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Facing the Powerful Influences of Peer Pressure

Date post: 07-Apr-2017
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www.SharonBallantine.com Facing the Powerful Influences of Peer Pressure Coaching Your Child to Choose the Right Path


Facing the Powerful Influences of Peer Pressure

Coaching Your Child to Choose the Right Path


“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine



Almost everyone has had to deal with peer

pressure at some time in their life.


Peer pressure is a powerful influence for anyone at any age, but for teens and even pre-teens, it has

its most powerful grip.


It is plausible that even the most well adjusted, confident and supported

children will have times in their lives where they just want to go along with the

crowd and fit in with their friends.


There are likely few parents in the world who haven't heard their

child declaim: “…BUT EVERYONE ELSE IS



It is part of the job of being a child to learn about the world

and find ways to fit in.


As they delve into the world of experience, children

gather information and data and they begin to uncover what they like and dislike.


Our IGS (Internal Guidance System) is what guides us through the world helping us to recognize

when we like something.


As we become sensitive to it and listen, it will help us to remain on our true life course and it can also prevent

us from taking the wrong course in life before we get too deep into it.


Peer pressure is a form of interference to the internal guidance system. In the same way that a radio signal might be corrupted by static, your child’s IGS can be corrupted by the powerful forces of peer pressure.


The “static” of peer pressure can effectively disconnect your child from tuning into their



It is a fact that we cannot protect our children from making poor

choices by taking away their option to make them.

Children will experiment with different hobbies, clothing styles, peer groups, musical tastes, etc…

Some of this experimentation may be difficult for us to cope with and

some will be easy.


As parents, we want to protect our children, but there are times when the

only way for our children to learn will be by experiencing the results of their

choices. Sometimes they will need to experience what they don’t want in order

to learn what they do want.


As effective coaches and mentors for our children, we need to teach them to tune into their IGS and to

think for themselves.


It is our role to remind our children to tune into how they feel in different

situations. Ask them if they feel positive or uplifted, do they feel

important or empowered? Also check in with them about whether those feelings last or if they are fleeting.


Help them to recognize that their feelings are their IGS working to steer them in the direction that is

best for them.


In addition to teaching your children to tune into their IGS, always encourage them to speak truthfully, even if it is at

the cost of losing their friends or alienating themselves from others.


By teaching your children to listen to their heart and tune into

their IGS, and by encouraging them to always lead from the

place of their deepest truth, you will be providing them with the

most valuable tools for a successful and happy life.


Ultimately, our children must walk their own paths through life, but parental

coaching and mentoring along the way will enable them to face their challenges

with grace and confidence.


Inside you will learn:· What is your Internal Guidance System & how you can benefitfrom it.· Learn the value of trusting your IGS· Tips to help your children use their IGS



“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine


For more advice on positive parenting and creating the life you want, visit:
