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Facilities Focus, Issue 50

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This is the “Golden Issue” of Facilities Focus - we are celebrating its 50th edition.
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Our Facilities Management Team has much to be proud of. The APPA Award for Excellence, highlighted on pages 10 and 11 of this issue of Facilities Focus, marks our organization as a “Leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence” which is the first line of our vision statement. What an honor to be recognized nationally by our peers in the industry. The award is really a testament to the hard work each of you put in to ‘Creating a Campus of Distinction’ at UNC Charlotte. We are 400 strong and each of you contributes to our success and the success of the University in your own special way. Thank you!

Of course we cannot rest on our laurels. There is much work to be done and improvements to be made as we start the new academic year. Students have arrived on campus and the second season of football at UNC Charlotte has begun. Many of you have been and will continue to be involved in facilitating these two important happenings.

We are entering a new era in capital construction. As the number of new buildings being constructed has dwindled, we have embarked on a season of major renovations.The final phase of a multiyear modernization of Kennedy building is just finishing. Belk Gym and Holshouser Hall renovations are underway. Planning has started for major renovations of Burson, Colvard, and the Denny Complex. Multiplere-roofing projects are underway. The good news is that the University has seen fit to allocate money to bring these older buildings up to modern standards.A project to realign Phillips Road to intersect with Craver and provide a new bridge over Toby Creek (that will not flood) will get underway this fall. This project will also include improvements to Craver and the Cameron - Mary Alexander intersection.

Greet ings from the Associate Vice Chancel lor of Faci l i t ies Management


To provide a quality learning, research,

and living environment for the benefit

of students, faculty, staff, and the

community by planning, building, operating,

and maintaining the campus of the

University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Fa c i l i t i esM a na gemen t


A leader in Facilities Management

distinguished by safety and excellence

A proficient, responsive, and adaptable ‘Team

of teams’

Providing high quality services and facilities

in an environmentally sustainable manner


Creating a Campus of Distinction


Un i


i ty of North Carol ina at C


Faci l i t ies Management

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor

Philip M. Jones

Website: facilities.uncc.edu

This is the “Golden Issue” of Facilities Focus - we are celebrating its 50th production. When we started this publication in 2001, no one could have imagined the amazing transformation of both the campus and our FM organization that has since taken place over the past decade. Throughout the fast paced changes and growth over that time, Facilities Focus has served as an outstanding communication tool. It was developed as a result of employee feedback to improve communication within the department. It has become our “family newsletter” so to speak. It is another example of excellence and continuous improvement in the department. It just keeps getting better with every issue.

I want to commend the editors and contributors who make this important initiative a reality every quarter. Beverly Imes deserves special recognition as the Editor-in-Chief who has made the effort amazingly successful over most of these many years.

As we enter this new season, stay focused and keep striving for excellence through our key business drivers - team work, customer service, and continuous improvement as we create a campus of distinction.

Philip M. JonesAssociate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management

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I ns ide th is Issue

2 Idea of the Year - Christy Case

3 Team of the Quarter Friday Sewer Repair Team

4 Safe Teams of the Quarter

5 FM Training Academy - OSHA Certifications

6 Promotions | New Employees | Awards for Excellence

7 Personnel Pipeline

8 Facilities Focus Feature - Arnold Vanhoy

9 Design Services and Capital Projects

10 Facilities Mangaement Wins APPA Award for Excellence

12 Facilities Focus Celebrates 50th Edition

14 Fiscal Year 2014 Highlights

16 BES Continuous Improvement

17 Did You Know?

18 Reuse and Recycling Made Easy

19 Sustainability

20 What’s Happening on Campus?

21 Birthdays

Philip M. Jones

Associate Vice Chancellor


Beverly Imes


Beth Brown

Solomon T. Franklin

Ronda Latham

Laurie Manderino

Shelly Theriault


Elizabeth Frere

Devin Hatley


Lee Beard

Kathy Boutin-Pasterz

Wade Bruton

Sherry Cealeigh

Amanda Caudle

Clyde Derberry

Robyn Flowers

Solomon T. Franklin

Kelly Freshcorn

Thanks to all contributors!

Facilities Management,a department of Business Affairs

Do Things Better.

Do Better Things.

Do The Right Thing.

Creating a Campus of Distinction


Un i


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Faci l i t ies Management

Fall Issue | August 2014

Please look online for the newsletter at:



Facilities Focus is a communication tool for the benefit

of all Facilities Management employees to develop a

better informed workforce, to foster a greater sense

of community, and to build morale. Your ideas are

welcomed and appreciated for future issues.

Facilities Focus Staff and Contributors

p. 5

p. 8

p. 10

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Idea of the Year - Christy Case, Facil it ies Operations


The process for the Idea of the Year award will change this year. Stay tuned for information on that. Criteria for submitting ideas is the idea should be reasonable and provide FM cost-savings and/or improve overall FM productivity in support with FM’s strategic management goals and the University’s mission. The award is presented to an individual or group of individuals who reflects thinking ‘out of the box.’

Christy not only thought “out of the box” for this award winning submission, she had four additional suggestions that were considered for the yearly award. Christy is truly the “Queen of Ideas” for fiscal year 2014.

Along with Christy’s submissions were two others that were implemented.

Kathy Boutin-Pasterz, Recycling, requested icons for Campus Police and the Environmental Health and Safety Office be added to Facilities Management’s Intranet.

Building Environmental Services’ (BES) 2013 Advisory Board proposed to develop a written protocol for appropriate communication between BES and Recycling colleagues on the radios. Since everyone shares the same radio channel (Channel 5), a documented plan to enhance communication is necessary and a high

priority. As a result, Radio Etiquette Protocol: A 10 Point Protocol was developed to maximize and enhance communication within the BES and Recycling unit.

Each person who submitted an idea that was approved and implemented received a gift. This year it was a “Great Service Makes the Difference” lapel pin.

Thank you all for helping to improve Facilities Management!

By Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning

Congratulations to Christy Casewho was presented the “Idea ofthe Year” Award. Christy’s idea was to create the Facilities Operations (FO)Work Study Student ResourcePage through UNC Charlotte’sGoogle account.

The resource page has since been implemented and includes contact information, a calendar for the student’s scheduled work days, and options for posting questions/concerns and uploading and downloading to-do and completed documents.

Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operations, stated, “Christy is always proactive and looking for ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. The site is very useful and will be an ever changing resource page.”

First Shift Members of the BES 2013 Advisory Board and Ms. Christy Case – From left to right: Sherby Price, Reginald Dempsey, Tracy Ivey,Lily McDuffie, Althea Cook, Gloria Chalco, Dawn Johnson, Virgie Fewell, Christy Case, Allen Gayden and Robert Bonds, Jr.

Phil Jones presents the “Thinking out of the Box” statue to Christy Case for the Idea of the Year 2014

Christy Case Phil Jones

Creating a Campus of Distinction


Un i


i ty of North Carol ina at C


Faci l i t ies Management

Second / Third Shift members of the BES 2013 Advisory Board – From left to right: Marta Luna, Melvin Mayfield, Catherine Harris, Rob Ervin,Tony Menton, James Revis, Raymond Duckett, Lila Bonilla, Franjo Pauler,Jonathan Bell, Catherine Armstrong, Wilfride Joline, Elzy Neely and Paul Dilgard

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Team of the Quarter: Friday Sewer Repair Team


This team was nominated by Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operation. He stated a strong pungent smell was reported near the main entrance of Friday building. After a thorough and detailed review, it was determined that a major blockage in the sewer line was the cause. The blockage had allowed seepage into a nearby steam manhole and the smell was the sewer waste “cooking off.”

The blockage was cleared on several occasions, but reoccurred after a few days. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the sewer main had failed in and around a footing for the main support column.

The repair/replacement of the sewer line was estimated to be very costly (over $110,000.00) and could potentially require a redesign of the existing sewer system.

Randy Hudson and James Mechum spent several days, including weekends, investigating and clearing the sewer line. We needed a corrective, cost-effective, and timely solution immediately.


To: Mike Klemmer, Charl ie Austin, Julio Brandon, John Cartier, Herminio Chirino, James Gentle, David Loveless,David Rogers, Gary Edwards, Randy Walter, Steve Plott , Mark Blackwelder, Phil Leonard, Sean Tracy (Grounds), Lee Beard (Central

Operations), Randy Hudson, James Mechum (Boiler Room), Michael Rogers, Jeff Efird, Mark Waters (Renovations), Jim Campbell(High Voltage) who were honored with the Associate Vice Chancellor ’s Team of the Quarter Award for Apri l - June 2014

By Ronda Latham, Building Environmental Services

Solution & PlanningFacilities Operations would bypass the impacted area by installing two new manholes, to be completed by in-house staff at a budget of < $35,000. The anticipated timeline was the 10 days between commencement and the first day of summer classes (less than two weeks).

Planning began as follows:

All utilities located by boiler room and high voltage Grounds to remove brick pavers and assist with manhole placement, new pipe installation, and connection to existing system Draw Enterprises’ to re-install brick pavers Plan for 3-4 days without functional sewer system Communication Plan – briefing Belk Business College and other impacted customers Estimated completion – 7 business days

During the course of the project, several issues arose causing delays, including inclement weather, so the deadline was extended. Gary Edwards and his team developed solutions for many of the challenges bringing the project to completion, only one day behind schedule at $20,371, well below the proposed budget of < $35,000; a University savings of nearly $100,000.

Several customers commended the team for their efforts including a clear explanation of the required steps and thorough communication. Ultimately, customers were ecstatic with the results!

The Team of the Quarter award is presented to a team with exceptional performance above and beyond expected duties exhibiting

outstanding customer service with fellow workers and the University Staff, demonstrating creativity and initiative that results in

outstanding measurable outcomes during the quarter.

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First Shift - Pictured above from left to right:

Second & Third Shift - Pictured above from left to right:

Brian Perry (Zone 3)Tom Guenther (Zone 1)Barry Kirkman (High Voltage)Dennis Kowalski (Zone 2)Josh Hyatt (Zone 7)Steve McMiller (South)Clara Marrow (EPIC 1)Jeff Efird (Renovations)Brady Burgess (Recycling)Aaron Moore (CCB)Andy Lavoie (Lock Shop)Jessica Vera (North)Chris Facente (Automotive)Charles McCann (Grounds)Bob Fitzgerald (Zone 6)Stan Gant (Fire Alarms)Patrick Foley (Zone 5)Kenyel Spaulding (Zone 4)

Loretta Cooley (West)Catherine Harris (Friday)Franjo Pauler (Library)Tomasa Bonilla (CRI)Wilfride Joline (Woodward)Billy Poston (Steam Plant)Paul Dilgard (Colvard)Marcus Brown (Kennedy)

(Statistical Information provided by UNC Charlotte Safety Office)S a f e T E AM S o f t he Q u ar t e r

The following Teams had NO accidents April - June 2014

Facilities Operations (FO)Automotive, Fire Alarms, Grounds, High Voltage, Lock Shop, Renovations, Steam Plant, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6,

and Zone 7

Building Environmental Services (BES) and RecyclingCenter City Building (CCB), Colvard, Charlotte Research Institute (CRI), EPIC 1, EPIC 2, Friday, Kennedy, Library, North, South, West, Woodward, and Recycling

Safe Teams of the Quarter

Safe Teams of the Quarter

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Safe Teams of the Quarter

Congratulations to Paula Lail, Zone 2, for submitting

the winning safety slogan for 2014-2015

Paula Lail received a set

of tools from Grainger

for winning the Safety

Slogan Contest.

Paula Lail

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FM Training Academy - Safety Training

By Clyde Derberry, Facilities Business Office

Here is a list of Facilities Management employees who completed the OSHA 30 Hour General Industry training with KW Safety (Kerry Rigg) in June 2014. All received certifications and an OSHA 30 wallet card. This training was delivered here on campus by the vendor. Major savings and greater learning retention are benefits when doing these trainings on site.

Building Environmental Services and Recycling participants

Lee ArnoldKathy Boutin-PasterzReginald DempseyVanessa DoddSolomon T. FranklinAllen GaydenMike HarrisKatherine HumphriesJenkinsGreg KishDebra MayfieldSubhash PandyaTerrell PattonBonnie PeoplesSherby PriceCandis RobinsonJoe Scollo

Facilities Operations participants

Lance AndersonLee BeardRaymond ButlerJames CampbellJoey CochranDanny DangEd DiazChris FacenteStan GantRob HerringtonRandy HudsonBarry KirkmanMike KlemmerCharlie KrausJoe LoderChris McKinneyWarren MonkDavid SmithMatt SmithLee SnodgrassPaul TaylorJames Williams

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FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Promotions and New Employees

Pro mot i ons & N ew E m p l o ye e s (April - June 2 01 4)

New Employees Promotions

Building Environmental ServicesHarvey Ballard, Charlotte Research InstituteWilliam Costello, KennedyVanessa Dodd, North AreaCynthia Kelley, Woodward Bloko Nguessan, Woodward Amabilia Ordonez, Charlotte Research InstituteJessica Vera, South

Facilities Business OfficeMonique Davis, Procurement & Grants Specialist

Facilities OperationsMichael Crawford, Zone 3 William Eaker, RenovationsChristopher Facente, Automotive Helen Giroux, Zone 5 Karen Richardson, Zone 4Earl Sneed, Zone 2Kyle Thomas, GroundsSean Tracy, Grounds

Building Environmental ServicesRobert Carey, Library, Floor Maintenance TechnicianReginald Dempsey, EPIC, Lead TechnicianPaul Dilgard, Colvard, Custodial Crew LeaderRobert Ervin, Woodward, SupervisorSherby Price, South, Lead Technician

Capital ProjectsTom Bastian, Project Manager

Facilities OperationsCalvin Buchanan, Zone 6, Mechnical Trades-AdvancedStephen Jackson, Grounds Crew LeaderSamuel Tallent, Zone 6, Electrician

Award for

RDH Boiler Repair TeamRandy Hudson, Boiler RoomBilly Poston, Boiler RoomWes Wright, Boiler Room

Site Work Support TeamGary Edwards, GroundsRandy Walter, GroundsMark Blackwelder, GroundsSean Tracy, GroundsPhillip Leonard, GroundsSteven Plott, Grounds

Applause Cards


To view awards photos and read detailed descriptions of nominations, visit:

http:/ / faci l i t ies.uncc.edu/home/awards-program/award-recipients/award-recipients

Compensatory time earnedfor the quarterly Employee Awards

Program must be used within 90 days of receipt. If you do notuse it, you will lose it!


Center City Power Outage Recovery TeamMatt Smith, Zone 3Michael Crawford, Zone 3



Lance Anderson, Zone 1Tom Bastian, Capital Projects Henry Bennett, RecyclingJeremy Cunningham, Zone 2Tony Schallert, Capital Projects

Lee Anne Tisdale, BES South

CHHS Second Floor New Office Cleaning TeamPaul Dilgard, Shari Thompson, Wendell Brown, BES West

Parking and Transportation Services RenovationAmanda Caudle, Design ServicesJames Williams, RenovationsRobert Braun, RenovationsMike Camp, RenovationsJeff Efird, RenovationsMark Waters, RenovationsTim Smith, RenovationsMichael Rogers, Renovations

Woodward Hall Chair Repair TeamKenny Leazer, RenovationsRandy Hudson, Boiler Room Joseph Johnson, Zone 1Joseph Coleman, Zone 1Thomas Guenther, Zone 1

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It’s important that we know and understand our job descriptions. This allows opencommunication with our supervisors for any questions regarding job duties andexpectations.

Although everyone receives a copy of their job description when hired or promot-ed, it can always be accessed through PeopleAdmin (https://jobs.uncc.edu/hr), the University’s Human Resource Management System. You will just need your NinerNet username and password. Not only are job descriptions shown through PeopleAdmin, but this is where everyone signs off on work plans and evaluations.

Do You Know Your Job Description?

By Shelly Theriault, Facilities Business Office

If you have questions or need help, feel free to speak with your immediatesupervisor or contact FBO-Human Resources: Work plans are handled by Beth Brown at 7-0554, [email protected] descriptions are handled by Robyn Flowers at 7-8002, [email protected]

Example of Position Description

Time for Interim Reviews Again!

Can you believe it’s Interim Review time already?

The Interim Review datesMarch 1, 2014 – August 31, 2014

The interim review process is used mid-way through the performance appraisal year toreview and discuss employees’ performance progress and provide the opportunity to

discuss any areas of improvement.

Begin scheduling time now so they will be completed by October 17, 2014.More information to come from Facilities Business Office - Human Resources.


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A Message f romthe D i rector o f

Fac i l i t ies Opera t ions

More than 25 years ago, Arnold Vanhoy began working for the State at the Department of Transportation (DOT). In February of 1990, he began working at UNC Charlotte as an employee of Belk Gym. His responsibilities included setting up for events such as golf, tennis, archery, aerobics, and swimming.

In 1998 a plumbing position became available in Facilities Management HVAC Shop 12 and Arnold was asked if he would consider taking the position. He wasn’t specifically familiar with plumbing; however, he was up for the challenge and to this day doesn’t regret accepting the position. Over the years, Arnold has moved from the plumbing trade into an HVAC position for Zone 6.

During his 16 years working for Facilities Operations, he has received numerous awards and achievements.

Wow, where has the summer gone!It seems just like yesterday we werepreparing for commencement. The campus has been a very busy place over the past few months and a lot of hard workcontinues to be completed in preparationfor a successful semester.

With all of this activity it’s also veryimportant to get away and spend sometime with family and friends. Get thosebatteries recharged...the campus hasonce again come alive with over27,000 students.

Let’s keep our focus...it’s SHOWTIME!

Lee Snodgrass in the the Dunk Tank at

the 2014 Facilities Management Picnic

Some of these awards include service awards, team awards, and safety awards. According to Arnold, the awards are nice; however, the best thing about working for the University is watching it grow and thrive.

In fact, he remembers beginning at a time when Fretwell was still under construction and Cato and Robinson Hall weren’t even built. He enjoys seeing how the University has grown from his first day working here, and where it will be in the future.

Arnold also said that another great thing about working for UNC Charlotte is the people. As with any job, he has had his ups and downs, but he wouldn’t change anything about the people he has worked with and the memories he has made.

On a personal note, Arnold has been married to his wife Laura for 16 years and they have three children; Jessie (26), Jamie (23), and Seth (21). Outside of work, Arnold and his family enjoy many hobbies and activities including beekeeping and raising cattle. He has approximately 50 head of cattle.

He is also an avid gardener and is raising several crops such as eggplant, squash, blueberries, green beans, and corn. It looks as though Arnold loves to stay busy at work as well as at home!

I know here in Facilities Operations we are certainly happy to have him here as he is to be here. Congratulations and thank you, Arnold, for your many years of dedicated service!

Fac i l i t ies Focus Feature - Arno ld VanHoyBy Christy Case, Facilities Operations

Arnold poses with Calvin Buchannan and Paul Taylor at the annual Facilities Management Picnic

Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operations

Arnold VanHoy

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Facilities Focus Feature

Creating a Campus of Distinction


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Faci l i t ies Management

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The New Modu lars are Here !By Amanda Caudle, Design Services

Design Services and Capital Projects News | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

Design Services teamed up with the Renovations Shop to work in the newly installedFacilities Management Modular Units.The first unit houses Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling who relocated from the Facilities Management/Police and Public Safety building. This unit has 11 offices, reception area with lobby, storage room, conference room, and kitchen.

Environmental Health & Safety Office (EHS) relocated from the King building to the second unit. This unit has 10 offices, reception area with lobby, file room, conference room, and kitchen.

Cheryl Lansford, Interior Designer, had the Renovation Shop perform interior painting foraccent walls in both units. In offices where the occupants did not want traditional furniture, they installed custom built work surfaces and supports.

Thank you to the following Renovation Team members who made this project a success:James Williams, Tim Smith, Jeff Efird, Michael Rodgers, Ken Eaker, Mark Waters, and Kenny Leazer.

While it might seem that work in Capital Projects has slowed down, it definitely has not. The Capital Projects team awarded $74.4M in construction contracts (13 projects) during fiscal year 2014. We are pleased to report that $26.2M or 35.2 percent of those contract dollars went to Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs), of which, 12.7 percent represents African American firms.

Only two of those projects, Residence Hall Phase XIII and the Modular Office Buildings were new construction. The remaining projects were all repair and renovation (R&R) projects, which the Capital Projects team will be doing more of in the future, as we continue to spend funds allocated to Campus Infrastructure Development (CID) improvements.

The nine roof replacement requirements for Fretwell, Steam Plant, McMillan

Greenhouse, Barnard, Garinger, Winningham, Counseling Center, King, and Cameron, were consolidated as four separate projects, allowing multiple contractors the opportunity to work on our campus and ensuring most of the disruption was finished before the students returned.

The Colvard Second Floor Renovations are underway as is the Sanford Lane Utility renovation project. The Kennedy Second Floor Renovation is close to

completion and the Cone Plaza Repairs are expected to be completed this fall.

Did someone ask, “What’s ‘tomato’ with you?” Nothing! Members of our Capital team and a few others gathered for our seasonal “mater” sandwich day thanks to Rick Ellis and his tomatoes grown in the community garden behind our building. Delicious!

By Dorothy Vick, Capital Projects

Front row pictured left to right: Tim Smith, Kenny Leazer,

and Michael Rogers;

Back row pictured left to right: Mark Waters, Ken Eaker, and Jeff Efird

“Mater” Sandwich Day

What 's Happen ing in Cap i ta l Pro jects?

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Pictured above is Facilities Management’s staff along with Ian Petrere, a UNC Charlotte senior (standing left) and Chancellor Philip L. Dubois who participated in the APPA video that was shown at the awards ceremony on July 22, 2014 in San Diego, California.

Pictured left to right are:Lee Snodgrass, Director of Faciities Operations; Kathy Boutin-Pasterz, Recycling Coordinator; John Fessler, Director of Capital Projects; Brian Kugler, Capital Projects Senior Project Manager; and Philip Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management, accepting the award on behalf of the department.



Pictured above, Phil Jones poses with the APPA Award

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Announced in the last All Employees Meetings, Facilities Management won APPA’s prestigious “Award for Excellence” for outstanding construction, maintenance, and care of UNC Charlotte’s growing 900-plus acre campus. Our department was recognized by APPA, the nation’s top educational facilities organization, at the formal award ceremony at the APPA National Conference on July 22, 2014.

Everyone in our department helped to earn this award. Therefore, we will celebrate this achievement with a breakfast for the entire staff on September 16 at 7:30 a.m. in the Student Activity Center Salons onthe third floor.

said David Cain, APPA’s immediate past vice president, professional affairs, and the chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee. “These institutions demonstrate a commitment to providing a strong learning environment that supports its educational direction.”

“The way our organization hasbeen able to manage the phenomenal growth of our University has been most rewarding,” said Phil Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management. “This includes managing a huge capital construction program while ensuring campus standards and aesthetics are unified and maintained.” Staying true to our department’s key business drivers of teamwork, customer service, continuous improvement and a values-base culture are critical.”

“We want to thank APPA for recognizing UNC Charlotte with this Award for Excellence,” said Chancellor Philip L. Dubois. “At this place, the quality and functionality of our buildings and grounds make a huge difference in our ability to recruit and retain the highest quality faculty, staff and students.”

APPA Award for Excellence nominations are in the areas of leadership, strategic and operational planning, customer focus, information and analysis, development and management of human resources, process management and performance results. An intense three-day site visit and review is required to determine winners.

UNC Charlotte is the fourth UNC system campus to win the APPA Award for Excellence since 1991. East Carolina (1999), Fayetteville State (1991) and N.C. State (2007) are the other campuses recognized by the organization.

For more information about APPA and their Award for Excellence, please visit their website www.appa.org.

The 2014 Award for Excellence is the highest institutional honor designed to nationally and internationally recognize and advance excellence in the field of educational facilities.

APPA is made up of over 7,000 education facilities professionals and is internationally recognized for promoting leadership in educational facilities. Their Award for Excellence has been granted annually to well-deserving facilities organizations over the past 25 years. We retain this honor for five years at which time we may reapply.

“Campuses that receive the Award for Excellence are true leaders in educational facilities management,”

“Campuses that receive the Award for Excellence are true leaders in educational facilities management. These institutions demonstrate a commitment to providing a strong learning environment that supportsits educational direction.”

- David Cain

Fac i l i t ies Management wins the APPA Award for Exce l lence

By Shelly Theriault, Facilities Business Office

Facilities Management leadership accepting the APPA Award for Excellence at the 2014 APPA Conference

David Cain

APPA Award for Excellence Celebration!

September 16 at 7:30 a.m. Student Activity Center Salons

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I would like to take this ‘golden’ opportunity to say, “THANKS” to the Facilities Focus staff and contributors. What may take you a few minutes to flip through, takes weeks of preparation. Data collecting, hours of layout design and multiple revisions are the behind-the-scenes efforts that go into each new publication.

It takes a coordinated effort with the help of this amazing team to produce such a high quality publication. This is not what anyof them were hired to do; however, to assist in the communication initiative in Facilities Management, it is absolutely a worthwhile cause that contributors add to theirpriority lists.

We’ve come a long way since the first issue in December 2001. It was four pages long and my predecessor, Kelly Nash, served as the editor. There was a contest to name the newsletter which we now call: Facilities Focus. I wonder if anyone imagined back then publishing 50 issues.

Visit http://facilities.uncc.edu/about-us/facilities-focus-newsto view previous issues.

Facilities Management’s 50th issue of its newsletter is a milestone only to be surpassed when they publish the 100th. Communication is the quintessential key to success with any good organization. This newsletter represents that key. As the UNC Charlotte Staff Council Chair, I know the importance of effective communication and the value of sharing information with staff members. To your continued success.Jim Kay, Staff Council PresidentFeatured in Issue 19

I appreciate the Facilities Focus because it is great to inform employees of the achievements and accomplishments by other employees.Ronnie Bell, Lock ShopFeatured in Issues 39 and 49

I have been on campus eight years. It’s pretty amazing to have seen all the changes over the years. It’s hard to get to know everybody because we are such a large group. The staff of Facilities Focus does such a good job with feature stories, campus news, and photography - always nice to learn about others. I always look forward to reading the new issues!Kathy Brown, Zone 2Featured in Issue 21

Pictured seated left to right: Shelly Theriault, Facilities Business Office; Beverly R. Imes, Associate Vice Chancellor’s Office; and Solomon T. Franklin, Building Environmental Services and Recycling. Pictured standing left to right: Devin Hatley, Recycling; Christy Case, Facilities Operations; Amanda Caudle, Design Services; Ronda Latham, Building Environmental Services; Pamela Duff, Facilities Information Systems; Clyde Derberry, Facilities Business Office; Beth Brown, Facilities Business Office; Elizabeth Frere, Design Services; Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning; and Dorothy Vick, Capital Projects

Celebra t ing the 50th Ed i t ion o f Fac i l i t ies Focus

Beverly R. Imes, Editor Associate Vice Chancellor’s Office

The newsletter contains various topics of interest and is consistent in publicizing awards, special recognition, promotions, new hires, and safety information. It provides a snap shot on capital construction and informal projects along with other timely tidbits of information. It is also an additional form of media to promote our departmental mission, vision, and values.

The newsletter staff is open to suggestions. We consider each suggestion. received and implement all feasible recommendations. To make sure we know what YOU want, we survey the FM staff bi-annually. With more than 400 staff members, we have varied readership; therefore, we try to find a happy medium between news, announcements, and stories about fellow staff members.

The ultimate goal is to provide the information and resources needed to our FM family, while also offering an outlet for us to share experiences and of course lots of photos.

Enjoy this 50th issue!

Here is what other’s are saying about Facilities Focus...

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As the monumental 50th issue of Facilities Focus rolls out, I can’t help but think about the enormous amount of information that has been shared on the pages of this fine publication since the December 3rd 2001 inaugural issue. This information is backed up by countless hours of work gathering data, writing articles, verifying facts, and assembling related photographs into the top notch publication we enjoy today.

As a proud member of the Facilities Management team of teams, I would like to extend a huge thank you to the Facilities Focus staff who have worked so diligently over the years to publish this newsletter for the benefit of the entire department. Facilities Focus is truly a fine representation of the enormous progress Facilities Management has made as we plan, build, operate, and maintain the campus of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Brian Guns, DirectorBuilding Environmental Services and Recycling

I remember receiving my first copy of Facilities Focus several months before my official start day with UNC Charlotte. My first impression was….Wow! This is awesome! This organization really recognizes and takes care of its people. Our employees look forward to reading Facilities Focus. It is just one more place to recognize them for all of the hard work and effort they put out on a daily basis.

More importantly, they get a chance to read feature articles about fellow staff members. It gives them some insight to the personal side of that individual. These connections bring our team closer as a team. We are family.

Lee Snodgrass, DirectorFacilities Operations

Within our own department the staff has grown tremendously. The “Facilities Focus Newsletter” is a good way to communicate to the department that someone has joined our team and to welcome that employee to Facilities Management. Including special acknowledgments for staff members and information of events coming up is a good way to keep the department informed.Noella J. PaquetteFacilities Business OfficeFeatured in Issue 17

Our Facilities Focus is a reliable resource to find out what is going on within Facilities Management and a format to express appreciation to our employees that go above and beyond their job.Sonia Perez, Facilities Business OfficeFeatured in Issues 29 and 45

Facilities Focus is a good way to share information to a large group who probably would not know what was going on otherwise. It is also a good way to highlight the accomplishments of individuals and teams. It was an honor to be recognized for my work and it is good when our Automotive team has been recognized over the years as part of a team of the quarter and a safe team.Bobby Robinson, AutomotiveFeatured in Issues 30 and 31

Here is what other’s are saying about Facilities Focus... Here is what the leaders of the largest units within Facilities Management are saying about Facilities Focus...Issues from 2001 and 2004

With such a large unit, it is important to share the individual stories and accom-plishments of those that make it happen. With Facilities Focus, we are able to do that.Devin Hatley, RecyclingFeatured in Issues 35 and 44

Facilities Focus has provided our shop with valuable information about what’s going on with our campus and also allows us to get to know our fellow employees a little better. It is especially nice to discover who we are outside of work and the shared interests that we all have. It’s not just a useful tool for information about where we work, but is an excellent tool for team building as well.Eric Walcott, Zone 4Featured in Issues 38 and 47

I have worked at the University for 16 years and enjoy it as much as I did on the first day. When I was selected as Employee of the Year, it was a great honor to know that people feel that way about you. I feel that we have great customers and a FM team of people that can supply all of their needs. I’m very happy to be a part of that team.James E. Williams, RenovationsFeatured in Issue 49

November 2014 will make 18 years since I came to work for Facilities Management at UNC Charlotte. I have seen many changes occur on campus throughout the years, and with the growth of campus there has also been the need for more personnel.

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FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Fiscal Year 2014 Accomplishments

Building Environmental Services (BES)

• Completed the BES Re-engineering Study and received approval from Mr. Phil Jones to implement plans.

• Conducted an (OS1) ® Baseline Audit by ManageMen Inc. (Mr. Ben Walker, Operations Director at ManageMen Inc.).

• Conducted an APPA Audit by an external Auditor (Mr. Alan Bigger, APPA Fellow).

• Work loaded three buildings {Friday Building, EPIC, Atkins Library} according to the (OS1)® team cleaning model by an external consultant (Mr. Tim Poskin, Chairman of the Cleaning Industry Think-tank).

• Hiring key components of the BES Leadership Team: Joe Scollo (BES Night Manager), Vanessa Dodd (BES North Area Manager), Althea Cook (EPIC Zone Supervisor); Rob Ervin (Woodward Zone Supervisor), Bill Costello (Kennedy Zone Supervisor).

• Solomon Franklin was certified as Targeted Selection® Trainer with Development Dimensions International, Inc. (DDI).

• Solomon Franklin received an (OS1)® Trainer Certificate.

Capital Projects

• Completed two residence halls (Belk and Hunt) before students arrived for fall semester 2013.

• Launched renovation of Holshouser and Oak Halls.• Construction in South Village progressed without

significant setback due to quarterly teaming meetings with designers, contractors, end-users and capital staff.

• Started construction of performance contracting energy saving improvements.

• Hired two architects as project managers which enhanced Capital Projects team knowledge base.

• Awarded $74.4M in construction contracts. $26.2M or 35.2 percent went to HUB (Historically Underutilized Business) firms. 12.7 percent represents African American participation. These percentages exceeded the UNC system wide participation average.

To close out the fiscal year, the directors shared some of the accomplishments in their respective units. All of this was possible by the collaborative effort of the ‘team of teams’ we have in Facilities Management. Kudos to you for the successes!!

Design Services

• Successfully crafted new contracts and extended Job Order Contracting (JOC) process for another 4 years; adding 2 additional firms for a total of 4 General JOC Contractors.

• Improved process for selecting Informal Projects list of prequalified bidding contractors for General Construction and other trades.

• Added 7 new HUB firms with high quality performance standards and results. Exceeded all Historically Underutilized Business participation goals

• Initiated new campus ADA way finding guidepost pilot program and building entry signage.

• Partnered with FIS to develop new and refine old report documents to provide increased efficiency and accuracy on project financials.

• Successfully implemented Design Services’ Customer Survey with the assistance of FIS.

• All 18 Carry Forward projects were approved for a total of $3.9 million.

• Facilities Information Systems

• Facilities Condition Assessment Program (FCAP)- Facilities Operations has made great strides setting up their templates/questionnaires towards implementing their first assessments.

• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) new features and applications. With the addition of the new GIS developer such as the new Capital Renewal Deferred Maintenance (CRDM) Map which will show live data on active and upcoming projects.

• Additional ARCHIBUS Features – added new enhancements to our systems such as LimeSurvey integration, a new streamlined process management system and a new way of exporting documents. LimeSurvey allows us to automatically email customized surveys to customers in an aesthetically pleasing and efficient way. The new process management system allows us to build approvals and workflows in a structured way using self-documenting code. The new export document allows us to export custom Word, xls, and pdf documents.

• Revamped our development processes and implemented Git versioning system.

FM Accompl ishments : F isca l Year 2014

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Fiscal Year 2014 Accomplishments | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

Facilities Business Office

• Improved efficiencies in HR processing: - Current with employee work plans. - All new/transfer/promoted employees receive a copy of position description. - Effective data management – personnel files contain signed position description and letters of offer/ transfer/promotion. - Employee Relations – increased effectiveness in decreasing the escalation of employee relation issues. - 93 percent of FM annual performance evaluations met University deadline of April 30, 2014. - 96 percent of targeted training hours met by supervisory staff (1,884 out of 1,960).• Successful Year-End Closeout: - Over 90% of all general fund balances were expended;. - All Receipts supported fund balances ended in the black.• Contribution to APPA Award for Excellence

submission win.• Applied for and received NCAPPA Grant • Increased external publicity. Eighty-two documented

mass view FM related news items in varying media channels.

• Inaugural Sustainability Magazine ready for University Marketing and Graphic Design.

• Revised and re-launched Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Facilities Operations

• FCAP Implementation.• Development and Implementation of the Building

Power Washing Program.• Realignment of shops.• Key Hiring Actions (Paul Taylor, Area B Manager;

Lee Beard, Central Operations Manager; Stan Gant, Fire Alarms Supervisor, and Christopher Liner, FCAP Manager).

• Specialty Contract Awards (ChemTreat).• Implementation of the Campus Inclement Weather

Plan.• Substation transfer from 44kV to 100 kV.

Facilities Planning

• Early College High School, East Village bridge, Music Annex, Title 9 Sports analysis, Phase XIV design, the addition of Honors College and Levine Scholars, Denny Complex, RDH, Colvard renovation as well as overall CID and space planning efforts.

• Management of Studies and CRDM - Burson, Hotel Conference Center, Health and Wellness, RDH, and Cone. Further, completion of analysis and white paper regarding future repurposing of facilities. CRDM refinements, formerly stalled, have started again with close coordination with FO and FIS.

• Sustainability - Refining and expanding upon the previous efforts; hiring a new Sustainability Officer and tripling the sustainability office’s budget as well as kicking off the Annual Sustainability Report and STARS measures.

Here is a brief update concerning the BES Supervisors and their new zone structure coming in March 2015.

NORTH AREA: Vanessa Dodd, North Area Manager- EPIC Zone: Althea Cook, Supervisor- CHHS Zone: Debra Mayfield, Supervisor- Woodward Zone: Subhash Pandya, Supervisor- Grigg Zone: In the process of hiring Supervisor

SOUTH AREA: Greg Kish, South Area Manager- McEniry Zone: Katherine Humphries-Jenkins, Supervisor- Library Zone: Candis Robinson, Supervisor- Kennedy Zone: Bonnie Peoples, Supervisor- Colvard Zone: Kenneth Foster, Supervisor

FM Accompl ishments : F isca l Year 2014

BES Re-org Update

BES is in the Implementation Planning Phase of the Re-org

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2014 Simon Institute Symposium

The Simon Institute Symposium isthe oldest and largest event dedicated to cleaning organization’s best practices benchmarking Joe Scollo, Katherine Humphries-Jenkins, Althea Cook,and Solomon T. Franklin attended the 2014 Simon Institute Symposium which was held in San Antonio, Texas fromJuly 13-15, 2014.

At this year’s Symposium attendees participated in a Campus Tour of the University of Texas, a Welcome Reception, Presentation Sessions,and an Awards Banquet. Mr. Franklin was a featured speaker for one of the Sessions. His talk focused on Facilities Management ‘Continuous Improvements in Higher Education.”

The Simon Institute is a non profit organization (NPO) that is a member of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

BES and Recycling newModular Unit (Annex Nine)

On Friday, August 1, 2014 theBES and Recycling leadership team began moving into the new modular unit, Facilities Annex Nine, Building #3009. The BES and Recycling staff that will have offices in the modular are: Brian Guns (Director of BES & Recycling), Kathy Boutin-Pasterz (Recycling Manager), SolomonT. Franklin (Program Developmentand Education Coordinator), Joe Scollo (BES Night Manager), Greg Kish (BES South Area Manager), Vanessa Dodd (BES North Area Manager), Shannon Caveny-Cox (Waste & Demolition), Devin Hatley (Environmental Educator), Ronda Latham (BES Office Manager), and Kelly Freshcorn (RecyclingOffice Manager).

The modular unit interiror was designed by Cheryl Lansford (Interior Designer, Design Services). Cheryl has done a great job on managing this project. Please congratulate Cheryl on a successful project and wish the members of the BES and Recycling Administrative team well on completing the move into their new space.

NCAPPA Microgrants

The BES Advisory Board is applying for NCAPPA Microgrants to assist with operational, logistical, and team building needs in the BES unit. Brian Guns currently serves as 2014-2015 NCAPPA President and is encouraging staff to apply for the Microgrants.

One Microgrant is aimed at standardizing all of the BES cleaning closets including the shelving units and command center solution stations. In addition, each possible closet would have a sealed concrete sloped drain system in with a three sided splash guard and a very minimal lip on the sink to do away with lifting heavy mop buckets and machines in the sinks to drain water. Water resistant material such as vinyl covering or green board should be used in the walls of the closets to prevent water damageand mold.

BES Cont inuous Improvement MeasuresBy Solomon T. Franklin, BES & R


Images of the new BES and RecyclingModular Unit (Annex Nine)







1. (R-L) Joe Scollo, Katherine Humphries-Jenkins, Alan Bigger, Althea Cook, and Solomon T.Franklin; 2. Simon Institute Symposium 2014 Awards Banquet; 3. Simon Institute 2014Program; 4. Katherine Humphries-Jenkins withTour Guide (University of Texas); 5. The Alamo (National Historic Site - San Antonio, Texas)

1. Brian Guns (NCAPPA President) and David Hatch (NCAPPA Immediate Past President) at the 2014 NCAPPA Conference; 2. Illustrationof the BES Closet Renovation Project Idea (Drawing by Paul Dilgard), created by theBES Advisory Board


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Did You Know?

Melanie WitherspoonDirector of Facilities Business Office

Victor WitherspoonMajor: Kinesiology

Brian GunsDirector of Building Environmental Services and Recycling

Joe GunsMajor: Business

Ronda LathamOffice Manager of Building Environmental Services

Ryan LathamMajor: Art

Three members of the FM Team have sons that recently graduated high school and are attending UNC Charlotte this Fall Semester. Please congratulate Melanie, Brian, and Ronda and wish their sons a successful Freshman year!

Grounds staff replenished Hechenbleikner Lake with several largemouth bass, blue gill, grass carp, redear sunfish, and others. Joey Cochran, Grounds Superintendent stated, “The new fish stocked in Hech Lake are growing nicely and appear to be very healthy. Grounds Staff continue to feed the fish to get them off to a great start. It will still be another year before catch and release fishing is considered.” Frank Milone added, “We will just have to give them a chance to grow, as long as we can keep the geese away from eating their food supply.”

Brian Kugler, Capital Projects, recently received the CEFP (Certified Educational Facilities Professional) certification. He is pictured here at the recent APPA Conference held in San Diego, CA.



New CEFP Certification: Brian Kugler

Hech Lake Has New Residents

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By Devin Hatley, Recycling

Last year, the University’s waste diversion rate was approximately 40 percent...that’s over 2.3 million pounds of recycling collected! As a large University and community leader, it is important we re-use and recycle to keep waste out of area landfills. The number above demonstrates our strong commitment to controlling our ecological footprint. Imagine how many more tons will be diverted if we can improve our efforts by just a little bit?

The Recycling Department at UNC Charlotte has got you covered. For starters, bins and collection areas are provided throughout campus for more than 40 items. If you don’t see a recycling bin within your area and would like to request one, please contactKelly Freshcorn at 7-0607.

REUSEIf you are moving or cleaning out your office, contact Recycling at 7-0607 and we will provide you with a large bin to collect any recyclable materials that you have and then take it away upon request

If you have books, binders or office supplies (that wouldn’t be taken by surplus) you no longer need, contactus and we will store them for our“Take it or Leave it” tour. We collect these things throughout the year and then give them back to the campus community periodically.

See the following other ways below:

POSTERSDo you have a recycling poster in your area? If not, you can download it here https://facilities.uncc.edu/sites/facilities.uncc.edu/files/media/Recycling/Paper%20poster%203.pdf

Re-Use and Recyc l ing Made Easy

OUTREACHWe provide outreach and education to the campus community through events, various forms of media, face to face interaction and always welcome volunteers. To learn more, follow us on Facebook and Twitter @unccrecycles, or visit our website at uncc.edu/recycling. If you would like to have someone visit a staff meeting to present recycling information, contact Devin Hatley, Environmental Educator, at [email protected].

RECYCLING IN YOUR OFFICEEach employee should have a mini trash bin that fits inside the desk side recycling bin. Although it is your responsibility to empty your personal bins into the larger bins located nearby, our staff will collect them from there. If you are missing the mini trash can, please contact Ronda Latham at 7-0603 or [email protected] . If you need a blue desk side recycling bin, please contact Kelly Freshcorn at 7-0607.

Example of office holder’s trash and recycling

Take It or Leave It Tour

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Poster Recycling outreach event

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By Devin Hatley, Recycling


Charge Sta t ions

ZERO WASTE Football Returns

Commuters and visitors to UNCCharlotte will soon be able to charge their electric vehicles on the main campus thanks to a new grant from the Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Program. Public vehicle charging stations are currently available only at the Center City building uptown.

The $52,000 award will pay 80% ofthe costs to install 24 charging sta-tions in the South Village and CRI parking decks. The project was particularly cost-effective for the funding agency because of the fore-sight of UNC Charlotte: these new-est parking decks were designed and built with some spaces wired for charging stations. The new equip-ment will be Level-2 chargingstations that can charge an electric

or plug-in hybrid car in 4-8 hours,measure the electricity use, andcollect payments. Parking andTransportation Services agreed toprovide free electricity during the grant period to meet the funder’s goal of encouraging the purchase and use of electric vehicles. Elec-tric vehicles are the fastest grow-ing category of vehicles in North Carolina, with registered vehicles doubling each year.

This will also include some recentwork to add charging stations forcampus electrical vehicles at theFacilities Management Building.The grant proposal was submitted by Mike Lizotte (Sustainability), Gary Caton (Parking), and Joey Cochran (Grounds).

UNC Charlotte’s second season offootball is in full effect. The first homegame is September 6.

Do you want to see the game free?

Volunteer to assist with the ZERO WASTE recycling program. Contact Devin Hatley, Environmental Educator, at 704-687-0606 or [email protected] for more information.

The Recycling office gives all volunteers a ZERO WASTE t-shirt to wear at the game, cold drinks, snacks, a coupon for $3 off an $8 meal, and unlimited gratitude!!

Check the schedule and let us know which date(s) you can help.http://www.charlotte49ers.com

By Mike Lizotte, Facilities Planning

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Did You Know?... You can go to the Campus Special website:http://www.campusspecial.com/unc-charlotte/couponsfor all types of discounts for UNC Charlotte faculty/staff.

Mark Your Ca lendars

October 16 2014 (1st Shift)

10:00 am | Cone Center, McKnight Hall

October 30 2014 (2nd/3rd Shift)

10:00 pm | CHHS 281

This All Employees Meeting is designated for questions from our staff to our leadership.

Please submit questionsfor Mr. Phil Jones and the directors to address


[email protected] or call 704-687-0513

by October 1

September1 -------Labor Day | University is Closed16 -----7:30 a.m. APPA Award Celebration Breakfast (Student Activity Center)

October6-7 ----Fall Break | No Classes7 -------Fall Festival (Student Activity Center)17 -----Interim Reviews Due22 -----Campus Clean Up24 -----Strategic Planning (Grigg Hall)

The UNC Charlotte Staff Council will host its annualFall Festival for approximately 3,000+ UNC Charlottestaff members on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 from11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Student Activity Center, lower level and outside. Free Food, Games & Prizes. Hope all can make this exciting event!

Picn ic H igh l ights May 16, 2014 was our 13th Annual Picnic. Nice weather, friendly faces,and delicious food for all. The dunk tank was the new hit this year!

Fac i l i t ies Management Annua l Open Forum Creating a Campus of Distinction


Un i


i ty of North Carol ina at C


Faci l i t ies Management

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Happy B i r thdayAugust - October 2014

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The University of North Carolinaat Charlotte

Facilities Management9201 University City Blvd.Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

We S .H .A .R .E . Fac i l i t i es Management Va lues :Sa fe ty , Hones ty and I n tegr i ty , Accoun tab i l i ty , Respec t fo r O thers , Exce l l ence

We just began planning our annual Holiday Party which will be held in December. To make this event a success, we still need a representative from a few more units.

Supervisors, please send Beverly Imes ([email protected]) the name of your volunteer today.
