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Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

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Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual
EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0 – User Manual July 11, 2012
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EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0 – User Manual

July 11, 2012

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Part I

Using EyesWeb


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Chapter 1

EyesWeb Framework

The EyesWeb Framework is made of a set of tools:

• The Graphical Development Environment (2).

• The EyesWeb command-line tool 3.

• The EyesWeb Mobile Designer and Runtime applications.

• The EyesWeb Mobile for Python and MetaEyesWeb tools.

• A set of other tools:

– The EywQuery tool (4.1) to generate documentation for the installed blocks.

– The EywRegisterModule tool (4.2) to register a module (dll) for use with Eye-sWeb.


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Chapter 2

EyesWeb Patch DevelopmentEnvironment

The EyesWeb Development Environment is the main editor to design patches. A simpleexample of the editor at work is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: The EyesWeb Development Environment.

The Environment shows the following main windows, from the left to the right:

• Catalog View window.

• Search View window.

• Properties window.

• Patch View window.


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and also at the bottom of the screen, below the Patch View there are the followingwindows:

• Message View window.

• Navigator View window.

The Patch is the main component of an EyesWeb project. When you launch the Eye-sWeb application, the EyesWeb environment (GUI), starts with an empty patch the firsttime you run the program; and at the subsequent launches of the program, it opens thepatches that were open when EyesWeb was closed in the previous session: you have to waitEyesWeb finish loading the patches before start to work, as a progress bar is displayed tellingyou that the internal kernel is working, in order to prepare the environment for workingcorrectly. You can make a patch to edit an audio or video files, to follow and capture movingsubjects over image streams, to analyze low and high level features for research purposes,and much more that can be limited only by your mind. A patch is composed by severalEyesWeb Blocks ; each block is an EyesWeb object with a specific function. These objectscan manage the data flow within the environment in a user-friendly interface. It‘s very easyto connect the blocks between them, and edit their parameters. It‘s also easy to understandhow to use them, because they are grouped by type in a tree structure. For example thereare video blocks in the video section, audio blocks in the audio section, numerical blocksin the concerning section, also grouped by numerical type as integer, decimal, matrices,... also there are the converter blocks in the converters section, and so on. All blocks canaccept some input data along with tuning parameters, and can elaborate them using allthese data to produce an output. Input and output can be connected with other blocksthrought the pins. The pins represent the communicating system to and from a specificblock such they can bring data into a block as ”inputs” pins, generate data from a block as”output” pins, and manage ”parameter” pins for refining the behaviour of a block duringthe Run-Time phase. Every kind of data that can be processed by the different blocks isrepresented by a ”Datatype”. Connecting the blocks with the pins you can manage theflow of these datatypes, as ”outputs” from one block, an ”inputs” to other blocks. Thedevelopment of a patch is divided in two phases: the ”Design-Time” phase, and the ”Run-Time” phase. The Design-Time is the phase where you organize the EyesWeb blocks intothe Patch View window (with drag‘n drop from Catalog View - Figure 3.14) and where youcan connect the blocks between them (with the blocks pins). The Run-Time is the phase inwhich the Patch ”compiled” by the EyesWeb development environment is then passed tothe scheduler part of the program, and then executed to produce its peculiar activity; youcan see the logging of the different phases of the process into the Message Console - Figure3.30. To run a Patch and start the ”compile phase” that brings the program from theDesign-Time to the Run-time phase, you must press the Start button (Figure 3.2), whichalso makes the initialization of the Patch.


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Figure 2.2: Environment Clock.

2.1 User Commands

In this section are detailed the commands and the various tools that are provided by theEyesWeb interface.

Figure 2.3: EyesWeb Menu.

At the top you have the usual command menus with which you can access all the Eye-sWeb tools(Figure 3.3). On file menu you have:

Figure 2.4: File Menu.

In the File menu there are all the commands to createa new project, to open and close an existing one, saveor print it, see the recent files opened and exit from theEyesWeb application.


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Figure 2.5: Edit Menu.

In the Edit menu you can find the commands to undoor restore editing actions on the blocks, cut, copy, pastand delete an object, select all the objects in the patch,view and manage the look and feel like alignement de-sign features, positioning orientations, graphical rota-tions and z-ordering characteristics of the blocks con-tained in the developed patch during the Design-Timephase. You can also see the location of a block in theCatalgue View, and enable or disable a block (for de-tails see paragraph 3.3 at Figure 3.18 and 3.19).

Figure 2.6: View Menu.

In the View menu you have a list of the main toolwindows of EyesWeb. Here you can add or removethese tool windows (Main Toolbar, Window Toolbar,System Toolbar, Design Toolbar, Status Bar, Catalogs,Search, Properties, Message Console, Navigator, OpenFile Tabs) from viewing them, to customize EyesWebinterface (Figure 3.1). You can also set the zoom ofthe Patch View.


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Figure 2.7: System Menu.

In the System menu you can manage a patch in theRun-Time phase with the Start, Step, Pause and Stopbuttons. You can manage more patches at the sametime with this commands, and you can see the timestatus of a patch with the Clock tool (Figure 3.2).Also you can determine which type of Run-Time modeshould be used for the current patch: ”Design” or ”Pro-duction” in order to select for each block in the patch,which block should be scheduled and which not.

Figure 2.8: Tools Menu.

In the Tools menu you can manage the profiling toolwith the support of the patch clock, import or exportkernel properties settings, add external tools (Figure3.9) and you can access to EyesWeb options (Figure3.10).


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Figure 2.9: External Tools.

In the External Tool windows(Figure 3.9), you can add additional tools and externalEyesWeb facilities. You can set their parameters such as the name of the tool, his com-mand, the arguments, initial directory and others: you can configure additional parameterssuch as Autosave, Wait Program Termination and Warn Kernel Restart for each tool listedin this window.

Figure 2.10: Options.

In the Option View window (Figure 3.10) you can set all the features that you needfor your current EyesWeb project under development. The following detailed settings areavailable:


• Reload open documents.

• Autosave modified documents on patch start.


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• Save patch state in undo on patch start.

• Ask close confirmation when a patch is clocked.

• Detect patch modification outside the environment.

• Auto-Reload patch (when not modified inside the environment).

• MDI Tabbed mode.


• Snap Objects to grid.

• Show grid.

• Grid width.

• Grid height.

• Default object orientation (left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top).

Catalog View:

• Categorized View (group blocks by catalog).

• Filters (No Filters, catalogs filter, used catalogs).

• Selected Filter Properties (Name, Available catalogs, Selected catalogs).

• Selected Catalogs are excluded (included by default).


• Message Level Enabling (Debug, Message, Warning, Error, Critical Error).

• Default Windows Color.

• Color...

• Set Default Colors.

• Enable message logging.

• Log Folder.

• Log Disk Quota (KB) 0 means no quota.


• Object Name.

• Object Description.


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• Library Names.

• Author Name.

• Author Description.

• Company Name.

• Company Description.

• Licence.

• Reset Search History.


• Process Priority Class (IDLE, NORMAL, HIGH, REALTIME).


• Performance Profiling.

• Automatically reset profiling data on patch start.

• Catalog Classes Enabling (Kernel, External, User, select all, select none).

• Kernel (abort timeout, clock period, logs, others...).

• Device Mapping (devices).

It‘s recommended to leave default options until you have a good familiarity with theprogram.


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Figure 2.11: Window View.

In the Window menu you can manage the EyesWebpatch windows that can be simultaneously opened.You can close one or all the windows, browse to thenext or previous one, and set the way they appear inCascade, Horizontally or Vertically appearance. In thisway you can manage the look of EyesWeb interface andyou can display the windows as you prefer.

Figure 2.12: Help Menu.

In the Help menu you can automatically check for Eye-sWeb updates, and read the general information on thecurrent EyesWeb version.

You can find the most important of these described tools and commands in the EyesWebtools bar (Figure 3.13).

Figure 2.13: EyesWeb Tools Bar.

In the first row of the bar (from left to right) there are the icons to create a new projector open an existing one; to save one patch or all the opened ones; to print a patch, or tocut, copy, past and remove one or more selected items; to undo or restore an operation;to increase or decrease the zoom of the blocks in the patch; to open the Options window;to close one or all the patch windows opened in EyesWeb; to navigate from a window toanother one; to set the favourite way to show the patch windows (Cascade, Horizontally orVertically); to manage the Run-Time step of a patch; to open or remove the Profiling Viewwindow (Figure 3.29) from the Properties window (Chapter 3.5). In the second row of thetools bar you can find additional options to manage the aspects of the patch.


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2.2 Catalog View

In the Catalog View window the blocks can be displayed in the following two ways, accord-ingly to the ordering by group or by type:

Figure 2.14: Ordered by Blocks Group.

Figure 2.15: Ordered by Blocks Type.

The Catalog View window (Figure 3.14 and 3.15) is the frame of the EyesWeb appli-cation where are collected all the EyesWeb blocks. The blocks are grouped by categorywithin the Catalog View in a treeview; blocks are grouped into several categories:

• GUI Objects: Blocks used by the graphical user interface.

• Kernel: blocks that are in the core of EyesWeb.

• Base: blocks used to manage the basic features of EyesWeb.

• System: blocks for system dependent functionalities.

• Legacy: blocks from the previous versions of EyesWeb.

• Steinberg Technologies: blocks for audio processing.

On the top of the Catalog View window are present the two buttons: ”Toggle CatalogView” and ”Manage Filters” along with the ”Filters Bar”. With the Filters Bar you canselect only a specific group of blocks (default Catalog View shows all the groups of the


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blocks). With the Toggle Catalog View button on the left, you can chose between two dif-ferent views of the blocks tree: ordered by group and ordered by the type of functionality.With the Manage Filters button on the right, you can open the Option Filter window, asseen in Figure 3.16, where you can: select a default filter with the ”Sel.” button, remove afilter with the ”-” button and add a custom filter with the ”+” button. You can also selecta filter to customize it with the arrow-buttons: remove and add a group of block by the filter.

Figure 2.16: Management of Catalog View Filters.


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2.3 Search View

The Search View window (Figure 3.17) is the frame of the EyesWeb application where youcan search for the blocks of the contained Catalog View window. You have to enter thename of a block in the search box and, pressing the search button, the application willdisplay the results in the window below.

Figure 2.17: Search View.

2.4 Patch View

The Patch View window is the frame of the EyesWeb application where you can design yourpatches. Blocks can be moved in the Patch View window by dragging and dropping themin this window from the Catalog View window. The layout of the blocks is shown in Figure3.18. The black rounded rectangles are the Pins, which let the blocks to be interconnectedtogether. The left ones (inside the block border) are the ”input” pins, which representdata incoming into the block. The right ones (outside the block border) are the ”output”pins: they represent the result of the elaboration performed by this block. The top pinsare called ”parameter” pins, and they represent the data used to tune the elaboration ofthe block itself. Input pins can have at most one incoming link, trying to connect one linkto an input pin which is already connected with another one, the EyesWeb GUI will showa forbidden icon, as shown in Figure 3.19.


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Figure 2.18: A simple EyesWeb block.

Figure 2.19: The forbidden icon tells to the user that the connection he is trying to establishcannot be done.

Blocks are connected one-another together by dragging a link from the output pin ofthe source block to the input pin of the destination block. It is also possible to draw alink from an output pin to a parameter pin. Not all connections are allowed: besides theconstraint described above (an input pin can have at most one incoming link), there areother constraints that depend on the type of the data involved in the connection. Pinswith different type of data, cannot be connected, unless EyesWeb is able to convert fromone datatype to the other one. However, whether such conversion is possible or not, theuser has not to care about it, since EyesWeb automatically shows the forbidden icon in theappropriate cases. The patch windows can be zoomed in/out by means of the appropriatemenu commands (see Figure 3.20), or by means of the keyboard shortcuts + and -, whichincrease or decrease the zoom of a 10 perc. factor. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+0 can beused to go back to the default zoom level.


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Figure 2.20: The zoom commands are available in the View menu and in the Main toolbar.

There are some properties to manage the look and feel of the patches during the Design-Time phase. The ”Locate” command is used to find out the location of the block withinthe Catalog View, and the ”Activate” command is used to enable or disable a block fromfunctioningh (Figure 3.21). You can also rotate the blocks and perform other graphicaloperations, like orientating and arrangement features, as shown in Figure 3.22. Thesefeatures are very useful when dealing with many blocks and links.


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Figure 2.21: Block options. Figure 2.22: Block rotation options.

The links are used to connect a block with another one as shown in Figure 3.23. Youcan add one or more pins in each connecting, link to change the look and feel of the linkitself as shown in Figure 3.24. You can also connect one output link to more input blockpins, as in Figure 3.25.

Figure 2.23: Link.

Figure 2.24: Create a Pin on a Link.


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Figure 2.25: Connect more blocks using the same link.

2.5 Navigator View

Figure 2.26: Navigator View.

The Navigator View window (Figure 3.26) is the frame of the EyesWeb applicationwhere you have a complete view of the patch. From this window you can navigate withinthe Patch View with the mouse, and move in the patch area if you need. From this windowyou can‘t move the blocks, but it‘s very useful if the patch is very big and takes up a lot ofspace in the Patch View.


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2.6 Properties View

The Property View window is the frame of the EyesWeb aplication where you can viewand modify the properties of the objects selected in the Patch View. Properties can beshown in the Categorized or Alphabetic mode, according to which option button is selectedin the top-left corner of this window (just under the Params tab). In the former case,the properties are grouped together according to their meaning, whereas in the latter theproperties are sorted alphabetically. In any case, the properties are shown in two columns:the first represents the name, the second represents the value. If the value is written withbold characters it can be modified, otherwise editing is forbidden. When the property hasa structured value, a ”+” sign is placed on its left, to mean that the internal details can beshown by expanding its content (clicking on the plus sign). Once the property is expanded,its sub-components can be edited as all other properties. The same values can also be editedwithout having to expand the property and modifying the semicolon-separated values whichare shown to the right of the property name. Acting this way, besides avoiding to expandthe property, has a different behaviour if compared to the modification of the componentsone at a time. If the semicolon-separated list is edited, the overall value is set via a uniquecommand, whereas modifying the sub-components causes the intermediate values to beset. Consider the case where you have to modify the size of a matrix through a structuredproperty with two components, named width and height. If you modify the semicolon-separated value, for instance, from 30x20 to 60x40, the matrix size is changed only once. Ifyou expand the property and modify the width from 30 to 60 and then modify the heightfrom 20 to 40, the matrix size is changed twice: the first time it changes from 30x20 to60x20, the second time it changes from 60x20 to 60x40. This different behaviour have tobe kept into account when using the Properties View.


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Figure 2.27: Block Parameters View.

When you select a block you can edit its properties and features in Properties Viewwindow as in Figure 3.27. For example you can modify the general appearance of the inputand output pins: in this example the options ”Show SyncIn” and ”Show SyncOut” areenabled, so there are two more pins in the shown block; so you can connect the blocksusing these pins. Every pin represents an input, an output or a parameter data. Anotherimportant feature of the new versions of the EyesWeb application is represented by the”Synchronization” Pins. With synchronization pins you can force the schedule calling of ablock to be executed regardless by the usual common blocks connections. To enable thisfeature, you have to add input and/or output the synchronization pins to the block, bysetting the ”Yes” value in the ”Show SyncIn” and ”Show SyncOut” parameters: new pinsfor ”SyncIn” and/or ”SyncOut” will appear on the selected block as shown in Figure 3.27,where the synchronization pins are displyed as the ”white pins”. In order to set these pinsyou can chose between three options of the ”SyncIn Mode” parameter: Exclusive, Additiveor Ignore; so, during the Run-Time phase: the ”Exclusive” option sets the block to bescheduled ”only” when this block receives a trigger signal at its SyncIn pin; the ”Additive”option sets the block to be scheduled ”also” when this block receives a trigger signal atits SyncIn pin; and the ”Ignore” option sets the block to be scheduled ”normally” usingthe standard scheduling methods, ignoring the possible SincIn trigger signal received at itsSyncIn pin. Also, the ”Run Level” parameter lets the user to decide wheter or not a blockshould be scheduled during a ”Design” period, or during a ”Production” period, in orderto add blocks to a patch for testing it, and to utilize them only for understanding how thepatch works, and, when they are no more useful for the functioning of the patch itself, theycan be excluded by the scheduling tree, simply by selecting the ”Production” value in the”System Toolbar”; so the blocks that are marked for the ”Design” mode will be scheduled


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only if the ”Design” mode is selected, and the blocks that are marked for the ”Production”mode will be scheduled only if the ”Production” mode is selected.

Figure 2.28: Blocks Description Window.


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Each block has its own description (Figure 3.28) where are displayed the main featuresof the block. These features are:

For the Signature:

• Label of the block.

• Class of the block.

For the Input(s):

• Name of the input.

• Datatype of the input.

For the Output(s):

• Name of the output.

• Datatype of the output.

For the Parameter(s):

• Name of the parameter.

• Datatype of the parameter.


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Figure 2.29: Profiling View.

The Profiling View window (Figure 3.29) is the frame of the EyesWeb application wherethe status of a selected block and the status of the whole patch are shown during a specificperiod of Run-Time phase (you can pause or stop the execution of a patch anytime with thepause and stop button). In this window are shown the scheduling time information of theobjects regarding the Init(), Check(), Start(), Execute(), Stop() and Done() functions. Forexample the Init() object‘s function values reports timing infomation about the time spentduring the phase in which the block switches from Design-Time to Run-Time; the Execute()object‘s function values reports timing information about how long the EyesWeb Kernelspends time during the block‘s scheduling loop, within each block‘s execution function.


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2.7 Message Console

Figure 2.30: Message Console.

The Message Console window (Figure 3.30) is the frame of the EyesWeb applicationwhere the messages, the error and warning notifications are displayed. This frame is usedeither by the system kernel, and by the signgle blocks that constitute a patch, and wherethe user can read various information about the state of the internal data of a patch. Itcan also be used by the patches during the developing period, where debug information areneeded to be displayed for tracing the flow of the elaborating data values. Message Consoleuses different colors to show different messages into its window. You can edit these colorssettings from the ”Messages” section of the Options Menu (Figure 3.31).


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Chapter 3

EyesWeb command-line tool

This application executes patches from the command line or, under Windows OperatingSystem, as a system service. The most common usage is by specifing the list of patches tobe executed as comman-line arguments; in such case EywConsole executes all the specifiedpatches until the ESC key is pressed by the user on the console window. However, manycommand-line options are available to modify this default behaviour; as an example: exe-cution might be automatically stopped after a user-specified amount of time, and restartedfor a user-specified number of times.

EywConsole --help

provides the complete list of the available command-line options and their description.Since EyesWeb version, the EywConsole tool can be used as a server to run

patches remotely controlled by EyesWeb Mobile.


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Chapter 4

Other tools

4.1 EywQuery

This executable file let you generate documentation (mainly in LaTeX format, but otherformats are supported too) for the installed EyesWeb block. This is the same tool used togenerate the Reference Part (III) of this manual.

EywQuery --help

gives an explanation of all supported command-line options.The eyw doc template.pdf file provides an example of use of the EywQuery tool to

generate the documentation of two blocks.

4.2 EywRegisterModule

This executable file let you register external plugins in order to make them available foruse in EyesWeb. The EywRegisterModule.exe must be used to register and unregister dllblocks, and can be run with the following command line options:

• dllpath1 [dllpath2 ...] indicates the dll paths

• /U unregisters the dll

• /K:kernel path specifies the Eyw kernel dll path

• /F:base path specifies the Eyw kernel base path

• /B breaks when the first error occurs

• /Q operates in quiet mode

• /? displays this help screen


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Part II

EyesWeb internals


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Chapter 5

EyesWeb Kernel

This Chapter is devoted to the explanation of the EyesWeb kernel. It aims at providingthe user enough knowledge on the EyesWeb internal details in order to fully understand itsbehaviour.

Since its early phases, the EyesWeb kernel has been designed to provide stability andperformance. A first consequence of this choice is the distinction between the two phasesnamed Design Time and Run Time. Whether you are using a graphical developmentenvironment or not, the kernel always goes first through the design-time phase, where thepatch is built in the system memory but it is not executed. Whenever you decide to executethe designed patch, the kernel moves to the Run-Time phase: during the transition betweenthe two phases many operations are performed. The patch is first checked for correctness,then an ad-hoc structure is built in memory to maximize the performance during execution.When the structure is ready, the patch execution is started, and the kernel is said to bein Run-Time mode. At this point, the patch cannot be modified anymore, until you goback to the Design-Time mode. The only allowed operations are the modification of thevalues of the parameters of the blocks; moreover, changes to the topology of the patch areforbidden. Another important EyesWeb feature is that the Kernel is completely separatedfrom the Graphical User Interace (GUI). In such a way that different part of the EyesWebapplication can exists without being related one to each other. These feature leads primarlyto the possibility to run a Patch without loading the EyesWeb GUI, in such a way thatthe internal kernel could be loaded, and an existent patch can be run (for example fromthe command prompt as described in the command line EyesWeb Console application -see Chapter ??); also this feature leads to the possibility of future expansion, such as apossible porting to different systems.

5.1 EyesWeb Multimodal and Cross-Modal


The new platform includes low-level support which enhances the capabilities of the systemas a multimodal framework. Besides the basic requirement to manage several datatypes ina common environment, new characteristics have been added. The first of such character-istics is the possibility to automatically transform datatypes of different, but compatible,domains. This is particularly useful when one wants to verify the effectiveness of one al-


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gorithm which was originally designed and implemented for a very specific domain. As anexample, a FFT block working on matrices, can be easily used to work on audio stream, asthe conversion of audio buffers to matrices is automatically added by the system, withoutthe need of any explicit action on the user side.

Another important feature is the possibility to design and develop block which may workof a whole family of datatypes. Where the previous version of EyesWeb could distinguishamong specific block (working on a given datatype)or general purpose blocks (working on alldatatypes), this new version let one to specify the characteristics of the supported datatypes.This enable the development of blocks working on homogenous set of datatypes, withoutthe need to know them in advance, thus, it does not limit the expansibility of EyesWeb.Referring to the above FFT example, a better designed block could exploit such featureand work natively on both the audio buffer and the matrix datatype, as they share somecommon characteristics (they both implement a common interface). This approach has thefurther advantage by a performance point of view, as it avoids consuming processing powerfor the datatype conversion.

Cross-modal processing is furtherly supported by the timestamping of datatypes, whichhas been greatly enriched in this version of EyesWeb. Each datatype is associated with aset of timestamp which let the kernel to synchronize them according to different needs. Foreach sample, EyesWeb can obtain:

a creation time.a presentation time.a media time.a sample duration, and, finally.a media duration.

• Creation time gives an indication of the instant that the datatype was written, thusit carries information about the time needed to process data.

• Presentation time are the preferred source for synchronization, as they take informa-tion about the actual time instant that the datatype represents. It is independentof the processing time: as an example a block finding the peak value in an audiobuffer will give, as presentation time of the output peak value, the absolute index ofthe peak sample in the whole stream, and this is independent of the time needed tocompute such value, or the time of any previous computation.

• Media time represents the timestamp of the datatype relative to the original source;hence, it is also allowed to decrease during run time; this may happen, for instance,when the original source is a media file and it is rewinded during execution.

• Media duration represents the duration of the original stream if available: in the caseof media files it may represent the duration of the file itself, whereas in the case oflive sources it is usually unknown.

• Media duration finally represents the duration, in time, of the datatype, and it may beused to understand whether the signal is sampled at high frequencies (shot duration)or low frequencies (long duration), and to adapt the scheduling policies accordingly.


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5.2 EyesWeb blocks

Blocks are probably the most important objects in EyesWeb, at least from the user’s pointof view. Blocks represent an operation, from very simple to very complex, that can beperformed on data. Blocks can also be the generators or the renderers of data; thus, blocksare the objects responsible to generate, modify, and consume data in EyesWeb. There is norestriction on the complexity of the operation, as well as no constraint is given on the type ofdata handled by blocks. Thus, at kernel level, blocks are simply objects which may receivedata as input, and may generate data as output. Both inputs and outputs are optional:a generator block does not receive any input, and a renderer block does not produce anyoutput. The operation can be tuned, both during the design-time phase or during therun-time phase. To perform such tuning the blocks are allowed to have parameters. As itis the case with inputs and outputs, parameters can be of any type and in any number. Inmany cases, the difference between parameters and inputs is not straightforward: a blockthat acts on an image and it is tuned by means of a number (e.g., the threshold block),might be represented as a block acting on two input (the image and the number) at thesame time. In some cases, the difference between what is classified an input and what isclassified a parameter lays on the speed at which they change their value. Although this isa reasonable distinction, it is not the only possibility to distinguish among them: in othercases the reason may be more conceptual then technical, e.g., the threshold block whichworks on images can be clearly described as a function from images to images, where theinteger value is only a tuning parameter.

There are blocks performing several different types of operations. There are blocksworking on compressed or uncompressed images, sound, midi, numbers, matrices, and manyothers. Blocks are classified into libraries, however, this classification is mainly done tosimplify users when searching for most appropriate operation, and there is no constraint orlimitation in the interoperability of blocks coming from different libraries.

Inputs, output, and parameters of blocks define the signature of the block: each of thiscomponents must have a type of data associated with it. The signature of blocks can changeat design-time, in response to user choices or external events. However, once the patch isin Run-Time mode, the signature cannot change anymore, until it returns in Design-Timemode.

5.3 EyesWeb datatypes

Datatypes are the objects which transport data among blocks, when the system is in Run-Time mode and the patch is executed. They are responsible to store data, to provideserialization to binary of text streams, to copy instances of datatypes, and to swap thevalue of datatype instances in an optimized way.

Storing data is the basic responsibility. It means that datatypes are responsible to allo-cate the memory (resources) needed to store the value of tha datatype (e,g., huge memoryarea for image datatypes, few bytes for integer or double datatypes, etc.). Serialization isneeded when the patch is saved on a file, and the value of datatypes need to be saved too.Serialization may also occur when datatypes are sent through communication channels suchas network or serial ports. Serialization may occur toward text or binary streams. When


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the patch is saved to a file, serialization to text stream is needed, as the patch format isxml , which is a text format, commonly used for exchanging data by lots of commerical ap-plications. In such cases the datatype should save its value in a human readable text string.Serialization to binary streams is needed, for instance, when the datatype is sent throughthe network. In such cases, the binary format is preferred for its compactness, which mightpreseve network bandwidth. Of course, in both cases, also unserialization is needed: thisimplies that the datatype must be able to get an updated value, starting from a binary orfrom a text stream. The EyesWeb SDK provides facilites to build text serialization basingon the binary serialization, thus developers might avoid to provide both formats. However,this facility cannot produce a human-readable text stream; thus, it is recommended thatthe developer provides both forms of serialization.

Copying a datatype might occurs in several occasions. Copying datatypes might beexplicitly requested by developers, or it might be requested by EyesWeb to keep coherentdifferent datatype instances. When copying occurs, two datatype instances are involved:both datatypes are of the same type (e.g., two images) and have the same characteris-tics (e.g., same resolution and depth). When these constraints are not met, the destina-tion datatype is allowed to throw an exception; if the conditions are met, the destinationdatatype must assume the same value of the source datatype, without altering the value ofthe source object. The EyesWeb SDK provides a facility to avoid implementing the copyoperation; as a matter of fact, copy may be performed by serializing the source datatype ona binary or text stream, and asking the destination datatype to unserialize from the samestream. Although this method is legal and should always work, it is recommended to buildthe implementation of the copy operation, as it may probably be implemented in a moreoptimized way.

Swapping datatype instances mainly occurs when trying to optimize the implementationof blocks or other EyesWeb objects. Swapping datatypes involves two datatype instances,which should exchange their values. Of course, swapping might be performed by using atemporary datatype instance and the copy operation. The EyesWeb SDK provides thisbasic facility. However, for many datatypes, swapping may be implemented more optimallyif the datatype implementation is assumed to be known. In the case of images, for instance,swapping may be implemented by simply exchange the value of two pointers, instead ofcopying huge memory buffers three times (which is the number of copy operations that isused by implementing swap with a temporary intermediate instance).

5.4 EyesWeb datatype converters

Datatype converters are objects which can convert from one datatype to another one. Aswith all other objects, they can be both in the user catalogs or in the embedded catalogs(system and kernel catalog); this means that developers, besides providing their customdatatypes, can also provide converters to guarantee interoperability of their datatypes withthe existing ones. Datatype converters are automatically inserted in the patch when needed,without the need of user intervention. Furthermore, the user can also place them explicitlyvia some kernel blocks. This might be useful, for instance, when one wants to measure theoverhead caused by the conversion, by explicitly measuring the processing time consumedby each converter.


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Converters should be able to convert both the datatype value and the initialization data.When converting values, they should keep into account the initialization data of the sourceand destination datatypes. When converting initialization data, they should choose themore appropriate destination type, if more than one conversion is possible.

When deciding which converters to implement, consider that EyesWeb is able to buildconversion chains to perform complex conversion. This means that developers should notworry to provide conversion toward all (reasonable) existing datatypes, but they can focuson the main ones (e.g., system and kernel datatypes). If this strategy is respected fromdevelopers, the maximum interoperability could be reached.

5.5 EyesWeb datatype domains

Datatype domains are the objects which define the admissible value for datatypes. Theycan tell whether a value is inside the domain or they can bound a value to the domain(i.e., if the value is not inside the domain it is modified to the nearest value which isinside the domain). Domains are applied to parameters only, not to input values. This isdue to performance reasons, as parameters are supposed to change slowly if compared todata streams (travelling through input/outputs), thus using datatype domains to check thedatatype validity does not provide an heavy burden.

5.6 EyesWeb datatype layouts

Datatype layouts are responsible of the graphical layout of datatypes, i.e., of their appear-ance in the EyesWeb Graphical Environment. As an example a block that needs a file nameto work, will declare a parameter of type string, with a layout specifying that the string isa filename. This modifies the behaviour of the graphical environment and let the user usea file open/save dialog to edit the string.

Cleary, the filename case is a very simple one. Layouts can be much more complex, andcan be associated to complex dialogs where the datatype is edited, for example in the caseof a matrix parameter datatype.

5.7 EyesWeb devices

Devices are the EyesWeb interface toward hardware. Devices come with an enumerator,that, given a specific class of devices (which relates to a specific class of hardware) providesthe list of such available devices with the system. Enumerator is also responsible to find anunique identifier for such device. Since hardware configuration is highly variable from a pcto another one, EyesWeb provides a mean to map virtual devices, which are the one usedby blocks, to actual devices. Such mapping is performed automatically by EyesWeb, but itcan be customized by the user via the EyesWeb control panel application.


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5.8 EyesWeb clocks

EyesWeb maintains an internal clock during the execution of a patch in the Run-Time mode,and a clock is associated to each Patch that is running on the system; Each clock is resetevery time the GUI switches from Design-Time mode to Run-Time mode, and begins toincrease when a Patch begins its Execution; so, different running patches can have differentclocks according to the moment in which each different patch is executed, switching fromthe Design-Time mode to the Run-Time mode. The time handled by EyesWeb is displayedinto the green panel over the tool bar in the upper side of the EyesWeb application frame,according to the currently selected running patch.

5.9 EyesWeb Scheduling

EyesWeb scheduling mechanism is very powerful, as it takes advantage from previous expe-rience and from the requirements emerged from the use of the previous EyesWeb versions.

Its default behaviour is to work in single-clock mode, however, in the future it will beable to support working with multiple clocks for special applications. Single-clock modemeans that the reference time is provided by an unique object per patch, which avoid jittersamong different clocks.

The basic principle that drives scheduling in EyesWeb is very simple: when an eventoccurs, explore the list of blocks in order, and activate a block if needed. Of course, thereare some points that have to be clarified: What is an event, and in which order the blockswill be scheduled, or when does one block need to be activated? All of these points will befurtherly discussed in the following sections. Clearly, they are not simply implementationdetails, as they make the above-written simple statement a powerful scheduling mechanism.

5.10 EyesWeb Initialization

The first step in the EyesWeb Initialization procedure is done in the phase in which theapplication switches between Desing Time mode and Run Time mode. During this phase,important works are done, including checking the consistency of the various blocks formingthe patch that is going to be run. EyesWeb first checks for the correctness of the linksbetween the blocks: if the output of a block becomes the input of another block, then, acheck for the data-passing between the two blocks is done; if the output is of the samedatatype of the input, then no conversion is needed; instead, if the input is of anotherdatatype then a datatype convertes is needed for passing correctly the data between thetwo mentioned blocks. If there exists a suitable datatype converter between the datatypeof the output of the first block and the datatype of the input of the second block, thenthat datatype (automatic or not) converter could be collocated along the link between thetwo blocks: so, the conversion needed to prepare data to be used from the second blockis made from that converter; embedded datatype converters are offered by EyesWeb, thatimplements the conversions between the main datatypes in an optimized way to avoid CPUtime consuming. If the user does not insert the converter, and a suitable datatype converterdoes exist, then EyesWeb automatically create its instance and collocate it in order to makepossible the connection between this two kind of datatype links.


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5.11 The execution sequence

The simplest layout of a consistent patch is composed by a chain of blocks, in which thefirst block generates an output, that is the input of the second block; then, this secondblock generates an output which is the input of the third block, and so on, until the lastblock in the chain is reached, which receives the unique output of the preceding block, andgenerates no output and the sequence of passing data between blocks is terminated.

When instead blocks receive one or more input data from different blocks that are ’topo-logically subsequent’ to themselves, the kernel keeps particulary attention to the sequencein which data are passed through the input/output pins of each block; this is because theoutput of another block could not be coherent at the moment in which that block is readyto be scheduled. This kind of problem arises when a particular structure of a patch iddesigned, in which there could be present some looping-back datatypes that are generatedas output by one subsequent block, but that are used as input by some blocks that are’before’ in the above chain; in this case is up to the kernel to detect possible conflict statesin which an indecisiveness link could be reached; in that case the patch can’t be run anda message is displayed to the user warning him that in this case the patch topology designmust be changed in someway, in order to remove the indicated indeterminated behaviour.


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Chapter 6

EyesWeb Flow Control

EyesWeb provides blocks to manage the flow of data inside a patch. This chapter describessuch blocks.

6.1 For Loop

The ForLoop is a type of subpatch which iterates the execution of the block in a patchfor a number of times. Its main purpose is to use standard blocks to deal with items ina collection, which otherwise could not be done unless developing custom blocks. The useof the ForLoop block is explained by referring to patch for loop.eywx which is distributedwith EyesWeb and is depicted in Fig. 6.1 and 6.2.

Figure 6.1: The tutorial patch to explain the ForLoop block.

The patch is quite simple: a vector is generated and a FunctionEvaluator block isapplied to each item of the vector. Note that the FunctionEvaluator block does not dealwith vectors, but it deals with scalar items; thus, the ForLoop in this case is the onlyway to apply the FunctionEvaluator block to the vector, as there is no such block which


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Figure 6.2: The ForLoop subpatch used in the ForLoop block tutorial.


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natively works with the vector datatype. The following is a sketch of the pseudo-algorithmimplemented by the patch:

• Generate a new vector of size N

• For each i item in the vector

– Extract item i from the vector (note: the extracted item is a scalar number)

– Apply FunctionEvaluator block to such scalar item

– Insert the scalar result as item i of the vector

The algorithm is quite straightforward, let’s not analyze how it is implemented as anEyesWeb patch. The first block on the left (see Fig. 6.3) generates a vector of floating-point numbers. The user can specify the values of each item in the vector by setting themin the parameters of the block. Following the generator block there are other two blocks:the MatrixGetDescription block (Fig. 6.4) and, below it, the ForLoop block (Fig. 6.5).The MatrixGetDescription block simply extract the size of the vector, i.e., the number ofcolumns; the result is passend as a paramater to the ForLoop block, as the EndIndex. Asa matter of fact, the ForLoop block can be controlled by specifing the start index of theloop, the end index, and the step by which the index is increased at each iteration. Notethat the loop is executed with index going from Start Index to End Index - 1 (i.e., theStart Index is included, the End Index is excluded). The ForLoop block is a subpatch,thus, double-clicking on it will open another content which represents the blocks which areiterated. The subpatch is visible in Fig. 6.2.

Figure 6.3: The Vector generator block. Figure 6.4: The Vector generator block.

Figure 6.5: The Vector generator block.

The subpatch starts with a Subpatch Input Pin, i.e., the block on the left with a verticalrectangular icon (Fig. 6.6). This block provides the input data of the block inside the


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subpatch, thus, the output of this block is the same as the input of the block, i.e., theinput vector. However, at each iteration loop, the output can be different as it will beexplained later. The output of this block goes to the GetItem block (Fig. 6.7), whichextract an intem from the vector. The index of the item to be extracted is provided bythe ForLoopIndex block (Fig. 6.8), the one above the input pin block, which, at each loop,provides the current value of the index as output, that is, 0 on first iteration, 1 on seconditeration (assuming Step is set to one), etc. The index is passed as an argument to theGetItem block, which extract the given scalar value. The extracted value is given as inputto the FunctionEvaluator block (Fig. 6.10), the FunctionEvaluator block also receives theloop index as input, as the function it computes is choosen by the user to be dependant onboth the current value of the item in the vactor and the index. Of course, the user couldhave decided to use other inputs too (e.g., the current time, the value of item i− 1 in thevector the size of the vector, etc.). Finally, the output of the FunctionEvaluator evaluatorblock is fed, as a parameter, to the SetItem block (Fig. 6.11) which receives the currentvector as an input and changes the value of the given item. The output of the SetItem goesto the Subpatch Output Pin. From here, the resulting vector can be fed back to the inputpin, which occurs on every iteration except the last one, or it can be sent to the output pinof the block, which occurs on last iteration.

Note that the feedback to the input pin is not the default behaviour, you have to specifyit in the input pin. in facts, the input pin block has a parameter named Feedback pin, whichis set to None by default. From the dropdown combo-box you have to select the pin fromwhich to get the feedback12.

It is noteworthy that, by means of the ForLoop block, you have the a sort of possibilityto change, at runtime, the structure of the patch, which is usually not allowed in EyesWeb.In facts you may think of the content of the loop as a pattern which is repeated severaltimes, and the number of times can change at runtime. Thus, the above loop iterated Ntimes might be similar to the patch of Fig. 6.123

As a final remark, let’s look at the three unconntected parameter pins which are availableinside the subpatch (Fig. 6.13). They have not been used in our example, but they mightbe useful in some cases. They represent the Start Index, the End Index, and the Stepparameters. They might be used, for instance, to verify whether the current iteration is thefirst one (Start Index equal to ForLoopIndex) or the last one (End Index plus one equal toForLoopIndex).

1Rationale for having the choice in the input pin instead of the output pin. Specifing this in the outputimplies a signature of the output pin with a variable number of parameters, which is sometimes a bit moretricky to be used.

2Rationale for not having an explicit graphical link from the output pin to the input. There are differentreasons; firstly, the user is used to see input and output pins as starting or final blocks; thus, an outgoinglink from the output pin or an ingoing link to the inpit ping might sound a bit strange. Secondly, thefeedback is vary common in the loop and adding a graphical link to represent it might add confusion tocomplex subpatches; since the user knows that this normally happens, the price for the additional possibleconfusion does not worths.

3Just similar to that, not the same! If you use blocks that have an internal status, such as the counterblock which keeps the current count internally, you have to keep in mind that the block instance is alwaysthe same. Thus, if you count the inputs, the counter is incremented at each iteration!


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Figure 6.6: The subpatch input pin block. Figure 6.7: The GetItem block.

Figure 6.8: The iteration index block. Figure 6.9: The SetItem block.

Figure 6.10: The Function Evaluator block. Figure 6.11: The subpatch output pin block.

Figure 6.12: A sketch of the unrolling of the ForLoop subpatch.


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Figure 6.13: Additional parameters are available inside the subpatch to check whether thecurrent iteration is the first or the last one.


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Chapter 7

EyesWeb Image Processing

Many of the available EyesWeb blocks are devoted to image processing. For most of theimage processing operations, the user is free to choose beside CPU-base vs. GPU-basedoperations . Some of the concepts of the image processing libraries are common to boththe CPU-based or GPU-based approaches; such common concepts will be explained in thefollowing sections.

7.1 Floating-point and integer coordinates

In most blocks operating on images coordinates may be expressed either as floating-point(double precision) or integer numbers. The main difference between the two approachesis that floating-point coordinates are normalized in the range (0.0, 1.0) , whereas integercoordinates are directly interpreted as the zero-based pixel coordinates. In the floating-point case, normalization is perfomed indipendently on the width and height of the image:thus, (0.5, 0.5) is always a point in the center of the image, even if the image is not square.Both approaches have pro and cons. The main advantage of the normalized mode is thatwhen the resolution of the source image is changed, the floating-point parameters of theblocks operating on images do not need to be changed; converserly, integer coordinatesneed to be adapted to the new image resolution. The main advantages of the integercoordinates are precision and interoperability. With precision we mean that a positionexpressed in integer coordinate refers exactly to one pixel of the image; in the floating-point case the position of the corresponding pixel cannot be deduced in a straightforwardway, as rounding errors (during denormalization and conversion to integer) might affect theresult. With interoperability we mean that the integer coordinates are the ones commonlyused in image-processing software; thus, if you look for the position of an object in an imagewith a third-party software (e.g., GIMP, Microsoft Paint, etc.), you will obtain a couple ofinteger values.

7.2 ROI management

ROI stands for Region Of Interest, and represents a rectangular area that may be eithersome part of the image or the whole image. Image processing can operate on such areainstead of on the whole image area. The ROI of an image is defined by the size (in pixels)


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and an offset (in pixels) with respect to the top-left corner, which has coordinate (0, 0). Ifa ROI is applied to an image, then image processing applies only to such part of the image,instead of the whole image. The ROI is applied by means of the SetROI block. Note thatin the SetROI block, as well as in all blocks which provide a ROI parameter, you can set theROI to null; this is a sort of shortcut to specify that the ROI cover the whole image; thus,setting ROI to NULL in the case of an image of size (720, 576) is equivalent to saying thatthe ROI has origin (0, 0) and size (720, 576). The advantage of using the NULL flag is thatyou do not need to change the size, in the case that you decide to modify the size of theimage on which your patch is operating. Note that a NULL ROI is different from an emptyROI. A NULL ROI means that operations will be applied to the whole image, whereas anempty ROI (which is specified by setting width or height to 0) means that operations willbe applied to no pixels.

7.3 CPU- vs. GPU-based processing

EyesWeb offers the possibility to process images basing on CPU or GPU (Graphical Pro-cesssing Unit, i.e., the processor which is mounted on the video card). From the user pointof view, the choice is done by instantiating a different datatype on the source block. ForCPU-based processing you should instantiate the image datatype, wheres for GPU-basedprocessing you can choose between the OpenGL datatype or the CUDA datatype. MostEyesWeb blocks which generate images as output, provide a selector to let you choose be-tween all the available datatype installed in the system. If such selector is not available,you can use the blocks named HostToDevice and DeviceToHost (several variants are avail-able, according to the underlying technology used, e.g., CUDA, OpenGL, etc.) to movethe image between system memory (accessed by the CPU) and device memory (accessedby the GPU), and viceversa.

Currently, the available choices are:

• Image: processing is CPU-based and most operations are implemented basing onthe Intel IPP Libraries; thus, they are optimized for Intel processors (should this berenamed Intel-Image or IPP-Image?).

• CG-Image: processing is performed by the GPU and is based on the OpenGL libraryand on the CG toolkit. In theory, it should work with any recent graphic cardsupporting OpenGL.

• CUDA-Image: processing is performed by the GPU and is based on the CUDA frame-work by NVIDIA. This is the solution providing the maximum performance: a goodgaming video card (e.g., NVIDIA CGX 2xx) may surclass a modern processor (e.g.,Intel i7) with a factor of 10, and even more1. Moreover, the same solution could takeadvantage of dedicated processing cards (e.g., NVIDIA Tesla cards).

the implementation of other alternative might be considered in the future2

1The comparison refers to commonly used EyesWeb patches, such as the one performing backgroundsubtraction

2 Some hypothesis are the following:


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7.3.1 Datatype interfaces

The possibility to easily choose between different implementations of the image datatypeis mainly due to one feature of EyesWeb, namely, the availability of blocks requiring spe-cific interfaces on the input, instead of requiring specific datatypes. As an axample, thepossibility to apply a convolution filter to an image, takes advantage of the IImageFilterinterface; the corresponding block ImageFixedFilter does not require the input to be animage; it only requires the input to implement the interface IImageFilter. All the availableimplementation of the image datatype support this interface, thus, the ImageFixedFilterblock can be used on all such datatypes. Moreover, thirdy-party datatypes can be usedwith the already existing blocks by satisfying the same requirement.

Image processing is currently based on a set of general-purpose inerfaces, such as arith-metical operations, and on other interfaces which are more specific to the Image Processingdomain. The general pupose interfaces are:

• IArithOp

• IMonadiArithOp

• IMonadiLogicalOp

• IScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• IScalarArithmeticOpInt

• IThresholdOpDouble

• IThresholdOpInt

The interfaces more specific to the image processing domain are the following:

• IImageFilter

• IImageMirror

• IImageConversion

• IImageOptimizedFilter

• IImageResizePlacement

• IImageROI

• IMemoryBuffer

• AMD/Freewave-Image: processing would be CPU-based and most operations would be implementedbasing on the AMD Freewave; thus, they would be optimized for AMD processors.

• DirectX-Image: processing would be performed by the GPU and would be based on the DirectXlibrary (and on the language to perform operations on textures).

• Stream-Image: processing would be perfomed by the GPU and would be based on the ATI Streamtechnology, which is the ATI altenative to the NVIDIA CUDA technology.


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Finally, there is a set of interfaces which are more focused on visual output, such asinterfaces to draw on the image, or to present the image to the user via DirectX or OpenGL:

• IImageCopyToDXTexture

7.4 Background subtraction

Among the Image Processing operations, Background Subtraction techniques are of com-mon use in many EyesWeb applications. EyesWeb provides support for many well-knowntechniques; moreover, other methods can be implemented by composing together simpleimage processing operations to build the formulas required by the specific technique. Asan example, the most simple technique, which is based on subtracting a fixed backgroundimage from the current image, is not directly supported. However, the blocks to build suchtechnique are available in EyesWeb (Snapshot to store the background image, ArithOp toperform the absolute subtraction, Threshold, etc.) and some example patches are providedwhich implement this simple method.

In the following section, we briefly describe the techniques for which EyesWeb providedirect support.

7.4.1 PFinder

PFinder uses a simple scheme where the background model is represented by a single valueper each pixel. The background model is updated, for each visible pixel, with the followingformula:

Bt = (1− α)Bt−1 + αIt (7.1)


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Part III



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Chapter 8

Kernel Catalog

8.1 Blocks

8.1.1 Arithmetic


class name Arithmeticcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id arith op

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation on different datatype classes. The inputs must be ofthe same type.

Remarks This block perfoms an arithmetic operation between two (or more) datatypes.It supports any datatype which exposes the IArithOp interface (e.g., images,audio, double,int, etc.)

Error and Warning Messages

During Initialization Phase - Input types are different - Input types are of thesame type but have been initialized with different caracteristics. - The number of inputs ofthe signature does not match the value specified by the parameter of the block.


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Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

This input represent the 0th operand involved in the operation.

Required interfacesKernel, Arithmetic Operations

Input 2id input 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input represent the 1th operand involved in the operation.

Required interfacesKernel, Arithmetic Operations


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input 1inherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.

Output indexid chosen inputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Index of the max/min value. Has not meaning for the other options.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:SumSubtractMultiplyDivideMaxMinAbsolute difference

domain [ 0, 7 )Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatypes. The absolute

subtraction operation subtracts the operand from the current datatype if the current. Theresult is always written to the current datatype.

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Specifies the number of inputs of this block.


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8.1.2 BangGenerator


class name BangGeneratorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id bang generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Bang generator


Bangid bangtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



BangGeneratorid bangtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Bang generator (kernel catalog)

Patch startid patch starttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang when the patch starts.

KeyPressid key presstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang when a key is pressed in the main EyesWeb application.


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KeyReleaseid key releasetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang when a key is released in the main EyesWeb application.

Keyid keytype Kernel, AcceleratorKey datatype.type id kernel, acceleratorkey

Specifies the keyboard code generating the event. It is ignored if KeyPress is set tofalse.

System KeyPressid system-key presstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang when a key is pressed even outside the main EyesWeb application.

System KeyReleaseid system-key releasetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang when a key is released even outside the main EyesWeb application.

SystemKeyid systemkeytype Kernel, AcceleratorKey datatype.type id kernel, acceleratorkey

Specifies the keyboard code generating the event. It is ignored if SystemKeyPress is setto false.

Periodicid periodictype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang periodically.

Periodid periodtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Period is expressed in 100nanoseconds unit (i.e., 10milliseconds must be specified as100000)


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Phaseid phasetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


Absolute timeid absolutetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang at a specified absolute time.

AbsoluteTimeid absolute time instanttype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Absolute time


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8.1.3 BlockPlaceHolder


class name BlockPlaceHoldercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id block placeholder

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Replaces one block that, for any reason, could not be instantiated.


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8.1.4 BoolGenerator


class name BoolGeneratorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id bool generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates bool values


Valueid outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Valueid valuetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes(false)


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8.1.5 CompareWithValue - double


class name CompareWithValue - doublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id comparison op double

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Compare to value (double). This block performs a comparison between the inputdatatype and a given double (floating point) number The block requires an input whichsupports the IComparisonOpDouble interface; examples of such datatypes are Int, Double,Byte, etc. The block has a double (floating point) parameter which is the scalar valueinvolved in the operation. If the comparison operation is verificated then the output is setto 1 value, otherwise is set to 0.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input before comparing datatype.

Required interfacesKernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Result of comparison operation.


Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Less Than (¡)Less Than or Equal To (¡=)Equal To (=)Different From (!= or ¡¿)Greater Than (¿)Greater Than or Equal To (¿=)

domain [ 0, 6 )Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype.

Valueid valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Value to compare (double)


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8.1.6 CompareWithValue - int


class name CompareWithValue - intcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id comparison op int

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Compare to integer value. This block performs a comparison between the input datatypeand a given integer number The block requires an input which supports the ICompar-isonOpInt interface; examples of such datatypes are Int, Double, Byte, etc. The blockhas a int parameter which is the scalar value involved in the operation. If the comparisonoperation is verificated then the output is set to 1 value, otherwise is set to 0.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input before comparing datatype.

Required interfacesKernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Result of comparison operation.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Less Than (¡)Less Than or Equal To (¡=)Equal To (=)Different From (!= or ¡¿)Greater Than (¿)Greater Than or Equal To (¿=)

domain [ 0, 6 )Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype.

Valueid scalar valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Value to compare with the input pin.


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8.1.7 Comparison


class name Comparisoncatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id comparison op

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Perform a comparison on the inputs.


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input represent the 0th operand involved in the comparison.

Required interfacesKernel, Comparison Operations

Input 2id input 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input represent the 1th operand involved in the comparison.


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Required interfacesKernel, Comparison Operations


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Less Than (¡)Less Than or Equal To (¡=)Equal To (=)Different From (!= or ¡¿)Greater Than (¿)Greater Than or Equal To (¿=)

domain [ 0, 6 ]Select the type of comparison that will be performed on the input datatypes.

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Specifies the number of inputs of this block.


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8.1.8 ConstantGenerator - double


class name ConstantGenerator - doublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id double const generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates constant floating-point numbers


Output Valueid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Value of the constant.


Input Valueid valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Input value of the constant.

Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes(false)


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8.1.9 ConstantGenerator - int


class name ConstantGenerator - intcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id int const generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates constant integer numbers


Output Valueid outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Value of the constant.


Input Valueid valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Input value of the constant.

Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes(false)


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8.1.10 DatetimeGenerator


class name DatetimeGeneratorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id date generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Datetime Generator


Datetimeid datetimetype Kernel, Datetimetype id kernel, datetimeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Generation typeid generation typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CustomCurrent local time

domain [ 0, 2 )Generation type

Datetime stringid datetimetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Datetime string formatted YYYYMMDDThhmmss


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8.1.11 Delay


class name Delaycatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id delay

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Delays the input datatype of given amount of time. The time is expressed in millisec-onds.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

Input datatype which will be delayed before being sent out. The block doesn’t stop theexecution of the patch during the time of delay.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output datatype (delayed)


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Delayid delaytype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

The amount of time after wich the input datatype is propagated to the output.

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the status of the block by discarding the datatypes being stored. New datatypeswill be processed normally (i.e.., will be delayed)


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8.1.12 Double matrix generator


class name Double matrix generatorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id doublematrix generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates as output the matrix provided as a parameter.


Matrixid outputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Matrixid valuetype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix


Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Continuous output


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8.1.13 DoubleGenerator


class name DoubleGeneratorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id double generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates double numbers


Valueid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Valueid valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes(false)


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8.1.14 ForLoop


class name ForLoopcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id for loop

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

A ForLoop let you execute the subpatch a finite number of times. The input andparameters are sampled only before starting the loop, the outputs are generated at the endof the loop. In the contained patch, the block is seen as if it was executed a single time.


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8.1.15 ForLoopIndex


class name ForLoopIndexcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id for loop index

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

When used inside a ForLoop subpatch, provide the index of the current iteration loop.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This output is the current index of the loop iteration


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8.1.16 GetCurrentTime


class name GetCurrentTimecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id get current timeauthors Alberto Massari

Gets the value of the current time from the clock


Outputid timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, timeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Time selectorid selectortype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Current timeStep time

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to extract current time or step time (which is the time at which the

current activation steps started)


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8.1.17 GetSpecialFolder


class name GetSpecialFoldercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id get special folder

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Extracts the value of some special EyesWeb folder, e.g., the folder where the kernel isinstalled, or the folder where the patch was saved.


Folderid foldertype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The queried folder


Special Folder Typeid folder typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:KernelFolderPatchFolder

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies which type of folder to query. - KernelFolder: the folder where the EyesWeb

kernel dll currently in use is located - PatchFolder: the folder where the currently runningpatch is located


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8.1.18 Input selector


class name Input selectorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id input selector

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Let one choose which inputs is copied to the unique output. It works as a multiplexerblock.

Remarks Inputs must be of the same type.

Error and Warning Messages -DURING INITIALIZATION PHASE. -An input of theblock is NULL: This is usually caused by a disconnected input or by blocks excluded fromexecution. -Input types are different: there are at least two inputs of different type. -Inputtypes are of the same type but have been initialized with different caracteristics: inputs areset with different chracteristics. -The number of inputs does not match the value of thecorresponding parameter.


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

0 input of the block.


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Input 2id input 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired noread only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

1 input of the block.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input 1inherited id *no*

Output of the selector. It is equal to the specified input.


# inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of inputs of the block. The minimum is 1, even if this case ismeaningless. At least two inputs should be used for normal operations.

Active inputid active inputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 2 )

Zero-based index of the active input. The selected input is propagated to the output.

Activate on selector changeid activate on selection changetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true, the block is activated when ”active input” parameter changes value, even if theinput is not changed. —REMARKS— Inputs must be of the same type. If not, the blockstops the execution of the patch. — ERROR AND WARNING MESSAGE — - DURINGINITIALIZATION PHASE -


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8.1.19 Int matrix generator


class name Int matrix generatorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id intmatrix generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates as output the matrix provided as a parameter.


Matrixid outputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Matrixid valuetype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix


Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Continuous output


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8.1.20 IntGenerator


class name IntGeneratorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id int generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates integer numbers


Valueid outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Valueid valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes(false)


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8.1.21 Logical


class name Logicalcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id logical op

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Perform a logical operation on different datatype classes. Inputs must be the same type.

Error and Warning Messages

During Initialization Phase - Input types are different. - Input types are of thesame type but have been initialized with different caracteristics. - Failed to complete blockinitialization. One of the inputs has not been connected.


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

This input represent the 0th operand involved in the operation.

Required interfacesKernel, Logical Operations


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Input 2id input 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input represent the 1th operand involved in the operation.

Required interfacesKernel, Logical Operations


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input 1inherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 6 )Select the type of logic operation that will be performed on the input datatypes.

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Specifies the number of inputs of this block.


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8.1.22 MonadicArithmetic


class name MonadicArithmeticcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id monadic arith op

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation on different datatype classes. The difference be-tween this block and Arithmetic block is that this block accepts only one input otherwiseArithemtic Block accepts at least two inputs.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited Output

Input value.

Required interfacesKernel, MonadicArithOp


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:SqrSqrtAbsolute

domain [ 0, 2 ]Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatypes.


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8.1.23 MonadicLogical


class name MonadicLogicalcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id monadic logic op

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Perform a not operation on different datatype classes. The blobk accept only one inputvalue.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited Output

Input value

Required interfacesKernel, MonadicLogicalOp


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Not

domain [ 0, 0 ]Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatypes. At the

moment the block compute only not operation.


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8.1.24 MovingArithmetic


class name MovingArithmeticcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id moving arith op

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation where on operand is fixed and stored into the block,whereasthe other is the changing input. Thus, it can be used to compute, for example, cumulativevalues.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

Input value.

Required interfacesKernel, Arithmetic Operations


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


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Queue sizeid queue sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This output contains the actual queue size.


Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:SumSubtractMultiplyDivideMaxMinSubtract absolute

domain [ 0, 6 ]Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype.

Window lengthid lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ -1, +infinity )

Length of the time window. -1 means infinite length.

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the internal operand to its original value

Saveid savetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true saves the current value in the patch file.


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8.1.25 Output selector


class name Output selectorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id output selector

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Let one choose which of the outputs is the active one. The other one is not active.

Remarks Outputs are the same type of the input

Error and Warning Messages

During Initialization Phase -The number of outputs does not match the value ofthe corresponding parameter.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*

referred as inheritedOutput 1Output 2

Input of the selector. The input is propagated to the choosen output.


Output 1id output 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*


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0 output of the block.

Output 2id output 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

1 output of the block.


# outputsid num outputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of outputs of the block. The minimum is 1, even if this case ismeaningless. At least two inputs should be used for normal operations.

Active outputid active outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 2 )

Zero-based index of the active output. The selected output is activated.


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8.1.26 Queue


class name Queuecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id queue

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Simulates a queue structure of arbitrary length. The queue has a FIFO structure (firstin / first out). This block is different from the ’delay’ block because it contains ”Lenght”parameter inputs. On the other hand ’delay’ contains just one input. Moreover ’queue’ issample-based while ’delay’ block is time-based.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

It is propagated to the output after ”Lenght” parameter steps.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

It is equal to the N-steps-before input.


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Lengthid lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Specifies the length of the queue (steps after wich the input is propagated)

Flushid flushtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Empties the queue


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8.1.27 Sample Rate Limiter


class name Sample Rate Limitercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id sample rate limiter

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Limits the sample rate of a data stream removing fast adjacent datatypes.

Remarks The algorithm limits sample rate by removing samples. The used method forremoving samples are time difference or undersampling input sample rate.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

Input datatype. This ususally has an high framerate which has to be droppen down.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output datatype. This has a limited framerate.


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Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Time-basedSample-based

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the sample-rate limitation is performed basing on time (in such case

parameters clock-mode and min-period are used) or basing on the number of samples (insuch case the parameter number-of-samples is used).

Min periodid min periodtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

This param represent the minimun time that may elapse between consecutive outputsof this block.

Clock modeid clock modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Creation timePresentation timeStep timeCurrent time

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies which type of clock is used to compute the time elapsed between adjacent

datatypes. It’s used only if the sample rate is based on time period -Creation time: themethod uses the creation time of every sample to compute the difference time -Presentationtime: the method uses presentation time to compute time difference. -Step time: Timedifference is computed using step time of the sample. Step time is the time of beginningof execution of the patch and it’s the same for each block used in the application. So thisclock type analyze the execution time during wich the sample is generated. -Current time:Current time is the real time of execution for each block. It’s different for all the blocks inthe patch. So time difference is computed using this time.

Number of samplesid num samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )


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Specifies the inverse of the frequency. I.e., if this value is N, then, only 1 output is givenevery N input values.


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8.1.28 ScalarArithmeticOperation - double


class name ScalarArithmeticOperation - doublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id scalar arith op double

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation on involving the input datatype and a scalar real value(double) specified as a parameter.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

This input represent the operand involved in the operation with the scalar value.

Required interfacesKernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:SumSubtractSubtract inverseMultiplyDivideDivide inverseMaxMinSet value

domain [ 0, 9 )Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype.

Scalar valueid scalar valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the scalar value involved in the operation.


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8.1.29 ScalarArithmeticOperation - int


class name ScalarArithmeticOperation - intcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id scalar arith op int

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation on involving the input datatype and a scalar integervalue specified as a parameter.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

This input represent the operand involved in the operation with the scalar value.

Required interfacesKernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:SumSubtractSubtract inverseMultiplyDivideDivide inverseMaxMinSet value

domain [ 0, 9 )Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype.

Scalar valueid scalar valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Specifies the scalar value involved in the operation.


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8.1.30 Snapshot


class name Snapshotcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id snapshot

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Store in an internal memory the value of input after that ”load” parameter is changed.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

Input stored in the internal memory.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Datatype stored in the internal memory and propagated to the output.


Loadid loadtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Load new value of datatype in the internal memory.


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Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset value of datatype in the internal memory

Continuous Outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generate a new copy of snapshot datatype on every block activation


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8.1.31 StringGenerator


class name StringGeneratorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id string generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates string values


Valueid outputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Valueid valuetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

A block which enables communication between the container patch and the containedsubpatch

Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes(false)


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8.1.32 Subpatch


class name Subpatchcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id subpatch

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Subpatches let you group block together and see them as a single block. It’s possibleadd input,output or parameter pins to comunicate with the blocks inside the subpatch.


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8.1.33 SubpatchActivationPin


class name SubpatchActivationPincatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id subpatch activation pin

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

The subpatch activation pin can be placed inside a subpatch to get a trigger eventeach time the subpatch is executed. It is particularly useful in the ForLoop subpatch todistinguish between the subpatch block activation (which occurs once per loop) and theinternal loop activation) which may occur multiple times). In such cases this block triggersonce per subpatch block activation, not once per loop. Note that this block has no effect ifplaced outside a subpatch.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This output is triggered each time the subpatch is activated


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8.1.34 SubpatchInputPin


class name SubpatchInputPincatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id subpatch input pin

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

A block which enables communication between the container patch and the containedsubpatch


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Is Inplaceid is inplacetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the data flow between the subpatch adn the containing patch occursvia swap/inplace operations

Auto Inherit Idid inherit idtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the nextlink that will be created


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Idid idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The id of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Auto Inherit Nameid inherit nametype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the nextlink that will be created

Nameid nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The name of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Auto Inherit Descriptionid inherit descriptiontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the description is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from thenext link that will be created

Descriptionid descriptiontype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The description of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Reset Datatype Classid reset datatype classtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

When triggered, causes the datatype class to be reset to the default value (no datatypeclass; i.e., generic datatype. You should unlink the block and link it again to inherit adatatype class

CatalogIdid catalog idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The identifier of the catalog of the datatypeclass


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ClassIdid class idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The identifier of the class of the datatypeclass

Required Interfacesid required interfaces idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The list of required interfaces

Auto Inherit Required For Initializationid inherit required for initializationtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the ”required for initialization” property is inherited from the next link operation.

Is Required For Initializationid is required for initializationtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the corresponding input pin of the subpatch block is required forinitialization

Auto Inherit Required For Executionid inherit required for executiontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the ”required for execution” property is inherited from the next link operation.

Is Required For Executionid is required for executiontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the corresponding input pin of the subpatch block is required forexecution

Auto Inherit Activates Subpatchid inherit activates subpatchtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the ”activates subpatch” property is inherited from the next link operation.


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Activates Subpatchid activates subpatchtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the corresponding input pin of the subpatch block causes the blockactivation. If true the subpatch block is activated whenever the corresponding input changes

Feedback pinid feedback pintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:None

domain [ 0, 1 )If set to something different than one, then the datatype value is copied from the spec-

ified subpatch output pin

Feedback pin nameid feedback pin nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

This parameter is internally managed by EyesWeb. It stores the name of the feedbackpin in order to re-establish the correct value upon reloading the patch from file


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8.1.35 SubpatchOuputPin


class name SubpatchOuputPincatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id subpatch output pin

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

A block which enables communication between the container patch and the containedsubpatch


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


Is Inplaceid is inplacetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the data flow between the subpatch adn the containing patch occursvia swap/inplace operations

Auto Inherit Idid inherit idtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the nextlink that will be created


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Idid idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The id of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Auto Inherit Nameid inherit nametype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the nextlink that will be created

Nameid nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The name of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Auto Inherit Descriptionid inherit descriptiontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the description is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from thenext link that will be created

Descriptionid descriptiontype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The description of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Reset Datatype Classid reset datatype classtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

When triggered, causes the datatype class to be reset to the default value (no datatypeclass; i.e., generic datatype. You should unlink the block and link it again to inherit adatatype class

CatalogIdid catalog idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The identifier of the catalog of the datatypeclass


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ClassIdid class idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The identifier of the class of the datatypeclass


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8.1.36 SubpatchParameterPin


class name SubpatchParameterPincatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id subpatch parameter pin

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

A block which enables communication between the container patch and the containedsubpatch


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Auto Inherit Idid inherit idtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the nextlink that will be created

Idid idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The id of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Auto Inherit Nameid inherit nametype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the nextlink that will be created

Parameter Nameid nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the name of the parameter when exported to the container patch

Auto Inherit Descriptionid inherit descriptiontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true and the description is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from thenext link that will be created

Parameter Descriptionid descriptiontype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the description of the parameter when exported to the container patch

Reset Datatype Classid reset datatype classtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

When triggered, causes the datatype class to be reset to the default value (no datatypeclass; i.e., generic datatype. You should unlink the block and link it again to inherit adatatype class

CatalogIdid catalog idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The identifier of the catalog of the datatypeclass

ClassIdid class idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The identifier of the class of the datatypeclass


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Is DesignTimeid is design timetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the corresponding parameter can be changed at design time

Is RunTimeid is run timetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the corresponding parameter can be changed at run time

Is DesignTimeInitInfoid is design time init infotype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the corresponding parameter init info can be changed at design time

Is RunTimeInitInfoid is run time init infotype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the corresponding parameter init info can be changed at run time

Set parameter before initializing a patchid set params before inittype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true, the value of the parameter is propagated to all dependant blocks before thepatch is initialized


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8.1.37 Switch


class name Switchcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id switch

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

It’s used to connect and disconnect blocks in the patch. If the switch is open then thedata flow is interrupted. Otherwise the data flow is propagated. The input data is a genericdatatype so the block support scalar datatype and buffer audio and fft buffer too.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

It is propagated to the output only if condition is true.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

It is generated only if condition is true.


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Conditionid conditiontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the channel is opened or closed, i.e., if inputs are propagated to theoutput or not.

Toggle statusid toggletype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Switch the state of the block. If it’s opened it close it, otherwise it open it.

Openid opentype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Open the switch.

Closeid closetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Close the switch.


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8.1.38 ThresholdOperation - double


class name ThresholdOperation - doublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id threshold op double

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Threshold the input value according to a given threshold value. If operation type is setto ’Lower and upper threshold’ and if lower and upper threshold have the same values, theblock threshold is binary. This type of operation is often used in background subtractionoperation when the algorithm need a binary (BW) image.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Input value to be thresholded.

Required interfacesKernel, ThresholdOpDouble


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output value to be thresholded.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Lower thresholdUpper thresholdLower and upper thresholdSame lower and upper threshold

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the type of thresholding performed. Lower threshold means that all values

which are less then the specified threshold are set to the specified lower value. Upperthreshold means that all values which are more then the specified threshold are set to thespecified upper value. If ”Lower and Upper” is used, both operations are performed and thetwo thresholds may be different. Finally, if ”Same Lower and Uppper” is used, then bothlower and upper thresholds are applied, but using a single threshold value (Lower/Common)

Lower/common thresholdid lower thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the lower threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to loweror both. If operation is set to ”Same lower and upper threshold”, then this value is usedfor both the lower and upper threshold, and the ”upper threshold” value is ignored.

Lower valueid lower valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is under the threshold.This value is used only if Operation Type is set to lower or both.

Upper thresholdid upper thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the upper threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upperor both.

Upper valueid upper valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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Specifies the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is over the threshold.This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upper or both.


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8.1.39 ThresholdOperation - int


class name ThresholdOperation - intcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id threshold op int

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Threshold the input value according to a given threshold value. If operation type is setto ’Lower and upper threshold’ and if lower and upper threshold have the same values, theblock threshold is binary. This type of operation is often used in background subtractionoperation when the algorithm need a binary (BW) image.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Input value to be thresholded.

Required interfacesKernel, ThresholdOpInt


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output value to be thresholded.


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Operation typeid op typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Lower thresholdUpper thresholdLower and upper thresholdSame lower and upper threshold

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the type of thresholding performed. Lower threshold means that all values

which are less then the specified threshold are set to the specified lower value. Upperthreshold means that all values which are more then the specified threshold are set to thespecified upper value. If ”Lower and Upper” is used, both operations are performed and thetwo thresholds may be different. Finally, if ”Same Lower and Uppper” is used, then bothlower and upper thresholds are applied, but using a single threshold value (Lower/Common)

Lower/common thresholdid lower thresholdtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Specifies the lower threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to loweror both. If operation is set to ”Same lower and upper threshold”, then this value is usedfor both the lower and upper threshold, and the ”upper threshold” value is ignored.

Lower valueid lower valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Specifies the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is under the threshold.This value is used only if Operation Type is set to lower or both.

Upper thresholdid upper thresholdtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Specifies the upper threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upperor both.

Upper valueid upper valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


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Specifies the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is over the threshold.This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upper or both.


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8.1.40 TimeExtraction


class name TimeExtractioncatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id extract timeauthors Alberto Massari

Extract the creation time of the input data


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The datatype whose timestamp will be extracted


Timeid timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, timeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The timestamp of the input datatype


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Selectorid selectortype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Creation timePresentation timeDurationMedia timeMedia durationRemaining Time

domain [ 0, 6 )Selects which of the timestamps to provide as output.

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ActualRaw

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to extract the actual values or the raw values


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8.1.41 TimeGenerator


class name TimeGeneratorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id time generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Generates time values


Valueid outputtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, timeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Valueid valuetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


Continuous outputid continuous outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true, the block is activated event when the selector parameter changes value, even ifthe input is not changed.


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8.1.42 Vector


class name Vectorcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id vector

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

A block which stores an array of datatypes. The array can be read or write with randomaccess, i.e., without any constraint on the order in which the location are accessed.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

The input datatype, which is stored in the vector at the user-specified position


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

The output datatype, which is read from the user-specified position in the vector


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sizeid sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The size of the internal array

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

reset all internal datatypes to thei defaul values

Enable Readid enable readtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether reading (i.e., copying to output) is enabled

Read/Write Priorityid read write prioritytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:First Read, Then WriteFirst Write, Then Read

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies which operation is performed first, whether the read operation or the write

operation. When read and write position are the same, the order of the operations affectsthe result.

Invalid Read Position Modeid invalid read position modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:WrapIgnoreBound

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the behaviour of the block when the read position is not valid


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Read Positionid read positiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The position in the internal array of the datatype copied to the output pin

Enable Writeid enable writetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether writing is enabled

Invalid Write Position Modeid invalid write position modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:wrapignorebound

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the behaviour of the block when the write position is not valid

Write Positionid write positiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Position in the internal array where the input datatype will be copied


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8.1.43 Wait all inputs changed


class name Wait all inputs changedcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id wait all inputs changed

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Wait for all inputs to be changed. When this happens, updates all outputs.It’s usuallyused in audio application when the algorithm needs to analyze any simultaneous sensorreading (for example TDOA)


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*

referred as inheritedOutput 1Output 2

This input represent the 0th datatype to be waited.

Input 2id input 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input represent the 1th datatype to be waited.


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Output 1id output 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input 1inherited id *no*

0th output.

Output 2id output 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input 1inherited id *no*

1th output.


Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Specifies the number of inputs of this block.

Periodid periodtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Time interval in which inputs changing must be included. If they are not changed insidethis range, they are considered unchanged. A value of zero means non constraints of time.


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8.1.44 Weighted sum


class name Weighted sumcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id weighted sum

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Compute the wheighted sum of input datatypes. See parameter description for moreinformations.


generic inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace generic outputreferred as inherited generic output

datatype to sum

Required interfacesKernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


generic outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id generic inputinherited id *no*

Weighted sum of input datypes


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Weightsid paramWeightstype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Weights applied to input datatype. The lenght of this matrix control the number ofdataype to sum.

Modeid paramModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:normaldifferenceabsolute differencesquare difference

domain [ 0, 4 )Select the mode of operation (the icon of this block is not updated when the patch is

executed). When ’normal’ is set the datatype is used as is. When ’difference’ or ’absolutedifference’ or ’square difference’ is set the difference (regular, absolute, squared) betweentwo consecutive datatypes is used in the sum.In the next formulas W is the array of weigth,N is the number of weigths, X is the array of the last N datatypes received as input fromthe block, SUM is the operator for sum (greek Sigma), i is the index of the element ofsum, and result is the output datatype.The formulas used are the followings : ’normal’result = SUM( W(i) * X(i)) ; ’difference’ result = SUM( W(i) * (X(i) - X(i-1)) ; ’absolutedifference’ result = SUM( W(i) * —X(i) - X(i-1)— ; ’square difference’ result = SUM( W(i)* —X(i)-X(i-1)—ˆ2) .

Clearid cleartype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

When this bang is received, the internally queued datatype data is cleared


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8.2 Datatypes

8.2.1 AcceleratorKey datatype.

class name AcceleratorKey datatype.catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id acceleratorkey

Represent an accelerator key, i.e., a combination of keys pressed on the keyboard.

8.2.2 Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).

class name Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id bool

Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Logical Operations

• Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp

8.2.3 Byte

class name Bytecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id byte

Single byte datatype. Contains usigned values in the range from 0 to 255.

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, Logical Operations

• Kernel, Comparison Operations

• Kernel, ThresholdOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble


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• Kernel, MonadicArithOp

• Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp

• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble

8.2.4 Date

class name Datecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id date


Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Comparison Operations

8.2.5 Datetime

class name Datetimecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id datetime


Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Comparison Operations

8.2.6 Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).

class name Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id double

Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, Comparison Operations

• Kernel, ThresholdOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble

• Kernel, MonadicArithOp

• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble

8.2.7 Double matrix.

class name Double matrix.catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id double-matrix

Matrix of double numbers. The memory layout is such ¡row0¿ ¡row1¿ ¡row2¿ ... ¡rowN¿.

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble

• Kernel, MonadicArithOp

8.2.8 Font

class name Fontcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id font



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8.2.9 Generic datatype

class name Generic datatypecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id generic datatype

A generic datatype is used as a design-time placeholder for an actual datatype which isusually specified before run-time begins.

Details A generic datatype is not an actual datatype; it is used by many blocks asa placeholder when the actual datatype cannot be known at design-time (e.g., blocks thatcan operate on several different types of data). If a block declares a generic input oroutput, any type of data (i.e., link) can be connected to such pins. However, if a blockalso declares a required interface for an input, the set of linkable datatype is restricted tothe one supporting such interface (e.g., all datatypes that can be multiplied by a doublenumber).

8.2.10 Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).

class name Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id int

Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, Logical Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, Comparison Operations

• Kernel, ThresholdOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble

• Kernel, MonadicArithOp

• Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp

• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt


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• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble

8.2.11 Integer matrix.

class name Integer matrix.catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id int-matrix

Matrix of integer numbers (Kernel Catalog).

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, Logical Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble

• Kernel, MonadicArithOp

• Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp

8.2.12 Labelled set

class name Labelled setcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id labeled set

Set of homogeneous datatypes identified by a label

Supported interfaces

• kernel, container


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8.2.13 List

class name Listcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id list

List of homogeneous datatypes

Supported interfaces

• kernel, container

8.2.14 RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).

class name RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id rgbcolor

RGBColor datatype

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

8.2.15 String datatype (Kernel Catalog).

class name String datatype (Kernel Catalog).catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id string

String datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Comparison Operations

8.2.16 StringPair

class name StringPaircatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id string pair


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Holds a pair of strings

8.2.17 Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).

class name Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id time

Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, Logical Operations

• Kernel, Comparison Operations

• Kernel, ThresholdOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble

• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble

8.2.18 Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).

class name Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id trigger

Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).

8.3 Datatype converters

8.3.1 Any to trigger converter

class name Any to trigger convertercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id any-to-trigger

Converts any datatype to the kernel trigger datatype.


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8.3.2 AnyToString Converter

class name AnyToString Convertercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id any to string

Converts any datatype to a string using the SerializeAsText method. Note that for somedatatype (e.g., images) this may result in unreadible text (although all characters shouldbe printable ones).

8.3.3 BoolToInteger

class name BoolToIntegercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id bool-to-int

Convers a boolean value to an integer number. True is mapped to one; false is mappedto zero.

8.3.4 Double to int converter

class name Double to int convertercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id double-to-int

Converts a double to an integer number.

8.3.5 DoubleMatrixToIntMatrix

class name DoubleMatrixToIntMatrixcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id doublematrix to intmatrix

Converts a DoubleMatrix (i.e., a matrix containing floating point elements in doubleprecision format) to an Integer Matrix (i.e., a matrix containing Integer elements).


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8.3.6 DoubleToTime

class name DoubleToTimecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id double to time

Converts a floating point (double) datatype to a time datatype

8.3.7 Input

class name Inputcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id byte-to-int

Converts a byte to an integer.

8.3.8 Int to double converter

class name Int to double convertercatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id int-to-double

Converts an integer to a double number.

8.3.9 IntMatrixToDoubleMatrix

class name IntMatrixToDoubleMatrixcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id intmatrix to doublematrix

Converts an IntegerMatrix (i.e., a matrix containing Integer elements) to a DoubleMa-trix (i.e., a matrix containing floating point elements in double precision format).

8.3.10 IntegerToBool

class name IntegerToBoolcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id int-to-bool


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Converts an integer number to a boolean value. Non-zero integer numbers are mappedto the boolean true, whereas a zero integer number is mapped to the boolean false.

8.3.11 IntegerToByte

class name IntegerToBytecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id int-to-byte

Converts an integer to a byte. Saturate output byte in the case of overflow.

8.3.12 TimeToDouble

class name TimeToDoublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id time to double

Converts a TIME datatype to a double datatype.

8.4 Datatype interfaces

8.4.1 Arithmetic Operations

class name Arithmetic Operationscatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id arith op

Define the interface for datatypes supporting basic arithmetic operations such as Add,Subtract, Multiply, and Divide.

8.4.2 Comparison Operations

class name Comparison Operationscatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id comparison op

Define the interface for datatypes supporting basic comparison operations such as LessThan, Equal To, Greater Than, etc.


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8.4.3 DynamicTimeSeries

class name DynamicTimeSeriescatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id dynamic time series

Define the interface for datatypes representing time series of variable size (i.e., thenumber of samples per buffer can change at every execution step). Time series are mul-timensiona vectors of double numbers which are obtained by sampling a signal at a fixedsample rate.

8.4.4 Logical Operations

class name Logical Operationscatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id logic op

Define the interface for datatypes supporting basic logical operations such as And, Orand Xor.

8.4.5 MonadicArithOp

class name MonadicArithOpcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id monadic arith op

Define the interface for datatypes supporting operations such as Sqrt, Sqr, Abs, Exp

8.4.6 MonadicLogicalOp

class name MonadicLogicalOpcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id monadic logic op

Define the interface for datatypes supporting monadic logical operations. Currently theonly supported operation is Not.


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8.4.7 ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

class name ScalarArithmeticOpDoublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id scalar arith op double

Define the interface for datatypes supporting basic operations against floating pointscalar numbers (Add, Multiply, Divide, etc.)

8.4.8 ScalarArithmeticOpInt

class name ScalarArithmeticOpIntcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id scalar arith op int

Define the interface for datatypes supporting basic operations against integer scalarnumbers (Add, Multiply, Divide, etc.)

8.4.9 ScalarComparisonOpDouble

class name ScalarComparisonOpDoublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id scalar comparison op double

Define the interface for datatypes supporting basic comparison against floating pointscalar numbers

8.4.10 ScalarComparisonOpInt

class name ScalarComparisonOpIntcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id scalar comparison op int

Define the interface for datatypes supporting basic comparison against integer scalarnumbers


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8.4.11 StaticTimeSeries

class name StaticTimeSeriescatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id static time series

Define the interface for datatypes representing time series of fixed size. Time series aremultimensiona vectors of double numbers which are obtained by sampling a signal at afixed sample rate.

8.4.12 ThresholdOpDouble

class name ThresholdOpDoublecatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id thresholdop double

Define the interface for datatypes supporting threshold operations against floating pointscalar numbers (lower and upper thrsholds, etc..)

8.4.13 ThresholdOpInt

class name ThresholdOpIntcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id thresholdop int

Define the interface for datatypes supporting threshold operations against integer scalarnumbers (lower and upper thrsholds, etc..)

8.4.14 TimeSeries

class name TimeSeriescatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id time series

Should use StaticTimeSeries instead of this one.


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8.5 Authors

8.5.1 Alberto Massari

class name Alberto Massaricatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id alby

COmputer Science Engineer

8.5.2 Andrea Ricci

class name Andrea Riccicatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id andrea

Andrea Ricci Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

8.5.3 Massimiliano Peri

class name Massimiliano Pericatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id massy

Massimiliano Peri Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

8.5.4 Mirko Demurtas

class name Mirko Demurtascatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id mirko demurtas

Computer Science Engineer

8.5.5 Paolo Coletta

class name Paolo Colettacatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id paolo


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Paolo Coletta Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

8.5.6 Roberto Sagoleo

class name Roberto Sagoleocatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id roberto sagoleo

Computer Science Engineer

8.6 Companies

8.6.1 InfoMus Lab

class name InfoMus Labcatalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id infomus

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it

8.6.2 NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

class name NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.catalog name Kernelcatalog id kernelclass id numensoft

Microsoft Certified Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support:[email protected] http://www.numensoft.com


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Chapter 9

Base Catalog

9.1 Blocks

9.1.1 ***TypeCast


class name ***TypeCastcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ConversionLegacyauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block forces EyesWeb to convert the input to an explicit datatype by allowing theuser to specify the type of the input and output pins. It can be used when you want tolet the user know which is the conversion chain. Note that this block does not perform theconversion, i.e., it is not a converter. However, it forces EyesWeb to perform an implicitconversion. Anyway, even if the conversion is implicit, the user is aware of it thanks to thepresence of the block in the patch.


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Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Outputid Outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:BoolByteIntegerDoubleInteger MatrixDouble MatrixAudioBuffer

domain [ 0, 5 ]Type


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9.1.2 *DeconcatenateMatrix


class name *DeconcatenateMatrixcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix deconcatenateauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts one or more row/column sub-matrices from an input matrix


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix from which will be deconcatenated the 1-dimensional outputmatrices


Output 1id output1type Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is output matrix 1


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Matrix typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInteger

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines the type of the output matrices (integer or double): integer: the matrices are

of integer type. double : the matrices are of double type.

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:by columnby row

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines if to extract a row or a column sub-matrix from the input matrix: by column:

extracts a sub-column-matrix from the input matrix specified by the ’Size’ parameter. byrow : extracts a sub-row-matrix from the input matrix specified by the ’Size’ parameter.

Number of output matricesid num outputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies how many matrices from the input matrix to be deconcatenated

Deconcatenated matrix size 1id parameter index1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

This is deconcatentate matrix size 1


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9.1.3 *Motionless


class name *Motionlesscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Motionlessauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block establish if the input position is motionless


Xid InputXtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


Yid InputYtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



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Motionid OutputMotionLesstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



DXid ParameterDeltaXtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )


DYid ParameterDeltaYtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )


Durationid ParameterDurationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


Activeid ParameterActivetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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9.1.4 AIFF info


class name AIFF infocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id aiffinfoauthors Paolo Coletta

Reads info about an AIFF file


Markersid output markerstype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of markers of the file

Sampling rateid output sampling ratetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Sampling rate of the selected file

Num channelsid output num channelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Number of channels of the selected file


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Bits per sampleid output num bits per sampletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Number of bits per sample of the selected file

Num samplesid output num samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Number of samples of the selected file


Filenameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



Name of the AIFF file to be read

Markers typeid markers typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:SamplesTime

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether markers are given in sample or time units


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9.1.5 AIFFReader


class name AIFFReadercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id aiffreaderauthors Paolo Coletta

Reads an AIFF file


AudioClockid audio clocktype Base, Audio clocktype id base, audio clock

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input is used to automatically establish the buffer size to be used. In some casesit can also be used as a clock signal to activate the block


Output bufferid buffertype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer containing a buffer of fixed size


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Filenameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



Name of the AIFF file to be read

Audio buffer typeid audio buffer typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DynamicStatic

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use static or dynamic audio buffers as output.

Buffer size modeid buffer size modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:From audio clock inputUser specified

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the buffer size is inherited from an auxiliary input or if it is user

specified. In the case of an auxiliary input (default), that input can be used as a clocksource and the index of the buffer to be read is automatically computed by the block. Ifmore flexibility is needed, the index of the buffer can be given as another (optional) input;in such case the additional input acts as the clock source. In the case of a user specifiedbuffer size, it is up to the user to guarantee that the activation rate is coherent with thegiven buffer-size and sampling-rate.

Buffer sizeid buffer sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the size, in samples, of the output buffer


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Interval generation modeid interval generation modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Use audio clock inputUse interval input

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the index of the interval to be read is deduced by the clock source or

is given by means of an external source (e.g., a counter) via an additional input.

Num channelsid num channelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of channels of the output buffer. 1 for mono, 2 for stereo, etc.

Num samples per secondid num samples per sectype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of samples per seconds (i.e., the sampling frequency) of the outputbuffer.

PCMSampleFormatid sample formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 bits unsigned8 bits signed16 bits unsigned16 bits signed24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage)24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage)32 bits unsigned32 bits signed32 bits float

domain [ 0, 11 )Specifies the format of PCM samples.


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Out of boundsid out of boundstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:WrapBoundIgnore

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the behaviour of the block when the buffer index is outside the valid range. If

Wrap is given the out of bound values are put into the valid range via a modulo operation;in practice, the file is read again from the beginning if values increase over the maximum.If Bound is given, the index is put into a valid range via a saturate operation; in practice,if the input index exceeds the maximum, the last buffer is countinuosly repeated. If Ignoreis given, the index is ignored and a blank buffer is given as output

Silence on empty fileid silence on invalid filetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true the output will be continuosly generated (and set to silence) when anempty or invalid file is given.

Internal fadeid internal fadetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true the fade in/out is performed by the reader *inside* the given markings.


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9.1.6 AddPointToPolyline


class name AddPointToPolylinecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id AddPointInPolylineauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block add a point in a polyline. The shape can be drawn if type parameter is setto graphic mode. The polyline is incremental: it means that everytime a point is added,polyline has one more point. First time polyline is made of only one point.


Pointid Inputtype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Point to be added in the polyline


Polylineid Outputtype Base, Polyline 2D inttype id base, polyline 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Polyline made of points added by user.


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Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Geometric IntGeometric DoubleGraphic IntGraphic Double

domain [ 0, 4 )Specified the type of polyline. It’s possible choose double or int type. Moreover it’s

possible to create just a geometric point datatype or a graphic polyline that can be drawn

Resetid Resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the polyline.


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9.1.7 AlphaFilter


class name AlphaFiltercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id AlfaFilter

authorsMarzia SimonettiPaolo Coletta

This block filter the input data according to the following formula: y(k) = u(k) * alpha+ y(k-1) * (1 - alpha) where: y(k) is the current output y(k-1) is the previous output u(k)is the current input alpha is an user-specified parameter.

Details At the first execuition step, or after the reset trigger is received, the followingalternate formulta is used: y(k) = u(k) i.e., the first received value is not filtered.

Notes Up to rev. 3939 the filter internal memory (i.e., y(k-1)) was initialized with 0.Now it is initialized with the first received input value


Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Input value to be filtered

Required interfacesKernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, Arithmetic Operations


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Outputid Outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Filtered output


Filtering coefficentid AlfaFiltertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Alpha coefficent used in the filtering formula (see block description )

Resetid Resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the filter internal state


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9.1.8 ArithmeticMean


class name ArithmeticMeancatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ArithmeticMeanauthors Simone Ghisio

The block calculates mean of input.


InputMeanid input valuetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited OutputMean

Input on wich the block evaluates mean.

Required interfacesKernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt


OutputMeanid output valuetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id InputMeaninherited id *no*

Mean of input.


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BufferModeid buffer modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:SlidingWindowInfiniteWindow

domain [ 0, 2 )This parameter specifies if the block computes mean using a limited sliding buffer or an

infinite one. The mean is evaluated on the buffer size.

BufferLenghtid buffer lenghttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Maximum lenght of buffer. It’s used only if BufferMode is SlidingWindow.

AddModeid sum modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AddSubtractSubtractAddReset

domain [ 0, 3 )It specifies how the block evaluates mean. AddSubtract: first adds the new value to

the mean, then, if maximum size of buffer is reached, subtracts the oldest. SubtractAdd:If maximum size of buffer is reached first subtracts the oldest value to the mean and thenadd the newer one. Reset: each time the mean is recalculated. Each method, at the end,divides the new value by the buffer size.

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset accumulator of mean value.


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9.1.9 AudioBufferArithmeticOperations


class name AudioBufferArithmeticOperationscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id AudioSummerauthors Simone Ghisio

Computes mathematical operations beetween audio buffer (input 1) and double value(input2). If the block divides the buffer by zero, then output buffer is set to zero.

Error and Warning Messages –

During Execution Phase – - Division by zero: if double value is zero and theoperation is a division. It’s not an error because the output buffer is set to zero.


Input Audio Bufferid input sound buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the audio buffer that must be elaborate

Constid input valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


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This is the constant value of the operation


Output Audio Bufferid output sound buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Audio buffer after math operation


Typeid Type of operationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:SumBuffer sub constConst sub BufferMulDiv

domain [ 0, 4 ]Type of math operation. The block sum, subtract, multiply or divide the audio buffer

to a double value. If RevSub in selected then the audio buffer is subtracted form the doublevalue


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9.1.10 AudioFeatures


class name AudioFeaturescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audio featureauthors Alberto Massari

Extract a feature of the audio signal (peak, RMS, energy...)


Audio input streamid input audio streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the audio stream where the features are extracted.

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Output valueid output valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The value of the feature being extracted


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Sample indexid output samplendxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

For some features, this is the index of the sample that corresponds to the feature beingextracted


Channelid channeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Channel to be monitored. This block only works on a single channel, thus, even if theinput is a multichannel audio, only this channel is monitored. Channel indices are 0-based.

Featureid featuretype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:VolumeEnergyPositive peak value and indexNegative peak value and indexAbsolute peak value and index

domain [ 0, 5 )The feature to be extracted from the audio signal


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9.1.11 AudioGenerator


class name AudioGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id GeneratorBufferAudioauthors Mirko Demurtas

Generate an Audio Sound Buffer


Clockid Input Clocktype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Audio Bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Audio Buffer


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Sampling Frequencyid typefrequencetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:441004800096000Custom

domain [ 0, 4 )Sampling Frequency

Custom sampling frequencyid frequencetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Custom sampling frequency

Audio buffer durationid typesampletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:1 s500 ms250 ms125 ms100 ms25 ms10 msCustom TimeCustom (Number samples)

domain [ 0, 9 )This parameter let you choose the duration of the audio buffer, among a set of predefined

values. If no value fit your needs, you can choose to specify a custom value (in samples orin milliseconds)

Custom audio buffer durationid duratetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

In the case that you chose to specify a custom buffer duration (in milliseconds), thisparameter ley you specify the duration in milliseconds.


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Custom Number of samples in bufferid samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of samples in buffer

Waveform typeid type formtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RandomSinusoidalSquareConstant Value

domain [ 0, 4 )Waveform type

Frequency of waveformid frequence formtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Frequency of waveform

Amplitude Waveformid amplitude formtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Amplitude Waveform

Offset waveformid offsetformtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Offset waveform

Phase waveformid phasetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Phase waveform


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9.1.12 AudioMixer


class name AudioMixercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id mixing channel

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Mix the input sound buffer and generate an output sound buffer according to mixingmatrix


Audio Bufferid input audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Audio Buffer


Output audio bufferid output sampletype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output audio buffer


Mixing channles matrixid matrix-mixingtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix


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Mixing channles matrix

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ConstantSmoothed

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the mixing is done using the smoothing factors (UpStep, downStep)

or using a constant matrix

UpStepid up steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

In the case of smoothed mode, specifies the maximum increasing step per sample

DownStepid down steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

In the case of smoothed mode, specifies the maximum decreasing step per sample


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9.1.13 AudioSwitch


class name AudioSwitchcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audioswitchauthors Simone Ghisio

This block copies the input audio buffer on the output pin if input switch value isbetween minimum and maximum switching value.

Remarks If the input switch is out of the range (minimum, maximum) then the outputis set to zero value. It doesn’t store the previous audio buffer.


Input Audio Bufferid Input Sound Bbuffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Audio Bufferreferred as inherited *no*

Input audio buffer

Switchid Switchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The block analyzes this input and if its value is between minimum and maximum pa-rameter the input is copied on the output pin.


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Output Audio Bufferid Output Sound Buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id Input Audio Bufferinherited id *no*

This is the output Audio Buffer


Minimum Valueid minimum switching valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Minimum Value of the input switch to allow the copy of the input buffer on the output

Maximum Valueid maximum switching valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Maximum Value of the input switch to allow the copy of the input buffer on the output


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9.1.14 AviWriter


class name AviWritercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id opencv avi writerauthors Mirko Demurtas

Writes the incoming images to an AVI file. You can explicitely specify the codec to beused or you’ll be promped for one if none is specified.


Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


Filenameid name filetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Avi File (*.avi)—*.avi—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Name of the AVI file. If changed during patch execution the file currently being pro-cessed is closed and a new one is started.


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FramesPerSecondid fpstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Number of frames per second of the created video stream. Note that this does not needto match the input frame rate. This is the speed at which a player will try to read thecurrent file.

FourCCid known fourcctype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Use custom FOURCCMRLE - Microsoft RLE by MicrosoftMSVC - Microsoft Video 1 by MicrosoftCRAM - Microsoft Video 1 by MicrosoftCVID - Cinepak by Providenza & Boekelheide

domain [ 0, 5 )Selects a FourCC code among the known ones. Please note that the fact that a FourCC

is known does not implies that it will work on your system. You need the codec for thatFourCC to be installed on your system in order to use it.

MRLE - Microsoft RLE by Microsoft - Run length encoded RGB format from Mi-crosoft. Basically the same as the BI RLE formats but Michael Knapp clarifies: ”MRLEis just *nearly* the same compression as the existing 4 and 8bit RLE formats but the’copy bytes-chunk’ always has an even byte-length. That means that an empty byte isadded if the ’copy chunk’ contains an odd number of bytes MSVC - Microsoft Video 1by Microsoft - Original codec shipped with Video For Windows. Deals with 8bpp and16bpp images. Quality leaves a lot to be desired (IMHO). Full technical details are avail-able http://home.pcisys.net/%7emelanson/codecs/video1.txt CRAM - Microsoft Video 1by Microsoft - Allegedly identical to MSVC. CVID - Cinepak by Providenza & Boekelheide-

Custom FourCCid fourcctype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Explicitly specifies the FourCC. For a list of valid FourCC codes you can refer to sitehttp://www.fourcc.org. Note that you also need the codec for the given FourCC to beinstalled on your system.


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9.1.15 Baricenter


class name Baricentercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image baricenterauthors Massimiliano Peri

Calculate the baricenter of the region of interest


inputid Input 0type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Baricenterid baricenter dbltype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Areaid areatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Geometry typeid geometry-typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Floating-point geometryInteger geometry

domain [ 0, 2 )Geometry type


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9.1.16 BayerToRgb


class name BayerToRgbcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Bayer2RBGauthors Mirko Demurtas

Certain color cameras output image data in raw format, which is called Bayer format.This block converts such images, which appear as a BW image in EyesWeb, to color images


Imageid INPUT MATRIXtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


Imageid INPUT MATRIXtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output image


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Type Sensor CCD/CMOSid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 4 )Type Sensor CCD/CMOS


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9.1.17 BlobListRemoveIf


class name BlobListRemoveIfcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id list remove ifauthors Paolo Coletta

Remove blobs from list according to a given criteria.

Details The current implementation of the block is limited to work only with list ofblob datatype and the extraction is based on the area of the blob Note that the items inthe list are not ordered based on their area. The order is the same as the input list, whichdepends on the order established by the block which first vcreated the list

Notes During initialization the block may raise the following errors: Invalid containeddatatype: the input list is not a list of blobs - this happens if the list does not contain blobs


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Input list from which to remove items which match a given condition


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output list from which to some items have been removed


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Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AreaZoneToClearZoneToKeep

domain [ 0, 3 )Method of filtering. If it’s in Area mode the block compute an area based filtering

method.If it’s in Zone to clear mode, the block keeps blobs having baricenters outside zoneparameter. Otherwise if it’s in Zone to keep mode, the block keeps blobs havong baricentersinside zone parameter.

MIN AREAid min areatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value of this parameter is the minimum percetage area of the blob according to theentire image area.If the area of the blob is greather then this parameter, then the blos isinsert in the output list.If the value of the parameter is 0, all blobs are inserted.

MAX AREAid max areatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value of this parameter is the maximum percetage area of the blob according tothe entire image area.If the area of the blob is less then this parameter, then the blobs isinserted in the output list.If the value of the parameter is 1, all blobs are inserted.


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9.1.18 BlockConvolution


class name BlockConvolutioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id block convolutionauthors Carlo Drioli

Block Convolution

Error and Warning Messages - During Initialization phase - Mono audio input re-quired. Channel 0 will be used. - IR file opning error: error while opening the input wavefile. - Audio buffer size not allowed. Choose one of the following: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096. -Warning: Audio input and IR sampling frequency don’t match.


Input bufferid input buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer


Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


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filename parameterid IR filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”IR file (*.wav)—*.wav—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Input wave file name. When file name is specified, the format of audio buffer is readedfrom the heqader of this file.


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9.1.19 BonesLine3DMaker-Double


class name BonesLine3DMaker-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id BonesLine3DMaker-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block connects given pairs of points with segments (bones). It is possible to man-ually specify the pairs of connected points, or to use the skeleton model from MicrosoftKinect, or to read such configuration from file (in a Qualisys-compatible format). In thefirst case, the user can specify how many bones must be created and the pairs of labels ofthe points. In Kinect mode the block automatically creates a sequence of bones with thesame labels user by the block Kinect Extractor. In file mode the user must specifies a .qamfile or a .txt file. You can use Qualisys QTM to generate such files, by generation an AIMmodel (.qam) or by using the command ”Save label list...” in the ”Labeled trajectories”window. When using file mode or Kinect mode, you can decide to furtherly refine manuallythe proposed list of pairs of labels by using the Edit command This block accepts geometriclabelled set double 3d inputs


Input GeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


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OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d lines that connect input points according toparameters.


Bones declaration modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:UserKinectFileKinectic Energy Model

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies how the user declares which points are connected by bones. Four options are

available: - User: the user has parameters to declare all the pair of points which will be connected

by bones- Kinect: the skeleton defined by the Microsoft Kinect device is used- File: a filename referring a Qualisys AIM model or a Qualisys label list is expected- Kinetic Energy Model: this model can be used to compute kinetic energy by the

KineticEnergyIndex block

DrawPointsid drawtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:EverythingOnly connected pointsOnly bonesBones plus connected poins

domain [ 0, 4 )It allows to draw or not points of the input geometric labelled set. If the parameter is set

to AllPoints, the input labelled set is copied to teh output. If ConnectedPoints is selected,the outputcontains only points connected by bones. Otherwise point are not drawn.


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Number of bonesid bones numbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of bones to be created. For each bone the labels of the starting and endingpoints must be specified

bone00 point00id bone 00 point 00type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

point 00 of bone 00.

bone00 point01id bone 00 point 01type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

point 01 of bone 00.


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9.1.20 BonesLine3DMaker-Int


class name BonesLine3DMaker-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id BonesLine3DMaker-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block connects given pairs of points with segments (bones). It is possible to man-ually specify the pairs of connected points, or to use the skeleton model from MicrosoftKinect, or to read such configuration from file (in a Qualisys-compatible format). In thefirst case, the user can specify how many bones must be created and the pairs of labels ofthe points. In Kinect mode the block automatically creates a sequence of bones with thesame labels user by the block Kinect Extractor. In file mode the user must specifies a .qamfile or a .txt file. You can use Qualisys QTM to generate such files, by generation an AIMmodel (.qam) or by using the command ”Save label list...” in the ”Labeled trajectories”window. When using file mode or Kinect mode, you can decide to furtherly refine manuallythe proposed list of pairs of labels by using the Edit command This block accepts geometriclabelled set 3d int inputs


Input GeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


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OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d lines that connect input points according toparameters.


Bones declaration modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:UserKinectFileKinectic Energy Model

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies how the user declares which points are connected by bones. Four options are

available: - User: the user has parameters to declare all the pair of points which will be connected

by bones- Kinect: the skeleton defined by the Microsoft Kinect device is used- File: a filename referring a Qualisys AIM model or a Qualisys label list is expected- Kinetic Energy Model: this model can be used to compute kinetic energy by the

KineticEnergyIndex block

DrawPointsid drawtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:EverythingOnly connected pointsOnly bonesBones plus connected poins

domain [ 0, 4 )It allows to draw or not points of the input geometric labelled set. If the parameter is set

to AllPoints, the input labelled set is copied to teh output. If ConnectedPoints is selected,the outputcontains only points connected by bones. Otherwise point are not drawn.


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Number of bonesid bones numbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of bones to be created. For each bone the labels of the starting and endingpoints must be specified

bone00 point00id bone 00 point 00type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

point 00 of bone 00.

bone00 point01id bone 00 point 01type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

point 01 of bone 00.


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9.1.21 BooleanToTrigger


class name BooleanToTriggercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id bool to triggerauthors Paolo Coletta

Generates a trigger according to the value of an input boolean datatype.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input boolean datatype. The block generates a trigger as output according to the valueof this datatype.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output trigger datatype.


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Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:False to trueTrue to falseAny changeTrueFalse

domain [ 0, 5 )Specifies when to generate the output trigger.

Initial stateid initial statetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:IndeterminateTrueFalse

domain [ 0, 3 )This value is used only at first signal change detection to initialize the previous signal



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9.1.22 BouncingBall


class name BouncingBallcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id bouncing ballauthors Paolo Coletta

Computes the dynamics of a bouncing ball. As long as the input signal is slow (below agiven threshold) the poisition of the ball (the output signal) tracks the input signal. If thethreshold is exceeded, the ball detaches from the input signal and evolves autonomouslybasing on its initial speed and on the given accelleration (gravity). The ball looses apercentage of its energy when bouncing against the floor or the roof. The block works on asingle dimensions, thus, since the ball is subject to gravity accelleration, you should usuallyfeed the block with a positionalong the vertical axis.


Input positionid input positiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input position (in meters)


Positionid output positiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output absolute position (in meters)


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Velocityid output velocitytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output speed in meter per second

Resetid output resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Signal whether the output was reset. Resetting may occur on user’s request, on validgrabbing conditions, or, rarely, when numerical issue are detected.


Accelerationid accelerationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the acceleration applied to the mass (in meters/secondˆ2)

Can detachid can detachtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the output can detach from the input. If yes, the output detacheswhen the speed exceeds the given threshold

Detach velocityid detach velocitytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the velocity at which mass does not track anymore the input position and startmoving independently

Can grabid can grabtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the output can be grabbed by the input. If yes, the output will trackthe input when the position match or cross each other


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Do not grab beforeid frames no grabtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The number of frames that must elapse from the detach time before the input can regrabthe output

Floor levelid floor leveltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the level, in meters, of the floor. The ball is constrained to stay above thislevel and bounces on it

Roof levelid roof leveltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the level, in meters, of the roof. The ball is constrained to stay below this leveland bounces on it

Energy lossid energy losstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The energy percentage that is lost at each bum

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the system to its initial conditions, which are specified by the above parameters

Compute Delta Tid compute delta ttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true, the delta T is inherited from the input datatype (presentation time)

Delta Tid delta ttype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

The delta T (time delay of each step), in the case that it is not automatically computed


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9.1.23 BoundRoiInRoi


class name BoundRoiInRoicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id boundroiinroiauthors Simone Ghisio

This block verify if the input ROI is contained in the parameter ROI.


InputROIid input roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace OutputROIreferred as inherited *no*

Input ROI


OutputROIid output roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d doubleinplace id InputROIinherited id *no*

Bounded ROI


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Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether ROI coordinates and size are expressed as normalized floating-point

(double) numbers or as integer numbers

ParameterROIid parameter roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

Bounding ROI


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9.1.24 BoundingRect


class name BoundingRectcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image boundingrect


Mirko DemurtasAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Calculate the bounding rect inner to the region of interest


Imageid imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Bounding rectid bounding-rect-dbltype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Bounding rectangle


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Geometry typeid geometry-typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Floating-point geometryInteger geometry

domain [ 0, 2 )Geometry type


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9.1.25 BrightnessChromaticityDistortion


class name BrightnessChromaticityDistortioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id bg brightness cromaticity distortionauthors Paolo Coletta

Implements the background subtraction via the brightness/cromaticity distortion method,asexplained in the paper ”A statistical approach for real-time robust background subtractionand shadow detection”

by T. Horprasert, D. Harwood, and L. S. Davis


Input imageid video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image containing the full image (background + forground), or the backgroundonly (during the trainig period).


Output foreground imageid foregroundtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output containing the foreground image only.


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Shaded backgroundid shaded backgroundtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the image classified as background even if subject to a lower illumination withrespect to the training data

Highlighted backgroundid highlighted backgroundtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the image classified as background even if subject to a stronger illumination withrespect to the training data

Current training set sizeid training set sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Current size of the training set


Working mode.id working modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:TrainingRunningAuto

domain [ 0, 3 )In training mode the block grabs the statistics about the background. In running mode

the blocks uses these statistics to distinguish between background and forground.


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Statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:To be trained yetCurrently trainingTrained

domain [ 0, 3 )Readonly parameter to show the current status of the block.

Trainig set sizeid training set sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Maximum size of the training set. During the training phase the block stores in memorythe images corresponding to the given size. If more images are provided as input, the oldestone are replaced with the newsest ones

Detection rateid detection ratetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specified the detection rate of the algorithm. The auto-computed parameters (TauCD,TauAlpha1, TauAlpha2, TauAlphaLow) are choosen such that the algorithm applied to thetraining set matches this detection rate.

Automatic parameters selectionid auto tuningtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true the auto-computed parameters for TauCD, TauAlpha1, TauAlpha2, andTauAlphaLow are used. If set to false, the user-specified values are used.

Tau CDid tau cdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Tau CD (where CD stands for Chromaticity Distortion) is the threshold of the normal-ized chromaticity. Pixels over this threshold are classified as foreground.

Tau Alpha 1id tau alpha 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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Tau Alpha 1 is the lower threshold of the normalized brightness. Pixels below thisthreshold are classified as not background (i.e., foreground or shadow).

Tau Alpha 2id tau alpha 2type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Tau Alpha 2 is the upper threshold of the normalized brightness. Pixels over thisthreshold are classified as not background (i.e., foreground or hightlited pixels).

Tau alpha lowid tau alpha lowtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lower threshold for brightness distortion. If brightness distortion is below this thresholdthen the pixel is assumed to be a foreground one, regardless of the chromaticity distortion.

DarkColorid dark colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

This is the value of a color which is considered dark and worth applying TauAlphaLow.To automatically compute TauAlphaLow, which stems from euristic considerations, animage with such value is applied as an input. The threshold TauAlphaLow is choosen suchthat a given percentage of pixels are below the threshold.

Dark color detection rateid dark color detection ratetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the detection rate to be used to compute TauAlphaLow. TauAlphaLow ischoosen such that the given percentage of pixels from the dark image are classified asforeground regardless of the chromaticity distortion.

Use TauCD correctionid use tau cd correctiontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, TauCD is linearly decreased while brightness moves from TauAlpha1to TauAlphaLow. The result is a detection of dark foreground objects. However, theperformance of shadow removal decreases.

TauCD correction percentageid tau cd correction percentagetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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Specifies the amount of correction applied to TauCD. If 1.0 is specified, TauCD isdecreased up to zero, otherwise, it is decreased up to the given percentage of its initialvalue.

Folder Nameid folder nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringlayout Folder

Specifies the folder where to load/save training data. This value is optional and can beused to avoid recomputing statistics when a previous setup is being reused.

Load Training Dataid load training datatype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Loads statistics from a previous training. For this to work, the Folder Name needs to bespecified. If valid data is found, the working mode is automatically set to running (unless itwas Auto, in such case the mode is not changed but the block starts performing backgroundsubtraction.

Save Training Dataid save training datatype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Save statistics from training. For this to work, the traing must have been performed.Previous files in the same folder will be overwritten with the new data.

Discard Training Dataid discard training datatype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Discards statistics from training.

Discard training data on doneid discard training data on donetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether training data is discarded when the patch is initialized. By defaulttraining data is discarded in order to minimize the risk to reuse old (wrong) statistics whenthe patch is restarted. However, if you are sure that lighting conditions will not change,you can disable this option to speed up startup


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ApplySuggestedSettingsid apply suggested settingstype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Applies the computed settings as the user-specified settings .


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9.1.26 BufferSizeMultiplier


class name BufferSizeMultipliercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id buffer size multiplierauthors Paolo Coletta

This block concatenates the given number of input audio buffers to create a longer bufferas the output.The size of the output buffer is an integer multiple of the size of the inputbuffer.


Input audio streamid input audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Audio Stream that must be rebuffered.


Output audio streamid output audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Audio Stream rebuffered.


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Multiplicityid param timestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The number of times the output buffer is longer than the input buffer


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9.1.27 BuildIntervals


class name BuildIntervalscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id build intervalsauthors Paolo Coletta

Build a string containing the list of intervals, as expected by the TimeAndDate.Processing.SelectIntervalblock


Timeid timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input time, iterpreted alternatively as start time or stop time


Interval listid intervals listtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The string representing the current list of intervals

Statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Provides as output an integer representing the internal status of the block, with thefollowing mapping:


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0: the list of interval is stable. No new input has been received1: the start time of a new interval has been received; the block is waiting for the stop

time before actually adding the interval to the list


Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Single streamSeparate streams

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the working mode:Single stream: a single stream of timestamps is received by the block. The timestamps

are intepreted alternatively as start time or stop timeSeparate streams: two stream of timestamps are received by the block. One stream

gives the start time, another stream gives the stop time

Labelid labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label which will be assigned to next interval; the value is sampled when the starttime input is received

Intervalsid intervalstype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The initial list of interval. If empty, a new interval list is built from scratch

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the internal list of interval to the initial value

Updateid updatetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Update the initial value of the interval list to the current internal value (the one givenas output)


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Clearid cleartype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Clears the value of the interval list

Skipid skiptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Skips the creation of the current interval. I.e., if the status is ”Waiting for stop time”the current start time will be replaced by the next incoming value


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9.1.28 CameraCorrection


class name CameraCorrectioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id camera correction

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Digital camera usually introduces significant distortion caused by the camera and lens.These distortions cause errors in any analysis of the image. This block corrects thesedistortion using intrinsic camera parameters and distortion coefficients.

Details The intrinsic camera parameters are focal lengths fx, fy, and principal pointcoordinates cx, cy. The distortion is characterized by two coefficients of radial distortionsk1, k2 and two coefficients of tangential distortions p1, p2. The undistorted coordinates xuand yu of point with coordinates (xd, yd) are computed in accordance with the followingformulas: xu = xd * (1 + k1*rˆ2 + k2*rˆ4) + 2*p1*xd*yd + p2 * ( rˆ2 + 2* xdˆ2 ) yu= yd * (1 + k1*rˆ2 + k2*rˆ4) + 2*p1*xd*yd + p2 * ( rˆ2 + 2* ydˆ2 ) Here rˆ2 = xdˆ2+ ydˆ2, xd = (j-cx)/fx, yd = (i-cy)/fy; i and j are row and columns numbers of the pixel.The pixel value is computed using bilinear interpolation of four nearest pixel of the sourceimage. If undistorted coordinates are outside the image, then the destination pixel is notchanged.


Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



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Corrected imageid output remappedtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Corrected image


X Focal (fx)id X FOCALtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Focal lengths along the x axis.

Y Focal (fy)id Y FOCALtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Focal lengths along the y axis.

Principal Point Typeid principal point typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Floating-pointInteger

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the principal point is expressed in integer or floaing-point normalized


Principal Point (cx, cy)id PRINC POINTtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

Coordinate of the principal point.

Radial First coefficient (k1)id R F Ctype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

First coefficient of radial distortion.


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Radial Second coeff. (k2)id R S Ctype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Second coeff. of radial distortion.

Tangential First coefficient (p1)id T F Ctype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

First coefficient of tangential distortion.

Tangential Second coeff. (p2)id T S Ctype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Second coefficient of tangential distortion.

Interpolation Algorithmid interpolation algorithmtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Nearest neighbourLinearCubicSuper Sample

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed. A rough

interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usageto perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., cubic)provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.

Clear Imageid clear imagetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

According to the setting of the block, the resulting image might not cover the wholearea. If this parameter is set, the uncovered area is cleared


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9.1.29 CannyEdgeDetector


class name CannyEdgeDetectorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id canny edge detectorauthors Simone Ghisio

The detector uses a grayscale image as an input and outputs a black-and-white image,where non-zero pixels mark detected edges.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image


Output Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output edge


Lowid Lowtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


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Lower threshold for edges detection.

Highid Hightype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Higher threshold for edges detection.


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9.1.30 Centroids Calc


class name Centroids Calccatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id centroids calc

authorsSimone GhisioPaolo Coletta

This block calculates centroids of input silhouette or of a subpart of the input silhouette.

Notes The following labels are assigned to the computed centroids (some might notbe computed according to the seetings of the block) head COG left shoulder left elbowleft forearm left hand right shoulder right elbow right forearm right hand left knee left footright knee right foot


Input Blobid input blobtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2d

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input silhouette of the image.


OutputLabelledSetid output listtype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Silhouette typeid silhouettetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Full BodyUpper HalfLower HalfLeft HalfRight Half

domain [ 0, 5 )The block compute the centroids assuming that the input blob represent a human sil-

houette. This parameter specifies whether the silhouette is complete, or if it rapresent justhalf human body and, in this latter case, which is the part of the body

Output typeid output typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInteger

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of the coordinates inserted in the output labelled set

Filter centroidsid compute alphatype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the centroids position are filter before being inserted into the aoutputlist

Filter speedid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies whether the filter is slow or fast. A slow filter provides smooth coordinatesbut is slow to track sudden changes of such coordinates. If set to the minimum speed (0.0)the filter does not track the coordinates at all. A fast filter can track sudden changes ofthe coordinate, but provides rough values. If set to the maximum speed (1.0), no filter isapplied


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Add intermediate centroidsid add computed centroidstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

In some cases the block must compute more centroids than the ones requested by theuser, due to hierarchical relations among them (e.g., the hand requires the forearm, etc). Ifthis parameter is set to true, all computed centroids are inserted into the output labelledset, even if not explicitely requested by the user

COGid COGtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Center of Gravity

Headid headtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Head centroid

LeftShoulderid left shouldertype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Left Shoulder centroid

LeftElbowid left elbowtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Left Elbow centroid

LeftForearmid left forearmtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Left Forear centroid

LeftHandid left handtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Left Hand centroid


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RightShoulderid right shouldertype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Right Shoulder centroid

RightElbowid right elbowtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Right Elbow centroid

RightForearmid right forearmtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Right Forear centroid

RightHandid right handtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Right Hand centroid

LeftKneeid left kneetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Left Knee centroid

LeftFootid left foottype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Left Foot centroid

RightKneeid right kneetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Right Knee centroid


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RightFootid right foottype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Right Foot centroid


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9.1.31 CentroidsToLines


class name CentroidsToLinescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id centroids to linesauthors Simone Ghisio

This block transforms a labelled set of point to a labelled set of lines. The block expectssome specific labels in the input set, which are the ones generated by the CentroidsCalcblock. Thus, this block is usually placed after the CentroidsCalc block if you want tovisualize its output.


Input Blobid input blobtype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input silhouette of the image.


OutputLabelledSetid output listtype Base, Graphic Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, graphic labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Drawing modeid draw typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CentralHierarchical

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify wheter to use Central or Hierarchical drawing mode. In Central mode, all joints

are connected to the central one, whereas in Hierarchical mode the points are connected toform a sort of human skeleton


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9.1.32 ChangeInterlaceMode


class name ChangeInterlaceModecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image change interlace mode

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Change the interlace mode to the input frame


Input frameid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output framereferred as inherited *no*

The input frame


Output frameid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input frameinherited id *no*

The output frame with the changed intelace information


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Interlaceid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ProgressiveFirst Field 1First Field 2

domain [ 0, 2 ]Interlace mode to apply to the input frame

Keep image unchangedid only modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Modify interlace mode and keep the input image unchanged


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9.1.33 Circular Hough Transform


class name Circular Hough Transformcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id circular hough transformauthors Simone Ghisio

Find circles of a given radius in a grayscale image using the Hough transform. Thisblock implements OpenCV HoughCircles function.

Details Based on a previous implementation by: AnneMarie Burns


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Image on which search circles.


OutputMatrixid output matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix containing the circles center coordinates and radius


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OutputImageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output image displaying the circles found by the Hough transform


Methodid param methodtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Gradientstandard

domain [ 0, 2 )Currently, the only implemented method is CV HOUGH GRADIENT, which is basi-

cally 21HT, described in H.K. Yuen, J. Princen, J. Illingworth and J. Kittler. Comparativestudy of Hough Transform methods for circle finding.

Resolutionid resolutiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Resolution of the accumulator used to detect centers of the circles. For example, if it is1, the accumulator will have the same resolution as the input image, if it is 2 - accumulatorwill have twice smaller width and height, etc.

Min Distanceid min distancetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Minimum distance between centers of the detected circles. If the parameter is too small,multiple neighbor circles may be falsely detected in addition to a true one. If it is too large,some circles may be missed.

Canny Thresholdid canny thresholdtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 255 ]

Higher threshold of the two passed to Canny edge detector (the lower one will be twicesmaller).


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Accumulator thresholdid accumulator thresholdtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Accumulator threshold at the center detection stage. The smaller it is, the more falsecircles may be detected. Circles, corresponding to the larger accumulator values, will bereturned first.

Minimum radiusid minimum radiustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Minimal radius of the circles to search for.

Maximum radiusid maximum radiustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Maximal radius of the circles to search for. By default the maximal radius is set tomax(image width, image height).

Maximum returned circlesid maximum circlestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Maximal number of the circles returned by the circular Hough transform.

Show Intermediate Imageid show imagetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Show Intermediate Image


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9.1.34 ClockGenerator


class name ClockGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ClockGeneratorauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block generate a signal clock


Bangid BangOuttype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Bang generatorid Bangtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Bang generator (kernel catalog)

Patch startid PatchStarttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang when the patch starts.

Periodicid Periodictype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang periodically.


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Periodid Periodtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Period is expressed in 100nanoseconds unit (i.e., 10milliseconds must be specified as100000)

Phaseid Phasetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


Absolute timeid Absolutetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generates a bang at a specified absolute time.

AbsoluteTimeid AbsoluteTimetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Absolute time


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9.1.35 Cochleogram


class name Cochleogramcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id cochleogramauthors Carlo Drioli

Computes the cochleogram of the input audio buffer.


Input bufferid input buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer


Output matrixid output matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix

Output imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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This is the same as the matrix output, but in image format. Since the cochleogram isused to get a visual representation of the elaboration that the audio signal is undergone inthe cochlea, an image is an appropriate ”alternative” to the mathematical format.


Gainid gaintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Output gain

Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 unsigned16 unsigned16 signed32 Float

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.


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9.1.36 CollapseLabels


class name CollapseLabelscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id CollapseLabelsauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to collapse labels of a labelled set datatype input.


InputLabelledSetid input labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Labelled set to evaluate.


OutputStringid output stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

String with alle the labels of the input


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9.1.37 ColorToRgb


class name ColorToRgbcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ColorToRGBauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block converts the input in RGB color.


Red colorid InputRtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Red color

Green colorid InputGtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Green color


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Blue colorid InputBtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Blue color


RGB Colorid Outputtype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolorinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

RGB Color


Input Typeid InputTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RGB decimal valuesRGB integer valuesRGB color valueHSV decimal valuesHSV integer values

domain [ 0, 4 ]Type of the input

Output Typeid OutputTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RGB decimal valuesRGB integer valuesRGB color value

domain [ 0, 2 ]Type of the output


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9.1.38 CompareWithString


class name CompareWithStringcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id compare stringauthors Simone Ghisio

Extract a substring from the input string.


InputStringid input stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input string to compare


CompareValueid output comparisontype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

If string are the same, output value is 1. Otherwise is 0.


Labelid compare stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


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String for comaparison. (use regular expression syntax in Perl syntax: http://www.boost.org/libs/regex/doc/syntax perl.html#Perl).For example, .* pattern matches any number of characters, thus behaving similarly to the* pattern.So if you need to find objects with label starting with ’point’ substring, you canwrite (point).* nstead, if you need to find objects with label containing ’point’ substring,you can write .*(point).*


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9.1.39 ComposeChannels


class name ComposeChannelscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image compose channels

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Compose multiple Black & White images to a multichannel image


Input channel 1 (R/B/Y)id input video stream 1type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Red channel if the output image image is RGB; Blue channel if the output image isBGR; Y channel if the output image is YUV.

Input channel 2 (G/G/U)id input video stream 2type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Green channel if the output image image is RGB or BGR; U channel if the output imageis YUV.


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Input channel 3 (B/R/Y)id input video stream 3type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Blue channel if the output image image is RGB; Red channel if the output image isBGR; V channel if the output image is YUV.


Outputid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output multichannel image.


Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 7 ]Specifies the color model of the output image


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9.1.40 ComposeChannels


class name ComposeChannelscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id compose channel

authorsPaolo ColettaMirko Demurtas

Compose several timeseries into a single multichannel timeseries

Notes The input timeseries may be multichannel too. In such cases the output time-series is composed of the sum of all channels of all timeseries. The output range is themaximum of the ranges of the input timeseries.


Input Stream 00id input audio stream 00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output stream

Input Stream

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


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Input Stream 01id input audio stream 01type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Stream

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Output streamid output audio streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input Stream 00inherited id *no*

Output audio buffer with multiple streams


Number of streamsid channelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Number of input streams


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9.1.41 ComposePCMchannels


class name ComposePCMchannelscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id compose pcm channels

authorsPaolo ColettaAlessandro Fausto

Builds an audio buffer composed of several pcm channels, by composing the input pcmaudio buffers.


Input 0id input 0type Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 0

Input 1id input 1type Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 1


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Outputid outputtype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output stream composed by all incoming input pcm buffers


Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Number of input audio streams. Each stream may be composed of many channels


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9.1.42 ComputeDistance


class name ComputeDistancecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Distanceauthors Simone Ghisio

This block calculates the distance between two points in absolute or signed value


Point Xid Input Xtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

X Point Coordinates

Point Yid Input Ytype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Y Point Coordinates


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Distanceid Distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Distance between x and y

X Axis Distanceid X Distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

X axis distance between x and y

Y Axis Distanceid Y Distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Y axis distance between x and y


Distance Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Signed distanceAbsolute distance

domain [ 0, 2 )Signed distance or absolute distance.


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9.1.43 ComputeFPS


class name ComputeFPScatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id compute fpsauthors Paolo Coletta

Computes the Frames Per Second of the input datatype


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input datatype whom framerate is going to be computed


FPSid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Computed Frames Per Second


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Selectorid selectortype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Creation TimePresentation TimeMedia Time

domain [ 0, 3 )Each datatype has more than one timestamp attached to itself. This parameter specifies

which one to use when computing FPS


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9.1.44 ComputeROIArea


class name ComputeROIAreacatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Areaauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block computes the area of a given input ROI


InputROIid Inputtype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input ROI.


Areaid Outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Area of Input ROI


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9.1.45 ComputeStatisticalInfo


class name ComputeStatisticalInfocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id statistical operationauthors Simone Ghisio

Compute some features of the input timeseries. Note that the features are computedbasing only on the data available in a single buffer of the timeseries, i.e., the block does nothave internal memory.


Input Bufferid Input Buffertype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input on which computing the specified statistical information.

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Output valueid Resulttype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Result of the operation


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Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:maximum value of the vectorminimum value of the vectormean of the vectorstandard deviation of the vectormaximum absolute value of the vectorcorrelation of the two input timeseries

domain [ 0, 5 ]Type of the operation


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9.1.46 ConcatenateStrings


class name ConcatenateStringscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id concatenate stringsauthors Paolo Coletta

Concatenates an arbitrary number of strings.


Input string 1id input 1type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input string 1 wil be placed at position 1 to build the output concatenated string

Input string 2id input 2type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input string 2 wil be placed at position 2 to build the output concatenated string


Output stringid outputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The concatenation of the input strings


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Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of inputs


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9.1.47 ConcatenateStringsToMultipleLines


class name ConcatenateStringsToMultipleLinescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id concatenate strings to multiple linesauthors Paolo Coletta

Concatenates sequence of strings to multiple lines (page), scrolling up the strings whenthe given number of rows (lines) is filled.


Input stringid input stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output substringreferred as inherited *no*

Input string from which a substring will be extracted.


Output substringid output stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id Input stringinherited id *no*

The output substring extracted from the input string.


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Number of linesid first charactertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Maximum number of lines to use


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9.1.48 ContainerSize


class name ContainerSizecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id container sizeauthors Paolo Coletta

Returns the size of a container (e.g., a list, a labelled set).


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the container which size will be estracted by the block

Required interfaceskernel, container


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size of the input container


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9.1.49 Convert3Don2D-Int


class name Convert3Don2D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id convert 3d on 2d intauthors Simone Ghisio

Convert 3D object into 2D object using a plane of projection correspondig with xy,xzor yz plane.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d conversion 2d


Output2Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 2D. It has the same type of input, but in 2 dimensions.


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FixedAxisid param axis 3dtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:XYZ

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the orthogonal axis to the plane of projection. The variable of this axis axumes

constant value 0.


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9.1.50 Convert3Don2D Double


class name Convert3Don2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id convert 3d on 2d doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Convert 3D object into 2D object using a plane of projection correspondig with xy,xzor yz plane.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d conversion 2d


Output2Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 2D. It has the same type of input, but in 2 dimensions.


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FixedAxisid param axis 3dtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:XYZ

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the orthogonal axis to the plane of projection. The variable of this axis axumes

constant value 0.


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9.1.51 ConvertAudioToPCM


class name ConvertAudioToPCMcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id convert to pcmauthors Massimiliano Peri

Converts an audio buffer to a static pcm audio buffer


Audio Bufferid input sound buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


PCM Bufferid output pcm buffertype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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PCMSampleFormatid pcm typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 bits unsigned8 bits signed16 bits unsigned16 bits signed24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage)24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage)32 bits unsigned32 bits signed32 bits float

domain [ 0, 11 )Specifies the format of each sample of the output PCM audio buffer


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9.1.52 ConvertPCMToAudio


class name ConvertPCMToAudiocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id convert from pcmauthors Massimiliano Peri

Converts an pcm audio buffer to a audio buffer


PCM Bufferid input sound buffertype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


Audio Bufferid output pcm buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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9.1.53 ConvertPCMToPCM


class name ConvertPCMToPCMcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id convert pcmauthors Alessandro Fausto

Converts an pcm audio buffer to a pcm audio buffer with another sample format.


PCM Bufferid input pcm buffertype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


PCM Bufferid output pcm buffertype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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PCMSampleFormatid pcm typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 bits unsigned8 bits signed16 bits unsigned16 bits signed24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage)24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage)32 bits unsigned32 bits signed32 bits float

domain [ 0, 11 )Specifies the format of each sample of the output PCM audio buffer


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9.1.54 Counter


class name Countercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Counterauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block counts the number of inputs


Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Descrption


Outputid Outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Description


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Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntegerReal

domain [ 0, 2 )Type Description

Stepid Steptype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Step Description

Beginid Begintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Begin Description

Endid Endtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

End Description

Custom reset valueid CustomResettype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

When the counter is reset, and the reset mode is set to custom value, this value is used.

Startid Starttype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Start Description

Stopid Stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


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Stop Description

Resetid Resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset Description

Start modeid StartModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AutoManual

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the counter automatically start counting when the patch is initialized

(Auto) or whether counting must be explicitelly started via the Start command.

Reset modeid ResetModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:BeginCustom value

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the behaviour when the counter is reset. The counter can reset to the initial

value (Begin) or to a custom value.

Bounding modeid TypeCountertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Unbounded counterBounded counterCircular counter

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies whether the counter is bounded (stops counting after a given bound is reached),

unbounded (counts forever) or circular (restart from the beginning after a given bound isreached).


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ActivateOnSpecialEventsid ActivateOnSpecialEventstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the block activates on special events such as PatchStart, or triggeringthe Reset command. If true, these events causes a block activation, if false the block justactivates when an input changes. Note that the events are not actually counted (e.g., onpatch start a zero count is generated), however, the number of activation of the blocks willdiffer from the number of inputs.


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9.1.55 CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double


class name CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group 3d objects into a geometric labelled set. The block can creategeometric labelled set 3d datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter. This blockaccepts geometric int inputs


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 00.

Required interfacesbase, base geometric 3d double


OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects.


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OutputLabelListid output label listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of labels of geometric labelled set 3d.


InputNumberid input numbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set 3d.

Label Generationid label generationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AutomaticUser

domain [ 0, 2 )The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label con-

tained in LABEL parameters.

Generate new labelsid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generationmode.


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9.1.56 CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int


class name CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group 3d objects into a geometric labelled set. The block can creategeometric labelled set 3d datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter. This blockaccepts geometric double inputs


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 00.

Required interfacesbase, base geometric 3d int


OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects.


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OutputLabelListid output label listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of labels of geometric labelled set 3d.


InputNumberid input numbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set 3d.

Label Generationid label generationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AutomaticUser

domain [ 0, 2 )The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label con-

tained in LABEL parameters.

Generate new labelsid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generationmode.


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9.1.57 CreateGeometricLabelledSetDouble


class name CreateGeometricLabelledSetDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id CreateGeometricLabelledSet-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group input values into a geometric labelled set. The block cancreate geometric or graphic labelled set datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter.This block accepts geometric/graphic int inputs


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 00.

Required interfacesBase, Vertex2DDouble


Output GeometricLabelledSetid output labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


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OutputLabelListid output label listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of labels of geometric labelled set.


InputNumberid input numbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set.

Input Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:GeometricGraphic

domain [ 0, 2 )It defines the type of output geometric labelled set.

Label Generationid label generationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AutomaticUser

domain [ 0, 2 )The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label con-

tained in LABEL parameters.

Generate new labelsid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generationmode.


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9.1.58 CreateGeometricLabelledSetInt


class name CreateGeometricLabelledSetIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id CreateGeometricLabelledSet-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group input values into a geometric labelled set. The block cancreate geometric or graphic labelled set datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter.This block accepts geometric/graphic double inputs


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 00.

Required interfacesBase, Vertex2DInt


Output GeometricLabelledSetid output labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D inttype id base, geometric labeled set 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


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OutputLabelListid output label listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of labels of geometric labelled set.


InputNumberid input numbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set.

Input Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:GeometricGraphic

domain [ 0, 2 )It defines the type of output geometric labelled set.

Label Generationid label generationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AutomaticUser

domain [ 0, 2 )The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label con-

tained in LABEL parameters.

Generate new labelsid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generationmode.


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9.1.59 CrossCorrelation


class name CrossCorrelationcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id cross correlationauthors Alberto Massari

Return an index of similarity between two buffers


Input bufferid input buffertype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Correlationid correlation indextype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The correlation between the input audio signal and the reference signal


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filename parameterid reference filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”IR file (*.wav)—*.wav—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Input wave file name. When file name is specified, the format of audio buffer is readedfrom the heqader of this file.

Learning modeid learning modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If in learning mode, the input buffer will be stored as reference signal


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9.1.60 Demultiplexer


class name Demultiplexercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Demuxauthors Mirko Demurtas



Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Outputid Output000type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Outputid Output001type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Num Outputid NOutputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Num Output

Typeid TypeDemuxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Input ChangingTime DemultiplexingTick Demultiplexing

domain [ 0, 2 ]Type

Timeid TimeDemuxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )


Staticid StatiDemuxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Tickid TickDemuxtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger



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9.1.61 Distance


class name Distancecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MatrixDistanceauthors Barbara Mazzarino

This block outputs a matrix distance.


DistanceMatrixid OutputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Distance Matrix


Distanceid ParamDimtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Dimension of the distance matrix


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9.1.62 DomainConversion


class name DomainConversioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id DomainConversionauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block covert the domain of the input


Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Outputid Outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Integer -¿ DoubleDouble -¿ Interger

domain [ 0, 2 )Type


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9.1.63 DoubleVectorToMatrix


class name DoubleVectorToMatrixcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id double vector to matrixauthors Paolo Coletta

Concatenates input vectors to build a matrix with a dimension which is fixed by theuser.


Vectorid vectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input vector


Matrixid matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix


lengthid lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of vectors needed to build a full matrix


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Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:HorizontalVertical

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the vectors are concatenated horizontally or vertically

Directionid directiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the videogram is computed from left to right or viceversa


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9.1.64 DrawBlob


class name DrawBlobcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id DrawBlobauthors Simone Ghisio

The block draws the input blob on input background image. If the input image is BGRor RGB the blob can be coloured by parameter Red Green Blue. If the input image isBW the blob appears in gray color. NOTE: since this block can be replaced by thegeneric Draw block.


Input Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

The input image used as background

Input Blobid Input blobtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2d

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

An image containing the silhouette of the blob.


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Output Imageid Output Imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input Imageinherited id *no*

The output image with background an blob in foreground


Redid Redtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Level of Red color. If input image si BW it’s used to calcuate the gray tone

Greenid Greentype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Level of Green color. If input image si BW it’s used to calcuate the gray tone

Blueid Bluetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Level of Blue color. If input image si BW it’s used to calcuate the gray tone


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9.1.65 DrawFilledShape


class name DrawFilledShapecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id draw filled shapesauthors Paolo Coletta

Draw a filled shape (e.g., a Rectangle) on the input datatype. Works on all datatypessupporting the IDrawFilledShape interface (e.g., IMage, CudaImage)


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Required interfacesbase, draw filled shapes


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*


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Coordinates Typeid coordinates typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether coordinates are expressed with integer values (absolute coordinates)

or in floating-point number normalized in the range [0.0-1.0] with respect to the image size

Operation Typeid operation typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Filled RectangleFrame Rectangle

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of operation performed: FilledRect: draws a filled rectangle FrameRect:

draws a frame around the given (non-filled) rectangle

Colorid colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the color of the drawn filled shape

Alphaid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the level of opacity of the draw operations: 0.0: the drawing is transparent1.0: the drawing is opaque

Ticknessid ticknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The tickness of the line, in pixels, in the case of drawing operations involving a pen,e.g., FrameRect


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Rectid recttype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

In the case that the selected drawing operation is a Filled Rectangle or a frame rectangle,this paramater specifies the position and size of the rectangle. If set to null, then therectangle covers the whole image.


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9.1.66 DrawGraphicObject


class name DrawGraphicObjectcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id DrawGraphicObject

authorsMirko DemurtasGualtiero Volpe

This block draws the input graphic 2D object


Input imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output imagereferred as inherited *no*

The input image on which the graphic object will be drawn.

Input graphic objectid InputGraphicObject00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The graphic object to be drawn.

Required interfacesBase, Drawing


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Output imageid Outputtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input imageinherited id *no*

The output image on which the graphic object has been drawn.


Number Inputid nInputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number Input

Qualityid Qualitytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:High qualityMedium qualityLow quality

domain [ 0, 3 )Quality draw

Draw Unchanged Datatypesid draw unchanged parameterstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, each time the block is activated it draws all inputs, regardless of whetherthey are changed or not (this is the old behaviour). If false (default behaviour), onlychanged datatypes are drawn.


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9.1.67 DrawText


class name DrawTextcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id draw textauthors Paolo Coletta

Draw text on the input datatype. Works on all datatypes supporting the IDrawTextinterface (e.g., Image, CudaImage)

Notes There is a similar block in EyesWeb named Title machine. The differences withthat block are: * this block does not support rotated text * this block works on severalimage datatypes * this block is OS independent


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Required interfacesbase, draw text


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*


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Textid texttype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The text to be overlaid on the image

Coordinates Typeid coordinates typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether coordinates are expressed with integer values (absolute coordinates)

or in floating-point number normalized in the range [0.0-1.0] with respect to the image size


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Font selctorid font selectortype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:arialarialbdarialbiarialiariblkcomiccomicbdcourcourbdcourbicouriestreframdframditgautamigeorgiageorgiabgeorgiaigeorgiazimpactlathaluconl 10646mangalmarlettmicrossmvbolipalapalabpalabipalairaavishrutisylfaensymboltahomatahomabdtimestimesbdtimesbitimesitrebuctrebucbdtrebucbitrebucittungaverdanaverdanabverdanaiverdanazwebdingswingding

domain [ 0, 52 )


Page 293: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

The list of available fonts

Fontid fonttype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The font to be used to draw the text. Currently you need to specify the name of thefont, without extension. The default system folder is used. E.g.: use comic to refer to fontC:\Windows\Fonts\comic.ttf

Font sizeid font sizetype Base, Size 2D doubletype id base, size2d double

The size of the font

Font boldid font boldtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the font is bold

Font italicid font italictype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the font is italic

Font underlinedid font underlinedtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the font is underlined (not implemented yet)

Colorid colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the color of the drawn filled shape

Alphaid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the level of opacity of the draw operations: 0.0: the drawing is transparent1.0: the drawing is opaque


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StrikeOut Ticknessid strikeout ticknesstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The tickness of the border of the text, in pixels. Use zero if no strikeOut is needed. Notethat tickness is always expressed in floating-point coordinates, regardless of the value of the’coordinates type’ parameter. However, the coordinates measurement unit are aboslutepixels; they are not normalized.

StrikeOut Colorid strike colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the color of the border of the text

StrikeOut Alphaid strikeout alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the level of opacity of the border of the text: 0.0: the drawing is transparent1.0: the drawing is opaque

Rectid recttype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

In the case that the selected drawing operation is a Filled Rectangle or a frame rectangle,this paramater specifies the position and size of the rectangle. If set to null, then therectangle covers the whole image.


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9.1.68 DynamicToStaticPCMAudioBuffer


class name DynamicToStaticPCMAudioBuffercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pcm dynamic to static audio buffer

authorsPaolo ColettaAlessandro Fausto

Converts a dynamic pcm audio buffer to a static pcm audio buffer


Inputid inputtype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio dynamic buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Dynamic PCM Audio buffer


Outputid outputtype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Static PCM Audio buffer

Num internal samplesid num internal samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size of the buffer of samples currently stored in the block


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Buffer size modeid buffer size modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:From audio clock inputUser specified

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the buffer size is user specified or if is inherited from an audio clock

input. In the case of a user specified buffer size (default), it is up to the user to guaranteethat the activation rate(use the block sync-in pin) is coherent with the given buffer-size andsampling-rate.In the case of an audio clock input, that input can be used as a clock sourceand the number of samples of the buffer is automatically computed by the block.

Cross fadeid do cross fadetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether cross fade is enable or abrupt switch is used

Clearid cleartype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

When this bang is received, the internally queued audio data is cleared

Number of samplesid num samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Name of the samples of the output datatype


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9.1.69 Ellipse2DGenerator


class name Ellipse2DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse2d generator int

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional ellipse that can be drawn too. The ellipse is represented bythe central point an the axis lenght.


Ellipseid valuetype Base, Ellipse 2D inttype id base, ellipse 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output ellipse.


Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:EllipsePointsCoordinates

domain [ 0, 3 )If parameter is set to ’point’ then it’s a point datatype (a structure that contain inside

both x and y). If the value is ’coordinates’ then the parameter ”point” is splitted into twoseparated coordinates x and y


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Domainid domaintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Geometric IntGeometric DoubleGraphic IntGraphic Double

domain [ 0, 4 )Specified the type of output. It’s possible choose double or int type. Moreover it’s

possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn

Xid xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Yid ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


X Axisid x axistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

X Axis lenght

Y Axisid y axistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Y Axis lenght


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Matrix Trasformid mode trasformtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:MatrixRotateTranslateScale

domain [ 0, 4 )Matrix Trasform

Matrix trasformid trasformtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Matrix trasform


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9.1.70 Ellipse3DGenerator


class name Ellipse3DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse 3d generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional ellipse. The object is represented by a center and 3 sizes.


OutputEllipse3Did ellipse outputtype Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3Doubletype id base, base geometric ellipse 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Ellipse 3D


Domainid mode parametertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether parameters and output are in the double or integer domain

XCoordinateid x parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

X coordinate of the center


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YCoordinateid y parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Y coordinate of the center

ZCoordinateid z parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Z coordinate of the center

XAxisid xsize parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lenght of x axis

YAxisid ysize parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lenght of y axis

ZAxisid zsize parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lenght of z axis


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9.1.71 EnvelopeFollower


class name EnvelopeFollowercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Envelopeauthors Simone Ghisio

Detect the envelope of the input buffer


Input Bufferid input buffertype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output Buffer

This is the signal buffer that must be elaborated

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Output Bufferid output buffertype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input Bufferinherited id *no*

This is the signal buffer that has been elaborated


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Rid Rtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

R in ohm

Cid Ctype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

C in Farad


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9.1.72 ExtractBlobFromList


blob from list.png blob from list.png

class name ExtractBlobFromListcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract blob from listauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract a blob from the input list according to ’extraction type’ value.It’s possible ex-tract the blob by area value, by height or width value, by its contraction indexor calculatingthe distance between its baricenter and a given point.


input listid input listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

list of blob


output blobid output blobtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2dinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

blob extracted from the input list


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extraction typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AreaHeightWidthContraction indexDistance from point

domain [ 0, 5 )specifies the feature used by the algorithm to extract the blob

min maxid minmaxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:MaxMin

domain [ 0, 2 )specifies if the algorithm must extract the blob with greather or smaller selected features


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9.1.73 ExtractBlobs


class name ExtractBlobscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract blobsauthors Mirko Demurtas

Extract connected pixels in the image and it puts toghether in a structure called blob.It’s possible associate togheter pixels not connected that are distant less or equal thenparameter ’distance’.


Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image form which extract blobs


List Blobid output blob listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of extracted blobs.


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Number Blobsid OutputCountBlobstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Number of Blobs extracted. This value is the size of List Blob and if there aren’t blobin the list the size is 0

Image Blobsid OutputImgBlobstype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

A gray tone Image containing all the extracted blobs. Blobs are distint by a differentgray level.

Image Thresholdid OutputImgThresholdtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The image after Threshold operation


Distanceid distancetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Max distance between two pixels to be in the same blob

Thresholdid Thresholdtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:DisabledSingle MonoSingle RangeMulti MonoMulti Range

domain [ 0, 5 )


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Type of threshold. -Disabled: no threshold operation. If the pixel value is different from0 the the pixel is processed -Single Mono: If the pixel value is more then threshold valueit’s processed. Otherwise the pixel is not computed. -Single Range: If the pixel value isbetween two values of threshold then it’s processed. It’s possible choose if the right value iscontained in the range or if it must be extrenal. -Multi Mono: It’s the same thing of SingleMono, but it’s possible specify the threshold for each channel colour. -Multi Range: Thesame thing of Singke Range but with the specification of the range for each channel colour.If Multi mode is selected then it’s possible choose wich channel thresholding: for exxampleit’s possible thresholding only R and G channlesor only B and R.


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9.1.74 ExtractBlobsIPP


class name ExtractBlobsIPPcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract blobs ippauthors Simone Ghisio

Extract connected pixels in the image and it puts toghether in a structure called blob.It’s possible associate togheter pixels not connected that are distant less or equal thenparameter ’distance’.


Imageid input video streamingtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image form which extract blobs


List Blobid output blob listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of extracted blobs.


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Number Blobsid output num blobtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Number of Blobs extracted. This value is the size of List Blob and if there aren’t blobin the list the size is 0


MinLabelid param min labeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Minimal value of the marker label

MaxLabelid param max labeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( -infinity, 254 ]

Maximal value of the marker label

Connectivityid param connectivitytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Infinity normL1 norm

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies type of the norm to form the mask for marker propagation: Infinity norm

(8-connectivity) L1 norm (4-connectivity)


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9.1.75 ExtractChannel


class name ExtractChannelcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image extract channel

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Extract a single channel from a multichannel image


Input imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input multichannel image


Output imageid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output singlechannel image


Channel indexid indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 3 ]


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Zero-based index of the channel to be extracted


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9.1.76 ExtractChannel


class name ExtractChannelcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract channelauthors Mirko Demurtas

Extract one or any channels from an audio stream

Error and Warning Messages - DURING EXECUTION PHASE - Unsupported timeseries datatype: if the input buffer is not an audio buffer or a temporal datatype.


Input streamid input audio streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output channel

Input stream

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Output channelid output audio stream 00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input streaminherited id *no*

Output channel


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Num outputid channelstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Multi output channel extract

Channel selected for outputid channel selecttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Channel selected for output


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9.1.77 ExtractColorBlobs


class name ExtractColorBlobscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract color blobsauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract a labeled set of blobs, basing on their color. The user specifies the labels ofthe extracted blob and, for each label, the color. The color matching is not required to beprecise.


InputImageid inputtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image where colored blobs will be searched. For performance reasons it issuggested, although not required, to provide an image in HSV format.


OutputBlobid outputtype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output blob. Note that if the image does not contain any pixel brighter than thethreshold, the blob would be empty, thus, no output is given


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Number of blobsid num blobstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of colored blobs to be searched

Color 1id rgb color 1type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Color to be searched

Label 1id label 1type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Label of the blob

Hue Threshold 1id hue threshold 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The threshold on the Hue value, normalized in the range from [0.0 to 1.0]. Values withthe given hue (color) plus or minus the hue threshold are assumed to have the same hue.

Saturation Threshold 1id saturation threshold 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The threshold on the Saturation value, normalized in the range from [0.0 to 1.0]. Valueswith the given hue (color) plus or minus the saturation threshold are assumed to have thesame saturation.


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9.1.78 ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet-Double


class name ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ExractGeometricLabelledSet-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block extract a single object from a GeometricLabelledSet of 3D objects. It’spossible to extract by label or by position.


Input GeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


OutputObjectid output valuetype Base, Graphic Ellipse 2D doubletype id base, graphic ecllipse 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output object extracted.


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Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:graphic ecllipse 2d doublegraphic line 2d doublegraphic point 2d doublegraphic polygon 2d doublegraphic polyline 2d doublegraphic rectangle 2d doubleellipse 2d doublegeometric labeled set 2d doubleline 2d doublepoint 2d doublepolygon 2d doublepolyline 2d doublerectangle 2d doublevector 2d double

domain [ 0, 14 )Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

ExtractionTypeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LabelPosition

domain [ 0, 2 )If Label mode is selected, the extraction in performed searching the label in the geomteric

labelled set. Otherwise the extraction is performed by position. Before the extraction the


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block verifies if datatype of object is compatible with DATATYPE parameter.

Labelid Labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Label searched in the input list.


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9.1.79 ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet-Int


class name ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ExractGeometricLabelledSet-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block extract a single object from a GeometricLabelledSet of 3D objects. It’spossible to extract by label or by position.


Input GeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D inttype id base, geometric labeled set 2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


OutputObjectid output valuetype Base, Graphic Ellipse 2D inttype id base, graphic ecllipse 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output object extracted.


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Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:graphic ecllipse 2d intgraphic line 2d intgraphic point 2d intgraphic polygon 2d intgraphic polyline 2d intgraphic rectangle 2d intellipse 2d intgeometric labeled set 2d intline 2d intpoint 2d intpolygon 2d intpolyline 2d intrectangle 2d intvector 2d int

domain [ 0, 14 )Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

ExtractionTypeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LabelPosition

domain [ 0, 2 )If Label mode is selected, the extraction in performed searching the label in the geomteric

labelled set. Otherwise the extraction is performed by position. Before the extraction the


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block verifies if datatype of object is compatible with DATATYPE parameter.

Labelid Labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Label searched in the input list.


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9.1.80 ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double


class name ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ExractGeometricLabelledSet3D-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block extract a single object from a GeometricLabelledSet of 3D objects. It’spossible to extract by label or by position.


Input GeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


OutputObjectid output valuetype Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3Doubletype id base, base geometric ellipse 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output object extracted.


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Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:base geometric ellipse 3d doublebase geometric labelled set 3d doublebase geometric line 3d doublebase geometric point 3d doublebase geometric rectangle 3d doublebase geometric size 3d doublebase geometric triangle 3d double

domain [ 0, 7 )Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

ExtractionTypeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LabelPosition

domain [ 0, 2 )If Label mode is selected, the extraction in performed searching the label in the geomteric

labelled set. Otherwise the extraction is performed by position. Before the extraction theblock verifies if datatype of object is compatible with DATATYPE parameter.

Labelid Labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Label searched in the input list.


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9.1.81 ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int


class name ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ExractGeometricLabelledSet3D-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block extract a single object from a GeometricLabelledSet of 3D objects. It’spossible to extract by label or by position.


Input GeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


OutputObjectid output valuetype Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3DInttype id base, base geometric ellipse 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output object extracted.


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Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:base geometric ellipse 3d intbase geometric labelled set 3d intbase geometric line 3d intbase geometric point 3d intbase geometric rectangle 3d intbase geometric size 3d intbase geometric triangle 3d int

domain [ 0, 7 )Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

ExtractionTypeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LabelPosition

domain [ 0, 2 )If Label mode is selected, the extraction in performed searching the label in the geomteric

labelled set. Otherwise the extraction is performed by position. Before the extraction theblock verifies if datatype of object is compatible with DATATYPE parameter.

Labelid Labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Label searched in the input list.


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9.1.82 ExtractImageField


class name ExtractImageFieldcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ImageExtractEvenOddauthors Mirko Demurtas

Extract a field (even or odd depending on an user choice) from an interlaced frame


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image


Output Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Image


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Even - Oddid param extracttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:EvenOdd

domain [ 0, 2 )Extract Even or Odd Lines


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9.1.83 ExtractMidiTimecode


class name ExtractMidiTimecodecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract midi timeocdeauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract the timecode from a MIDI stream of data


Midi Streamid miditype Base, MIDItype id base, midi

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The midi stream from which to extract and decode the MTC (Midi Timecode) messages


Timecodeid timeocdetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, timeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The timecode extracted (and decoded) from the midi stream


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9.1.84 ExtractSingleBlob


class name ExtractSingleBlobcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract single blobauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract a single blob from the input image, by assuming that every pixel over thethreshold belongs to the same unique blob. This block is designed to be used when it isreasonable to assume that the input image only contains a single blob and does not containnoise. In practice it can be used when tracking a single target in a controlled environment.For more complex environment refer to block @block(base,extract blobs).


InputImageid inputtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image which will be converted to a single blob. It must be a BW image


OutputBlobid outputtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2dinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output blob. Note that if the image does not contain any pixel brighter than thethreshold, the blob would be empty, thus, no output is given


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Thresholdid thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The threshold to decide which pixels will belong to the output blob. All pixels brighterthan the given threshold will belong to the blob


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9.1.85 ExtractSubstring


class name ExtractSubstringcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract substringauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract a substring from the input string.


Input stringid input stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output substringreferred as inherited *no*

Input string from which a substring will be extracted.


Output substringid output stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id Input stringinherited id *no*

The output substring extracted from the input string.


First characterid first charactertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The zero-based index of the first character to extract.


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Last characterid last charactertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Last character


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9.1.86 ExtractTimeFromDate


class name ExtractTimeFromDatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract time from dateauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract the time field from a date tatatype.


Dateid timetype Kernel, Datetimetype id kernel, datetime

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Timeid stringtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, timeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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9.1.87 FFTCues


class name FFTCuescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id fft cuesauthors Carlo Drioli



Input Fft bufferid input fftbuffertype Base, Audio FFT buffertype id base, audio fftbuffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Fft buffer


Output scalarid output scalartype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output scalar

Output matrixid output matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix


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Magnitudeid output scalar magnitudetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

In the case of Max, provide the magnitude of the fft in the maximum

Phaseid output scalar phasetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

In the case of Max, provides the phase of the fft in the maximum


cue typeid FftCues cuetype scalartype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneEnergyCentroidSpectral Irregularity (SPI)Spectral Flux (SPF)Spectral RolloffHigh Frequency Energy (HFE)High Frequency Content (HFC)Strongest Frequency

domain [ 0, 8 ]cue type

cue type (matrix)id FftCues cuetype matrixtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneMel Filter BankMfccMfcc Env.Power Spec.

domain [ 0, 4 ]


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cue tyoe (matrix)

Filterbank sizeid Filterbank Sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Filterbank size

N. of coeffsid n. of Coeffstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

N. of coeffs

dB flagid dB Flagtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

dB flag

mel flagid Mel Flagtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

mel flag

absolute threshold (ref. to linear energy)id abs thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

absolute threshold (ref. to linear energy)

perc. thresholdid perc. thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

perc. threshold


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9.1.88 FFTDisplay


class name FFTDisplaycatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FFTDisplay

authorsAlberto MassariAlessandro FaustoMirko Demurtas

This block visualizes graphically the FFT spectrum using the Windows GDI library.When the datatype frequently changes, drawing the FFT waveform generates a very highrefesh rate. In this case some personal computers seem not responsive because the miss theprocessing power required to both refresh the display and iteract with the user. To avoidthis situation, set the ’Refresh mode’ parameter to ’Frequency limited’ or to ’time limited’.– REMARKS –

– ERRORS – ’Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignored parameter list:¡LIST¿’ The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the ¡LIST¿ are ignoredbecause relative to one old version of DisplayGDI block.


fft dataid fft datatype Base, Audio FFT buffertype id base, audio fftbuffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The FFT buffer to display

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


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9.1.89 FFTransform


class name FFTransformcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id fast fourier transformauthors Carlo Drioli

FFT Transform


Input bufferid input datatype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Output Fft bufferid output fftbuffertype Base, Audio FFT buffertype id base, audio fftbufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Fft buffer


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fft sizeid FftTransform fftsizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Least possible FFT256512102420484096819216384

domain [ 0, 7 ]fft size

window typeid FftTransform windowtypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneBlackmanStdBartlettHammingHannKaiser

domain [ 0, 5 ]window type


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9.1.90 FIRFilter


class name FIRFiltercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FIRFilterauthors Roberto Sagoleo

This block operates as a low-pass, high-pass or band-pass filter.


Inputid FIRInputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input signal


Outputid FIROutputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output signal


Cut off frequency 1id FIRCutOff1Frequencytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

This is the first Cut off frequency


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Cut off frequency 2id FIRCutOff2Frequencytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

This is the second Cut off frequency

Numbers of tapsid FIRNumbersOfTapstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 5, +infinity )

This is the Number of taps

Smoothing window typeid FIRWindowTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Barlett windowBlackman windowHamming windowHann windowRect window

domain [ 0, 4 ]This is the Type of windows

Filter typeid FIRFilterTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Low-PassHigh-PassBand-Pass

domain [ 0, 2 ]Type of the FIR-filter (low-pass, high-pass or band-pass filtering)

Normalized taps valuesid FIRNormalizedTapsValuestype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

This is the Normalized taps flag


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Resetid FIRResettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Resets the FIR filter to its initial state, using the reset parameter data value.

Reset valueid ResetValuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Output reset value that is used when the reset-button is pressed.

Number of reset cyclesid ResetCyclestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of calls to the FIR-filtering algorithm function, used during the reset phasewhich is activated by pressing the reset parameter button.


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9.1.91 FaceDetection


class name FaceDetectioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FaceDetectionauthors Simone Ghisio

OpenCV face detection method based on Haar cascade classifiers.


InputImageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Image to detect objects in.


OutputImageid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output binary image with white regions representing the faces or any other object forwhich the classifiers were trained


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HaarCascadeXMLFileNameid HaarCascadeXMLFileNametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Haar classifier cascade training xml file. Those files are usually located in C:\ProgramFiles\OpenCV\data\haarcascades

ScaleFactorid ScaleFactortype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The factor by which the search window is scaled between the subsequent scans, forexample, 1.1 means increasing window by 10%.

MinNeighboorsid MinNeighboorstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Minimum number (minus 1) of neighbor rectangles that makes up an object. All thegroups of a smaller number of rectangles than min neighbors-1 are rejected. If min neighborsis 0, the function does not any grouping at all and returns all the detected candidate rect-angles, which may be useful if the user wants to apply a customized grouping procedure.

Flagsid Flagstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Mode of operation. Currently the only flag that may be specified is CV HAAR DO CANNY PRUNING.If it is set, the function uses Canny edge detector to reject some image regions that containtoo few or too much edges and thus can not contain the searched object. The particularthreshold values are tuned for face detection and in this case the pruning speeds up theprocessing.


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9.1.92 FileOperation


class name FileOperationcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id file operationauthors Simone Ghisio

Execute some oprations on files and directories. The operation is executed only whentrigger parameter is pressed. For CreateDirecotry, CurrentPath, Exists, FileSize, IsDirec-tory, IsEmpty, Remove and RemoveAll the operation uses only SourcePath and ignoredDestinationPath. For other operations the block uses DestinationPath too.


OperationTypeid operation typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:CopyFileCreateDirecotryCurrentPathExistsFileSizeIsDirectoryIsEmptyMoveRemoveRemoveAllRename

domain [ 0, 11 )Operation type. CopyFile: copy a file from source to destination path. CreateDirectory:

create a directory using source path name. Exists: verify if source path file or directoryexists. FileSize: return the size of source path file . IsDirectory: verify if source pathis a directory. IsEmpty: verify if source path directory is empty. MoveFile: move a filefrom source to destination path. Remove: remove source path file whithout asking confirm.RemoveAll: remove the whole content of source path (directory or file) whithout askingconfirm. Rename: reame source path to destination path.


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ExecuteOperationid triggertype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Execute operation

SourcePathid source pathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Source path

DestinationPathid destination pathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Destination path. Ignored in some operations.


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9.1.93 FilterBank


class name FilterBankcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id filter bankauthors Carlo Drioli

Filter bank


Input bufferid input buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer


Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


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Filter typeid filtertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:CustomGammatone - bands: 64Gammatone - bands: 32

domain [ 0, 3 )Let’s you select the filter type. The custome choise let’s you specify the coefficents of

the filter in the custom filter parameter.

Custom filterid custom filtertype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Let you specify the coefficents of the filter. The proposed coefficents are from the firstbuilt-in filter.

Channel indexid channel indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The filter works on a single channel of the audio buffer, even if the input buffer ismultichannel. This parameter let the user choose which channel to use.


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9.1.94 FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double


class name FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset from the input geometric labelled set 3d.


InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input geometric labelled set 3D. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geomteric object.


OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output geometric labelled set of homogeneous 3d geometric object.


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Extraction typeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:By TypeBy Label

domain [ 0, 2 )It’s possible to extract a subset of input, filtering by datatype or filtering by label.

Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:base geometric ellipse 3d doublebase geometric labelled set 3d doublebase geometric line 3d doublebase geometric point 3d doublebase geometric rectangle 3d doublebase geometric size 3d doublebase geometric triangle 3d double

domain [ 0, 7 )Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.


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9.1.95 FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int


class name FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset from the input geometric labelled set 3d.


InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input geometric labelled set 3D. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geomteric object.


OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output geometric labelled set of homogeneous 3d geometric object.


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Extraction typeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:By TypeBy Label

domain [ 0, 2 )It’s possible to extract a subset of input, filtering by datatype or filtering by label.

Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:base geometric ellipse 3d intbase geometric labelled set 3d intbase geometric line 3d intbase geometric point 3d intbase geometric rectangle 3d intbase geometric size 3d intbase geometric triangle 3d int

domain [ 0, 7 )Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.


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9.1.96 FilterGeometricLabelledSetDouble


class name FilterGeometricLabelledSetDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FilterGeometricLabelledSet-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset or a single item from the input labelled set.


Input GeometricLabelledSetid input labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object.


Output GeometricLabelledSetid output labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


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Extraction typeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:By TypeBy Label

domain [ 0, 2 )If ’By Type’ value is selected then the output is an homogeneous list of geometricobjects.

If ’By Label’ is selected then the block finput by label.

Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:graphic ecllipse 2d doublegraphic line 2d doublegraphic point 2d doublegraphic polygon 2d doublegraphic polyline 2d doublegraphic rectangle 2d doubleellipse 2d doublegeometric labeled set 2d doubleline 2d doublepoint 2d doublepolygon 2d doublepolyline 2d doublerectangle 2d doublevector 2d double

domain [ 0, 14 )Datatype contained in the input list.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.


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9.1.97 FilterGeometricLabelledSetInt


class name FilterGeometricLabelledSetIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FilterGeometricLabelledSet-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset or a single item from the input labelled set.


Input GeometricLabelledSetid input labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D inttype id base, geometric labeled set 2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object.


Output GeometricLabelledSetid output labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D inttype id base, geometric labeled set 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


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Extraction typeid Extractiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:By TypeBy Label

domain [ 0, 2 )If ’By Type’ value is selected then the output is an homogeneous list of geometricobjects.

If ’By Label’ is selected then the block finput by label.

Datatypeid ClassPArtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:graphic ecllipse 2d intgraphic line 2d intgraphic point 2d intgraphic polygon 2d intgraphic polyline 2d intgraphic rectangle 2d intellipse 2d intgeometric labeled set 2d intline 2d intpoint 2d intpolygon 2d intpolyline 2d intrectangle 2d intvector 2d int

domain [ 0, 14 )Datatype contained in the input list.

Catalogid Catalogtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected catalog id from ’Datatype’ parameter.

Classid Classtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Read only parameter. It’s the selected class id from ’Datatype’ parameter.


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9.1.98 FitEllipse


class name FitEllipsecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FitEllipseauthors Paolo Coletta

Computes the ellipse fitting the input points.


PointMatrixid FitEllipse PointMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Double matrix consisting of points of which the ellipse has to be computed (2xn, wheren¿=6).


EllipseOutputid FitEllipse EllipseOutputtype Base, Ellipse 2D doubletype id base, ellipse 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Bounding ellipse

EllipseAreaid FitEllipse EllipseAreatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Area of the ellipse.


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9.1.99 FlipFlopD


class name FlipFlopDcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id FlipFlipDauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block implement the behaviour of D-type flip flop with some enhancement.The useracting on the ’mode’ parameter can select if the input value is copied into output when theclock rise (0 -¿ 1), fall (1 -¿ 0) or each time a dataype arrives on the clock input.The blockalso have an input to set the startup value and a ’reset’ input to reset the output to thestartup value. – REMARKS – The ’value’ input and ’statup value’ input must receive thesame type of datatype. The ’reset’ input act like a trigger, when a new datatype arrivesthe output is set to the ’startup value’.


Input valueid input Valuetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

This is the flip flop input. When the clock input change match the current ’mode’parameter this value is copied into th output. The datatype must be the same of flip flopstartup value.

Input startup valueid input startup valuetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


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This value is used as startup value. When the patch start or when a new datatype arriveon the ’reset’ input this value is copied on the output. The datatype must be the same offlip flop input.

clockid input clocktype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input clock and control when the ’value’ input is copied into the output. Seethe description of ’mode’ parameter for more information on ’clock’ input handling.

resetid input resettype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This reset ’input’ act as a trigger and reset the output to the startup value. This inputis not required to execution the block.


Outputid output valuetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input valueinherited id *no*

This is the output value. This value is updated only on ’clock’ input event, ’reset’ inputevents or patch start event. The reset is asyncronous (do not wait the clock event).


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Modeid param modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:up frontdown fronttrigger

domain [ 0, 3 )Defines how the clock is used: ’up front’ places the image one by the other one. The

image size increases, whereas height is unchanged. ’down front’ places the image one bythe other one. The image size increases, whereas height is unchanged. ’trigger’ the inputis stored when each clock datatype arrives (the value of the clock is not analized).

Patch startid param patch starttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Reset the output value (the startup value is copied on the output pin) when the patchstart. The reset is asyncronous (do not wait the clock event).

Has resetid param resettype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Show or hide the ’reset’ input trigger. See the ’reset’ input pin description for moreinformations.


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9.1.100 Foreground Detection


class name Foreground Detectioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Foreground Detectionauthors Simone Ghisio

The block calculates foreground mask.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image


Foreground Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Foreground image

Background Imageid bg imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

BackGround image


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Modelid methodtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:HistogramGaussian

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the model used to extract foreground image. Both foreground/background

segmentation algorithm processes the sequence of images and trains statistical models forforeground and background pixels for this sequence. The algorithm applies the modelto each image, classifies its pixels as belonging to the foreground or background of thescene, and then updates the model with the image data. - Histogram- This method appliesthe histogram statistical model to the input image, and sets pixels of foreground imagecorresponding to the background pixels of the input image to zero, and foreground pixels -to non-zero value.- Gaussian - The algorithm applies the Gaussian mixture statistical modelto the input image, and sets pixels of output image corresponding to the background pixelsof the input image to zero, and foreground pixels - to non-zero value.

ValueQuantizationid value quanttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Number of quantization levels for pixel values

ChangeQuantizationid change quanttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Number of quantization levels for the speed of pixel value change

ValueUseid value usetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of most frequent pixel value levels used for classification


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Value Allid value alltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of all pixel value levels monitored by the model

ChangeUseid change usetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of most frequent speed levels used for classification

ChangeAllid change alltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of all speed levels monitored by the model

UpdBGPropIdid UpdBGProptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Speed of updating of the background probability

UpdBGRefIdid UpdBGReftype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Speed of updating of the reference background image

NumberFrameid Frametype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of background frames for adjustment of shadows searching. Only for 3-channelsimages.

DetectionRateid Detectiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Speed of shadows searching. Only for 3-channels images


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BrightnessDistortionid distortiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lower bound of the normalized brightness distortion for shadows. Only for 3-channelsimages

ShadowBGid shadowtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Flag of shadows searching. If shadowBG is 1, then pixels belonging to colored shadowsare marked as background, otherwise they may be included in foreground areas. Only for3-channels images


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9.1.101 FormatDateAsString


class name FormatDateAsStringcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id format date as string

authorsPaolo ColettaMassimiliano Peri

Formats a datetime to a string.


Inputid timetype Kernel, Datetimetype id kernel, datetime

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input date


Outputid stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output String


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Format typeid formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:CustomISOExtended ISO

domain [ 0, 3 )Format type

Format Modeid format modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Boost syntaxEyesWeb syntax

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether the custom format string uses the boost-based syntax or the EyesWeb


Format Stringid custom stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

For the boost syntax see: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/date time/date time io.html#date time.format flagsFor the EyesWeb syntax, see FormatTimeAsString for the time part. The date part is for-matted as it follows. + &[opts]Y Year + &[opts]m month (in digits) + &[opts]d day (indigits) + &M Month (English name) + &D Day (English name)


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9.1.102 FormatDoubleAsString


class name FormatDoubleAsStringcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id format double as stringauthors Paolo Coletta

Formats a double (floating-point number) as a string.


Input valueid inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input value


Stringid outputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Formatid string formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ExponentialDotted

domain [ 0, 2 )The output string will be formatted with the selected format

Precisionid precisiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )



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9.1.103 FormatGenericAsString


class name FormatGenericAsStringcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id format generic as stringauthors Paolo Coletta

Formats a generic datatype as a string (using the SerializeAsText method of the datatype).


Generic datatypeid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input can be any datatype. The only requirement is that the datatype implementsthe method SerializeAsText, which should be the case for any valid datatype.


Stringid outputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output string which contains a textual representation of the datatype.


Add init infoid init infotype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the serialized initialization info is added to each output string.


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9.1.104 FormatTimeAsString


class name FormatTimeAsStringcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id format time as stringauthors Paolo Coletta

Formats a time as a string.


Stringid timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Timeid stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Formatid string formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:hh:mm:ss.mshh:mm:sshh:mmms100 nshh:mm:ss/pal frameshh:mm:ss/pal frames::subframes@100Hzhh:mm:ss/ntsc frameshh:mm:ss/ntsc frames::subframes@120HzCustom (user specified format string)

domain [ 0, 10 )The output string will be formatted with the selected format

Custom format stringid custom format stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The parameter specifies the time string representation, according to the given formatstring. If no format string is given, than the string representation of the TIME value isreturned. The valid specifiers for the format string are the following: + %[opts] D totalnumber of days + %[opts] H total number of hours + %[opts] M total number of minutes +%[opts] S total number of seconds + %[opts] t total number of tenth of seconds + %[opts] htotal number of hundreds of seconds + %[opts] m total number of milliseconds + %[opts] ctotal number of microseconds + %[opts] n total number of nanoseconds + %[opts] d totalnumber of 100nanoseconds (DirectShow unit) + %[opts] p total number of PAL frames +%[opts] f total number of NTSC frames + %[opts][*sr] s total number of frames sampled @[sr] Hertz. Default value for [sr] is 100 + %[opts]H remaining number of hours + %[opts]Mremaining number of minutes + %[opts]S remaining number of seconds + %[opts]t remain-ing number of tenth of seconds + %[opts]h remaining number of hundreds of seconds +%[opts]m remaining number of milliseconds + %[opts]c remaining number of microseconds+ %[opts]n remaining number of nanoseconds + %[opts]d remaining number of 100nanosec-onds (DirectShow unit) + %[opts]p remaining number of PAL frames + %[opts]f remainingnumber of NTSC frames where valid options [opts] are: a number specifying the minimumsize (in characters) of the formatted string. If the given size is not reached, the stringwill be zero-padded. and [sr] is the sampling rate when a standard one (PAL or NTSC)is not used. All characters in the format string which will not be recognized as options orformat specifiers will be copied to the output string without changes. Examples: value:36000560000; format string: % H:%M:%S:%h; result: 1:0:0:56


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9.1.105 GeometricFeatures3D-Double


class name GeometricFeatures3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id GeometricFeatures3D-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block computes some aggregate geometric features from a set of 3d objects.

Notes According to the type of computation required by the user, some objects mightbe approximated by a single point. For example, to compute the baricenter, all items in thelabelled set are approximated by single points; e.g., a line is represented by its baricenter,etc


InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous set of 3dgeometric object.


Baricenter3Did output pointtype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


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OutputTypeid output typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:BaricenterBounding rectangle

domain [ 0, 2 )Output type.


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9.1.106 GeometricFeatures3D-Int


class name GeometricFeatures3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id GeometricFeatures3D-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

The block computes some aggregate geometric features from a set of 3d objects.

Notes According to the type of cmputation required by the user, some objects mightbe approximated by a single point. For example, to compute the baricenter, all items in thelabelled set are approximated by single points; e.g., a line is represented by its baricenter,etc


InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous set of 3dgeometric object.


Baricenter3Did output pointtype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInttype id base, base geometric point 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3dgeometric object.


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OutputTypeid output typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:BaricenterBounding rectangle

domain [ 0, 2 )Output type.


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9.1.107 GetEllipse2DFeatures - double


class name GetEllipse2DFeatures - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get ellipse2d features double

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto SagoleoGualtiero Volpe

This blocks returns a selected feature of the input ellipse (e.g., coordinates of the center,length of the axes, eccentricity)


Input ellipseid inputtype Base, Ellipse 2D doubletype id base, ellipse 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input ellipse.


Extracted featureid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The current value of the extracted feature.


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Feature to extractid feature to extracttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:X coordinate of the centerY coordinate of the centerLength of the x axisLength of the y axisEccentricityAreaRotation

domain [ 0, 7 )The feature to be extracted from the input ellipse.It’s possible extract the cooridnates

of the centre of the elipse, the leght of x and y axis or the eccentricity (x and y axis lenghtratio. The value is normalized between 0 and 1)


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9.1.108 GetEllipse2DFeatures - int


class name GetEllipse2DFeatures - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get ellispe2d features int

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto SagoleoGualtiero Volpe

This blocks returns the selected feature of the input ellipse (e.g., coordinates of thecenter, length of the axes, eccentricity)


Input ellipseid inputtype Base, Ellipse 2D inttype id base, ellipse 2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input ellipse.


Extracted featureid outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The current value of the extracted feature.


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Feature to extractid feature to extracttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:X coordinate of the centerY coordinate of the centerLength of the x axisLength of the y axisEccentricityAreaRotation

domain [ 0, 7 )The feature to be extracted from the input ellipse.It’s possible extract the cooridnates

of the centre of the elipse, the leght of x and y axis or the eccentricity (x and y axis lenghtratio. The value is normalized between 0 and 1)


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9.1.109 GetEllipse3DFeatures-Double


class name GetEllipse3DFeatures-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse features doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D ellipse.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3Doubletype id base, base geometric ellipse 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


Centerid output centertype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the center.

Sizesid output sizetype Base, BaseGeometricSize3Doubletype id base, base geometric size 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Sizes of the ellipse.


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9.1.110 GetEllipse3DFeatures-Int


class name GetEllipse3DFeatures-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse features intauthors Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D ellipse.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3DInttype id base, base geometric ellipse 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


Centerid output centertype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInttype id base, base geometric point 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the center.

Sizesid output sizetype Base, BaseGeometricSize3DInttype id base, base geometric size 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Sizes of the ellipse.


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9.1.111 GetImageStatistics


class name GetImageStatisticscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image statistics

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Provides statistics about the image, such as mean, max, stddev, etc. The processing ofeach statistics can be activated indipendently from the other one, in order toreduce CPUoverhead. Note that all outputs are always kept, even if the computation is disabled.Thisis done to let user enable/disable such computations even at run-time


Inputid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image on which to compute statistics. Although multichannel images are accepted,statistics will be computed on one channel only.


Minid output mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Computed min value


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Maxid output maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Computed max value

Meanid output meantype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Computed mean value

Standard deviationid output stddevtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Computed standard deviation

Sumid output sumtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Computed sum

Min positionid output minidxtype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Position of the min value

Max positionid output maxidxtype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Position of the max value


Channel indexid indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 3 ]

Index of the channel on which to compute statistics.

Minid compute mintype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute min value

Maxid compute maxtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute max value

Meanid compute meantype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute mean value

Standard deviationid compute stddevtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute standard deviation

Sumid compute sumtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute sum

Index of Minid compute minidxtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute min value


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Index of Maxid compute maxidxtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute index of max value


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9.1.112 GetIndexedPath


class name GetIndexedPathcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get indexed pathauthors Paolo Coletta

This block receives an index as input, and provides, as output the name of the corre-sponding file (or folder) in the filesystem. The user can specify the folder where the filesare looked for, whether to recurse subfolders or not, and a pattern of the files to be takeninto account. Furthermore, the user can specify the sorting criteria and the behaviour ofthe block when an invalid index is given.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

File index


Pathnameid pathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Full pathname


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Number of filesid number of filestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Number of files found


Source Folderid pathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringlayout Folder

Source Folder

Recursiveid recursivetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Recursive search

Files or pathsid file or pathtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:FilePath

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the block enumerates files or paths

Filename maskid masktype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Filename/pathname mask (use regular expression syntax in Perl syntax: http://www.boost.org/libs/regex/doc/syntax perl.html#Perl)


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Order byid order bytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NameLast WriteSize

domain [ 0, 3 )Order file by name, date etc..

Sorting typeid sorting typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AscendingDescendingRandom

domain [ 0, 3 )Sorting Type

Refreshid refreshtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Out of boundsid out of boundtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:WrapBoundIgnore

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the behaviour if the index of file is negative or greater than the number of files in

the seleceted folder


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9.1.113 GetLine3DFeatures-Double


class name GetLine3DFeatures-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line features doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D line.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLine3Doubletype id base, base geometric line 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


PointAid output point atype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the first point.

PointBid output point btype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the second point.


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9.1.114 GetLine3DFeatures-Int


class name GetLine3DFeatures-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line features intauthors Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D line.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLine3DInttype id base, base geometric line 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


PointAid output point atype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the first point.

PointBid output point btype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the second point.


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9.1.115 GetPixel


class name GetPixelcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id GetPixelauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block extracts from input image the color components of one pixel.The pixel isselected by its (X,Y) cartesian coordinates.


imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


OutputRGBid OutputRGBtype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolorinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Pixel channels (Red, green, blue) with normalized values

OutputAlphaid OutputAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Alpha channel with normalized values


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Outputid paramOutputModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RGB color and alpha value (RGB + double)Normalized channels values (double)Channels values (integer)

domain [ 0, 3 )Discriminate between the format of output information

Coordinatesid paramPositionModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Separated integer X and YSeparated floating point X and Y(x,y) integer coordinate(x,y) Floating point coordinate

domain [ 0, 4 )Discriminate between different modes to specify the position of selected pixel.The differ-

ence between this modes are two.The first difference concern the datatype used to containthis informations.The second diference is the range of coordinates. This block expect nor-malized values (0,1) for each coordinate when floating point coordinates are select.Otherwiseit expect (0,width) for X coordinate and (0,height) for Y coordinate.The coordinate systemis allways cartesian.

(X,Y)id paramPositiontype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

Is the coordinate of pixel (the column and row of pixel). Each component is expectedin range (0,1).


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9.1.116 GetPoint2DCoordinates


class name GetPoint2DCoordinatescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get point2d coordinates

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Extracts the coordinates (x, y) of a bidimensional point. Work with both integer orfloating point points


Input pointid inputtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input bidimensional point whose coordinates will be extracted


Output Xid output xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

X coordinate extracted from the input point

Output Yid output ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Y coordinate extracted from the input point


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Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the block operates with integer coordinates or with double coordinates.


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9.1.117 GetPoint3DCoordinates-Double


class name GetPoint3DCoordinates-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point coordinates doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Return coordinates of 3D point.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


Coordinate Xid output coordinate xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates X.

Coordinate Yid output coordinate ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates Y.


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Coordinate Zid output coordinate ztype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates Z.


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9.1.118 GetPoint3DCoordinates-Int


class name GetPoint3DCoordinates-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point coordinates intauthors Simone Ghisio

Return coordinates of 3D point.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInttype id base, base geometric point 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


Coordinate Xid output coordinate xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates X.

Coordinate Yid output coordinate ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates Y.


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Coordinate Zid output coordinate ztype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates Z.


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9.1.119 GetROI


class name GetROIcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image get roi

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

This block extract the coordinate of image Region Of Interest (ROI). The image ROI isa rectangular area which may be either some part of the image or the whole image. Mostimaging blocks operations will only affect the ROI instead of the whole image.


Input imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


ROI coordinatesid output video roitype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinate of image region of interest (ROI).


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9.1.120 GetRectangle3DFeatures-Double


class name GetRectangle3DFeatures-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle features doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D rectangle.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricRectangle3Doubletype id base, base geometric rectangle 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


Originid output centertype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the Origin.

Sizesid output sizetype Base, BaseGeometricSize3Doubletype id base, base geometric size 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Sizes of the rectangle.


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9.1.121 GetRectangle3DFeatures-Int


class name GetRectangle3DFeatures-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle features intauthors Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D rectangle.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricRectangle3DInttype id base, base geometric rectangle 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


Originid output centertype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInttype id base, base geometric point 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Coordinates of the Origin.

Sizesid output sizetype Base, BaseGeometricSize3DInttype id base, base geometric size 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Sizes of the rectangle.


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9.1.122 GetRotation3D-Double


class name GetRotation3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id transform 3d values doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Return rotation of 3D object.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double


Rotationid output rotatetype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The orientation of the object. In this case orientation is stored in point structure.


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9.1.123 GetRotation3D-Int


class name GetRotation3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id transform 3d values intauthors Simone Ghisio

Return rotation of 3D object.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate int


Rotationid output rotatetype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The orientation of the object. In this case orientation is stored in point structure.


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9.1.124 GetSize2DFields - double


class name GetSize2DFields - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get size2d fields double

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Extracts the fields of a bidimensional size. Work with double sizes (sizes with floatingpoint fields)


Input sizeid inputtype Base, Size 2D doubletype id base, size2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input bidimensional size whose fileds will be extracted


Output Xid output cxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along the X axis, i.e., width

Output Yid output cytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along the Y axis, i.e., height


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9.1.125 GetSize2DFields - int


class name GetSize2DFields - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get size2d fields int

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Extracts the fields of a bidimensional size. Work with integer sizes (sizes with integerfields)


Input sizeid inputtype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input bidimensional size whose fileds will be extracted


Output Xid output cxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along the X axis, i.e., width

Output Yid output cytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along the Y axis, i.e., height


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9.1.126 GetSize3DFields-Double


class name GetSize3DFields-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id size fields doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Return fields of Size 3D.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricSize3Doubletype id base, base geometric size 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


XSizeid output size xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along x axis.

YSizeid output size ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along y axis.


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ZSizeid output size ztype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along z axis.


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9.1.127 GetSize3DFields-Int


class name GetSize3DFields-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id size fields intauthors Simone Ghisio

Return fields of Size 3D.


Input3Did input 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricSize3DInttype id base, base geometric size 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D


XSizeid output size xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along x axis.

YSizeid output size ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along y axis.


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ZSizeid output size ztype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Size along z axis.


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9.1.128 GetVector2DCoordinates - double


class name GetVector2DCoordinates - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get vector2d coordinates double

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

This blocks returns the coordinates of the input 2D vector either in a cartesian or in apolar reference system


Input vectorid inputtype Base, Vector 2D doubletype id base, vector 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input vecctor


First coordinateid output xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The x coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the module (in a polar referencesystem)

Second coordinateid output ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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The y coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the angle (in a polar referencesystem)


Output coordinatesid output coordinatestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CartesianPolar

domain [ 0, 2 )The coordinate reference system used to extract the vector coordinates (it may be either

cartesian or polar)

Get versorid get versortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If this parameter is set to true, the (normalized) x and y components of the versor ofthe input vector are returned. This parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates arein cartesian coordinates.

Angle measure unitid angle unittype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:RadiantsDegrees

domain [ 0, 2 )The measure unit for the angle of the input vector (either radiants or degrees). This

parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates are polar coordinates.


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9.1.129 GetVector2DCoordinates - int


class name GetVector2DCoordinates - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get vector2d coordinates int

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

This blocks returns the coordinates of the input 2D vector either in a cartesian or in apolar reference system


Input vectorid inputtype Base, Vector 2D inttype id base, vector 2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input vecctor


First coordinateid output xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The x coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the module (in a polar referencesystem)

Second coordinateid output ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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The y coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the angle (in a polar referencesystem)


Output coordinatesid output coordinatestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CartesianPolar

domain [ 0, 2 )The coordinate reference system used to extract the vector coordinates (it may be either

cartesian or polar)

Get versorid get versortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If this parameter is set to true, the (normalized) x and y components of the versor ofthe input vector are returned. This parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates arein cartesian coordinates.

Angle measure unitid angle unittype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:RadiantsDegrees

domain [ 0, 2 )The measure unit for the angle of the input vector (either radiants or degrees). This

parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates are polar coordinates.


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9.1.130 GoodFeatures


class name GoodFeaturescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Good Featuresauthors Simone Ghisio

The block finds corners with big eigenvalues in the image.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image


Output Geometric Labelled Setid output geometric labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of features generated by the method.


Generate new pointsid loadtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Generates new points to track


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Points To Trackid points to trackstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of Points To Track

Quality Levelid quality leveltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Multiplier for the maxmin eigenvalue; specifies minimal accepted quality of image cor-ners.

Minimum distanceid minimum distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Limit, specifying minimum possible distance between returned corners; Euclidian dis-tance is used.

Input typeid input typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ImageImage + Blob

domain [ 0, 2 )The parameter specifying the input type. If image is selected teh method assignsfeatures

in the entire image. If Image + Blob is selected the method assigns points only in thesilhouette area.

Output typeid output typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )The parameter specifying if the output is integer (pixel value) or double.


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9.1.131 GrayToColor


class name GrayToColorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id GrayToColorauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Converts a gray scaled image into a colored image


InputImageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Gray scaled input image


OutputImageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

RGB colored output image


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Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:RGBBGR

domain [ 0, 1 ]Color model of the output image.

FractionRedid redtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Red component of the output image

FractionGreenid greentype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Green component of the output image

FractionBlueid blutype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Blue component of the output image


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9.1.132 GrayToRainbow


class name GrayToRainbowcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id GrayToRainbowauthors Mirko Demurtas

Color the gray image


Imageid Inputtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image


Imageid Outputtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Image


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9.1.133 HaarCascade


class name HaarCascadecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id haarcascadeauthors Maurizio Mancini

Runs a classifiers for detecting objects of a particular type. Haar classifiers are commonlyused to detect faces; however, other objects can be detected according to the trained datawhich is being used. The output is a list of rectangles each surrounding a zone were anobject has been detected


InputImageid haarcascadeinputimagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Rectangles listid haarcascadeoutputlisttype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of extracted areas (list of Geometric Rectangle 2D Double).


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Classifier pathid haarcascadeclassifierpathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



Path to the XML file containing the classifier data. Some classifiers are provided togetherwith the OpenCv distribution, which can be downloaded from the SourceForge websitehttp://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary

Min neighborsid haarcascademinneighborstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Minimum number (minus 1) of neighbor rectangles that makes up an object. All thegroups of a smaller number of rectangles than min neighbors-1 are rejected. If min neighborsis 0, the function does not any grouping at all and returns all the detected candidate rect-angles, which may be useful if the user wants to apply a customized grouping procedure.

Scale Factorid haarcascadescalefactortype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The factor by which the search window is scaled between the subsequent scans, forexample, 1.1 means increasing window by 10%%.

Do Canny Pruningid haarcascadedocannypruningtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR DO CANNY PRUNING flag (seeOpenCv doc)

Scale Imageid haarcascadescaleimagetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR SCALE IMAGE flag (see OpenCvdoc)


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Find Biggest Objectid haarcascadefindbiggestobjecttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR FIND BIGGEST OBJECT flag (seeOpenCv doc)

Do Rough Searchid haarcascadedoroughsearchtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR DO ROUGH SEARCH flag (see OpenCvdoc)


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9.1.134 HammingDistance


class name HammingDistancecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id hamming distanceauthors Paolo Coletta

Computes the hamming distance between two images

Details Hamming distance is computed by pairwise comparing the bits of two pixels,and counting the number of different ones.

Notes For an 8-bits image, the maximum difference is 8; since the output range inthis case would be 0-255 a value of 8 is a very dark grey. This means that you shouldprobably amplify the output or threshold it in order to visualize the result.


Input 1id input 0type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

Input image to compute the distance with the second one

Input 2id input 1type Base, Imagetype id base, imagerequired required for executionread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image to compute the distance with the first one


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Outputid outputtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input 1inherited id *no*

Resulting image


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9.1.135 Histogram


class name Histogramcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image histogram

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Computes the histogram of an image


Input imageid inputtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image to be analyzed. The image can be both single channel or multichannel.The settings of the block let you ignore the alpha channel, in the case that you do not needto compute its histogram.


Output histogramid output histtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The calculated input image histogram matrix. The matrix has a row for every channelof the input image, and a column for every histogram bin


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Output histogram levelsid output hist levelstype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is a single-row matrix containing the levels used to calculate the histogram bins.The number of levels (columns) is NumBins+1


Num. binsid num binstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Specifies the number of histogram bins. The number of levels is NumBins+1

Lower levelid lower leveltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the lower level of the interval that is used to evenly distribute the histogrambins

Upper levelid upper leveltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the upper level of the interval that is used to evenly distribute the histogrambins

Levelsid levelstype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Specifies the histogram levels. The n-th histogram bin is in the interval [ level(n) ..level(n+1) )

Ignore Alphaid ingore alphatype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When false, the histogram is calculated also for the alpha channel


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Normalizedid normalizedtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When false every bin contains the number of pixels that falls in the corresponding bininterval, when true the same number is divided by the total number of pixels in the image

Accumulateid accumulatetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When false the output histogram is calculated on the very last input image, when truethe histogram is calculated on all the input images from the last ’Clear’ command to thelast image

Clearid cleartype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Clear the accumulated histograms when in ’Accumulate’ mode


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9.1.136 HistogramDistribution


class name HistogramDistributioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image probability distribution

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Computes the probability distribution of an image given a probability histogram


Input imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the image for which the probability distribution of the given histogram is calcu-lated

Input histogramid input histtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the histogram used to calculate the probability distribution of the given image


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Input histogram levelsid input hist levelstype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Represents the histogram levels used to calculate the given histogram


Output imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output image where the (floating point) probabilities of every single pixel of the imputimage are stored


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9.1.137 HistogramSimple


class name HistogramSimplecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Histogramauthors Mirko Demurtas

Calculates the histogram of the image. It operates on uniform bins of unitary size, i.e.,each bin spans one color level. In an 8 bit image, where color levels span the range [0-255]there are 255 bins: [0-1], [1-2], [2-3], ..., [254-255].


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image


Matrixid output matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Histogram of image


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9.1.138 HistogramSizeBlob


class name HistogramSizeBlobcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id histogram size blobauthors Simone Ghisio

HistogramSizeBlob block performs a vertical/horizontal scan of the input blob and givean integer matrix as output. The matrix has width/height columns and 1 row. The valueof each cell is the number of white pixel in the vertical/horizontal line of the blob.


Input Blobid input blobtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2d

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input silhouette of the image.


Output Histogramid output histogramtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix histogram.


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Scan directionid scan directiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:VerticalHorizontal

domain [ 0, 2 )Scan Direction


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9.1.139 IFFTransform


class name IFFTransformcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id inv fast fourier transformauthors Carlo Drioli

Inverse FFT Transform


Input Fft bufferid input fftbuffertype Base, Audio FFT buffertype id base, audio fftbuffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Fft buffer


Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


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9.1.140 Image extremes


class name Image extremescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image extremesauthors Simone Ghisio

This block find extreme pixels in the input blob and returns the coordinate of thatpoint.


Input Blobid input blobtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2d

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input silhouette of the image.


Output Pointid output pointtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output point


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Positionid parameter positiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:TopRightBottomLeft

domain [ 0, 4 )Position

Typeid parameter typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Type


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9.1.141 ImageAudioDisplay


class name ImageAudioDisplaycatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id DrawAudioauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block displays the waveform of the input audio stream


Imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Background of graph image

Audioid InputData00type Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Audio Input


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Outputid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Graph image output


Font Axisid FontAxistype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Font Axis

Labelid Labeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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9.1.142 ImageBlur


class name ImageBlurcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id opencv image blurauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block smooth the input image using the blur algorithm. The size of neigthbor areapixels is given as parameter and must be odd.


imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace OutputImagereferred as inherited *no*

Image to blur


OutputImageid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id imageinherited id *no*

Blurred image


Neighborhoodid Neightborhoodtype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Set the size of neightbor area, must be odd.


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9.1.143 ImageConcatenate


class name ImageConcatenatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ImageConcatenateauthors Alessandro Fausto

Places images one by the other one to form a bigger image. – REMARKS – Theimages must have the same format (color model, pixel model, alpha channel). If the imageconcatenation is done horizontally the height of all input images must be the same.If theimage concatenation is done vertically the width of all input images must be the same.


Image1id video stream 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

This is the 1-th input image. All images must use the same color model and pixel depth.

Required interfacesBase, ImageConversion

Image2id video stream 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the 2-th input image. All images must use the same color model and pixel depth.


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Required interfacesBase, ImageConversion


Outputid video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Image1inherited id *no*

This is the output image which contains the input images


Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of input images that the block will accept

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:horizontallyvertically

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines how the images are placed: ’horizontally’ places the image one by the other one.

The image size increases, whereas height is unchanged. ’vertically’ places the image oneover the other one. The image height increases, whereas size is unchanged.

Orderid ordertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:left to rightright to left

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines how the input is concatenated: ’left to right’ input images are concatenated

starting from the left side of output image; ’right to left’ input images are concatenatedstarting from the right side of output image.


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9.1.144 ImageConversion


class name ImageConversioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image converter

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Converts the image from one format to another. It may perform color model conversionas well as pixel format conversion


Input imageid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output image

Input image which needs to be converted

Required interfacesBase, ImageConversion


Output imageid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input imageinherited id *no*

Converted image


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Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 18 )The color model define the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of

following values:Same as input (Use the same color model of the input image)BW (1 channel: grayscale);BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red);RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue);YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).


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Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Same as input8 bits per channel, unsigned16 bits per channel, unsigned16 bits per channel, signed32 bits per channel, floating-point

domain [ 0, 5 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.

Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Size of the image, in pixels. Set the size to (0; 0) for using the same size of inputimage. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are justsuggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards)

640x480 VGA (old graphic cards)1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15” LCDmonitors)1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17” LCD monitors)1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks)1600x1200 UXGA (20” LCD monitors)1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors)352x288 PAL QCIF720x576 PAL


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LetterBox Modeid letterbox modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No letterboxCenterMiddleNoneTopNoneMiddleNoneBottomLeftNoneLeftTopLeftMiddleLeftBottomCenterNoneCenterTopCenterBottomRightNoneRightTopRightMiddleRightBottom

domain [ 0, 16 )Specifies where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in ’No letterbox’

the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to coverall available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus ablack frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space.This enumerator specifies where to place such black frame. Since the user might not knowin advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each modespecifies how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle meansthat if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, andthe matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image willbe vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the first referring to thehorizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontalcentering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assumevalues none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is neededon that direction, than the image is stretched to fill the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTopmeans that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is appliedand the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destinationrect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below.

Preserve ROIid preserve roitype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether a ROI is set on the output image, or not. If not, the output imagehas no ROI, if yes, the output ROI is set equalto the input ROI (or proportional to it in


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the case that the image size changes

Interpolationid interpolationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Nearest NeighborLinearCubic

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed.A rough interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the

CPU usage to perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation(e.g., cubic) provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.


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9.1.145 ImageFixedFilter


class name ImageFixedFiltercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image fixed filter

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Apply fixed filter to input image


image inputid input video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Image

image input

Required interfacesbase, image filter Base, ImageROI Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


Imageid output video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id image inputinherited id *no*

The image after the filtering.


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Filterid filtertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Prewitt HorizontalPrewitt VerticalSobel HorizontalSobel VerticalRoberts DownRoberts UpLaplace 3x3Laplace 5x5Gauss 3x3Gauss 5x5Hi pass 3x3Hi pass 5x5Low pass 3x3Low pass 5x5SharpenGeneric

domain [ 0, 16 )Filter

Kernelid filter kerneltype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix


Divisorid divisortype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



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9.1.146 ImageGenerator


class name ImageGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image generator

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

This block generates an image using one of the following six sources: Constant Colorbars Random values with uniform distribution Random values with Gaussian distributionJaehne Ramp


Outputid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output with the characteristics specified in the block


Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following,however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200CGA (very old graphic cards)

640x480 VGA (old graphic cards)1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15” LCDmonitors)1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17” LCD monitors)1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks)1600x1200 UXGA (20” LCD monitors)1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors)352x288 PAL QCIF720x576 PAL


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Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 unsigned16 unsigned16 signed32 Float

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.

Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 17 )The color model define the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of

following values:BW (1 channel: grayscale);BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red);RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue);YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);


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YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).

Continuousid continuoustype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes(false)

Colorid constant colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

This color is used as main color value (RGB space model) in ’Constant’, ’Jaehne’ and’Ramp’ source type.

Alphaid constant alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The alpha channel is filled with this value.

Source typeid source typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ConstantColor barsRandom values with uniform distributionRandom values with Gaussian distributionJaehneRamp

domain [ 0, 6 )Specifies the type of image generated. May assume one of following values:Constant (all pixels have the same color)Color Bars (vertical bar of colors)Random values with uniform distribution (pixels have random values)Random values with Gaussian distribution (pixels have random values)Jaehne (Jaehnes test image)Ramp (gradient of color intensity starting on the upper left corner)


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Seedid seedtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Seed value used to initialize the random number generator.This parameter is used in the two ’Random value’ source types.

Min (uniform)id unif mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lower bound for the range of uniform distribution.This parameter is used only in the ’Random value with uniform distribution’ source


Max (uniform)id unif maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Upper bound for the range of uniform distribution.This parameter is used only in the ’Random value with uniform distribution’ source


Meanid gauss meantype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Mean of gaussian distribution.This parameter is used only in the ’Random value with gaussian distribution’ source


Standard deviationid gauss stddevtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Standard deviation of gaussian distribution.This parameter is used only in the ’Random value with gaussian distribution’ source



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Axisid axistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Horizontal axisVertical axisBoth axis

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the direction of the image intensity ramp. May be the horizontal axis, the

vertical axis, or both.This parameter is used only in ’Ramp’ source type.

Offsetid ramp offsettype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Starting value of the color intensity ramp.This parameter is used only in the ’Ramp’ source type.

Slopeid ramp slopetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Slope value of the color intensity ramp.This parameter is used only in the ’Ramp’ source type.


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9.1.147 ImageGetDescription


class name ImageGetDescriptioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image getdescriptionauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Provides as output the description of the specified characteristic (Field param) of theinput image. Width - the output is the width, in pixels, of the image; Height - the outputis the height, in pixels, of the image; Depth - the output is the depth of each color channel(see Depth Map); Number of channels - the output is the number of color channels of theimage; Color model - the output is the color model of the image (see Color Model Map);Alpha channel - 1 if the input image has an alpha channel, 0 otherwise; Step size - theoutput is the size in byte of each line of the image;

Depth Map: 1-single bit 8-8 bit unsigned 16-16 bit unsigned 32-32 bit float -2147483640-8 bit signed -2147483632-16 bit signed -2147483616-32 bit signed Color Model Map: 0 -GRAY ( Each pixel is 1 channel only. No alpha supported. ) 1 - RGB ( Each pixel is madeof 3 channels: Red, Green, and Blue. Supports an optional alpha channel. ) 2 - BGR( Each pixel is made of 3 channels: Blue, Green, and Red. Supports an optional alphachannel. ) 3 - YUV ( Each pixel is made of 3 channels named Y, U, and V. Supports anoptional alpha channel. ) 4 - YUYV ( Each couple of pixel is composed of Y, U, Y, Vvalues, thus, U and V are subsamples (factor 1/2) with respect to Y. ) 5 - UYVY ( Eachcouple of pixel is composed of U, Y, V, Y values, thus, U and V are subsamples (factor 1/2)with respect to Y. ) 6 - I420 ( Planar format with horizontal and vertical downsampling(factor 1/2). The plane order is Y U V. ) 7 - YV12 ( Planar format with horizontal andvertical downsampling (factor 1/2). The plane order is Y V U. ) 8 - HSV ( Each pixel ismade of 3 channels: Hue, Saturation, and Value. Supports an optional alpha channel. )


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input Image from which to get the descriptions


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Fieldid out sing infotype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Field of the input image


Single or multiple field descriptionid description output modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Single FieldMultiple Fields

domain [ 0, 2 )Get single or multiple field description.

Fieldid single informationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Width (single)Height (single)Depth (single)Number of channels (single)Color model (single)Alpha channel (single)Step size (single)

domain [ 0, 7 )Field of the input image.


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9.1.148 ImageMatrixGraph


class name ImageMatrixGraphcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id DrawTableauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block draws the value of the matrix items on the passthrough image


Imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Background of graph image

Tableid InputData00type Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Table Input


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Outputid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Graph image output


Font Axisid FontAxistype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Font Axis

Labelid Labeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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9.1.149 ImageMedianFilter


class name ImageMedianFiltercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image median filter

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

The block implements the non-linear median filter that is used to reduce noise in animage.

Remarks The median filter considers each pixel in the image mask and looks at its nearbyneighbors to decide whether or not it isrepresentative of its surroundings. It replaces it withthe median of those values. The median is calculated by first sortingall the pixel valuesfrom the surrounding neighborhood into numerical order and then replacing the pixel beingconsidered withthe middle pixel value. (If the neighborhood under consideration containsan even number of pixels, the average of the two middle pixel values is used.)

Error and Warning Messages

During Initialization Phase -The mask or the anchor are invalid: if the anchor sizeis less then 0 or if the dimension is not even -Pixel Modelnot supported.: if the pixel modelis epmFloat

During Execution Phase -ippStsNullPtrErr: Indicates an error condition if pSrcor pDst pointer is NULL -ippStsSizeErr: Indicates an error condition if dstRoiSize has afield with zero or negative value. -ippStsStepErr: Indicates an error condition if srcStepor dstStep has a zero or negative value. -ippStsMaskSizeErr: Indicates an error conditionif maskSize has a field with zero, negative, or even value. -ippStsAnchorErr: Indicates anerror condition if anchor is outside the mask size.


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Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image. The image model can be BW or BGR


Imageid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The image after the filtering.


Maskid masktype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Dimension of 2-D mask that is applied to each pixel in the input image. The mask iscentered in a pixel. After this the method evaluate the covered pixel value and determineswhich is the median value.


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9.1.150 ImageMerge


class name ImageMergecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image merge

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

This block merge one images into another image. The order of the merge operation isselected through the ’Input 1 on Input 2’ parameter, see the parameter description for moredetails. – REMARKS – The merge operation is done only in the intersection of images ROI.When the ROI of the merged image is smaller than the ROI of destination image the resultis a ’Picture in Picture’ effect without scaling. – ERRORS – ’The two input images musthave the same properties (color model, pixel model, alpha channel and size).’


Input imageid input video stream 1type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output imagereferred as inherited *no*

Input image

Input imageid input video stream 2type Base, Imagetype id base, imagerequired required for executionread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


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Output imageid output video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input imageinherited id *no*

Output image


Input 1 on Input 2id input1 over input2type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

This parameter control the source image and the destination image of merge operation.When is false the second image is merged into the first image, otherwise the first image ismerged into the second image.

coordinates typeid coordinates typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Integer coordinatesFloating point coordinates

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use integer or floating-point coordinates. Integer coordinates must

be contained inside the boundaries of the first input image. Floating-point coordinates arenormalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the first input image.

Positionid double positiontype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

Specifies the position and size of the area where the second image is embedded. Floating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the firstinput image.


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9.1.151 ImageMirror


class name ImageMirrorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image mirror

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Mirrors an image around the horizontal or vertical axis, or both.


Input imageid input video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Input imagereferred as inherited *no*

Input image

Required interfacesBase, ImageMirror


Input imageid output video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input imageinherited id *no*

Input image


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Axisid axistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Horizontal axisVertical axisBoth axis

domain [ 0, 3 )Type of axis. Determines which axis is used in the operation. May be the horizontal

axis, the vertical axis, or both


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9.1.152 ImageMoments


class name ImageMomentscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image momentsauthors Simone Ghisio

This function computes all spatial and central moments of order 0 to 3 for the sourceblob. The seven Hu moment invariants are also computed.


Input Blobid input blobtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2d

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input silhouette of the image.


OutputMomentid output momenttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Calculated Output Moment


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Parameter typeid par typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Spatial momentNormalized Spatial momentCentral momentNormalized central momentHU moment

domain [ 0, 5 )Specifies the moment type

Algorithm usedid Algorithmtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneFastAccurate

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the algorithmic implementation of the function,

M Ordid MOrdtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Integer power exponent defining the moment order. These arguments must satisfy thecondition 0 ¡= M Ord + N Ord ¡= 3.

N Ordid NOrdtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Integer power exponent defining the moment order. These arguments must satisfy thecondition 0 ¡= M Ord + N Ord ¡= 3.

XOffsetid X-Offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Offset in pixels of the ROI origin (left corner) from the image origin.


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YOffsetid Y-Offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Offset in pixels of the ROI origin (top corner) from the image origin.


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9.1.153 ImageMorphologicOperatorOpenCV


class name ImageMorphologicOperatorOpenCVcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id opencv image morphologicauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block apply the morphological operators provided by the openCV library on theinput image. – REMARKS – This block do not support images using 16 bit pixel modelsor YV12 and I420 color models. When the number of iteration is set to zero the operatoris not applied and the output image result black.

Details Based on the Thesis work by: Andrea Carlini and Paolo Tortora


Imageid video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

This is the input image.


Outputid video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Imageinherited id *no*

This is the output image.


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Operator typeid operator typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ErodeDilateOpenCloseGradientTop HatBlack Hat

domain [ 0, 7 )This parameter define the type of morphological operation applied. May assume one of

following values: erode; dilate; open; close; gradient; top hat; black hat.

Structuring element shapeid structuring element shapetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RectangleEllipseCross

domain [ 0, 3 )With this parameter you can choose the shape of the structuring element which is

applied to the input image. The possible shapes are: Rectangle, Ellipse and Cross.

Structuring element sizeid structuring element sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Set the size of structuring element which is applied on the input image, vertical andhorizontal size must be greater than zero. The defautl size is 3x3.

Iterationsid num itertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specifies the number of times the morphologic operator is applied to the image.


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9.1.154 ImageMorphologicalOperation


class name ImageMorphologicalOperationcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image-morphological-op


Andrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo ColettaAlessandro Fausto

This block apply the image morphological operators (erode; dilate; open; close; gradi-ent; top hat; black hat) on the input image. Generally, the erosion and dilation smooththe boundaries of objects withoutsignificantly changing their area. All operations use apyramidal 3x3 mask.

Details – ERRORS – ’Unsupported image format for Morphological operation: onlyBlack and White color model and 8 bit or floating point pixel models are supported.’ ’Thenumber of iteraction must be positive or equal to zero.’ The ’iteraction’ parameter mustbe positive or equal to zero.

Notes When the number of iteration is set to zero the operator is not applied and theoutput image result black. This Ipp implementation is faster than OpenCV implementationbut all operation using the erode morphologic show a band of black pixels on image borders.


Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

This is the input image.


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Outputid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Imageinherited id *no*

This is the output image.


Operator typeid op-typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ErodeDilateOpenCloseGradientTop HatBlack Hat

domain [ 0, 7 )This parameter define the type of morphological operation applied. May assume one of

following values: erode; dilate; open; close; gradient; top hat; black hat. All operations usea pyramidal 3x3 mask.

Iterationsid iteractionstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specifies the number of times the morphologic operator is applied to the image.


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9.1.155 ImageRotate


class name ImageRotatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image rotate


Andrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo ColettaSimone Ghisio

Rotates the input shape


Immagineid input video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


Required interfacesBase, Rotate


Immagineid output video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Angleid angletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The angle of rotation in degrees.

Centerid center rotationtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

Coordinates of the center of rotation. By default coordinates are normalized. However,to preserve compatibility with an old implementation, an additional parameter is availableto change this behaviour.


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9.1.156 ImageScalarGraph


class name ImageScalarGraphcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id DrawGraphauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block draws the graph of the input data on the passthrough video stream


Imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Background of graph image

Input 1id InputData00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 1


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Outputid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Graph image output


Durateid Duratetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


Numer of inputid nInputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Numbero of input

Minid Mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Min value

Maxid Maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Max value

Font Axisid FontAxistype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Font Axis

Color Font Axisid ColorFontAxistype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor


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Color Font Axis

Labelid Labeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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9.1.157 ImageSetAlpha


class name ImageSetAlphacatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ImageAddAlphaauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block use the pixel values of one BW image to set alpha channel values of anotherimage. REMARKS The presence of alpha channel is not required, but the input imagecolor space must support the presence of alpha channel (RGB,BGR,YUV,HSV). The blockis able to set the alpha channel only if the color space of input image can support thepresence of this channel. ERRORS ’The color space of the ’image’ input do not supportthe alpha channel. Only RGB,BGR,YUV and HSV color space support the presence ofalpha channel.’ : ’Input image and input alpha channel have different size’ : ’The alphachannel image must use BW color space’ :


imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the image when the alpha channel is overwritten.

alphaChannelid InputAlphaChanneltype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The pixel values of this image is used to set the new input image alpha channel values.The color space of this image must be BW, the size and pixel depht must be the same of


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the input image


OutputImageid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This image is the result of block operations. The pixels is always the same of inputimage, only the alpha channel differ.


Invert alphaid AlphaInverttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

All pixel values of the output image alpha channel is inverted (negated).

Scale alphaid AlphaScaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

This parameter enable or disable the scaling of the alpha channel intensity.


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9.1.158 ImageSplit


class name ImageSplitcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Splitauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Splits an image into two halfs (horizontally or vertically)


Input imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image to be split


Right/Topid output image rttype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The Right/Top output image

Left/Bottomid output image lbtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The Left/Bottom output image


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Splitting modeid param modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Left - Right splittingBottom - Top splitting

domain [ 0, 1 ]The image can be split in horizzontal or vertical mode

Output typeid param outstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneRight/Top output onlyLeft/Bottom output onlyRight/Top and Left/Bottom both outputs

domain [ 0, 3 ]The outputs can be: Right/Top only, Left/Bottom only or both Right/Top and Left/Bottom

Splitting positionid param postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( -infinity, +infinity )

Specifies the splitting start position


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9.1.159 ImageToMatrix


class name ImageToMatrixcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image to matrixauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Converts an image to a matrix


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input Image to be converted into the output matrix


Output Matrixid output matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the output Matrix converted from the input image


Output typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Integer

domain [ 0, 1 )


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Defines the type of the output matrix (integer or double): integer: the output matrixwill be of integer values. double : the output matrix will be of double values.


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9.1.160 ImageTranspose


class name ImageTransposecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image transposeauthors Simone Ghisio

Transposes the input image using ipp method.


InputStreamid input video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited OutputStream

Input video stream

Required interfacesBase, ImageMirror


OutputStreamid output video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id InputStreaminherited id *no*

Output video stream


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9.1.161 IndexCompareInVector


class name IndexCompareInVectorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id IndexCompareInVectorauthors Barbara Mazzarino

This block extract, from a matrix, an item in a specific position


Inputid InputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Outputid OutputIndextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Max

domain [ 0, 1 )Type

Row Indexid CompareValuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

position in row number of the Item to extract


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9.1.162 IndexedDispatcher


class name IndexedDispatchercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id indexed dispatcherauthors Paolo Coletta

Chooses if and where do dispatch incoming data based on the index inputs (and on theirhistory)

Details This block consider the several pair of inputs (the number of pairs is user-specified) and looks at the first items of each pair (called index). If the index from all inputsare different, then the payload from each input is passed straight to the output. If two (ormore) indices have the same value, the output payloads for the corresponding outputs arethe same. In such case the payload sent to the output for all the equal indices is the payloadof the first input with the equal index. I.e., consider the following example where pyaloadis of type double and the are two inputs: Sequence for input 1 (index, payload): (0, 1.2),(0, 1.3), (0, 1.4), (0, 1.5) Sequence for input 2 (index, payload): (1, 2.2), (1, 2.3), (0, 2.4),(0, 2.5) At the third inputs, the index of input 2 becoms equal to the index for input 1,thus, the payload of output 2 will adapt to the payload of output 1. The following outputswill be obtained: Payloads on output 1: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Payloads on output 2: 2.2, 2.3,1.4, 1.5


Index 0id index 0type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


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Payload 0id payload 0type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output 0


Output 0id ouput 0type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Payload 0inherited id *no*


Num indicesid num indicestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )


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9.1.163 InputsSubset


class name InputsSubsetcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id input subsetauthors Simone Ghisio

Concatenates an arbitrary number of strings.


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 00.

Input01id input 01type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 01.


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Input02id input 02type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 02.

Input03id input 03type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 03.

Input04id input 04type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 04.

Input05id input 05type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 05.


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Output00id output 00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 00.

Output01id output 01type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 01.

Output02id output 02type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 02.

Output03id output 03type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 03.


num inputsid input numtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

number of inputs

num outputsid output numtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


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number of outputs

subsetstringid outputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



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9.1.164 Integrator


class name Integratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id timeSeriesIntegratorauthors Alessandro Fausto

Integrates the input time series.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


output matrixid outputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This matrix contains the values of input time series


Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


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Clear the integral


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9.1.165 IppPictureInPicture


class name IppPictureInPicturecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image pip


Andrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo ColettaAlessandro Fausto

This block add a picture into another existing picture at specified position and size. Thefirst input image is used as canvas and the second input image is placed into the specifiedarea position and size. The second input image is placed into a user provided rectangulararea of the the first image.

Details If the input images have a different format the second image is convertedto the image format of the first image. If is possible use the same format for the inputimages because the conversion require time and memory. Error messages: ’Coordinatestype mismatch.’ The ’Coordinates type’ parameter contain an invalid identifier, select acorrect value from the drop down list.

Notes The block @blockref(base, picture in picture) might be easier to configure formost common cases. This block add support for all types of composition supported by theIntel IPP libraries


Imageid input video stream 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

This is the image where the second image is embedded.

Required interfacesBase, ImageConversion Base, ImageROI


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Imageid input video stream 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired required for executionread only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the image to embed.

Required interfacesBase, ImageConversion Base, ImageROI


Output Imageid output video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Imageinherited id *no*

Image with ’Picture in Picture’ effect.


Coordinates typeid coordinates typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Integer coordinatesFloating point coordinates

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use integer or floating-point coordinates. Integer coordinates must

be contained inside the boundaries of the first input image. Floating-point coordinates arenormalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the first input image.

Interpolationid interpolationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Nearest NeighborLinearCubic

domain [ 0, 3 )


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Specifies the algorithm used to interpolate the embedded image when resize is needed.May assume one of following values: Nearest Neighbor; Linear; Cubic. A rough inter-polation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usageto perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., cubic)provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.

modeid parameter modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:insertinsert with mixinginsert with maskinginsert with mixed masking

domain [ 0, 4 )mixing toghter the two images. Apply a mask to the image to insert. Use the ippCom-

posite function to merge the two images.

Compositionid compositiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 6 )This parameter control the mode used to embed the image. Is used only when the image

have the alpha channel.May assume one of following values (we denote the first input imageas A and the image to embed as B):

Over (A occludes B);In (A within B. A acts as a matte for B. A shows only where B is visible.);Out (A outside B. NOT-B acts as a matte for A. A shows only where B is not visible);ATOP (Combination of (A IN B) and (B OUT A). B is both back-ground and matte

for A);XOR (B Combination of (A OUT B) and (B OUT A). A and B mutually exclude each

other);PLUS (Blend without precedence).


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Positionid double positiontype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

Specifies the position and size of the area where the second image is embedded. Floating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the firstinput image.


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9.1.166 IsNullROI


class name IsNullROIcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id is null roiauthors Paolo Coletta

Returns true if the input ROI is Null, false otherwise


Input Roiid input roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input Roi on which to verify the Null flag


IsNullid output is nulltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The NULL flag of the input Roi


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Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether input Roi has normalized floating-point (double) coordinates or integer



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9.1.167 KeyStoneCorrection


class name KeyStoneCorrectioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id keystoneauthors Mirko Demurtas

Perform the keystone correction on an image


Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Image Input


Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Image Output


Top-Leftid param point1type Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d int

Point Top-Left


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Top-Rightid param point2type Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d int

Point Top-Right

Bottom-Rightid param point3type Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d int

Point Bottom-Right

Bottom-Leftid param point4type Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d int

Point Bottom-Left


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9.1.168 KinematicModel


class name KinematicModelcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id kinematic modelauthors Paolo Coletta

Computes the evelution of a monodimensional kinematic model


Input Accelerationid input accelerationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input acceleration applied to the kinematic model, in m/sˆ2


Positionid output positiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output absolute position (in m)

Velocityid output velocitytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output speed in m/s


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Resetid output resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Reset the state to its initial value.


Initial Positionid initial positiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the initial position of the point subject to the kinematic rules

Initial Velocityid initial velocitytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the initial velocity of the point subject to the kinematic rules

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the system to its initial conditions, which are specified by the above parameters

Compute Delta Tid compute delta ttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true, the delta T is inherited from the input datatype (presentation time)

Delta Tid delta ttype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

The delta T (time delay of each step), in the case that it is not automatically computed


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9.1.169 LabelledSetExtract


class name LabelledSetExtractcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id labelled set extractauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract an item from a labelled set.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input labelled set from which to extract the item.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The item extracted from the labelled set. Note that if the index (or the label) is notvalid (i.e., does not refer to any item in th set), no output is given

Labelid output labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The label of the extracted item (useful when extracting by index)


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Reference typeid reference typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:By labelBy index

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the item to be extracted is referenced by index or by label.

Labelid labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Label of the item to be extracted.

Indexid indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Index of the item to be extracted. Index is 0-based, thus, the maximum valid index isequale to the size of the set minus 1.


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9.1.170 LabelledSetExtractIf


class name LabelledSetExtractIfcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id labelled set extract ifauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract an item from a labelled set if it matches a given condition


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input labelled set from which to extract the item if a condition is met


Tracked blobid output trackedtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Blob labelid output labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntDouble

domain [ 0, 2 )

Pointid point doubletype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double


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9.1.171 LabelledSetFeatures


class name LabelledSetFeaturescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id LabeledSetFeatures-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block calculate features in a labelled set.


Input GeometricLabelledSetid input labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input GeometricLabelledSet


Output Features LabelledSetid output labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Features LabelledSet

Output Features valueid output valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Features value


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Output typeid absolute valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Absolute value of velocityX component of velocityY component of velocityX displacementY displacement

domain [ 0, 5 )Output type

Delta t typeid delta timetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Presentation TimeCustom Value

domain [ 0, 2 )Delta t type

Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Type

Compute mean valueid meantype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Compute or not the mean value of the selected output type over the labelled set points.


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9.1.172 LabelledSetInsert


class name LabelledSetInsertcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id labelled set insertauthors Paolo Coletta

insert an item in a labelled set.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

The labelled set to which an item will be added

Itemid input itemtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired required for executionread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The item which will be added to the labelled set


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*


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The labelled set with the new item inserted


Labelid labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The item will be added to the labelled set using this label


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9.1.173 LabelledSetMerge


class name LabelledSetMergecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id labelled set mergeauthors Paolo Coletta

Merge items from two (or more) labelled set. To avoid label clashes, a prefix can beadded to each incoming item. Using different prefixes for the different inputs ensures thatno label collision occurs


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input labelled set # 1

Input 2id input 2type Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input labelled set # 2


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Outputid outputtype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Merged labelled set


Num labelled setsid num labelled settype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Specifies the number of labelled sets to be merged

Prefix 1id prefix 1type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Prefix for labels of set # 1

Prefix 2id prefix 2type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Prefix for labels of set # 2


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9.1.174 Line2DGenerator


class name Line2DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line2d generator int

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional line that can be drawn too. The line is represented by twopoints (x1,y1)(x2,y2)


Lineid valuetype Base, Line 2D inttype id base, line 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output line contains both the X and Y parameters.


Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:LinePointsCoordinates

domain [ 0, 3 )If parameter is set to ’point’ then it’s a point datatype (a structure that contain inside

both x and y). If the value is ’coordinates’ then the parameter ”point” is splitted into twoseparated coordinates x and y


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Domainid domaintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Geometric IntGeometric DoubleGraphic IntGraphic Double

domain [ 0, 4 )Specified the type of output. It’s possible choose double or int type. Moreover it’s

possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn

Xid x1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Yid y1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Xid x2type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Yid y2type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



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Matrix Trasformid mode trasformtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:MatrixRotateTranslateScale

domain [ 0, 4 )Matrix Trasform

Matrix trasformid trasformtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Matrix trasform


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9.1.175 Line3DGenerator


class name Line3DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line 3d generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional line, represented by 2 points.


OutputLine3Did line outputtype Base, BaseGeometricLine3Doubletype id base, base geometric line 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Line 3D


Domainid mode parametertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether parameters and output are in the double or integer domain

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:VerticesVertex and landmark and length

domain [ 0, 2 )


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Specifies how the line is expressed:Vertices: the line goes from A to BVertex and landmark and length: the line starts from A, goes through B, and has length


Coordinates modeid coordinates modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Structured pointSplitted coordinates

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether coints are expresses by means of a structured value or as splitted


Point Aid point atype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d double

First point of the line

Point Bid point btype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d double

Second point of the line


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9.1.176 LinearKalmanFilter


class name LinearKalmanFiltercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id linear kalman filter

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Filters the incoming data via a linear Kalman filter


Input measure vectorid input measure vectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input measure vector

Control measure vectorid input control vectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Control measure vector


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Output estimated vectorid estimated state vectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output estimated vector

Output estimated measure vectorid estimated measure vectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output estimated measure vector

Error covariance matrixid error covariance matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Error covariance matrix

Gain matrixid gain matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Gain matrix

Residual vectorid residual vectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Residual vector


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System state dimensionid state dimensiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

This value represents the dimension of the system state, i.e., the number of items of thevector that you want to estimate.

Measure dimensionid measure dimensiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the dimension of the measurement vector. It affects the dimension of themeasure matrix.

Control dimensionid control dimensiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the dimension of the contrl vector. It affects the dimension of the controlmatrix.

Filtering matrixid system matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Filtering matrix

Measure matrixid measure matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

This is the matrix describing the measurement channel. The number of rwos mustbe equal to the dimension of the measure, the number of columns must be equal to thedimension of the system state.

Control matrixid control matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

This is the matrix describing the control channel. It describes how the control vector,which is supposed to be know, affects the system state.. The control vectory input is not


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mandatory, i.e., the block can work even if no control vector is available. In such case, thisparameter is ignored.

State noise covarianceid state noise covariance matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Covariance of the noise affecting system state.

Measure noise covarianceid measure noise covariance matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Covariance of the noise affecting the measurement channel.

Initial state estimateid initial state vectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

This vector represents the initial state estimation

Initial state covarianceid initial state covariance matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

This matrix represents the initial state error covariance


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9.1.177 ListAdd


class name ListAddcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id list addauthors Paolo Coletta

Add an item to a list.


Input listid input listtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output listreferred as inherited *no*

This is the list to which an item will be added by the block

Input itemid input datatypetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the item which will be added to the list


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Output listid output listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id Input listinherited id *no*

This is the list containing the added item


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9.1.178 ListCreate


class name ListCreatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id list createauthors Paolo Coletta

Create a list from a generic datatype. The generated list will contain one item only,however, other items can be added through the ListAdd block.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The item provided as input will becom the only element in the list


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The list with one item.


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9.1.179 ListExtract


class name ListExtractcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id list extractauthors Paolo Coletta

Extract an item from a list according to the index parameter value. The input listis generic and the block extract any scalar datatype. The block works only if the indexparameter is less then the input list size.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input list to extract the items from.


Indexid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Extracted generic output value


Indexid indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )


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Index of the item to be extracted. Note that items in a list are accessed in linear time.The index is zero-based, and is upper-bounded by the size of the list.


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9.1.180 ListPersistency


class name ListPersistencycatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id list persistencyauthors Paolo Coletta

Remove items from a list if they do not persist for a specified number of frames.

Notes Persistency is computed basing on datatype equality, i.e., basing on the valueof the datatypes.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

The input list to be filtered


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

The filtered list


Min Number of Framesid min num framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )


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Specifies the minimum number of frames that a value must be present in the input listto be propagated to the output list. A value of 1 means that no filtering occurs.


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9.1.181 ListRemoveDuplicates


class name ListRemoveDuplicatescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id list remove duplicatesauthors Paolo Coletta

Remove duplicate items from within a single list.

Notes Duplicates are checked basing on datatype equality, i.e., basing on the value ofthe datatypes.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

The input list to be filtered


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

The filtered list


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9.1.182 LoadMarkers


class name LoadMarkerscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id loadmarkers

authorsAlessandro FaustoPaolo Coletta

This block read the set of audio markings from file. The output is a ordered list of themarking values. This version of block do not extract the labels.

Details By default the block only outputs the first column of the file, i.e., a list of(start) times therefore a simpler file format may be accepted which just contains the firstcolumn: 0.429569 2.438095 4.121542

Notes The block expects a file in the same format as the labels exported by Audacity,e.g.: 0.429569 1.277098 Part 1 2.438095 2.948934 Part 2 4.121542 5.851429 Part 3

All times are expressed in seconds. The following types of comment are accepted //C++ - like comment # Unix-like comment ; Dos-like comment


Markersid output markerstype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of markers of the file

Formatted markersid formatted markerstype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of markers formatted as a human readible string


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Filenameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Labels(*txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Name of the file to be read


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9.1.183 LocalBinaryPatterns


class name LocalBinaryPatternscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id local binary patterns

authorsPaolo ColettaAndrea Ricci

Calculate Local Binary Patterns from a multi-level input image


Inputid inputtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image to calculate Local Binary Patterns. The elements outside the ROI are notcomputed


Outputid outputtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Image containing the Local Binary Pattern calculated for every pixel of everychannel of the input image


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Number of Pixelsid number of pixelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 8 ]

The number of pixel (and thus of binary digits) used to calculate the binary patterns

Positionsid positionstype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

Each pixels is compared with some neighbours to compute a pattern of bits. This matrixspecifies the coordinates of the neighbours pixels with respect to the current one

Offsetid offsettype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The offset added to the difference between pixel values


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9.1.184 Logarithm


class name Logarithmcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Logarithmauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks computes the logarithm of the input value according to the specified base.


Input valueid Inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input value: it must be a positive number.


Output valueid Outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The computed logarithm


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Baseid Basetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:e210

domain [ 0, 2 ]The base for the logarithm: either e, or 2, or 10.


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9.1.185 Lukas Kanade Tracker


class name Lukas Kanade Trackercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Lukas Kanade Trackerauthors Simone Ghisio

This block implements the iterative version of the Lucas-Kanade algorithms. It com-putes with sub-pixel accuracy new coordinates of the ’Points to track’ feature points of twoimages at time t and t+dt . Their initial coordinates are places in an array. Computedvalues of new coordinates of the feature points are stored in aniother array , that initiallycontains estimations of them (or hints), for example, based on the flow values for the pre-vious image in sequence. If there are not such hints, the ’new points’ array contains thesame initial coordinates as the old points array. The images are presented by a pyramidalstructure. The function starts operation on the highest pyramid level (smallest image) thatis specified by the ’max Level’ parameter in the centered search window. The operationfor i-th feature point on the given pyramid level finishes if: new position of the point isfound or if specified number of iteration maxIter is performed or if the intersection betweenthe pyramid layer and the search window became empty. In first two cases for non-zerolevels the new position coordinates are scaled to the next pyramid level and the operationcontinues on the next level.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The block computes optical flow of the input image


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Input Geometric Labelled Setid input geometric labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Initial list of points to track


Output Geometric Labelled Setid output geometric labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of points after optical flow processing

Load new labelled setid output lost pointstype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Request to load new labelled set because there are too many lost points


Points To Trackid points to trackstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of features points to track

Max Levelid leveltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 10 ]

Pyramid level to start the operation.The function starts operation on the highest pyra-mid level (smallest image) that is specified by the maxLev parameter in the centered searchwindow.If the number of level is high the algorithm is slow.


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Rateid ratetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Ratio between neighbouring levels (1¡Rate¡=10 ).

Window sizeid window sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Size of the square search window.

Iteration Numberid num iterationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Maximum number of algorithm iterations for each pyramid level.

Thresholdid quality leveltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Threshold value. The operation for i-th feature point on the given pyramid level finishesif new position of the point is found. ( sqrt((dxˆ2)+(dyˆ2))¡ Threshold )

LostPointid LostPointstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Maximum number of lost points after that the block generates a request to create newfeatures.

Maximum distance.id max distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Maximum distance between new and old feautures. If the difference between new andold pointis greather then this parameter the point is lost.


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9.1.186 LukasKanade


class name LukasKanadecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id LKTrackerauthors Simone Ghisio

The block implements sparse iterative version of Lucas-Kanade optical flow in pyramids.It calculates coordinates of the feature points on the current video frame given their coor-dinates on the previous frame. The function finds the coordinates with sub-pixel accuracy.- ERROR AND WARNING MESSAGE -

During Initialization Phase -CLKTracker::Init – Error while loading input image -CLKTracker::Init – Error while loading input blob. -CLKTracker::Init – Error while loadinginput list.

During Execution Phase -CLKTracker::Execute – An error occurred while loadingthe input image. -CLKTracker::Execute – An error occurred while loading the input blob.-CLKTracker::Execute – An error occurred while getting the input ipl image. : if thetransformation of EywImage in Ipl Image fail


Input Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image. The block will assign significant points that will be tracked. Theinput image must be black and white, single channel, and have 8-bit depth.


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Output Listid output point listtype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output list of tracked points


Input Typeid Input typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ImageImage + BlobImage + List of points

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifyng the input type. [0]Only input image, [1]Input image and blob, [2]Input image

and list of points

Points to trackid parameter point to tracktype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of point to track. It’s not used if ’Input List’ input is enabled

Lost pointsid parameter lost pointstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

It’s used to find new features when there are too many lost features. If the user doesn’twant the block to replace features, he just has to set iLost to zero.

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the algorithm

Refineid refinetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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It’s used for subpixel accuracy refinement. When it’s true cvFindCornerSubPix func-tionc of OpenCV librabry is called.

Window Sizeid Window sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:13579

domain [ 0, 5 )Half sizes of the search window

Levelid Leveltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 5 ]

Maximal pyramid level number. If 0 , pyramids are not used (single level), if 1 , twolevels are used, etc.

Distance tresholdid Distance treshtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The maximum distance over which the algorithm looses the point.

Quality Levelid Quality Leveltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Multiplier for the maxmin eigenvalue; specifies minimal accepted quality of image cor-ners.

Minimum Distanceid Minimum distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifying minimum possible distance between returned corners; Euclidian distance isused


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9.1.187 MP3 FileReader


class name MP3 FileReadercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MP3 FileReaderauthors Alberto Massari

Reads an MP3 file


AudioStreamid AudioStreamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The audio stream


FileNameid FileNametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”All files (*.*)—*.*——”

The location of the file to read


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Buffering typeid type of bufferingtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:numsamplesbuffertimefps

domain [ 0, 3 )It specifies how the block calculates the buffer lenght. It’s possible set the dimension

according to number of samples value, buffer time duration or in frame per second.

Number of samplesid number of samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

It specifies the number of samples for each buffer. Usually 1764.

End of fileid eoftype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:StopLoop

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the behaviour when end of file is reached.


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9.1.188 MagicMirror


class name MagicMirrorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MagicMirrorauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block deforms the input image as if it was reflected by some special kinds of mirrors.Three different mirror types are provided, and the percentage of deformation due to eachsingle mirror can be specified by the user.


Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output image


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Neutralid neutraltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


Diabloid diablotype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


Fishid fishtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


Vortexid vortextype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double



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9.1.189 MagnitudePhaseFft


class name MagnitudePhaseFftcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id magnitude phase fftauthors Paolo Coletta

Calculate the magnitude (or PowerSpectrum) and the phase of a Fft signal


Input Fftid input ffttype Base, Audio FFT buffertype id base, audio fftbuffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input FFT signal from which to extract magnitude (or power spectrum) and phase


Magnitude or Power Spectrumid output moduletype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Magnitude or Power Spectrum (depending on a user choice) of the FFT signal. Thismatrix has as many rows as the number of channels of the FFT. The number of columns isequal to half of the size of the FFT.

Phaseid output phasetype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Phase of the FFT signal. This matrix has as many rows as the number of channels ofthe FFT. The number of columns is equal to the size of the FFT.


Output typeid output typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Magnitude - PhasePower Spectrum - Phase

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the output is Magnitude and Phase or Power Spectrum and Phase.

Magnitude scaleid magnitude scaletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LinearLogaritmic (Db)

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the scale of the module, whether linear or logaritmic.


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9.1.190 MapColorToIntMatrix


class name MapColorToIntMatrixcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id map color to int matrixauthors Andrea Ricci

Maps the colors in the input image into integer values in the output matrix


Inputid inputtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image whose colors are to be mapped. The elements outside the ROI are notcomputed


Matrixid outputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Integer Matrix receiving the mapped colors, one element for every pixel


Default Valueid default valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The value to assign to unspecified colors


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Number Of Colorsid number of colorstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The number of mapped colors

Color 1id color 0type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

This color in the input image will be mapped into the corresponding value in the outputmatrix

Value 1id value 0type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Value that will be assigned to the matrix elements where the corresponding input imagepixel has the specified color


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9.1.191 MapMatrixToImage


class name MapMatrixToImagecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MatrixDisplayauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This block displays the input mapping by mapping its entries onto the HSV color space


Input matrixid InputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input matrix whose entries have to mapped onto colors in the output image.


Output imageid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The image whose colors correspond to the entries in the input matrix.


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Widthid Widthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The width of the output image.

Heightid Heighttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The height of the output image.

Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 17 )The color model define the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of

following values:BW (1 channel: grayscale);BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red);RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue);YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);


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UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).

Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 bits per channel, unsigned16 bits per channel, unsigned16 bits per channel, signed32 bits per channel, floating-point

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.

Modeid Interpolationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Nearest neighborLinearCubicLanczos window

domain [ 0, 4 )Horizontal Mirror

rescale valuesid Scaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

This parameter enable or disable the scaling of matrix values. When is set to true themin and max parameter are used to define the input range, otherwise this two parametersare ignored and the matrix value are copied into the image without any scaling.

Minid Mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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The minimum value in the input matrix.

Maxid Maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value in the input matrix.

Modeid Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Map on HMap on SMap on V

domain [ 0, 3 )Horizontal Mirror

Hid Htype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value for the H parameter (if it is not mapped from the input matrix).

Sid Stype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value for the S parameter (if it is not mapped from the input matrix).

Vid Vtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value for the V parameter (if it is not mapped from the input matrix).

alphaid Atype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

alpha value


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9.1.192 Matrix Extract


class name Matrix Extractcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix extract

authorsRoberto SagoleoSimone Ghisio

Extract a sub-matrix from an input matrix


Input matrixid input matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input matrix


Output matrixid output matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix


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Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:doubleinteger

domain [ 0, 2 )Domain of input and output matrix.

StartRowid start rowtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Start index of row to extract

StartColumnid start columntype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Start index of column to extract

RowSizeid size rowtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of row to extract. If it’s 0 nothing extract.

ColumnSizeid size columntype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of column to extract. If it’s 0 nothing extract.


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9.1.193 Matrix2TimeSeries


class name Matrix2TimeSeriescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Matrix2TimeSeriesauthors Alessandro Fausto

Convert one matrix to a TimeSeries.The user can choose to generate a time series withstatic o dynamic lenght.The first case is the default mode, in the second case the TimeSerieshave dynamic leght but is always set to matrix lenght.A minimum and maximum thresholdis applied to the input value.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix


outputid outputtype Base, TemporalDatatype id base, temporal datainplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The generated TimeSeries


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Output typeid Output Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Static time seriesDynamic time series

domain [ 0, 2 )It specifies whether the blok generates a static time series or a dynamic time series.

Modeid Output Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:By rowBy columnAutomatic

domain [ 0, 3 )Defines how the matrices are converted into time series: ’By row’ generate the time

series using one rows per channel. The number of samples is fixed and equal to the numberof columns. ’By column’ generate the time series using one columns per channel. Thenumber of samples is fixed and equal to the number of rows.’Automatic’ generate the timeseries using this rules . if the number of row is greater than number of column the timeseries is generated using the ’By row’ mode, otherwise is used the ’By column’ mode.

Nominal Frequencyid Nominal Frequencytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The sampling frequency of the resulting TimeSeries datatype

Range Minid Range Mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value that a sample can assume (if the input is less than this value, thisvalue will be used)

Range Maxid Range Maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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The maximum value that a sample can assume (if the input is more than this value,this value will be used)

Clipid Cliptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specify whether the output data is clipped in the case that it excedes the specified range


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9.1.194 MatrixArithmeticOperations


class name MatrixArithmeticOperationscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix operationsauthors Simone Ghisio

Execute some operations on input matrix


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the output


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Matrix typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntegerDouble

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines the type of the matrix (integer or double): integer: the matrix is of integer type.

double : the matrix is of double type.


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9.1.195 MatrixComposer


Composer.png Composer.png

class name MatrixComposercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Matrix Composerauthors Simone Ghisio

Transform a series of double value in a matrix


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 00 block double to matrix.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the output matrix which contains the input matrices


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Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:By rowBy columnAll items at once

domain [ 0, 3 )Defines how the matrices are composed: ’By row’ fill the matrix copying the inputs

into one row per single execute. The matrix is given on output only when last row iswritten. ’By column’ fill the matrix copying the inputs into one column per single execute.The matrix is given on output only when last column is written.’All items at once’ fill thematrix copying the inputs into all items (row order). The matrix is filled and given onoutput at each activation.

rowsid Rowstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the output matrix number of row.

columnsid Columnstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the output matrix number of column.


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9.1.196 MatrixConcatenate


class name MatrixConcatenatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix concatenate

authorsPaolo ColettaRoberto Sagoleo

Places matrices one by the other one to form a bigger matrix


Input 1id input1type Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is input matrix 1

Input 2id input2type Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is input matrix 2


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Outputid outputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the output matrix which contains the input matrices


Output typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntegerDouble

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines the type of the output matrix (integer or double): integer: the output matrix

will be of integer values. double : the output matrix will be of double values.

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:By rowBy column

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines how the matrices are placed: ’by row’ places the matrices one by the other one.

The number of columns increases, whereas the number of rows is unchanged. ’by column’places the matrices one over the other one. The number of rows increases, whereas thenumber of columns is unchanged.

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of input matrices that the block will accept


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Orderid ordertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:left to rightright to left

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines how the input is concatenated: ’left to right’ input matrices are concatenated

starting from the left side of output matrix; ’right to left’ input matrices are concatenatedstarting from the right side of output matrix.


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9.1.197 MatrixExtractWithIndex


class name MatrixExtractWithIndexcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix extract with indexauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts a 1-dimension matrix from an input matrix


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix from which will be extracted the 1-dimensional output matrixat the ’Index’ position


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the output 1-dimensional matrix extracted from the ’Index’ position


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Matrix typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntegerDouble

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines the type of the matrix (integer or double): integer: the matrix is of integer type.

double : the matrix is of double type.

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Extracts a rowExtracts a column

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines if to extract a row or a column from the input matrix: a row : extracts a row

from the input matrix at the ’Index’ position. a column: extracts a column from the inputmatrix at the ’Index’ position.

Indexid indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specifies the position of the row/column extracted


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9.1.198 MatrixGetDescription


class name MatrixGetDescriptioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix getdescriptionauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Get descriptions from the input matrix


Input Matrixid input matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input Matrix from which to get the descriptions


Information (sing.)id output single informationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Information about the input matrix (sing.)


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Input typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntegerDouble

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines the type of the input matrix (integer or double): integer: the input matrix

should be of integer values. double : the input matrix should be of double values.

single or multiple descriptionid description output modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:SingleMultiple

domain [ 0, 2 )Get single or multiple descritpion.

Informationid single informationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Number of rows (sing.)Number of columns (sing.)Type of entry (sing.)

domain [ 0, 3 )Information about the input matrix.


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9.1.199 MatrixGetItem


class name MatrixGetItemcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id GetItemauthors Barbara Mazzarino

This block extract, from a matrix, an item in a specific position


Input GetItemid InputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input GetItem


Output GetItemid OutputItemtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output GetItem


Row Indexid RowNumbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )


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position in row number of the Item to extract

Column Indexid ColNumbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

position in column number of the Item to extract

Domainid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Domain


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9.1.200 MatrixLogarithmicRescaler


resc log.png resc log.png

class name MatrixLogarithmicRescalercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Matrix resc logauthors Simone Ghisio

Compute lot of operations on the input matrix


Input Matrixid InputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input Matrix

Centroidid Centroidtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



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ciaoid OutMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Octave dimid OctaveDimtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The number of values in one octave

Octave numberid OctaveNumbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The number of octaves to analyse


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9.1.201 MatrixSetItem


class name MatrixSetItemcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id SetItemauthors Barbara Mazzarino

This block insert, from a matrix, an item in a specific position


Input matrixid InputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input matrix whose items have to be set.


Output matrixid OutputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output matrix whose values have been set.


Row idexid RowNumbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

position in row number of the Item to extract


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Column indexid ColNumbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

position in column number of the Item to extract

Type name into choice step into setitemid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 1 ]Tyep description, choice step into SetItem

Value name into SetItemid Valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Value description into SetItem


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9.1.202 MatrixStatDouble


class name MatrixStatDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix stat op doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Evaluate matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input

Details The block evaluates some operations on input matrix. The block can find themaximum or minimum value in the matrix, according with SUM OVER and OPERATIONTYPE parameters. This block accepts floating point inputs (i.e., matrices with floatingpoint items).


Input Matrixid matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Matrix to be evaluated


Output Matrixid matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Evaluation of the columns/rows of the input matrix


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Rowid rowtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Row index of max/min/percent value in the matrix

Columnid columntype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Column index of max/min/percent value in the matrix


Evaluate Overid evaluate overtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RowsColumnsAll

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items

Operation typeid operation typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:MaxMinPercent

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items


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9.1.203 MatrixStatInt


class name MatrixStatIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix stat op intauthors Simone Ghisio

Evaluate matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input

Details The block evaluates some operations on input matrix. The block can find themaximum or minimum value in the matrix, according with SUM OVER and OPERATIONTYPE parameters. This block accepts integer inputs (i.e., matrices with integer items).


Input Matrixid matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Matrix to be evaluated


Output Matrixid matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Evaluation of the columns/rows of the input matrix


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Rowid rowtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Row index of max/min/percent value in the matrix

Columnid columntype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Column index of max/min/percent value in the matrix


Evaluate Overid evaluate overtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RowsColumnsAll

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items

Operation typeid operation typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:MaxMinPercent

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items


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9.1.204 MatrixSumDouble


class name MatrixSumDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix sum doubleauthors Paolo Coletta

Sum matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input

Details The MatrixSum block sums the elements of an M-by-N input matrix alongits rows, its columns, or over all its elements. When the Sum over parameter is set toRows, the block sums across the elements of each row and outputs the resulting M-by-1matrix. A length-N 1-D vector input is treated as a 1-by-N matrix When the Sum overparameter is set to Columns, the block sums down the elements of each column and outputsthe resulting 1-by-N matrix. A length-M 1-D vector input is treated as a M-by-1 matrix.When the Sum over parameter is set to All, the block sums all the elements of the inputtogether and outputs the resulting scalar. This block accepts floating point inputs (i.e.,matrices with floating point items).


Input Matrixid matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Matrix to be summed


Output Vectorid matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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The sum of the columns/rows of the input matrix


Sum Overid sum overtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RowsColumnsAll

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies whether to sum items overs rows, columns, or all items

StartIndexid begintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start index of sum

FinalIndexid endtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Final index of sum


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9.1.205 MatrixSumInt


class name MatrixSumIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id matrix sum intauthors Paolo Coletta

Sum matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input

Details The MatrixSum block sums the elements of an M-by-N input matrix alongits rows, its columns, or over all its elements. When the Sum over parameter is set toRows, the block sums across the elements of each row and outputs the resulting M-by-1matrix. A length-N 1-D vector input is treated as a 1-by-N matrix When the Sum overparameter is set to Columns, the block sums down the elements of each column and outputsthe resulting 1-by-N matrix. A length-M 1-D vector input is treated as a M-by-1 matrix.When the Sum over parameter is set to All, the block sums all the elements of the inputtogether and outputs the resulting scalar. This block accepts integer inputs (i.e., matriceswith integer items).


Input Matrixid matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Matrix to be summed


Output Vectorid matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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The sum of the columns/rows of the input matrix


Sum Overid sum overtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RowsColumnsAll

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies whether to sum items overs rows, columns, or all items

StartIndexid begintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start index of sum

FinalIndexid endtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Final index of sum


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9.1.206 MatrixToImage - double


class name MatrixToImage - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id double matrix to image

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Converts a double matrix to an image


Input matrixid input video streamtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input matrix which will be converted to a BW image


Immagineid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 unsigned16 unsigned16 signed32 Float

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.

Region Of Interestid roitype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d int

A rectangle in the image specifying which part of the image is the used one. Use (0;0;0;0)or (0;0;sizeX;sizeY) to mean the whole image. ROIs extending outside the image boundswill be clipped.


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9.1.207 MatrixToImage - int


class name MatrixToImage - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id int matrix to image

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Converts an integer matrix to an image


Input matrixid input video streamtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input matrix which will be converted to a BW image


Immagineid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 unsigned16 unsigned16 signed32 Float

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.

Region Of Interestid roitype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d int

A rectangle in the image specifying which part of the image is the used one. Use (0;0;0;0)or (0;0;sizeX;sizeY) to mean the whole image. ROIs extending outside the image boundswill be clipped.


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9.1.208 MaxCrossCorrelation


class name MaxCrossCorrelationcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id max cross correlationauthors Alberto Massari

Return the maximum index of similarity between two buffers, and the offset betweenthem


Input1 bufferid input buffer1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

First buffer

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries

Input2 bufferid input buffer2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Second buffer

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


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Maximum correlation indexid correlation indextype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The maximum correlation index found by sliding the second buffer over the first one

Offsetid correlation offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The offset that had to be applied to the second buffer to obtain the maximum correlationindex


Window sizeid maximum lagtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

This is the maximum offset that will be used when searching for the maximum correla-tion


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9.1.209 MaxInVector


class name MaxInVectorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MaxInVectorauthors Barbara Mazzarino

This block extract, from a matrix, an item in a specific position


input GetItemid InputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input GetItem


Output GetItemid OutputIndextype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Outpu GetItem

Outpu GetiItemid OutputMaxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Outpu GetItem


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Row Indexid ParamIndextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

position in row number of the Item to extract


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9.1.210 MemoryBufferSize


class name MemoryBufferSizecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id get memory buffer sizeauthors Paolo Coletta

Gets the size, in bytes, of any datatype supporting the IMEmoryBuffer interface (e.g.,Image, Raw Data)


Input Datatypeid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The generic input datatype supporting the IMemoryBuffer interface

Required interfacesbase, memory buffer


Sizeid outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The size, in bytes, of the input datatype.


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9.1.211 MessageField


class name MessageFieldcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MessageFieldauthors Marzia Simonetti

This block extracts a MIDI message field


Message Field Input Nameid Inputtype Base, MIDItype id base, midi

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Message Field Input Name Description


Message Field Output Nameid Outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Message Field Output Name Description


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Choiceid Choice Fieldtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Single FieldAll Field

domain [ 0, 1 ]Choice Description

Message Field for Midiid Message Fieldtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Status byteBite1Bite2ChannelMessage Type

domain [ 0, 3 ]Message Field for Midi Description


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9.1.212 MessageFilter


class name MessageFiltercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MessageFilterauthors Marzia Simonetti

This block filters a MIDI message


Message Filter Inputid Inputtype Base, MIDItype id base, midi

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Message Filter Input Description


Message Filter Outputid Outputtype Base, MIDItype id base, midiinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Message Filter Output Description


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Message Filter Filter Modeid Filter Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Filter MatchingPass MatchingFilter AllFilter Nothing

domain [ 0, 3 ]Message Filter Filter Mode Description

Message Filter Channel RTid Channel/RT functiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IgnoreUse

domain [ 0, 1 ]Message Filter Channel RT Description

Message Filter Channelid Channeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 15 ]

Message Filter Channel Description

Message Filter Message Typeid Message Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IgnoreUse

domain [ 0, 1 ]Message Filter Message Type Description


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Message Filter Message Type Valid Message Type Valtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Note OffNote OnKey After TouchControl ChangeChan After TouchPitch BendReal Time Message

domain [ 0, 6 ]Message Filter Message Type Val Description

Message Filter Bite 1id Bite 1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IgnoreUse

domain [ 0, 1 ]Message Filter Bite 1 Description

Message Filter Bite 1 Valid Bite 1 Valtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 127 ]

Message Filter Bite 1 Val Description

Message Filter Bite 2id Bite 2type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IgnoreUse

domain [ 0, 1 ]Message Filter Bite 2 Description


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Message Filter Bite 2 Valid Bite 2 Valtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 127 ]

Message Filter Bite 2 Val Description


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9.1.213 MessageGenerator


class name MessageGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MessageGeneratorauthors Giovanna Varni

This block allows to manually generate some midi messages. Message type must bespecified, it can be choosen between: Note Off, Note On, Polyphonic key pressure, ControlChange, Program Change, Channel pressure, Pitch Bend and Real Time Message. Then itis possible to specify the values of the two byte message’s payload. Midi channel number(between 1 and 16) for the message to be generated must also be specified so that messagewill affect only the specified midi channel. Channel number can also be set to ”ALL” toaffect all midi channels at the same time.

Notes The block checks the midi channel number and, if the value is between 1 and16 it creates the message for the specified channel and sends it out; if the midi channelnumber instead is set to ”ALL” the block creates and sends trough the output pin sixteenmidi messages, one for each midi channel. – REMARKS – If channel number is set to”ALL” the block schedules itself sixteen times. If message’s payload or type change beforethe block is scheduled completely, it may not works properly.


Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic Input


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Midi messageid Outputtype Base, MIDItype id base, midiinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output is a midi message


PatchStartid PatchStarttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


Syncid Synctype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ExternalPeriodAbsolutePeriodic Absolute

domain [ 0, 3 ]Sync

Type of midi messageid Message Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Note OffNote OnPolyphonic key pressureControl ChangeProgram ChangeChannel pressurePitch BendReal Time Message

domain [ 0, 6 ]This indicates the type of midi message


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Number of channelid Channeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ALL12345678910111213141516

domain [ 0, 16 ]1 - 16: The message is sent to the specified channel. ”ALL”: The message is sent to all

sixteen midi channels.

First byteid Byte 1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 127 ]

First byte

Second byteid Byte 2type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 127 ]

Second byte


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9.1.214 MinLeftRight


class name MinLeftRightcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MinLeftRightauthors Mirko Demurtas

Extract the position of the lowest extremes


Input Imageid input matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Image


Pos Minid output matrixtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Pos Min


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9.1.215 Monostable


class name Monostablecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Monostableauthors Simone Ghisio

This block realize monostable component


GenericInputid Input Gnerictype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input that set monostable


Outputid OutputMonostabletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output of monostable


Timeid ParameterDurationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Time of high level


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9.1.216 MoveAroundPoint


class name MoveAroundPointcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id movearoundpointauthors Simone Ghisio

This block moves the output point on a circle builded around the input point.Outputpoint is pushed off by given points in the space.


InputPointid input pointtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Point


OutputPointid output pointtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Point


Radiusid radiustype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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Radius of the circle around input point.

ResetAngleid angletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Try to reset the angle between input point and output point to a given value. (indegrees)

RangeAngleid rangetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Angle where block search maximum distance form points.

Stepid steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The algorithm searches maximum distance from given point in RangeAngle every ’step’value degree

PointsMatrixid matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Matrix of points that pushed off output point.

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset to custom angle in degrees


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9.1.217 MoveImageRoi


class name MoveImageRoicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id move image roi

authorsPaolo ColettaAlessandro Fausto

This block extracts the given region from the input image. The extracted image isinserted into the output image in the position provided by the user.

Notes The source region can be specified by means of the SetROI block


Imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input imageThe ROI of the input image is the source rectangle


OutputImageid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This image contain a copy of the image ROI placed at specified position


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Reference pointid Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:CenterTop leftBottom leftTop rightBottom right

domain [ 0, 5 )This parameter select what point of the rectangle is set to the coordinate provided by

the user

Reference point typeid ReferencePositionTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Separated integer X and YSeparated floating point X and Y(x,y) integer coordinate(x,y) Floating point

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies whether to use integer or floating-point coordinatetes and wheter to use two

separated values (one for X and other for Y coordinates) or bidimensional point datatype.Integercoordinates must be contained inside the boundaries of the first input image. Floating-pointcoordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the input image.

background colorid BgColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

This color, specified in the RGB model, is used to fill the background of the outputimage.

Set ROIid SetOutputROItype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If this parameter is enabled the ROI of the output image surround the boundaries ofthe moved image ROI otherwise the ROI is not set.


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Reference point (X,Y)id Positiontype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

Horizontal and vertical position of the insertion point, normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0]with respect to the width and height of the input image.


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9.1.218 Multi-ChannelThreshold


class name Multi-ChannelThresholdcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audio threshold


Andrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo ColettaAlberto Massari

Detects wether the audio signal has gone over a specified threshold; provides the samplewhere the threshold has been exceeded


Audio input streamid input audio streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Audio output sample

This is the audio stream where the threshold overcoming is searched for. Event if thismight also be a multichannel audio stream, only one channel is analized when looking forthe threshold (the channel is specified via the parameters of the block).

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Audio output sampleid output sampletype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Audio input streaminherited id *no*

The audio sample that begins at the sample where the threshold has been crossed.


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Over-threshold valueid output valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Value of the first sample that exceeded the threshold. This is the original value, even ifthe block is working in absolute (unsigned) mode. That is, it may also be a negative value.

Sample indexid output samplendxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Index of the first sample that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well asthe ”over-threshold value” output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If thethreshold is not exceeded, no output is generated.

Sample Channelid output sample channeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Index of the channel that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well as the”over-threshold value” output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If thethreshold is not exceeded, no output is generated.


Thresholdid thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Value to be compared to each sample in the specified channel.

Directionid directiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:BothUpDown

domain [ 0, 3 )


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Direction in which the overcoming must occur for this block to generate an output. Ifdirection is ”Up” then an output is generated only when the sample values is bigger orequal than the threshold and the previous sample value is less than the threshold. The”Down” direction mean that a sample is less or equal than the threshold and the previousone is bigger than the threshold. The ”Both” direction occurs in both cases.

Sign modeid signmodetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Absolute valueSigned value (original value)

domain [ 0, 2 )This parameter specifies wether the value of the sample is analyzed as it is, or if it

absolute value is kept into account.

Sample delayid sample offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The number of samples after the point where the threshold was crossed from which theoutput sample will be extracted. It can be a negative number.

Under-threshold samplesid sample offset outtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The output audio sample will contain at most N consecutive samples that are belowthe given threshold, after which it will be silenced; when N==0, the original audio will bereported

Sample Lengthid sample lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( 0, +infinity )

This value specifies the number of samples that will be extracted into the output audiobuffer, starting at the sample position where the threshold has been crossed.

Normalize output signalid normalize sampletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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Specifies whether the output signal will be normalized, so that its energy will be equalto 1


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9.1.219 MultipleListsRemoveDuplicates


class name MultipleListsRemoveDuplicatescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id multiple lists remove duplicatesauthors Paolo Coletta

Remove items from multiple lists in order to ensure that there are no duplicates values.

Notes Duplicates are checked basing on datatype equality, i.e., basing on the value ofthe datatypes.


Inputid input 0type Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Inputid input 1type Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*


Page 613: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual


Outputid output 0type Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Outputid output 1type Kernel, Listtype id kernel, listinplace id Inputinherited id *no*


Number of listsid num liststype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

The input list to be filtered

Remove list duplicatesid remove list duplicatestype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specify whether duplicates inside a single list will be removed


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9.1.220 NoiseReduction

bitmapreduction.png reduction.png

class name NoiseReductioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id noise reductionauthors Alberto Massari

Removes background noise from the audio input buffer using IPP functions


Input bufferid noisy audiotype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input audio buffer to be cleaned.


Output bufferid clean audiotype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output audio buffer cleaned.


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9.1.221 NonParametricBackgroundSubtraction


class name NonParametricBackgroundSubtractioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id background subtraction elhadaauthors Paolo Coletta

Computes the background subtraction basing on a non-parametric model


inputid inputtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input full image (background + foregorund

input maskid input masktype Base, Imagetype id base, imagerequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input mask for background adaptation


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input background probabilityid input background probabilitytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doublerequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Probability of the input image to fully represent the background. Provides an hint onwhich images to add to the background


Foreground maskid output foreground masktype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Mask of the detected foreground; i.e., white pixels correspond to the position of fore-ground pixels


Remove shadowsid remove shadowstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to apply the algorithm to remove the shadows (internally uses YUVinput images, thus, an YUV input is preferable)

Save kernel widthid save kernel widthtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to save the kernel width together with the block private data. Savingkernel width may cause patches to be huge and slow to load. However, it makes thealgorithm faster to startup.

Save background modelid save background modeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to save the background model together with the block private data.Saving the backgound model may cause patches to become *very huge* and *very slow* to


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load (many images have to be serialized/saved). However, it makes the algorithm immedi-ately ready to work at startup.

Compute kernel widthid compute kernel widthtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true, the block computes the kernel width instead of performing background subtrac-tion. Note that the background subtraction cannot be performed if kernel width has notbeen computed. Kernel width should be computed using many consecutive frames fromthe background.

Background model windowid background model windowtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of past samples that are used when selecting the actual samplescomposing the background model.

Background model samplesid background model samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number samples that make up the background model.

Normalize outputid normalize outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Normalize output probability.

Alpha thresholdid shadow alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Alpha threshold for shadow removal.

Beta thresholdid shadow betatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Beta threshold for shadow removal.


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Probability thresholdid probability thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Probability threshold of the background

White foreground maskid white foreground masktype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the foreground mask is white, otherwise the foreground mask is black.

Resetid reset modeltype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the stored model. Does not work if model is not complete yet


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9.1.222 NoteFractionDifference


class name NoteFractionDifferencecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id NFDiffauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the note fraction difference for each frequence in the input vectorof frequencies with respect to a given reference frequence. It comes from a suggestion byKoen Tanghe.


Frequenciesid Frequenciestype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input frequencies


Note fraction differenceid NFDiffstype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The computed note fraction difference


Reference frequenceid RefFreqtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The reference frequence with respect to which the note fraction difference is computed


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9.1.223 OLAConvolution


class name OLAConvolutioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ola convolutionauthors Carlo Drioli

OLA Convolution


Input1 bufferid input1 buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

First buffer

Input2 bufferid input2 buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Second buffer


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Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


Gain parameterid OlaConv gaintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Gain parameter

balance parameterid OlaConv balancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

balance parameter


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9.1.224 OSCClient


class name OSCClientcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id client osc

authorsMirko DemurtasAlberto Massari

This block send data by OSC protocol


Inputid input data 000type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Host/IPid Hosttype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Portid UDP Porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



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Address Patternid Address Patterntype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Address Pattern

Number of inputsid Number of inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The number of data items sent in the OSC packet

Type of inputid type inputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:IntegerDoubleString

domain [ 0, 3 )Type of input


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9.1.225 OSCServer


class name OSCServercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id server osc

authorsMirko DemurtasAlberto MassariPaolo Coletta

This block receive data by OSC protocol


Outputid output datatype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Portid UDP Porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Server Port

Raw Modeid raw modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

In raw mode the block sends the undecoded data to the output without decoding theOSC tags. In practice, the block gets whatever is received on the given UDP port

Address Patternid Address Patterntype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


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Address Pattern

Number of outputsid Number of outputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The number of data items received in the OSC packet

Type of outputid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:IntegerDoubleStringInteger 64bits

domain [ 0, 4 )Type of output

Limit buffer sizeid Limit Buffer Sizetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the block gives an upperbound to the number of internally storeditems. Setting an uperbound may reduce the latency but may also cause data loss

Buffer size limitid Buffer Size Limittype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

In the case of bounded buffer size, specifies the bound


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9.1.226 OpenCvBayerToRgb


class name OpenCvBayerToRgbcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id opencv bayer to rgbauthors Mirko Demurtas

Bayer pattern to RGB color


Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output image


Type Sensor CCD/CMOSid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Type Sensor CCD/CMOS


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9.1.227 OpticalFlow


class name OpticalFlowcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image optical flow

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Computes the optical flow of the given video stream.


Input imageid input video stream1type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input multichannel image


Dxid output video stream dxtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output image with the horizontal component of the optical flow

Dyid output video stream dytype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Output image with the vertical component of the optical flow


Algorithmid algorithmtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:(HS) Horn and Schunck(BM) Block Matching(LK) Lucas and Kanade

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies which algorithm to use to compute the Optical Flow.Horn and Schunck: B.K.P. Horn and B.G. Schunck 1981, Determining optical flow.

Artificial Intelligence, vol 17, pp 185-203.Block Matching: Calculates the optical flow for two images by using the block matching

methodLucas and Kanade: Lucas B D and Kanade T 1981, An iterative image registration tech-

nique with an application to stereo vision. Proceedings of Imaging understanding workshop,pp 121–130

[BM] Template Sizeid template sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Size of the template (block) used by the Block Matching [BM] algorithm.

[BM] Search Area Sizeid search area sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Size of the search area used by the Block Matching [BM] algorithm. If a componentof the size is zero, no search is performed along that direction; otherwise, the search isperformed for at most the number of specified pixels around each block.

[LK] Window Sizeid win sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Size of the averaging window used by the Lukas Kanade [LK] algorithm for groupingpixels


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Optical Flow Modeid of typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Sequential (one input)Stereo (two inputs)

domain [ 0, 2 )The block can compute optical flow in sequential mode, i.e., computing it between the

previous image and the current one, or in Stereo mode, i.e., computing it between a pair ofinput images.


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9.1.228 PCMAudioMixer


class name PCMAudioMixercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pcm mixer

authorsPaolo ColettaAlessandro Fausto

Mixes the audio channels of a pcm multichannel stream.


Inputid inputtype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

PCM audio stream to be mixed


Outputid outputtype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Mixed PCM audio stream


PanPot matrixid pan pot matrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix


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Matrix of the panoramic potentiometer, i.e., the mixing matrix. The number of rowsmust be equal to the number of input channels, whereas the number of columns determinesthe number of output channels

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ConstantSmoothed

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the mixing is done using the smoothing factors (UpStep, downStep)

or using a constant matrix

UpStepid up steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

In the case of smoothed mode, specifies the maximum increasing step per sample

DownStepid down steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

In the case of smoothed mode, specifies the maximum decreasing step per sample

ExportMatrixid export matrixtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Not exportExport

domain [ 0, 2 )Export panpot matrix. It allows to verify panpot matrix when mode parameter is set

to smoothed.


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9.1.229 PFinder


class name PFindercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pfinderauthors Paolo Coletta

Implements the adaptive background subtraction technique described in: C.R. Wren,A. Azarbayejani, T. Darrell, and A.P. Pentland, ’Pfinder: real-time tracking of the humanbody’, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, pp. 780-785, July1997

Details The PFinder alghorithm performs a simple absolute difference plus threshold-ing between the input image and the current background model. However, the backgroundmodel is update according to the formula: b(t) = p(t) * alpha + b(t-1) * (1-alpha) where:

nb is a pixel in the background model p is a pixel in the input image alpha is a userspecified constant

By default, only pixels classified as background are updated; however, the Update modeparameterlet the user choose a different behavior.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

Input image stream on which to perform background subtraction

Required interfacesBase, ImageConversion Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDoubleKernel, ThresholdOpDouble Kernel, MonadicArithOp base, pixelwise comparison op


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Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output foreground image stream


Reset Backgroundid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the current background model

Output Background Modelid output background modeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, an output is added which export the current internal background model

Output Background Varianceid output background variancetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, an output is added which export the current internal background model

Thresholdid thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the multiplication to be applied to the stanrd deviation before being used asthe distance threshold between the input image and the background model to classify apixel as foreground or background

Adaptive background modelid adaptive background modeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the background model (roughly, the mean background) is continuosly adaptedaccording to the alpha parameter. If false, the background model is static.


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Adaptive background varianceid adaptive background variancetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the background variance (roughly, the mean background) is continuosly adaptedaccording to the alpha parameter. If false, the background variance is static.

Update modeid update modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Blind updateBackgroundBackgroundAndForeground

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies how the model is updated:Blind: update the entire model with the same speed (alpha)Background: only update pixels classified as backgroundBackgroundAndForeground: update both background and forground with different speeds

(alpha and alpha foregound)

Alphaid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Costant which determines the update speed of the internal background model (0.0, noupdate occurs; 1.0, the internal model is replaced by the input.

Alpha Foregroundid alpha foregroundtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Costant which determines the update speed of the internal background model for fore-ground pixels (0.0, no update occurs; 1.0, the internal model is replaced by the input. Thisvalue is used only if update mode is set to BackgroundAndForground; otherwise the Alphaparameter is used

Minimum varianceid minimum variancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value of the variance.


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9.1.230 PeakDetector


class name PeakDetectorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id timeSeriesPeakDetectorauthors Alessandro Fausto

Detect the first peak of input time series. The user can enable the output of varioustype of peak : maximum; minimum; maximum of the module of values; minimum of themodule of values.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


index of maximumid outputMaxIndexestype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the index of the first maximum found in the time series.


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value of maximumid outputMaxValuestype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the value of the first maximum found in the time series.


Continous signalid continous signaltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If enabled the time series is considered part of a continuos signal and the last sampleof last datatype concurr to the peak detection. Otherwise the time series is consideredindipendent from the previous time series, the peak is detected using only the samples ofthe current time series.

Threasholdid Threasholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The threashold used to detect a peak. The peak (minumum or maximum) is consideredonly if its absolute value is greather than this threashold.

Formatid param modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:NormalAbsolute

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines the working mode of threashold level : ’Normal’ the threashold is compared

with samples sample ¿ threashold; ’Absolute’ the threashold is compared with the absolutevalue of samples (—sample— ¿ threashold).

Compareid param comparetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AboveBelow

domain [ 0, 2 )


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Defines the threashold compare type : ’Above’ each peak is valid only if above thethreashold; ’Below’ each peak is valid only if below the threashold.

maximumid enable maxtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output the position and value of the first maximum peak found in the input time series.

minimumid enable mintype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output the position and value of the first maximum peak found in the input time series

absolute maximumid enable abs maxtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output the position and value of the first maximum peak found in the input time series

absolute minimumid enable abs mintype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output the position and value of the first maximum peak found in the input time series


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9.1.231 PictureInPicture


class name PictureInPicturecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id picture in pictureauthors Paolo Coletta

THIS BLOCK IS NOT IMPLEMENETED YET This block add a picture into anotherexisting picture at specified position and size. The first input image is used as canvas andthe second input image is placed into the specified area position and size. The second inputimage is placed into a user provided rectangular area of the the first image.

Details If the input images have a different format the second image is convertedto the image format of the first image. If is possible use the same format for the inputimages because the conversion require time and memory. Error messages: ’Coordinatestype mismatch.’ The ’Coordinates type’ parameter contain an invalid identifier, select acorrect value from the drop down list.

Notes The block @blockref(base, image pip) does a similar work. However, it ismainly based on Intel IPP libraries, and provides to the user all features available in theunderlying library. This makes that block more flexible, but more complex to tune. Formost cases we reccomend the use of this simpler block.


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9.1.232 PitchCorr


class name PitchCorrcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pitch estimateauthors Carlo Drioli

Pitch based on autocorrelation


Input bufferid input buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer


Output scalarid output scalartype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output scalar


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window sizeid window sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Least possible window size256512102420484096819216384

domain [ 0, 7 ]window size

window typeid PitchCorr windowtypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneBlackmanStdBartlettHammingHannKaiser

domain [ 0, 5 ]window type

min pitchid PitchCorr minpitchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

min pitch

max pitchid PitchCorr maxpitchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

max pitch


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filter flagid PitchCorr filterflagtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

filter flag


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9.1.233 PixelwiseComparison


class name PixelwiseComparisoncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pixelwise comparisonauthors Paolo Coletta

Perform a pixelwise comparison of images. The result is an image where the pixelsare white where the comparison between the correspond source pixels is satisfied, blackotherwise


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

First operand of the comparison operation

Required interfacesbase, pixelwise comparison op

Input 2id input 2type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatyperequired required for executionread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Second operand of the comparison operation

Required interfacesbase, pixelwise comparison op


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Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input 1inherited id *no*

Result of the comparison operation


Comparison typeid comparison typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:( ¡ ) Less than( ¡= ) Less than or equal to( )) ) Equal to( ¡¿ ) Different from( ¿ ) Greater than( ¿= ) Greater than or equal to

domain [ 0, 6 )Specifies which type of comparison to perform between the two input images


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9.1.234 Point2DDoubleToPoint2DInt


class name Point2DDoubleToPoint2DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point2ddouble to point2dintauthors Paolo Coletta

Convertes a Point2DDouble datatype to a Point2DInt datatype. Coordinates of aPoint2DDouble datatype are usually normalized in the range [0.0 - 1.0], thus, this blockprovides a size datatype as a parameter, which is used as a multiplier of the input Pointbefore being converted to an integer Point


Input Pointid inputtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input Point in double coordinates


Output Pointid outputtype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output Point in integer coordinates


Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int


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The input Point2DDouble datatype is normalized with respect to a given size (usuallythe size of the original image). To convert it to a ROI2DInt datatype we need to know thatsize, in order to denormalize it. In practice, the input value is multiplied by the size beforebeing converted to an integer ROI


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9.1.235 Point2DGenerator


class name Point2DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point2d generator

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional point (x,y) that can be drawn too.


Pointid valuetype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output point contains both the X and Y coordinates. If parameter ”domain” is setto graphic mode then the point can be drawn.


Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:PointCoordinates

domain [ 0, 2 )If parameter is set to ’point’ then it’s a point datatype (a structure that contain inside

both x and y). If the value is ’coordinates’ then the parameter ”point” is splitted into twoseparated coordinates x and y


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Domainid domaintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Geometric IntGeometric DoubleGraphic IntGraphic Double

domain [ 0, 4 )Specified the type of output. It’s possible choose double or int type. Moreover it’s

possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn

Xid xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

X value

Yid ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Y value

Matrix Trasformid mode trasformtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:MatrixRotateTranslateScale

domain [ 0, 4 )Matrix Trasform

Matrix trasformid trasformtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Matrix trasform


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9.1.236 Point2DOperation


class name Point2DOperationcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Point2DOperationsauthors Simone Ghisio

The block extract point from a geometric labelled set and calculate some features.


Input GeometricLabelledSetid input labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input GeometricLabelledSet


Baricenterid outputCOGtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The input points barycenter.


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Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the input is a GeometricLabelledSet of integer or double geometric


Baricenterid Baricentertype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Baricenter of geometric labelled set objects.

BoundigRectangleid BRtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

BoundigRectangle of geometric labelled set objects.

Areaid Areatype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Area of the convex hull.


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9.1.237 Point3DGenerator


class name Point3DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 3d generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional point, represented by 3 coordinates.


OutputPoint3Did point outputtype Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Doubletype id base, base geometric point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Point 3D


Domainid mode parametertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether parameters and output are in the double or integer domain

XCoordinateid x parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

X coordinates of point


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YCoordinateid y parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Y coordinates of point

ZCoordinateid z parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Z coordinates of point


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9.1.238 PointInLabelledRoiList


class name PointInLabelledRoiListcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point in labelled roi listauthors Paolo Coletta

Search for the input point in the ROIs provided as a parameter. The reference pointmay represent the center of the roi, or one of its vertices, according to the value of the ROIOffset parameter. See the description of parameter ROI List for more datils abount thestring format


Input Pointid input pointtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Point


Output Pointid output roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Point


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Output Labelid output labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Label of the ROI in which the point is contained; empty if the point is not inside a ROI


Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether coordinates are expressed as normalized floating-point (double) num-

bers or as integer numbers

ROI Offsetid roi offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Top LeftTop CenterTop RightMiddle LeftMiddle CenterMiddle RightBottom LeftBottom CenterBottom Right

domain [ 0, 9 )Specify the position of the reference point of the ROI, with respect to the ROI itself.

The parameter determines the interpretation of the first two columns of the ROIs matrix.For instance, if this parameter is set to Middle Center, then the first two columns representthe coordinate of the center of the ROI

ROI Listid roi listtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


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A string representing a list of labelled ROIs The string parameter containes the list ofROIs and labels in the following format: x y width height label\n x y width height label\n... where x, y, width, and height are double or integer numbers (according to the value ofparameter Type). x, y may be interpreted as the center of the roi, or the top-left corner,or another reference point of the roi according to the value of parameter ROI Offset. labelis a text string, which represent an identifier of this roi; does not need to be unique. If theidentifier contain spaces, it should be surrounded by (single or double) quotes. In any case,the label should not contain the semicolon digit. Comment lines can be inserted by puttingthe # or // characters at the beginning of the line Example: 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 zone 1 0.35 0.20.3 0.4 zone 2 ...


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9.1.239 PointInRoiList


class name PointInRoiListcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point in roi listauthors Paolo Coletta

Search for the input point in the matrix provided as a parameter. Each matrix row isinterpreted as a ROI; thus, the matrix has four columns: columns 1 and 2 represent thereference point of each ROI, whereas column 3 and 4 represent the size (width and height)of the ROI. The reference point may represent the center of the roi, or one of its vertices,accrding to the value of the ROI Offset parameter


Input Pointid input pointtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Point


Output Pointid output roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Point


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Output Indexid output indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Index of the ROI in which the point is contained, or -1 if the point is not inside a ROI


Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether coordinates are expressed as normalized floating-point (double) num-

bers or as integer numbers

ROI Offsetid roi offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Top LeftTop CenterTop RightMiddle LeftMiddle CenterMiddle RightBottom LeftBottom CenterBottom Right

domain [ 0, 9 )Specify the position of the reference point of the ROI, with respect to the ROI itself.

The parameter determines the interpretation of the first two columns of the ROIs matrix.For instance, if this parameter is set to Middle Center, then the first two columns representthe coordinate of the center of the ROI

ROI Listid roi listtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

A matrix representing a list of ROIs


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9.1.240 PointToRoi


class name PointToRoicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pointtoroiauthors Simone Ghisio

This block builds a rectangular area (ROI) from a given input point. The user mayspecify width/height of the area and the position of the point with respect to the rectangle(e.g., top-left, center, etc.)


Input Pointid input pointtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Point


Output Pointid output roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Point


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Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether coordinates are expressed as normalized floating-point (double) num-

bers or as integer numbers

ROI Offsetid roi offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Top LeftTop CenterTop RightMiddle LeftMiddle CenterMiddle RightBottom LeftBottom CenterBottom Right

domain [ 0, 9 )Specify the position of the input point with respect to the generated output rectangle

Null ROIid null roitype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the NULL flag of the output ROI. Note that implementations of blocksmay interpret a NULL ROI differently from an empty ROI. For instance, the image datatypeinteprets a NULL ROI as a ROI covering the whole images, whereas an empty ROI (widthor height set to zero) actually causes all pixels to be unaffected by the subsequent operations

Widthid size xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Width of the generated rectangle


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Heightid size ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Height of the generated rectangle


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9.1.241 PresentationTimeStabilizer


class name PresentationTimeStabilizercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RePresentationauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block changes the presentation time of a datatype by assuming that it was generatedby a periodic process with a fixed sampling rate.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output



Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*



Frequencyid frequencytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



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Timeid timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time



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9.1.242 Proximity measures Tracker


class name Proximity measures Trackercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ProximityMeasuresTrackerauthors Simone Ghisio

The block computes trackin algorithm using the proximity (similarity) measure method.Themethod calculates the measure between an image and a template (another image).


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input image

Input Geometric Labelled Setid input geometric labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Initial list of points to track


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Output Geometric Labelled Setid output geometric labeled settype Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D doubletype id base, geometric labeled set 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

List of points after tracking processing

Load new labelled setid output lost pointstype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Request to load new labelled set because there are too many lost points


Enlargementid window search sizetype Base, Rectangle 2D inttype id base, rectangle 2d int

Enlargement of search window .

Template sizeid template sizetype Base, Rectangle 2D inttype id base, rectangle 2d int

Size of the template window.

LostPointid LostPointstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Maximum number of lost points after that the block generates a request to create newfeatures.

Thresholdid max distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double



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Distanceid max disttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Maximum distance

Typeid type of measuretype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Cross CorrelationDistance

domain [ 0, 2 )Type of measure

Updateid updatetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:UpdateOriginal

domain [ 0, 2 )Update


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9.1.243 ProximityMeasure


class name ProximityMeasurecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id proximity

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Proximity measure


Input streamid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input stream

Templateid input video stream templatetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



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Output streamid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output stream


Algorithmsid algotype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Sqr Distance Full NormSqr Distance Same NormSqr Distance Valid NormCross Corr Full NormCross Corr Same NormCross Corr Vald NormCross Corr Full Norm LevelCross Corr Same Norm LevelCross Corr Vald Norm Level

domain [ 0, 9 )Algorithms


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9.1.244 QuantityOfMotion


class name QuantityOfMotioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id mhi

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Computes the quantity of motion of a silhouette


Input streamid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input stream


Output streamid output mhitype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output stream

Quantity of motionid output motiontype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Quantity of motion


Realtime modeid realtime-modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Use presentation time (i.e., the duration parameter) to compute the length of the updatehistory; otherwise use frame history.

Durationid durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


Frame to keepid frame-historytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Frame to keep in the motion history. Valid only for NO realtime mode

Keep color modelid keep-colormodeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the color model of the output is the same of the input. In such case aconversion is introduced because the internal computation is always performed with BWfloating point images.

Difference modeid diff-modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the input silhouette is subtracted from the result before providing it asthe output of the block.

Integration modeid integration-modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Integration mode


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Window Sizeid wnd-sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Currently ignored.


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9.1.245 Quantizer


class name Quantizercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Quantizerauthors Mirko Demurtas



InputDoubleid input doubletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input double number


OutputQuantizedid output doubletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output quantized


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Modeid parameter modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:StepRange

domain [ 0, 2 )Mode

Stepid steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Step size


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9.1.246 RTAn


class name RTAncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id sinan rtanauthors Carlo Drioli

RealTime sinusoidal Analysis


Input bufferid input buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer


Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


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FFT Sizeid FftTransform fftsizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Least possible FFT256512102420484096819216384

domain [ 0, 7 ]FFT Size

san2 file nameid san filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”San2 file (*.san2)—*.san2—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

san2 file name

n. of partialsid n of partialstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 100 ]

n. of partials

min pitchid analysis minpitchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

min pitch

max pitchid analysis maxpitchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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max pitch

mode switchid mode switchtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

mode switch


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9.1.247 RTAn


class name RTAncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id sinan rtsynauthors Carlo Drioli

RealTime sinusoidal Synthesis


Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


san2 file nameid san2 filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”San2 file (*.san2)—*.san2—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

filename parameter

sampling rateid Sampling ratetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 16000, 48000 ]

sampling rate


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pitch shiftid pitch shifttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

pitch shift

time stretchid time stretchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

time stretch

start commandid start playingtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

start command


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9.1.248 RTAnSyn


class name RTAnSyncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id sinan rtansynauthors Carlo Drioli

RealTime sinusoidal Analysis/Synthesis


Input bufferid input buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input buffer


Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


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FFT Sizeid FftTransform fftsizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Least possible FFT256512102420484096819216384

domain [ 0, 7 ]FFT Size

san2 file nameid san filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”San2 file (*.san2)—*.san2—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

san2 file name

n. of partialsid n of partialstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 100 ]

n. of partials

min pitchid analysis minpitchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

min pitch

max pitchid analysis maxpitchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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max pitch

mode switchid mode switchtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

mode switch

pitch shiftid pitch shifttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

pitch shift

time stretchid time stretchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

time stretch

start commandid start playingtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

start command


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9.1.249 RandomNumbersGenerator


class name RandomNumbersGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RandomGeneratorauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This block generates random numbers according to the distribution specified as param-eter.


SyncInid SyncIntype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Sync In: a new random sample is generated each time a bang arrives in this input.


Random outputid RandomOutputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The newly generated random number.


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Output typeid OutputTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:RealInteger

domain [ 0, 2 )The desired type of the output random number. It can be either integer or real.

Distributionid Distributiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:BetaBilateral exponentialCauchyExponentialGaussianLinearPoissonTriangularUniformWeibull

The distribution to be used for generating random samples.

Minimum output valueid MinOutputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the random output number.

Maximum output valueid MaxOutputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the random output number.


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9.1.250 ReadFromFile


class name ReadFromFilecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ReadFileauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block reads multiple streams of data from files written in a proprietary EyesWebformats. Files usually have extension ”.ebf”.


Name Fileid Filetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Eyesweb Binary File (*.ebf)—*.ebf—(*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Name File

Raw Modeid Rawtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Raw Mode

Headid Headtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


Playid playtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


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Pauseid pausetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Stopid stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Play statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:PlayPauseStop

domain [ 0, 3 )Recorder Status

End of fileid Eoftype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StopPauseLoop

domain [ 0, 3 )End of file

Set startid starttype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Set start

Start timeid media startimetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


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Start time

Seek toid gototype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Seek to

Seek to timeid goto timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Seek to time

Set durationid endtotype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Set duration

Duration timeid media durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Duratione time

Master Modeid mastertype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Master Mode

Index Masterid index mastertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Index Master

Delete Old Format Fileid delete previous filetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When opening a file in a previous format (file with external index), the file is convertedto the new format. This parameter specifies whether the file in the old format is deletedafter being converted


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9.1.251 ReadFromFile


class name ReadFromFilecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ReadFromFileauthors Simone Ghisio

The block reads the data contained in an existing file. The file must be a text filecontaining the header and must be created with the WriteToFile block.

Notes The header can be writed using a text editor, if the file hans’t one.For example,if your file has 3 columns (time, integer, and double), the header must be the following line:auto time double int #


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Input 00.


FileNameid file nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Text files (*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

File to be readed.


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ActivationModeid read modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:BangLineTimePolling

domain [ 0, 4 )Activation mode:Bang: external clock connected to the input, is used to activate the block.On line number: external integer value connected to the input (which is interpreted as

the line number of the file) is used to activate the block.On time: external time value connected to the input (which is interpreted as one of the

time columns of the file) is used to activate the block.Polling: an internal signal is used to activate the block. If the file has at least one time

column the signal is generated according to the offset of consecutive times. If there is notime, Eyesweb automatically activates the block.

LoopModeid eof modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:LoopStopPauseNoOutput

domain [ 0, 4 )Loop mode.It works only if ActivationMode is set to Polling mode. Loop: activates circular loop

mode.Stop: not implemented yet.Pause: generates the current value of file. If the input value of line or time is out of

bound it generates first or last value of file.NoOutput: output is not generated.

OverrideTimeid override timetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Override time value with internal one.


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9.1.252 ReadImage


class name ReadImagecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id read image

authorsMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Read an image which full pathname is received as a string input. Replaces the Read-ImagesFromFolder block. Note: a breaking change occurred between and,as the block does not process folder entries as it did before. However, such features havemoved to block GetIndexedPath, thus, the combination of GetIndexedPath and ReadImageprovide the same fetures as the previous ReadImagesFromFolder block. Note: the block iscurrently limited to jpeg images.


InputPathid pathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Full path to the jpeg file to be loaded.


Output imageid outputtype GPGPU, CUDA Imagetype id gpgpu, cuda imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output image


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Original Image Sizeid original image sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Provides the original image size

Cue Statusid cue statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Provides info about the status of the CUE operation. May assume one of the followingvalue: 0 - No cue operation in progress 1 - Cue in progress 2 - Cue completed 3 - Cue error


Output datatype infoid image datatypetype Kernel, StringPairtype id kernel, string pairlayout

Output Datatype info

Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following,however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200CGA (very old graphic cards)

640x480 VGA (old graphic cards)1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15” LCDmonitors)1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17” LCD monitors)1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks)1600x1200 UXGA (20” LCD monitors)1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors)352x288 PAL QCIF720x576 PAL


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Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 unsigned16 unsigned16 signed32 Float

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.

Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 17 )The color model define the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of

following values:BW (1 channel: grayscale);BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red);RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue);YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);


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YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).

Coordinates Typeid coordinates typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntDouble

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether ROI coordinates are integer (absolute) or normalize. In normalized

mode source Roi coordinates are normalized with respect to the size of the source image,whereas dest Roi coordinates are normalized with respect to the output image size

Source rectid roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

Rectangular area of source image to read from file

Dest roiid dest-roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

ROI of the output image


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LetterBox Modeid letterbox modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No letterboxCenterMiddleNoneTopNoneMiddleNoneBottomLeftNoneLeftTopLeftMiddleLeftBottomCenterNoneCenterTopCenterBottomRightNoneRightTopRightMiddleRightBottom

domain [ 0, 16 )Specifies where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in ’No letterbox’

the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to coverall available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus ablack frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space.This enumerator specifies where to place such black frame. Since the user might not knowin advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each modespecifies how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle meansthat if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, andthe matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image willbe vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the first referring to thehorizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontalcentering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assumevalues none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is neededon that direction, than the image is stretched to fill the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTopmeans that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is appliedand the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destinationrect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below.

Cache Imageid cache imagetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the image loaded from file is cached in local memory and reused in the case thefilename does no change. This optimize the case where the same image is used many con-


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secutive time; however it implies one more copy occurs when the image change. Moreover,note that the whole image is cached, not only the source rect.

Image File typeid image file typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 37 )


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Specifies the type of the image. Specifying the image type, instead of letting the blockdeduce it from the image header, may reduce the time needed to load the image

Cue Image Pathid cue image pathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Jpeg files (*.jpg,*.jpeg)—*.jpg;*.jpeg—Portable Network graphics files (*.png)—*.png—Bitmap files (*.bmp,*.wbmp)—*.bmp;*.wbmp—Tagged Image File Format files (*.tiff)—*.tiff—Targa files (*.tga)—*.tga—All image files—*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp;*.wbmp;*.tiff;*.tga—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Path of the next image to be probably loaded. Note that this is just an hint for theblock; the actual image loaded is specified via the input pin. However, setting this filenamecauses the specified image to be loaded in the background. If the next requested imagematches the hint, the image will be available immediately


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9.1.253 ReadMatrixFromFile - double


class name ReadMatrixFromFile - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id doublematrix from fileauthors Paolo Coletta

Load a matrix of double numbers from a text file.

Notes The text file must contain only ASCII characters. Files with other encodings isnot supported, UTF encoded files are partially supported.All line starting with ’//’ or ’#’or ’;’ is considered as comment.The first line (not commented) is evaluaded as matrix size.The other lines are evaluated as matrix rows.The matrix size must be writed as ’¡numberof row¿x¡number of column¿’ (example 5x12) otherwise the matrix dimensions is evaluatedparsing the file.Each matrix row must be writed on a single line. The matrix is writed lineby line starting from the top row and reaching the bottom row.The single row line containsall numbers of related matrix row writed in text format starting from the leftmost elementand reaching the rightmost element. Each element is separated using one tab or spaces.The values is writed in left to right order.The format used to store each matrix values canbe using standard or scentific. The separator is not supported. the decimal separator canbe ’.’ or ’,’. The result of 123/10 can be formatted as 12.3 or 12,3 or 12,3e0 or 1.23e1.So oneidentity matrix with 3x3 dimension can be writed into a file as follow: # matrix dimension(can be not specified and the size is evaluated from matrix values) 3x3 // matrix values 1.00.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ; end of matrix


Output matrixid valuetype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix


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File nameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Text files (*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Specifies the name of the file.

Reloadid reloadtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Force the block to reload the matrix from file again.


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9.1.254 ReadMatrixFromFile - int


class name ReadMatrixFromFile - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id intmatrix from fileauthors Paolo Coletta

Load a matrix of integer numbers from a text file.

Notes The text file must contain only ASCII characters. Files with other encodings isnot supported, UTF encoded files are partially supported.All line starting with ’//’ or ’#’or ’;’ is considered as comment.The first line (not commented) is evaluaded as matrix size.The other lines are evaluated as matrix rows.The matrix size must be writed as ’¡numberof row¿x¡number of column¿’ (example 5x12) otherwise the matrix dimensions is evaluatedparsing the file.Each matrix row must be writed on a single line. The matrix is writed lineby line starting from the top row and reaching the bottom row.The single row line containsall numbers of related matrix row writed in text format starting from the leftmost elementand reaching the rightmost element. Each element is separated using one tab or spaces.The values is writed in left to right order.The format used to store each matrix values canbe using standard or scentific. The separator is not supported. the decimal separator canbe ’.’ or ’,’. The result of 123/10 can be formatted as 12.3 or 12,3 or 12,3e0 or 1.23e1.So oneidentity matrix with 3x3 dimension can be writed into a file as follow: # matrix dimension(can be not specified and the size is evaluated from matrix values) 3x3 // matrix values 1.00.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ; end of matrix


Output matrixid valuetype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix


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File nameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Text files (*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Specifies the name of the file.

Reloadid reloadtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Force the block to reload the matrix from file again.


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9.1.255 ReadMidi


class name ReadMidicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ReadMidiauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block reads a midi file. It has three different output modalities: - Multi-channel:all the midi channels of the input file are separated and each channel has its own outputline, so all the messages of a channel are sent trough out that channel’s dedicated outputline. - Mixed-channel: only one output pin is created and all the midi messages red fromthe input file are sent trough out the output line without taking care of the message’schannel. - Buffered output: only one output line is created but, instead of sending out eachsingle midi message, a buffer is created and filled with the messages red from the inputfile. The midi buffer is then sent trough out the output line only when it is full. The sizeof the output buffer can be manually specified (in milliseconds) or can be automaticallycalculated from an external audio clock input signal depending on which synchronizationmode is selected.

The block has also three different synchronization modalities: - Internal clock: executionperiod is calculated from the values red from the input midi file such as the ”Time division”value located in the file header chunk and the various Tempo values carried by the ”SetTempo” meta-event messages. - External audio clock: a new input pin is created andyou can connect to it an external audio clock signal (such as an audio buffer signal). Thetiming properties of the midi track (such as Tempo and Tick length) are red from themidi input file like in the previous synchronization mode, but this time the output mode isautomatically switched to ”Buffered output” and the length of the midi buffer is calculatedto match the values acquired from the external audio signal. The execution of the blockis no more set to periodic (like in the other synchronization modes) but his activation isset to ”Event based”, the block is activated each time it receives an audio buffer from theinput pin. When an input audio buffer arrives, the block starts to fill the output bufferwith midi messages until his length (in milliseconds) matches the input one’s and then itis sent trough out the output pin. In this way, each time an audio buffer is generated fromi.e. an mp3 reader block, a midi buffer with the same length is generated too. This is veryuseful to synchronize a midi file with an external media source. - User specified period: theexecution period can be specified by the user ignoring the ”Time division” value and allthe ”Set Tempo” meta-event messages in the input midi file. – REMARKS – Some midimeta-event (like the ”Time Signature” messages to change Metric values) are ignored bythe midi file parser.


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File Nameid Filetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Midi files (*.mid)—*.mid—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

File Name

Restart on end of fileid Eoftype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Restart on end of file

Synchronization modeid sync modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Internal clockUse external audio clockUser specified period

domain [ 0, 3 )It allows to choose the synchronization mode

Periodid Periodictype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


Output modeid device modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Multi channelMixed channelBuffered mode

domain [ 0, 3 )It allows to choose the output mode


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Buffer length (ms)id buffer lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

This parameter specifies the length of the output buffer in milliseconds

Velocityid Velocitytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double



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9.1.256 RebufferAudio


class name RebufferAudiocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rebufferaudioauthors Mirko Demurtas

Rebuffer audio streams in a different audio buffer with a specified dimension.

Error and Warning Messages — During initialization phase - The output buffer has*** instead of *** samples


Input audio streamid input audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Audio Stream that must be rebuffered.


Output audio streamid output audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Audio Stream rebuffered.


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Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the buffering of input stream

Delayid delaytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Slidingid slidingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


Buffering typeid bufferinf typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Buffer TimeNumber of sampleFrame per second

domain [ 0, 3 )Buffering description

Durate streamid buffer durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Durate Audio stream output


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9.1.257 Receive


class name Receivecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id recvauthors Alessandro Fausto

Receive a datatype from a sender block or external application using various proto-cols.This new version has the ability to declare the output datatype using the init informa-tions received from the ’SendToNetwork2’ block. This is possible only when the protocolused by this two blocks is UDP v2.0 or TCP v1.0. In this case a new parameter appers andthe user can be toggle between the old style initialization (input pin) or new style initializa-tion (sended informations). In the initialization of the patch this block check 10 times perseconds if the datatype initialization data is arrived. If the initialization packet is not re-ceived in less than 3 seconds the block print a error message and stop the patch initializationbecause a block must declare its output datatype before exit the Init() function.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output

This input is used to initialize the datatype given as output. A warning message isprinted if the datatype sent from the sender block is different from the input datatype.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

The output datatype is initialized using the same type and initialization parameter of


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input datatype. A warning message is printed if the datatype sent from the sender blockis different from the input datatype.


protocolid parameter modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:UDP v. 1.0UDP v. 2.0TCP v. 1.0

domain [ 0, 3 )The UDP version 1.0 is the eyesweb network protocol used before XMI 5.0.4. The

other two protocols are the newer versions.The UDP version 2.0 has better errors handlingand use less bandwidth than UDP version 1.0 protocol.The TCP version 1.0 use the sametechniques of UDP v2.0 but use one TCP stream to send the data.

Sender addressid dest addresstype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

IP address (or fully qualified hostname) of the sender computer.

Calc. presentation timeid cal presentationTimeIdtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Recalculate the presentation time using the received dt duration. Ignores the receivedpresentation time

Statisticsid out statisticstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output two counters.The ’counterValid’ output is the number of datatypes correctlyreceived.The ’counterWrong’ output is the number of datatypes received with errors.Theerrors can be incomplete reception or detection of corrupted data.

Remote Portid init info porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

This is the remote TCP port number where the sender computer wait for receiverrequests.


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Datatype inizializationid init from sendertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:from input datatypefrom sender information

domain [ 0, 2 )Select between initialization from init information sent by sender block or from input



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9.1.258 Rectangle2DGenerator


class name Rectangle2DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle2d generator int

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional rectangle. The rectangle can be drawn if parameter domainis set to graphic mode


Rectangleid valuetype Base, Rectangle 2D inttype id base, rectangle 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output rectangle created according to the parameter ”Rectangle”.


Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RectanglePointsCoordinates

domain [ 0, 3 )If parameter is set to ’rectangle’ value, then the input of parameter ”Rectangle” must be

a rectangle datatype. If the parameter is set to ’points’ value then the input of ”Rectangle”must be a couple of point datatype (upper-left, lower-right). If the parameter value is’coordinates’ then ”Rectangle” must be upper-left and lower right points splitted into fourinteger values.


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Domainid domaintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Geometric IntGeometric DoubleGraphic IntGraphic Double

domain [ 0, 4 )Specified the type of output. It’s possible choose double or int type. Moreover it’s

possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn

X1id x1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Abscissa of upper left point

Y1id y1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Ordinate of upper let point

X2id x2type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Abscissa of lower right point

Y2id y2type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Ordinate of lower right point


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Matrix Trasformid mode trasformtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:MatrixRotateTranslateScale

domain [ 0, 4 )Matrix Trasform

Matrix trasformid trasformtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Matrix trasform


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9.1.259 Rectangle3DGenerator


class name Rectangle3DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle 3d generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional rectangle, represented by barycenter and 3 sizes.


OutputRectangle3Did rectangle outputtype Base, BaseGeometricRectangle3Doubletype id base, base geometric rectangle 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Rectangle 3D


Domainid mode parametertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether parameters and output are in the double or integer domain

XOriginid x parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

X coordinate of origin


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YOriginid y parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Y coordinate of origin

ZOriginid z parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Z coordinate of origin

XSizeid xsize parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lenght of x side

YSizeid ysize parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lenght of y side

ZSizeid zsize parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lenght of z side


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9.1.260 RectangleOperations2D - double


class name RectangleOperations2D - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rect2d double op

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between 2 rectangles


Rectangle 1id rect1type Base, Rectangle 2D doubletype id base, rectangle 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2id rect2type Base, Rectangle 2D doubletype id base, rectangle 2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Second rectangle of the selected operation


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Output rectangleid rect outtype Base, Rectangle 2D doubletype id base, rectangle 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation


Operationid operationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntersectUnion

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of the operation Intersection or union.


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9.1.261 RectangleOperations2D - int


class name RectangleOperations2D - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rect2d int op

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between 2 rectangles


Rectangle 1id rect1type Base, Rectangle 2D inttype id base, rectangle 2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2id rect2type Base, Rectangle 2D inttype id base, rectangle 2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Second rectangle of the selected operation


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Output rectangleid rect outtype Base, Rectangle 2D inttype id base, rectangle 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation


Operationid operationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntersectUnion

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of the operation Intersection or union.


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9.1.262 RectangleOperations3D - double


class name RectangleOperations3D - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rect3d double op

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between two 3d rectangles


Rectangle 1id rect1type Base, Rectangle 3D doubletype id base, rectangle 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2id rect2type Base, Rectangle 3D doubletype id base, rectangle 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Second rectangle of the selected operation


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Output rectangleid rect outtype Base, Rectangle 3D doubletype id base, rectangle 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation


Operationid operationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntersectUnion

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of the operation Intersection or union.


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9.1.263 RectangleOperations3D - int


class name RectangleOperations3D - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rect3d int op

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between two 3d rectangles


Rectangle 1id rect1type Base, Rectangle 3D inttype id base, rectangle 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2id rect2type Base, Rectangle 3D inttype id base, rectangle 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Second rectangle of the selected operation


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Output rectangleid rect outtype Base, Rectangle 3D inttype id base, rectangle 3d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation


Operationid operationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntersectUnion

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of the operation Intersection or union.


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9.1.264 RectangleToPointAndSize - double


class name RectangleToPointAndSize - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RectToPoinandSizeDouble

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Convert a double rectangle to its origin point(x,y) and size(width,height)


Rectangle to origin and sizeid rect2dtype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The rectangle that must be converted.


Originid point2dtype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Origin point (x,y) of the rectangle.This output is usually used to calculate boundingrectangle with the size of the object.

Sizeid size2dtype Base, Size 2D doubletype id base, size2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Size of rectangle (width and height). If these two values are added to origin point theresult is the bounding rectangle.


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9.1.265 RectangleToPointAndSize - int


class name RectangleToPointAndSize - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RectToPoinandSizeInt

authorsMirko DemurtasRoberto Sagoleo

Convert an integer rectangle to origin point(x,y) and size(width,height)


Rectangle to origin and sizeid rect2dtype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The rectangle that must be converted.


Originid point2dtype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Origin point (x,y) of the rectangle.This output is usually used to calculate boundingrectangle with the size of the object.

Sizeid size2dtype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Size of rectangle (width and height). If these two values are added to origin point theresult is the bounding rectangle.


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9.1.266 Remap


class name Remapcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id remap

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Modify the input image according to x and y input map table


Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


X mapid x maptype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

X map


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Y mapid y maptype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Y map


Remapped imageid output remappedtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Remapped image


Dest. ROIid dest-roitype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d int

Destination ROI

Interpolation Algorithmid interpolation algorithmtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Nearest neighbourLinearCubicSuper Sample

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed. A rough

interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usageto perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., cubic)provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.


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9.1.267 RemapAxis3D-Double


class name RemapAxis3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id remap 3d axis doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Remaps axis. The remapping is computed by 3x3 matrix parameter. The first rowrepresents x axis, the second y, and the third z. For example, if the first line is [0,1,0], yaxis is mapped on x. If it’s [0,0,1], z axis is mapped on x. If the user want to invert axisit can be done writing -1 value. For example, if the first line is [-1,0,0], x axis is inverted.For each row, only one column must be set to 1 or -1 value. This condition allows 1-¿1remapping. If the matrix is identity, so the remapping is null.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d reamp axis


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 3D.


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Matrixid matrix paramtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

Remapping matrix. Set to 1 or -1 only one column, for each row.


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9.1.268 RemapAxis3D-Int


class name RemapAxis3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id remap 3d axis intauthors Simone Ghisio

Remaps axis. The remapping is computed by 3x3 matrix parameter. The first rowrepresents x axis, the second y, and the third z. For example, if the first line is [0,1,0], yaxis is mapped on x. If it’s [0,0,1], z axis is mapped on x. If the user want to invert axisit can be done writing -1 value. For example, if the first line is [-1,0,0], x axis is inverted.For each row, only one column must be set to 1 or -1 value. This condition allows 1-¿1remapping. If the matrix is identity, so the remapping is null.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d reamp axis


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 3D.


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Matrixid matrix paramtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

Remapping matrix. Set to 1 or -1 only one column, for each row.


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9.1.269 RemapMatrix - double


class name RemapMatrix - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id remap doublematrixauthors Paolo Coletta

Remap items of a matrix using two auxiliary matrices as maps for rows and columns.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input matrix containing the items to be remapped.

Rows’ mapid row map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Each item of this matrix contains the position (row) where to move the correspondingitem of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of thismatrix has value m, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (m, ?)position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter).


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Columns’ mapid column map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Each item of this matrix contains the position (column) where to move the correspondingitem of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of thismatrix has value n, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (?, n)position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter).


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix containing the remapped values.


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9.1.270 RemapMatrix - int


class name RemapMatrix - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id remap intmatrixauthors Paolo Coletta

Remap items of a matrix using two auxiliary matrices as maps for rows and columns.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input matrix containing the items to be remapped.

Rows’ mapid row map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Each item of this matrix contains the position (row) where to move the correspondingitem of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of thismatrix has value m, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (m, ?)position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter).


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Columns’ mapid column map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Each item of this matrix contains the position (column) where to move the correspondingitem of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of thismatrix has value n, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (?, n)position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter).


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output matrix containing the remapped values.


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9.1.271 RemoveByLabel


class name RemoveByLabelcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RemoveByLabelauthors Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset or a single item from the input labelled set.


InputLabelledSetid input labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object.

OutputStringid input stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


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InputLabelledSetid output labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Input Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object.


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9.1.272 RemoveDuplicates


class name RemoveDuplicatescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id remove duplicatesauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block removes adjacent consecutive duplicate datatypes


Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output



Outputid Outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*



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9.1.273 RemoveShape2D-double


class name RemoveShape2D-doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RemoveShapeDoubleauthors Simone Ghisio

This block removes shapes from the input list according to parameters area and height.Double version of the block. It works with double shapes.


InputListid input shape listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace OutputListreferred as inherited *no*

Input list of shapes


OutputListid input shape listtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id InputListinherited id *no*

Output list without removed shapes.


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Modeid par modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ThresholdLinear

domain [ 0, 2 )Actually it works only in Threshold mode

areaid par areatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value of this parameter is the minimum area allowed of the shape.

heightid par heighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value of this parameter is the minimum height allowed of the shape.


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9.1.274 RemoveShape2D-int


class name RemoveShape2D-intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RemoveShapeIntauthors Simone Ghisio

This block removes shapes from the input list according to parameters area and height.Integer version of the block. It works with int shapes.


InputListid input shape listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace OutputListreferred as inherited *no*

Input list of shapes


OutputListid input shape listtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id InputListinherited id *no*

Output list without removed shapes.


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Modeid par modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ThresholdLinear

domain [ 0, 2 )Actually it works only in Threshold mode

areaid par areatype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The value of this parameter is the minimum area allowed of the shape.

heightid par heighttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The value of this parameter is the minimum height allowed of the shape.


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9.1.275 RescaleInRangePoint3D-Double


class name RescaleInRangePoint3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 3d rescale doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Rescale geometric objects according to parameter values.The rescaling is linear.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

3D obect to be rescaled

Required interfacesbase, 3d rescale in range double


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

3D obect rescaled


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StartRangeInputXid param start range input xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Input.

EndRangeInputXid param end range input xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Input.

StartRangeOutputXid param start range output xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Output

EndRangeOutputXid param end range output xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Output

StartRangeInputYid param start range input ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Input.

EndRangeInputYid param end range input ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Input.

StartRangeOutputYid param start range output ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Output


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EndRangeOutputYid param end range output ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Output

StartRangeInputZid param start range input ztype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Input.

EndRangeInputZid param end range input ztype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Input.

StartRangeOutputZid param start range output ztype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Output

EndRangeOutputZid param end range output ztype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Output


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9.1.276 RescaleInRangePoint3D-Int


class name RescaleInRangePoint3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 3d rescale intauthors Simone Ghisio

Rescale geometric objects according to parameter values.The rescaling is linear.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

3D obect to be rescaled

Required interfacesbase, 3d rescale in range int


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

3D obect rescaled


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StartRangeInputXid param start range input xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start Range Input.

EndRangeInputXid param end range input xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

End Range Input.

StartRangeOutputXid param start range output xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start Range Output

EndRangeOutputXid param end range output xtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

End Range Output

StartRangeInputYid param start range input ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start Range Input.

EndRangeInputYid param end range input ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

End Range Input.

StartRangeOutputYid param start range output ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start Range Output


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EndRangeOutputYid param end range output ytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

End Range Output

StartRangeInputZid param start range input ztype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start Range Input.

EndRangeInputZid param end range input ztype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

End Range Input.

StartRangeOutputZid param start range output ztype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Start Range Output

EndRangeOutputZid param end range output ztype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

End Range Output


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9.1.277 ResizeRoi


class name ResizeRoicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id resize roiauthors Paolo Coletta

This block changes the size of the input Roi by adding the user-specified quantities tothe width and height of the Roi. The user can choose whether the resulting Roi is centeredwith respect to the original one; if not, the point that remains fixed can be specified


InputROIid input roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace OutputROIreferred as inherited *no*

Input ROI


OutputROIid output roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d doubleinplace id InputROIinherited id *no*

Resized Roi


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Typeid m typePtrtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether ROI coordinates and size are expressed as normalized floating-point

(double) numbers or as integer numbers

ROI Offsetid m roiOffsetPtrtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Top LeftTop CenterTop RightMiddle LeftMiddle CenterMiddle RightBottom LeftBottom CenterBottom Right

domain [ 0, 9 )Specify the position of the fixed point of the input ROIwith respect to the generated

output rectangle

Sizeid parameter sizetype Base, Size 2D doubletype id base, size2d double

Specifies the amount of change that occurs in the width and height. Use negative valueto shrink the input Roi, positive values to enlarge it


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9.1.278 Roi2DDoubleToRoi2DInt


class name Roi2DDoubleToRoi2DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id roi2ddouble to roi2dintauthors Paolo Coletta

Convertes a Roi2DDouble datatype to a ROI2DInt datatype. Coordinates of a ROI2DDoubledatatype are usually normalized in the reange [0.0 - 1.0], thus, this block provides a sizedatatype as a parameter, which is used as a multiplier of the input ROI before beingconverted to an integer ROI


Input ROIid inputtype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input ROI in double coordinates


Output ROIid outputtype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output ROI in integer coordinates


Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int


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The input Roi2DDouble datatype is normalized with respect to a given size (usually thesize of the original image). To convert it to a ROI2DInt datatype we need to know thatsize, in order to denormalize it. In practice, the input value is multiplied by the size beforebeing converted to an integer ROI


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9.1.279 Rotate


class name Rotatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id RotateObject2Dauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block rotates the input geometric or graphic 2D object. The block input is genericbut it accepts only 2D rotable objects.


Input objectid InputObjecttype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output objectreferred as inherited *no*

The input 2D object to be rotated.

Required interfacesBase, Transformations2D


Output objectid OutputObjecttype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input objectinherited id *no*

The output rotated 2D object.


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Rotation angleid RotationAngletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The rotation angle in radiants to be applied to the input object.

Rotate vertexesid Computetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the block computes the transformation on the vertexes of the object. If falsethe transformation is applied to the entire object.If the input object is graphic and theparameter is set to false the rotation is visible, otherwise if the parameter is set to true, thevertexes of the object is actually rotated and the object is redrawn changing the origin ofthe axis, so the rotation might not be visible. If in the patch some blocks of transformationare used(Rotate, Scale, Translate) each one that set Compute to true computes alle theprevious transformation on the vertexes.


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9.1.280 Rotate3D-Double


class name Rotate3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rotate 3d doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Rotate the 3D object, updating angle values. The block applies the transformationto the object. It means that coordinates are updated according to transformation valueparameters. This applying is necessary to rotate object around a generic point.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d rotate


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 3D.


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Bones declaration modeid axistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:XRotationYRotationZRotation

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies how the user declares which points are connected by bones. Four options are

available: - User: the user has parameters to declare all the pair of points which will be connected

by bones- Kinect: the skeleton defined by the Microsoft Kinect device is used- File: a filename referring a Qualisys AIM model or a Qualisys label list is expected- Kinetic Energy Model: this model can be used to compute kinetic energy by the

KineticEnergyIndex block

Angleid param x rotationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Angle of rotation around x axis.

CenterCoordinate1id center 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Center of rotation on specific axis.

CenterCoordinate2id center 2type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Center of rotation on specific axis.


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9.1.281 Rotate3D-Int


class name Rotate3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rotate 3d intauthors Simone Ghisio

Rotate the 3D object, updating angle values. The block doesn’tapplies the transforma-tion to the object. It means that coordinates are not updated according to transformationvalue parameters.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d rotate


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output 3D.


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Bones declaration modeid axistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:XRotationYRotationZRotation

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies how the user declares which points are connected by bones. Four options are

available: - User: the user has parameters to declare all the pair of points which will be connected

by bones- Kinect: the skeleton defined by the Microsoft Kinect device is used- File: a filename referring a Qualisys AIM model or a Qualisys label list is expected- Kinetic Energy Model: this model can be used to compute kinetic energy by the

KineticEnergyIndex block

Angleid param x rotationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Angle of rotation around x axis.

CenterCoordinate1id center 1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Center of rotation on specific axis.

CenterCoordinate2id center 2type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Center of rotation on specific axis.


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9.1.282 SI-1280


class name SI-1280catalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id SI-1280authors Alberto Massari

Acquire video stream from USB2 camera


Acquired videoid video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the video stream coming from the camera


Camera IDid camera-idtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 7 ]

The number of the camera (0-7)

Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

The dimension of the acquired window

Window offsetid window offsettype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d int

The location of the top left corner of the acquisition window, relative to the full1280x1024 window.


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Vertical mirrorid vert mirrortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the image must be swapped vertically

Horizontal mirrorid horiz-mirrortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the image must be swapped horizontally

Clockid clocktype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:7 MHz8 MHz9 MHz10 MHz15 MHz20 MHz25 MHz30 MHz35 MHz40 MHz41 MHz42 MHz43 MHz44 MHz45 MHz50 MHz55 MHz60 MHz

Acquisition clock; frame rate is given by the formula clock/((columns+150)*rows)

Subsampleid subsampletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the specified acquisition window should be subsampled by a factor of 2.E.g. an acquisition window of 1280x1024 with subsampling on will generate a frame of640x512 covering the entire window


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Color Modeid color-modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Black & White

The color mode of the acquired video; it can be black & white or color

Gainid gaintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:1.4101.6201.8802.1702.5202.9203.3803.9004.5005.1705.9306.7607.8608.6409.61010.690

The global gain of the camera

Black offsetid black offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 127 ]

Specifies the offset (in the range 0,127) of the black color

Column offsetid column offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Specifies the column balance


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Shutter typeid shutter typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Rolling ShutterTriggered Shutter, 32 clocksTriggered Shutter, 64 clocksTriggered Shutter, 128 clocksTriggered Shutter, 256 clocksRolling Shutter, Dual Slope 1Rolling Shutter, Dual Slope 2Rolling Shutter, Dual Slope 3

Specifies if the camera will use a full frame (aka progressive scan) shutter, or a ”rolling”shutter. The dual slope mode allows to compensate for bright and dark areas in the samepicture. The number of clocks in the full-frame mode are multiplied by the exposure timeto obtain the acquisition window.

Rolling shutter windowid rolling shutter windowtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Specifies the number of rows that will be acquired at the same time; it must be lessthan the total number of rows.

Exposureid exposuretype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 4096 ]

When the camera is in full-frame mode, specifies the number of cycles that each exposurewill take

Color resolutionid bit resolutiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:8 bit12 bit

Specifies the number of bits (8 or 12) used by each pixel in the resulting image


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Max queue sizeid max queue sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ -1, +infinity )

Specifies the maximum size of the interna queue of images. Having a queue of sizegreater than zero may help to avoid loosing frames. However, a limit is needed to avoid acostant grow of the mmory requirements. Use -1 to mean n limit


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9.1.283 SampleCounterByEnergyPerc


Sample by Energy.png Sample by Energy.png

class name SampleCounterByEnergyPerccatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Counter Sample by Energyauthors Simone Ghisio

Count values by a given percentual of energy


Input Bufferid input sound buffertype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input buffer that must be elaborated

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Outputid output valuetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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THRid thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double



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9.1.284 Savitzky-Golay


class name Savitzky-Golaycatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id savitzkygolayfilterauthors Maurizio Mancini

Computes the Savitzky Golay filter on the input time series.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

This is the smoothed time series


Filter orderid filterordertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


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The higher the order the strongest the intensity of smoothing

Output typeid typeparamtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Smoothed signalSmoothed 1st derivativeSmoothed 2nd derivativeSmoothed 3rd derivative

domain [ 0, 4 )Type of output: filtered signal, filtered 1st derivative, filtered 2nd derivative, filtered

3rd derivative

Input timeseries modeid modeparamtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:BufferSliding window

domain [ 0, 2 )The input timeseries can be a buffer or a sliding window

Output delay (samples)id delayedparamtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The output can be delayed to obtain a more stable signal


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9.1.285 ScalarDisplay


class name ScalarDisplaycatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Displayauthors Mirko Demurtas

Displays one or more scalar (integer, double or bool) number(s). The user can selectthe font used to display the scalar value(s). If more than one scalar is displayed, then, thevalues are vertically stacked within the same window. Each input can be assigned a label(through the custom dialog of the block) which is displayed next to its value.


Input 0id Input000type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 0 of the block


Number of inputsid nInputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 16 ]

Number of inputs of the block. All inputs are displays in the block area, verticallystacked. Each input can be assigned a label which is displayed next to its value.

Fontid LabelFonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font


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This is the font used to display the scalar value and the associated label.


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9.1.286 ScalarMultipleRescaler


class name ScalarMultipleRescalercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id MultipleRescaleauthors Simone Ghisio

The block rescales input value in an output value using different ranges. If the inputvalue is not contained in one of the ranges, it’s not rescaled. Otherwise the block rescalesusing the first range that contained input value. To evaluates if input is contained the opera-tion is : (start range input¡=input¡=end range input OR start range input¿=input¿=end range input).


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input value.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output rescaled value.


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IntervalNumberid interval numbertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of intervals.

StartInput00id start input 00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start input 00 value.

EndInput00id end input 00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End input 00 value.

StartOutput00id start output 00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start output 00 value.

EndOutput00id end output 00type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End output 00 value.

StartInput01id start input 01type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start input 01 value.

EndInput01id end input 01type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End input 01 value.


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StartOutput01id start output 01type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start output 01 value.

EndOutput01id end output 01type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End output 01 value.


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9.1.287 ScalarRescaler


class name ScalarRescalercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Rescaleauthors Mirko Demurtas

The block rescales input value in an output value using input and output range pa-rameters. In custom mode the user must provides both the input and output ranges. Inautomatic mode the user must provides just the output range. The input range is calcu-lated setting end and start input range as maximum and minimum input values. In thismode it’s possible to evaluate input and update min/max values or just rescale input valuewithout update the range.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input value.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output rescaled value.


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Modeid param modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Custom rangeAutomatic range

domain [ 0, 2 )Set the input range mode parameter. In custom mode the user must provides the input

range. In automatic mode it is calculated setting end and start input range as maximumand minimum input values.

Start Range Outputid param start range outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Output

End Range Outputid param end range outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Output

Start Range Inputid param start range inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Start Range Input. Ignored in automatic mode.

End Range Inputid param end range inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

End Range Input. Ignored in automatic mode.

Updateid param updatetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Use input value to update max and min values. Not used in custom mode.


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NotUpdateid param not updatetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Use old max and min value. Not used in custom mode.

Update modeid param update modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:UpdatingNotUpdating

domain [ 0, 2 )It shows if the block is updating max and min values or not. Not used in custom mode.


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9.1.288 ScalarToAudio


class name ScalarToAudiocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id scalar to audio conversion

authorsCarlo DrioliPaolo Coletta

Generates an audio buffer for each scalar input value.


Input scalarid input scalartype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input scalar


Output bufferid output buffertype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer


sampling rateid Sampling ratetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 160, 48000 ]

sampling rate


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frame sizeid Frame sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( -infinity, +infinity )

frame size

carrier frequencyid Carrier freqtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

carrier frequency

modulation typeid Modulation typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneAM modulationFM modulationAM+FM modulation

domain [ 0, 3 ]modulation type


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9.1.289 Scale


class name Scalecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ScaleObject2Dauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block scales the input geometric or graphic 2D object.


Input objectid InputObjecttype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output objectreferred as inherited *no*

The input 2D object to be scaled.

Required interfacesBase, Transformations2D


Output objectid OutputObjecttype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input objectinherited id *no*

The output scaled 2D object.


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Scaling factor along Xid ScalingFactorXtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The scaling factor to be applied to the input object along the X axis.

Scaling factor along Yid ScalingFactorYtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The scaling factor to be applied to the input object along the Y axis.

Computeid Computetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the block computes the transformation on the vertexes of the object. If falsethe transformation is applied to the entire object.If the input object is graphic and theparameter is set to false the rescaling is visible, otherwise if the parameter is set to true,the vertexes of the object is actually rescaled and the object is redrawn changing the origin ofthe axis, so the rescaling might not be visible. If in the patch some blocks of transformationare used(Rotate, Scale, Translate) each one that set Compute to true computes alle theprevious transformation on the vertexes.


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9.1.290 Scale3D-Double


class name Scale3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id scale 3d doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Scale the 3D object, updating scaling values. The block doesn’t apply the transofmrationto the object. It means that scaling are updating, but not the coordinates.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d scle


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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ScaleXid param x scaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling value on x axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

ScaleYid param y scaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling value on y axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

ScaleZid param z scaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling value on z axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.


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9.1.291 Scale3D-Int


class name Scale3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id scale 3d intauthors Simone Ghisio

Scale the 3D object, updating scaling values. The block doesn’t apply the transofmrationto the object. It means that scaling are updating, but not the coordinates.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d scle


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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ScaleXid param x scaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling value on x axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

ScaleYid param y scaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling value on y axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

ScaleZid param z scaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling value on z axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.


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9.1.292 SegmentHistogram


class name SegmentHistogramcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id segment histogramauthors Simone Ghisio

This block search segments in the input blob. The block finds black segments insidewhite border or white segments inside black border.


Input Blobid input blobtype Base, Blob 2Dtype id base, blob2d

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input silhouette of the image.


Output Histogramid output imagetype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output segments Histogram


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Scan directionid scan directiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:VerticalHorizontal

domain [ 0, 2 )Scan Direction

BlackOrWhiteid hole colortype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:BlackWhite

domain [ 0, 2 )Select if the block search black segments inside white or white segments inside black.

BorderWidthid border widthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Minimum Border Width

SegmentWidthid hole widthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Minimum Segment Width


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9.1.293 SelectInterval


class name SelectIntervalcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id select intervalauthors Paolo Coletta

Given a time as input, select the index of the time-interval to which the input belongs


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input time


Foundid output foundtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

A boolean specifying whether the given time was found in any of the intervals

Label Indexid output labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The label of the selected interval


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Intervalsid intervalstype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Intervals are specified as a semicolon-separated sequence of: starttime endtime labelwhere starttime and endtime are floating-point time values expressed in seconds, label

is an optional free-text string

Enable output indexid enable output indextype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the block will provide an output representing the zero-based index ofthe interval

Enable output labelid enable output labeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the block will provide an output representing the label of the interval

Enable output start timeid enable output start timetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the block will provide an output representing the start time of theinterval

Enable output end timeid enable output end timetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the block will provide an output representing the end time of theinterval


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9.1.294 SelectMultipleTrackedShape Double


class name SelectMultipleTrackedShape Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id select multiple tracked blobs

authorsPaolo ColettaSimone Ghisio

Selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on their area, size, or contraction index.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Labelled set of tracked shapes. Shapes tracking is assumed to be perfomed elsewhere;this block just selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on a user-specified criteria


Output datatypeid blob 0type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Labelid label 0type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Foundid found 0type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Once the shapes to be tracked are selected, they are confirmed in following frames, evenif they do not satisfy the given criteria anymore. E.g., if a criteria is the biggest area, theshape with the highest area may be selected at a certain time instant; in the subsequentframes it is selected regardless of its area: i.e., should a biggest shape appear, the currentone is still selected and the new one is ignored. The reset command causes the criteria tobe evaluated again, thus, a new set of shapes will be selected.

Orderid ordertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AscendingDescending

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the order used to extract shapes

Criteriaid extraction typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AreaHeightWidthDistance from point

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the feature used by the algorithm to extract shapes


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Num shapesid num blobstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the maximum number of shapes to be selected.

Autoresetid autoreset ontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:No autoresetOnTopN

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the autoreset


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9.1.295 SelectMultipleTrackedShape Int


class name SelectMultipleTrackedShape Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id select multiple tracked blobs int

authorsPaolo ColettaSimone Ghisio

Selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on their area, size, or contraction index.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled set

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Labelled set of tracked shapes. Shapes tracking is assumed to be perfomed elsewhere;this block just selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on a user-specified criteria


Output datatypeid blob 0type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Labelid label 0type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Foundid found 0type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Once the shapes to be tracked are selected, they are confirmed in following frames, evenif they do not satisfy the given criteria anymore. E.g., if a criteria is the biggest area, theshape with the highest area may be selected at a certain time instant; in the subsequentframes it is selected regardless of its area: i.e., should a biggest shape appear, the currentone is still selected and the new one is ignored. The reset command causes the criteria tobe evaluated again, thus, a new set of shapes will be selected.

Orderid ordertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AscendingDescending

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the order used to extract shapes

Criteriaid extraction typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AreaHeightWidthDistance from point

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the feature used by the algorithm to extract shapes


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Num shapesid num blobstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the maximum number of shapes to be selected.

Autoresetid autoreset ontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:No autoresetOnTopN

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the autoreset


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9.1.296 SelectShapeInListDouble


class name SelectShapeInListDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id SelectShapeInList-Doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes asoutput. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutivelists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the sameshape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape ismatched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes areidentified new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapesin consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted with auser-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one in theprevious list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the most similararea. The double version of the block expects floating-point coordinates from the user forthe area- and position-related paramaters. The floating-point coordinates are normalizedin the range [0.0 - 1.0] with respect to the size of the image from which the shapes wereextracted. Thus, for the position coordinates (0.0,0.0) is always the upper-left corner, and(1.0,1.0) is the lower-right corner.


InputListid input shape listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input list of shapes


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InputImageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


OutputLabelledSetid output labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output labelled set of matched shapes


MaxElapsedTimeid max elapsed timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Max elapsed time

MinMatchedThresholdid min matched thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Min matched threshold

Methodid methodtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CrossCorrelationDistance

domain [ 0, 2 )Method


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Replaceid replacetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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9.1.297 SelectShapeInListInt


class name SelectShapeInListIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id SelectShapeInList-Intauthors Simone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes asoutput. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutivelists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the sameshape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape ismatched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes areidentified new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapesin consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted witha user-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one inthe previous list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the mostsimilar area. The integer version of the block expects integer coordinates from the user forthe area- and position-related paramaters. The integer cordinates are expressed in pixelsand are reletive to the image from which the shapes were extracted.


InputListid input shape listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input list of shapes


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InputImageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image


OutputLabelledSetid output labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output labelled set of matched shapes


MaxElapsedTimeid max elapsed timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Max elapsed time

MinMatchedThresholdid min matched thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Min matched threshold

Methodid methodtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CrossCorrelationDistance

domain [ 0, 2 )Method


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Replaceid replacetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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9.1.298 Send


class name Sendcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id sendauthors Alessandro Fausto

Send a datatype to a receiver block or external application using various protocols.Thisnew version has the ability to declare the output datatype using the init informationsreceived from the ’SendToNetwork2’ block. When the block use the UDP v2.0 or TCP v1.0protocols you can change at run time the compression algorithm.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This datatype is sent on the network.


protocolid parameter modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:UDP v. 1.0UDP v. 2.0TCP v. 1.0

domain [ 0, 3 )The UDP version 1.0 is the eyesweb network protocol used before XMI 5.0.4. The

other two protocols are the newer versions.The UDP version 2.0 has better errors handlingand use less bandwidth than UDP version 1.0 protocol.The TCP version 1.0 use the sametechniques of UDP v2.0 but use one TCP stream to send the data.


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Portid init info porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

This is the local TCP port number where the sender wait for receiver connections.

Compressid compress algorithmtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:no compressionZLIB compression

domain [ 0, 2 )This parameter select what algorithm is used for data compression. At this time is

available no compression or zlib compression.


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9.1.299 Set-Reset


class name Set-Resetcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id SetResetauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks implements a set-reset flip-flop.


Setid Settype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Set the output to true.

Resetid Resettype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolrequired required for executionread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Reset the output to false.


Outputid Outputtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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Initial stateid InitialStatetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Use this parameter to set the initial state of the flip-flop, i.e., whether at the start ofthe patch it should be set or reset.

Undefined behaviourid UndefinedBehaviourtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:IgnoreSetReset

domain [ 0, 3 )This option let you manually specify the behaviour of the block in cases where the

behaviour is usually undefined (set-reset bot specified at the same time). If set to ignorethe behaviour is undefined, thus, a warning is given and no output is generated. The otheroptions let you choose which is the prioritary input.


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9.1.300 SetMousePosition


class name SetMousePositioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id SetMouseauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block moves the mouse to the given position


Xid InputXtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


Yid InputYtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



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Actionid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:MoveClickMove and Click

domain [ 0, 3 )Action

Buttonid TypeClicktype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftRight

domain [ 0, 2 )Button


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9.1.301 SetNullROI


class name SetNullROIcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id set null roiauthors Paolo Coletta

Set (or unset) the null flag of a ROI parameter


Input Roiid input roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace IsNullreferred as inherited *no*

The input Roi on which to set the Null flag


IsNullid output roitype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input Roiinherited id *no*

The NULL flag of the input Roi


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Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specify whether input Roi has normalized floating-point (double) coordinates or integer


Nullid param nulltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specify the value to assign to the Null flag of the Roi datatype received as input


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9.1.302 SetROI


class name SetROIcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image set roi

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Sets the Region Of Interest (ROI) of the image. Subsequent operations will only affectthe ROI instead of the whole image. – ERRORS – ’Coordinates type mismatch.’ The’Coordinates type’ parameter contain an invalid identifier, select a correct value from thedrop down list.


Input imageid input video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output imagereferred as inherited *no*

Input image

Required interfacesBase, ImageROI


Output imageid output video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input imageinherited id *no*

Output image


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Coordinates typeid coordinates typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Integer coordinatesFloating-point coordinates

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use integer or floating-point coordinates. Integer coordinates must

be contained inside the boundaries of the first input image. Floating-point coordinates arenormalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the input image.

ROI coordinatesid double roitype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d double

ROI coordinates normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the inputimage.


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9.1.303 SetShapeProperties


class name SetShapePropertiescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id set shape properties 2dauthors Paolo Coletta

This block changes the graphical appearance of the interior of graphical geometric ob-jects; in particular, it can change their fill color.


Input Graphical Objectid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Graphical Objectreferred as inherited *no*

The input bidimensional graphical object of which to change the properties

Required interfacesBase, GraphicShape2D


Output Graphical Objectid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input Graphical Objectinherited id *no*

A bidimensional graphical object where the shape properties have been changed by thisblock.


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SetFilledid set filledtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to set the filled property of the graphical geometric datatype.

Filledid filledtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the shape is filled or not.

SetFillColorid set colortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to set the color of the graphical geometric datatype.

FillColorid colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the color of the graphical geometric datatype.

SetFillAlphaid set alphatype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to set the width of the graphical geometric datatype.

FillAlphaid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the alpha level of the graphical geometric datatype.


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9.1.304 SetStrokeProperties


class name SetStrokePropertiescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id set stroke properties 2dauthors Paolo Coletta

This block changes the graphical appearance of the contour of graphical geometric ob-jects; in particular, it can change their width and color.


Input Graphical Objectid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Graphical Objectreferred as inherited *no*

The input bidimensional graphical object of which to change the properties

Required interfacesBase, StrokeProperties


Output Graphical Objectid outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input Graphical Objectinherited id *no*

A bidimensional graphical object where the stroke properties have been changed by thisblock.


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SetColorid set colortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to set the color of the graphical geometric datatype.

Colorid colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the color of the graphical geometric datatype.

SetAlphaid set alphatype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to set the width of the graphical geometric datatype.

Alphaid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the alpha level of the graphical geometric datatype.

SetWidthid set widthtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to set the width of the graphical geometric datatype.

Widthid widthtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the width of the graphical geometric datatype.


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9.1.305 Shape2DInfo-double


class name Shape2DInfo-doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract blob2d infoauthors Paolo Coletta

Extracts informations about a Shape2D , such as baricenter, area and bounding rect-angle.

Remarks If parameter type is set to int value then the informations are absolute. Thevalue of area, baricenterand bounding rectangle are calculated in pixel. If the parameter isset to double value then theinformations are calculated in relative mode. The area is relativeto the entire image. For example area=0.5 menas thatthe area of the shape is half area ofthe entire image. The value of baricenter is relative to the image too. Baricenter=0.2meansthat the coordinates of the point is in the middle of the image. The same thing for therectangle.


Shapeid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input shape

Required interfacesBase, Shape2DDouble


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Areaid areatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Area of the input shape

Baricenterid baricentertype Base, Point 2D doubletype id base, point 2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Baricenter of the input shape

BRid bounding recttype Base, Roi 2D doubletype id base, roi2d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Bounding rectangle of the input shape


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9.1.306 Shape2DInfo-int


class name Shape2DInfo-intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id extract blob2d info intauthors Paolo Coletta

Extracts informations about a Shape2D , such as baricenter, area and bounding rect-angle.

Remarks If parameter type is set to int value then the informations are absolute. Thevalue of area, baricenterand bounding rectangle are calculated in pixel. If the parameter isset to double value then theinformations are calculated in relative mode. The area is relativeto the entire image. For example area=0.5 menas thatthe area of the shape is half area ofthe entire image. The value of baricenter is relative to the image too. Baricenter=0.2meansthat the coordinates of the point is in the middle of the image. The same thing for therectangle.


Shapeid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input shape

Required interfacesBase, Shape2DInt


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Areaid areatype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Area of the input shape

Baricenterid baricentertype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Baricenter of the input shape

BRid bounding recttype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Bounding rectangle of the input shape


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9.1.307 Shape2DTracking-double


class name Shape2DTracking-doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id blob 2d double matching

authorsPaolo ColettaSimone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes asoutput. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutivelists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the sameshape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape ismatched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes areidentified new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapesin consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted with auser-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one in theprevious list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the most similararea. The double version of the block expects floating-point coordinates from the user forthe area- and position-related paramaters. The floating-point coordinates are normalizedin the range [0.0 - 1.0] with respect to the size of the image from which the shapes wereextracted. Thus, for the position coordinates (0.0,0.0) is always the upper-left corner, and(1.0,1.0) is the lower-right corner.


InputListid input blob listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input list of shapes


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OutputLabelledSetid output labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output labelled set of shapes


AreaWeightid area weighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Area Weight

PositionWeightid position weighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Position Weight

Filtering criteriaid filtering criteriatype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:SpeedPosition

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use speed or position to filter out shapes

InitialMaxSpeedid initial max speedtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Initial Max Speed

MaxSpeedid max speedtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Max Speed


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InitialMaxDistanceid initial max distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Initial max distance

MaxDistanceid max distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Max distance

AllowOverlapsid allow overlapstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Allow Overlaps

TimeUnitid time unittype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TimeFrames

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use the time-based or frames-based parameters to tune the persis-

tence and redemption values

MinPersistenceTimeid min persistence timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Min Persistence Time

MaxPersistenceTimeid max persistence timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Max Persistence Time

MaxRedemptionTimeid max redemption timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Max Redemption Time


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MinPersistenceFramesid min persistence framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Min Persistence Frames

MaxPersistanceFramesid max persistence framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Max Persistence Frames

MaxRedemptionFramesid max redemption framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Max Redemption Frames


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9.1.308 Shape2DTracking-int


class name Shape2DTracking-intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id blob 2d int matching

authorsPaolo ColettaSimone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes asoutput. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutivelists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the sameshape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape ismatched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes areidentified new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapesin consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted witha user-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one inthe previous list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the mostsimilar area. The integer version of the block expects integer coordinates from the user forthe area- and position-related paramaters. The integer cordinates are expressed in pixelsand are reletive to the image from which the shapes were extracted.


InputListid input blob listtype Kernel, Listtype id kernel, list

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input list of shapes


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OutputLabelledSetid output labeled settype Kernel, Labelled settype id kernel, labeled setinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output labelled set of shapes


AreaWeightid area weighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Area Weight

PositionWeightid position weighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Position Weight

Filtering criteriaid filtering criteriatype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:SpeedPosition

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use speed or position to filter out shapes

InitialMaxSpeedid initial max speedtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Initial Max Speed

MaxSpeedid max speedtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Max Speed


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InitialMaxDistanceid initial max distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Initial max distance

MaxDistanceid max distancetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Max distance

AllowOverlapsid allow overlapstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Allow Overlaps

TimeUnitid time unittype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TimeFrames

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether to use the time-based or frames-based parameters to tune the persis-

tence and redemption values

MinPersistenceTimeid min persistence timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Min Persistence Time

MaxPersistenceTimeid max persistence timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Max Persistence Time

MaxRedemptionTimeid max redemption timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Max Redemption Time


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MinPersistenceFramesid min persistence framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Min Persistence Frames

MaxPersistanceFramesid max persistence framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Max Persistence Frames

MaxRedemptionFramesid max redemption framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Max Redemption Frames


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9.1.309 SignalGenerator


class name SignalGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id SignalGeneratorauthors Roberto Sagoleo

This block generates a signal according to the waveform specified as parameter.


Output Signalid OutputSignaltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output of the signal generator.


Sampling Frequencyid SamplingFrequencytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Sampling frequency of the generated signal.

Signal Frequencyid SignalFrequencytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Signal frequency of the generated signal.

Signal Phaseid SignalPhasetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Signal phase of the generated signal.


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Signal Offsetid SignalOffsettype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Signal offset of the generated signal.

Signal Amplitudeid SignalAmplitudetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Signal amplitude of the generated signal.

Output Typeid OutputTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:DoubleDouble Matrix [1xN]Double Matrix [Nx1]

domain [ 0, 3 )Output type of the generated signal.

Waveform Typeid WaveformTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:ZeroConstantSineCosineSquareTriangleSawTooth

domain [ 0, 7 )Waveform type of the generated signal.

Buffer Sizeid BufferSizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Size of the waveform signal buffer


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9.1.310 Size2DGenerator


class name Size2DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 2d generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

Generates a size datatype. Size datatype is made of two values: height and width. It’spossible to create a double or integer size. The block accepts as input a size value or heightand width values.


output sizeid output valuetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output size datatype. Size is made of height and width integer or double.


Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:sizedimensions

domain [ 0, 2 )It specifies the type of parameter by wich the output is modified. If the value is set to

’size’ value then the parameter is a size datatype. Otherwise it’s possible modified heightand width separately.


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Domainid domaintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:integerdouble

domain [ 0, 2 )It specifies if the size output is integer or double.

integer heightid heighttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

It specifies integer height value of size datatype.

integer widthid widthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

It specifies integer width value of size datatype.


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9.1.311 Size3DGenerator


class name Size3DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id size 3d generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional size, represented by 3 values of size.


OutputSize3Did size outputtype Base, BaseGeometricSize3Doubletype id base, base geometric size 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output size 3D


Domainid mode parametertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether parameters and output are in the double or integer domain

XSizeid x parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Size on axis


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YSizeid y parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Size on y axis

ZSizeid z parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Size on z axis


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9.1.312 Slope


class name Slopecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id slope limiterauthors Paolo Coletta

Generates a linear slope from the current value to the target value


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Initial valueid initial valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

target valueid current valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Up stepid up steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Down stepid down steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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Jumpid jumptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

If triggered, the slope immediately jumps to the target value, wihtout repecting theUpStep or DownStep bounds

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

If triggered, the slope immediately reset the value to initial value, wihtout repecting theUpStep or DownStep bounds


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9.1.313 SmoothGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double


class name SmoothGeometricLabelledSet3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id smooth geometric labelled set 3d-doubleauthors Paolo Coletta

This block smooths the trajectories of the items in the labelled set

Notes When set to AlphaFilter mode, the block filters the input data according tothe following formula: y(k) = u(k) * alpha + y(k-1) * (1 - alpha) where: y(k) is the currentoutput y(k-1) is the previous output u(k) is the current input alpha is an user-specifiedparameter.


InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Dreferred as inherited *no*

Labelled set of 3d geomteric object.


OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled settype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id InputGeometricLabelledSet3Dinherited id *no*

Labelled set homogeneous 3d geometric object with smoothed trajectories.


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Discard after framesid discard after framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The block keeps a separate filter for each label. If one label does not appear in the inputlabelled set, the block might discard the filter or keep it in memory in the case that thesame label is seen again. This parameter specifies how many frames must elapse before thefilter is discarded. With a value of 0, the default, the filter is discarded as soon as its labeldoes not appear in he inputlabelled set.

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the filter status.

Filter typeid filter typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AlphaFilterSavitzkyGolay

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of filter to be applied.

Alphaid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Alpha coefficent used in the filtering formula; see block notes for details


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9.1.314 SmoothGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int


class name SmoothGeometricLabelledSet3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id smooth geometric labelled set 3d intauthors Paolo Coletta

This block smooths the trajectories of the items in the labelled set

Notes When set to AlphaFilter mode, the block filters the input data according tothe following formula: y(k) = u(k) * alpha + y(k-1) * (1 - alpha) where: y(k) is the currentoutput y(k-1) is the previous output u(k) is the current input alpha is an user-specifiedparameter.


InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled settype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Dreferred as inherited *no*

Labelled set of 3d geomteric object.


OutputGeometricLabelledSet3Did output labeled settype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id InputGeometricLabelledSet3Dinherited id *no*

Labelled set homogeneous 3d geometric object with smoothed trajectories.


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Discard after framesid discard after framestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The block keeps a separate filter for each label. If one label does not appear in the inputlabelled set, the block might discard the filter or keep it in memory in the case that thesame label is seen again. This parameter specifies how many frames must elapse before thefilter is discarded. With a value of 0, the default, the filter is discarded as soon as its labeldoes not appear in he inputlabelled set.

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset the filter status.

Filter typeid filter typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AlphaFilterSavitzkyGolay

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the type of filter to be applied.

Alphaid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Alpha coefficent used in the filtering formula; see block notes for details


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9.1.315 SortMatrix - double


class name SortMatrix - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id sort doublematrixauthors Paolo Coletta

Sort items of a matrix.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Input matrix of real values to be sorted.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output matrix containing the sorted values.

Rows mapid row map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Specifies the row of the final position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) has beenmoved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value m (destination row).


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Columns mapid column map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Specifies the column of the final position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) hasbeen moved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value n (destinationcolumn).


Sort modeid sort modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Sort by row (fixed row)Sort by column (fixed column)Global sort (change row and column)

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies how to move the element inside the matrix. If sort mode is by row, then the

items are moved inside the same row. If the sort mode is by column, then the elementsare moved inside the same column. The global mode let items to move both in row andcolumn, thus a global ordering can be found.

Orderid sort ordertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AscendingDescendingShuffle

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies wether to use an ascending, descending, or shuffle order.

Generate mapid generate maptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies weather the block must generate as output the map used to sort the items. Bydefault it is enabled, however, since it may be CPU intensive for huge matrices, it can bedisabled.


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9.1.316 SortMatrix - int


class name SortMatrix - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id sort intmatrixauthors Paolo Coletta

Sort items of a matrix.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Outputreferred as inherited *no*

Input matrix of real values to be sorted.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id Inputinherited id *no*

Output matrix containing the sorted values.

Rows mapid row map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Specifies the row of the final position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) has beenmoved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value m (destination row).


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Columns mapid column map idtype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Specifies the column of the final position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) hasbeen moved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value n (destinationcolumn).


Sort modeid sort modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Sort by row (fixed row)Sort by column (fixed column)Global sort (change row and column)

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies how to move the element inside the matrix. If sort mode is by row, then the

items are moved inside the same row. If the sort mode is by column, then the elementsare moved inside the same column. The global mode let items to move both in row andcolumn, thus a global ordering can be found.

Orderid sort ordertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AscendingDescendingShuffle

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies wether to use an ascending, descending, or shuffle order.

Generate mapid generate maptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies weather the block must generate as output the map used to sort the items. Bydefault it is enabled, however, since it may be CPU intensive for huge matrices, it can bedisabled.


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9.1.317 SpawnCommand


class name SpawnCommandcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id spawn commandauthors Simone Ghisio

Creates and executes a new process, concurrently with the caller (this) process, basingon the spawn system call. The input string has this syntax: cmdname arg1 arg2 arg3 ...argn. The cmdname argument specifies the file that is executed as the new process andcan specify a full path (from the root), a partial path (from the current working directory),or just a filename. If cmdname does not have a filename extension or does not end with aperiod (.), the spawn function first tries the .COM extension, then the .EXE extension, the.BAT extension, and finally the .CMD extension.If cmdname has an extension, only thatextension is used. If cmdname ends with a period, the spawn call searches for cmdnamewith no extension.If cmdname contains a drive specifier or any slashes (that is, if it is arelative path), the spawn call searches only for the specified file; no path searching is done.arg1 arg2 ... argn are the arguments to the new process.


Input Commandid command stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The command-line of the process to be executed


Allow duplicatesid allow duplicatestype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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If set to true, dusplicates commands are executed. If set to false, only the first occuranceis executed


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9.1.318 SpecialCharacterGenerator


Char.png Char.png

class name SpecialCharacterGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Special Charauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block generates a special character, such as a newline, a tab, etc.


Stringid Outputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Special Charid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:\n\r\tSPACE

domain [ 0, 4 )Special Char


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9.1.319 SpectralEnvelopExtractor


class name SpectralEnvelopExtractorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id spectral envelope extractorauthors Paolo Coletta

Performs analysis on the FFT


fftid ffttype Base, Audio FFT buffertype id base, audio fftbuffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input: Fast Fourier Transform


maxima valuesid maxima valuestype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

If Inferior armonics=False: Output: Matrix of maxima values (Number of ChannelX Number of armonics + 1) The Pitch value is at the beginning of the buffer of everychannel If Inferior armonics=True: Output: Matrix of maxima values (Number of ChannelX (Number of armonics * 2) + 1) The Pitch value is in the center of the buffer of everychannel. Inferior armonics are stored in a simmetric way as the superior armonics.


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maxima frequenciesid maxima frequenciestype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

If Inferior armonics=False: Output: Matrix of maxima frequencies (Number of ChannelX Number of armonics + 1) The Pitch frequencies is at the beginning of the buffer ofevery channel If Inferior armonics=True: Output: Matrix of maxima frequencies (Numberof Channel X (Number of armonics * 2) + 1) The Pitch frequencies is in the center of thebuffer of every channel. Inferior armonics are stored in a simmetric way as the superiorarmonics.


pitchid pitchtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Pitch is the perceived fundamental frequency of a sound.

number of armonicsid number of armonicstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of armonics to try

Inferior Armonicsid Inferior Armonicstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If selected find also inferior armonics

interval scaling factorid interval scaling factortype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Interval scaling factor that increase/decrease the range of searching of armonics


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9.1.320 SpectrumAnalyzer


class name SpectrumAnalyzercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id spectrum analyzerauthors Paolo Coletta

Make a graphic equalization of the Fft


Fftid Ffttype Base, Audio FFT buffertype id base, audio fftbuffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Fft signal


Spectrumid Spectrumtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Frequenciesid matrix paramtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

Vector of Frequencies


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9.1.321 StringDelimiters


class name StringDelimiterscatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id string delimitersauthors Simone Ghisio

Add specified delimiters to input string.


InputStringid input stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input string to delimit


OutputStringid output stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output string delimited


Beginid begintype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

First delimiter


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Endid endtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Second delimiter


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9.1.322 StringSelector


class name StringSelectorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id string selectorauthors Simone Ghisio

Select a string form string parameters.


Selectorid selecttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Index of parameter string to select.


SelectedStringid output stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

String selected from parameters.


StringNumberid num stringtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )


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Number of strings from which select the output one.

string00id string 00type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

String 00.

string01id string 01type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

String 01.


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9.1.323 StringToInt


class name StringToIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id string to intauthors Paolo Coletta

Converts a string representation of an integer number, to the corresponding integernumber.


InputStringid inputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input string should contain only digits (optionally an initial sign) to be convertibleto int.


OutputIntid outputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The integer number


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9.1.324 StringToScalar


class name StringToScalarcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id string to scalarauthors Simone Ghisio

Convertrs a string into a number.


InputStringid inputtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input string should contain only digits (optionally an initial sign) to be convertibleto int.


OutputIntid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The integer number


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Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Mode


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9.1.325 Synchronizer


class name Synchronizercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Synchronizerauthors Alberto Massari

This block ensures that the data coming to the input channels has the specified duration


Input data 1id Input1type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Output data 1

The data to be synchronized


Output data 1id Output1type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input data 1inherited id *no*

The synchronized version of the input data


Temporal Windowid Temporal Windowtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )


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The duration of each generated output (in msec); if set to 0, the duration is taken fromthe first input

Number of Inputsid Number of Inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( 0, +infinity )

The number of inputs to be synchronized

Input 1 Typeid Input 1 Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:VideoAudioGeneric TimeSeries

domain [ 0, 3 )The type of the Nth input


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9.1.326 ThresholdCrossingDetector


class name ThresholdCrossingDetectorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audio threshold


Andrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo ColettaAlberto Massari

Detects wether the audio signal has gone over a specified threshold; provides the samplewhere the threshold has been exceeded


Audio input streamid input audio streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited Audio output sample

This is the audio stream where the threshold overcoming is searched for. Event if thismight also be a multichannel audio stream, only one channel is analized when looking forthe threshold (the channel is specified via the parameters of the block).

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Audio output sampleid output sampletype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Audio input streaminherited id *no*

The audio sample that begins at the sample where the threshold has been crossed.


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Over-threshold valueid output valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Value of the first sample that exceeded the threshold. This is the original value, even ifthe block is working in absolute (unsigned) mode. That is, it may also be a negative value.

Sample indexid output samplendxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Index of the first sample that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well asthe ”over-threshold value” output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If thethreshold is not exceeded, no output is generated.

Sample Channelid output sample channeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Index of the channel that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well as the”over-threshold value” output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If thethreshold is not exceeded, no output is generated.


Thresholdid thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Value to be compared to each sample in the specified channel.

Directionid directiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:BothUpDown

domain [ 0, 3 )


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Direction in which the overcoming must occur for this block to generate an output. Ifdirection is ”Up” then an output is generated only when the sample values is bigger orequal than the threshold and the previous sample value is less than the threshold. The”Down” direction mean that a sample is less or equal than the threshold and the previousone is bigger than the threshold. The ”Both” direction occurs in both cases.

Sign modeid signmodetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Absolute valueSigned value (original value)

domain [ 0, 2 )This parameter specifies wether the value of the sample is analyzed as it is, or if it

absolute value is kept into account.

Sample delayid sample offsettype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The number of samples after the point where the threshold was crossed from which theoutput sample will be extracted. It can be a negative number.

Under-threshold samplesid sample offset outtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

The output audio sample will contain at most N consecutive samples that are belowthe given threshold, after which it will be silenced; when N==0, the original audio will bereported

Sample Lengthid sample lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( 0, +infinity )

This value specifies the number of samples that will be extracted into the output audiobuffer, starting at the sample position where the threshold has been crossed.

Normalize output signalid normalize sampletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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Specifies whether the output signal will be normalized, so that its energy will be equalto 1


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9.1.327 ThresholdCrossingDetector


class name ThresholdCrossingDetectorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ThresholdCrossingauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks outputs a bang whenever a given threshold is crossed.


Inputid Inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input value.


Outputid Outputtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

An output bang is returned whenever the given threshold is crossed.


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Crossing directionid Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:BothUpwardDownward

domain [ 0, 2 ]Three directions for threshold crossing are available: upward, downward,and both.

Thresholdid Thresholdtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The value of the threshold.


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9.1.328 Time series reader


class name Time series readercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id timeSeriesReaderauthors Alessandro Fausto

Read from file a previously dumped time series (single channel). The sample can bewrited using 32bit or 64bit floating point format.


Outputid outputtype Base, TemporalDatatype id base, temporal datainplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the output time series


Fileid param filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Each channel is saved into a filename created appending the channel number to thisfilename. The extension is set to .raw


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Formatid param formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:32bit float (float)64bit float (Double)Normalized 32bit float (float)Normalized 64bit float (Double)

domain [ 0, 4 )Defines the format used to write the sample into the file : ’float’ each sample is writed

as 32bit floating value; ’double’ each sample is writed as 32bit floating value;

Number of samplesid param numberOfSamplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( 0, +infinity )

number of samples stored into the TimeSeries datatype

Nominal Frequencyid param nominalFrequencytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The sampling frequency of the resulting TimeSeries datatype

Range Minid param rangeMintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value that a sample can assume (if the input is less than this value, thisvalue will be used)

Range Maxid param rangeMaxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value that a sample can assume (if the input is more than this value,this value will be used)


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9.1.329 Time series writer


class name Time series writercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id timeSeriesWriterauthors Alessandro Fausto

Write each channel of input time series as raw files. The sample can be writed using32bit or 64bit floating point format.


Inputid inputtype Base, TemporalDatatype id base, temporal data

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix


Fileid param filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Each channel is saved into a filename created appending the channel number to thisfilename. The extension is set to .raw


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Formatid param formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:32bit float (float)64bit float (Double)Normalized 32bit float (float)Normalized 64bit float (Double)

domain [ 0, 4 )Defines the format used to write the sample into the file : ’float’ each sample is writed

as 32bit floating value; ’double’ each sample is writed as 32bit floating value;


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9.1.330 TimeSeries2Matrix


class name TimeSeries2Matrixcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id TimeSeries2Matrixauthors Alessandro Fausto

Translate one static time series into a matrix.


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the input matrix

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


output matrixid outputMatrixtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This matrix contains the values of input time series


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Modeid Output Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:By rowBy columnAutomatic

domain [ 0, 3 )Defines how the matrices are converted into time series: ’By row’ generate the time

series using one rows per channel. The number of samples is fixed and equal to the numberof columns. ’By column’ generate the time series using one columns per channel. Thenumber of samples is fixed and equal to the number of rows.’Automatic’ generate the timeseries using this rules . if the number of row is greater than number of column the timeseries is generated using the ’By row’ mode, otherwise is used the ’By column’ mode.


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9.1.331 TimeSeriesGenerator


class name TimeSeriesGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id TimeSeriesBuilder

authorsAlberto MassariGualtiero Volpe

Creates a TimeSeries datatype aggregating single values.The user can choose to generatea time series with static o dynamic lenght.The first case is the default mode, in this mode thedatatype is generated when the buffer is completely filled.In the second case the TimeSeriesis generated when the maximum number of samples is reached or when the user trigger the’generate’ parameter. A minimum and maximum threshold can be applied to the inputvalue. – REMARKS – Whit dynamic TimeSeries the input values are appended to theinternal buffer.If the ’generate’ parameter is never triggered the internal buffer grow insize without any limit’ In the future a ’maximum size’ parameter can appear in order tolimit the maximum length of TimeSeries. When this limit is reached the TimeSeries isautomatically generated. – ERRORS – ’Out of memory.’ The TimeSeries has completelyfilled the available memory.


single valueid single value 0type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

A single value to be added to the series


outputid outputtype Base, TemporalDatatype id base, temporal datainplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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The generated TimeSeries


Output Typeid Output Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Static time seriesDynamic time series

domain [ 0, 2 )It specifies whether the blok generates a static time series or a dynamic time series

Number of Channelsid Number of Channelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The number of inputs that will be stored as different channels in the resulting TimeSeriesdatatype

Nominal Frequencyid Nominal Frequencytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The sampling frequency of the resulting TimeSeries datatype

Buffer Lengthid Buffer Lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( 1, +infinity )

The number of samples stored in a single instance of the output

Modeid Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:BufferSliding window

domain [ 0, 2 )It specifies whether a time series buffer is returned only when it is full or a sliding

windows mechanism is used.


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Stepid Steptype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The step specifiying the amount of overlap between two subsequent buffers.


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9.1.332 Translate


class name Translatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id TranslateObject2Dauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block translates the input geometric or graphic 2D object.


Input objectid InputObjecttype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output objectreferred as inherited *no*

The input 2D object to be translated.

Required interfacesBase, Transformations2D


Output objectid OutputObjecttype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id Input objectinherited id *no*

The output translated 2D object.


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Translation along Xid DXtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The translation to be applied to the input object along the X axis.

Translation along Yid DYtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The translation to be applied to the input object along the Yaxis.

Computeid Computetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If true the block computes the transformation on the vertexes of the object. If falsethe transformation is applied to the entire object.If the input object is graphic and theparameter is set to false the translation is visible, otherwise if the parameter is set to true,the vertexes of the object is actually translated and the object is redrawn changing theorigin of the axis, so the translation might not be visible. If in the patch some blocksof transformation are used(Rotate, Scale, Translate) each one that set Compute to truecomputes alle the previous transformation on the vertexes.


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9.1.333 Translate3D-Double


class name Translate3D-Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id translate 3d doubleauthors Simone Ghisio

Translate the 3D object, updating translate values. The block doesn’t apply the tran-sofmration to the object. It means that translation values are updating, but not the coor-dinates.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d translate double


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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TranslationXid param x translationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Translation on x axis.

TranslationYid param y translationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Translation on y axis.

TranslationZid param z translationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Translation on z axis.


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9.1.334 Translate3D-Int


class name Translate3D-Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id translate 3d intauthors Simone Ghisio

Translate the 3D object, updating translate values. The block doesn’t apply the tran-sofmration to the object. It means that translation values are updating, but not the coor-dinates.


Input3Did input 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Generic input 3D

Required interfacesbase, 3d translate int


Output3Did output 3dtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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TranslationXid param x translationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Translation on x axis.

TranslationYid param y translationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Translation on y axis.

TranslationZid param z translationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Translation on z axis.


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9.1.335 Triangle3DGenerator


class name Triangle3DGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id triangle 3d generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional triangle, represented by 3 points.


OutputLine3Did line outputtype Base, BaseGeometricTriangle3Doubletype id base, base geometric triangle 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output Line 3D


Domainid mode parametertype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether parameters and output are in the double or integer domain

XACoordinateid xa parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

X coordinate of first point


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YACoordinateid ya parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Y coordinate of first point

ZACoordinateid za parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Z coordinate of first point

XBCoordinateid xb parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

X coordinate of second point

YBCoordinateid yb parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Y coordinate of second point

ZBCoordinateid zb parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Z coordinate of second point

XCCoordinateid xc parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

X coordinate of third point

YCCoordinateid yc parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Y coordinate of third point

ZCCoordinateid zc parametertype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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Z coordinate of third point


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9.1.336 Trigger


class name Triggercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id Triggerauthors Marzia Simonetti

This block acts like a switch which is always open, i.e., data does not pass through it.When a command is given the switch is closed just the time to let one datatype to passthrough, then, the switch is open again


Trigger nameid Inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Trigger input description


Trigger Output nameid Outputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Trigger Output description


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Trigger close parameterid Parametertype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Trigger close parameter description


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9.1.337 VectorDecomposer


class name VectorDecomposercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id VectorDecomposerauthors Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts one or more items from a vector.


input vectorid input vectortype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input vector to be decomposed.


output scalarid output scalar000type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

N-th Scalar output.

output scalarid output scalar001type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

N-th Scalar output.


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Output typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:IntegerDouble

domain [ 0, 2 )Defines the type of the output matrix (integer or double): integer: the output matrix

will be of integer values. double : the output matrix will be of double values.

number of output scalarsid number of output scalarstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Number of scalar outputs.


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9.1.338 VectorGenerator


class name VectorGeneratorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id VectorGeneratorauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This block generates a vector whose values are set according to a function specified asparameter.


Output vectorid VectorOutputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The generated output vector.


Output typeid OutputTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:RealInteger

domain [ 0, 2 )The desired type of the items of the output vector. It can be either integer or real.

Sizeid Sizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The size of the output vector.


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Row vectorid RowVectortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Set this parameter to true if you want the output vector to be a row vector; set it tofalse otherwise.

Output functionid OutputFunctiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Progressive

The output function that generates the items in the output vector.

Startid Starttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The starting value for the progressive vector.

Stepid Steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step (distance between two consecutive numbers in the vector) for the progressivevector.


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9.1.339 VectorRemapper


class name VectorRemappercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id VectorRemapperauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This block remaps and quantizes the items in the input vector.


Input Vectorid InputVectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input vector to be remapped


Output vectorid OutputVectortype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Remapped output vector


Number of itemsid NumberOfItemstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of items in the output vector


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Low boundid LowBoundtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Lower bound of the output vector

High boundid HighBoundtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Higher bound of the output vector

Show warningsid ShowWarningstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set warnings are shown in the EyesWeb message bar


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9.1.340 VideoGram


class name VideoGramcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id video gramauthors Paolo Coletta

Computes an horizontal or vertical videogram given an image as input. For more infoabout motiongrams and videograms, see ”Jensenius, A. R. (2006). Using motiongrams inthe study of musical gestures. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Computer MusicConference, 6-11 November, New Orleans.”


videoimageid video imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

(BW) video image


videogramid video gramtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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lengthid lengthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of frames needed to build a full motiongram

Modeid modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:HorizontalVertical

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the videogram is horizontal or vertical

Directionid directiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the videogram is computed from left to right or viceversa

Directionid end of image modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LoopScoll

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the videogram is computed from left to right or viceversa


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9.1.341 VideoTapeRecorder


class name VideoTapeRecordercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id video tape recorderauthors Paolo Coletta

Controls a Video Tape Recorder (VTR) device

Notes With the partial support of the EU ICT Project MIROR (Musical InteractionRelying on Reflexion), 2010-2012


Timecodeid timecodetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, timeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Provides an integer number representing the status of the device according to the fol-lowing schema:

-1: unknown status0: device error1: playing2: stopped3: paused4: fast forward5: rewind6: recording7: paused recording


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Deviceid device nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Name of the virtual device. If none is specified, the default device will be used

Rewindid rewindtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Step Backwardid step backwardtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Pauseid pausetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Stopid stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Playid playtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Step Forwardid step forwardtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

FastForwardid fast forwardtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


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Recordid recordtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Pause Recordid pause recordtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


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9.1.342 WMVFileReader


class name WMVFileReadercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id WMVReaderauthors Massimiliano Peri

Read WMV files


Filenameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



WMV file path

Load File Infoid load file infotype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Load file information and modify the block signature

Make Indicesid make indicestype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Make indices for the selected file. With indices the seeking of the file is more accurate

Start timeid start timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Start time


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Durationid durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Duration of playback


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9.1.343 WMVFileWriter


class name WMVFileWritercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id WMVWriterauthors Massimiliano Peri

Write WMV Files


Filenameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Windows media video files (*.wmv)—*.wmv—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Path of the destination file


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Profileid prof modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Custom352x288 3 Mbps 44100 Hz352x288 3 Mbps 48000 Hz352x288 6 Mbps 44100 Hz352x288 6 Mbps 48000 Hz352x288 3 Mbps352x288 6 Mbps768x576 3 Mbps 44100 Hz768x576 3 Mbps 48000 Hz768x576 6 Mbps 44100 Hz768x576 6 Mbps 48000 Hz768x576 8 Mbps 44100 Hz768x576 8 Mbps 48000 Hz768x576 12 Mbps 44100 Hz768x576 12 Mbps 44800 Hz768x576 3 Mbps768x576 6 Mbps768x576 8 Mbps768x576 12 Mbps

domain [ 0, 19 )Profile type

Windows Media Profile filenameid filename settingstype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Windows media profile files(*.prx)—*.prx—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Path of the Windows Media Profile file

Compression rate (Kbps)id compression ratetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Video Bitrate (Kbps)


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Input frame rateid video input fpstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Input frame rate

Number of text input streamid text stream counttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of text input stream

Vertical Mirrorid vert mirrortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Vertical Mirror

Recid rectype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Pauseid pausetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Stopid stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger



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9.1.344 WaveFileWriter


class name WaveFileWritercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audiosaveauthors Mirko Demurtas

Save the audio stream to a wave file. Each sample is converted to the 8bit or 16bitformat


Audioid input audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Name Fileid filetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Audio File(*wav)—*.wav—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

File Name


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File Formatid formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:PCM8PCM16

domain [ 0, 2 )PCM Format


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9.1.345 WriteImage


class name WriteImagecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id write imageauthors Paolo Coletta

Write an image to file

Notes Replaces a previous block named JPEGWriter


Input Imageid inputtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Required interfaceskernel, image exchange format


Destination pathid pathtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Jpeg files (*.jpg,*.jpeg)—*.jpg;*.jpeg—Portable Network graphics files (*.png)—*.png—Bitmap files (*.bmp,*.wbmp)—*.bmp;*.wbmp—Tagged Image File Format files (*.tiff)—*.tiff—Targa files (*.tga)—*.tga—All image files—*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp;*.wbmp;*.tiff;*.tga—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Full pathname of the destination file


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Image File typeid image file typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 37 )Specifies the type of the image. Specifying the image type, instead of letting the block

deduce it from the image header, may reduce the time needed to load the image


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Qualityid qualitytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Quality of the compression(if used). This parameter only affects compressed formats.Some formats do not guarantee a continuos tuning of the quality; in such case the givenvalue may be quantized to the appropriate number of levels. In any case, when the qualityparameter is used, 0.0 is the lowest quality, 1.0 is the highest quality.


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9.1.346 WriteMatrixToFile - double


class name WriteMatrixToFile - doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id doublematrix to fileauthors Paolo Coletta

Writes a matrix of double numbers to a text file.


Input matrixid valuetype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input matrix


File nameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Text files (*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Specifies the name of the file.


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9.1.347 WriteMatrixToFile - int


class name WriteMatrixToFile - intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id intmatrix to fileauthors Paolo Coletta

Writes a matrix of integer numbers to a text file.


Input matrixid valuetype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input matrix


File nameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Text files (*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Specifies the name of the file.


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9.1.348 WriteToFile


class name WriteToFilecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id WriteFileauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block writes multiple streams of data to a proprietary EyesWeb file format. Filesusually have extension ”.ebf”.


Inputid Input000type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Name Fileid Filetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Eyesweb Binary File (*.ebf)—*.ebf—(*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Name File


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File modeid FileModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


domain [ 0, 2 )File mode

Raw Modeid Rawtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Raw Mode

TimeStampid TimeStamptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


Data Separatorid SeparatorDatatype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 3 )Data Separator

In Matrix Separatorid MatrixDatatype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 3 )In Matrix Separator


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Row Separatorid SeparatorRowtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 3 )Row Separator

File Separatorid SeparatorFiletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 3 )File Separator

n Inputid nInputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

n Input

Enable Stop Timeid bTimeStoptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enable Stop Time

Stop Timeid TimeStoptype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Stop Time

Enable Stop Patchid PatchStoptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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If enabled, the file writer status is switched to STOP as the user stops the patch execu-tion

Recorder Statusid RecorderStatustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RecordPauseStop

domain [ 0, 3 )Recorder Status

Recordid Recordtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Pauseid Pausetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Stopid Stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger



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9.1.349 WriteToFile


class name WriteToFilecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id WriteToFileauthors Simone Ghisio

The block saves inputs data into an output text file. Inputs can be of non homogeneoustype. Actually the block supports writing for the following datatypes: Int, Double, String,Integer or Double matrix, geometric 3d types, geometric labelled set 3D. The block supportstime writing, according to TimeMode parameter .


Input00id input 00type Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input 00.


FileNameid file nametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=true,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Text files (*.txt)—*.txt—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

File Name


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WritingModeid file modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:AppendOverwrite

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies if the file is overwited or appended every time the patch is started.

InputNumberid n inputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of input to be saved. They can be non homogeneous type.

WriteHeaderid write headertype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


TimeModeid insert timetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AutomaticFromInputBothNone

domain [ 0, 4 )It specifies if and how time type is writed. Automatic: the block inserts automatically

a column containing time. This time extracted from Eyesweb timer. FromInput: the blockadds an input time pin. User can connect time value to this pin. Block writes this input asfirst column of text file. Both: block inserts two column in the text file. The first one is atime automatically generated using Eyesweb clock. Second is the time reading from addedinput time pin. None: time is not inserted in the file.


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TimeFormatid time modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleFormatted

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the format of time, if input time pin is added. It possible to write time using

double format, or using formatted format. Formatted mode is expressed using the formathours:minutes:seconds:frames::sub frames.


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9.1.350 ZStarIn


class name ZStarIncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ZStarInauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block receive and decode the data sent by the ZStar triaxial accelerometer board(RD3152MMA7260Q).

Notes The output is refreshed only when a complete packet is received and decoded.


Serial Dataid InputSerialDatatype Kernel, Bytetype id kernel, byte

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Bytes received from the ZStar serial port.


OutputStringid OutputStringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Raw data packet, formatted as string, received from ZStar serial port.


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OutputButtonS1id OutputButtonS1type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

S1 button status of ZStar sensor board

OutputButtonS2id OutputButtonS2type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

S2 button status of ZStar sensor board

OutputTemperatureid OutputTemperaturetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Temperature of ZStar sensor board

OutputVoltageid OutputVoltagetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Battery voltage of ZStar sensor board. Normal voltage is 3.6 Volts, when this value isunder 3.2 Volts the battery can be considered depleted.

OutputXAccelid OutputXAcceltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

X component of accelleration


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OutputYAccelid OutputYAcceltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Y component of accelleration

OutputZAccelid OutputZAcceltype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Z component of accelleration


Acceleration outputid ParamAccelOutputModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:floating point componentsfloating point matrix

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the datatype or format used to output the accelleration values.When is selected

’floating point components’ the accelleration values is returned separated into X, Y, Zcomponents.In the other case the accelleration values is returned into a vertical [ X ; Y ; Z]matrix.


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9.1.351 ZStarOut


class name ZStarOutcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ZStarOutauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block send control commands to the ZStar triaxial accelerometer board (RD3152MMA7260Q).

Notes To schedulate the execution of this block you must use the syncIn pin feature.


OutputCommandStringid OutputCommandtype Kernel, Bytetype id kernel, byteinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Command sent to ZStar board


Commandid paramCommandtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:automaticInitialize for 16bit samplesread accelerometer dataread extended accelerometer dataread calibration dataread accelerometer rangeForce channel selection

domain [ 0, 7 )This command is sent to the sensor board at each execute cycle.With ’automatic’ the

block perform the standard initialization of the board and start to poll the accelerometers


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values. With ’Initialize for 16bit samples’, ’read accelerometer data’, ’read extended ac-celerometer data’, ’read calibration data’ and ’read accelerometer range’ the block send thecorresponding command to the board.With ’Force channel selection’ the block force theboard to use the channel selected using the ’channel’ parameter.

Channelid paramChanneltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:automatic handshakechannel 0channel 1channel 2channel 3channel 4channel 5channel 6channel 7channel 8channel 9channel Achannel Bchannel Cchannel Dchannel Echannel F

domain [ 0, 17 )This parameter select the wireless channel used for communication between the USB

Key and the wireless sensor board.This value is used only when the ’force channel selection’ command is issued.


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9.2 Datatypes

9.2.1 Audio FFT buffer

class name Audio FFT buffercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audio fftbuffer

The FFT audio buffer contains a chunk of audio samples in the frequency domain

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

9.2.2 Audio buffer

class name Audio buffercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audio buffer

Audio buffer containing 64 bit floating point samples

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, StaticTimeSeries

9.2.3 Audio clock

class name Audio clockcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audio clock

A datatype containing information about the sampling rate and buffer size of an audiosignal. It is primarly used to propagate such info and as a trigger for block activation, thus,the datatype itself does not contain additional methods with respect to the IDatatypeinterface.


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9.2.4 BaseGeometricEllipse3DInt

class name BaseGeometricEllipse3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric ellipse 3d int

Represent a tridimensional Interface::ellipse int

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• base, base geometric 3d int

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate int

• base, 3d rescale in range int

• base, string conversion

9.2.5 BaseGeometricEllipse3Double

class name BaseGeometricEllipse3Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric ellipse 3d double

Represent a tridimensional Interface::ellipse double

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, base geometric 3d double

• base, 3d conversion 2d


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• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate double

• base, 3d rescale in range double

• base, string conversion

9.2.6 BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt

class name BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric labelled set 3d int

Represent a geometric labelled set of tridimensional objects

Supported interfaces

• base, base geometric 3d int

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate int

• kernel, container

• base, 3d rescale in range int

9.2.7 BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double

class name BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric labelled set 3d double

Represent a tridimensional point double


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Supported interfaces

• base, base geometric 3d double

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate double

• kernel, container

• base, 3d rescale in range double

9.2.8 BaseGeometricLine3DInt

class name BaseGeometricLine3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric line 3d int

Represent a tridimensional Interface::line int

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• base, base geometric 3d int

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate int

• base, 3d rescale in range int


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9.2.9 BaseGeometricLine3Double

class name BaseGeometricLine3Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric line 3d double

Represent a tridimensional Interface::line double

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, base geometric 3d double

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate double

• base, 3d rescale in range double

9.2.10 BaseGeometricPoint3DInt

class name BaseGeometricPoint3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric point 3d int

Represent a tridimensional Interface::point int

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• base, base geometric 3d int

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate


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• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate int

• base, 3d rescale in range int

9.2.11 BaseGeometricPoint3Double

class name BaseGeometricPoint3Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric point 3d double

Represent a tridimensional Interface::point double

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, base geometric 3d double

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate double

• base, 3d rescale in range double

9.2.12 BaseGeometricRectangle3DInt

class name BaseGeometricRectangle3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric rectangle 3d int

Represent a tridimensional rectangle int


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• base, base geometric 3d int

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate int

• base, 3d rescale in range int

9.2.13 BaseGeometricRectangle3Double

class name BaseGeometricRectangle3Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric rectangle 3d double

Represent a tridimensional rectangle double

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, base geometric 3d double

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate double

• base, 3d rescale in range double


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9.2.14 BaseGeometricSize3DInt

class name BaseGeometricSize3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric size 3d int

Represent a tridimensional Interface::size int

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• base, base geometric 3d int

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d rescale in range int

9.2.15 BaseGeometricSize3Double

class name BaseGeometricSize3Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric size 3d double

Represent a tridimensional Interface::size double

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, base geometric 3d double

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d rotate


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• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d rescale in range double

9.2.16 BaseGeometricTriangle3DInt

class name BaseGeometricTriangle3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric triangle 3d int

Represent a tridimensional triangle int

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• base, base geometric 3d int

• base, 3d conversion 2d

• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate int

9.2.17 BaseGeometricTriangle3Double

class name BaseGeometricTriangle3Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric triangle 3d double

Represent a tridimensional Interface::triangle double

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, base geometric 3d double

• base, 3d conversion 2d


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• base, 3d rotate

• base, 3d reamp axis

• base, 3d scle

• base, 3d translate double

9.2.18 Blob 2D

class name Blob 2Dcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id blob2d

Represent a bidimensional blob

Supported interfaces

• Base, Drawing

• Base, GraphicShape2D

• Base, StrokeProperties

• Base, Rotate

• Base, Shape2DInt

• Base, Shape2DDouble

9.2.19 DynamicTemporalData

class name DynamicTemporalDatacatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id dynamic temporal data

A datatype holding a temporal sequence of double values. The lenght of the sequencecan change along time.

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, DynamicTimeSeries


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9.2.20 Ellipse 2D double

class name Ellipse 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse 2d double

Represent a bidimensional ellipse with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.21 Ellipse 2D int

class name Ellipse 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse 2d int

Represent a bidimensional ellipse with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.22 Ellipse 3D double

class name Ellipse 3D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse 3D double


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Represent a tridimensional ellipse with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DDouble

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.23 Ellipse 3D int

class name Ellipse 3D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id ellipse 3D int

Represent a tridimensional ellipse with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DInt

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.24 Geometric Labelled Set 2D double

class name Geometric Labelled Set 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geometric labeled set 2d double

A labelled set containing geometric bidimensional datatypes


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Supported interfaces

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

• kernel, container

9.2.25 Geometric Labelled Set 2D int

class name Geometric Labelled Set 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geometric labeled set 2d int

A labelled set containing geometric bidimensional datatypes

Supported interfaces

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

• kernel, container

9.2.26 Graphic Ellipse 2D double

class name Graphic Ellipse 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic ecllipse 2d double

Represent a tridimensional graphical ellipse with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

• Base, GraphicShape2D


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9.2.27 Graphic Ellipse 2D int

class name Graphic Ellipse 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic ecllipse 2d int

Represent a tridimensional graphical ellipse with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

• Base, GraphicShape2D

9.2.28 Graphic Labelled Set 2D double

class name Graphic Labelled Set 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic labeled set 2d double

A labelled set containing graphic bidimensional datatypes

Supported interfaces

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

• Base, GraphicShape2D


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9.2.29 Graphic Labelled Set 2D int

class name Graphic Labelled Set 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic labeled set 2d int

A labelled set containing graphic bidimensional datatypes

Supported interfaces

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

• Base, GraphicShape2D

9.2.30 Graphic Line 2D double

class name Graphic Line 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic line 2d double

Represent a bidimensional graphical line with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.31 Graphic Line 2D int

class name Graphic Line 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic line 2d int


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Represent a bidimensional graphical line with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.32 Graphic Point 2D double

class name Graphic Point 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic point 2d double

Represent a bidimensional graphical point with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.33 Graphic Point 2D int

class name Graphic Point 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic point 2d int

Represent a bidimensional graphical point with integer coordinates


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.34 Graphic Polygon 2D double

class name Graphic Polygon 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic polygon 2d double

Represent a bidimensional graphical polygon with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.35 Graphic Polygon 2D int

class name Graphic Polygon 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic polygon 2d int

Represent a bidimensional graphical polygon with integer coordinates


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.36 Graphic Polyline 2D double

class name Graphic Polyline 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic polyline 2d double

Represent a bidimensional graphical polyline with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.37 Graphic Polyline 2D int

class name Graphic Polyline 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic polyline 2d int

Represent a bidimensional graphical polyline with integer coordinates


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

9.2.38 Graphic Rectangle 2D double

class name Graphic Rectangle 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic rectangle 2d double

Represent a bidimensional graphical rectangle with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

• Base, GraphicShape2D

9.2.39 Graphical rectangle 2D int

class name Graphical rectangle 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic rectangle 2d int

Represent a bidimensional graphical rectangle with integer coordinates


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

• Base, Drawing

• Base, StrokeProperties

• Base, GraphicShape2D

9.2.40 Image

class name Imagecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image

Represent a multichannel and multi colormodel image

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, Logical Operations

• Kernel, MonadicArithOp

• Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpInt

• Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble

• kernel, image exchange format

• base, memory buffer

• Base, ImageConversion

• Base, ImageROI


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• Base, ImageMirror

• Base, ImageTranspose

• Base, Rotate

• base, image filter

• base, image optimized filter

• base, draw filled shapes

• base, pixelwise comparison op

9.2.41 Line 2D double

class name Line 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line 2d double

Represent a bidimensional line with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.42 Line 2D int

class name Line 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line 2d int

Represent a bidimensional line with integer coordinates


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.43 Line 3D double

class name Line 3D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line 3D double

Represent a tridimensional line with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DDouble

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.44 Line 3D int

class name Line 3D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id line 3D int

Represent a tridimensional line with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


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• Base, Vertex3DInt

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.45 MIDI

class name MIDIcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id midi

A MIDI event

9.2.46 MIDI buffer

class name MIDI buffercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id midibuffer

A sequence of MIDI events

9.2.47 PCMAudioBuffer

class name PCMAudioBuffercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pcm audio buffer

Stores an audio buffer in PCM format

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, memory buffer

• base, pcm conversion

• kernel, conversion


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9.2.48 PCMAudioBuffer

class name PCMAudioBuffercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pcm audio dynamic buffer

Stores an audio buffer in PCM format

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• base, memory buffer

• base, pcm conversion

• kernel, conversion

9.2.49 Point 2D double

class name Point 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 2d double

Represent a bidimensional point with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D


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9.2.50 Point 2D int

class name Point 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 2d int

Represent a bidimensional point with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.51 Point 3D double

class name Point 3D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 3d double

Represent a tridimensional point with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DDouble

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.52 Point 3D int

class name Point 3D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id point 3d int


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Represent a tridimensional point with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DInt

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.53 Polygon 2D double

class name Polygon 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id polygon 2d double

Represent a bidimensional polygon with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.54 Polygon 2D int

class name Polygon 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id polygon 2d int

Represent a bidimensional polygon with integer coordinates


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.55 Polyline 2D double

class name Polyline 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id polyline 2d double

Represent a bidimensional polyline with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.56 Polyline 2D int

class name Polyline 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id polyline 2d int

Represent a bidimensional polyline with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


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• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.57 RawData

class name RawDatacatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id raw data

Contains an unstructured datatype. RawData is used by blocks which handle datatypesas memory buffers, with no further information about them. For instance, a block sendingdata throw the network or receiveing data from the network migth know anything aboutthe datatype, just their size. Other blocks in the patch will do the specific processing.

Supported interfaces

• base, memory buffer

9.2.58 Rectangle 2D double

class name Rectangle 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle 2d double

Represent a bidimensional rectangle with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Shape2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D


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9.2.59 Rectangle 2D int

class name Rectangle 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle 2d int

Represent a bidimensional rectangle with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt

• Base, Shape2DInt

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.60 Rectangle 3D double

class name Rectangle 3D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle 3d double

Represent a tridimensional rectangle with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DDouble

• Base, Transformations3D


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9.2.61 Rectangle 3D int

class name Rectangle 3D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rectangle 3d int

Represent a tridimensional rectangle with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DInt

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.62 Roi 2D double

class name Roi 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id roi2d double

Represent a bidimensional region of interest with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

9.2.63 Roi 2D int

class name Roi 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id roi2d int

Represent a bidimensional region of interest with integer coordinates


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Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

9.2.64 Size 2D double

class name Size 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id size2d double

Represent a bidimensional rectangle with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

9.2.65 Size 2D int

class name Size 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id size2d int

Represent a bidimensional size with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

9.2.66 TemporalData

class name TemporalDatacatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id temporal data


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A datatype holding a temporal sequence of double values

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Kernel, StaticTimeSeries

9.2.67 Vector 2D double

class name Vector 2D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vector 2d double

Represent a bidimensional vector with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DDouble

• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.68 Vector 2D int

class name Vector 2D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vector 2d int

Represent a bidimensional point with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex2DInt


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• Base, Transformations2D

9.2.69 Vector 3D double

class name Vector 3D doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vector 3d double

Represent a tridimensional vector with floating point coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DDouble

• Base, Transformations3D

9.2.70 Vector 3D int

class name Vector 3D intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vector 3d int

Represent a tridimensional vector with integer coordinates

Supported interfaces

• Kernel, Arithmetic Operations

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt

• Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble

• Base, Vertex3DInt

• Base, Transformations3D


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9.3 Datatype converters

9.3.1 AudioBufferToAudioClock

class name AudioBufferToAudioClockcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id audio buffer to audio clock converter

Converts an audio buffer to an audio clock datatype.

9.3.2 Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D converter

class name Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D convertercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric point 3d to geometric point 3d converter int

This converter convert the new base geometric point 3Dto the old point 3D

9.3.3 Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D converter

class name Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D convertercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id base geometric point 3d to geometric point 3d converter double

This converter convert the new base geometric point 3Dto the old point 3D

9.3.4 Geometric Ellipse 2D Double To Graphic Ellipse 2D Double

class name Geometric Ellipse 2D Double To Graphic Ellipse 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter ellipse double

Geometric Ellipse 2D Double To Graphic Ellipse 2D Double

9.3.5 Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer To Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer

class name Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer To Graphic Ellipse 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter ellipse int


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Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer To Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer

9.3.6 Geometric LabelledSet 2D Double To Graphic LabelledSet2D Double

class name Geometric LabelledSet 2D Double To Graphic LabelledSet 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geometric labeled set 2d double to graphic labeled set 2d double

Automatically converts a Geometric LabelledSet 2D Double datatype to a GraphicLabelledSet 2D Double datatype, such that it can be drawn

9.3.7 Geometric LabelledSet 2D Int To Graphic LabelledSet 2DInt

class name Geometric LabelledSet 2D Int To Graphic LabelledSet 2D Intcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geometric labeled set 2d int to graphic labeled set 2d int

Automatically converts a Geometric LabelledSet 2D Int datatype to a Graphic Labelled-Set 2D Int datatype, such that it can be drawn

9.3.8 Geometric Line 2D Double To Graphic ine 2D Double

class name Geometric Line 2D Double To Graphic ine 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter line double

Geometric Line 2D Double To Graphic Line 2D Double

9.3.9 Geometric Line 2D Integer To Graphic Line 2D Integer

class name Geometric Line 2D Integer To Graphic Line 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter line int

Geometric Line 2D Integer To Graphic Line 2D Integer


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9.3.10 Geometric Point 2D Double To Graphic Point 2D Double

class name Geometric Point 2D Double To Graphic Point 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter point double

Geometric Point 2D Double To Graphic Point 2D Double

9.3.11 Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer

class name Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter point int

Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer

9.3.12 Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer

class name Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter polyline int

Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer

9.3.13 Geometric Polyline 2D Double To Graphic Polyline 2DDouble

class name Geometric Polyline 2D Double To Graphic Polyline 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter polyline double

Geometric Polyline 2D Double To Graphic Polyline 2D Double

9.3.14 Geometric Rect 2d Double To ROI 2d Double

class name Geometric Rect 2d Double To ROI 2d Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geomrect2ddouble to roi2ddouble


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Convert Geometric Rect 2d Double To ROI 2d Double

9.3.15 Geometric Rect 2d Integer To ROI 2d Integer

class name Geometric Rect 2d Integer To ROI 2d Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geomrect2dint toroi2dint

Convert Geometric Rect 2d Integer To ROI 2d Integer

9.3.16 Geometric Rectangle 2D Double To Graphic Rectangle 2DDouble

class name Geometric Rectangle 2D Double To Graphic Rectangle 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter rectangle double

Geometric Rectangle 2D Double To Graphic Rectangle 2D Double

9.3.17 Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer To Graphic Rectangle 2DInteger

class name Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer To Graphic Rectangle 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id geom to graphic converter rectangle int

Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer To Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer

9.3.18 Graphic Ellipse 2D Double To Geometric Ellipse 2D Dou-ble

class name Graphic Ellipse 2D Double To Geometric Ellipse 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter ellipse double

Graphic Ellipse 2D Double To Geometric Ellipse 2D Double


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9.3.19 Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer To Geometric Ellipse 2D Inte-ger

class name Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer To Geometric Ellipse 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter ellipse int

Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer To Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer

9.3.20 Graphic Point 2D Double To Geometric Point 2D Double

class name Graphic Point 2D Double To Geometric Point 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter point double

Graphic Point 2D Double To Geometric Point 2D Double

9.3.21 Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer

class name Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter point int

Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer

9.3.22 Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer

class name Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter polyline int

Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer

9.3.23 Graphic Polyline 2D Double To Geometric Polyline 2DDouble

class name Graphic Polyline 2D Double To Geometric Polyline 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter polyline double


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Graphic Polyline 2D Double To Geometric Polyline 2D Double

9.3.24 Graphic Rectangle 2D Double To Geometric Rectangle 2DDouble

class name Graphic Rectangle 2D Double To Geometric Rectangle 2D Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter rectangle double

Graphic Rectangle 2D Double To Geometric Rectangle 2D Double

9.3.25 Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer To Geometric Rectangle 2DInteger

class name Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer To Geometric Rectangle 2D Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic to geom converter rectangle int

Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer To Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer

9.3.26 PCMAudioBufferToAudioClock

class name PCMAudioBufferToAudioClockcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id pcm audio buffer to audio clock converter

Converts a PCM audio buffer to an audio clock datatype.

9.3.27 ROI 2d Double To Geometric Rect 2d Double

class name ROI 2d Double To Geometric Rect 2d Doublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id roi2ddouble to geomrect2ddouble

ROI 2d Double To Convert Geometric Rect 2d Double


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9.3.28 ROI 2d Integer To Geometric Rect 2d Integer

class name ROI 2d Integer To Geometric Rect 2d Integercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id roi2dint to geomrect2dint

ROI 2d Integer To Convert Geometric Rect 2d Integer

9.3.29 Static to Dynamic Temporal Data Converter

class name Static to Dynamic Temporal Data Convertercatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id static to dynamic temp data converter

This converter converts a static time series to a dynamic one, i.e., a time series wherethe number of samples and the number of channels can be changes at run-time.

9.4 Datatype interfaces

9.4.1 Drawing

class name Drawingcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id drawing

This is the interface of datatypes supporting the possibility to be drawn over a bitmap

9.4.2 GraphicShape2D

class name GraphicShape2Dcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id graphic shape

This is the base interface of graphical shapes and declares the methods to change thecolor and the fill properties of the shape.


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9.4.3 ImageConversion

class name ImageConversioncatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image conversion

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to convert betweendifferent image formats

9.4.4 ImageMirror

class name ImageMirrorcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image mirror

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to mirror an image,i.e., to flip it around an horizontal or vertical axis.

9.4.5 ImageROI

class name ImageROIcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image roi

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to specify a ROI(Region Of Interest), i.e., a rectangle inside the image where the following operations willwork. Image outside the ROI can assume undefined values.

9.4.6 ImageTranspose

class name ImageTransposecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id image transpose

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to transpose animage.


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9.4.7 Rotate

class name Rotatecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id rotate

Datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to rotate object.

9.4.8 Shape2DDouble

class name Shape2DDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id shape 2d double

This is the base interface of shapes 2d

9.4.9 Shape2DInt

class name Shape2DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id shape 2d int

This is the base interface of shapes 2d

9.4.10 StrokeProperties

class name StrokePropertiescatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id stroke properties

This is the base interface of graphical objects having a visible contour and declares themethods to change the color and the width of the contour

9.4.11 Transformations2D

class name Transformations2Dcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id trasformation 2d


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This interface declares the methods to perform operations (e.g., Scale, Rotate, Translate,etc.) on geometric/graphics objects

9.4.12 Transformations3D

class name Transformations3Dcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id trasformation 3D

This interface declares the methods to perform operations (e.g., Scale, Rotate, Translate,etc.) on geometric/graphics objects

9.4.13 Vertex2DDouble

class name Vertex2DDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vertex 2d double

This is the base interface of double geometric datatypes, and provides the methods toenumerate the vertices of geometric shapes

9.4.14 Vertex2DInt

class name Vertex2DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vertex 2d int

This is the base interface of integer geometric datatypes, and provides the methods toenumerate the vertices of geometric shapes

9.4.15 Vertex3DDouble

class name Vertex3DDoublecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vertex 3D double

This is the base interface of double geometric datatypes, and provides the methods toenumerate the vertices of geometric shapes


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9.4.16 Vertex3DInt

class name Vertex3DIntcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id vertex 3D int

This is the base interface of integer geometric datatypes, and provides the methods toenumerate the vertices of geometric shapes

9.5 Categories

9.5.1 Development Stage

class name Development Stagecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id development stage

This category clarifies the development stage of the block (i.e., alpha, beta, production,stable).


A block at alpha stage is ....


A block at beta stage is ....


A block at production stage is ....


A block is stable....

9.5.2 Final User Category

class name Final User Categorycatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id final user

This category specifies the class of expected final user for this block.


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An user which can envision nice applications, but which has a poor knowledge in thecomputer science field....


An user which is able to develop source code in some programming language, or has a deepknowledge of EyesWeb scheduling mechaninsm....


An user which can understand physic laws, but cannot understand computer science....

9.6 Authors

9.6.1 Alberto Massari

class name Alberto Massaricatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id alby

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]

9.6.2 Alessandro Fausto

class name Alessandro Faustocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id alessandro

mailto:[email protected]

9.6.3 Andrea Ricci

class name Andrea Riccicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id andrea

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]


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9.6.4 Barbara Mazzarino

class name Barbara Mazzarinocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id barbara

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]

9.6.5 Carlo Drioli

class name Carlo Driolicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id carlo

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]

9.6.6 Giovanna Varni

class name Giovanna Varnicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id giovanna

mailto:[email protected]

9.6.7 Gualtiero Volpe

class name Gualtiero Volpecatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id gualtiero

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]

9.6.8 Marzia Simonetti

class name Marzia Simonetticatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id marzia

mailto:[email protected]


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9.6.9 Massimiliano Peri

class name Massimiliano Pericatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id massy

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

9.6.10 Maurizio Mancini

class name Maurizio Mancinicatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id maurizio

EyesWeb Developer mailto:[email protected]

9.6.11 Mirko Demurtas

class name Mirko Demurtascatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id mirko

mailto:[email protected]

9.6.12 Paolo Coletta

class name Paolo Colettacatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id paolo

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

9.6.13 Roberto Sagoleo

class name Roberto Sagoleocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id roberto

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


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9.6.14 Simone Ghisio

class name Simone Ghisiocatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id simone

mailto:[email protected]

9.7 Companies

9.7.1 InfomusLab

class name InfomusLabcatalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id infomus

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it

9.7.2 NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

class name NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.catalog name Basecatalog id baseclass id numensoft

Microsoft Certified Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support:[email protected] http://www.numensoft.com


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Chapter 10

System Catalog

10.1 Blocks

10.1.1 AudioDisplay


class name AudioDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id audio display gdi

authorsAlessandro FaustoMirko Demurtas

This block visualizes the input audio signal using the Windows GDI library. When thebitrate of audio input is high and the buffer size is small, drawing the waveform generatesa very high refresh rate. In this case some personal computers seem not responsive becausethey miss the processing power required to both refresh the display and interact with theuser. To avoid this situation, set the ’Refresh mode’ parameter to ’Frequency limited’ orto ’Time limited’. – REMARKS – When the display is shrinked to a pixel dimension lowerthan the buffer size (or 640 pixels at maximum) the waveform is distorded by the zoomfactor.

– ERRORS – ’Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignored parameter list:¡LIST¿’ The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the ¡LIST¿ are ignoredbecause relative to an older version of DisplayGDI block.


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Audio Bufferid input audiotype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Audio Buffer

Required interfacesKernel, StaticTimeSeries


Labelid Labeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


Merge channelsid Merge channelstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Merge channels


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10.1.2 AudioFileReader


class name AudioFileReadercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id audio file reader mmstream

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Reads an audio stream from file.

Remarks It is based on DirectShow streaming technology, thus,it should be able to readall files that DirectShow can read. It is limited to the main audio stream, thus, if the filecontain more than one audio stream, only one is read and the other ones are ignored. Thefile can be changed at runtime, thus, since the audio datatype is supposed to have a constantformat (num samples, sampling rate, num channels) during tuntime, the block may needto convert the audio format. That’s why the block exports parameter to specify the audiobuffer format: since the file is not constant during execution, the audio format cannot bededuced from the file (which could also not be specified when patch starts). However, it ispossible to set zero values for this info, in such case, if a filename is specified at startup, theinfo is taken from that file (and maintained throughout execution), otherwise it assumesdefault values.

— ERROR AND WARNING MESSSAGE — - During Initialization phase - - Failed tocreate the multimedia file reader allocation thread. JoinInit failed. - Failed to create themultimedia file reader allocation thread. Thread initialization failed. - Invalid Master ID:if the Sincronization type is set to Master and the string that specifies the master is invalid.

- During execution phase - - CAudioFileReaderImplMMStream::CMMediaCreationThread::WaitFileReaderCreated– FAIL.


Output buffer.id audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output buffer. It’s and audio buffer datatype.


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File cuedid file cuedtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Generate a bang when the file is cued successfully

EndFileid file endtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, boolinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Generate true when the file is played


Audio file readerid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Audio files (*.wav,*.mp3, *.wma)—*.wav;*.mp3;*.wma—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Specifies the name of file to read.

Sampling rateid sampling ratetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Sampling rate of the output buffer. It can be different from the sampling rate of thefile, even because the file can change at runtime. Moreover, files with a dynamic samplingrate are supported.

Time to gotoid goto timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Specifies the time to be reached


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Gotoid gototype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Forces the file to reach the specified position

Frames before seekid frames before seektype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specifies the number of frames to skip before performing a seek. In many cases, de-compressing and skipping frames gives a better performance than seeking to the desiredposition.

Number of channelsid num channelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifiies the number of channels of the output buffer. Can be mono (1 channel) orstereo (2 channels).

Start timeid media startimetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Specifies the start position of the file

Durationid media durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Specifies the length of the portion of the file to be read. Use zero to specify the wholefile.

Playback rateid playback ratetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the playback rate. Use 1.0 for normal speed, higher values (e.g., 2.0) for fast-forward, lower values for slow motion. Negative values mean going backward. Note thataudio is always muted for playback rate different from 1.0.


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Player statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StoppedPausedPlaying

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the status of the player. If no file is currently executing, this parameter is

ignored, however it specifies whether the block is stopped, is paused, or is playing. Whenthe block is stopped the output is a black frame; when the block is paused the output isa fixed frame (the last played one); when the block is playing the output changes at eachstep. If this parameter is changed at design time or when no file is playing, its value is usedas an initial status.

End of fileid eoftype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StopPauseLoop

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the behaviour when end of file is reached.

Playid playtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Start (or resume) playing the selected file

Pauseid pausetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Pause at the currently reached frame

Stopid stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Stop playing, produces a black frame as output


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Master IDid master idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Master identifier

Syncronization Typeid sync typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StandaloneMasterSlave

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the type of syncronization

Auto generate mediatimeid auto generate mediatimetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If the file set has not an audio stream and the block is set as Master, It generate a silentsound buffer with valid mediatime

Generate cued bang after failureid generate cued if failedtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Generate cued bang after a failure of a change filename

Buffering typeid type of bufferingtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:numsamplesbuffertimefps

domain [ 0, 3 )It specifies how the block calculates the buffer lenght. It’s possible set the dimension

according to number of samples value, buffer time duration or in frame per second.


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number of samplesid number of samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

It specifies the number of samples for each buffer. Usually 1764.


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10.1.3 DirectSoundInput


class name DirectSoundInputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id dsound input

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Captures an audio stream using Microsoft DirectSound


Outputid audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Deviceid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Virtual Device

Samplesid samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Sampling rateid samplingratetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Sampling rate


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Num. channelsid num channelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of audio channels

Physical buffer durationid physical buffer durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Physical buffer duration

Delayid max delaytype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time



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10.1.4 DirectSoundOutput


class name DirectSoundOutputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id dsound output

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Renders an audio stream using Microsoft DirectSound.


Inputid audio streamtype Base, Audio buffertype id base, audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input audio buffer


Deviceid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Virtual directsound output device. If this field is empty the output device is selectedaccording to EyesWeb Control Panel

Volumeid volumetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Volume of audio stream. It’s normalized and the value must be included in [0,1]


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Physical buffer duration expressed in time unitsid physical buffer durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Physical buffer duration

Delayid delaytype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Delay of output buffer compared to the input stream


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10.1.5 DisplayDirectX


class name DisplayDirectXcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id image displayauthors Massimiliano Peri

This block show the input image using the DirectX graphic library, verion 9.0. Theinput image is immediately painted on the display output.This block also permit to selectthe quality of image scaling algorithm.

Details Most of this block operation is done by the hardware of the graphic board(GPU) without the intervention of CPU. The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported.The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. To display a imagewith this color space you must convert the color space to one of the supported color space.All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. Thisconversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channelpixel format.

Notes Error list: ’DirectX libraries could not be initialized.’ This error occur whenthe DirectX 9.0 is not installed. ’DirectX libraries will be initialized in emulation mode.Not all the functionalities will be available.’ This error occur when the DirectX library donot support some of the hardware accelleration used by this block. ’The alpha channel isnot supported for X color space’ Add one image converter block before this block to convertthe image into one of the following supported color spaces: RGB with alpha, BGR withalpha, YUV with alpha ’The X color space is not supported.’ Add one image converterblock before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces:BW, RGB, BGR, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV


Imageid video streamtype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


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Image to be painted on the display. The I420, YV12 and HSV color spaces are notsupported. the alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces.

Required interfacesBase, ImageConversion Base, ImageROI


LetterBox Modeid letterbox modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No letterboxCenterMiddleNoneTopNoneMiddleNoneBottomLeftNoneLeftTopLeftMiddleLeftBottomCenterNoneCenterTopCenterBottomRightNoneRightTopRightMiddleRightBottom

domain [ 0, 16 )Specifies where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in ’No letterbox’

the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to coverall available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus ablack frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space.This enumerator specifies where to place such black frame. Since the user might not knowin advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each modespecifies how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle meansthat if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, andthe matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image willbe vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the first referring to thehorizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontalcentering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assumevalues none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is neededon that direction, than the image is stretched to fill the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTopmeans that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is appliedand the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destination


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rect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below.

Interpolationid filteringtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:PointLinearAnisotropicPyramidalGaussian

domain [ 0, 5 )Interpolation

Delayid delaytype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time



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10.1.6 DisplayDirectX-2


class name DisplayDirectX-2catalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id D3DImageDisplay

authorsAlessandro FaustoMassimiliano Peri

This block show the input image using the DirectX graphic library, verion 9.0. The usercan chose between two different visualization mode (ignore/respect presentation time).The’ignore presentation time’ is the default mode (the only mode available in DirectX and GDIdisplays).In this mode the input image is immediatly painted on the display output.Whenin ’respect presentation time’ mode the display paint the image when its presentation timeis reached.When a new image reach the display input, thee case can be distincted : 1. Thepresentation time is lesser than current time: the image is dropped.2. The presentationtime is close to current time: the image is painted.3. The presentation time is greater thancurrent time: the image is inserted into a ordered queue.The used can select the maximumnumber of ordered queue elements (design time) and drop all elements from the queue (runtime).This block also permit to mirror the texture and select the quality of image scaling.The user, acting on ’Output queue status’ parameter, can enable or disable the output ofinternal queue status.See the ’Extracted image counter’ and ’Queued images’ outputs pindescription for more details. This block is also able to intercept some mouse events, and togenerate a related output. The user can select among none, movement, button pressed orselection mouse handling modes. See the paramemter ’Mouse handling’ for more details.

– REMARKS – Most of this block operation is done by the hardware of the graphic board(GPU) without the intervention of CPU. The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported.The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. To display a imagewith this color space you must convert the color space to one of the supported color space.All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. Thisconversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channelpixel format.

– ERRORS – ’Load of parameter values failed’: This warning occur when Eyeswebencounter a error loading the block parameters from the patch file. In this case someparameters can be reset to default value. ’DirectX libraries could not be initialized.’ Thiserror occur when the DirectX 9.0 is not installed. ’DirectX libraries will be initialized inemulation mode. Not all the functionalities will be available.’ This error occur when theDirectX library do not support some of the hardware accelleration used by this block. ’Thealpha channel is not supported for X color space’ Add one image converter block beforethis block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: RGB


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with alpha, BGR with alpha, YUV with alpha ’The X color space is not supported.’ Addone image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the followingsupported color spaces: BW, RGB, BGR, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV


Imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Image to display.


Presentation timeid QueueAlgotype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ignore the presentation timerespect the presentation time

domain [ 0, 2 )To respect the image presentation time this display use a ordered queue. This parame-

ter selects the algorithm used to manage the presentation time (’ignore’, ’respect’). When’ignore’ is selected the input image is displayed immediately (bypassing the queue), other-wise the image is stored into the queue and is displayed when the clock time matches thepresentation time.

Queue max sizeid QueueMaxSizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

This parameter set the maximum number of images stored into the internal queue.

Purge queueid QueuePurgetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Drop all images contained into the internal queue.


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Output queue statusid ParamOutputQueueStatustype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output the internal queue status (number of image into the queue, number of imageskipped in the last execution cycle).

Mouse handlingid ParamOutputMouseModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:noneoutput positionoutput click positionoutput selection rectangle

domain [ 0, 4 )This parameter enable, disable and select the Output mode of mouse click position.

Flip imageid ImageFliptype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:nonevertical (Y axis)horizontal (X axis)vertical & horizontal (both axis)

domain [ 0, 4 )Flip image over Y (flipping), X (flopping) or both axis.

Interpolationid filteringtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:PointLinearAnisotropicPyramidalGaussian

domain [ 0, 5 )The color of points obtained during the zoom operations can be calculated with different

algorithms. Choices are ”point” where the closest pixel is chosen, ”Linear” which applieslinear filtering (a method where a weighted average of the 2 by 2 pixels surrounding the


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pixel is used) , ”Anisotropic” which takes into account the angle a primitive is rendered,”Pyramidal” which takes 4 samples and uses a tent filter and ”Gaussian” which also takes4 samples but uses a Gaussian filter.


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10.1.7 DisplayGDI


class name DisplayGDIcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id display gdi

authorsAlessandro FaustoMirko Demurtas

This block show the input image using the Windows GDI library. The user can chosebetween two different visualization mode (ignore/respect presentation time).The ’ignorepresentation time’ is the default mode (the only mode available in DirectX display).In thismode the input image is immediatly painted on the display output.When in ’respect presen-tation time’ mode the display paint the image when its presentation time is reached.Whena new image reach the display input, thee case can be distincted : 1. The presentation timeis lesser than current time: the image is dropped.2. The presentation time is close to cur-rent time: the image is painted.3. The presentation time is greater than current time: theimage is inserted into a ordered queue.The used can select the maximum number of orderedqueue elements (design time) and drop all elements from the queue (run time).This blockalso permit to mirror the texture and select the quality of image scaling.The user, actingon ’Output queue status’ parameter, can enable or disable the output of internal queuestatus.See the ’Extracted image counter’ and ’Queued images’ outputs pin description formore details. This block is also able to intercept some mouse events, and to generate arelated output. The user can select among none, movement, button pressed or selectionmouse handling modes. See the paramemter ’Mouse handling’ for more details.

– REMARKS – The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channelis not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images with color spacedifferent from BW or BGR are converted into BGR color space. All pixel depth greaterthan 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPUusage, please use BW or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format.

– ERRORS – ’Load of parameter values failed’: This warning occur when Eyeswebencounter a error loading the block parameters from the patch file. In this case someparameters can be reset to default value. ’The alpha channel is not supported for X colorspace’ Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one ofthe following supported color spaces: RGB with alpha, BGR with alpha, YUV with alpha’The X color space is not supported.’ Add one image converter block before this block toconvert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: BW, RGB, BGR, YUV,YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV ’Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignoredparameter list: ¡LIST¿’ The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the ¡LIST¿


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are ignored because relative to one old version of DisplayGDI block.


Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Image to display.


Presentation timeid QueueAlgotype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ignore the presentation timerespect the presentation time

domain [ 0, 2 )To respect the image presentation time this display use a ordered queue. This parame-

ter selects the algorithm used to manage the presentation time (’ignore’, ’respect’). When’ignore’ is selected the input image is displayed immediately (bypassing the queue), other-wise the image is stored into the queue and is displayed when the clock time matches thepresentation time.

Queue max sizeid QueueMaxSizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

This parameter set the maximum number of images stored into the internal queue.

Purge queueid QueuePurgetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Drop all images contained into the internal queue.


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Output queue statusid ParamOutputQueueStatustype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output the internal queue status (number of image into the queue, number of imageskipped in the last execution cycle).

Mouse handlingid ParamOutputMouseModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:noneoutput positionoutput click positionoutput selection rectangle

domain [ 0, 4 )This parameter enable, disable and select the Output mode of mouse click position.

Interpolation Algorithmid filteringtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:nearest neighbour interpolationlinear interpolationcubic convolution interpolationinterpolation by 3-lobed Lanczos-windowed sinc function

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed.A rough interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the

CPU usage to perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation(e.g., lanczos) provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.


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10.1.8 DisplayOpenGL


class name DisplayOpenGLcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id GlImageDisplayauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block show the input image using the OpenGL graphic library. The user can chosebetween two different visualization mode (ignore/respect presentation time).The ’ignorepresentation time’ is the default mode (the only mode available in DIrectX and GDI dis-plays).In this mode the input image is immediatly painted on the display output.When in’respect presentation time’ mode the display paint the image when its presentation time isreached.When a new image reach the display input, thee case can be distincted : 1. Thepresentation time is lesser than current time: the image is dropped.2. The presentationtime is close to current time: the image is painted.3. The presentation time is greater thancurrent time: the image is inserted into a ordered queue.The used can select the maximumnumber of ordered queue elements (design time) and drop all elements from the queue (runtime).This block also permit to mirror the texture and select the quality of image scal-ing.The user, acting on ’Output queue status’ parameter, can enable or disable the outputof internal queue status.See the ’Extracted image counter’ and ’Queued images’ outputs pindescription for more details. This block is also able to intercept some mouse events, and togenerate a related output. The user can select among none, movement, button pressed orselection mouse handling modes. See the paramemter ’Mouse handling’ for more details.

– REMARKS – Most of this block operation is done by the hardware of the graphic board(GPU) without the intervention of CPU. This block, if supported by GPU, take advandagefrom the following openGL extension:GL EXT bgra; GL EXT bgr; GL NV texture rectangle;GL ARB texture rectangle; GL EXT texture rectangle.

The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supportedon BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images with color space different from RGBor BGR are converted into RGB color space. If the graphic board dont support the openGLBGRA and BGR extension, the BGR image is converted to RGB. All pixel depth greaterthan 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPUusage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format. Operation allwaydone in software: color space conversion, pixel format conversion, texture scaling.

Operation allways done in hardware: Texture mirroring, image rendering.Operation done in hardware (if specific openGL extension is supported) or software (if is

not supported): Color space conversion from BGR to RGB (GL EXT bgr and GL EXT bgra),texture scaling (GL NV texture rectangle, GL ARB texture rectangle and GL EXT texture rectangle).

Operation allways done in software: Color space conversion, pixel format conversion.


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– ERRORS – ’Load of parameter values failed’: This warning occur when Eyeswebencounter a error loading the block parameters from the patch file. In this case someparameters can be reset to default value. ’The alpha channel is not supported for X colorspace’ Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one ofthe following supported color spaces: RGB with alpha, BGR with alpha, YUV with alpha’The X color space is not supported.’ Add one image converter block before this block toconvert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: BW, RGB, BGR, YUV,YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV


Imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Image to display.


Presentation timeid QueueAlgotype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ignore the presentation timerespect the presentation time

domain [ 0, 2 )To respect the image presentation time this display use a ordered queue. This parame-

ter selects the algorithm used to manage the presentation time (’ignore’, ’respect’). When’ignore’ is selected the input image is displayed immediately (bypassing the queue), other-wise the image is stored into the queue and is displayed when the clock time matches thepresentation time.

Queue max sizeid QueueMaxSizetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

This parameter set the maximum number of images stored into the internal queue.


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Purge queueid QueuePurgetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Drop all images contained into the internal queue.

Output queue statusid ParamOutputQueueStatustype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Output the internal queue status (number of image into the queue, number of imageskipped in the last execution cycle).

Mouse handlingid ParamOutputMouseModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:noneoutput positionoutput click positionoutput selection rectangle

domain [ 0, 4 )This parameter enable, disable and select the Output mode of mouse click position.

Flip imageid BgFliptype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:nonevertical (Y axis)horizontal (X axis)vertical & horizontal (both axis)

domain [ 0, 4 )Flip image over Y (flipping), X (flopping) or both axis.

Filterid filteringtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:”Point””Linear”

domain [ 0, 2 )


Page 988: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Texture image filter (’Point’, ’Linear’) used when the texture is scaled. ’Point’ modeapproximate the pixel color with the color of nearest point, ’Linear’ mode do a linearinterpolation of neigthbour pixels colors.


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10.1.9 FilePlayer


class name FilePlayercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id file playerauthors Paolo Coletta

This block plays the given file on the given output device. It is a sort of replacemententfor a patch where you put both a file reader and an output block. In this case everything isdone internally by the block; this implies that you have less control on the playback (e.g.,you cannot apply effects to the data stream); however, in simple cases where no more thana simple playback is needed, this block might improve performance and simplify the patchlayout

Details The block internally uses DirectShow to playback the stream; for each file anew DirectShow graph is created. If some files file to play, you probably miss some codecsin Windows.

Notes Currently, only the audio stream of the file is played


Statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The current player status


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End Of Streamid end-of-streamtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Triggered when the end of the stream is reached


Device nameid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Name of the DirectShow-based file player virtual device

Filenameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Name of the file to be played

Volumeid volumetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the volume at which the file is played

Panid pantype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the balance of the stereo channel: -1.0 for left, 0.0 for center, 1.0 for right

Positionid positiontype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


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Statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:PlayingPausedStopped

domain [ 0, 3 )The parameter reflect the status of the player device

Playid playtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Put the device in Playback mode, if the patch is running, otherwise set the initial stateof the device

Pauseid pausetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Put the device in Paused mode, if the patch is running, otherwise set the initial stateof the device

Stopid stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Put the device in Stopped mode, if the patch is running, otherwise set the initial stateof the device


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10.1.10 FrameGrabber


class name FrameGrabbercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id wdmvideo input

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Captures a video from from WDM Video Input Device


Outputid video streamtype GPGPU, OpenGLCGImagetype id gpgpu, opengl cg imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



Output datatype infoid datatype infotype Kernel, StringPairtype id kernel, string pairlayout

Output Datatype info

Deviceid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



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Image Color Modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:RGB (3 channels - 24 bits)BGR (3 channels - 24 bits)YUV (3 channels - 24 bits)BW (1 channels - 8 bits)YUYV (3 channels (Y,U,Y,V) )UYVY (3 channels (U,Y,V,Y) )I420 (3 channels planar (Y,U,V) )YV12 (3 channels planar (Y,V,U) )RGBA (4 channels - 32 bits)BGRA (4 channels - 32 bits)YUVA (4 channels - 32 bits)

Image Color Model

Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Output Image Size

Frames per second.id fpstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Frames per second.

Vertical Mirrorid vert mirrortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Vertical Mirror

Horizontal Mirrorid horiz-mirrortype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the image must be swaped horizontaly


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Typeid typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int




Video Quality: Gain Flagid gain flagtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:DefaultAutoManual

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the desired control setting for the Gain property. Default - use the current

driver setting Auto - enables autogain Manual - set the user-specified value

Video Quality: Gain Valueid gain valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the value of the Gain property. Is is used only if Gain Flag is set to manual

Video Quality: Brightness Flagid brightness flagtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:DefaultAutoManual

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the desired control setting for the Brightness property. Default - use the current

driver setting Auto - enables autobrightness Manual - set the user-specified value

Video Quality: Brightness Valueid brightness valuetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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Specifies the value of the Brightness property. Is is used only if Brightness Flag is setto manual

Override device init failed.id overridedeviceinitfailedtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If the system cannot initialize the selected WDM device the patch will be executedanyway.

Custom device propertiesid device typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Default - noneVideo crossbar compliant deviceDecklink frame grabber

domain [ 0, 3 )Custom device properties


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10.1.11 FunctionEvaluator


class name FunctionEvaluatorcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id function evaluatorauthors Alberto Massari

Evaluate an arbitrary user-specified function on every input data.

Remarks Allowed functions: abs, arg, acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, floor,log,log10, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, atan2, mod, pow Allowed constants: integer number,floating point numbers (decimal separator is .), or pi (3.1415...) Allowed operators: +, -, *,/, ˆ(means pow) Allowed variables: x1, x2, x3, ..., xN (the number depends on the numberof inputs of the block) Examples: sqrt(x1)/(x1ˆ2) Avoid white spaces. The above exampleworks, but sqrt( x1 )/(x1ˆ2) does not work

Error and Warning Messages

During Initialization Phase -The number of inputs of the signature does not matchthe value specified by the parameter of the block. -Syntax error: if evaluation tree is full


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input represent the 0th operand involved in the operation.


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Outputid outputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Block output. It contains the result of the specified operation.


Expressionid expressiontype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The arithmetic expression to be evaluated

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specifies the number of inputs of this block.The number of inputs is the same of thevariables of arithmetic expression.


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10.1.12 GetFromHTTPVideoServer


class name GetFromHTTPVideoServercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id get-from-video-server

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta


Imageid image outputtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Decoded Jpeg Image


IP Addressid ip-addresstype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Ip Address

TCP Portid tcp-porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 65535 ]

TCP Port (DEFAULT: 777)

Input Indexid input ndxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Video Server input index


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Sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following,however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200CGA (very old graphic cards)

640x480 VGA (old graphic cards)1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15” LCDmonitors)1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17” LCD monitors)1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks)1600x1200 UXGA (20” LCD monitors)1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors)352x288 PAL QCIF720x576 PAL

Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 unsigned16 unsigned16 signed32 Float

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.


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Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 17 )The color model define the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of

following values:BW (1 channel: grayscale);BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red);RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue);YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).

Has alphaid has alphatype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether the image has an alpha channel. Note that alpha channel is supportedonly with RGB, BGR, or YUV images. In all other cases this parameter should be set tofalse.


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Refreshid refreshtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger


Keep aspect ratioid keep-aspect-ratiotype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Keep aspect ratio


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10.1.13 GetMouse


class name GetMousecatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id GetMouseauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block capture the position of mouse pointer


Clockid Synctype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*



Xid OutputXtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Yid OutputYtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Type Outputid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CoordinatesPoint

domain [ 0, 2 )Type Output

Domainid Domaintype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:DoubleInt

domain [ 0, 2 )This parameter allows to choose if output is int or double type.

HorizontalResolutionid XResolutiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Horizontal resolution of monitor. It’s used only in double domain.

VerticalResolutionid YResolutiontype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Vertical resolution of monitor It’s used only in double domain.


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10.1.14 HTTPVideoServer


class name HTTPVideoServercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id video-server

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta


Input image 0id input0type Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Image 0 to compress and send


Http serverid http-servertype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enable Http 1.0 server

IP Addressid ip-addresstype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Web server Ip Address of the ethernet interface


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TCP Portid tcp-porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 65535 ]

TCP Port (DEFAULT: 777)

Qualityid qualitytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 100 ]


Web server Rootid doc-roottype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringlayout Folder

Root document for the HTML 1.0 web server

Number of inputsid num-inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input for the video server


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10.1.15 Joystick


class name Joystickcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id Joystickauthors Gualtiero Volpe

This block retrives data from a joystick device.


Joystick axesid Axestype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The current x, y, and z values along the joystick axes.

Joystick buttonsid Buttonstype Kernel, Integer matrix.type id kernel, int-matrixinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The current state of the joystick buttons.


Device nameid DeviceNametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The name of the joystick device.


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Sampling periodid SamplingPeriodtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

The sampling period for the joystick data stream.

Enable axes outputid EnableAxestype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the x, y, z coordinates output is enabled.

Enable axis rotation outputid EnableAxesRotationstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the axis rotation output is enabled.

Enable buttons outputid EnableButtonstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the buttons output is enabled.

Enable sliders outputid EnableSliderstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the sliders output is enabled.

Enable POVs outputid EnablePOVstype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the POVs output is enabled.

X axis range minid XRangeMintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value along the x axis.


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X axis range maxid XRangeMaxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value along the x axis.

Y axis range minid YRangeMintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value along the y axis.

Y axis range maxid YRangeMaxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value along the y axis.

Z axis range minid ZRangeMintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value along the z axis.

Z axis range maxid ZRangeMaxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value along the z axis.


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10.1.16 MatrixDisplay


class name MatrixDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id table display gdi

authorsAlessandro FaustoMirko Demurtas

This block display the input matrix formatted as spreadsheet table. When the bitrateof input is high, drawing the display generates a very high refesh rate. In this case somepersonal computers seem not responsive because the miss the processing power required toboth refresh the display and iteract with the user. To avoid this situation, set the ’Refreshmode’ parameter to ’Frequency limited’ or to ’time limited’. – REMARKS – When thedisplay is shrinked to a dimension too small the cells became unreadable.In this case thesuggested solution is to set the zoom mode to ’No fit’ and then set a correct value into thezoom parameter.Use the scrollbars to see all cells.


Input Tableid input tabletype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Table


double bufferingid double bufferingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

enable double buffering to avoid flickering, with a performance cost


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Min Charid prm minchartype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Min Char

Max Charid prm maxchartype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

This parameter set the maximum width (number of characters) of a single cell. If thenumber of character of the matrix element is above this threshold the value is substitutedby # characters. In this case stop the patch, set this parameter to a greater value andrestart the patch.

decimal digitsid prm digittype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, 10 ]

This parameter represent the number of decimal digits to be displayed for all matrixelement. This value must be any integer number greater or equal to zero.

Fontid prm fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

This is the font used to print the column header, row header and matrix element values.


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10.1.17 MatrixValueVsIndexDisplay


class name MatrixValueVsIndexDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id matrix value vs index graph displayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the row/column index on the x axis and therow/column values on the y axis in a Display Window.


Input Matrixid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according different criteria


Double Bufferingid double bufferingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Render the graph using a back buffer to avoid flickering, paying a slight performancecost

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state


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Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background

Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line

Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area

Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line

Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font

X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label


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X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks

X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


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X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line

X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis


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Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label

Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


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Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels

Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


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Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Sample Modeid sample modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:By RowBy ColumnAutomatic

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row

of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row orby column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows ¡ columns -¿ by row)


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Y Axis Scaleid y axis scaletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Linear10Log10 (dB)20Log10

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also

the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale

Number of Plotsid num plotstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of configured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specified numberof plots these will have default parameters

Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label

Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)


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Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


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10.1.18 MatrixValueVsIndexOverlay


class name MatrixValueVsIndexOverlaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id matrix value vs index graph overlayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the row/column index on the x axis and therow/column values on the y axis over an input image.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

The graph will be painted over this input image

Input Matrixid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according different criteria


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Output Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input Imageinherited id *no*

The image containing the graph painted over the input image


Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Canvas Transparent Fillid canvas fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Canvas will be transparent (no fill) or not (fillcolor is used)

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background

Plot Background Transparent Fillid plot bgnd fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Plot Background will be transparent (no fill) ornot (fill color is used)


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Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line

Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area


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Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line

Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font


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X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks


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X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font

X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line


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X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


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Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label

Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


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Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font

Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Sample Modeid sample modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:By RowBy ColumnAutomatic

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row

of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row orby column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows ¡ columns -¿ by row)

Y Axis Scaleid y axis scaletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Linear10Log10 (dB)20Log10

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also

the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale

Number of Plotsid num plotstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of configured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specified numberof plots these will have default parameters

Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label


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Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


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10.1.19 MatrixValueVsValueDisplay


class name MatrixValueVsValueDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id matrix value vs value graph displayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the specified row/column entries on the xaxis and the remaining row/column values on the y axis in a Display Window.


Input Matrixid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according different criteria


Double Bufferingid double bufferingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Render the graph using a back buffer to avoid flickering, paying a slight performancecost

X Axis Indexid x axis sample indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specify the matrix row/column index of the entries that will be used as the values forthe x axis of all the plots


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Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background

Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line


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Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area

Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line


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Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font

X Axis Range Minid x axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the x axis

X Axis Range Maxid x axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the x axis

X Axis Range Modeid x axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour


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X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks


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X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font

X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line


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X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


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Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label

Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


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Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font

Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Sample Modeid sample modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:By RowBy ColumnAutomatic

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row

of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row orby column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows ¡ columns -¿ by row)

X Axis Scaleid x axis scaletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Linear10Log10 (dB)20Log10

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the scale of the x axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also

the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale

Y Axis Scaleid y axis scaletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Linear10Log10 (dB)20Log10

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also

the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale

Number of Plotsid num plotstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of configured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specified numberof plots these will have default parameters


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Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label

Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


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10.1.20 MatrixValueVsValueOverlay


class name MatrixValueVsValueOverlaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id matrix value vs value graph overlayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the specified row/column entries on the xaxis and the remaining row/column values on the y axis over an input image.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

The graph will be painted over this input image

Input Matrixid inputtype Kernel, Double matrix.type id kernel, double-matrix

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according different criteria


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Output Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input Imageinherited id *no*

The image containing the graph painted over the input image


X Axis Indexid x axis sample indextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specify the matrix row/column index of the entries that will be used as the values forthe x axis of all the plots

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Canvas Transparent Fillid canvas fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Canvas will be transparent (no fill) or not (fillcolor is used)

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background


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Plot Background Transparent Fillid plot bgnd fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Plot Background will be transparent (no fill) ornot (fill color is used)

Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line

Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area

Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line

Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font

X Axis Range Minid x axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the x axis

X Axis Range Maxid x axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the x axis

X Axis Range Modeid x axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour

X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation


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X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks

X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area


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X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font

X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line

X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


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Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label

Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


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Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font

Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Sample Modeid sample modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:By RowBy ColumnAutomatic

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row

of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row orby column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows ¡ columns -¿ by row)

X Axis Scaleid x axis scaletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Linear10Log10 (dB)20Log10

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the scale of the x axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also

the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale

Y Axis Scaleid y axis scaletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Linear10Log10 (dB)20Log10

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also

the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale

Number of Plotsid num plotstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of configured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specified numberof plots these will have default parameters


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Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label

Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


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10.1.21 MidiInput


class name MidiInputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id midi inputauthors Mirko Demurtas

Gets message from the Midi port


Outputid outputtype Base, MIDItype id base, midiinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output of the block is the midi message received through the midi port.

System Exclusive Messagesid output systemtype Kernel, Bytetype id kernel, byteinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

System Exclusive Messages


Midi device nameid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the name of the midi device to use. If none is given, the default will be used.Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical Midi port


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Midi Bufferid device modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies the desired working mode


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10.1.22 MidiOutput


class name MidiOutputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id midi outputauthors Mirko Demurtas

Send message to the Midi port


Inputid inputtype Base, MIDItype id base, midi

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The inputof the block is the midi message sended through the midi port.


Midi device nameid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the name of the midi device to use. If none is given, the default will be used.Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical Midi port

Midi Bufferid device modetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies the desired working mode


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10.1.23 MouseClickDisplay


class name MouseClickDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id mouse display gdiauthors Mirko Demurtas

Show the input image


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input image to show


Xid OutputXtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


Yid OutputYtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Type Outputid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:CoordinatesPoint

domain [ 0, 2 )Type Output

Modeid Modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Move MouseClick MouseSelect MouseColor of pixel

domain [ 0, 4 )Mode

Horizontal Mirrorid MirrorXtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Horizontal Mirror

Vertical Mirrorid MirrorYtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Vertical Mirror

External Syncid SyncExttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

External Sync


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Type of Coordinateid Coordtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:ImageWindow

domain [ 0, 3 )Type of Coordinate

PosXid prm posxtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

horizontal position of the window

PosYid prm posytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

vertical position of the window

SizeXid prm sizextype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

horizontal size of the window

SizeYid prm sizeytype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

vertical size of the window

Captionid captiontype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



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10.1.24 MultimediaTimer


class name MultimediaTimercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id multimedia timerauthors Paolo Coletta

Provides the functionalities offered by the Windows Multimedia Timer.


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Trigger (bang) output which is raised each time the timer elapses


Output typeid output typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TriggerAudio clock

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the output is a simple trigger or an audio clock. In the second case,

the Period parameter is locked during execution.

Periodid periodtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Period of the multimedia timer


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10.1.25 NetReceiver


class name NetReceivercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id net receiver

authorsSimone GambarottoDaniele Gambarotto

Receive data from the network.


Datatypeid output datatype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Generic Datatype


Hostid Hosttype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Host Address

TCP Portid TCP Porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1024, 65535 ]

TCP Port

Filterid Filtertype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string



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Socket Windowid ShowWindowSockettype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Show Socket Window


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10.1.26 NetSender


class name NetSendercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id net sender

authorsSimone GambarottoDaniele Gambarotto

Send data to the network.


id input datatype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatype

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


id TCP Porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1024, 65535 ]

id Filtertype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Socket Windowid ShowWindowSockettype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Show Socket Window


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10.1.27 OSAudioMixerOutput


class name OSAudioMixerOutputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id mixer output

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Sends the received values to the mixer to set its sliders


Mixer outputid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Let you set the parameter of the Windows mixer

Lineid linetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intlayout Combo Box:domain ( -infinity, +infinity )

Specifies the line that this mixer will act on

Sourceid sourcetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intlayout Combo Box:domain ( -infinity, +infinity )

Specifies the source that this mixer will act on

Use lineid use linetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies wether controls are relative to Line or Source


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10.1.28 ScalarGraph


class name ScalarGraphcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id scalar graph display gdi

authorsAlessandro FaustoMirko Demurtas

This block display the graph of input scalar values using the Windows GDI library. Thegraph is composed on a canvas of 320x240 pixel.When the bitrate of input is high drawingthe graph generates a very high refesh rate. In this case some personal computers seemnot responsive because the miss the processing power required to both refresh the displayand iteract with the user. To avoid this situation, set the ’Refresh mode’ parameter to’Frequency limited’ or to ’time limited’. – REMARKS – When the display is shrinked to adimension lower than 320x240 pixels the graph lines are distorded.

– ERRORS – ’Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignored parameter list:¡LIST¿’ The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the ¡LIST¿ are ignoredbecause relative to one old version of DisplayGDI block.


Inputid InputData000type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input of scalar values to plot on the graph.


Labelid Labeltype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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Numer of inputid nInputtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input.

minid mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Minimum value to plot.

maxid maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Maximum value to plot.

Num X Axisid nXAxistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of horizontal axis

Num Y Axisid nYAxistype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of vertical axis

time windowid duratetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

This parameter sets the visible time window of the graph. The graph only shows themost recent value within the time window; as time increase (i.e., as the patch executionprogresses) the time window is shifted.

Color 001 Inputid ColorData000type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

This is the color used to paint the input number 001.


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Show 001 Inputid ShowData000type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Show or hide the graph of input number 001 values.


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10.1.29 ScalarValueVsSampleDisplay


class name ScalarValueVsSampleDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id scalar value vs sample graph displayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using its sample index on thex axis in a Display Window.


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1


Double Bufferingid double bufferingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Render the graph using a back buffer to avoid flickering, paying a slight performancecost

Visible samplesid num visible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Number of samples visible along the X axis


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Invisible samplesid num invisible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale

X axis modeid x axis modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedScrollingWrap Around

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid

is fixed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wrapsaround, no scrolling at all

Wrap Marker Visibleid wrap marker visibletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker

Wrap Marker Line Styleid wrap marker line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)


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Wrap Marker Line Colorid wrap marker line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line

Wrap Marker Line Thicknessid wrap marker line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background

Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )


Page 1073: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line

Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area

Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )


Page 1074: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line

Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font

X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation


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X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks

X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area


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X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font

X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line

X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


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Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


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Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label

Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


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Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font

Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot


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Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label

Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


Page 1081: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

10.1.30 ScalarValueVsSampleOverlay


class name ScalarValueVsSampleOverlaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id scalar value vs sample graph overlayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using its sample index on thex axis over an input image.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

The graph will be painted over this input image

Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1


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Output Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input Imageinherited id *no*

The image containing the graph painted over the input image


Visible samplesid num visible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

Number of samples visible along the X axis

Invisible samplesid num invisible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale

X axis modeid x axis modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedScrollingWrap Around

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid

is fixed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wrapsaround, no scrolling at all

Wrap Marker Visibleid wrap marker visibletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker


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Wrap Marker Line Styleid wrap marker line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Wrap Marker Line Colorid wrap marker line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line

Wrap Marker Line Thicknessid wrap marker line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas


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Canvas Transparent Fillid canvas fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Canvas will be transparent (no fill) or not (fillcolor is used)

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background

Plot Background Transparent Fillid plot bgnd fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Plot Background will be transparent (no fill) ornot (fill color is used)

Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line


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Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area

Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line


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Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font

X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area


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X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks

X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


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X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line

X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis


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Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label

Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


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Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels

Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


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Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot

Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label


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Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


Page 1093: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

10.1.31 ScalarValueVsTimeDisplay


class name ScalarValueVsTimeDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id scalar value vs time graph displayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) in a Display Window.


Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1


Refresh Periodid refresh periodtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Display refresh period

Double Bufferingid double bufferingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Render the graph using a back buffer to avoid flickering, paying a slight performancecost


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Visible Durationid visible durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

The time span of the X axis

Invisible Durationid invisible durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Time span of invisible samples, used for autoscale

X axis modeid x axis modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedScrollingWrap Around

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid

is fixed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wrapsaround, no scrolling at all

Wrap Marker Visibleid wrap marker visibletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker

Wrap Marker Line Styleid wrap marker line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and


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double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Wrap Marker Line Colorid wrap marker line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line

Wrap Marker Line Thicknessid wrap marker line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background


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Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line

Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area


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Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line

Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font


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X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks


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X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font

X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line


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X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


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Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label

Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


Page 1102: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font

Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot


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Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label

Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


Page 1104: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

10.1.32 ScalarValueVsTimeOverlay


class name ScalarValueVsTimeOverlaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id scalar value vs time graph overlayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) over an input image.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

The graph will be painted over this input image

Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1


Page 1105: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual


Output Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input Imageinherited id *no*

The image containing the graph painted over the input image


Visible Durationid visible durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

The time span of the X axis

Invisible Durationid invisible durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Time span of invisible samples, used for autoscale

X axis modeid x axis modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedScrollingWrap Around

domain [ 0, 3 )Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid

is fixed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wrapsaround, no scrolling at all

Wrap Marker Visibleid wrap marker visibletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker


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Wrap Marker Line Styleid wrap marker line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Wrap Marker Line Colorid wrap marker line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line

Wrap Marker Line Thicknessid wrap marker line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas


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Canvas Transparent Fillid canvas fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Canvas will be transparent (no fill) or not (fillcolor is used)

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background

Plot Background Transparent Fillid plot bgnd fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Plot Background will be transparent (no fill) ornot (fill color is used)

Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line


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Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area

Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line


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Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font

X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area


Page 1110: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks

X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


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X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line

X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis


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Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label

Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


Page 1113: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels

Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


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Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot

Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label


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Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


Page 1116: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

10.1.33 ScalarValueVsValueDisplay


class name ScalarValueVsValueDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id scalar value vs value graph displayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using a reference input valueon the x axis in a Display Window.


Reference Inputid reference inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The reference input will be used as the x axis value for the input values (used as the yaxis values)

Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1


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Double Bufferingid double bufferingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Render the graph using a back buffer to avoid flickering, paying a slight performancecost

Visible samplesid num visible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number visible of samples

Invisible samplesid num invisible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state

Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background


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Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line

Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area


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Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line

Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font


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X Axis Range Minid x axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the x axis

X Axis Range Maxid x axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the x axis

X Axis Range Modeid x axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour

X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label


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X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label

X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks

X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels


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X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font

X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line

X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis


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Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label

Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area


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Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label

Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels

Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


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Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot

Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label


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Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


Page 1127: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

10.1.34 ScalarValueVsValueOverlay


class name ScalarValueVsValueOverlaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id scalar value vs value graph overlayauthors Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using a reference input valueon the x axis over an input image.


Input Imageid input imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

The graph will be painted over this input image

Reference Inputid reference inputtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The reference input will be used as the x axis value for the input values (used as the yaxis values)


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Input 1id input 1type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1


Output Imageid output imagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input Imageinherited id *no*

The image containing the graph painted over the input image


Visible samplesid num visible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number visible of samples

Invisible samplesid num invisible samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale

Resetid resettype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state


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Canvas Fill Colorid canvas fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Canvas

Canvas Transparent Fillid canvas fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Canvas will be transparent (no fill) or not (fillcolor is used)

Plot Background Fill Colorid plot bgnd fill colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to fill the Plot Background

Plot Background Transparent Fillid plot bgnd fill transparenttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if the color used to fill the Plot Background will be transparent (no fill) ornot (fill color is used)

Plot Border Line Styleid plot border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted -

Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: theline has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)


Page 1130: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Plot Border Line Colorid plot border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line

Plot Border Line Thicknessid plot border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thicknessis ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Positionid legend postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LegendLeftRightTopBottom

domain [ 0, 5 )Set the legend position around the plot area

Legend Border Line Styleid legend border line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted

- Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot:the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes anddouble dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to aWin32 GDI limitation)


Page 1131: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Legend Border Line Colorid legend border line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line

Legend Border Line Thicknessid legend border line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Legend Labels Fontid legend labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels

Legend Labels Font Colorid legend labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font

X Axis Range Minid x axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the x axis

X Axis Range Maxid x axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the x axis


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X Axis Range Modeid x axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour

X Axis Orientationid x axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:LeftToRightRightToLeft

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the x axis orientation

X Axis Labelid x axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label

X Axis Label Positionid x axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis label position around the plot area

X Axis Label Fontid x axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label


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X Axis Label Font Colorid x axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font

X Axis Tick Stepid x axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the x axis tick marks

X Axis Tick Labels Positionid x axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelTopBottom

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area

X Axis Tick Labels Fontid x axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels

X Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid x axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


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X Axis Tick Line Line Styleid x axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

X Axis Tick Line Line Colorid x axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line

X Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid x axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Range Minid y axis range mintype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum value for the y axis

Y Axis Range Maxid y axis range maxtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The maximum value for the y axis


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Y Axis Range Modeid y axis range modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FixedAutoScaleAutoScaleInc

domain [ 0, 3 )Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour

Y Axis Orientationid y axis orientationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:TopDownBottomUp

domain [ 0, 2 )Determine the the y axis orientation

Y Axis Labelid y axis labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label

Y Axis Label Positionid y axis label postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis label position around the plot area

Y Axis Label Fontid y axis label fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


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Y Axis Label Font Colorid y axis label font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font

Y Axis Tick Stepid y axis tick steptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The step for the y axis tick marks

Y Axis Tick Labels Positionid y axis tick labels postype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No LabelRightLeft

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area

Y Axis Tick Labels Fontid y axis tick labels fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels

Y Axis Tick Labels Font Colorid y axis tick labels font colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


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Y Axis Tick Line Line Styleid y axis tick line line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be

painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted -DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternatingdashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (thisis due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Y Axis Tick Line Line Colorid y axis tick line line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line

Y Axis Tick Line Line Thicknessid y axis tick line line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the linethickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Number of inputsid num inputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot

Plot 1 Labelid plot 1 labeltype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Plot 1 label


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Plot 1 Line Styleid plot 1 line styletype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NullSolidDashDotDashDotDashDotDot

domain [ 0, 6 )Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid:

the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line hasalternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dotsNOTE: if the line thickness is ¿ 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDIlimitation)

Plot 1 Line Colorid plot 1 line colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line

Plot 1 Line Thicknessid plot 1 line thicknesstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is ¿1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)

Plot 1 No Autoscaleid plot 1 no autoscaletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not


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10.1.35 ScreenCapture


class name ScreenCapturecatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id screen captureauthors Massimiliano Peri

Capture part of the screen into one image with BGR color space and alpha channel. Thisblock can do a single snapshot or repeatly capture the screen. Two different method areused to capture the screen: The first use the GDIplus library; the second use the DirectXlibrary.


outputid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Captured output image (BGR color space with alpha channel)


Areaid recttype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d int

This is the part of the screen (in integer screen coordinates) captured into the outputimage.

Monitor indexid screen devicetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Select the monitor index, 0=primary 1=secondary ...


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Fpsid fpstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Numer of frames captured per second (FPS). Must be greather or equal to zero.If setto zero is captured only one frame at the patch start.

Use DirectXid use dxtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Use the DirectX library to capture the screen area, otherwise is used the GDIplus library.


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10.1.36 SendToPsyclone


class name SendToPsyclonecatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id send to psycloneauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block send data to a Psyclone whiteboard.


Input SPCid sendpsyclone SPCtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input SPC

Input TMPid sendpsyclone TMPtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input TMP


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Input FLDid sendpsyclone FLDtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input FLD

Input PWRid sendpsyclone PWRtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input PWR


Whiteboardid sendpsyclone whiteboardtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The name of the Psyclone whiteboard

Psyclone hostid sendpsyclone hosttype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The IP address of the computer on which Psyclone is running

Psyclone portid sendpsyclone porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The port on which Psyclone is running


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Typeid sendpsyclone typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:periodicnon-periodic

domain [ 0, 2 )Type indicates whether the send data refers to an periodic (0) or non-periodic (1) value

Connectid sendpsyclone connecttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool



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10.1.37 SerialInput


class name SerialInputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id serial input

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Gets bytes from the serial (COM) port


Outputid outputtype Kernel, Bytetype id kernel, byteinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The output of the block is the byte received through the serial port.


Serial device nameid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the name of the serial device to use. If none is given, the default will be used.Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical COM port

Device modeid device modetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the desired working mode, e.g., 9600, N, 8, 1


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10.1.38 SerialOutput


class name SerialOutputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id serial output

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Writes bytes to the serial (COM) port


Inputid inputtype Kernel, Bytetype id kernel, byte

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

The input of the block is the byte to be sent through the serial port.


Serial device nameid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the name of the serial device to use. If none is given, the default will be used.Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical COM port

Device modeid device modetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Specifies the desired working mode, e.g., 9600, N, 8, 1


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10.1.39 StringDisplay


class name StringDisplaycatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id string display

authorsPaolo ColettaMassimiliano Peri

Draws the input string inside the block area or in a separate window. The string isrefreshed each time the input value changes.


Input stringid stringtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input string to display.


Fontid fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

The font used to display the input string.

Colorid colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Font color (RGB model space)


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Background color (RGB model space)id background colortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Color of the text background (RGB model space)

Number of linesid number of linestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The number of lines which compose the document on which the text is written

Number of columnsid number of columnstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

The number of columns which compose the document on which the text is written

Horizontal alignmentid aligmenttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Near (left)CenterFar (right)

domain [ 0, 3 )Background color (RGB model space)


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10.1.40 TCPClient


class name TCPClientcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id client tcpauthors Mirko Demurtas

This block send the data received in input over a TCP connection


Inputid input datatype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input String


Hostid Hosttype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Host Server

Portid TCP Porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Port Server

Connect on startid Connecttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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Connect on start


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10.1.41 TitleMachine


class name TitleMachinecatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id title machine

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Superimpose text to the input image. It works in-place.


Input Imageid input video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, image

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Output Imagereferred as inherited *no*

This is the original image. The specified text will be added to the image.


Output Imageid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id Input Imageinherited id *no*

This is the modifified image, which contains the superimposed text.


Titleid titletype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

This is the text which is superimposed to the image.


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Alpha levelid alphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the alpha level of the superimposed text. A value of 0.0 means transparency,i.e., the text is not visible at all, a value of 1.0 means opacity, i.e., the text (where it ispresent) completely covers the image.

Text orientationid orientationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the text orientation (in degrees)

Text colorid rgbcolortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

The color (RGB model space) used to paint the text

Text fontid fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, font

Font used to draw the text

Text positionid positiontype Base, Point 2D inttype id base, point 2d int

Text position

Text bounding recangle sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Text bounding recangle size

Horizontal flipid horizontal fliptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Horizontal flip


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Vertical flipid vertical fliptype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Vertical flip

Horizontal alignmentid horizontal alignmenttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NearCenterFar

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text. Near means left alignment, far means

right alignment.

Vertical alignmentid vertical alignmenttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NearCenterFar

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies the vertical alignment of the text. Near means top alignment, far means bottom



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10.1.42 UdpClient


class name UdpClientcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id client updauthors Mirko Demurtas

UDP client


Inputid input datatype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input String


Hostid Hosttype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Host Server

Portid UDP Porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Port Server


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Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StringIntegerDoubleByte

domain [ 0, 4 )Type of input


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10.1.43 UdpServer


class name UdpServercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id server udpauthors Mirko Demurtas

UDP server


Outputid output datatype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, stringinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output String


Portid UDP Porttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Port Server

Typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StringIntegerDoubleByte

domain [ 0, 4 )Type of output


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10.1.44 VideoFileReader


class name VideoFileReadercatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id video-file-reader ver 2

authorsAndrea RicciMassimiliano PeriPaolo Coletta

Reads a video stream from file.


Output video buffer.id video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output video buffer.

File cuedid cued filetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, triggerinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Generate a bang when the file is cued successfully

Current frame timeid outputtimetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, timeinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Contains the time of the actual frame


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File nameid filenametype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Multimedia files (*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.avi,*.wmv,*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpeg,*.png,*.tiff)—*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.avi;*.wmv;*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.png;*.tiff—All files (*.*)—*.*——”

Specifies the name of file to read.

Color modelid color modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int



domain [ 0, 17 )The color model define the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of

following values:BW (1 channel: grayscale);BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red);RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue);YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr);I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);


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HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).

Pixel modelid pixel modeltype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 unsigned16 unsigned16 signed32 Float

domain [ 0, 4 )Pixel model of the image. Specifies the number of bits used for each channel, hence the

color definition. May assume one of the following values:8 bits unsigned integer;16 bits unsigned integer;16 bits signed integer;32 bits floating point.

Video sizeid sizetype Base, Size 2D inttype id base, size2d int

Output video size, in pixel

ROIid roitype Base, Roi 2D inttype id base, roi2d int

The ROI (Region of Interest) of an image specifies a rectangular are of the image whichcontains valid data. The image outside this are is ignored, thus, operations on the imagewill only be applied in the area of interest. In many cases, this may reduce the amount ofcalculations performed. If set to NULL, then the ROI is ignored, i.e., the whole image isalways used.

Frames per secondid fpstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Frames per second of the output streams. Usually 25 (PAL) or 30 (NTSC).

Time to goto/endid goto timetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time


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Specifies the time to be reached/finished

Gotoid gototype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Forces the file to reach the specified position

Change Durationid endtotype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Change Duration

Interpolationid interpolationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Nearest neighbourLinearCubic

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies the color model of the output image

Algorithmid algorithmtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Algorithm is chosen by EyesWebFastAccurate

domain [ 0, 2 ]Typpe of algorithm used when performing operations on images

Frames before seekid frames before seektype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )

Specifies the number of frames to skip before performing a seek. In many cases, de-compressing and skipping frames gives a better performance than seeking to the desiredposition.


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Start timeid media startimetype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Specifies the start position of the file

Durationid media durationtype Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, time

Specifies the length of the portion of the file to be read. Use zero to specify the wholefile.

Playback rateid playback ratetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the playback rate. Use 1.0 for normal speed, higher values (e.g., 2.0) for fast-forward, lower values for slow motion. Negative values mean going backward. Note thataudio is always muted for playback rate different from 1.0.

LetterBox Modeid letterbox modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:No letterboxCenterMiddleNoneTopNoneMiddleNoneBottomLeftNoneLeftTopLeftMiddleLeftBottomCenterNoneCenterTopCenterBottomRightNoneRightTopRightMiddleRightBottom

domain [ 0, 16 )Specifies where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in ’No letterbox’

the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to coverall available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus a


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black frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space.This enumerator specifies where to place such black frame. Since the user might not knowin advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each modespecifies how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle meansthat if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, andthe matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image willbe vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the first referring to thehorizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontalcentering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assumevalues none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is neededon that direction, than the image is stretched to fill the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTopmeans that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is appliedand the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destinationrect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below.

Player statusid statustype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StoppedPausedPlaying

domain [ 0, 3 )Specifies the status of the player. If no file is currently executing, this parameter is

ignored, however it specifies whether the block is stopped, is paused, or is playing. Whenthe block is stopped the output is a black frame; when the block is paused the output isa fixed frame (the last played one); when the block is playing the output changes at eachstep. If this parameter is changed at design time or when no file is playing, its value is usedas an initial status.

End of fileid eoftype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StopPauseLoop

domain [ 0, 2 ]Specifies the behaviour when end of file is reached. It can stop (black frames), pause

(last frame) or loop (rewind and play).


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Playid playtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Start (or resume) playing the selected file

Pauseid pausetype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Pause at the currently reached frame

Stopid stoptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Stop playing, produces a black frame as output

Frame upid frameuptype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Go to the next frame.

Frame downid framedowntype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

Go to the previous frame.

Keep last if mediatime unknownid keep last frame if mediatime is unknowntype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If the block is in slave mode and receive from master an UNKNOWN time the last frameis kept otherwise a back frame is generated

Generate frame on stop and pauseid genearte frame on stop and pausetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

After a request of stop or pause state, the blocks generate a frame. Black for stop andlast used frame for pause


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Master IDid master idtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Master identifier

Syncronization Typeid sync typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:StandaloneMasterSlave

domain [ 0, 3 )Set the type of syncronization


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10.1.45 WakeOnLAN


class name WakeOnLANcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id wake on lanauthors Paolo Coletta

Send a magic packet over the network to wakeup a PC.


Wake nowid wake bangtype Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, trigger

When this command is received, the wake signal is sent.

MAC addressid ether addrtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Ethernet addresss of the target computer. It must be expressed in exadecimal format:”00:00:00:00:00:00”.


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10.1.46 WaveInput


class name WaveInputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id wave input

authorsMirko DemurtasPaolo Coletta

Gets audio data from an input audio device using Microsoft Windows Multimedia API(also known as Wave APIs).

Details The block provides two different settings for the number of buffers to be used.The first setting is for the number of buffers used by the device, the device is for the numberof buffers used by the block

Notes With the partial support of the EU IST Project 250026 - SIEMPRE (SocialInteraction and Entrainment using Music PeRformance Experimentation), 2010-2012


Audio streamid outputtype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio bufferinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Audio stream captured from the specified device


Deviceid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The audio input device to be used. If none is specified (empty string) the default onewill be used


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Sampling rateid samplingratetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Sampling frequency of the audio signal

Samples per bufferid samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The number of samples per each audio buffer

Number of channelsid numchannelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Number of channels of the audio signal. Most devices only support mono (1) or setere(2) audio

PCM formatid pcm formattype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:8 bits unsigned8 bits signed16 bits unsigned16 bits signed24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage)24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage)24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage)32 bits unsigned32 bits signed32 bits float

domain [ 0, 11 )Specifies the format of the output buffer. The format used internally by the device

might differ from this; however, the block will try to use the most similar format supportedby the device

Number of device buffersid num device bufferstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )


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The number of buffers affects the internal storage of the device. Increasing this numbermakes acquisition more robust with respect to data loss, however it may increase devicelatency (which may raise up to number of buffers - 1)

Number of block buffersid num block bufferstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

The number of buffers affects the storage of the block. Increasing this number makesacquisition more robust with respect to data loss, however it may increase block latency(which may raise up to number of buffers - 1)

Lost buffers modeid lost buffers modetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:Minimize delayMinimize data loss

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies how to handle the case where buffers are lost. Minimizing delay more buffers

are lost at the same time, but latency is kept small. Minimizing loss less data is lost, butlatency remains near its upper bound.

Enable lost buffers countid enable lost buffers counttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If set to true, the block will have an additional output to count the buffers lost by theblock. Note that the buffers lost by the device are not counted


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10.1.47 WaveOutput


class name WaveOutputcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id wave output

authorsMirko DemurtasPaolo Coletta

Send audio data to an output audio device using Microsoft Windows Multimedia API(also known as Wave API).

Notes With the partial support of the EU IST Project 250026 - SIEMPRE (SocialInteraction and Entrainment using Music PeRformance Experimentation), 2010-2012


Audio streamid inputtype Base, PCMAudioBuffertype id base, pcm audio buffer

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Audio stream captured from the specified device


Device nameid devicetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

The virtual name of the device. If none is specified the default device will be used

Min num device buffersid min num device bufferstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 0, +infinity )


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This value affects output latency. When the device is idle, and new data is availablefrom EyesWeb, the device might send this new data out immediately (thus reducing thelatency to zero) or wait for more buffers to be available. This increase the output latencybut makes audio more robust when the data is not provided with a stable datarate (e.g.,due to high computational load)

Num device buffersid num device bufferstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 2, +infinity )

The maximum number of buffers stored by the device. This may affect data loss


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10.1.48 fontgenerator


class name fontgeneratorcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id font generatorauthors Simone Ghisio

This block generates font datatype according to parameters value.


output fontid output fonttype Kernel, Fonttype id kernel, fontinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Output font


escapementid escapementtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The angle, in tenths of degrees, between the escapement vector and the x-axis of thedevice. The escapement vector is parallel to the base line of a row of text.


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FontNameid font nametype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:SystemTerminalFixedsysRomanScriptModernSmall FontsMS SerifWST CzecWST EnglWST FrenWST GermWST ItalWST SpanWST SwedCourierMS Sans SerifMarlettArialArial CEArial CYRArial GreekArial TURArial BalticCourier NewCourier New CECourier New CYRCourier New GreekCourier New TURCourier New BalticLucida ConsoleLucida Sans UnicodeTimes New RomanTimes New Roman CETimes New Roman CYRTimes New Roman GreekTimes New Roman TURTimes New Roman BalticWingdingsSymbolVerdanaArial BlackComic Sans MSImpactGeorgiaFranklin Gothic MediumPalatino LinotypeTahomaTrebuchet MSWebdingsEstrangelo EdessaGautamiLathaMangalMV BoliRaaviShrutiTungaSylfaenMicrosoft Sans SerifMT Extra

domain [ 0, 61 )


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Specifies the typeface name of the font.

heightid heighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The height, in logical units, of the font’s character cell or character. The characterheight value (also known as the em height) is the character cell height value minus theinternal-leading value.

italicid italictype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

An italic font if set to TRUE.

orientationid orientationtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The angle, in tenths of degrees, between each character’s base line and the x-axis of thedevice.

strike outid strike outtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

A strikeout font if set to TRUE.

underlineid underlinetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

An underlined font if set to TRUE.

weightid weighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The weight of the font. If this value is zero, a default weight is used.

widthid widthtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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The average width, in logical units, of characters in the font. If lfWidth is zero, theaspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the availablefonts to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference.


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10.2 Datatypes

10.3 Authors

10.3.1 Alberto Massari

class name Alberto Massaricatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id alby

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]

10.3.2 Alberto Massari

class name Alberto Massaricatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id alby

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]

10.3.3 Alessandro Fausto

class name Alessandro Faustocatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id alessandro

[email protected]

10.3.4 Andrea Ricci

class name Andrea Riccicatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id andrea

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]


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10.3.5 Andrea Ricci

class name Andrea Riccicatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id andrea

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

10.3.6 Carlo Drioli

class name Carlo Driolicatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id carlo

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]

10.3.7 Daniele Gambarotto

class name Daniele Gambarottocatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id daniele gambarotto

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Solution Devel-oper Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator

10.3.8 Gualtiero Volpe

class name Gualtiero Volpecatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id gualtiero

[email protected]

10.3.9 Massimiliano Peri

class name Massimiliano Pericatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id massy


Page 1177: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

10.3.10 Massimiliano Peri

class name Massimiliano Pericatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id massy

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

10.3.11 Mirko Demurtas

class name Mirko Demurtascatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id mirko

mailto:[email protected]

10.3.12 Paolo Coletta

class name Paolo Colettacatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id paolo

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

10.3.13 Paolo Coletta

class name Paolo Colettacatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id paolo

Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional mailto:[email protected]

10.3.14 Simone Gambarotto

class name Simone Gambarottocatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id simone gambarotto


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Software Engineer Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Solution Devel-oper Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator

10.3.15 Simone Ghisio

class name Simone Ghisiocatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id simone

[email protected]

10.4 Companies

10.4.1 InfomusLab

class name InfomusLabcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id infomus

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it

10.4.2 InfomusLab

class name InfomusLabcatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id infomus

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it

10.4.3 NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

class name NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.catalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id numensoft

Microsoft Certified Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support:[email protected] http://www.numensoft.com


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10.4.4 NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

class name NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.catalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id numensoft

Microsoft Certified Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support:[email protected] http://www.numensoft.com

10.4.5 RCPStudio

class name RCPStudiocatalog name Systemcatalog id systemclass id rcpstudio

Studio associato Di Ingegneria. delgli ingegneri A.Ricci, P.Coletta e M.Peri InfomusLabPartner. Info: [email protected] http://www.rcpstudio.it


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Chapter 11

3D Catalog

11.1 Catalog overview

...TODO...Alessandro please add-here the manually-generated documentation.

11.2 Blocks

11.2.1 3DDisplay


class name 3DDisplaycatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id GlDisplayauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block display one tridimensional space (OpenGL library)


Tridimensional spaceid InputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D space

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*


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Tridimensional space to display


Camera typeid CameraTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FreeLook atField Of View

domain [ 0, 3 )Type of camera ( ’Free’, ’Look at’, ’Field Of View’). The ’free’ camera have free move-

ment on the space. This camera is univocally defined through its position and rotationparameters. The ’Look at’ camera have a fixed point of view. This camera is univocallydefined through its position and target position parameters.The ’Fielf Of View’ camerahave free movement on the space. This camera is univocally defined through its positionand rotation parameters.

Point Of Viewid CameraPositiontype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

Camera point of view (space coordinates system, floating point values)

Camera rotationid CameraRotationtype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

Angular position of camera in degree (0-360 and multiples).

Projectionid ProjectionTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:OrthonormalPerspective

domain [ 0, 2 )Projection type (’Orthonormal’, ’Perspective’)

Grid/Axis onid axisGridtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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Enable or disable the visualization of system grid and axis (X: red,Y: green, Z: bluelines) and grid lines (X: red,Y: green, Z: blue lines)

Grid scaleid GridScaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Adjust the grid scaling factor

Axis scaleid AxisScaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Adjust the axis scaling factor

Filterid filteringtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:”Point””Linear”

domain [ 0, 2 )Texture image filter used when the texture is scaled (’Point’, ’Linear’). Point mode

approximantes the pixel color with the color of nearest point, ’Linear’ mode does a linearinterpolation of neigthbour points color.

Canvas widthid CanvasWidthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Adjust the OpenGL canvas width.

Canvas heightid CanvasHeighttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

Adjust the OpenGL canvas height.

Enable line smoothingid EnableLineSmoothingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to enable lines smoothing. Smoothing lines improve their visual qual-ity; disabling smoothing may improve rendering performace


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Enable point smoothingid EnablePointSmoothingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to enable points smoothing. Smoothing points improve their visualquality (if not smoothed they appear as squares); disabling smoothing may improve ren-dering performace

left clipid ClipLefttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The left clipping plane delimit the the bounding region

right clipid ClipRighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

right clipping plane

bottom clipid ClipBottomtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

bottom clipping plane

top clipid ClipToptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

top clipping plane

znear clipid ClipNeartype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Near Z clipping plane

zfar clipid ClipFartype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Far Z clipping plane


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11.2.2 Light3DGenerator


class name Light3DGeneratorcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id Light3DGeneratorauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one light


lightid OutputLighttype 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



enabledid Enabletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enable or disable this light

Ambient colorid Ambienttype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Ambient color

colorid Diffusetype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Diffuse color


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Specular colorid Speculartype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specular color

Light typeid Typetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:DirectionPositionalSpotlight

domain [ 0, 3 )Select the light type (Directional,Positional,Spotlight)

Light positionid Postype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

light position


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11.2.3 Material3DGenerator


class name Material3DGeneratorcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id Material3DGeneratorauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one material


materialid OutputMaterialtype 3D, Material3Dtype id 3D, 3D materialinplace id *no*inherited id *no*



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Preloaded materialid PreloadedMaterialstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:CustomJadeObsidianPearlRubyEmeraldTurquoiseBlack RubberBlack PlasticBronzePolished BronzeChromeGoldPolished GoldCopperPolished CopperBrassSilverPolished SilverPewter

domain [ 0, 20 ]A combo to select from preloaded material type

Ambient colorid Ambienttype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Ambient color

colorid Diffusetype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Diffuse color

Specular colorid Speculartype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor


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Specular color

Shininessid Shininesstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The shininess of material

Emissive colorid Emissivetype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Emissive color


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11.2.4 Obj3DGenerator


class name Obj3DGeneratorcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id Obj3DGeneratorauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one bidimensional rectangle with constant Z axis coordinate. Ifpresent, the image input is used as texture. Is not required and is overriden by the ’texure’or ’texturemask’ parameter. The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. Thealpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images withcolor space different from RGB or BGR are converted into RGB color space. If the graphicboard dont support the openGL BGRA and BGR extension, the BGR image is convertedto RGB. All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel.This conversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit perchannel pixel format. The geometric properties of this rectagle is the position of the centreof gravity, the rotation relative to the axis, the size of it sides. Other properties are thecolor of the rectangle, the intensity of the alpha ( transparency of the object), the name ofthe file to be used as texture, the name of the file to be used as texture mask, the textureorientation relative to the system axis, the number of surface subdivisions.


imageid InputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imagerequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This input pin accept an image and used it as texture. This input is not required andis ignored if the user enter a valid filename into the ’image’ or ’alpha mask parameters.Thecolor space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supported on BW,YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images with color space different from RGB or BGRare converted into RGB color space. If the graphic board dont support the openGL BGRAand BGR extension, the BGR image is converted to RGB. All pixel depth greater than 8bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPU usage,please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format.


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objectid OutputObjecttype 3D, object3Dtype id 3D, 3D objectinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the bidimensional rectangle. To display this rectangle you must add this outputpin to one of the input pin of ’SpaceAddObj’ and connect the output space to one openGLtridimensional display.


Object positionid ObjPostype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

Object position in the tridimensional space (space system coordinates - double)

Object rotationid ObjRottype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

Object rotation over X, Y and Z axis (0-360 degree)

Rectangle sizeid ObjSizetype Base, Size 2D doubletype id base, size2d double

Rectangle size (space system coordinates - double)

Position typeid ObjPosTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:Baricenterleft-bottom vertexright-bottom vertexright-top vertexleft-top vertex

domain [ 0, 5 )Select what vertex is referenced through the object position


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colorid ObjColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Object color (RGB values). This is the color of the rectangle, if one or more light isadded to the object or to the system this color is modulated by the light intensities.

Alphaid ObjAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Object opacity (double - 0.0 to 1.0). If equal or above 1.0f you get a completely opaquesurface, if equal to 0.0 or below you get a completely transparent surface(), in the middleyou have semi-opaque (or semi-transparent) surface.

imageid ObjTexturetype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Bitmap 24bit (*.BMP)—*.BMP——”

Image to be used as rectangle texture. This texture file override any existing inputimages and can be entered or changed at any time.The only supported format is Windowsbitmap with 24bit RGB colors. The texture is loaded into the memory and inserted intoa image cache, when the image is requested another time is loaded from the memory andnot from the hard disk. This trick speedup the execution time but any changes made, intothe runtime phase of Eyesweb, to the image file is not loaded into the rectangle texture.

alpha maskid ObjTextureMasktype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Bitmap 24bit (*.BMP)—*.BMP——”

Image to be used as rectangle alpha mask texture. Where the image pixel is white therectangle is considered transparent, where is black the rectangle is considered opaque andin the middle the rectangle is considered semi-opaque (or semi-transparent). This texturefile override any existing input images and can be entered or changed at any time.The onlysupported format is Windows bitmap with 24bit RGB colors. The texture is loaded into


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the memory and inserted into a image cache, when the image is requested another timeis loaded from the memory and not from the hard disk. This trick speedup the executiontime but any changes made, into the runtime phase of Eyesweb, to the image file is notloaded into the rectangle texture.

Flip textureid ObjTextureFliptype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:nonevertical (X axis)horizontal (Y axis)vertical & horizontal (both axis)

domain [ 0, 4 )Mirror the image texture over X, Y or both axis.

slicesid ObjSlicestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 100 ]

Number of rectangle subdivision done, for each side.The openGl library simulate thelight computing the color intensity on polygon vertices and interpolate this colors on theinterior of the poligon using the Gouraud algorithm (see this webpages for subdivision so-lution http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/lights.htm#ligh0010 and this web-pages http://www.falloutsoftware.com/tutorials/gl/gl8.htm for advanced information onopenGL lighting system). When using positional (as incandescent bulb) or spot light (as)in order to obtain realisting shades must have 10 or mode subdivision for each side, hav-ing a total of 100 vertices. Using this ’slices’ parameter the user can select the numberof subdivision (rectangle per side) of the original rectangle. Whit one slices you have theoriginal four vertices, whit N slices you have (N+1)ˆ2 vertices. When the light is directionor is not used at all the subdivision of the surface is not necessary, in this case use onesingle subdivision to limit the number of computation and vertex used to the minimumusefull number. When use a positional or spot light, as simple ’rule of nine’, lesser is thedistance between light and surface greater must be the number of slices used.This is dueto the fact that when the distance between the light and the surface decrease the gradientof the illumination intensity computed on the subdivided vertex grow and the linearizationbetween two vertex doesnt simulate the illumination intensity shades in the same mannera real light do.


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11.2.5 ObjAddLight


class name ObjAddLightcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id ObjAddLightauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block add four lights to one tridimensional object


tridimensional spaceid InputObjtype 3D, object3Dtype id 3D, 3D object

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional space

light0id InputLight0type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light


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light1id InputLight1type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light

light2id InputLight2type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light

light3id InputLight3type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light


tridimensional spaceid OutputObjtype 3D, object3Dtype id 3D, 3D objectinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

tridimensional space


add lightid ParamEnabletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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Enable or disable the adding of lights.


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11.2.6 ObjAddMaterial


class name ObjAddMaterialcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id ObjAddMaterialauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block set the material properties of one object


tridimensional objectid InputObjtype 3D, object3Dtype id 3D, 3D object

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional object

Object materialid InputMaterialtype 3D, Material3Dtype id 3D, 3D materialrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Object material


tridimensional objectid OutputObjtype 3D, object3Dtype id 3D, 3D objectinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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tridimensional space


add materialid ParamEnabletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enable or disable the material adding


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11.2.7 Point3DGenerator


class name Point3DGeneratorcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id Point3DGeneratorauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one tridimensional coordinate


Pointid Point3Dtype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d doubleinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Tridimensional coordinates


Xid Xtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

X coordinate

Yid Ytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Y coordinate

Zid Ztype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Z coordinate


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11.2.8 SpaceAddLabelledSetDouble


class name SpaceAddLabelledSetDoublecatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id SpaceAddLabelledSetDouble

Add a Geometric Labelled Set 3D Double to a space


tridimensional spaceid InputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D space

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Tridimensional spacereferred as inherited *no*

tridimensional space

InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Doubletype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects.


Tridimensional spaceid OutputSpacetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id tridimensional spaceinherited id *no*


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The geometric objects from the input labelled sets are transformed to visible (opengl)3d objects and are added to this input space


Activation modeid ActivationModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:On 3dSpace changedOn any input changed

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the block activates only when the space changes, or when any input

changes. The default option (i.e., only space is monitored) usually improves performance.You may need to switch to ”On any input changed” when you have labelled set comingfrom different clock sources

Number of inputsid NumInputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of input labelled sets (besides the input 3d space) that the blockmust manage

Default bones ticknessid DefaultBonesTicknesstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default tickness for objects of type line (bones).

Default bones colorid DefaultBonesColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type line (bones).

Default bones alphaid DefaultBonesAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type point. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)


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Default triangles colorid DefaultTriangleColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type triangle.

Default triangles alphaid DefaultTriangleAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type triangle. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)

Default ellipses colorid DefaultEllipseColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type ellipse.

Default ellipses alphaid DefaultEllipseAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type ellipse. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)

Default arrow modeid ArrowModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneBeginEndBoth

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the representation of 3d arrow. User can choose to show the arrow or not and



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Default rectangles modeid DefaultRectanglesModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:FacesEdges

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the default representation of 3d rectangles. You can choose to show the faces

or the edges

Default rectangle ticknessid DefaultRectanglesTicknesstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default tickness for objects of type rectangle 3d, when the selected draw-mode is Edge.

Default rectangles colorid DefaultRectanglesColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type rectangles 3d.

Default rectangles alphaid DefaultRectanglesAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type rectangle. The range spans from 0.0(transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)

PointRepresentationid DefaultPointModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:SphereAxis

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the representation of 3D point. It can be represented by a sphere or by three

orthogonal axis.


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Default point radiusid PointRadiustype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

If point is rendered as sphere, it specifies the default radius for objects of type point.Ifit’s rendered as axis, it specifies the thickness.

Default point colorid DefaultXAxisColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default pont color.

Default points alphaid DefaultPointsAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type point. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)


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11.2.9 SpaceAddLabelledSetInt


class name SpaceAddLabelledSetIntcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id SpaceAddLabelledSetInt

Add a Geometric Labelled Set 3D Int to a space


tridimensional spaceid InputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D space

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read writereferred as inplace Tridimensional spacereferred as inherited *no*

tridimensional space

InputGeometricLabelledSet3Did input labeled set 3dtype Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInttype id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

Input Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects.


Tridimensional spaceid OutputSpacetype Kernel, Generic datatypetype id kernel, generic datatypeinplace id tridimensional spaceinherited id *no*


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The geometric objects from the input labelled sets are transformed to visible (opengl)3d objects and are added to this input space


Activation modeid ActivationModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:On 3dSpace changedOn any input changed

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies whether the block activates only when the space changes, or when any input

changes. The default option (i.e., only space is monitored) usually improves performance.You may need to switch to ”On any input changed” when you have labelled set comingfrom different clock sources

Number of inputsid NumInputstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, +infinity )

Specifies the number of input labelled sets (besides the input 3d space) that the blockmust manage

Default bones ticknessid DefaultBonesTicknesstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default tickness for objects of type line (bones).

Default bones colorid DefaultBonesColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type line (bones).

Default bones alphaid DefaultBonesAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type point. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)


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Default triangles colorid DefaultTriangleColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type triangle.

Default triangles alphaid DefaultTriangleAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type triangle. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)

Default ellipses colorid DefaultEllipseColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type ellipse.

Default ellipses alphaid DefaultEllipseAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type ellipse. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)

Default arrow modeid ArrowModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:NoneBeginEndBoth

domain [ 0, 4 )Specifies the representation of 3d arrow. User can choose to show the arrow or not and



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Default rectangles modeid DefaultRectanglesModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:FacesEdges

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the default representation of 3d rectangles. You can choose to show the faces

or the edges

Default rectangle ticknessid DefaultRectanglesTicknesstype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default tickness for objects of type rectangle 3d, when the selected draw-mode is Edge.

Default rectangles colorid DefaultRectanglesColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default color for objects of type rectangles 3d.

Default rectangles alphaid DefaultRectanglesAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type rectangle. The range spans from 0.0(transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)

PointRepresentationid DefaultPointModetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:SphereAxis

domain [ 0, 2 )Specifies the representation of 3D point. It can be represented by a sphere or by three

orthogonal axis.


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Default point radiusid PointRadiustype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

If point is rendered as sphere, it specifies the default radius for objects of type point.Ifit’s rendered as axis, it specifies the thickness.

Default point colorid DefaultXAxisColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

Specifies the default pont color.

Default points alphaid DefaultPointsAlphatype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Specifies the default alpha for objects of type point. The range spans from 0.0 (trans-parent) to 1.0 (opaque)


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11.2.10 SpaceAddLight


class name SpaceAddLightcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id SpaceAddLightauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block add one object to one tridimensional space


tridimensional spaceid InputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D space

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional space

light0id InputLight0type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light


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light1id InputLight1type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light

light2id InputLight2type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light

light3id InputLight3type 3D, Light3Dtype id 3D, 3D lightrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional light


tridimensional spaceid OutputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D spaceinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

tridimensional space


add lightid ParamEnabletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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Enable or disable the light adding


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11.2.11 SpaceAddObjs


class name SpaceAddObjscatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id SpaceAddObjsauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block add one object to one tridimensional space


tridimensional spaceid InputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D space

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional space

object 0id InputObject0type 3D, object3Dtype id 3D, 3D objectrequired noread only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

tridimensional object


tridimensional spaceid OutputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D spaceinplace id *no*inherited id *no*


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tridimensional space


add objectsid ParamEnabletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enable or disable adding of objects

objectsid ParamEntriestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain [ 1, 100 ]

Number of objects


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11.2.12 SpaceGenerator


class name SpaceGeneratorcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id SpaceGeneratorauthors Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one tridimensional space


Spaceid OutputSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D spaceinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Tridimensional space identifier


Enable input imageid EnableImagetype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

If this parameter is set to true an input of type image is added to the block. It representsa dynamic texture to be used as a background image

Axis scaleid AxisScaletype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

A value less than 1.0 shrink the object ; A value grather than 1.0 enlarge the object ;A value equal to 1.0 leave unchanged the object ;

Flip Xid AxisFlipXtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

flip x axis


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Flip Yid AxisFlipYtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Flip y axis

Flip Zid AxisFlipZtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Flip z axis

background colorid BgColortype Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, rgbcolor

background color

background textureid BgBitmaptype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string


Filename,MustExist=true,SaveMode=false,OverwritePrompt=true,Filter=”Bitmap 24bit (*.BMP)—*.BMP——”

Image used as static background

Flip textureid BgFliptype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:nonevertical (X axis)horizontal (Y axis)vertical & horizontal (both axis)

domain [ 0, 4 )Flip texture over X, Y or both axis

Background lightid BgLighttype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool


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Enable or disable light effect on background texture


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11.2.13 glDraw


class name glDrawcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id glDraw

This block draws a 3D space into an image.


3D Spaceid Input3DSpacetype 3D, space3Dtype id 3D, 3D space

requiredrequired for initializationrequired for execution

read only/read write read onlyreferred as inplace *no*referred as inherited *no*

This is the 3D space to be drawn by the block.


Output Imageid OutputImagetype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

This is the image resulting from the input 3D space drawing.


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Camera typeid ParameterCameraTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:FreeLook atField Of View

domain [ 0, 3 )The ’free’ camera have free movement on the space. This camera is univocally defined

through its position and rotation parameters. The ’Look at’ camera have a fixed point ofview. This camera is univocally defined through its position and target position parameters.The ’Fielf Of View’ camera have free movement on the space. This camera is univocallydefined through its position and rotation parameters.

Point Of Viewid ParameterCameraPostype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

The position of the camera.

Camera rotationid ParameterCameraRottype Base, Point 3D doubletype id base, point 3d double

The rotation of the camera.

Projectionid ParameterProjectionTypetype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

layoutCombo Box:OrthonormalPerspective

domain [ 0, 2 )Orthonormal projection is a ”flat” projection, that is, the same objects at far and near

distance maintain the same size. Perspective projection ”scales” objects depending on theirdistance from the camera, providing an eye-like result.

Enable axis and grid diplayid Axis/Grid enabletype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enable (true) or disable (false) the axis and grid diplay (both at the same time).


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Grid scaleid GridScaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling factor for the grid display.

Axis scaleid AxisScaletype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

Scaling factor for the axis display.

Image Widthid ImageWidthtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int

The width of the output image.

ImageHeightid ImageHeighttype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Enable line smoothingid EnableLineSmoothingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to enable lines smoothing. Smoothing lines improve their visual qual-ity; disabling smoothing may improve rendering performace

Enable line smoothingid EnablePointSmoothingtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Specifies whether to enable points smoothing. Smoothing points improve their visualquality (if not smoothed they appear as squares); disabling smoothing may improve ren-dering performace

Clip leftid ClipLefttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The left clipping plane position.


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Clip rightid ClipRighttype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The right clipping plane position.

Clip bottomid ClipBottomtype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The bottom clipping plane position.

Clip topid ClipToptype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The top clipping plane position.

ZNearid ZNeartype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The Near clipping plane position, must be positive, different from zero.

ZFarid ZFartype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The ZFar clipping plane position, must be positive, different from zero.


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11.3 Datatypes

11.3.1 Light3D

class name Light3Dcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id 3D light

Stores information on light

11.3.2 Material3D

class name Material3Dcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id 3D material

Stores information on material

11.3.3 object3D

class name object3Dcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id 3D object

Tridimensional object

11.3.4 space3D

class name space3Dcatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id 3D space

Tridimensional space


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11.4 Authors

11.4.1 Alessandro Fausto

class name Alessandro Faustocatalog name 3Dcatalog id 3Dclass id fareale


11.5 Companies


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Chapter 12

National Instruments Catalog

12.1 Catalog overview

This catalog EyesWeb XMIadds support for some National Instruments devices.

12.2 Blocks

12.2.1 NI USB-6210


class name NI USB-6210catalog name National Instrumentscatalog id NationalInstrumentsclass id USB6210authors Alberto Massari

Acquires data from the NI USB-6210 device


Output dataid output datatype Base, TemporalDatatype id base, temporal datainplace id *no*inherited id *no*

The acquired data


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Terminal Configurationid Terminal Configurationtype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:DiffRSENRSE

domain [ 0, 3 )Defines how the sensor are attached: Diff = the sensor is connected with two wires,

connected to AIx and AIx+8 (e.g. AI0 is the positive wire, AI8 is the negative) RSE = thesensor is connected with one wire, and its value is relative to the AI GND input NRSE =the sensor is connected with one wire, and its value is relative to the AI SENSE input

Number of channelsid Number of channelstype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( 0, +infinity )

The number of channels to be acquired

Sample Frequencyid Sample Frequencytype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The sampling frequency

Number of samplesid Number of samplestype Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, intdomain ( 0, +infinity )

The number of samples contained in each output datatype

Min Rangeid min rangetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double

The minimum voltage of the sensor (in Volt)

Max Rangeid max rangetype Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, double


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The maximum voltage of the sensor (in Volt)

ChannelPort 1id ChannelPort 1type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, int


Combo Box:AI-0AI-1AI-2AI-3AI-4AI-5AI-6AI-7

domain [ 0, 8 )The physical port that will be mapped to this output


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12.3 Authors

12.3.1 Alberto Massari

class name Alberto Massaricatalog name National Instrumentscatalog id NationalInstrumentsclass id NationalInstruments author

12.4 Companies

12.4.1 Infomus

class name Infomuscatalog name National Instrumentscatalog id NationalInstrumentsclass id NationalInstruments company


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Chapter 13

Epix Catalog

13.1 Epix configuration

The Epix catalog adds support for the Epix framegrabbers. After having installed thehardware referring to the documentation provided with the board, you should prepare aconfiguration before being able to use the device in EyesWeb. The configuration file canbe created with the XCAP software.Multiple devices on the same computer are supported:the following instructions cover the case of two Epix framgrabbers.

• Start the XCAP software.

• Choose Open/Close from menu PIXCI. You should see the following:

• Click on the ”Multiple devices” button. If the button is disabled, click on the Closebutton first. The following dialog should appear:


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• Choose the device you want to configure for later use in EyesWeb, then click the Okbutton. You should now be back to the Open/Close dialog.

• Push the ”Camera & Format” button and, for each tab, choose the type of cameraconnected to the corresponding device:

• Click OK to go back to the Open/Close dialog, then, click Open to tune the settings ofeach camera. For each camera, the software will show a window containing a snapshot


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of the grabbed image, and a dialog to tune the camera specific settings:

• The following sample pictures refer to the configuration of two Hitachi CameraLinkcameras, a Hitachi-KP-F120-CL and a Hitachi-HV-F31-CL-S3; however, you shouldrefer to the XCAP documentation for more details about the available settings.

• Once the available cameras are completely tuned, you can export the configuration to


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a file which will be later used by EyesWeb. Choose the Export item from the PIXCImenu; the follwing dialog should appear:

• In the case of CameraLink cameras, be sure that ”Include CameraLink Serial com-mands” is selected. The file must be exported with name epix configuration.fmt, andmust be placed in the EyesWeb folder (i.e., the folder where the EywGUI.exe pro-gram is located). Once exported the file, you can close the XCAP software and runEyesWeb.

• To verify that the Epix devices are now available in EyesWeb, choose Options fromthe Tools menu. In the Device Mapping section, you should see have a section named”Epix inc”. In the case of multiple device, you may want to assign names to eachdevice in order to be able to select them when you instantiate a block:


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13.2 Blocks

13.2.1 Epix Frame Grabber


class name Epix Frame Grabbercatalog name Epixcatalog id epixclass id framegrabberauthors Massimiliano Peri

Acquire images from a device connected to an Epix frame grabber board


Acquired imageid output video streamtype Base, Imagetype id base, imageinplace id *no*inherited id *no*

Acquired image from a device connected to the Epix frame grabber


Deviceid deviceidtype Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, string

Epix device virtual name

RGBid rgbtype Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).type id kernel, bool

Enable color capture


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Part IV



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Appendix A

Release notes


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Appendix B

Release notes

The most up-to-date version of EyesWeb XMI is EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0. The last stableversion is EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0.

B.1 Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0

Released on December 10, 2011

• Kernel: optimized scheduling algorithm

B.2 Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.2.1

Released on June 10, 2011

• Kernel catalog: implemented serialization for the List datatype

• Kinect catalog: added experimental support for the Microsoft Kinect device (basedon the OpenNI sdk).

• Gui: the device configuration tab (kernel options) is now more robust with respect tobroken device enumerators.

• Base catalog: added CannyEdgeDetector block

• Base catalog: added a Reset parameter to the SlopeLimiter block;, to reset the outputvalue to the initial value

• Base catalog: the PcmAudioMixer block can now export the internal mixing matrix(useful when using the Smoothing parameters)

• Base catalog: improved CameraCorrection block

• Base catalog: added block ListPersistency, which removs items from a list if they arenot persistent


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• Base catalog: added block MultipleListsRemoveDuplicates, which removes duplicatesfrom multiple lists

• Base catalog: added parameters to the PFinder background subtraction algorithm tocontrol how to update the background model of pixels corrisponding to foreground

• Base catalog: FFT block can now use different windowing functions, not only Black-man

• Base catalog: the GetMouse block can now procide normalized floating-point coordi-nates as output

• Base catalog: added the LocalBinaryPattern background subtraction algorithm

• Base catalog: added a block to compute the HammingDistance (number of differentbits) between images

• Base catalog: added a block (selectIntervals) which looks for the input timecode in agiven list of temporal intervals and return the index of the interval

• Base catalog: the AiffReader block can now (optionally) generate silence if the filedoes not exist or is wrong.

• Base catalog: the LoadMarkers block now gives full information (begin and end)aboutthe loaded intervals (before this change, only the interval start time was read fromfile).

• Base catalog: added support for 64bits integer to the OSC input block.

• Base and System catalog: added a device (System catalog) and a block (Base Catalog)to control VTR devices (e.g., Firewire tape cameras)

• System catalog: added WaveInput and WaveOutput blocks (and devices) to acquireand playback audio based on the Windows multimedia sdk (waveIn and waveOutfunctions)

• System catalog: added a block to send data through network to a Psyclone server

• System catalog: the StringDisplay block can now be configured (number of columnsand rows, alignment, etc)

• Sdk: added functions to get characteristics of a given PCM format (e.g., bits persample, signed/unsigned, etc.)

• Bugfixes


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B.3 Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.2.0

Released on December 10, 2010

• Added the SARC catalog, developed and mantained by Queen’s University of Belfast.The catalog comes with many example patches available in the Patches/Sarc folder

• Switched to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (compiler VC 9.0).

• EyesWeb Mobile and MetaEyesWeb: compatibility betweeb 64 bits client and 32 bitsserver

• Kernel catalog - added Vector block, a generic vector-based datatype container

• Kernel catalog – added a block to perform For iterations inside an EyesWeb subpatch

• Kernel catalog – added a reset parameter to the Delay block

• Base catalog – added a block implementing the PFinder background subtraction al-gorithm

• Base catalog – the SelectMultipleTrackedBlobs now has more option to sort the blobs(area, bounding-rect width, bounding-rect height anda distance from a given point)

• Base catalog – added blocks for Audio sinusoidal analysis (implemented by CarloDrioli)

• Base catalog – added block to perform PixelWise comparison between images

• Base catalog – added a MP3 file reader in the BaseAudio catalog that uses the IntelUMC library (it’s also available on Linux)

• Base catalog – added GeometricLabelledSetInt to GraphicLabelledSetInt converter

• Base catalog – replaced the keepAspectRatio boolean floag of some blocks with aletterBoxMode enumerator to be able to decide where to place the image in the casethat the aspect ratio is preserved and black mattes are added

• Base catalog – added an option to the OpticalFlow block to compute optical flowbetween two images in input; also changed implementation to limit the computationto the current Roi

• Base catalog – added FileOperation block, which performs operations onfiles (e.g.,Move, Copy, Delete, etc.)

• Base catalog – added LabelledSetMerge block, to merge two or more labelled sets

• Base catalog – added ExtractColorBlobs block, to track blobs basing on colors (HSV)

• Base catalog – added a block to add an item to a labelled set


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• Base catalog – modified block ComposeAudioChannels to work on static timeseriesinstead of audio

• Base catalog – added an Option to the CentroidsCalc block to compute only thehalf centroids with respect to a vertical axis, also added an option to insert into thelabelled set even centroids that are computed but not explicitely required by the user

• Base catalog – added HaarCascade block (with respect to the existing FaceDetectionblock, it provides a list of detected objects as output, instead of drawing them on theimage)

• Base catalog – added block ResizeRoi, shrink or enlarge the input roi

• System catalog – added frame up and frame down buttons to the VideoFileReader

• System catalog – added current frame time output to the VideoFileReader

• GpGPU catalog – added block DrawText, to draw text on images using FreeType

• GpGPU catalog – added pipelined mode to cuda host to device. Using pipelinedmode causes a delay of a fixed number of frames, but improves performance

• Sdk – added interface IPixelwiseComparisonOp, which compare images pixel-by-pixel

• Sdk – added interface ITranspose, which transposes an image (input size: w × h ,output size: h× w)

• Sdk – added interface IDrawtext, to draw text over an image (currently supportedonly by the CudaImage datatype)

• Sdk – added interfaces IShape2DInt and IShape2DDouble, to query an image forBaricenter, Area, and BoundingRect

• Sdk – added functions to simplify serialization of datatypes to std::strings

• Sdk – added functions to check init info equality

• Sdk – added functions to declare a font selector parameter pin

• Sdk – added code to implement the Savitzky Golay filter

• Removed the EyesWeb Control Panel (as it is now available inside the GUI options)

• Bugfixes

EyesWeb depends on some external libraries/compilers, which are updated to the fol-lowing versions:

• Boost 1.43.0 (also tested against boost 1.44.0)

• OpenCV 2.0

• Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) library version 6.1 update 2


Page 1238: Eyesweb 5.3.0 User Manual

• NVIDIA CG Toolkit 2.1

• NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 2.3

• Intel C++ Compiler Professional Edition version 11.1 update 3

• Microsoft Windows Media SDK 9.5

• Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5

• Microsoft DirectX SDK November 2008

• FreeImage 3.13.0

• Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 9.0.50727.867

• InnoSetup 5.3.6

• Doxygen 1.5.8

• Xerces 3.1

• GCC 4.x (for linux builds)

B.4 Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.1.0

Released on February 8, 2010

• GPGPU catalog preview

• MetaEyw-Scripting support preview

• Linux version preview

• Changed version numbers schema to major.minor.release. Different release numberswith the same major and minor are binary compatible. Different minor numberswithin the same major number are source compatible (i.e., your blocks can be rebuiltwithout changes to the source code) but not binary compatible. Different majornumber might require source code changes.

• Based on FreeImage Library to read/write images

• Kernel - Added a kernel option (RemoveDuplicates) to disable setting duplicate pa-rameters (warning: setting this option to true may change behaviour of existingpatches)

• Kernel - Added support for Catalog properties (see, e.g., here for a brief description)

• Kernel - Added support for Quota when logging to a given folder (see, e.g., here fora brief description)


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• Kernel - improved subpatches usability: input and parameter pins can now be con-nected to more than one pin inside the subpatch. Also implemented this enhancement,which means that subpatch input pins can be used as a sync source inside the sub-patch.

• GUI - added support for parameters of type DatatypeSelector, which let the userselect a specific datatype instance.

• Kernel Catalog - added the NULL flag to ROI to be able to distinguish between anempty ROI (the operation does not affect the image) and a NULL ROI (the ROIis not present, hence, the whole image is affected by the operation). Added blockSetNullRoi to change this flag, and block IsNullRoi to read this flag.

• Kernel Catalog - added a Reset parameter to the Snapshot block

• Base catalog - Added block BoundRoiInRoi, which ensures that the input Roi is insidethe Roi provided as a parameter

• Base catalog - Added block MoveAroundPoint, which provides as output a pointwhich is at a given distance from the input point, and minimize distances from agiven list of points

• Base catalog - Added block LoadMarkers, which loads audio markers from a text file.The file can be generated with third party SW, e.g., Audacity

• Base catalog - Added block Point2DDoubleToPoint2Dint, which converts the pointcoordinates from normalized floating-point to absolute integer

• Base catalog - Added parameter to Generic.FileWriter block to automatically stopthe writer when patch execution is stopped

• Base catalog - added Jump parameter to the SlopeGenerator block

• Base catalog - added block FPS which computes the FramesPerSecond of an incomingstream of data

• Base catalog - added block MoveAroundPoint to compute the position of a ROI nearto a point but not overlapping it

• Base catalog - added block PointInRoiList and PointInLabelledRoiList, to verifywhether a point is inside a give list of rectangles. The Labelled version can binda label to each rectangle

• Base catalog - improved block ReadImage to support caching of images, extractionof a subset of the image, cueing the next image to be read

• Base catalog - the DynamicToStaticPCMAudioBuffer block now works with severalvariants of PCM datatypes.

• Base catalog - added ROI support to the ReadImage block (i.e., you can read a specificpart of the image)


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• Base catalog - added block Quantizer

• Base catalog - added block BlobHistogram which computes the histogram of a blobalong horizontal or vertical direction

• Base catalog - ListRemoveIf can now filter blobs in a list even basing on their layinginside a given rect

• Base catalog - Merged the hasAlpha tag with the color model tag for the Imagedatatypes. Consequently, many blocks dealing with images have lost the hasAlphaparameter, and the color model combos have more options (see here)

• Base catalog - added support for two more algorithms (Lukas Kanade and BlockMathcing) to the OpticalFlow block

• Base catalog - added ImageTranspose block (swap horizontal and vertical dimensionsof an image)

• Steinberg catalog - The ASIO output block now uses silence at the and of the audiodata (first, the last buffer was repeated)

• Steinberg catalog - The Asio output and ASIO input blocks notify ASIO Deviceinitialization errors on the message console

• System catalog - Added block Multimedia Timer, which acts as a periodic banggenerator, and uses the Windows Multimedia Timer

• System catalog - The DirectSoundOutput and DirectSoundInput blocks notify DSoundDevice initialization errors on the message console

• System catalog - The FrameGrabber block now let the user manually tune Gain, Ex-posure, etc at the driver level (note: some drivers do not support overriding Automaticsettings)

• OSC - added support for bundles

• SDK - added a new block activation mode (OnPredicate)

• SDK - merged the Image hasAlpha flag with the colorModel flag (see, e.g., here for abrief description); modified many blocks to reflect such change.

• EyesWeb Mobile - added server support for batch notifications and for atomic setpa-rameter operations (all set parameters executed within the same execution step)

• Bugfixes

EyesWeb depends on some external libraries/compilers, which are updated to the fol-lowing versions:

• Boost 1.36.0 (also tested against boost 1.41.0)

• OpenCV 2.0


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• Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) library version 6.1 update 2

• NVIDIA CG Toolkit 2.2

• NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 2.2

• Intel C++ Compiler Professional Edition version 11.1 update 3

• Microsoft Windows Media SDK 9.5

• Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5

• Microsoft DirectX SDK August 2009

• FreeImage 3.13.0

• Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 8.0.50727.867

• InnoSetup 5.3.6

• Doxygen 1.6.1

• Xerces 3.1

• GCC 4.x (for linux builds)

B.5 Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release includes bugfixes and new blocks. It is compiled with the Intel C++ compiler,in order to improve performance (warning, SSE2 support is required). The server code tosupport the EyesWeb Mobile client application has been merged in the deployed version ofthe kernel (first it was released as a separate kernel dll).

Released on July 13, 2009.

• EyesWeb Mobile - Added the EyesWeb Mobile application to the EyesWeb package

• Kernel - Adds support for EyesWeb Mobile; eywconsole –help shows the option avail-able to run EyesWeb as a server

• Kernel - Added a flag to Kernel::Init so that RegisterModule can avoid starting theRCF server (and force the firewall to ask whether it should be blocked)

• Kernel - Performance optimizations when executing subpatches

• Deployment

– The deployed version is compiled with the Intel C++ compiler

– The distributed SDK is still compiled with the Visual C++ compiler

– Added batch files to register/unregister dlls in debug and release mode

• Base catalog - Added ExtractMidiTimecode block


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• Base catalog - Blob2D datatype now requires initinfo to specify the size of the sourceimage

• Base catalog - CentroidCalc block can now work on half silhouette (lower or upperpart of the whole body)

• Base catalog - Added FaceDetection block developed by Matei Mancas

• Base catalog - Added CircularHough transform block

• Base catalog - Datatype deriving from ITimeSeries now share a common interfaceevent for initialization data. In this way block operation on TimeSeries can be moregeneric (do not need to enumerate known datatypes)

• Base catalog - Matrix2TimeSeries: added an option to avoid data clipping (by defaultdata is not clipped, except for old patches)

• Base catalog - TimeSeries.StatisticalOperations: a copy is now avoided unless it isreally necessary (MaxAbs cannot be performed as a single IPP operation)

• Base catalog - PCM Audio Mixer has now an option for smoothed operations

• Base catalog - Blob2D serialization now uses RLE-encoding

• Base catalog - Add support for sending/receiving multiple data items in an OSCmessage

• Base catalog - Added block MatrixSum, which sums rows or columns of a matrix

• Kernel catalog - changed conversion from time to double, now the outcoming doublerepresents the time in seconds (first it was in 100ns). The conversion now has the samebehaviour as the double to time conversion (where double values were interpreted asseconds)

• Steinberg catalog - The blocks VSTHost has been extended to accept all supportedformat of PCM datatypes

• Steinberg catalog - The blocks VSTHost now has a communication channel with theVST plugin though which the plugin can add non-numeric parameters and non-audiooutputs

• System catalog - GetFromVideoServer: the KeepAspectRatio parameter can be changedeven at design time

• Documentation - Added 3D and NationalInstruments catalog to the documentation

• Bugfixes


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B.6 Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugfixes and new blocks.Released on February 13, 2009.

• Base catalog - Added DFlipFlop block which behaves like a D-type flip-flop withgeneric input, startup value, reset and three different type of clock event (rise, fall ortrigger) modes

• Base catalog - Added block CentroidsToLine which transforms the points (baricenters)extracted from the CentroidCalc block to a set of segments, in order to provide a bettervisual representation of the centroids

• Base catalog - Added parameters to the CentroidsCalc block to specify whether toalpha-filter the computed points, and to tune such filtering

• Base catalog - enhancements to the PeakDetector block:

– Added continuos signal parameter to analyze or ignore the last sample ofprevious time series

– added threshold mode parameter to select whether the threshold has to becompared with the sample values or with their absolute values

– added compare parameter to validate peaks only when they are above or belowa given threshold

• Base Catalog - The AudioSave block now also supports the 8 bits (unsigned) format

• Base Catalog - Added StringToInt block, to convert a String datatype to an Integerdatatype

• Base Catalog - Added blocks TimeSeresReader and TimeSeriesWriter, which read andwrite timeseries to file. The file is compatible with other software (e.g., Audacity)

• Base Catalog - Added a tracker based on proximity measures (square distance orcorrelation)

• Kernel - Improved logging (added logs when a patch is loaded, initialized, checked,started, stopped, uninitialized); also improved log info in the case of blocks withouta label (not added to a patch yet, i.e., during patch loading): the classname is usedinstead of the label

• IDE - The revision number is now shown in the about box

• Setup - The Xvid coded is distributed with EyesWeb, in order to reduce the size ofthe redistributed media files

• IDE - Changed the profilinginfo dialog such that the mean execution time is shownnear the block name, and the item are sorted by descending execution time

• IDE - Added a command to export the profiling data to a text file


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B.7 Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugfixes and new blocks.Released on October 14, 2008.

• Base catalog - added block CentroidsCalc, which heuristically computes the positionof some human-related body parts

• Base catalog - added block ExtractBlobFromList, which extract a blob out of anunordered list accordin to a given criteria (biggest one, smallest one, nearest to agiven point, etc.)

• Base catalog - added blocks to work on GeometricLabelesSets (i.e., collection of geo-metric opbjects such as points, rectabngles, etc). The added blocks are:

– FilterGeometricLabeledSet - removes from the labeled set all items which are oftypes different from the user-selected one

– LabeldSetfeatures - compute some features on the items of the labelled set (i.e.,mean velocity, direction, etc)

• Base catalog - added block LucasKanade (automatically select the some points to betracked and track thems. Eventually reset the list of points to be tracked if some havebeen lost). There is also an alternative implementation of the block which separatesthe selection of the points from the tracking algorithm.

• Kernel - improved logging to file. Also added an option for each block in order totune how much info to log for that block.

• Freeframe catalog - added native support for freeframe plugins version 1.0

• Base catalog - Added ImageMorphingOperator, which perform morphological opera-tions (e.g., erode, dilate, open, close) on images. The implementation of this blockis based on the IPP libraries. An alternative implementation, which is based on theOpenCV libraries is available too

• Base catalog - Added ImageMorphingOperatorOpenCV, which perform morphologicaloperations (e.g., erode, dilate, open, close, etc) on images. The implementation ofthis block is based on the OpenCV libraries. An alternative implementation, whichis based on IPP libraries is available too (more performing but less flexible)

• Base catalog - Added support for the Freescale ZStar triaxial accelerometer board(RD3152MMA7260Q)

• Base catalog - Added/reenginered many of the blocks drawing graphs:

– Scalar Graph ValueVsSample: graph of scalar values; uses the sample index forthe abscissas

– Scalar Graph ValueVsTime: graph of scalar values; uses the time value (presen-tation time) for the abscissas


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– Scalar Graph ValueVsValue: graph of scalar values; uses the one the values forthe abscissas

– Matrix Graph ValueVsSample: graph of matrices; uses the item index (columnor row of the matrix) for the abscissas

– Scalar Graph ValueVsValue: graph of matrices; uses the one the rows (or columns)for the abscissas

All the graphs are available both as displays (i.e., they have thier own display window),or as overlay (i.e., the draw over an image datatype).

• Base catalog - Added option to the SetReset block to handle the case of both inputsbeing true

• Base catalog - Extended EywQuery tool to generate the documentation for datatypeconverters and datatype interfaces

• Base catalog - added block MatrixConcatenate, which let on build matrices by placingtwo (or more) matrices side by side (horizontally or vertically)

• Base catalog - added block ImageConcatenate, which let on build images by placingtwo (or more) images side by side (horizontally or vertically)

• Base catalog - added ImageSetAlpha block, which set the alpha channel of an Image

• Base catalog - added MoveRect block, which moves a part of an Image (specified bymeans of a SetROI block) inside the image itself

• Kernel catalog - added functionalities to support system-wide keyboad press

• National Instruments catalog - added this new catalog to support NI acquisitionboards. It currently supports the USB6210 device.

• Base catalog - added block to extract rotation info from an Ellipse datatype

• Base catalog - added some working modes to the PictureInPicture block (mask pro-vided as input, global mask provided as a scalar number)

• Base catalog - added block SpectralEnvelopeExtractor (find exact frequencies of ar-monics of a signal)

• Base catalog - added block ModPhase (converts FFT from Rael-Imaginary represen-tation to Modulo-Phase representation)

• Base catalog - added block SpectrumAnalyzer (computes the energy in the specifiedbands)

• Base catalog - added block Videogram which computes the visualizations describedin Jensenius, A. R. (2006). Using motiongrams in the study of musical gestures. InProceedings of the 2006 International Computer Music Conference, 6-11 November,New Orleans.


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• Kernel catalog - added the ’WeightedSum’ block, which computes a weighted sum ofinput datatypes

• System catalog - optimization for drawing small cells in the matrix display block.

• System catalog - added support for SDIHD inputs of DeckLink framegrabbers

• Steinberg catalog - added some options to the ASIO device (and related blocks) tochoose the buffersize and to specify some bounds for the internal queues (prefer to berealtime rather than not loosing any data).

• Base catalog - added GetPixel block to extract info about a single pixel of an image.

• Base catalog - added converters from Geometric to Graphic labelled sets (it is nowpossible to draw the output of LKTracker and other blocks)

• Base catalog - counter block: added a working mode (active by default) to avoid thethe need for a bang to start counting.

• Base catalog - time series generator: the block can now generate both fixed-size andvariable-size time series.

• Added support for Epix frame grabbers.

• Base catalog - BCDistorsion: added better heuristics to compute threasholds in au-tomatic mode; also added some improvements when having dark foreground objectsagainst a light background.

• SDK: added some descriptors to the signature of EyesWeb objects, besides the nameand description fields which were currently available. The new descriptors are:

– details: containes a more dtailed description of the block

– notes: contain info which does not fit other fields

• Kernel: returning false from the Execute method is now allowed and is considered anerror to be logged. It does not cause rescheduling as it happended in older versions.

• SDK: the sdk now catches all unhandle exceptions of type std::exception derived orEyw::IException-derived and logs them

• Breaking changes in the SDK since 5.0.1.x: your blocks need to be rebuild againstthe new sdk

B.8 Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugfixes and new blocks.Released on April 15, 2008.

• Base and System Catalogs: improved management of display blocks (lower cpu usage)


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• Base Catalog: added blocks SetStrokeProperties and SetFillProperties to change thegraphical appearance of geometric objects

• Kernel Catalog: improved MatrixFromFile block to support other separators besideswhite space

• Base catalog: fixed an issue with eywconsolercf when the base folder for patches wasspecified as a relative path

• Base catalog: added an option to ReadFile block to delete the .bak files when con-verting an old format to a new one

• Base catalog: changed the IBlob2D datatype to support the IDrawing interface. Inpractice, this means that you can draw a blob with the generic DrawGraphicObjectblock. This is a breaking change for blocks using the IBlob2D datatype; recompilingthem against the new sdk is needed.

• Base catalog: added block ExtractSingleBlob, to simplify blob extraction in controlledenvironments.

• Base catalog: improved DrawGraphicObject to support RGB and RGBA color for-mats (besides the already supported BGR, BGRA, and BW formats)

B.9 Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugfixes and new blocks. For internal testing only, not officiallyreleased.

• Documentation: added auto-generated documentation for many blocks

• Kernel: added notification of implicit converters usage even in the case of links toparameters

• Base Catalog: changed block ReadImagesFromFolder (System catalog) to block Read-Image with a simplified signature. Patches using this block need to be updated; inmany cases the block GetIndexedPath has to be put before the ReadImagesFrom-Folder block

• Base catalog: added block to read AIFF files (AIFFReader) and a block to extractmarkings and other info from an AIFF file (AIFFInfo).

• Base catalog: added block GetIndexedPath, to extract a file (specified by an index)from a folder.

• Base catalog: added datatype PCMAudioBuffer (only 16 bits PCM is implemented)

• Base catalog: added block PCMComposeChannels to compose the channels of PCMaudio buffers

• Base catalog: added block PCMMixer to mix the channels of a PCM audio buffer


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• System catalog: AudioDisplayGDI can be now docked and has the fatures commonto most EyesWeb displays

• Base catalog: FFTDisplay can be now docked and has the fatures common to mostEyesWeb displays

• Base catalog: added block Size2DGenerator

• GUI: added description of selected treeview item

• Base catalog: added some predefined FOURCC to the AviWriter block (simplifiesselecting the codec) and added the possibility to change the filename at runtime

• Kernel Catalog: added a working mode to the threshold block to use a single thresholdvalue instead of two

B.10 Notes on EyesWeb XMI

Released on March 3, 2008.

• Documentation: improved documentation for many blocks

• Base catalog: added block for selection of tracked blobs

• System catalog: improved DirectSound input block by adding the possibility to specifythe buffer size in number of samples

• Base catalog: improved RebufferAudio block by adding the possibility to specify thebuffer size in number of samples


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Appendix C


C.1 EyesWeb 5.2.1

• Fixed bug in MovingArithOpImpl. Reset with a window length greater than 0 didnot work correctly

• Fixed bug in Image datatype: compressed formats (4:2:2) were not handled correctly

• Fixed bug in ImageDisplay: subsampled formats (e.g. YUYV) were not correctlyvisualized

• Fixed bug in Cuda Image datatype: the Cuda thread was not joined when closingEyw. This could cause a crash when quitting Eyw

C.2 EyesWeb 5.2.0

• Fixed bug in BaseMath: the ReadMatrixFromFile blocks fail to load matrix when therow lenght of text file is bigger than 4098 bytes

• Fixed bug in AudioFileReader and VideoFileReader: the synchronization mode wasnot initialized

• Fixed bug in Network Send and Receive block with UDP v. 2.0 protocol: could blockon exit

• Fixel bug in LabelledSetExtract: if extracting elements by index and if index is notfound, then the output timestamp should not be updated

• Fixed bug in EywRegisterModule: crash if the folder is read-only (e.g., when runningon Windows 7 and the catalog is in the Program Files folder)

• Fixed bug in TitleMachine block: with some color formats the text appeared twisted

• Fixed bug in FaceDetection block (see forum post. Some parameter values causedthe underlying OpenCV libraries to crash

• Fixed bug in Rectangle2DGenerator: might crash when selection Int mode


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• Fixed bug in AIFF Reader: crashes if the index value is greater than the end of thefile

• Fixed bug kernel (RCF server): crash when stopping a patch via MetaEyesWeb

• Fixed bug #295: input selector block causes the patch to slow down

• Fixed bug in VideoFileReader: could crash due to trying to extract an image froman empty list

• Fixed bug in CentroidsCalc: could crash in the case of empty sub-regions

• Fixed bug #233: reducing number of input in blocks with variable number of inputsmight crash EyesWeb

C.3 EyesWeb 5.1.0

• Fixed bug #214: Loops involving syncin pins were not correctly managed

• Fixed bug #191: The clear button of the DynamicToStaticPCMBuffer did not work

• Fixed bug #217: Rotation parameter of Obj3DGenerator block was not preservedwhen a patch is opened

• Fixed bug #188: ExtractSubstring may crash Eyw when setting the last character toa value greater than the length of the string

• Fixed bug #205: Multiple selection may crash Eyw

• Fixed bug #262: Full Screen Monitor Index was not saved

• Fixed bug #241: EyesWeb crashes when MetaEyw is running while EyesWeb is startedor stopped

• Fixed bug #252: Display blocks do not work in console mode

• Fixed bug #211: TitleMachine block does not work with 24 bits images

• Fixed bug #191: The clear button of the DynamicToStaticPCMBuffer block does notwork

• Fixed bug #187: An empty company name causes the catalog not to be registered

• Fixed bug #190: AIFFReader ignore the last marker

• Fixed bug #189: Periodic blocks inside subpatches were not activated

• Fixed bug #185: Strange behaviour of subpatch outputs

• Fixed bug #20: Editing a subpatch could crash EyesWeb

• Fixed bug #140: EyesWeb crashed when Bang block activated


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• Fixed bug #50: Closing Click Display External Window Crashes Eyesweb

• Fixed bug #111: TimeDelay block introduces crash on execution stop

• Fixed bug #177: All blocks in math.matrix.graph - crash when pressing reset in prop-erties

• Fixed bug #173: Scalar display not working for greater than 1 input

• Fixed bug: Ellipse2DGenerator provided axes with integer range even in the case ofdouble coordinates (which were expected to be normalized)

• Fixed bug: the device identifier of the Mixer (audio) devices was not guaranteed tobe unique (at least under Windows 7)

• Fixed a memory leaks related to inserting items into collections (labeled set or list):The Insert method returns an iterator which must be deallocated (or assigned to asmart pointer), otherwise it will be leaked

• Fixed bug in the RCF communication mechanism: The queue of the publisher thread(used to implement the callback mechanism) could grow undefinitely

• Fixed bug in EywRegisterModule: Don’t allow EyesWeb-specific exceptions to reachthe main function, as at that point the kernel has already been unloaded and theexception has been deleted

• Fixed bug in EywRegisterModule: On multiprocessor systems, several builds can endat the same time, resulting in EywRegisterModule being called to register N catalogs;this can lead to corruption of the catalog file, or simply crashes because opening thefile fails

• Fixed bug in EywQuery: Don’t allow EyesWeb-specific exceptions to reach the mainfunction, as at that point the kernel has already been unloaded and the exception hasbeen deleted

• Fixed bug: when installing as a service and specifying the server port, the command-line value was lost

• AIFFReader could crash when the chunck size was odd.

• GUI - EyesWeb could crash when saving Advanced Kernel Properties due to confusionamong double and float properties

C.4 EyesWeb

• Fixed bug #179: movingArithOp behaves incorrectly when reset

• Fixed bug #147: incorrect summed value in Operations.Moving Arithmetic


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• Base Catalog - PCMaudio-related blocks were many drawbacks which have been nowfixed

• SDK - license info was not registered

• The GdiDisplay block could draw some images skewd, according to the image size

• Fixed a bug in Blob2D internal memory deallocation (delete was used instead ofdelete[])

• The block ”ZStarIn” never report the state of Button S1

• MatrixFromFile: fixed an issue when reading single-line matrices from file. Size wasnot automatically detected

• Fixed issues with block Counter: Stop did not work; Bounded and Circular modesdid not work in some cases

• Fixed bug with FreeFrame plugins. If FrameCopy is not supported, invoking FF GETPLUGINCAPSreturn FF FAIL which is defined as 0xFFFFFFFF. This was used as the number ofinputs/outputs of the block, causing Eyw to crash.

• 3DDisplay: check that the texture file exists before trying to load it

• GetMouse: the type could be changed at runtime causing a signature change event,which causes an EysWeb crash!

• Eyesweb crash when starting a patch containing the WaveFileWriter block with emptyfilename parameter

• Fixed some issues with delayed notification of parameter changes in subpatches

• ProximityMeasures: the block could cause Eyw to crash when the search ROI ex-ceeded the image boundaries

• Fixed bug in block ColorToGray (image step was wrong)

C.5 EyesWeb

• Base Catalog - Block BooleanToTrigger used the same name and description for Modeand InitialState parameters

• Base Catalog - Fixed issue with DrawGraphicObjects. It was drawing all inputseven if unchanged; not it draws only changed inputs. An option to preserve the oldbehaviour is available

• Base Catalog - Extract Blob From List, when asked to use the contraction index, wasexamining an uninitialized variable, leading to random results; now it uses the returnvalue of GetContractionIndex


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• Base Catalog - The MatrixConcatenate block could fail after the first execution if thesize of the input matrices was changed

• Base Catalog - Fixed bug with the Image datatype. An access violation could occurwhen performing a SetColor operation

• Base Catalog - Fixed a bug which caused the SignalGenerator block to crash withsome buffersizes

• Kernel Catalog - Fixed a problem with the InputSelector block which could slow downEyesWeb after running for a while if the Active input parameter was continuosly set(even if it was not actually changing)

• Steinberg Catalog - VST blocks would fail to instantiate because they would try tounregister an activation event on input would always fail because the block didn’tregister for input-based activation yet

• Steinberg Catalog - The last character in each VST parameter name was trimmed(even if it wasn’t a space)

• Steinberg Catalog - When the VST reports an initial value that is outside the [0,1]range, force it to be a valid valu

• Kernel - Fixed wrong comparison of log level, which caused debug messages not tobe logged to file

• Media Format - Fixed bugs with WMVReader, VideoServer, NetRecvUDP, Net-SendUDP, VideoFileReader. They allocated a thread in the constructor; this couldcause EywQuery to fail

C.6 EyesWeb

• Base Catalog - The colorToRGB block removeed the inputs without removing relatedactivation events

• Base Catalog - The VSTHost block removeed the inputs without removing relatedactivation events

• Base Catalog - Fixed bug in MovingArithmeticOp; initial value was taken from firstdatatype instance instead of using an empty datatype

• Base Catalog - a WriteFile parameter was not correctly initialized when loading thepatch from file.

• Base Catalog - the function CImageImpl::COpDisplatcher 8u C4::AddInt caused in-finite recursion

• Base catalog - fixed some issue with the ImageMerge block which did not keep intoaccount the position of the merged image


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• Base catalog - TemporalData::InitInstance was not copying the min/max value of thesignal from the provided structure

• System catalog - AudioDisplayGDI now tells the graph what is the valid range of thesamples, so that the graph is resized correctly

• GUI - When starting a patch fails, call PatchStop and PatchDone instead of justtelling the engine to perform a done(), or the UI will keep the start and stop buttonsenabled, with the engine already deinitialized. Clicking either button would thencrash Eyesweb.

• Base catalog - Fixed biomobius bug #101 (problems activating Shimmer + Sc2Au +Mean block combination)

• 3D catalog - block 3DObjGenerator: when a parameter was changed the texture datawas reset, thus losing all the information on dynamic texture

• Kernel - links to kernel parameters (parameters related to scheduling) could be lost

• Base catalog - aiff reader: fixed bug which could cause EyesWeb to crash. Buffer sizewas not initialized)

• Base catalog - image datatype: fixed bug which could cause EyesWeb to crash. Thepitch size (size of the memory used by a single row of the image) could assume valuesbelow the required minimum.

• Base catalog - image datatype: fixed bug in ImageGenerator. The size parametercould not be changed.

• Base catalog - PCM dynamic buffer datatype: fixed bug which could cause EyesWebto crash when copying buffers of non-zero size.

• System catalog - OSC reader/writer: fixed bug which slowed down the block; eachmessage sent/received was logged to the EyesWeb console.

• Base catalog - aiff reader: fixed bug which could cause a wrong signature when openingold patches.

• Base catalog - image datatype: fixed wrong RGB to YUV conversion (8u format, 4channels).

• Base catalog - image datatype: fixed buffer overflow (32f format, YUV color model,4 channels).

• Base catalog - audio datatype: fixed buffer overflow in conversion to PCM.

• Kernel: fixed scheduling-related bugs: blocks with only sync-in inputs were activatedmore than necessary if syncin pin was connected to a block which changed schedulingmode at runtime


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• Kernel: fixed scheduling-related bugs: when changing activation mode at runtimefrom non-periodic to periodic, the block could not be activated

• Kernel: fixed bugs in catalogs loading: a block without a library declaration causedthe whole catalog not to be loaded. Now the catalog is loaded and the block is loadedtoo (but not visible in the treeview). A log message is written to file.

C.7 EyesWeb

• Kernel and SDK: fixed a bug with some waiting functions. Wait could be silentlyabandoned earlier than necessary, causing unpredictable behaviours

• Kernel: fixed bug when saving patches: FitMode and RequiredInterfaces were notsaved

• Kernel: fixed bug #164: when a mobius client stopped patch execution, both theclient and the EyesWeb server could crash

C.8 EyesWeb

• Kernel: fixed bug #161 (output of ScalarArithmeticOperation (double) excessive atInit)

• Kernel: fixed bug #167 (conversion from integer matrices to double matrices wasaffected by the installation of the Legacy catalog).

• Base Catalog: fixed bug #166 (the generic reader crashed when loading file with nosaved datatypes)

• SDK (Wizard): defined a title for the wizard dialog, or random characters could bedisplayed

• BaseCatalog: fixed some issues with FileReader which could cause EyesWeb to crashin the case of corrupted ebf files

C.9 EyesWeb

• Base Catalog: fixed a bug in computation of Contraction Index

• Kernel Catalog: fixed a bug with input selector when non-matching initinfo(s) werefound

• Kernel: fixed bug with blocks activation at Absolute times

• System Catalog: fixed bugs with ScreenCapture block

• System Catalog: fixed bug(s) with ROI and VideoFilereader


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• Kernel: fixed bugs with implicit convertions: sometimes a longer converters chaincould be chosen

• GUI: fixed bug related to the import subpatch command

• System Catalog: fixed bug with NetSendUDP block: could crash EyesWeb wheninitialization of other blocks failed

• Kernel: fixed bug with Initialization-Deinitialization: Done method could be calledeven if Init was not called

• Base Catalog: fixed bug(s) with geometric/graphic datatypes: double coordinateswere not properly normalized in some cases

• System catalog: fixed SystemDirectX block to pose less requirements on the HW

• Kernel: fixed bug with syncin and exclusive mode when no link was connected to thesync pin

• System catalog: fixed bug in StringDisplay: special characters (e.g.,n,r) were not handled properly

C.10 EyesWeb

• Installer: installation of DirectX and Visual Studio redistributables was missing

• Installer: installation of OpenCV dlls was missing

• Kernel Catalog: inputselector crashed in the case of inputs of the same type but withdifferent initinfo

• Kernel Catalog: generators did not go back to non continuous output mode

• SDK: nsc were not included correctly


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Appendix D


Use of EyesWeb (hereinafter ’SOFTWARE’) is contingent on your agreement to the follow-ing terms:

WARRANTY & USE: DIST – University of Genoa grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to use the SOFTWARE free of charge for ANY purpose, commercial orprivate, without restrictions. DIST – University of Genoa makes no representations aboutthe suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided “as is” without express orimplied warranty. DIST – University of Genoa is not obligated to provide maintenance orupdates for the SOFTWARE.

DISTRIBUTION: the SOFTWARE, in original version or in part, may be freelydistributed, provided that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies andsupporting documentation, and that the DIST – University of Genoa copyright notices arereferred in the following ways:

a) DIST – University of Genoa’s copyright notice should be included in the documen-tation, regardless of the media used to supply the documentation;

b) the DIST – University of Genoa and EyesWeb Logos have to appear on softwarepackages based on EyesWeb or using it, and on any related promotional material(DIST – University of Genoa makes the logos available on the EyesWeb ftp siteftp://infomus.dist.unige.it);

c) in the “about box” of the product, in the case that it is not the EyesWeb about box,DIST – University of Genoa and EyesWeb must be cited in the following manner:EyesWeb is copyright c© Laboratorio di Infomatica Musicale – DIST – University ofGenoa (http://infomus.dist.unige.it);

d) any public use of EyesWeb, or the distribution of any application based on EyesWeb,must be preliminarily notified to [email protected];

e) this license must be notified to any third party to which EyesWeb is redistributed.

This license only covers EyesWeb and the libraries provided in the original installer.Other extensions (libraries or patches), provided by DIST or by third parties, may besubject to any license, provided that it is not in contrast with this license.


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D.1 Third-party software

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation(http://www.apache.org).

