connects to the Data Capsule inthe secure mode and requests to download volumes usingHTRC WorksetToolkit, a Python tool. The Data Capsule(6) sends a request to the Token Service deployed in theData Capsule host. This service validates requests against thecapsule ID and capsule’s internal IP. The Token Service (7)validates the request, gets service account credentials from thecapsule configuration file and sends a token request to Custosusing a client credential grant type. The Token Service (6)sends the id token from the token response it received fromCustos to the Data Capsule. HTRC WorksetToolkit (8) usesthe id token received from the Token Service and sends a DataAPI request.

C. HTRC Service Accounts

As described previously, we have chosen OAuth2’s ClientCredentials grant flow as the mechanism for authenticatingData API requests from the WorksetToolkit command linetools executed by a user within a Data Capsule virtual ma-chine. This token flow, unlike the more common Authorizationgrant type, does not require mechanisms built into the HTTPprotocol that are suitable for browser-based users. OAuth2’sResource Owner Password Credentials grant type is anotheroption, but this involves the use of long-term credentials ratherthan access tokens.

Fig. 4. Service Account Registration

Supporting Client Credentials grant flows introduces therequirement in Custos to support service accounts. Serviceaccounts are suitable for non-browser processes that need toauthenticate to resources on the user’s behalf. Custos providesservice accounts to register and authenticate the aforemen-tioned Data Capsules. HTRC’s Analytics Gateway can register


service accounts under its tenant using its primary credentials.The main service needs to provide the service account name,roles, and attributes at registration. Once registered, Custoscreates service account credentials that can be used to au-thenticate with Custos in subsequent calls. Fig. 4 depicts theservice account registration message flow.

Authentication flow and the token lifetime of service ac-counts are managed through separate OAuth clients distinctfrom user management OAuth clients to provide fine-grainedauthentication management.


The Cyberinfrastructure Integration Research Center at In-diana University operates the Science Gateways Platform asa service (SciGaP.org) [24], a managed deployment of theApache Airavata software, to provide a hosted solution forover forty science gateway tenants. A gateway provider canrequest a gateway tenant through the SciGaP.org administrativeportal. Once approved, a SciGaP administrator provisionsgateways requested through the portal and provides domainURLs for the newly deployed gateway. These operations canbe categorized into two major steps: gateway creation andgateway configuration. This extended example illustrates howCustos’s tenant concepts can be integrated into a platformservice where individual science gateways or other clients actas tenants.

Fig. 5. Custos tenants can be hierarchies.

The key concept introduced here is that platform servicesrequire a hierarchy of tenants within a centrally operatedCustos Service. A platform service such as SciGaP or a Galaxyfederation acts as a top level tenant that, in turn, manages itsown tenants within Custos. This is depicted in Fig 5.

Fig. 6 shows the sequence of operations involved in thegateway tenant management process for SciGaP. As a singlestep, SciGaP administration portal (A) is registered withCustos as an administrator tenant. Administrator tenants (B)are manually approved by the Custos administrator. Onceapproved, the SciGaP administrator (C) can download the

SciGaP primary credentials from Custos and configure Sci-GaP to use these in subsequent tenant creation requests fornew gateways. Subsequent gateway tenant requests are notrequired to be approved by Custos and onus is on SciGaPadmins to validate and approve gateway tenant. When agateway requester (1) requests a new gateway tenant andSciGaP administrator reviews and approves the request (2),the SciGaP administration portal communicates with Custos(3) using previously-registered credentials to create Custostenants. Custos considers this request an authorized requestand automatically configures Keycloak and CILogon for thenew tenant. All operations are processed automatically. Oncecompleted, Custos will send the new Custos credentials for thenewly requested tenant to the SciGaP administration portal.The SciGaP administrator can use these credentials to config-ure a Django Portal for Airavata [25] instance for the newlycreated gateway; gateway requesters can also implement theirown clients using the Apache Airavata API. Once the gatewaytenant becomes available, its users can use CILogon-basedfederated authentication and other identity solutions enabledby Custos.

Fig. 6. SciGaP super tenant provisioning use case.

Once a tenant gateway is created and registered with Custos,it can use other Custos services through Custos’s client API. Inaddition to authentication via CILogon, the new gateway ten-ant can use Custos to provide identity management, authenti-cation and authorization services, user and group management,service accounts, and resource credential management servicesto provide identity management solutions for gateways.


The Airavata Managed File Transfer (MFT) service [26]is an open-source managed file transfer framework. It isdesigned to be operated both as an extension to ApacheAiravata middleware in a deployment such as SciGaP, and as astandalone service that exposes its own API to client gatewaysand other applications. Airavata MFT can be extended to work


with multiple transfer protocols and different types of storageendpoints, including user-provided cloud storage end-points aswell as traditional HPC and mass storage devices.

Fig. 7. Airavata, MFT, and Agent interaction with Custos.

Airavata MFT deployments can include agent programs thatrun directly on storage endpoints as well as centrally-operatedmiddleware; these agents can be used to route data intelligentlyand efficiently without directly going through central MFTservice deployments. Apache Airavata middleware utilizes theMFT framework to copy data from the original data sourceto the destination data location for a given job execution.Accessing data repositories on remote clusters requires authen-tication and authorization. Hence, MFT needs access to thelogin credentials of heterogeneous remote accounts. Moreover,these accounts have diverse types of resource credentialssuch as SSH keys and OAuth2 access tokens. The MFTframework has a pluggable security framework that can usethe Custos resource credential service to store those accounts’credentials. Custos’s resource credentials management serviceissues credential tokens for each stored credential to accessthem later; these are stored in the client application. The MFTframework’s distributed deployment model is depicted in Fig.7.

Managing authorization for agents is also an essentialelement of the MFT service: agents are used to move databetween accounts that may have different owners, such as auser’s Google Drive account and a community account on anXSEDE resource. Each request has different privilege levelsand scopes. In terms of the OAuth2 specification [23], theMFT central service and MFT client gateways or middlewareare Web applications: they are deployed in secured environ-ments and so can have full privileges to fetch credentialsfrom Custos. Agents, on the other hand, correspond to thespecification’s definition of native applications. They can bedeployed in external environments that are not directly underthe control of the service operator; hence, agents should haverestricted privileges to access Custos.

Moreover, agents should have access credentials of par-ticular users’ storage and remote clusters to transfer data inbetween. Agents can obtain these credentials directly throughCustos by authenticating themselves with Custos, or the MFTcentral service can obtain these credentials from Custos and

forward them to requested agents. We have introduced OAuth-based access control schemes known as agent-based accesscontrol, user-based access control, and delegated access con-trol based on credential retrieval patterns to accommodatedifferent scenarios.

A. Agent-based access control

In this scenario, the agent application is directly registeredin Custos as a tenant and can request credentials directly toperform tasks for users. As shown in Fig. 8, the user au-thenticates through the gateway portal, retrieves OAuth tokensfrom Custos, and initiates a data transfer request. Airavatamiddleware sends credential tokens required to fetch particularcredentials from Custos to initiate the data transfer. The centralMFT service forwards the credential token to agents to fetchcredentials from Custos and initiate the data transfer. To thisend, an agent first authenticates with Custos using an OAuth2client credential grant type and obtains access tokens. Second,it fetches required credentials from Custos by sending an agenttoken and a credential token. Custos validates the agent tokenand identifies the tenant to which it belongs. Furthermore,Custos identifies requested credentials through the credentialtoken and validates permissions to access requested credentialsthrough the agent token. If permissions are granted, requestedcredentials are delivered to the agent and the agent will initiatethe data transfer.

Fig. 8. Agent-based access control.

B. Delegating access control

The delegating access control scheme is designed to fetchcredentials directly from Custos for a previously authorizedservice or entity; see Fig. 9. For instance, the Airavata mid-dleware is a Custos-registered service that can authenticateand check the authorization status of user tokens from Custosbefore forwarding requests to the MFT service. In this sce-nario, MFT does not need to reauthorize the user tokens; itfetches relevant credentials directly from Custos only by usingAiravata credentials and credential tokens. Subsequently, itdelivers credentials to the selected agent to initiate the data


transfer. The requested credential needs to be shared withrelevant permissions to access through Airavata credentials.

Fig. 9. Delegating access control.

C. User-based access control

The user-based access control scheme is designed to fetchcredentials directly from Custos using a user’s OAuth tokens;see Fig. 10. MFT uses the user’s tokens directly to fetchrelevant credentials from Custos and subsequently deliversthem to the selected agent to initiate the data transfer. Inthis scenario, credentials do not need to be shared with anyexternal service such as Airavata, MFT or agents to be fetchedfrom Custos. User credentials and tokens are passed opaquelythrough Airavata middleware.

Fig. 10. User-based access control.

Agent-based access control can be used for scenarios inwhich agents are deployed in trustworthy environments. Del-egating access control will be useful to initiate multiple datatransfers through trusted middleware services without reau-thenticating users. User-based access control is recommendedfor scenarios in which credentials cannot be shared withexternal entities or services.

While this section has focused on Apache Airavata-MFTagent integration scenarios, it is possible to generalize these

to other types of middleware or to other gateway providers infuture work.


The Custos administration Portal supplements REST, gRPCinterfaces and convenient Custos SDKs. The portal providescapabilities to request and manage tenants. Key capabilitiesas illustrated in Fig. 11 include Tenant requester dashboard,Custos admin dashboard, and Tenant management dashboard.

Fig. 11. Overview of Custos Admin Portal Capabilities.

Fig. 12 illustrates the sequence of operations from tenantrequesting to tenant approval and tenant login. A tenantrequester follows a guided wizard to request a Custos tenant.Custos administrators use the portal to view all the tenantrequests and profiles, approve or reject tenant requests, andcreate tenants. Upon approval and tenant creation, tenantadministrators can manage tenant configurations. Tenants canutilize the option of enabling users, and can also use the portalfor managing user profiles, groups and secrets. For user-leveloperations, we anticipate gateway tenants consume API’s andbuild in all user management functionality into their respectivegateway interfaces, but the Custos admin portal provides extraconvenience, if it is a needed capability.


Tapis [4] provides API’s for building Science Gateways.Like Custos, Tapis Security Kernel supports OpenID Connectand OAuth for authentication and uses Vault for storingsecrets. As discussed in this paper, Custos is a general purposesecurity infrastructure while Tapis security kernel is integratedwithin the Tapis infrastructure for internal specific usage.D4Science [27] is a virtual research environment hostingplatform that supports federated authentication via the Euro-pean Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and authorization attribute-based access control. D4Science uses the gCube softwareframework [28], similar to SciGaP’s use of Airavata andCustos. A key difference is that Custos emphasizes the man-agement of credentials for connecting to external HPC and


Fig. 12. Sequence of Admin Portal Operations.

cloud resources, whereas D4Science uses computing resourcesinternal to the D4Science infrastructure. Galaxy’s CloudAuthz[29] provides federated identity and access management foraccessing biomedical datasets across multiple cloud platforms,using OpenID Connect and OAuth. The CloudAuth approachrequires the setup of a service role on the cloud provider so thatit grants access for the application (i.e., Galaxy) on behalf ofthe user. Once configured, the use of this flow is limited to theservices and tools that support it. The Galaxy integration withCustos Secrets broadens interaction with protected services byallowing their use via passwords or tokens without requiringsupport for access roles by the service provider. In [8] wereviewed Custos comparison with Globus, COmanage andGrouper.

Keycloak provides multi-tenant federated identity and ac-cess management services, including support for OpenIDConnect, OAuth, and SAML. Keycloak’s fine-grained autho-rization services support attribute-based and role-based accesscontrol. Custos builds on Keycloak, adding interfaces that arecustomized to science gateway use cases, along with secretsmanagement using Vault.


Custos is open source software for operating a service thatprovides an integrated approach to authentication, user man-agement, group and role management, and security credentialmanagement that can be used to implement multiple end-to-end scenarios for science gateways and other cyberinfrastruc-ture. When operated as a service, such as the Custos Serviceoperated by the Cyberinfrastructure Integration Research Cen-ter, Custos can manage a hierarchy of security realms, calledtenants. In the scenarios described in this paper, a tenant isa particular gateway deployment that is either integrated intoa federation of other gateways that share services (such as aGalaxy federation) or integrated into a centralized platformdeployment such as SciGaP. This is an extension over ouroriginal tenant concept [8].

The other major requirement illustrated in this paper isusing Custos to manage service accounts, such as for HTRC’sData Capsule system and for Airavata MFT agents. Science

gateways are typically Web browser-based and so can use Webprotocols such as OAuth2’s Authorization Code Grant flow,which in turn is based on the operation of the Web server in asecure environment. Service accounts, in contrast, are suitablefor non-Web browser clients (such as command-line tools andagent applications). OAuth2’s Client Credential Grant flow isdesigned for these scenarios. Custos implements both of thesegrant flows.


This work is supported by NSF Award #1840003.


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