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Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot

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  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


    Studies of Landscape History on East Asian

    nland Seas 2010)

    NEO M AP Project

    Research Institute for Hum anity and Nature

    Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot Kernel Detoxification:

    For Reconstruction of Chinese Early Rice Farmers Broad

    Spectrum Subsistence Strategy

    HO SOY A, Leo Aoi

    ( Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)

    WO LLSTON ECROFT, M ichele

    (University College London)

    FULL ER, Dorian

    (University College London)

    QIN , Ling

    (Peking University)

  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


    Studies of Landscape H istory on East Asian Inland Seas

    July 2010

    Edited by Keisuke M AKIBA YA SHI and Megumi UCHIKAD O

    ©N EOM AP Project

    Research institute for Humanity and Nature RH IN)

    ISBN 978-4-902325-52-2

    Neo lithisation and M odernisation: Landscape History on East Asian Inland Seas

    NEO MA P Project)

    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature RH IN)

    Kam igamo M otoyama 457 - 4 Kyoto, Japan

    http: www

    chikym ac j p/neo- map

    TEL: +81 0)75-707-2480

    Fax: +81 0)75/707-2513

  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


    Experim ental Pilot Study of Peach Ap ricot K ernel Detoxification:

    For R econstruction of Ch inese Early Rice Farm ers Broad Spectrum

    Subsistence Strategy

    H O S O Y A , L eo A o i

    Research Insti tute for Hum anity and Nature

    W O L L S T O N E C R O F T , M i c h e l e

    University C ollege London

    F U L L E R , D o r ia n

    University College London

    Q I N ,


    Peking U niversity

    The Prunoid subfami ly of the R osaceae p roduce s som e of the m os t popu lar ed ib le t ree f ru it o f tem pera te

    P r u n u s

    spp) , the pe aches

    A mygd a l u s /Pru n u s

    spp . ) and the ap r ico t

    Armeniaca / P runus

    spp.) . Th ese spec ies are of g lobal im po rtance for consum ption and t rade. Th ei r fru i t i s

    h i ch i s a f l e shy f ru it wi th two sof t and pu lpy ou te r l ayers (exocarp and m esocarp) tha t enc lose a

    u c h s m a l le r h a r d s to n e ( e n d o c a r p ) th a t c o n t a i n s a st a rc h y a n d p r o t e i n a c e o u s s e e d . In E u r o p e a n d t h e

    m ericas peo ple typical ly eat the f leshy parts of the fru i t , in fresh or dr ied

     form, and d i scard the s tone and

    . Ho we ver , wi th in Eas t A s ia , both the f leshy frui t and the seeds o f the Prunoids are consum ed

    In Ch i na , t he P runo i d cu l ti va rs o f g rea t e st i mpor tance a re the com mo n peach

    Am ygda lus per s ica L , syn .

    us p e r s ic a

    (L.) Batsch) and the apr icot Armen iaca vu lgar i s Lam. , syn.

    P r u n u s a r m e n i a c a

    L. . The

    and the kerne l (see d) of both these spe cies are ut i l ized. O f par ticular im por tance is the apr icot

    n as the Chinese a lmond . It i s frequen t ly used as an ingred i en t in d r inks , swee t s and

    ccord ing to P o r te r f ie ld (1951) , aprico t kerne l s have a r ange o f cu l ina ry and m edica l uses such as

    ed ic ine in the H ubei r eg ion whe re i t i s ea ten w ho le and m ade in to f lour . Re cent a rchaeobo tan ica l

    the food and m edic ina l uses o f apr ico t and peach ke rne l s may da te back to the

    e o l i th i c i n C h i n a , w h e n t h e f r u it w e r e c o l l e c t e d fr o m w i ld t re e s . R e m a i n s o f th e k e r n e l s h a v e b e e n

    o m a n u m b e r o f C h i n e s e N e o l i th i c s i te s [ T a b l e 1 ] . T h e f a c t t h a t p e a ch k e r n e l w e r e f o u n d i n

    ge p i t s a t the H em udu s i t e (BCE 4 ,900-4 ,600) (Qin et a l 2006) c lear ly indica tes tha t they w ere no t m erely

    om the consum pt ion o f the fl eshy f ru it bu t va lued fo r the i r ow n food and/o r m edic ina l

    The kernel of apr icot , as we l l as peach, i s r ich in nutr i tion such as prote in , f iber , carbohyd rate and mine ra l

  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


    2006, Kx  

    e-7. kakuda 1992,

    Porterfield 1951), and usab le as food additive. On the

    hand , the Pnmo id seed t it ters that can be harmful for hum ans. A pricots, part icularly the hit ter

    v a r p i r E


    prussic acid, and consum ing as few as two k ernels can cause death

    1951 ). Thereitre. blue we

    can address questions about the role of these kernels in the Chinese


    sti3sigetre syseem and diet,

    w e must first consider how N eolithic people manag ed to remove the




    potential detoxification techniques, using technology and m ethods know n to

    avalabk it Neolithic

    C hina, is fundam ental to addressing such q uest ions. In this paper, w e

    em o a O w study, a prelim inary

    step in our experimental studies on the detoxification of Prunoid kernels.

    ocm d of the research- Broad sp ectrum econom y of early farm ers

    Cam ay to the

    previously accepted concept that the introduction of farming imm ediately caused w holesale

    strictly `ag ricultural societies', that subsisted exclusively on cultivated plants, recent archaeobotanical

    nstrates that the existing subsistence strategies did not conspicuously change for hundreds to

    years after the beginning of farming. This is the case for both Near E astern wheat farming (T anno

    2006) and C hinese r ice farming (Ful ler e t a l . 2009, N akam ura 2010) . Archaeobotancial and

    m al evidence from C hinese Yan gtze ear ly r ice farmers ' s i tes indicate that these comm unit ies

    road spectrum su bsistence strategies, wh ich included hunting, gathering and fishing; rice

    ivation w as only a sm all part of the food procurement system (Kohm oto 2001, Nakam ura 2002). This

    of diversified economy remained stable for hundreds of years.

    An agricultural society was established in the lower Yangtze area approximately 2,000-3,000 years after the

    f rice fanning (BC E 6,000, K uahuq iao culture) betw een_ the Song ze culture period (BC E

    ,200) and the L iangzhu culture period (BC E 3,400-2,200). The sh ift is attributed to the intensification

    a result of the introduction of new techniques such as irrigation (Nak am ura 2002,

    in 2009). These ex am ples show that auricultural societies are no t necessarily

    the natural


    s in the social organization of the group in q uestion, process that must have been driven by,

    therefore be reflected in, routine subsistence-related activities. The principal questions are: H ow did

    ize their routine broad spectrum subsistence-related activities?; and How w as this

    m nization transformed throug h time?

    Food processing activities, for the purpose of to mak ing plant and anim al tissue edible, are as important to

    c subsistence as gathering and cultivation. Ma ny processing activities, e.g. crop dehusking and


    m ay w ell have taken place w ithin the set tlement area. C onsequen t ly food processing act ivi ties,

    areas and scheduling m ust have been an integrated part of the dom estic cycle. Th erefore, i t m ay be

    ne food processing activities of N eolithic people, by synthesizing w hat w e



    their processing facilities, tools, w ork area s and org anic debris. If w e can identify the distinct

  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


    ssibly from w ithin the settlem ent, we m ay be able to better interpret the scale and

    hose activit ies and how people organized them on a daily basis. W hat we w ould

    poral trends including shifts of social organization as w ell as changes in land-u se,

    The d ifficulty w ith reconstructing ancient processing activities from archaeolog ical contexts is that the

    ical record is patchy and inco m plete. Therefore i t is not easy to discern the seque nces of the

    hich tools and facilities were used, and during wh ich stage, and for what end.

    ong the m ore useful m ethods of address ing such problems are e thnographic sh d ies of t rad i t ional

    ng techniques by modern non-m echanised) societies as well as experimental food processing. Su ch

    ow us to assess the feasM itv and plrvsical effects of various p rocessing techniques and evaluate

    pretation. For ex am ple, recent work o n the potential tuber foods of

    s of processing only a sequ ence of techniqu es, e.g. pulverizing and/or grinding, as well as

    ing, wil l t ransform this w ise inedible tuber into a form that is suitable to eat W olls tonecroft et al.

    Ou r pilot study on the eqperim ental detoxification of prunoid seeds was designed to assess wh ether

    ng techniques can be obsa   ved with microscopy) on modern, and possibly ancient, seed remains, and

    on o f M ethods for the plot s tudy

    Th e ex per iment d i scussed here i s a p i lo t s tudy to de termine w hether the s tages of apr icot /peach

    -term study to exam ine the effectiveness of pru ssic acid

    ion on peach / apricot seeds using techniqu es that were available during the C hinese N eolithic.

    resent paper describes a pilot study for the


    stage of a two stage analysis: i) observations, using

    nification microscopy, of the microstructure of the raw and processed seeds to observe how the tissue

    es; in particular, how steam ing / boiling / pulveriaing / grinding / fermentation

    odify the cell walls cw) and cell contents, because if the cell does not rupture or separate, the contents may

    t without becoming available for digestion and absorption see Ellis et al. 200 4); the

    s very im portant because, if the cell contents are not available for absorption it may m ean that the toxins

    es in prussic acid con centrations.

  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


    including those of Chinese indigenous species. Moreov er , in the long term, other wild plants known to have

    been used by Chinese ear ly farmers, including toxic species, wil l be invest igated, e .g. some species of n uts

    such as


    and Cyclobalanopsis

    acorns. Th is experim ental study, then, w ill contribute one part of

    mu ltiple approache s for understanding the actual state of Chinese early farmers' broad spectrum sub sistence

    strategy and discussion on social transformations towards establishment of agricultural society.

    Ac knowle dge me n t

    The e xperim ental s tudy p resented in this paper w as carr ied out wi th the support of the Bri ti sh Cou nci l

    Darw in Researchers Exchan ge Program m e grant (2009) . This s tudy wil l be cont inued w ith the support of

    Japan Soc iety for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientif ic Research (C) Discussion on Chinese

    early rice agriculture and society from the interdisciplinary view of archaeology and genetics (2009-2011 ).

    P h o t o 1 : Ap r i c o t se e d s f r o m Lo n d o n


    P ho t o 2 : SE M obse rva t ion o f b o i led

    apricot seed (from a food shop)

    Photo 3: SEM observat ion of steamed

    apricot seed (from a food shop)


    1: Finds of peach apricot kernel rem ains from C hinese Neolithic and historical s i tes

    Site Period





    vulg rlil



    Bashidang, H unan

    7000-6000 BC

    X Gu 2007

    Chengtoushan, H unan

    4500-4000 BC X Liu and Gu 2007

    Kualmq iao, Zhejiang 6000-5400 BC X X

    ZPIAC 2004; see Fuller et al. 2007:

    T a b l e

    Hemudu, Zhejiang Hem udu (4900-4600 BC) X

    ZPIAC 2003; see Fuller et al. 2007:

    Table 1; Q in et al. 2006

    Tianluoshan, Zhejiang Hem udu (4900-4600 BC) X

    Fuller et al, unpublished; d Fu ller

    e t



    Puanqiao, Zhejiang

    Late Songze (3500-3300




    in Sz F uller, unpublished data

    Bianjiashan, Zhe jiang Liangzhu (3300-2200 BC)

    X Zheng Y unfei, personal comm unication

    Yangcun [ I/AC], Henan Yangshao X

    Fuller and Zhang 2007

  • 8/18/2019 Experimental Pilot Study of Peach Apricot


    Shiya nruan [SY G], Henan

    Late Yangshao X

    Fuller and Zha ng 2007

    W uwan [W UN V], Henan Late Longshan


    Ful ler and Zhang 200 7

    Youfangtou [YET ], Henan

    Late Longshan


    Ful ler and Zhang 200 7

    Xiaw u [XW ], Henan

    I an- L o nAr in X

    Ful ler and Zhang 200 7

    Jizha i [HZ], Henan

    T a re L o i l la n



    Ful ler and Zhang 2007

    Sh idao [SID], Henan

    Ed i t ou


    Ful ler and Zhang 2007

    Yinzhai., Henan

    I ate

    Longshan X

    Zhao 2005


    angzhu enan Erlitou

    X X

    Archaeology D epartment at Peking

    Universi ty 1998

    13a liDnu: Henan

    Long shan

    X X

    Fuller Qin, unpublished data

    Ka ngjia, Shaa nxi

    La te Longshan X

    Shaanxi Kangjia archaeology team


    Ehinhuang Xuanquanzhi ,


    W estern Han

    X- ancient

    text record

    X- ancient

    text record

    Li and Xu 2007

    Sam pula cemetery T tupan


    400-100 BC


    J iang et al 200 8; 2009

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