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Extreme Identity Makeover

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    Begin to Live As God Sees You

    Shannon Leibold

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction Page 5

    Week 1 From Nobody to Somebody Page 7

    Week 2 From Enemy to Child Page 25

    Week 3 From Old Creature to New Creation Page 45

    Week 4 From Born Wrong to Made Right Page 61

    Week 5 From Sinner to Set Apart Page 83

    Week 6 From Independence to Surrender Page 109

    Week 7 From Isolated to Belonging Page 131

    Week 8 From Vulnerable to Secure Page 153

    Week 9 From Cursed to Blessed Page 175

    Week 10 From Dissatisfied to Complete Page 295

    Week 11 From Imprisoned to Free Page 215

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    Introduction I am thrilled you have agreed to join me on this journey. This has been an exciting process for me, and although difficult at times, one I have thoroughly enjoyed. I love the challenge of writing Gods truth in a format that I trust will challenge you as well. I am passionate about allowing the Holy Spirit to take the truth we already know, and letting it permeate all aspects of who we are, until it transforms our daily lives.

    The focus of our study is the Christians identity in Christ. I hope you will agree that we are entirely different in Christ than we were before we surrendered our lives to Him. There is an instant transformation that takes place that is similar to a makeover. Our before Christ and after Christ images are completely different. Although our behavior doesnt immediately change; how God sees us does. Throughout this study we will seek to discover what our identity in Christ means for us and how it affects us daily. Although we may be able to verbally articulate our identity in Him, we dont always live it. It is a giant leap between what we know and how we live, so this study will address both. Our goal is to live in the fullness of how God sees us.

    Like any study of Gods Word, what is gained is directly proportional to the effort invested. Allow the daily homework to enhance your journey. Take the time to read the Scripture passages and let Gods Word sink into your very being. Reflect on the personal questions; allow the Holy Spirit to confirm His truth in you. The purpose of this study is not to accumulate more knowledge, but instead to focus on life transformation.

    The material is divided into eleven weeks. The first week is introductory and the following ten weeks deal specifically with ten different aspects of our identity in Christ. A weekly Scripture focus is provided for us to meditate on and perhaps even commit to memory. The more we internalize Gods Word, the more equipped we are to face the stuff of life. Each week incorporates five days of homework and each day has a section called Reflections which allows you to reflect on the material covered that day. Also included is a section called Spiritual Journal which you may use as you wish. You may want to capture fresh insights, to express your gratitude to God for your identity in Him, to ask Him questions, or to document His activity in your life. I will leave that between you and God. The last lesson in each week is entitled Appropriate Response. On this fifth day, we are going to answer the question posed in Romans 8:31. What then shall we say in response to this (NIV)? As we keep uncovering who we are in Christ, each discovery should move us to action. We will ask ourselves what our appropriate response should be to the insights we have gained.

    Are you ready to begin our journey together? My prayer is that you are open to what God wants to do in and through you as we seek to become all that we can be in Him. I am praying that you dedicate yourself fully to our time together and that you allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through the next eleven weeks. Lets begin!

    In Christ, Shannon Leibold

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    We live in a world that defines beauty as tall, thin and blonde, success as six figures, and pleasure as momentary gratification. Our individuality is lost to the image society defines as perfect. Amidst lifes frantic pace of appointments, meetings and the endless activities demanding our attention, we gradually lose sight of who we were created to be. The world begins to influence our thoughts and actions, and tragically we begin to blend in with the masses. If we dont regularly take the time to stop and reflect about who we are in Christ and how that knowledge should affect our daily lives, we may lose ourselves entirely.

    This Is Me We begin our journey together with some inward glances. Self-reflection is an exercise designed to help us better understand ourselves and how we relate to the world around us. Take some time to consider the following reflective questions about yourself.

    Read each pair of descriptive words and phrases and check which one of the pair most describes you. There are no right or wrong answers, simply answer with what comes to mind. a) _____ optimist _____ pessimist b) _____ fair _____ dark c) _____ athletic _____ intellectual d) _____ single _____ married e) _____ disorganized _____ organized f) _____ people-focused _____ task-focused g) _____ impatient _____ patient h) _____ passive _____ aggressive i) _____ patient _____ quick-tempered j) _____ coward _____ courageous k) _____ trusting _____ suspicious l) _____ content _____ dissatisfied m) _____ introvert _____ extravert n) _____ professional _____ blue collar


    Scripture Focus: For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

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    o) _____ competitive _____ passive p) _____ spontaneous _____ planner q) _____ detailed _____ big picture

    r) _____ shy _____ out-going s) _____ independent _____ dependent t) _____ spender _____ saver u) _____ laid back _____ impulsive v) _____ optimist _____ realist w) _____ creative _____ logical

    Describe yourself in terms of: your appearance



    your responsibilities ________________________________________________________________________


    your various roles (i.e. parent, child, sibling, employee etc.) ________________________________________________________________________


    your character ________________________________________________________________________


    As we have just seen, we can describe ourselves in many different ways. Among others, we can use our appearance, our relationships, our profession and our character to express our individuality. When you first meet people, they almost always explain themselves in these terms. Although its true that all of these attributes describe us, they do not define us. For that, we must get past our various titles and responsibilities and delve into our innermost being.

    Who are you really, on the inside? Who are you when nobody else is around? When you strip away all of your relationships, responsibilities and social tendencies, what are you left with? These are invasive questions, I realize, but they are designed to be thought-provoking. They are questions we will think seriously about today and throughout our entire time together. Lets continue in self-reflection.

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    What are you passionate about? ______________________________________________________________________________



    What frustrates or discourages you? ______________________________________________________________________________



    What do you excel at? ______________________________________________________________________________



    What are your greatest dreams for your life? ______________________________________________________________________________



    If you could impact the world in any way, what would you do? ______________________________________________________________________________



    I trust these questions have initiated a curiosity to discover more about who God created you to be.

    Quest for Significance At the core of every human being is a desire to be loved, valued and cherished. We want our lives to make a difference, to impact the world around us in some way, leaving a lasting imprint long after we are gone. This longing is a godly one. In fact, it was God who placed it within us. He created us for significance and we will learn that in Christ is where we find our true significance.

    As we reflect on who we are, it is reassuring to realize that the God who created us, knows us intimately. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

    Read Psalm 139:1-6. According to this passage, how well does God know you? ______________________________________________________________________________



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    In the same way as no two snowflakes are alike, no two human beings have been created identically. We are all unique and highly valued by our Maker. Scripture says that as each one of us was being formed in our mothers womb, God was watching (Psalm 139:15). He recorded every day of our lives in His book before we were even born (Psalm 139:16). We have incredible worth to our Heavenly Father. Even the very hairs on our heads are numbered (Matthew 10:30). We have only begun to scratch the surface today as we journey towards discovering our significance.

    Reflections What is the difference between something that describes you and something that defines you? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Do you have a clear understanding of who God created you to be? Describe your God-given uniqueness. ______________________________________________________________________________



    What is your response to a God who knows you so intimately (Psalm 139:16)? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










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    We began our study yesterday in self-examination. This type of reflection usually invokes one of two responses. When we look within, either we are pleased with what we find, or we are dissatisfied. When people feel dissatisfied, what do they do? They look for change buy a new outfit, a new car, remodel their home, change their hairstyle, sign up for a new class, go on a vacation; any number of things to add some variety to life. Dissatisfaction with their current lives drives people to seek change.

    In the age of face-lifts, tummy-tucks, home makeovers, fashion makeovers, financial makeovers and even total life makeovers, it is reassuring to know God is also in the makeover business. Extreme makeovers, actually. He has the power to change an entire life in a single moment. When we come to Christ we receive an instant makeover. Who we are dramatically changes. The problem is, we dont often recognize the change because it is not initially apparent on the outside. The change occurs in how God sees us.

    What makes any makeover exciting is the dramatic difference between the before image and the after version. The before image is necessary in recognizing the transformation, but the emphasis is always on after.

    Stuck in Before Our perception of ourselves greatly impacts how we live our lives. Thoughts filled with shame, regret, guilt, doubt, fear and passivity ultimately color our experiences. Often how we view ourselves is not a reflection of the way God sees us. We get stuck in the before image. Perhaps this is understandable because our instant makeover does not equal instant perfection, enabling us to say and do all the right things and to make all the right decisions. That type of change takes time, a lifetime. So because we dont see instant behavioral change, we mistakenly assume there is none.

    We are consumed with the before image in a variety of ways. Behaving in some of the same sinful ways as we did before we were saved leads to guilt and condemnation. Shame over our pasts causes us to doubt we will ever experience radical transformation into the people of God we long to be. In short, we are unable to see the results of the makeover. But when we are stuck in before, our perception is faulty. We are looking through our own human lenses, instead of viewing ourselves as God sees us.

    God Sees After God only sees the after image. His perception of who we are changes significantly when we are saved, so much so that He no longer recalls the before version. You may wonder how this is possible. It is because He sees us through the perfect image of His Son. Jesus Christ is the lens through which God chooses to view us.


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    What does Gods after picture of us look like? Lets preview the image we will examine more closely in weeks to come. God sees us as His children, precious and forgiven, secure in His embrace, blessed and entirely complete in Him. He sees us as new creations who are holy and gloriously free, with unlimited potential and amazing purposes for each of our lives. He sees us for who He has created us to be, who we will be when we meet Him face to face.

    Instant Makeover Home renovations take time; changing your body image is a slow process. Even changing your wardrobe takes considerable effort. But Gods makeovers are instantaneous. Let me remind you again that we are not referring to behavioral change, we are talking about the way in which God sees us. We go from sinner to saved in a matter of moments when we confess our desire to make Jesus Lord of our lives. It is in those moments God chooses to forget who we were and instead only sees the after version.

    In Christ Lets modify our question from yesterday a little. Who are you in Christ? The addition of those two words changes the matter immensely. When we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, we are given a new identity. From Gods perspective we are one with His Son. Our Scripture Focus this week says, He has created us anew in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:10). This doesnt mean our entire personalities have been replaced, or we have been given new physical bodies, it means we are new people through our relationship with Christ. Our connection to God is the essence of our identity, and our self-worth comes solely from who we are in Christ. The secret in who we are lies in Whose we are. When we understand who we are in Christ, who we are not, no longer matters. Those two little words are the essence of the makeover.

    Read 1 Peter 2:910. How does this passage describe us as believers?



    What is our purpose as Gods holy priesthood? ________________________________________________________________________

    Talk about a dramatic identity makeover! This passage says before Christ we actually had no identity, we had no distinguishing characteristics to set us apart. But after, we become Gods chosen people.

    The question of who we are in Christ is the driving force of this study. Once we understand this and begin living as such, we are more likely to lead victorious lives. We are more likely to impact Gods kingdom, to have relationships that are loving and peaceful, to have homes that centre on God and to positively influence those whose lives we touch. Most importantly, a dynamic, intimate relationship with our Creator will evolve. All of this comes from within

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    because we are made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God (Ephesians 3:19). Only when we see ourselves for who we really are in Christ and believe it to be absolute truth, regardless of our circumstances, will we begin to live it. This is what I want for you. This is what I long for within myself.

    My prayer, as we embark on this journey together, is that you allow the truth of Gods Word to penetrate your very soul. It is God alone, through His Word, Who has the power to transform. We have very specific goals for our time together. This study will answer these questions:

    Who am I in Christ? How does God view me? How can I practically experience my new identity? What kind of response should the knowledge of my identity in Christ create in me?

    Over the next eleven weeks we will discuss various aspects of our identity in Christ. Well examine each one closely and talk about how it affects our daily lives, which is again what we are most interested in. Gods truth about who we are is real and applicable to every day life in the most ordinary of circumstances. Following Gods example, we will focus on after.

    Reflections Describe how your view of yourself is either in before or after. ______________________________________________________________________________



    What do you think living in the fullness of Christ means (Ephesians 3:19)? ______________________________________________________________________________


    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










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    The after image that God sees is who you really are. The initial description of yourself you wrote on day one is the earthly you, and although it is all very true, most of it will pass away when you move from this world into the next. Your current physical beauty will fade, your position and successes will disappear, and your wealth and possessions will all be left behind.

    Why then, do we strive to achieve things that are only temporal? Its because our limited perspective causes us to chase a false sense of identity. Who we are in Christ is the eternal part of us and is the version God sees when He looks at us. Everything else about us will eventually fade away.

    Identity Crisis Those who choose not to live in the reality of who they are in Christ, often look elsewhere for distinctiveness. Some try to accumulate material possessions hoping that will define them. Maybe an expensive car will give me a new image. Maybe if I live in a bigger house Ill move up in social status. Others believe their identity comes from what they do. Maybe if I volunteer at church I will be seen as a good person. If I have a child then I will be complete. The list goes on. Today we are going to discuss the various avenues people pursue in hopes of defining themselves, and we will come to an understanding of why each method ultimately fails.

    Accomplishments and Success For those of us who are task-focused people, we are driven to do and do and do. The more we get done, the better we feel about ourselves. Unfortunately the opposite is also true. The less we accomplish the more discouraged and frustrated we become and the worse we feel about ourselves. Equating our worth and value to our accomplishments is volatile because as our accomplishments come and go, so does our sense of self.

    The worlds definition of success is very different than Gods. The world associates wealth, power, favor and high position as success. But God does not look at outward appearances; He looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Gods definition of success lies in our relationship with His Son.

    Read Psalm 46:10 and fill in the blank. Be _________ and know that I am God.

    This verse does not say, Run around like crazy doing as many good things as you possibly can, even to the point of exhaustion, in hopes of pleasing your Creator. God does not base His love for us on our service to Him. Gods first priority is not for us to do things for Him, but instead for us to be in relationship with Him. Power and Position


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    Climbing the ladder in hopes of discovering our identity at the top is an illusion. Many people who crave respect, attention and authority, are driven to attain power through position. Whether it is a position within a small organization, a larger corporation, or even within a church, the desire for power is a deadly one. Some mistakenly believe having others under their control gives them a higher value than the rest. They are falsely looking to their positions to define them.

    Read Luke 14:711. In this parable, what did Jesus say about position and social status? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Possessions We live in a very materialistic society. The hunger for more is rarely satisfied. People work very hard to be able to purchase certain things and when they do, they quickly move on to the next. People who allow their possessions and wealth to define them are often disappointed. Things will always be things. They are temporary and cannot give a sense of true identity.

    Read Haggai 1:39. Why did the Israelites material possessions not satisfy them? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Reputation and Acceptance We cannot please all people all the time. As hard as that is for some of us to hear, pleasing people is an impossible goal. If our self worth is based on what others think of us, we will be sadly disappointed, because humans are fickle. One day people may like you and hold you in high esteem, and the next day, they may not. We are accepted unconditionally by God, but not by people.

    Role in Life We all fill various roles throughout our lifetimes. We are wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, cousins and friends. Ill speak from what I know. I am a mother, which is an all-consuming role I fill twenty-four hours a day, and yet that is not all of who I am. But if I am not careful, I can begin to lose myself in that role. The same is true of any role you may fill. Over time the role can consume you. Consider parents who invest all their time and energy in their children, doing nothing for themselves. When their children reach the age of independence and leave home, they are lost and no longer know who they are. Role in life is not generally a conscious pursuit like the other areas we have talked about, however gradually our roles can unintentionally take over our identity. Roles are vitally important, and yet if the pursuit of who we are ends there, we fall short.

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    All of these and more can give a sense of false identity. Each is temporal and does not accurately describe the spirit. As we close today, ask God to reveal what you may knowingly or unknowingly be pursing as a means of defining who you are.

    Reflections Are you chasing a false sense of identity? Which one(s) can you most relate to? _____ accomplishments and success _____ power and position _____ possessions _____ reputation and acceptance with people

    _____ role in life

    What can do to begin to shift your focus away from these temporal things to the essence of who you are in Christ? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










    Several obstacles can clutter our path of vision and prevent us from being able to see the after version of ourselves. I realize we havent yet begun to discuss what the after image looks like, but its important to start thinking about what may be standing in our way. If we remove these obstacles first, we will be more likely to accept and believe what God says about us. Today we will examine six hindrances that may prevent us from living as God sees us.


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    1) Satans Strategies Satan does his best to keep our focus on the before image. We are saved and there is nothing he can do about that now, but he can and will try to make sure we dont live a victorious life in Christ. He wants to prevent us from positively influencing others and making a difference in the Kingdom of God. He wants to keep us enslaved in our former ways and hopelessly convinced that before is all we will ever be.

    Satan uses many devious and downright detestable methods to attempt to destroy humans, such as doubt, discouragement, defeat, hopelessness, distractions and isolation. We are not going to go into detail here about his many strategies, although one is worth mentioning in our context.

    Satan tries to convince us we have not changed. He wants us to believe the before version of ourselves is a permanent one. He does a good job of persuading us that the things we have done in our pasts are too horrible for God to forgive, causing us to continue to be enslaved by our former lifestyle. That is a lie straight from the pit of hell! No human being has ever done anything that the blood of Jesus can not cover. If we believe our sins are much greater than Gods power to forgive, we are telling Jesus His sacrifice is not good enough. You are not defined by anything that has happened to you, or by what you have done; rather you are defined by who you are in Christ. Do not let the enemy steal your true identity.

    Have you ever believed Satans lie? Is there a part of you that believes you can not be free from your past? ______________________________________________________________________________



    When I finished writing this study and was seeking God about what He wanted me to do with it, Satan was trying his best to intimidate me. The phrase Who do you think you are? kept racing through my mind. And it continued, You have no formal education in which to write this, no qualificationsand you are too young. People will laugh at you. You dont even live what you write. Who do you think you are? This continued for a couple of days and sadly I was beginning to believe it. Until one morning, when confronted again with these lies, I suddenly recognized the irony and literally laughed out loud. Who do I think I am? I am in Christ! I am everything I had just written about. The very thing I was trying so hard to capture on paper was what I was being challenged with in my own life. It was time to put my words into action.

    Satan plays hardball, attacking us in our weakest areas where we are most vulnerable. If he can convince us we will never be free from the past, we will never move on to the life God so desperately wants us to enjoy. We will never live in the fullness of all that Christ offers. It is vitally important, not only to understand intellectually, but also to know to the core of our beings who we are in Christ. Then when Satan attacks, we can stand firm in the knowledge of what God says about us and therefore defeat him. Scripture tells us to put on the armor of God so we will be able to stand firm against the strategies of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). One of the pieces of

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    Gods armor is the belt of truth. Buckling up the belt of truth about who we are in Christ will enable us to withstand Satans attacks.

    2) Paralyzing Fear The presence of fear in our lives can leave us paralyzed, unable to take steps forward and too terrified to look back. Fear of many things can hinder our pursuit of a full life in Christ. Some of us are afraid of failure and have convinced ourselves it is better not to even try. Others are held captive by the fear of what people may think. Like a giant black cloud looming overhead, fear casts a dark shadow on our after image, distorting its reality.

    Has fear ever held you captive, preventing you from moving forward? ______________________________________________________________________________



    3) Damaging Words The third hindrance to living as God sees us is the influence of others. Many of us are bound by damaging words spoken to us in the past. Words like:

    Youll never amount to anything. Youre just like your mother. Youre hopeless. Why cant you do this? Im so disappointed in you. Its too late. You missed your chance. Why cant you be more like your sister?

    Believing the picture these destructive words paint prevents us from seeing ourselves as God sees us. These words hurt and over time we resign ourselves to the fact that they must be true. We begin to live out their false prophecy. Its time to stop believing these lies and start believing we are who God says we are. God says we are His beloved children, we stand blameless before Him, we are new creations and we are complete in Him.

    Have you had damaging words spoken to you in the past that continue to haunt you? How do they affect your life today? ______________________________________________________________________________



    4) Defeating Thoughts The battles that go on in our minds are ferocious ones. Unfortunately the fourth factor that can distort the after image is our own doing. We can convince ourselves we dont deserve or will never be able to live the life God intends for us. The lies we tell ourselves can be very

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    destructive. They have a huge impact on how we live our lives because thoughts eventually become reality. Defeat can occur in our thinking before we even begin.

    What lies are you telling yourself about who you are? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Another way we can be our own worst enemy is we simply dont believe we are new people, instead we choose to believe the before image. There are many reasons for our unbelief. Perhaps we dont believe God has forgiven our past sins because weve done some really terrible things. Perhaps we dont believe God can work miraculously in our lives like He has in people around us, or maybe we are trying to live the Christian life on our own strength, instead of relying on God. Whatever the case, unbelief is hindering our fullness in Christ.

    Are there areas of unbelief in your life? If so, what are they? ______________________________________________________________________________



    5) All-Consuming Ministry This seems like an odd prevention to a victorious life. You may be thinking, But God has called me to serve in this area, Im sure of it! I dont disagree with you. As important as it is to know your part in Kingdom work, it is equally as important to recognize how it can become a hindrance.

    What began as something I was sure God had called me to do, quickly turned into the very reason I no longer had time for Him. My willingness to serve, combined with my driven nature, resulted in very little time for anything else. And my relationship with God began to suffer. My ministry was robbing me of fullness in Christ.

    We can become consumed with what we do for God, instead of our relationship with Him. When this happens, we lose focus and everything becomes distorted. Taking our focus off of His face negatively affects our entire lives; our relationships, our family, our own character development and the very ministry we are so passionately serving in.

    What would happen if we stopped all our doing for God to focus on who we are in Him? I suggest our lives would dramatically change. We would be much more effective because our strength would come solely from Him. God calls us to a relationship with Himself first and then to the assignment. We must be what God wants us to be before we can do what He wants us to do.

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    Which holds more of your focus, your ministry or your relationship with God? ______________________________________________________________________________



    6) Subtle Distractions This world can pull us in a million different directions. Everywhere we turn, people and things compete for our time and energy. Many of these things are good, but God never intended for one person to be able to do it all. Many people are too distracted by their busy lives to focus on discovering who they are in Christ. Distractions take on a variety of forms; an exciting new relationship, chauffeuring your kids to various activities, a hobby, even helping a family member can be a source of distraction. Maybe running your kids to their various activities is taking all of your free time. Whatever it is that takes your focus off of your relationship with God, even if it is a good thing, is a distraction. And when we are distracted we cant be all that God wants us to be.

    What in your life is currently a distraction? What fills the place of the number one priority in your life? ______________________________________________________________________________



    As we close today, Im sure you could name additional hindrances to living as God sees us. Our list certainly wasnt exhaustive, but gives us an idea of the obstacles to be aware of. Can you identify with some of them? I have definitely not arrived in these areas, but I am determined to press on and through the power of the Holy Spirit, live the life that God has planned for me. Do you have the same determination?

    Reflections Which of the six hindrances weve discussed are negatively impacting you the most? _____ Satans lies _____ fear _____ damaging words others have spoken over me _____ inability to believe God and/or negative thoughts about myself _____ pursuit of ministry instead of my relationship with God

    _____ distractions _____ other _____________________________________________________________

    In what ways are these areas preventing you from living as God sees you? Be specific. ______________________________________________________________________________



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    Spend some time in prayer asking God to help you overcome these hindrances. Trust in His ability to free you. Believe that you can live, by experience, as God sees you.

    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










    On the last day of each week of our study, we are going to answer the question posed in Romans 8:31. What then shall we say in response to this (NIV)? As we continue to unveil the after image of how God sees us, each discovery should produce a reaction in us. On the fifth day, we will ask ourselves what our appropriate response should be to that particular aspect of our identity in Christ.

    To Live What We Know Jesus did not die to leave us in before. He died so we could live abundantly in after. John 10:10 says, I [Jesus] came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (AMP). Sadly, many Christians are not living each day with a heart-level understanding of who they are in Christ. And yes, as a believer, you may be able to give correct responses to the question Who are you in Christ? But more importantly, do you live it? Do you access all of the resources available to you as a believer? Do you actively claim your new identity? Living out what we know is our appropriate response to the fact that God has given us significance in Him. More importantly than what you know, is how you live. A person can know they are a millionaire, but if they dont go to the bank to access those funds, they wont live as a millionaire. Similarly we can know volumes of biblical truth, but if we dont apply what we know, it will not be a reality in our daily experiences. Application, not information, leads to transformation.


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    What is the difference between knowing who you are in Christ and living in that reality? _____________________________________________________________________________________



    Believing A giant leap is needed to go from knowing something to living it. We can know eating large amounts of junk food damages our health, but that doesnt always stop us. By-passing the candy aisle becomes possible when we understand and believe exactly what these treats are doing to our bodies (along with a dash of willpower!). The bridge that leads from knowing to living is believing. We have to believe the truth weve learned before we can live it. In the following weeks we will study how God views us as His children, and in order for that truth to change our daily lives, we need to believe it. We need to believe Him when He says we are forgiven. We need to believe Him when He says we need nothing else to live a complete and satisfying life. We need to take Him at His word and learn to see ourselves after the makeover. We are somebody in Christ!

    Read the account of the Israelites of Moses day in Hebrews 4:13. Why did the Israelites fail to enter the rest of God? ______________________________________________________________________________


    This passage illustrates our current topic. The Israelites failed to experience Gods rest (entering the Promised Land) because their faith was small, and in the same way we can miss an abundant life if we fail to believe we are who God says we are. We need to combine our knowledge with faith before it can become reality. The characteristics of who we are in Christ do not become more or less true based on our level of belief in them. If we are in Christ, they are one hundred percent true of us, but believing in the after image will enable us to live more meaningful and productive lives.

    Absolutely Imperative Why is it important to know and believe in the after image? Because what we know and believe about ourselves will ultimately come through in our actions. If we have a poor self-image resulting from a lack of knowledge about who we are in Christ, we will not behave in a way that glorifies and honors God. We will lack the confidence to be all that God intends us to be. Conversely, when we begin to see ourselves as God does, our self worth is based on the fact that we are Gods precious children. No longer do we have to strive to prove ourselves, but instead can rest in what He has done for us.

    Read Acts 17:28 and fill in the following blanks: For in him we ___________ and _____________ and ____________________.

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    Christians have the answer to the worlds endless searching. The Bible says, It is in Christ we find out who we are and what we are living for (Ephesians 1 MSG). A life in Christ is the only way to true purpose and meaning, all other methods will not work. So you can stop searching. You will find yourself in Christ and in Him alone. Then you can live by experience each day in that glorious knowledge.

    Reflections Consider the phrase in Christ. What does it mean to you? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Take a moment to reflect on the biblical truth that you know. Approximately how much do you translate into daily living? ______________________________________________________________________________


    What questions or concerns do you have as you begin this journey? Share them with God in the space below. ______________________________________________________________________________



    What are you expecting God to do through this study? Expect big, Hes a big God. ______________________________________________________________________________



    Spend some time in prayer asking God to give you fresh insight as you begin this study of His Word.

    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










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    God, we have mixed feelings as we begin this study together. Some of us are excited to get into Your Word and discover who we are in Christ. Others of us, quite frankly, are intimidated by the work required to complete the study, and others are doubtful we can ever experience a full life in You. It seems almost beyond our reach. Whatever our state of mind and heart, we give it all to You now, for You know us intimately. You know us better than we know ourselves. Lord. We dedicate ourselves to You. Help us to make time with you a priority. And God speak to us through this material. Our hearts cry is that You would make the truth of Your Word a reality in our daily lives. We want to experience You in greater measure, to be all that You have created us to be, and to live as You see us. Give us spiritual eyes to see the after image of ourselves.

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    Friends of mine longed for a baby girl to call their own. They patiently endured the long legal adoption process, waiting years to see their dream fulfilled. They bought clothes and toys, prepared the nursery, and waited anxiously, until finally the day arrived. In one surreal moment they were handed their precious daughter and were able to bring her home.

    In Old Testament times adoption wasnt practiced among the Israelites and so there is no Hebrew word for adoption. However, in the New Testament era, Jewish families were influenced by Roman customs and one result was the practice of adoption. The Greek word for adoption translated in the New Testament, literally means placing as a son. Roman law required the adopter be male and childless and the one to be adopted had to be able to agree to the adoption. In the eyes of the law, the adopted one became a new creature, born again into a new family.

    Lets take this human practice of adoption and apply it to our spiritual lives. How does God see us? We are His adopted children. We are placed into Gods family as sons or daughters, through a birth that comes from God (John 1:13).

    Adopted Child of God Ephesians 1:5 says, God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure. Meditating on this passage of Scripture gives us rich insight into our adoption.

    To start, this verse says God decided. Just as adopted children do not choose their parents, we do not choose God, He chooses us. There are many unplanned children in the world (from a human perspective), but there are no unplanned or unwanted adoptions. Similarly, God initiates the relationship. He draws us to Himself in love.

    Secondly, God decided in advance. Long before he laid down the earths foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love (Ephesians 1:4 MSG). Before God created the world, He chose humans to be the focus of His love. God could have saved us without making us His children, but He decided to do both. His desire was to make us His family.

    Scripture Focus: But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God. John 1:1213


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    Read Deuteronomy 7:78. Why did God choose the nation of Israel to be His people? ________________________________________________________________________

    God was speaking to Israel in this passage, but we can extend it to you and I today. He chose you not because of your abilities or your talents, not because of your personality or social status, instead He chose you because He loves you.

    Finally, it gave Him great pleasure! He wanted to do it. He enjoyed doing it. Imagine God before time began, hovering above the great nothingness, thinking about His plan for you, smiling as He thought about how He would knit you together in your mothers womb and experiencing joy when He thought of the moment you would be born. Then His great delight as He imagined you coming to Him, believing in Him, and surrendering yourself completely to Him. I would guess God experiences similar emotions to that of my friends when they were handed their new daughter. Finally, My child has come home!

    Read Ephesians 1:5 again and respond to God based on the truth found in this passage. ______________________________________________________________________________



    Fatherly Love No truth about our identity in Christ speaks more of Gods unfailing love than this one, which is why we have begun here. He has chosen us to be His children. See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are (1 John 3:1)! The same verse in the NIV says, How great is the love the Father has lavished on us (emphasis mine). His love is generously, abundantly, lavished on us beyond measure.

    If you are a parent, you can probably attest to the same habit I am about to describe. I could (and often do) sit back and watch my young children play. I simply watch them and find myself smiling at their antics and the way in which they discover the world around them. Could it be that God experiences the same kind of joy while sitting on His throne in heaven watching us as we go about our day? Id like to think so. We give Him great pleasure and we are the focus of His love. We are His precious children! The depth of His love for us is so great that He would do anything for us, as demonstrated in sending His only Son to die in our place. He loves us that much.

    We are going to spend the remainder of today studying the truth found in Gods Word about His love for us. To not only understand intellectually that we are Gods children, but also to experience a heart revelation and abide in His love, we first need to fully comprehend the magnitude of it. As we believe, then experience, then finally abide in His love, we move deeper in our relationship with Him.

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    1) Believing in His Love We will never make it through the trials of life if we dont know deep within ourselves that God loves us. We have to be convinced He loves us even in our darkest moments.

    Do you really believe God loves you? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Sadly, in our fallen world, mothers and fathers dont always love their children unconditionally. You may be someone who has had a difficult childhood as a result of a parents neglect or lack of love and because of that, it may be harder for you to believe in a loving God. This is not the way God intended it to be. The love our Father God has for us is a picture of the way the parent-child relationship was supposed to be, instead of the early examples weve experienced modeling Gods fatherly role in our lives.

    Believing in the love of God requires faith. Faith is belief in things unseen. Gods love for you, although invisible, is as real as the air you breathe. It is sometimes hard to understand Gods love because we often equate it with human love. This is an inaccurate comparison. Human love is conditional, whereas Gods love is unconditional. Human love rises and falls with our emotions; Gods love never changes. Our love often demands something in return but Gods love is totally sacrificial. Human love is based on the actions of other people. According to God, nothing we do or dont do can ever affect His love for us. When we assume Gods love is equivalent to human love, we fear loosing it because we know He knows our failings. Gods love frees us from that fear because although He knows everything about us, He loves us anyway.

    2) Experiencing His Love In Pauls letter to the church of Ephesus (Ephesians 3:1819) he prays, And may you have the power to understand, as all Gods people should, how ______________, how ________________, how _______________ and how ___________________ his love is. May you ______________ the love of Christ, though its too great to __________________ fully.

    As we reflect on this passage we realize we can experience Gods love even though we will never fully understand it. God doesnt want us to understand His love only at an intellectual level; He wants us to experience it. Gods love is so complete that it covers the width of our experiences and reaches out to the whole world. It is so long that it lasts our entire lifetime. It is so high that it rises to the heights of our greatest joys and celebrations. It is so deep that it goes with us to the depths of our sorrow and despair.1

    3) Abiding In His Love Read John 15:9. What command does Jesus give to His disciples? ________________________

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    This verse speaks volumes to us because it says God loves us in the same way and as much as He loves His Son. And our response is to remain in His love. God gives us the ability to feel His love toward us, and we are able bask in its warmth. It can be a constant awareness, even in the most ordinary or darkest of circumstances.

    What are some ways you can remain in Gods love? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Nothing Can Separate When storms rage in life and difficulties arise, Gods constant love may not feel so constant. Does it mean that God no longer loves us if we experience financial trouble, loss of a job, or death of a loved one? What about illness, homelessness or divorce? Scripture says no.

    Read Romans 8:3539. List all of the things Paul says can not come between us and Gods love. ______________________________________________________________________________



    Paul was convinced that nothing could ever separate him from Gods love. He knew nothing could ever happen to him that would change Gods unconditional love for him. Do we have the same conviction?

    Are there things you fear happening in your life which might cause you to doubt Gods love for you? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Reflections Was there a time in your life when you began to understand at a heart level that God loved you unconditionally? Can you think of a specific experience that led you to that revelation? For me it was when I looked at my newborn son for the first time. My heart was immediately filled with such an intense love and I knew my Father in heaven must feel the same way about me. After all, He made me and I am His child. You may have had a similar experience, or your understanding of Gods love for you may have come from the love shown you by a parent, a sibling or a friend.

    Describe what experience or relationship in your life has given you deeper insights into the Fathers love. ______________________________________________________________________________



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    God sees you as His precious child! You have been adopted into His family. He chose you before the world began and He loves you. He delights in all of the details of your life and you give Him great pleasure.

    Read the following as a love letter from God written especially for you: Dear Precious Child,

    I knew you before you were born. With love and great care I formed you in your mothers womb. I knew how every day of your life would unfold before the world began and already I longed for you to become My child. I have only good in mind for you and though you may travel through rivers of difficulty of this life, Im there with you. I will carry you in My arms, Little Lamb. I will wipe all of the tears from your eyes and collect them in a bottle. I keep track of all of your sorrows. I will be your God throughout your lifetime. You bring Me such joy and I love you. You are so precious to Me that I sent My only Son to give you abundant life. I want to be with you forever. See, I have written your name on the palm of My hand. My love for you will never change. Come to Me. My arms are open and waiting Love, Your Heavenly Father

    Note: The phrases above were taken from the following Scripture passages: Isaiah 43:4, Psalm 139:1316, Isaiah 43:2, Isaiah 40:11, Psalm 56:8, Isaiah 46:4, John 10:10, Isaiah 49:6.

    Respond to God based on the above letter. ______________________________________________________________________________




    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










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    God only sees the after version of you. This week the aspect of after we are talking about is that He sees us as His precious children. We are related to God through the blood of Jesus Christ. Blood relatives. We began yesterday by reflecting on Gods unfailing love for us. His love is measureless and He longs for us to experience it daily.

    If after our makeover we became children of God, what were we before? The answer is found in Romans.

    Read Romans 5:10. Who were you before you became a child of God? ____________________

    Gods fairly clear about this. If we are not for Him, we are against Him (Luke 11:25). Before we were His children, we were His enemies. The Bible describes in horrific detail the punishment awaiting Gods enemies. The knowledge of how God saw me before my own makeover prompts me to fall to my knees in gratitude for what He has done. What a dramatic change in position!

    Whether children realize it or not, they are privileged to belong to a family. Through a family, their physical needs are cared for, they are given a place of refuge in an unsafe world, they are provided with instruction and discipline, they have access to the familys material resources, and they have the right to receive an inheritance. But the greatest advantage of all is they have the special privilege of being able to live together in intimate relationships.

    As children of God, we have all the same privileges. The next two days will be spent basking in the truth of what it means to be a child of God. We have incredible advantages in this life because of our position in Christ.

    Gods Provision A parents basic job is to provide the necessities of life for their children, including food, water, shelter, clothing and education. In the same way, God provides what we need for life on earth. Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him (Matthew 6:8). Its comforting to rest in the assurance that God already knows what we need before we voice it to Him. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you (Matthew 6:30).

    Paul said in Philippians 2:19, And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. We can trust that God will always meet our needs. Whatever we need on earth, He will always supply. We must remember, however, the difference between our wants and our needs. I may want a bigger home, but I need air to breath. Also our definition of a need may be very different than what God classifies as a need. Most people want to completely avoid discomfort or pain, but God knows


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    how each trial will strengthen our faith. He is much more interested in developing our character than in making us happy and comfortable. We must trust in His infinite wisdom and goodness.

    God cares for us more than we care for ourselves. We often pursue habits that would ultimately destroy us. Instead, God desires what is best for us and allows circumstances in our lives which will shape us in that direction. And Hes able to do this because He knows us better than we know ourselves.

    Gods Protection Just as a fathers primary duty is to protect his children, so our Heavenly Father protects us as His children. God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). He alone is my refuge, my place of safety (Psalm 91:2). He is a shield for all who look to him for protection (2 Samuel 22:31). Websters dictionary defines the act of protecting as covering or shielding from exposure, injury, damage or destruction. Refuge is another word often used in Scripture to describe Gods protection and is defined as something to which one has recourse in difficulty. There is a slight difference between the two words. Protection is saving us from harm, whereas a refuge is providing shelter in the midst of harm. Note also that Gods protection is something He does for us; however His refuge is something offered to us. In the latter we need to reach out and grab hold of Him.

    There are many symbols of protection in the world around us. Fences offer safety by keeping children off busy streets, railings keep the elderly from falling down stairs, and lighthouses signal safety to ships. What comes to mind when you think of God as your refuge? ______________________________________________________________________________



    When I think of God as my refuge I picture myself placing my little hand into Gods big one and trusting Him to lead me through the storms of my life. As the storm gets really bad, He picks me up and carries me, sheltering me in His warm embrace.

    For the believer, God is a refuge. He is the place we can run to in difficult times. God does not promise to protect us from all harm but He does provide a refuge for us in the midst of the harm. In His sovereignty, He has the right to decide when to save us, and when to walk through it with us. If He chooses the later, He offers Himself as a safe haven.

    Gods Instruction and Discipline Parents give many instructions to their children. Some are simply for tasks they are to carry out, others are warnings to avoid danger and others are pearls of wisdom which teach them about life. Gods instruction manual to us, His Word, contains the same kinds of instructions.

    And so, my children, listen to me, God implores us, for all who follow my ways are joyful. Listen to my instructions and be wise (Proverbs 8:3233). We should consider it an incredible

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    privilege to have the very words of God on printed page. We are to treasure Gods Word, guard His instructions just as we guard our own eyes and write them deep within our hearts (Proverbs 7:23). These instructions are not empty words - they are your life (Deuteronomy 32:47).

    In Joshua 1:8 what does God promise to those who value His instructions? ______________________________________________________________________________


    Gods instructions are closely linked to His discipline. In fact, discipline is a form of instruction. You may wonder why discipline is listed as a privilege. No one likes it, not the one giving the discipline nor the one receiving it. I remember the first time I had to discipline my son. I had naively hoped that my sweet innocent baby boy would remain that way forever, but one day it became apparent that he needed correction. It wasnt an easy thing to do, but it was quite necessary. Proverbs 13:24 says, Those who love their children care enough to discipline them. I still remember the look of shock on my sons face after I had corrected him. It confirmed what has already been stated; discipline is not pleasant for the one receiving it. However, my love was demonstrated to my son that day (and many time since then!) by helping him to begin to learn right from wrong.

    Read Hebrews 12:511. Why does God discipline us (verse 6)?


    What is the result of discipline for the person receiving it (verse 11)? ________________________________________________________________________

    The choice of how to respond to Gods discipline is ours. We can respond to it with resignation or self-pity, we can become angry and resentful toward God, or we can accept it humbly and gratefully, acknowledging it for what it is; a sign of His deep love for us. My child, dont reject the Lords discipline and dont be upset when he corrects you. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights (Proverbs 3:1112).

    Gods provision, protection, instruction and discipline are all gifts to us as His children. They are privileges we enjoy because we belong to Him, and its good for us to stop and reflect on how these benefits are a reality in our lives.

    Reflections Describe a time when God cared for a particular need that you had. ______________________________________________________________________________


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    Describe a time when you have been aware of the protection of God. ______________________________________________________________________________


    Describe a time where God was a refuge to you in the midst of a difficult time. ______________________________________________________________________________


    Have you ever sensed the Lords discipline? How did you respond to it? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










    Yesterdays lesson focused on some of the advantages we enjoy as a result of our status as Gods children and I trust you have been reminded that we are indeed privileged. Today we will continue with the same topic.

    Gods Resources and Inheritance My children have free access to all that my husband and I own. The material things we acquire are shared without hesitation (this may change when they are old enough to drive!). God, in His mercy, allows us access to many wonderful resources as well. They become available to us at the time our salvation.


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    What resources has God has given us? ______________________________________________________________________________



    We enjoy many benefits including His Word, grace, mercy, freedom, the church, His righteousness, power in prayer, peace the world does not understand and the knowledge of God Himself. You may have listed other resources that were not mentioned. All of these are ours because we have gone from before to after; enemy to child; rags to riches.

    2 Peter 1:3 is a scripture filled with amazing promise and encouragement for us. What has God already given us?


    When did He give this to us? ________________________________________________________________________

    How does this impact your life? ________________________________________________________________________



    God has already given us everything we need to live a godly life. He doesnt wait to give it to us until we are spiritually mature, or until we have accomplished the tasks He has set out for us to do. Instead He gives freely the moment we come to Him. Gods resources are instantaneously available to us.

    Not only do we get to enjoy Gods resources while on this earth but also when we pass from this life into the next. Scripture talks about an inheritance we will receive. Romans 8:17 says, And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of Gods glory. An heir is someone who eventually inherits his fathers estate. We will share in the inheritance of Christ. We have a reward waiting for us in heaven because we are Gods children. Imagine the amazing privilege of sharing in the inheritance with Gods Only Begotten Son! Its humbling to think we could share in any of the inheritance, but to be a joint heir with Christ is almost unimaginable. 1 Peter 1:34 says, We live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.

    Gods Invitation to Intimate Relationship If all of this werent enough, God grants us one privilege as His children which is by far the greatest of all. He allows us to share an intimate, personal relationship with Him. The God of the universe, who spoke the world into being, wants us to call Him Daddy.

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    Galatians 4:56 says, God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out Abba, Father. Similarly, Romans 8:15-16 says, You received Gods Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, Abba, Father. For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are Gods children. The Holy Spirit, who resides in our hearts, prompt us to call out Abba, Father. The word Abba signifies a close relationship. Its the privilege of a father child relationship. He gives us the confidence and boldness we need to approach Him in an intimate way. Regardless of the condition of your relationship with your earthly father, your relationship with your Heavenly Father is one that can be wonderful. We have access to God anytime. He is always available for us to come to Him, Hes never too busy. We can share everything with Him, and He will never condemn us. The most incredible part of this relationship is that God initiates it. He draws us to Himself with unconditional love.

    Read Jeremiah 3:19. God is speaking to wayward Israel in this passage, but Hes talking to you and I as well. Describe what you hear Him saying to you. ______________________________________________________________________________



    I love the phrase in this passage of Scripture that says, I look forward to your calling me Father. Just as new parents eagerly wait for their precious child to say mama or dada for the first time, God too longs for us to call him Father.

    Reflections What does it mean to you to be a joint heir with Christ? ______________________________________________________________________________



    How you would describe your relationship with God? Check all that apply. _____ Hes my Abba Father. _____ He seems cold and distant most of the time. _____ I sense Hes too busy and preoccupied to care about what is going on in my life.

    _____ Hes interested in the big decisions of my life, but not in the little day-to-day things.

    _____ He seems harsh and has unrealistic expectations. _____ I know He loves me and cares for me. _____ Hes a friend with whom I can share my deepest secrets. _____ I couldnt make it through life without relying on His strength.

    _____ I go to Him when I need something, but most of the time I am fairly self- sufficient.

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    If your relationship with God is not where you would like it to be; if you cannot call Him your Abba Father, I encourage you to tell Him. Be honest and ask Him to give you an increased desire to spend time in His presence. Draw near to Him and He promises to draw near to you. Your relationship will grow more and more intimate as you get to know Him better. Respond in praise to God for the fact that Hes already given you everything you need to live a godly life. We are so privileged to be called children of the Most High God.

    Spiritual Journal ______________________________________________________________________________










    Along with privileges come responsibilities. Parents expect certain behavior from their children. They have chores to do as their way of contributing to the family, and they are expected to learn to share and to be polite, respectful and kind to those around them. In the same way, we have responsibilities as members of Gods family.

    Our Responsibility to Live Holy Lives Paul begs us as Christians in Ephesians 4:1 to live a life worthy of our calling. What is our calling? As children of the King, we are His representatives here on earth. Our lives need to reflect our royal calling. To put it quite bluntly, we are royalty lets start acting like it!

    Read 1 John 3:110. What does it mean to keep yourself pure?



    Who does not belong to God (verse 10)? ________________________________________________________________________



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    Purity does not mean sinlessness, but it is keeping ourselves right before God by not making a practice of sinning. If we sin, we are to confess it and repent by changing our behavior and turning back to God. We are to be children of the Light, reflecting His glory to a lost world.

    Have you ever reacted poorly in a situation and later wish you hadnt? Far too frequently my old flesh rears her ugly head and I respond according to old ways. One of my greatest struggles with my flesh is my tendency to react in frustration when my world becomes chaos. Ill set the scene for you. My two-year-old is trying to get my attention by using his (well-rehearsed) whiny voice, my baby girl is fighting sleep by crying in her crib, my house is in disarray, dinner is about to boil over on the stove and my husband is trying to discuss an important matter with me. Absolute chaos! I have realized Satan uses these situations to tempt me to react poorly, and sadly it often works. Ive been disciplining myself recently to take a time out when the chaos threatens to overtake me. The constant war within me to respond to all situations in patience and love instead of frustration and anger is a daily battle. I must live in submission to God and receive the Holy Spirits conviction humbly.

    Scripture says, Just as you can identify a tree by its fruit so you can identify people by their actions (Matthew 7:20). People around are constantly watching to see how we will behave, especially in difficult situations. Our reactions can be a powerful testimony of Gods work within us. We have a responsibility, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to consistently demonstrate Christs character in our lives.

    Read Ephesians 5:1. ________________ God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear __________________.

    Can people identify you as a Christian by your fruit (behavior)? If not, what needs to change? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Do you feel you are living a life worthy of your calling? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________



    Our Responsibility To Do Kingdom Work Many scriptures describe our responsibility to carry out the work of God here on earth, but none explain it as clearly as the Great Commission at the end of Matthew.

    Read Matthew 28:1920. According to these verses, what is our main responsibility? ______________________________________________________________________________

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    God desires that no one is lost, but that all would come to a saving knowledge of Him (2 Peter 3:9). He uses His children as channels to share His love and mercy with a lost world. We all do this in different ways. Some are called to be teachers, some evangelists, while others prophets (1 Corinthians 12:28). He equips us with a variety of gifts to use in His kingdom and blesses us with the incredible feeling of fulfillment when we are passionately pursuing the work He has prepared in advance for us.

    One of the best ministries we can have is helping people. That is what Jesus did when He walked this earth. He went around doing good (Acts 10:38). We are called to reach out to those in need. This takes on a variety of forms, but it is truly one of the greatest things we can do. Never assume in order to make an impact on the Kingdom, you must be a world-famous evangelist, teacher or author. God calls each of us to a different task and one is not greater than another. The daily steps you take in simple obedience by lending a helping hand are important Kingdom work.

    Some day God will call you to account. He will ask you what you did with all he entrusted you with; the skills and abilities He blessed you with; the resources He entrusted to you; the time He gave you. How will you respond? ______________________________________________________________________________



    Our Responsibility to Develop Our Relationship One of the privileges listed was that we can call Him Abba Father. As we already discussed, this term describes intimacy. It describes a close relationship, one in which your hearts desires can be expressed. We can talk to God in the same way we would talk to our best friend, telling Him what is going on in our lives. He already knows, but intimacy grows as we share it with Him. In times of celebration we can come to God shouting with joy. In moments of frustration we can share our complaints, and when our world suddenly turns dark, we can fall to our knees and weep before Him. He wants every part of us.

    Developing a relationship with our Father means spending time with Him. There are no shortcuts. To get to know someone you must spend time with them, talking to them and listening to their heart. One of the ways I enjoy spending time with my husband is going for walks together. On our walks we are free from distractions and have an opportunity to talk. The same is true with God. The more we walk with Him, the better we get to know Him. Spending time in the Word and in prayer are the two most important ways we can develop the intimate relationship with Him He longs for us to have.

    I used to wonder why God wanted me to tell Him what was going on in my life. He already knew what was the point? Then I heard it explained so simply and now I understand. Imagine your child has had something wonderful happen to them at school one day, and you found out about it from another source before they arrive home. You expect that child to burst through the door and immediately share what happened, but the child is silent. You ask how their day went

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    and they respond, Fine. How would you feel? Would you be disappointed? Would you wonder why they felt they couldnt confide in you? God wants us to share our good times and our bad. He wants us to tell Him everything! How much we share is an indicator of the closeness of our relationship with Him.

    Often we dont talk to God about the little things in our lives because we think He doesnt care about them, but Scripture says otherwise. Psalm 37:23 says, The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. I am a very detailed person so that thought absolutely thrills me! He wants us to talk to Him about everything. I was reminded of this recently when a friend was telling me about what she had been praying for. I was struggling with the very same thing and hadnt even thought about bringing it before the Lord. I had unconsciously decided the matter was too small for Him to care about. But God delights in every detail of our lives.

    Lets practice sharing our details with God. Take a moment to reflect on the following, and then take them to God in prayer.

    Something thats happened in the last week that you are grateful for
