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Expert Report on Electroconvulsive Therapy

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Castleman Expert Report on ECT 1 09/03/2018 Expert Report on Electroconvulsive Therapy by Kenneth R. Castleman, PhD Introduction Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) treats mental illness by running an electric current through a patient’s brain. [1] This report addresses the question of whether ECT risks brain damage in patients to whom it is administered. The medical practitioners who prescribe and administer ECT assert that it is a safe and effective treatment for certain types of mental illness, such as severe depression. [2] Yet patients often report serious degradation of their quality of life following ECT treatment. For example, “At times, patients are so neurologically impaired following ECT that they will remain prone and apathetic for days at a time, and unable to communicate or to carry out routine self-care. [3] And even those who practice ECT have concerns. “ECT is one of the most controversial treatments in medicine, particularly because of still unknown mechanism of action and uncertainty about cognitive side effects.” [1] A large number of scientific studies and published articles over at least seven decades have failed to satisfy critics that serious brain damage is not resulting from routine ECT treatments [3, 4]. In this report we examine the physics of ECT and the biology of electrical stimulation of brain tissue. We look at the basics of electrical science as it applies to ECT, and examine the related factors of cell biology to elucidate the potential risk of this controversial treatment. This report also looks at the science that is used to support the contention that ECT is safe. The author is an electrical engineer with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and fifty years of experience in scientific research and technology development. His qualifications are detailed at the end of this report. A Brief history of ECT The beginnings of the medical reasoning that led eventually to the widespread use of ECT are explained in a recent Scientific American article. "In the 1930’s, Hungarian neuropathologist Ladislaus Meduna observed that a certain type of brain cells, called glial cells, increased greatly in tissue taken from people with epilepsy. But samples from patients with schizophrenia and depression had far fewer glial cells in the cerebral cortex than normal. … Meduna speculated that schizophrenia and depression might result from a deficiency of glial cells, so he reasoned that by inducing a seizure, he could increase their numbers and cure his patients." [5] Based on Meduna’s reasoning, a number of different methods were used to induce seizures in mental patients. [6] “Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini in Italy used electricity to induce a seizure by applying electrodes they had obtained from a pig slaughterhouse to the head of one of their mental patients on April 11, 1938.” [5] Eventually electric shock proved to be the most reliable and least messy way to induce seizures.
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Expert Report on

Electroconvulsive Therapy


Kenneth R. Castleman, PhD


Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) treats mental illness by running an electric current through a

patient’s brain. [1] This report addresses the question of whether ECT risks brain damage in

patients to whom it is administered. The medical practitioners who prescribe and administer ECT

assert that it is a safe and effective treatment for certain types of mental illness, such as severe

depression. [2] Yet patients often report serious degradation of their quality of life following

ECT treatment. For example, “At times, patients are so neurologically impaired following ECT

that they will remain prone and apathetic for days at a time, … and unable to communicate or to

carry out routine self-care. [3]

And even those who practice ECT have concerns. “ECT is one of the most controversial

treatments in medicine, particularly because of still unknown mechanism of action and

uncertainty about cognitive side effects.” [1] A large number of scientific studies and published

articles over at least seven decades have failed to satisfy critics that serious brain damage is not

resulting from routine ECT treatments [3, 4].

In this report we examine the physics of ECT and the biology of electrical stimulation of brain

tissue. We look at the basics of electrical science as it applies to ECT, and examine the related

factors of cell biology to elucidate the potential risk of this controversial treatment. This report

also looks at the science that is used to support the contention that ECT is safe.

The author is an electrical engineer with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and fifty years of

experience in scientific research and technology development. His qualifications are detailed at

the end of this report.

A Brief history of ECT

The beginnings of the medical reasoning that led eventually to the widespread use of ECT are

explained in a recent Scientific American article. "In the 1930’s, Hungarian neuropathologist

Ladislaus Meduna observed that a certain type of brain cells, called glial cells, increased greatly

in tissue taken from people with epilepsy. But samples from patients with schizophrenia and

depression had far fewer glial cells in the cerebral cortex than normal. … Meduna speculated that

schizophrenia and depression might result from a deficiency of glial cells, so he reasoned that by

inducing a seizure, he could increase their numbers and cure his patients." [5]

Based on Meduna’s reasoning, a number of different methods were used to induce seizures in

mental patients. [6] “Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini in Italy used electricity to induce a seizure by

applying electrodes they had obtained from a pig slaughterhouse to the head of one of their

mental patients on April 11, 1938.” [5] Eventually electric shock proved to be the most reliable

and least messy way to induce seizures.

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Early ECT devices applied alternating current (AC) from the power lines to the patient. These

are called “sine wave” machines because a plot of the voltage variations over time takes the

smoothly varying form of the sine function used in trigonometry. With such a machine the

current flow smoothly reverses itself 120 times per second. In the 1950’s ECT moved toward

“square wave” devices that reverse the current flow direction abruptly rather than smoothly.

The next innovation came two decades later. “In 1976, Blatchley demonstrated the effectiveness

of his device that used constant current and brief pulse ECT. At this time a report from the

American Psychiatric Association (APA) endorsed the use of ECT in the treatment of

depression.” [7] Brief pulse ECT devices deliver the current to the brain in short pulses separated

by a longer period during which the current is not flowing. [8, 9] Since the same total amount of

current is delivered, the treatment is simply spread out over a longer period of time. Beginning in

the 1980s this type of device has largely replaced earlier devices. [10]

Brief pulse ECT machines deliver current pulses as short as one millisecond. Newer ECT

machines are called “ultrabrief pulse” devices because they can deliver pulses lasting less than

one millisecond. [8, 9] The newer machines are able to produce seizures using smaller doses of

electricity. [8] In spite of this, a minority of US practitioners still use sine wave stimulation. [11]

The Practice of ECT

ECT is not usually administered as only a single treatment or even as a few treatments delivered

over a short period of time. Instead “maintenance ECT is continuing with ECT beyond 6

months.” [1] This is done because "... studies show a high rate of relapse after discontinuation of

ECT." And "... without active treatment, virtually all remitted patients relapse within 6 months of

stopping ECT." [12] Some patients receive hundreds of ECT treatments during their lifetimes.


A recent clinical review article sheds light on the current practice of ECT. The study found that

“some clinicians may consider 6–10 treatments and then consider medication maintenance, while

others will continue prescribing ECT only for months or even years.” Also “After acute series of

ECT, the ECT long-term treatment may be considered, although this practice may vary

significantly between countries or even within the same country, because there is no universal

consensus about its indications, duration and frequency of administration.” In addition, “it is not

rare in a clinical practice to see patients who are receiving maintenance ECT weekly or biweekly

for an extended period of time … .” [1]

As the patient ages the ECT doses become larger. “In general, older patients, particularly elderly

patients, require higher stimulus intensities than younger patients.” [8] Also larger doses are

required as the patient continues to receive more ECT treatments, “seizure threshold usually

increases markedly during the ECT course.” [8]

Side Effects of ECT

ECT can produce what are called “adverse cognitive effects” in patients who are treated. [4] Side

effects of ECT include amnesia (substantial and permanent memory loss), confusion,

disorientation, apathy, disinterest, headaches, nausea, slowed reaction time, and lowered

intellectual function. [11, 14-18] These are side effects of treatment that impair the mental

capacity of the patient. “Cognitive side effects are usually dependent on factors such as electrode

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placement, electrical dosage, stimulus parameter configuration and frequency of treatment

sessions.” [1]

Retrograde amnesia is the inability to remember things that happened before the treatment. This

type of memory loss can extend back to childhood. Anterograde amnesia is the inability to retain

new memories for more than a short time. [14] Most ECT patients experience retrograde and

anterograde amnesia following ECT treatment. [3, 4, 11, 15, 18-20,] “ECT patients often lose

memory of part or all of their previous lives. Anterograde amnesia may last for a couple of

weeks or couple of months after treatment. However, retrograde amnesia for autobiographical

information is a potentially persistent cognitive side effect of ECT. (21)” [1] Also, “The loss of

autobiographical memory has not been adequately investigated.” [1] Further, “permanent

amnesia is one of possible, frequent and serious side effects of ECT which affects at least one-

third of patients.” [1] In addition, “Patients should be clearly told that ECT may have serious and

permanent effects on both memory ability and non-memory cognition. ... ‘the ability to plan and

organize and get things done’" [22]

Other side effects can be debilitating as well. “Cognitive side effects of ECT are sometimes

underestimated and may last much longer after completed treatment than it is usually expected.

These cognitive impairments associated with ECT may cause significant functional difficulties

and prevent patients to return to work.” [1]

There is even a concern that existing procedures for evaluating patients for cognitive side effects

and rehabilitating them are inadequate, “Neuropsychological assessment should be a part of good

clinical practice in the ECT units.” And, “The lack of neuropsychological services available to

ECT psychiatrists may have negative impact on identifying and assessing cognitive effects of

ECT. This may also significantly delay the process of post-ECT cognitive rehabilitation.” [1]

The Mechanism of Therapy

No one can explain how electric shock could reduce any of the symptoms of mental illness.

“…the mechanism of therapeutic action of ECT has not yet been established.” [1] And “The

efficacy of any medical treatment depends on scientific understanding of the disorder, and how

the treatment is applied. But that insight is largely lacking with ECT” [5] As mentioned above,

the seizure is commonly thought to be the therapeutic agent. But ECT treatments typically use

six times the amount of electricity that is required simply to initiate a seizure. This suggests that

whatever ECT is doing, it must be more than simply inducing a seizure. The effects of electric

currents on the human body are well known, [23-27] and the electric current levels that ECT

produces in the head are so high (approximately one ampere) that direct, possibly damaging,

electrical effect on the brain is an obvious possibility.

The Basics of Electricity

In electrical science, we work with three basic quantities: voltage, current, and resistance.

Voltage is the pressure that puts a force on charged particles (such as electrons) and causes them

to move through an object. It is analogous to the pressure that causes water molecules to flow

through a hose. Applying a voltage to an object tends to pull positively charged particles in one

direction while pushing negatively charged particles in the opposite direction.

Applying a voltage to an object causes a current to flow through it. Because of the force of an

applied voltage, electrons will jump from one atom to the next. This causes a general migration

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of electrons through the object. This migration is the current flow that results from the applied

voltage. The current is measured by the rate at which the electrons are passing through the

object. It is analogous to the rate at which water is flowing through a hose. Water flow can be

measured in gallons per minute. Current flow is commonly measured in amperes, or “amps.”

One amp is a flow rate of approximately six billion billion electrons per second.

Resistance is the amount of opposition that an object presents to current flow. In metals such as

copper, the electrons are only loosely attached to the atoms. Since only a small applied voltage is

required to produce a large current flow, copper is said to have a low resistance. Insulating

materials, such as glass, have their electrons tightly attached to their atoms. Since a large applied

voltage is required to produce only a small current flow, glass has a high resistance. Resistance is

measured in units of ohms. In the human body the resistance depends greatly upon the nature of

the physical contact made between the body and the source of electricity.

The relationship among there three quantities is specified by Ohm’s law. This law of physics

states that the current (in amps) that will flow through an object is equal to the applied voltage

(in volts) divided by that object’s resistance (in ohms). The familiar formula is I = E/R, where E

is the voltage in volts, R is the resistance in ohms, and I is the current in amps. If any two of

these quantities are known, the third will be determined by Ohm’s law. For example, modern

ECT devices are constant current sources. That is, the operator sets the desired value of current,

and the machine uses Ohm’s law to adjust the voltage, as necessary, to produce that amount of

current flow.

ECT Dose

The amount of electricity that is delivered to the patient’s head during an ECT treatment can be

specified in several ways. In the past it was common to specify the total amount of electrical

energy that is transferred into the patient’s head during one treatment. This energy is measured

in “joules.” One hundred joules is the amount of electrical energy that is converted into heat and

light by a 100 watt light bulb every second.

More recently it has become customary to specify the dose of an ECT treatment as the “charge.”

This is the total number of electrons that are forced through the patient’s head during one

treatment. The charge is specified in “coulombs.” One coulomb consists of approximately six

billion billion electrons. It is the result of one amp of current flowing for one second.

A typical ECT dose size is about one-third of a coulomb. [8, 9, 28, 29] In one example the dose

is delivered at a pulse frequency of 70 Hertz (70 positive and 70 negative pulses every second,

delivered in alternation) for a period of 7.2 seconds, for a total of 1008 pulses. Each pulse is 0.3

milliseconds in duration, with 6.84 milliseconds of dead time (where the current is not flowing)

between pulses. [30]

Modern ECT machines (in the USA) can deliver up to 100 joules of energy or one-half coulomb

of charge (200 joules and one coulomb in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere). The pulse frequency can

be set between 10 and 70 cycles per second, and the pulses can be as brief as 0.3 milliseconds.

The current can be set up to 0.9 amp, and the voltage can go as high as 460 volts as needed to

overcome the patient’s resistance. [8, 29, 30]

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Dose Determination

ECT device manufacturers suggest two methods for setting the ECT stimulus intensity for

individual patients. These are based on recommendations of the American Psychiatric

Association Task Force on ECT. [2] Both methods are based on the seizure threshold, which is

the minimum stimulus intensity (electrical dose) that is required to induce an adequate seizure

(convulsions lasting 30 to 60 seconds after the shock). [2, 31-33] It is to the patient’s benefit to

keep the level of electrical stimulus as low as possible, “By reducing the strength of electrical

stimulus, however, we may greatly reduce cognitive side effects (20).” [34]

The seizure threshold varies greatly from one patient to the next, and it increases as the patient

receives more treatments. [32] “There is marked variability among patients in seizure threshold.

Seizure threshold may be influenced by concurrent medications. Further, seizure threshold

usually increases markedly during the ECT course.” Also “seizure threshold is greater in males

than females. ... In general, older patients, particularly elderly patients, require higher stimulus

intensities than younger patients.” And “Degree of oxygenation, dosage and type of anesthetics,

concomitant psychotropic medication, quality of electrodes, site preparation, and a variety of

other factors influence seizure threshold.” [8] Thus determining the seizure threshold, upon

which to base the treatment dose, is not simple.

One method of determining the seizure threshold is called empirical titration. According to the

Mecta Spectrum manual, “This method, termed EMPIRICAL TITRATION, involves

administration of subconvulsive intensities in the first treatment, finding the intensity level that

produces an adequate seizure in that session, and in subsequent sessions administering an

intensity that is a fixed amount above the seizure threshold identified in the first session.” [8]

The practitioner gives the new patient a series of shocks of gradually increasing intensity until a

suitable seizure is induced. “… the great majority [of patients] have an adequate seizure before

or following the third stimulation. However, the range in seizure threshold is great and

exceptional patients may have very high thresholds. If the third stimulation does not produce a

seizure, a fourth or fifth stimulation should be attempted. The final stimulation is at maximal

device dosage.” [8] This process is used to establish the patient’s initial seizure threshold.

That patient’s regular treatment dose is then set at four to six times the seizure threshold. For

example, “In subsequent treatments you plan on delivering a dose that will be approximately 6

times this initial seizure threshold.” And “Thus, the goal with unilateral ECT is to administer

stimulation that is at least 4 times the seizure threshold, with an upper limit of 6.0 times the

seizure threshold.” [8] Also, “Once the seizure threshold is determined for a specific PERCENT

ENERGY setting, the recommended dosing level for unilateral ECT is 4-6 times that threshold

value.” [9]

The second method of dose determination involves picking a stimulus intensity value off a chart,

“An alternative to the titration method is to use the known predictors of seizure threshold

(electrode placement, age, and gender) and preselect a dosage that on a probabilistic basis is

likely to be in the appropriate range relative to seizure threshold. … This approach is termed the

PRESELECTED DOSAGE METHOD.” [8] Notice that this method is more of a gamble than

anything precise.

But seizure threshold is not well correlated with age and gender, [8] and use of the charts and

tables can lead to overdosing patients and creating more serious side effects. According to the

MECTA manual, “However, current research indicates that there is only a weak relationship

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between patient age and seizure threshold.” And, “This circumstance means that dosing based on

age will intrinsically result in the oldest patients receiving the greatest excess of electrical

stimulation.” Also, “In general, none of the formula-based or preselected dosage methods yet

devised provide the level of accuracy that is achieved with empirical titration. Accurate

determination of dosage is one of the key aspects of … minimizing side effects.” In addition, “If

acute cognitive side effects become excessive and clinical progress is acceptable, dosing at later

treatments may be reduced.” [8] Notice that cognitive side effects are both expected and


Using the dosing tables increases the risk for the patient, “It is important to note that the

treatment methods and stimulus parameter settings presented here are only suggestions.” And,

“Further, the suggested settings in the Titration tables and Pre-selected Dosage table are likely to

be overestimates of the stimulus intensity necessary to produce adequate seizures.” [8] Thus an

ECT patient will likely get even more electrical stimulus than American Psychiatric Association

(APA) and manufacturer guidelines call for.

In spite of these operational guidelines, approximately half of US practitioners do not adjust

dosage relative to the patient’s seizure threshold. [11] Some simply set the “% Dose” knob

according to the patient’s age. According to the Somatics Thymatron instruction manual,

“Satisfactory therapeutic results can be obtained with right unilateral ECT by simply setting the

PERCENT ENERGY dial to approximate the patient’s age in years (e.g., 75% for a 72 year-old

patient). … Once a patient obtains a satisfactory seizure with a given PERCENT ENERGY

stimulus dose with unilateral ECT, we do not recommend administering subsequent treatments

with progressively lower settings in an attempt to deliver the smallest stimulus that will still

induce a seizure.” [9] This technique is almost certain to set the stimulus intensity well above 6

times seizure threshold.

ECT Device Operation

A modern ECT device is a constant-current pulse generator. That is, it automatically and

continuously adjusts the voltage, as necessary, to maintain the current at a specified level. The

current is typically set at 0.9 amps. See the example in [30] mentioned above. Thus the patient’s

brain is subjected to over a thousand alternating positive and negative current pulses of almost

one amp each.

An ECT machine accomplishes this by applying an alternating voltage of whatever intensity is

required to produce the specified 0.9 amp current. From Ohm’s law we know that voltage equals

current times resistance (E = IR). The resistance of the patient’s head varies from one individual

to the next and with the details of electrode attachment. Typical values are 1,440 ohms prior to

treatment, dropping to 260 ohms during the treatment. See the example in [30]. In this case the

voltage would settle to 0.9 x 260 or 234 volts during each pulse. By contrast, individual brain

cells operate normally with less than one-half of a volt and a current of less than 0.001 amp. [39]

Heating in the Brain

Two things happen when an electric current, such as that from an ECT device, is caused to flow

through the brain. The first is heating. The internal temperature of the human body is regulated

within narrow limits to maintain the health and proper functioning of the cells. As the

temperature rises, the cells can suffer dysfunction, temporary injury, permanent damage, or even

cell death. [35] This is particularly true in the brain, where the electrical energy supplied by an

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ECT device is converted into heat, thereby raising its temperature. The larger the current, the

more heat is produced. In fact, the amount of power transferred into the brain is proportional to

the square of the current (P = I2R). For the example that is cited in the Somatics brochure [30],

this works out to 0.9 amps squared times 260 ohms or 210.6 watts during each pulse. Since the

current is actually flowing only 4.2% of the time, the average power is just under nine watts.

The total current is unevenly distributed throughout the brain, and some cells, particularly the

larger ones, will get more heating than others. Thus brain heating is a potential source of cell

injury and cell death. [23-27]


The second effect results from the pulsing nature of the voltage applied by ECT machines. [8, 9]

During each pulse, one electrode instantly becomes positively charged, and the other electrode

becomes negatively charged, establishing an electrical potential of up to 240 volts between them.

This creates a sudden and intense pull on all of the charged particles inside the head. This

includes the charged molecules that reside within the membrane that separates the interior of a

cell from the outside environment. [36-38] Then, on the next pulse, the polarity is reversed, and

all of the charged particles are instantly pulled in the opposite direction.

This process of alternately pulling and tugging on the cell membrane creates a jackhammer effect

that can tear holes in a cell. This process is called “electroporation,” the creation of pores (holes)

in the cell membrane by electrical means. [36-41] “Electroporation involves applying electric

field pulses to cells, leading to the alteration or destruction of cell membranes.” [42]

Electroporation is illustrated graphically in Figure 1, and Figure 2 shows a laboratory example at

60,000X magnification [from 43].

At low voltage levels the forces are not strong enough to damage the cell membrane. At medium

voltage levels small holes are produced, but the cells can repair them before too much damage is

done. Higher voltage levels, however, produce more and larger holes, the repair mechanism

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becomes overwhelmed, foreign substances leak into the cell, and the cell dies. [41, 42]

“Irreversible electroporation (IRE) creates permanent defects in cell membranes and induces cell

death.” [42]

Electroporation at medium voltage levels is used in biological science to force experimental

drugs inside cells for research purposes. “The electropermeabilization [using electricity to make

them permeable] of biological cell membranes by the application of an external field occurs

whenever an applied field exceeds a threshold value. For fields above this threshold value but

less than another critical value, the pores formed in the membrane are transient or reversible.”

[39] Thus if the electric field is not too strong, then the cell can repair the holes before too much

damage is done.

It is used at higher voltage levels in cancer therapy to kill malignant cells in the brain. [42] “This

study identified N-TIRE pulse parameters that can be used to safely create circumscribed foci of

brain necrosis while selectively preserving major vascular structures.” [41]

The degree of electroporation effect on any particular cell depends on (1) the local electric field

strength and (2) the size of the cell. [36, 38, 40] Red blood cells, for example are quite small and

thus less likely to be seriously affected by an electric field. Brain cells, however, which can

extend more than halfway across the head, are many times more vulnerable to damage by


Further, the scientific literature gives little or no guidance regarding how ECT electric field

strength is distributed throughout the head. As little as one volt across the cell membrane can

open holes. “While the mechanism of electroporation is not completely understood, numerous

experiments show that electroporation occurs for short pulses when the transmembrane voltage

reaches approximately 1 V. The electric field pulses causing the electroporation of cells are

typically of magnitude 1-20 kV/cm and have duration of 10 μs to 10 ms.” (2 – 22 mC) [39]

Notice that ECT pulse durations fall in the middle of that range.

Although electroporation has been used in biological research and cancer therapy for more than a

decade, there have been no published studies assessing the risk of ECT pulses causing brain cell

death by this well-documented mechanism. Further, the distribution of electric field strength

inside the head during ECT treatment has not been mapped, or even estimated. Thus it is

presently impossible to assess the level of risk of this type of brain damage that ECT imposes

and therefore to accurately assess the safety of ECT devices.

Voltage and Current Levels

As stated above, voltage is the pressure that causes current to flow. Resistance is the property of

an object that impedes the flow of current. The electrical resistance of the human body is not

easily predicted. It depends on where the two points of contact are located on the body and the

size and nature of those contacts. Dry skin has a much higher resistance than wet skin. [44] The

salty fluids inside the body have a relatively low resistance. The path that the current will take

through the body is likewise difficult to predict. The overall current flow will be from one

electrode to the other, but the path it follows through the body will depend on the resistance of

the different organs and channels that exist in the intervening tissue.

During ECT treatment a typical value for the resistance of the head is 1,440 ohms prior to

initiation, dropping to 260 ohms during treatment [30]. Modern ECT devices automatically and

continuously adjust the voltage, as necessary, to maintain the current at a specified level of

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between one-half and one amp. [8, 9] While the voltage may be different from one patient to the

next, from one treatment to the next, and may even fluctuate during one treatment, the current is

the quantity that is held constant.

A current flow through the body of less than 0.01 amp (10 milliamperes) can produce a painful

shock. Currents above about 10 milliamperes become dangerous. “The severity of an electrical

shock is determined by the amount of current (amperes, A) and the duration of the current flow.

In medical terms, electrical shocks are usually divided into two categories. Macroshock refers to

larger currents (typically more than 10 mA) flowing through a person, which can cause harm or

death.” [44]

Stun gun (Taser) devices are used by law enforcement to subdue suspects and by citizens for

self-defense. They incapacitate a person by inducing massive muscle contractions. A stun gun

can develop up to 50,000 volts in order to penetrate clothing, initiate a spark, and make contact

with the body. But the amount of current that it actually forces through the victim’s body is only

about 0.002 amps. “The [Taser] X26—the model commonly used by police departments—

delivers a peak voltage of 1200 V to the body. Once the barbs establish a circuit, the gun

generates a series of 100-microsecond pulses at a rate of 19 per second. Each pulse carries 100

microcoulombs of charge, so the average current is 1.9 milliamperes.” [49] Notice that these

pulse parameters are similar to those of ECT devices, (0.1 millisecond, 19 per second) but the

charge delivered by a Taser (0.1 millicoulombs per pulse) is considerably less.

Cattle prods also deliver about 0.002 amps, and an electric fence can turn a cow around with

only about 0.012 amps. Automotive spark plugs also operate with currents of just a few

milliamperes, despite their high voltage ratings. As with Tasers, cattle prods and electric fences,

once current begins to flow, the voltage drops significantly because these devices simply are not

designed to deliver high currents.

The National Electric Code specifies that Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) circuit

breakers must be used anywhere electrical outlets are located outdoors or near plumbing pipes.

These are circuit breakers that sense when more current is flowing out of the main circuit than is

flowing back in, such as when current is leaking through a short circuit to ground. This is a

safety feature since that leakage current could be flowing through a human body. In the USA,

GFCI breakers are required to shut off the circuit any time the leakage current exceeds 0.005

amps. This value of 0.005 amps was chosen as an upper limit to prevent accidental injury or

death by electrocution. [45]

Slaughterhouses use a one-second electric shock to the head to “stun” animals (knock them

unconscious) before slaughter. Some slaughterhouses also run the electric current through the

entire body so that it stops the heart and kills the animal. The recommended current for stunning

sheep is one amp, and for 200 pound pigs it is 1.25 amps [46]. Notice that one amp (about the

same current that ECT uses) flowing for one second is equivalent to a one-coulomb ECT dose.

Electrocution has been used to carry out death sentences on convicted criminals. Sponges soaked

in saltwater are clamped by metal electrodes to the convict’s shaven head and ankles. A current

as high as five amps is run through the inmate’s body for several seconds. In addition to

unconsciousness and cardiac arrest, this produces severe heating of the tissues. The brain is

heated to between 138 and 148 degrees Fahrenheit. The bodies often show severe burns at the

electrode sites and the flesh appears “cooked.” The current produces violent contraction of

muscles, sometimes breaking bones. [47]

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So, to put this all in perspective, the amount of electric current that an ECT machine puts through

a patient’s head is about 200 times what is considered dangerous for ground fault leakage,

approximately 100 times what Tasers, cattle prods, and electric fences use, about the same as

what is used for stunning pigs, and roughly one-fifth as much as the electric chair. In addition,

the amount of voltage applied to the head (460 volts) is about 400 times what is required to

damage a single brain cell. Clearly this amount of electricity has the potential to cause injury to

the brain.

The Science Behind ECT

ECT-induced structural brain trauma can be detected objectively by direct microscopic

examination of brain tissue following treatment. Such damage is often too subtle to be detected

by indirect methods. But the majority of published scientific studies seeking to evaluate ECT-

induced brain damage use indirect methods such as computed tomography brain imaging,

magnetic resonance imaging, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, cerebrospinal

fluid levels of markers of neuronal or glial cell degeneration, and serum levels of markers of

brain tissue damage. [13] These techniques have limited resolution, do not look at individual

brain cells directly, and thus can detect only relatively large changes in the brain, not the loss of

individual neurons.

Regarding direct microscopic examination of the brains of ECT patients, a recent research paper

says “Only 2 prior reports of postmortem gross and microscopic evaluation of brain in ECT

patients have appeared in the last 3 decades,” and “In summary, it seems that there have been

only 3 relatively recent reports of postmortem studies of patients who received large numbers of

ECT treatments, and only 2 in which modern techniques were used exclusively.” [13] This

means that a sensitive study looking directly at brain tissue for ECT-induced damage has been

conducted only about once per decade, and then only on a single patient each time. Studying

only three patients in 30 years is hopelessly inadequate to evaluate ECT-induced brain damage at

the cellular level. Thus it would be improper to omit this risk from informed consent discussions

with patients.

Most of the studies evaluating ECT-induced brain damage have been conducted by researchers

who practice ECT themselves. Thus they have a vested professional or financial interest in the

outcome of the study. They often state their preconception that ECT is safe and effective at the

outset in their publications. Since these studies are seldom done under the rigorous scientific

conditions of a clinical trial, the influence of investigator bias in the interpretation of

experimental data cannot be ruled out.

ECT and the FDA

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was given authority to regulate medical

devices in 1976. [48] ECT devices were already in use by then, so they were automatically

approved (“grandfathered in”) without any testing for safety or effectiveness. In response to

public pressure to ban ECT, the FDA has held several hearings over the years. Each time, after

hearing horror stories from ECT patients, they continued to allow ECT devices to be sold

without requiring any further testing by the device manufacturers.

Normally when an FDA-approved device is modified it must be re-tested before the new design

can be sold. The exception comes when the new device is considered to be “substantially

equivalent” to the older model. ECT’s advocates acknowledge that earlier machines did cause

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brain damage and serious side effects, but they claim the newer brief and ultrabrief pulse

machines eliminate that problem. Yet they simultaneously argue to the FDA that the newer

machines do not require testing because they are “substantially equivalent” to the older ones. In

other words, they are different from, but yet they are the same as, other devices that have not

been tested either. Remarkably, the FDA has accepted this pair of contradictory arguments.

The FDA normally sets a high standard for approving drugs and medical devices for public use.

They require stringent clinical trials with double-blind experiments, large sample sizes, accurate

statistics, and thoughtful interpretation of results. Regarding ECT, however, they are much

quicker to conclude, without such evidence, that the practice is safe and effective. They tend to

discount the testimony of ECT patients claiming harm as being “anecdotal” and thus unscientific.

Instead they rely on the opinion of psychiatry experts where timely scientific evidence is

unavailable or incomplete.

Device Classification

Under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recognizes

three classes of medical devices, based on the level of control necessary to assure safety and

effectiveness. [48]

The FDA currently places ECT devices in Class III (“potential unreasonable risk of illness or

injury”), along with automated cardiac defibrillators, for example. But they are currently

considering moving electroshock devices into Class II (“safe and effective with special

controls”). [51] Class II includes less risky things such as powered wheelchairs, acupuncture

needles and condoms. Further, the manufacturers have never been required to conduct clinical

trials to evaluate the risk of injury. This reclassification would permit greatly expanded use of

ECT. But since the FDA does not regulate psychiatry or medicine, if the ECT devices were

reduced in risk classification, practitioners would be free to administer electroshock more widely

and for less severe conditions that the FDA has not cleared it to treat.

The Economics of ECT

The cost of ECT treatment is high. It is used on over 100,000 people each year in the USA. [5]

“With 5 to 15 treatments per initial course and 10 to 20 maintenance treatments per year, the

annual cost of ECT can exceed $10,000." [52] When hospital expenses are added the cost is even

higher. “The cost of ECT runs upwards from $35,000 per series. Patients generally receive 6

treatments during an inpatient stay at a hospital and get up to seven follow up ECTs on an

outpatient basis. Generally patients may receive up to thirty treatments in a year. ECT treatments

cost $800-$1000 per treatment plus hospital stay ($600 - $800 per day) which is generally a

series of 8-12 and 25-30 days in a hospital.” And “It is estimated at being a $2-3 billion dollar a

year industry (53)." [54]

ECT provides a significant source of income for psychiatrists as well as revenue for hospitals.

“The attending psychiatrist may charge $300 and up for a session of ECT and may easily

perform five to six ECT treatments within one hour ($1,800/hour). … ECT appears to be an

important moneymaker for both hospital and psychiatrists in a time when costs are high and

reimbursements are scarce.” [54]

Thus this is a multi-billion dollar business in the United States alone. If the FDA were to

reclassify ECT devices as proposed, that business would boom.

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Summary - ECT and Brain Damage

“ECT is one of the most controversial treatments in medicine, particularly because of still

unknown mechanism of action and uncertainty about cognitive side effects.” [1]

ECT attempts to treat mental disorders by using a high voltage to send a large electric current

through the brain, inducing a seizure that lasts 30 to 60 seconds. Based on research reports, it

gives only temporary results on only a percentage of those treated, while still requiring

maintenance on psychiatric drugs and/or additional ECT treatments. [51] Its practitioners admit

to moderate side effects, [34, 50] but some patients complain of much more devastating damage

to their lives [3].

No one can explain how or why ECT “works.” The scientific literature fails to establish a

mechanism of therapy or to support the belief that the seizures produced by ECT are therapeutic.

Further, the amount of electricity that is used in practice is routinely at least six times what is

required to produce a seizure. [8, 9] The existing research also fails to show that cell damage and

cell death are not still occurring, even with modern ECT equipment and practice.

ECT uses electric current levels approximately one hundred times what is considered safe in the

human body and at very dangerous voltage levels. In so doing it risks brain cell damage from

both heating and electroporation. Modern Brief-Pulse and Ultrabrief Pulse ECT devices are

much more likely to cause electroporation than those used in the past. Adequate scientific studies

to fully assess the risk of ECT-induced brain damage at the cellular level have not been done. In

spite of all this, instead of requiring testing of these devices, the FDA is considering allowing

them to be used much more widely than ever before. [51]

In summary, ECT has the potential to injure or kill brain cells by at least two different electrical

mechanisms, heating and electroporation. The scientific literature has demonstrated brain

damage in earlier times, and recent studies using high magnet-strength MRI show ECT-induced

changes in the sizes of certain brain structures [55-58]. Little is known about whether damage on

a cellular level is continuing to occur with modern ECT devices and practice. Further, studies to

evaluate the risk of electroporation by ECT have not been reported. Despite its widespread use,

ECT exposes patients to risks of brain damage that have not been thoroughly evaluated. The

opinion of “authorities in the field” is being substituted for scientific fact.

The Author’s Qualifications

I have Bachelor and Master’s degrees in electrical engineering and a Ph.D. in Biomedical

Engineering. The latter involves application of engineering techniques to problems in medicine

and biology. My entire professional career has been dedicated to scientific research and

technology development.

With over 45 years of experience, I hold image analysis and image processing patents and have

served on various university and government advisory committees. I have served on the faculty

at Caltech, as the Visiting Committee Chairman for the Department of Electrical and Computer

Engineering, and as an Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Texas,

and as a Research Fellow at both USC and UCLA. I have also been a member of the Scientific

Working Group on Imaging Technology for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I was a Senior Scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory for 15 years, and I was

subsequently called in to assist NASA in their investigations of both the Space Shuttle

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Challenger and Columbia disasters. In 1994, I was inducted into the United States Space

Foundation's Space Technology Hall of Fame, and I am a Fellow of the American Institute of

Medical and Biological Engineering.

I have also served as a technical expert in legal cases ranging from the JFK assassination to bank

robberies and over thirty patent infringement cases. I have published three college-level

textbooks, including the seminal textbook Digital Image Processing (1979 and 1996), which has

been translated into Japanese and Chinese. I have also published more than 60 articles in

scientific journals.

I have reviewed the scientific literature relating to the effects of electric fields and electric

currents on human tissue. In addition, I have reviewed the body of literature concerning the

history of, and to the past and current practice of ECT, and the literature relating to brain trauma

resulting from electric shock. The latter includes reports of post mortem microscopic studies of

brain tissue from ECT patients and other studies of brain damage caused by ECT.


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