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Extra Credit Assignment (Chapters 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 ...

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1 GEOLOGY 306 Laboratory NAME: Instructor: TERRY J. BOROUGHS Extra Credit Assignment (Chapters 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 23) For this chapter 23 you will require: a calculator, protractor, and a metric ruler, and an atlas of maps (provided for you). Objectives: you should be able to explain the grid system used for locating places and features on Earth; use the Earth’s grid system to accurately locate a place or feature; explain the relation between latitude and the angle of the North Star (Polaris) above the horizon; explain the relation between longitude and solar time; determine the shortest route and distance between any two places on Earth’s surface. THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REFER Chapter 23 IN YOUR MANUAL (Read the questions from your manual, watch the prelab videos and smart figures and then place your answers in the following spaces provided.) PRE-LAB VIDEO: http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secstarbuck8_prelab_video_22_location_distance 1. Are the lines of latitude oriented parallel to the equator or the prime meridian? (PICK ONE) 2. Degrees of latitude or longitude can be subdivided into ___________ minutes(). 3. Minutes of latitude or longitude can be subdivided into ____________ seconds ( ) 4. Complete questions 1 through 6A (activity 23.2, pages 371 and 372) on the diagrams in your manual, 9 th edition or questions 1 through 6 A, 8 th edition (activity 22.2). This will give you the needed practice to move on to question 6B, 9 th edition or 6B, 8 th edition. Part B: Estimate the latitude of the various points associated with question 6B (page 372, 9 th edition) or 6B (8 th edition). Point A: 30N Latitude Point B: 5S Latitude Point C: Point D: Point E: Point F: 7. The farthest one can be from the equator is (45, 90, or 180) degrees of latitude. Select the best answer. 8. What are the names of the two places on Earth that are farthest from the equator to the north and the south? 9. Identify the city that the prime meridian runs through in England! 10. Identify the Longitude for the following locations on Figure 23.5 (9 th edition) or Figure 22.5 (8 th edition). Point A: 30E Longitude Point B: 20W Longitude Point C: Point D: Point E: Point F: 11. The farthest a place can be directly east or west of the prime meridian is (45, 90 or 180 degrees). Select the best answer.
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GEOLOGY 306 Laboratory NAME: Instructor: TERRY J. BOROUGHS

Extra Credit Assignment (Chapters 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 23)

For this chapter 23 you will require: a calculator, protractor, and a metric ruler, and an atlas of maps (provided for you). Objectives: you should be able to explain the grid system used for locating places and features on Earth; use the Earth’s grid system to accurately locate a place or feature; explain the relation between latitude and the angle of the North Star (Polaris) above the horizon; explain the relation between longitude and solar time; determine the shortest route and distance between any two places on Earth’s surface.

THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REFER Chapter 23 IN YOUR MANUAL (Read the questions from your manual, watch the prelab videos and smart figures and then place your

answers in the following spaces provided.)



1. Are the lines of latitude oriented parallel to the equator or the prime meridian? (PICK ONE)

2. Degrees of latitude or longitude can be subdivided into ___________ minutes(‘).

3. Minutes of latitude or longitude can be subdivided into ____________ seconds (“)

4. Complete questions 1 through 6A (activity 23.2, pages 371 and 372) on the diagrams in your manual, 9th edition or questions 1 through 6 A, 8th edition (activity 22.2). This will give you the needed practice to move on to question 6B, 9th edition or 6B, 8th edition.

Part B: Estimate the latitude of the various points associated with question 6B (page 372, 9th edition) or 6B (8th edition).

Point A: 30N Latitude Point B: 5S Latitude Point C:

Point D: Point E: Point F:

7. The farthest one can be from the equator is (45, 90, or 180) degrees of latitude. Select the best answer.

8. What are the names of the two places on Earth that are farthest from the equator to the north and

the south?

9. Identify the city that the prime meridian runs through in England!

10. Identify the Longitude for the following locations on Figure 23.5 (9th edition) or Figure 22.5 (8th edition).

Point A: 30E Longitude Point B: 20W Longitude Point C:

Point D: Point E: Point F:

11. The farthest a place can be directly east or west of the prime meridian is (45, 90 or 180 degrees).

Select the best answer.

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12. Using Figure 23.6 (9th edition) or figure 22.6 (8th edition) estimate the Latitude and Longitude of the following points.

Point A: 30N Latitude, 60E Longitude

Point B: Latitude, Longitude

Point C: Latitude, Longitude

Point D: Latitude, Longitude

Point E: Latitude, Longitude

Geologic Maps and Structures (Chapter 6) (9th Edition) or (Chapter 8) (8th edition)

For this chapter you will require: metric ruler, protractor, colored pencils and eraser. Objectives: you should be able to explain how geologists describe the orientation of folded rocks and faults using the measurements strike and dip; draw and interpret a simple geologic block diagram; describe the various types of folds and how they form; recognize and diagram anticlines, synclines, domes and basins in both geologic map and cross-sectional views; discuss the formation and types of dip-slip and strike-slip faults; recognize and diagram the various types of faults in both geologic map and cross-sectional views; interpret a simplified geologic map and use it to construct a geologic cross section.

(Read the questions from your manual, watch the prelab videos and smart figures and then place your answers in the following spaces provided.)

PRE-LAB VIDEO: http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-tarbuck8_prelab_video_08_geol_maps

TYPES OF STRESS: COMPRESSION → Directed pressure/stress toward each other, associated with

converging plate margins.

TENSION → Directed pressure/stress away from each other, associated with diverging plate margins.

SHEAR Directed pressure/stress sliding past each other, associated with → transform plate margins.

TYPES OF STRAIN: ELASTIC: Non-permanent deformation, once stress is released, the

material returns to its original configuration.

PLASTIC OR DUCTILE: Permanent deformation, often ductile curved in appearance.

BRITTLE: Rigid deformation, where the material will rupture and break.


STRIKE: Describes the orientation of the strata relative to the compass directions


DIP: Describes the amount and direction of tilting of the strata. FOR


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Describe the type of deformation you would expect if you dropped each of the items listed below onto a concrete floor.

Elastic, Brittle, or Ductile Deformation Material Type of Deformation

Tennis Ball

Wine Glass

Modeling Clay

China Plate

Pizza Dough


REMEMBER STRIKE AND DIP READINGS INCLUDE BOTH AN ANGLE AND COMPASS DIRECTIONS! FOR EXAMPLE: STRIKE: N45°W, DIP: 60°N For these 3D diagrams, just estimate the angles involved, e.g. 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and over 75°.

Block A


1. Use the Strike and dip symbols on the above block diagram to help you identify various features/aspects of this fold.

2. Is this a plunging fold? NO

3. Identify the strike (of the fold axis and limbs) EAST-WEST

Identify the dip for EACH of the fold limbs. Remember to include both the approximate dip angle and dip direction! For Example: 45°E and 45°W


4. Identify this fold NON-PLUNGING SYNCLINE

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1. Use the Strike and dip symbols to help you identify various features/aspects of this fold.

2. Is this a plunging fold?

3. Identify the strike (of the fold axis and limbs)

Identify the dip for EACH of the fold limbs. Remember to include both the approximate dip

angle and dip direction! For Example: 45°E and 45°W


4. Identify this fold

Block B

Block C


1. Use the Strike and dip symbols to help you identify various features/aspects of this fold.

2. Is this a plunging fold?

3. Identify the direction of plunge and the approximate amount of plunge

of the fold axis.

4. Identify this fold BE SPECIFIC!

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1. Draw the relative movement of the hanging wall and footwall ON THE FRONT

(CROSS-SECTIONAL) VIEW using arrows.

Identify the dip of the fault surface. Remember to include both the approximate dip

angle and dip direction! For Example: 45°E

2. Is the hanging wall moving up or down?

3. Identify this fault.

Block D

Block E


1. Draw the relative movement of the hanging wall and footwall ON THE FRONT

(CROSS-SECTIONAL) VIEW using arrows.

Identify the dip of the fault surface. Remember to include both the approximate dip angle and

dip direction! For Example: 45°E

2. Is the hanging wall moving up or down?

3. Identify this fault.

THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REFER TO Chapter 6 (9th edition) or Chapter 8 (8th Edition) IN YOUR MANUAL

(Read the questions from your manual and place your answers in the following spaces provided.)

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5. Place your answers here rather than on figure 6.4 (9th edition) or figure 8.4 (8th edition) of your manual.

Left Map: Strike: North

Angle of Dip: Direction of Dip:

Right Map: Strike: North

Angle of Dip: Direction of Dip:

6. What is the strike and dip of the rock units in Figure 6.7 9th edition?

A. Strike: North____________ _____________ Dip: _______________________

7. Write your answers here regarding fold types in figure 6.12 (9th edition) or figure 8.12 (8th edition):

• Identify the fold in each diagram: Left diagram: Right Diagram:

• The plane extending through each block diagram is called:

• The rock layers for the anticline dip (away or toward) the axial plane? (pick one)

• The rock layers for the syncline dip (away or toward) the axial plane? (pick one)

• Are these folds plunging or non-plunging? (pick one)

8. Is the fault illustrated in figure 6.19 (9th edition) or figure 8.19 (8th edition) a (right-lateral or left-lateral) strike-slip fault? Pick one.

The following questions refer to figure 6.21 (pages 106 and 107, 9th edition) or figure 8.22 (8th edition) a geologic map of the Devils Fence, Montana area.

9. What is the verbal of the Devils Fence map? You may have to measure your visual scale to convert to a verbal scale.

Verbal Scale: 1 inch = Miles

10. Identify the Oldest and youngest sedimentary rocks by the Name and geologic age or period (not numerical age)

Youngest: Name: Geologic Age (name):

Oldest: Name: Geologic Age (name):

11. Are the intrusive igneous rocks near the center of the structure in (younger or older) than the

adjacent sedimentary rocks? Pick one.

12. Use figure 6.23 (9th edition) or figure 8.23 (8th edition) in your manual and provide the strike and dip

of the limestone layer. Strike: North Dip:

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13. Examine the strike and dip symbols of the rock units on the Devils Fence Geologic map. Draw in several large arrows on the map, pointing in the direction of dip of several of the rock units.

A) Do the rock layers indicated near the center of the map in section 14 dip toward the (northwest or southeast)? Pick one. The same rocks in section 14 are also found in section 18. B) Do the rocks in section 18 dip toward the (East or West)? Pick one

A: B:

14. Are the rocks (older or younger) at the center of the fold? Pick one.

15. Is this geologic structure a (non-plunging or plunging) (Anticline or Syncline)? Pick the best

combination of answers.

16. Label the hanging wall and the footwall on each of the two faults illustrated in figure 6.27 (9th edition) or 8.27 (8th edition). On each photo, draw arrows showing the relative movement of both sides of the fault. Determine if the hanging wall is going up or down for each photo. Name the type of fault illustrated in each photo and describe the forces or stresses that produced it.

Is the hanging wall going up or down for Figure A: Figure B:

A. Figure A Fault Name: Figure B. Fault Name:



For these chapters you will require: a calculator and metric ruler. Chapter 8 Objectives: you should be able to: 1. Sketch, label, and discuss the complete hydrologic cycle. 2. Explain the relation between infiltration and runoff that occurs during a rainfall. 3. Discuss the effect that urbanization has on the runoff and infiltration of an area. 4. Identify on a topographic map the following features that are associated with rivers and valleys: rapids, meanders, floodplain, oxbow lake, and back-swamps. 5. Explain the occurrence, fluctuation, use, and miss-use of groundwater supplies. 6. Identify on a topographic map the following features associated with karst landscapes: sinkholes, disappearing streams, and solution valleys. Chapter 9 Objectives: you should be able to: 1.Locate the desert and steppe regions of North America. 2. Describe the evolution of the landforms that exist in the mountainous desert areas of the Basin and Range region of the western United States. 3. Describe the different types of glacial deposits and the features they compose. 4. Identify and explain the formation of the features commonly found in areas where the landforms are the result of deposition by continental ice sheets. 5. Describe the evolution and appearance of a glaciated mountainous area. 6. Identify and explain the formation of the features caused by alpine glaciation. AND SO ON…..

(Read the questions from your manual, watch the prelab videos and smart figures and then place your answers in the following spaces provided.)


• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/ogIkyYhZgSwsYurz7bIvYDYSfIl5m3vR

SMART FIGURES: ▪ http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-SmartFigures-The_Water_Cycle

▪ http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geol_proj_condor_meandering_rivers

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▪ http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-SmartFigures-Groundwater

1. Refer to Figure 8.4 (9th edition) or 4.4 (8th edition). Does urbanization increase or decrease the lag time between rainfall and the maximum runoff point? (Pick one)

2. Refer to Figure 8.4 (9th edition) or 4.4 (8th edition). Does urbanization increase or decrease the maximum amount of runoff? (Pick one)

3. Refer to figure 8.6 (9th edition) or 4.6 (8th edition). If north is up, which direction does the Missouri River flow to?

4. Refer to figure 8.6 (9th edition) or 4.6 (8th edition). Does the Missouri River exhibit a floodplain? (yes or no?)

5. Refer to Figure 8.6 (9th edition) or 4.6 (8th edition). Does the Missouri River meander? (yes or no?)

6. Refer to Figure 8.6 (9th edition) or 4.6 (8th edition). Does down-cutting or lateral erosion dominate the Missouri River? (Pick one)

7. Refer to Figure 4.8 (8th edition). Does the Genesee River which runs diagonally through the

Angelica, New York map exhibit a floodplain? (yes or no?)

8. Refer to Figure 8.8 (9th edition) or 4.8 (8th edition). Does down-cutting or lateral erosion dominate the Genesee River? (Pick one)

9. Refer to Figure 8.8 (9th edition) or 4.8 (8th edition). Does the Genesee River meander? (yes or no?)

10. Refer to Figure 8.8 (9th edition) or 4.8 (8th edition). Does the Genesee River exhibit Oxbows

or Oxbow lakes? (yes or no?)

11. Refer to Figure 8.8 (9th edition) or 4.8 (8th edition). Does the Genesee River have point bar deposits? (Yes or No) If so, are they located on the inside or outside of a meander? (Pick the right combination)

12. Refer to Figure 8.8 (9th edition) or 4.8 (8th edition). What direction does the Genesee River flow to?

13. Refer to Figure 8.10 (9th edition) or 4.10 (8th edition). Does the Red River meander? (yes or no?)

14. Refer to Figure 8.10 (9th edition) or 4.10 (8th edition). Does the Red River exhibit a flood plain? (yes or no?)

15. Refer to Figure 8.10 (9th edition) or 4.10 (8th edition). What type of feature the areas labeled

“C” represent?

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16. Refer to Figure 8.10 (9th edition) or 4.10 (8th edition). Does down-cutting or lateral erosion

dominate the Red River? (Pick one)

17. Refer to Figure 8.10 (9th edition) or 4.10 (8th edition). What type of feature the areas labeled

“D” represent?

18. Refer to Figure 8.10 (9th edition) or 4.10 (8th edition). What type of feature the areas labeled

“E” represent?

19. Which one of the following has the steepest gradient: the Missouri River, Genesee River, or Red River? (Pick one)

20. In the zone of aeration (unsaturated zone) the pore spaces are completely (filled, empty of

water). Select the appropriate answer.

21. In the zone of saturation (saturated zone) the pore spaces are completely (filled, empty of

water). Select the appropriate answer.

22. The boundary between the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone is called the:

23. Refer to Figure 8.14 (9th edition) or 4.14 (8th edition). The land surface is sloping toward the (NW or SE)? (Pick one)

24. Refer to Figure 8.16 (9th edition) or 4.16 (8th edition). The AMOUNT of subsidence has increased or decreased in the period between 1910 and 1970? (Pick one)

25. Refer to Figure 8.16 (9th edition) or 4.16 (8th edition). The Well water level has generally increased or decreased in the period between 1910 and 1970. (Pick one)

26. Refer to Figure 8.16 (9th edition) or 4.16 (8th edition). At any point during the period between 1910 and 1970, did the well water level increase dramatically? (Yes or No?)

27. Refer to Figure 8.18 (9th edition) or 4.18 (8th edition). Ground depressions are often shown on topographic maps with the use of small “hachure” lines that are attached to a contour line and point toward the center of a rounded contour pattern. A) Do you see any such patterns in this map? B) If so, what do these depressions represent? In other words, what would be the proper name for these types of features? A) B)

28. Refer to Figure 8.18 (9th edition) or 4.18 (8th edition). Many small streams end at the features

discussed in the previous question. What is the proper name for such streams?



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• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/mpQYHe17sjmXel7SjKPVd9VSFU

XarkzZ SMART FIGURES: ▪ http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-SmartFigures-Deserts

▪ mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geol-proj-condor-characteristics-of-alluvial-fans

▪ mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-animation-Formation_of_a_Glacial_Trough

1. Refer to Figure 9.4 (9th edition) or 5.4 (8th edition). What type of feature is represented by

the area labeled “D?”

2. Refer to Figure 9.4 (9th edition) or 5.4 (8th edition). What types of features are represented by the areas labeled “C?”

3. Refer to Figure 9.4 (9th edition) or 5.4 (8th edition). What is the elevation of Indian Butte?

4. Refer to Figure 9.4 (9th edition) or 5.4 (8th edition). In the South half of the map is a Benchmark of 1690 (BM 1690). What is the Range, Township and Section number of this location? (USE the PLSS)

• Section: Township: Range:

5. Refer to Figure 9.4 (9th edition) or 5.4 (8th edition). What direction is the river located near Indian Butte flowing to?

6. Refer to Figure 9.10 (9th edition) or 5.10 (8th edition). What types of features are represented by the areas labeled “A?”

7. Refer to Figure 9.10 (9th edition) or 5.10 (8th edition). There are numerous lakes that fill in depressions on this landscape. What type of lakes are these?

8. Refer to Figure 9.10 (9th edition) or 5.13 (8th edition). Identify the features associated with letter(s) “A.”

9. Refer to Figure 9.13 (9th edition) or 5.13 (8th edition). Identify the features associated with letter(s) “B.”

10. Refer to Figure 9.13 (9th edition) or 5.13 (8th edition). Identify the features associated with letter(s) “G.”

11. Refer to Figure 9.16 (9th edition) or 5.14 (8th edition). Identify the features associated with letter(s) “B.” Is it more likely an esker or an end moraine?

12. Refer to Figure 9.16 (9th edition) or 5.14 (8th edition). Identify the features associated with letter(s) “A.”

13. Refer to figure 9.16 (9th edition) or 5.14 (8th edition). Is the glacier in this image advancing or retreating? (pick one)

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Pre-lab Videos

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-tarbuck8_prelab_video_10_intro_oceanography

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-tarbuck8_prelab_video_11_waves_currents_tides

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-tarbuck8_prelab_video_12_earth_sun_relationships

Smart Figures:

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-SmartFigures-Longshore_Currents

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geol-sf-major-surface-ocean-currents

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-SmartFigures-Tides

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geol-sf-sun-angle-influences-solar-intensity

• mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/naj4BQ8MHV1w1kftfpvzp0dC6uRG78GT

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-smartfigures-typical-daily-temperature-


1. Which hemisphere, Northern or Southern, could be called the “water” hemisphere and which the “land” hemisphere?

• Water: Land:

2. Which ocean is almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere?

3. Refer to Figure 11.5 (9th edition) or figure 10.5 (8th edition). Of the (shelf, slope, rise) which represents the very flat portion of the Continental margin? (Pick one)

4. Refer to Figure 11.5 (9th edition) or figure 10.5 (8th edition). Deep Sea Fans are deposited on the (shelf, slope, rise) portion of the Continental margin? (Pick one)

5. Refer to Table 11.3 and Figure 11.9 (9th edition) As evaporation increases, salinity will (increase, decrease, remains the same.) (Pick one)

6. Refer to Figure Table 11.4 (9th edition) or Table 10.4 (8th edition). (High latitudes, Equator, or Tropics) experience the greatest change in temperature with depth. Keep in mind that the deep ocean is very cold! Select the best answer.

7. Refer to figure 12.1 (9th edition).

a. Do particles in deep-water waves trace out circular or elliptical paths? (pick one)

b. Near the shore in shallow water, do water particles trace out circular or elliptical

paths? (pick one)

c. As the waves approach the shore, do their heights increase or decrease? (pick one)

d. As the waves approach the shore, do their wavelengths become longer or shorter?

(pick one)

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e. In the surf zone, is the water in the crest of the wave falling forward or standing

still? (pick one)

f. What is the velocity of deep-water waves that have a wavelength of 45 meters and a wave period of 6.3 seconds?

• Velocity = (__________wavelength (L)) ÷ (________wave period (T)) = m/sec

g. At what depth will the deep-water wave with a wavelength of 46 meters long begin to

“feel” the bottom?

8. Refer to figure 12.7 (9th edition) Match locations A, B, and C with the following terms: marine terrace, wave-cut platform, wave-cut cliff.

A) B) C)

9. Refer to figure 12.8 (9th edition) Match locations A and B with the following terms: Baymouth bar and a spit

A) B)

10. Refer to figure 12.9 (9th edition) Match locations A, B, C, D, and E with the following terms: tombolo, sea stack, a spit, a wave-cut cliff, sea arch

A) B) C)

D) E)

11. Refer to Smart Figure 12.11(9th edition)

a. Does a cold or warm water current move along the California coastline? (pick one)

b. Does a cold or warm water current move along the Eastern coastline of North America? (pick one)

c. Does a cold or warm water current move along the Eastern coastline of South America? (pick one)

d. Does a cold or warm water current move along the Western coastline of the South America? (pick one)

12. Refer to Figure 12.15 (9th edition). which of the three tidal patterns depicted has the greatest range between low and high tides? [A) New York, NY; B) Port Adelaide, Australia; C) Pakhoi (Beihai), China] (pick one)

13. Refer to Figure 12.17 (9th edition). which of the three tidal patterns depicted has the smallest range between low and high tides? [A) Boston, Massachusetts; B) San Francisco; C) Pakhoi (Beihai), China] (pick one)

14. During which lunar phase(s) are neap tides most likely to occur?

15. During which lunar phase(s) are spring tides most likely to occur?

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Pre-lab Videos

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-


• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-tarbuck8_prelab_video_15_airmasses2

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-tarbuck8_prelab_video_16_climates

Smart Figures

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/ecW9SvXSr0lFclRqdjC5VM08Q8nPnd_x

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/secs-geology-animation-Friction_on_Wind

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/sjAqeGVYXlbpBCJVyzuMWFTi5V_1flkr

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/9cvx4uKH5RRxbgM0MfGJ1U1iyU_XIXvN

• http://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/vk4DChgdufcsnooXNWwI6_rFXdVVF5I1

1. Refer to Smart Figure 13.4 (9th edition). When do the Equinoxes and Solstices occur?

a. Equinox: Equinox:

b. Solstice: Solstice:

2. Using Table 13.1(9th edition) answer the following:

a. What is the length of daylight on June 21 – 22 for 40°N Latitude?

b. What is the length of daylight on June 21 – 22 for 40°S Latitude?

c. What is the length of daylight on December 21 - 22 for 60°N Latitude?

d. What is the length of daylight everywhere on Earth on March 21 and September


3. Refer to Figure 14.2 (9th edition). What percentage of radiation is absorbed by the

atmosphere and clouds?

4. Refer to Figure 14.2 (9th edition). What percentage of radiation is reflected from the


5. Refer to Figure 14.2 (9th edition). What percentage of radiation is backscattered to


6. Refer to Figure 14.12 (9th edition). How long will it take for someone to develop frostbite

if the outdoor conditions are -45°F and wind speed is 20 mph?

7. Does warm or cold air hold more water vapor? (pick one)

8. Refer to Figure 16.2 (9th edition) or figure 15.2 (8th edition), the (cold, warm) front, the cold air is the aggressive or “pushing air” that pushes the other air up. Select the best answer.

9. Using Figure 16.2 (9th edition) or figure 15.2 (8th edition), the (cold, warm) front, the

warm air rises at the steepest angle. Select the best answer.

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10. Using Figure 16.2 and 16.3 (9th edition) or figure 15.2 (8th edition), along which front (cold, warm) are extensive areas of stratus clouds and periods of prolonged precipitation most probable. Select one.

11. Using Figure 16.2 and 16.3 (9th edition) or figure 15.2 (8th edition), clouds of vertical development and perhaps thunderstorms are most likely to occur along a (cold, warm) front. Select the best answer.

12. Using Figure 16.2 and 16.3 (9th edition) or figure 15.2 (8th edition), as a (cold, warm) front approaches; clouds become lower, thicker, and cover more of the sky. Select the best answer.

13. Refer to Figure 16.2 and 16.3 (9th edition) or Figure 15.3 or figure 15.4 (8th edition). What color is the symbol associated with a cold front?

14. Refer to Figure 16.2 and 16.3 (9th edition) Figure 15.3 or figure 15.4 (8th edition). What color is the symbol associated with a warm front?

15. Refer to Figure 16.2 and 16.3 (9th edition) Figure 15.3 or figure 15.4 (8th edition). What

color is the symbol associated with an occluded front?

16. Refer to Figure 16.4 (9th edition) or figure 15.4 (8th edition). What sectors (A, B, C, D, E,

F, OR G) do you think will most likely experience precipitation?

17. Refer to Figure 16.4 (9th edition) or figure 15.4 (8th edition). What location (A, B, C, D, E, F, OR G) are you likely to see Cumulonimbus clouds?

18. Using the specimen station model and explanations in Figure 16.5, 16.6 and 16.8 (9th edition) or figure 15.5 and figure 15.6 (8th edition) and the examples/explanations in these figures as your guide, interpret the weather conditions reported at the station illustrated in Columbus, Ohio in figure 16.8 (9th edition).

a. Percent of sky cover: %

b. Wind direction:

c. Wind speed: mph

d. Temperature: F

e. Dew-point temperature: F

f. Barometric pressure: mb

g. Barometric change in past 3 hours: mb

h. Weather during the past 6 hours:

The End!
