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Expressqq 20140212
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E F S ASTERN REE TATE TEL: 058 - 3035411 WEDNESDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2014 WWW.EXPRESS-NEWS.CO.ZA WWW.EXPRESSPAPER.MOBI FREE } Tladi Moloi WALKING naked or half naked on the street is not an easy thing. People will most likely label you as crazy. But it is a different story with Nhlanhla Tshabalala (29) who was recently spotted walking half naked, pushing his bicycle in a busy street of Phuthaditjhaba, Qwaqwa, on his way to the Setsing Shopping Complex. “I am not mad. I am just doing this as an awareness campaign for mentally ill people. If people think I am crazy, then we are all crazy in this world. “I am on a mission and I am just miles away from reaching my goal.” “However, the tough Tshabalala confess- es that he was mentally ill for ten years. He pleads with South Africans not to judge him nor call him names because he is not mentally ill anymore. “I was mentally ill for ten years, from 2003 to 2013. It all started with my mother who told me she also went through the same thing when she was young. However, she recovered until the sickness resurfaced in 2002. “I then fell ill and after that my brother was also affected. “My sister was the only one who was not affected,” he says. Tshabalala says he received treatment at the Mofumahadi Manapo Regional Hospital until late last year when he decided not to take the treatment anymore. “I told them that the medication was not good for me and they understood and told me that they would reduce it. “I kept taking the treatment reluctantly until I decided to stop it completely and told myself that God would provide. I stopped taking the treatment last year with a belief that by 2014 I would be healed. And now I am a healthy man,” he says. He says he went to the Manapo Hospital and the Phuthaditjhaba Police Station to inform them of his campaign because he was afraid that they might think that he was ill again. “I went to the police station and Manapo where I reported to them that I was going to start with my campaign. I told them that they should not think that I am mad again. “I don’t want anyone to stop me because “I want to achieve something which is now within my reach. “I know that people might think I have gone mad again but I have not. I want to tell them that no one is mad in this world,” he says. Tshabalala urges people to stop judging the book by its cover because they do not know what is inside. “I want to take out something inside of me which they don’t see. “There is one of the song I like that goes: ‘Nkgantshe morena, okgantshe dipuong le diketsong lefatshe le bone Christ ka nna’,” says the ambitious Tshabalala. When asked what his campaign was all about, he explains, “Have you see Leon Schuster and Mr Bean? I am going to do what they do. “When I see those people, I wish I could drive to their world because I am multi-tal- ented and I can do what they are doing even better.” To view the video and listen to the audio clip of Tshabalala visit express-news.co.za or our mobi site on expresspaper.mobi Nhlanhla bears it all Goes naked for mental awareness BRAVE: Nhlanhla Tshabalala is pushing his bicycle in Phuthaditjahaba, Qwaqwa. Photo: Tladi Moloi “I know that people might think I have gone mad again, but I have not. I want to tell them that no one is mad in this world.” – Nhlanh- la Tshabalala
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} Tladi Moloi

WALKING naked or half naked on thestreet is not an easy thing.

People will most likely label you ascrazy.

But it is a different story with NhlanhlaTshabalala (29) who was recently spottedwalking half naked, pushing his bicycle ina busy street of Phuthaditjhaba, Qwaqwa,on his way to the Setsing ShoppingComplex.

“I am not mad. I am just doing this asan awareness campaign for mentally illpeople. If people think I am crazy, then weare all crazy in this world.

“I am on a mission and I am just milesaway from reaching my goal.”

“However, the tough Tshabalala confess-es that he was mentally ill for ten years.

He pleads with South Africans not tojudge him nor call him names because heis not mentally ill anymore.

“I was mentally ill for ten years, from2003 to 2013. It all started with my motherwho told me she also went through thesame thing when she was young.

However, she recovered until thesickness resurfaced in 2002.

“I then fell ill and after that my brotherwas also affected.

“My sister was the only one who was notaffected,” he says.

Tshabalala says he received treatment atthe Mofumahadi Manapo Regional Hospitaluntil late last year when he decided not totake the treatment anymore.

“I told them that the medication was notgood for me and they understood and toldme that they would reduce it.

“I kept taking the treatment reluctantlyuntil I decided to stop it completely and

told myself that God would provide. Istopped taking the treatment last year witha belief that by 2014 I would be healed.And now I am a healthy man,” he says.

He says he went to the Manapo Hospitaland the Phuthaditjhaba Police Station toinform them of his campaign because hewas afraid that they might think that hewas ill again.

“I went to the police station and Manapowhere I reported to them that I was goingto start with my campaign. I told themthat they should not think that I am madagain.

“I don’t want anyone to stop me because“I want to achieve something which is nowwithin my reach.

“I know that people might think I havegone mad again but I have not.

I want to tell them that no one is mad inthis world,” he says.

Tshabalala urges people to stop judgingthe book by its cover because they do notknow what is inside.

“I want to take out something inside ofme which they don’t see.

“There is one of the song I like thatgoes: ‘Nkgantshe morena, okgantshedipuong le diketsong lefatshe le boneChrist ka nna’,” says the ambitiousTshabalala.

When asked what his campaign was allabout, he explains, “Have you see LeonSchuster and Mr Bean? I am going to dowhat they do.

“When I see those people, I wish I coulddrive to their world because I am multi-tal-ented and I can do what they are doingeven better.”

To view the video and listen to the audioclip of Tshabalala visit express-news.co.zaor our mobi site on expresspaper.mobi

Nhlanhlabears it allGoes naked for mental awareness

BRAVE: Nhlanhla Tshabalala is pushing his bicycle in Phuthaditjahaba, Qwaqwa.Photo: Tladi Moloi

“I know that peoplemight think I havegonemad again, but Ihave not.I want to tell themthat no one is mad inthis world.” – Nhlanh­la Tshabalala

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} Nkareng Moloi

VUSI TSHABALALA has beenofficially announced as the newexecutive mayor of the Maluti-a-Pho-fung Local Municipality.Tshabalala’s appointment was

announced on Friday during thecouncil sitting by the ANC provin-cial secretary, William Bulwana.This has ended speculation that

Mahlomola Majake was ear-markedfor the mayor’s position ahead of thenational elections.The appointment of Tshabalala

sees Kgwarai Kgwarai replacing himas the chief whip.Bulwane says Tshabalala has

proven to them, the ANC, that he isready and fit to take the position. Hesays he did everything perfectlywhile he was still acting.“We are sure road maintenance

will be his first priority. Unemploy-ment is still a big challenge in thecountry, but our people surely needservices to be rendered,” he says.Tshabalala thanked the ANC and

other councillors for showingconfidence in him and for thesupport that they had given him.“I am going to make sure that we

deliver the services to our people.The other challenge I am facing isthat the municipality received aqualified report from the auditorgeneral (AG). I want us to do thingsthe right way and get a clean auditon our finances. There won’t be anychanges in the mayoral committee,but if there are any, it will be by adirective from the province,” hesays.Leona Kleinhans of the DA says: “I

want to congratulate the mayor onhis new role. I fully support him.”


VUSI TSHABALALA, themayor of the Maluti­a­Phofung Local Municipal­ity. Photo: Tladi Moloi

} Reporter

AN eight-year-old boy from the Pha-mongVillage inQwaqwa lost his lifein Bolata-Tseki Road when a mandriving a white pick-up hit him andleft him lying helplessly on the sideof the road.The same vehicle was found stuck

on its side near a yard where a fu-

neral was being heldApparently the young boy was

walking with his grandmother fromthePhamongVillagenear theRiver-side Township towards the Phaza-ma section.Sgt Mmako Mophiring said wit-

nesses alleged that the pick-up hitthe boy and he fell on the side of theroad. He said the driver did not stop

as fled the scene.“The police were called to look for

the driver whilst medics attended tothe child.“The child was certified dead a

few minutes later and the vehiclewas found on the side of the roadat a house where a funeral washeld.“The driver was traced and ar-

rested by the Tseseng Police,” hesaid.Mophring said the driver (57) was

expected to appear before the TsekiMagistrate’s Court soon facing acharge of culpable homicide.“Two people who were with

him during the accident were be-ing interrogated by police,” hesaid.

Boy killed in hit-and-runA PICK­UP was found stuck on its side near a yard where a funeral was conducted after a hit­and­run that resulted in the death of a child.

Photo: Supplied

} Tladi Moloi

BONGANI ELLIOT MNGUNI(26) from Namahadi nearFrankfort was recently sen-tenced to two life sentences bythe Frankfort Regional Court.The sentence came after he had

been found guilty of the rape andbrutal murder of LindiweMazibuko (41), also from Nama-hadi.In August 2012 Mnguni and

Mazibuko came from a tavern inthe area.They were accompanied by

another male who later left.Mnguni then forced himself

onto the deceased, she foughtback and he hit her with a rockand killed her.The accused was spotted by a

community member who thenalerted the community.Mnguni was found lying on top

of the deceased by an angry mobwho then executed a citizen’sarrest and handed him over tothe local police.He was found guilty on 14

January and heard his fate lastMonday.The case was investigated by

the Frankfort Detective Servic-es.“I want to thank the communi-

ty members for not taking thelaw into their own hands andtrusting the police to make surethat justice prevails.“Through team work between

the community and the policewe’ll be able to reduce thesetypes of senseless and brutalcrimes in the province,” saidLt Gen. Simon Mpembe, theFree State provincial commission-er.

Rapist getstwo lifesentences

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THE award ceremony for the FreeState Department of Agriculture andRural Development’s ground-breakingRe Kgaba Ka Diratswana programmewill be held on 1 March and highlightthe excellent work carried out byordinary citizens of the province intheir own backyards, schools andchurches.The programme started in July last

year and seeks to empower thecommunities to not only secure theirown sustainable food source, but alsocreate a more uplifting environment inbackyards around the province.The awards will be handed out in ten

categories following town and districtfinals, culminating in provincial winnerswhose work will be recognized as thebest in the Free State.More than 8 000 households, schools,

churches and other communityinstitutions have been involved in theproject to date in competitions thattook place in 18 towns across fivedistricts in the province. In total, over31 000 people have benefited from thegarden programme to date.The categories for the Re Kgaba Ka

Diratswana competition aim to giveeveryone an opportunity to show offtheir creations, but also stretch beyondthe growing of plants and vegetables.Conserving for the environment is an

important theme as well, with watersaving techniques and recycling a partof that. The ten categories of thegarden initiative are Best New andExisting Backyard Garden, Best Newand Existing School Garden, Best Newand Existing Church or CommunityGarden, Best Innovation to SaveWater, Best Innovation to Recycle,Best Innovation for Natural Pest and

Weed Control, and Best Innovation touse Natural Compost.The general household survey by

Statistics SA (2009) conducted in 2008found that 33,5% of households in theFree State had no adequate access tofood, a number that Department ofAgriculture and Rural Development MEC,Mamiki Qabathe, found unacceptablyhigh.The Re Kgaba Ka Diratswana initiative

was instituted in part to assist membersof the public to grow their own food, but

also to teach them how to store, packageand even sell their goods, giving them avital source of income at the same time.At the same time Re Kgaba Ka Dirat-

swana hopes to promote healthy eating,providing the public with what is essen-tially organic vegetables for the dinnertable. There is a recycling theme to thecompetition as well, not just with regardto water, but also turning everydayobjects such as cool drink bottles, oldtyres and ice cream tubs into objects thatcan hold plants and help a garden reach

its maturity.Participants also received training in

how to make their own compost. Muchof the soil in informal settlementswhere the poorest of the Free State’scitizens live, is not conducive togrowing plants and vegetables, and socompost becomes a vital part of theprocess.“The programme teaches partici-

pants skills that could become vitalto their everyday lives,” Qabathesays.“We are creating hope for people

where before there was only despair. Insome cases Re Kgaba Ka Diratswanahas helped mothers buy school cloth-ing for their children by providing anincome with the money they makefrom selling home-grown vegetables, inothers it has helped improve thenutrition of individuals by giving thembetter choices for the dinner table.“The awards ceremony on 1 March is

to honour those who have made anoutstanding contribution to theprogramme and to improving theirown lives through Re Kgaba KaDiratswana.“By recognizing these achievements

we also give hope to others that theytoo can benefit from the programmeby becoming part of Re Kgaba KaDiratswana.” concludes Qabathe.Every member of the community is

encouraged to become a part of theinitiative in a bid to achieve a healthierlifestyle throughout the Free State.In essence, the old adage of ‘Give a

man a fish and you feed him for a day;teach a man to fish and you feed himfor a lifetime’ perfectly illustrates theaims of the Re Kgaba Ka Diratswanaproject.

Winners of project to be announced

MAMIKI QABATHE, the MEC of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.Photo: Tladi Moloi

“The pro­gramme teach­es participantsskills thatcould becomevital to theireverydaylives.”– MECMamikiQabathe

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} Selloane Khalane

THE public protector (PP) Thuli Madonselarecently said the Operation Hlasela investi-gation is a high-profile case with majorpublic interest.

This follows an inquiry by ExpressQwaqwa and Eastern Free State to establishthe completion of Madonsela’s probe intothe controversial multi-million rand projectrun from the office of the Free Statepremier, Ace Magashule.

Operation Hlasela was used as a servicedelivery vehicle in the Free State with avoluntary fund into which donations couldbe made.

In 2010 the opposition parties Cope, theDA and the Freedom Front Plus requestedMadonsela to probe Operation Hlaselaamidst allegations of corruption and theabuse of state funds.

Recently Madonsela has been accused ofonly focusing on high-profile cases such asPresident Jacob Zuma’s homestead, Nkand-la, and has neglected cases lodged in otherprovinces.

The PP’s spokesperson, Oupa Segalwe,said Madonsela understood people’s frustra-tions with the slow pace on other cases andsaid each matter was given optimal atten-tion.

“It must be noted that Operation Hlaselaitself is a high-profile case with major

public interest.“The Nkandla complaint on the other

hand was lodged in December 2011, morethan two years ago,” Segalwe said.

Segalwe said their office had a hugequality assurance backlog, which has causedsome reports to take longer than ideal.

“The PP sincerely regrets the inconven-ience to complainants and affected parties,”Segalwe added.

The DA Free State leader, PatriciaKopane, said the party had been doingfollow-ups on the case with little success.

“We want the investigation to be complet-ed before the national elections in April,”Kopane explained.

The Cope acting secretary, MzwandileHleko, said his party asked the PP to probeOperation Hlasela and the Operation HlaselaFund in 2010.

“We are disappointed that two years laterthe investigation has not been concluded,”Hleko said.

In December Madonsela told Express therewas no political interference during theOperation Hlasela investigation.

Segalwe said letters informing relevantparties on intended findings with theirimplications would be sent out in thecoming week.

Segalwe told Express he could not saywith certainty when the report would bereleased.

Slow pace of manycases frustrates

ANCWOMEN’SLEAGUEmembershold flags aloft during thePartyManifesto Launchat the Charles Mopeli Stadium in Qwaqwa.

Flags fly high during launch

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THE National Youth Develop-ment Agency (NYDA) FreeState Youth Chamber ofCommerce and Industries, leadby Thabo Pitse, the convener,and Edgar Legoale, the coordi-nator, and the provincial taskteam (PTT) members consistingof ten members representingall the districts, recently hostedits first provincial generalcouncil in Qwaqwa.The purpose of the council

was to empower 30 Free Statedelegates attending the Nation-al Youth in Business Summitwith a clear understanding ofthe Youth Employment Accord,Youth Enterprise DevelopmentStrategy and other policies.As many youths in business

are not well exposed to thispolicies, it was also tonominate a candidate tostand for a national positionin the Youth Chamber andto touch base on the draftconstitution and make theirsubmission as the Free Stateto the National Youth inBusiness Summit.All the districts attended and

nominations were made fornational positions.Pitse recommended Legoale

as the national candidate fromthe Free State to contest theNational Treasury positionwhich was seconded by all

districts present.Mangaung nominated

Thabiso Moeketsi, the Man-gaung Metropolitan YouthEntrepreneurship Programme(MMYEP) president, and otherdelegates from all five districtsto contest additional positions.The event was graced by the

presence of the Maluti-a-Pho-fung executive mayor, VusiTshabalala.The Fezile Dabi Youth

Business Forum and MMYEPtook the opportunity to high-light some of the policies thatwill be discussed at thesummit, including:1. The Youth EnterpriseDevelopment Strategy(YEDS) – facilitated by theMMYEP secretary general,Thinane.2. The Youth EmploymentAccord – also facilitated by theMMYEP secretary general,Thinane.3. The draft constitution thatwas presented jointly by theFree State task team’s coordi-nator, Legoale, and Thinane.) The Free State YouthChamber of Commerce onIndustry FSYCCI’s NYDANational Youth in BusinessSummit which was scheduledto take place from 29 to 31January has been postponeduntil further notice.

NYDA held1st AGM

ATTENDEES at the provincial general council meeting. Photo: Supplied

} Nkareng Moloi

MOEKETSI LEBESA, presidentof the Dikwankwetla Party ofSouth Africa, has confirmedspeculation that the party willbe forming a coalition with theruling party, the ANC, goinginto the upcoming elections.“Yes, it is true that we’ll be

forming a coalition with theANC,” he says.Even though the decision has

left many of their loyal support-ers fuming, Lebesa says it isnothing new.“We have done it before in

past elections.“For instance, we formed a

coalition with the AzanianPeople’s Organisation (Azapo),Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)and the DA.“We chose not contest the

general elections. So we’ll beworking with them.“We’ll announce the terms of

our partnership at a laterstage,” he says.Vusi Tshabalala of the ANC

says: “We are very happy to bein this partnership as theirparty is the official oppositionin the municipality. They play abig role in achieving our goalwhich is winning the electionwith a two-third majority and tounite the country.”

Coalition a realityMOEKETSI LEBESA, president of the Dikwankwetla Party of SouthAfrica. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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THE Maluti FET College finallyreturned to its winning ways whenthey beat Blackburn Rovers by 2-0while African Warriors gave pointsaway to FC Cape Town.

Black Leopards have movedwithin five points of log leadersChippa United with a victory overSantos who, along with MilanoUnited, dropped points.Chippa United 2-2 Thanda

Royal ZuluA late goal from James Okwuosa

ensured that a ten-man Chippasalvaged a point against bottomside Thanda on Friday night at thePhilippi Stadium.

The home side netted a goal firstthrough Letsi Koapeng’s fifth-minute strike, but Mhlengi Celelevelled this soon afterwards.

Things got worse for the ChilliBoys when goalkeeper Abdurag-maan White had an altercationwith a Thanda player which led toa red card and a penalty.

Cele scored from the spot, butOkwuosa headed home from acorner with the last action of thegame for a share of the spoils.

Black Leopards 2-0 SantosLidoda Duvha made it two wins

in a row thanks to goals fromKarabo Tshepe and Brian Amidu.The results see Leopards shoot upto fourth spot, while Santos slipdown to seventh.

FC Cape Town 2-1 AfricanWarriors

FC Cape Town continued theirgood form with a 2-1 victory overAfrican Warriors at the NNKRugby Stadium.

Andile Khumalo scored a braceto help the hosts move up to 12thplace with 22 points, 7 less thanWarriors, who are eighth.

Maluti FET College 2-0 Black-burn Rovers

Rovers’ miserable seasoncontinued on Saturday when theywere beaten 2-0 by Maluti at theCharles Mopeli Stadium. SaneleMabaso scored an own-goal beforeThabiso Mokenkoane netted tomake sure of the points.

Rovers remain second frombottom with 13 points, while Malutiput some distance between themand the relegation zone. They are13th with 22 points.

Baroka FC 2-1 Milano UnitedMilano United lost their second

consecutive match after a 2-1 defeatto Baroka FC at the Old PeterMokaba Stadium. The visitorsopened the scoring throughHouston Hills, but Thabiso Ku-dumela and Walter Letsoala hitback to hand Baroka the points.

The Limpopo-based side is nowfifth with 30 points, 3 behindMilano, who are second.

Sivutsa Stars 1-0 Vasco daGama

Sivutsa shocked Vasco with a 1-0win courtesy of Mpho Mbebe’sfirst-half goal. It leaves the Capeside third with 33 points, while thehome side move up to ninth with25 points.

Witbank Spurs 2-4 United FCUnited FC won a six-goal thriller

against Witbank Spurs at the PumaRugby Stadium. The visitors were3-1 up at the break thanks to goalsfrom Mpho Mvelase, ConradMadolo and Thulanio Khwinan,with Peter Mubayiwa scoring forSpurs. Ralph Matema got a secondfor the hosts, but Mvelase got hissecond to kill off any hopes of acomeback.

Soccer results in shortHoping to winHoping to win

FOCUSED: Richard Henyekane is on the ball with the Bloemfontein Celtics player during the AbsaPremier League (PSL) game.

says. It will evidently help theteam.“I have to start scoring

goals, because that is what weneed at the moment.“We have a quality team

and should work hard tofinish in the top eight,” he

says.Meanwhile, Ea Lla Koto

will welcome the OrlandoPirates in the Absa PremierLeague encounter tonight atthe Charles Mopeli Stadiumin Qwaqwa. Kick-off is sched-uled for 19:30.

} Tladi Moloi

THE Mamelodi Sundownsstriker – who is on loan toFree State Stars – RichardHenyekane, says his mainfocus is to help the team toget out of the relegationzone.He says he is hoping to get

his form back as soon aspossible before it is too late.“I was not happy with my

performance on my debut inthe Stars colours againstBloemfontein Celtic’s but Iam hoping to get things right.“The supporters should be

patient and should under-stand that I have been on thebench for a long time,” he

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231 Diary

232 Deceased

1 Free SMS

2 Special pages

3 Top Services guide

4 Free dogs

5 Free cats

6 Friendship corner

7 Wanted: Miscellaneous

8 Wedding guide

9 Hunting

11 Lost

12 Found

13 Church Services

14 Restaurants and


15 Grade 1 messages

16 Pipes and poles for sale

17 Lifts

18 Day-care

19 Notices

20 Nursery Schools

21 Relaxation and entertainment

22 Personal

23 Courses/Training

24 Worth knowing

25 Swop column

26 Tombstone manufacturers

27 Jewellery

28 Computers for sale

29 Antiques and art

30 Miscellaneous

31 Horses for sale

32 Pets

33 Livestock

34 Dogs for sale

35 Birds for sale

36 Furniture

37 Wanted

38 Fodder for sale

39 Cats for sale

40 Poultry for sale

41 Special services

42 Boreholes

43 Repairs

44 Building

45 Gardening

46 Interior house services

47 Exterior house services

48 Adult relaxation and


49 Security

50 Computer repairs

51 Transport/Storage

52 Financing/Loans

53 To let: general

54 Painting

68 To let: caravans

69 To let: trailers

70 Car parts

71 For sale: bakkies

72 For sale: motorbikes

73 For sale: cars

74 For sale: trucks

75 For sale: harvesters

76 For sale: tractors

77 For sale: boats and


78 For sale: caravans

79 Wanted: cars for sale

80 To let: vehicles

81 Implements for sale

82 For sale: Trailers

83 Bakkie canopies for sale

84 4 x 4 for sale

85 Wanted: property to let

87 To let: smallholdings

88 To let: houses

89 To let: duettes

90 To let: offices

91 To let: townhouses

92 To let: farms

93 To let: business premises

94 To let: flats

95 For sale: businesses

96 For sale: property

97 For sale: erven

98 For sale: smallholdings

99 For sale: houses

100 For sale: townhouses

101 For sale: farms

102 For sale: business premises

103 For sale: flats

104 Wanted: property for sale

105 To let: property

106 For sale: duettes

107 Block of flats for sale

108 Coastal property

109 Business opportunities

110 Vacancies required

111 Vacancies offered

112 Overseas job opportunities

113 Block vacancies

120 Official notices

121 Legal notices

122 Estates

123 Insolvencies

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} Tladi Moloi

A TOTAL of 60 teams in the Maluti-a-Phofung Municipality has been regis-tered for the recently launched Maluti-a-Phofung Mayoral League for theunemployed youth.The tournament is expected to kick

off before the end of this week. Theteams will battle against one anotherduring the tournament. In the end only16 teams will start the league tourna-ment which is expected to run for 32weeks.Tumelo Thebe, the Member of the

Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Sports,

Arts and Culture in the Maluti-a-Phofungregion, says they have put aside R1 millionfor the tournament. However, he says heis not in a position to name the prizes forthe league winner and the runner-up sincethey still have to decide on that.“That money will be used to run the

tournament. It includes transportation ofthe players and many other things whichwe might need for the success of thetournament.“We want the tournament to be one of

the best in the country,” he says.Thebe says the league is strictly open for

the unemployed youth.“We want to keep our youth busy and

keep them off the streets. We will onlyallow players aged 35 years and younger,”he says. Games will be played during theweek and on weekends.When asked how they will work with

the Local Football Association (LFA), hesays they are going to have a meeting withthe LFA to reach an agreement on somematters.He says they are quite aware that there

is currently a league running under theLFA’s name and they are not going todisturb it.“We don’t want to be involved in football

politics and we have made it clear to ourteams that we don’t want teams that are

affiliated to the LFA,” he says.Vusi Tshabalala, the acting mayor of

the Maluti-a-Phofung Municipality,encourages the unemployed youth totake part in the tournament.He says they will be happy to have

some of the players from their munici-pality in the professional league.“We have talent in our municipality

but no one is taking care of it. We wantto identify talent and nurture it becauseit would be good for us to have aplayer in the national team.“We have produced many professional

players in the past and we want to do itagain,” he says.

Mayoral soccer games kick offSIPHO MAZIBUKO, Rantsi Mokoena (Free State Stars general manager), Vusi Tshabalala (acting mayor of the Maluti­a­Phofung Municipality), Tumelo Thebe (Member of theMayoral Council (MMC) for Sports, Arts and Culture in the Maluti­a­Phofung Municipality) and Mojalefa Matona at the launch of the Maluti­a­Phofung Mayoral League forthe unemployed youth. Photo: Tladi Moloi


“We have produced manyprofessional players in thepast and we want to do itagain.” – Tumelo Thebe

For more sportnews“We have produced manyprofessional players in thepast and we want to do itagain.” – Tumelo Thebe

For more sportnewsand photos go to

