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Accelerating business performance with SAP ® 2014
Page 1: EY Accelerating business performance with  · PDF fileAccelerating business performance with SAP ... New G/L and Dodd-Frank) ... EY Accelerating business performance with SAP

Accelerating business performance with SAP®


Page 2: EY Accelerating business performance with  · PDF fileAccelerating business performance with SAP ... New G/L and Dodd-Frank) ... EY Accelerating business performance with SAP

We help our clients drive their performance

Leverage advanced analytics to support real-time market and customer strategies

Reduce exposure to negative events through mature risk and security processes

Optimize technology, structures and engagement to drive sustainable cost-efficiency and effectiveness

Our Advisory offerings can help in three distinct areas

Architect and optimize business processes

• Finance• Supply chain• Customer• Internal audit• Internal controls

1Design and implement the technologies that drive performance

• IT transformation• Enterprise intelligence• Enabling technologies• Technology risk and security

Achieve and sustain transformation through collaboration and discipline

• Program management• People and organizational

change• Strategic direction

2 3

Our performance path increases the probability of success




Leaders own and are accountable for the program’s direction and ultimate results.

Dynamic alignment techniques are in place to continually engage the organization.

Execution focuses on driving results

ownership are built throughactive interaction and

involvement early and often.



Vision and strategy

Technology PeopleMetrics

Processes Organization






Page 3: EY Accelerating business performance with  · PDF fileAccelerating business performance with SAP ... New G/L and Dodd-Frank) ... EY Accelerating business performance with SAP

Advisory services for SAP

SAP solutions:

• Analytics• Business

applications• Cloud• Database and

technology• Mobile

EY performance-based offerings:

• Integrated business planning • Driver-based performance

management (SAP EPM or BPC)• Sales and operations planning

(cloud-based SAP S&OP) • Human capital management

(SAP Human Capital Management and Success Factors)

• Global trade services (SAP GRC and SCM)

• Transfer pricing (SAP PCM and financials)

• Spend management (SAP SRM and SPM)

• Risk management (SAP GRC, access and process control, internal audit)

EY business performance services:

• Indirect tax management• Tax-effective supply chain

management• Merger, acquisition and divestiture

for SAP landscapes• Regulatory compliance (e.g., IFRS,

New G/L and Dodd-Frank)

Performance-driven approach

• Major business transformation — supply chain, customer and finance• Architecture design • Business integration• Program risk management

SAP solutions combined with highly differentiated business performance services

















1,800 Advisory SAP professionals


1,500 Advisory SAP professionals


700 Advisory SAP professionals

FY13 | 50+ countries | 4,000 professionalsGlobally

Advisory Assurance Tax Transaction

Finance | Customer | Supply chain | IT | Risk and controlsOil and gas | Power and utilities | Life sciences | Consumer goods

Automotive and manufacturing | Financial services | Media and entertainment* EMEIA — Europe, Middle East, India and Africa

Page 4: EY Accelerating business performance with  · PDF fileAccelerating business performance with SAP ... New G/L and Dodd-Frank) ... EY Accelerating business performance with SAP

Assessing the value of the ERP, such as SAP, throughout the life cycle

Integrated end-to-end S&OP solution to meet today’s volatile and rapid-response demands

ERP value pathwaySAP sales and operations planning


How we are helping our clients

Product costing and valuation (TESCM)

Operational transfer pricing

Major program transformation method

Visioning and prototyping

Tax-effective supply chain management; parallel valuation of materials at local and consolidated values

Leveraging technology to improve intercompany transfer pricing effectiveness

©2014 by SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.

Principal operating company




Internal subcontract manufacturer


Third party


Third party


Third party


Third party


Worldwide consolidation company

$18/$15 $15$1/$7.5



$5 $5/$5







B a s e E R P a n d p la nn i ng

8 0 s 9 0 s 2 0 s C u r r e n t

A P S , o p t i m iz a tio n ,

e C o m m e r ce

W h a t - i f s im u la t io n , d r iv er b a se d

M R P , M R P I I

- P r o c e s s i m p ro v em e n t an d

s t a n d a r d iz a ti on

- O r g a n i z a tio n a l c h a ng e

Key drivers: Enable ERP- F o c u s o n l ar ge s y st e m s im p le m e n ta ti on- T r a n s a c t io n al p ro c es s s ta n da rd iz a ti on

- T r a i n i n g

Key drivers: Optimize, collaborate, build on ERP- F o c u s o n A P S im pl em e n ta t io n a s ad d o n to ER P- C o m p l e x o pt im i za ti o n

- e P r o c u r e m e nt , su p pl ie r an d c u st o m er c o lla b o ra ti on- I n v e n t o ry p la n n in g a nd o p ti m iz a tio n

- B r o a d e r c h an g e m a n ag e m en t

Key drivers: Globalization, high performance, analytics- M a n a g e v o la til it y, fo c u s o n “w h a t if ”, s im u la ti o n, d ri ve b u si n es s re s u lts

- O p e r a t i on s i m pr o ve m e n t, re a l t im e v is ib il it y, c on s tr a in t m an a g em e n t, d em an d d ri ve n- A n a l y t ic s , e n a bl in g h ig h pe r fo rm an c e

- S p e e d , c lo u d c o m pu t in g

S a l e s a n d

o p e r a t i o n s p l a n n i n g

P o w e r e d b y

H a n a ™






About EYEY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

About EY’s Advisory ServicesImproving business performance while managing risk is an increasingly complex business challenge. Whether your focus is on broad business transformation or, more specifically, on achieving growth or optimizing or protecting your business, having the right advisors on your side can make all the difference. Our 30,000 advisory professionals form one of the broadest global advisory networks of any professional organization, delivering seasoned multidisciplinary teams that work with our clients to deliver a powerful and exceptional client service. We use proven, integrated methodologies to help you solve your most challenging business problems, deliver a strong performance in complex market conditions and build sustainable stakeholder confidence for the longer term. We understand that you need services that are adapted to your industry issues, so we bring our broad sector experience and deep subject matter knowledge to bear in a proactive and objective way. Above all, we are committed to measuring the gains and identifying where your strategy and change initiatives are delivering the value your business needs.

© 2014 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved.

EYG No. AU2376

EMEIA Marketing Agency 1001046

ED None

In line with EY’s commitment to minimize its impact on the environment, this document has been printed on paper with a high recycled content.

This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.


EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

Value assessments throughout the ERP value life cycle

Program Roadmap

Change Management (e.g., Continuous Communication, Training)

4th Qtr 2011

1st Qtr 2011

3rd Qtr 2011

2nd Qtr 2011

4th Qtr 2012

1st Qtr 2012

3rd Qtr 2012

2nd Qtr 2012

4th Qtr 2010

1st Qtr 2010

3rd Qtr 2010

2nd Qtr 2010

4th Qtr 2009

3rd Qtr 2009


* - GFS Assessments

Reporting & Analytics Requirements & Design

Metadata Strategy Def. Metadata Build

FDW Platform - Design Financial Data Warehouse Platform (incl. ETL) - Build

ID Redundant Reporting Systems

Consol. Reqs & Process Selct’n

Standardized Reporting & Analytics Deployment

Consolidation Tool Tech. Design, Build, Deploy

PBF Req. and Design PBF Tool Design, Build, Deploy

Define Governance Transitional Governance



g &













Define Rptg Operating Model & Process




Enhance gXRS Rptg Capabilities


Master Data Standardization (GFS Master Data Team)


Stabilization Period

Stabilization Period

FDW Platform - Deployment


ID Submissions

BRAVO extension migration


End State Deployment of Report & Master Data Governance

Value drivers6 1

4 3

5 2

ERP rollout

ERP optimization

ERP maintenanceExtending the

value of ERP

Decaying ERP


ERP enhancement andreimplementation

ERP value life cycle

Value analysis

Value improvement prioritization portfolio

Implementation Factor for Success

Issue Include (Yes/No)


Powerful Business Case

The reasons for launching the business initiative are clearly defined.

Yes No 1 5

The impact to the business of either successful or unsuccessful implementation is broadly recognized.

Yes No 1 5

Leaders of the initiative continually refines and update the business case over time.

Yes No 1 5

The relative priority of this initiative with respect to other initiatives is consistently reinforced.

Yes No 1 5

The business case created a sense of urgency or priority for the organization and stakeholders.

Yes No 1 5

Vision Clarity Leaders of the initiative are able to translate the business case into a clear, compelling vision of the future.

Yes No 1 5

The vision is specific enough to give people a good indication of how they will be doing things differently after implementation.

Yes No 1 5

People affected by the initiative are able to answer the question, “What’s in it for me?”

Yes No 1 5

The vision describes how the initiative was linked to the overall business strategy and other business initiatives.

Yes No 1 5

The vision creates understanding and excitement about the change.

Yes No 1 5

Change Leadership and Accountability

The appropriate individuals who should lead the change were mobilized beginning with senior management and expanding to agents of change.

Yes No 1 5

Leaders personally demonstrate the commitment to achieve the initiative’s objectives through public and private actions.

Yes No 1 5

A streamlined decision-making process is in place to resolve issues in a timely manner.

Yes No 1 5

Leaders are accountable for the expected results of the initiative; that is, important consequences are tied to realizing the benefits in the business case.

Yes No 1 5

Data architecture

Conceptual architecture


User interface



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The views of third parties set out in this publication are not necessarily the views of the global EY organization or its member firms. Moreover, they should be seen in the context of the time they were made.
