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External Money Managers and Investment Issues

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1 School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds External Money Managers and Investment Issues Presented by : Gary Porter C.F.A. Vice President Capital Management of the Carolinas, LLC distributors of the North Carolina Capital Management Trust Email: [email protected] School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds
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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

External Money Managers and Investment Issues

Presented by :

Gary Porter C.F.A. Vice President

Capital Management of the Carolinas, LLC distributors of the North Carolina Capital Management Trust

Email: [email protected]

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

§  Legality – know what your unit can

invest in (GS 159-30) §  Can your local government use external

investment managers w/o specific local legislation?

§  Winston-Salem – pension plan §  City of Charlotte – Firefighters Retirement fund

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Decide what you want to achieve

n  Investment policy n  Increased yield n  Safekeeping n  Cash flow analysis n  Portfolio reporting n  Training

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

Constraints -

§  Safety – low default or credit risk

§  Liquidity – able to turn asset into cash quickly, w/o great loss of principal

§  Yield – always the last consideration

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  What funds do you want to include –

n  Short-term n  Long-term n  Operating funds n  Bond funds n  Reserve funds

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

§  Internal Managers – usually the Finance Officer or Investment Officer

§  External Managers – bank trust departments – national investment

management firms – small independent consultants – broker/dealers

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  External Investment Programs –

n  Manager - n  actively manages portfolio n  executes purchases/sales n  coordinates safekeeping

n  Advisor – n  advises local unit as to purchases/sales,

portfolio operations n  no direct control n  local unit maintains direct control of process n  advisor only gives suggestions

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Investment Managers/Advisors

n  Brokers - n  Don’t maintain their own inventory n  Put buyers and sellers together

n  Broker/Dealer – n  Maintain an inventory of securities to sell n  Can offer and trade from their own account n  Investment advice may not be an objective opinion but one

that is designed to sell securities for a commission.

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Common To All External Managers/Advisors

n  They offer investment advice or management for a fee

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Selecting Investment Managers

n  Provide to Prospective Advisors n  State investment statutes n  Local investment statutes n  Current investment policy n  Current portfolio listing n  Cash flow projections for coming year

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Selecting Investment Managers n  Use an RFP process (ask about)

n  Organization of the firm n  Ownership of the firm n  SEC or regulatory censure/litigation (all yrs) n  Personnel qualifications n  Size and type of assets managed n  Investment management style and philosophy n  Reporting practices n  Historical performance n  Fees n  References (preferably public sector)

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Selecting Investment Managers

n  Personal interview for final candidates n  Insist on formal contract

n  Term of contract n  Description of services to be performed n  Liabilities n  Assurance of compliance with all laws, statutes and policies n  Reporting requirements n  Fees

n  Require investment results comply with Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Why Units May Use Managers

n  Develop investment policy

n  Active investment strategies n  Yield curve, sector analysis, spread analysis

n  Market timing strategies – very difficult

n  Portfolio realignment

n  Access to additional resources (Bloomberg)

n  Reduce staff workload

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Why Units May Not Use Managers

n  Size of Unit - n  May consider themselves too large n  May consider themselves too small

n  Level of Sophistication - n  Experienced, well-trained staff in place

n  Legality & Control – n  Do your statutes permit it? n  “Losing control” of investment program

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

May Not Use (cont.)

n  Enjoyment – this is a fun part of the job

n  Cost – Units just don’t see the value

n  Staff still needed to monitor investment program n  Finance Officer is still ultimately responsible

n  Is it worth the fee? What is value added “net of fees”

n  How are managers paid? n  Flat fee n  Fee based on assets under management n  Fee based on performance n  Paid out of earnings n  Line item expense

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

Discretionary vs. Non-Discretionary Authority

§  Discretionary Authority – granting to an investment manager complete authority to execute investment transactions subject to general constraints set by the unit’s investment policy or by contract with the manager

§  Advantages – §  quicker response time to market opportunities

§  Disadvantages – §  probably not legal §  loss of control over funds §  loss of control over the decision making process

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

Discretionary vs. Non-Discretionary Authority

§  Non-Discretionary Authority – manager must obtain approval for individual transactions

Advantages - §  Legal §  government retains control over it’s funds §  provides input to the process

Disadvantages – §  staff time is used handling investments §  manager performance is more difficult to evaluate because of

local government input

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Benefits of Using External Managers

n  Professional manager – that is their business

n  Greater access to investment markets/information

n  Enhanced credit research available for unsecured investments (i.e. - commercial paper)

n  Can complement internal resources or personnel

n  Could increase internal control and “separation of duties”

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Costs of Using External Managers

n  All returns should be quoted “net-of-fees”.

n  Take the total yield or return that the manager earns and subtract the fees they charge to manage the portfolio. The remaining earnings will be the “net earnings”.

n  “Net-of-fees” can be used for bank products also. Different products have different fee structures.

n  The manager must earn excess returns at least equal to their fee for the local unit to “break even”.

n  Loss of Control – Have to monitor compliance, what if manager purchases an ineligible investment, FO still responsible

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Cost - there is a fee charged for managing assets

n  Flat fee - Fixed dollar charge for managing investment program ($15,000/year, $50,000/year or any other agreed upon price)

n  Percentage of Assets- average invested balance multiplied by percentage rate (30 basis points, 50 basis points, etc…)

n  Ex. - $10,000,000 x .0030 = $30,000 per year

n  Combination - flat fee, percentage of assets, percentage of gains or combinations thereof

n  If manager performs well, are you going to have problems explaining a large investment management fee to your governing board (it’s not what you are earning for me, it’s what you are costing me, view)

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Costs of Using External Managers (cont.)

n  Choosing the wrong manager - the manager underperforms the market, (you can do this for free)

n  Choosing the wrong benchmark - if wrong benchmark is chosen, manager may be compensated for sub-par performance

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Investment Agreements

n  Investment Agreements should include: n  Acceptable risks n  Allowable investment instruments n  Allowable strategies n  Diversification requirements n  Required reporting (Minimums)

n  Detailed portfolio transactions - to monitor compliance n  Investment performance report - should include total return n  Maturity/Duration indicators - to monitor interest rate risk n  Portfolio holdings - n  Mark-to-Market report -

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Custody - the legal responsibility for someone else’s assets

n  Custodian - responsible for: n  safekeeping of the assets n  accurate record keeping n  accounting of assets n  timely delivery of securities/interest payments n  reporting to the client

n  For local government units, the custodian is normally the trust department of a bank.

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Custody (cont.)

n  Third Party Custodial Account – very important

n  Needed for all investment programs (internal or external)

n  Custodian is independent of the trade and holds the investment for the benefit of the governmental unit only

n  Assets are held in the unit’s name only and should never be registered in “street name” or held by a dealer.

n  A good custody account should protect the unit’s assets in case of liquidation of the firm.

n  “Delivery vs. payment” (DVP) – must have this n  Securities and funds are exchanged simultaneously n  Assets are protected in case of failure

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Ways for External Managers to Outperform

n  Extension - going further out on the yield curve, increasing volatility, mark-to-market issues (especially in times of rising interest rates)

n  Reduce Credit Quality - buying lower credit quality instruments to pick up the risk premium offered

n  Treasuries n  Government agencies n  Commercial paper

n  Trading - active trading of security positions to capture potential gains (at what cost, ST income vs. LT yield)

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  Ways for External Managers to Outperform

n  Increase risk – this is the only way

n  Credit Quality – use lower credit quality investments n  Extension – go further out the yield curve n  Trading – try to capture gains in market value

n  Finance Officer ultimately accountable

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School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds

n  State of North Carolina –

n  What do they use external managers for? n  Equities n  Venture capital n  Real estate n  Alternative investments

n  What do they manage internally? n  Fixed income n  Almost exclusively internally managed

School of Government: Cash Management & Investment of Public Funds
