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Ezine Vol 12

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A Magzine to extend the learning curve, expand the frontiers of knowledge and its applicability; utilize the skills in the best interest of the society, team and self. This Magzine is a student magzine by the student of IIPM hyderabad under the club of IIPM Crucbles. Crucibles Is a team which formed on great ideas and extended vision. It is not just for self-enrichment but also for self-contentment while helping out the fellow members in climbing up the ladder.
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Page 1: Ezine Vol 12
Page 2: Ezine Vol 12

From the desk

Dear Reader,

This issue focuses on Life. To befit a topic as alive as life, I could think of amongst many Oprah and the way she

has lead her life. Her choice of not blending in is inspiring.

Sourced from http://www.youngentrepreneur.com/blog/oprah-winfreys-3-steps-for-success/ is her speech at

Spelman College in Atlanta on May 20. The ultra-successful Oprah Winfrey who presides over her own television

network, among other things, spoke about the importance of knowing yourself and what your contribution will be.

She mentioned having grappled with her own identity as a talk show host, business woman and entrepreneur, only

to realize that she was more than her occupation.

Though Winfrey offers a rare kind of success story, what drives her can surely inspire many would-be

entrepreneurs out there. Here are Winfrey’s three tips for how to succeed in life — and in business:

Knowing who you are: Being able to answer this question who am I? And what do I want? I don’t want to just be

successful. I don’t want to just make a mark or have a legacy. The answer to those questions is I want to fulfill the

highest and truest sense of myself as a human being. You must have some kind of vision for your life. Even if you

don’t have a plan, you have to have a direction of where you want to go. Is there a plan, or are you just driving?

You want to be in the driver’s seat of your own life, or life will just drive you.

You must find a way to serve: Martin Luther King said that not everybody can be famous but everybody can be

great because greatness comes from serving. The real truth is that it takes service and significance. If you look at all

the most successful people in the world — whether they know it or not they have this paradigm of service. I made a

decision that I was no longer just going to be on TV. But instead, I’d be a platform for good. Using television as a

service changed my career exponentially. You can follow suite, by using whatever it is you produce as a way of

giving back to the world. When you shift the paradigm to service and you bring significance to that, success will

follow you.

Always do the right thing. Always be excellent. People notice: You go to Taco Bell and someone gives you

extra napkins and sauce. That’s right, even at Taco Bell, excellence is noticed. Everyone talks about building a

brand; I didn’t even know what that was. What I recognize now is that my choice to do the right thing, the excellent

thing, is what created the brand. When you are excellent, you become unforgettable. We want to be unforgettable

and not forgettable. That’s achieved by doing the right thing, even when nobody knows you’re doing it.

Happy Reading!

Prof. Shirani Nayar


IIPM Hyderabad

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Editorial desk

Hi Readers,

Look out for any good organization or a great company; you can definitely see a good leader behind the

growth of that particular organization. Remember the words of Gandhi: “Leadership at one time meant

muscles, but today it means getting along with people”. No institution can survive with geniuses and

supermen. To make sustainable organizations, what we need are average human beings with better work

oriented attitude.

CRUCIBLES, in our efforts to make it a sustainable model, have expanded our team, through a unique

way of finding out the next level of leaders, to make it thrive for the years ahead. Our efforts in finding

out the new ‘TRUE CRUCIBLES’, fetched us fourteen new AVENGERS. We welcome them to make a

roller coaster drive called Crucibles, by shouldering the responsibilities with them. Our next issue will

have the hands on touch of the new creative ideas of new members.

In life we may face many problems. So also, we enjoy the happiness, sorrow and obstacles in our journey

called LIFE. This month, our cover page of this mouthpiece magazine is based on LIFE. Life teaches us

many lessons. We will have many ups & downs in our life’s graph. Even if we sink we need to jump up

like a mermaid to breathe the last drop. Life’s vagaries make us sink in an ocean. Hard-work, passion to

survive and do things differently makes a human being to be like a beautiful mermaid.

A hearty welcome to the new guys who got selected in CRUCIBLES

Enjoy reading!

Warm Regards,

Susmitha Chaudhary


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Life, Fate and Dhoka

Hi friends,

Hope you all are doing well in your

space. I would like to thank crucibles for giving

me this opportunity to pen down my thoughts.

This edition is dedicated to ‘LIFE’. So when I

was asked to write something on this I started

with, “Let’s see whose life I can write about?” to

be more precise, “Whose life am I most

concerned with?” It occurred to me that the

question is rhetorical and the voice within me

said “Yes you idiot it is rhetorical, you are most

concerned with your own life, no matter how

generous you are in your views about

selflessness and sacrifice.” Since the subject of

post mortem was pinned I started the dissection.

In cinematic style I went into my life’s flashback

without being hit by a stick on my head,

although I have always wondered, “Can it help

me remember my college lectures.” and if I can

use this trick in exams? Anyways coming back

to the topic, I started evaluating my life since my


class because that’s when I faced my life

first dilemma: “Math or Biology?” but let’s not

get into detail because it will make this article a

small biography. But to sum it up, I breezed

through my school, enjoyed my college with all

the emotional up’s and downs, I was never in the

creamy layer so never whipped myself to study

too hard and then came the time to face the real


I landed in my first job which gave me a sense of

achievement and pride but as I went about my

job, I didn’t do anything significant or different

except for the occasional above average

performance for which I got a pat on the back

from my manager and was happy for that. Then I

changed my job for better position and salary

and this was the time the real test of my

character started, courtesy “Recession”. I lost my

promotion and ultimately lost my job.

And there I was crying like a baby over spilt

milk, surrounded by friends cursing the

company, system, government and what not. I

guess the only things we left out were an

obituary and a 2 minute silence for my dead job.

After all the mourning we decided to return to

our homes, on the way I stopped at a signal a kid

came to me begging and I felt pity for his

condition but then something struck my mind,

and I thought “Did I not put myself in the same

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situation few moments ago.” I was the subject of

pity and wanted to be pampered and consoled by

everyone around. After all I was not the only

person or the first person in the world to lose my

job. Again I started asking myself “Should I

react the way everyone else would?” and share

their fate.

So after reaching home I pondered over the

situation and started thinking about the reasons

why a company would or would not keep me and

wrote down some questions for myself, “Was I

the most dedicated and hardworking employee

of the company or the department or the team?”

and the answer was “No”. I was an average

performer and mediocre people don’t make

difference in the world, not even in their own

world. I never learned anything new, never

updated my skills and didn’t do anything

different in the job. I was just happy to go

through Monday to Friday with as less pain as

possible, party on weekends and then blame my

situation and responsibilities for not giving me

enough time to improve. That’s when I realized

the meaning of the quote, “Luck is when

preparation meets opportunity.” I prepared

myself for doom and at the very first opportunity

my efforts paid off.

At that moment I made a promise to myself and

challenged life, “If you bury me in land I will

become diamond, if you drown me in sea I will

become a pearl, if throw me in the sky I will

become a star, but if I am the creator of my own

destiny I will not go down without a fight.”

Warm regards,

Punmeet Kumar Gupta

(Equity Researcher with 7 years of experience)

If you bury me in land I will become diamond,

if you drown me in sea I will become a pearl,

if throw me in the sky I will become a star,

but if I am the creator of my own destiny

I will not go down without a fight.

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Not everyone has the path of flowers, not everyone has a happy life, not everyone can do the

things which they dream about, but everything depends on us in the way we grab the chances on the way

we dare. Of course, sometimes we should compromise with the situations but it is our life and we are the

authors of our lives. I want to tell a story.

Once upon a time there lived a girl who had many dreams and thoughts. One of her

dreams - her dream prince whom she loves from her childhood. During her graduation she thought of

getting in contact to him but she doesn’t know how to get his contact and she don’t know where he is,

she came to know from her parents that he is studying somewhere and he is doing well. Luckily one day

she came to know one of her cousin sister is in touch with him. She felt very happy but she came to know

that her cousin sister has an interest in him and felt very bad. So she decided to forget him and kept

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herself busy with life one day she listened form her cousin sister that he is in love with another girl. But

she still had a hope that one day her dream will come true. Unfortunately he came in contact through face

book which was a turning point in her life. First day she texted him with an excitement. Days are going

on and one day suddenly her best friend passed away and she is not in contact with anyone. After many

days she became a normal person and then suddenly she saw his message inbox from him and she felt

happy but she know that he is in love with another girl and she decided in her mind to change the

feelings. The way he speaks shows his interest on her but she want know about his love and she asked

him one day about his love and he said that he lied with her cousin sister because he don’t want to hurt

her so he softly rejected her. By hearing this she came to know that yes he is not in love with anyone and

she said the feelings in her heart she took the chance on that day and that is the first time she asked him to

call her and gave her number. By hearing his voice she felt very happy and he is very shocked to know

that she loves him. He didn’t said yes or no they used to speak and to take care of each other one day he

said those three magical words she is waiting for I LOVE YOU too and yes that is one of the precious

days in her life , she never saw him after her childhood but she dreamt about him and finally they both are

together and he came back to India on a vacation and they planned to meet on one day nearly after 10

years she is seeing him and yes they both met and the butterflies in her tummy started to fly. she still

remember that because he is such a precious person in her life waiting from her childhood. So fairytales

do happen because this is not a story it’s my fairytale happened to me and is so happy with my prince.

This is just an example guys, never lose hope on anything or on a person you love one day it will become

yours if you really try for it and dare for it.


(on writer’s request)

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Get Great At Life

I'm 23 yrs. old. So I'm at quarter time

filled. Assuming I live until I'm 80 (and that’s a

big assumption, because I've learned that the

only thing you can expect in life is the

unexpected). I've become more philosophical

these days. I'm less willing to waste time, less

willing to listen to negative people and less

willing to miss an opportunity to be loving. I've

also started reading obituaries.

When I read of the lives others have

lived. I'm offered clues on what's most important

in life. Obituaries of life well lived actually

shares consistent themes, I have discovered.

Family, Friendship, Contribution to community,

the need to take calculated risks etc. I've yet to

read an obituary that says, "He died peacefully in

his sleep surrounded by his lawyer, his

stockbroker and his accountant." To lead a

beautiful life, I suggest that you need to ask the

kinds of question that will provoke you to think

deeply and connect with what matters more. I

believe in a quote, quoted by Sir Dale Carnegie

which says "Good questions lead to excellent

answers and greater clarity. Greater clarity is the

DNA of authentic success and personal


Here are the five big questions that I

hope will cause you to go deep and become more

philosophical about what truly counts in your

life. Most people do not discover how to live

until it's time to die. But by then it's too late. Ask

yourself these five questions today. Imagine that

today is the last day of your life and you are

lying on your deathbed. Then ask yourself:

1. Did I dream richly?

2. Did I live fully?

3. Did I learn to let go?

4. Did I love well?

5. Did I earn some tears?

My hope is that the answers you arrive at will

help you to live with more authenticity. Would

conclude with the quote "You cannot hit the

target you can’t even see", like wise you can’t

solve the problem which you never come across.

(Mr. Rohit is a guest writer from

Aurora College)


Rohit Tiwari

Mr.Rohit is a guest

writer from Aurora



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Assets of life

“Assets of life” means the people you have

earned in your tenure of life. In this balance

sheet your assets should not be equal to liability

es but always double than it, or no liabilities just

creating more and more assets and living your

life with full excitement, being happy and

making other people happy.

In life’s balance sheet your assets are your

relations which you have earned, not your blood

ties relations but basically your friends, you

know that God has created these friends where

we can choose our own relations, your friends

can be strict with you and become your daddy or

the person you look up to, or your mother who

cares for you or your sister who pampers you. So

I just want to say “friendship is that

emotion which you can carve for yourself”.

The four letter word “life” is so deep, it has so

much to say and do. Friends are those with

whom you created memorable moments together

which will be remembered forever, may it be a

happiest moment or the saddest, but just creating

some "aww" moments. These are the people

whom you can rely on.

This article is dedicated to all my

besti's...!!!!!!!(Best friends forever)

I am 23 and in this tenure of my life, I met many

people. Lived with them enjoyed, cried, shared a

lot of emotions, best and worst moments, and

through this article I recall each and every

person who created a mark in my life.

You guys have made my life worth living and

thanks for being there and making it memorable.

Today life has become so fat and busy that we

are not getting time to talk to our friends. Just

take out one minute from the busy schedule and

thank your best friends, and it’s worth the


I am thankful to god that it’s been 7 years in

Hyderabad and I’m still in contact with all my

best friends, may it be from my school,

intermediate, degree, tuition and PG they are still

with me taking care of me and making my life

lovable and remarkable.

Warm Regards,

Taranpreeth Singh


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This might sound like a controversial topic

but let me clarify it. These lyrics have been

adapted from a song “Monster”, part of the latest

album of an American gospel rock band, Skillet

“The secret side of me I never let you see. I

keep it caged, but I can't control it.

So stay away from me, the beast is ugly. I feel

the rage and I just can't hold it.

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin. I

must confess that I feel like a monster.

It's hiding in the dark; its teeth are razor sharp.

There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, and

it wants my heart.

No one can hear me scream; maybe it's just a

dream. Maybe it's inside of me, stop this


We are living in a civilized world and what

I have just said or I’m about to say might seem

really contradictory. Any layman would only

think that people had monstrous capabilities

during generations past when they were beastly

and were rebellious primarily because of age old

traditions/beliefs and because they were

ignorant. However, I believe that through

personal experiences of mine, it is true that at

some point(s) in our lives, we do exhibit the

beast inside of us. For example, I was sitting

quietly in class during my tenth when a teacher

entered, said something, which disappointed us

and as she left the class, I raised my hand against

her (not to be violent but to show my

disapproval) in a fit of fury.

This was spontaneous which I didn’t even want

to do and faced serious consequences. It further

happened on a couple of other occasions and it

showed that though I respect people and am not

a violent person, the beast inside of us is

powerful and needs to be contained. Hence, it

requires a lot of self-introspection, together with

a power much greater than our human capability

to try and keep it under cover.

Thank You.

Warm Regards,

Benjamin Taylor


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New faces of Crucibles
