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Prepared for Whitecleave Quarry: IBA Facility External Lighting Assessment June 2011
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Prepared for

Whitecleave Quarry: IBA Facility External Lighting Assessment

June 2011

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Whitecleave Quarry

Scott Wilson 3rd Floor Mayflower House Armada Way PlymouthPL1 1LD Tel 01752 676700 Fax 0870 238 6023


This document has been prepared in accordance with the scope of Scott Wilson'sappointment with its client and is subject to the terms of that appointment. It is addressedto and for the sole and confidential use and reliance of Scott Wilson's client. Scott Wilsonaccepts no liability for any use of this document other than by its client and only for thepurposes for which it was prepared and provided. No person other than the client maycopy (in whole or in part) use or rely on the contents of this document, without the priorwritten permission of the Company Secretary of Scott Wilson Ltd. Any advice, opinions,or recommendations within this document should be read and relied upon only in thecontext of the document as a whole. The contents of this document do not provide legalor tax advice or opinion.

© Scott Wilson Ltd 2010

Revision Schedule

External Lighting Assessment May 2011

Rev Date Details Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

01 02.06.11 Final Bonnie Brooks Assistant Electrical Engineer

Mike Ainger Senior Electrical Engineer

Neil Cumming Technical Director

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


Table of Contents

1� Executive Summary ......................................................................... 2�

2� Introduction ...................................................................................... 3�

2.1� Scope of External Lighting Report .................................................................................... 3�

2.2� Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 3�

3� Assessment Methodology ............................................................... 4�

4� The Proposed Lighting Scheme ...................................................... 5�

4.1� General ............................................................................................................................. 5�

4.2� Recommended Lighting Values ....................................................................................... 5�

4.3� Strategy for Minimising Obtrusive Light, Mitigating the Effect on Bats and Reducing the Visual Impact of the Lighting Scheme ........................................................ 6�

4.4� Strategy for Luminaire Types ........................................................................................... 8�

4.5� Luminaire Control Strategy ............................................................................................... 8�

5� Assessment of the Impact of the Lighting Scheme ...................... 9�

6� Conclusions .................................................................................... 10�

7� Bibliography ................................................................................... 11�

Drawing E01: Levels of Illuminance Drawing E02: Sky Glow Calculation

Appendix 1: Definitions Appendix 2: Extract from SLL Code for Lighting – Obtrusive – Recommended Lighting Values Appendix 3: Extract from SLL code for Lighting – General Areas in

Outdoor Work Places – Recommended Lighting Values

Appendix 4: Schedule of Luminaires and Luminaire Details Appendix 5: Relux Calculation Results

Appendix 6: Sketch of Defined Areas and Final Lighting Levels to be Achieved

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


1 Executive Summary

An appropriate lighting scheme for the site has been assessed in order to establish its effects on the surrounding environment and neighbouring properties.

The lighting scheme in this report is to be viewed as a lighting design strategy rather than a detailed design solution. It is recommended that the lighting strategy outlined in this report is adopted including criteria, luminaries, switching methods, lamp types etc. by the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the site.

This lighting scheme ensures that there will be zero illuminance from the proposed lighting scheme at the site boundary. Lighting as proposed will not cause excessive glare to neighbouring residential properties from this site. The majority of the fittings will not be visible to neighbouring domestic properties. Consideration has been given to mitigating the impact on the bats in the area, and in particular their flight paths through the site. Drawing E02 shows that the effect on the night sky will be negligible inside the site and zero outside the site. An adequate level of lighting will be provided for site tasks and amenity in accordance with the Clients Risk Assessment and Method Statements, whilst maintaining a minimal impact on the site surroundings, environment and neighbouring properties. There is no requirement for lighting for security.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


2 Introduction

2.1 Scope of External Lighting Report This report has been prepared in order to establish the potential effects of the proposed development’s fixed lighting installation on the bat conservation areas and the site surrounding areas. The report accompanies the planning application for the proposed IBA Facility, hereafter referred to as the ‘site’.

2.2 Objectives The general objective of this report is to assess the impact of a suitable lighting scheme for the proposed IBF Facility on the surrounding area and environment.

Specific objectives of the proposed lighting scheme when fully designed include:

� To limit light pollution and sky glow.

� To limit obtrusive light, spill light / trespass light and glare to neighbouring land and properties.

� To mitigate the effects of the lighting scheme on bats.

� To provide an adequate level of illuminance for the proposed exterior areas, in accordance with the Clients Risk Assessment and Method Statements. The lighting is to be controlled via photocell and time clock, so that it is only switched on during the site opening hours of 7am – 7pm. (The time clock will bring the lighting on at 7am and the photocell will switch it off at dawn, then the photocell will bring the lighting back on at dusk and the time clock will switch it off at 7pm.) The only exception to this is the luminaire lighting the material handling area which will be manually switched on/off from the IBA Processing Plant building as and when it is required, within the site opening hours.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


3 Assessment Methodology

An appropriate lighting scheme for the site has been assessed using standard industry software Relux.

Relux is a computer calculation package which utilizes 3D modelling to model the real world output of chosen light fittings. The results from the computer model produce the contour lines detailed on drawing D134633/E01.

The lighting outputs have been calculated with all the luminaries switched on. However, this level of illuminance will only be during the site working hours and will represent the maximum level of illuminance at any time, as the levels will be reduced when the manually switched task lighting over the material handling area is switched off. All external lighting will switched off via a time clock at the end of the site opening period. From these calculations, drawings illustrating the illuminance levels throughout the site and at the boundary have been produced so that the lightings scheme’s impact can be assessed. Refer to Drawing E01 for detail. The calculation model (Lux levels on drawing) does not include the proposed planting / hedgerows / trees, however this is accounted for when assessing and making conclusions about the light spill.

Light trespass has been assessed and the line of sight from neighbouring residential properties has also been considered.

The sky glow impact from the site has been calculated for the ‘worst case scenario’, with all the luminaries switched on. For detail see Drawing E02.

Full calculations have been included in Appendix 5.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


4 The Proposed Lighting Scheme

The lighting scheme outlined in this report is to be viewed as a lighting design strategy rather than a detailed design solution.

4.1 General Lighting throughout the site will only be operational during the site opening hours. The site opening hours are 7am – 7pm daily. The operating hours will be 8am – 6pm daily.

All luminaires will utilise High Pressure Sodium lamps to reduce the impact on bats.

4.2 Recommended Lighting Values

Lighting levels have been designed in accordance with the Clients requirements and to mitigate the sites impact on bats. Consideration has been given to CIBSE Lighting Guides, SLL Code for Lighting 2006 – Obtrusive Light Guide, Guidance Notes on Reduction of Light Pollution, and BS 5489. However, the final agreed illuminance levels in which this report is based upon have been decided by the Client following their risk assessment, method statements and consideration of the site H&S strategy.

Recommended Levels

The recommended levels according to SLL Code for Lighting – Obtrusive Light Guide (refer to Annex 2 of this report) are as follows:

� Area Lighting for Lorry Area is 20-30 Lux Maintained Average (horizontal).

� Area Lighting for Loading Area is 50 Lux Maintained Average (horizontal) and 25 Lux Maintained Minimum (horizontal).

The recommended lighting levels according to SLL Code for lighting – General Areas in Outdoor Work Places (refer to Annex 3) are as follows:

� Walkways exclusively for pedestrians are 5 Lux Maintained Average (horizontal).

� Traffic areas for slowly moving vehicles (max 10 km/h) e.g. bicycles, trucks and excavators is 10 Lux Maintained Average (horizontal).

� Pedestrian passages, vehicle turning, loading and unloading points is 30 Lux Maintained Average (horizontal).

� Lighting requirements for safety in medium risk areas is 20 Lux.

� Lighting requirements for safety in high risk areas is 50 Lux.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


Agreed Levels for this site

Good uniformity across the defined areas is not achievable due to restrictions placed by the client on the positioning of luminaires. See Appendix 6 for definition of areas.

� Area 1 – This area will be lit using portable task lighting as required, during site operating hours. This report considers the fixed lighting installation only.

� Area 2 – Bat flight path to be unlit.

� Area 3 – Turning circle and Weighbridge to be unlit. Maximum illuminance 3 Lux at ground level due to requirements for bat mitigation.

� Area 4 – Access road to be unlit.

� Area 5 – MRF area, site offices, staff car-parking area to be lit to an average illuminance of 5 Lux across whole area using a combination of low level bollard lighting and building mounted luminaires. Lighting to be concentrated around the front of the buildings, storage containers and car parking spaces so that there is higher levels of illuminance in these areas, and as lower level as possible close to the bat flight path and in the vehicle circulation area, between the buildings, as this route will be lit by vehicle headlights.

� Area 6 – IBA Processing Yard to be illuminated to a minimum average illuminance of 20 Lux.

� Area 7 – Material handling area considered to be a high risk area, to be illuminated to an average illuminance level of 50 Lux.

4.3 Strategy for Minimising Obtrusive Light, Mitigating the Effect on Bats and Reducing the Visual Impact of the Lighting Scheme Careful consideration has been given to reducing obtrusive light during the hours when the site is lit and the visual impact of the lighting scheme during the day, whilst maintaining an adequate level of illuminance for its application on the site. Particular attention has been paid to minimising the presence of the scheme and any intrusion, glare or sky glow produced by the scheme.

There will be no security lighting anywhere on the site; therefore all lighting will be switched off when the site is closed.

Area 2, 3 & 4

To mitigate the impact of the lighting scheme on bats many areas of the site will remain unlit at all times. These include areas 2, 3 & 4. The main access route, turning circle and weighbridge will remain unlit to mitigate the impact on bats; this includes the old workshop that contains the bat roost. Luminaires have been chosen that have good control of light spill so that only the intended areas are lit.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


Area 5

In Area 5 a combination of low level bollard and building mounted luminaires have been utilised to reduce the impact on bats and so that the bat flight path in that area will remain unlit.

Where ever possible luminaires are to be orientated towards the site, away from the land outside the site to make them less intrusive. This has been particularly considered in Area 5 - the MRF area, site offices, staff car-parking area, ensuring that the majority of luminaires are orientated away from the residential properties. The light sources in this area will not be visible from the residential properties. Luminaires have been chosen that have good light control and cut off angles to reduce light spillage.

Area 6

The IBA Processing Yard shall be lit by a combination of column and building mounted luminaires. The mounting height in this area will be 8 metres. This area is less sensitive to bats which is why column mounted luminaires have been proposed. There is a bat flight path to the left of the yard behind the push walls and proposed hedgerows, this area will not be affected and will remain unlit, as illustrated by drawing E01.

The column mounted luminaires have been chosen to be as inconspicuous as possible. The luminaire, bracket and column shall all be coloured grey. The luminaries will be angled at a maximum of 10º above horizontal which will minimise sky glow whilst providing a wide light distribution at ground level reducing shadows produced from obstructions i.e. lorries, parked for loading. The luminaire itself has 0% upward light ratio, and the beam spread is controlled to within 50º from the vertical when the glass is horizontal. Therefore this would only increase to 60º when the luminaire is adjusted to 10º from the horizontal, which will still produce negligible upward light. It is also fitted with flat glass to reduce the visibility of the light source.

Area 7

A building mounted luminaire will be utilised to light the material handling area, this luminaire will be mounted at 8m at a 30º angle to horizontal, however this luminaire will be manually switched on/off as and when required up to site closing time.


The red line on drawing E01 represents 5 Lux and the purple, 1 Lux. The drawing shows that at worst case with all the luminaries switched on, there will be no light spill onto the boundary and that there will be minimal impact on the bat flight paths from the lighting scheme. Where possible it has been proposed that dense shrubs and woodland will be planted to help to shield and screen the lighting scheme. Consideration has been given to reducing the extent of illuminance falling on the building façade to reduce the visual impact of the site and buildings from a distance.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


4.4 Strategy for Luminaire Types High Pressure Sodium (SON) lamps shall be utilised throughout the site, as recommended by the ecologists working on the project proposals, to mitigate the impact of the lighting scheme on the bats. The SON lamp will provide a Colour Rendering of approx 20 Ra which is acceptable for the application. Using this type of lamp will provide an energy efficient solution and will be Building Regulations Part L and BREEAM compliant. These luminaries, or equal and approved, have been chosen as they have been designed to be anti light pollution and low glare with good levels of efficiency between 50 – 80% for the chosen lamp types and low upward light ratio. All the luminaries are IP66 rated and impact resistant. See Appendix 4 – Schedule of Luminaries and Details.

4.5 Luminaire Control Strategy A photocell and programmable 7 day time clock are to be used to control the majority of the exterior lighting so that no luminaries will be left on during daylight hours or when the site is closed. The only exception to this is the lighting for the material handling area which will be manually switched on/off from the IBA Processing Plant building as and when it is required up to 7pm.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


5 Assessment of the Impact of the Lighting Scheme

Drawing E01 shows the lighting scheme for the site, with the illuminance levels shown throughout the site and at the boundary. The calculation model was prepared using industry standard software, Relux. It shows that adequate levels of lighting have been achieved on the site with minimal effect on the surrounding area. There will be zero illuminance from the proposed lighting scheme at the site boundary. There will be a maximum of 3 Lux measured at any point on the bat flight path, but mostly the path will be completely unlit. And once the proposed site planting / hedgerows are in place the effect on the bats will be further reduced. Cowls and louvre attachments are available for the column mounted fittings as a retro fit item, but these will be unnecessary as long as the final luminaire choices and locations are as calculated.

Drawing E02 illustrates the additional sky glow caused by the lighting scheme. This calculation was provided by a simulation of a measuring reference plane approx 50m above the ground. The results show an average illuminance above the site of 0.43 Lux. This means that when the site is fully lit the sky glow will be approximately equivalent to the light produced by a full moon at 0.3 Lux, which is very low. The sky glow above the surroundings of the site will be negligible.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


6 Conclusions

By adopting the lighting strategy including criteria, luminaries, switching methods, lamp types, etc. outlined in this report it can be concluded that:

� There will be minimal impact on bats due to the position of the luminaires and types. Also, due to the times bats emerge and the short hours that the lighting will be on for, there is little overlap between the two.

� There will be zero illuminance from the proposed lighting scheme at the site boundary.

� Lighting as proposed would not cause excessive glare to neighbouring domestic properties from this site.

� The majority of the luminaries will not be visible to neighbouring domestic properties.

� The effect on the night sky will be minimal inside the site and zero outside the site.

� The lighting scheme will be energy efficient utilising luminaires with an efficiency of between 50-80%, combined with energy efficient lighting controls.

� An adequate level of lighting can be provided for site tasks, amenity and security, whilst maintaining a minimal impact on the site surroundings, environment and neighbouring properties.

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Whitecleave Quarry

Environmental Statement External Lighting Assessment June 2011


7 Bibliography

SLL Lighting Handbook 2009.

SLL Code of Lighting 2006

CIBSE Obtrusive Light Guide

Guide on the limitation of the effects of obtrusive light from outdoor lighting installations 2003. Technical Report 150/2003. CIE.

Lighting Guide LG6 CIBSE 1992. Outdoor Environment.

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For the purpose of this report, the definitions given below apply:

Colour Rendering Index (CRI): A scale of the colour appearance of an object under a particular light source compared to its colour appearance under a reference light source. Expressed on a scale of 1 to 100 Ra, where 100 Ra represents the colour rendering of natural daylight i.e. perfect colour.

Illuminance: Illuminance is the quantity of light, or luminous flux, falling on a unit area of a surface. It is designated by the symbol E. The unit is the lux (lx). One lux equals one lumen per square metre (lm/m²).

Light Pollution: The spillage of light into areas where it is not required.

Light Trespass: Light that impacts on a surface outside of the area designed to be lit by a lighting installation.

Disability Glare: Glare which impairs the vision of objects but may not cause discomfort.

Discomfort Glare: Glare causing discomfort which may not impair the ability to see objects.

Photocell: A unit which senses light to control luminaires.

Curfew: The time after which stricter requirements (for the control of obtrusive light) will apply; often a condition of use of lighting applied by a government controlling authority, usually the local government (CIE, 2003).

Environmental Zones: Area where specific activities take place or are planned and where specific requirements for the restriction of obtrusive light are recommended. Zones are indicated by the zone rating (E1… E4) (CIE, 2003).

Obtrusive Light: Spill light which because of quantitative, directional or spectral attributes in a given context, gives rise to annoyance, discomfort, distraction or a reduction in the ability to see essential information (CIE, 2003).

Residential Property: Land upon which a dwelling exists (CIE, 2003).

Sky Glow: The brightening of the night sky caused by artificial lighting resulting from the reflection of radiation (visible and non-visible), scattered from the constituents of the atmosphere (gas molecules, aerosols and particulate matter), in the direction of observation. It comprises two separate components as follows:

(a) Natural sky glow - That part of the sky glow which is attributable to radiation from celestial sources and luminescent processes in the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

(b) Man-made sky glow - That part of the sky glow which is attributable to man-made sources of radiation (e.g. outdoor electric lighting), including radiation that is emitted directly upwards and radiation that is reflected from the surface of the Earth (CIE, 2003).

Spill Light (Stray Light): Light emitted by a lighting installation which falls outside the boundaries of the property for which the lighting installation is designed (CIE, 2003).

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Ref Manufacturer Details / Reference

Lamp Luminaire Efficiency & ULOR (Upward

light ratio)



B &














ULOR= 0%





AT 2.5m





ULR= 24.7%







ULR= 31%

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denver™ bollardap



ns Landscaped areas

Pedestrian walkways






Combining style and performance, the Denver™

bollard creates distinctive illumination for a variety

of landscapes and walkway surrounds. The unique

contours of the body are styled in high quality

aluminium with single or double-sided optics offering

a choice of prismatic refractor or louvre to provide

maximum efficiency and flexibility for a wide range

of applications. With a selection of lamp types, heights

and an array of colour options, the Denver™ bollard

provides aesthetic flexibility by day whilst creating

efficient illumination at night.

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contactHolophanefor details

contactHolophanefor details


lamp types included

35W - 70W metal halide (various)

50W - 70W high pressure sodium

18W - 42W compact fluorescent (various)

IP rating



Complies with EN60598

1000mm bollard withprismatic lens (.PAY)

features and benefits

Contemporary styling

> Unique aesthetic appeal to

complement today’s architecture

High quality construction

> Durability

> Fully weather sealed

Single or double-sided optics

> Suitable for a wide range of


Refractor or louvre optics

> Versatility

Symmetric or asymmetric distribution

> Maximum efficiency and uniformity

for any application

Wide spacing ability

> Cost savings due to reduced

number of luminaires

Three heights

> Flexibility

> Different visual effects

Vandal resistant option

> Improved security

^ special emergency option -sage sofware - newcastle.

^ DBL special dutch railways.< national assembly for wales – merthyr.

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refractor lens (.PAY)

refractor lens (.DP) louvre (.DL)

weights & thermal data

Lamp Type Weight* (kg) Min Operating Max AmbientTemperature (˚C) Temperature** (˚C)

50W High Pressure Sodium 9.2 -30 40

70W High Pressure Sodium 9.3 -30 35

35W Metal Halide 9.0 -20 45

70W Metal Halide 9.3 -20 35

18W-26W Compact Fluorescent 9.4 -5 45

32W-42W Compact Fluorescent 9.4 -10 45

* Weights shown are for 1.0m version. For 0.75 deduct 1.5kg and for 0.5m deduct 3.0.kg ** Themaximum ambient temperatures stated are for exterior use only. For interior use deduct 10ºC fromthe temperature stated.


The luminaire shall consist of an extruded

aluminium body, housing integral control gear

for a variety of high intensity discharge or

compact fluorescent lamps. The optical

arrangement shall consist of an aluminium

reflector and prismatic refractive lens, with

optional louvre. A gasket sealed top plate shall

be secured by two stainless steel nuts. Root

mount option available. The luminaire complies

with EN60598 with a choice of options and


light distributions






louvre (.LYA)

Root Mount Option

Note: 157mm deep

Secure to Flange Basewith M10 Bolts



















Ø25 Knock Out forthrough wiring Ø25 Entry Hole

3 off Ø10.5 Fixing Holes

Flange Base Details

Photometric data is availableat www.holophane.co.uk

Single sided

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Both optics are available as a single-sided or double-sided arrangement.

Double sided for symmetrical illumination. Single sided for asymmetrical distribution.

optical versatility

Refractor A precision designed pre-anodised

semi-specular aluminium reflector and

prismatic refractor ensures maximum lateral

and forward distribution combined with

excellent uniformity.

Louvre For applications that require a fuller cut-

off distribution a louvre optic is also available.

Fixed pre-anodised internal aluminium louvres

are positioned to control the distribution of light

ensuring wide and uniform output coupled with

precise vertical cut off.

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ordering details : luminaire

* All ceramic lamp circuits contain timed ignitors.**Please specify RAL colour reference. ***Only available for 0.75m & 1m height. ****Plug available asaccessory. †Specify HEL.VK to be supplied separately. Vehicle Prohibitor Bollards available via unique solutions. Note: Luminaires are supplied as standardfor use on 240V 50Hz supply and complete with lamp. For 230V 50Hz add prefix ‘N’ Other voltages available on request.

CodeDBL Denver™ Bollard

Code Lamp Type.50XT 50W Clear high output HPS lamp (E27) base

.70XT 70W Clear high output HPS lamp (E27) base

.35CDMTF3 35W Clear CDMT 3000K protected metal halide lamp (G12) base*

.70CDMT3 70W Clear CDMT 3000K protected metal halide lamp (E27) base*

.70MA 70W Clear 4000K protected metal halide lamp (E27) base

.18PL4 18W 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-2) base

.26PL4 26W 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-3) base

.32PL4 32W Triple Tube 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (GX24q-3) base

.42PL4 42W Triple Tube 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (GX24q-4) base

Code Light Distribution.LYA Louvre

.PAY Prismatic lens

.RAY Prismatic lens and reflector

Code Enclosure Type.SO Single sided (Asymmetric)

.DL Double sided louvre (Symmetric)

.DP Double sided prismatic lens (Symmetric)

Code Height.H50 500mm

.H75 750mm

.H100 1000mm

Code Colour.C1 White (RAL 9016)

.C4 Graphite (RAL 7011)

.C6 Grey (RAL 7035)

.C7 Black (RAL 9005)

.C9 Metallic Silver (RAL 9006)

.RAL**** RAL colour (customer choice)**

Code Options.A Acrylic

.C Enhanced paint finish

.CB Cut out box (Factory Fitted)

.CB1 Gear tray extension for

Customers own cut out box***

.PP Power point socket****

.V1 Vandal resistant screws†

DBL .18PL4 .LYA .SO .H75 .C9 .V1Example

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luminaire accessories for standard & emergency versions order separately for on-site installation by others


DBL.PLUG Plug for powerpoint socket

DBL.ROOT Root Mounting Spike (including bolts)

DBL.FT Bolts M10 x 100 for Flange Base Fixing (set of 3)

HEL.CBEPAC Cut Out Box with Earth Plate for Armoured Cable (fuse by others)*

(please contact Holophane for details)

HEL.VK Key for Vandal Resistant Screw

* Only usable with single sided 0.75m and 1m versions.

ordering details : emergency luminaire

.V1 Vandal resistant screws


CodeDBE Denver™ Bollard Emergency Version

Code Lamp Type.18PL4 18W 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-2) base.26PL4 18W 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-3) base.32PL4 32W Triple tube 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (GX24q-3) base.42PL4 42W Triple tube 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (GX24q-4) base

Code Light Distribution.PAY Prismatic lens.RAY Prismatic lens and reflector

Code Enclosure Type.SO Single sided (Asymmetric).DP Double sided (Symmetric)

Code Height.H75 750mm.H100 1000mm

Code Colour.C1 White (RAL 9016).C4 Graphite (RAL 7011).C6 Grey (RAL 7035).C7 Black (RAL (9005).C9 Metallic Silver (RAL 9006).RAL**** RAL colour (customer choice)*

Code Emergency.ME1 Maintained emergency (3 Hour)

Code Options.A Acrylic.C Enhanced paint finish.CB Cut out box (factory fitted).PP Power point socket**

.V1 Vandal resistant screws***

DBE .18PL4 .PAY .SO .H100 .C9 .ME1 .V1

* Please specify RAL colour reference. **Plug available as accessory. ***Specify HEL.VK to be supplied separately.

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denver™ wallap



ns Corporate office


Building perimeters

Amenity areas


Passage ways


With its contemporary styling, the Denver™ Wall

mount luminaire blends with surrounding

architecture by day, maintaining efficient illumination at

night. Designed for low to medium mounting heights

(3m to 5m), the compact Denver™ Wall Mount luminaire

offers exceptional performance characteristics for a

highly effective solution for wall mounted applications.

The latest in control gear and lamp technology, coupled

with a precisely engineered refractive lens and pre-

anodised reflector assembly, achieve maximum

performance combined with high efficiency.

Page 33: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave







lamp types included

35W - 100W metal halide (various)

50W - 70W high pressure sodium

18W - 42W compact fluorescent (various)

IP rating



Complies with EN60598

features and benefits

Contemporary styling

> Unique aesthetic appeal to

complement today’s architecture

High quality construction

> Durability

> Fully weather sealed

Optional photocell

> Flexibility

Single bottom entry option

& through-wire option

> Offers installation flexibility

Emergency options

> Improved security

Self-retaining strap

> Ease of maintenance

< grand arcade - wigan

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105 CNTR


The luminaire shall consist of a high pressure

die-cast aluminium body, housing integral

control gear to suit a wide choice of high

intensity discharge or compact fluorescent

lamps. The optical arrangement shall consist of

an aluminium reflector and prismatic injection-

moulded polycarbonate refractive lens. An

acrylic lens shall be available as an option. A

closed cell resilient gasket with four stainless

steel screws maintains uniform gasket

compression ensuring an IP65 rating at all

times. The luminaire shall be suitable for wall

mounting and complies with EN60598 with a

choice of options and accessories.

light distributions

weights & thermal data

Lamp Type Weight (kg) Min. Operating Max. AmbientTemperature (˚C) Temperature* (˚C)

50W High Pressure Sodium 4.7 -30 50

70W High Pressure Sodium 4.7 -30 45

35W Metal Halide 4.7 -20 55

70W Metal Halide 4.7 -20 45

100W Metal Halide 4.7 -20 40

18W Compact Fluorescent 4.2 -5 60

26W Compact Fluorescent 4.2 -5 55

32W Compact Fluorescent 4.2 -10 45

42W Compact Fluorescent 4.2 -10 40

* The maximum ambient temperatures stated are for exterior use only. For interior use deduct 10ºCfrom the temperature stated.

Photometric data is availableat www.holophane.co.uk

Ø21 bottomcable entry

2 off Ø6.5fixing holes

Ø21.5 rearcable entry

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easy maintenance

A retaining strap holds the luminaire front in

place, allowing for easy maintenance.

optical arrangement

A combination of reflector and refractive lens

arrangement provides precise optical control

The horizontal and vertical prism arrangement

allows for improved visual comfort with

excellent spacing capabilities

denver wall mounting heights

Lamp Type Min. Recommended Recommended Mounting Mounting Height Height

18PL 2.5m 2.5m-3m

26PL 2.5m 2.5m-3m

32PL 2.5m 2.5m-3m

42PL 2.5m 2.5m-3m

35CDMTF3 3m 3m-4m

50XT 3m 3m-4m

70CDMT3 4m 4m-5m

70XT 4m 4m-5m

Page 36: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave


ordering details : luminaire

luminaire accessoriesorder separately for on-site installation by others


DWS.TC70 Photocell (Retro-fit).

CodeDWS Denver Wall

Code Lamp Type.50XT 50W Clear high output HPS lamp (E27) base

.70XT 70W Clear high output HPS lamp (E27) base

.35CDMTF3 35W Clear CDMT 3000K metal halide lamp (G12) base*

.70CDMT3 70W Clear CDMT 3000K metal halide lamp (E27) base*

.100CDMT3 Clear CDM-T 3000K metal halide lamp (E27) base

.18PL2 18W 4000K Compact fluorescent 2-Pin lamp (G24d-2) base

.18PL4 18W 4000K Compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-2) base

.26PL2 26W 4000K Compact fluorescent 2-Pin lamp (G24d-3) base

.26PL4 26W 4000K Compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-3) base

.32PL4 32W Triple tube 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (GX24q-3) base

.42PL4 42W Triple tube 4000K compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (GX24q-4) base

Code Colour.C1 White (RAL 9016)

.C4 Graphite (RAL 7011)

.C6 Grey (RAL 7035)

.C7 Black (RAL (9005)

.C9 Metallic Silver (RAL 9006)

.RAL**** RAL colour (customer choice)**

Code Options.A Acrylic

.C Enhanced paint finish

.T Photocell (Factory Fitted)

.S5 Single bottom entry***

.S6 Twin bottom entry****

DWS .18PL2 .C9 .S6

* All ceramic lamp circuits contain timed ignitors. ** Please specify RAL colour reference. *** S5 accepts 2.5mm2 cable and single 21.5mm Ø bottomentry. **** S6 accepts 2.5mm2 cable and twin 21.5mm Ø bottom entry, allowing through wiring.Note: Luminaires are supplied as standard for use on 240V50Hz supply and complete with lamp. For 230V 50Hz add prefix ‘N’ Other voltages available on request.


Page 37: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave







ordering details : emergency luminaire

CodeDWE Denver Wall Emergency Version

Code Lamp Type .18PL4 18W 4000K Compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-2) base

.26PL4 26W 4000K Compact fluorescent 4-Pin lamp (G24q-3) base

.32PL4 32W Triple Tube 4000K compact fluorescent 2-Pin lamp (GX24q-3) base

.42PL4 42W Triple Tube 4000K compact fluorescent 2-Pin lamp (GX24q-4) base

Code Colour.C1 White (RAL 9016)

.C4 Graphite (RAL 7011)

.C6 Grey (RAL 7035)

.C7 Black (RAL (9005)

.C9 Metallic Silver (RAL 9006)

.RAL**** RAL colour (customer choice)*

Code Emergency.ME Maintained emergency (3 hour)

Code Options.A Acrylic

.C Enhanced paint finish

.T Photocell (Factory Fitted)

.S5 Single bottom entry***

.S6 Twin bottom entry****

DWE .18PL4 .C9 .ME .S6

* Please specify RAL colour reference.* All ceramic lamp circuits contain timed ignitors. ** Please specify RAL colour reference. *** S5 accepts 2.5mm2cable and single 21.5mm Ø bottom entry. **** S6 accepts 2.5mm2 cable and twin 21.5mm Ø bottom entry, allowing through wiring.


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84 www.abacuslighting.com

Lamp Lamp Lamp Description Weight Watts Type Holder (Kg)

AL5021 150W SONP-T / HQI-T E40 Narrow Symmetric Beam 10.50 250W Integral Control Gear 11.03 400W 12.22

AL5022 150W SONP-T / HQI-T E40 Asymmetric Beam 10.50 250W Integral Control Gear 11.03 400W 12.22

AL5023 150W SONP-T / HQI-T E40 Double Asymmetric (50°) Beam 10.50 250W Integral Control Gear 11.03 400W 12.22


for architectural and

commercial locations

reflector available to give highly

efficient light output

all-weather and corrosion resistant

polyester powder

wide range of applications

the long catch for quick

and simple servicing

the body dissipate heat effectively

grid, cowl and flux control louvre

Technical Features

polyester powder coated

and wiring box

asymmetric reflector option

central bolt hole (add suffix /M12

to bracket reference)

or metal halide lamps



RAL9006 Silver

RAL9005 Black

Page 39: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave








Professional lighting systems to suit any project. Call 01623 518 333 85

AL5099 Protection grid

AL5097 - Silver AL5097/B Vertical louvre - Black

AL5098 - Silver AL5098/B Cowl - Grey



Key features


Dimensions in mm

50º flat glass reflector dark skies friendly FLOO




AL5022 400w-SONP-T



AL5023 400w-SONP-T

Double Asymmetric


-90 -50 -300

30 70 900











-10 10-70 50 -90 -50 -300

30 70 900








-10 10-70 50


AL5021 400w-SONP-T



-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90V0












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Page 41: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Description, Site & surround

.1 3D view, View from the front

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

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Description, Site & surround

.2 3D view, View from the back

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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Description, Site & surround

.3 3D view, View from the left

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

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Description, Site & surround

.4 3D view, View from the right

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

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Summary, Site & surround

.5 Result overview, Reference plane 1

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












1.5 2 3 5 7.5Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m² (0.63 W/m²/100lx)

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 4 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 698 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:--- (---)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:--- (---)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 46: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.6 Result overview, workshop area

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












0.0075 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.03Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 0.02 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 0.04 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:--- (---)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:--- (---)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 47: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.7 Result overview, MRF area

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












3 5 7.5 10 15Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 6.5 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 97.6 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:--- (---)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:--- (---)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 48: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.8 Result overview, IBA processing

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












7.5 10 15 20 30Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 13 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 668 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:--- (---)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:--- (---)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 49: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.9 Result overview, IBA processing main vehicle circulation area

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












15 20 30 50 75Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 39 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 1 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 732 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:57.1 (0.02)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:1070 (0)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 50: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.10 Result overview, main loading area for IBA plant

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












50 75 100 150 200Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 110 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 5 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 429 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:22.6 (0.04)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:88.4 (0.01)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 51: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.11 Result overview, turning area

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












0.15 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 0.25 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0.04 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 1.28 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:6.07 (0.16)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:30.6 (0.03)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 52: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.12 Result overview, 7

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












20 30 50 75 100Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 52 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 1 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 746 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:41.3 (0.02)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:592 (0)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 53: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.13 Result overview, 3

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 0.5 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0.1 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 15.9 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:6.41 (0.16)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:187 (0.01)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 54: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.14 Result overview, 8

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












30 50 75 100 150Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 83 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 311 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:927 (0)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:3470 (0)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 55: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.15 Result overview, 6a

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












7.5 10 15 20 30Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 16 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 0 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 486 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:--- (---)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:--- (---)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 56: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave

Summary, Site & surround

.16 Result overview, 6b

ObjectInstallationProject numberDate

:::: 11.05.2011

-please put your own address here-

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400[m]












10 15 20 30 50Illuminance [lx]

GeneralCalculation algorithm used Average indirect fractionHeight of evaluation surface 0.00 mMaintenance factor 0.80

Total luminous flux of all lamps 484800 lmTotal power 3600 WTotal power per area (145986.80 m²) 0.02 W/m²

IlluminanceAverage illuminance Eav 17.8 lxMinimum illuminance Emin 4 lxMaximum illuminance Emax 29.8 lxUniformity g1 Emin/Em 1:4.42 (0.23)Uniformity g2 Emin/Emax 1:7.4 (0.14)

ABACUS LIGHTING LTD11 9 Order No. : AL5023 400W SONP-T

Luminaire name : AL5023 Trent AS SHP-T 400WEquipment : 1 x ST 400 / 48000 lm

Holophane UK13 3 Order No. : !DBL.50XT.RAY.SO

Luminaire name : DENVER BOLLARD 50W SSEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

18 9 Order No. : DWS.50XTLuminaire name : DENVER WALLEquipment : 1 x 50XT / 4400 lm

Page 57: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave
Page 58: External Lighting Assessment - · PDF fileby the developer’s designers when undertaking the full external lighting design of the ... External Lighting Assessment June 2011 . Whitecleave
