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eyes Phisiology

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  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



    Dr.Milahayati DaulayDr.Milahayati Daulay

    Departemen FisiologiDepartemen FisiologiFK USUFK USU

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Eye and AssociatedEye and Associated


    70% o a!! sensory rece"tors are70% o a!! sensory rece"tors are

    in t#e eyein t#e eye

    $ost o t#e eye is "rotected y a$ost o t#e eye is "rotected y a

    cus#ion o at and t#e ony oritcus#ion o at and t#e ony orit

     Accessory structures inc!ude Accessory structures inc!ude

    eyero&s' eye!ids' conunctia'eyero&s' eye!ids' conunctia'

    !acri*a! a""aratus' and e+trinsic!acri*a! a""aratus' and e+trinsic

    eye *usc!eseye *usc!es

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



    Coarse hairs that overlie the supraorbitalmargins

    Functions include: Shading the eye

    Preventing perspiration from reaching the eye

    Orbicularis muscle – depresses the

    eyebrows Corrugator muscles – move the eyebrows


  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Pa!"erae (Eye!ids)

    Protect t#e eye anterior!y

    Pa!"era! issure , se"arates eye!ids

    Cant#i , *edia! and !atera! an-!es(co**issures)

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Palpebrae (Eyelids)Palpebrae (Eyelids)

    Lacrimal caruncle – contains glands thatLacrimal caruncle – contains glands that

    secrete a whitish, oily secretion (Sandman’ssecrete a whitish, oily secretion (Sandman’s

    eye sand)eye sand)

    Tarsal plates of connective tissue support theTarsal plates of connective tissue support the

    eyelids internallyeyelids internally

    Levator palpebrae superioris – gives the upperLevator palpebrae superioris – gives the upper

    eyelid mobilityeyelid mobility

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    Pa!"erae (Eye!ids)


    Proect ro* t#e ree *ar-in o eac# eye!id

    Initiate re!e+ !in.in-

    Luricatin- -!ands associated &it# t#e


    $eio*ian -!ands and seaceous -!ands

    Ci!iary -!ands !ie et&een t#e #air o!!ic!es

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Pa!"erae (Eye!ids)

    Figure !"!b

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



    /rans"arent *e*rane t#at/rans"arent *e*rane t#at

    Lines t#e eye!ids as t#e "a!"era! conunctiaLines t#e eye!ids as t#e "a!"era! conunctia

    Coers t#e ites o t#e eyes as t#e ocu!arCoers t#e ites o t#e eyes as t#e ocu!ar


    Luricates and "rotects t#e eyeLuricates and "rotects t#e eye

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Lacrimal ApparatusLacrimal Apparatus

    • Consists of the lacrimal gland andConsists of the lacrimal gland and

    associated ductsassociated ducts

    • Lacrimal glands secrete tearsLacrimal glands secrete tears

    • TearsTears– Contain mucus, antibodies, and lysozymeContain mucus, antibodies, and lysozyme

    – Enter the eye via superolateral excretoryEnter the eye via superolateral excretory


    – Exit the eye medially via the lacrimal punctumExit the eye medially via the lacrimal punctum

    – Drain into the nasolacrimal ductDrain into the nasolacrimal duct

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    Lacri*a! A""aratus

    Figure !"#

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    Extrinsic Eye MusclesExtrinsic Eye Muscles

    Six straplike extrinsic eye musclesSix straplike extrinsic eye musclesEnable the eye to follow moving obectsEnable the eye to follow moving obects

    Maintain the shape of the eyeballMaintain the shape of the eyeball

    Four rectus muscles originate fromFour rectus muscles originate from

    the annular ringthe annular ring

     !wo obli"ue muscles move the eye in !wo obli"ue muscles move the eye inthe vertical planethe vertical plane

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    E+trinsic Eye $usc!es

    Figure !"$a, b

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    Su**ary o Crania! Neres and

    $usc!e Actions1 Na*es' actions' and crania! nere

    inneration o t#e e+trinsic eye *usc!es

    Figure !"$c

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Structure o t#e Eyea!!

     A s!i-#t!y irre-u!ar #o!!o& s"#ere &it#

    anterior and "osterior "o!es

    /#e &a!! is co*"osed o t#ree tunics ,

    irous' ascu!ar' and sensory

    /#e interna! caity is i!!ed &it# !uids

    ca!!ed #u*ors

    /#e !ens se"arates t#e interna! caity into

    anterior and "osterior se-*ents

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Structure o t#e Eyea!!

    Figure !"%a

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Fibrous Tunic

    2or*s t#e outer*ost coat o t#e eye and is

    co*"osed o , 3"a4ue sc!era ("osterior!y) , C!ear cornea (anterior!y)

    /#e sc!era "rotects t#e eye and anc#ors

    e+trinsic *usc!es /#e cornea !ets !i-#t enter t#e eye

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Vascular Tunic (Uvea): Choroid


    Has t#ree re-ions c#oroid' ci!iary ody'

    and iris

    C#oroid re-ion1 A dar. ro&n *e*rane t#at or*s t#e

    "osterior "ortion o t#e uea

    1Su""!ies !ood to a!! eye tunics

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    5ascu!ar /unic Ci!iary 6ody

    A thicened ring of tissuesurrounding the lens

    Composed of smooth musclebundles !ciliary muscles"

    Anchors the suspensory ligamentthat holds the lens in place

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    5ascu!ar /unic Iris

    /#e co!ored "art o t#e eye

    Pu"i! , centra! o"enin- o t#e iris

    Re-u!ates t#e a*ount o !i-#t enterin- t#e eyedurin- C!ose ision and ri-#t !i-#t , "u"i!s constrict

    Distant ision and di* !i-#t , "u"i!s di!ate

    C#an-es in e*otiona! state , "u"i!s di!ate en t#e

    suect *atter is a""ea!in- or re4uires "ro!e*so!in-


  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Pu"i! Di!ation and Constriction

    Figure !"&

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Sensory Tunic' etina

     A de!icate t&o!ayered *e*rane

    Pi-*ented !ayer , t#e outer !ayer t#at

    asors !i-#t and "reents its scatterin-

    Neura! !ayer' ic# contains P#otorece"tors t#at transduce !i-#t ener-y

    6i"o!ar ce!!s and -an-!ion ce!!s

     A*acrine and #ori8onta! ce!!s

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Sensory /unic Retina

    Figure !"a

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    /#e Retina 9an-!ion Ce!!s and

    t#e 3"tic Disc

    9an-!ion ce!! a+ons

    Run a!on- t#e inner surace o t#e retina

    Leae t#e eye as t#e o"tic nere

    /#e o"tic disc

    Is t#e site ere t#e o"tic nere !eaes

    t#e eye

    Lac.s "#otorece"tors (t#e !ind s"ot)

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    /#e Retina 9an-!ion Ce!!s and t#e 3"tic Disc

    Figure !"b

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    #he $etina: Photoreceptors

    $ods: $espond to dim light

    Are used for peripheral vision

    Cones: $espond to bright light

    %ave high&acuity color vision

    Are found in the macula lutea

    Are concentrated in the fovea centralis

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    6!ood Su""!y to t#e Retina

    /#e neura! retina receies its !ood

    su""!y ro* t&o sources

    /#e outer t#ird receies its !ood ro*t#e c#oroid

    /#e inner t&ot#irds is sered y t#e

    centra! artery and ein

    S*a!! esse!s radiate out ro* t#e o"ticdisc and can e seen &it# an


  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Inner C#a*ers and 2!uids

    /#e !ens se"arates t#e interna! eye into

    anterior and "osterior se-*ents

    /#e "osterior se-*ent is i!!ed &it# a c!ear-e! ca!!ed itreous #u*or t#at/rans*its !i-#t

    Su""orts t#e "osterior surace o t#e !ens

    Ho!ds t#e neura! retina ir*!y a-ainst t#e

    "i-*ented !ayer 

    Contriutes to intraocu!ar "ressure

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Anterior Segment

    Co*"osed o t&o c#a*ers ,

     Anterior , et&een t#e cornea and t#e iris , Posterior , et&een t#e iris and t#e !ens

     A4ueous #u*or  ,  A "!as*a!i.e !uid t#at i!!s t#e anterior se-*ent

     , Drains ia t#e cana! o Sc#!e**

    Su""orts' nouris#es' and re*oes &astes

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


     Anterior Se-*ent

    Figure !"*

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



     A icone+' trans"arent' !e+i!e' aascu!arstructure t#at A!!o&s "recise ocusin- o !i-#t onto t#e retina

    Is co*"osed o e"it#e!iu* and !ens iers Lens e"it#e!iu* , anterior ce!!s t#at

    dierentiate into !ens iers

    Lens iers , ce!!s i!!ed &it# t#e trans"arent

    "rotein crysta!!in :it# a-e' t#e !ens eco*es *ore co*"act

    and dense and !oses its e!asticity

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



    • Electromagnetic radiation – all energyElectromagnetic radiation – all energy

    aves from short gamma rays to longaves from short gamma rays to long

    radio avesradio aves

    • !ur eyes respond to a small portion of!ur eyes respond to a small portion ofthis spectrum called thethis spectrum called the


     visible visible


    • Di"erent cones in the retina respondDi"erent cones in the retina respondto di"erent avelengths of the visibleto di"erent avelengths of the visible


  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



    Figure !"+

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    #efraction an$ %enses#efraction an$ %enses

    &hen light passes from one transparent&hen light passes from one transparent

    me$ium to another its spee$ changes an$me$ium to another its spee$ changes an$

    it refracts 'ben$s(it refracts 'ben$s( %ight passing through a convex lens 'as in%ight passing through a convex lens 'as in

    the eye( is bent so that the rays convergethe eye( is bent so that the rays converge

    to a focal pointto a focal point

    &hen a convex lens forms an image) the&hen a convex lens forms an image) theimage is upsi$e $own an$ reverse$ right toimage is upsi$e $own an$ reverse$ right to


  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Reraction and Lenses

    Figure !"#

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Focusing 'ight on the $etina

    Pathway of light entering the eye: cornea(a)ueous humor( lens( vitreous humor( andthe neural layer of the retina to the

    photoreceptors 'ight is refracted: At the cornea

    Entering the lens

    'eaving the lens

    #he lens curvature and shape allow for finefocusing of an image

    2 i Di t t 5i i

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    2ocusin- or Distant 5ision

    1 Li-#t ro* adistance needs!itt!e adust*entor "ro"er

    ocusin-1 2ar "oint o

    ision , t#edistance eyond

    ic# t#e !ensdoes not need toc#an-e s#a"e toocus (;0 t

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    2ocusin- or C!ose 5ision2ocusin- or C!ose 5ision

    *lose vision re"uires+*lose vision re"uires+ ,ccommo$ation - changing the lens,ccommo$ation - changing the lens

    shape by ciliary muscles to increaseshape by ciliary muscles to increase

    refractory powerrefractory power *onstriction - the pupillary reex*onstriction - the pupillary reex

    constricts the pupils to prevent $ivergentconstricts the pupils to prevent $ivergent

    light rays from entering the eyelight rays from entering the eye

    *onvergence - me$ial rotation of the*onvergence - me$ial rotation of the

    eyeballs towar$ the obect being viewe$eyeballs towar$ the obect being viewe$

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    2ocusin- or C!ose 5ision

    Figure !"$b

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Pro!e*s o Reraction

    E**etro"ic eye , nor*a! eye &it#

    !i-#t ocused "ro"er!y

    $yo"ic eye (nearsi-#ted) , t#e oca!

    "oint is in ront o t#e retina

    Corrected &it# a concae !ens

    Hy"ero"ic eye (arsi-#ted) , t#e oca!

    "oint is e#ind t#e retina

    Corrected &it# a cone+ !ens

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Pro!e*s o Reraction

    Figure !"%

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



    2unctiona! c#aracteristics2unctiona! c#aracteristics Sensitie to di* !i-#t and est suited or ni-#tSensitie to di* !i-#t and est suited or ni-#t


     Asor a!! &ae!en-t#s o isi!e !i-#t Asor a!! &ae!en-t#s o isi!e !i-#t Perceied in"ut is in -ray tones on!yPerceied in"ut is in -ray tones on!y

    Su* o isua! in"ut ro* *any rods eeds intoSu* o isua! in"ut ro* *any rods eeds into

    a sin-!e -an-!ion ce!!a sin-!e -an-!ion ce!! Resu!ts in u88y and indistinct i*a-esResu!ts in u88y and indistinct i*a-es

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology



    =Functional characteristicsFunctional characteristics

    /ee$ bright light for activation 'have low/ee$ bright light for activation 'have low


    0ave pigments that furnish a vivi$ly0ave pigments that furnish a vivi$lycolore$ viewcolore$ view

    Each cone synapses with a single ganglionEach cone synapses with a single ganglion

    cellcell 1ision is $etaile$ an$ has high resolution1ision is $etaile$ an$ has high resolution

    C d R d

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    Cones and Rods

    Figure !"a

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    5i ! P t#5i ! P t#

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    5isua! Pat#&ays5isua! Pat#&ays

     A+ons o retina! -an-!ion ce!!s or* t#e o"tic nere A+ons o retina! -an-!ion ce!!s or* t#e o"tic nere

    $edia! iers o t#e o"tic nere decussate at t#e$edia! iers o t#e o"tic nere decussate at t#eo"tic c#ias*o"tic c#ias*

    $ost iers o t#e o"tic tracts continue to t#e$ost iers o t#e o"tic tracts continue to t#e!atera! -enicu!ate ody o t#e t#a!a*us!atera! -enicu!ate ody o t#e t#a!a*us

    3t#er o"tic tract iers end in su"erior co!!icu!i3t#er o"tic tract iers end in su"erior co!!icu!i(initiatin- isua! re!e+es) and "retecta! nuc!ei(initiatin- isua! re!e+es) and "retecta! nuc!ei(ino!ed &it# "u"i!!ary re!e+es)(ino!ed &it# "u"i!!ary re!e+es)

    3"tic radiations trae! ro* t#e t#a!a*us to t#e3"tic radiations trae! ro* t#e t#a!a*us to t#e

    isua! corte+isua! corte+

    5isua! Pat#&ays

  • 8/20/2019 eyes Phisiology


    5isua! Pat#&ays
