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Experimenting with Alternative Assessments

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COTESOL 2013 presentation by Sara Bergerson and Kirby Stein. Presented on Friday November 8th, 2013 in Denver, CO.
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Experimenting with Alternative Assessments Sara Bergerson Kirby Stein
Page 1: Experimenting with Alternative Assessments

Experimenting with Alternative


Sara BergersonKirby Stein

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Presentation Objectives

To present ideas for progress and achievement assessments that can be used and modified to fit different classrooms.

To present ideas for assessments and activities that can support and work within existing testing structures.

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What comes to mind when you hear the word


Why do we test?

How can we effectively assess progressive and


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What does an alternative assessment look like?

Possible Features

Usually requires rubric development

Usually requires more student activity

Can use a variety of formats

Often formative Can be customized More authentic


Surveys Critiques Blogs Interpretations Debates Panel discussions Student-led


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Why Use Alternative Assessments?

Can fit the learning style, cultural/linguistic background, and demographics of any student (Tannenbaum, 1996).

Shows the students’ progress toward a learning objective (Huerta-Marcias, 1995).

Students can show their abilities, knowledge, and skills rather than imitating or repeating structures (Huerta-Marcias, 1995).

Focuses on what students know and can do rather than what they are lacking (Tannenbaum, 1996).

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Examples of Formal and Informal Alternative Assessments in action* Blogs Social Media Profiles Student-led Teaching Debate Interviews Vocabulary Cards

*see handout for variations and more

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Blogs Objective: To improve daily fluency,

comfort, and interaction in writing.

Assignment: Students created an online blog to which they made one contribution each week about a topic of their choice. They were also required to comment on one other student’s blog each week.

Assessment: Informally assessed fluency. Graded for level of completion and amount of interaction.

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Social Media Profiles Objective: To assess students’ knowledge,

understanding, and analysis of characters in a short story through media role play.

Assignment: Students chose a character from a short story and created a Facebook profile for that character. They were able to fill out the character’s personal information and life events, select pictures to represent them, and post dialogue or appropriate comments on their own walls or on each others’ walls.

Assessment: Formally assessed character comprehension and analysis. Graded with rubric assessing level of completion, accuracy of information, use of pertinent language

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Social Media Profile RubricCategory 1 2 3 4Accuracy

(40%)Information was false, unsupported, or plagiarized. No inferences were made.

Student used obvious information from the text, but did not make inferences regarding the character’s persona, or made incorrect inferences.

Student used correct information from the text, and made good inferences regarding the character’s persona.

Student used explicit and correct information from the text, and make excellent inferences regarding the character’s persona.


Student left many components blank, and did not participate fully in the activity.

Student completed some basic components, but did not elaborate or demonstrate knowledge of details.

Student completed many elements of the profile, but may not have elaborated to demonstrate knowledge of details.

Student completed as many components as possible, utilizing a variety of functions of the profile. Evidence of details and elaboration are present.

Language Use(25%)

Student used none of the target vocabulary, grammar, or sentence structures. Key words in the text are not used.

Student shows many errors with the target vocabulary, grammar, or sentence structure. Key words in the text are rarely used correctly.

Student shows a grasp of the target vocabulary, grammar, or sentence structure. Key words in the text are used, though sometimes incorrectly.

Student shows a mastery of the target vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. Key words in the text are utilized appropriately and accurately.

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Student-Led Teaching (Article) Objective: To assess students’ ability to identify and

extrapolate key issues and vocabulary as well as main ideas and important points in an article.

Assignment: Students chose an article related to the themes that had been discussed in the class and presented it. They were required to provide discussion questions for the class and explain key vocabulary from the article.

Assessment: Formally assessed reading comprehension. Graded using a rubric assessing level of completion, accuracy of information presented, quality of content, and participation (in the presentations of others)

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Student- Led Teaching Rubric  100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 70 70>

Content (40%)

Article is of proper length and academic quality. Activities are

appropriate, excellently executed, and very


Article is of proper length and academic quality. Activities and questions are mostly

appropriate and reasonably effective.

Article is slightly short, and perhaps is lacking

academic quality. Activities and questions

are generally appropriate, though not

always effective.

Article is too short, and components of the

assignment are missing. Activities and questions are inappropriate and

ineffective when present.

Completion (30%)

Lesson shows a great deal of planning,

thought, and consideration. Activities and questions are well

prepared and the lesson is smooth and coherent.

Lesson shows planning, thought, and consideration.

Activities and questions are pre-

prepared, with only a few hiccups.

Lesson shows little planning, thought, and

consideration. Activities and questions are only somewhat prepared,

and there may be missing or incomplete


Lesson shows little to no planning, thought, or

consideration. Requirements are

missing. Activities and questions seem

improvised or very poorly planned.

Accuracy (20%)

A very high level of comprehension is demonstrated.

Assertions regarding content, analysis, and vocabulary are correct

and extremely well communicated.

A high level of comprehension is demonstrated.

Assertions regarding content, analysis, and vocabulary are correct

and reasonably well communicated.

General comprehension is demonstrated.

Assertions regarding content, analysis, and vocabulary are mostly

correct and satisfactorily communicated.

Comprehension appears to be incomplete only on the surface. Assertions

regarding content, analysis, and vocabulary are frequently incorrect

or poorly communicated.

Participation (10%)

Student very effectively leads the other

students, and is an active participant in other presentations.

Student effectively leads the other

students, and is a participant in other


Student leads the other students, and is present but not active in other


Student is absent for other presentations,

and/or does not effectively lead the class.

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Debate Objective: Students will practice and utilize

argumentative language in a formal debate setting, thereby practicing presentation skills.

Assignment: Students were divided into two teams and assigned a side of an issue to research. Students were then required to prepare and deliver a statement of position, challenges to the opposing team’s arguments, and effective rebuttals.

Assessment: Formally assessed speaking and argumentative language use. Graded using rubric; self-assessment also used.

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Debate Example

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Interviews Objective: To assess students’ abilities to

synthesize vocabulary and themes presented across multiple units by designing and conducting interviews and then analyzing and evaluating results and data for a presentation

Assignment: Students worked in teams to select a subtopic relating to thematic units, develop 10 – 15 interview questions, interview multiple native speakers, compile data, create a graphic representation of data, and present their findings.

Assessment: Formally assessed Rubric, self assessment, team assessment

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Interview RubricDescription Points Score

Assignment guidelines are followed 5  Information is presented in a logical order


Signal words are used to show transitions between parts of the presentation


Introduction captures the audience’s attention and outlines the thesis or main point


Presentation contains accurate and relevant information


Facts, statistics, and/or examples are relevant and used to support main ideas


Conclusion summarizes main points and engages the audience


Grammar and vocabulary are used correctly and appropriately


Pronunciation, stress, and intonation are understandable


Eye contact is appropriate and maintained throughout the presentation


Body language is appropriate and animated


Speaker’s voice is clear and audible 5  Visual aids are informative, effective, and are not distracting


Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits.


Total Points 100  


Organization(15 points)


Content(40 points)


Language Skills(20 points)


Delivery(25 points)


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Vocabulary Cards Objective: To assess students’ comprehension

and utilization of new vocabulary words.

Assignment: On a blank piece of construction paper, students will write the word, its definition, synonyms, an example sentence, and its part of speech, and will then create a visual representation of the word.

Assessment: Informally assessed vocabulary comprehension and utilization. Graded for completion and accuracy

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Vocabulary Card Example

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Now, it’s your turn!

What alternative assessments have you used?

How effective were they? How did you grade them? What were the pros and cons?

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Resources Blogs: www.blogspot.com Social media in the classroom: http://


Student-led teaching: http://www.soundout.org/teaching.html


Debate: http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson304b.shtml

Interviews: www.ndfb.org/image/cache/Interview_planner.doc

Vocabulary Cards: http://www.eslpartyland.com/teachers/skills/ideasvocab.htm

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Huerta-Macias, A. (1995). Alternative assessment: Responses to commonly asked questions. TESOL Journal, 5, 8-10.

Tannenbaum, J. (1996). Practical ideas on alternative assessment for ESL students. CAL Digest Online.

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Thank you!Please email us with any questions!

Sara: [email protected]: [email protected]
