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Expressqq 20140528
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E F S ASTERN REE TATE TEL: 058 - 3035411 WEDNESDAY 28 MAY 2014 WWW.EXPRESS-NEWS.CO.ZA FREE } Tladi Moloi MATHABANG TLOOME (19) aiming high and knows that working hard is crucial. Mathabang, who hails from the Tebang Village in Makwane, Qwaqwa, will soon be jetting off to China for her studies. This young, hard-work- ing girl said she wanted her name to be in the Chinese history books and said she would work hard and study diligently because she was used to it. “I want to be on the honor- ary roll and will be happy if I can obtain 99% in all of my subjects.” Mathabang is one of 400 learners who was identified by the Free State Government to study Medicine in China. “I don’t want to disappoint my country, especially the prov- ince that I’ll be represent- ing. They have invested money in us, and I’ll make sure that when I come back they won’t regret flying me all the way to China,” She obtained a fourth place in the top ten fourth quarter compe- titions in the matric class of 2013 before she became the school’s best learner in Information Technology. As if that is not enough, she went on and passed matric with flying colours and now her dream of becoming a doctor or a nurse might be realised in China. “It has always been my wish to become a nurse, and growing up I often visited the clinic. “I touched me seeing people sitting there in pain and I told myself that one day I would help these people. Now my dream is about to come true,” she said. She admitted it might be hard to cope in a foreign country, but pointed out she would survive because she had spent almost all of her time at school last year. “We slept at school for almost a year. I want to thank my former principal because he taught us how to work hard and on our own,” she said. Mathabang’s mother, Motshe- oa (40), said she was happy for her daughter. The unemployed mother said she had no idea how she would have paid her daughter’s fees. “God is great. We know that other countries also struggle, but God will protect her. “I am sure that she will go there and come back with a qualification,” she said. Motsheoa said she would like to thank everyone who had played a part in helping her daughter to obtain a bur- sary. oloi NG 19) is and rd is habang, om the age in Qwaqwa, jetting off her studies. g, hard-work- she wanted her in the Chinese ks and said she hard and study ecause she was used be on the honor- will be happy if I 99% in all of my g is one of 400 o was identified by te Government to she said. The students are expected to leave the country before the end of the month. Mathabang is no stranger to hard work and loves educa- tion as much as she loves herself. Off to China to study Girl (19) chosen to study Medicine abroad MATHABANG ad her mother, Motseoa Tloome. Photos: Tladi Moloi MATHABANG TLOOME is ecstatic about studying in China.
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} Tladi Moloi

MATHABANGTLOOME (19)aiming high andknows thatworking hard iscrucial. Mathabang,who hails from theTebang Village inMakwane, Qwaqwa,will soon be jetting offto China for her studies.This young, hard-work-

ing girl said she wanted hername to be in the Chinesehistory books and said shewould work hard and studydiligently because she was usedto it.“I want to be on the honor-

ary roll and will be happy if Ican obtain 99% in all of mysubjects.”Mathabang is one of 400

learners who was identified bythe Free State Government tostudyMedicine inChina.“I don’t

want todisappointmy country,especiallythe prov-ince thatI’ll berepresent-ing. Theyhaveinvestedmoney inus, and I’llmake surethat when Icome backthey won’tregretflying meall the wayto China,”

She obtained a fourth place inthe top ten fourth quarter compe-titions in the matric class of 2013before she became the school’sbest learner in InformationTechnology.As if that is not enough, she

went on and passed matric withflying colours and now her dreamof becoming a doctor or a nursemight be realised in China.“It has always been my wish to

become a nurse, and growing up Ioften visited the clinic.“I touched me seeing people

sitting there in pain and I toldmyself that one day I would helpthese people. Now my dream isabout to come true,” she said.She admitted it might be hard

to cope in a foreign country, butpointed out she would survivebecause she had spent almost all

of her time at school last year.“We slept at school for

almost a year. I want to thankmy former principal because hetaught us how to work hardand on our own,” she said.Mathabang’s mother, Motshe-

oa (40), said she was happy forher daughter.The unemployed mother said

she had no idea how she wouldhave paid her daughter’s fees.“God is great. We know that

other countries also struggle,but God will protect her.“I am sure that she will go

there and come back with aqualification,” she said.Motsheoa said she would

like to thank everyone whohad played a part in helpingher daughter to obtain a bur-sary.

Tladi Moloi

MATHABANGTLOOME (19) isaiming high and

working hard iscrucial. Mathabang,who hails from theTebang Village inMakwane, Qwaqwa,will soon be jetting offto China for her studies.This young, hard-work-

ing girl said she wanted hername to be in the Chinesehistory books and said shewould work hard and studydiligently because she was used

“I want to be on the honor-ary roll and will be happy if Ican obtain 99% in all of my

Mathabang is one of 400learners who was identified bythe Free State Government to

she said.The students are expected

to leave the country beforethe end of the month.

Mathabang is no stranger tohard work and loves educa-tion as much as she lovesherself.

Off to China to studyGirl (19) chosen to study Medicine abroad

MATHABANG ad her mother, Motseoa Tloome. Photos: Tladi MoloiMATHABANG TLOOME is ecstatic about studying in China.

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BURNING tyres at the third circle in Extension 2 of Bohlokong, Bethlehem. The youth saythey want the councillor of Ward 4 to step down. Photo: Tladi Moloi } Tladi Moloi

THE youth from Ward 4 in Extension 2 ofBohlokong, Bethlehem, are up in arms andcalling on the Dihlabeng Local Municipalityand the ANC to fire their ward councillor,Phakiso Mokoena.In demonstrating their frustration, a

group of about 50 people blocked the roadat circle 3 with burning tyres on Monday.They have vowed to do this until AceMagashule, the Free State premier, came toaddress them.Express Eastern Free State was reliably

informed that the group started burningtyres in the early hours of the morning, atabout 04:00.Lebohang Kgatebe, the ANC Youth

League’s branch chairperson, said theywere tired of Mokoena not listening tothem. He said they were the ones who hadelected him to be a ward councillor, butthat he has since changed.“It is amazing how quickly he has grown

wings. He knows that we do not have jobshere, but every time we start something hetramples on it. We have started a car washin the area. We requested him to help uswith it, but he never turned up. TjhetaneMofokeng, the executive mayor, wanted to

help us, but that ‘boy’ stopped him. We aresick and tired of him. He must surrenderthat position as soon as possible,” he said.Kgatebe said they had always wanted to

help the youth in the ward, but Mokoenawas a problem.“We requested bursaries for some of the

learners who completed matric last yearand he never came back to us. We weregoing around asking for food from the localtuck shops with the aim of giving this toneedy families, but he told them that theyshould not take it, saying it was rotten.”A group has also pointed out that they

were tired of the ANC celebrations takingplace in the wards. They said they felt thatmoney could do something for them.Mokoena has rubbished all allegations

against him. He said the people had nevercome to him to talk about these things andadded that he was not responsible for thecelebrations.“As for a car wash, we have developed a

good place for them and we are waiting fora tap installation. I told them that theycould not place a car wash at the park,because that was not a good place for it. Itis true that I told people not to take food,after it came to my attention that it wasexpired food,” he said.

Tempers flare

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} Tladi Moloi

THE battle for the top spot is atstake for the Harrismith DistrictCluster’s 17 schools.

The schools that walked outempty-handed at the recentHealthy Mutual Competitionaward ceremony will be watchingthe next three terms with hawkeyes, hoping to bring the trophyhome.

Nhlakanipho Senior Primary,the Harrismith High School,Pulamadiboho Primary andVulindlela Primary School arethe floating trophy winners of theinaugural Healthy MutualCompetition and the schoolsknow that they will have to workhard to keep the titles for at leasta term or two.

The competition of the Depart-ment of Education of the ThaboMofutsanyana District held itsaward ceremony at the NewHorizon College Hall in Harri-smith on Thursday. The eventwas organised by Modupi Maleka,the Harrismith Cluster SchoolManagement Governance Develop-er (SMGD), and sponsored byStandard Bank. They bought thetrophies worth R30 000.

Maleka said the awards wereaimed at motivating the schoolsin the clusters to work hard. Hesaid on the other hand it was amotivation for the teachers whoalways worked hard withoutrecognition.

“It is a quarterly event. Theschools that won today shouldwork harder to keep the trophy.We call it a Healthy MutualCompetition in the cluster,” hesaid.

He said it was an activestrategy that he had come upwith.

“We have summoned all theteachers of the cluster and themanagement of the district tocome and witness the birth of

this unique idea.“We included the primary

schools, because we want thefoundation to be strong, so thatthe exit point will come up withquality results.”

Busi Tshabalala, the Depart-

ment of Education’s districtdirector in Thabo Mofutsanyana,was overwhelmed with what theSMGD had done for the cluster.

“I am over the moon. We arehappy that Maleka has set theexample and we hope other

SMGD’s will follow his example.“It is just unfortunate that I

don’t have a trophy to give himfor the excellent idea,” she said.

Tshabalala was adamant that ifother clusters could follow thisexample, more schools wouldperform, because they wouldsurely want to secure a trophyquarterly.

“Some of the schools who didnot get it will be watching withhawk eyes and those who havewon should work even harder.”

She urged teachers to workharder to produce future leaders.

“We want real leaders in ourregion, not spectators. You mustbe a slave of your talent,”Tshabalala said.

She said she would not besurprised if she saw a 100% passrate in the three schools fromHarrismith come January 2015when the matric results areannounced.

Joyce Shandu, the principal ofVulindlela, said that it was a bigachievement for the school andthat they would come up withstrategies to ensure that the titleremained with the school for therest of the year.

“We are going to present thisto both the learners and theparents. After that we will findout from them what we can do todefend it.

“I am quite sure that togetherwe will come up with the rightmethods,” Shandu said.

Awards urge Harrismith schools to excel

WINNERS: Busi Tshabalala (Department of Education district director in ThaboMofutsanyana), Kgotso Tsha-balala (NhlakaniphoSenior Primary),MaletekaMashabesha (Eastern Free State localmarketmanager, Stand-ard Bank), Nonhlanhla Tshabalala (Harrismith Senior Secondary), Phushudi Molefi (workplace banking con-sultant, Standard Bank), Modupi Maleka (Harrismith Cluster School Management Governance Developer),Stephen Sehloho (workplace banking consultant), Ntsoaki Mosikili (Pulamadiboho Primary), David Maduna(Swinburn Farm School) and Joyce Shandu (Vulindlela Primary School) at the recent Harrismith clusterHealthy Mutual Competition award ceremony. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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} Tladi Moloi

THE Masechaba Project has offered ahelping hand to the Reitumetse Centre forthe Disabled in Bohlokong, Bethlehem.The centre caters for disabled children

from Dihlabeng. It was established fouryears ago. Since then the project has beengoing strong, but it has been very difficultwithout financial assistance.According to Mapaseka Mofokeng, she

had been managing the centre from her

own pocket and the money that parents payfor the children to come to the centre. Shesaid at times they would ask for money inthe local tuck shops so that they could buyfood.However, she could breathe a sigh of

relief when Masechaba told her on Fridaythat they would give the centre food everyweek. Masechaba also donated four wheel-chairs, soft toys and blankets to the centre.Mofokeng said she was happy with what

the project had done for them. She saidafter four years God had sent angels to thecentre.“I am humbled by the donation. I am

sure we will never struggle like before,”she said.Graham Bishop of the Masechaba Project

said they would make sure that theydelivered food to the centre weekly. He saidthey were touched by the living conditionsat the centre, that was why they came onboard.“We were approached by the Dihlabeng

Municipality because the project falls underthem. After that we visited the centre toassess their needs and we realised that theyhad no blankets, wheelchairs or toys. Wethen decided to donate these items,” hesaid. Bishop said they had helped manycentres in the past and they were hoping tooffer more assistance where they could.

‘Angels’ help centre

HELPING HANDS: Representatives of the Bethlehem Rotary Club, the Masechaba Project,the Dihlabeng Local Municipality and the Reitumetse Centre for the Disabled with someof the children at the handover. From the left are, front: KamoheloMofokeng, LehlohonoloMokoena, Lerato Tshabalala and Ntate Mofokeng; back: Mantoa Masoeu, Hannes Hey-mans (Bethlehem Rotary Club), Mapaseka Mofokeng (owner, Reitumetse Centre for theDisabled), HermanWessels (BethlehemRotaryClub),MphoNegovha (MasechabaProject),Francois Barnard (Masechaba Project), GrahamBishop (Masechaba Project), KeneiloMath-ibeli (Local Economic Development, Dihlabeng) and Werner Engelbrecht. Photo: Tladi Moloi


GoldenopportunityVISITORS have a beautiful viewof the golden sandstone cliffs ofGolden Gate from the GlenReenen Rest Camp in the nation-al park. Express and SANParks’competition which allows onelucky reader to stand a chance towin a weekend stay for a familyof four in Glen Reenen, is comingto an end today. Visit the Expresswebsite at www.express-news.co.za and follow the in-structions to enter. You need toanswer one easy question. Thewinner will be announced nextweek. Potos: Christo van Staden

“YOU should make the right choices tosucceed.”These were the words of Prof. Jonathan

Jansen, the University of the Free State’svice-chancellor and rector, during hisaddress at the Kovsies Open Day held atthe Qwaqwa Campus on Saturday.Thousands of prospective students spent

a day on campus, exploring career choices.“You can make a choice today that will

end up with you being pregnant, havingbabies, being unemployed and sitting athome like some of our brothers andsisters, uncles and aunts. Or you can takea different decision and that decision isabout you working so hard that you earnentry into the University of the Free State,get your degree and become great, notonly in South Africa, but in the world,”Jansen said.He said the first right decision was to

pass well.“You must go for 60%, 70% and 80%

passes. Set yourself a target and do notjust strive to pass, but pass well,” Jansentold a packed Rolihlahla Mandela Multi-purpose Hall with learners coming from asfar as Ficksburg, Lindley and Koppies.“The second thing that you need to do is

to believe in yourself. Do not believe inpeople who tell you what you cannot do.Believe in what you can do.“Thirdly, you have to get up and do

things for yourself. You have to workhard, sleep less and study hard. Don’taccept excuses. If you can do all thesethree, then the best place to come to is theUniversity of the Free State. Believe thatthe sky is the limit,” Jansen concluded.

Learners visitUFS campus



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the season.“Working with the young stars made my

job easy. They listened to every instruc-tion given to them,” he said.Motholo will prepare the team for the

promotional play-offs. The date and venueis yet to be confirmed by the Safa ThaboMofutsanyana Region.

“I am very happy. We squeezed the teaminto the league five days before kick-off,that is why we had to play under thename Zebra Force. Our name is ElevenNavigators FC,” he said.Motholo said the team’s success was as a

result of playing with the young stars. Hesaid they had been cooperative throughout

To make the day more memorable,fireworks were in the air and champagnewas bubbling.Motlalentwa Motholo, the head coach of

the team, knows that the season is not yetover and he said they would make surethat they did not disappoint their support-ers come the promotional play-offs.

} Tladi Moloi

ZEBRA FORCE FCare the 2013-’14champions of theDihlabeng MayoralLeague.The team from

the MashaengTownship inFouriesburg havesurprised by raisingthe league trophyon their firstappearance. Theyare now R20 000richer and one stepinto the Safa ThaboMofutsanyana SABRegional League.The team joined

the league at theeleventh hour.But the rookies

have won theleague convincingly.They finished top ofthe table with 80points in 32 games.The champions

are 11 and 13 pointsclear from KaroloFC and AC Milanrespectively whowere their strongestchallengers.They wrapped up

the season in style,beating TowerUnited FC ofClarens by 3-0 in agame that took place in the FouriesburgStadium on Sunday afternoon.The stadium was packed with vibrant

supporters coming in numbers to witnessthe celebration.The referee’s final whistle saw the

players on the bench and supportersrushing onto the field with joy.


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Rookies scoop title

ZEBRA FORCE FC are the 2013-’14 champions of the Dihlabeng Mayoral League. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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} Tladi Moloi

MOVING SPURS FC, a team campaigning inthe Safa Second Division League, has re-calledtheir former development side coach Thabo“Chippa” Moloi to assist in saving the team.Spurs is third from the bottom of the league

with 15 points in 28 games. The team fromQwaqwa, which has been in the same leaguefor five seasons, is facing a straight chop tothe SAB Regional league.With only four games remaining, Chippa is

expected to guide the disjointed Spurs out ofrelegation. The team might be awarded threepoints after a team from Welkom, WelkomUnited, arrived late in the league encounterwhich was scheduled to take place at theMakwane Stadium in Qwaqwa on Saturday.Spurs played all their games without a

coach after their long-serving head coach Rapshad decided to turn his back on the team afterthe management had ignored meeting withhim before the season started. It is understoodthat the meeting was to discuss a salaryincrease.The team owner, Danger Moloi, sees both

his teams in crises. Moloi has two teamsregistered with Safa under his name. They areHurricanes FC, playing in the SAB League,and Spurs. The bad news for the team camp isthat Hurricanes had also had a bad seasonand were relegated – and now the senior teamis facing the same route that their youngerbrother went.However, Chippa is adamant that he will

save the team. He is no stranger to facing thissituation, as he had managed to saved RealMadrid of Reitz from the chop with only fourgames on the trot. The team was in the Astream on the Safa SAB Thabo MofutsanyanaLeague and they finished seventh on the table.“I spoke to the boys when I arrived here

and they all know what we are facing. It ispossible to save the team, considering the factthat I mentored most of the players here,” hesaid.Express Eastern Free State has learnt that

Chippa is on three weeks’ sick leave – he is nolonger based in Qwaqwa. He will be hoping tomake the unthinkable happen before hereturns to work.“Yes, I am on leave now. I will be with the

team for that period and believe you me, theywill be out of the dark when I leave. I onlyneed ten points out of the four remaininggames,” he said.Spurs are out to hunt Dinonyana tomorrow

at the Beatrix Mine Sports Ground before theycome home on Sunday to play a derby againstClarens Galaxy FC.Thereafter they will play Swagger FC away

before wrapping up the season on their hometurf against Welkom United FC.

Chippa to the rescueCalled in to save Moving Spurs from chop

THABO “CHIPPA” MOLOI at the Makwane Stadium during the game againstWelkom United FC on Saturday. Photo: Tladi Moloi

Top teams face off} Teboho Setena

THIS week’s intriguing top of the tablefixtures are sure to give direction as towhich club will scoop this year’s FreeState stream of the South African Foot-ball Association (Safa) Second Divisiontitle.The championship race has come down

to the wire with four teams in poleposition to win.The four clubs in the hotly-contested

race are Bloemfontein Young Tigers (50points) in fourth place, Bubchu United (52points) in third position, Super Eagles (54points) in the second position and thelog-leaders, Sibanye Golden Stars (56points).The title contest has seen two clubs,

Mangaung United and Central Universityof Technology, fall by the wayside as theyseemed not to be able to cope.The decisive matches will be played

today and Saturday.The eagerly-awaited fixture is today’s top

of the table clash featuring the log-leadersStars and Eagles at the Beatrix MineSports Grounds.The other matches today see Bubchu

take on relegation-bound Welkom United atthe Unitas High School Sports Groundswith Tigers hosting Vaal Legends, who arealso facing relegation.Today’s matches are set to start at 15:00.Saturday’s crucial games will see Eagles

host Celtic Colts at the Bohlokong Stadiumin Bethlehem and Tigers visit ShamrockFlowers in Kroonstad.

Bhm to hostbest boxers} Tladi Moloi

THERE will be blood and sweat whenboxers battle it out for a place in the maleand female squad of 13 members to repre-sent the Free State at this year’s amateurnational championship set for next monthin East London.The boxers will trade leather in different

divisions. The team will be selected onSaturday at the Baken Park Hall in Bethle-hem where the provincial senior champion-ships will take place. The fights arescheduled to start at 09:00.According to Platjie Mokoena, president

of the Thabo Mofutsanyana Boxing Organi-sation, the boxers who will take part in thecontest are the best from the districts inthe province.“It will be the first time that we stage

this tournament in Bethlehem. I think theprovince gave us a chance to host thisevent because we have had many successfultournaments in the past,” he said.Mokoena said they would make sure that

a team was selected that would win thenational championships.“We did not perform well in the national

championships last year as compared to2012. Last year we got fourth position andwe are aiming for a first spot this year,” hesaid.He said he was quite sure that they

would come home with the first positionconsidering the fact that they previouslycould not match provinces like Gauteng andthe Eastern Cape.“Those were the two provinces that used

to give us a headache.“We have reached their standard and

believe me, this time they will have tosweat for their money,” he said.

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