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Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

Date post: 15-Jan-2015
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Introduction to Digital Hollywood Fall 2013 panel on "The Facebook Factor." Briefing on current Facebook trends to prompt panel discussion and audience introduction.
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Page 1: Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

Introduction to Session

Page 2: Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

Source: Compete.com

Page 3: Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

…so what is happening to time spent and engagement?

Source: Compete.com

Page 4: Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

Source: Ipsos OTX/KPCB

Page 5: Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

Source: Pew

Page 6: Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

Source: TPG

Page 7: Facebook 2013: Dominant, Plateauing, Shifting Audience, and Shifting Places

Source: Pew
