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EXPLANATION - wsgs.wyo.gov · Normal fault Thrust fault: ((N _ 80 U §¨¦ (/ 30!(89 ")1 Twmo Tw...

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CENOZOIC Quaternary A lluvium and co lluvium avel, pediment , and fan depo s it s Glacial depo s it s Lands lide depo s it s Dune sand and lo ess Sur ficial depo s it s , undiffer ent iat ed Quaternary and Tertiary Ter ace gr avel Tertiary U pper Mio cene r o ck s Lower Mio cene r o ck s Mio cene and upper Oligo cene r o ck s o r r o ck s equivalent t o upper and lower Mio cene r o ck s and W hit e R iver Fo r mat ion W agon Bed Fo r mat ion W hit e R iver Fo r mat ion U pper conglomer at e member I nt r usive and ext r us ive igneous r o ck s–inco r po r at es masses o f Miss iss ippian t hr ough Cambr ian fo r mat ions asat ch Fo r mat ion Moncr ief Member Kingsbur y Conglomer at e Member Union Fo r mat ion Tongue R iver Member Tongue R iver and Lebo Member s Lebo Member Lebo and Tullo ck Member s Tullo ck Member MESOZOIC Cretaceous Lance Fo r mat ion Lance Fo r mat ion, Fox Hills Sands t one, Meet eet se Fo r mat ion, and Bear paw and Lew is Shales Hills ands t one Hills ands t one and Lew is Shale Hills ands t one and Bear paw Shale Mesaver de Fo r mat ion Cody Shale P ier e Shale Niobr ar a Fo r mat ion Niobr ar a Fo r mat ion and Car lile Shale Car lile Shale eenho r n Fo r mat ion and Belle Four che Shale Kgbm Gr eenho r n Fo r mat ion, and Belle Four che and Mowr y Shales F r ont ier Fo r mat ion ier Fo mat ion, and Mowr y and Ther mopo lis Shales Mowr y Shale Mowr y and Ther mopo lis Shales Newcas t le S ands t one and Skull C r eek Shale Lew is Shale Cretaceous and Jurassic lover ly Fo r mat ion ( Har t ville U plift ) o r Inyan Kar a Gr oup ( B lack Hills) and Mo r ison Fo r mat ion lover ly, Mo r ison, and Sundance Fo r mat ions lover ly, Mo r ison, Sundance, and Gypsum Spr ing Fo r mat ions Jurassic Sundance Fo r mat ion Sundance and Gypsum Spr ing Fo r mat ions Triassic Chugw at er Fo r mat ion Chugw at er and Dinw ody Fo r mat ions MESOZOIC AND PALEOZOIC Chugw at er and Go se Egg Fo r mat ions Go se Egg Fo r mat ion Spear fish Fo r mat ion MzP z Meso zo ic and P aleo zo ic r o ck s , undiffer ent iat ed PALEOZOIC Permian P ho spho r ia Fo r mat ion and r elat ed r o ck s Minnek aht a L imes t one and Opeche Shale Permian and Pennsylvanian Casper Fo r mat ion Har t ville Fo r mat ion–low er mo s t unit may be Lat e Miss iss ippian m Minnelusa Fo r mat ion Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian Tens leep S ands t one and Amsden Fo r mat ion M Casper Fo r mat ion and Madison L imes t one Mississippian Madison L imes t one o r Gr oup–includes w edge edge o f B igho r n Do lomit e in Tps . 43 and 4 N . , R gs . 85 and 86 W Mississippian and Devonian Madison L imes t one and Dar by Fo r mat ion P ahasapa and Englewod L imes t ones MDg Guer nsey Fo r mat ion–lo cally includes do lomit e and sands t one o f Devonian and Cambr ian( ? ) age Mississippian and Ordovician Madison L imes t one and B igho r n Do lomit e–eas t s ide o f B igho r n Mount ains Mississippian, Devonian, Ordovician, and Cambrian Minnek aht a L imes t one, Opeche Shale, Minnelusa Fo r mat ion, P ahasapa and Englewod L imes t ones , W hit ewod Do lomit e, and W innipeg and Deadwod Fo r mat ions–var ious combinat ions Ordovician igho r n Do lomit e Ordovician and Cambrian B igho r n Do lomit e, Gallat in L imes t one, Gr o s V ent r e Fo r mat ion, and F lat head S ands t one Cambrian Gallat in L imes t one, Gr o s V ent r e Fo r mat ion and equivalent s , and F lat head S ands t one PRECAMBRIAN =u Pr ecambr ian r o ck s , undiffer ent iat ed Ob O_ _u =u 104°0'W 104°30'W 104°30'W 105°0'W 105°0'W 105°30'W 105°30'W 106°0'W 106°0'W 106°30'W 106°30'W 107°0'W 107°0'W 107°30'W 107°30'W 45°0'N 45°0'N 44°30'N 44°30'N 44°0'N 44°0'N 43°30'N 43°30'N 43°0'N 43°0'N 42°30'N 42°30'N Scale 1:350,000 WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas A. Drean Director and State Geologist Laramie, Wyoming Map Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic False Easting: 500000, False Northing: 200000 Central Meridian: -107.5 degrees West Standard Parallel 1: 41 degrees North Standard Parallel 2: 45 degrees North Latitude of Origin: 41 degrees North Linear Unit: Meter Horizontal Datum: North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) Ellipsoid: Geodetic Reference System 80 GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE POWDER RIVER BASIN, WYOMING DISCLAIMERS U ser s o f t hese maps ar e caut ioned agains t using t he dat a at scales differ ent fr om t ho se at w hich t he maps w er e compiled. Us ing t his dat a at a lar ger scale will no t pr ovide gr eat er accur acy and is , in fact , a misuse o f t he dat a. The W yoming S t at e Geo logical Sur vey ( W SGS ) and t he S t at e o f W yoming mak e no r epr esent at ion o r w ar ant y, expr essed o r implied, r egar ding t he use, accur acy, o r complet eness o f t he dat a pr esent ed her ein, o r o f a map pr int ed fr om t hese dat a. The act o f dis t r ibut ion shall no t cons t it ut e such a w ar ant y. The W SGS do es no t guar ant ee t he digit al dat a o r any map pr int ed fr om t he dat a t o be fr ee o f er o r s o r inaccur acies . The W SGS and t he S t at e o f W yoming disclaim any r espons ibilit y o r liabilit y fo r int er pr et at ions made fr om t hese digit al dat a o r fr om any map pr int ed fr om t hese digit al dat a, and fo r any decis ions based on t he digit al dat a o r pr int ed maps . The W SGS and t he S t at e o f W yoming r et ain and do no t w aive sover eign immunit y. The use o f o r r efer ence t o t r ademar ks , t r ade names , o r o t her pr o duct o r company names in t his publicat ion is fo r descr ipt ive o r info r mat ional pur po ses only, o r is pur suant t o licens ing agr eement s bet w een t he W SGS o r S t at e o f W yoming and so ft w ar e o r har dw ar e developer s / vendo r s , and do es no t imply endo r sement o f t ho se pr oduct s by t he W SGS o r t he S t at e o f W yoming. NOTICE TO USERS OF INFORMATION FROM THE WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The W SGS encour ages t he fair use o f it s mat er ial. W e r eques t t hat cr edit be expr essly given t o t he W yoming S t at e Geo logical Sur vey” w hen cit ing info r mat ion fr om t his publicat ion. P lease cont act t he W SGS at 307 - 76 - 286 , ext . 24 , o r by email at w sgs . sales@w yo . gov if you have ques t ions about cit ing mat er ials , pr epar ing ack nowledgment s , o r ext ens ive use o f t his mat er ial. W e appr eciat e your coper at ion. I ndividuals w it h disabilit ies w ho r equir e an alt er nat ive fo r m o f t his publicat ion should cont act t he W SGS . Fo r t he TTYr elay oper at o r call 1 - 80 - 87 - 97 5 . Fo r mo r e info r mat ion about t he W SGS o r t o o r der publicat ions and maps , go t o www. w sgs . uw yo . edu, call 307 - 76 - 286 , ext . 24 , o r email w sgs . sales@w yo . gov. EXPLANATION Geology - Interpreting the past - providing for the future GEOLOGIC UNITS (Geology enlarged from 1:500,000 scale to improve readability) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Miles 0 20 40 60 80 Kilometers Qa Qt Qg Qls Qs Qu QTg Tmu Tml Tmo Twb Twr Twru Tie Kl Klm Kfh Kfl Kfb Kp Kmv Kc Knc Kcl Kgb Kf Kft Kgbm Kmr Kmt Kns KJ KJg KJs Kn Js Jsg ^c ^cd ^Ps ^Pcg ^Pg MzPz Pp Pmo P*c Pzr P*h P*m P*M PM Mm MD MDe MDg MO MAP SYMBOLS DATA REFERENCE Love, J . D . , and Chr is t iansen, A . C . , comps . , 1985 , Geo logic map o f W yoming: U. S . Geo logical Sur vey, 3 sheet s , scale 1 : 50 , 0 . BASE MAP REFERENCES Bur eau o f I ndian Affair s , 2 05 , Boundar ies— I ndian Lands , R aw Dat a R elease, December , 20 5 : Nat ional A t las o f t he U nit ed S t at es , at ht t p: / / nat ionalat las . gov/ . Bur eau o f Land Management , 201 , Cadas t r al Nat ional Spat ial Dat a I nfr as t r uct ur e ( CadNSDI ) P ublic Land Sur vey Syst em ( P LSS ) fo r W yoming, at ht t p: / / www. geo communicat o r . gov/ geo comm/ ls is_home/ home / index. ht m. Nat ional Oceanic and A t mo spher ic Adminis t r at ion, 1985 , D igit al magnet ic declinat ion: Nat ional Geophysical Dat a Cent er , at ht t p: / / www. ngdc. no aa. gov/ geomagmodels / s t r ut s / calcDeclinat ion. S t o eser , D . B . , Gr een, G . N . , Mo r at h, L . C . , Her an, W . D . , W ilson, A . B . , Mo r e, D . W . , and V an Go sen, B . S . , 205 , Pr eliminar y int egr at ed geo logic map dat abases fo r t he U nit ed S t at es—Cent r al s t at es—Mont ana, W yoming, Co lo r ado , New Mexico , No r t h Dako t a, Sout h Dako t a, Nebr aska, Kansas , Ok lahoma, Texas , Iowa, Missour i, Ar kansas , and Louis iana: U. S . Geo logical Sur vey Open- F ile R epo r t 20 5 - 1351 , 18 p. U. S . Census Bur eau, 196 , C it ies , t owns , census des ignat ed places o f W yoming at 1 : 10 , 0 , at ht t p: / / w ygl. w ygisc. o r g/ w ygeo lib/ cat alog/ main/ home. page. U. S . Census Bur eau, 197 , W yoming r o ads at 1 : 10 , 0 , at ht t p: / / piney. w ygisc. uw yo . edu/ dat a/ t r anspo r t at ion/ r o ad10k. z ip. U. S . Geo logical Sur vey, 202 , The Nat ional E levat ion Dat aset : P ho t ogr ammet r ic Engineer ing and R emo t e S ensing, v. 68 , no . 1 , at ht t p: / / ned. usgs . gov. W yoming Geogr aphic I nfo r mat ion S cience Cent er , 197 , I nt er net mapping ser vice—Basemap dat a fo r W yoming: Spat ial Dat a and V isualiz at ion Cent er , at ht t p: / / w ygl. w ygisc. o r g/ w ygeo lib/ cat alog/ main/ home. page. BASIN LOCATION MAP Edited by Phyllis A. Ranz and Suzanne C. Luhr Digital cartography and layout by Suzanne C. Luhr Geology modified from Love and Christiansen (1985) Kle Formation contact Normal fault —Do t t ed w her e concealed; ball and bar on do w nt hr own blo ck ; no des ignat ion on fault t r ace indicat es undet er mined mo t ion Thrust fault —Do t t ed w her e concealed; sawt eet h on upt hr own ( t ect onically higher ) blo ck : ( ( Magnet ic Declinat ion = 9 ° 38 ' E at cent er o f map ( Feb. 12 , 2013 ) N MN Count y boundar y S t at e boundar y C it y o r t own Count y seat _ U Lake o r r eser vo ir Int er st at e highw ay U. S . highw ay S t at e highw ay Count y o r o t her r o ad § ¨ ¦ 80 ( / 30 ! ( 89 " ) 1 Twmo Tw Twk Tfu Tftr Tftl Tfl Tflt Tft MONTANA SOUTH DAKOTA NEBRASKA
Page 1: EXPLANATION - wsgs.wyo.gov · Normal fault Thrust fault: ((N _ 80 U §¨¦ (/ 30!(89 ")1 Twmo Tw Twk Tfu Tftr Tftl Tfl Tflt Tft A A A. Created Date: 20140113124534Z ...

CENOZOIC Quaternary

Q a Alluvium and colluvium Q t Gravel, pediment, and fan deposits Q g Glacial deposits Q ls Landslide deposits Q s Dune sand and loess Q u Surficial deposits, undifferentiated

Quaternary and Tertiary Q Tg Terrace gravel

Tertiary Tmu U pper Miocene rock s Tml Low er Miocene rock s Tmo Low er Miocene and upper Oligocene rock s or rock s equivalent to upper

and low er Miocene rock s and W hite R iver Formation Tw b W agon Bed Formation Tw r W hite R iver Formation Tw ru U pper conglomerate member Tie Intrusive and extrusive igneous rock s–incorporates masses of Mississippian through Cambrian formations Tw W asatch Formation

Tw mo Moncrief Member Tw k Kingsbury Conglomerate Member Tfu Fort U nion Formation Tftr Tongue R iver Member Tftl Tongue R iver and Lebo Members Tfl Lebo Member Tflt Lebo and Tullock Members Tft Tullock Member

MESOZOIC Cretaceous

Kl Lance Formation Klm Lance Formation, Fox Hills Sandstone, Meeteetse Formation, and

Bearpaw and Lew is Shales Kfh Fox Hills Sandstone Kfl Fox Hills Sandstone and Lew is Shale Kfb Fox Hills Sandstone and Bearpaw Shale Kmv Mesaverde Formation Kc Cody Shale Kp P ierre Shale Kn Niobrara Formation Knc Niobrara Formation and Carlile Shale Kcl Carlile Shale Kgb Greenhorn Formation and Belle Fourche Shale

Kgbm Greenhorn Formation, and Belle Fourche and Mow ry Shales Kf Frontier Formation Kft Frontier Formation, and Mow ry and Thermopolis Shales Kmr Mow ry Shale Kmt Mow ry and Thermopolis Shales Kns New castle Sandstone and Sk ull Creek Shale Kle Lew is Shale

Cretaceous and Jurassic KJ Cloverly Formation (Hartville U plift) or Inyan Kara Group (Black Hills)

and Morrison Formation KJs Cloverly, Morrison, and Sundance Formations KJg Cloverly, Morrison, Sundance, and Gypsum Spring Formations

Jurassic Js Sundance Formation Jsg Sundance and Gypsum Spring Formations

Triassic ^c Chugw ater Formation ^cd Chugw ater and Dinw oody Formations MESOZOIC AND PALEOZOIC ^P cg Chugw ater and Goose Egg Formations ^P g Goose Egg Formation ^P s Spearfish Formation

MzP z Mesozoic and P aleozoic rock s, undifferentiated


P p P hosphoria Formation and related rock s P mo Minnek ahta Limestone and Opeche Shale

Permian and Pennsylvanian P *c Casper Formation P *h Hartville Formation–low ermost unit may be Late Mississippian P *m Minnelusa Formation

Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian P M Tensleep Sandstone and Amsden Formation P *M Casper Formation and Madison Limestone

Mississippian Mm Madison Limestone or Group–includes w edge edge of Bighorn Dolomite

in Tps. 43 and 44 N., R gs. 85 and 86 W Mississippian and Devonian

MD Madison Limestone and Darby Formation MDe P ahasapa and Englew ood Limestones MDg Guernsey Formation–locally includes dolomite and sandstone of

Devonian and Cambrian(?) age Mississippian and Ordovician

MO Madison Limestone and Bighorn Dolomite–east side of Bighorn Mountains Mississippian, Devonian, Ordovician, and Cambrian

P zr Minnek ahta Limestone, Opeche Shale, Minnelusa Formation, P ahasapa and Englew ood Limestones, W hitew ood Dolomite, and W innipeg and Deadw ood Formations–various combinations

Ordovician Ob Bighorn Dolomite

Ordovician and Cambrian O_ Bighorn Dolomite, Gallatin Limestone, Gros V entre Formation, and

Flathead Sandstone Cambrian

_u Gallatin Limestone, Gros V entre Formation and equivalents, and Flathead Sandstone

PRECAMBRIAN =u P recambrian rock s, undifferentiated
































Scale 1:350,000


Director and State GeologistLaramie, Wyoming

Map Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic False Easting: 500000, False Northing: 200000Central Meridian: -107.5 degrees WestStandard Parallel 1: 41 degrees NorthStandard Parallel 2: 45 degrees NorthLatitude of Origin: 41 degrees NorthLinear Unit: MeterHorizontal Datum: North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83)Ellipsoid: Geodetic Reference System 80


DISCLAIMERS U sers of these maps are cautioned against using the data at scales different from those at w hich the maps w ere compiled. U sing this data at a larger scale w ill not provide greater accuracy and is, in fact, a misuse of the data. The W yoming State Geological Survey (W SGS) and the State of W yoming mak e no representation or w arranty, expressed or implied, regarding the use, accuracy, or completeness of the data presented herein, or of a map printed from these data. The act of distribution shall not constitute such a w arranty. The W SGS does not guarantee the digital data or any map printed from the data to be free of errors or inaccuracies. The W SGS and the State of W yoming disclaim any responsibility or liability for interpretations made from these digital data or from any map printed from these digital data, and for any decisions based on the digital data or printed maps. The W SGS and the State of W yoming retain and do not w aive sovereign immunity. The use of or reference to trademark s, trade names, or other product or company names in this publication is for descriptive or informational purposes only, or is pursuant to licensing agreements betw een the W SGS or State of W yoming and softw are or hardw are developers/vendors, and does not imply endorsement of those products by the W SGS or the State of W yoming.


The W SGS encourages the fair use of its material. W e request that credit be expressly given to the “W yoming State Geological Survey” w hen citing information from this publication. P lease contact the W SGS at 307-766-2286, ext. 224, or by email at w sgs.sales@w yo.gov if you have questions about citing materials, preparing ack now ledgments, or extensive use of this material. W e appreciate your cooperation. Individuals w ith disabilities w ho require an alternative form of this publication should contact the W SGS. For the TTY relay operator call 1-800-877-9975. For more information about the W SGS or to order publications and maps, go to w w w .w sgs.uw yo.edu, call 307-766-2286, ext. 224, or email w sgs.sales@w yo.gov.


Geology - Interpreting the past - providing for the future

GEOLOGIC UNITS(Geology enlarged from 1:500,000 scale to improve readability)

0 10 20 30 40 50Miles

0 20 40 60 80Kilometers


























































DATA REFERENCE Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., comps., 1985, Geologic map of W yoming: U .S. Geological Survey, 3 sheets, scale


BASE MAP REFERENCES Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2005, Boundaries— Indian Lands, R aw Data R elease, December, 2005: National Atlas of the

U nited States, at http://nationalatlas.gov/. Bureau of Land Management, 2011, Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure (CadNSDI) P ublic Land Survey System

(P LSS) for W yoming, at http://w w w .geocommunicator.gov/geocomm/ lsis_home/home /index.htm. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1985, Digital magnetic declination: National Geophysical Data Center,

at http://w w w .ngdc. noaa.gov/geomagmodels/struts/calcDeclination. Stoeser, D.B., Green, G.N., Morath, L.C., Heran, W .D., W ilson, A.B., Moore, D.W ., and V an Gosen, B.S., 2005, P reliminary

integrated geologic map databases for the U nited States— Central states— Montana, W yoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dak ota, South Dak ota, Nebrask a, Kansas, Ok lahoma, Texas, Iow a, Missouri, Ark ansas, and Louisiana: U .S. Geological Survey Open-File R eport 2005-1351, 18 p.

U .S. Census Bureau, 1996, Cities, tow ns, census designated places of W yoming at 1:100,000, at http://w ygl.w ygisc.org/w ygeolib/catalog/main/home.page.

U .S. Census Bureau, 1997, W yoming roads at 1:100,000, at http://piney.w ygisc.uw yo.edu/data/transportation/road100k .zip. U .S. Geological Survey, 2002, The National Elevation Dataset: P hotogrammetric Engineering and R emote Sensing, v. 68,

no. 1, at http://ned.usgs.gov. W yoming Geographic Information Science Center, 1997, Internet mapping service— Basemap data for W yoming: Spatial

Data and V isualization Center, at http://w ygl.w ygisc.org/w ygeolib/catalog/main/home.page.


Edited by Phyllis A. Ranz and Suzanne C. LuhrDigital cartography and layout by Suzanne C. Luhr

Geology modified from Love and Christiansen (1985)


Formation contact Normal fault— Dotted w here concealed; ball and bar on dow nthrow n block ; no designation

on fault trace indicates undetermined motion

Thrust fault— Dotted w here concealed; saw teeth on upthrow n (tectonically higher) block


( (

Magnetic Declination = 9° 38' Eat center of map(Feb. 12, 2013)


County boundaryState boundaryCity or tow n

County seat_


Lak e or reservoir

Interstate highw ayU .S. highw ayState highw ayCounty or other road

§̈¦8 0(/3 0














