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f ?,.« News Gossip. IN CONGRESS TODAY. LATE NEWS BY · ngs.Knck.under the nrm nameand style of...

Date post: 10-Feb-2020
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THE EVENING STAR P1BLISHF0 DAILY. I.xrrpt Sunday, AT THE STAK'BITLDINUS, 1101 PeE-JT'.ran..i At>., cnr:»r 11th Ptrrrt. fcy The Eyenisg Star Hewsp»p»r Coiapany, 8. H. KAT'FFMAW. l-rrt'L Tn* Ftt*i*o St%k is served to snbnrrlher* In the by r :rrier». on their rm f int. tit 10 «per *K'k, or 44 per : n: Cop. - :if t conut'T, i reor*eaca. *.>"-anywhere ;u the Cu ?e»| states or Canada.poaia^e prepaid -o© cents i>?r moutu. S«tt*bj«t QravtmrpLt 8fi?t ^iajl il.M) per year; With foreiim postage idM, $3.00. [Int'wl .»t the Poet oiliceat \v aahimrtcn. D. C.. as tecond-claae mail matter. ] f^All n.ail subscription* must be paid in advance; t.4 pater ant longer than pa.u for. | ? ,.« rf ^ R1 lirn rT, nPr^;r«»t1nr. FINANCIAL. AY 'I'UK WASHINGTON KuAN A.ND A TRl sr O.MPANV, Temporary o!h.»n _1°01 rSTKLKT NoR'I MH KST, Previous »o crv. t .,n of our new ouild- tmn at U.« i oriT of Uth .*n i F Ml. n. v. Capital. 5 l.ifl*».0UQL Pay ntere-*: a 4 j*r cent. U.S I-err. »t. Ii r crit. 2 per (vnt. . According to tone of deposit. Interest paid on uaiat. ea subject to check. Zxernt afl tn.sts. Call or write lor .mormatton. BRA1N Alil> M. WAU.NKR, Pmldeit J< 'UN JO* EDHoN, >Ht l*resident. WILLIAM B. BI>OS. Secretary. W1LUA.M B. tfl ItLEt. I r**aa»irer. Ja24-lm ASHING TON l^VIWTMm CO. CAPITAL. #100.000. T?,000 shares. $^0 earh. payable $1 per month, or If raiu m advance now a discount of l;j per cent is allowed. DIRECTORS HENRYH I/>CKWOOD. U\1N 8. TRET. 21. P. GILBERT. O. li. HEWITT. >. G. 81 EVENS, PAViD At l.D. *M. I>. BRACE. E. R. BRACE. *M. H IHIIOAU ln>e*t menu will he trade at the head of LAKE SU¬ PERIOR. in and About DCJA TH. .MINN. Stork j^n now. for lull p.trtit ulara. circu¬ lars. by-laws. Ac.. ;u«4u.reuf the secretary wid mina- K*r. E. K. BRACE, jaJTJ-'Jt At Brace's Puarxnary, Georgetown, D.C. Egr SUITABLE COOPERATIVE li 1,11.1)1.SO ASSOCIATION, "KWLITAELE BUILDISG." lOtti FST. A*»ts #1,156.208. *n. Off re hem from 0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. flally. On the first Wednesday in each month the office will be open from li to 8 o'clock p.m. Auvances will be made promptly at 7 o'clock. ins UUUi jaaus tu Moca iwi suuicnptiua. Fhares are f?. 50 per month. .1.0UU advioiced on each shaiw Pamphlets exilainimr the obj«>cta and advantage* of | the AMooauun «re lurniahed upon appiicatiun. THOMAS SOMEBV1LLE. Prea't. JOHN JOT EDSON. Sec*y. n7 Lewis u. tewrbbury. w. b. hibbs. Banker, aO Broadway, N Y. Ma;ia«r»*r. Member Vv aaLm#fton Stock Lxcnati** inns a. tewksbcrt * co.. BANKERS AND BROKERS. J!*r» F 8T.. W A>HIN*iT' >N. D.C.. Btry and nell for rash or on maryui Stocks. Bonds, Uru:L. Provisions and Oil. lnrect private wire<* to Npw York and Chicaft^ Interv^t allowed on deposits. Out-of-town t»Uhin**>« a spei laity. Ail L*x*ai .->e« an: dea.: iu. Constant quotations ail m^rketa. 1 elephone 545. oL'l-tr JNO. )». CORSON. JNO. W. MACARTNEY. Member N. X. Stock Ex. ror.ST»N A MACARTNEY. QLOTER BUILDING, 14W F ST. 5 W., Bankers and Dealers in Co\eminent Bonds. Deposits. F.xchansre. Loans. Collections. Railrouti Stocks and ls«-<n«b> and ail securities listed on AMMhflpnof New iurli, Ixiiadeipiioa, Boston and Baltimore bouvLt and sole.. A specialty made o: n vestment wnritiee. District Ik>nd.H ^nd all lo> al Railroad. Uas. Insurance and 1'ele- plione Sto<*k dealt in. American L«ul Telephone Stock lxjujrht and sold. Jy18 Overcoats Axd Suits. AST CiE*TI.EMA* WHO WANTS A nobby, dhessy overcoat that is SUITABLE TO WEAR ON ALL OCCA¬ SIONS CAN FIND NO BETTER GAR¬ MENTS IN THIS CITY THAN OCR LINK or DOUBLB AND SINGLE- BillfAJNTEP, MEDIUM-WEIGHT KERSEYS. MEL¬ TONS AND BEAVLKS. ALL SIZES AND SHAPES. IN A I.AKoK VARIETY OT COLORS AND AT EXTREMELY MOD- KKATE PRICKS. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE rACLTLESS, ToRM-FITTING, FULI^DRESS 8CITS THAT ARE 80 POPULAR WITH THE DRESSY YOUNO MEN? THEY AR2 ABSOLUTELY CORRECT IN EVERY M1NUTK DETAIL. BROADCLOTH AND ENGLISH WORSTED. ALL GRADES THAT ARE RELIABLE. AND YOUR SIZE IN EACH GRADE. AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. KOBTNRON. PARKER k CO.. AMERICAN CLOTHIERS. S.X. COR. SEVENTH AND D STS. N.W. Douglas & Br.n , aU NINTH ST.. I.VI KROTFAN BIILDING.. In «*onne» tiou with their sale of LAD1E.V CO lToN I NDEKWEAH Offer the lollowm^ banruins in Corsets: , 17 B1ANCA CORSE is. R«vu.ar jnce. #1.50; for Mr. each. A l."» b.O. CORSETS. Regular pnA. $1; for 50c. "Hi FLORENCE MURRAY CORSETS. Retrain J>n« e. f 1 for ->«c. esi*h. ABD'L CORSETS. Reral^r price, #3; for 50c. **7:1 FRF.NCH WERLY CORSETS. Kewular pries, t*~\ for 41 ^ h. :»1 LUCCA CORSETS. R#«nilar price, **-'. for #1 **ls RIDING CORSETS. R**mlar pri.*, fJ.forfl ssi h. M "lOO-BoKR CORbETS. R-tnlar price, #2; for tl eaw-h. U MISSED CORSETS. Retrular price. #1; for 50e. 17 MISSES' CORSET WAISTS. R«irular price. R-;. . !. »r U Ml>Shj>* CORSET WAISTS. Regular price, #1; for ,«0t eS-h. Also the ;oiiowlmr Stamper 1 Unas: 50doz. MamiK. lie. Pillow SUaui» at 18c. 1 lot .**.. and ,tWt. Tray and < ar> in«r Cloths at iSc. :%+. Moune Bureau ar:s at Sic Spiasbei> (t«> mat. h af*>ve> at 'Sic. Dama»k Towels, now .Vic., or three for #1 We »s* your pa-*i* ular attention to our .tepartiuent ot OERMARTOWN. >:hPHi K»n.i SFANlhll YARNS. A No to a fuil ins *d Br^inar.. <k .Vniisironif KNIX- TING and embroidery FLoaS. hOl ui.Ad k HP.o., Mfil NINTH ST. Tkn Per Cknt Off 1"okC, ASH. We are determined to r^luce onr very larve stork of vooda. as we cannot alforu to carry th**ui over to another season, hem *' we ott'T the b»wt tfoods we nave in our stock at a reductMib «rf TEN PERCENT OFF FOR CASH. We ore aware that if ran prove to your satisfaction that we are SELLING CHEAP, you will take advuntave of the situation and buy your iroods of us. We need hardly *o into psrticuiars, as you no uonbt are aa are that we keep one of the l>e*t lines of Dresa Goods and Fine Drv^s Materials to be found in this city, and our jn.ee are as low as they cun reasonably be »>id at. Our aiwortinent of Fine Moumintr Goousis partkcularly aUra« tive, ami you will save a clear discount of ten per cent on every dol¬ larworth you buy. QUI LIS. PLANKFTS, COMFORTS and E1a>KRDoUN gi'ILTS.TABLE DAM ASK. NAPKINS. TOW LES and SHEETINGS. Ladies' and Genta' Underwear ol tho best quaiitise. CAsH M FEES. SERGES.C AXEL'S H AIR, HENRIETTA. »>4 CLoTUS. FLANNEL SUITINGS and :n loct one of the best aa- sorteri sto*-ka of First-«:laaa Dry Goods to bs found in this city. ALLGOODS MARKED IN TLAIN FIGURES. On. pnc« only. TBS PER CENT OFF FOB CASH. W. X. 8HTSTER A SONS, 818 PENNSYLVANIA AYEN UK. M20 w AMSLET & NedWKLL. 3S£> NORTH CHARLES ST.. BALTIMORE, ED., Will open at W'inard's Hotel Private Parlors Tuesday, Jan;iary *J7. and th;* mwa/ wee* Pans-aisds Cos-| tinnea and W rap*. Lall. Leceptu a an 1 Dinner Gowna. Carriage ^nJ oik oar C. stumee. Tea Oowns and] Morinns' Dnssss, and an early importation of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESSES. Onlsrs tsksn aad psrlest At SPECIAL NOTICES. .rOSIRIS LODGE. NO. L'tS. F.A.A.M., WILL hold m »pe, ial communication atthe -v-ott.jh l.tta-Sunctu-.ry oa TlICRSDAi. 'JWh ia>Unt, it « ¦>. in. Work. 1st mi l 2(1 .t'VT'-f By older of the Vv.M. [J. .Jv'-t) \VM. im All BIH)ME. Secret-try. a^- ^sriKITI AHSM-WONN * 11 ALL,721 liTH PC*. st.. t KID * Y NIGH!. Mise Mainrte Oaule ol H.A'tuuor**. wonlerfu1 test in-diuu.. Dunn* the day Thursday an.! tiilay. invate sittings ml Sirs. CAUELL'S, 110'Jdst. a.e. JaJh-Jt -.NOTICE OK DISSOLUTION.-TITE PI B- iic ar- I,why notified that (he firm;'' E. L. l ICE * CO., Heal I.-'ate Brokers, l-?*) <> St. n. sr., is inutus'.'y dissolved this 'JHtli day of January. 1MD1. C » Lyl.rsnd withdrawing l*oin said Arm. E. L. MATT1CE will continue the business, awiuine all detrts and colle-t all t,ills due said ttrui. E. L.MAI- i ict:, c. w. lybrand. j»ss-.tt a^ ^HtVIxn WITHDRAWS FROMTHE FIRM POS.of E. L. Mature & Co.. tin- real estate brok- er« on account of fkwin- health,anil my luisinw# rela- turn with K. L. MattV-e liavinir leen oi aj leaaaiit na- turt', 1 cl.eerluliy recommend him to my friend* »nu ac- ql}£5^£'**" C. W. LYBRAND. y^^fii r.oVEHN'JENT EMPLOYES! 1 Will Mil yon anything In tlie line of FINE WATCHES. MAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY on small WEEKLY or MONTHLY peyinrtita, irlve yon IMMEDIATE POSSESSION at time of puriliaee. A. L. SALTZSTEIN. JR.. Jeweler, 505 7th st. n. w. Order* by mail will receive immediate attention. ia^T^fcn g^OEOIlGETOWN. D" *. J... a,. 1Wn. E Maurice Cropley, Grocer. 3101 51 St., bavin* this day made an assiirnuient to me for the ben-flt of his creditors of all of his property and effects, all per¬ sons having claim* amiinst him are requested to I'tvsent the same to me witliont delay, and ail persons indebted to liiw are 11' tlli'-'l tliat pro upt settlelcent of their s< counts must likewise lie made Ja.-.T-.a* K C. li# iNN, Assignee. Fmr .^thi: COPARTNEltSHlP HERETOFORE existing l»*tween Ulysses S. Roulette ana J. EoaS Krick, for the conduct of a general drug busi¬ ngs. under the nrm name and style of Roulette & Knck. U. :h» day been J. LOl'IS Kl.lCK. The business will be continued at No. 1TOO Pa. ave. n w by J. Louis Krick. to wlioui all del.ts due tue late finu are jiayable and to whom ali accounts aicuiist the firui must oe presented lor settlement. ja«»7.;;t* J- LOLIS KiUClL JT-THE I'lTBLIC. The se-*ret of obtaining the best wnlts from weariu/ your Shirt* is to order them in winter, when ad«utional warmth is neeued and they will thus prove *n atn ?.. able garment lor summer, so place your order U0W"th P.T.HALL. Bfcirt Maker, 3a21 -lm 1Q8 Fst. n.w. r THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE P^SsUx-kbolder* o: the Arlimrton Fire Insurance Company for ti e district of Columbia lor the election of nin- directors to serve for the ensuinv' yeur win i*j he d.it the offi« e of the company, lo«k> Pennsylvania ave. n.w., 1ULSDAY. February *1, 1«#1. 1-ollaopen at 1 and close at 3 p. m. Ja,'4 1m FRANK T. RAWLINGS. Becretary. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND _ Trust Cotcptny pays interest on current tulances suo.ect to -i.eck. Capital .....#1,000.000. Temporary offices. No. 1W11 at. n.w. BRAINARD H. WARNER, Ja24-l.> I"ri"sideut. -^.ls YOCR PRINTED MATTER LOW? If so consulr me betore plat in* yo ir next oruer. It »ill l>e to your advantaire if vood work at satiatactory rates inter mu you. BTKON 8. ADAMS. H9^3m 51? 11th st. n.w. Land LANDLORDS. ATTENTION! landlords with empty bouses should place them witn us. We are turning away good ten¬ ants every day. . Constant advertising and attention to taxes, repairs. Ac., free ot chanre. BARN £3 k WEAVER. *2Q.lin 029 FST. H.W. ^ .^,IN THE St PREMK COURT OF THE D18- 1.^ TKICT OF COLUMBIA. Filed Jan nary 7, 1M91. R. J. Meitn. clerk. E. Francis Medora Kiton. his wife, Alice L. Jane A. BigKS and Cecilia Howard, coin- phkinunts, vs. Oeoeve Louis Dominique, Antoined-a Oeoiroy, Jules Francois (ieonre de O^otroy, Calde von Caruste, trustee, and Arthur T. Bnce, trustee dstfen.iants. Nu. 1Z7±>. Mmty On motion of the complainants, by Mr. Helden.their solicitor, it is this <th day ol January, 1«S»1. byth'» court ordered that the deieudant*, Oeoive Louis Lk> miniuue, AntOiUe de Oeoiroy r.nd Jules Francois Oeorife de Cieofroj . severally cause their appearances to be entered herein on or before the hrst ruie day oc- rurintr forty dayi alter this day. otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case ol default. The object of this suit is *o obtain a confirmation ox the partition heretoiore l^ade, or to effect a new parti¬ tion of the real estate in the District ol Columbia whereof (hdrve U Ui»tks, late ot the said District, died, seized and possessed, intestate. Trile copy. A. C. BRADLEY, Justice. Test B. J. MKltiS. Clerk. jah-law-tt ByL. C. WILLIAMS. Aast. Clerk. STORAGE WAREHOUSE. . AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY. Telephone, 4*x*. 1140 Ifith st. n. w. BUILDING ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Safe Storage for Furniture, Silver Ware. Pianos. Works of Art. Paintings. Carriages, Mines. 1'runkaof Valuables. Clotmng, He. Furniture. China, In;., pecked, moved and shipped. 3a,.*J-:im to' .--^SPECIAL. . . . Dr. W. Merrill has moved his dental office to Tlu llth st. n.w. KU-lm' BRUCK GRAY. ARCHITECT. lias removed his othce to the Adams building, Lf»» F st. n w. .IMPORTANT NO 1 ICE TO GAS CONSUMERS. Arrancer ents La>e been made lor the convenience of person.- living in the extern and western sections of the city by which they can ray their gas bills during ^nk n.tf Lours at THE NATIONAL CAPITAL BANK OR THE WEST END NATIONAL BANK. Bflls psict on or before the Nth of each month. AND TliOSE ONLY, will U entitled to the discount of 25c. per i.UUO cubic ieet. oSl-tr WASHINGTON OAS LIGHT COMPANY. ^ _^DR J. BARTLET'i HILLS. DENTIST. Artih« ia' teeth inserted immediately alter extraction oi teeth and special attention given to cor- rM tiDif children's teetm litll F st. n. w. dlO-'Jm* CUSTOM^MADKSH1RTH. - WITH OUR increased lat-ilitiee in this department we aretietter prej»ared than ever to exe«-ute your orders lor ".custom-made" shirts. Any style lor ordinary or lull dre«t» cN*c-iu>ions made nt short notice anil satisfac¬ tion inniranteetl m ^>ery instam-e. Now is the best time to leave your orders as you will hnd a shirt more romfortable lor summer wear alter b*ing worn dur¬ ing the winter. Leave your order at men's furnishing department, first floor, hist annex. n?-:mi WOODWARD k LOTHROP. »BUY YOUR COAL. COKE AND WOOD from the reliable Ann of JOHNSON BROTH- EES. the most extensive retail dealers in the coun¬ try. o4 J. W. Botklik & Sos ABE amaiso PIANO. BANQCIT AND PARLOB LAMPS AT BZDCCED PRICES. 1. W. BOTELEB * SOI. MC-lB WSi Pxun. 1 his Bright N *w 1891 Need* the iirijrhteM and best of mitfic. The 2.000,000 readier, of this ad. are ail uiMted to proride themselves with music or music book, froiu our complete anil varied Mock. limit and information. SOME OF OUR NEWEST BOOKS. SONGS OF IRELAND, tl.00. Choice, revised collection of very favorite souirm. son«s. 144 n»e» POTTER'S RESPONSES AND SENTENCES. 73 cents. t<;. 7."<doren. A timely and trood collection, which will be welcomed by uitoy choirs. More than M short piece*, with a number of Gionaa. ChMts, Ac. PRAYER AND PRA1KK. Cantata. lUlUrd. A (rood and easy cantata, for a Choir or Chorus. M cents, (4 ji-r dozen. MASONIC ODE. Flthtaa. A new. most convenient book of easy and vood music, perfectly fitted for the Masouir ritual. Much needed. Ulcests, ttiadom. COMIC AND MINSTREL SONUS. (1.00. 46 merry soura. well calculated to make time pus cheer fully. BANNER FOI.IO Violin and Piano Winner. L&nrr tt Jniberof popular meiodie* nkiilfnlly arranged for Violin, with Piano accompeninient. tl.00. MANDOLIN AND PIANO DIETS. Winner. About To popular air. for Ma^oliB and Piano. SI.00. Any Book mailed, poet-paid, for retail rric. OLIVER DITGON COMPANT. BOSTON. C. H. DITSON A CO.. SOT BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITT. J. E DITSON A Oa. 122R CHEST*DT ST.. PMLLADELPEIA. Ill ill. SPECIAL NOTICES. PA1NTKR8 corner i:itu audi* *u ^y*s. x? BROWN. President ,BUY REMINGTON TYPE¬ WRITERS. BEST LINEN PAPER AND ALL OTHER SUPPLIES FOR TYPE¬ WRITER OP WYCKOFF, SEAMANS ft BENEDICT. PROPRIETORS. Ja2D-3tn COB. «TH AND F 8T8. N. W. NKEI) TO GO TO WASHINGTON lor iflno Groceries. We have enlarged oar store to douole r s lorirer siT" and oui »tock c oni I irises tiie finest l*i'¦ 11s irtftnUr-'.a fi>-sh and new. i'n>es ver> reaei-iiaine. Granulated au-ar, tiH cents per poiinu. Plate >our .u-ronnta with us; w.- insn-e satis- iactiou and prompt deUveiy. .'!!>i and > ata. u. w. J»"JS'-L*t H. W. OFFU1X ft CO. y- .^aCHKAl' LOT ON 181H 31. N.W. For one week owner will offer a flnj residence lot aire 18.8x100. for $1.23 per square loot. E. T. EAISFR, It Room 4. Atlantic building. ^^B>A CHOICE CORNER LOT IN A FINK RESIDENT LOCALITY. It la the southwest corner of lUth and P ats. The frontajre on 1 lit b at. ia !<u feet an 1 on P at. 125 feet. 'ihers ia an alley in the rear. PKiCt, *.< PER FOOT. '1HOS. J. FISHER ft CO.. It ISM 1'si. n.w. DKEaS VEblS. Our entire stock of Embroidered Pique and Plain l'Hji.e Full Dress Vests. Former prices, t<i,Ki.5u,t~.ijO. Now 41.75 each. 8. E. ft J. E\~UoSENTHAL, Men's 1 urnishinv*. Huts, One price. U*24-;iui] b&j F at. THE KEN'UNG PUBLIC. fcs. We offer to the renting public the services of our long-estab¬ lished agency and invite an exam¬ ination of a n umber of choice va¬ cant houses at various prices. Uur rent bulletin issued every Monday uiomiuK mailed on ap¬ plication. B. H. WARNER * CO., Property Managers, It 91 Gi st", n.w. -»Ol*R *35 FULL DUE3S SUIT. The material in Coat and Vest is in r. and 11. 1'rench Broadcloth. Coat is Lliu-k Satin lined in boay, sleeve White bilk lined. Pants, l>oeskin of the same make to match. This Suit in fit, style and work¬ manship is oniy equaled by the best merchant tailors. GEORGE SPRANSY, OKE-PRICE CLOTHIER. Ja29 4^4 ?th t. n.w. CHEAP DWELLING NORTHWEbT. $5,t»0. On south side K st. bet. 10th and 11th ats. n.w.; splendid locality. Weoff«*ra 2-story and basement brick dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, at above low figure. This ia a chance seldom offered. 8WORMSTEDT Jc BRADLEY. ItVH T st. n.w. The veatkt-r in likely to be hrjht rain* atul slight cham/t* in tunperaturi today; jair Friday; icmd* a hiftiuy to uettterlj. IT 18 SETTLED NOW beyond dispute that our Gang-sawod Lumber Is the bes»t ever sold in Washington. Why, the lirst word people say is.Let MM that pang-sawed lumber everybody is talk¬ ing about, and when they see it they, too, are convinced. Ask for it and insist upon having it wherever you buy, and reiuemoer the price is only $1.15 PER 100 FEET. LIBBEY, BITTINGER k MILLER, BUILDING MATERIAL, ja£9 0th st. and New York av*. AN EXTEN8ION-FRONT BROUGHAM. It is hardly our line to advertise .'bargains" or "great reductions,** but at our Connecticut ave. show rooms we have an Extension-front Brougham of our own make, lined with blue morocco and cloth, bevel plate glass, rubber head springs, collinge axles.in short a model vehicle, guaranteed in all respects. Last winter we made four of these. Three were sold at once; this one remained on hand. The price has been $1,203. We now oiler it for $975. ANDREW J. JOYCE'S SONS, Ja28-lm 10C8 and 1030 Conn ave. WHO 18 YOUR LAUNDRYMAXf TOLMAN ST KAM * LAUNDRY, 491 to 4:4) C st. n. w. Quirk work without extra charge. Try our plan. A poatai irom you will brine oi*e of our wagons to your door. Ja3-3ui ¦f^&ALL PERSONS HAVING GOODS ON DE- PsA poalt with H. K. PULTON (the only licensed pawnbroker! upon which interest ia due tweiTe montba or more are hereby untitled to re¬ deem the s*iue or pay »i> the interest U-iore FEBKU- Ali I :t, lMUl, or the roods will be ao:d at auction. )»!*»-13»* H. K. FULTON. A DIFFICULT MATTER-TO reuch first bauds direct for en- FTsvin? 01 the better class. Coir rectly em.Tsved cards and invitations and superior printing uiade tnrousn- out by GEDNEY ft ROBERTS, lontravers and Printers, .Li iixbat., nwr tiai uUum. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT A uieetuur o. the stockholders 01 the United ht-it*. Capitol Lilii Insurance Company, pursuant to a j<etitiou aud order th- reior. will be held at the home o!h*> of said company. No. "JO Atlantic builcimr. V ash- im;ton. D.C.. .,u the skCUXD I1A1 ul i'Kbiii'Al.i', IN';, to oimimsu the amount of the capital stock ot said ctimp.ii> &nd take such action in reierence thereto as is by law required and to transact sm bother 1-i.ainevs as may be lawfully and properly Uioutful be¬ fore sUcll Uieet:UK. Dauu Maahuwton. D.C.. January 2. 1UU1. L LESTER. 1 B. bAVBk. f .S. A. KEF.MIR, ) D. B. LLS JKO CHAS. DURWARD B. LESTER. President. JNO. B. BATHE. Secretary. j»2-tf3 ^PROPERTY OWNERS. we bav. a number of application for .mall honses lor investment. Persons o' /orporalions bavins property in value from ,1 Atti to M.UUO will do well to place it In oa /hands tor t*e spniix market. Me trtve personal attention and liberal adver¬ tising tree of chant*. bead puatol and member of firm will call. BARNXB ft WEAVES. JaHMm 828 P BT. BOTAL FIRM ISSVMASCM COMPAMT OF LIVERPOOL, MSQLANU. HILL * JOHNSTON. AOXNTB, JalS-lns 1508 Peana. ave. b.w. ALL INTERESTED IN CHR18TIAN BCI- Washington News and Gossip. Index to Artvertisementa. AWTREXFNT8 j^_s ATTORNEYS 3 AUCTION SALES Para (J BICYCLES p. y HOARDING Pa**" business chances r-u- Z city n ems « COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. Tmm 2 BEATIIS 3 DENTISTRY PasreS EDUCATIONAL Pa..e 7 EXCURSIONS, he... . ParaS FAMILY SUPPUES Pam 7 FINANCIAL I'ace 1 FOR IlENT (Offlr«e) Pa*re 2 FOR RENT (Rooms) Par* 2 FOR RENT (Stabiea) Pairs £ FOR RENT (Stomo Pair* .> FOR RENT (Houses) l'ace 2 FOR SALE (Houses) I*ace 2 FOR SALE (Lota) Pace 3 FOR SALE (Mtorxllnnfoils) .... p*irt» .* GENTLEMEN'S GOODS . pJL 7 HOTELS LADIES' GOODS "' P. ~ LECTt'RES \r'L LOCAL MENTION.....'.'.'.'.'.'.' Paan a .tsiFOUND 5 MANICURE mkdical ~:zr£Z« MISCELI.ANEOUS Paire r. money to loan jc!;! NEW PUBLICATIONS P^T 8 NOTARIES PUBLIC xZZ~ OCEAN STEAMERS rC. 7 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS.::."";.'" "pa.7 I'lASOH AND ORGANS.... Pa*re7 personai PRINTERS l~?Z PROFESSIONAL i RAILROADS SPECIALTIES P^ 8 SUBURBAN PROPERT*. Plu~ .. WANTED (Board) .7.... p^,e ~> WANTED (Help) ..Zl.T W'AN TED (Houses) Pair®'' WANTED (Rooms) p.® a WANTED (situations) WANTED (Miscellaneous) 1, ."J WINTER RESORTS ££ ' wood and coal Govebnment Beceipts Ton ay..Internal rev¬ enue. $405,978; customs, $1,427,054. Bonds Redeemed..The amount of 4% per cent bonds redeemed yesterdnv was »7.S00 making the total to date *9,671,100. | Retired..Lient. John Downs, U. 8. N., was placed on the retired list yesterday bv reason of disabilities incurred in the Une of duty. The Torpedo Boat Ccshino arriTed at the Washington navy yard at 1055 o'clock this morning. A Board of Scbvet from the Navy Depart¬ ment is ia Richmond at work 011 the machinery of the Texas recently damaged by the fire at Jhe f^Ul"0"J1L<>c,>n>'>tivu Works, to determine tlie extent ot the injury, if any. Secbetaby Windox to Speak..Secretary Windom left Washington this morning to at¬ tend the banquet of the board of trade and transportation at Xew York this evening at which it is expected he will make an address outlining the fiscal policy of the government. Tub Pbesident's Caixebk this morning in¬ cluded Senators McMilliu and Spooner, Repre¬ sentatives Townsoiid, Gear, Dolliver, Voiler, Stivers, Bcranton and Wright; J. W. Pomfrev' Covington Ky. ; A. W. McOTuro of Iowa, llepre- mdw'TsT' , « JIcKt'!ighan, O. it. Cemp and W. J. Bryan of Nebraska. The CaniEB 'Fbisco. -A dispatch was re¬ ceived at the Navy Department this morning announcing that the cruiser Ban Franoisco finished her trial trip Ust evening after a sue-' cesaful run. She is now at Mare Island, Cal. iniH trip settles her final acceptance bv the government ' Col. McCawley Retibed.-Co1. Chas. O. Mc- Cawley, the commandant of the United States marine corps, who has been on the sick list for some months, was today placed on the retired 1st on account of age. lie has been at the head of the corps for fourteen years. Lieut G. P. Houston will retire February 1. Naval Obders..Lieut E. H. Ghecn has been detached from duty at Munhall, Pa., and or¬ dered as inspector of steel at Thurlow, Pa. Lieut C.A. Rogers and Ensign John Hood have rC"itTeJ examination for pfemotion. Ensign E. W. Ebelee, to ordnance instruction to the \\ arfhington navy yard. Lieut. John Downs has been placed on the retired list. Mn-rTAKT Cadet*. -The following have been appointed cadets at the United States Military Academy: John H. Leggctt, thirtv-third diJ- trlf \ of, ?°r*; John C. Olmstead (alter¬ nate), eighth district of Wisconsin; F. F Steitr- moyer, fifth district of Ohio: Alfred B. Ross seventh district of Kansas Herbert B. Seely' eleventh district of New York. Revebce Appoixtventh..The Secretary of the Treasury has made the following appoint¬ ments in the internal revenue service: United States gaugcris-Oscar Andress, at StUlwater, N.J. United States gangers and storekeepers. Wm. P. Ward, at Isenville. Kv.; John M. Clin¬ ton at Belmont 8. C.; Wilson 8. Caffey, at Bur¬ lington, N.C.j Victor C. Terry, at Rockingham, An Abandoned Mii.itabt Resbbvation .By authority of the President the tract of land lo¬ cated in the city of Houston, Tex., and known as block 108, which was occupied by the repub- . 'he date of annexation of that republic to the United States as the site of a magazine has been transferred to the Secre¬ tary of the Interior for disposition under the The Gunboat Cokcobd..The official report of the horse power developed by the engines of the gunl>oat Concord on her recent trial trip has been received at the Navy Department It shows that the vessel showed an in- hon» Power of 3,404 129. or 4^29 in excess of the requirements, rhe unevenness of things is commented on to- iu ""val ci/®le8 w"en it is remembered tiiat tne Concord is almost an exact duplicate of the Yorictown, which made S.39&24 on a re¬ quirement of but 3,000. Personal..James Bailey of Ithica. N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wells of Syracuse, Bradford Kennedy of Syracuse, George H. Bliss of Brook¬ lyn. Thomas F. Lane of Summit N.J., William Gardener and John H. Jackson of Albanv N Mrs, MrA Soule of New York, Mr. and' Mrs! A. W. Williams and Miss Walker of Pittsburs l'a., are at Willard's. J. J. McCarthy of Bo£ ton, Mr. ind Mrs. Chat Du Bou of Brooklyn N.Y., Mrs. Geo. B. Kent and Miss Mary Kent of New York, JL S. Brown of Mystic, Vs., Mr. ai Mrs. John W. Hendenberg of Chicago, Chas. Moms of Boston, A. O. Kittridge of New Yort J. O. Ohlert of Lima, Ohio, John Knicker¬ bocker of Troy, Mrs. James and Miss C 8. Mise and Mrs. H. W. Gallup of Chicago 8. 8. Howiand of New York, Henry Lard of Bangor Me., E. I. Biell of Portland, Me., and Edmund Rearden of Boston are at tne ltiggs House Mr- aad Mra. Look F. Goodsell of Highland £*J.U' N. Y., Misa Iiattie Turner of Highland Falls, lk. F. Walksr of 8t Louis. Daniel Lake of Brooklyn, Jas. Bryant of Saryler, Va.. Jaa. H Gerow of Norfolk, Va., Mr. Ld 'Mri' O^.t Walker of Sharpsbnrg, Va., Mr 8. W Anderson of New York and James W Beach of Chicago are at the Ebbitt 1 C. Oift and fanuly of New York, Mrs. Francis Cochran and daughter of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 8. Grant, Jr., of Philadelphia. Mr and Mra. H. M. Atkinson of New lork and Wm." L. Greer and wife of Pittsburg, Pa., are at the Hotel Arno..**mee A. Boyd and wife of Fal- «. ooju ana wile of Ftf- Ma*. W. J. Barlow and wife of Buffalo, N.Y., V. C. Sherman and wife of Iowa, Thoa! Shay of Boston, A. Ohilds of HartfotdTo* Hon. John Cesaaa of Bedford, Pa., w Henry of Bariington, Vt, an at the St. Jamea. -.;*¦ B- Harris and Robert Graham of Now }or^. H. C. Hoffman of CUcms, III c. Fair¬ fax Gains of Virginia and Chas. A. Inlsi at Boehwrter, H.Y an at tha Hotal Johnson. JJ D- ^Wr and Ard Jodaon of Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rowlands of "-'gntt Dai. vanity ara at tha T ' IN CONGRESS TODAY. The Reapportionment Bill Passes the Senate. NO AMENEME1(18 TO IT ADOPTED. Owenby to be Sent for by the Silver Pool Committee. WEST POINT APPROPRIATIONS. SENATE. Mr. Morrill introduced a joint resolution for the appointment on the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution of Win. Preston John¬ son of Louisiana in place of Noah Porter of Connecticut, resigned. Laid on the table. A FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER OIM111. On motion of Mr. Sawyer Senate bill creating the office of fourth assistant postmaster general (with a salary of (4.000 a year) was taken from the calendar and the report in favor of it read. Mr. Keagan admitted that there nugiht be a necessity for the new oltioe, but said that if there was it was on account of the vicious and bad policy that bud been established.the car¬ rying of fourth-class matter at one cent per pound and the carrying of merchandise.the government thus doing the work of common carriers. Mr. Edmunds asked Mr. Reagan whether the charges were not equal to the actual expenses of doing business.the transportation and at¬ tention. Mr. Reagan did not think they were. If a Bible or school book were sent through the mails it would have to pay eight cents a pound, while yellow-covered literature, with its poison¬ ous influences, and newspapers Vere carried at one cent a pound. Instead of multiplying of¬ fices the better way would be to do away with abuses in the service. Al ter further discussion the bill was passed. THE APPORTIONMENT BILL TAKEN CP. At the close of the morning honr (12 o'clock) the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the apportionment bill as the unfinished busi¬ ness i;nd Mr. Edmunds addressed the Senate^ calling its attention to the fact that the bill took no cognizance whatever of the provisions of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitu¬ tion that, in case the right of suffrage be denied or abridged in any state, the representation of that state shall be diminished accordingly. The Senate then proceeded to Tote on the amendments prepared by the minority.the first being to increase the representation of Ar¬ kansas from C to 7. VOTING ON AMENDMENT*. The amendment was rejected.yeas. 32; nays, 33. All the democratic Senators voted for the amendment and were reinforced by five repub¬ lican Senators.Messrs. Davis, McMillan, Pad- dovk, Stewart aud Washburn. The next amendment was to increase the representation of Minnesota from 7 to 8. It was also rejected.yeas, 31; nays, 32 On this vote Mr. Casey voted with the dem¬ ocrats, of whom two less voted than on the preceding vote. The next amendment was to increase the representation of Missouri from 15 to 16. It wiu rejected.yeas, 30; nays, 38. The only republicans voting aye on this amendment were Messrs. Davis, Paddock and Washburn. Messrs. Casey, McMillan and Stewart voted nj. The next amendment was to increase the representation of New York from 84 to 33. It tMs rejected.yeas, 29; nays. 38; Messrs. Davis and Paddock being the only republicans voting in the affirmative. Mr. Davis then withdrew the amendment fixing the total number of Representatives at 3<;o. Mr. Berry offered an amendment fixing the total number at 359 and giving an additional member to Arkansas, Minnesota and New York and desired to have it voted on as one amon.lment. A division of it, however, was insisted on by Mr. Hale. Mr. HkIb then moved to lay the amendment on the table and that motion was agreed to. yeas. 38; nayt, 29. The only republican-: who voted in the negative were Messrs. Davis and Washburn. OBJECTIONS TO THE BILL. Mr. Test stated why he could not vote for the bill; it was because a large fraction of popula¬ tion in the states of Michigan, Minnesota, Arkansas and New York was left entirely with¬ out representation. Mr. Gorman also opposed the bill because, in his belief, a re-enumeration should have been made in the city of New York, where there was a deficit of some 200.000 in the census returns as taken, and because he believed that that state and the states of Arkansas, Minnesota and Missouri KilimlH hm-f U" 1 the session. Mr. Jones (Ark.) declared his belief that in his state the census returns were very defective, and that if the truth were known Arkansas had a population enough to entitle her to seven Representatives. Mr. Morgan spoke of tne necessity of a spe¬ cific declaration in the bill that the number of presidential electors in 1892 shall correspond with the number of representatives fixed in the bill. The country had had enough of trials and troubles and difficulties in connection with presidential elections to admonish Congress to exercise the most extreme care in the matter and to make the law perfectly clear and definite. THE BILL PASSED. The bill was then passed exactly aa it came from the House: Yeas, 87; nays, 24 (a strict party vote). THE EIOHT-HOCB LAW. The Senate then, on motion of Mr. Blair, took np the House bill providing for the adjustment of accounts of laborers, workmen and mechanics arising under the eight-hour law. It having been thus made the "unfinished business" Mr. Blair consented to have it laid aside temporarily so that the army appropriation bill should be taken up and proceeded with. Mr. Gorman objected to that arrangement being made, and then Mr. Allen, who had made the request, withdrew it and moved (as a pnv- leged motion) that the army bill be taken up. That motion was agreed to, thus displacing the eight-hour bill from its advantageous position as "unfinished business." The consideration of the army appropriation bill was then pro¬ ceeded with. HOUSK. The jonraal was approved without objection, On motion of Mr. Sherman (N. Y.) a bill was I passed providing for the issuing of the com¬ mission of P. C. Johnson as rear admiral. The House then went into committee of the whole, Mr. Pay son (111.) in the chair, on the military academy appropriation bilL THE SILVER POOL. The committee having risen informally, Mr. Dingley (Me.), chairman of the committee in¬ vestigating the alleged silver pool," pre¬ sented a special report of that oommittee. The report states that in the usual form a sabpesna to appear before the committee was served upon J. A. Owenby, and that said Owenby has refused or neglected to obey the sabpesna. OWENBY TO BR BRUT ATTRR. The report is aooompanied by the following order: Ordered, that the Speaker issue his warrant directly to the sergeant-at-arms attending this House or deputy, com ing him to take into custody forthwith wm ever to be found the body of I. Owenby and him bring to the bar of the House to show cause why he should not be pun¬ ished for oontempt and in the meantime keep said J. A. Owenby in his custody to await the farther order at the House. Mr. Frank (Mo.) inquired as to the answer made by Oteahy upon the serving at the "vS^tHdev lenHad that only interna*)* upon Owenby at the Hotel Ricbeltea in Chi¬ cago. Jr. Frank inquired whether Owenby had been told that be would be entitled to mileage and fees. Mr. Pingley said that the committee had considered the matter, but that so faros he knew no information had been given to Owenbv as to his mileage. BO IHTE2ITIOH TO OBSTmCCT TBK IV VEmOATIO*. Mr. Frank declared that be had no intention of obstructing any effort to secure the attend¬ ance of the witness; but if the witness had de¬ manded mileage and fees be (Mr. Frank) thought that he would be entitled to both be¬ fore responding to the subp<ena. There was nothing to indicate what Owenby's reply to the lubpwna had been. Therefore it seemed to him that it would be well to go slow before passing such n drastic order as this. Before passing it it would be well for the Honae to know that it was able to enforce the order. After a brief legal discussion as to the power of the House to compel tho attendance of wit¬ nesses the report was agreed to as a preamble to the order, and, as amended, the order was made. The committee of the whole then resumed its session. THE MCBDEB or MATTHEWS. Matters ran Terr smoothly for a while, until the murder of Matthews, the postmaster of Carrollton, Miss., was brought up bv Mr.KeUey (Ken.), in a speech in which he criticised some remarks made by Mr. Lewis (Miss. >. He de¬ nied (as stated by Mr. Lewis) that the murder of Matthews was'attributable to other than po¬ litical cause. He had authority to say that Matthews had been killed because' he' was a republican. The gentleman from Mississippi premises his re¬ marks with a quotation to the effect that noth¬ ing but good would be said of the dead, but heaped slanders upon a dead man which be would not have heaped if the man bad been living. He (Mr. Kellev) denied the statements made by the gentleman in regard to the char¬ acter of Matthews. Mr. Flower (N.Y.) said that he had beard the gentleman from Kansas make speeches pitching into the distinguished gentleman from Arkan¬ sas (Mr. Breckinridge1. That gentleman had been returned to Congress, while the constitu¬ ents of the gentleman from Kansas had turned bim down. The more of such speeches the gentleman from Kansas made the better it would be for the democratic party. AGAINST FR£E COINAGE. The Boston Delegation Before the House Cola- age Committee. The House committee on coinage, weights and measures today heard farther argument by the delegation of ikftiton business men in opposition to the free coinage bill. Arguments were made against the bill by Gen. Walter, president of the Boston College of Technology; Sir. Endicott. president of the Savings Bank of Boston; Mr. Hooper, treasurer of Harvard Uni¬ versity; Prof. Taussig of Harvard, Mr. Jack¬ son, a stockbroker, and Mr. Breed, all from Boston. Mr. Walker argued that if the pending bill became a law disastrous results to the property of the country would follow; that all branches of trade would become paralyzed and disturbed and that the financial credit of the United States would be jeopardized. He believed the pending bill to be a menace to the country and contended that it would result simply in stripping us of our gold and reducing us to the lines of second-class financial powers. Mr. Breed, representing a large number of manufacturers of Boston, protested against any change in the present standard of value and Mr. Jackson thought that the constant agitation of the silver question by Congrcsu was detri¬ mental to stability in the money market and predicted a panic unless the question was settled one way or the other. The arguments generally consisted of a recital of jiersonal views or. the subject ano embarrassments that had been en¬ countered. owing to the stringency of the mar¬ ket caused by the recent agitation of the silver question. ira. holdkn's telegram. A telegram was handed to the committee from E. Ji. Holden, a Colorado miner, now in New York, reading as follows: Fifty per cent of the gold produced in the United StateH is found in silver ore. Are the gentlemen of Boston aware of this fact? They are not. If they were they would not attempt to interfere with the industry* of silver mining. If free coinngs is defeated it will seriously in¬ jure the silver-mining industry and conse¬ quently reduce the supply of gold produced in the United States, whereas, on the other hand, free coinage of silver will stimu¬ late mining generally and increase the supply of gold. If this condition obtains will gold be at a premium? I defy the Boston gold advo¬ cates to maintain such a position. The committee then adjourned until tomor¬ row, when Director Leech will be heard. THE SILVER POOL. Representative Ketcham Denies Having Been Interested In Silver Speculation. Congressman J. H. Ketcham was examined by the Bilver pool investigation committee this morning. He appeared before the committee voluntarily, and declared that the statement which had been published yesterday connect¬ ing his name with silver speculations was un¬ qualifiedly false. He had never bought or sold an ounce of silver in his life, nor engaged in any transactions relative thereto. He bad never owned a silver certificate, nor had.he been mixed up with silver speculation in any way. He stated further that he had no knowledge in regard to the connection of any Senator or Congressman with the alleged silver pool. At the conclusion of Mr. Ketcliam's testi¬ mony the committee went into secret session. The committee adjourned later until tomor¬ row afternoon. It was expected that Mr. Hedenberg of Chicago would be on hand for examination today, but in the absence of that gentleman and of any other witnesses the hear¬ ing was necessarily postponed SENATOR HOAR DENIES. Ha Has keeelved no Letter Abont a Canvass of the Massachusetts Legislature. The attention of Senator Hoar was called this afternoon to a statement published in a morn¬ ing paper to the effect that he had been noti¬ fied by a letter from Speaker Barrett of the Massachusetts house of representatives that a canvass of the house had been made by Mr. Bar¬ rett and showed a decided majority against any further pushing of the federal elections bill. The published report also said that in view of this canvass the Senator was willing to con¬ sider the action of the Senate last Monday as final and gladly relinquished the burden of re¬ sponsibility for the elections bill. Senator Hoar, on being interrogated on this point, said that so far as he could recollect he had received no letter from Mr. Barrett con- taing any such information, nor had he re¬ ceived any information of that nature from any other source, nor had he any knowledge that any canvass for or against the elections bill had been made in the Massachusetts legislature. Furthermore, he declared that if such a can¬ vass had been made and had resulted in the manner indicated it would have no influence whatever in changing his views or his inten¬ tions with regard to the elections bilL CLOSETED WITH SALISBURY. 9 Minister Lincoln and the English Premier Discussing the Barlss Sea Matter. A special cable dispatch to The Stab from London, dated yesterday, says Lord Salisbury was closeted yesterday for three hoars at the foreign office with Minister Lincoln, the Bering ssa dispute being under discussion. It is ramorsd that hereafter the negotiations will become more international in their character and that among the powers to assist in ths solution of the difficulty will be Germany and «n> s. To»soooBi)Lara..Assistant Secretary Bpauld- ing has informed a tohaoeo Arm that all to- baeoo imported sinee the eat of October 1, ISM, took effect will be subject to duty apoa its weight at the time of withdrawal for eon- LATE NEWS BY CABLE Attempting to Amend the Law De¬ claring a Strike a Conspiracy. CM DISCUSSES "THEEIIDOR." Great Interest Manifested in the New Remedy for Tuberculosis. CHILIAN REBELS GAINING. LATK POKKIGX NEWS. The Eagllih Liberals Make t Point With the H orklngmen. Lospos. Jan. 29..The liberal* scored an¬ other point with the workingmen yesterday in the motion of Mr. Robertson of Dundee to amend the la* relating to criminal conspiracy. The government secured the defeat of the mo¬ tion by only a majority of thirty-six. and the defeat is almost as good for liberal purposes as a victory. The motive for amending the Is* is the decision by the recorder ol Plymouth that a strike for the purpose of compelling employ¬ ers not to employ other persons is illegal, and renders all personsengaged in it liable to prose- cution as criminal conspirators and subject to fine or imprisonment. The complaint was brought by a coal merchant who employed, non-union men and whose union hands were called out on that account. The union secre¬ taries were prosecuted and the recorder fined them each LM. The recorder's decision is far reaching, and, until the law is amended, makes all who strike, or who promote a strike, on ac¬ count of non-union hands being employed guiltv of crime. The workingmen are deter- tnine'd that the lew shall be amended, and Mr. ltoliertson, who represents a workingmen s con¬ stituency, has made the first move in that direc¬ tion ana got Lord Salisbury * government again committed us opposed to the working class. A rim VIEW OF rOREIOS TARIFF. Mr. Goecben, in an address to the Leeds chamber of commerce, wud that there should be no scolding or complaining of foreign coun¬ tries for pursuing the course they thought for their best interests, but in view of the menace of foreign tariffs to the industrial interests of Great Britain workmen and employes should try to avoid acromonions differences, and mas¬ ters and men in cordial alliance could maintain British commercial supremacy against all the world. TEE SEWS r*OX CHILI. The Exchange Telegraph Company «y« that the discouraging news from Chili, referring to the British minister having sct<-d as a mediator, ncd that President Balmacedawas on the point of tendering his resignation, came via Mexico and ic anterior to the news of yesterday in regard to the revolutionary successes. TUB I'liOSCKIBElJ "TiitamixiE." Paris, Jan. 29..ia Jurttce today sav« that President Carnot denounced '-Thermidor"' a* a specialty of insipid flatteries, whereof he was the indirect object. Member* of the Theater Francais ure discussing a proposition to aban¬ don the charter granted by Napoleon, under which the societies are organized and to form a freo organization and establish a new theater to becalled the Theater A.fl'ranchi(free theater >. Rentors of seats, it is said, have already offered to Subscribe 4.000,000 franc* toward the scheme. M. DcFreycinet, president of the council of ministers, does not approve of the suppression of "Thermidor. MW UXESI FOR WBEBCCUOSIS. Much interest ia manifested in medical cir¬ cles here in regard to the goat*' blood euro for tuberculoids advocated by Drs. Bertin and Pica of the Xante* faculty. These doctors, it will be remembered, injected fifteen gramme* Of goats blood into the thighs of two patients and on Mondav asserted in this city that cure* can be brought about by renewing such injec- lions every ten day*. Today they announce tliat in the case of both tnese patients the fever has abated. XERCT FOB BTRACD. The Rajfel announce* that the committee on pardon* has pronoupced in favor of com¬ muting the sentence of death passed upon Michael Eyraud, the murderer of Gouffe, to one of imprisonment for life. lfEETIWO OF ANTI-PARXFIXITES. Belfast. Jan. 29..A. meeting of anti- Parnellites was held here yesterday to discuss the attitude of Mr. Sexton in the existing Irish controversy and to sustain him in his position. Several members of parliament of the Healy- McCarthv faction were present and spoke, but Mr. Sexton was absent. The Parnellites at¬ tended in considerable numbers, and the op- posing factions indulged in long and loud howls of defiance which almost completely dro»n»d the voices of the speakers, who could not be heanl s dozen steps from the platform. A vote of confidence in Mr. Sexton was offered and passed by a large majority. The police pre¬ vented an encounter between the factions. ITalt's financial ookdittos. Rove. Jan. 29..The financial statement pre¬ sented in the church of deputies says that there is a deficit for 1891 of 60,000.000 franca, to bs met. according to the government program, bj increased duties on mineral oil and other arti¬ cles and by economies in the budgets for mui- tarv purposes aud for public works. The Mc- Kirilev bill, it is stated, has not injured Italian trade! Italy hopes to establish a commercial entents with France. oexebal fobeiox hot**. The French squadron cruising in the waters of New Zealand has been ordered to Chili. M. Meissonier, who was critically ill last week, is now recovering. _ .. A majority of the railway strikers at Perth havii been reinstated by the company. Mr. Pamell will speak at Ennis, Ireland, on Snndav. The "strikers at Kimball Bro.'s shoe factory at Manchester have renounced allegiance to the Lasters' Union and returned to work. The London Daily Keu>* declares that the rumors of Mr. Gladstone are entirely without foundation. . . _ , The directors of the Bank of England have reduced the sate of discount to 3 per cent. The colonies of Australia have asked for the privilege of negotiating commercial treaties. Columbus will no be bectified. It is said Columbus was a perfect gentleman and as ex¬ cellent Catholic, but not a saint. Advices from Berlin state that prominent German free traders contemplate holding an international free trade congress, and that in¬ vitations will be sent to leading advocates of free trade in Europe and America. _ A syndicate of German bankers baa offered fifty million lire to secure the contract to sup- P'l^ther^ankhiL1^been founded in Vienna with a capital of ten millions florins to do a credit business only. * The paupers of Limerick, Ireland, haw* re¬ fused togo to work in the place of the munici¬ pal laborers now on strike. The Farmers' Alllnaea Inclined to Is Omaha, Neb., Jen 29.-In the National 1 en' Alliance convention yesterday the propor¬ tion to make the alliance a secret instead of an open organisation was favorably di Irtie allianee is evenly divided on the tion to admit villagers who are not - and operating farsasrs. idea of the wives and daughters c< the tara membership was formally debated, as the con¬ vention inclines toward wo^ suffrage. Only one and not three lectures will be had^ lotion was adopted oongrrtal*". ixscbgkmt* ««nraa obotwd. ¦ ciitu T»h» «r . I i... Baee ef MpyHw Brt^n Ann, Jan. St..Adviesa iwrtw< hm from Chill show that the iMarfrnk in tlndilti gaining uragiid. Kaon «fW th» hoa- WrdiMM of port Co^ninU tW t*W fore* ix-cupied Ls Senna. in the city of 1'oquinit.a, without env opposition an the part of govern¬ ment trwvM. though th. Utter occupied La Xerina tn torce. brine qnartrred in the b »- I'lUl, schools «.<1 other public buildings. Th* government troop*, nptto the apt.roacn of tha rebel f.*w« from Port « o^inmU. rTMTMH La Zenna Mid retreated inland, th ua pUnn* a tine hirlKW and a m«l a.u sntagcoaa baar of supplies in the hands of the ui«urf»ih. UAXiF.Koi s hi AitKrarrn. Two Criminals \% Im» H>m Nome NotiiMr KobhrrlM. Nrw You. Jan. St..Two dangi-roti* "crooko*" hare been arrwlfd by lu>iv<ia( Hyrnea with costly kit* of bnntUr tool* in their powsion. Polly Mahcr. alia* George Houghton. and Pa<i4 Cumminga. alia* Crontn. The Utter haa been only recently released from an Lnglish prisoa on a ticket of Ware. Since hi* arrival here ha haa been under constant surveillance. Then w no doubt in the mm.U <>f the police thai tha men contemplated some big lob. Croiun I.a* Ivm connected with numerous Crimea in thin country. In New Orleans lie and a pal robbed a t'anal street jewelry store by means of a dummy safe of tlOU.OUO worth of propertv. He was also connected with an tber job in Srw Orleans in which .£&.ftK> worth of booty was securest. In Hi. Louis a ?io.'IOn diamond rolibery waa accomplished. Tlien the Maison de Joie ..f Jennis Jenks of Chicago was rol.l>ed of j TtniO In Quincy. IU.. from the First National Rank they took *100.000 in bonds, fao.mto in caah and MMjMt in railroad wuniim. In l-oulsvlile the k'sig got away with *<0.«00 worth of property trow the Kails fit} National Hank A BKACTlKt 1. CilKL HrkDKkKD. Her foster Father an.l Hta filsais Hwa- peeted of the « rime. Kaattviux, Tt«i., Jan. SO.--John IVilas of Louisville last evening swore oat state warranto for the arrest of John Moran. Samuel I liter.! 'har- lotte Kacknitx and Mrs. Anna Phillipa. Moran being charged with the murder of Miss Mattie Itolan. a beautiful young woman, and the three others with being accessories. Miss l*»Un waa a sisU r of the prosecutor and th* adopted daughter of John Moran. Kb* was found Monday night lying on the back porcli of the Moran residenc. She had a wound in the forehead. Near I.) was a hatchet which fitted exactly in the wound. Miss l>..latiS nock was al*o broken. Moran. Liter and Miss Lack nit* were arrested and committed to jail pending the investigation. Mr. l>oUn armed from Ijouisville v«»u rdav and swore out the warrants as stated. Mr*. 1'hlllips being arrested last evening. ALL ON HOARD UMT. Wreck of the Missionary Misss>r Chapmaa la the South Mraa. Desteb, Jan. 29..A Han Francisco s|.e- rial to the Hockj JV««n.'<i>w A.vi says private advices from Tahiti, in the Society Islands, re¬ ports that wreckage lias been discovered, sup- poaed to be from the nussioiiary schooner llitrbe Chapman, which k ft Honolulu a year ago m charge of Llder J. H. Cu.Uney of Nebraska, a Second Advent missionary. The (kap- man was bound for Pitcairn Is¬ lands. She carried * crew of stt men. All hands are now given up for lost and at the last general confer* nee of Uie Advent So¬ ciety resolutions of condolence with Llder Cw- lUnsy's wife and children were paisied. Another missionary schooner was sent to tha South sua* some month* ago and reports that there is no longer any d< >ubt of Cudsney s <" OKK lllM»KH».|l.l\KN LOUT. flood* Cause Knoruious Damage Thr the Island of Maaaowah. Cairo. Jan. 29. .Advice* from Masaow the Hed sea, state that a terrific storm, followed by floods, has iwused enormous damage throughout the isUnd of Maaaowah. Over ISO persons lost their live*. HI VING A CKKMAM JI DGEKHIP. A Salt That Carta a Ntala oa the Chll See* v ice Kywtetm. 8psiil Cable Dispatch to The Kvsaiwr Star Buut. Jan. 29. -Much interest has been ex¬ cited today by the hearing of a case in which an ageat sued s Judge, claiming pavassal of 2.00CI marks (*.'«0U1 as rrmunerstioa for pro-' coring defendant au appointment in the foreign office. The judg* ad¬ mitted the contract with the qrent. but accused him of nee.lle«s deUy in procuring the appointment, as irritated by the plaiutiff s procrastination be had gone to another agent, who procured him a ptwition as Judge, which proved to be more lucrativs than the first for which be applied. A* a result of these extraordinary proceedings th* judge has been dismissed from office and con¬ sternation has seir.ed upon the public, as tha German civil service has hitherto been con¬ sidered above suspicion, lo the prevailing confidence in the system the discovery that offices are bought and sold ha* given a ruds shock. ''Daughters o> the King" la r.nglaad. Special Cable Dispatch to The hvmimr Star Lokdok. Jan. ».-Uily Henry Somerset has assumed the secretaryship of a committee hav¬ ing for its object the organization, in London and the provinces, of branches of the American sisterhood known as Daughters of the King. This will be the first :itu mpt to introduce the -Ution in Lngland. Prospective Championship Chews I Special Cable Dia|>stch to Tbr lA^n.mr star. Lohdok. Jan. 2D..Mr. UUckburne, the chesa champion, sailed on the Teutonic for New York on hi* tray to Havana, Where he will pUy . match game with lienor* Vasquez and Goi- mayo, champion* of Cuba and Mexico. Etiquette will not permit Mr. Itlackburne to challenge Steimtz so soon after his contact with Gunsberg. but efforts are being arrange a match. lb-Thrower < aptnred la Ireland. Special Cable Dispst. h to The ICvcalns star Tippekabt, Jan. 2#..Sergeant Stacey and Constable Gerry arrested a man yesterday named Foley on suspicion that he was carryiag concealed weapons for illegal purpose* On being searched be threw away a bomb filled with guupowder. Amending the Kellgtous Disabilities Attm Special Cable Dtspstch to The Evrniaar star Lomkj>. Jan. 29..Sir John Fope Henneasy, the member for North Kilkenny, ha* placed oo the notice |>aper in the houar of commons a statement with regard to Mr. Gladstone's reli¬ gious disabilities bill. It is to the effect that if the measure passes to s second reading be shall insert a cUuse relieving sovereign tueml-er* of the royal family from all religious disabilities. This would, for instance, permit the Pnne* of Wale* to become a Uoman t atholic and still sncoeed his mother on the throne, a laat ha cannot no * legally perform. Senator Pettlgrew !'¦ Siorx Fills, 8. D., Jan. ».. grew left last evening for Chicago to reoaive medical treatment. He ha* been suffering for several weeks with a severe kidney trouble. Maw New Yobs, Jan. St..The difficulty between Jay Gould and the governor* of the stock ex¬ change has been settled. Mr. Gould has agreed to withdraw the bonds of the Missouri Pacific, which were objected to oo account of workmanship, and issue new i Oonooan. N H , Jan. 29 .The dsy tabled a bill placing all companies tinder the snpernatoB of the insur¬ ance commissioner*. KotM* has beaa givsa at the introduction of a bill providing for A* ea- tUCtioB Of SMh c Marriage boenass haws been tanad by 1 of the court to th* following: faaw Moor* sf ¦ DaL, and Mary Doner af county M d.: ( has. Carr aad AbMs M. J both of Books county. Pa.; Niimss Baikal W.¦ aad jL Carter; Joha Coantss aad We letta Chew; Kobsrt g. W"" J Oil nl^l Griffith; Pool
Page 1: f ?,.« News Gossip. IN CONGRESS TODAY. LATE NEWS BY · ngs.Knck.under the nrm nameand style of Roulette& U.:h»daybeen J. LOl'IS Kl.lCK. Thebusinesswill be continuedat No. 1TOO Pa.


AT THE STAK'BITLDINUS,1101 PeE-JT'.ran..i At>., cnr:»r 11th Ptrrrt. fcyThe Eyenisg Star Hewsp»p»r Coiapany,

8. H. KAT'FFMAW. l-rrt'LTn* Ftt*i*o St%k is served to snbnrrlher* In theby r :rrier». on their rm f int. tit 10 «per

*K'k, or 44 per : n: Cop. - :if t conut'T, ireor*eaca. *.>"-anywhere ;u the Cu ?e»| states orCanada.poaia^e prepaid -o©cents i>?r moutu.S«tt*bj«t QravtmrpLt 8fi?t ^iajl il.M) per year;With foreiim postage idM, $3.00.[Int'wl .»t the Poet oiliceat \v aahimrtcn. D. C.. as

tecond-claae mail matter. ]f^All n.ail subscription* must be paid in advance;

t.4 pater ant longer than pa.u for.| ? ,.« rf ^ R1 lirn rT, nPr^;r«»t1nr.



'I'UK WASHINGTON KuAN A.NDA TRl sr O.MPANV,Temporary o!h.»n

_1°01 rSTKLKT NoR'I MH KST,Previous »o crv. t .,n of our new ouild-tmn at U.« i oriT of Uth .*n i F Ml. n. v.

Capital. 5 l.ifl*».0UQLPay ntere-*: a4 j*r cent.U.S I-err. »t.Ii j» r crit.2 per (vnt. .

According to tone of deposit.Interest paid on uaiat. ea subject tocheck.

Zxernt .» afl tn.sts.Call or write lor .mormatton.

BRA1N Alil> M. WAU.NKR, PmldeitJ< 'UN JO* EDHoN, >Ht l*resident.WILLIAM B. R« BI>OS. Secretary.W1LUA.M B. tfl ItLEt. I r**aa»irer. Ja24-lm


CAPITAL. #100.000.T?,000 shares. $^0 earh. payable $1 per month, or If

raiu m advance now a discount of l;j per cent isallowed.

DIRECTORSHENRYH I/>CKWOOD. U\1N 8. TRET.21. P. GILBERT. O. li. HEWITT.>. G. 81 EVENS, PAViD At l.D.*M. I>. BRACE. E. R. BRACE.*M. H IHIIOAUln>e*t menu will he trade at the head of LAKE SU¬

PERIOR. in and About DCJA TH. .MINN.Stork j^n now. for lull p.trtit ulara. circu¬

lars. by-laws. Ac.. ;u«4u.reuf the secretary wid mina-K*r. E. K. BRACE,

jaJTJ-'Jt At Brace's Puarxnary, Georgetown, D.C.


A*»ts #1,156.208. *n.

Off re hem from 0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. flally. Onthe first Wednesday in each month the office will beopen from li to 8 o'clock p.m. Auvances will be madepromptly at 7 o'clock. ins UUUi jaaus tu Moca

iwi suuicnptiua.

Fhares are f?. 50 per month..1.0UU advioiced on each shaiw

Pamphlets exilainimr the obj«>cta and advantage* of |the AMooauun «re lurniahed upon appiicatiun.


Lewis u. tewrbbury. w. b. hibbs.Banker, aO Broadway, N Y. Ma;ia«r»*r.

Member Vv aaLm#fton Stock Lxcnati**

inns a. tewksbcrt * co..BANKERS AND BROKERS.

J!*r» F 8T.. W A>HIN*iT' >N. D.C..Btry and nell for rash or on maryui Stocks. Bonds,Uru:L. Provisions and Oil.

lnrect private wire<* to Npw York and Chicaft^Interv^t allowed on deposits.

Out-of-town t»Uhin**>« a spei laity.Ail L*x*ai .->e« an: dea.: iu.

Constant quotations ail m^rketa. 1 elephone 545.oL'l-tr

JNO. )». CORSON. JNO. W. MACARTNEY.Member N. X. Stock Ex.

ror.ST»N A MACARTNEY.QLOTER BUILDING, 14W F ST. 5 W.,Bankers and Dealers in Co\eminent Bonds.

Deposits. F.xchansre. Loans. Collections.Railrouti Stocks and ls«-<n«b> and ail securities listed on

AMMhflpnof New iurli, Ixiiadeipiioa, Boston andBaltimore bouvLt and sole..A specialty made o: n vestment wnritiee. District

Ik>nd.H ^nd all lo> al Railroad. Uas. Insurance and 1'ele-plione Sto<*k dealt in.American L«ul Telephone Stock lxjujrht and sold. Jy18

Overcoats Axd Suits.





Douglas & Br.n ,

aU NINTH ST.. I.VI KROTFAN BIILDING..In «*onne» tiou with their sale ofLAD1E.V CO lToN I NDEKWEAH

Offer the lollowm^ banruins in Corsets: ,

17 B1ANCA CORSE is. R«vu.ar jnce. #1.50; forMr. each. Al."» b.O. CORSETS. Regular pnA. $1; for 50c."Hi FLORENCE MURRAY CORSETS. RetrainJ>n« e. f 1 for ->«c. esi*h.

ABD'L CORSETS. Reral^r price, #3; for 50c.**7:1 FRF.NCH WERLY CORSETS. Kewular pries,t*~\ for 41 ^ h.

:»1 LUCCA CORSETS. R#«nilar price, **-'. for #1**ls RIDING CORSETS. R**mlar pri.*, fJ.forflssi h.M "lOO-BoKR CORbETS. R-tnlar price, #2; for

tl eaw-h.U MISSED CORSETS. Retrular price. #1; for 50e.17 MISSES' CORSET WAISTS. R«irular price.R-;. . !. »rU Ml>Shj>* CORSET WAISTS. Regular price, #1;for ,«0t eS-h.Also the ;oiiowlmr Stamper 1 Unas:

50doz. MamiK. lie. Pillow SUaui» at 18c.1 lot .**.. and ,tWt. Tray and < ar> in«r Cloths at iSc.:%+. Moune Bureau ar:s at Sic

Spiasbei> (t«> mat. h af*>ve> at 'Sic.Dama»k Towels, now .Vic., or three for #1We »s* your pa-*i* ular attention to our .tepartiuentot OERMARTOWN. >:hPHi K»n.i SFANlhll YARNS.

ANo to a fuil ins *d Br^inar.. <k .Vniisironif KNIX-TING and embroidery FLoaS.hOl ui.Ad k HP.o.,Mfil NINTH ST.

Tkn Per Cknt Off 1"okC,ASH.

We are determined to r^luce onr verylarve stork of vooda. as we cannot alforu tocarry th**ui over to another season, hem *' weott'T the b»wt tfoods we nave in our stock ata reductMib «rf TEN PERCENT OFF FORCASH.We ore aware that if w» ran prove to your

satisfaction that we are SELLING CHEAP,you will take advuntave of the situation andbuy your iroods of us. We need hardly *ointo psrticuiars, as you no uonbt are aa arethat we keep one of the l>e*t lines of DresaGoods and Fine Drv^s Materials to be foundin this city, and our jn.ee are as low as theycun reasonably be »>id at.Our aiwortinent of Fine Moumintr Goousis

partkcularly aUra« tive, ami you will save aclear discount of ten per cent on every dol¬larworth you buy.QUI LIS. PLANKFTS, COMFORTS and


Ladies' and Genta' Underwear ol tho bestquaiitise.CAsHMFEES. SERGES.CAXEL'SH AIR,

HENRIETTA. »>4 CLoTUS. FLANNELSUITINGS and :n loct one of the best aa-sorteri sto*-ka of First-«:laaa Dry Goods to bsfound in this city.






Will open at W'inard's Hotel Private Parlors Tuesday,Jan;iary *J7. and th;* mwa/ wee* Pans-aisds Cos-|tinnea and W rap*. Lall. Leceptu a an 1 Dinner Gowna.Carriage ^nJ oikoar C. stumee. Tea Oowns and]Morinns' Dnssss, and an early importation of


Onlsrs tsksn aad psrlest At


hold m »pe, ial communication atthe -v-ott.jhl.tta-Sunctu-.ry oa TlICRSDAi. 'JWh ia>Unt, it «¦>. in. Work. 1st mi l 2(1 .t'VT'-f By older of theVv.M. [J. .Jv'-t) \VM. im All BIH)ME. Secret-try.a^- ^sriKITI AHSM-WONN * 11ALL,721 liTHPC*. st.. t KID * Y NIGH!. Mise Mainrte Oauleol H.A'tuuor**. wonlerfu1 test in-diuu.. Dunn* the dayThursday an.! tiilay. invate sittings ml Sirs.CAUELL'S, 110'Jdst. a.e. JaJh-Jt

-.NOTICE OK DISSOLUTION.-TITE PI B-iic ar- I,why notified that (he firm;'' E. L.

l ICE * CO., Heal I.-'ate Brokers, l-?*) <> St.n. sr., is inutus'.'y dissolved this 'JHtli day of January.1MD1. C » Lyl.rsnd withdrawing l*oin said Arm. E.L. MATT1CE will continue the business, awiuine alldetrts and colle-t all t,ills due said ttrui. E. L.MAI-i ict:, c. w. lybrand. j»ss-.tta^ ^HtVIxn WITHDRAWS FROM THE FIRMPOS.of E. L. Mature & Co.. tin- real estate brok-er« on account of fkwin- health,anil my luisinw# rela-turn with K. L. MattV-e liavinir leen oi aj leaaaiit na-turt', 1 cl.eerluliy recommend him tomy friend* »nu ac-

ql}£5^£'**" C. W. LYBRAND.


1 Will Mil yon anything In tlie line of FINEWATCHES. MAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY onsmall WEEKLY or MONTHLY peyinrtita, irlve yonIMMEDIATE POSSESSION at time of puriliaee.

A. L. SALTZSTEIN. JR..Jeweler, 505 7th st. n. w.

Order* by mail will receive immediate attention.ia^T^fcn

g^OEOIlGETOWN. D" *.J... a,. 1Wn.

E Maurice Cropley, Grocer. 3101 51 St., bavin*this day made an assiirnuient to me for the ben-flt ofhis creditors of all of his property and effects, all per¬sons having claim* amiinst him are requested toI'tvsent the same to me witliont delay, and ail personsindebted to liiw are 11' tlli'-'l tliat pro upt settlelcent oftheir s< counts must likewise lie made

Ja.-.T-.a* K C. li# iNN, Assignee.Fmr .^thi: COPARTNEltSHlP HERETOFORE

existing l»*tween Ulysses S. Roulette ana J.EoaS Krick, for the conduct of a general drug busi¬ngs. under the nrm name and style of Roulette &Knck. U. :h» day been

J. LOl'IS Kl.lCK.

The business will be continued at No. 1TOO Pa. ave.n w by J. Louis Krick. to wlioui all del.ts due tue latefinu are jiayable and to whom ali accounts aicuiist thefirui must oe presented lor settlement.ja«»7.;;t* J- LOLIS KiUClLJT-THE I'lTBLIC.

The se-*ret of obtaining the best wnlts fromweariu/ your Shirt* is to order them in winter, whenad«utional warmth is neeued and they will thus prove*n atn ?.. able garment lor summer, so place your orderU0W"th

P.T.HALL.Bfcirt Maker,

3a21 -lm 1Q8 Fst. n.w.r THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUEP^SsUx-kbolder* o: the Arlimrton Fire Insurance

Company for ti e district of Columbia lor the electionof nin- directors to serve for the ensuinv' yeur win i*jhe d.it the offi« e of the company, lo«k> Pennsylvaniaave. n.w., 1ULSDAY. February *1, 1«#1. 1-ollaopenat 1 and close at 3 p. m.

Ja,'4 1m FRANK T. RAWLINGS. Becretary.

THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND_ Trust Cotcptny pays interest oncurrent tulances suo.ect to -i.eck.

Capital .....#1,000.000.Temporary offices. No. 1W11 at. n.w.

BRAINARD H. WARNER,Ja24-l.> I"ri"sideut.

-^.ls YOCR PRINTED MATTER LOW?If so consulr me betore plat in* yo ir

next oruer. It »ill l>e to your advantaireif vood work at satiatactory rates intermu you.

BTKON 8. ADAMS.H9^3m 51? 11th st. n.w.


landlords with empty bouses should placethem witn us. We are turning away good ten¬ants every day. .Constant advertising and attention to taxes,repairs. Ac., free ot chanre.

BARN£3 k WEAVER.*2Q.lin 029 FST. H.W.

^ .^,IN THE St PREMK COURT OF THE D18-1.^ TKICT OF COLUMBIA.Filed Jan nary 7, 1M91. R. J. Meitn. clerk.

E. Francis Medora Kiton. his wife, Alice L.Jane A. BigKS and Cecilia Howard, coin-

phkinunts, vs. Oeoeve Louis Dominique, Antoined-aOeoiroy, Jules Francois (ieonre de O^otroy, Caldevon Caruste, trustee, and Arthur T. Bnce, trusteedstfen.iants. Nu. 1Z7±>. Mmty

On motion of the complainants, by Mr. Helden.theirsolicitor, it is this <th day ol January, 1«S»1. byth'»court ordered that the deieudant*, Oeoive Louis Lk>miniuue, AntOiUe de Oeoiroy r.nd Jules FrancoisOeorife de Cieofroj . severally cause their appearancesto be entered herein on or before the hrst ruie day oc-rurintr forty dayi alter this day. otherwise the causewill be proceeded with as in case ol default.The object of this suit is *o obtain a confirmation ox

the partition heretoiore l^ade, or to effect a new parti¬tion of the real estate in the District ol Columbiawhereof (hdrve U Ui»tks, late ot the said District,died, seized and possessed, intestate.Trile copy. A. C. BRADLEY, Justice.

Test B. J. MKltiS. Clerk.jah-law-tt ByL. C. WILLIAMS. Aast. Clerk.


AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY.Telephone, 4*x*. 1140 Ifith st. n. w.

BUILDING ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF.Safe Storage for Furniture, Silver Ware. Pianos.Works of Art. Paintings. Carriages, Mines. 1'runkaof

Valuables. Clotmng, He.Furniture. China, In;., pecked, moved and shipped.3a,.*J-:im

to' .--^SPECIAL.. . .Dr. W. Merrill has moved his dental office

to Tlu llth st. n.w. KU-lm'BRUCK GRAY.

ARCHITECT.lias removed his othce to the Adams building,

Lf»» F st. n w..IMPORTANT NO 1 ICE


Arrancer ents La>e been made lor the convenience ofperson.- living in the extern and western sections ofthe city by which they can ray their gas bills during^nk n.tf Lours at


THE WEST END NATIONAL BANK.Bflls psict on or before the Nth of each month. ANDTliOSE ONLY, will U entitled to the discount of 25c.per i.UUO cubic ieet.oSl-tr WASHINGTON OAS LIGHT COMPANY.^ _^DR J. BARTLET'i HILLS. DENTIST.

Artih« ia' teeth inserted immediately alterextraction oi teeth and special attention given to cor-rM tiDif children's teetm litll F st. n. w. dlO-'Jm*

CUSTOM^MADKSH1RTH. - WITH OURincreased lat-ilitiee in this department wearetietter prej»ared than ever to exe«-ute your orderslor ".custom-made" shirts. Any style lor ordinary orlull dre«t» cN*c-iu>ions made nt short notice anil satisfac¬tion inniranteetl m ^>ery instam-e. Now is the besttime to leave your orders as you will hnd a shirt moreromfortable lor summer wear alter b*ing worn dur¬ing the winter.Leave your order at men's furnishing department,first floor, hist annex.n?-:mi WOODWARD k LOTHROP.

»BUY YOUR COAL. COKE AND WOODfrom the reliable Ann of JOHNSON BROTH-EES. the most extensive retail dealers in the coun¬

try. o4

J. W. Botklik & SosABE




1. W. BOTELEB * SOI.MC-lB WSi Pxun. a»

1 his Bright N *w 1891Need* the iirijrhteM and best of mitfic. The 2.000,000readier, of this ad. are ail uiMted to proride themselveswith music or music book, froiu our complete anilvaried Mock.

limit and information.


SONGS OF IRELAND, tl.00. Choice, revisedcollection of very favorite souirm. t« son«s. 144 n»e»POTTER'S RESPONSES AND SENTENCES. 73

cents. t<;. 7."<doren. A timely and trood collection,which will be welcomed by uitoy choirs. More thanM short piece*, with a number of Gionaa. ChMts, Ac.PRAYER AND PRA1KK. Cantata. lUlUrd. A (rood

and easy cantata, for a Choir or Chorus. M cents,(4 .» ji-r dozen.MASONIC ODE. Flthtaa. A new. most convenient

book of easy and vood music, perfectly fitted for theMasouir ritual. Much needed. Ulcests, ttiadom.COMIC AND MINSTREL SONUS. (1.00. 46

merry soura. well calculated to make time pus cheerfully.BANNER FOI.IO Violin and Piano Winner.

L&nrr tt Jniberof popular meiodie* nkiilfnlly arrangedfor Violin, with Piano accompeninient. tl.00.MANDOLIN AND PIANO DIETS. Winner. About

To popular air. for Ma^oliB and Piano. SI.00.Any Book mailed, poet-paid, for retail rric.OLIVER DITGON COMPANT. BOSTON.




corner i:itu audi* *u^y*s. x? BROWN. President




Ja2D-3tn COB. «TH AND F 8T8. N. W.

NKEI) TO GO TO WASHINGTONlor iflno Groceries. We have enlarged oarstore to douole r s lorirer siT" and oui »tock c oni I irisestiie finest l*i'¦ 11s irtftnUr-'.a fi>-sh and new. i'n>esver> reaei-iiaine. Granulated au-ar, tiH cents perpoiinu. Plate >our .u-ronnta with us; w.- insn-e satis-iactiou and prompt deUveiy. .'!!>i and > ata. u. w.J»"JS'-L*t H. W. OFFU1X ft CO.

y- .^aCHKAl' LOT ON 181H 31. N.W.For one week owner will offer a flnj

residence lot aire 18.8x100. for $1.23per square loot.

E. T. EAISFR,It Room 4. Atlantic building.


It la the southwest corner of lUthand P ats. The frontajre on 1 litb at.ia !<u feet an 1 on P at. 125 feet. 'ihersia an alley in the rear.

PKiCt, *.< PER FOOT.'1HOS. J. FISHER ft CO..

ItISM 1'si. n.w.


Our entire stock of EmbroideredPique and Plain l'Hji.e Full Dress Vests.

Former prices, t<i,Ki.5u,t~.ijO.Now 41.75 each.

8. E. ft J. E\~UoSENTHAL,Men's 1 urnishinv*. Huts,

One price. U*24-;iui] b&j F at.



We offer to the renting publicthe services of our long-estab¬lished agency and invite an exam¬ination of anumber of choice va¬cant houses at various prices.Uur rent bulletin issued every

Monday uiomiuK mailed on ap¬plication.

B. H. WARNER * CO.,Property Managers,

It 91Gi st", n.w.

-»Ol*R *35 FULL DUE3S SUIT.The material in Coat and Vest is

in r. and 11. 1'rench Broadcloth.Coat is Lliu-k Satin lined in boay,sleeve White bilk lined. Pants,l>oeskin of the same make tomatch.This Suit in fit, style and work¬

manship is oniy equaled by thebest merchant tailors.


Ja29 4^4 ?th t. n.w.


On south side K st. bet. 10th and 11thats. n.w.; splendid locality. Weoff«*ra2-story and basement brick dwelling, 6rooms and bath, at above low figure.This ia a chance seldom offered.


The veatkt-r in likely to be hrjht rain* atulslight cham/t* in tunperaturi today; jairFriday; icmd* ahiftiuy to uettterlj.

IT 18 SETTLED NOWbeyond dispute that our Gang-sawod

Lumber Is the bes»t ever sold in Washington.Why, the lirst word people say is.LetMMthat pang-sawed lumber everybody is talk¬ing about, and when they see it they, too,are convinced. Ask for it and insist uponhaving it wherever you buy, and reiuemoerthe price is only $1.15 PER 100 FEET.


ja£9 0th st. and New York av*.


It is hardly our line to advertise .'bargains" or"great reductions,** but at our Connecticut ave. showrooms we have an Extension-front Brougham of ourown make, lined with blue morocco and cloth, bevelplate glass, rubber head springs, collinge axles.inshort a model vehicle, guaranteed in all respects. Lastwinter we made four of these. Three were sold atonce; this one remained on hand. The price has been$1,203. We now oiler it for $975.


Ja28-lm 10C8 and 1030 Conn ave.


491 to 4:4) C st. n. w.Quirk work without extra charge. Try

our plan. A poatai irom you will brine oi*eof our wagons to your door. Ja3-3ui


(the only licensed pawnbroker! upon which interest iadue tweiTe montba or more are hereby untitled to re¬deem the s*iue or pay »i> the interest U-iore FEBKU-Ali I :t, lMUl, or the roods will be ao:d at auction.)»!*»-13»* H. K. FULTON.

A DIFFICULT MATTER-TOreuch first bauds direct for en-

FTsvin? 01 the better class. Coirrectly em.Tsved cards and invitationsand superior printing uiade tnrousn-out by

GEDNEY ft ROBERTS,lontravers and Printers,.Li iixbat., nwr tiai uUum.

NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT Auieetuur o. the stockholders 01 the United

ht-it*. Capitol Lilii Insurance Company, pursuant to aj<etitiou aud order th- reior. will be held at the homeo!h*> of said company. No. "JO Atlantic builcimr.V ash-im;ton. D.C.. .,u the skCUXD I1A1 ul i'Kbiii'Al.i',IN';, to oimimsu the amount of the capital stockot said ctimp.ii> &nd take such action in reierencethereto as is by law required and to transact sm bother1-i.ainevs as may be lawfully and properly Uioutful be¬fore sUcll Uieet:UK.Dauu Maahuwton. D.C.. January 2. 1UU1.

L LESTER. 1B. bAVBk. f.S. A. KEF.MIR, )


DURWARD B. LESTER. President.JNO. B. BATHE. Secretary. j»2-tf3

^PROPERTY OWNERS.we bav. a number of application for .mallhonses lor investment. Persons o' /orporalionsbavins property in value from ,1 Atti to M.UUOwill do well to place it In oa /hands tor t*e

spniix market.Me trtve personal attention and liberal adver¬tising tree of chant*.bead puatol and member of firm will call.




HILL * JOHNSTON. AOXNTB,JalS-lns 1508 Peana. ave. b.w.


Washington News and Gossip.Index to Artvertisementa.

AWTREXFNT8 j^_sATTORNEYS 3AUCTION SALES Para (JBICYCLES p. yHOARDING Pa**"business chances r-u- Zcity n ems «COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. Tmm 2BEATIIS 3DENTISTRY PasreSEDUCATIONAL Pa..e 7EXCURSIONS, he... . ParaSFAMILY SUPPUES Pam 7FINANCIAL I'ace 1FOR IlENT (Offlr«e) Pa*re 2FOR RENT (Rooms) Par* 2FOR RENT (Stabiea) Pairs£FOR RENT (Stomo Pair* .>

FOR RENT (Houses) l'ace 2FOR SALE (Houses) I*ace 2FOR SALE (Lota) Pace 3FOR SALE (Mtorxllnnfoils) .... p*irt» .*



P. ~

LECTt'RES \r'LLOCAL MENTION.....'.'.'.'.'.'.' Paan a

.tsiFOUND 5MANICUREmkdical ~:zr£Z«MISCELI.ANEOUS Paire r.


WANTED (Board) .7.... p^,e ~>WANTED (Help) ..Zl.TW'ANTED (Houses) Pair®''WANTED (Rooms) p.® a

WANTED (situations)WANTED (Miscellaneous) 1, ."JWINTER RESORTS ££ '

wood and coal ^«Govebnment Beceipts Tonay..Internal rev¬

enue. $405,978; customs, $1,427,054.Bonds Redeemed..The amount of 4% per

cent bonds redeemed yesterdnv was »7.S00making the total to date *9,671,100. |Retired..Lient. John Downs, U. 8. N., was

placed on the retired list yesterday bv reasonof disabilities incurred in the Une of duty.The Torpedo Boat Ccshino arriTed at the

Washington navy yard at 1055 o'clock thismorning.

A Board of Scbvet from the Navy Depart¬ment is ia Richmond at work 011 the machineryof the Texas recently damaged by the fire at

Jhe f^Ul"0"J1L<>c,>n>'>tivu Works, to determinetlie extent ot the injury, if any.

Secbetaby Windox to Speak..SecretaryWindom left Washington this morning to at¬tend the banquet of the board of trade andtransportation at Xew York this evening atwhich it is expected he will make an addressoutlining the fiscal policy of the government.Tub Pbesident's Caixebk this morning in¬

cluded Senators McMilliu and Spooner, Repre¬sentatives Townsoiid, Gear, Dolliver, Voiler,Stivers, Bcranton and Wright; J. W. Pomfrev'Covington Ky. ; A. W. McOTuro of Iowa, llepre-mdw'TsT' , « JIcKt'!ighan, O. it. Cempand W. J. Bryan of Nebraska.

The CaniEB 'Fbisco. -A dispatch was re¬ceived at the Navy Department this morningannouncing that the cruiser Ban Franoiscofinished her trial trip Ust evening after a sue-'cesaful run. She is now at Mare Island, Cal.iniH trip settles her final acceptance bv thegovernment


Col. McCawley Retibed.-Co1. Chas. O. Mc-Cawley, the commandant of the United Statesmarine corps, who has been on the sick list forsome months, was today placed on the retired1st on account of age. lie has been at thehead of the corps for fourteen years. LieutG. P. Houston will retire February 1.

Naval Obders..Lieut E. H. Ghecn has beendetached from duty at Munhall, Pa., and or¬dered as inspector of steel at Thurlow, Pa.Lieut C.A. Rogers and Ensign John Hood haverC"itTeJ examination for pfemotion.Ensign E. W. Ebelee, to ordnance instructionto the \\ arfhington navy yard. Lieut. JohnDowns has been placed on the retired list.

Mn-rTAKT Cadet*. -The following have beenappointed cadets at the United States MilitaryAcademy: John H. Leggctt, thirtv-third diJ-trlf\ of, ?°r*; John C. Olmstead (alter¬nate), eighth district of Wisconsin; F. F Steitr-moyer, fifth district of Ohio: Alfred B. Rossseventh district of Kansas Herbert B. Seely'eleventh district of New York.

Revebce Appoixtventh..The Secretary ofthe Treasury has made the following appoint¬ments in the internal revenue service: UnitedStates gaugcris-Oscar Andress, at StUlwater,N.J. United States gangers and storekeepers.Wm. P. Ward, at Isenville. Kv.; John M. Clin¬ton at Belmont 8.C.; Wilson 8. Caffey, at Bur¬lington, N.C.j Victor C. Terry, at Rockingham,

An Abandoned Mii.itabt Resbbvation .Byauthority of the President the tract of land lo¬cated in the city of Houston, Tex., and knownas block 108, which was occupied by the repub-

. 'he date of annexation of thatrepublic to the United States as the site of amagazine has been transferred to the Secre¬

tary of the Interior for disposition under the

The Gunboat Cokcobd..The official reportof the horse power developed by the engines ofthe gunl>oat Concord on her recent trial triphas been received at the Navy Department Itshows that the vessel showed an in-

hon» Power of 3,404 129. or

4^29 in excess of the requirements,rhe unevenness of things is commented on to-

iu ""val ci/®le8 w"en it is rememberedtiiat tne Concord is almost an exact duplicateof the Yorictown, which made S.39&24 on a re¬quirement of but 3,000.

Personal..James Bailey of Ithica. N.Y., Mr.and Mrs. J. E. Wells of Syracuse, BradfordKennedy of Syracuse, George H. Bliss of Brook¬lyn. Thomas F. Lane of Summit N.J., WilliamGardener and John H. Jackson of Albanv N Y¦Mrs,MrA Soule of New York, Mr. and' Mrs!A. W. Williams and Miss Walker of Pittsbursl'a., are at Willard's. J. J. McCarthy of Bo£ton, Mr. ind Mrs. Chat Du Bou of BrooklynN.Y., Mrs. Geo. B. Kent and Miss Mary Kent ofNew York, JL S. Brown of Mystic, Vs., Mr. aiMrs. John W. Hendenberg of Chicago, Chas.Moms of Boston, A. O. Kittridge of New YortJ. O. Ohlert of Lima, Ohio, John Knicker¬bocker of Troy, Mrs. James and Miss C 8.Mise and Mrs. H. W. Gallup of Chicago 8. 8.Howiand of New York, Henry Lard of BangorMe., E. I. Biell of Portland, Me., and EdmundRearden of Boston are at tne ltiggs HouseMr- aad Mra. Look F. Goodsell of Highland£*J.U' N. Y., Misa Iiattie Turner of HighlandFalls, lk. F. Walksr of 8t Louis. Daniel Lake ofBrooklyn, Jas. Bryant of Saryler, Va.. Jaa. HGerow of Norfolk, Va., Mr. Ld 'Mri' O^.tWalker of Sharpsbnrg, Va., Mr 8. WAnderson of New York and James WBeach of Chicago are at the Ebbitt 1C. Oift and fanuly of New York, Mrs. FrancisCochran and daughter of New York, Mr. andMrs. Wm. 8. Grant, Jr., of Philadelphia. Mrand Mra. H. M. Atkinson of New lork and Wm."L. Greer and wife of Pittsburg, Pa., are at theHotel Arno..**mee A. Boyd and wife of Fal-«. ooju ana wile of Ftf-

Ma*. W. J. Barlow and wifeof Buffalo,N.Y., V. C. Sherman and wife of Iowa, Thoa!Shay of Boston, A. Ohilds of HartfotdTo*Hon. John Cesaaa of Bedford, Pa., wHenry of Bariington, Vt, an at the St. Jamea.-.;*¦ B- Harris and Robert Graham of Now}or^. H. C. Hoffman of CUcms, III c. Fair¬fax Gains of Virginia and Chas. A. Inlsi atBoehwrter, H.Y an at tha Hotal Johnson.JJ D- ^Wr and Ard Jodaon of Vernon andMr. and Mrs. R. R. Rowlands of "-'gntt Dai.vanity ara at thaT '

IN CONGRESS TODAY.The Reapportionment Bill Passes the



Owenby to be Sent for by theSilver Pool Committee.



Mr. Morrill introduced a joint resolution forthe appointment on the board of regents of theSmithsonian Institution of Win. Preston John¬son of Louisiana in place of Noah Porter ofConnecticut, resigned. Laid on the table.A FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER OIM111.On motion of Mr. Sawyer Senate bill creating

the office of fourth assistant postmaster general(with a salary of (4.000 a year) was taken fromthe calendar and the report in favor of it read.Mr. Keagan admitted that there nugiht be anecessity for the new oltioe, but said that ifthere was it was on account of the vicious andbad policy that bud been established.the car¬rying of fourth-class matter at one cent perpound and the carrying of merchandise.thegovernment thus doing the work of commoncarriers.

Mr. Edmunds asked Mr. Reagan whether thecharges were not equal to the actual expensesof doing business.the transportation and at¬tention.Mr. Reagan did not think they were. If a

Bible or school book were sent through themails it would have to pay eight cents a pound,while yellow-covered literature, with its poison¬ous influences, and newspapersVere carried atone cent a pound. Instead of multiplying of¬fices the better way would be to do away withabuses in the service.

Al ter further discussion the bill was passed.THE APPORTIONMENT BILL TAKEN CP.

At the close of the morning honr (12 o'clock)the Senate proceeded to the consideration ofthe apportionment bill as the unfinished busi¬ness i;nd Mr. Edmunds addressed the Senate^calling its attention to the fact that the billtook no cognizance whatever of the provisionsof the fourteenth amendment to the Constitu¬tion that, in case the right of suffrage be deniedor abridged in any state, the representation ofthat state shall be diminished accordingly.The Senate then proceeded to Tote on theamendments prepared by the minority.thefirst being to increase the representation of Ar¬kansas from C to 7.

VOTING ON AMENDMENT*.The amendment was rejected.yeas. 32; nays,

33. All the democratic Senators voted for theamendment and were reinforced by five repub¬lican Senators.Messrs. Davis, McMillan, Pad-dovk, Stewart aud Washburn.The next amendment was to increase the

representation of Minnesota from 7 to 8.It was also rejected.yeas, 31; nays, 32On this vote Mr. Casey voted with the dem¬

ocrats, of whom two less voted than on thepreceding vote.The next amendment was to increase the

representation of Missouri from 15 to 16.It wiu rejected.yeas, 30; nays, 38. The onlyrepublicans voting aye on this amendment were

Messrs. Davis, Paddock and Washburn. Messrs.Casey, McMillan and Stewart voted nj.The next amendment was to increase the

representation of New York from 84 to 33. IttMs rejected.yeas, 29; nays. 38; Messrs.Davis and Paddock being the only republicansvoting in the affirmative.Mr. Davis then withdrew the amendment

fixing the total number of Representatives at3<;o.Mr. Berry offered an amendment fixing the

total number at 359 and giving an additionalmember to Arkansas, Minnesota and NewYork and desired to have it voted on as oneamon.lment.A division of it, however, was insisted on byMr. Hale.Mr. HkIb then moved to lay the amendment

on the table and that motion was agreed to.yeas. 38; nayt, 29. The only republican-: whovoted in the negative were Messrs. Davis andWashburn.

OBJECTIONS TO THE BILL.Mr. Test stated why he could not vote for the

bill; it was because a large fraction of popula¬tion in the states of Michigan, Minnesota,Arkansas and New York was left entirely with¬out representation.Mr. Gorman also opposed the bill because, in

his belief, a re-enumeration should have beenmade in the city of New York, where there wasa deficit of some 200.000 in the censusreturns as taken, and because hebelieved that that state andthe states of Arkansas, Minnesota and MissouriKilimlH hm-f U" 1

the session.Mr. Jones (Ark.) declared his belief that in

his state the census returns were very defective,and that if the truth were known Arkansas hada population enough to entitle her to sevenRepresentatives.Mr. Morgan spoke of tne necessity of a spe¬cific declaration in the bill that the number of

presidential electors in 1892 shall correspondwith the number of representatives fixed in thebill. The country had had enough of trials andtroubles and difficulties in connection withpresidential elections to admonish Congress toexercise the most extreme care in the matterand to make the law perfectly clear and definite.

THE BILL PASSED.The bill was then passed exactly aa it came

from the House: Yeas, 87; nays, 24 (a strictparty vote).

THE EIOHT-HOCB LAW.The Senate then, on motion of Mr. Blair, took

np the House bill providing for the adjustmentof accounts of laborers, workmenandmechanicsarising under the eight-hourlaw. Ithavingbeenthus made the "unfinished business" Mr. Blairconsented to have it laid aside temporarily sothat the army appropriation bill should betaken up and proceeded with.Mr. Gorman objected to that arrangementbeing made, and then Mr. Allen, who had made

the request, withdrew it and moved (as a pnv-leged motion) that the army bill be taken up.That motion was agreed to, thus displacing theeight-hour bill from its advantageous positionas "unfinished business." The considerationof the army appropriation bill was then pro¬ceeded with.


The jonraal was approvedwithout objection,On motion of Mr. Sherman (N.Y.) a bill was I

passed providing for the issuing of the com¬mission of P. C. Johnson as rear admiral.The House then went into committee of the

whole, Mr. Payson (111.) in the chair, on themilitary academy appropriation bilL

THE SILVER POOL.The committee having risen informally, Mr.

Dingley (Me.), chairman of the committee in¬vestigating the alleged silver pool," pre¬sented a special report of that oommittee. Thereport states that in the usual form a sabpesnato appear before the committee was servedupon J. A. Owenby, and that said Owenby hasrefused or neglected to obey the sabpesna.

OWENBY TO BR BRUT ATTRR.The report is aooompanied by the following

order: Ordered, that the Speaker issue hiswarrant directly to the sergeant-at-armsattending this House or deputy, coming him to take into custody forthwith wmever to be found the body of I.Owenby and him bring to the bar of theHouse to show causewhy he should not bepun¬ished for oontempt and in the meantime keepsaid J. A. Owenby in his custody to await thefarther order at the House.Mr. Frank (Mo.) inquired as to the answermade by Oteahy upon the serving at the

"vS^tHdev lenHad that onlyinterna*)*

upon Owenby at the Hotel Ricbeltea in Chi¬cago.Jr. Frank inquired whether Owenby hadbeen told that be would be entitled to mileageand fees.Mr. Pingley said that the committee had

considered the matter, but that so faros heknew no information had been given to Owenbvas to his mileage.BO IHTE2ITIOH TO OBSTmCCT TBK IVVEmOATIO*.Mr. Frank declared that be had no intention

of obstructing any effort to secure the attend¬ance of the witness; but if the witness had de¬manded mileage and fees be (Mr. Frank)thought that he would be entitled to both be¬fore responding to the subp<ena. There wasnothing to indicate what Owenby's reply to thelubpwna had been.Therefore it seemed to him that it would be

well to go slow before passing such n drasticorder as this. Before passing it it would bewell for the Honae to know that it was able toenforce the order.

After a brief legal discussion as to the powerof the House to compel tho attendance of wit¬nesses the report was agreed to as a preambleto the order, and, as amended, the order wasmade.The committee of the whole then resumed its


Matters ran Terr smoothly for a while, untilthe murder of Matthews, the postmaster ofCarrollton, Miss., was brought up bv Mr.KeUey(Ken.), in a speech in which he criticised someremarks made by Mr. Lewis (Miss. >. He de¬nied (as stated by Mr. Lewis) that the murderof Matthews was'attributable to other than po¬litical cause.He had authority to say that Matthews had

been killed because' he' was a republican. Thegentleman from Mississippi premises his re¬marks with a quotation to the effect that noth¬ing but good would be said of the dead, butheaped slanders upon a dead man which bewould not have heaped if the man bad beenliving. He (Mr. Kellev) denied the statementsmade by the gentleman in regard to the char¬acter of Matthews.Mr. Flower (N.Y.) said that he had beard the

gentleman from Kansas make speeches pitchinginto the distinguished gentleman from Arkan¬sas (Mr. Breckinridge1. That gentleman hadbeen returned to Congress, while the constitu¬ents of the gentleman from Kansas had turnedbim down. The more of such speeches thegentleman from Kansas made the better itwould be for the democratic party.


The Boston Delegation Before the House Cola-age Committee.

The House committee on coinage, weightsand measures today heard farther argumentby the delegation of ikftiton business men inopposition to the free coinage bill. Argumentswere made against the bill by Gen. Walter,president of the Boston College of Technology;Sir. Endicott. president of the Savings Bank ofBoston; Mr. Hooper, treasurer of Harvard Uni¬versity; Prof. Taussig of Harvard, Mr. Jack¬son, a stockbroker, and Mr. Breed, all fromBoston.Mr. Walker argued that if the pending bill

became a law disastrous results to the propertyof the country would follow; that all branchesof trade would become paralyzed and disturbedand that the financial credit of the UnitedStates would be jeopardized. He believedthe pending bill to be a menace to the countryand contended that it would result simply instripping us of our gold and reducing us to thelines of second-class financial powers.Mr. Breed, representing a large number of

manufacturers of Boston, protested against anychange in the present standard of value andMr. Jackson thought that the constant agitationof the silver question by Congrcsu was detri¬mental to stability in the money market andpredicted a panic unless the question was settledone way or the other. The arguments generallyconsisted of a recital of jiersonal views or. thesubject ano embarrassments that had been en¬countered. owing to the stringency of the mar¬ket caused by the recent agitation of the silverquestion.

ira. holdkn's telegram.A telegram was handed to the committee

from E. Ji. Holden, a Colorado miner, now inNew York, reading as follows:

Fifty per cent of the gold produced in theUnited StateH is found in silver ore. Are thegentlemen of Boston aware of this fact? Theyare not. If they were they would not attemptto interfere with the industry* of silver mining.If free coinngs is defeated it will seriously in¬jure the silver-mining industry and conse¬quently reduce the supply of gold producedin the United States, whereas, on theother hand, free coinage of silver will stimu¬late mining generally and increase the supplyof gold. If this condition obtains will gold beat a premium? I defy the Boston gold advo¬cates to maintain such a position.The committee then adjourned until tomor¬row, when Director Leech will be heard.


RepresentativeKetcham Denies Having BeenInterested In Silver Speculation.

Congressman J. H. Ketcham was examinedby the Bilver pool investigation committee thismorning. He appeared before the committeevoluntarily, and declared that the statementwhich had been published yesterday connect¬ing his name with silver speculations was un¬

qualifiedly false. He had never bought or soldan ounce of silver in his life, nor engaged inany transactions relative thereto. He badnever owned a silver certificate, nor had.hebeen mixed up with silver speculation in anyway. He stated further that he had noknowledge in regard to the connection of anySenator or Congressman with the alleged silverpool.At the conclusion of Mr. Ketcliam's testi¬

mony the committee went into secret session.The committee adjourned later until tomor¬

row afternoon. It was expected that Mr.Hedenberg of Chicago would be on hand forexamination today, but in the absence of thatgentleman and of any other witnesses the hear¬ing was necessarily postponed


Ha Has keeelved no Letter Abont a Canvassof the Massachusetts Legislature.

The attention of Senator Hoar was called thisafternoon to a statement published in a morn¬ing paper to the effect that he had been noti¬fied by a letter from Speaker Barrett of theMassachusetts house of representatives that acanvass of the house had been made by Mr.Bar¬rett and showed a decided majority against anyfurther pushing of the federal elections bill.The published report also said that in view ofthis canvass the Senator was willing to con¬sider the action of the Senate last Monday asfinal and gladly relinquished the burden of re¬sponsibility for the elections bill.Senator Hoar, on being interrogated on this

point, said that so far as he could recollect hehad received no letter from Mr. Barrett con-taing any such information, nor had he re¬ceived any information of that nature from anyother source, nor had he any knowledge thatany canvass for or against the elections bill hadbeen made in the Massachusetts legislature.Furthermore, he declared that if such a can¬

vass had been made and had resulted in themanner indicated it would have no influencewhatever in changing his views or his inten¬tions with regard to the elections bilL


Minister Lincoln and the English PremierDiscussing the Barlss Sea Matter.

A special cable dispatch to The Stab fromLondon, dated yesterday, says Lord Salisburywas closeted yesterday for three hoars at theforeign office with Minister Lincoln, the Beringssa dispute being under discussion. It isramorsd that hereafter the negotiations willbecome more international in their characterand that among the powers to assist in thssolution of the difficulty will be Germany and«n> s.

To»soooBi)Lara..Assistant SecretaryBpauld-ing has informed a tohaoeo Arm that all to-baeoo imported sinee the eat of October 1,ISM, took effect will be subject to duty apoaits weight at the time of withdrawal for eon-

LATE NEWS BY CABLEAttempting to Amend the Law De¬

claring a Strike a Conspiracy.CM DISCUSSES "THEEIIDOR."Great Interest Manifested in theNew Remedy for Tuberculosis.



The Eagllih Liberals Make t Point With theH orklngmen.

Lospos. Jan. 29..The liberal* scored an¬other point with the workingmen yesterday inthe motion of Mr. Robertson of Dundee toamend the la* relating to criminal conspiracy.The government secured the defeat of the mo¬tion by only a majority of thirty-six. and thedefeat is almost as good for liberal purposes asa victory. The motive for amending the Is* isthe decision by the recorder ol Plymouth thata strike for the purpose of compelling employ¬ers not to employ other persons is illegal, andrenders all personsengaged in it liable to prose-cution as criminal conspirators and subject tofine or imprisonment. The complaint wasbrought by a coal merchant who employed,non-union men and whose union hands werecalled out on that account. The union secre¬taries were prosecuted and the recorder finedthem each LM. The recorder's decision is farreaching, and, until the law is amended, makesall who strike, or who promote a strike, on ac¬count of non-union hands being employedguiltv of crime. The workingmen are deter-tnine'd that the lew shall be amended, and Mr.ltoliertson, who represents a workingmen s con¬stituency, has made the first move in that direc¬tion ana got Lord Salisbury * governmentagain committed us opposed to the workingclass.

A rim VIEW OF rOREIOS TARIFF.Mr. Goecben, in an address to the Leeds

chamber of commerce, wud that there shouldbe no scolding or complaining of foreign coun¬tries for pursuing the course they thought fortheir best interests, but in view of the menaceof foreign tariffs to the industrial interests ofGreat Britain workmen and employes shouldtry to avoid acromonions differences, and mas¬ters and men in cordial alliance could maintainBritish commercial supremacy against all theworld.

TEE SEWS r*OX CHILI.The Exchange Telegraph Company «y« that

the discouraging news from Chili, referring tothe British minister having sct<-d as a mediator,ncd that President Balmacedawas on the point oftendering his resignation, came via Mexico andic anterior to the news of yesterday in regardto the revolutionary successes.

TUB I'liOSCKIBElJ "TiitamixiE."Paris, Jan. 29..ia Jurttce today sav« that

President Carnot denounced '-Thermidor"' a* a

specialty of insipid flatteries, whereof he was

the indirect object. Member* of the TheaterFrancais ure discussing a proposition to aban¬don the charter granted by Napoleon, underwhich the societies are organized and to form afreo organization and establish a new theaterto becalled the Theater A.fl'ranchi(free theater >.

Rentors of seats, it is said, have already offeredto Subscribe 4.000,000 franc* toward thescheme. M. DcFreycinet, president of thecouncil of ministers, does not approve of thesuppression of "Thermidor.

MW UXESI FOR WBEBCCUOSIS.Much interest ia manifested in medical cir¬

cles here in regard to the goat*' blood euro fortuberculoids advocated by Drs. Bertin andPica of the Xante* faculty. These doctors, itwill be remembered, injected fifteen gramme*Of goats blood into the thighs of two patientsand on Mondav asserted in this city that cure*can be brought about by renewing such injec-lions every ten day*. Today they announcetliat in the case of both tnese patients thefever has abated.

XERCT FOB BTRACD.The Rajfel announce* that the committee

on pardon* has pronoupced in favor of com¬

muting the sentence of death passed uponMichael Eyraud, the murderer of Gouffe, toone of imprisonment for life.

lfEETIWO OF ANTI-PARXFIXITES.Belfast. Jan. 29..A. meeting of anti-

Parnellites was held here yesterday to discussthe attitude of Mr. Sexton in the existing Irishcontroversy and to sustain him in his position.Several members of parliament of the Healy-McCarthv faction were present and spoke, butMr. Sexton was absent. The Parnellites at¬tended in considerable numbers, and the op-posing factions indulged in long and loud howlsof defiance which almost completely dro»n»dthe voices of the speakers, who could not beheanl s dozen steps from the platform. A voteof confidence in Mr. Sexton was offered andpassed by a large majority. The police pre¬vented an encounter between the factions.

ITalt's financial ookdittos.Rove. Jan. 29..The financial statement pre¬

sented in the church of deputies says that thereis a deficit for 1891 of 60,000.000 franca, to bsmet. according to the government program, bjincreased duties on mineral oil and other arti¬cles and by economies in the budgets for mui-tarv purposes aud for public works. The Mc-Kirilev bill, it is stated, has not injured Italiantrade! Italy hopes to establish a commercialentents with France.

oexebal fobeiox hot**.The French squadron cruising in the waters

of New Zealand has been ordered to Chili.M. Meissonier, who was critically ill last

week, is now recovering._ ..A majority of the railway strikers at Perth

havii been reinstated by the company.Mr. Pamell will speak at Ennis, Ireland, on

Snndav.The "strikers at Kimball Bro.'s shoe factory at

Manchester have renounced allegiance to theLasters' Union and returned to work.The London Daily Keu>* declares that the

rumors of Mr. Gladstone are entirely withoutfoundation.

. . _ ,The directors of the Bank of England havereduced the sate of discount to 3 per cent.The colonies of Australia have asked for the

privilege of negotiating commercial treaties.Columbus will no be bectified. It is said

Columbus was a perfect gentleman and as ex¬cellent Catholic, but not a saint.Advices from Berlin state that prominent

German free traders contemplate holding aninternational free trade congress, and that in¬vitations will be sent to leading advocates offree trade in Europe and America.

_A syndicate of German bankers baa offeredfifty million lire to secure the contract to sup-

P'l^ther^ankhiL1^been founded in Vienna witha capital of ten millions florins to do a creditbusiness only. *

The paupers of Limerick, Ireland, haw* re¬fused togo to work in the place of the munici¬pal laborers now on strike.

The Farmers' Alllnaea Inclined to IsOmaha, Neb., Jen 29.-In the National 1

en' Alliance convention yesterday the propor¬tion to make the alliance a secret instead of anopen organisation was favorably diIrtie allianee is evenly divided on thetion to admit villagers who are not -

and operating farsasrs. idea ofthe wives and daughters c< the taramembership was formally debated, as the con¬vention inclines towardwo^ suffrage. Onlyoneand not three lectures will be had^lotion was adopted oongrrtal*".

ixscbgkmt* ««nraa obotwd.

¦ ciitu T»h» «r .I i... Baee ef MpyHw

Brt^n Ann, Jan. St..Adviesa iwrtw<hm from Chill show that the iMarfrnk intlndilti gaining uragiid. Kaon «fW th» hoa-WrdiMM of port Co^ninU tW t*W fore*ix-cupied Ls Senna. in the city of 1'oquinit.a,without env opposition an the part of govern¬ment trwvM. though th. Utter occupied LaXerina tn torce. brine qnartrred in the b »-I'lUl, schools «.<1 other public buildings. Th*government troop*, nptto the apt.roacn of tharebel f.*w« from Port « o^inmU. rTMTMHLa Zenna Mid retreated inland, th ua pUnn* atine hirlKW and a m«l a.u sntagcoaa baar ofsupplies in the hands of the ui«urf»ih.UAXiF.Koi s hi AitKrarrn.

Two Criminals \% Im» H>mNome NotiiMr KobhrrlM.

Nrw You. Jan. St..Two dangi-roti* "crooko*"hare been arrwlfd by lu>iv<ia( Hyrnea withcostly kit* of bnntUr tool* in their powsion.Polly Mahcr. alia* George Houghton. and Pa<i4Cumminga. alia* Crontn. The Utter haa beenonly recently released from an Lnglish prisoaon a ticket of Ware. Since hi* arrival here hahaa been under constant surveillance. Thenw no doubt in the mm.U <>f the police thai thamen contemplated some big lob.Croiun I.a* Ivm connected with numerous

Crimea in thin country. In New Orleans lieand a pal robbed a t'anal street jewelry storeby means of a dummy safe of tlOU.OUO worth ofpropertv. He was also connected with an tberjob in Srw Orleans in which .£&.ftK> worth ofbooty was securest. In Hi. Louis a?io.'IOn diamond rolibery waa accomplished.Tlien the Maison de Joie ..f Jennis Jenks ofChicago was rol.l>ed of jTtniO In Quincy. IU..from the First National Rank they took*100.000 in bonds, fao.mto in caah and MMjMtin railroad wuniim. In l-oulsvlile the k'siggot away with *<0.«00 worth of property trowthe Kails fit} National HankA BKACTlKt 1. CilKL HrkDKkKD.

Her foster Father an.l Hta filsais Hwa-peeted of the « rime.

Kaattviux, Tt«i., Jan. SO.--John IVilas ofLouisville last evening swore oat state warrantofor the arrest of John Moran.Samuel I liter.! 'har-lotte Kacknitx and Mrs. Anna Phillipa. Moranbeing charged with the murder of Miss MattieItolan. a beautiful young woman, and the threeothers with being accessories. Miss l*»Un waaa sisU r of the prosecutor and th*adopted daughter of John Moran. Kb*was found Monday night lying on theback porcli of the Moran residenc. She had awound in the forehead. Near I.) was a hatchetwhich fitted exactly in the wound. Miss l>..latiSnock was al*o broken. Moran. Liter and MissLack nit* were arrested and committed to jailpending the investigation. Mr. l>oUn armedfrom Ijouisville v«»u rdav and swore out thewarrants as stated. Mr*. 1'hlllips being arrestedlast evening.


Wreck of the Missionary Misss>rChapmaa la the South Mraa.

Desteb, Jan. 29..A Han Francisco s|.e-rial to the Hockj JV««n.'<i>w A.vi says privateadvices from Tahiti, in the Society Islands, re¬

ports that wreckage lias been discovered, sup-poaed to be from the nussioiiary schooner llitrbeChapman, which k ft Honolulu a year ago mcharge of Llder J. H. Cu.Uney of Nebraska, aSecond Advent missionary. The (kap-man was bound for Pitcairn Is¬lands. She carried * crew of sttmen. All hands are now given up for lost andat the last general confer* nee of Uie Advent So¬ciety resolutions of condolence with Llder Cw-lUnsy's wife and children were paisied.Another missionary schooner was sent to thaSouth sua* some month* ago and reports thatthere is no longer any d< >ubt of Cudsney s <"

OKK lllM»KH».|l.l\KN LOUT.

flood* Cause Knoruious Damage Thrthe Island of Maaaowah.

Cairo. Jan. 29. .Advice* from Masaowthe Hed sea, state that a terrific storm, followedby floods, has iwused enormous damagethroughout the isUnd of Maaaowah. Over ISOpersons lost their live*.


A Salt That Carta a Ntala oa the Chll See*v ice Kywtetm.

8psiil Cable Dispatch to The Kvsaiwr StarBuut. Jan. 29. -Much interest has been ex¬

cited today by the hearing of a case in whichan ageat sued s Judge, claiming pavassal of2.00CI marks (*.'«0U1 as rrmunerstioa for pro-'coring defendant au appointment inthe foreign office. The judg* ad¬mitted the contract with the qrent.but accused him of nee.lle«s deUy in procuringthe appointment, as irritated by the plaiutiff s

procrastination be had gone to another agent,who procured him a ptwition as Judge,which proved to be more lucrativs thanthe first for which be applied. A* aresult of these extraordinary proceedings th*judge has been dismissed from office and con¬sternation has seir.ed upon the public, as thaGerman civil service has hitherto been con¬sidered above suspicion, lo the prevailingconfidence in the system the discovery thatoffices are bought and sold ha* given a rudsshock.

''Daughters o> the King" la r.nglaad.Special Cable Dispatch to The hvmimr StarLokdok. Jan. ».-Uily Henry Somerset has

assumed the secretaryship of a committee hav¬ing for its object the organization, in Londonand the provinces, of branches of the Americansisterhood known as Daughters of the King.This will be the first :itu mpt to introduce the

-Ution in Lngland.Prospective Championship Chews ISpecial Cable Dia|>stch to Tbr lA^n.mr star.Lohdok. Jan. 2D..Mr. UUckburne, the chesa

champion, sailed on the Teutonic for New Yorkon hi* tray to Havana, Where he will pUy .match game with lienor* Vasquez and Goi-mayo, champion* of Cuba and Mexico.Etiquette will not permit Mr. Itlackburne tochallenge Steimtz so soon after his contactwith Gunsberg. but efforts are beingarrange a match.

lb-Thrower < aptnred la Ireland.Special Cable Dispst. h to The ICvcalns star

Tippekabt, Jan. 2#..Sergeant Stacey andConstable Gerry arrested a man yesterdaynamed Foley on suspicion that he was carryiagconcealed weapons for illegal purpose* Onbeing searched be threw away a bomb filledwith guupowder.Amending the Kellgtous Disabilities Attm

Special Cable Dtspstch to The Evrniaar starLomkj>. Jan. 29..Sir John Fope Henneasy,

the member for North Kilkenny, ha* placed oothe notice |>aper in the houar of commons astatement with regard to Mr. Gladstone's reli¬gious disabilities bill. It is to the effect that ifthe measure passes to s second reading be shallinsert a cUuse relieving sovereign tueml-er* ofthe royal family from all religious disabilities.This would, for instance, permit the Pnne* ofWale* to become a Uoman t atholic and stillsncoeed his mother on the throne, a laat hacannot no * legally perform.Senator Pettlgrew !'¦Siorx Fills, 8. D., Jan. »..

grew left last evening for Chicago to reoaivemedical treatment. He ha* been suffering forseveral weeks with a severe kidney trouble.

MawNew Yobs, Jan. St..The difficulty between

Jay Gould and the governor* of the stock ex¬

change has been settled. Mr. Gould has agreedto withdraw the bonds of the Missouri Pacific,which were objected to oo account ofworkmanship, and issue new i

Oonooan. N H , Jan. 29 .Thedsy tabled a bill placing allcompanies tinder the snpernatoB of the insur¬ance commissioner*. KotM* has beaa givsa atthe introduction of a bill providing for A* ea-tUCtioB Of SMh c

Marriage boenass haws been tanad by 1of the court to th* following:

faaw Moor* sf¦DaL, and Mary Doner af

county M d.: ( has. Carr aad AbMs M. Jboth of Books county. Pa.; Niimss BaikalW.¦ aad jL Carter; Joha Coantss aad Weletta Chew; Kobsrt g. W"" J Oil nl^lGriffith; Pool
