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f The Independent - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · Tho tes-timony showed that ho had talkod much...

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J ' ' ' " A' f The Independent ii mi n ii ,ii.i in. iin; ' r" ' ; ..miii iiiiiiuikmiiiiiiiiiJii fill iiiii mi , ' n ii I U nnim ''rot?!.'' i - ' . . . ,f . No. 6. Honolulu, I-3- I., Tuesday, May 7, 1S95. 5 Ctsi 'i M , TUG INDEPENDENT - ISSUED KVEKV M0UN1N0. EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY ' . tainer Alloa A Kck.mt.a6a Blteet new Cufltom House - Honolulu, II. I. DANIEL QAN,tEditdr. Residing ou Ab.ken Street in 'Honolulu. SnbHcription. I'fcntes "Per mouth.. $ 75 Per 3 months in advance , 2 00 Vbt 1 yoarln lulrnnce ........8 00 j '1 lie paper in dollvored by cniTiers In tho "town nuil Ruburbs. Advertisements pnbKHUod nt reasonable rates. Special termB for yearly ami lml f yeatly contracts. D. H. LE;WIS, Businoss Manager. THE LATEST SENSATION The Emmanuel Church ' Murders. "There In a fountain filled with blood Drawn from 'EmmnnuoTo veins." In tho long list of mysterious murdors which have ahockedjS n Frunoisco, none havo no wrought upotl tho public mind a tho vio- lent dontbs of Mnrjuu Williams mid Blanche Laniont. Scarcely mirhtl$'pU6 hnh boon UlkPtl'of since tho disoovory of tho bodios, and tho triul will probably pies into tho law-boo- as ouo of tho cliriositios of modical and crirai-n- al jurisprudence. For, by tho very nature of tho circunvrtnncoH 'uttondingfltich revolting crimos, tho murdoror a pel hii victim must havo boon alon'o. ' lTonco thiB'wiU be nnothorof tho many murdors whero conviction of the murdoror depends on circumstantial ovidonco. Tho crime wus bo extraordinary that' it may be woll to cumrnarteo tho oircii'mst'incog here. Ou. Fri- day, April 12th, at four p. mm Marian Williams, an eightoen-yo- ar old girl, loft tho bousoof Mr. aud Mrs. C. H. Morgan in Alamo-d- a to crossjtho bay of S in Fran-ciso- o. M!bb Williams was employ od as "holp" in tho Morgan fami- ly; and owing to her youth, her povorty, hor dolicilto honlth, and her louolinoss in tho world, wus'a piolegee of tho Morgan .family, as well ns their "help." Tno Mor- gana woio about to leave "for Ta-co- ma, so Marian Williams had determined to board w.th a Mrs. Voy in Ban Francisco dining thoir ubseuco. She reached Mrs. Voy's house that nftornoon, And inform-o- d hor that "sho was going to uttend a social entertainment of tho Christian Endeavor Society, n club made up of tho young peoplo of Emraunuol Baptist Church, San Franciseo, "This ontoituinmont was to take ptaco at tho houso oT Dr. Vogol, ono of tho church mombeis, Muriau Williams loft ILkSmsU&to Voy about &Q. o'clock to go to Dr. Vogol's, Sho nover reached tliovo. Th'o.'fMlpwing mtirn)iiR, 4turr day.J .A)rfl a8thf. baiAe ' ia'dies ontored'Emmnnuol Baptist Church tp dooorato it for Eastor. 3?hoy found' irt a small room loading oft"' tho library tho dead body pf a young girl Xt wis clothed, but. thoolothfng au dis'irrultgt d TJio nook boro imrrkfl of u slronglei'rf hiiildaj'Jljoro was a atati '(found In tho forehead; t)oro wore soyoral stub wounds ovor tho heart; while ou the bibdil la'y the "fatal weapon, u brokou 'lablo-khl- fo from tho kitphon in tho baB(.'mon,t of tlte church. Tljo Jadioa gayo tho Gibson, wag sont for: tho coroner and tho polico woro notifiod; aud tho body was identified ns that of Marinn Williams. Tho polico took possoajflon of began On Alio following day! EasW Su ndny, i April Mth, tht-- y found in thoi 'lofty bolltoworof thooJiu'roh nn- -i othorAload bbdy-t- hi body of un-oth- or young girl. The body was juulo, and ovidontly had boon doad for days. It was p'obn idon-tifi- od as tho body of Iilnnoho Lamont.'a young girl who had boon mivsing sinco tlio afternoon of "Wednesday! April 3d. Sho vcLb a frifaild of Marian Williams, and acquainted with mombors of Emmanuel Baptist' Church , At this point, suspicion foil upon pnn W. 11. Thoodoro Dur-- rantj ulso'n jnomberof Emmanuol Church, its librarian, nnd supor-intond- ont of its Sunday-soho- ol . Tho pfollco claimed that Durrant was tho last porson keen with both tho dead girls. Ddrraut had al- ways bomo a good charactor. Ho was a student at Cooper Medical Collogo, and a nipmbor of tho Stato militia. On Saturday, ApriJ 13th , he left tho city at uovon A m. , with a militia pignitl corps, to ostablish holiographio signal com- munication between Mt. Diablo, on tho Contra Cjsta sido of tho bay, nnd Telegraph Hill, in Siri Francisco. Tho polico folldwcd ,him noros3 thQ bay, and on Sun-- 1 day aftorno n ho was arrested and brought to this city. Ho-w- ns not surprised at his- - .arrest, nor woro Ins. comrades, for on Sunday morning tho'aignal corps on Tolo-gru- ph Hill had flashod across to' Mt. Diablo, thirty miles away, tho messogo: "The police are after Bugler Durrant for the murder of Marian Williams." Durrant had tho sympathy of his comrades, who did not want to pdvo him np 16 tho pdfioe,lbut ho submitted to 'arrest. Ho was taken to tho San JTrunoisco cily prison undor a hoavy guard. Whon tho inquost boan, a mass of testimony was introduced by1 tho polico, which sdomod to riolnt toward' Duirant. Tho tes- timony showed that ho had talkod much of the disappoaranco of Blanoho Lamont, and iusinuutod that sho hud lied. It was 'shown by tho testimony of throo sohpol-gir- ls who wero with hor that ho had mot hor outsido tho Normal 'School rit thrco o'clock on Anril 3d, nnd had got on a south-boun- d car with hor; they wero lust soon on tho cornor of Powell and Mar- ket, on thoir way toward tho Mission, whoro tho fatal church is situatod. It was shown that lip had proniisod to got horn book from tho church library in whioh Bho wob intorostod, and it is sup posed that sho wcut with him for, that purpose Horo tho olmin of ovidenco ?s woak, As yet, no ono has boon found who saw thorn onto'r tho 6huroh.' .But Mis3 Ltmont novo'r got any furthor than tho ohurolt, for her school-boo- k's woro found concoalod in tho rafters, as woll as all of hor clothing, which had boon hiddon avflyJayarip.uafed.iH,k.cl)Pifapt tho big building. Tho links of tho ohain again bogin with tho evidbpep ofGdorgoR.v King, .tho ohuvohorganilt Jvlip'toatifios tnU lute ia tlio nftornoon of Wednes fcT '!'. April 3d, . -- Y" lin Vr,Z3' .onterod tho jchnrch; wllon ho' 'by seeing Durjapt ip Ju BhirtBloovos. 'oojng from tjio jiolfry' tower, paloSnd, cxlwuated; on infll'iryt Ddrrant told King that ho had boon Ikfng tho gWpipe's in the piling, wliwero out of order: that tho heat and tho dor of. gal hod modehini ill; bo.1jggel Kinft to go toan'ldjaoent 'apothebary's and 'get 'Hiih a restorative, whioh tin orRanist V did, , loavini? him ono in tho church for a ti'mo, ' r r On Sunday, whon'tlio polico dis- - 'covorcd tho bndyjof Blanch La- mont, thoy" found tho door loading to tho bobry locked, nnd tho knob brokop off. Thp janitor, a?. A. Sadoman, testifies that tho Inst timo ho wcnfc.upjihto tho bolfry )yap about amionth ago, whon.lho knob was. on tho door. Another circumstance which" tho. polico bring up against Durrant is that 6n Saturday, April 13th, a nows-pap- or was rocoivod through tlie mail by Mrs. Noble, aunt of au- dio Lamont; in jt woro threo rings bolonging to tho dead girl, rtwhip veorawIod upon tho margin of tho papor wore two names, "Goo. It. King" nid "M. Sohwoinfurth' in a hand-writin- g Jwhioh tho polico claim is similar. to Durrants; thoy also claim that thnsjo two namps (tho second bing that of Mistf Lamont's music .teacher') woro placed there to divqrt suspicion from Durrant? Altogether, tho .testimony points to thovfaot that tho Jast human .being spon with vniiuichq Limottt was Thoodore i)urrant, " Concerning the caSo of Marian Willi tniB, tho 'teStimony 'Sh6ws that' Durrant Ibft his" dionso at about 7:45 on Friday ovbning) April l'2th. Ho was apparontly on his way to tho Vogol outor-tiiiimo- nt, wHeto' ho had t6ld Marinn Williams ho had some- thing to say tq hor. ' Ho hnd ."boon soon by F. A. Sudeman, tho church janitor, and P. S. Chauollo, a 'railroad doteotiVo,' lbitering around tho lorries that afternoon tho police claim, .wait- ing for Marian Williams. Whon carolossly asked by Sadoman "what ho was doing thoro," ho ropliod ithot ho was ' Watching to Bee 'if' thoro was any jcIow to'tho disappoaranco of Blanoho Lamont." Durrnnt, after leaving his.homo on Friduy avoning, mot a friend, ono Dr. Porkins, about oight Volook. . Ho loft him on his way to tho Vogol ontortain-m'on- t. Tho' testimony differs as to. tho hour of Durrunt's arrival, No ono puts it onrlior than half-- i pastnino. Tho placo whero bo left Dr. Porkins was oight blocks distant from Dr. Vogol'8-abo- nt fiftooh minutos' walk. "Durrnnt fails to aooount for his hour and a half. Ho arrived at Dr. Vogol'j about half-pa- st nino, porspiring and with his hair dishovolod. TIo askod f6r pormissioi; to wash .his hands and arrange his liair, whioh was givou him. At about eight o'clook, on FiHday ovotiing, April 12th a tall, slondor man, wearing ,a 'long, black Qvorcoat and a slouoh hat (whioh w'as whnt Durrant wpro on that night), accompanied by u short, slondor girl, with a oapo aud ii turban tint (which articles of attiro Marian Williams woro on that night), wont into tlio yard of Emmanuel Church, wqlked to tho sido door, .which thojnan un- locked with lPyi nnd ,tbp.n both ontoroil. vl)nrrnnt and other porsons had koys to tho ohuroh . Sovoral 'witnoss,os testify to seeing tho ouplo ontor .tho church. It is supposed that Marian Williams had brought somo flowers ovor from Aln- - !RQda,tq bo uod ,for. thp Eastor.. docorations; that sho brought thorn to tho church on tho ohanco of fiudiug it opon, or of Ending somo ono thoro to admit hor. 'Sho. found ono thoro. Sho ontorod tho ohuroh. Sho did uotnpppar a$ the1 Vogol entortainmont. Sho was never, aguin soon alivo,. At tho Vogol houso, tho Christian Endeavor Sqoioty hold its mootipg, nnd owing to 'tho absonco of Thoodoro Durrant, its soorotary, elootod a sooretary jtyo Aem, Wh'on ho arrived, tho moot- ing wns Jioarly ovor, and tho taorry-makingbog- au. About 11;15 tho partyfbroko up, and Durrant walked up street with Elmor Wolf aud Miss Lord. Ho bado , thorn. tr t I t . good-jiig- ht knear Emmanuol .Ohuroh, saying ho was going homo. Elmor Wolf says that ho thon wont to a stable aud ordered "his horso to bo roody to ride to his ranch, somodistancp from tho oity, On bis return, whon, ho passod Emmanuol Church, lip saw Durrant in front of tho church. Durrant loft tho ojrty tho nest, morning, as wo have said, tovjoin hjs signal corps. During his nb3qnco, tho polico soarohod his room, thoy found ,ip tho pocket qC tho black over- - ooat hp wpro on Friday night a ,pu,rjta' .bolonging to . Marian Williams, t was identified, by C.H. Morgan tlioromployor, who sworo that it wad hors. Ho idontified.it, among other things, by' a twonty-ypar-p- ld ear-tic- ket which ho had givon hor as a cui'tp. Durrant accounts for tho prosonco pf this purse in his nockot by Haying that ho picked it up on tho qtropt. 'Ono of tRb features of.' this case winch has most unpleasantly im pressed tho 'public haa-boo- tlib freedom 'with which" Etnmanliel 'Ohurah has boja used. From tho tostimony'1lt1nppoar3 that a "humborof persons' liave' had koys to tiio churdh, and huvo had ac- cess to it both by day and night. Not only tho pastor, but tho jan- itor, tho jnnitor's son, tho organ- ist, Durrnut, and b'lhbrs havo had koys to tho. bujlding. and havo boon in tho habit of using it froa-l- y. Whon a building whioh is intondod for tho worship t)f God is used by young men and young woman at hours''' whon no ono olso is thorb, it can not-bn- t shook tho community. It is thorofore not without Warrant that n curi- ous communication in tho shape of n petition haTUooff pcfHfcT6 tho board of supervisors' of San Fran-oisc- o. Thero was a orusado by tho churches not long ago against tho sido-do- or and roar ontrancos of tho liquor-saloon- s of this city, which rosultcd in an ordinance forbidding such ontrancos, pro- hibiting priva'to rpihlUwu saloons, and limiting ttiP'hs'sunncP of liquor lioonso to porsons indprsod by twolvo citizons. It is prob- - able, thorofore, that this petition was inspirod by tho liquor-deal- - ors. It roads as follows: " Wo, tho undorsignod, resid- ents, citizens, 'and tux-pay- ers of tho Oity and County of San Fran cisco engaged in a roputnblo a,nd honorable vocation, do mostres- - .poctfully ropresoht ns follovy: "In viowof tho heinous qrimos committed in a olrqrou in this city within tho past fow days, wo as good and order-lovin- g oitizons, ttrould suggost to your ;hoporqblo body that it is about timo to call a halt in tlio dobasomont of ohuroh edifiqos. "Tho romody is, in our mind, that fin ordinance bo passed clos ing mid forbidding all sido , and jeav- - entrances to all ohuroh build- ings in this city aud county, and to. have no partitions separate rooms, bod-ropm- s or bod-loupg- in tiny such church building, and no porson but thp authorized sox-tio- n oa- - janitor of said phuroh to havo any koy to any door or ontrancotQ tho said church, front, rear, or sido entrance, nud ho, the said trustoo or authorized porson, i, bo under tho supervi- sion of tho police authorities at all timos, who nio , onjoinod to( kppp potiods of - t'ho:ftct of tho opening and closing of said ohuroh.es, and for what purpose, "Aud tlijit the proaohing of tho gospol in tho City and County of Sim Francisco bo made a licqmtod vocation, and no minister or pronohcr rpooivo a lioonso unless lie has a goqd nn.d sufljplent chnraQtor, or olso tho signatures of twolvo good qHlQust'tti;cpaypr8 and proportyMwiiorstPftiiat effect. "Thisiiotitliii is nd'tVonooiyod An a spirit ofUilaltp9, but with tho 1 ,jA. highost and lofuost and honor-- 1 ubjo objoct of Baving tho young girls of San Francisco from mur- derers and tho dobasomont of churohes as housos of ill-fa- And for a favorablo considorati6n of this potition your petitioner will ovor pray j etc. BodeutBiuesi." i Whothor it is not tr.uo that tho " potitioti was not oonooiyodin a spirit of inalico," it js certainly trno that tho ocourroneos at Emmanuel Church furnish somo justification for this documotlt. If it isllio rovongo of tho liquor-doalor- s, thoy. havo had ample irovongj. A move sti'ug'ng sard-- i casra 'was' novor penned. As wo writo, tho inquest is still in progross, nnd Theodore-Durran- t stands arraignod bofo tho bar of public opinion. It cad not bo questioned that many peoplo boliovo him to bo guilty But wo do nut belipvo in trial by nowBpapor. Thorofo.ro wo leavo this strange and awful caso, mproly giving the fuels as far ns thoy havo boon loarnod But whatever may bo tho late of ThoodorP Durrant, th'ero is only Ou j fitting ond foi theodoro Durrant's church. It should dio. For years tho shadows of ayil havo brooded over this rod congrogttion. Oaeofits pastor becamo insano, and committed suioido; another pastor, ,lsaao M. Kalloch, was tho murdorer of Cbarlosdo Young". 'Under thq present pastorato, two young girls havo boon foully dono to detuj Thoro is no further field fof Emmanuol Baptist Church as n, temple of t,ho Mist High. Nol congregation could sit in tho sanctuary without tho pealing notes of tho crcan rocnllintr tho groans of Marian Williams, as shci yielded up. her frail Iifo undor hor murdoror's. cruol hands. A stop on the bolfry stair would ranko'l them think whh. a shudder of tho murderer panting up tho towor with his bloody burdon. And wjion tho Christmas bolls rung out, it would not bo " Poaco ana good.will to men" that thoy would ring it would ba .tho requiom of poor Blancho Lamontj ovor whoso fair young bodyT bloody and Btark, far Up in tho bplfry towpr tho great bolls moaned as thoy totlod hor funeral. hymn. S. F. Arynaut. . AKCHOR? SiLOflR'. "S, E. Corner Nuuaiiu and KIiijj Strtecti Keep tlio Unust linnuls of Ltquutu cotUtfttlt Iy on liaud. . ' Solo AkciHs for 0. 1. T. WlilsKoy ami tlia cclebmtei f rcdi llccr. Fresh Oysters for Cocktails ifcr every iteanier, NotUliiK but straight Rood dispensed,' at tlib popular r?sort , Yt. M. (JUNINUHM, Manager, GONSALVES kj CO.. WHOLESALE GR0CEK8 AND WINE " MEUQII.VNTd. - U31 Uncoil Street, ironolulu, II, 1. IVIerchants' Exchange S. I. SHAW, Proprietor, Car. Klus 'and Nuuaiiu Streets, llouolulu, Chpiqe .Liquor and Fine Beer ,I!KLL TELEPHONE 401. J. ,P, RODRIGUES, TVrercliant'. Tailor Fort Btieot, Old Masonic Building,, next' to I. J, Levey's AYttou Room, Fine Oooas and a GoodFlt Quaraiiteed. ill ii illinium ii hi m, ,. .,. in. - ' '' 'J' ' mm"mm """ - ... . M .,.. ""&S&" - fir : , ' -- i Y o ii Never- - Saw 1 Did 0k "AD" : Before Thisljseems to be a GoodjjLoctipii in tMs Paper & Our Shoes are Worth Advertising, &qq4 Prices TGQtv " The iBig- - Fort Street - SHOE STORE Manufacturers Shoe Co. , f EWA Robinson llocj:, Hotel St., between Fort and Nituanu, Havo Just Eccoivedt ) er Lwlo AuivnlaTtbo Inigest Stock of FUR NITUHE Evor importod to this Country, Comprising Handsb-m- e CarvEii Bedrnnni S&ts- - cJn UA Qalc, npdof VteLATES-- I DESIGNS. , r :ne " POMtt oto.,you can got thoso in any you dosiro. - pbb x r&r a- - t SPEQIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THESE SETS : WAG 3ESLt3S3 K; "W7"3L JFK.rE3' Beautiful DosicilS Of Wiokor Warn, nnnninf.mrr nt SOFAS, OUAUtS,' BOOKERS, FINISH . ODE3C-A.X3FL- S, Countless numbors of CHAIRS, in ovory stylo, including OFFICE' and HIGH CHAIRS. ' ,Ei22:,rE!isrsio3r o:.BiLi3Eis, Wo havo liad n numbor of calls for. thoso Tablos, with CHAIRS to match. Wo havo now in stook tho most ' BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE ' EVER SEEN HERE, Sideboards -:- - and -:- -" Chiffonier -- 231 "xtjl. ir s , Divans oovorod with FORMERS nro becoming- - quite tho rngo in nlaoo of LOUNGES wo manufnoturo thorn to order, and havo a laigo stook of PORTIERS to select from. BBDDinsra- - Asrortmont of WOVEN WIRE JVIAITRESSES-Spri- ng, Ilnir, Moss, Wbor and Straw Mattrossds on hand nnd mado to onW LIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS dr J? Hows CRIBS, ORADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizeB. CORNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. jE'-A- u i Mwttrossos, Lounges and all Upholstorod Furnituro repaired n rcasonablo rates. ?$ffi?KSNa4 ln all.it8nol'a. Oompotont Workmen.' DootnR 4nd(lr. ORDWAY. Our Goods aro First "Class, and our prices nro tho lowoflt Oomo nnd bP convinood 1 trial is solicited. BolL625, telephones: Mutum OlC.








The Independentii mi n ii ,ii.i in. iin; ' r" ' ; ..miii iiiiiiuikmiiiiiiiiiJii fill iiiii mi , ' n ii I U nnim

''rot?!.'' i - ' . . .,f

. No. 6. Honolulu, I-3- I., Tuesday, May 7, 1S95. 5 Ctsi'i M ,





. tainer Alloa A Kck.mt.a6a Blteet newCufltom House

-Honolulu, II. I.


Residing ou Ab.ken Street in 'Honolulu.

SnbHcription. I'fcntes"Per mouth.. $ 75Per 3 months in advance , 2 00Vbt 1 yoarln lulrnnce ........8 00

j '1 lie paper in dollvored by cniTiers In tho"town nuil Ruburbs.

Advertisements pnbKHUod nt reasonablerates. Special termB for yearly ami lml fyeatly contracts.

D. H. LE;WIS,Businoss Manager.


The Emmanuel Church '


"There In a fountain filled with bloodDrawn from 'EmmnnuoTo veins."

In tho long list of mysteriousmurdors which have ahockedjS nFrunoisco, none havo no wroughtupotl tho public mind a tho vio-

lent dontbs of Mnrjuu Williamsmid Blanche Laniont. Scarcely

mirhtl$'pU6 hnh boon UlkPtl'ofsince tho disoovory of tho bodios,and tho triul will probably piesinto tho law-boo- as ouo of thocliriositios of modical and crirai-n- al

jurisprudence. For, by thovery nature of tho circunvrtnncoH

'uttondingfltich revolting crimos,tho murdoror a pel hii victim musthavo boon alon'o. ' lTonco thiB'wiUbe nnothorof tho many murdorswhero conviction of the murdorordepends on circumstantialovidonco.

Tho crime wus bo extraordinarythat' it may be woll to cumrnarteotho oircii'mst'incog here. Ou. Fri-

day, April 12th, at four p. mm

Marian Williams, an eightoen-yo- ar

old girl, loft tho bousoof Mr.aud Mrs. C. H. Morgan in Alamo-d- a

to crossjtho bay of S in Fran-ciso- o.

M!bb Williams was employod as "holp" in tho Morgan fami-

ly; and owing to her youth, herpovorty, hor dolicilto honlth, andher louolinoss in tho world, wus'apiolegee of tho Morgan .family, aswell ns their "help." Tno Mor-

gana woio about to leave "for Ta-co- ma,

so Marian Williams haddetermined to board w.th a Mrs.Voy in Ban Francisco dining thoirubseuco. She reached Mrs. Voy'shouse that nftornoon, And inform-o- d

hor that "sho was going touttend a social entertainment oftho Christian Endeavor Society, nclub made up of tho young peoploof Emraunuol Baptist Church, SanFranciseo, "This ontoituinmontwas to take ptaco at tho houso oTDr. Vogol, ono of tho churchmombeis, Muriau Williams loft

ILkSmsU&to Voy about &Q.

o'clock to go to Dr. Vogol's, Shonover reached tliovo.

Th'o.'fMlpwing mtirn)iiR, 4turrday.J .A)rfl a8thf. baiAe ' ia'diesontored'Emmnnuol Baptist Churchtp dooorato it for Eastor. 3?hoyfound' irt a small room loading oft"'

tho library tho dead body pf ayoung girl Xt wis clothed, but.thoolothfng au dis'irrultgt d TJionook boro imrrkfl of u slronglei'rfhiiildaj'Jljoro was a atati '(found Intho forehead; t)oro wore soyoralstub wounds ovor tho heart; whileou the bibdil la'y the "fatal weapon,u brokou 'lablo-khl- fo from thokitphon in tho baB(.'mon,t of tltechurch. Tljo Jadioa gayo tho

Gibson, wag sont for: tho coronerand tho polico woro notifiod; audtho body was identified ns that ofMarinn Williams.

Tho polico took possoajflon ofbegan

OnAlio following day! EasW Su ndny,i April Mth, tht-- y found in thoi'lofty bolltoworof thooJiu'roh nn- -i

othorAload bbdy-t- hi body of un-oth- or

young girl. The body wasjuulo, and ovidontly had boondoad for days. It was p'obn idon-tifi- od

as tho body of IilnnohoLamont.'a young girl who hadboon mivsing sinco tlio afternoonof "Wednesday! April 3d. Sho

vcLb a frifaild of Marian Williams,and acquainted with mombors ofEmmanuel Baptist' Church ,

At this point, suspicion foilupon pnn W. 11. Thoodoro Dur--rantj ulso'n jnomberof EmmanuolChurch, its librarian, nnd supor-intond- ont

of its Sunday-soho- ol .

Tho pfollco claimed that Durrantwas tho last porson keen with boththo dead girls. Ddrraut had al-ways bomo a good charactor. Howas a student at Cooper MedicalCollogo, and a nipmbor of thoStato militia. On Saturday, ApriJ13th , he left tho city at uovon A m. ,

with a militia pignitl corps, toostablish holiographio signal com-

munication between Mt. Diablo,on tho Contra Cjsta sido of thobay, nnd Telegraph Hill, in SiriFrancisco. Tho polico folldwcd,him noros3 thQ bay, and on Sun-- 1day aftorno n ho was arrestedand brought to this city. Ho-w- ns

not surprised at his-- .arrest, norworo Ins. comrades, for on Sundaymorning tho'aignal corps on Tolo-gru- ph

Hill had flashod across to'Mt. Diablo, thirty miles away,tho messogo: "The police are afterBugler Durrant for the murder ofMarian Williams." Durrant hadtho sympathy of his comrades,who did not want to pdvo him np16 tho pdfioe,lbut ho submitted to'arrest. Ho was taken to tho SanJTrunoisco cily prison undor ahoavy guard.

Whon tho inquost boan, amass of testimony was introducedby1 tho polico, which sdomod toriolnt toward' Duirant. Tho tes-

timony showed that ho had talkodmuch of the disappoaranco ofBlanoho Lamont, and iusinuutodthat sho hud lied. It was 'shownby tho testimony of throo sohpol-gir- ls

who wero with hor that hohad mot hor outsido tho Normal'School rit thrco o'clock on Anril3d, nnd had got on a south-boun- d

car with hor; they wero lust soonon tho cornor of Powell and Mar-ket, on thoir way toward thoMission, whoro tho fatal churchis situatod. It was shown thatlip had proniisod to got horn bookfrom tho church library in whiohBho wob intorostod, and it is supposed that sho wcut with him for,that purpose Horo tho olmin ofovidenco ?s woak, As yet, no onohas boon found who saw thornonto'r tho 6huroh.' .But Mis3Ltmont novo'r got any furthorthan tho ohurolt, for her school-boo- k's

woro found concoalod intho rafters, as woll as all of horclothing, which had boon hiddonavflyJayarip.uafed.iH,k.cl)Pifapttho big building. Tho links oftho ohain again bogin with thoevidbpep ofGdorgoR.v King, .thoohuvohorganilt Jvlip'toatifios tnUlute ia tlio nftornoon of Wednes

fcT '!'. April 3d, . -- Y"lin Vr,Z3'.onterod tho

jchnrch; wllon ho' 'byseeing Durjapt ip Ju BhirtBloovos.'oojng from tjio jiolfry' tower,paloSnd, cxlwuated; on infll'irytDdrrant told King that ho hadboon Ikfng tho gWpipe's in thepiling, wliwero out of order:

that tho heat and tho dor of. galhod modehini ill; bo.1jggel Kinftto go toan'ldjaoent 'apothebary'sand 'get 'Hiih a restorative, whiohtin orRanist

Vdid,, loavini? him

ono in tho church for a ti'mo, '



On Sunday, whon'tlio polico dis- -

'covorcd tho bndyjof Blanch La-

mont, thoy" found tho door loadingto tho bobry locked, nnd tho knobbrokop off. Thp janitor, a?. A.

Sadoman, testifies that tho Insttimo ho wcnfc.upjihto tho bolfry)yap about amionth ago, whon.lhoknob was. on tho door. Anothercircumstance which" tho. policobring up against Durrant is that6n Saturday, April 13th, a nows-pap- or

was rocoivod through tliemail by Mrs. Noble, aunt of au-

dio Lamont; in jt woro threo ringsbolonging to tho dead girl, rtwhipveorawIod upon tho margin of thopapor wore two names, "Goo. It.King" nid "M. Sohwoinfurth' ina hand-writin- g Jwhioh tho policoclaim is similar. to Durrants; thoyalso claim that thnsjo two namps(tho second bing that of MistfLamont's music .teacher') woroplaced there to divqrt suspicionfrom Durrant? Altogether, tho

.testimony points to thovfaot thattho Jast human .being spon withvniiuichq Limottt was Thoodorei)urrant,

" Concerning the caSo of MarianWilli tniB, tho 'teStimony 'Sh6wsthat' Durrant Ibft his" dionso atabout 7:45 on Friday ovbning)April l'2th. Ho was apparontlyon his way to tho Vogol outor-tiiiimo- nt,

wHeto' ho had t6ldMarinn Williams ho had some-thing to say tq hor. ' Ho hnd

."boon soon by F. A. Sudeman, thochurch janitor, and P. S.Chauollo, a 'railroad doteotiVo,'lbitering around tho lorries thatafternoon tho police claim, .wait-ing for Marian Williams. Whoncarolossly asked by Sadoman"what ho was doing thoro," horopliod ithot ho was ' Watching toBee 'if' thoro was any jcIow to'thodisappoaranco of BlanohoLamont." Durrnnt, after leavinghis.homo on Friduy avoning, mota friend, ono Dr. Porkins, aboutoight Volook. . Ho loft him onhis way to tho Vogol ontortain-m'on- t.

Tho' testimony differs asto. tho hour of Durrunt's arrival,No ono puts it onrlior than half--ipastnino. Tho placo whero boleft Dr. Porkins was oight blocksdistant from Dr. Vogol'8-abo- nt

fiftooh minutos' walk. "Durrnntfails to aooount for his hour anda half. Ho arrived at Dr. Vogol'jabout half-pa- st nino, porspiringand with his hair dishovolod. TIoaskod f6r pormissioi; to wash .hishands and arrange his liair, whiohwas givou him.

At about eight o'clook, onFiHday ovotiing, April 12th a tall,slondor man, wearing ,a 'long,black Qvorcoat and a slouoh hat(whioh w'as whnt Durrant wproon that night), accompanied byu short, slondor girl, with a oapoaud ii turban tint (which articlesof attiro Marian Williams woroon that night), wont into tlio yardof Emmanuel Church, wqlked totho sido door, .which thojnan un-

locked with lPyi nnd ,tbp.n bothontoroil. vl)nrrnnt and otherporsons had koys to tho ohuroh .

Sovoral 'witnoss,os testify toseeing tho ouplo ontor .thochurch. It is supposed thatMarian Williams had broughtsomo flowers ovor from Aln- -!RQda,tq bo uod ,for. thp Eastor..docorations; that sho broughtthorn to tho church on tho ohancoof fiudiug it opon, or of Endingsomo ono thoro to admit hor. 'Sho.found ono thoro. Sho ontorod thoohuroh. Sho did uotnpppar a$the1 Vogol entortainmont. Showas never, aguin soon alivo,.

At tho Vogol houso, thoChristian Endeavor Sqoioty holdits mootipg, nnd owing to 'thoabsonco of Thoodoro Durrant, itssoorotary, elootod a sooretary jtyoAem, Wh'on ho arrived, tho moot-ing wns Jioarly ovor, and thotaorry-makingbog- au. About 11;15tho partyfbroko up, and Durrantwalked up street with Elmor Wolfaud Miss Lord. Ho bado , thorn.

tr t I t .

good-jiig- ht knear Emmanuol.Ohuroh, saying ho was goinghomo. Elmor Wolf says that ho

thon wont to a stable aud ordered"his horso to bo roody to ride tohis ranch, somodistancp from thooity, On bis return, whon, hopassod Emmanuol Church, lip

saw Durrant in front of thochurch. Durrant loft tho ojrty

tho nest, morning, as wo havesaid, tovjoin hjs signal corps.During his nb3qnco, tho policosoarohod his room, thoy found,ip tho pocket qC tho black over- -

ooat hp wpro on Friday night a,pu,rjta' .bolonging to . MarianWilliams, t was identified, byC.H. Morgan tlioromployor, whosworo that it wad hors. Hoidontified.it, among other things,by' a twonty-ypar-p-ld ear-tic- ket

which ho had givon hor as acui'tp. Durrant accounts for thoprosonco pf this purse in hisnockot by Haying that ho pickedit up on tho qtropt.

'Ono of tRb features of.' this casewinch has most unpleasantly impressed tho 'public haa-boo- tlibfreedom 'with which" Etnmanliel'Ohurah has boja used. Fromtho tostimony'1lt1nppoar3 that a

"humborof persons' liave' had koysto tiio churdh, and huvo had ac-

cess to it both by day and night.Not only tho pastor, but tho jan-

itor, tho jnnitor's son, tho organ-ist, Durrnut, and b'lhbrs havo hadkoys to tho. bujlding. and havoboon in tho habit of using it froa-l- y.

Whon a building whioh isintondod for tho worship t)f Godis used by young men and youngwoman at hours''' whon no onoolso is thorb, it can not-bn- t shooktho community. It is thoroforenot without Warrant that n curi-ous communication in tho shapeof n petition haTUooff pcfHfcT6 thoboard of supervisors' of San Fran-oisc- o.

Thero was a orusado bytho churches not long ago againsttho sido-do- or and roar ontrancosof tho liquor-saloon- s of this city,which rosultcd in an ordinanceforbidding such ontrancos, pro-

hibiting priva'to rpihlUwu saloons,and limiting ttiP'hs'sunncP ofliquor lioonso to porsons indprsodby twolvo citizons. It is prob- -able, thorofore, that this petitionwas inspirod by tho liquor-deal- -

ors. It roads as follows:" Wo, tho undorsignod, resid-

ents, citizens, 'and tux-pay-ers oftho Oity and County of San Francisco engaged in a roputnblo a,ndhonorable vocation, do mostres- -

.poctfully ropresoht ns follovy:

"In viowof tho heinous qrimoscommitted in a olrqrou in thiscity within tho past fow days, woas good and order-lovin- g oitizons,ttrould suggost to your ;hoporqblobody that it is about timo to calla halt in tlio dobasomont ofohuroh edifiqos.

"Tho romody is, in our mind,that fin ordinance bo passed closing mid forbidding all sido , andjeav-- entrances to all ohuroh build-ings in this city aud county, andto. have no partitions separaterooms, bod-ropm- s or bod-loupg-

in tiny such church building, andno porson but thp authorized sox-tio- n

oa-- janitor of said phuroh tohavo any koy to any door orontrancotQ tho said church, front,rear, or sido entrance, nud ho,the said trustoo or authorizedporson, i, bo under tho supervi-sion of tho police authorities atall timos, who nio , onjoinod to(kppp potiods of - t'ho:ftct of thoopening and closing of saidohuroh.es, and for what purpose,

"Aud tlijit the proaohing of thogospol in tho City and County ofSim Francisco bo made a licqmtodvocation, and no minister orpronohcr rpooivo a lioonso unlesslie has a goqd nn.d sufljplentchnraQtor, or olso tho signaturesof twolvo good qHlQust'tti;cpaypr8and proportyMwiiorstPftiiat effect.

"Thisiiotitliii is nd'tVonooiyodAn a spirit ofUilaltp9, but with tho

1 ,jA.

highost and lofuost and honor-- 1

ubjo objoct of Baving tho younggirls of San Francisco from mur-derers and tho dobasomont ofchurohes as housos of ill-fa-

And for a favorablo considorati6nof this potition your petitioner willovor pray j etc. BodeutBiuesi." i

Whothor it is not tr.uo that tho" potitioti was not oonooiyodin aspirit of inalico," it js certainlytrno that tho ocourroneos atEmmanuel Church furnish somojustification for this documotlt.If it isllio rovongo of tho liquor-doalor- s,

thoy. havo had ampleirovongj. A move sti'ug'ng sard-- icasra 'was' novor penned.

As wo writo, tho inquest isstill in progross, nnd Theodore-Durran- t

stands arraignod bofotho bar of public opinion. It cadnot bo questioned that manypeoplo boliovo him to bo guiltyBut wo do nut belipvo in trialby nowBpapor. Thorofo.ro wo

leavo this strange and awful caso,mproly giving the fuels as far nsthoy havo boon loarnod

But whatever may bo tho lateof ThoodorP Durrant, th'ero isonly Ou j fitting ond foi theodoroDurrant's church. It should dio.For years tho shadows of ayilhavo brooded over this rod

congrogttion. Oaeofits pastorbecamo insano, and committedsuioido; another pastor, ,lsaao M.Kalloch, was tho murdorer ofCbarlosdo Young". 'Under thqpresent pastorato, two young girlshavo boon foully dono to detujThoro is no further field fofEmmanuol Baptist Church as n,

temple of t,ho Mist High. Nolcongregation could sit in thosanctuary without tho pealingnotes of tho crcan rocnllintr thogroans of Marian Williams, as shciyielded up. her frail Iifo undor hormurdoror's. cruol hands. A stopon the bolfry stair would ranko'lthem think whh. a shudder of thomurderer panting up tho toworwith his bloody burdon. Andwjion tho Christmas bolls rungout, it would not bo " Poaco anagood.will to men" that thoywould ring it would ba .thorequiom of poor Blancho Lamontjovor whoso fair young bodyTbloody and Btark, far Up in thobplfry towpr tho great bollsmoaned as thoy totlod hor funeral.hymn. S. F. Arynaut.


"S, E. Corner Nuuaiiu and KIiijj StrtectiKeep tlio Unust linnuls of Ltquutu cotUtfttltIy on liaud. . '

Solo AkciHs for 0. 1. T. WlilsKoy ami tliacclebmtei frcdi llccr.

Fresh Oysters for Cocktails ifcr everyiteanier,

NotUliiK but straight Rood dispensed,' attlib popular r?sort ,

Yt. M. (JUNINUHM,Manager,




U31 Uncoil Street, ironolulu, II, 1.

IVIerchants' Exchange

S. I. SHAW, Proprietor,

Car. Klus 'and Nuuaiiu Streets, llouolulu,

Chpiqe .Liquor and Fine Beer



TVrercliant'. TailorFort Btieot, Old Masonic Building,, next'

to I. J, Levey's AYttou Room,

Fine Oooas and a GoodFlt Quaraiiteed.

ill ii illinium ii hi m, ,. .,. in. -' '' 'J' ' mm"mm """ - ... . M .,..

""&S&" -fir :

,' --i

Y o ii Never- - Saw 1

Did0k "AD" : Before

Thisljseems to be a GoodjjLoctipiiin tMs Paper & Our Shoes areWorth Advertising,

&qq4 Prices TGQtv"

The iBig-- Fort Street -

SHOE STOREManufacturers Shoe Co.

, f

EWARobinson llocj:, Hotel St., between Fort and Nituanu,

Havo Just Eccoivedt ) er Lwlo AuivnlaTtbo Inigest Stock of FURNITUHE Evor importod to this Country, Comprising

Handsb-m- e CarvEiiBedrnnni S&ts- -

cJn UA Qalc, npdof VteLATES-- I DESIGNS. , r




oto.,you can got thoso in anyyou dosiro.

-pbb x r&r a-- t


WAG 3ESLt3S3 K; "W7"3L JFK.rE3'Beautiful DosicilS Of Wiokor Warn, nnnninf.mrr nt



Countless numbors of CHAIRS, in ovory stylo, including OFFICE'and HIGH CHAIRS.

' ,Ei22:,rE!isrsio3r o:.BiLi3Eis,Wo havo liad n numbor of calls for. thoso Tablos, with CHAIRS to

match. Wo havo now in stook tho most '


Sideboards -:- - and -:- -" Chiffonier-- 231 "xtjl. irs ,

Divans oovorod with FORMERS nro becoming- - quite tho rngo innlaoo of LOUNGES wo manufnoturo thorn to order, and havo alaigo stook of PORTIERS to select from.

BBDDinsra- -Asrortmont of WOVEN WIRE JVIAITRESSES-Spri- ng, Ilnir,Moss, Wbor and Straw Mattrossds on hand nnd mado to onWLIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS dr J? Hows

CRIBS, ORADLES, etc.WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizeB.CORNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings.

jE'-A- u iMwttrossos, Lounges and all Upholstorod Furnituro repaired n

rcasonablo rates.?$ffi?KSNa4 ln all.it8nol'a. Oompotont Workmen.'

DootnR 4nd(lr.ORDWAY.

Our Goods aro First "Class, and our prices nro tho lowoflt Oomonnd bP convinood 1 trial is solicited.

BolL625, telephones: Mutum OlC.








TUESDAY, MAY 7, .1895.


Political- - Prisoners. V

Wo have in a former issue

pointed out to tho governmentthat the soro spot in the Ha-

waiian's heart to-da- y is . thopolitical prisoner, : and thotreatment that .is dealt to

him by tho authorities. Cho

Independent desires to teH tho

truth. Nothing sensationalwill he found in its columns

might sor.vo political matter of course, thoposes' or help to continue thoill fdCling iipw existing anddaily being promoted.

Tho Makaainana, a leadingHawaiian newspaper, publishesin its issue to-da- y an allegedreport of the treatment of theprisoner's now kept at Kahalii;Onorhea. Hawaii. A letterlias been. Tccelvecl,it is claimed

by a relation of ono of theprisoners now in Hilo, in

which it is staled that theeransr sent to Hawaii are not.treated as' they should beror,

: as yo are assured, tho govern-me- nt

desires them to be treated.They claim that they hard-

ly overtasto poi, their main

and natural food. - They claim

that half-cooke-d rice is 'theirstaple food. The Hawaiiansin Hilo- - it, is stated, have' offer;cd to furnish the prisoners withall necessary-poi. "VThd offer,

was declined, although no

'charges for the food to be furnished were exacted, ix, . is

claimed that the' men, ..have to

work 10 hours a day in dampand wet w'cathor, and thatthev feel broken dqWn inhealth" and spirit. They saythate.if- theyconiplain acids areused1' as punishment' dn theirbodies or poisons administeredto them.' : . ' ' J

, .

So far the Makaainana.- - -Truth or n.o.truth these tales

of woo and cruelty will bo re-- ?

peateel and the co'nctliatiqn for

which all conservative patriotswork be frustrated. It will be

well for tho .government' to-i-

vestigato.' tho '

.complaints al

though thoy may not Have

been officially received,.and if' any ono in office is to blame,

and there is oho scintilla of

truth ' jn - the ' statements,to promptly punish tho offend-

er, and replace him with a res.ponsible roan'who wi,l work in

tho true jspirifc of, Mr. Woje's

.cabinet.As a reverse to the gloomy

picturo portrayed by tho Makaainana, w.o publish a fow items

nnhtical prisoners ,m llonolulu leavos no roproach .o"rt

tho government, . and thateverything., has been done to.

ameliorate the unfortunate con-

dition of the prisoners, as

as tho. hardships . now incum-

bent on their families'The' government has givon

10 at tho old lmmigra-tio- n;

Depot' to families of- .....' . -

political prisoners


Tho little

colony is in charge of Mrs.Kekonn Pilipo, and tho pooplo

cypress themselves, fis highlysatisfied.',V'Tho government Sverifc-.'-jfur-

jtheivand granted two police-nie- ti

for the protection of' tho

women .'. vand .' it

smlurcn .. now

placed auiong a promiscuouspopulation of foreigners, Jap-

anese and Chtneso-.who.Jur-

rooms on the promises.Tho wife of Kaimimoku, a

political prisoner, died-sud.don-- ly

on Sunday. Tho bereavedhusband was immediately per-

mitted to proceed to his hohic,

and thero weep over his. deadwife. Tho guard who, as a

that pur- - escortedi 1 p 11 i

prisoner cwvo. Jinn tno iuucscliberty V'itliin the bounds of hisduty',, arid wo'.may add that theprisoner appeared in his ownclothes and. attended tho funer-

al yesterday.

A collection was 'taken up a

short whilo ago for .thefit of the .destitute, families of

tha 'politjcal prisoners. Thoindividual r members of thegovernment subscribed liber-

ally, and the sum of 1109.70was collected . iour.weeks. The nionoy sb collect

ed, has beci carefully distri-

buted and much relief has"

been given. ' Abalanc& of777.40 is. now injthe hands of

tho .Mr. Abr. Fer-nandez, and it is safe to saythat our charitable communityw.ill not, lose liight ofhis de-

serving mqvemont which itmay-bo-

. necessarywe hopeliot-T-t- o continue, for yoa.rs.t--


With these circumstancesbefore us, it is difficult to be-

lieve? the 'report ifrbm Hilo,but it will bo for thogovernment have witU ?nyon0 7. . . , ' r tho coiumnsimpartial invesugauon, aim aclqso examination of tho pr'iS'

oners npw confined at Onomea.

Whatover tho report, will be

the lNDErKNDENT will alwaysbe ready to publish it, and thoMakaainana will not bo be-

hind jn doing ,jujBtW jvhorojustice is due.

More Comingi

- It seems that every countryin Europo has a' bone, to 'pick

Hawaii. In tho A tlantes,a Greek paper publisliediriNewYork', appears la report in

which it is stated that thoGreek Senate in .compliancewith art interrogation of a prominoiit senator, has' taken1? upthe treatment of Messrs. Cam- -

ariqos and Xiycurgus, Greeksubjects who' have

subjected to lottery

to show that' the treatment of prisonmont and by tho;. : .;, .! p ii. tt..... :. n..v.Vin









lUinaS OI tUO XLUWUUUU vov- -

crnmont. Tho question of thodamages done to the saidgontlomeq..fnvfinancial as wellas 'personal regards y.as'dwjelt

on at length, and tho Ministerof. Affairs promised to.causo an immediate investigation and, as thoro was no GreekOonsul in to pursuosaid investigatipri .'through thoGreek Minister to London.




TSow Gooils Every FaAkct from tlio EAstcra oncl Eurpio;

1 7' ' ' . ' .' - ,



B-Y- EYEltYr - ;iill' "


'' "v:.-;,- " -- '. --;- '

AH Orders fnHlifully Attended d Dellvonl,to nny

ItAKI Oiideiw pouciEi .'.


;l,UCC l('

Now that Bports are in full J

blast and nthlotics,. baseball,'boating" horse races 'are



tho topics of tlio dayv.it is' wellto throw put a warning againsttho gambling spirit.which dur-

ing past years has pervadedthis community and nearlysucceeded in killing-- ' all true

Mr. Richards who is

a gonuino and honest sports'-mrii- i,

and tfho has done mdehto bring baseball in tho Ka--

mchamoha schools to tho highstandard of to-d- ay, made a for-

cible appeal ju favor of "clean"sport a short while in .a

local journal. Tho followingarticlo from tho Forum con-- ,densed for Public willhelp tb show that the battleagainst is' notalone waged in missionary Ha





waii but finds a powerfulecho all over tho world. Wemay- - yet to-da- y be able readRev.' Newman Smyths ar-

ticle and striking .our 'breastoxclajra. "Thanks" that wo arenot like these." But if effort'is not made; if things arc al-

lowed to go along as they nawdo these fair isles, tho day ishot distant when must ad-

mit 'our guilt .and bond purto word said by

tho preacher tho Forum, Forthe gambling spirit is rampantin. this town. . The writer saysas follows: .

;Grbcerie, .Prpyisipns & Feed':;



'a.a''M'"'- -



heads every

At prosont tbo lino o. most. pop-

ular nnd consequently "most de-

moralizingforms of gamblingnro tho botting on atholot g.amoa,

tho policy-shop- , and the ,jool-roo- iri

whero tho ''rAces play-

ed." With regard to tlio formercomparatively mdro inuocoritpractice of botling m connootion

to a fairand UMo.v1., ',- - ' caros'toroad of.tuo

recentlylm- -



Stfttfl -






papers for somo d:yS before agrout foot-b- all game may forman idea not ouly of tho manner inwhich tho higher education inthis country is running to thospectacular, but also of tho ex-

tent to whifch college games arobocomine mirvovors rto tho'public of tho vulgarizing habit of

botting. Oollogo athletics arotbroatonod in this country withtho 'same poril which js said tq

have contributed to tho .decline oftho groat games inQrooce, thoydoclinojl as they becamo mer-


Tho second prevalent mothodof g'onorating a. taste for bettingand educating tho people intogamblers is tho poculiar institu-tion known as tlfo policy shop.

It rofiuiros but Jittlo apparatusfoiTits businoss; and tho mostsimple-minde- d can ploy. it. Itconsists' simply in hotting up:-o- n

numbers, or combinations ofnumbors, to bd drawnon givon'sorios of figures. Policy playingis tho thriving offspring of tho

In it tho' poorest maywagor their piUauco, and largoodds may bo offered thorn, Somoidoa of tho monoy takon by. thesegamblers, mostly from tho poororolassos, may bo gained from thofaot that a slnglo policy-writ- or inNow Haven, n bno of tho lossfavorable locations for his busi-

ness, has-rotnm- od overy wookf

from four hundred' to soven hund-rocUdollu- rs

to tho policy headquarters in that city. Only nflortwo yoars of dotormiuod tiloit inNowHavon has the. way into thejail boon opened for some of thoso

r. o, li.ox us,






robbora of tho wages, of the poo'plo; but tho success which suchofl'ort is now mooting ;in that citymay sorvb ' as an oncouragoraontfor a needed persistent orusadoaguiustina evil in other citios. .

NA third form of popular gamb-liri'- g

has lately bepn brought topublip'attolition. by tho Agitationagainst it;.nBovoral States; ?Tbopool-roo- ms in which tho "races:aro' .played," or tho protondedooirirnission"hoiisu8 which trans-mit bots to tho races, havo latelybocomo a flourishing ngonoy forgambling,. ..,with liousos danurancii omuos at tno c&ntors onponula'tibn, and runuors'and tolo- -l

phono connections reaching outfor tho country fradd . Oar oitioscannot po'rmit pool-soilin- g 'nil tho.yoar round 'bn tHo rooipR ofhorses, without sowing a perpot1-U- al

crop of dishonesty and defal-cations among clerics and om- -

loyoes in positions of trust.I'lioso States which luvo hot al-ro- ady

.amondod end sharponodHioir'gehoral gambling statutes tomoot this poculiar kind of com-m'is- ion

betting, will noocl to tukovigilaut action, or tho managersot these rooms, driven from' NowYork, Connoctiout, and ovenNow Jersey, by rooont legislationwill transfer tlioir operations-- ,races, pool-roo- ms,

' tolegraphand all to thoso

Statos whoro tho laws offer to.them, tlio least resistanco.' Uni--t

form and ndequato legislation isnooded all over the country inordor to wrostfrom this gamblinggrood tho spoils of tho wagos oftho people; which ii" gathors inlargo, quantitios whorovpr it ispurmittod to show itB rapne'oushand. Au intorstato law, forbid-ding under heavy ponulties thouso of telegraphic fucilitios forthis purpose or running by tolo-grAp- h

companies of wiros intikuowii gambling ronms, might cutoff with ono blow Uib main arteryof this body, of, corruption.


After tho basoball gamo. theoxtra cars bn Borota.niu streetworo hold, crowded with pas-song- ers,

more than a quarter of anhour to nwalt tho pjssngo of thoregular car from town. Suporin- -toudont l'aiu ought to put in, aswitch about Alapai streotto pro-vontsu-

annoyanco' to patronsof tho tramways.

All the mnohinory of a contest-e- d

olootiojv whs put in operationyostorday, --at groat expenao.tothe country, although there wasrtTilir tr-- vbug.onij;


iMidato. Tho hum-jHkkih- at

pur Solon a

of tlio past two and a quarteryears do not know it all. It isto bo' hoped that the first oloctodLegislature sinco tho monarchywill not loavo this flaw in tholaw uncorrected

Itis fbi'tunato that Mr. Eobortson should' have seeurod thonomination of tho only organized,party iu oxistonoo on this island.His proved "capacity for publicnffura makes lii'm vory muchnocdod amongst tho almost exclusively inexperionood thotfghintelligent and honest men con-

stituting tho House of Ebpreson-tative'- s.

Yot it is not certainlya matter for public congratula-tion that thoi'o should bo olootionswithout oontosts. Election cam-

paigns nro uncxcollod for obtain-ing expressions of tho will of tliopooplo on matters nlFdoting theirwolfaro. Thoy aro also ihvaluabloin their oducative offoct upon thopopplo thouisoivesT It is to bohoped tho.presontoloction will botho laBt ofjug'hand.lod politics inthis country;


In yostorday'a issue wo dallcdattontion to tho Oil trust which'for tho second timo dominatesour looal marko't, and foroos thopooplo to pay for korosono oilany exorbitant figure which thotrust may sco fitto placo on thatnecessary artialo. Tho bnttloagainst tho gigantic trusts iu thoUnited States. continues unabated,but tho diflioultios and ohstaoloswhich tho pooplo moot soominsurmountable if m(flt ra-

dical measures aro nt ndo'ptodTho following paragiaph from thoS. h Wave gives an idoa of thosontimont in tho Stntos:

Our attontion has booh directedto recont Vloolsion of tho UnitedStates Supr6mo Court whi"h,while not holding tho 'ShermanAnti Trust'Aot" to bo Unconst-itutional, doos dcolaro that it canhavo no application to combina-tions such ' as tho Sugar Trust:Tho prevailing opinion of thoCourt holds that that institutionis ongagad primarily iu manufacturing, and only secondarilyhi soiling, and, thoroforo, cannotbo considered us a combinationin restrain of inter-Sta- to com-moro- o

falling within tho pov(-- r ofCongress. This dcoision, our oor- -

rospondont concludes, summarily'knocks out all hopo of ovor rogulating tho operations of tho OilTrust by Congressional enact-

ment. Tho decision, it is truo,practically nullifies tho act, sofar as its oporations boar uponcombinations similar to tho sugartrust; but it settles tho law anddefines tho limit beyond whichCongress cannot go, nnd thib'issomething. If the pooplo reallyHosiro to bring thoso oonimeroialgiants under tho regulating in- -

fluonco-- of Congress, thoy mayeasily dtf So by an nmondment totho Constitution. --Whonovor-two-thirds

of both Houses doom, itnecossary, Congress must pro-

pose amendments to tho Consti-

tution, or on tho application otthe Legislatures of two-thir- ds oftho sovoral Statos, shall call aconvention for proposing amendemonts, which in oither caso shallbo valid whon ratified bv thoLogislaturos of three-fourt- hs of.the several Stales or by a conven-tion of throo - fourths thoroof.There is a probability that somo'such action will be takon, Hos-

tility toward trusts is increasingamong tho mnssos, and the irr'u'tation which thoy excite dovelopSa strong tondency in tho directionof unreasoning hostility towardall forms of wealth. If thowealthy who aro employing thdircapital in fields outside of tlioirlinos bo wiso, thoy will quiokentho action of Congress in sub-

mitting an ainondmont to thovarious ' Statos, for there is adooidod danger that a fow yearshonco, if tho irritation continue,tho innocent may bo made tosuffer as well as .the guilty.

A special session of the.Legislature is now in order.'It should be called .at once toratify or modify acts passedby tlio councils since th$ election. The future policy of theGovernment in regard to an-

nexation should als,o bo pre-- :

sented for discussion and 'ratif-



'.. W. P, SHARIUT, Mdfaagor.Stand adjoinjug H. Hackfold &

Co,, Fort stroet, General Carting and Drayage Business "done,

m 7 tf

v j:,;s. walker,:-;- ;" '

QEflEtL 4qEJT Fofl THE HWaiim slds '!,.,. . ':'''''


' ' . - r '" "


' '.:" '',' I.'!'' . "..'.-;- ; - ;- ' WILHELMA OF MADGEBURG GENERAL INSURANCE CO,' '


v5 SUN LIFE INS. CO. OF CANADA,- -v v. .'


Rbonid 12 SPBEOKELS BIjQOE rHonolulu, H J,

'" ' t.



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'f i.-- , ".'"Which was started" oil tho 1st qf Mny-,1895- ,','!'. : -. . '. .




Itis intended by tho "projictorsof Thk Indkpkndkntto inaK.o ii:n, ; . r- . .. ,







in. souse oA: tho wo,rd,'"'g1ivingM'vA'iJi the -- Et'kst "

Nkws and timely coin monts on current events" in short,

va;First; Class Journal of.-- , HlS At'U VAt'i iH I

y ,,,.'-- . c' ;- - ."'' ,

' fact and. opinion; .;..v .;

.. .. ..--. s: V; .iVtot' -



'v The Independent ''Vi ,

,jr '.

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will not' b"et:'onfiiied to estublished inodols'iii'lo'cal-iour- .

nalistn, butMVill eiideavof to- - presenr'newfoatures'iuifrfresh merit's. .".!""' ; '.''-'-- : ''"i;

ff-- :






' '

1tjTlie Indeenden.'.;'", AAA. --A.A-.A A A A i A J, --A A ' "


will in policy aim to justify its inline. It will bo a paper,for tho People, and' NOT'the-orga- n of; any seci,. party, orcUqu'o. jBy .fulfilling thispiirpos,o, it will, answer;Hheobjection th'at 'there' aro.'.too many nowspapcrs;iuvHohd'- -

iuiiij - --

'' ,. ,' -- . m.;; '"';

''. '-

' 'i '...-'----sy.PA-



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," pFlfi.CEt,ui'-i-, Yfr,-n.- -




isjprepared to do. Bbok and Job Printing iivgood style,at5ni6derato. rates 'and "with disjiatch. ""







( ; t"ty


If, '

,v-- ..



- "--' i--r-l' '

QFFIGE;v. Corner, AUel.. ICoiaianaoa'.s'treets,;.'

'--''.Tolophono 395."3'








n i




,of and



. Tho oply medicine for Horses,' Oattlo, Shoop, PIgsf Doga and Poul- -' '

try. A necessary thing for Plantations and Ranohos without any 'yerterinnry within roaoh. A Romedy that is oasily am readily ad- -ministered, and with plain instructions on oach bottle,

A pomprohonsiVQ and rica,t pamphlet explaining aymptom76f '

disoases anq.lho treatment through thoso remeUiea will be mailodoh' '" '

application, One remedy will pot euro all difloasos Vb other pntoiit1.raodiohiesela.PAtodo. '.,( , .. - .v -.

c- For full particulars in regard to' tho virtues of Dr.'Potthtlscdlo.-brato- d

Australian. Remedy,: , ' ,' , ' ; i-,

i . Apply to ."'' .' '' '

- . , 'flWt Macim?leine. ,

Agont for the Hftijnq ffihva'a ,

ai m


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'.it.:Vlj, 'iry-y-

it yamttf.


DKl'AimJKKS. .'

Monday, May, 0. ,

Stmr Mokolii forMolokai.-

Stmr Iwalani for Kuuui. 'Stinr Jus Mikoo for Kuuai.

,":. Sttur Kcuuhou for Porta on Kuuai., Stmr . Wtiiraunalo lor Porta on'

Ouh'u. '


, Tho ship Lovi Burgess will go

t Hilo to load sugar for. SanFrancisco

Tho W. G. Hall is duo today.. Tho Australia will lcavo hero

oil Woducsdny at 4 p. m.Tho bktn Iiobort Suddou took

sugar yostordny from tho Liko- -liko-an- d Koauhou.

Tho Alico Cooke is. in tho" stream waiting for sugar. ,


vN.S. Sachs, -- has just rocoivoda large shipment of Now Goads,among which aro tho Now TaffetaSilksi Now Cotton Ducks, latoststylo Ladies' Hats, Now Roses,Violets and other novoltios in M'i-linor- y.

'. " Go isnlvos & Oo. recdived bv thoS. S. Bruunfbls it frosh supply of

' fino red tablo Wino from Oportoand an invniou of extra Stlndtt Oilfrom thu H'ltno pluco.

Ca't bg beat 1'' ' " -

. ; CoOL' AND DEUCtDllsl '

... - Ice Cream Sodu and Slier- -'but Soda, as served at the


May 4. 4ts. -

J. P. Rodr.iguod, tho tailor, onFort.Stroot, noxt.toLovoy.'s auc-'ti- ou

room, can furnish a suit ofclothog, a coat or a pair of trous-.o- rs

not to bo surpassed in. Hono-"lul- u

Ho. has on hand a fino pt

of tailoring goods fromwhich any enstonor can tako hischoice.

Oh, yos, Wing Wo Tui & Co.

knock Bpots out nf everything in,

the lines that thoy advertise. Yougo to thoir storq and see' nd dol

' ldra to doughuuts you do not leave.

without buying something.

A' cash aaooEnv is to bo oponod"Wqd'no8dny. May 8, in tho War-

ing 31ock, corner Fort and Boro-tupl- a-

fltroots, by S. Lowdon andP. Voollor, under tho firm namo

of VOELLER 00. Mr. Vool-

lor has just returned from San'Pranoisco, on tho Australia, with

ftfull stock of frosh goods which.will bo offerpd to our friends and'tho 'public at lowout O.ish Prices!

One of our proirlinont businoss'raon was ordored tho other morn-

ing by his wifo to buy u box of

sotfp whon he wont down town.Liko an obodiont hubby ho madeu knot on his hamlokorchiof, hiswatch chain and his umbrellaand ho was quito proud when horeturnod homo to know that hismemory had not failed him butthat a box of foroign mado soaphad boon sont homo from a cer-

tain business house in town.Since thon thoro has boon troublo

-- in that household. Tho soup didnot cotno up to tho point and toobtain peuco Mr. Business Manhad to step into MoOhosnoy &.

Sons aud buy a box of thoir colo-brat- od

Hawaiiau Soap. .Nothingcrtnbottor"piovo tho superiorityif the Hawaiian Soap than thofact ' that over 100 Chineselaundrios profor to go to Mo-

Ohosnoy & Sons und pay $5.00a box than paying $4.0 u box for

'firoigu mado soap. Follow thooxamplo of our business man andbuy your soap from foOnoRiioy& S ins on Q loon Street.


. 'Tlioao Barkova aro in hard,luok," said Javroltl. ''Thoy real-- ;

)y live from hand to mouth?""MWolli who doosnt?" quoried

Timba. "It's only pigs and horsos.and cows that .puts their' mouthsinto tho trough.'' -

Damp night.' ti., Tho saloons woro not clos'od


Oahu" Oollogo will h'ayo amusicalo this cvqniog.

Tho now shed oyer Brewer'swharf is nearly comploted.

It is rumored that a newpukllpitgum6'wnB', Started yreter-dB- y.

' '"'.Thoro was n largo crowd at the

Emma Squaro band concert lustn'gM.

"Weath.'r olpudy, wind Jightoast by norih, ut Diamond HdaiV10 p. m.

Jumos Ciimpboll is havingsevoral of his buildings overliauledand paintod.

Tho (load body of tho insatioJipanoso who ran to sea Saturdayhas beon found and' buried.

Bishop Willis will hold confirmution ervieea noxt ut"Christ Church in Koua.

Tho PhiUdolpiiia will land horbattalion fr drill at.tho BaseballJ?ark this mor.iing at 8 o'clock.

Hon. Paul Noumann and familymoved to town yostorday, afterhaving spent several weeks atSans Souci.

Mr. nd Mrs. Tlioo. I. Davioshavo contributed $l0o0 and $500,r.ospoctively, lo tho buildingfund of Kiwniahao Ohurcli.

If yau' want carting or drayiiigpply to tho City Drayagp Co. , of

which W. F.'Sharratt is manager.Sbooardin tho Independent.

Chiof-dotec- tie Hammer appeared as an undertakeryostorday. Ho drovo a deadJap to the cometory in the policewaggon.

' A dinnor was given on boardthe Philadelphia last ovoning;Minister and Mrs. Hatch andMinistor and Mrs. Willis woroamong tho guests.

A granito curb is lioing laiddown opposito J. B. Athorlon'sreddendo, King Street, accordingto grado, which is several inoheBbolow tho old Hidowulk.

Arrests of tho paBt few dayshavo 1 1 1 out two fines of $100'each for opium in possession, ouoof $100 for. unlawful liquor soilingand two of $11 each for gambling.

In tho absence, of Postmaster J.Mort Oat, who is tokhtg a welL-oarn-od

vacation, in company withhis wifo, at tho Coast; W. O.Atwator is managing ftho postal?Borvico of the Ropublic

Bruco Waring & Co. liavo onlybeen established in, Honolulu afow months, but in that time theyhavo mado a placo for theiriselvos,as onorgetio dealers in roal ostnto.They buy and sell reul proporty.

A new layer of macaduni isboihg laid on King Stroot, fromThomas Square to Waikiki road.Tho stoain roller is working thoro,This improvement will enhancatho plousuro of the.. Waikikidrive.

Autoue Rosa has returned to

town after a two mouths, sojourn,on Kauai, whoro ho has attondodto considorablo law husinnan, Thogonial attornoy has gained inavoirdupois what .ho lost whilo a

guest at hotel de I'eau.

Councillor D. B. Smith hasreceived a presont of two littloalligators from a friond inLouisiana. Ho koops thorn atpresent in a. window of theManufacturer's Shoo Company,perhaps 'to Bhow tho danger of

going barefooted in tho iropics,

The Pumping Plant,

,A test was mado of tho running

of tho ongine a the now pumpingplanUn. fiatunlay, It workedwith all reanpnAblo smoothnoss,

It is oxpeoted a teat' will bo madoin a few dqya pf pumping into tho

mains. As soon as stpno oan'bo

obtained for tho foundation, worjiwill begin on tho brick buildingto oovor tho plant. Tho proBunt

iron struoturo is only tomporary.

" w ... mmmtmtamtmmmMiamtUlKtl


'Japanese Kesidents4

toHave a Qala Day.


. Nightly Jtho sounds of martialordors como wafted unto'' theofiico windows of tho Independent journal tliathasnovor board.a war!s alurm' or rovolutidnarynoto. At first it was a ratherturtiing sensation, but investi-

gation proved that tho causa wasinnocuous. Tho Bounds comofrom tho floor over Itohan's Btofoon Fort Btreot, nndjomanato'frojritho.drilling of Japancso yoomonin mjlitaryvtactics. They are notpropanng to wage war, however,but to colobrato peace tho groattreaty of Shamokin (or somewhere)

in which Japan oxaots a sottle-mo- nt

from China for her rashresistanco to Japancso dominancoin Coroa and to Japancso invasionof Chinoso territory,

Tho celobration is to bo on noxtSaturday aud upon a grand andgorgoons plan. Thcro will be aprocession of army arid .navythat is, in similitudo from tho Japaneso Uohsulatp to JndppondonooPark; First tho navy, 150 strongin' uniform, propelling a raudolwarship 18 fcetv long and 5. footwide with two masta, will marchfrom Maunakea stroot to tho Con-

sulate. Noxt, tho army consisting of 12 cayulry and 100 artilleryin uniform, with two model field

piocos 1 leet long, win marcufrom oither tho railway station orItohan's to tho Consulate.

. Tho army and navy will joinin procossion from tho Consulate toIndependence Park, where salutesof fireworks will "bo explodod,sports and litorury oxeroiseshold,and gouorul rejoicinc prevail.Festivities will continuo n't thopark until 9 p.m ,whon thoro willbe a lantorn procession into town.

l,n a potition ti tho Govern-ment for permiss'on to hold thocelebration," tho committeo 'say."Thovprooession will bo a poacefulono, and wo beg to Bta.to"' that thogroatest Joaro wjll bo takon toajliow no act which may insulttho Chinoso residonts." Gorp

, Dr. Uoiiida and S. Matsu-mu- ra

form the comittoo, which isguarantee enough of good faithand decorous bolmvior.






Yaoht .Changes, ;Owners

Thoro was a moeting of thoAmatour AthJotio Club at Y. M.C, A. hall last night. DavidOrozior presided, and Houry Ha-p- ai

wob at secretary's post. 'Owingto a small attendance tho oleotiont f oijicors was postponed for onoweolc'.

It was docided to havo a 'whoelroad raco on Friday night of thisweek, from "VVaikiki bridge to thoOpora Houao. The distance isfour miletf. A vuluablo prizo willfall to tho winnor. ' Entries willbo 25 conts and" tho ontry bookwill bo op'on today and up to 1 p.m. Friday at Thrum's books-tire- .

It wdl doubtless bo a spo.odyraco.

Deputy Marshal A. M. Brownis now owner of the yaoht EdithL which 1ms won most of thoxnoos in tno a onu class at rocatJ--tas for sovoral yoara post. Sho ispf tho Now Englaud oatboatmodel, and . was ..iuilt by Mr.Lyloof tlie'Mavindi-Railwa- y forhis sons.

A boautiful lot bf supplies fortho Honolulu Criokot Club baa,beon,rocoivod from Sydney .-

- Thoartioloa nroof Vho latest atylos,

uY1orp .personally Bolectod 'byL,dwis J'. LoToy ilfo voll-1cno- wi

auctioneer, of this city, undorcpmmission of tho club, Tlioyoonsht of pads, gloves, balls, oto.Tho seasQn will bo oponod withpractioo noxt Saturday aftornooli.

Mr. H, ?ooko will hnvp threohorsos of the Gay estate in thoJuno 11 raooa, bosidotf oiio of Iubown. v..


Aleolc Robertson Oawies. . .

. . the Day.. . .

No Riots 128 Enthusiastic.t.'i '

'.' Votors.

The election advertised bythe- - govermncnt, to fill thovacancy caused by tho deathof C. L. Carter, an electedmeinber of tho House of Representatives, took placo yester-day. A. G. M. Robertson, ex-Dep-

Attorney General, wasthe only candidate and wasconsequently elected. Theelection .was hardly as inter-

esting as an ordinary base-ba- ll

gamq or a dog-figh- t, and. dnlyfew people were aware that anelection was going on. Thesaloons wero kept open not-

withstanding tho iittempt ofthe Advertiser to close them,but it is not very' certain thatthoy mado any record break-

ing business out of tlfo excitedvoters. In fact there was., noexcitement at all; and Mr.Robertson made his walk-ov- er

without effort, speech-maki- ng

or victorious treating. Thefollowing shows tho votes castin t precincts:

1st Precinct .' - 142nd M

. 203rd '.' 9

4th " tV ":Jr 225th- VM. V 13Gth ' '' 327th- - ": 1

', Total ' . . Ill

17 ballots wero spoiled,which sgeuas a rather high per-

centage when it is remember-ed that Mr. Robertson ofcourse waselected by the--- in-

telligence and wealth now re-

duced- to 111 of tho FourthDistrict.


Hawaiian JurisdictionOyer Foreien Cor-

porations. -

Thero is a prospect of a tusslebetween a J'woalthy "Americancorporation and the authoritiesof tho Bepublio of Hawaii.Tho corporation is .tho MutualLifo Insurance Company of NewYork, which doos a largo 'busi-

ness in thoso - islands. Latolysuit was brought against thiscorporation on a lifo insuraucopolicy by tho administrator of nnostato. It is loarned that thoMutual Lifo Insuranco Companyhas instructed its attorney hore todo nothing that would commit thocorporation to a recognition ofthe jurisdiction of tho HawaiianCourts ovor its affairs. A prpm-ino- nt

lawyer was asked by anIndependent roportor if it wouldnot bo in place, in caso foroigncorporations Jdoing business horomonkoyod with Hawaiian juris-diotio- n,

for tho Logislaturo of

Hawaii to tax their businoss inthese islands out of existonco.Ho replied that tho attack uponjurisdiction was absurd. So longan a foroign corporation, wasdoing businoss in this country it,was amenablo to tho jurisdictionof this country's courts in anyraattor arising hero. Whilo thpcontroversy in question wouldhavo to bo adjudicated by thoHawaiian cdurta, howovor, thocase would bo govorned by thoinsurauco laws of Now York,whoro tho conduct involvod hadoriginated.

ii in - ii

Building and Loan.

Thoro was u fair,, attend inco atthe monthly mooting of" tho"Building and Loan Associationyesterday ovoning. Moro thanfive thousand dollars of tho loanfunds pf tho Association was soldat auotion at a fair nronlium toborrowing roombpri. "Thoro woro

Eyeral applications for now stook,lite noxt issuo of which will .bo

in July.



Opening of May Term', Firpt Circuit Court.1

AUogod Fraudulent Deed.'

Tho May Term of tho CircuitCourt of tho: First Cirouit wasoponod yostorday morning. JudgoCoopor presides at this term. Thocalendar was called' and indict-mo- na

wero prosontod.The trial of J. E. Hush, and J,

Nawahi for conspiracy waB sot for0:30 this morning;

Most of tho .Hawaiian jurycases wero announced aB '"ready."

Patrick Oullen, indicted formnr or, pleaded not guilty.

A nollo prosequi wuo ontorod intho cjso of Kumuko, ntli piousinjury, appoal from WainnaoDistrict Court.

II. Keaweamahi, housobroak-in- g,

ploaddd not- guilty.J, K. Nakookoo, malicious

ourmng . secon a cngicoj. wsallowed to rcsorvo his plea till'the 8th inst.

Fuunuku, laroony secnd do-gr- oo,

ploaded not guilty.Tuck Ohoo, extortion, rocoivod

tho boucflt of a, nollo prosequi.E. Norrio, seditious libel, is to

appoar before, the Court ut 9 a.m.,to-d- ay ,

Demurrer was ovor-ruled- -in thocaso of A. Hormanson, man-

slaughter, and defendant ploadednot guilty.

Mostof tho foroign jury' casoswore declared roady by attorneys.

Publication was ordered in thedivorce oase of Ida-- E. Hilder vs.Frank Hildor, also in tho case ofMary Burn Vs. Jamos EdwinBurn.

an, interestno oase.P. J. Wilholm has brought a

uit in equity against John K,Robinson and. his minor childron,Isaac and Elizaljoth Robinson, forcancellation of a deed and otherrelief. Among other things thepetition sIiowb: Robinson wasa carpector in omploy of Wilhelm,and, in 1892, representing thatho was in dangor of losing certainproporty under foreclosure of amortgage made to H. Dimond,borrowed $450 from hisemployor,who took a mortgage as security.Noxt year Robinson Was in greatfinancial straits again, aud Wil-

helm let him havo another loan,the amount this time being 202.-5- 0,

This loan was endorsed onthe mortgago, On tho ocoasiouof each loan Robinson assortedpositively that -- the titlo to thoproperty was perfectly clear.

Mr. Wilhelm, hearing certainreports about Robinson's affairs,after the second loan made

and found that adeed had beon recorded in 1887,whereby Robinson convoyed theproperty in question to his minorchildren, Isaac and Elizabeth.When confronted with' this fact.Robinson doniod any fraudulentintent in the transaction.

The petition goes .on to allogetho disco'vory that Robinson hadconvoyed tho proporty to hischildron whilo in fear of anjetionfor damage on account of a dis-

graceful social flora po ho had o

involved in. Also, that hehad never giveu up tho proportyin question, but used the rentsthorofrom for' his own enjoyment,Also, thut Uie eocond loan wasobtainod for tho support of histwo minor children,

Theroforo, in view of alltho facts alleged, tho' petition-

er, prays that a guardiajnbo appointed for tho minor ohil.dron, that tho dofondunts. be oitodto appear and answor tho com-

plaint, that tho deod may ba o.in-coll- od

.and tho mortgage allowedto bo foreclosed, eto. It is statedthat tho proporty is of muoh moroyaIuo than tho total amount forwhich it is mortgaged. "W. R.Castlo is attornoy for com-


City of the Dead.

Iniprovomonts nro boing madein the 0:itholjb coraitory, whichwill mako the spot an ornamontto. King Stroot. A broad Svulk"

has boon laid to the tall dross,with branohos dividing right andloft, iu front of Uio cross. Thowalk is bordoved with, pottedplants, and thoro is a profusion ofbeautiful flowers throughout thooomotory,

Wk havo been pestered wjthquestions in rogard to tho lato"horrible murders in San Fran-cisco. Nowspapor men are sup-

posed to read everythingprinted and imprinted, but woconfess that wo havo not beenable to wado through tho raile--

long reports of tho Californiapapers dealing with themurders, To accommodate ourinterlocutors wo print iri an-

other column a concise andcorrect report Which has. ap-

peared in the Argonaut. Andhereafter we! hope that thematter will be given an eternalrest and left to oblivion, as allother nine-da- y wonders.


A Boom In Real Estate.

It is hard to sou aif tho Halo of1 nds yosturduy readied tho pricosriotod .below baaiuso the goodtimes havo roturned or becausethe silvor-tougu- od auctioneor usedhis mag'o force. It is enough tost q hat. tho following excollontpricos wor.o rbached on proportysold under foreclosure of mort-gages.

Tno Maholona mortgagos: ttousoand Lot on Prrator's Lano. Soldto Hiram Kolomoku, for 725.Taro land at Puunui sold to HarryArmmtago for $425.

Tho Poopoo Mortgage; proper yon Smith Streot. Sold to J. B.;Athorton for $2900. Land at Ka-p- a

raasold to J. B. Atherton for$500. The Vawaiple Mortgage,1 aero land in Palama, sold to SamAndrews for $650.

Novelty in: Brakes,

"W. W. "Wright, whoso wor intho carriogo-maki- ng lino has longbeon a credit to local industry,has just brought out somethingnew in brakos. It is a brakethathi'S shaft motion. At Mr.Wright's oarriago shop on PortStreot a rough brake with tho nowshaft attaobmont is on oxhib.ition.It has boon' tested on tho roadand proved to work with norfootsatisfaction. The inv ntion consists in fastening a spring to tho.upper as woll as tho lower sideof. th ataft.

Not only is tho shaft meolionabolished, but thoro is not thorattlo to tho two springs whichthoro was to tho ono. Mr. Wrightwill furnish brakes of tho choapestas woll as tho costliost styles withthis admirable attachment.. It isan improvement that will A akodriving in a brake a luxury.


Ho.rso shooing u speciality. Allwork promptly and oai'ofully


tf Terms reasonable.j. W.MoDONAMV

Proprietor.(JOG Fort Strootj opposito tho

Pantheon Stable.

ooEAisribSteamship Co.

Pop jSan prancisc'oTHE Al STEAMSHIP

AUSTRALIAWill LEAVE Honolulu for tho

nbovo port on


at 4 o'olook p.m.

Tfio undorsignod aro now propared to issuo Through Tlckotsfrom this City to all points in thoUnited Statoa .

For fuxthor particulars rogard.ing ffojght or passage, apply to

WM. & IEWIN & CO. L'd.Gouoral Agents,

v, myG 8t ,

J. PHILLIPS,Plumbpiand Tin Roofer.

71 King StreetHonolulu, IT, I.

f E B. THOMAS,Contractor and Builder

t?ir ESTIMATES OIVKN on All .Kinds ofStone, Drlck.aml Wood Work.

King lrcct. '. my3

S. KIMU.RA,Comer Allen and Kckimnaoa sts


Fjiesii Shipments Receivedby Every .Steamer from theOrient.

Goods Sold at Lowest Pricesisland Orders rccoivo special

attention. mj'4 lm

WING.WO'TAI &C0.N6 25 N:itinhu Stroor

Honolulu, II. I,

Commission , Mediants, Jmnortenl andDen era in General Merchandise, fino Mani-la Cigars, Cliineso nna Jaiienosu Crockery-wa- r,

Mattihgs. Vases of all Kinds, Cam.paorwood Trunks, llattiu CJmirs. A finoassortment of Dress Silks, choicest ttrandsof Chinese and Japanese Teas of Latest lm.portatious.

HT" Inspection of New Goods respect-full- y

solicited.UellTol,2fifl. P.O. BoxlGS.







By Every San Francisco Steamer..

Salt Salmon' Barrelsa.Specialty.

Fori SI.?'Honolulu." Tel. 240,p n. Hex 297.


Translator in Enelluli nmi irnu-it- .iEstate Agent, Cojiyist, Typewriter. StampDealer, Purchasing, Commission ami Adver-tising Agent, etc., etc., ,- -

ar Any huslness entrusted to hlra willbe.nunctually t.nd promotly attended to, aswell as all matters conUdcntlal. Hawaiianeo cctlon a speciality.. IW" Offlco, ho. 837, Klns( St., tho 'formerprlvatcolllco of E. It. Thomiia. Tho ofllco Othe native newspaper KA MAKAAINANA IsIntlieoIHce .In tho rear under tho same root


tor, Gonvoyanco,'etc.

" AH land buslncss'entrusteil tohim will bo promptly attended to.

Offlco and Residence: WnilnkuMaui.


ONE GORDON COFFEE PULPER,Hand rbwer. ' A bargain. Apply forterma at this. Offlco.

Ofllco :

Corner Borotanin fe Fort Sts.

Chanoe op Office Hours :

Du.. J. BRODIE;Daily 1 p.m. t64p'M.;Suudays

10 A.M. to 11- A.M.

Dr. H..V. MURRAYDaily 8 a.m. to-1- a.m., and 7

p.m. to 8 P.M.niyG Gt

'manufacturing JEWELER d?



tan Particular Attention paid to all kindOr ItKJ'AIItS.

Campbell Block, Merchant Streetuiyil

.. AlAYumlni1 niiislinlin- ..,

V...UUU1UI,(Snccessor ti Chas. Hammer.)

HiiRNB S S-- - MAKERKins and Fort Streets,

U prepared to moimraeturo all hinds andgrailea of Hiindmailo Harness at hor notice.

Lowest of I'rjcos for Cash,All work piianmtml lobe nalfacory be

w V4)M llUOIl(lT



twiiriFWqni-- i !! ifrririi nrn m iiiafu't"iiiiirfii'ir fnfii Vi V'J', riMlMBCSBiES!tfCtif"r'V$iWt


alList of Cases for- - the May

Juay Term Circuit ofthe' Court..1 .V


ltopnblic, of, Hawaii s. J.-B- .

Bush' and J.' Nnwnhl. Conapi--'racy, Castlo for defondants.- llepulilio of Hawaii' ys. GeorgoMal.ina,.prpjiiry 2nd degroo.

Republic of Hawaii .vs. 0. Mit-

chell,, burglary, Kaulukou fordo-fondan- t.


' llopublio of. Hawaii .vs. PutrickOullon.' Mlirclor. d BrownKinnoy to assist prosecution.,JVIagoon forulofondnnt. M

"'Eopublic of Hawaii vs Kalia- -kanila d al. Adultory. Appoalfrom Honolulu District Court.Aclii for dcfondiinls.

Itopiiblic of Hawaii, vs Kualiiet al. ' - Adultory. Appeal from.

'"Waialua District Court. Kano fordtjJondiinls. . i

Ropublio of Ilawaiiivl HnihtmaAssault with deadly weapon. Appoal from Honolulu District Coui't.Aohi for defendant, ,

1 dtbouWiQ'M IThAv'ali vs Koliika- -

laea and two others. Larceny 3ddegree.. Appeal from Koojaupoko.

' '' ''"'DistrictCourt;'Republic of Hawaii vs Kaniku.

A8SauJt).wi$h dangorous weapon.-(3- .

Brown ita no for defendantRepublic of Hawaii vs. John

Hnpa. Robbery, Carter & Kinnoy.for dufondant.


Ropnljlio of Hawaii vs William,

Fish. Failure to carry lights.Appeal from nianao DistrictCourt. Kaulukou for defendant.

Ropublio of- - Hawaii vs Kumu- -

' kon. --Malicious injury. Appoalfrom "Waitma District Court.

Republic of Hawaii vs II. ahi.

.Housebreaking. Kane

fordeondau."Ropublio of Hawaii vs J.K;-Nakooko-

Malicious burnuig2d.dqgreo. Knno-Poop- o,o fordo- -.

fondant. fRopublio of Hawaii vs. P.. J.

Testa'; Assault on p'ublio ' oflicor.Appeal, from Honolulu DistrictCourt. Kaolin for' defondant-nppolla- nt.


Hawaiian jury-civ- il:

Clio IT. Kowton ct. al. vs. S.

Kanlo ct al. Kjectmonl. Kinnoyfor' plaintiff.. Aolii for defen-


Assumpsits Oustle-Ashfo- rd for'pTaJntifF. iHitch for defendant.

Kaankai Kolloy vs. .CarolineAn'ni. Trespass. 0.' Wi Ashford

Kaulia for plaintiff. Achi for de-

fendant:' ' '?

Iiinir.0 Font va .W. .0. Achi.Dnrnago. Neumann f'i' plriintifl

Defendant in porspiun W'nianulioti


for plainUif, 'Knno-Ao- hi

for defendants?'Kiiinukoa v8 J. It. Holt Jr.

' Itoplovin. Appoal from Wnianao

Dis Court. Kaulia for ptyintiff--appollent Carter .& Kinnoy for."defoudarit.


-- J. I. Dowsott vs. Mauk'oala ot ol.'

Ejoomont, 0 Brown.' for plaintiff,,0 W Ashford for defendants

Jcssio'T. Napno vs. L. A. And-

rews, caso. V: V. Aslifprd for- plaintiff defondant in porson

J. R. Holt, Jr. vs. G. LyoUrguset aV,-- , assumpsit. 0. "W. Ashfordforplaintiflf, Nowmnnn dofond- -

nnl,H.'v' '

Pipi vs.L.Jj.McOandless. R?adcontroversy. in Ewa,0ahu, Appealfrpincornmiesionor. Davidson - for

- plaintiff ' Carter' & Kinnoy . fortlofondant-appollan- t,

Win, Mbssiman Vs, Kalitnaliau-n- a,

Itoplovin, Poopoo for plaintiff-appollan- t;

Oostlo for defondant, ;

Malii alias Koawearaahi vs. Roy;dulstan otal. EjcotmonJ..hislorplaintiff. Hatoh for defondants.

R.. W. Holt vs. Chang Fat.Ejectment,, Rosa for plaintiff.Magoon for defendant.,:

Mblo'Uli et al." Vs. ThpmosEmmsloy. Ejectment. ' Kaplir--.Johnso- n

for plnfntiiT, V V. .Ash-

ford for. defpndants. .

' Wailuu Kekaula va, V,. V.- - Aff-

ord, Aesjimpsit. Q. Bfowif for

plaintiff defendant in trm

joaqufiT'duollo ma; ii, Willi- -

ams ot.uj. Roplevin, Cartor Kinfor plaintiff.

It. It. Hind vs Jblm Spencer ctAssumpsit W. R. .Cnstlo for

plaiptiffJoo Morrio ot al. vs. Leo Hou.

Ejectment. 'Aolii-Johns-on' for plain- -


"W. R. Opforgoll ot al. vs. MaryNabuo Stovona et al.' Damngo.Hatch for plaintiffd.

Kapuakola v8. I,;D. ilaea ct al.

Ejcctmont, Cnrtcr. & Kinixpy for

plaintiffs, Achi. for defendants."' 0. S. V'osky ys. L, K. Kamaka-i- a

et al. Assumpsit. Appoal fromHonolulu District- - Court.. EttirlgB

for plaintiffs; Magoon for 'defendants-appellan- t.

Yap Kong vs. Kanuana: Da-mng- o.

Appeal' from Honolulu Dis-

trict Court. ' Kaulia for plaintiffsamiellanC'K'nub for dofondn'tit.

?i54Xtl?: i;lUs!"-- "


Itepijblia. of .Hawaii vs. TuckCheo. Extortion. Appeal from Honoluln District Court. Neumann for

defendants. '

.Republic of Hawaii vs. Joso Pe-roir- a.

Larceny Od degree. Ar--

poal froni Honolul'D:stricl Court.Kaul'ukbu for dofonda'nt. I

Ropublic of Hawaii vs. Ino (w).Deporting husband. Appeal fromHonolulu Disdrict Coui't. Kaulu-

kon for dofoilcant.Ropublic of Hawaii Vs.' AhMun.

Possession .of opium.' Appoalfrom . Honolulu District Court. '

Achi for defondant. i

Republic of 'Hawaii vs. IkuitoIgnacio. Assault and b.tttery.Appoal from Honolulu DistrictCourt. . ;Kanoaku d for defendant;

ItopubliCof Hawaii vsf Frank;.Oouycla. Larceny 3d degree Ap-pp- al

.from . 'Honolulu Districtt

Couat, Kaneakna for defondants.Republic of Hawaii vs., Loo

Quai Tong. alias Ah Tunp. Posses-

sion 9f opium. Appeal from Ewa.District Court. Fbslbr for ant.

Republic, of Hawaii, vs. H. Mor- -

'ton 'and'F. T&vos! Cruolty to ani-

mals. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court." . Neumann fordefendants. " ' .

Republic of Hawaii vs. E Nor-ri- o.

'Seditions libel. Appoal froinHonolulu 'District Court. Non-mari- n

for defendants.Ropnblio of Hawaii vs. Higgips.

Possession of opium."Appeal

from Ilonolulu District Cpurt.Kaulukou forlefendants.

Republic ofHawaii vs. Ah Pack.Possession of ' opium. . Appealfrom Honolulu Distriot Court.,Foster for defondants. Conspiracy

Ashford-Croightq- n for defendant.'Ropnblio of Ha'wsii. vs." G', Sum-- ,

mork Burglary. 'KauVukou for'

, i' ' ' 'dofondants.Republic of Hawaii vs. Harada

Matzukami land ltd. Ma'licipus

injury. . , .-

.. Ropublic of Hawaii vs. Ohong'Kih'atidst'woMothorsr,-Vidlalin- g

iSccl'lon. ,l,"Act.!21. Proy. CJov'.t

Laws; ' Appeal from .HonoluluDistrict Court., Ropnbli'p. Of Hawaii Vs." CaptainIlilL Barrotry.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs. A. Her-mons- on.

MahBlaughter." Stanley'fof dcf6ndantB.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs. Loo

Ting. Mayhotn. Achi to assistprosecution. Kaulukou for. de-

fondant. ''

? JRTr)&blivof! Hayaii vs. LingTai. Assult with intent to

ravish. "Kiiujujipn for.dofonda nl." Republic of Hawaii vs, JobDias..Liquor .selling without licenseAppoal fi'om Waialua DistrictCourt ,x .. .f '

- t

'Republic ofHawjiii vs.'lloshina.Assault and battory. Appeal, fromHonolulu District Court. Onstlo

r f'T ' i 'Republic of Hawaii vs. J. W.

Carroll. Assault jvllh' weapon,appoal from Honolulu DistrictCourt. Mpgoon for defendant.

i' .' -


. . Thds. Nott vs.' 0, T, Gnliok,guardian. , Assuinpsit. C. W.A'shford.fbr p)jiuliflV Ivinnpy'fordpfp'ndant. . I

' n. R. Maafurlano vs. Ira A.

Iiowoll.'Assumsjt, Cartel-- itKin-'no- y

for )laintiff. Hjtoh foe do-- r

fondanU . ,

Oi-as- SoluirfVs.FnwaiifinG'ov-omraon- f.

Dam'agQ. Castlo Ashford forplaintill. Attornoy-aon-of- tJ

:(dr Kinnoy ofnnsol fordpfondftuL .

Pablpf 4A'?tli6W Hnwinndovornttiont.. Annum j nit, 0. W,

.!!$! '"' MyjmiiiiiM..yr..iM..i.innf ir i, it; 1.7, j,, r yrin inr.jynTi ni-p-

Ashford for plaintiff. Altonioy- -'

Gonbriil for.'dofondhnt.lF. Hnrrfson vs. Ropublic of

Hawaii, Damago. Houtnan for,plaintiff.' Attoruoy-Gohbr- al fordofoudanL

1?. Harrison ot al". vs. Republicof Hawaii; Damago. Ncuraan for


plamtifl. Attornoy-Gonor- al fordofonclant.

F. Harrison ot a, vs. J. H.Bruns. Assumpsit. Kouman forplnintiff. Hatch for dofdndant.

M. Davis vs. California VinoCo. Damago. Appoal from Ho-

nolulu District Court. Foster forplaintiff.

Y. Ah In vs. Qhun Soo Oheong,Assumpsit, Appoal from Hono-lulu District Courts 'Castlo forplaintiff. C. W. Ashfoid for


Chin Wo Company vs. GlinnSoo Choong. Assumpsit. Appoalfrom Honolulu District Court.Castlo for plnintiff. C. W. Ash-ford'- for

dofohdant nppollant.

J. Tinkor vs. E.- - Isorrio ct nl .

Assumpsit. Appoal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Plaintiff in poison1Rosa for dbfondant appollant.

PotorHigh' vs. Oharlos Wa'll.Assumpsit. Hartwoll for plaintilF

riatcli lor uoloiulunt. .

C. Moinock vs. R. Oliver ot al.Assumpsit.. Chrlor f. .

"Anfono G. Sbrrao kvs. ' J. G'Serrao. Damaco. Castlo for plaintiff. V. V. Ashford f6r dofondaiit.

L. B. Kerr vs. Akann. AssumpsitMagoon for 'plaintiff.

J. 0. Carter, Adnjr., vs. ThoMutual Lifo ' Jusuiunco Co.Assumpsit. Cartor A"Kinnoyforplaintiff.'

Juinef, J.' Ryrno vs J.Allen et .al. Assumpsit. Havt-we- ll

for plaintiff, .jlatch. for-de'- -'

fendants.Jame.4 J. Ryrno vs-lol- Martin

cl al. Assumpsit: Hnxtwejl forj)laiutiff. Hatch for defondant.

Ah Seo vs'Quong FongWaiCo.Water controversy

Appeal from Commisionpr ofWater Rights. Hartwoll' for de-

fendant appellant. : "',

Edma - G. Tro'nsscau vs. B,Cartwright cl al. . Assumpsit,Hartwoll for plaintiff; 'Hatch fordofendaiv.

0. 1. Sanoorn cl.al. vs A. Feoket al. As?nmpsit. Neunlan rfpr'plaintiffs.' Hatoh for defendants'

H. A. "Wicloniann vs E. B.Thomns. Roployin. Carter &

Kinnoy for plaintiff. ;D. Dayton, Admr. vs A.

Droier. Trovor. --Carter & Kinneyfor plaintiff. Honmann for

. F; W, MoChos'noy, Assignop,.vs. Antono Lopoz. Assumpsit.,Hprtwoll. for plaintifl.

JURY WAIVED."William Kauahi'' VsrA'1 Chow.Tresspass. Appeal from IlonoluluDistrict Court. Kaulukou 'forplaintiff. Foster for 'dofimduntappollant,

J. "Ai Mpgoon vs. . Yco KiiigTong. Ejectment., Plaintiff inperson. Davidson for defondantappellant.

W. R. Castlo vs. Loo 'Oh'fc Samct al. Assumpsit. Appoal frBih"Honolulu District Court.Plnintiff in' pcrsori. Davidson fordefondi'nts.nppollant.

W. R. Castlo vs. Loo Chit Sanicl al. Assumpsit. Appoal fromHonolulu District Court. Plaintiffin porson.. Davidson for tiofon-dan- ts

appollant'.W. R. Ousllo vs. Loo Chit Sam

ct al. Assumpsit. Appoal' fromHonolulu District Qonrt. Plaintiffin porson. Davidson for defen-dants appollanh J

"W. R. Castlo vb. Ldo Oi.il Samt al. Assumpsit. Appeal from

Honolulu Distriot Court. Plaintiffin porson, Davidson for dofon-

dants appollant. ."..Chas Wilcox vs. W.O. Achi.

Assumpsit Appoal from HonoluluDistrict Court. V. V.

' Ashfordfor plaintiff, Kahookap.6 fordefendant-appella- nt.


Domingo Oahral vs. Niau,Iaukoa. Damago, Appoal fioraHonolulu Distriot 'ttourt. Achifor plnintiff appellant, Kaulia fordefondant.

William Kalaehao vs. L Ahloot al. V-.- Ashford for plriirttiffAchi for" defondants-appollan- t(

Moses Naaniani vs. "Kaharta.

Roployiiif Appoal frpm Honolulu.District-Court- , Aobi for plainliff- -

appollant.lKaulukon for dofondantsUnion Fsod Qo' vs 0. KJomtyo

H ot 'al, Assumpsit Appoal from

"HopfthUir.Dfetrlct'Coirri'ritKrIftiijtlilviTpolluut,James Knhia vs. Hon'oniii Sugar

Co. Assumpsit, Appeal, from . Ho-

nolulu Dlstrict'Court, Mugoon forplainliff.oppdlknt, Kinney fordefondant

S. W Pika vs Kaili, Assumpsit,.Appoal from Honolulu DistrictCourt, Johnson for plaintlff-appel- "

iant, Kahookano for dofendahtCaspar Sylva vs Malia Kaia ct ;

al; Ejectment, Hnrtwe'll:Porry forplaintiff, 0 W Ashford for dofondants

Jas B Oostlo vs.D Lokana otal,Assumpsit, Castlo for plaintiff,Aolii-Poopo- d for ddferidants

It WHiiolt vs Obb Kim, Ejectmontj. Rosa, for plhtutilT Castlo

'for defondant . .

, I'ooraa.ikolani vs. Solomon Ma:holoiia. Assumpsit." Appoal Iro,n?'rrii-1.1- . rv 'i i.'n'jir 1 ,''l.jxLonoiuiu jJiBinci, uouit. 40111for plaintiff. S. W. Maljelonafordofondnnt appollant.

M.. Tinkor vs. Wm. Maxwoll otal. Assumpsit. Appeal from 'Ho-nolulu District Court. Plaintiff inporson. Aolii for .dofondaiitnppollant.

L. P. Puuwouweiuvs. D. Kolii.Roplovim AppPal from Koolaqpo-- ,

ko District Court. . Castlo fordofondnnt. appollant.


Kahinu (w.) vs. Kalopo; Rosa,for plaintiff. 0. Brown fordofonijant.

vAnna Luddooko vs. Wl Lu'd-deck- o.

Kaulukou for, plaintiff.Wm. 0, Aclji vs. Isitbollft A.

Achi. Poopoo for plaintiff. V. V.Ashford for defendant.

S. Malu'na vs. Mary Kinn.Poopoo for plaintiff. '

Kinolna vs. Miloka Kauba (wl)Magoon for plaintiff,

August Book vs. Balbini Book.Kaulukou for plaintiff. ,

Ahsnn Ah Fook (w.) vs. L. AhFook. 0. W. Asbford for plaintiff.

Esthor K. Mahnnlu vs. A. S.Mahtiulu. 0. W. Ashford forplaintiff. ' --


Ida E, Hildor vs. Frank Hildor,Magoon, for plaintiff.

Juiia K, Koliikulamtkila . vs,

Kolilkulanakiln. Hatch . forplaintiff.. .'

Maria .1. Forroira vs.DomingosForroirn. Magoon for plaintjff.

Nancy K. Ryan vs.- - Alfred P.Ryan. C. Brdwn far plaintiff.

John Kowalo vs. LokalinNakupa. Kanoakua for plaintiff.

.' Mary;Btirn ws;-Ja(nps- J EdwinBurn. Cartor&Kinnoy for plaintiff.

Kalama Kuhin vs. KemilinKuhi'a. Smith for' plaintiff.

Louisa Essor vs;. Aug. Essor.

Kaulukou for plaintiff.


A fow daysngo a company, wan

.formed in this city who purchased fj:om C. J. Vagnor o wholeand oxcJuBivo rights for ;thoHawaiian Islands to man.iifaoturoand use tho Eoorloss ProflorvingFaint. Thpro Jiavo boon num-borio- ss

attompls to produce an.artiolo which would prpsorvoand at tho samo tiniQ protoct thovarious roofa ovor .bni)dings;onthose, islands nil of which' hnvo.mot. with inoro or loss succoss,but oapli jiossossing somo, woak--n'e- ss

in point or quality wluoli.has rendered it practically uso- -'loss in carrying out tho purposofor whioli it was intouded, Ithad boon, loft with Mr. Wjagnorto placo npon tho Hawaiian MarJcgtajaiht wllioh by oxporiino'ntand in actual, uso diiringjho'pastfew yoars has fullillod ovory re-

quirement and tho Paint is guar-ahto- od

not to scalo, ornnk, nr'rnn"it boing possessed of a body wlionapplied in whioli thoro is rto oil.spirits or ovapoj.'a,tivo Bnbstanco.iMio.main foaturos which the nowcompany ofl'ors for its uso itp'bn

roofs and its thorouchroBidta'nooto any action of hpt or saltyatmosphoro and its woiulorfnl

prosorying qualitios which fullyprovant hnyrusfc or decay, bdsidosboii'g a provontativo from ihoyravngos of posts. Tho PoorlossPreserving Co., aro propnrod tospnd . skillod workmon fdr thopurposo of applying tho paintnndovory contract tat;on by thocompany" is fully" guarantoefl;Tho prioos for this work inoludiug labor and material uvo yovy.modornto considering that thogunrantoo is against loaks, oto.,for ft poriod1 ostimft,tod upon thoage and condition of ,tio roofs.wlion, tho York iporformod,

, Tho P.oprl.oss Prosorying. Co.,will on'npRlibhtiori at llioi'r eifllep,87 .Kingfs QtVotit, .oxhinlnd 'yourroof and givo estimfitos' freo'Jbfohargo, also on priugosi'poris,oto, it diy

uklK, tt.flu



Headanartops Enterprise Brewing Co;

TUB- -

Largest Consigiiinoht" of Boor,, , ... 1, !.. .

that over, nrfived here, nq,v '

on Draiiglit .

J.. DpP, Prop'r

mmm; Wwm



Mnriposn Colo'rilcfl .May' 2Mloworft Colonlo,...,..r. ....May aAustralia Bau Franciuco Mny yAlauietlu flail FwriclHcn...S...May uChina , China ami Japan. . . , Muy 2Mlowera VnnQOUvor May 2"Australia San Tranclsco , .May 24ArftWa 'CoIohlcB ,.... .May '"7"Warrimoo Colonies Juno 0City l'okloc bnn Francisco .Juno 1

MiiripOBii nil Fnitioliico Juiio jCoptio (Ihiua-nn- JApnn....Juua IqAiiBrralla San Franoiaco Juno 27

AVnrrimoo VonconVor Jnuo2ilAtmmlft Colouioi( Ju.no 27Mioworit Colonics., July 2Aiava Sau Frniioltteo July '4

Coptio . .San Francisco July 1

iUistralla San 'Francisco July 10City. Poking China and. Japan,. ..July 'I'-

Mioirero 'Vancouver July 24Mariposa Colonies , . July 25


torMariposa S'an 'Francisco' Mny.Mlo were Yaucouver ( ... MnyAustralia San Francisco MnyAlmuoJa Colonies ...... .... MnyChina San Francisco .May2nMlowera Polonies May 2jArawa, Sau Trancisoo Maj" 3oWarrlmoo VauojUYor '. . Jnno 1

Cjty.l'ekiUg China, utu Japan , . Juno 1

Australia.'San ,Frunciaco .. . . Juno 3

Mariposa Colonies Juno 0Coptio Sun Francisco .... Juno I7Australia Sau Francisco .... Juno ?.iWarxinioo C.donlts Juno 24Miowera Vano nver July 2Arawa - Colonics .tJu'y 2Coptio China" and Japan.'.' July 14

City Peking San Francisco ,. . , . July 17

Australia 'Son- - Friihclsco . . . , Jnly 2tl

Miowera P lonles, I July 21Mariposa Sau lYancisco , July 23

Honolulu Carriage Manufactory

$e& 5?w

w. W. WRIGHT, PitorniBTOn,(Successor to 0. W6st).

CARRIAOE BUII.mNO.ANn REPAIRINO'.,from tho Other Islahils In the

Csrrlsgo- - Building, Trlmmlu(f aud. PaintingLino will' Mcot' with Prompt "Attention.

Blacksmlthlng In All Its Various BranchtsDone. P. 0. Box Ml.. Nos. 128 and; ISO


Fernandes & Gomes" '(.


California Wines

and Spiritb, ,

No. 502 Fort St., Honolulu, H. IP.O. Box '43G. .Mutual Tele HO.

111"'" -

' '

' ' Wwk&x, Etc,.Cprucr King, and Alakea'Strects..

1 1 n'IlintJ .... KA niffADQTADmur ." iwiyisxi (i


By Kveij Steamer from San Fran-

cisco, with

Fresh Fruit, Ousters,

-- . Sq(tnqPt- PoMiry- -

'Etc. Etc., Eto Eto.


iitm jQi'lt

SMSIiivw.'No, 309 King street, next, door

Brito, .Ilqno'uftt

OjiBIa 'I'fomtry Atteridetl to


w- - w irv ir ' s v


.'H.'A 1 '..;' JfjfF i BEER. .. . i

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Can't sleep, can't HIItHS'cat, tjrctl, thiraty? ty KXi

a tonic ypu wnnt. .



W4.VS iMtrs-iTlV-purllics the blood,

tickles tho palate. yWMXW'MoJWWSftip'


You drink ,


for plcasuro'and get a' rartrmiANOB DB1J4K ' tl.o wo. 1.1 r, v u- -

tJlobr,nk'.;tbnlc. You.takolt' ana "''Aic 'fiat Druait nr ur...;f r..'ir'.t. , ' '.j,tonic .pdjcetplwuure.

,.fe. WftE."pMILAnetRHMJ. '""li' 'l,.,

ISiCor.jjinpfjSN-oori- , 2SJHp;lik

Cood all the time. It. remotes the languornils the weariness of nMit Illlt.S UOMTllUEIt

....,. . . . - . 1 - -1 luxury, goon nsti 10 inc.


It Is beyond all dispute a wonderful health-givin- g drink; and It Is very easyto Understand wliv IliU U an. Tin. rnnl I.im-I.- Imrk--s nml lmrrles. from which 111BEEIt Is skillfully made,' are the Identical things from which physicians get their most helpfill remedies. For instance;. Dot,you hellevu that sarsaparlila Is 0 valuable remedy? WellIIIIIES ROOTBEKIt contains more mrsaparllln than many sarsaparlllas. Tho same la true asto other Ingretllclita. -

, ,.(' 1. , ,

It Is doing more to.ndvnneeipractlcal temperanco than many people realize It Is needand recommended by tho most cautious and rotwrvatlve tempcrande people. 'Tho mostscrupulous abstainer can enjoy IllltKS HOOTIIICKlt hlin-'l- l, anil lecommeud It to others asan agrceablu And licnUM'ul substitute for (bestl-ohj- i dihlk .whlvh he opposes.

It Is a homemade and homcmaklng beverage. It Is very easily preparcf, nud if thoplain directions nro'followed, It'wlll always be good.' Every member of tho family, from thebaby to (.ho grandfather, vancnioyJUIlES UOtrrilEElt, and every 0110 of them will havebetter health for each swallow they take. It Improves tho nppetltc, purines tho blood, aridtones the Wholo system. ' Chlldreli especially delight In IllltKS KOOTilEEll.' Itsvprepara.tlon Interests them, and Its use does (hem good. In thousands of homes, "IIIUEa HOOT-UEE-

tiiat mpther ninde,"' Will bo among thu happiest iflollcctlons of childhood.

BEWARE ! Do not confound It with other Rootbccr preparations, as it Is entirely un-like anything oleo of thu kind. jBcwnru of extracts advertised lor maklnjg Rootbccr, as theylire composed chlelly of coloring inntler i(rid Oils to give them flavor, . which excite

'tho nerves

and cause nausea.- , .

Hires Imprpved Rootbccr packages makes,drinks, yet nourishing ami strcngtncning tne mood it eicansca inosysicn 01 1110 polsonus

111 uiune and urinary disease, ami lu fact, In any caso that arises fromnumors unit uevcionun lmtmre state of tho lilooil.

-- ,..,.- . -

Hires Improved Rootbccr Is o'hcrcd to thiTpnblie-wlfl- i' f 11 voiftldeiid of its'mcrlts Itfontalus no poisonous or Injurious properties .whatever, and 1111 Infant ninvi'nkA.ii ultlrtwrfcptisafety. ., ' ntfyrr' ' tl" '' ' '"', ' ' '

t ,.. ... ', '' ' '"joliBEUS: .'.:.. : " ': .; ... :


BENSON, sMia'ii .t co. .. ,.LPWIS&CO

Honolulu, pet.

HI ""' mmtm




..;,.. IS AT


JKiiuj & Nuuanu Sts. ''WpJ

(QoiiK Street,Uotwoou Alakoa fe Itioliilrd Sts,

THE UNDERSIGNED Kto ipveparoiljtoI malco rdl ktndn otj

Iron Brass, Bronze, Zlno, f.

. l': .Tin Lend OniliuB'i

Genoral Repair Bhop for Btoam FjifiincB,-- '

Bice Mills, Corn' Mill's,

Waler WieelsJ .WhuV Mills,, etc.Maohlnos for tho Cleaning OolTee

OaBtbr.OllsBoflnfl, Ramie; Blsal,

i'Jneapplo tjoavog . otuorFibrouh'Tlants,. .' ".-- ' X

. Paper Stooki

Also Mn'cnlucfl for Eilraotingslarbli fVpi'

Uie1Ma'nloo;' ArroW Boot; otof '

y'All Ordowproinptly attbtuldil to,v .: , ' v ,..,



Silppdso Niagara's end

less stream .

f , nt' -

It might be so-- arrangedIMPHOVrCU tte.

tr M hu to'r.ic;


into nnb'riiEEi

tlMjtCtVS s Could suddenly - be


Think wliatJ a. rnecca 1

woulil liu'. ' f

Ftlr, ,)llgrlnii, day and

rA'K'it. .,,,

n'rul vi.oi.rrMii T.i nlniul anil ilrlnk muni

ol morning, sustains tho encrstes at noon,delicious....narkllnir......nnnctlxltii:. Oood as

foi anv onemll inuvi ".

really the iriost harmless ofour fashionable

CO.,) "

,.';, a ..rtVfiolcsnlpCDrfiffffisr.. ,. . .. ....,.;, A .,.,

uri,ir ! it 1. ..'l,,.,,!,SDi,,v wiuturB.


Tei.kpiiqne 245MuA'JCfc'

in- - '(




ii.Ji.'. ...


ThlB FiralQluFH Boildng Jtesorthas boon onrorgcd.and'ts now opento.tho public,'" It is tho" heat placoon the i&landB to enjoy a Bath, andthoro fs no bottov ula'co to lay o(I.Snooial accommodations for.dies. Trnmcarpasa tho door ovorylinf honrand 'on .SatuvdSys. andSiih'dnya WyfeivV nft'cbn lhit'iutos.

' '0. J, yiI.EIt.WpOD,


4vaM. n- I'liinir rr


. Cheapest Blacefoh the Islands ,;

' '

Buy Hew



and Alsd








Second-Han- d







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