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EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both. 1
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Internet Activity

Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both. 1

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Where do you fit on the Political


This lesson is based on three different quizzes that

will help to establish where you fit on the spectrum

or compass. You need to complete all of these tests.

Minds On- Political Spectrum Work Sheet package 20


Action - 1. Political Beast Quiz on line @

http://politics.beasts.org/scripts/survey 75 questions

3. Political Compass Test on line @

www.politicalcompass.org 62 questions

Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.


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The Political Beast Quiz

The next 4 through 11 slides are connected to

The Political Beast Quiz and should be referred

to and used for the reflection portion of your



Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

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Political Beasts Instructions…

1. Go to : http://politics.beasts.org/scripts/survey . The test is 75 questions long be sure to answer them to the best of your ability, and be sure to ask for clarification of terms if you are unsure.

2. At the completion of the survey you will be given a Graph of where you fit on the spectrum. Right click that image, select save, and save it to your H drive. Print this page as well.

3. On the next slide you will see a set of images one will look very similar to your graph. You will delete this graph and paste your own in its place.

4. From the other political spectrum graphics that are on this slide you are to come to a conclusion as to where your political ideologies fit.


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Where are you in the political spectrum

according to the political beasts quiz? 5

Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

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Types of Issues relevant to each axis

Money & Economic Issues


Business Regulation


Price Regulation

Government Spending

Wealth Distribution

Moral & Social Issues

Criminal Law


Prison Policies

Rights and Liberties


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

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Conservatism (-Republicans Conservatives)

A conservative generally believes:

in a minimal role of government. This particularly applies

to economic and monetary issues

in a strong emphasis on moral values and strict

enforcement of criminal law

in individual freedom and the protection of these freedoms

at all costs. These Freedoms include all absolute rights

In an equal opportunity for all to succeed after putting forth

an effort (people need to do for themselves)

in individualism and support of strong moral character


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 8: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

Liberalism ( -Democrats NDP, Liberals)

A liberal typically:

Believes in a government with a large role. This typically includes, but is not bound to, support of: some form of income redistribution, social legislation, and a "bigger government" role in the economy and monetary matters.

Liberalism takes a very passive side to most moral issues. Certain criminal law, for example anti drug laws, are often questioned and disapproved of by the left. The far left often adheres to what can be termed an "if it feels good, do it" policy.

Role of society is thought of as a basis. The "it takes a village" proverb and a society as a whole often take precedent to individual rights.

Results should be equal for all. Those who put in more effort should be no more successful than those who don't


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Communism as seen in practice not

necessarily theory

A communist believes:

In complete government involvement and regulation

of the economy.

redistribution of wealth is key

The government should own, run, and control all


The ends justify the means. All is done for the good

of society

Access to resources should be equitable


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

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Libertarianism(Different Axis I -not liberalism)

Libertarians believe:

that each person owns his own life and property, and has the right to make his own choices as to how he lives his life - as long as he simply respects the same right of others to do the same.

you should be free to do as you choose with your own life and property, as long as you don't harm the person and property of others.

that this combination of personal and economic liberty produces abundance, peace, harmony, creativity, order, and safety

Government control of the economy should be minimal.


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 11: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

The Moderates

The moderate tends to stand with different groups

on an issue to issue basis. Some moderates have

strong leanings in regards to certain ideologies in

partial areas such as moral conservatism and

economic liberalism


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 12: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

The Political Compass Test

The next 12 through 23 slides are connected to

The Political Compass Test and should be

referred to and used for the reflection portion

of your assignment.


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 13: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

The Political Compass Concept

Some feel that the Political Spectrum that just goes from left to

right is not adequate.

It is essentially an economic line.

We can show, for example, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, with their

commitment to a totally controlled economy, on the hard left. Socialists

like Mahatma Gandhi and Robert Mugabe would occupy a less extreme

leftist position. Margaret Thatcher would be well over to the right.

That deals with economics, but the social dimension is also

important in politics. That's the one that the left-right scale

doesn't adequately address. So they added one, ranging in

positions from extreme authoritarian to extreme libertarian.


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

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Both an economic dimension and a social dimension are

important factors for a proper political analysis.


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

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Some international examples… 15

Page 16: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

Political Compass Instructions

1. Your are to go to the web page: www.politicalcompass.org

The test is 6 “web pages” long be sure to answer them to the

best of your ability, and be sure to ask for clarification of

terms used if you are unsure.

1. Look at the sample handout for additional assistance where

several of the questions have been clarified.

2. At the completion of the survey you will be given a Graph of

where you fit on the spectrum. Right click that image, select

save, and save it to your H drive. Print this page as well.

3. Go back to slide number 6 and copy your graph over the

image on the left hand side.


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 17: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will


Characterized by or favouring absolute obedience

to authority, as against individual freedom: an

authoritarian regime.

Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning



insisting on strict obedience to authority


a person who insists on strict obedience to authority


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 18: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will


The most common definition of libertarian is

someone who believes that individuals should have

the freedom to do whatever they wish so long as

they do not hurt anyone in the process.

Note, that if left to their own volition, not everyone

supports equality.


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 19: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

Liberalism or Moving toward the

Left Wing

Left wingers believe in substantial equality.

They argue that not every individual is the same

and so government policy should be aimed to

create substantial rather than just formal equality.

Examples of left wing substantial equality include

affirmative action and social and cultural rights.


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 20: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

Left Wing (don’t just copy and paste this in your write up)

Can be divided into 6 key principles:

Belief in positive law (law made by human beings)

Faith in progress

Preference for equality over liberty

Belief in the benevolence of government and

individuals (charitable)

Belief in the perfectibility of human beings (the

capability of becoming perfect)

Belief in the community


Learning Goal... Students will gain knowledge of the political spectrum and compass, an understanding of left wing vs right wing political positions & will also gain a deeper understanding of where they fit on both.

Page 21: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

Right Wing (don’t just copy and paste this in your write up)

A society can either be free or equal, but it cannot be both.

This is counter-intuitive to most people in liberal democracies, who

want above all else to live in a perfectly free & perfectly equal


While it is true that certain forms of freedom & equality are connected,

such as equality under law & freedom of opportunity, freedom &

equality are more likely at odds. Common sense suggests that where

freedom is to be promoted, inequality must result and where

equality is to be established, freedoms will likely be curtailed.

tradition & history are very important to conservatives, they do not

oppose progress blindly. Conservatives believe that change and

progress can be either good or evil, and that as a society we ought to

progress in such a way as to maximize both freedom and virtue.


Page 22: EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUMmscarruth.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/2/12925114/__politicalspec.pdf · EXPLORING THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Internet Activity Learning Goal... Students will

Right Wing Conservatism continued... (don’t just copy & paste this in your assignment)

the definition of conservative can be divided into 6

key principles:

Belief in natural law (body of rules inherent in human

nature and essential to or binding upon human society)

Belief in established institutions

Preference for liberty over equality

Suspicion of power—and of human nature

Belief that some are exceptional instead of perfect


Belief in the individual


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Capitalism vs Socialism vs Communism

Capitalism is an informal economic system in which property

is largely privately owned, and in which profit provides

incentive for capital investment and the employment of


Socialism is a formal economic system in which society exerts

considerable control over the nation's wealth and property in

the pursuit of social justice.

Communism is a formal economic system in which property,

particularly capital property (e.g. factories, machines, tools,

etc.), is commonly owned and scarce resources are allocated

through planning as opposed to price signals in a free



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Where do you stand?

Fill out the assignment and hand it in

1. Begin by describing the axis itself, explain what is

meant by right wing, left wing, authoritarian and

libertarian (knowledge & understanding)

2. Which ideologies and political parties apply to you

based on the test results? (application)

3. Then describe whether or not you agree or disagree

with the ideologies that each test has assigned you

and why. Be specific and provide examples. (thinking &


If you disagree with the results, explain what ideology or ideologies

do you believe fit you better or fit your beliefs? (thinking & inquiry)

