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As you know Internet is the fastest growing and accepted global

phenomena ever created. More people in the world have Internet than indoor

plumbing and it has only been around for less than 20 years. Every continent and

every country in the world now has an Internet connection. We are now all

Internet users (whether we want to or not) and this phenomenon will continue

well into the future until we are all connected in a way we can even comprehend


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Internet and its application growth have truly been phenomenal. Internet

allows us to live in the world where 1 million views no longer sounds impressive.

Today we live in the world where there are 137 Million individual Blogs, 750

Million active Facebook users and over 2 Billion videos are streamed on YouTube

each day. Is this information overload ??? Absolutely NOT…….

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This is the NEW NORMAL. If history is any guide the expansion of

information will continue to increase exponentially as it has been doing over the

last two decades. That is no longer a question. A better question here is…….what

kind of information and content do we create and put out there in this ocean of

data to stand out and to be noticed by our customers ? This Revolution is

happening now. We believe that businesses who understand this, adjust and take

action now = will prosper. At the same time the businesses that refuse this sea of

change will fail miserably.

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According to Small Business Administration and Inc. Magazine more than

half of all businesses will disappear in the next five years. Same statistics show

that 8 out of 10 new businesses will fail within the first 3 years. If these statistics

do not horrify you as a business owner, we don’t know what will. To be more

specific, not enough customers/sales and financial mismanagement are the

primary reasons behind business failure.

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Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, ExpertZoo, SEO, PPC, Games, Email,

etc….. Confused yet ? With so many different tools and networks available out

there, which ones are the best option for your business to maximize your return

on investment and time ? How should these individual channels be used in order

to maximize your return and to get the most customers? These are very difficult

questions that require further study presented later on.

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On average standard Outbound Marketing costs 160% more per lead than

Social Media Marketing. To be exact, it costs $373 to generate a lead using

Outbound Marketing while it costs only $143 to generate the same lead using

Social Media Marketing. When we look at this issue from a larger perspective we

can see how important it is for any businesses bottom line to generate savings of

over 60% on one of it’s major expenses.

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Social Media Marketing tactics don’t just generate leads, they generate

revenue. This statement couldn’t be more true. Think of Social Media Marketing

as a simple new way to communicate and establish those long-term and

profitable relationships with your customers. It’s just a much faster way to do

marketing, measure results and generate new clients for your business. Plus, it’s a

lot more fun.

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With competition increasingly shifting their budgets towards Social Media Marketing, is it too

late for your business to start or to increase your participation?

NO, the time to do it is now. We believe the Social Media Marketing Revolution is happening

now and you must participate today in order to be a part of it. The longer you wait the more difficult

and more expensive it will become in the future. The current environment could be equated to a

gold rush or a land grab environment. Basically, businesses that are doing it now will be able to

create “gold-bond” relationships with their customers that other businesses will have a hard time

disruption. It will simply be too costly and difficult for your competition to do so.

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Social Media Marketing is the best and the most cost effective way to

generate more leads, referrals and customers for your business. Social Media

Marketing uses various tools that include but are not limited to Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn, ExpertZoo, SEO, Emal Marketing, Blogs, etc….Social Media Marketing

concentrates on developing long lasting and strong relationships between

businesses and their customers.

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Some of the major Social Media Marketing components include Facebook,

Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, ExpertZoo, SEO, Blogs, Email, etc…. Think of each

entity as a complex application that you must know inside and out in order to

successfully implement marketing strategies that would be beneficial for your

business. Each system has its own pluses and minuses. In addition, one must

know how to properly use each system in order to maximize its capability and

maximize the return on investment and/or time.

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of making websites perform

better in the search engines or in other words to rank as high as possible in the search

engines. There is no magic to it -- it's all about understanding how search engines read web

pages and what factors they take into consideration when deciding how to rank a page for a

given search query. When done correctly, search engine optimization also improves websites

for use by humans, as will be explained below. Quality content (meaning excellent articles)

are the heart and soul of search engine optimization, because the only thing that Google and

other search engines truly respect is text. Specifically, text to which other websites have

linked, as we will see below. So put your money and/or energy into writing or obtaining

excellent articles. Search engines have remarkably sophisticated ways of determining just

how good an article is.

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Facebook is by far the largest and most popular social network in the world. With over

750 Million active users, Facebook is not only a great social platform for interaction, but a

powerful business tool as well. This powerful social network allows you to share, follow, like,

play games, etc… for just about anything. Businesses have the capability to leverage

Facebook’s extensive membership base to create a following for their businesses and/or

directly interact with their customers. Multiple studies have shown that both B2C and B2B

businesses who are able to properly use Facebook’s infrastructure will without a doubt

generate leads and buying customers from the network.

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Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that allows you answer the question,

"What are you doing?" by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called "tweets", to

your friends, or "followers." The short format of the tweet is a defining characteristic of the service,

allowing informal collaboration and quick information sharing that provides relief from rising email

and IM fatigue. Twittering is also a less gated method of communication: you can share information

with people that you wouldn't normally exchange email or IM messages with, opening up your circle

of contacts to an ever-growing community of like-minded people.

Twitter is instrumental for businesses as 67% of Twitter users are more likely to buy the brands they

follow. Businesses must invest time and money into creation of a significant following on Twitter.

Those who do so while providing excellent content will be able to generate a lot of business from the


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LinkedIn is a social media platform for businesses and professionals. Geared

towards companies and industry professionals looking to make new business contacts

or keep in touch with previous co-workers, affiliates and clients. While not as powerful

as Facebook, LinkedIn is believed to be best for B2B generation, conversion and

relationship tracking. Businesses who properly use LinkedIn during their social media

campaign should anticipate a significant increase in their business.

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Blogs are one of the most powerful, cost effective and useful Social Marketing

tools. When you think of Blogs, think….. content, content, content. While there are

millions of Blogs out there, very few offer top-notch content that brings in visitors and

drives subsequent social interaction. Blogs are simply great. From being one of the best

tools to help with SEO to driving 55% more traffic to your site, Blogs can do it all.

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ExpertZoo.com is an extremely powerful business tool/social network that helps

you establish a circle of influence around your business. Now everyone you know (your

friends, family, employees, business partners, fans, etc…) can help your business grow

and prosper. In addition, ExpertZoo offers a multitude of other tools such as Social

Media Marketing, Outsourcing, Gaming, Deals/Offers Section as well as many

others…….. designed specifically to help your business succeed and prosper.

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Once again, Social Media Marketing is one of the best and most cost effective

ways to advertise your business. Through the use of the most popular portals such as

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, ExpertZoo, SEO, Email, etc… Social Media

Marketing allows you to leverage up an incredible array of tools to help your business

grow and prosper. Oh yeah, we almost forgot to mention that Social Media Marketing

allows you to do that at 60% discount to other more traditional advertising methods.

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That’s right. The revolution is happening now. With 61% of marketers spending

and investing more into Social Media in 2011, the proof is already here. Businesses are

shifting their budgets for two simple reasons. #1. Social Media Marketing is very

effecting and #2. It costs a lot less (at this point in time) than your more traditional

outbound marketing channels. So, jump on board before its too late.

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The budgets are shifting from more traditional advertising methods to Social

Media Marketing. As more and more companies shift their attention and budgets

towards Social Media Marketing it will be much more difficult and much more

expensive for the newcomers to compete with businesses who have made the jump

first and have invested heavily into the Social Marketing.

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Businesses around the world are significantly increasing their budgets on Social

Media Marketing. The average budget spent on company blogs and social media has

nearly doubled in the last two years. We believe that this trend will only accelerate

over the next few years. Companies who are increasing their spent on Social Media

Marketing should benefit substantially while companies who do not will fall behind.

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Social Media Marketing equals big savings. 3 out of 4 Social Media Marketing

channels (SEO, Blogs, Social Media) cost less than any outbound channel. That means

big savings for your business and a significantly higher margin that should allow for

your business to grow much faster and to outperform its competition.

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With all of the mind blowing Internet information presented earlier, it is

now clear that Social Media is no longer a fad, it is a revolution. It is here to stay

and its velocity, importance and impact on the daily lives of businesses and

individuals will continue to increase. After all, US Internet users are already

spending 3x more times on social networks and Blogs than they do on email.

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It is common to run into the perception that Social Media and/or Social Media

Marketing is for those cool young kids. Yet, it is anything but true. While it is true that

the younger segment of the population represents the highest percentage of Social

Media consumers, the rest of the age groups are not that far behind. Young or old,

today everyone is Social Media consumer.

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Social Media Marketing has real business value. In fact, it has been named as the

leading emerging channel for lead generation in 2010. We believe that not only is

Social Media Marketing has real business value when it comes to lead generation,

conversion and sales, but it’s the future of sales & marketing. Companies who are doing

it properly today will benefit substantially.

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Build relationships with your clients and influence their purchasing decisions. As

you know, Social Media Marketing plays an important role in influencing other. By

talking about your product or services in a positive light, your customers, friends,

people you know, bloggers, experts, etc…. will subsequently and positively influence

the purchasing decision of others.

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It’s a fact. Social Media Marketing works and it works very well. 57% of small

businesses say that social media is beneficial to their business. Businesses who use

Social Media Marketing should see a significant jump in their lead generation,

conversion and sales.

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Social Media Marketing sells. It’s no wonder that 50% of US small businesses say

that social media sites play an important role in active sales. Businesses who use these

tools properly should see a significant increase in their sales.

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What is your business doing to be found in the ocean of information overload? As

earlier information has indicated, if you are not showing up on top of search results or

have a significant following, your web presence might as well be dead. Proper Social

Media Marketing structure will improve your search results, influence SEO, increase

page rank, drive inbound links and most importantly help your business to be found.

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Bottom line is, businesses who use Social Media Marketing should expect more

leads, customers and sales. In fact, 61% of US marketers use Social Media Marketing to

increase lead generation and sales.

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Let us be your partner in this new and brave Social Media Marketing world.

ExpertZoo.com can take care of all of your Social Media, gaming, SEO, outsourcing and

other marketing needs. Everyday we work for our partner’s success. Please contact us

should you have any further questions or inquiries.