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■you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws . U M B Itl; -liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the Sale of Wafei Stobte'Opem Door to Man) - Fakfc (Special ^to The N* oit») BOIBE, Ida.’, Peb. 26—Doclaring that tho salo of water otock i& Caroy act companloB oatside the segregation op- , • fnp«\ Iho door to fraud in maay ease* nnd urging the passing ot a bill to pre vent It, Senator .Toseph Seaver, of Twin ; Fnlis couaty fought all through tho morning nonato sosnion to corrert what he temotl an “ evil practice". Tho dobato pccupicd more than ono nnd ono-half hours of'tho senate's time: Passage of tho houo bill iatroduced-by ililler of Twin PalU restricting the salo of stock undor Carey act projects w)is tliF^vohlclo which produced •tho doboto r ^ c o ln Senator Opposes Senator Heim of Liuuolii county op- pt-sed Senator Seaver nnd will attempt tf» nmend the mensurc to exclude a local ci'Tldition in'liincoln county which ho claims would suffer by the bill's pass. —'nne. On mnUon of Senator Lee of Hingham county,..who snid he, hnd boen n.-<ked by local intcreBts .to oppose tho lucasure, it retained its jdace on tho • cnlnnder aud J^Hll bo again brought up iit fho third session. ' Tho senate passod but one bill previ- ously. It provides for thc -consolida- tion of small Irrlgntiou districts with larger ones. A Bitter rigbt Attcinpta to amend thc big state high ' wav mcasuro in th# houso by interested mombors to provldo. ipc-ihc.nddltion o,f fxpendituftfs of one hundred ninety-' tjireo thousand dollars abovc';thc bud* ^et worked out in tho original bil! pro* fipitatoS.tfho of-thp'inttcrcflt fights in the house during the proscut. session. In the rommittco of the whole, tho bill was finally amended to include only thoso rdditions suggested by the ^ highway ■*- vofn'mlsslon. This amount totals sLxty- iwo thousand dollars. It adds the fol- lowing amounts:'Lewis county «10,009; .Fcromo «10,000; Bingham «W,000; Bon- neville «10,OOO; Fremont $S,OQQ; Jef- ferson tO.OW; Oarllwu *10/100. aad «ut» --------Cludolii cocbi^^.OOO an«J BannocK »5,- •poo. . .SiLTEBCLOSES -IlFTERJMOyT Fifteen Hundred Employes of American Smelting Plant On Strike Over Wage Cut SALT LAKE, Ufnh, Fob. l’«—Fiflcen htindred skilled and unskilled men cm- vloycd at the Amcrleaw smeUlng .com- pnny plnnt at GarfieM, walked out. to- day, refusing to accept n cut in wages. The company will close <he smelter. A snialKaumbor of skilled employes of tho Utoh Copper company mine >'um- .. Wr 1,' who quit yestt'Tilftv gave as their reason that thoy could get more money in tho building trades hero than by ac- <’opting tho reduction. ' Notico was posted today that a fur- - ther reduction is in store for all miners nnd salario«l cmpltiycs of the Utab Cop- per comjtanyr ineidental-to the low fflar* ket prico for copper. lyjm E PEND ING STR IKE ■■ . Assurance that Parliament Will Consider Favorable Action Has Quieting Influence LONDON*, PeU 20—Premier Uo.-d Oeorgo's assurancc-that the parliamen* tory rnmmlttee which will Invcstigsto Ute mining situation will report by March 20, may avert thc threatened miners' strike, it was,intimated.lodav. Nfinen' represenUtives at their coii- ft rence today were expected to rccoo- incnd that ths striko overwholmlogly voted by 900,000 miners in .the recent Lallot, be postponed until after the com- mittee's report. Tn rase tho committee advi»*» »cce*- nion to-most of the demaada It wat a»- . .-.omed the walkoot wilt be called off. The biU'provtdiag for tke coto|Qittee passed the honse of commons last oight and was to be takea np br the honi« f,{ lords today. ^ SETS filZB OF KBW ABBCr OF OEBUANT COPEXnAOEN*. TVb. 26—The na- tional assemhty at ^cirev pa»**d n bnl providing that tbe new Germaa anay shall cot exceed a tklrd of tho j.re-war strength, acesrdlng to dispatch- er t^ejr«d bare today, • The peace-footine of the 0<>rmas ar- mv in 1914 was officers ni 76»,- •JWiiaea. ;N ' fa Swedes Will Not^ : Tolerate t ’briiien '- German General l.udendorff Can Komaii »b ^ 4:.^ Longer in Swi^en .snd B to Beturn Home • ' BEELIX, Feb: 55—(delavod)-:-Oon- oral .Ludeadorff, who kos been rofusud ^•mission by tbe govemment of Swed- D pi oil-lo remain longer in that countrv, hns ;written to -President Ebert, saying he Iter ^ completed a book justifying his nc- > tioaa during the war, and that h<f de* any tire* to return to Gcrmanv to publish it, and resume bis servico to the Fath- wland, “ The interests of Germany are »y interests," he wrote. “ It Is^necessary that thrown on tho work I ac- complishcd In tho four years of the war ^p. and on tbe orl^n of our misfortunes, WOULD END PXSAOaBEMBNT Vin • BETWBEN B. B ., COMPANIES tho —^—- , rhat \VASHINOTON*, Feb. 26—Thc-'rall- road administration moved today to end ono tho disagreement' between fcderal-con- ime; trolled roads and'short llne». • ' -by Director General Hines- announced salo tha tboreafter-all short }Ines-W(i.uld bf w)is entitled to "friendly • flonsidccationj'’ >oto He hns instructed oflicen and empIor<n af fedornl controlled ronds/o (five tlu' op. short.lines “ fair treatment.". ~ mpt )cal ACCEPTS INVITATION ho I,.I^.■COLN', NVb., Feb. 20-7-Oovemor ass. ,s. R. MeKelvio, of Ni*briiskn, wilT prob- of ably accept thc^)rcKidi?ilt's invitation oen t(. attend n eonfcrence on labor- and tho business, or designate someUnc in his tho plncc, liis secretary stated toda.v. Thc up gnvoruor has been called from tU capi- tal to attend tho funeral of his mother. BVl- _ - , OOAL.MINEES STBIKE BASLE, Feb. 20—Cool miners of cen- tral Germany hnvo decided on a gen- crnl striko and railway workers are cx- ‘Eh pcctcd to take similar action, according Ited to a dispatch ret-eived from Halle to- ‘ Of dnv, . . pro- ...... .................................... WORLD NE^ ibso L ^ _ —— fay WASHINOTON, Peb. 26.— i09; mittee today favorably repof lo^ appropriating $ 100,000 to re fut diers. *''■ SOME*, Teb. 26i^nxiUar; pointed Arohbisfaop of New Y> p BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 26.- S ■'stnke aotion to enfoToe. iheir ill five nnions of, telephone opera I - ■ WASHINOTiON, F e C 2 6 . - I will turn, back to their owners Miners' transportation compa Oenoral Hines annonnced toi OT regarded as. indicating that company will have to take ba them themselv.es. Paris Will Keep W l. ■ Out bf America’s • • Political Fight -------- French Declare United States^ .eir Must Settle Her Own 1 Difficulties i •---------•• ' PARIS, Feb. 2<J—“ The lioine affairs] ' of the fnitcil Btates'nre none of our j . * bu8ine».i/’ declared the Temps in dls- ^ cussiiig President Wil»ou’s Boston ad- ijrcss. . “ Wc will not tr.v to know if tho cam-- pnigii in the United Btatos ngainst thc| covenant is really against the league of nations, or if it i>ronly tbv pretext (or a fight between jiolitical parties. Let us simply be allowod to observe, th.it , M seen from this side, where the worl i r conflict -n-ns born and when* might rise L worse conflicts in the future, thc league I I a]<pcars lo bc a nccesnlty ogainiit which no consldcrntion of party could prevail. “ We wish and confidently wait for ^.|| America to ratlf.v the league." « DEPABTMENT OF AEBONAITTI08 WABinNGTQ.V, Fcbl Proviiiion»| for as executive «|eparlmcut of aeronau- tiri^ headed by a director of aeronau- tie» for control of aircraft of the army, ! '."d navy nml marine corps, wns inserted in • the army bill hy Ike senate military af. *^e fair* committee todny. i EouciifiiraciioN : •at D ISCUSSES MANY ns irn- Six Thousand Delegates -As- j av semble from All Parts, of - ' Oountry for Speeches {ht * ii« rtllCAOO, Feb. education . was the theme of today’• discussion at! th* annual tne'eting of tbe national ed- ucktion association (department of sn- perintmdcncy) in session, here. • Max J. ix n er of New Tork. secr»- 1 • tary of the latcmatienal T. M. C. A.- 1 la- eomihittee. was to lead ia the talks 1 ‘♦d wblrh will be attesdvd by a majority < aa of the six thoujvnd delegates at tke 1 ho convention. ] :h- Oritici of the league of cations were t eharacterited as^t'dead bqt nnburied" - sr- in an »4dPe«»-lsjt Sight by Presidont 1 ®,- Marian Boy Burton of the Univer- ] iL L S : FAXJ;S IDABO, VI P s iH ir IXCflONONM ir VTMEISyilES us«d wed- " " * Wilson -Urges Quick Work dii Necessary Legislation an« >uih Committees are Speeding Their Reports \ ■y . , “/y WASHINGTON-, Feb. 20-Presldent “«• Wilson’s intimation that he would go to tho capltol to urgo immediate passago of vital. legislation toda.v speeded con- gressional action. Thc senate nnvnl eommittee <ldcldcd tl. reporf out tho big navy bill with the prpvDib fhat tbo president could siis- pend it if thir Ica^^c of nntions was fcnued. . ' Wtony BUla Conaldwed Tho senate -public lands eommittoe J .Civorably reported Secretary b a n e ’s bill appropriating #100,000,OOO ' to re- claim land fo r re/brjjJjjg soldiers, ’flu- hmiBc liurried consideraMon of the treas- •u'r.v noti' issue autliori;:nlIun bill ond had onl.v the civil siinilry and general di'flrienoy bills 10 dinpoMo of before ' clciiring up iti« work. Although two •nor ^enato commit^eiV.lind taken nctlon dc- rob- sired L>* the presidopt, Jegislation stood tion Htill 111 fill* flc'utato itself, w'hilo tho and league of nations debivt^,^,continued, hi# Senator Cummins, lowni nttacked the The fonntltution nnd submitted n substitut* api- plan. Postpone# • Conference The president V eonference witlt the lt-n«lerH nt (he copitol probably will be ’On- postponed until tomorrow or Friday, it ^cn- was atated at tlte White House tbis a<- ex- ternoon. .He first desires to get an oe- llng count of conditions throughout tho to- country from his “ war cabinet” which hod its regiiJar meeting this afternooru SWS- .EVENT^ —^Tho aenate publio lands com- posed Secretary bill for . 0 reclaim laild for re tu rn ^ >9^* * ■ Uary Bishop.Hayes has been ap-. VTork, it was announced today. 26.— Voting on. the question of .eir -wage demands waS begun by }erators and workers here today. 6.—The railroad administration lers boats of the Merchants’ and mpany about March 1, Director- today. This announcement is lat the Merchants’ and^Miners’ ' back their boats and operate' - Transp'fftf Arrive ’ After a Stormy -Trip Many. Men from the Korthweat fgg'i are Aboard Ships Which are I . Nearing Port Today ! . NKW YOItlC, Peb.,2(1—The transp<>rt J I’n-.iident Ornnt arrivi-d today, five i*fs I cl.ny» late (i\viinf to storms nnd 'time lost e“*'i towing the' trnns|>orf Polnr Reor to port. Tlicr.' were 4,T2ii hfficors and ii:en of tlie following; orgnulr.ntidns ntx'nr<l: tl *1 iJl-ltli infantry Iirigaile headininrters,, .iKtx officers nnd 20 >neft: IU4th infan-1 J i t r j , .S7 offii-erH niuI 3^150 mi-iu lfi2iull T., infontr.v, Bupidy company K, niin- offi-1 h.-vt ‘‘‘.I"' casual officer.*; iri.I Brest , coiivnlescent rise ‘IctachmcutM n nd-12 clvIllnnN, including gjjj, n number of corres}H>udents., lip), Among the officerti aboard wan liric-l ail. H. Blaadifig, com<nahdcr of for I'^-Jth briEndc. P2nd division. Hc-was n* rotupflnicd by Sergeant W. H, Miller, I'asadenn, Califomia. Jg The 104th infantry «-ns rnmj.oscd for ) tbe mo«t part' of replacement troops jjjj. trom all parts of the northwest. -y" Among officers who orriveij. today ' wa sCaptaiu iK L. Thornton, eanta-Fe, • in' .N'cw Mexico.’ - ■ * Of thc 162nd infantry offieers there w re Lieutenant J. V. Schur, Sergeant L. P. Henry and Sergrant G. C. Wenii. all of Portland, Ore.; Corporal L. W. Morisou, Sacramento: A. G. Smith, Angeles; Emr*t Ilipp, Eureka, CoL; I* H. Brown. Portland, Orr.; .1. J. Goctr, LL Portland, Ore.; and H. L. Heath, Scat- u- Italian Soldiers May Come to United States Two Hundred Thousand De- lonj. mobilised Scrvice Mexr^isb to Become Americans " ROHE, Feb. (deUyed) — The r*- newspapers announced today that two A- hondre.l thousand demobillted Ttalian Iki reservists arc ready to return to Am- ity erica and tbat one hundred thousand tke additional who are stlU under anns will leave for the United States aa soon -*»* ere ther arr released. d“ . The Rovemmcat is orged to” takei aat steps to induce the- men to remain In er- Italy by Riviag them special farming j D A rt , WBDNB0AT, rSBBUABT ^ 191S. PARIS CONST U DECLARED D I UNJUST,F J Speech By Senator Cun Popular Disapproval Compact as Drawn—I stitute Plan. ^ ing PREDICTS PRESENT FAILUPONCI l"»i •\\'.\.SIUX(1T0\, Fell. 26—1 ig® posed leu^fuc of ntitioiiN wiw fort :on- ropublit'tui. t(Miii.v Ui^asppwU t( Htitiite plan wliich.ho wiid in tl the Ainericnn people are waitin sus- ^/'nmmins described tht? Pari structive,,unjust uml reai'tjonai . iiutteil to a patriotic and iutelli IffiE M s INTO CONT iL I OFBfllSe iSTS ut* __ ___ Third Successive Revolution 11.0 . starts in the Little iUeighbor ,''it to Spain, According to Late Reports tho .. ........ leh MADRID, Feb. 2r,—(ticlayed)—Bol- ru slievistH have been in control of Llsbm ^ sinco Soturda.v, according to tnivolcrs rencblng Madrid from thnt city todny. This wns tho first nows received hero of the reported new outbreak, owing to ) the strict censorship in Portugal. According to reports thc rebels Is- —I sued nn~illtlmntum lo the governmenc demanding dissolution of parliament, auministfntlvo dcccntmliuition in th» form of soviets ond obqlitlon of thc , • police aud .private banks. 'Tho govorn'’ inent Is’sald to hnvo om od to disfolvo parliament b'ut refused tho' other de- • 'mBndii.' • Borficailes wero (hrown up In ' tbn streets nnd fighting continued until on Snndn.v. Electric aervico was cut off nnd the cit.v wan in darkness for n time. A monarchist prisoner named Camacho was ossHssinatcd in thu street while be- ing tnkcn to i^rison. Third Sovolatlcn This is tile third successive rtu-olulion in Portugal within o few weeks. The first ono started b.v thc radicals to forco sociollr.ntlou of the government, was lent sight of when the royalists took od- \nntage nf that situation to attempt to restore the tiionnrchy. For n time the inonorchiats wore Blicccssfu|-nnd even established n provisional _govvcrnn'i>nt in Oporto. The.v- were c'vrntually crusn; = • Cli by concentrotion of sil tlie giivern- , ment forces nKoinst tlicm'hhd their lender, Pievn Conceiro, was woumled j;nd cajJturoL j BEPXTBLIOANS F a VoB OILLET I8t WASHINGTON*, Fid). 2(1.—The ma- B jority of thc Pimnaylvoniu rejiublicaii delegation In the hotise will vote for Representative Oillet |of•lla.Hsncbuselts for s]>eaker, It was decidetl nt. n mect- '■’’t ing of.the delegation todav.- iiicTiyli i IST flBEUmSE r.«; "j 4iouse Passes Bill Authorizing a - Seven Billion Dollar Short or Tgrm Issue ■as . W.\SI1IN'0T6N', Feb. 2(WTJje vie lory loan bill authorixio]; a <7,(100,000,- cco' short t/rtn note issue, -today wns P" pasaed by the house, H-iH to 3, follow- iji>r futile efforts to »]rike out sections ?t' extending [vower of the wnr finano corporation. - . I In a<ldltion to the note authorization.! tlx liill crentcR & sinking fviw.l lookin;: , to rctircmctlt of the wn rdrljt iu 2-'> ‘t’ years nnd broo<len» the tax ejemptio-i' on incomern rccelvcd ns intereVs from. );ovcrnntent bonds and notes. ' The i»owrrs of tbe war finance cor-; poration are extended until one ycar| after the proclamation of peace, and tbe corporation la authorized to loan money no exportera. The bill now goes to the senate. EET^AK d Tp Twin Falls News will , . ■ P»y nOO.OO in gold to any reeogniied pharity upon : receipt of information in the I he form of reasonable proof 1 TO front adve.rtiser, that its actual bona-fide, paid in ad* nd vance circulation. with^ tbe trading iarea'tributary to Twin Falls is not greater than kci that of any other newspaper published in the s u te of Ida- ' ' ' . 1 m M ^ ••' • 'i- TITUTIONIS DESTRUCTIVE. reactionary ummins Taken to Eorecasi val of Leagiie-of Nations —Outlines and Urges Svtb IT PROGRAM W liX CLOSE INVESTIGATION »— Popular diso))provAl of the pro forocast lij’ Senat^ir Cummins, Iowa h to the Sfunte. H e xirgetl the fiul> s tli(i “intemath)nal compact whicl itinjr, hoping jind praylhj? for.” *ari« conKtitutlofl an “the jnost de- >nary proposal t \1uc!i VaH. i>ver aub- lellijteiit people.’’ ----- •’ “ When Ihtj cltiscns‘of the Unltoi ^ States thoroughly grasp tho neonln( r>f the proposed 'agreement ond folrlj I understand- its Inovitnblo consequche I cs,” Curan^lns declared, “ lt will bo ro jectcd-in a storin of obllquy, tho like of which has never been witnessed with iu tho borders of the republic." Gives Moro Suitable Plan 5 Ho then outlined the following plan which he said, would moet ,tho hopes ol tho American people: First: All nations shoulil pgreo to Hcltle justifiable disputes by arbitra- tion or adjudication and agree without Jqjj reserve to abide by thc award or judg- [lOf .^Second: All nations should agree that Jn all other international dlsputce that war should not bo mndo until some international body Ui which cv«ry mem- ber of tho leaguo is represented, shall have had a foIr opportunity ta 'discusn Bol- 1<- t^pon sueh questions there should {)^ to no award and thc sanction should bc Icrn confined to the moral influences awak- Any. oncil by^ ftc© discussion. oof Enforce Ostracism Third: Ostracism for any nation re- fusing to submit n controversy properly “ * or perform tho judgment roiitlorcd o.* lent to delay wnr until combined powers ent, ghall bo given full consideration, the Fourth: - Tho compact should sustain the program of dhwrmament. Cummins dwcrlbed tho (Paris draft ai 31V0 confusod snd complicated.” , dc- "jhero I#-gMd In it,” be admitted bnt added “ thero is auiro thaf. is ba<l injt^ If I wer6 to.voto upon the ill- 'll strurncnt as a whole, I would unhcsltat- off i-iglv vote against ii. - ‘There a/e provlaions in it which not eho qjjIja degrade the spirit o f' our people, but piit it beyond tho power of tho re- ; public to establish justice, insure do- mestic tranquility, provide for tbe c,oni tion mon defense, promoto the genernl wel- The fnro and securc the blessings of liberty irco of ourselves and our posterity and so wasl fiijfiii'the declaration of the’constltfi- nd-ltlon. Would Prevent War ven requires no close inquiry Into the -i-nt r^'-ntlment of the American people to be ,g„. certnin lhat there Is n uulversnl and passionate desire to do something—to I,cir jii'.ter into aome compact—to prevent war-with all Its deadly consequences. “ It i.s this overwhelming convictio’t uhlch finds expression in the tumultous applause whleh thrills everj* audience ss it listens to the glowing nppcols for a leagiic of nations, fp" . TTpbold AmerlcMilsm “ I cannot boUcvc, however, tbnt eet- '*'fy man.v of theso people will insist that th'o overthrow of .Vinc.ricnn insti- tutions is necessory in order to accom- jiliah tho Jiencfifient purpose the.v hnvo ill mind and to attoln tho end they so fi-rvcntly decirc.” Bom*-sections of tire constituiion not onl.v neutralize fhe benefits of a peace- |f* ful settlem6nt, but destroy tho nation- I ' III structure and i-omnilt the United I I ytates to a course- which must end In I L i humiliation and <lisnster, be said. It i^ disappointing ns regords disarma- ments, Cummins addcil. j a ---------------------------- ( WOULD mVESTIOATE O m O E ‘OI* CUSTODIAN WASHIXGTON*, Feb. 20—Senator lie. Frelinchuy«en,’of Xew Jersev to<lay in- no,- trodueed a resolution rn the senato ask- VAH ing thnt the administration of the alien BW- property custodian’s office be investi- ons j:a(cd. One of the reasons jfiven for nee the request was alleged sccrec.v under which A. Mitchell Palmer ha.s conduct- on. icd Iho officc. ih;: resolution was referred to^ tho 2.1 rommerce ‘committee. om.DOZNO QUICK WOBK ON THB JUDIOZABT MEASX7BE WASHINOTOK. Peb. 2(J—The house considered and adopted the conferenie rc]>ort on the #96,000,000 legislative ex- ecutive judicial bill in leu tban half an liour today. The bill as agreod to le- Hi pres tbe nine »ub-tTra»unt« whlcb were discontinued In tbe original honso ^ hill and provides for a congrculonal rommisaioa to report on tho adjnxtaeat ^ and equalisation of government aalar- n jies. ________ _______? MUST OOKPLBTE PBOOBAM * i B A S L ^ Feb- £8.—The <3enaan arxnl*- ^ tice eommiaaioa.kaa b<«n infonned that negotiatloaa rvgardlag ' food asd fl- g nanee* will not b« takea up by tke allies until the’ latter have completed ■O their prottram, probably two weeks .n benee, a dispatch from Spa reported to- ir , k- IDABO WSATHE& jE M i PBica^ srv t- jopNTa /«ETREif^ Y I NESH IIPE s IliD Q tb- Prelirhinaryrertns are Progress . sing^and Committees are Re. porting Mucti Headway-or Special Subjects ' . By. PBED a reBonsON PABTS, P»b. S8^Prep«nitioi>.ot Ihc ' ' ‘‘j prellmlnarj- pcaco iettleinent.,#i.th. Oer iUb- many contlnned today. '; 'The -wrtrk *1 present is largol.r in the handa of tk! vlirlons committees handling aueh dr tails oa reparation and retponalbUUy foi de- WA’'* bot Uarshal'Foch hai penon itih conferred' with tho' aoprcme wai council on matters atfccting Oermany’i milltar.v status after tho pact .is signed sited . ' Beport*. Bapid Headway. Tho cbmmi^tpo .individually report! rapid hendwa.v., AU members; of th« committeo of repntation have b «n tu»k fO' od to submit figures representing tbeii like jrtcas of tho damogcs which should b< nth- collected from Germany together witt tho method of coHoctlng. > In the menu- time, the committeo' ls said-to be ap- jian, proachlng the basin of dircct damagw s of for which Amcricu stadds. • Tho committee-On responsibility foi 5 to Hit* wnr la understood to hnve roached Itra- the polut whero tbe degree of oulpabll- liout ity of ‘vaHous individuals is b^ng dll; udjf. cussed. ’Territorial queatlons Bto. pro grossing rapidly toward adjustment. An irroo open door policy regarding Morocco wai< utcs clearly establlshod when tbe question om,‘ waa first ^resejited to tbe hlg five. lom- ZtUh. DtUSKt*'Sttaitsg ihnll -John O'Kelley, fepresenUtire of thc provisioBal Irish republic, has. not yet 0“*'^ appeared beforo tho American delegates il bo ijnt it is said he i*iU be received the aamo as anyone elae If he asks for an audience. Tbe general 'opinion ^em s to be tbat 1 ro- Irish qnoitlon* will bo taken up In the crly conference eventually. I o.* President 'WHson.’s speech at Boston *om received the highisst commendation from all tho conferees. It was not^d that iu talu addition to making a ntrong p1«a;fo* tho leapieNof natlM^.he obsei^ed.^l 't as tbe- poUtlcal. alcetA > y aot .going-,^to .- detaUii befor«-tneeting.the',forelga,^ uod, lationa ,commltta(U‘ ot-canfctMfc-'~-^ , ! CR IS IS I] iONGTROOPS erty ----- Trouble Is Expected Over tht Cabinet’s Refusal to Help Discharged War Veterans 3 be . , 91,1 I>UBUK, Fob. 2fr—A serious crisla —to wa# understood to bavo arisen today as ,-ent the -result of the war cnblnet’s rcjec- I,. tion of Lord French's request ttiat tho tioT Irish recruiting council undertake tho tous n-cmpluynient of-onc hundred thousand 'pee Iflcb soldiers, iii connection, with dcmo- for billxatlon in'this countr.v. Chief Secre- tary MacPhorson- has informed the council thnt ita services nro no longer required. ' ‘ Thc soldiers 'may be so neg- lertcd that they will joiti the Sinn Fein- trs,” snid C'aptolu Gwyin, a member of tho council.' ........... -i om- . ' :;DEN IOC IIIl!SPIGK lANEWMRMi , National Committee. Chooses JJ! ' Homer S. Cummings to Suc- ‘ceed Vance McCormick llor ----- WASIIJNGTON*. Feb. 20.—The Dcm- ocrotic notional cmmittee today clect-*d Homer 8. Cummings of Osnnecticut a* chairmnn -:•> succeed Vance McC^'rmik. McOorniickS rcaignotion, tcndcrol when he wont to Kurope ns advisor (o ^ thc American delegation at the pcacj conference was accepted to<lay., ' It'WfU*'revealed that Cummings will nt once get tho 1920 campaign under way by touring the conntry for confer- _ _ ences with state leaders. The deter- ^ mination of the Democrats to make a most viporous campaign in the middle ou west and west, was evidenced by tho n-e election of J. Bruee Kremcr of Butte, cx- Mont., and Samuel B- Amldon of Wlch- »n ita. Kansas.aa.vico ekalnaan. le- E. G. Hoffman, Fort .Wayno, Indl- ,itb ana, was eleetcd secretary; W. 0- Hol- QM lister, Jefferson (Sty, Miasotxri, e*- naJ ecutlTO seertUry; and W. D- Jamloeo.o, eat Shenandoah, Iowa, director of finance. Uf. W. W. Marah, W atcr^, Iowa, aad Colonel John I. Jl«m» «main a* iTeasntcT aad •e*ij^t-*\'*rma wpeel- , ^'^The election of Conualalp, it became known today, waa ^ quest of PT**ident ' Wlleoa, ' Sborthr aftsr McCormick r««l«ne<L tbe-.pw i- in cabled from Parla selection wouM be ,.puMt*Q7- rt^ plekalng to hlmr Pwr *». »o- {he eoMlttee'e b lste i^ g w ie >*- eiL Mrs. Geerge-Saw.lMBpN^ w chairmaa of tbe w oaiaaW l * « ^ democratic aatloiu|t eoa«itta 5 ^.■fc^*^ tNmTv af the UUbols Biembm
Page 1: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the

■ y o u L '-K 0 ,„8 m ,-.-:. ^ » •

savEws .


' T w i n F a l l s ( ^ u n t v S e n a t o r , f e :

v c l a r e s j th a t t h e S a l e o f W a fe i S t o b t e 'O p e m D o o r t o M a n )

- F a k f c

(Special ^to The N*oit»)BOIBE, Ida.’, Peb. 26—Doclaring that

tho salo of water otock i& Caroy act companloB oatside the segregation op-

, • fnp«\ Iho door to fraud in maay ease* nnd urging the passing ot a bill to p re vent It, Senator .Toseph Seaver, o f Twin

; Fnlis couaty fought all through tho morning nonato sosnion to corrert what he tem otl an “ evil p ractice".

Tho dobato pccupicd more than ono nnd ono-half hours of'tho senate 's time: Passage of tho houo bill iatroduced-by ilille r of Twin PalU restricting the salo of stock undor Carey act projects w)is tliF^vohlclo which produced •tho doboto

r ^ c o l n Senator Opposes Senator Heim of Liuuolii county op-

pt-sed Senator Seaver nnd will attem pt tf» nmend the mensurc to exclude a local ci'Tldition in 'liincoln county which ho claims would suffer by the b ill's pass.

—'nne. On mnUon of Senator Lee of Hingham county,..who snid he, hnd boen n.-<ked by local intcreBts .to oppose tho lucasure, it retained its jdace on tho

• cnlnnder aud J Hll bo again brought up iit fho third session.' Tho senate passod but one bill previ­ously. I t provides for thc -consolida­tion of small Irrlgntiou districts with larger ones.

■ A B itter r ig b t •Attcinpta to amend thc big s tate high

■' wav mcasuro in th# houso by interested mombors to provldo. ipc-ihc.nddltion o,f fxpendituftfs of one hundred ninety-' tjireo thousand dollars abovc';thc bud* ^et worked out in tho original bil! pro* fipitatoS.tfho of-thp'inttcrcflt fights in the house during the proscut. session. In the rommittco of the whole, tho bill was finally amended to include only thoso rdditions suggested by the highway

■*- vofn'mlsslon. This amount totals sLxty- iwo thousand dollars. I t adds the fol­lowing amounts:'Lewis county «10,009; .Fcromo «10,000; Bingham «W,000; Bon­neville «10,OOO; Fremont $S,OQQ; Je f­ferson tO.OW; Oarllwu *10/100. aa d «ut»

--------Cludolii cocbi^^.OOO an«J BannocK »5,-•poo. ■ .


F i f t e e n H u n d r e d E m p lo y e s o f ■ A m e r ic a n S m e l t in g P la n t

O n S t r ik e O v e r W a g e C u t

SALT LAKE, Ufnh, Fob. l’«—Fiflcen htindred skilled and unskilled men cm- vloycd a t the Amcrleaw smeUlng .com- pnny plnnt a t GarfieM, walked out. to­day, refusing to accept n cut in wages. The company will close <he smelter.

A snialKaumbor of skilled employes of tho Utoh Copper company mine >'um-

.. W r 1,' who quit yestt'Tilftv gave as their reason tha t thoy could get more money in tho building trades hero than by ac- <’opting tho reduction.

' Notico was posted today that a fur- - ther reduction is in store for all miners nnd salario«l cmpltiycs of the Utab Cop­per comjtanyr ineidental-to the low fflar* ket prico for copper.


■■ .

A s s u r a n c e t h a t P a r l i a m e n t W ill C o n s id e r F a v o r a b le A c tio n

H a s Q u ie t in g In f lu e n c e

LONDON*, PeU 20—Premier Uo.-d Oeorgo's assurancc-that the parliamen* tory rnmmlttee which will Invcstigsto Ute mining situation will report by March 20, may avert thc threatened m iners' strike, it w as,intim ated.lodav. Nfinen' represenUtives a t their coii- ft rence today were expected to rccoo- incnd tha t ths striko overwholmlogly voted by 900,000 miners in .the recent Lallot, be postponed until after the com­m ittee's report.

Tn rase tho committee advi»*» »cce*- nion to-most of the demaada It w a t a»-

. .-.omed the walkoot wilt be called off. The biU 'provtdiag for tke coto|Qittee

passed the honse of commons last oight and was to be takea np b r the honi« f,{ lords today. ^


COPEXnAOEN*. TVb. 26—The na- tional assemhty a t ^ c i r e v pa»**d n bnl providing that tbe new Germaa anay shall cot exceed a tklrd of tho j.re-war strength, acesrdlng to dispatch­er t^ e jr« d bare today, •

The peace-footine of the 0<>rmas ar- ■ mv in 1914 was officers n i 76»,-


;N ' f a

Swedes Will Not^ : Tolerate t ’briiien '-

German Generall.udendorff Can Komaii »b

4:. Longer in Swi^en .snd

B to Beturn Home •' BEELIX, Feb: 55— (delavod)-:-Oon- oral .Ludeadorff, who kos been rofusud ^ •m ission by tbe govemment of Swed-

D p i oil-lo remain longer in that countrv, hns ;written to -President Ebert, saying he

I t e r ^ completed a book justifying his nc- > tioaa during the war, and that h<f de*

a n y tire* to return to Gcrmanv to publish it, and resume bis servico to the Fath- wland,

“ The interests of Germany are » y in terests," he wrote. “ I t Is^necessary

that thrown on tho work I ac-complishcd In tho four years of the war

^p. and on tbe o rl^ n of our misfortunes,


rhat \VASHINOTON*, Feb. 26—Thc-'rall- road administration moved today to end

ono tho disagreement' between fcderal-con- ime; trolled roads and 'short llne». • '-by Director General Hines- announced

salo tha tboreafter-all short }Ines-W(i.uld bf w)is entitled to "friendly • flonsidccationj'’ >oto He hns instructed oflicen and empIor<n

af fedornl controlled ronds/o (five tlu' op. short.lines “ fa ir treatment.". ~


ho I,.I .■COLN', NVb., Feb. 20-7-Oovemor ass. ,s. R. MeKelvio, of Ni*briiskn, wilT prob-

o f ably accept thc^)rcKidi?ilt's invitation oen t(. attend n eonfcrence on labor- and tho business, or designate someUnc in his tho plncc, liis secretary stated toda.v. Thc up gnvoruor has been called from tU capi­

tal to attend tho funeral of his mother. BVl- _ - ,

■ OOAL.MINEES STBIKE BASLE, Feb. 20—Cool miners of cen­

tral Germany hnvo decided on a gen- crnl striko and railway workers are cx-

‘Eh pcctcd to take similar action, according Ited to a dispatch ret-eived from Halle to- ‘ Of dnv, . .

pro- ...... ....................................

W ORLD NE^ibso L^_——fay ■

WASHINOTON, Peb. 26.— i09; mittee today favorably repof lo ^ appropriating $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 to re fut diers.*''■ SOME*, Teb. 26 i^n x iU ar;

pointed Arohbisfaop of New Y> p BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 26.- S ■'stnke aotion to enfoToe. iheir ill five nnions of, telephone opera

I - ■ WASHINOTiON, F e C 2 6 .-I will turn, back to their owners

Miners' transportation compa Oenoral Hines annonnced toi

OT regarded as. indicating that company will have to take ba them themselv.es.

™ Paris Will Keep Wl. ■ Out bf America’s

• • Political Fight --------

French Declare United States^ .eir Must Settle Her Own 1

Difficulties ‘ i•---------•• '

PARIS, Feb. 2<J—“ The lioine affairs]' of the fn itcil B tates'nre none of our j

. * bu8ine».i/’ declared the Temps in dls- ^ cussiiig President Wil»ou’s Boston ad-

ijrcss. .“ Wc will not tr.v to know if tho cam--

pnigii in the United Btatos ngainst thc| covenant is really against the league of nations, or if it i>ronly tbv pretext (or a fight between jiolitical parties. Let us simply be allowod to observe, th.it

, M seen from this side, where the worl i r conflict -n-ns born and when* might rise L worse conflicts in the future, thc league

I I a]<pcars lo bc a nccesnlty ogainiit which no consldcrntion of party could prevail.

“ We wish and confidently wait for ^ .|| America to ratlf.v the league."


for a s executive «|eparlmcut of aeronau- tiri^ headed by a director of aeronau- tie» for control of aircraft of the army, !

'."d navy nml marine corps, wns inserted in • the army bill hy Ike senate military af.

*^e fair* committee todny.

i EouciifiiraciioN :•at DISCUSSES MANY n sirn- ™

Six Thousand Delegates -As- j av semble from All Parts, of

- ' Oountry for Speeches{ht * ii« rtllCAOO, Feb. education .

was the theme of today’• discussion at! th* annual tne'eting of tbe national ed- ucktion association (department of sn-

„ perintmdcncy) in session, here.• Max J . i x n e r of New Tork. secr»- 1

• tary of the latcm atienal T . M. C. A.- 1 la- eomihittee. was to lead ia the talks 1 ‘♦d wblrh will be attesdvd by a majority < a a of the six thoujvnd delegates at tke 1 ho convention. ]:h- Oritici of the league of cations were t

eharacterited as^t'dead bqt nnburied" - sr- in an »4dPe«»-lsjt Sight by Presidont 1 ®,- Marian Boy Burton of the Univer- ]


P s iH i rIXCflONONMir

VTMEISyilESus«dwed- " " *

Wilson -Urges Quick Work dii Necessary Legislation an«

>uih Committees are Speeding Their Reports \

■ y . — ,“ / y WASHINGTON-, Feb. 20-P resldent

“«• Wilson’s intimation that he would go to tho capltol to urgo immediate passago of vital. legislation toda.v speeded con­gressional action.

Thc senate nnvnl eommittee <ldcldcd tl. reporf out tho big navy bill with the prpvDib fhat tbo president could siis- pend i t i f thir Ica^^c of nntions was fcnued. . '

Wtony BUla Conaldwed Tho senate -public lands eommittoe

J .Civorably reported Secretary b an e’s bill appropriating #100,000,OOO' to re- claim land f o r re/brjjJjjg soldiers,

’flu- hmiBc liurried consideraMon of the treas- •u'r.v noti' issue autliori;:nlIun bill ond had onl.v the civil siinilry and general di'flrienoy bills 10 dinpoMo of before

■' clciiring up iti« work. Although two •nor ^enato commit^eiV.lind taken nctlon dc- rob- sired L>* the presidopt, Jegislation stood tion Htill 111 fill* flc'utato itself, w'hilo tho and league of nations debivt^,^,continued, hi# Senator Cummins, lowni nttacked the

The fonntltution nnd submitted n substitut* api- plan.

Postpone# • ConferenceThe president V eonference witlt the

lt-n«lerH nt (he copitol probably will be ’On- postponed until tomorrow or Friday, it ^cn- was atated a t tlte White House tbis a<- ex- ternoon. .H e first desires to get an oe-

llng count of conditions throughout tho to- country from his “ war cabinet” which

hod its regiiJar meeting this afternooru

SWS- .E V E N T ^— Tho aenate publio lands com­

posed Secretary bill for . 0 reclaim laild for r e tu r n ^ >9 * * ■

Uary Bishop.Hayes has been ap-.V Tork, it was announced today.26.— Voting on. the question of .eir -wage demands waS begun by }erators and workers here today.

6.— The railroad administration lers boats of the Merchants’ and mpany about March 1, Director-

today. This announcement is lat the Merchants’ and^Miners’' back their boats and operate'

- Transp'fftf Arrive ’ After a Stormy -Trip

Many. Men from the Korthweat fgg'i are Aboard Ships Which are

I . Nearing Port Today

! . NKW YOItlC, Peb.,2(1—The transp<>rt J I’n-.iident Ornnt arrivi-d today, five

i*fs I cl.ny» late (i\viinf to storms nnd 'time lost e“*'i towing the' trnns|>orf Polnr Reor to

port. Tlicr.' were 4,T2ii hfficors and ii:en of tlie following; orgnulr.ntidns ntx'nr<l:

tl *1 iJl-ltli infantry Iirigaile headininrters,, .iKtx officers nnd 20 >neft: IU4th infan-1

J i t r j , .S7 offii-erH niuI 3^150 mi-iu lfi2iull T ., infontr.v, Bupidy company K, niin- offi-1 h.-vt ‘‘‘.I"' casual officer.*;iri.I Brest , coiivnlescentrise ‘IctachmcutM n nd-12 clvIllnnN, including gjjj, n number of corres}H>udents., lip), Among the officerti aboard wan liric-l ail. H. Blaadifig, com<nahdcr offor I' -Jth briEndc. P2nd division. Hc-was

n* rotupflnicd by Sergeant W. H, Miller, I'asadenn, Califomia.

Jg The 104th infantry «-ns rnmj.oscd for ) tbe mo«t p a rt' of replacement troops

jjjj. trom all parts of the northwest.-y" Among officers who orriveij. today

' wa sCaptaiu iK L. Thornton, eanta-Fe,• in' .N'cw Mexico.’ - ■ * •

Of thc 162nd in fan try offieers there w r e Lieutenant J . V. Schur, Sergeant L. P. Henry and Sergrant G. C. Wenii. all of Portland, Ore.; Corporal L. W. Morisou, Sacramento: A. G. Smith, Angeles; Emr*t Ilipp, Eureka, CoL; I* H. Brown. Portland, Orr.; .1. J . Goctr,

LL Portland, Ore.; and H. L. Heath, Scat-

u- Italian Soldiers May Come to United States

Two Hundred Thousand De- lonj. mobilised Scrvice M exr^isb

’ to Become Americans" ROHE, Feb. (deUyed) — The r*- newspapers announced today that two A- hondre.l thousand demobillted Ttalian

Iki reservists arc ready to return to Am­ity erica and tbat one hundred thousand tke additional who are stlU under anns will

leave for the United States aa soon -*»* ere th e r arr released.d“ . The Rovemmcat is orged to” takei aat steps to induce the- men to remain In er- Ita ly by Riviag them special farming j

D A r t, W B D N B0A T , rSBBU A BT ^ 191S.


Popular Disapproval Compact as Drawn—I stitute P lan . ^


l"»i •\\'.\.S IU X (1T0\, Fell. 26—1 ig® p o se d leu^fuc o f n titio iiN w iw fo r t :on- ro p u b li t 'tu i . t(Miii.v U i^ a sp p w U t(

Htitiite plan wliich.ho wiid in tl the Ainericnn people are waitin

sus- ^/'nmmins described tht? Pari structive,,unjust uml reai'tjonai

. iiutteil to a patriotic and iutelli

I f f iE Ms INTO CONTiL I OFBfllSeiSTSut* __ ___

T h i r d S u c c e s s iv e R e v o lu tio n 11.0 . s t a r t s in t h e L i t t l e iU eig h b o r

,''it to S p a in , A c c o rd in g to L a te R e p o r t s

tho .. ........leh MADRID, Feb. 2r,—(ticlayed)—Bol- ru slievistH have been in control of Llsbm ^ sinco Soturda.v, according to tnivolcrs

rencblng Madrid from thnt city todny. This wns tho first nows received hero of the reported new outbreak, owing to

) the strict censorship in Portugal.According to reports thc rebels Is-

—I sued nn~illtlmntum lo the governmenc demanding dissolution of parliament, auministfntlvo dcccntmliuition in th» form of soviets ond obqlitlon of thc

, • police aud .private banks. 'Tho govorn'’ ■ inent Is’sald to hnvo o m o d to disfolvo

parliament b'ut refused tho' other de- • 'mBndii.' •

Borficailes wero (hrown up I n ' tbn streets nnd fighting continued until on Snndn.v. Electric aervico was cut off nnd the cit.v wan in darkness for n time. A monarchist prisoner named Camacho was ossHssinatcd in thu street while be­ing tnkcn to i^rison.

Third Sovolatlcn This is tile third successive rtu-olulion

in Portugal within o few weeks. The first ono started b.v thc radicals to forco sociollr.ntlou of the government, was lent sight of when the royalists took od- \nntage nf that situation to attem pt to restore the tiionnrchy. For n time the inonorchiats wore Blicccssfu|-nnd even established n provisional _ govvcrnn'i>nt in Oporto. The.v- were c'vrntually crusn;

= • Cli by concentrotion of sil tlie giivern- , ment forces nKoinst tlicm 'hhd their

lender, Pievn Conceiro, was woumled j;nd cajJturoL j

BEPXTBLIOANS F a VoB OILLETI8t WASHINGTON*, Fid). 2(1.—The ma- B jority of thc Pimnaylvoniu rejiublicaii

delegation In the hotise will vote for Representative Oillet |of•lla.Hsncbuselts for s]>eaker, It was decidetl nt. n mect-

'■’’t ing of.the delegation todav.-

iiicT iy lii ISTflBEUmSEr.«;"j 4iouse Passes Bill Authorizing a - Seven Billion Dollar Short or Tgrm Issue■as .

W.\SI1IN'0T6N', Feb. 2(WTJje v ie lory loan bill authorixio]; a <7,(100,000,- cco' short t/rtn note issue, -today wns

P" pasaed by the house, H-iH to 3, follow- iji>r futile efforts to »]rike out sections

?t' extending [vower of the wnr finano corporation. - .

I In a<ldltion to the note authorization.! tlx liill crentcR & sinking fviw.l lookin;:

, to rctircmctlt of the wn rdrljt iu 2-'> ‘t ’ years nnd broo<len» the tax ejemptio-i'

on incomern rccelvcd ns intereVs from. );ovcrnntent bonds and notes.' The i»owrrs of tbe war finance cor-; poration are extended until one ycar| after the proclamation of peace, and tbe corporation la authorized to loan money no exportera.

The bill now goes to the senate.

E E T ^A K d ”Tp Twin Falls News will

, . ■ P»y nOO.OO in gold to any reeogniied pharity upon : receipt of information in the I

he form of reasonable proof 1 TO front adve.rtiser, that its

actual bona-fide, paid in ad* nd vance circulation. w ith^ tbe

trading i a re a 'tr ib u ta ry to Twin Falls is not greater than

kci that of any other newspaper <» published in the s u t e of Ida-

' ' ' . 1

m M • • ' • 'i-

TITUTIONISDESTRUCTIVE.r e a c t io n a r y

ummins Taken to Eorecasi val of Leagiie-of Nations —Outlines and Urges Svtb

IT PROGRAM W liX CLOSE INVESTIGATION»— P o p u la r d iso ))p rovA l o f t h e p r o fo r o c a s t lij’ S e n a t^ ir C u m m in s , Io w a h t o t h e S f u n te . H e x irgetl t h e fiul> s tli(i “ in t e m a th ) n a l c o m p a c t w h ic l i tin jr , h o p in g j in d p ra y lh j? f o r .”*ari« co n K titu tlo fl a n “ th e j n o s t de- > nary p ro p o s a l t\1u c!i VaH. i>ver aub- le ll i jte i i t p e o p le .’’-----• ’ “ When Ihtj c ltiscn s‘of the Unltoi^ S tates thoroughly grasp tho neonln(

r>f the proposed 'agreement ond folrlj I understand- its Inovitnblo consequcheI cs,” Curan^lns declared, “ lt will bo ro

jectcd-in a storin of obllquy, tho like of which has never been witnessed with iu tho borders of the republic."

Gives Moro Suitable Plan

5 Ho then outlined the following plan which he said, would moet ,tho hopes ol tho American people:

First: All nations shoulil pgreo to Hcltle justifiable disputes by arbitra­tion or adjudication and agree without

Jqjj reserve to abide by thc award or judg-

[lOf .^Second: All nations should agree th a t Jn all other international dlsputce th a t war should not bo mndo until some international body Ui which cv«ry mem­ber of tho leaguo is represented, shall

• have had a foIr opportunity ta 'discusn Bol- 1<- t^pon sueh questions there should {)^ to no award and thc sanction should bc Icrn confined to the moral influences awak- Any. oncil by ftc© discussion.o o f Enforce Ostracism

Third: Ostracism for any nation re­fusing to submit n controversy properly

“ * or perform tho judgment roiitlorcd o.* lent to delay wnr until combined powers ent, ghall bo given full consideration, the Fourth: - Tho compact should sustain the program of dhwrmament.

Cummins dwcrlbed tho (Paris d ra ft ai 31V0 conf usod snd complicated.” , dc- " jh e r o I#-gMd In i t ,” be admitted

bnt added “ thero is auiro thaf. is ba<l i n j t ^ I f I wer6 to.voto upon the ill­

'l l strurncnt as a whole, I would unhcsltat- off i-iglv vote against ii. -

‘There a/e provlaions in it which not eho qjjIja degrade the spirit o f ' our people,

but piit it beyond tho power of tho re- ; public to establish justice, insure do­mestic tranquility, provide for tbe c,oni

tion mon defense, promoto the genernl wel- The fnro and securc the blessings of liberty irco of ourselves and our posterity and so wasl fiijfiii'the declaration of th e’constltfi- nd-ltlon.

Would Prevent Warven requires no close inquiry Into the-i-nt r^'-ntlment of the American people to be ,g„. certnin lhat there Is n uulversnl and

passionate desire to do something—to I,cir jii'.ter into aome compact—to prevent

war-with all Its deadly consequences.“ It i.s this overwhelming convictio’t

uhlch finds expression in the tumultous — applause whleh thrills everj* audience

ss it listens to the glowing nppcols for a leagiic of nations,

fp" . TTpbold AmerlcMilsm“ I cannot boUcvc, however, tbnt

eet- '*'fy man.v of theso people will insist that th'o overthrow of .Vinc.ricnn insti­tutions is necessory in order to accom- jiliah tho Jiencfifient purpose the.v hnvo ill mind and to attoln tho end they so fi-rvcntly decirc.”

Bom*-sections of tire constituiion not onl.v neutralize fhe benefits of a peace-

| f * ful settlem6nt, but destroy tho nation- I ' III structure and i-omnilt the United

I I ytates to a course- which must end In I L i humiliation and <lisnster, be said. It

i disappointing ns regords disarma­ments, Cummins addcil.

j a ----------------------------


• WASHIXGTON*, Feb. 20—Senator lie. Frelinchuy«en,’of Xew Jersev to<lay in- no,- trodueed a resolution rn the senato ask- VAH ing thnt the administration of the alien BW- property custodian’s office be investi- ons j:a(cd. One of the reasons jfiven for nee the request was alleged sccrec.v under

which A. Mitchell Palmer ha.s conduct- on. icd Iho officc.ih;: resolution was referred to tho

2.1 rommerce ‘committee.


WASHINOTOK. Peb. 2(J—The house considered and adopted the conferenie rc]>ort on the #96,000,000 legislative ex­ecutive judicial bill in le u tban half an liour today. The bill as agreod to le- Hi pres tbe nine »ub-tTra»unt« whlcb were discontinued In tbe original honso

^ hill and provides for a congrculonal rommisaioa to report on tho adjnxtaeat

^ and equalisation of government aalar- n jies. ________ _______•

? MUST OOKPLBTE PBOOBAM* i B A SL^ Feb- £8.—The <3enaan arxnl*- ^ tice eommiaaioa.kaa b<«n infonned that

negotiatloaa rvgardlag ' food asd fl- g nanee* will not b« takea up by tke

allies until the’ latter have completed ■O their prottram, probably two weeks .n benee, a dispatch from Spa reported to-ir ,k- IDABO WSATHE&

jE M iPBica^ s r v t - jopNTa

/«ETREifY I NESHIIPEs I liD Qtb- Prelirhinaryrertns are Progress

. sing and Committees are Re. porting Mucti Headway-or Special Subjects

' . By. PBED a re B o n s O N ■ PABTS, P»b. S8^Prep«nitioi>.ot Ihc

' ' ‘‘j prellmlnarj- pcaco iettleinent.,#i.th. Oer iUb- many contlnned today. '; 'The -wrtrk *1

present is largol.r in the handa o f tk! vlirlons committees handling aueh d r tails oa reparation and retponalbUUy foi

d e - WA’'* bot U arshal'Foch h ai penon itih conferred' with tho' aoprcme wai

council on m atters atfccting Oermany’i milltar.v status afte r tho pact .is signed

sited . ' Beport*. Bapid Headway.Tho cbmmi^tpo .individually report!

rapid hendwa.v., AU members; of th« committeo of repntation have b « n tu»k

fO' od to submit figures representing tbeii like jrtcas of tho damogcs which should b< nth- collected from Germany together witt

tho method of coHoctlng. > In the menu- time, the committeo' ls said -to be ap-

jian, proachlng the basin of dircct damagw s of for which Amcricu stadds. •

Tho committee-On responsibility foi 5 to Hit* wnr la understood to hnve roached Itra- the polut whero tbe degree of oulpabll- liout ity of ‘vaHous individuals is b ^n g dll; udjf. cussed. ’Territorial queatlons Bto. pro

grossing rapidly toward adjustment. An irroo open door policy regarding Morocco wai< utcs clearly establlshod when tbe question om,‘ waa f irs t ^resejited to tbe hlg five. lom- ZtUh. DtUSKt*'Sttaitsgihnll -John O'Kelley, fepresenU tire of thc

provisioBal Irish republic, has. not yet 0“*' appeared beforo tho American delegates il bo ijnt it is said he i*iU b e received the

aamo as anyone elae If he asks for an audience. •

Tbe general 'opinion ^ e m s to be tbat 1 ro- Irish qnoitlon* will bo taken up In the crly conference eventually.I o.* President 'WHson.’s speech a t Boston *om received the highisst commendation from

all tho conferees. I t was not^d th a t iu talu addition to making a ntrong p1«a;fo*

tho leapieNof natlM ^.he obsei^ed .^ l 't as tbe- poUtlcal. a lc e tA > y a o t .going-,^to

. - detaUii b efo r« -tnee ting .the ',fo re lga ,^uod, lationa ,commltta(U‘ ot-canfctMfc - '~ -^ ,

! CRISISI] iONGTROOPSerty —-----

T r o u b le Is E x p e c te d O v e r t h t C a b in e t ’s R e fu s a l t o H e lp

D is c h a r g e d W a r V e te r a n s3 be • . ,91,1 I>UBUK, Fob. 2fr—A serious crisla —to wa# understood to bavo arisen today as ,-ent the -result of the war cnblnet’s rcjec- I,. tion of Lord French's request ttiat tho tioT Irish recruiting council undertake tho tous n-cmpluynient of-onc hundred thousand 'pee Iflcb soldiers, iii connection, w ith dcmo- for billxatlon in 'th is countr.v. Chief Secre­

tary MacPhorson- has informed the council thnt ita services nro no longer required. ' ‘ Thc soldiers 'may be so neg- lertcd that they will joiti the Sinn Fein- t r s ,” snid C'aptolu Gwyin, a member oftho council.' • ........... - iom- . ' •


, N a tio n a l C o m m it te e . C h o o s e s J J ! ' H o m e r S . C u m m in g s t o S u c -

‘ c e e d V a n c e M c C o rm ic kllor -----

WASIIJNGTON*. Feb. 20.—The Dcm- ocrotic notional cmmittee today clect-*d Homer 8. Cummings of Osnnecticut a* chairmnn -:•> succeed Vance McC^'rmik. McOorniickS rcaignotion, tcndcrol when he wont to Kurope ns advisor (o

thc American delegation a t the pcacj conference was accepted to<lay.,' It'WfU*'revealed that Cummings will nt once get tho 1920 campaign under way by touring the conntry for confer-

_ _ ences with state leaders. The deter- ^ mination of the Democrats to make a

most viporous campaign in the middle o u west and west, was evidenced by tho n-e election of J . Bruee Kremcr of Butte, cx- Mont., and Samuel B- Amldon of Wlch- »n ita. Kansas.aa.vico ekalnaan. le- E. G. Hoffman, Fort .Wayno, Indl-

,itb ana, was eleetcd secretary; W. 0- Hol- QM lister, Jefferson (Sty, Miasotxri, e*- naJ ecutlTO seertU ry; and W. D- Jamloeo.o, eat Shenandoah, Iowa, director of finance. Uf. W. W. Marah, W a tc r ^ , Iowa, aad

Colonel John I . J l« m » « m ain a* iTeasntcT aad •e* ij^ t-* \'* rm a w p e e l-

, ^'^The election of Conualalp, i t became known today, waa

^ quest o f PT**ident ' Wlleoa, ' Sborthr a f ts r McCormick r««l«ne<L tb e - .p w i-

i n cabled from Parlaselection wouM be ,.puM t*Q7- r t ^ plekalng to hlmr Pwr *».

»o- {he e o M ltte e 'e b l s t e i ^ g w i e > * -eiL Mrs. G e e rg e -S a w .lM B p N ^ wchairmaa of tbe w o a ia a W l * « ^ democratic aatloiu|t eo a « itta 5 .■ f c ^ * ^ tNmTv a f the UUbols B iem bm

Page 2: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the

EffiRTfllilOllS ASilETft HR 6RiG«

G e rm a n P r e s id e n t W o u l d C r e a t e a W o r k e r s ’ B o d y a s P a r t o f t h e E x e c u t iv e O f fic e

\ o f t h e C o u n tr y ,



Tbere Zs a<Orowing Split in the Adseably Over the Proposi­tion of tbe O o ver^en t to Form a'New Holi^e.

BY PRANK J . TAYIX)B WEIMAR, rVb. 25— (.Iclayr.l)—The

4-rcation of a nutlonul wo’rkcni’ Aoviot ns tlie lowor oxocutivo broncli of tho Oerman goveniment In fovorcd by Prci- j«>nt Ebert ns tho only iiolution of tho )iolit!caI aad oeonomlo oituation.

. daanot ■Onuh. -l?6ert b«liDv4B th a t tho aox'jota can*

ro t bo crashed and th a t they- will not , pacified natU they aro form ally roc-

'oRDlxwl an a ifiTon Rovommentar re- aponaibility. According to hia plan, the luopOHl; national soviet irould deal with all industrial questions bnt woali). bavo no power to veto moosuros paased by tho Bclchstaff, which would remain the BovcrclKn. 'lepartment of tho govi ernment. The Bundosnit, which Is pow-

> orlcss and A-irtually- uRotou, m ight be . alu.Mahcd to mako way for the soviot.

Ko Official Aec«pta^ee . Chancellor Seheidcmann other

mi inbora of the cabinet have not yot ac> icepted tho p'rcsldont'n radical schrmo. They deny tho necessity for rocoRnit- injf tbe soviets, hoping thono bodies will disappear gnKlually or bo crunbod. But

. . muny strong,loaders in the Belchstft^. i; (national assembly) aro inellnod to nido

with' Ebfrt; and tliorc wvro indicntiorix . . today that the issue mny shortly bo 1 forcfd to a dcwlslon. •

Wliilo tho dolrgates' arc haranRuiuj; ovor the details of thn conittlttition

: •■which ienoros 'thc pxlstonro of thou- nands of workers’ novlotn throughout normany tho political and ccouomio sit* nation iff becominif moro and moro

' ncuto, bringing with it th r realization tba t positive steps must bo taken soon in one direction or tho other.

. A Onowln* S raad i The m atter Is carefully Avoided in

public decisipns, but nndercurrcntfc nro rovcaling the growiug split regnrdln^

, t , Tbo Bavarian Reichstnjr dolejiaten 1 who loft fof*Uunich immcdlfltcly after

th e ' a«sassinatipn,»- of i^rrniicr Kisnur : ' i wc^»*at«rt>W by -BavaHan guards -and

Torceil to return to ' Wcimnr. . Official reports ./eceivwl 'from Munich today

-said th a soviets had tormod a coalition : w ith socialists there and that affaira ' wero iMsing administered amicably by hoth factions. This situation has put tho Wcimnr government in n quaudry, for, while il.iS 'dM larcd it will not-rec- o g m rc 'a soviet.rcpulHlc 4n' Bavaria, it has gouo on rccord. us favoring socialist control. It-can bo stated, bowover, tb a t I under np rircnmstancos will Prussian I troops bo sent Into Bavaria owing to the b itte r /oeling iti tha t countiy* agninfft Prussia.

Makes Appoal to Poopla - ; Mininter of tho Interior Preuss m adrii

n Icugtby njijwal to the delegates to | break away from old .trtdltlons and! iminte.l out the necefwlty ^or soclaliza-,

• tlou of public utilities, includlng*vrail-1 way atid telegraph. • lie oncountorcd j

, vonsidcrnblo opposition jirincipally from ; tho Bavarians. jl

Krupp Director ‘ ^Is Offered New

Political Place\\Bavarian- Government Aaksjj

Head of Hnnitipn Plant to I Become Foreign Secretary j

I»N D O N , Feb. 2(i-r-A d.-lnycd .lis- potrb recfivoii from Municli to<1ny said ■] th a t Dr. Miiphlen, former dirprtor of Krupps, htis been offered tlir portfolio o f foreign ieerrtary in tbe new Bavnr- ian eovomment. He is reported to have replied tha t he would ntudy the nitua-

. tion before answering. gDr. Muehlrn, drspiCo hiit pnnition as (

head of the big munitionx works, dis- ,| approved of Oerman.v’s condurt of Iho j; war. liis drnunelotUinn booaiiic so so- vprr thst he was forced lo flc.-'to Hwitr- crlsnri.

. Iowa Governor toAttend Conference i’

____•Meeting of State Executives a t i'

White H ^ s e Will Be Large- .ty Attended - ^

CABltOU..- I*,, PoU- .iO -G overim r W. Ib Harding wiil attend tho gover* p n«r^' ccmferrnce a l the White House next mbntb If his pfarsiral eondition 7-ermlts. I>r. O. C- ilorrison. who Is a t­tending Ilard lag at S t. Anthany’s ho«* p ital hers said it w«« Hkely the gover-

•r«r woold attend.The caM of diabetes was aggravated j

bv the trip to Ida, Orovp, la., the dw-* . .1

' PSIZBS A nB A O TZ H (l SMTBIBS . ^ «ALT LAKE. Peb. 2«.—Entries arc f,

aow ee aiag la daily fo r tha Third An- ■ anal Jat«r*lCoaaUbi F at Stock rhow

Aprit 'X;>«'M d S. Tke priifS offered ri sa/ wpJT a 4 : to e y prJe«* h«r«tofore ttfo r stew , atoek ar« a ttrae tlag cat ries ti tt«m v a r io n aectloaa of Utah aad al I tek e . Si



OnIy-{i Sepubli'can and a Dem- I I I oorat aro on Ticket, Social-

IJ ists and Laborite’s. OntI I I CHICAGO,- Feb. 20—WilUnm Hnlo

Thompson, republicari. nnd Robert IT. I H democrnl, lyill mnke tho raeoI 0 for mayor of Chirngo. They wero nom- g o iiiftted by sweeping pluralities in jmrty

^ prlmorios hero yesterday. ■(C6 TKompsnn.'incutnbent, defeated itudg'c

Harry Olson, sci-ond mnn ou tho rcpdbi Iloan tickot by votes. Hls lead

' over Captain Chorlcs E. Mrrriom wAi

ON 8woitrj>r defeated Thomas Carey fori c n democratie nonilpntion by a major'

ily of b0,083 votes.Of the total « f .‘I84,07fl voles cost,

the wc*’ I*.'’ women votes. _ In thnri.-]iubilenn race Thompson was given

isi- tiie mnjority of the women’s vote, or ^ -llVJSa ugalnst n:!,2:’7 for Olson 0.nd 7,- to 4fll for Merrlani. Sweitxer won- the

iiiajorit.v of tiio domocrntic womon vot­ers, or .I8,02f» Qgninst 13,010 for Cnroy.

Thorn wero nn contests on nocinlisl nnd labor tickets.

S g o v e r n m e n t 'H A S GOO DJO B S F O R A C C O U N T A N T S

tho -------- '8«BkB ExDort Aaslataace In Dispatch­

ing Wotk on Hand as KwiUt ,•nn- of W ar ■not ■rec- WASHINGTON,. D. C., Feb. 20.— re- The f^vernment ‘ has some big tanks

tbo In accounting and.audlting on Its hands leal as a result o f tho wor, nnd ls;wllllng inlij, to pny good salaries to men and.women isod who aro qualified to perform them.«in Tho incomo tax linlt of the bureau ;ovi o f intunml'rovenuo, treasury dupart- ow- ment, is In urgent nood of .ICO travel- be Ing auditors and rbsidcnt aiiditbra /o r

3t. the hlghor grade positions, which pny• cntmneo salaries from $3000 to WSOO

her “ yo®*"'ap. Tlio ordnance department of the nr- mo. ™y needs a t once 250 senior cost ae- Jg . countnnts at ontrahce salaries from »ill #2200 to *4200 a year, nnd 250 junior 3u» cost nccotmtnnis nt *1200 to ISOOO a tftj yonr.ido The interstato commcrco commission DriM wnnts SO oxnminers of. accounts. These bo nro usually appointed nt oatrnnce sal­

aried from $1H00 to *2100 a yenr, the iiig higher snlariod positions, paying from ion 42200 to'tnOOO'a year or mor;:, .being ou- filled «« n rule by promutlnn. m t Al) of tlieso ]>OHitions aro opon to lit- both men und womon, exco]>t positions • »ro of examiner of nccounts in tho Inter- on state coitunerce commission, which nrc on open to mon only. •

The United States civil service com- missiou will reeelvo applicatlone for

in thoBc positions a t any time until fu r­ore tbor noticc. Full Information and np- i,jj pHcnflop blnnks may -bo obtained by ■

calling upou tho socrctary of tho local os board oi civil scri'Jco ozam iners'at tho ' or customhouse or post offiee in nny lm- ' or ]>ortnnt elty, or by communicallug with ad tho United States civil service com- al mission, Washington, D. C.‘: jly .\pplicants will not bo assembled for c jn a written examination but will bo rat- a ra ed ujMin.their sworn stntcments in their \ ;iy applirntions lyi to' education, oxperlenco, u t etc., and upon corroborative i"vid-‘nei> . •y, udducud by the oivll service eommis- c IC- sion. I


c{'’jc fa ft Whicb Fails, to R eturn"

from Plight Is Now Bolieved a-1 to Have Met D isaster’ ^il-l ---------• 'i | WASlIiNOTOX, F.‘b. 2(5 — Seai.hnK- “’ iNumber n,405, misning sinco Sunday, 1

tia \ been ^v en up ns lo*t, the Norfolk I I'ommandaint wirnl tin* nnvy ileparl- ^• tiient today. ' •

Mine sweeping (ipcrutiniis npiir l.'-rnifti’s Island OJid Hainptiyi Ronds " ; I'livo started in the hojHt of find-

C j inR n trnee of the ernft.

-^\Utah Senator'IsNot in Favor of

- Prohibition BiU o"-f --------- P‘J Tenant Clause Is Struck Out of ■'

Measure By Sub-Oommittee c) r- of Senate Judiciary Body ti•• WASHINGTON. Fob. 20.—With Sen­

ator King, tlemorrat. I’lnh. dis.ionti»g, / ^ the seaato judiciary sub-committco to- *■ day voted to rrj>«rt favorably tho *' Shoppard bill lo rnforcc war time pro­

hibition. The sub-romndttro ntrurk out tho

provision making owners of buildings L liable for violations by trnnnln. Tlic drpartm rnt of jastlce is aulhnriro.l to prosecute romplain'ts rejwfted by the

B rommiMioner of internal revenue and• 1,.'00.000 is allowed to cam- out the

^ provisions o f fhe b ill. ' 8 .~ » — ni

Electrical Workers i'; to Vote on a Strike S

r - "J Pacific Coast Employees Will lo 1 * Act on Eefupal of Postmas- • ^

ter Oeneral to Demands °S P R IN O F IE L P . in .. IVb. 2G -.T he

J rsp c ln tiv e rcmimitti-r o f th r in t« n i8 - _ tio n a l brotherhoo .1 y f o irr tr ic a l work-

e rs w ill a c t todav <m a rc fe readom M • trik e vole of t.-lri)hr.oo linem en, *»r sw itchboard o{M'ratnn<, aa ,| r loc trlea l w orkers in Wa*hin;;ton. Or.'gon. Cali-

e fo rn ia sn d Nevada. veA lleged refusal ,.{ I 'o .tm a-trr-O rn e r- ™

r a l B urleson fo ausw rr tiicir dem and "***: i canaed ].*,00 ') western w orkers to vo te 1 foe fhe s trike . A pprovsl o f th e ir ac- eo I tion b y tho ccn tral rom m ittee w ill prob- ! a b l r lead to im m cdiatp sctJon, i t w as

I TOTHEPEOPHM. ___ __ ■ ' ' -

71° P r e s i d e n t W ils o n W ill ' A sk th ( "">■ N a tio n : t o ' S u p p o r t • L e a g u f “>»« B e f o r e H is R e tu rn T r ip tc t a ' i F r a n c eWfti ■ ______ •

W A SH IN G TO N , Fob. 2(1.—Presiden tior. l'fol>ably w ill address a fin a* ' appea l to tho A m erican pooplo fo r aup •ost league o f nations- ju s t be

foro bo jtails fo r F rance n e x t week, iven . A rrangem en ta a ro un d e r w ay to Imvi

J, h'lm m ako tho Bpcecli In N ew Y ork c ltj 7 . fho n ig h t o f M nrch 4 or»5.11, ’ Thu Now York address would bo ex

vot- r<ietod to estab lish tho background.nn<J line o f though t to- bo pursued by the

ilis t l ' '“ B“ ^ speakers th roughout ■ tllis coun t r y w hilo tho preaiden t go<'s ahead w it'i h in w orlM ii Paris.,

•Until tho e x tra session o f cOngresa'l: e a lled , p robably early in Ju n o — th t

|* rc le ag u e su p p o rte rs ' e ffo r ts w ill bo du I ' « vo te tl to educational work throughou;

tbo c o u n try w hich the p re sid en t blm sell tcb- w ill ^ k o tip upon h is re tn m fro m I ^ r ia

< T i n t D e fin ite S tep P re s id e a t W ibw n to n ig h t expectB tc

m ak e tho f i r s t - d e f in i te s top in hli p lan s lo w in congressional app roval foi

asks league o f n a tio n s eonstitu tlpn . inds -Qy exp la in in g to mtmibors o f the ling pongressli)niil fo reign re ln tlons com m it

te e s a t a W blte H ouso d in n e r tb ia oven lug , tb o .“ good a n d s u r f lc le n f re a s o n s ''

•cau o f each a r tic le o f the-constitu tionth e p re s id en t hopes to stem tho tIdo ol opposition p a r ticu la r ly In tho aonato.

To M eet W ith S e a d e n inOO Thu p residen t today took a diVcct

han d In speeding up pending leglsla- (]r- tion . i t .w as s ta ted be p robab ly will ne. go to tho cap lto l during the d ay and

rom ^'old conferences in his roo'm thoro w ith lio r lead ers , u rg in g pnssngo o f v ita l legis-0 a la tio n bofore ad jou rnm en t nex t T ues­

day .,ion M eanwhliO ' tho p residen t is spending ,CM! e v e ry av a ilab le n ilnuto ru sh ing through ^aj. tlMs -mnss of oxecutivo business so notli- the injr w U delny h is re tu rn to F rance . In rom l>i> b u sy d ay yesto rday ho signed twon- :lng ty rs ix b ills, m ado about f i f ty nunilu-

a tio n s , presided n t a th roe a n d n hn lf to h ou r cab in e t m eeting, called a confer-

oim .enco' o f g o w rn o rs on unem ploym ent, ter- disposed o f n i s tack of com m unications nro ftnd in d ica ted ho would n o t call a spe­

c ia l session o f co n g re u now. om- T ho p residen t, I t w nsNitatod authorl- fo r tn t lv o ly today , w ill no t nsk congress fo r ’ur- »'*y v o te o f approval on tho league idea np. now. T he p re sid en t would n o t fav o r |-,y a n y reso lu tion to th is end u n til ho sub-

icnl m its th e world question o f peace to th e flio sen a to w ben th e t r e a ty com es op fo r [,a. rn tlflc a tio n .Ith '■ M iu>7 U e a m e a A zlse 'm- B esides tho b ig navy an d o th e r np-

p ro p rin tlo n - .b ills S ecre ta ry T um ulty for en u m era ted the follow ing mcnaurus at- w hich bo snid tho president desircil eir passed : ‘ce, The ,v icto ry lib iT ly loan aet. ice . T he w ntor j>ower bill on V h ii 'h he lis- con fe rred w ith Soimto.r B ankhead bist

n igh t.T he oil Icnslng bill.T he b ill p rov id ing $100,000,000 to ns-_

s is t 'so ld ie rs , sailors nnd innHncM in ob- tn ln in g humesti-ad g ran ts nnd im pro.’-

I T ing pub lic lands which m ay be^lhrqw n1 open to th e figh ters.1 1 T h e b ill retaining- tlic U n ited S ta te s

em ploym ent sorvico 'w hich h'ns been dls- r.pprovcd by the lu>u«e nppropriations cpmmTttee.

t m i O N W IT H A D ST B IA AflSUBEDBKUNK. Feb. 20—\ .-oulition gov-

p run ien t in A u stria is iiow nssure.l, dis- ■ V p a tch es from V ienna s ta ted to d a y .- .J t ,11.’ ^vaa sa id tho social den iorruts w h o '^ o n f( . a la rg e nm jo rity in tho recent elections

to fho nn tional nssctnbly hnvo ngrced ,) , .ltr . coojH -rate w ith th e C hristian social-

is ts on Iho condition th n t th e la tte r w jll n o t oppose 1 he union w itb Oer- m nny. Tbo C hrlatinn socialist;" hnve

. publ’le iy repud ia ted charges o f monor- ch is tic tendencies,

H E L D OK B B ZB EB 7 OHABOE, , W A SH IN O T O N . F eb . 20— Two enlist- l l cd m en have lM‘cn added lo the lis t of

ppraona held in ronnectioa w llh tho al- legcil b r ib e ry scandal in tho th ird naval

’ d is tr ic t . I t is c laim cd tb a t ono of thoI en lis ted m en rccclvcd « ,0 0 0 in conncc­

tio n .w ith help ing secnre early discharg-" cs a f t e r th e a rm istice was signed.

'n* "K. Ask Deportation Iio for Russian 1 ^ 0

Threatens Wilsonip ITS Laborer who was Arrested Af-

re r Attempted Assassination May Be Sent Home '

id ' < * ----------»e SANfBA N C ltM X ), I’a lif.. Feb. 2d—

Secretary- o f L sbor Wilson has Iteen a s k e d .fo r a w arran t of deporta tion fo r I 'a w O deno, a Russian laborer, wlio was arrciMed Ia t r yesterday oa th e ehargo

0 t b a t b e m ade th rea ts against P residen t^ W ilson .____

O le n n is said to havc rem arked , fol- [1 lo w in g th e a ttem p ted assassination of . F rem ie r Clem enceau. “ Well, wp g o t the

obi fe llo w ; now w c 'll j-ci WiNon, to o .’ "

AKA2U7HIBT8 RET.TlAflgDI. N K W Y O BK , Feb. 2 & -S e v e o 'o f lhe ;. X-* a lleged an arch is ts a rrested here onII M onilay w ere relc«»r.l when th ey were

b rough t in to U nited S ta te s d is tric tJ cou rt fo*lsy. The o th e n were held on i. $C-,000 bonds oaeh, pcm ling fa r th e r in ­

v es tig a tio n . So fa r a s known no war- ,. r a n ts h a v f b<vn issued aga inst a ay of j th** m en. J a d g e K nox set Ihe hearing f, oa th e npplicatio ti fo r a w rit o f habeas . corpus fo r tom orrow . {

s A d re r tia e i t In tb e C law ifled colam ns

T W I N F A L L !


Unable to' Find Smployment, :jm .Member of Medical Corps L • Turns to Burglary

- L OAKTaAND,' Cai.7Pob, 20-^Thornto l-ndroch Ck)IlinB,' former Instriioth

4ho pa.yehologj’ nt- tho university of Cn i n e ifom in, died a t four n. m .lodny In tb [IU6 ^ ‘‘kland emergency hoapltnl from h bu! w, lot wound sustained wben ho'wna aqi

t o piIhL'd whllo. trying to rob a safe.Collins, who come.horo from Ohleag<

hod recontly been honorably diacbnr^ ed na n member of tho modical corps n

lent K^nmoy. He hail been unablo tinnl emploxmont. Ho was dressed i

hls uniform whon shot.Special Policeman C. C. Peters sa»

Rollins in the offico of the W ester Motor company trying tho lock of ih

' . snfp. Collins woro a whlto gauze masli When Peters cutercil tho offloo Rol

Un« turned and began firing. Petor filed one shot, whlc^i took offect i Collins''nbdomen. *

the ,*V''' DiaSOOEATS filEBT TO” * ' STABT THE OAMPAIOla 'Is r 'tho Wi\SHlNGTON, Feb. 2tf—Tlie dcmu do- c n tic nntloiml committee mot bc’".' to

lOut day to select n now chairmnu prepura self tory to 'go ttlng tho 1020 eampalga un iria, der way.

• Democratic leaders here bcKovoi , . . tbafr Holnor 8 j Cummings, Connectlcul ‘ , would be nomed. to lead tho fight. H

hos been acting chairman sinco Vnnc McCormick’s resignaUon.

the } ' ■' ......... ....mit- I. —/en- ^ns” ■Ion, ___> 0 ' . p

reet tsln-wlll * ,andiritbgls-iiea-

U9cd .

■ We have 1st houses V

Even th<

to Phoei excuse fi i;an?ein«

, under sn add a ce

® known C(il”; actly whan ment otlns .od

“or In ochel-a lot of tagainst

stood re£, can redi

‘>t . ’ - H y f p b u td-al ‘ • »*

” PHOEN]'■ courage

^ that rigl’ run—the

protect t ^ lazy andr- knew the

supplies, prices on can” basi


0 - And we' , more bee

I t makes •: - Phoenix

business our mind

\ ........

1 “ An

p i i E l f f SiGGLEDGEMW ; ■ ■ ,------ —

C u s to m s I n s p e c to r s B eH ev e t rntofl ' T w o M illio n D o l la r P e a r l s

: A re Y e t t o A r r iv en tbb ■ --------- .» bui- SAN PRAXCISCO, Calif., Fob. 21 I aqr- U. 8. cuatoma inspectors woro inclls

to believe to<lay tbnt pearls worth 4 eogo, 000,000 fo r which they nro soarclil bnrg* boro, moy bo aboanl vessels opproni p a n t iii(j Puget Sound.)I« to Tbey had ransacked tho Moana th ed bl oughly, .b u t “were eontlniling thi

search of tho vessel whicb arrivv saw from Tahiti Monday,

stern A band of amugglors,'sny tho tip, t t iho attem pting to bring tho pearls, Inch nask. ing tho “ Tahiti Queen” from Tahiti

Rol- Passongers of tho Sfoaba woro giv 'etors the closest inspection. Fountain p€ : t In were emptied. Fifty-two eases of nl

gator pears were inspected, peoj- pear.


lento- — —to- .SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20—W,

para- Meyer, said to bo n Now York fim 1 un- eicr, w ith .o ffices In the Woolwor

building, haa been missing altace F< ■ovod rvary 12, it became known today, tleut, ^ On that dote ho disappeared fr<

He hitf room'In tho Palace hotel. His rO( 'nnce was le ft In good order and his ti

suitcasen aro still there.


““ Probably you haye n( fact all during the w e have been much lowei hose; We have often h on it but we laid it to f ter organization and 01 a small margin of proi ing with them for a li ness, keeping costs dov Phoenix have! raised 1 on some numbers for houses have said they hose prices some and y

• , to the prices of Phoeni>

ive received the price lists 3 who have claimed they then every one oi 'them are frade oras'lnear the same j Denix. Here is what one oi J for the reductions: “Tha ments for Spring selling s such uncertain condition! certain amount to the km 1 cost, whieh we felt, while what they might be, ther )f speculation in our calcu

el- words the buying public f their essw ork, pr6tect 5t all risk, and had the ’ ready to rake in a nice pro: ;duc^—anyone could who ut wind tha t held up their

INIX—Phoenix—the hose re to stand by right princ ight_[dealing with the pub ;he hose house that consid< t their customers becaus< nd grasping to deal with 1 ;hem to be at the time of p es, which is the differenc on “cost basis” rather tha asis.

'e appreciate their way p jecause that’s l>een our pc <es us feel tha t our jud ix'for our customers proy< ss and their welfare is fii nds a t all times. ,

B o o t h M e r

C n o tW e P P a c k a g e F n

I VjHUIIO GOKllllfL ; niirjtnEGiIVlU Invention Is Designed

Warn Ships of' Their Ap- e the - proach to tho Eo6ks

rIS WASHINGTON, Feb. 20—Plllhc of big ships on sboala b r rock bon

. coni>V bids fa l/ mon to 1>o a thing ^ the pasL

■ ’ This is tbo result o f development I t *0 the ‘^radlo compass,” the,product in *-.• genluB—which accurately' refi' ‘=^*'1? tera- the direction and approach of

veasel/liy its wireless signals,. By 1 . . 1,,;. tl*"® stations, tho shlp'rt 1 aiet position can "be glvoix If the na

1 irotor la lost In tho fog and nearl dangerous shoals,

ip nro '®^Io compass supersedes a rmnclud- phono device Installed a t Point Jud' hitl light, which contained powerful phni given JT'oph recprds wornlng of the 'ligh t

I pens “ repeating “ Yon are drawlf alli- ooni'er.'' ' T|ie sound carried el( 'Ot by > I '

Tho device will be Installed a t B tou, Newport, Delaware Capos, Chari ton, 8, C. Four are ia operation nt

ISINa Nov' York,

IV. H. MAY KEEP-TJNiyOEMSwS?tb ■WASHINGTON, D. .-0.. Pel).. 2a

Fob- conforenco roport on the bill lowing soldiera, sailors asd marines

from keep their uniforms and giving thi I room 6 cents a mile traveling expenses vi s two adopted by the Ilouse t o ^ y and sent

tho president for hls s l^ a tu re ,

[ HOSEWENT:noticed all winter, in war that Phoenjx hose rer in price than other I had customers remark ) Phoenix having a l)et- our willingness to take •ofit, thereby cooper'at- large volume of bUsi-

own to a minfinum.1 their prices, slightly r Spring-. Otber hose ly have roduced their 1 yeMhey are iiot down lix. '

sts of several different y are reducing prices, re higher priced on the e grade as they can get of them offered as an hat in making'our ar- r so far in advance arid >ns it was necessary to cnown cost for the un- ile we did not know ex- ere was a certain ele- culations.” j

lie has been paying for >cting them absolutely e war continued they rofit. No wonder they 1 0 had nothing to re- lir prices. ,

se house tha t had the ncipals and to believe ublic pays in the long idered it a privilege to ise they were not too h the markets as they ' purchasing their raw nee between figuring lan the "get what you

possibly a whole lot policy for years past: udgment in stocking )ves tha t we know our first and foremost in

rc . Co.Tom Bootii’s”


Page 3: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the


M a jo r i t y A g r e e t h a t A m e r ic a IS t h e H o p e o f t h e W o r ld a n d U n i te d S t a t e s M u s t N o t P r o v e a D i s a p p o in tm e n t

, . ■‘•u LONDOX. Fob. nowspar

v en goDeral^' worct uiiatinting ill praise of P w iidonf Wilioft>-«pcech at Boston. * The. majority of thom moa- tioncd bia stftteiDOQt th a t "Am orica ia thc hopo of tho world,” agreeing that tb e-V n lto ^ .8 ta tes cannot now disap* point tho world regonUng tho loaguo of nations and. pointing out that tbo dayn «f America’s isolation aro passed.

Tho Post w a a .th e . only now«pap«r <rhleh attomp^ed to throw cold water Cli tho addresa.

Pleaapd Ovor PralM v“ Wo tried, not .with comploto aucecss

to blow tbo foam off tbe illvlso bcafccr <.f eloquonco with wbich PresidentTVil- son refreshed tho dry city o f Boston,” uuid tho Post. .“ W haf^casod us.mofct wos'bis.prais^ of the Ainvrlcaii soldier.

, . Wo also rejoiced to bco tliat ho in Po­land** friend, bocausc it wa* rumored ^ u o b a b ly the onemy*Vthat his -waa alittle backward in thnt cause.” .- . ----

Other nowspaporii commonted aa fot* Iowa:

EniDpa Is SUnnch Frlond •Dally Newa: “ Every pacific inter-

H-nt in Europo is with President Wilson in his appeal' to his peoplo. Wo do not

thc appeal will bo in vain, There nro ports of tho world, particularly thr» iur East, whero thc United States could »>c the only^dlslnter^nted and wb'olly.

•nuste(^mandatorJ^ fac t tho Unlt- <'11 Statea .ia . engage^ in tbo common taak of reconstruction will dissljuto the •old Jealooaies, confirm tho world *s faith !n America and convcrt tho leaguo of nations frora-^Qn aspiration to an en> during fact.” ,

UoMt Stand Firm ' ; Malf: “ President W ilson'appe^le^

to the bei)t instincts of his countrymen. The altornativo of Iho United S ta tes ' rctuminff to its isolation U unthinkable. I f tho United S tates mefcly signs tbo

- treaty and withdraws, wo will bo loft >\'lth another ‘scrap of paper’ on our hands. Tbo United S tates muat stay to the ond.”

Chronielo: “ Tf President Wilson succeeds in carrj-lng bin pcoplo with him io tbia crusade, he will havo ron- -•tered his aocond great service to man­kind—DS great as that of-bringing^ thd I'nltcd-fitatos Into tho w ar.” ,

OhaUflHigi68 Hunuuiity . T e le ^ p h : “ President Wil«>n’a -vtords aro a cballengo to bumaaity nhlch will ignor« tbom a t ita porlL”

Times; “ The policy of isolation Jt Kometbing to whieh America cannot re­turn. ' However, these arc mattera of America’s domestic policy ..which wo •cannot dlscnsa. Few will queation tbe nintcment that present .pcaco' cannot Inst more t h u a generation Jinloss It ia guaranteed by thc united forces of thc eivlllred world.”


H ig h P r ic e Is P a id t h e O f f ic ia ls w fiq A t t e m p te d to S h o w

F a v o r i t i s m

WASHINGTOK, Fcl). CO — Ncnrly : ;{5,000 in bribe money, besides valuable l>reaonts and entertainments constituted the prico paid In the third nnval dis­trict slacker enlistment scandal, accord* ing to estimates of the novy depart­ment on record today.

•The report on thc investigation shows fivo persons under arreat with a pro^- l>fct of further detentions in nnd out of rhe'scrvlce.

Prominent civilians arc l)clieved in­volved, but the department, whlli* {.romlsing not to ahield them, declarod that the easo is not yet sufficiently, do- \cloped to warrant publishing thclr tuinics.

Bbova Two PbaseaThe evidence* so fa r gathered showed

tno phases of tbe scandal.Ono aspect was passaKc of men Into

tho navnl aervier who were phyBlcaIl.v unfll, bnt wbo probably under afpty rulea-would bave been assigned to dut}’ —perhaps overseas. The other phase %\a« detailing men to soft shore Jobs, permitliog them samctinie» to continuo tbelr buainesa In N'ew York as well as early releaae of certain men after fho' nrmlstlee.

*rhnse ' under' arrest are Lieutenant Bcnjumln " .madlcal corps.Lloufenlint Benoit James Elert, Chmf Boatrwaln Lloyd Casey, Ensign' Paul Bick and Chief Boatswain Mate Pred- cHek A. Jones, all of the V. 8. N., B. P.

Secretary I>snlrls said today the, names of civilians involrcd will be turn cd over to thc department of justice with a'request that ll prosecute. THe navy conrt martial canoot reach civil­ian cases.

AMIB’S b s o t h e s k o wSEIZES . BOTAli TEBOKS

LONDON", FVb. SO^-Nesrollah Kbaa, Vrotlvcr of- the ossawinatcd Amle tho Afghanistan, was reported today to have seized the throne.

Hnbihallah Kban wns shot to death on a hnnting eipciHti’on IVbni-

n rr 10 . sfcordlng to dii^atches received lic're Monday. Tbe motive for the crime aod Ihe identity of the am ssins was unknown. _________

Adrertlse it in the Oaailfled •!olomn» «f The News. Somebody will wi^tit It.

■ygPWEaPAY, FaaSXtASY 26. 1910,

l. l /P A T R IO T K. ' Tho •roturned k

“ The History of

E • Buy youp book from tbo boya In'ii - you may send your order to onr ofl

; • ‘ '' S E T U E N S D SQL■ • 5 0 3 x e0 (

rw la FaUa.>is I 'aid ==========================U ot I— ---------7 " ." n

ROLL OF HONOR -y-, ....................................... ...

■ SEOTIOlf ONE 1 a t Died of disease 11, wounded severely non- 30, total 61.» ^ . WESTEEN UBT

, Died, of Dlaoaaa . ' 1 P v t:-E d w ard 3d. Wagner, Mllliron,u ? . .

Wonaded S even lr ip«r ;Corp^;Pcrcy H. A. Dannlels, Deer Lodgo »ter Mont. . .

Pv t. Willlo. Christofferson, Palm City, V CaL

sess Harmon Cloud, Long Beach, Cal. ifeer -Pvt. John Graco, Seattle, Wash.Vil. I'v t. William A, iNoble, Smithfiold, n ,” Utah.lOfct BEOnON TWO .

Killod in nctidn'O, diod from wounds13, died of oecldent nnd other causca,14,' died of dlsoaso 20, to tal 53.

* * WBSTBEN LIST ' •fol* Died of Wonoda

• Pvt. Maurlco Hollrer, Ban Praneiseo, Cnl. ‘

. Pvt. Alma Jcoson, E. Logan, Utali. son Murphy, San Francisco,

l ° l Pvt, i ta r l lh Tranitl,, Wcitliy, Mont.Died frmo Accident and Otbdr Oanaea

uld ‘•Clolor Caver., Puerto Doluna, N. Illy 'l it- ' Died oflTlaaaao

J'vt. Hnrold English, TenlUo, Wnsh. the Pvt. Joiin Farquhar, Portland, Ore.4^^ Pvt. James W? Uopklns, East Auburn, 0^ Cal.

«n- Pvt. Fred HowoU, Seattle, Wash. - Pvt. .TacV F. Mlacr. Livingston, Mont.

; Killed in ActloD. PnviouBly Beported le i' Miaalng In Action 'lon. Corp. Stephen A. Enright, 'Hillvnrd, es’ Waah.ble. Corp. Alfred Nunes, Centenl'Illc, Col.. tbo I SECTION THEEB '

Woundcd (degree undotemuned) -JO?, woundcd slighlly 074, total 1141.

IDAHO O A ^ U A L ^ S aon • Wotmded. Dsgno trndetflnniued— 'ith P r t . ,Charles G. Twltcball, Parma. - un- Wotmded Slightly—Pvt. 0«OTge X an- Peterson. Preston; P r t . Jamea A. Baab. thd Bose Lake: P v t Edward flmlth, Malad

Ol^.s- : •- WEBTEBN LIST

Woimded. Degree U odetem ined Lieut, Kenneth Clnvton Bradloy, Og-

ia den. U U b.- . .It). Bgt. Edwanl A. Ballard, Tacoma, Wnsh. of Sfft. Atiton Bargaehr, 3 a l t Lako City,

wo Utah. ' -the Sgt. Harloy William Predcrlek, Sacra* not mento, Cal.

i t Sgt. Kintun Jim, Swan, ‘Wpah. of Corp. W alter J . Thompson, Loveland,

Colo.; -Corp. John L. Barker, Entnncln. N.

Mex.Corp, Hilllarv E. HaatinJ^.Xlrcnt Falls,

Mont.Corp. Gale E- Bagsdalo, Denver, Colo.

T Corn. John Dixon Stirling, Stockton, Cnl.

Cook Hcnr>- Lcenlr, Xnpa, Cal.I’vt. Chin Leung, Schttle.-.Waah.Pvt. John J . Morgan, Flourlne^ N. M. Pvt. t'rnnk II. Sannebeck. Onklnn.l,

a k Pvt. John B. Cn7,ajoii«,.i?nn FrniicUro, Cal.

Pvt. Rnli>« A. Thomns, North Soattio,! Wnsh.

Pvt. Lloyd M. Bonmnii, Greeley, Colo, rly Pvt. Richard Sullivan, Dimgncsa, Wnnh. ble Wesley W. Werner, Fullerton, Cnl. tod Pvt. William Leslie, Snn Francisco, lla- Cnl.,ird* Pvt. ■ Joseph .E . 'Moyuahnn, Ogden, irt- Utah. - •

Pvt. Karl Myrsto, Springdale, Mont.)WS ■ ___ ________ ■* __fo^- •. of ^ ~ ' il l I S B

I N O W ' I S 1' To Buy Good Irrigated I

'. Carey land a t $51.r>0 per acre: ?tin fourteen equal annual installments, Proved lip and improved lands $7.’> to• Oood watcr right; good IrrigatU

'P*y cents per acre T>cr annum. Grow bij;alfalfa, potatoes. Good general dive

“■® of stock do well. Altitude 3500 to 40 >bs, ^ going concern—80,000 acres

clovAtors on the project.

" '° I n c r e a s e i n , C o s t iOo April I m il), t h o i r ic . of w.

lands on tne Valier project will be in not make yout plans to visit the Val

J - L e t ’s T a l iim Wo hare employed Arthnr E. Aaitice repre*entitive, who will be glad toFHe ._teU you about the opportunities in thvil; , i r a today for free literatnre.

___________ J __________ C U T


to Arthnr E. Anderson, Filer, Idaho.ath Please send mo free literatnre at >ni-ved K am o___________________________ime «^ ;T, O . _____________________

Slate ------------------------

910. '•

l t .p l ■ ' — '

I C C I T I Z E N Sod soldlera are ,oeUtog

Of th e World War” ,in '.unlforma; They will call on, you or r'offiee. • . . . . . . .

3QLPIEBS 0 0 B IP A N 7iCeCotiEaek Bldg. \ '

^ Idabo.

t Pvt. Clydo Tklaaon, Savage, Mont.

[ P vt. Kurle L. Vaughn, Duqnesne, Arlt. P vt. Thomas A. Clark, Livingston,

Mont. " • .Pvt. William B. Finnell, Denver, Colo. Pvt. Jamea Sulllvaa, Clarkdalo, Ariz.

■ Pvt. 5affaclo TuueI, Portland, Oro. Pv)t. Erncat W. Boed, Springfield, Oro. Pvt. Jull&n B ldlnti, Astoria, Ore.Pvt. Jocobo Salaznr, Do Luna,,K. M. Pvt. John C. Simpson, Roberts, Mont.^ ■ Wotinded SlightlyCat>l. *Mcrvyn J . Cody, Saa F«inelBco,

Ual. , .Lieut. 'William R. Norrlsh, Hanford,

’•Igo Cnl.»Lieut. Paul B. Wnllaee, S^lem, Ore.

•'” y» Sgt. Thomas .loaeph Kennedv, Canyon ^ . Clt.v, Colo.

Sgt. Pierre A. Millor, Portland. Ore. . Sgt. Florian C. Toopel, Spoknne, Wash. Sgt. Harr>- T. Gouldlng, Aztec, N. M. Corp. Boyal L. Richards, lyowjaton,

Mout.jnds Corp. Joseph L. Schweikert, Lamanda iBca. - Pa»k. Cal.

^Jorj). Bernard B. Baird,’Portland, Ore. Musician Jesae Myron i Davendorf,

Monlosano, Wnah. 'Pvt. Josi' M. Baldoitado, Belen, X. M.

isco. Pvt. Clyde Chahon. Snn Francisco, Cal. Pvt. Matthew W. Biinten, Bock Springs

Wyo.SCO, Pvt. Horace H. Mntlior, Gonevn, Wash.

Pvt. Arnold C. Salisbury, E l’ Monte, . Cnl.P vt. John W, Camroti, Custer,- Mont. Pvt;, WIlllan\.Ni«zola, Crockett,.Cal. Pvt. John W. Pinkslaff, Brussett,

Mont.Pvt. Frank Asevedo, Mllbnnk, fl. D.

■ Pvt. Ellseo Cntnnach, Santa IV, N. •M. jrn Pvt. XJIarence Hanson, SuntHe, Wash.

’ Pvt. John D.. McDonald; Olympia, Wnsh.

nnt. P '’t. Josepiv Murlni>.'Portlnnd, Ore.•t«i Pvt. Leland G. Owens, Loa Angeles,

Cal.ird, I’vt. Ephriam James \Vpodland, Rlch^

jnoiul, Utah. ' : .1 Pvt. Carl F. Murray, Sloughhousc, Cnl. *' Pvt. Herbert Phelan, Portlnnd, Oro.

Pvt. .Joseph H. Perrin, Lodi, Cal.107, j.y , Wiilinm Stillwell, Oovejo, Cnl.

Pvt. William T. Snnto, Hope, N. M. Pvi. Wnltor^ A. NlchoK Rnnta .Cruz,

i — Cnl.Pvf. Wiilinm Vnn Heek, Seattle. Wash.

J . SECTION FOTJB , *Wourfdctl. dogree undetermined 477,

^ wotinded slightly 7 J5, totnl 1222.' . IDAHO OASUALTIEB

. .Woonded. Degree Undetermined— I P r t . A sel J . Staley. Menan; P v t. Frank Og- W. Bead, Tracy.

w onnded JU lgbU y-F rt. Obeatw A. u h . Barzee. Oione; Pvt. Olaf Oslond. Troy, ity, ' WESTEBN LIST

Wounded, Degree •Dndetermined tra* Lieut. .Tohn L. Boberls, Tdaho Springs,

Colo.. ^ t . John G. Bamesborger, Cnsn Grnnde

md, ■ ATTrSgt. John M. Collins, Kentfiled, Cnl.

N’. Corp. Rov Cox, San Bemnrdlno, Cnl.' Hgt. Franlc « . Miller, Ojent Falla,

»ll«. AIon.t.Pvt. Peter P. Grenlish, Tnromn. Wash,

olo. i»vt. Mlltiin IL- Hussey, Oknnognn, ton, Wnsh.

Pvt. Georgo Snve, Stockton, Cnl. l‘vt. Thomas A. Htovensoii, Snn Frnu-

cisco, Cnl.M. I*vt. I’etor Vicro, llumbolilt, Arir..

nil. Pv t. Ilny Wnllnco, Lon Angeli's, Cnl.Pvt. Cli'nrles M. Woodmnnaeo, Biebcr,

«co, Cnl.I’vt. Balph W.-Thomns, NeW]>ort, Ore.

tio .ipv t. Chnries H. Trauh, Wilmington. Cal.

olo. pvt. Fred Windsor, Spokane. Wnsh. inh. pvt. Joe (•. Andrnde, Auburn, Cnl.

Pvt. Clifford K. Jolinson. Tnemon, ■eo, Wosh.

Pvt. Edwin F. Snowden, Los iVuRoios, lin . Cnl. _______

(Continued on page seven)

THE TIME Id L a n d a t V a l i e r , M o n t a n a

e: Jfl-SO per nere first payment, balance lents, interest nt six per cent per annum.7.’> to $125 per acre; easy terms.(gallon construction. Maintenance fifty r big crops of.w heal, oats, barloy, flax., diversified farming courtry. All kinds U) 4000 feet. No sago brush, good draln- ncre* under wnter. Six banks, sixteen

at of Water Rightaif water rights for the Carey and.deeded >e increased to ICO per acre share. Why I Valier coxfntry nowt

'alk I t Over. Aaderson of Filer, Idaho, aa our Ipcal 1 to U lk tbo matter over with you and in the Valier country. See him or write

U T O U T _____________;______________

. R M S A L E S C O .■;r . M o n t v

I. W. M; ^ y m a n ; Valier, Mont. .

re about the Valier laada. ■

T W I N F A L I . S D


OFCiPElllNSJ j I n t e r c h u rch Organizations = Start a Drive to Raise a Vast

Sum to. Help Along the Work >«"! . ..Already Begunfi"- .N E W ,Y O E K ,-F ~ -J ,l.-“ n b n ’l lol

tbe work of the ehniilains lag ” ia onu 5 of the appeals mado hy tho Intorehureh

' Emergency Fund committee, which Ij . now in tbo midst of n drlvo to raifte ;• 110 ,000,000 for thc after-war work of

fourteen of the leading national ehurch organlzationa.

' Ono of tho largest lloma in tho allot- jrd mode from this fund ia

' that for helping the chaplains, <050,000 being assigned for this work. I t ‘.will

von them mouey for ben-evolont purposes and. in supplying fa-

p ellilies for miflclng thoir efforts count thc biggest In jtsuUs fo r the govern^ ment relies on the churches to do al- most_everythlng fo r tbo chaplains ex-

’ cept jiay thoiti thelr'comparatlvolv snmll saliries. ’

Means of Quick Travel A chaplain needa moans of quick loro*

J ,,/ motion, so tb a t he can caro for all the ’ 1200 or moro men eomo times In scat;

JJ tered detachments . coanmitted to bis charge and roach a sick or dying ma)i

■ rapidly .in omorgenoy.- Tho govern­ment doos lltHo or nothing for him. In

y,j,_ this reapcct.jlp Some of the churches havo supplied

’ -motor cars fo r tbelr.chaplains, and oth­ers havo sent motori;yclq«,. For a tinjb

[■ it was difficult to got tlieso moans of p'l, holp to tho chaplains across the seas,

’ on account of tho traf fic'.cbngostlon, (hut now .tluit this is clearing up i t Is

,'m . thoso who aro ministering,,],] fo the religious -needs of the men In ji„' service will bo- more ndequntnlv sup*

' p ile d . ' 'Need Typewriters

Ipg Another urgent need of evory chap*’ lnln js p typewriter, for he ia forcod to

pI,. write many letters fo and In behalf of his men. Not a few of tbcso-lottors

’nl. relatives telling of tho,con-ditl6n of a wounded soldier or convoy'* Ing details of a bravo m an’n death at thc post of duty. Beports', of tho chap- Inins’ work must bo kept*up regularly

J,, and 80 voluminous are tho requirements ’ tlmt many chaplains eould ke”p honre-

tnries employed to tho mlvnnlnxo of their work.

Siiicu August.Inst thc governnwur has 77, boeti iindertaklns* to suppl.v n typcti^rlt-

er to earh chaplain, but In mnny cases •it has not been able to do so.

Oommnnlon Seta mV Communion sots must be furiii>«hed

by the churches with which tho chnp- lains are affiliated. These are of two

oy. kinds, ono fo r Bcrrlces attended by a conslderablo number of men and anoth­er emergency liet for field and hospl-

„ tal needs. Tho chaplain muat c.arr>* his *v’ emergency communion sot, consiating of I a collapsible chalice and a tube of wn-

- fors, In his pocket for inatairt Une in hoapltal minfstratlon nt t}ie present time. .

Some of the'c.hurchcs furnish m<tt1on ’ picture outfits, stcroptlcons and lecture

j,j, course nmterial lo tho chnplains fo r tho ' enlort.uuimcnt ond InsUuctiona of fho ’ soldiers. • Theso instrumentalities Imve

liolpcd to divert nnd cheer mauy tiicn about to die for their country. In tho

' pretu-nt dullness of camp life, with the Htraiii of actual war lifting' Iiml Iho ruildiers thrown to a great extfut upon

■ tlioir owti resources in eonsideraljlc jicr- ' ioils of-idle timo, entorjnintnont is •'ven

, moro necessnry for the <liroct welf.'xre of the men thnn before.

' Cbaplaln’a BalarieaPnrt of the chaplain'a.aalary ami an

allowance mndo by encli ehurch are used by him in strictly benevolent

’ work. Some of the churches nllu ,v .''rom »10 to $5,0 a monlh as nn emvrg.mcy

• ’ fund 'to each chaplain for ext.’.uling__ help to soldiers, but these compnrntjvi-

ly slender amounts do not ;;o neatly__ ns far ns is desirnbli'. Buying d.di.'uclo!\— for men in hospitals al the pric.**! wliicft - q provnll In France nnd Englaii.t -i* so

roatly that every, chaplain feels his heliilessneas to <lo what his own im­pulses as a friend in need .ind •> tnin- istor of religion cause bitn lo xvis'i lo do. •

Soldiers often get into tight i-hic'es in nuuiy wnys, and wbere money is needed to extrlcattl rc^ii’''the chnnlain

usually tho mnn to whom lh**y feel safest in applying. On this sido many soldiers whoso families nre sick have hnd their fare paid by chaplains in cr- drr that thoy may visit the afflleated <.ni-s in thc course of a brief f:irlou>(h.

Must Bay TTnlfoRn Each chaplain on entering tho <‘r-

vire must purchase' his own uniform nnd olher items of his ou tfit. Sonic of tlio churchcs give from $100 to $.100 for this purjiosc.

Mnny chaplains arc now leaving' the nray, feeling thnt tbe great emer>;cncy o f actual hostilities is over, ncnrly 300 of thean having been discharged nlrc.idy. Their desire is to retnrn to their own churches In thia country and resume their regulnr pastoral duticji. Th<’ churches are making big effort.'^ to keep the chaplalna corpa recruitnl up to tho needs and expecting with the aid of the. money raisM in the prcsc'nt cani- paign not only to protect thc M•r •icc from impairment of Its obviously gjc-nt usefulneaa but also to extend. its «.p- portunltles fo r good.

To b p U in Work.,In some qnarter* it has been su?-/--<t-

ed that some of the chaplains nn the other aide bc brought home .'nr the purpose of explaining to the ’-eoplc here just w bat they have been dolag for the soldiers asd what ought to be d'<ne in addition to belp the mea to »ace the problems th a t meet them on their rc- tuhi.'' ’n«o only mcana by which tLat can be accomplished Is for t i e churehcs to arrange for their transportation an ! ith e r expeoeefc The churches nre now

■J. coasiderittg this problem.

p i l L Y N E W S

W mlIP * At8:3i

» Csipt. F> IWbo,brongbt down'lfl H tin planes ! B d ril riT lns Oorpe. will teU of bli on camp, and expCTlences Id a ir btl<

!«'* C apt Tj B. O’Leary was woundedone

urch An Opportunity wbicb th e public <h is ' some time.raisek. General Adntisaion 5urch

Jiot. T h i s i s " N o t a W a r Df A • . W i l l B


'xHPPfiOPIllllTIONSIlIlE 1 LTOOBEWtl In ■■iiii«’

No Official Statement Yet Bn Total StOn Is Apt to Knn

;£:uo ’ Near S ix -]^ o n S ' .-J of --------- -icas, (Special to Tho Nows):Ioii. BOISE, Fob. 2?—Wlille no. officla* I** ntatemont fias eomo from the appropTla

tions committee of tbo bouse glvlnjr tbt ‘ ‘'I information as-to tbo exact to tal o f the nii|>* amount of stato funds ,wblcb will bc

appropriated and provided .for • by tht fifteenth session-of the Idaho legisla

!iap* turo.^ i t in believed the amount will I to reach a total of belweou $5,500,000 ant'half $0 ,000 ,000 .i*-’*’® But tnere is no disposition on lire*parl con- (.f olther tho-administration of the ma

jority In the legislature to nldcstep an} ‘ o f the mnjor approprlatioos. Probablj

never before has there Iwen th'e unan arly {mlty of opinion over the necessity ol enta wise appropriation of slate money am if re- of the necessity «f largo expendltufe ai

of exists at this time.Tl^e problem of labor unrest, tho low

has cring of labor's opportunities by tb( i rit- dosing of factories producing Ivar ma ases terlals, and tho bugo problom of pro

ducing activity becauso of the Inm J of returned soldlors, all 'go to produci

i«hed this fellng on tho part of tho legisla hap- ture.two Only One BIU Io

'y ® At the Monday afteraoon soasion tb ”**'■ state school appropriation bill was thi '"P‘’ only measure introduced. This totnlle«

‘‘‘J $2,143,000. To the. University of Idahi ff would go $1,123,092, of which tbo col

leges of letters, agriculture, engineer* '** hlg, forestr.v, law, min^s and numme

sehool would get $460,OOS; admlnlstra lion, operotlon and repairs $175500

tton a^icu ltura l experimenfatlons and homi stations, $10,200; thc Sandpolnt farm

the $1.3,150; Caldwell farm, $20,200; Aber *hc ,icen farm $7,050; station nt Felt, $11,

mve 000; Insect nnd soil survey, >0,500; al t'lcn falfn 'wouvll control $.’5,000.. For co tho operative extension work $280,034; fo: the the eompletiotuof the south wing of tin Iho n<lmiiiistrnt?on building $-l-fr,00ft;- fin

ipou protection systetii, $20,0000; good rond) j.cr- Inboratory $3,000; new walks and light 'ven ing syatcn«.»4,0(/0: tile floor in- dalrj f.'ire buililing $l,fiOO; an.] j>oultrv house $1,

.■500. . • . .For the Idnho Teehnical Institute thi

I an blll'proviiles salaries, $120,000; operat are ing expenses $00,000; compleliou of thi

lent physieal educatlon'buildlng $0,000; cam rom i'U" extension $0/)00; heating plant $;», i)ic-,‘ oOO and fnrm land f-t.OOO witb n tota ling Oi' $200,000.jv i- ----- — -------------ailv BTATE OOVEENOES.TOcle-s ; 'M EET AT THE CAPITAllicit ■ ••

«0 WAaiUNOTON, F.'ti: 20—All staH lun go'ernorK nnd lOi) mnyors hnve -beer im- as\ed to come here for a conferenco nl

uin- the White House Nfnrch \ ond 4 oi I lo Inbor and busine*!*. ,, (i

Out of thin scHsion w ii rn r l 'e plnn: ices f.tr iecon«tri:.tion work. Spec-;ir nt

is tnntlon will bo paid the.,unemplo.vmcni lam iirchlems.—. - . . .feel » -----nay ADOPTS OONFEBENOE BEPOBT

WASHINOTON, D .'C ., Fob. 20 .- Tlu* i*enati ‘'.jtctdny adopted the confer enee Report on the postoffice appropri ntion hill wfHeh' carries $400,000,000.

o:m >■' ........ -: ot f

: a l b e ; r t530,000 Dry an

\dy. - - .Dw» Lands are located in.Son ^ne the beat in that famoua dii

under irrigation, the halaact

a^d e lands arc being put -an,. time and the company is lc vice j All lands within a ramus of jyjit point.

Dry lands are being sold a t $1S t too per acre, which iaelcdes water c b a r^ $1.50 per Irrlfable acre p*r:j

the Alfalfa, g n is , field peas, potattthe grown.

"for 'Write direct to the compaay for

Canada Land & irriMEDICINE HAT, A

V r • • ' " ' ' '•

1 . P AOB T f n tm

:30 o’clock

R. ITLeaniies aad is a tbree-tiibe'*Ace of the ErltlaH ’ his thrilling escape from 'a Oennan pd»-' b tltle s <m-dXfferent fronts.ded eleven times and gassed tbree times.

Uc of Twin FUls may not hare asM a In,

I 5Sc, No Reserved SeatsD r i v e . N o S u b s c r i p t i o n B e T a k e n



■“ APPLES< C lio lc e q o a l l t y S 2 . S 0

S m a l le r O n e s $ 1 . 5 0PTI«* I ------- - _ L - - ------ _’ tbo

MM MEASURES IIIIE -1 BEIlOy POil THE m({mo- C lo s in g D a y s o f S e a s ic m W i l

S e e E n d o f S e r e r a l O h e r* , i s h e d p r o j e c t s .

y of ' ■ — ..and (Specla.l to Tho Nows.)

'e a« BOISE, Feb. .20.—VOtb the appoint ment of.siftlng committees and iMcauK of tbe fow days of tbo .session wblel are le ft a large, number of bills a« deatlnod to get tbo committee axe dur lng tho week. I t is probable tb a t somi

‘“ ®* of thoso bills may bo revived by a voti 5°.®* on tho floor. Among tbose wbich wen

recommended to not be . p ^ i n |^ Mon day «wcro tbe Nampa e ( |H |j |K B |t t ^ initiative and r ^ e r « a | | ^ m | | | B

I tho measure, one p r o b lb l t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H : tho cers from reeoivlag ailed from the federal daho Thomas biU approprlatiB |T ^|PgB P||P col*. -Improvement of tbe south forkTOf tni

lecr- Couer -d‘Alono river and tho Tyer imer pro%-i«ling for. the segregatiot of regu stra- lorly organized school distflcta fron .200; rural high school districta., lome Another public beallb bill was kille*

in the house yesterday which wyuli cxpeetornting on th<

floors of cnrs of common carriers.

iBiLiwiililFon£ JiEDISlErjyOBE- • • ■

H e a s u r e In tro d .n c e d in i.rat^ ‘ S e n a t e A im e d a t A d d i t io n s ’ the ■ t o t h e B e n c h[•am- ______, (Special to The Nows.)"'“ BOISE. Feb. 20.—Division of judl

' cial d lstrictr by which tbe third, fourth fifth , -sixth, seventh and eighth dis

p/lT. tricts would bo provided witb twi judges, waa introduced In tbe .scnat< Monday. 'The same bUl would abm

itatt jjjjp jjjp provisions of dnotber senAli bill which provided th a t Bonnevlllr

® Clark and Jefferson counties woali ' comprise a new district.

The measure places Bonneville. Fre mont and Teton In the aame. distrie: which it designates aa the ninth. Thi sixth district would take over-4h»«onn ties of Madison and Jeffcraoa and ad>

, another judge. . In the sixth distrlei would be Bingham. Bultc, Ouster, Lem

JO.— hi, Clark, Madiion and Jefferson.ofer. ............ ■ I.'.—opri- Excellent hog feed for sale. Tbf >0. Twiu Falla Flour Mills. (Adv.]

PA LANDS 1and Jrijgable AcresS o u th e rn A lb e r ta a n d a r e a m o n r -! d i s t r i c t . 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 a e r e s w i lT 6 « !

SCO is b e in g so ld f o r g r a in g r o w - .. ,

5 u t o n t h p m a r k o t f o r - th e f i r s t ' i 1 lo o k in g f o r b o n a f i d e s e t t l e r s . .!

o f t e n m ile s o r l e s s t o s h ip p in g <

115 to $30 per acre—irrigable laads $40 to | ater rig h t^ p e ra tio a and nslBteaaaee«r:year—eaay paymeata oad low Interest, j tatoea aad root cropa eoa be' sueeeesfully' j

, Iot full p u tltu U r. u d p i« p h l« tt. ■

Irrigation GoiDpap;, Ltd. ‘D e p a r tm e n t -


Page 4: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the

j ; twin fauJs daily jvj{ " PublUliod by ^ b o Twin Fttlla • Publiabing Company, . Iscorporati

! Twlo FtLllfl,^«labo,-and iaouod «v'o:I tenroon except Bungay. . I

\ ROY A.ij , JOHN C. HA31VBY---------Newa 1II Tolophono 32■

Today’s News To<. Eatorod -as Bccond-cloas mottor

r, 9, 1018, a t tho pofltomco 'a t Tvrta^ Idaho,-under tho Act o.f Marcli 3,

S U B S d E lffT IO iN E A iB EMail Ci

4 . $6.00_______ Ono Y e ar----------------____ 0 m ontha______ i—

$1.25.._..... 3 m ontha__________$ .50______ 1 month __.1..... —

' ' Advertising Rates Upon Applicat

Eaatem Reprosentativoa: Qoor( ! 1 'David Co., Inc., 171 Madison Ave.,

York, 14ir,H artford Building, Chi

No TuponBibiUty nssutsod foi caro of unsoiicitod manuscripta, p grftpiu) or othor contributed mt Articles aubmitted for publicatioa

' ^ used or not a t the discretion ol oditor ond uo u'anuscripta 'will bi turnod .uDlesa accom pnied-by. tho'

. easary postage.

: O EK TaA U Z nfO BBBPONSlBIL Tiie atato of Idaho haa fakvn

■ horacJf tlic principle pt the. abort i lot in the maoagcmont of stato,afi■ T bat ia the sum aud aubstaur.o oi . offoct of tho passage of th.o biU ki

1 i a« tho Admiaiatratlon mcaaure whc > i i t Is intended tha t aathorify aba!

' oentrslized and rcqioDslbility dofin ! fixed as to statu raonagemeat.

Notwithstanding tho very dof ! .and decided oppoaition to thia -: ;«u rc ,'w u aro inclined to bellovo ' tho pafuuge of tlio mcasuro conatitI B step iu tho right direction. Tho i lialiot principlo ia too well undcrai

• too'.Vitally a p art of tho best tho tbo closcflt students of govora;

tni affoim in tbo' country to po of tho viow .by any elomont o f. plo tha t'th o idea is wholly m ong . ogi^a tho bid method h a d ‘been I

j oughly tried out ovor a period of n I I yoiirs, and found woefully wanting.

, change of somo sort wui therefore ' '' ranted and ao m attor w hat weak

* r undor tbo now o t bo more diatin th a t which has ]

' tbo now arraagen ■rith interoat ani

■may bo’ with suspicion but .tho idci worth trying out and with a fa ir V. it 'should rebound to the crcdlt of

• Idaho. • . , : -

; HOW XT HAFFZSHBD.' ! In ait likelihood much of tbo i ! , ntanco of tho chargcs against for

_ Oovemor Alexander and. former Ai ~ tant. Gc^Jdral Moody is corrw ti bn

waa unfortunate tha t tho cotomil * Empowered to makii thu . investigal

• ?<houhl huvo «omi>oao<I of four ■ piiblieaiis and- only ono democrat, i

ihat there is any reaaon to supposo t the peraonuf) 'of tho committeo 1 anything to «lo with tho findings llic m nin,.but a t a timo wlien ov titiglo public aot is aoanned ia i

‘ ight of the jwlilicnl nhado of Icauithe doer, it is^to be rcgrVttcd tl

mmo mt’ann woo not found for gun n>; agninnt this jiartiriilnr icnilcucy hr public mind.

The majority report In a damni locmnent in general, and that by Tilnonty ficrves merely to coTOploto't Icture. I t is so worded n» to adi he commission of many of the a< omplalncd of but would offer th umpnrative unimiMirtanco as an rxcx :ir their rommiMton.

The cxeuwB offered in the pleoa ir . Alexander and .Mr. Moody u musing. The fom iir vimtrd vario ■entern conecntrntiDn camps tu oid .aintaining the,m om h' «f the Idn >ldirr« therein, ou th'jj theyry. no dou la t n jKTSonal v ic V lo f‘.tho gnvc'rn ’ ^hcir own home ,^*lt<il_<Jr»viiig byII onto wa. hettcr'i/olciiftted to che

■f ^ " ’ap than almost'Wjyt^Ih^ else th*uld N*''thought of,j: Aloiig tho aar

M *ne Mr, Moody f^ n il- U expedient .i. taist in keeping op th<Pml|raIe^7

I . .. ^ connty draft b^ahls b r meana i f , . " ' *titonal visits. Both made one of fnn<

•r ti>es« trips to which neither ahon >r« bad scccm for any > n^ ' purpea o th 'thiV eletl a t state exptnae o» e

. nds not proridcd '-'for nadar .•> town law or p re v d « s t of th* sff ii 'either. £aeiv'WIef(tBda.Jnielf oa s

; c i ^ to flCipsy a « . ta '^ ^ i t« . th e e a .a p t of » r e f ^; l t doeia'C greatly '• r«eoBUBendatiett ccawalttiy • fo ller iBTvSaptfeB by ';&• attffi

• g«aet»l‘«-.4fiQee be carriwl oot e . . i

[> : FA O BI^TJB <

DuringRecilia Nowa>ratod a t H ] ^ev'orjr ,

for tbo - 2 SC!--------------------- --------------J, photo-

mattor. The puhlio ImK protty .well vion will up ita i^ud ns tu tho nature% f n o f th o Burvico. rcndcTcd Idaho by bolh t

gontlo'rium for tho paat sovorni yi ® Mosos Alexander liaa written hin

nn nss \*itli ^pogberry w often an coiriplctely that^to offer ovideneo t ing to bring out a new line! of ad istratlvo malactlvity would.' bi' ,»( adding frills and acrollwork to a nl turo_aIrciidy sufficiently omale fm

A'U untd ordfhary purposes, lort bai- Mr. Moody hns|ulways taken inu I a ffairs, for granted, and liai always succei J o f tiio in getting a m ajority of tho peopl 1 known accept 1iim a t hiq own voluation. whereby ia"quite Hkely tha t this is. the 1 shall bp time that Mr.' Moody was evor ph ofinitely. lu a position whoro, uader tho •«

and spur of hia own coneoit, aided definite l>ack ground of war-activity, ho ia - moa> enabled to iiidnlgo hia penchant for ivo th a t llmcligbt without having fo aai latUutud ■Inglo «>ul whether it wns nil r'igh ho ahort the ,money, loratood, ~thought “ a k b t h e r iB M a u o o E B sn ]

ommen- i f you fre working for a businefls f perm it w ork 'to boat the band,

n f Tiflft. Mnko thn firm successful!^ Juat act aa though tho whole blm

,g. Thon • ttaing was resting iij your hand, in thor- Mako tho 'firm successful! i# ■Jnanv Roffl«®ibor work cnn harm you nol,

* 8o lK» a Johnnlo-on-tho-apot, . ing . A And lot yooc ovory ac t and thoughi ire war- Mako tlio firm snceesafult eaknessuw law, oaeh b it of work you do., atinctly Mako tho firm nueeossful! .

_ Remember yon yourself will !>e n !i aitccess If you .

Make the firm auccessfull igemcnt work tho proper wny,

, Resign a t once—thia very day," And thna unwittingly you may

idea is ' Mako the firm successfu]! ir Hhow .


■. • 1 ___ __i W A 8IIINGT0K Feb, Ufl. — Oov«

>0 aub-lors. nnd city officials tlirougliout f o rm o r I *'®'“*try today were wiring Presid

I \Vilson; oceeptiug his invitation fo ' I eonferenee here March 3 nnd'4, prorbn t I tj iiig. every HHsistnuce. iji. thct_grea!.,.t

m itto o improvirig conditions Ilf bnslmW i j employment,

igation^ Tho presidrnl is dei’ply Lntcrcxted our ro--securing Bojne_,«lpfijjitc‘ program out kt. Not^ nugKostloiii* frotii the offirlals. Tho c

' . iferentw will probabW be bold in s« th a t; pnst.room of the WiJlfi.U'i're h a d ; - " ' *"ngs In 'D E tA Y S ANKOtJNOEMBNT

,.v<!ry ' o r THE MASCH HOO PIUa the ---------cauing; AVA.qiirN-GTON, Feb. '2 « 3 .- .

•^•iniiuici'iiicnt o f’ a ‘Mar’cli hop i>rlcf d thnt 1 , 1, . n,lniinistraTion was di'lu>gunfd-; xoniowlint this afternoon, nwniti ucv o f ' ••'■‘ nking up of tho " w a r cabinnt” s

There- vraw soiu«j hint nt the food t .inning I ministration offleca tha t tbo hog pr tv the ' t n i K h t have besn referred

; President Wilson, to th o ; ^

OBDEBS DISOHAEOE'SJ actaj yVb. i:c,—Th.- war iuiui-.t

their j has onlereil the dischnr^c of »nMier:« excuse I '■’****■•Innn of war SiTvlro.

“ «r' COimSElS U. S. WOMEN »"»“• - TO HGHT ON •Idahodoubtj■t'rnorby is . r' ‘cheer « . - S k

' th a t ••u m e

funds ' VbooidT«s«-» er>

iffice "F ix h t o a - Is tb* D eattg* oCj m a a Mom. Cotberlae BrMbfcormk«7m.'

e f B ttw la to -tb» saffragattM «£AA«n<» ia tb e wmk* o t Um t m Md«f«al 'ot aoM aras U W atH f» ■

gthir Coo. M w . Breahkormkay*. Iro w ij ^ m* grasdm otber o f tb » B m

alan rereto tloa. u now }n (Inwr | itt«r- Ica. Sbe b u baea aa ardaot m > I ^ rfght* adroeate lor j m n / ^

TWIN FA \ecohsiruetton Period--------- -— ^

Vn. . (fiO fllH/UiTii

' 4 j f \ NEW U. s. AIWBASSADC

NATION . jHugh Wallace of W ashington

Tacoma. Wash., per 1 friond to President Wilaon

o u t t h e Is (be now United S tates ambaaaa r e s id e n t a o r to Prance. Wallace h u beu n f o r n appointed to tho poat m ade va p ro m is - ^can t throogh tbo reaignatloi

‘a!...tnsk of .fonnor AmbaBflador,..Wiiliaa less a n d CraTos Sliorp. M n i. Wallace

- ■ daush to r of the lato Chief JuaU a [■xted in Puller, was an untiring wat

o u t u f ..worker, Thoir son ia a captain lirho c o n . 'b * ovcraeaa in a y . 'S ----------

in lh ( ' ' ' -■

p i u o e [ ^ g o 3 t e . S 5 e 5 ^

■j,,.‘ iI' .Mrs, .E rnest _\YJiito .ttiifi-.rtniucd 1 I ;■ diiiiuT u l 1 :nii oVIock tlii« n'fti'rnoun

• .\Ir.s. M innio liobbs, o f M ountain Ho t " K.'s g rand Wortiiy m atron o f the Order

t!ic. K astfrn Htnr in Idaho , nnd fur Dod ad- **“’ Tw in F a lls cliniiler.

? . r ‘“ r a B W K A U

M r. a n d M r* . W ilU a m R o p e r i d o u g li te r o f B u r le y s p e n t T u e s d a y 1: o n lin n in ess .

iiiii!iler MfB. .1. l)> D o w d en c a m e h e re T i d n v to iit le n .J till* in e c-lin g s n f K.T»trrn .S tar.

____ 1 M rs. J . M.' Ktiank arrive'd lant ni,1 from Htilil to njH'nd s e v e r a l <lays h

jjQ ^ j w it l i f r i e n d s .

! M k , K. 1*. F a lio y o f M u r ta u g h s p T m -^dny h r r e a tte n d in g ; t h e h o m e s r

I j M r . u n d M rs. T lieo H o rn e u f R u r I c am e* h e re T u e s d a y to s jten d se v e

. / - f d a y s . w i th f r ie n d a . ^

j l> r. J . N. P a v i* a n d f a m i lv o f Ki ' ln - r lv w e r e g u e s tn H u n d ay a t th e ho ] o f n r . G o o rg e 11. t ’o M w ell.


W A H fllN G T O X , >Vb. - if l .= P re » id < W ilso n to d a y w ent t o U ie » c n a lc t f o l l o m a g n o m in a tio n s :

T o b# re c e iv e r s o f p u b le m o n e j j F r a n k F . K te e le , H e le n a , M o n U n a , a

M rs . L u la H u r l e y , E lk n , N e v a d a , j*’’ ‘ T o l>c h y d r o g ra p h ic a n d g e o d c tir « r® g ln e c r s : R oscoe P . S t ro o g h , N

■: V o rk , a n d l l r r lK T t ( Jn ira a n n , o f N'« » eCj r a s k a .W --------------------------U S TO BBPOBT OUT TKE NAVT BHJ S . ^VfASHISG'TON, Feb. ‘Jrt—By a stri

Mrir'votP*. the-«wwH^\iaral eommitt +o«lay deci*|ed to report out the na’

nr< . 'hill earrying the inrreased bnildinjf pr 'gratn and.a provision aUowiag the pr<

• ' ident to «oti>end it if the league of a tioDS make Thi« ruiirse n<lri»able.


y y F COMMENT,f i t t ! Partlxwnt pangrapha on cnrret p ” : S . o f trts ta , a t bone Uad ab

Conntjr PiTlsipn Biuibling A< t. I t would scorn thnt a bill da

■ to givo .I S '^ r ccn t'o f tho A'otori cou«t,y*tho right to docide ji nint importttpt to tho I’ntiro .body ' ' cltisons ns ita division and dis

-L l rogordloas of tho wlahea of tho two-thirds, wrta -vlciojir enough.

^ while tha t is.tl"J .pHmo. factor, j ■-1 unfairness of houao bill No. 53 ,1

^ na a general enabling act, and up dcr.cou'sldoration by onr legislati

(\ by no nicaua spells tho full cussi of tho propo,scd mcaaure. ,

Tiio > eoneral fouturea of thb which is troracndoualy lengthy an

’ evidently drawn by the eommittcircumlocution, nre doubtless gen known, 81xty-fivo per cent of th e r s in the territory of tho propost'i county .at the last provloua e)/!

IL,I canj by petition and aftec certific -g;—g-gj advertisement and lioaring, eom

' county board of commissiouors U D O R election -vrithin tho'iiaid tcrritc

volo' “ Yes.” or “ N o " upon tho slon iiroposition. Now th a t cl may be a vory wise and g reat ac!

I bu t to tho plain mind at mediocr looka like a aront, big, foolish fai li'old nn election lo decWo a i t tion upon which flfl per ccnt of th ors havo already registered in t l f i rm A tiv o !>y signing a potltion!

When the farclal oleetion alinl! beou held, ia caso tho 65 por cent not -changed - their individual"^ aince aigning tho potltion, upon ci cation oi! the result, tho govori directed fo appoint offlccr«»^fp new county. The county commi era so appointed aro to moot v fivo days aftor qualification ani tify the governor th a t tlie uow ci Ih organizud and reiidy to mnko slon ,of assets and liabllltiea witl county from which it hns boen dlv( And It is in this m nttcr of sec

P nlitnony, so to speuk, thnt tho Italian hand of whoever drew thi is again demonstrated. You ' think, of course, that tiio old ci would bo interested in thia matter

/ a tho blit provides tha t tbu board oftration shall .consist o f throo pel

=5 = “ ono of -whortv ehnU bo a resident taxpayer wlthi^i tlio now county no tw o,of whom shall be from ni

. eountv^*’—thua nmkitig it ontiroly sibk- that the old coimty shall n< ropresented‘■thereon a t all!

This “ arbitration roinmisslon,” 'SSm '>f whom constitute quorum, ai

f ir s t 'd u ty specified, “ sltall nrtce *'"■ ‘‘‘’“t the election and nppo the snine pro ra ta between thu

I™ tioM from which territory was taki > H form tho new county.” That is' tt

that the taxpayers in th a t part oi i’A . old county who did not desire an |1 | vision >>r* election, and were uot I : mitted to vote, must help pay the I ' alleo sameol Tbeio may wot be J '. gall about thot proposition, again; f . ; it certainly looka that way to the S4- , up a tree.j l l This board is also charged withic,* • duty of doteniilning tho assessed t uation of tho territory left in the

MB countv nnd of tha t taken to fot «cvr; ’then It shall find tho differ

w w l)ctween the value of properly be ggM • ii.j. to the old county aud the Inc “ » * edneaa thereof, and if sucji indcl

noss exceeds tho value of such ] ton, erty , tho new county shall pay to P«r” old' eounty a projtortlou thereof t

dntorniined by tho ratio of tho ass ■***" ed valuation 'in the old to that »n

uew eountv—boing g'lven three J iu which to do it. A liberal eompi

ii«^> thm i« ftJIowod to this eommissior wiiioli; inelndiug nil stationerj-; ■ ]

itlro iiiridontal expenses, tliew ar offending niid nnrousidrrc^ nn.l Q la' voting “ old county” is roquirei

pav its “ pro rn ta ’ ’ shnrc. Good fi —— ««g, tUiit, f«c the m-ctions'seokim;

yorce! .y , J ' There arc nlso provisions for tin

. l l U visioji of all taxi's nnd county fi ' ni.d for till- traiiseribing. of tho roc

portninlug to the landed nnd o proportv within tho hoini-lurici* of now co'uiitv—tho 4>*powse of this •

led n t large an.l coatlyjob .to bo again sho oun for 1,0 doubt, between thi* receding li Honic. fieiarics and thOM- who nro loft bol

•der of and for whom it is absolutely witl fur the u„.<i or value.ler. Such arc- tho salient features of

. orphan bill, for it hns nn real j« t itv, which waa subm ifte i early »n sessiou and referred fo a « re fu lly

r atul Wvted committee,' where it was 1 V hore pcn.iing nieh lime as a favorable

joritv michf, if i>0 B8ible, be secu I.ast‘ week, Fridny, during the abst of Mr. r . J . .Miller of this,eounty,

‘ deemed a eonvcuient Boason and it brought out of its stall and placed

night the legislative track. An nmendtt a hore hbiT offered to the effect thn t .'>1

eent of the etitire eounty must be ^ , quired to authoriie division—obvloi

^ . a fa ir und denioeratie proj-osition. ■ warm debate ensue.l, <lnring which s'

stones were thrown, but no def>i Rurley action resulted. I t was expccted everal appear again Monday, but wa,«

• reached on the ealendar.It is KfaU«y»"K t® ’"^1

, diet, with m'ucli confidence, that‘ ^ manifestly unfair a bill na this '

- in it bo passed by thia legislature, will die the death of the tinrightcou probably in the house and eertaial.v tho .o n .tr ,

;• _ - aident 1,511 providing a four yeara t<e tbe for legislators waa killed in th e bo

laat week. I t would undoobtMly b >neya: move to mako ancb a tan a , iI, and tjjca to only convene the law-niajk

bodv onc^ in four year*—giving It U ‘■n- whe’n onee 'brooght together, to

New nome eare and delib«ratIoasteail of rushing things, aa a t prea< U lakes th irty days for a legialat to get organized and really In g>

WTT.T. running order—especially so long »• strict p re « n t euatom of sending p raet‘« ,{tteo »I1 new members shall preraU . Tl narv when eaeh ae# member shal! h* , nro- iutro.lured about, a half doten b« prem- just U> show hia conttitucnU h if ea- “ thar o r th a ra b o u tB .’ ’ and said,

Speaker,” about four doien time*, 1

r. BY AND LARGEirrent eventa, official acts and tbe general i I abroad. Edited by Captain 0 . 1*. Iiongley

g Act : reinalning thlcty daVs oro all toi I dcai^cd Another., reform m ight be m otors of o ph,rlng legislatora. enough so : niatter rfo would not bo o pecuniary sacril ay of Its an.v man to sorvo whoao tinio'Ie

disunion, worth nnything, as is now th tho other TW a'would-not-only tend to i

ugh. But the grado of poaaiblo candidates :o r.in .thp gopd.niaa might J)o Induced to i 53/, known second term. And whatever oX J lipw un- js worth’ for a 'first form of leg; sloture, it sorviee, ho Is worth just twleo o, sussedncka for a second.

thia bUl, • I f n bill introduced Info, the nitd wna last Thursday should becomo

mitteo on Idaho will'not only lcgoli*o-priM jrenorally under tho guise of “ boxing mol f tho vot- but will derive a ro%-«’nuo of | [)osed new ceniio fee from tho promoting or,

elfction, fion ond 10 per cent of tho groi tlflcatiou, money. For sooiu.roason tha t j compel a tlon. doesn't Icavo an altogotho rs Uo call taste on tho mental polate. I t rritory to liko a stop backward, oven if tho div i' states havo taken it. Surely Vli

; elootion will bo so amende*) ns to provi t scliemo; opening n bar on eaeh special O' iiocrity it of this character. ' i1 farco to II Irtopoai- • Tiic presidont, wbo landed nt f the, vot* Monday, seems to think ho may n tho af- bly bo ablo to a ta y In - th is c on! more tlioir-tbo wook originally pdial! havo Jbeforc returning to see . thnt cent hovo George, Clemenceau and tlio r lal-tninds them keep somewhere' near in th )n c ^ i f l - 'lie of fho rood. Ho should rcm vornnr is however, if anxious momenta

tha thp-.■*peechles» atafoamaiimmission- Texas wns left on the job.3t within ' • - ■

and no- That old.demcoratic wAr horse, w count}' Jayne Hill of Now York, spoaki nko divl- fore tho Hons and Daughters i witli the Amoricnn liovolntlon, declared tl divorced. lA)Hod League of Nations “ au ab securing nieut of the traditional policy of

tho fino ington, against which thoro am r this bill coustitutiannl objc-ctlonB.” Ht J would thinks the delay in closing penco d county with Oornintiy in dangerous.Uter; f)UtJ of arbi- The good old .Second Iowa niI persons, guard infantry having been fedoi .ilcnt and out .uf thiv s ta te ’s jurisdlcllon, unty and jilnniied to begin 'tlie orgnnizat: n anyone a lu-w guard regiment—authorii iroly poH- which whs- given by tho presentII not Ik- Inture—so soon os .]>ending congr

nl legislation upon stute militin ;i»,” twi be completed.I, as flio . .artcertnin a dolcKato eouveution which i npportlon Omaha lost week under tho high < hu coun- Jnp titlo «if Trans-MIsslsslppl coi taken to doelareil in favor of tho Leaguo ( iB to say tions and vehemently opposed g rt of the ment owuertliip nnd operation o, any di- , oads.uot per- •^be anv Congress seems about lo alio

rntn- but turning soldiers travel pay from ^hA’man discharge to thelt; respoctlva .tue man ^m ilo . I

. , shame and a disgrace tha t any s with tho turned loose without

' l l ” ixjrtntion to his liomc.tho old ‘ I ______form a *

iffercnco “ During the rccent months I , l,elong- ''♦TV lonely indeed withoutI indebt- eomradeshlp and counsel," said indebted- ‘' ‘■“ t Wilson to flie crowd that gi ch prop- Rosfou, Monday. Wondy to »he Honator Lodgo was present!of to bej . .--------lasssess-l. T h e . alleged unnecessary hare t in thej visited upon returning Amerieat CO yenrs. diers nl tlio debarkation port of )mpensn-jaro vigorously denied, and with Bsion; of; indiru'tiou of tnithfulness.•j';-J»Bt......... » ■'the un-

]lrcd"To ’A n n o u n c G i t i e i i i.d figur- L f . > _______________________king di-i • ______

I Satunlny, -Mtirrh' I, tlie (J. / the '" 'I I'irele'w ill holil their regular'm e y fllllliS . J o p jj* |, J o.;i„rocords ______ nf *f)?r There will bo a (inrisli' niootin

I - V .,!- A.reu^ioii ehur.-li tonight,jn Iho I> l»-KliiniuK-Iironti.tly nt R-o’c

' 'T'"- l^rogwt, will eonsiit of musi.'K ,,|KirH of fhe rei-tor nnd officers o .'1 '"“. KiiMi^nfloii*. and tnlka bv Dr. T.

enmmunltv hyfi , . . . The rortor will also outline the ]

of this doming vear. The ladies o;P“tcrn- ^lirenMon Guild wUl serve lighi

• m Ihe freshmonts, nnd the everting will ’ully Bc- ^ u j, JJ Rocial hour, as liold .setured. . Porelgn Misslonarj

, ' eiety of the First Methodist ehureh “ meet on Ttrursdnv afternoon nf1 V’ « .!. o'clock with Mra. JI. 8tin"on. ntI »t ANOS ,iced on ^

AJ> nre c h c p —cfftc

C J E H A N S O N l b T . ~ ~ »NEW ID O L O F

lefinlte h * w.---- - — —•ted to ' I ' iJ*" ' ■

“■ t^pris- , S " ^ - Shat .so t j 1lis will J '- ' ' ■ire,-but ; ' JT ^tCOUS-

term F hou»e ly be a » , and maXingIt time, -toIon In- _

Jialature M ■ ■ i h sa good ■ “ • «■ SB the A C«v Idol bas appasirad o s tl ctically - ■••atarn borlxon of thf«

Tben u Mayor 0 > H aasea o f f ln t t i pr<r.*l > mi

, b'lIK f t t rao o ili to r » e p t a c l>« Inl . h . ’. “ prom pt .ctJon t o u o k I

“ Mr ^ p p ra ts tbe r»c«nt s t r ik t » b k


t . PWMSOFPIIBLIrtfiy, * ‘

Sonte' of the' Qaestions ' Sng’fifest Themselves ai

I too short. the Anawera •I made by ' ____!o thot it JAMES.. A. CALLAHAN icrifico fo r There ore two kinda of non lo' la really odvortiaing—tho Paid and tlie X

the onse. Tho TTnpald Is again'divided In10 improvo parts—tno kind that people w atea, but a got into the paper, tuid tho kin to servo u wont to keop out. In order tor ony man Unpaid advertising, it is only legialatlve sap’ to do somothlng unasual-o: ‘0 no much managing editor will thank you ]

opportunity of presenting your sl bis loadcn. A mad dog bites a

tho senate nothing unusual about that, but no a law, man bitea a dog. Ah! th a t Is real irixe fights Try it on your dog and every 1 matches,’* porter in Snn Frao'clflco will bo if $100 li- you for tho story ond print yoi f orgonlza- ture nnd fho dog’s on tho firat gross goto and this eamo managing editor i t proposl- mau newspaper advertlsora havo Dthor good compete with in a sense. Tboj

I t seems an advhntago too f? r tho ator > i f other business, of. bargains; o f stylo, r Vli'at bill mond tho instant attention c rovido- for wortd^B greatest bayora—tho wo11 occasion The overage ndvertiaor'a pt^

problems oro mony attd varied, ] advertising ago ovory nuin iti bi

a t Boston tvanls to advertise. Ho must moy possi- tise—somehow, somo woy—if h is country eocds. You hovo got to . lot ly plonued know whot you hovo got, whj hat Lloyd should, bavo it, 'and how thoy ci0 rest ..of it. Getting tho m on. who haa t> tho mid- thing to sell, fogother, with th< remember, who wants to buy, combined wi ata comc, a r t of gottlng tho price, ia th uan ' from great agency- of diatribatlon. J

vertiaing Is salesmanship, whet. appears in the newspaper or on

rac, David neighbor’a barn. I f It doean't sijakiiig be- gooda,-thu concern behind it is it ra of tho introapecUon. Your-copy majd tho pro- enough black ink, bot not enoogl1 nbaiKlon- nmttcr iu It. Perhopa tlio nowi ’ o f Wnah- ‘ oos not rcach tho righ t klt»d o uro grave i’*' ' Maybo tho barn Is In tho Hu also enlghbprhood, or too fnr away

?Bcc terms the thoroughfare. I t may plcasi but not nppeal to tho peoplo yc trying fo rcach,

I nationiil business' hitchca6rnllsf,l J« U- roHocIion, it is I’ opl* wl,o aro helping yoa ization nf l»n»ine8nf Can it bo posaib!« lorlty for cl*"’’*" “ ''c I’ehiud tho tlmesf 'H bn jcnt lecis- K*?' tJjo l>ehlnd your advertnSrcMion. Aro .v"u nil on llm .iu t .urroundrf litin shall of onthusulsts, or aro .vou

ing with tho tido thot will evon carry you behind tho lighthouao o: llclty and land you on tho rockal

;li mut a t Tbero art» hundreda of queatloi Igh #ound- you „g]t yourself about you

congress, vertising—and you must decide uo of Na- of j i,cllovo the ovomgo td govern- „(,t j,„t onough'timo—oin of mil- brains—enough steam into hls t

tislng. He buys allks, ho buys ali furniture—automobilos—llko a

alio* re- chant prince, but when it comes to rom- point I ^ tho most mlportant commodi ivo bomas Ida wholo busineaa, be.does It wJ . I t ia a rhyme or reason; any way to ^ t ly soldier hls mind instead of buying tho ut trnns- bmins available tn look after

money-getting, trade-buUdlng assc him.

s I havo ^ ^‘■‘‘'‘t mnny business raon adv lOUt vour tbo liame manner th a t they gi lid p'rcsi- charity, with a notion that It nit t grecteii ^ wortliy cause, and to get rid o onder if Bollcllor, Then advertlseni say n

tislng doesn't pay. ' 6o another ac is charged againat hia advertisluj

1 I I I propriation when it should go to Imrdships ^olutnn,jean sol- „in,pje advertising follies s: •fl " " t ho scl againat-tho legitimafiith ("ery vertising expense.

' ARMY SUPPLIES NOT EXPOIHythosi- who use tlie oxi>ort s

U T i5 ties of this country, if is iinpo I lo know thnt tho jcjwrts-oE cxpor

“ ■ not include supplies carried onnnd navy transports for uao of ou

I. A. It, peiiitionary forccs abroad.' How ineetliiK „upj,|iea carried on vcssela othor

' " elork. those mentioned or aeat abroad bj Red Cross or- other agcncloa aro in

oting of p,i 5„ the domestic exports of the' < 0 Parii|h try. -- o ’clock. _________________

. NOT PABTIOUIAB. r" ni*nne “ (»oorge," she said, “ before I hvciene final: answer vou must tei:h>T nlaiia somefhiugl Do vou drink aiiythir "s of th" A. smile-of relief lighted his li light re- '•ountenance— was that all•ill cloae wanted to knowf Proudly, tr . phantly, hi> clasped her In hia arms

whispered iu her ahell-liko car: n .ry S o . ■

" : \ 3 G A S T A N K E X P L O S IO N I, „t 7M W R E C K S C L E A N IN G S h

ffective. Windows of Palace Shop are Blown _ _ _ _ _ —Other Damage Dons Is SUgb

Explosion of n dry. tumbler mac containing gasoline aaturated clotl

- blew out tbe windows ami sfartelively blaze a t about H:.'10 o ’clock moming in the Palace cleaning cs

,v . ^ lishment, 12fi Klioshone street west. '.*H ' flame* were ezfinguished by tho

f ' B drparlnicnt before anything otber t tlic clotheii in the •raachine were b

^ >J Cll. C.T3. Howrllffr, now absent a; . nrmy V. M. C. A. •ccretary, la the

pricNir of fhe catabliabment. whirl ' ronductcil under the maiiagcment

Floyd Roberts. A. D. Stnffor.J i« ^ ^ 9 owner of the liuilding.

Advertiae It in tbe Claaslfled colui of The Newa. Somebody'will wont

Q l d i j ± f i e d

* '• (Too )a(« for claMlfle'atioa.)Q the* — ---------- ---- ---------------a- . POB RE.VT—Bililt up, well Impro

00^ side farm. Eighty-five acres ^ olfalfa. .\bout forty aere# should

put In whca^ thi« rear. Splendid cha ‘•n<*’ Ketic man with aufflcl

!•**". teams and tools to handle it.- Po»i »ion at f'ncc. photic 2«*. Twin Pal


Page 5: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the



D ir e c to r o f H ig h w a y s a n d C it; E n g in e e r F i le R e p o r t o n In

■ spection o f W o o d B rid p i , A c ro s s Rool< C reelc

From-A structural Htamlpoint tlu I'Vidjfo ncrosfl Rock crcok cft«oT)n nt tlu <-n<l Ilf ShoBhono ntrcot Ih In no immp

^ <Uate «1(vngGT, b u t aft a n\aU « of expo T iljmcy It, mny bo wJsiIoin n« well ni

••'•ononiy to rcplncc tin* ))rcfltnt brldpi with n noiv u truc^ro nt thifl time.

Thin is tho rccommctidation of n r-.' r®rt on tho rondition of fho bridjje f i l «-(l' with the city council by W. L. John- Hnn, diroctor of highways, nnd E. V, Eor/j, city onpinoor, who wore instruct­ed by thc council to mnko nuch nn in- vesti|;ation. No nctlon lins been taken by tho council on tho report, which is in full ns foUows:

An exBininatioii of thc bridfjc lumber showed tho Ksnie. to bo iu 'a very good stjjto of jjrcaorvntion. There nppenr.s fo be no, rotting a t the end of posts ut the present time, or in the dnpn cut in

, -Ihe Bills .and ,<r«p».- There apparently -f,,hM.'been soniiV ro tting of tho ends- of

the posts, sinro short concreto plorn have been built to replace tho rotted parts. No indications of ^oose spiktis or bolts wero found, and no braeos split nr .tbo ends which might be causod by rocking or swaying, wero sceu. The Htringcrs apparently ore nlso in good lahn^o with tho exception of thoso on tbo firs t span ot tho south end, wljoro they come in contact witli moist earth and had rptted to a depth of two cr threo inchos. Theso atringorn hava been reinforced w ith 'ttow timbers.

Tho piers nro alt In .good shnpo with the exception of one which is being un- • Icrmtitod a t one cud b.v sninll ntrcnms of water. This pier is Iu no imniodinto dungor, but it would bo wol^ to divert tho water und, refill the washed plnccs.

The gtiard rails nro weak In placcs imd would suggest tknt they bo either replaced or reinforced wiih braves. Thu footwny« on either trtiie of tho roadway uIso need some nttentioii. Tho slppo of tlie- nppronchcH to the bridgu 5b Ru?h tha t In wot wenther water nud uiud nro rnrried oiitou tin? bridge, greafly fo t!io ■ lotriment of tho bridge flooring niid JoisfH. nrninngo should bo prnvirjed to oarrj' off the w ater if poxslblei In nd- dition to tho deteriorntioii of tho floor oausod by tho olonionts I? the wonr duo ti> the large traffic. Tn.considering thc iiinintennncc, a new floor costing from itroO.OO to $fl00.00 should be figured eneh .year.

In checking lip the design of tho bridge it waa found th a t thc deck con­sists of 16 stringers, fourteen of which ore nxlS, and two nr» -txl2'in aizo. Tbo Htringcrs are spaced D inch centers in

• tho middle nnd 15 iajh ccnters n t tho outaide, making the ■«verage spacing 12 inches. The spacing of the bents is Ifl foot centers, so tba t the stringers apwi wonld be-a Uttle less fhnn 10 feet. On llie basis nf thn-lD foot spnii, the ntring-

- or« will figure M fe under n distributed lond of 28 ,000 pounds nnd lond eoncen- frafoil in tho middle of nbout one half tbnt nmount. T)ie benls in tho sub- ntnictiire consbit o f 3-20 foot nections, oach section having five KxlO dimen-

• »ioned posts. Swa.v nnd longitudinal brnces are bolted nitd sjiiked to the pdsts. The cnlculifted carrying cnpnc- ity of the nul^strucUiTo 1# greater tlmu tlie lond,-which can'^lio carried b.v the stringers.

Oiir exnminntioii .would indicnfc thnt nil the wliole this bridge i* in n good

.<Htnto nf prcservntion and nearly, if not •'<|uife hs nnft' nn it «>ver wus, thoiigli if-

I'. Klinuld be decided to'opcrnfe it for nny number of .vears, il shonld be giv­on n good coat cif cnb^lineiuiii, creonoto or oilier bltutninous pnint. The proper innintenance of this liridiJe consisting Inrgclj’ o f.tho .rvpnir icf the flooring, lightening i>f,\)oUs and gtnpiM ovcT- Imnling, nnd painting, would rnn up­wards of n fhousffnd dollnrs each year if Ihc bridge were fo be mnlnfnincd in | norvico for n number of years.

Tlie mnin objections fn the use of this bridge as they appear fo us arc fhe firo harjird. nlwayii jircsent in ease nf wooden bridges, the nnrrownesR of tho toiKlwny, rcqniremcntu for carrying tiiiii-li heavier loads in the near future, mill the .vcarly mliiulenaiice cxpen#<?. Kiro would not only involve lo*s of ma­torial, but would occasion a delo.V of many months before n new steel bridge i bulA be erected. T)ie narrow- roadwa.v

Ipiay-t)© the cause of serious accident at any time, due to collision. While- llio bridge apparrntly is. strong enough it would be uttwiae to tun loadn over it Mich ns Tory heavy trucks, thresliinS i.utfits, etc., which weigh In fho neigh­borhood of fho-safe calculAfed load. Th>*

early maintenance expense, na previ- f'usly stated, amounting to one thoa- iinnd dollam a year or more, would of i’jiclf pay the interest on a considerable bum nf money.

In view of thc'above facts your com- mittee wishes to report that from a structural utandpoini the bridge is in 1^0 immediate danger, but that as jx i'lftttPT of expediency, it may bc w«- iiom, aa well as economy fo replace the I'Tosenl bridge with a new structure at Ihi-i time.

Rcspectfullv Bubmittetl.W. I.- J0 IIX 8 0 N ,.Director of Ilighwayt.K. V. nSRO,

C ity Engineer. I

To Mr. and Mr*. A rthar Jarman, on Tuesday. February S5, a daughter.

Dinner a t eler«n:*coao early. aTi>td tha ruah. Tbe Orm.->*4T.

I '

Classified- Ads are cheap—effective.!

R i b b e d B o n r ^

* ■ l o . *

thoVU •m k E Jline* s j J B n p l


1 re- .


h is

ibor;ood ^enr.H

t in itiy V ot locHttod u..iiiiiiii..in.Timiniiniirnro™.*tnTti>miktts The w ord cprtoK meaaB ju s t < pllt • !■ ‘'Hat*.” ■ Theroforo tb is -FMhltby dltU nct t 7 j>et lo r e a r l r « o o r holds

The lefCa broad b rim tips th e key toood • Tiolets leads aw ay Into a broad hrlon bon. On th e r ig h t a m ltan straw

loro • black croS‘« r a la ribbon. Lowerirth lea the r, th e le ft a perky bonnet t<

or a bloe lea th e r brim on ton colorodcen '.»a«*T

I ® c a l Q r e - v i t i e jinto ^ ■ - J•ort - --------- I !CC8. 'rar6woU Beceptlon—A fnrcwell re-j leoa rot>tioii to Father lliilin will bo givon | her tonight nt Maoho Hnll nt H:30. Con-1 rhir gnrgnfioM nnd frlcniis nre invited. ray , ■' of Wolcorob Twin Sons—T«vlu n.ms, bo-

ing-tbo clpventb.nnd twelfth children': of fho family, were born on Kobriinrv;

‘•‘® 12 to Mr. nnil Mr.n. Eiirl Kggleston. rc-1 Hiding cn ft mncb near Rogerson. 1 to ,

Entors Lnw Practice — Licutennnt- jyg Ifarry Benoit, who reeenll.v rehirncdl thc i ’rance, whero hn served as an of-'

ficor in tho Amorican ormy ordnaneo] rod oorps, is associated now in tho prncfice'

of la,w in tho offico o f II. a\Har.ol.

olf. Opens'Bhoc ^lepait B hop^J. ¥. Em. leh proprietor of a shoe repair[^o aliop. opened in iho rear of the Uo<Iol ia Shoo store, whero ho la prepnretl to un-

tho dertnko all kinds of shoo repairing.12 ■ —ir-*-----I** Hero War L ecturer Hex*—Captaiu K.

F. O'Li'nry, war hero extraorrlinnry nnd Oil former officer of -the U«ynl Flying ng- e<irps, who is to iQotu'r'e this rf>ve’ning tod (,i) iiiH cXperienccM in the wnrld war, ar- O'*' rived here nt noon todny with his bride ttl' from RiimTt. ;ub- ,ns, ix>d«e Leader Vlalta—Mrs. Miiinic

Ilobbs, of Moiintnin Home, grnnd wor- thy matron o f.th e Order of the Kost-j

' ern Stiir in Idnho,v"'n« in attendnncej of n nweting Tuesdnv evening of thej Twin Fnlls-rbnpter. ' I t \h her inten-' tion whilo hore ly confer with Tneiiiliorn I o f tlie clinpterH n t Buhl, Filor, llollisteri

'"I «jul..Iorome, which-Avlth tbo Tivin FnlN . clmpter nro to <-nfertn(ti the m ei'ling'' of fho grnml i-hapter hero in .liino. •

for - * .IV- TO RENEW.DISCUSSION jIto WAtflllNOTOX, Kob. 2(1—Scnatois:' icr (.nnilnins and Owen wore today rcndy i ng t.> renew senate lUscuni lon of thu lenguo Jg, nf natiniiB. Hoth fnvor tlio principle i cT- of tbe Icngue. Cummins, buwcvcr, plans i ip- ti> point out whut he belioves nrctdo-|i •ar fects in thc proposed constitution, , i

ofhe£ THE ORrc,S'?.

ofigo • ____

I ELAINEns•h-h-»]a- From a scenic standpoiiof bat the entire balance of the

tain scenery, the fertile valle m- So fa r as direction is Co:a ' tion of Arthnr Haminerstein'

able production. ,he j------------ =----------------------------------- --

Never Surprise 1►■»• - A Rollicking 0<\cr. I • ■ ■ ' ■ I

. The Hand is QuickerSlow Motion ro to ^ap b y o

QB tion. Harreloos and 7ascithe 'NoTs^ra


C O M I N G S O <


Vioice Spring

ust one thlDC to womAn. T bat thiDC u b lo n .Art a r tis t la p c rtn r io s Ihr**, olds tb*- spoUlght o< attenU on. Upper r to sprtng line* w b ea th e crown o* t b rim topped w ith purple do luxe rib- traw reaches un though t o t.b e lc b ts la wer m otor' m odels bare : toaches o t e t to r tho o p e n ^ ^ e d raise— the rlgb t ored body, and a t«U of Sellm for tbe

i i f i i D i rsi HllillTSTIlfiT

OFSmmilLinrvj -

i A u d ie n c e F il ls D i s t r i c t C o u r t mnt' ■Room W h e n P r c j j c u t i n g

to r n e y M a k e s O p e n in g S t a t e - « '» j m e n t— W itn e s s e s C a lle d

An niidienco nearly filling tin* di.i- Kn,. trict court roOm here wus lu attend- mir ''••‘'t . wl 0::t0 •tf'clock thiii tnomlng when

Prosepiiting.^ttprney.-Praak L ^ to p lt- un inndo hts o|><^n!ng st.itement Jn tho Irinl nf Ihe .•nm> of IlaroldvM. films, i>e«vsj>niK'r man and former stale rop- resentative who is accusotj o^ oommit-. ling n »mtiitory offeftse. Testimony

‘'“I for tho Aala wus «iven thin niorniTig by 'HK Miss Kuth K. .lester. In rejipcct to '"K whom nir informntion ohiiriiinirllcrivlTh .***■■ m nipliiity in Ihe nllegeil offenKO waa ' “O dismixHod on motion of Hie prosccnt-

5 ing ntterin 'v ; by vl. C. OngBod nntl by 1!. K. Mori-house, a dniggiat of Hollln-

•lie ter.■or- Wilncs:>os fnr Ihe stnto, nf whom »»t-1 uliniil -IO nre named In the informntio!i nce[fj)(<l by tbe jiroHecnting ntlorney, hnvo th e jb d ii eicluiled from fhe court room ex-. en-:rri.t wben enlle<l ti> testify.

Securing Jury Big Job ilN I Till- wh(de da.v -Tui’S'lay iti disfrinl | i , . I Cl.nrt hero wn' occupied in seriirllig ui

'' .iiiry. The jury was Kworn in just bo-1 f ire iiiljourunient Tnesdny evening, j

, 'J'uo ft|jccinl venires, ono cn'lling'for 1 0 , j)msi)cclivo jurorn und unollicr fo f 8,1

i>is'\iere si'rved b.v Coroner P. .1. (iri)!*snmnj idy ni'tlng 'in llie’ nti-nd of the slieriff.CUQ The ilcfonse oxerclsoil five nf tho' plo Hix ]ireeiiiptorv rbnlloiigcH of canilldntcA I ins_^f(,r plnce in' Ibe jury box while tbei do'ixinte removed one .without iissigning its

I reasons.

KPHEUMBig Special,6-Pa

E HAMIVIiThe Roman

;point, “Her Man” is a perfect pro the story was photographed in tho ralleys, the rock-strewn hills, the a J Concerned, need we say moro than ,ein?. I t wonld be indeed difficult 1

e Your Wife0<wnedy ■' *—A -Pi'

er Than the Eyeiy of Boxers in Ac- and BMdnating, taken by Pig" s«raph

: > O N - F R A N K B

■ ■ I ■ ' ■■ ■■ T W I N j i l A L L S5 DAJLY NEWS ' .

Jpe3C5 0 i t a . i i

j H. E. Vogel of Pocatello ia hore o I business. . •* '

,-U Mrs. Stownrt Severn of IInnB<‘u sper {Tuesday hero.j • Mra. E. L. Hunt of Murtnugh spon

-^Tuesday horo. - I Mtan Cora Murphy returned fo E b j berly yesterday.I Mrs. II. O. Harper shopped hero /roi ' Hnnsqa^yenterdny.I Ej E. Jniu^Bpont tho dny hero froi ■ Murtnugh yosterdny.

E. D. Keynolds of Jerotiie' was het I on buaiueas Tuesday, Roy Spafford is out of town for 1 few daya on busine.ns.I * Mrs. O. Er-Tyler of Kimberly vlsite j friends here .vcsterdn.v.I Mrs. A. II . -.Velson sjient Tnemlny i I Buhl visiting relatives.

Mrs. Ii. K. Kelly of Han!<en spen j TiieSilay here shopping. ••; Mrs. L. II. Walden of Kimberly spen Tuesday hero shoppuig.

Mrs. lien .\nderson of Kimbori shop]K'd here yesterday,

j Mrs. J. t'airnerosH i« viHiti’iig friend I hero this week frotn Buhl. '

C. O. Oloatad 0 ^‘i l le r wns n busines . visitor hero on Tueaday.

4 I Mrs. Cuba Aon Proctor apent Tuet I dny hero from Kijnberly. •j Miaa Adelaide Boyd of Murtaugh wa , a visitor here yesterday.I Misa Elma Ogg a t Klmharly shoppoi ! In Twin Falla, on. TuoJiday. .

Mitchell .Tnhns o f Hnnsoa wnn a buai ness Waitor Hero yesterday.'

I Mrs. Mnry Hovnar apont Tuotday ii Twin Falla trom Hanaen.

Mra;“ C. F . Dinnoy of Hanien shop — V pod in Twin Falla on Tuesday.

'Alra. Oeorgo Jnyuo cnmo in Tiiesd^ from Buhl to spend anvoral dnny.

Mra. J . F . McOrew of Kimberly shop , ped in Twin Knlls on Tuesdnv.

H, C. Hunt, of Murlnugli spent Tues dny in T«iii Fnlls on bii.iiness.

H. W. .Inrrell of Buhl wns n businesi

I vi.iif<fr ill Twin Fnlls yeslordny.Mrs. ,K. .'?iolsniu of .^nsterduiii i>

upending srvnrnl dnys bere thin week. William K. Lindnr of Miirfuugh wqi

1 in Twin Falls vcHterdav on bnsiness. j r t 0 ‘rritt L. Peters of Amsterdam li

Kjiondiiig severnl day« in Twin Falls.

t e Mrs. Ilomer Craven of, Hollister 1; ■ apending n £* w dnya hero with friends Mra. T, M. Lecce of nolUster attend I ed tho Eastorn 8 tnr banquet lust night

li.i- D. T, Atherton of Hnr.olton came ir nd- TuvMlny to lonV after buMlncfw bere

Mrs.. Ia C. Camp.bell o t Po'totollo ar *!** rived here- Tnesiinv lo apeiid a fow5op- '^llonuia A])plebanm nrrivod fronj Mur- lit- tniigh Tuesday fo trunsact businesa my here.

Mw. Koy Whcelrlght went to Snlt I.4ike last uigli^_to visit for. .a - iu.w

raa ' ,uf- 0. ir. Cummings came in from Mur- 'iy tniigb on Tuesday to trnnsact bus'ineBfl ll'- bore. »o,„ D. McPnrlnuc of ^{urtnugh spent joj, Moiirluy nml Tuesday in Twin Fnlln on IVO btmincss. .

>lr. nml Mrn. .loKu q«iglcy cnme iu ■ I friim Ca^lh'.ford yesterdnv to.»jiend a

' few diiy.s.' Miss Loi» Hatfield of Ituhl is the

“ j guest of .Mis.-, I.DVons in Twin Palls jth is woek.

lol .Miss MiIdro<l LoiistxTry wont to Kim- 8,1 borly to Hpcnil n fow ilay» with 'frionds

nnjon Tucsda.v.; .1. L. Peterson of I’ocntelln arrived I Tucs<lny to Mpcnd seveml liays here

jj ',, nn busineas. ils .. I. —^ ...

. Clnsstfiod^\Ads are chcap—effcc*.ivo.|

: THIIATJP a r t P r o d u c t i o n Bv R a l g h

ERSTEINi n t i c S t o r y o f a K e n t u c k y

irodnction.." The f ^ t half reel sho he very locations of the play, i. e.,: actaal Kentncky homesteads nne an that Kalph W. Ince directed, ani It lo conceive , of these three men «

P a t h e R . e v i e w

•Film-M^azine, Sidncational Scicn

T h e P o r c u p i n e: His Pe<^arities. The fasoos ' " shown as he is by NATURALIST


K E . E , N A N I N “

J The s to u t r w alk ing al<

spent: ^

p-nt M ain streelSunday afte;rnoon

jrora sees any big men’s ,r„„l the store windowi

doesn’t feel any toohere ■ i -

, We have been tryi buy some POETLY

laiti'.! p]ay our stout mer 1„ confounded fixture

ed out a good one yspentspent ■ Some' day we’ll ha'v

that’ll knock your the clothes—that

lends though we haven’t t • on. - .imeas

Tu™- Stouts from 38 to 4(,w a . at ,pp.„ . . . ■ $ 2 0


" ID A H O D E P ^ T ]

dlop- K iS S S S SS S S S S ^S S m S S S ^^Sm

rues- \o«Me<

In c .. ^

II is ^ - e spic.


>a is '

ends.lond- ^

i„' f t gives you a bettei '''™- munity, especially a

be known as “Bavin, IT STRENGTHS

Besides it }s much m by check.

“"tf standpoint Account is highly dei ous.WE SOLICIT Y0\

1’™‘ •_______ THIS

11,cl 'alls;

'ndsived ....... ‘_____________________lore ' '

I Mr*. Lew {{awlings of Murtaugh whi I has been here -viaiting relotlves fo

ivo. aomo time returned home last nigtit.

■O TT- T O D A Y AN- S V S - ^ Mafinee and N ig b t

gh Jnce, Featuring

l i nrcy Vendettashows scenes of New York society c., in tho Otunberlonds of Kantnckj nnd mountaineers’ cabins, are all and Lee Shnbert supervised, both

cn collaborating: on anything but a

V The ActiThs Motion Plctare

le The CatalBT D ? ? Eomantic a

— Beanti^

“ T H E M I D N I G

' ' p ^ ’z z i

■ l . iMII ^ , . 1 I. , II ~l ) l —

m atiilonget ' ’)n with his wife, never n’s clothes displayed in >ws — and we’ll bet he 0 0 good about it.

■ying for a long time to :.Y BUST FORMS to dis- len’s clothes on^but the ire makers haven’t turn- ! yet.

ave a window of' stouts ir eye out>-^for we have ■ ,t have the form—even t the forms to show them

46—for instant delivery

0 to $ 4 0


WMmiimter standing in the com- ' among business wiciujto ing Money in the B m S M TENS YOUR CREOn^ U more convenient to'‘p S ^

Int tffe opening of a Bank iesirableandMvdntd^^^


whol Mrt. U .-R . Newmsiart^hfta Totnraei for from Castleford where • she liaa b<*ci

Ut. visiting her .laughter, Mra.-Lon Hellei

lN D t o m o r r o w' Usoal Admission

R MAIN”ioty lifo, tho polo grounds, etc., cky. The grandeur of tho moun- all features of "Her Man.-’ oth of whom-had the coopera<> t an artistic and highly credit-

;tion of Ihe Heartsre CazBera ahowa ose o f *>««In XJfe, the Hnmaa H eart perfotm* ,

taloman Pyrenees: and Craggy Oonntry shown - ntifuby Haad'Oolored

G H T S T A G E ”

J ------:■

Page 6: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the

, cuss ENTERS: v OPfllSTODIESI F o r ty - F o u r Y o u n g M e n a n d

I W o m e n G r a d u a te d f r o m E ig h th G r a d e E n ro ll f o r H lflh

S c h o o l C o u r s e -

• Forty-four TnDtnbcrn of n now fresh- , man clasi from among (br (^radustca I from till) ulglith grade Monday ont«rod

upon tbeir firs t yea r 's study in tliv , Tprln F bIIa liigh school. The class is : rnmposed of 20 younR men dnil ,24 : young women.

A Hnt of the uotv freshmen includes the following;

Harold Anderson, ilcrrlll Ayers, Al­ma Baker, •Ethel B ickford ,' Aston Blackborn, Edgar Bower, Bcdtriee

.1 BrosscBU, Helen CotnpboU, Mildred Chambertlii{i, Jam es Dcuny, Erma DinfnMn, F letcher Emery, Elmor Fnt-

■ cr, Mwlgc Fox, Edm Gflhrlng, Wilson Jackson, Youda Hoys, LHlian Lind,

' Mildred Mackey, Ada McCoy, Lylo Klnnoy, Inno MoKlnslcr, John Owens,

, Edna Parro tt, Ooorge Perrino, Lottlo Bosa, Julian Boy, Craven Scott, I#con-

. ard Seott, Honriotta Bmltb, M vttm ' Stearns,' Estollo Stoddard, Leono Stod- j dard, .Dudley Swim, Melvin Wiiitohvad,' Kaowl Whitehead, Edith Whyte; Mel- ; vin Winschcll, Hazel Wirth,. Iiona Yo-

• j cliem, Gynoth Young, Or^-ai Young,■ i Acil J^dams. ■

1 Excellent hog feed for sale. Tho Twin Falls Flour Mill#*. (A dr.)

! JCTS AS INSHGE t fliSOBTO MEBSW. T. Harbert Enrolls in Oon-

servation Oafmpaig^n Oommit- j tee to Assist SorWce Men ; — — —j ' W; T. 'Harbert, local roprosoatativ# of ; the . Mountain States. Life losuraaoo

compony, is p momber of the eoasorvs* lion campaign committeo boing organ* ired by tho burooii -of wor risk insor- ,

. nncc, treasory diopartment, among life ; ; • insuranco salesmen fo r the purposn of

cucouragiog sorrico mon' to keep tbeir :- WOT risk insuranco policies .in effcct i

nnd advising thom in tho conversion ; program, to bo announced' latur. Mem- ;

■T>ers of the comnUttee ara kepi inform- • od by tho bureau of all plons 'relating ; to conversion collections of prpmloms ond':'«tj^^ useful infonw tion. -

-cArrylitir an i w S H f f l j v '. r l a k insurance policy of ,

• V « N g a p p a ] m o s t .>37,000,000.000 of ;placed upon tho

n«teT<^MldiQrs and sailors within a . period of 12 months, according t.> state- | m ent-of Wlnslaw Busselt>,assistant di: , rector of tho bureau. , ' ,

Some InsoranM Plans iFollowing aro items of information i

iuued by tho bureau to members of i tho conservation committee; <

Present certificates aro one year ro- ' nowablo (Contracts, and may be eon* ' tinued as such fo r a period of fivo years »nly from tho doolaration of ' peace. • .

A t any limo during this jwriod o’f five years tho torm poUcics mny bo converted without 'medical oTomination into one of tho following six forms: ordinary life, twenty-payment life, thirty-payment', life, twenty.year on- dowinont, 'th irty-year endowment nnd endowment m aturing a t age CS. If tho term policies aro _to bo converted as above, tho conversion muat taku place w ithin 'tho five-year period.

Theso forms will be Uto only onBs written and tho insuranco will be cnr­ricd by tho government n t rates con- eiderably low^r than the private «o*n- panics.

Tho rates ore net rates based tijvin the Amerleon experience tablo’of mor- i tality with interest nt 3 1-2 per cent, fi(i:ured upon a monthly basis. AU ez- ji^nsos of tbo burean arc paid by t!ie gorcmmcDt, Uicrchy'pcrmif.tinj I'lC' net rate. '

Porideis will.'contaiu a wniver cf (k-o- mium clauso and totnl diaabiUtv* rlcubc making tho polieic* paynbl.- nt' any ond permanently dlBiiMp'l, r?j;ardlc»a of llmo th at th e . in»um l_lifcom-n r )tally his age. No poTjoy in a priviiT- ooj'i- pany., contains a sunilnr claitxo ruiiniiij* t>eyond the age 05.

I f you ship us your croatn,you get Toor can, and check, in 1ms than 48 Loors. Mutual Crenmcry Co. Adv.

Work for Family Is Judgment of Court

Yonng' Husband Charged with , Dijatnrbing Peace a t ►Home > Oets Jndicial Advice

Under requjremeivt of going to work and using his* M m jngs to provide suf­ficient food, clothing and comforts /o r bis family^ eonsi«ting of liis young w ife 'a a d child. John Yielding, aged

. ' 26, arrested Monday evening and charged with disturbing the peace as a resnlt of a a altereatloa in whieb he took a leading part a t Jiis home in the Golden Bnie E d itio n , was rrlessed &om costody Toesday by Probata Jodge O. P . Dnvall. Yielding told the > o a rt tiia t the tronble a t Kis bone had CdMa out ot 4 isag rreo ietit'4 s to do- mMtie a rraa n m en ts ia t4ie .event fae aeesptod preferred steady employment Th* eoort wtu not inclined to sympa-

- tWe* wltb 'h la . ______

Too a tiy fcliT*. to wait a few mia- «tM ^ « u k for bott«T fa t a t

' ^ ' V W ' . C r m e f T C«. A ir .



Our glasses give comfort bocatiSo thoy f it properly.

theia Batisfaction guaranteed

. W. E. PBIBBB 11 - Jeweler—Optician

Twin Falla iAl- [ L — J— j /:oniee ' ......Ired y --------------------------------^ ..... \ !

r ( KIMBERLY li^ ^ ^

ylo (Bpeclal to Tjic Jiews.) •»*. K IM D EBLY —A. tm p l lo . i w ill lm tlo ijiven by tho Kimberly branch of tho ' ” >• Bed Cross- n t tho high school nudi­ty torium on Tui-i«lay, February 25, a t 8 ,

p. m. This will, 1)0 an old timo social ; Riven os on Informal v.-olcome to-»ho

;0*' returned soldilTs^ A short progrnm i to* bo glvon-nud refroslimentn v ill i

be served. Everyone is invited. ' •Conrad FM trlm s let the contract to 1

Hnlferty and Sudweeka for a new <3,- ] he UOO rcsidi-ni'o tu he erected hnlf a mile i •) south of Kimberly., Work is to com* •

menco at onci) nnd lx> completo lu 90 days. . • . - ■ ' • . I

Carl Bldgowfly haV sold'Itis residence pro]>erty to B. £ , Thomas for <2800. '

|P Mr. Thomns will locate in Kimburiy ?l as he sold his form west of town. ' . '

A now bakery will bo locotod in ' Kimberly obout the 1 s t,o f March and <

a - will occtipy tho Odd Followa, building. Mr. P. W. Dodds-wUl .movo l.ls-*pool hall one door north and Mr. Korl Burk- ‘ hart, tho shoemaker,‘.t>-U1 movo to the corponter shop ono iilock north, '

of Leo Stettler has returned from tho { lOO coast whero he shipped a car of hogs. ) '«• M: D, Morgan has tho plans' dram i j in* fo t a-aew brick residence which ho will ( I*** erect on hts farm a milo east of Kim- { ■0 berly. ■ • i

’.Owing to the weather and the roads t tbo farmors beet meeting wns not wcjl f attended last Saturday afternoon. Pos-

oa sibly 'another meeting w ill, ho called later, ,

m- •. \ .......... ........ r------ ■ ,DIBB0T8 DBBSaMAKBBS TO


Thoso taking th c * ^ r k of tho home ^5 drcBttnakers’ three-dov schools, under

Mias Georgia Bello ElweU of tho uni- '*® vorsity extension illvision', will find

good and cheap 'f illing for the dress forms a t tho Bed Cross- headquarters

“ • rooms a t Shoshono ond Third avonue south, Mrs. C. II. Brown, home demon­stration ogrnt, odvlscH. There are

DO scraps left from cutting surgical dress- of Ings on sale ot lO-ccnts a pound; nnd

eight-pound bhttH nt 30 conts a pound, re* The rooms are open every afternoon. ,a* This Is a chance to get good filling vo very cheap and to help the Bed Cross of dispose of unused material.

ot ■

III F i n e 7 ~ K o itid is «««• ot the best bargains in ih© fine rooms, is close to Lincoln Bchool, os neighborhood.

Price $45s

I r r i g a t e d Iin ' r I I , .1 , , / s)r-It,

hect , _________________

fO-The folks who hfi

of ‘ *

I “WaUingfor foTuri

y ,

aro nsaally tho ones . DOWN” when the got^ boing paased aronnd.


I! You Wai Reach I


we still insist tl |d things do "tnm n p ” tu with tho fellow w b o h ale ready to take i n s t a n t a<

jented o p p o r tu n i ty .taJO ••


I*I^ V _____ _______________________________

[ ROGKjCREEK ]‘ (Special to Tho Ncys.)

liOCK -UBEEK—S s t, . Vlgjo Ku.nivj.. sen camo - homo Thnrsday^ having re­ceived his discharge o f Fort Logan a short -time ago. Sergeant Basmussou enlist in Moy, 1»17, at'.Salt Lako and was assigned to tho .43rd infantry.-In

* tho fall o f tlic same year bis regiment was moved to Camp Piko, Ark., ond later to Georgia, wher^ the regiment

. WAS divided for guard dO tyovor \nri- ous ' government works. Lato in the fall o f 1018 tho rogiment wos roas;uim- Mi'd at F o rt Logan os'tho 'nucleus of a division to bo sent to France. Tho division was formed and lacked, but. a fow men whon tho armistieo was s i^ - ed and tho boya woro disappointed. Mr. BasmuHsen was Qiado a corporal, whilo n t Savannah and lator a sergeant. At the time tho armiatlco was signed .his application for a commiulon had beon received. Sergoant Bosmusscn is a t present vlalting w ith friends a t Twiu Fallx hut will moke Ills bomo hero for a time a t least.

J . .H azel Brown returnod. Wednesday from Loa Angelos, -.Cal., whero ho- biis

^ R]>cnt the wintor in o hospital, bblui; ^ treated for ulcers of tho stomach. -Mr.

I Brown has ' boen' greatly beuefited byI his trip.

/ Mr. and Mrs. D. P . Alhoo roturned from ‘Twin Falls Baturday. Mr. Alboo

• has been receiving medical treatment bo whllo Mrs. Albeo attended thu home

tho servico lectures. .idl- Mrs. V e rn a . Larson spont sevoroi I 8 dnya In Twin Falls tho last of tho woi?k ;loi returning Saturday morning.'ho Tho directora of tho Bock Creek am Cemetery fissbciation mot a t tho liouie ‘iu of Mrs. Mary Larson Sunday nftcrnoon.

The following officers wero elected: to President, Mrs. -Mary Larsen; vice

S3,- preside;it,-Mts. Hannah Petursen; sec- llo retarj', Mra. Laura Alboo; treasurer, im* M rs.'M ary C. Domorse.00 Mr. Topol of Chicagp is visiting nt

tho Alhre homo while horo.on busiuess in connection with his ranch, in Pleas-

00 ant Vnllo.v. , - riv ■ Bobert Gray spent Friday (lurt Satur­

day nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jones. Mr. .lones is a nephew of Ser-.

. . gcant Gray. ' ' '‘ Fay Von Eaton who has spent the

winter a t his old home in Arkansas, came humo Sunday accompanied Iiy his

, cousin,.Will Vau Eaton. Fav lo a son• of-Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Van i-iitou.

T. J . Jonci and Bobert Gray went to Goat Bpriugs Sunday. Mr. Jones’ brother nnd father havo been reported

m i suffering from thu 'in fluenu i and ns dll thero Is no telephono communication be- im- tween here nnd Ooat.Springs they went

to ascertain if any help was needed. At ids this writing nothing hos heen hcnrd ejl from them. ,. • os-led Yon oaly have to v a i t a few min­

utes to get 60c cash for b a tter fa t a t ^ e M utual Oreamery Co.—adv.



Mowbray, the oId>^staIe man,,u! famiHarty known aa Dad ire ship year hay, ttcnr® fo r yOa a ” 1 liberal advance and prompt 1,1. tnma. XUstem bnyexs are cOn* jn- spicuoos by tbelr obience. Too

m n ^ consign.'- See me.

oom Housiein a home to bc hird in town. Has 7 ' I

liool, closc to business and iu a splendid , I Ko. 303 J

! $4500.00 " ’‘ V

L ands Co. |, ".A

) h a v e th o h a b i t o f ' '

or Somethingirntp”* t

ic8 w h o a r e *‘T U R N E D ^g o o d t h in g s ' o f l ife a r e <d . . *t


i antYouK, •ihFor It — - ;t t h a t w h e n th e g o o d ”i” t h e y u s n a l ly t u r n u p i<) h a ^ a S a v i l ig s A c c o u n t qI t a d v a n ta g e o f t h e p r e - ^


V - ■ ■ • 1(

ANK & TRUST GO. »lL L S . ID A H O ff


- ____________________ K

- __________J T

= = = = i ^ ^ = ^ ^

jPfflEBiOLO ■/SiWCjmSEOF i PilESEMT PRICE>nd ' . . '

“ i! Year Booki of the Company .of Jh' Swift Attempts to > Explain ,of ■ the Reason for High Price of ,a ^Produce?*r’ - -- ------'^ m o of tho reasons for' the prices At of^,poultry> .bu tter and eggs arc ex* j'” plained in the 1910 year book of Swift

ic Company, wliich has just been is- 1? ‘ .fiu B utter, <>ggs, pooUr>* nod cheese ore ror poriahablo products, which are

subject to ropid dotoriorotion, nccord- , ing to tho year book, which contlnhes:

“ Theroforo thoy require auitoblo fa- cilitios for tholf collection and -distri- butlon.

],y DlBtrlbDting Systom"T ho principal reason why wc han-

die these products is tha t wb hovo d ^ 0 hatlon-wido distributing and selling or-

ganizotlo'n composcd<;of 7000 refriger- me ■?‘or,aflrB, over 400 branch houses, regi

ufar refrigerator car trips to towns not . hovia^ branch housea, ;rofrIgemting fa*

cilitics, cops o f aaleamen pnd expert handlers of. perishable* prodncta, and

. delivery equipment for reaching ro- fftilers. . This distributing orgnhlzation wns Imilt up primarily to toko caro of

J'"; oarfrciih tncnt; not to uso it for ofhor '* ■ pcrishablo prcjducts, which require sim-

ilar'Tiahdlihg,. and which reach the samo clans of retail dealers, would ob- viously ho an economic niid social waste.

pss ^‘Swift & compony hondles such ^ Qg. small percentage of the totol trnde in

_ poultry, butter, eggs and cheolw th a t 'i t , Jf. o f course, haa no control whatever over

mnrkot, priccs; wo ore also in keen p*. competitfon with all' other pa'ckon* In

the buying .and selling of these ro'u:- modities.'

as, M u y P lan ts BstabliabedIlls " I n order to mako Btill moru offcc- on tivo our handling of thesn products we

have estobllahed proporly equipped to plonts throughout the producing sec- •s’ tions whuo butter, eggs and poultr.v nrc ed gatfioredifrom nearby communities and ns whero they nro sklllfnlly proMred ond JC- graded fo r market. These commodi- nt tics are then lnrg«;Jy. shipped iu car- At loads direct to. our distributing houses rd in d ifferen t ^arta of the country, thus

enabling them to orrlve_,at tho princl^ pal ))Opulntion centem in the ver.v best

in- condition. The route from producer to a t consumer ia the most direct that is ]ios-

sible, and the number of hnndlings is ^ reduced to a minimum.. “ This system of gothering and nla^•

keting results in van over-rcad.v casli market for tho 'produ'cei', and also broadens his market, bccauso of our extensive distributing facilities. Tho use flf «old storage warehouses in con-, ncctlon with th is system ho^also tend­ed t(^ broaden'tho market, moke i t more stable throughout 'the year, nnd has generally tended to increase production of the commodities handled. A t tho somo limo i t affords'codsumera tho op­portunity to buy the best possiblo pro­ducts throughout the whole ycnr, und a t inoro uniform priccs -thnii ivuuld otherwise exist.

* Domestic Demaad Heavy “ The, extrem cl.v Iiigb prici*s o ( iiu tter

— .nnd eggs d n rln g th e M'inter .if 1018 ^ hnve heen c-nusing considerable a larm J nn<J m isg iv ing . enpePinlly nince fho pro- I <iuction nf bolh those com m oditiot dur- I iiig the ]inst .venr has been licnvicr llJinI umml.

•’ “ The th ree p rinc ipa l reasons fo r tho I i-x^renu-l.v h igh prices of 'tl«-5e p ro d u fti I nre, f ir s t , th a t dom estic dem and has I been ve ry henvy because o f high wages I and general prosi>erity; second, tho I fa c t th a t th e governm ent wns obliged I to m nke trem endous, in roads on the I s to ck s hi-hl in stornge, anti th ird , the I fdct th n t th e p ro fit m argins nllowed I by th e food ad m in is tra tio n k e p t the zl p rice no low d u rin g tho ea r ly fo il th a t a storogo B lo ck s w ere used op too rap-

idl.v. ^ .“ l u ' t l i e caso of- b u tte r, th e govern­

m ent, .w i th o u t an.V w arn ing , comman- d e e rr^ CO p e r ccn t o f th e stocks held in s to rage in A ugust, IQIS. T h is left onl.v a sm a ll .f ra c tio n of th e ustml s to r­e y s to ck s av a ilab le fo r o rd in ary com- n ^ c i a l channels, and th is am ount was soon p rn c tica lly used up. Bccau«e of tb e re su ltin g sho rtage in atoragi- b u t­te r , the dem and fo r fresh b u tte r has been so g rea t a s to raiso tb9 price to a high level. No n u bstan tia l re lief from h igh b u t te r o a d egg prices can

eJtpecled u n til th e heavy prodnction season beg ins in th e aprlng of 1010.

Cold Storago Valoe.“ The econom ic value of cold storage ,

ha s never been so un iversally appre- ciate'd a s d u rin g w ar tim es. Th<» ignor­a n t p re jud ice n gn inst ^ I d sto rage prod- | n e ts is graalually d isappearing , anti the U n ited ' B ta tes food odminiiitrfttion, from th e ver.v f ir s t , has recognired the nee«ssit.v o f conserv ing tbo surp lus pro­d u c ts o f m on ths o'f o v e rab u n d an ce fo r ' nse d u rin g tb e m onths o f scan t o r no jproduction. ......................................... J

The profits o f deaicra who store com­modities aro no more than reasonable in the long m n; years doring whieh losses are snffered are almost as fre- , quent as re a rs wben profita are made. For this reaaon the policy of tbe food , administration in limiting the profits ; OD cold storage operatloas, and nat a t ; the same lime goarante«lag against • losses, althouirh It bas undonbtedly ■ beea beneficial during war times would , never do doriag peac* timea, aad would i discourage the putting away o f storage < goods. Sw ift and eompaay makes ao i mlsrepreMnUtlon ia tbe sale of storage ] prodncta-eaefa package corrretly abows the natnre of tbe conteata."

We are agaia making stockfood, Tbe f Twia Falla n o o r Milla. (Adv.) i


MD POISONING- Brne^tinxmiOB aU U fM m rifu iB m

I- H ow often lockjaw and U ood poiioning result f.'om the neglect o f a slight scratch or little cuti Ham-

^ ^ lin 's Win^rd Oil is a safe and cffcc- H P tive first aid trea tm en t I t is a.pow-

L crfoi antiseetlc and should be ap> i r plied im m ediately 'to wounds of this J I a land to prevent~danger d f infection.

I t ' is 'Boothing and healing and qoickly drives-out pain , aod inflam-

Of mation in. cases of sprains.) bhiises,‘ cots, bum s, bites and stingy Jo st as

ISin reliable, too, fo r stiff peck, sore feet.. cold sores, canker sores, earache and

} OT toothache.Get it from druggists fo r 30 centa.

I f not satisfied return the bottle and g e t your m oney back.

. E ver, constipated o r have sick I t try W iia rd Liver

W hips; pleasant little pink piUs, 30 centa. Guaranteed, is- ■ •___;_________ ;________

iilify lM iri JFlMEETPHOGemistri- 1

Secretary J. W. Uarkel An han. nonnces Events o f Poi^* Days0 o on Track a t Pilerr or- ______«cr- XoTclty races figure promUieiitiv I

tho speed program for the Twin Foil “5* county fa ir a t Filer, Soptombor 30 am

■ October 1, 2 and 3,-lOlD, ns announcn pert 'i,y Secretary J . M .'Markoi. The pre

gram is announced htus early in ordc ’■®' th a t a wido measure of pulilicily mo

tion ijp given . tho. event and,^ c«i one»u(ng ° 0* a largo number of entries, fhor <pj„, ftjrgregnfA of nwonls offered i film- ro{,r niirses of «10 0 .^och ar*^0 offered for . Boman sUndlng rocpi, oii

to. Ife rnn each day of the meet. - J cowgirls’ rcloy race for a pur?» of jJROi to continue over threo days, two mile

h ^ to bo run each day an^l throo or luon ? in strings to bc entered to stn rt is ono.o t 'i t , the uiiiqiiu rnccs'provided for as I >vor a cowboys’ reloy race to be run luide ceeu Hunilar conditions and for a simiio * In prize.' A pony express and other riin ■ous- nlng races may be provided for latci

Secretory Market states.

3 [ l o c a l g r e v i - l i e j

nrc ^ ------ " ' r ^Factory Soperintendent Iieaves—A

Thomas, Huperlntendent of tho sugn foctory, left for* Ogden last night oi buslnesn.

uses , •Oa BUBinBU Trii>-V. A. rinln.v.oi

1 ' Uf the Am'nlgamoted Sugar companvleft for Ogden on business lost-nlght He will ho gono several dnys.

" To Mee’t Motbep—Miss Marjorie Ba ker left Monday to spend a fow da.vi in Solt Loko with lior mother who 5:

aslj Qn her wq.v lu>n^ from California.

-‘1“’’ 'Snds V isit Heire—J. -C. Long left lasi night t i r Payette afte r spending th< dny hero with his cousin, P. J . Gross man. Mr. Long is from Alberta, lore ** ,

Leave for Montana—Mrs. Lvdo Mc H offio 'nnd Mias Lulu Stout left-loil night for Hnrdin^ Mont.-,-wbere the.v will remain indefinitely looking nftei business interests there, lind ^

Beopening Litrrary—Begrinnlajf Feb ruary 2-J, the Twin Falls publie librar.v

. will be open dnily from 10 n. m. to' li tter p .'m ., with the rcoding-room open on 018 Sunday from 2 to S p. m., as fbxmorly. irm The rending room Is comfortable,, well >ro- lighted nnd heated, and many new lur- magar.inoB hnve been recentl.v added. iJin A iminll kimlcrgnrteu tablo nud chain

havc been ndded to the children's de tb'o portmcnt. ifti ■ — hos Son’s llln e u Oalls—Mr. nnd Mrs. ges Bamuer Hart, nnd Mr. and >Us. Elmei tho the week from, a trip of several weeki ged extending from the northwestern coasi the cltica fo Callfomin. Mr. and Mrs. Hart the were called home by tho illness of Eu- R-ed gerte, who is in Moscow attonding the the state- unlvorsit.v. I t is believed that hnt ho will havo to undergo an operation -ap- for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Hart

left for Moscow last night.•m- ’

pM '^ ^ / i t h J f o 5 t5 a n d ™i ♦ | * H o ‘3 l ® - s - s e 5vas —of On Tuesday evening the Busines?

ut- Women’s association held a spcclal fias meeting. Miss, Virginia McMechcu ww to the speaker of Wie eve,pitlg. In her talk

icf she*outlined the work of th r home sorv ;an ico during tbe w-ar and gave a sketch Ion of ita future work-in this country. Her

stories of the work that had been done showed the importance of their work In thia country. She brought out clcar- ly the work of the homo scrvice in as-

* sisting tbo returning soldier, tolling him / of his chance for re-education nnd in-

,w. sisting upon bis iosnranco being kept■ up are a part of thia work. There were .1 ’ 46 membora present a t dinner to hear

Miss McMechen. Mra. E . L . MaeVlcar and Miss Sally Van Wormer were goesta. Tlie Business Women's asso-,

. elation will hold its monthly business meeting next week,

m- . , .^lo Mr*. V. H. Deekor gave a WashRig- l6b ton tea on Frulay afternoon. The re- fp. freshmcnts were served a t a 'ta b l« dec- . /orated with red, white and blue favors “*• nnd place card*. The gneata were Mrt.

G fom Bprague, Miaa Sue Sprague, Mrs. Tom Bobertson, Miaa L lx^e Smltb, Mesdames T. Taylor, X- ^ Harrlsoa, W ilbur Wasbbum aad J . B. Mollln. On Tuesday aftem ooa Mra. Decker waa

lid agaia hosteaa to a gronp of frieads a t tea. Those present were HeadaaM

«« George Wilcox, her mother, Mr^, =0 Smith, Zari S u er with her goest, Mr*,

lerson , Wilbur ' Waabbam, Dooglaa Balmon and Leigh.

Mrs. Merlia Batley eatertalned the be Saturday Eveniag,clnb of yeong u r - '.) ried women oa l i ^ S a to n l^ . ■ .


>'». C h r i s t i a n S c i e n t i s t s P la n EK to E r e c t .N o w E d if ic e in T w ir “ F a l ls a n d A r r a n g e f o r S e r

v ic e s D iir in g I n t e r im ‘

Jck First Church, of Qhrint, Scientist, ha: found it-necessary to provido large quarters,' having outgrown Its cbarcl

____ building' locntod a t 230 Third avonui east. - Tho church has rented tbe Or

phcom theotro building, having a scat ing capacity of nbout 350, for tho pur poso of holding its church and Sunda;

l l l l school aorvlces, beginning ’ with Bun lAM ^nrch- S, 1919. For tbe presen n i " ' the church wDI hold i t l Wodaeada:

evening servico in tho old chnroh «di A n - “ I 230 Thinl avenue e a s t ,

Tho churoh Owns comer lota 100 b; ^7* 12!i foet on N inth avenue east and Seo

ond street whero it expects to erect i church odiflce..

iv in A t tho lost meeting bold .in the oli Falls chureb. building on announeoment wa und read th a t tho church was ready to bolh

iicn-l a .now edifico as soon oa funds ori pro- avaiioblo, and o eommitteo wos ap

>rder pointed to consider plans 'for building moy The Chrlstinn- Science -reading' roon

i^ngo heretofore held in the ehureh bulldini has been mioved down town Into room

•d is I pnd 2, Jowell building, over Vomcyn are and Is planned to be open to tho publl<

I uiic from 12 m. ,to 4 :30 -p. m. ovcr; * da.i - A except Sundays and hollda.vs, and oi

♦noO Satunlny evenings fro.m ,7:30 'to 0:30 niles Tho church librarian will hove chorgi more of the Tca«Un^ room during tho day 10.of hut tho men of the church bave.volun ^ Is teered tb. keep tho re d in g room opei iider on Saturday evenings. I t is bolievei niiar that having the rending room*dowi riin- town .will givo o greater number oi

fttcr, personal In tho business district, oa wel as other residents of Twin Falls, i larger opportunity fo r pioditation ’ one

—. Btudy. . ■

» , We ore again making stockfood. The Twin Falls Flour Mills. (Adv.)

. KEW BOOKS ON SHELVES —A. OF TW IN FAIXB UBBABUugnr • ______ • The" following .books hovo been add

ed to the ,T * in Falls llbror.v: Non-fiction—American Men-"bf Let

ters, 7v.; How to Study Picturos, Cof X ' fin; Parkm an’a Worka, 10 v.; Ameri " * can Anthology, Btedmon; VIctoriat

. Antholog.v, Stedman; Songs from th< ' — ■ Trenches, G ibbons;. Walking-stick Pa , pefs, Hollldav; Irehind-Horself, O ’Con

nor; Development of Modem Enrope ® Boblnson and Beard; Student’s Histor.i . - . a f England^- Gardiner., , .Foition—A brabom 'i Bosom* King;

Tang of Life, Knibbs; Bough Boad Locke; Ghost Garden, Bives; An Amer ican Family, Webster.

^Juvenile—Mystcr>' of Bam Island ' Amos; Keeping H is'C ourse, Barbour;

Mother West Wind “ W hero” Stories -laif Burgess; Myths from Greece and

Bome, Guerber; Myths from Northorr ifter Lands, Guerber^ Lono Bull's Mistake

Bcbultr; Boy Scout’s Boll o f Honor, ; Wood. '

Feb- ....................When you order,butter toll your gro-

to n cer to send you ‘*Mald O'Clover.”I on Adv.jrlv.well

S I M us! Sell tfy 8 0 Acre Rarcli

a t 'a ' ■■

B A R G A I NImer«!■. $120 P E R A C R Eoant ■ .

Won lM«t'cd on tho N o rti Sldo- Tract not fa r from Jerome. Will

tliat mnko easy terms to tbo right tion man. Tho improvements are ^ c h la rt that o good former con easily

mnke thia ranch pay for itsolf.It-lays well. For particulars ad-

^ d r . . . , -

TIigTraill-GrenzebBek R oallr Co.^ Pbono 116 . Jootna, Idaho,


rere A V » - O O R . M A T R O N S Iu o ' S K u e v i B ....................

' t h e y T = O L i - V f tU U E - ^ e c j e v E -------------i»e- ■ ■ ■

lIT U U l iu ( i a-ors tb a t haa bronght a lot e f

good eartoaw n to th is ibop. T b ^tne, '*W8 told by tbalr fellow town**Itb, n e a tb a t oor MrrleM war* da-loa, peadabl^ th a t w* earrlad aOn standard lino of phifM ny■raa ftbandiaa cad ' *»»«t - e v piloM^ were aatiafactory.in . sazBT MBZAi. wossr

E - p .. S W A N K

Baalay Oo.ar- T A 907

_■ ______________


Page 7: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the

, yB PITB SD A Y . F E B B U ^ y . 26, 1910.


B V S I N S S S C A S D B A T E S ' | ~

O no'lnM rtioo, par l i n e ---------- --------;.10cOlio w ^ k , par H n * ----------------------- 25e O'

. Ooe month por l in s 9 ’P H O N E 82

T E A N S r a B ■ m

P b o a ^ s ^

‘ w i r o d w 0 1 ^ ^ r -• . T O T O W Q LA B»-A 1»5 e iW a e t w ork . 8b

Moo&'s Sliop, phone 6. —

A U t b T B t X r ^ - i — ^

A U T O ^ B ^ A i B ^ A o t o s '^ p & i r ^ » t W e i w 't N evelty Shop.

P M H O T D n S o L

p i i b j o w s ? —

j PROFESSIONAL t. j ^ _ ___________ . $3.

A T T ^ ^ orr------- -------------------------- ---------------------- h it

A 8H EB B. W ILSOK—L aw yer. ~

H O M M O. bre

H b B ^ * s T B r a A i ^ k d g . ;

R v f L A J ^ l T ^ a o a e ra i prafcWcoi Icti Hcobu 6‘And 7 Id*ho Power Bldg.

SWBUIo t " * I■ n Daw. P rso tine in a ll C oarts, T w io g<x>

Falto, M ake., - o r ;

r » n d ^fi, over Id ib o D epartm ent S tore , T w in P a lli, Idaho. . ^

jT H T w ia B —Lawyer." ^ f iy ^ p r g M lie d ColiectloB D epartm ent. O fflcea, .Roomi 0 an d 7 O ver T w in F a lU B a a k ___t T n i i t Co., T w in f U l i , Idaho . F

■ A o W t n f T A N T S Cor:

WOLFBZTDBK ft 0 8 0 0 0 D ~ B o o m 8. Power B tdg. Tolophono 201 a n d 875. ear;

“ i ^ a i N E z s ^ !!_ :

j T 0 . P O E ^ ^ E F IB L D ^ iv r i , H y^dra^ S h JHe and M ining Enginoor. Tw in Falld , -----Idaho. P liolioH StJ. I '

O H IH O P E A O T O B 8 ^

6 i WYvr'-B O ^ o iiA O T ii a i s - 'I I * K n m —All Jono . of Eloetriilty,

' M ineral V apor and £ lo e tr ie L ig h t ___^ t h a . 304 F if th ATe. E . TeL 206. n

5 o H 5 P ^ f d S j o ' 5 5 S „“ rtX otice b horoby gWon th o t I w ill ~—

proeted to eell a t p ttblie auction a t aale ^ KTODode in th e e i ty o f T w in F a lls on hobi tho l e t ' day o f M nrch, IDIO, betw een i f ti the -houra o f 12:00 o 'c lo ck nooii hnd nowi2:00 p. m. o f aaid day , a co rta in b a y ____moro namod “ W av e tt* ', to aa tis fy a y F( lien for feod and p astu re o f said mare* mice together w ith coats o f ndTertisem ont, Inqu o f sale, no p a r t o f tbo am onnt duo m o lagft< haWDg been paid w itb in tho poriod o f _— six ty (CO) dnys. • . ' - F (

F U ED W IM O N . very Feb . I9 th , 1010. . fo r *

- — w—i--.- .------------------------------------ :— F a lliM A N W ANTED TO S E L L OEOO-'

B B IE8—S E L IiIN a E Z P E aiB N O Z :NOT N EO E SaA B T M an

______ • HatnOlio of w orld ’s Infgcflt groeora (cnpi* and

tul oviT e i ,000,000.00) w an ts .am bitious —— : limn in th is iocnllty to st-ll d irc c t to * '• ruusujniT nationally known b ran d s of foon* procorica, tons, coffee's, xpiC cs, p a in ts , catc i

-oils, ntock foods, t)tc. B ig line, cnay o r ci Kalcfl. Values b ea t any ‘ com petition . —^ Earn b ig money. N o oxpcricnco' or oap ita l required. Comploto sam plo out- sprnj f i t aiKr free sclHng in stru c tio n s s ta r t you. bong cstablishod reliab le house. ,® W rite todov. Jo h n Sexton -41; Co., 332 F a lls W. Illinois Ht., Chicago, III. .

~ G o t some fNTORM A"Tl6N about i t— w h f t t 'i t w ill cost, w here i t m ay bo bought to b est advan tage— througb ».'n.llng tho nds. • «’

-------------- *--------------- FCA dvertise i t in th e Q assified eolum ns rtiom

o f Tho News. 8om el>^y w ill w an t it. F 'rirr - ■ .1 . I phoni

I " 1 ^


Owing toi.tho dem and fo r S to rling I B ntte r, w'o a re Jn ' need o f m oro . . .

cream. B ring i t to th e f a e to t r and J aave th e uptown sU tio a ezpen«B.

STB&UM O DAZBT PEODTJCTS HI COM PANT • more.I ----------- , , J l c iu d


( ^ 1 9 M*lS I . .

j W ' . ^

i — i ^ w

0. ’ ' ' ■' ■ . ■ .


‘ * TRnT.aHHi Mi u p -BATSB - —- tb*

[ On* inMrtloa, par word _______ rS d( Ooo ««ek and WMkl7 ) _ ^ 0e. o m ' n o n th (DaUy and Weekly) _g5o

.'.MlnlmMn cbarg* fo r eaeH lamttiou L - .. c f U 7 claaimed »d, Ada J

mnst n a fo r » tU tad p«rlod o f tUua. Ml PH O N B 8 8 . .

Kr^aiSTFOB 8 ALE.l-Mcn»B <6.50 U. a Army alfi

. Shoes $^.85. Modol Shoo Co. ' wo

. , PpB.B A LB -Sow . wUl pig io lfareS I Jid, Phono 62AM. ....... .. one

. I I • ................ - PalFOB 8 ALE^-:-Bhode Island Bed set* a t :

ting eggs. Pliono 772-W. • Hu;

FOK SALB—ecod*” barley, #3 cw t " l L. J . Miller, r i ^ t n t Curry. ‘ . gat

' r e B SA L E -Ford delivery car with enclosed body. ■ P. O. Box-742.,. ____ • - . - teri• Wo are again mnking stockfood. Tb'o abu

Twin* Falls Flour Mills. (Adv.) Unc.Women's »6.00 to $0.00 bross Shoea

$5.45., Model Shoo Co. «‘’«1■ ■ " I M and

FOE SALB—EquHy in 4 room m o d J ,(^ om house. 031 B. Li Blvd. F . B. Bam- ora

■ Jro.TOH SALE—Young team mule., wcU Nlc.

broken. O. L. Jamison, Kimborly, Idn- ehei ho. . , . mat' i k ) E SALE—Hhodo M and B«.l pul- lets; Belgian rabbits: canned fruit. I-bone 772-W. « P

---------- ■ ■ FniiFOE. SALE—5-room modem h o ^ tnre

good location, terms. Call 547 F ifth N., s . C or phone 6«3J. , offi,

TOB^^ALE—2'3~head^^ro"pshire ewea witb lambs. 1 1-2 milea out in Kim- berly Boad. -L. J . Pogb.

FOE SALE-rrString of cow hptses, hnrnesses, wagons. J . Walker, 2 miles ' , sonth Rock Crcok P. 0 . •~JTOB SAU3—i a i 6 F<)rd touring car, 81 or trad o ’for a lfa lft hay .or seed. Clando ‘"O Corbly, 1134 Add. Ave. '

FOB SALB—Beren pM M sgn P»lg* ' ' J car; will trade f« r smaU ear. Bnqolra a t Twla Falla Auto Co, ,

FOB SALE—Men's durable Work SlioVs ♦.l.d.'i. Modol Slioc Co.

FOB SALE—Ono_ largo or*two small Cond soda fountains, cheap for coob, before —7^ March ICtb. P. O. Box 7^2., ^

FOE BALE — Span of good work mares and farm machinery. A. L . Iiam* ilton, Crozier Transfer. Phono 8 . ' '

FOR SALE — Thoro«iK!»hro"j Rhodb fsland rooitors. G.'W . Jeumn*. 2 luilbs north and 1 1.2 miles ca»i of Kimborly. 1 ^ ^

FOB.BALB-Tob a m traet, tiu -ro e s jobso. Fine for sugar- beets. $1500.00 f taken nt once.- Addrass F . J . w e jews, • . •

. cntioiFOB SALE—1 span, of mules, mower, your

-nke, cbrrugator and cream aeparator. ^|vo ; inquire 707 3rd nvcn'uo east or Waah- „oi ngton Livery. __________________ __

FOB BALE—7 room modem bouaov -------•ory dcairablo lorntiou; or will trado ' or smaller houae. P. O. Box 4U1, Twin ^alls. - ■_____________________ __________ 40 to

FOB SALE—Tried sows, to farrow ' .ifarcb, Moy and June. Eeglatored o .d-bInmpshiros and Grado Duroc, Chester _!__nd P. C., and piga. Phono 728. WAFOR SALE—Furniture for eight

oom modem incomo fiat, centrally lo* ____ 1atcil. Address I.1, caro of Tho N e ^ WA r call over Eldridgo’s. b r Ji f■ (ircMFOR SALE—H ardy duplex power

prayor comploto. In good working or- IT. Hns only aprayod (50 ^acres. Call contn n or write Dr. F _ F . McAtec,'Twin camp.

FOB 6 AL>]—8 ix colta, coming threo plantrcnr* old, weight from 1200 to 1300 thonsjJK., Qf will trade- for cattle. David IJabolamborrj', 3 miles south of foundrj- on _____lie oast end of ^[ain St. . WA

;. —— i . . . _ . . reil, cFOB SALE—Largo lot w ith three- Diekii

[lom plastered house, a good bny. ]{. n .’rico <900. C. P. W ertbaugher, Tcln- hono 400M. 228 8 tb Ave. Eaat. WAFOR SALE—Cabbage, onions an!

otatoes for sale. Delivered free of right, barge anywhere within the city limits. Hoteljichor Hay, Grain k Feed Co., 2«0- _____51 SUth ave. W. Telephono 23..

FOB SALE—40 acres, 3 miles*sout2i- u t Jerome; 30 acres alfalfa, balance ^ :nbble. Ko buildings, 5 f t. woven wire .,q j ibee. Priee 1145.00 per aere if sold ;8for®,Feb. 1st. For particulara seo 8 . I__ ^. Hughell, 1 mile northwest Barry- . To ora. tining______________________ ;___________ —forloaslfied Ada are cheap—effective, your' 7

.CONS/^5b* o*-< T x e

vvSJl ►4A.V*. >0W NO / V--- •B ^ 'T 'T e K IN I

•MY ^ \ g* ^


E ^ S P i

JTOB 8 A£BFOB SALE—Boy’s all Icnthor School ~

Shoes «2.30, 42 .70 , »3.15. Mo<kl Shoo un C o .', •. • . . dr<

BEST BUV ON,THE NORTH SIDE ~ TRACT.—07.4. ac rK 1 ' 1 4 miles from wl town, all fenced nnd clcarod, 40 acres iu mt

r alfalfa, good deep soil. This is a snap. —- l'rico^*»140.00 per acrc. $3,000 caab ' pitj'mcnt. See Shepard luveatment Com- pany, Wondell, Idaho. ' - >7-

A B E \L BAEOAIN i f t a k e n IM- — MEDIATELY — JSO ocros, jolHs town ’ of Murtaugh ou atoto highway, In bigli- 5 cat s ta te ‘of cultivation, alt good lan<), nrf lays fine,, has m&ay advantages iu ir- Re rigation, 50 acres fall plowed bolansc' *~ alfalfa, rlover, ete. Wcll -fenced with woven wiro. All produao loaded in cat^' — on ranch. Has. 15 car potato cellar on sido tToek. (Highly improvo^I. This is “ “ ono of tho finest ranchei ou tho Twin Falla tract. Absolutely the bcpt.buy j a t $300 por aero on good terras. E. D. nft H unt & Son, Murtaugh, Ida. No

FOE SALE—U. S. Govomment-Irri- “ j gated Landa in California. Hon- is nn jov opportunity for enorgetio fprmerit to tur make a penqaaent bomo in the rieb, -~*' fertile Sacramento Valloy .w here' aw ' abundance of water is furnialibJ by Unole Sam for irrigation. No- crop ;ot failures. No bardpan. .No a)kal(. .No goc soepago. Idea] climatio conditions, six .— (ind seven cuttings of alfalfa per aea* aim.- Oranges, lemons, fru its , and nuts aro succossfully 'grown. No kllJhig frosts. No fm it pests. No aago bniah.Nice and level. W ater -cheap. Laud cheap. Easy terms.. Deep soil. P er. g;-- manent water right. Best of ’schools •rrtTchnrches, Splendid roada. ’ On tho etate highway and main lino o f South* " ’ ern Pacifio between Portland and (ton Francisco. For free descriptive litora- ture write George E. Nygaard, .^gt. U. F S.. Government Irrigated L u d s , bon««t Art: offico, Orland, Califoraia; or. see our — representative Mr. ChrU, Myhre, a t P«r* \ rlne Hotel, Twin Falls, Idaho. '_________ - _________ ______ - for


. WAKTED— N ntilo j, ' Phono' 225iL Baker Booms.

SEAMSTRESS will go out sowing by T. Iho day or^tnko h<>mo work. 541 4th loan West. * mon

WANTED-rEniployment by voung m an 'w ith elcan habits. Address 5.’!2 any Fourth Avenue East. a t I

S m w a k t e d ~ i r_— ---- —------—-----------------------------you

WANTED—Girl wantod a t Varnpy.'s ^beir Candy Storo. • ' ^r, 2

WANTKD—SslcHlody for V a d y t o - -----«v6or and dry' gooda. Stnte oxporicneo tind Bolary..Addross Win. Ropor, BurlOy, Idaho. - ■ - -- _ . WUflt

•WANTED—Hoasckocper, middle ag-_from 3d.— Good home, family of two grown acrei :hildrou. Permnnont ^ s i tio n to right fall party. Address W. A., caro Nows. I hous

W^ANTED—Young man, 26 to 20, fo r 'J|^j] (tore work. Steady 'empIoTment 'w itb j^usl:banco to advance. Must Havo good {t o'nir education. Writo your own appll* jwutJ:iation In owu handwriting. S tate what Farm-our cmploymOht bas boon In the past, — ~ (Ivo rofcrencQ as to character. Botum- id soldier prefem di Addreas P. O.lSKm , Twin Falls. ' '


'^VANTED--To buj^ aUoats weighing ,0 to 00 pounds. M. A. Stronk. ,

WANTED TO BUY-r-Corload of see- >r.<l-hnnd furniture at once. Coll 008W. I.iiMit

WANTED—Ford rondster, must bo n Kood condition an<l cheap. H. Heart- Set

______ ____________ ____

WANTKD—Work on fnriiv or rnnob V Jiion; wifo Will cook, for bands. Ad- ' ross I*. Mauldin, Twin Falls, Idnho.WANTED—M inting or tinting, will ||v t. .

ontract painting. ,Just returned from V *; amp. G. E. Kunklo, phofto pC7. ,’ WANTED—Everbearing strawborry I*'’'- lonts. Qiioto varirtlcs mui prieo }/i*rlionsnnd. Ruporf Floral Co., KuiHTt, > V- daho.WANTEI>—All kinds clovvor seed— i'vt.

Pll, alsike, white, aweet. Tho Albort I'al>iekinson Co., Chiengo. Local buyer, pvt.;. R. Spafford. Phono lOG.- pvt.. I . . . . . . . I I ■ 1 1 OreWANTED—Listings on residenee ,

ropcrty in Twin Falls. Wo have buy- j>y{* i rs for houses woll located If priced pvt. ight. E. J . Finch Realty Co., Perrine Cal [otel Bldg. Phone 45.________________ Pvt. ' _______________ ___________ _______ I’vt.

Tor Beni- wa"FOir^lTENT—7toom for rvntT^'luti ^'kl iicl St. K. Phone C84-J.iX)R RENT-^Four-room houso on .'5th -j*'’*-. vo. N., vacant March 1. Phono 471J.To “ finonco” a “ To L o t” adver- Pvt.ning campaign you nood only sot oriIo Pvt.-for pcrhaps_ a ' fow .iay»—a part r f P\-t-iuf'pocket money. .Moi

— •>------- ----- I > .u - \ \ -

P ® I J J / T


WANTED—To rent four or fivo room slo unfurnished modern house; close in..Ad* tbe dresa 0 . S., caro'The News. Sli

WANTED TO RENT—Marrbnt mou wi^h equipment .wautq to ruuk or work flit raiuch.-. Box 020, Twiu Fall*.’ ' ■ <- •

.. II.I. I I I . tillWANTED—To rent two or three fur*

nisUed . housekeeping rooms by couple with boby.'- Addreas, C. S., carc of TUo ,

. ■ ■ rciWANTED—To rent a t 6nce, a 4 or pir

5 room'modern houao, pcrmaiient ton- Joi nttta, beat of .refcrencea. Addroaa Reutor, Twin Foils Daily News.

iO B T ..................... ..... . —DLOST—Betum to Idsho Department cnn

Btore,. pocketbook contoinlng ftlO oill tb l and 'silver. Boward.

LOST—Bunch of keys between post offico aud Porrino hotel.* Lcavtf a t Nowa and get reward. he

LOST—^Wooden box containing farm Ifi' lovol instrument. Suitablo reward If ro- ^ turned to K. H. Larncd, TVIn f'alls.

^'‘' ' ' ' ' T o l S a d e d

FOB TRADF<—Lot or lota, well Jo- .‘ated, for 4 or 5 room modem boose.Soc U F. Morso a f J . 8 . Koef's officc. Ihe;........ ••.... .. - . . I I •

WILL trado clear lots i a Boiso and aomo caah for a modern houa& In Tnin Falls, or suburban tract. Addreas Lots, ''q- Twin Falls Dally Nowa. ,

' S T E A V g D ~ '■aiSTBAYED—2 dw k bay mares, 3 yeara thciold, 1 dark bay geldlag; /Phoao 546 oor B 8, o r writ* Box 35, Bonte 2.

' .... ^FABM LOANS OB (•T o n b lt H m a.

I r th ia L . Bwim. J.” "____________________ ______________ Ball

TYPEWBITEBS, adding maebiaes, 'tfao!osb re^steral all tbo atandard m ^ es , a <3ror solo or rent; easy monthly pay* whe Tients. Wrlto J . B. Bichey, •Buport, Idaho.—Ad».

i t i s o S t m e o n s . . w mT. J . WOODS can mako your form 'witb

oan a t righ t rates ond'. givo you your etoouoney a t onco. new

!tYPEWB1TEHB-^ Bobuilt machines. ny make, for aalo or rent. Beo J I ootot, t Businesa College. •

IF YOU havQ any borses or mulea - ou want broke to tho saddle, bring It hem to the Fannora’ barn, or call Blek* Is e r, 241V- or

One of tliu beat located'fanna bu tbo q j,, sortb SldQ Tract, ailuatcd 1-4 mllo rcat b f Falla .City Siding, also 1-4 mile . y . rom Kchool, 1 milo- from church. 160 ., crea all improved and fenced, 00 acrca . all plowed, balance In bay. Five room ouso witb bath, olcetrio lights, tele* hoW, well. . All outbuildings, b am s,' . ogbouse, 'chicken bouso and sheds. -7 ] lust bo sold a t oneo, eomo aud lodk ride over. $150 por acrc. Throo miles )uth, 4 cast of Jerome. Winona Stock , arm, Guy I. Towlp, Mgr.

b m S.’ ' h o n o e . " cut I—. . ■ prod

(Continued from Page Three) Unit'____________________I— fact i

vt. John T. Mylon, San Francisco,Cai. ____vt. Haniuol.'B. Wylie, Tusi-on, Arlr..vt. .lolju *.SulUvnu, Snn Francisco, I tCnl. boo

Wounded SUghUy - notwiiMit. lln r-R . Vincent, Yakima, Waah. back ^t. Ueorgo-F. Sm ith,. Scgundo, Colo, n n l t 't . Jqliu R, Thornton, Vnllojo, C&l. it Ig 't.-Joliii A. Bartruff, Forndnlo, Wash, poter ;t. .Mornor P. Mcrkcn, Buypoint, Cal. omo^ irj). Tony F. Tcncnt, Tneomn, Wash.>rp. Honry Thomaa, Tocomn, Wash. ^>rj). Robert W. Jayiio, Lafoyclto, Ore. i-t. Oacar J . Joliniiou, Yomait, Wnah. , ’,'t. .lack B. Ochrltrco, Couillo, Oro. a . Charlii- ,F. Kaguao, I'liynlluii,!. Wash. . ' i ,.'1. John 8 . Ryder, Caaa Grande, Ariz-i P*nnt i-t. Harrv W. StiiiMi, OiiiK)rtunity,l Ibc \ Wnah. ’ ( tlvnt<•■Jl. I'riah E. Thomna, Corcoraii, Col. used .-t. Ralph I«gan, Palo Ccdro, Cal. . and 1 ,'t. Frc<l Barton, Blugham, Utnh; and j .t. Unlbrrt W. Carlisle, Livingston, jy |q I'al. bm ni• t. .lohu H. Quin.T, Eiigono, auenli-t. William O. StcvoiiiMiii, Oiitlirio.

.-t. Hio Archio West, McN'oal, Ariz. hron(

.-t. (iuy H. Bnili-y, Loa Angob-a, Cal.

.t. Auibrogio Blanirb, Mondoeino,Cal. Ho.'t. ()ai-ar Meiohtry," Lon Angelea, Cal. of hi.-t. Virgil I*. Armatrong, Cashmere, phonWash. In fpM. ■^ftnuloy H. Nowtoii, J.oa Angelos, there

•I. John F. Allrod, Fremont, U t^i.•t. Ooorgo .M. Smith, Hpbcr,.Cal. .-t.- Knox Pbillifw, Fort Stonton, .V.Mrx. • *t. Paul Joaejih Baup, Midas, Nov. loalni

.'t. Kmil Salo, Kan Franeiaco, Cal. trans t , Elm.-r H. Woaver, Milos Cil.-, been Mont. balf


NOTICE I ......................Tbo laillcs of tbo IVesbytoriau Mis­

sionary Society arn rnquoatod to leave tboir per copitns of 20 rents witb Mrs. Slifer before March Jat. Adv._____ - ai

Optlmlatlo T hought .H o 'w ho nccuKL'H too many accttses

hlmaelf. -

•Too Tnio, AJaa, Too TruolI f yon.would' be clasBcd qs a good

fellow ail .you have to do Is to ap* pinod yoor fool frIcnds.**rMlhvatikeo Journal.

.---------— :----------------' S IOn tho Qo. ^

Comtortnblo Incomcs totlny nro rare -m o s t of thcm'dofi’t atop with xis long enough to make thrmselves comfort- kble.-^Boston Transcript.

Tha Modern C o m p la in ^_*'_____-T fib’follow—who uBetf-to” kick whea s t

he was -handed small chnngc now kicks ahOQt tb e ^smtsllness of - tbe cbango ho Is handed. -

-------------------- . P*Great la Power ef Love. F.

If you would gain Toanklnd. tbo E. beat way. U to .ap p e ar to 1 ovo thcBi.; and tho best way of appearing to love them Is to love them Id reality.—J. Bcnthom.

'Aa the Qang Saw Them. an’ Thrtw little boys wero calllcg eocb 1

other by the names of - "Red,""Sqalnch" ond “Bones.” When asked ]wby they did bo.«. Squtnch spoke for Dethem. ■*lt’s our names w bnt matchcs two or looks best to tb'o fi^ng.” . j

-- - beiW heat and Flour. q

No wheat thousands of years old has ever b c e i known to germinate^ many yarns to tho contrary notwithstanding. j Baking tests.have also been made by _ 'tfao departm ent of agrlcultnre, shoi^ln^ a distinct inferiority of the Alaska ’ w heat floor os a breod prodocCT. .

--------------------------- cRefresh Y«Uf Principles. L. '

‘ When a man . s tarts . ofresh, d th e r i<,r. with thc oewnesfl of a new year or with tho 'stlmnlas of oltered clrcnm- „ Btanccs or with tho Insplrotloo of .n . • new work, whnt hla star*' onght to do for him Is to refresh tbo deepest prin­ciples by which bo Uvea.-Phillips . Brooks. :■

Power for Qood and'Evil.Into tho hands of every Individual ;

Is glverf o marvelous power -for good or fo r o tI I - th o silent, unconscious, UQseen Influence o f his life. This ia p simply.tbo constant radiation of whot a mon rcolly is', not whnt l^o pretends to bc. Life la 0 stoto of constant radi- p otlon and absorption: to exist is to rodloto; to exist la to bc the recipient of radiations. . ^ j

--------------------------- andPalm Bruahea. Fra

■ • Tbe some.Chinese jmlms which pro* fi vide tho ordinary polmleaf fans aro uo Qow being cultivated fo r flber as wcll jja! JS for leovcs. • Tho onter portion ofi p ^he leaf stems is removed, jtbc fiber •rhli n]t Into different lengths,' and tbe ^ 1,1, product Is,ready to bo shipped tb the jj United States fo r uso in brush manu- pt#* !octure. • ’ ’ Qi ]

-------:----------------L- • L'B«e Farming Haa Future.' «tre

I t is n fosclnatlng business, th a t of tor. )eo farming, and a business which Cl lotwlthstondlog thc fact that It dates enu( lack 'to prehistoric times. Is even y e t 8 . J in Infant Industry. Which Im to u y . Fi t Is not one-fourth developed to^^B Soco lOtentloMlmlt Thcro Is on Imn^nsb Istei imoimt of honey wosted yfcry ' ’ ’ ' -ear bccaus<s there nro not eaoogh pc lees to gather It. * / ]>

' I fron:• • / - 1:30

• Cuheb, , / andCubeb berries ore trom tbe tflmblng 5

ilant called P iper Cubcbii. nAuvo of q.qq be W est Indies, bclne cxtenswely col* ivnted In Javo and Sum ntri. I t la ised ns local stim ulnnt In iodlgestion nd ns n llavorlnj: vehlclc In mlxtorea nd gargles. I t la vnlnable particular- t iite

lo diseases of tb4> mucous mem- —i o nine, especially of tbn bronchi. Fr^- yonr uently smoked in clgnrettea fo r thelf (Tect on«the mucous membrane of tb s B] ronchi and larynx.

W asted Patler.ee. jHo whs n groen Scottish Ind. and one 1

if his dullcH was to ’answ er the tele* Jiboor. Whon first rolled on to do y i. In reply to tbo usual query: **Aro yoa I - b e ro r ' ho nodded assent. Again tholupstlon cnme nnd ngnln and’yct again, !ind y tch time the boy gave the' nn* | ’werinff nod. When, the question came j tor thc flftb time, however, the boy, I <using bis temper, rtmretl through th e jransm ltter: •*Mnn, nro yr blln'7 l ’»c 1•een noddin* mu held nff for thc las t Ilalf o o r r —Boston Tm nscrlpt. I L -

I t w a s a U ttle unnati hT"! / ' T H e . R e . N.

I 1 F E E . t _ l VkJL k M VS^LF- A.

' . ■ > rX O B

— .. ' M, • ' o iTO OP T w m P A I L S :■ Pbpnlation Jan , 1 , lfll8,'7,26il:;[ , - Twin ra ils Olty {toygfTiwi yit

Begulor meotinga of the city ceiuwU ’ ore hold on tbe first and th ird 3» o o d a /’' ^ of caeh month iu thO Municipal BuHd- M'i iiig, 2nd Ave. and 2ad-8t. X .' . A*

I Acting Mayor—A rtaor L i.S w im .' Attornoy—John K Davies. •Cleric—W.'jJL.--Miaaick, 'Treasurer—H. E, Bbnads. . ’ • Engineer—E: V. Berg. | ' '

' Cotmty Cknfemment Clerk of the Diatriet Court aad Ex- ^ '

Officio Becorder and Auditor—C. C. Siggins.

Sheriff-A . N, Spraguo.Asaesjoir-Goorgo W. WUcox,Troaauror—Mrs. Emma Longley War* '

reij. . . •Attorney—Frank L, Stephba, l»}»Biito Judgo—Oliver P.* Duvall. ,

- _ Couaty Superintondont of Public la* ' strucUoa—Miss Brittomart WoIfc.

Surveyor—James A. Bybee. “Coroner—P. J , Grossman.Commlaaioners—Firat d is tr ic t, W. W.

Pariah, Twin Fnlle; aecond district, W,F. Broekon, Kimborly; third district, T.,- E. Mooro, Filer,

Federal OoTemment CuBtodlan—M. A, Stronk.U. 8 . Commissioner—C. a Siggins.

romth^jndi<4a i District Judges—W. A. Bobcock, Twin Palis,

and II. P. Ensign, Hailey.Clerk—C. C. Siggina.

SchoolsBoard of EdncaUon-PresW eot, V, H.

Decker; clork, O, E. B ryant;.juperla- tondent of schools, Hal O. Bine.

High sebool-T-Sboaliono s tree t north between Fourth and Sixth ovoaues. U .C. Mitchell. priDcJpol. ' ' “ '*

Llocolu Mhool—Sixth stree t north, between Second,and Third aveaue*.'

Bickol 8cho9l--Sixtb atreet east, be- tweea Seeond and Third avennea.

Washington sehool—Bine Lakea boul­evard and Addiaoa aveaue,

Olnbf • -Greater Twin IW ls a n b —Presideat,

L. T. W right; seeretary, S tua rt H . Tay* lor.

L i b ^Twin FaUa Publie U braT r S oahoa* .

stroot north, between Secoud and Third ‘ avenues. Misa Jes^o Fraser, librarian.

Boyd Uospitat—Tb|ird avenne and Third street west.

Twin Falls Coanty General Hospital., Ohttrchea - "

, First Preabyterian—F if lh avenue ^ d Second sthMt north. Dr. Asher H. • Brand, pastor.

U n t Methodist Episeopal — Fourth avenuo and Shoshone street e a s t B ev ..' ElmoV Gnant Keith, pastor.

F irst Baptist—Tonrth avenue a n d : Second street nortb. Bev. C. L . Owsnj pastor.'-- ' ■ ■ ' ' . ' J

Ascension Episcopal—Thjfd mveoue . and Seeond street aorth. B er. L . 'B . Franck, rector.

St, Edwards C^tholie—SM esd: avsB* . ' uo aad P ifth street east B er. *N. P . -Hahn, roctor. ' ...........' *•

F irat Chtire*b of Christ. Seieatist— Third ar\-ebue oast, between 6 eeond aad Third streets.

lA tter Day Saiftta of Jesus C h ris t^F ifth avenue aod 'T hlrd stree t e te t- J i. \G. KirXman,.bishop.' ' ;

Latheraii—Third avenne and Fourth ' ' street west. BeV .'John Qihring, pas­tor. . .

Church of tho Brethren—Third av- snue and Fourth street north. Ber. b.3. Neher, pastor.

F irst Christian—Fourth avenuo snd Seeond stree^’oost. W. A. Moore, min* , Jtor;.

------- iposwffic* D e p iraaen t'-ii* --------------Poetmastei—M. A. Stronk. ^Delivery windows open on week days

rrom 8 a. m. to 0 p. m,;. hoUdass from 1:30 p. m. to 2:80 p. m. H one^ orders ' ind registry windows open from 8 a.' aa..0 5 p.. m .' MaU going east closes a t t:00 a. m, and 4:00 p. m. M ail g o i^ rest .e lo ses 'll p. m. aad 3:15 p. iff.'H'»ii to Hollister closes 11 p. m:

" t i ^ n a a a e e ' ' a ‘ T o^L rt* ’ a d w - - i i ^ campaign yen aeed only se t aiUU - i o r j>erhapa a fsw day»—• Jart of ronr poeket noaey.

BEAD THB n r.A iw rp rg n a m .


j M onthly. payment aad straight term d ty loans a t especially fat«

I orable rates,


' • K

latural lo r M rs. S m a rtn o w ' 'A

'.J ,

1- I

Page 8: f a iLLS D A rtm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...you L'-K0,„8m,-.-:.^ »• savEws .UMBItl;-liSTFIIIIII ' Twin Falls (^untv Senator ,fe: vclares jthat the

f i i l i l M • f ''


• h i g l

l a t t e r f a c t n o t h i n g WJA s o n e m u s t

n e a f l y t e n t h <

■ the best equipp We are now in p

. special service 1 without this S] eluded" in our Heal^ grinder, cylinder blocks

, chine all the h: bile and aeropli

............ and is adinitte(ate machine fo This particular sold, boxed ant

. ihipment for Ui ■nistice was siRi

” celled. . I t was b vision of an o: States arnly a bears his signal

. C PHONE 299


Captain P. W. (JcRoberts, Re- i cently Returned from Over-. ^ Duty, • Discusses Pgrt ■

- Assigned lo Him in WarCnptaln P. W. •ifcRobcrtB. nrho h a i ]

recently returned to Twin af to r ]fnurtoon monthii sorvIcc orcRioas, m ia { •luring aovoral montha u c r t proccSla^; < lijji dopartnre from Pmnco nn offJeor of i till' American aorvJcc corps, nn import* Mxt hrancU of tUo ' ‘netvico'ol Bopply," lii# •work taking him a t variooa timea - tf> I’nrifl, Tonrs and lo-nul-Tillo. ,(*

. All Coiadn't Be A t P roat ’ j Commnndpr in IfifiH of a company of •'

Inwa voluntccrg in tlip Culmn onmpaiffn * and commander for pi'cht vcarx of Com- i pany D, tho Twin ra ils ' unit of the flcrond Idnho nationn! f^iaril rc(;imcnt,

« which han bteonip hi'adi^uartcra com-th® KCth nrtillory rPgime'nt, j

Ilia trauBfor to anotlicf'field of norvict* on the ov<5 of the departure of that , unit for tho 'fron t ia n m atter of keen < regret to Captain McKol>crta an it in to Mie men from whom ho took loavo. lie aaya, howovcr, thn t men iu the aervice w(*rc acattcrcd from Pacific to the Atlantic coast and throughout France,; nnd only a few of Iheoi eould be on the; firinfi line. Hach ha« served where in;C the catimation of hi* flU]'eriora, he could j>erro best, u

At Is-9ui-TiIIc, where Captain McRob- I erta waa atalioned lonRcst aa an offi­cer of the army service eor^s, he waa »i placed in charjfn of a camp of French w o a tn war •workers in the department of aalvaeo, a work, he aays, which woold have increased in importanco had tbe war continued for a longer time. | In thia poaltion he was reiponaible for the eonditiona undCr which the women w orken lived a t time* other than when they^ were employed in the ahop*. He | waa asiistrd by Ainerican non-commia- elosed offitera, a Frcnch matron a^id the m atroa « f aa American T. W. C. A .| wcreaUon room. . . ..r 1

' in S an lM Sine* 1916 . i ,Siaee Jone, 19J6, CSfcptai* McEobert# ,

liaa been ia aetlTe military aerrieo with the «xe*ptioii o f two oontha in the ear- , h - apriaff of 1917/foUowlag tbo » t a a , ,

tae Idabo regiment from tbe U exi' border a a i befot® i t wma called ^

to tba federal-aerTiea fo r £o»rd d a ^ in nortbera Idabo. aod lat* r • • a t to Trmaet: 3>nriair tb a t te te r ra l b« » r t 2 d M » d e p H lT ^ e rfff 01^ tbe a te ta - < U ttatloa U r a a k M. KeadalL .o n e e f theprf»eipeJ .o « « w o f ;by U aderiak ia t compaay, b a t baa a o t takaa a a ae tira part ia th e manaf*-


HE UNITEIle world putg h g r a d e a u t o m o b i t w e t o o k in to c o n s

/v a s t o o g o o d i n th(s t h a v e h i g l T g r a d e e q i

h p u s a n 3 d o l l a r s w o r t h (

pped g-arage in the West.1 position to give you that e th a t TIC garage can ive special equipment. . In­

i r new machinery is a er, for the grinding of ks. This is the safne ma- highest gi-ade ^utomo-

plane^^manu^acturers use ted to be the most accur- for this purpose made. . a r machine we have was nd ready for overseas Uncle Sam when the ar- ; igned and the order can- ! boxfed under the super- , officer of the United and the packing slip

lature. ' '

iIN D A l. THE Fir

T o d e y - a s

- / • D E N V E E i jv E S T Q O KDEN'VEB, Colo., Fob. :20.—CatH .—

Jlceeipfa , 1,200; m arket, aJcady to 10c

E h igher. SttcrB,.#14.25(5>10..'50; cowa nnd

heifern, *7.72(^11.0(1; ■ xtockerH ond feederji, $10.75@14.,’ 0; calvi'H, >]3.2o(W ' 15.50.

ITogB—R eceipts, 3,200; m arke t, -C®. 10c higher, ^ 'on, «17.00; bnlk. $Ul.75r(i'. i - Ifi.OO.p.. 8hee |f~ R eceip lB , 1,200; mark*'t, 2." to

. 3."c ■ hiRher. i.ambB, .♦15.3.'[email protected](): r t ewe«, 8.tin(WH:2.'.-

O U A & A L IV £ 8 T 0 0 ESO IJTU -'O M a 'i IA, Feb..2C .—C atth —

“ Rccoipt3,<S,500; m arke t, ateodv to lo ts '»*■ 15c h ig h e r; Rtccni. « [email protected]; eo^w*“ an d h e ifo r a , $0.25@ H ; B topkcra and '5 f e e d e r a , ♦[email protected]; c o lv en . [email protected].'i;

buJia and atngn, |0 .25® 10.50.(I tloRH— B cceip ta , 22,500; m ark o t, 10@Jg 25c low er; bu lk of aalen, *10.00(S'17.2.'i;

j to p , $17.45.I Hhi'cj)— R eceipta, 8,fi00; m ark e t, 20@ ,10o h igher; yoarlinga, #1>^15.0Q: weth-

-n OM. *12(0 in ; ’lninba, |lfJ.75(S 'I8.0.'; owes,n.le ■ ■t, ST. JO S E P H U V E ST O O Kf- ■ ST . .IC S E P If, Mo., Feb . 26.— C attlo —*t Receipta, 2,r.(»0; inarket, 10(a25c liiglior.■‘* iroRS — Reroipta, 13,000; m arket,“ Bt<»dv fo lower. Top. *17.00; bulk,

»[email protected].!*’ Sheep — Roeeiplti, 2,.'00^ m arket

atrong ;.

S IO U X C IT Y LIV ESTO C Kir- filO U X C I T r , Feb. 2(5.—C attle— Ke- n ic e ip ta , 3,200; m arke t, 15(5'25c higher.(1 Hogs— Keceipfa, 17,000; m arke t lOci

un d e r veatordnv<% Top, *17UJ5; b u lk .j >. * [email protected] 8hcej>— Reccipta, 500; m arket, -2.'c j j h igher. {

It K A H aA S C ITT M A R K ET |K A N SA S Cia>y. Feb. 2 r_ C a t t le re i

c< ip ta U.OOO m arket atcndv; n te e r s 'p *18(S)1P; covrn

Ilog roeeipta 20,000; market steadv t» , lOc hlRfier. • ■ '

Sheep recripfs 6,000; market atrong; Iamb* *17.-75rd'lS.25; cwei* Jl 1.75^12; ■ atockera *10@I7.

^ 1 E A S T ST. I .O lh s M ABKETi KAST ST . -LOUIS, Feb. C a ttle J receipU no T c ian a ; m arke t .

• • atr& dy; n a tlv ra *19; eow» »3.?S{S^13i'). * fehw p rece ip ta 750; m arket s tead y ;

ewea * 1 0 .5 0 < a n ^ ; ranncr* *5.50@«;? . iamba *[email protected];- * i - —^ .0 1 . PATTI. U V E S T O O K ' *£ ST . P .v rL , Fel). 2G.—C attle— S«- I id ceip ta , 8,000; m arke i steadv . Top, f

*16.23; bu lk . *5.75^14.00. ' . • I i t H oe*— B<>ceipt*, 23,000; m arket,« . 10c low er. Top, *17.05; bulk, *16.95@9t 17.00. h^ AAO. m

T> STATESt together..b i l e s t h a n o th i n s i d e r a t i o n w h e n

th e w a y * o f a g a r a g:quipmOTt in o rd er to i h qf n ew m ach inery a r



W ch shall it be?' r —I lookej &t Jol



-f. ■ , nd

/ J ^ ^ v

iIk. ' y / ,


"I ik,{ :


■‘‘•j IK D IA N A P0U 8, Feb. 26.—Hog»— j Boocipta, 12,000; market, 10c -lower.

. eaviea, *17.05; mixed, ,*17.75; iichta,[email protected]: bulk, *[email protected]. • \

g. Cattlev-.cOleccipla, 1,400; market,

'. 8heej>—B<‘ceipta, 100 ; market, ateady.

OHIOAOO UVESTOOK CHICAGO, Peb. 26.—Hojja—Becelpta,

■i 43,000; m arket, alow and weak. Cattje, 5,000. Sheep, 8,000.

i ; ----------CHICAOO UVESTOOK

•CHICAGO, Feb. 2C.— Hoga—Ee- eeipta, • 41,000; market, slow; bolk,

ie- «[email protected]; bntchers, *17.45(^17.70;| jp, packing. *[email protected]; light, *16.75®• 17.55; piga, *Zti5@ l«.25; rough, *16 ja , k5? @16.75.

Cattle—BeeeipU, 5,000; market, 25e' higher; beevea, *10.75^20; bntchera'.

Iv »T __.«i

I . T W I N F A L L . ;

5 has more < The Twin

l i e r p l a c e o f i t s siz( I \ y e b i i i l t o u r n e v

t d s e r v e t h e a) t a k e c a r e o f h i g h g r ;

a n d t h i s a d d e d t o o u r j



? « 5 y i i tb e ? ; ' fohn;Jol7n looked

'Be X ll' '' OOK' ImiIMMM,"W . ' A ™w i s e / ' i ' l - 'm i M m S i , ■

' r f

cra, *fl.25(^15; cowa, *7..'.0(^15.50; _ calves, * 1 6 J0 (a l‘7.25. iT. Rhen'p— B ece ip ts 8,000; m ark e t, 15@ ta ,l25c h ig h er; woo4^ lam ba, *14(5'18.65;

jewTs, *[email protected].^ 'Bt, * » ------- - - ■ • •

CHZOAOO O & A S r M A B K E Tl.v. CHICA’GO. Feb . 20— P c b r n a r r . com

d tw n l-5c ; M arch co m uacb an g ed : M ay r« rn u p 5-Kc; J u ly co m oncbangetL '

F eb ru a rv oa ta unchanged ; M arch 'o a ta . '• in g m ln a l; M ov oata np 3-Sc; Ju ly tiata !*■’ up l-4c. .

Provi.»ion» ateady.

OHIOAOO QJLAIN -C niC A O O , F eb . 2 0 .—C loaing ffraln—

^ Oom— F ebm ary ,.np* 1.4c; M arch , up 0 ! | 1 l-2 c ; M ay, op 1 ft-8e; J n ly , up 1 l-2c. ® | O ata— F eb m ary , up 1 2 < ; M arch, op; '- 'i l - 2 c ; J a ly , up l-Sc. .

Provisiona—H ^ e r .

'n 'i~ O R ^ « B V I E W

L S , D A I L Y J T E W S

automobiles I Falls tract 1iz e i n th ie U n i t e d I i w g a r a g e . W e 1

c a r o w n e r s o f S o ig r a d e c a r s , w e h a v e r

r p r e v i o u s e q u i p m e n t n

-----—I We have securedgrindpr for th^ gr and piston pins anc that require extre high finish. This if of its kind between Pacific coast. ■

Our new lathe, jiist est-lathre in aouthei 21-inch swing-and ; complete with all i ments. Consequent]; the >est arranged s best-equipped shop public!is cordially

-,, our shop and see thi ------ sration.

:O M P A ^T H E W E S T • T W I ^

^ Little Tele^ama

CZECHS BBSAK ASMISTICEPARTS, Feb. 2(5—Poliali dispatch

alleged todny thut fhe Czeclio-Slovnl hnvo broken the nnnlatiee on tbe who

. » frout itt the IjQmbcrg ti' rIou. The ' Initial :ittttck« woro rrpulaod by tl

Pollah forcea, it wna aniil, nnd fi^htit cnntinuea.

AXTTHOB IS m .. LOS A N 'O K L^, Cnlif., Feb. 26 .

I’liarlca E. Vnn txiaii, well known wri or. iti aerioualy ill In a boapital nt Phi iidejpliin nnd.hna n “ fighting chance I'or recovery, nccordint; to n telcRra from Mra. .Van Loan to her mother r oeivod laat night.

I SIONS AN A B M ISnCEWARSAW. Feb. 2r>-^<ilelayecl)—A

nrniiatirH' wim concliidi'd between tl) 1‘olos and .t'krntii.ina last niglit. effc; tivo aix oVIock this nfternnon, aecori iutf to an ^ ff ic in l telegram rocejvc fri>nt Lem b^g today.


. !-Molly B uriitedt. present title holde • I who aecured a byo in the opening act

lyoMonlay. meeta Mra. A. Cbnnin. c j Now York to<lay in the annual won an 'a tournnm ent'for the tonnia chan

I pionahip of Florida.

I Classified Ada are cheap—effoctivi

[lower tendency in.grain futures on th y I Chicago Board of Trade todny. Vnea

' talnty regarding the March hog prie _ jminimojn waa the largest influenc

'.nm onc tradcra. Men in the pit believ [annooliccment by the shipping boar -of twelve extra,aji,ij’? to be used fo

; lirrain eiporta forccjuta n continued ho j price of. *17.50 or lower. Provision

__ were lower. ' * .February eom, dowu l-2c a t the of

eninp, 1.32 1-2, waa .1-4 lower. Marc corn, unchangod at the openini 1.32 1-4, later loit 1 1-4. May com, u]

.65; 5-8 ot 1.25 5-8, the opening, w'as d«wi 1 7-8, July eora, unchanged a t the op enioir, 1.21 5-8, subacqaently'loat 7-8.

February oaU, unthaoged a t the o j eninjc, 58 3-V, lateraold a t 58 1-2. Marcl

Jg oala, opcnth^late a f r ^ .n p 1, waa 1 1- . down. May oata, up 3-8 a t the openlnj

60 1-8, aubaeqoently waa 3-4 down. Jnl; onia, up 1-4 at 59,’ the opening, aold a 59 1-2 later In the teaalon. '


■ __ bonda were quoted a t the foUowini^ price* on the m arkef here today:„ ” Three and one-halvea, 98.76, op .06 '*’ *ifirst 4a, 93.70; aeeond 4s, 93J36; fir* "Pr4 l-4s, 95.10, o f f .02; aeeood. 4 1-ii

; 94.10. A t .08; third 4 l-4a, 95.52; of [•.09; foorth 4 1-4*, 94.16, o ff .09.

y re v r t o k k ' s t o c k b *

ts than allhas more

. S t a t e s , T h i s : b e l i e v e d t h a t

D U th e m I d a h o . -r e c e n d y i n s t a l l e d '

: m a k e s o u r g i r a g e

■d alsd a Universal, grinding . oif- pistons nd many other parts :reme accuracy ahd 3 is the only machine «n Denver ..and, the ,

s t set up, is the Jarg- lerri.'-Idaho, having a d a 16-foat bed, and- I' its various attach- ■ itly we have not only ' • i shop, but also the jp in the west. The y invited to in.spect ;his equipment in op-


5 1 5 ?"ONHiEmnTyii

ovnl:3w ho le .Tteit Discharged Soldier who vr. IwLb Shot Whije -Trying to -Open

Safe, Psychology Teacher'6 — OAKLAND, Feb. 20'.—Kast Bny p writ- I'ce todny vmcovercd evidence indico Phil- i»'i: tlmt Thornton Ifnilrech Rollir n ee" " ‘bo died todpy nfter hnolrig been <'n igram n burjjlar, hnd been living a dii [•r re- life. • ^

Two traveline bajpi, one of whi( roiitainod jeKolry worth aoveral hu dreil •Tollara, were foun<l in hia roo*

_ Tho police bolievc the' jewelry__jn■'*” alijon from Berkelej- homea.

>ffc'^ Inatm ctorcord* Rollina,. who formerly waa.nn a-nsia elved nn finatructo r of pyachology at tl

uiiivcrsit.v of .Cfllifornln, nnti who wi reeentl^v honorably diachargod aa n ae

_ _ >;oftnt of the medical <;orps| waa RU ' priaeil While tampering with the ani

-M»m „ f fHe"Weitern ifotor comjianv lai ilder, nlRlit. He waa inortally wounded b

sets policeman Peters, ot PmfoMor Warren Brown of tho un

wom- vcralty 'a pyuchology department, aai ham- BoHna wna' • an unusually IntelliKCi:

voung mnn.A Deep S tadm t

'j “ Ilo came here from tbo I'niverait — ', of ChlcARo whero he had made an. env. , thei reeord. He was n deep atudent o ne«-i?*ytbology;" aaid Brown, “ and Rav p r i c e - o f attaining a.profeaaorship.

Bollins had . delivered Icctures o .Ijpyj,! criminology. He wore hl/i uniform, ui >oard!''‘‘ -^''‘ - ’* • -I for DctecUvc* are seeklnfr to lear r hos!''A ether Bollina was responsible fo

myatcrioua fratem itv house robberie 1„ B frtc Vv.

'„ 7 h i aiONB BOAD OOJJ*E*OTninff.j WA8HIXGTO>% Fob. 26.—Dirfcto] I, upI Oeaeral Hines today signed a formal o| lewa!^r»ting contract with the Southern Po . op-., clfic railroad and Ita tub*idiariea. Th 8. annual rental stipulated.onder the oob . op. tract ia *47^59^8 . ‘ ’arch — - • •

ling, f'iRher .price* prevailed nt the .ato.*l Jnly «*rket opening today. United State ^ Steel opened at, JM. up 1-8; Southfcn

Pa«iific #1.02, up 1*4; Amerieaa Sums tra *1.13 1-2, np 3 8; Balwwin .77 3 S

- ,off 1-8; Qencrai Motors *1.44, op 1-8 Mexican Petroleum *1.79, go H ; Kell'epriagfield Tire *1.09^ ........•ria j ________ —.f

The market closed wllh a rash ani the hiuheat priee* of tbe day were »eor

f i « t f j . United SUte* Steel waa-at .93 S-s l-i* . up 1 1-g; Marine Preferred *1.00 3-4

off np 3 1-4; Baldwia .78 3-S. up 7-8; Oen eral Votor* *1.49 1-4, np S 3-8; Mezieai rctroleam *1.77 5-8, o ff 1 1-S; Stode baker .GO 1-4.

WEDNESDAY, F E ^ U A a Y 2«, 191!
