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EYP/ libraries

EYP/ libraries


/ firm overview

DisciplinesArchitecture, Engineering, Planning, Energy

PortfolioHigher Education, Government, Energy

ExpertiseAcademic Planning & Design, Classified Facilities, Embassies and Consulates,

Energy Consulting & Implementation, Historic Preservation, Libraries,

Master Planning, Science & Technology, Student Life, Undergraduate Science

Size315+ architects and engineers. More than 160 LEED® APs

Recognition• Top Green Design Firms of 2010, Architect Magazine

• Top 50 Architecture Firms of 2011, Architect Magazine

• Top 250 Architecture Firms of 2010, Architectural Record

• Top 500 Design Firms of 2010, Engineering News Record

• 2010 Company of the Year, The Business Review

• 2010 Hot Firm, ZweigWhite

• 2010 Best Firm to Work For, ZweigWhite

SustainabilityForward thinking and energy-conscious design have been fundamental to

EYP’s philosophy and practice for nearly 40 years. Our commitment to energy

conservation inspires every project design and informs our workplace culture and

corporate strategies.

expertise driven design


/ expertise driven design

Knowledge. Discovery. Execution.

EYP designers and experts are passionate about what we do. We have dedicated

our careers to programming, planning, and designing particular types of buildings,

and our enthusiasm for learning never ends. Every day, we grow and enhance our

deep portfolio by exploring challenging new ideas. Our most successful design

outcomes are founded on a journey of discovery with our clients that reveals

insights, inspires confidence, and spurs innovation. We are here to listen,

create, and inspire.

The twenty-first century research library is an environment that accommodates

a broader range of materials, users, and programs than its predecessors. New

media, pedagogies, and cultural shifts are profoundly changing the role of libraries

and how we use them. More holistic approaches to the ways in which people learn

are blurring the traditional lines between academic and social spaces. Libraries

are the 24/7 heart of intellectual and community life, a place for doing as well as

thinking, for lively discourse as well as quiet study.

For libraries to meet the demands of the institution and enrich its culture, the

environment must accommodate a wide variety of learning, research, study,

and social styles. Strategic adjacencies of materials, users, technology, and staff

members create an environment that encourages exploration, interaction,

collaboration, and reflection. Sophisticated infrastructures, sized for growth,

meet the needs of rapidly evolving technologies and multimedia collections

management, where accessibility and security are balanced in the context of

available space.

For nearly 40 years, EYP designers and experts have planned, programmed, and

designed exceptional spaces for public and private institutions of higher education

as well as state and federal government clients. Every project in our portfolio—

renovation or new construction—is founded on close collaboration with the client.

We build knowledge upon knowledge to create spaces that foster intellectual


/ library design



Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library


“EYP has listened carefully to our needs and priorities, has offered options, clearly explained issues, and worked diligently to see things from the Library’s perspective.”

Associate Librarian for Administration and Planning Harvard University

Goals: The centerpiece of the HarvardUniversity Library System required extensiverenovation and engineering systems upgradesto protect the historic building and its 3.5million volumes, the largest private library inthe world.

Strategies: EYP addressed environmental,HVAC, electrical power, renovation, andfire protection issues throughout this 1915building. We restored existing features andfinishes of the rooms while also preparingthem to meet the functional needs of theLibrary. The invaluable collections are nowprotected by modern systems that regulatetemperature, humidity, air quality, andultraviolet light and provide fire protection.We created two spacious new reading roomswithin the “found space” of the originallight wells.


/ 2005 Educational Facility DesignAward/Merit, Boston Society ofArchitects/SCUP

/ 2005 Library Building Award,AIA/American Library Association

/ 2005 Palladio Award/RenovationCategory, Traditional BuildingMagazine/Restore Media


/ 320,000 square feet renovation

/ 3.5 million volumes

expertise driven design


National Archives and Record AdministrationWashington, DC

Term Contract

Goals: As our nation’s documentary heritagegrows in volume and type of media, theNational Archives and Records Administration(NARA) ensures the security and accessibilityof diverse materials. Under this term contract,EYP is charged with providing design andrelated services to NARA facilities nationwide,including the Presidential libraries, regionalarchives, national records centers, the NationalArchives Building and all supporting facilities.

Strategies: EYP provides a broad range ofservices including planning phase feasibilitystudies; building assessment reports; designprogramming; design; interior space planning;design reviews; inspections; and postoccupancy evaluations.

Achievements: Select task orders under thisterm contract include the John F. KennedyPresidential Library and Museum; FranklinD. Roosevelt Presidential Library; GeorgeBush Presidential Library and Museum; CarterPresidential Library and Museum; JohnsonPresidential Library and Museum; HarryS. Truman Presidential Library; and SitePerimeter Security for the National ArchivesBuilding.


National Archives & Records AdministrationFranklin Delano Roosevelt PresidentialLibrary and Museum, Hyde Park, NY

Goals: The historic Franklin DelanoRoosevelt Presidential Library and Museum,designated a historic site in 1942, requiredextensive upgrades to maximize its facilitiesand support its mission of education and publicoutreach.

Strategies: After completing a conditionsassessment of the library, gatehouse,pump house, and visitor center, EYP wascommissioned to provide architectural andengineering design services for the library andmuseum and the Henry A. Wallace Visitorand Education Center, a 2003 addition.The redesigned orientation, conference andeducation center will provide facilities fororientation films, conferences, educationalprograms, and community events, as wellas greatly improved visitor services. Therenovation of the FDR Library, which is alsopart of the project, will provide space forchanging exhibits for the first time.

Achievements: EYP’s design will improvethe functionality of both archival and publicspaces. Specialized archival storage willimprove the security and accessibility ofdocuments and other media. A reconfiguredvisitor center will enhance the museumexperience.


/ 55,710 total square feet


National Archives & Records AdministrationJohn F. Kennedy Library and Museum, Boston, MA

Goals: The John F. Kennedy Library andMuseum required an expansion respectful ofits I.M. Pei design and extensive upgrades tofulfill its mission and meet current standardsset by the National Archives and RecordsAdministration (NARA).

Strategies: Intensive study of the 1979 facilityverified a shortage of conference, classroom,and administrative spaces as well as the need toreconfigure heavily used interior spaces suchas the Museum Store. EYP’s design is visuallydeferential to the existing structure, extendingthe building’s geometry and employing thesame white concrete pre-cast panels as Pei’soriginal.

Achievements: The addition will greatlyenhance the Library’s capacity and bringarchival spaces into compliance with NARAstandards for climate control to ensurethe preservation and usability of materials.Upgrades to building systems and accessibilitywill improve the museum experience for200,000 who visit this popular facility eachyear.


/ 27,500 square feet new construction

/ 28,250 square feet renovation


Duke University Durham, NC

Perkins Library

Goals: Duke University required studies toguide the renovation and expansion of theten libraries in the Perkins Library System,including its Special Collections Library. Rapidadvances in technology and the explosion ofdigital media merited special consideration.

Strategies: EYP performed operationalanalysis and programming studies toreorganize, update, and expand the mainlibrary building. Our initial work focusedon updating building systems to supportexpanding technology and clarifying buildingorganization and circulation to supportmore efficient operations. Our renovationof the Special Collections Library upgradedenvironmental and security systems and createda quiet work environment for staff and visitors.Our subsequent programming study focusedon technology and the changing role of thelibrary as well as archival storage options.

Achievements: EYP’s study and subsequentrenovation work improved accessibility andaccommodated the library’s increasinglydiverse collections. All historically significantfeatures of the Gothic structure were repairedand restored. Our programming studycorrelated the master plan with the library’sevolving role as a multimedia intellectualgateway for students, faculty, and researchers.


/ 256,000 square feet

/ 6 million volumes


Quinsigamond Community College Worcester, MA

George I. Alden Learning Resource Center

Goals: The College sought to create atechnological gateway to learning as wellas a community gathering place for thepredominantly commuter student population.The facility is also intended to establish anew campus quadrangle that responds to theexisting landscape.

Strategies: EYP designed a technologicallysophisticated building anchored by a beacon-like tower that houses the College’s mainstudent lounge, gallery, and study spacesbehind a transparent façade. A tutorial centerand cyber café encourage students to linger inthis interactive learning environment, makingit a true campus destination. Multi-mediacollections are secure yet easily accessible;adjacencies encourage intellectual explorationand conversation.


/ 2008 DCAM Award for Excellence


/ 54,000 gross square feet

/ 45,000 volumes

expertise driven design


Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton, NJ

Bicentennial Library

Goals: Princeton Theological Seminary seeksa signature building whose research, collectionmanagement, and collaborative spaces willsupport “a theological library for the world.”The PTS collection is second in size only tothat of the Vatican Library.

Strategies: Through selective demolitionand additions, our sustainable design approachwill enhance the best aspects of the existingstructures to create a contemporary buildingthat respects but is not bound by tradition.The proposed design will create a seriesof pavilions grouped around the atrium,providing a variety of inviting spaces for study,professional and scholarly interaction, anddisplay.

Achievements: This building complex willbe the largest on the PTS campus and theSeminary’s signature project for the first half ofthe twenty-first century.


/ 45,000 square feet renovation

/ 91,000 square feet addition

/ 2 million volumes


The University at Albany Albany, NY

University Library

Goals: In anticipation of the planned fullrenovation that will create a “library ofthe future,” the University has begun theprerequisite work of preserving this mid-century modern megastructure designed byEdward Durrell Stone. The first phase of workincludes a facilities study, programming study,and concept design; the second phase includesdesign and implementation of a prototypetesting ground.

Strategies: EYP investigated innovativeways of updating the building’s signaturedesign while enhancing the program, systems,and technology of this busy research facility.Benchmarking the University Libraries Systemagainst its peers nationwide helped assessleading trends in research facilities and howthey might advance the client’s institutionalmission. Our study also analyzed collectionsmanagement and IT implementation strategiesfor a full-scale prototype implementation.

Achievements: This study and designprototype will allow the University to test,for several years if necessary, some of themost advanced information technologiesmanagement mechanisms available within aninviting and productive environment. Thisproject will inform the future renovation ofthis important structure, transforming it intoa state-of-the-art, energy-efficient researchlibrary.


/ 275,000 square feet

/ 2.25 million volumes

1.0 Access Services

2.0 Public Services / Access Services

3.0 Collections-Compact3.0 Collections

3.9 Collections Reader Areas4.1 / 4.3 Reader Areas - Social

4.2 / 4.4 Reader Areas - Quite

5.0 Technical Services6.0 Administration

9.0 Supplemental Programs

First Floor Plan

Building Section


Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA

O’Neill Library

Goals: Boston College needed to maximizeprecious space in the campus’s main librarybuilding to meet the evolving research andstudy needs of its students, faculty, and visitors.

Strategies: EYP conducted a space allocationstudy to determine the capacity of off-sitestorage required to house the less commonlyutilized portions of the library’s collections.Our study also recommended how best toutilize the spaces that would become availableafter some collections were relocated. Keyconsiderations included the increasing role oftechnology and diversification of media, aswell as the evolution of libraries into spaces for24/7 collaboration and interaction.

Achievements: Moving portions of thecollections to three offsite storage locationsopened up valuable space that responds toresearchers’ needs and allows the building toaccommodate diverse programs and media. Inaddition to traditional print collections, theO’Neill library now houses a learning/tutorialcenter, multimedia center, and a depository forU.S. government documents.


/ 175,000 gross square feet

/ 1.4 million volumes

Administrative & Systems Services

Collection Services

Research, Instructional ServicesConnors Family Learning CenterPublic AreaBuilding Support, Stairs, Toilets

Other Library Use

Other Boston College Use

Third Floor Plan

Fourth Floor Plan


Connecticut College New London, CT

Shain Library and Information Commons

Goals: The rise of new media and a culturalshift in the role of campus libraries ledConnecticut College to revisit its originallibrary plan to create spaces that wouldenhance both intellectual and community life.

Strategies: EYP conducted a feasibility studyfor the renovation of the Library, including afield survey to confirm space use and numberof workstations. Once client meetings hadidentified as priorities the addition of a newreading room and study/seminar room,increased storage capacity, and the expansionand upgrade of the special collectionsdepartment, EYP completely renovated specialcollections, created a new reading room andstudy room, and installed an independentHVAC system capable of maintaining archivalstorage conditions.

Achievements: This project established thelibrary as an attractive, interactive communityinformation center for faculty and students.Compact shelving increased the building’sstorage capacity for multimedia collections.


/ 100,000 square feet renovation


Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Lamont Library Café

Goals: The University’s Lamont Libraryneeded to accommodate the evolving needs ofpeople and programs to transform the libraryinto a true living-and-learning environment.

Strategies: We transformed the originalreference room in this 1950s structure intoa spacious and inviting 24-hour café. Ourflexible design provides a variety of seatingoptions for both individuals and groups. Tosupport its use as a study space, the room haswireless access, numerous receptacles for laptoppower cords, and public-access computerterminals. It retains one wall of bookshelvesfor periodicals.

Achievements: The café supports theundergraduate Library’s extended hours (24/5),offering late-night users a comfortable spacefor a study break or quiet conversation. Itscasual atmosphere and view of Harvard Yardhas made it a favorite among students.


/ 2,600 square feet

First Floor Plan

expertise driven design


U.S. Naval Academy (NAVFAC Washington) Annapolis, MD

Nimitz Library and Critical Languages Facility

Goals: To support research and educationin an increasingly technological age, theNimitz Library, Mahan Hall, and Rickets Hallrequired extensive renovation and systemsupgrades. The U.S. Naval Academy requireda team phasing plan that coordinated all designand construction work with the academiccalendar.

Strategies: EYP partnered with ForresterConstruction to provide design/build servicesfor the renovation of the 1973 Nimitz Libraryand the Critical Languages Facility, whichare housed in three buildings. The scope ofwork included interior demolition; interiorportioning and replacement of finishes; MEPsystems upgrade; and renovation of the fireprotection and security systems. This projectwas a task order under Multiple Award TaskOrder Contract held by Forrester.

Achievements: The renovated library has thecapacity to support evolving technologies andmultimedia collections to balance the needsof both the public and its primary users. Allsystems were sensitively threaded throughexisting building fabric. Careful phasing keptthis project on schedule without disruption tothe education of navy midshipmen.


/ 70,000 square feet total

Albany Medical College Albany Public Library

Black Hills State University Boston College

Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society Colby College

College of New Rochelle Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Connecticut College Department of Energy

District of Columbia Duke University

Georgetown University George Washington University

Harvard University Lafayette College

Monmouth University National Archives and Records Admin.

National Park Service New York Public Library

Princeton Theological Seminary Purcellville Library

Quaker Religious Society of Friends Quinsigamond Community College

Smithsonian Institution SUNY at Syracuse

Swarthmore College Texas Tech University

The Library of Congress The Bullis School

U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Naval Academy

University at Albany University at Michigan

Virginia Commonwealth University Williams College


/ library clients

Melissa Bennett, AIA, NCARB

Library Expert

617 305 9893

[email protected]



/ contact

