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Factual writing presentation

Date post: 20-Jun-2015
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Page 2: Factual writing presentation


This leaflet uses a range of typography. It ranges from a very plain comic sans font. Which is seen to be aimed at adults. This is used in a certain area of the leaflet which suggests that this area is aimed at a more adult like audience. Then on another part of the leaflet the typography changes to a fun like font like hobo std. This font is a lot bigger than the other font and it is bold and stands out a lot more. It seems to be that this font is more child friendly compared to the comic sans which suggests that there is an area on the leaflet for children.

There is a illustration next to this piece of writing which is child like this links with the child like typography, There is normally a illustration next to a piece of factual writing that backs the piece of writing up and this is a piece of factual writing for children that has a illustration to support this writing.

This leaflet is a lot more biased towards nature as it a leaflet for the national trust. You can tell this from the way that nature is spread all over this leaflet. They are more biased about protecting the environment because that is what the national trust is about. Through this they use words like ‘Help’ , ‘Protect’

This leaflet is clear and has a really good clarity. It all is in a neat order. Which makes it simple to read and this is effective communication. Each topic is put into a section of the leaflet and the appearance changes on who the section is aimed at for example adults and children. It is easy to understand because of this. This makes it simple to the audience and the layout is clear and organized.

The leaflet uses appropriate language for the audience. It uses middle class language and does not use slang or abbreviations. It is formal and uses such words as ‘neighboring’ which you would not necessarily see In more lower class pieces of writing. It has to have a more formal

approach to the language as they are members of the Royal Society Of Wildlife Trusts. This is in bold so the audience notice this more. This is using persuasive language.

This leaflet uses the main colour red. This is a very noticeable colour. It makes the leaflet stand out. It is not that colour is sticks to a colour scheme of natural colours, red and blue. It has to look smart as it representing a very important element.

Page 3: Factual writing presentation

This section of the leaflet is where legal constraints and codes of protective, because this area is dealing with peoples money and bank details that need to be protected. There will be rules and regulations for this and once it gets to the department that sorts the money out they will have to follow legal constraints to ensure that the peoples bank details are safe and no not go missing.

Page 4: Factual writing presentation

Instruction Manual: This is an instruction manual which is telling you how to use a product. This is the purpose for a instruction manual. As you can see this a step by step manual for using this product. It shows you want to do and where to place it and how to use this product.

There is a women and men's section for the instructions. So it does not gender discriminate. Which is following codes of practice following trading standards.

This instruction manual has a very good clarity. It is very clear to their target audience. This is by having sections and keep large amount of space between each instruction so the audience does not get confused. They have also added illustrations to go with the text. This supports the text and makes the instructions a lot more clear of what to do. Factual writing typically has illustrations that come with it to support the text. This is what this instruction manual has. The text is spaced out so it is easy to understand and there are columns to organize the page into sections to make it easy to read. I think this instruction manual has a really strong clarity.

Conciseness- There is only a few words per action explaining what to do and this is effective communication as it keeps the text short so people want to read it and are not bored. This keeps it really simple and follows the clarity affect.

The typography on this manual is very bold and clear. It isn’t anything special and follows the lines of Ariel and Calibri. It is universal and can be used for both genders. It is very adult like which shows that this piece of equipment is for adults. It is a high contrast from the background to make it stand out.

The language used on this manual is pretty straight forward and simple. This is so people can follow the instructions easily. It does not used big words and it uses a non formal language. It abbreviates the sentences to keep it short e.g. straight above head, they missed the your

Bias. I can’t say that this instruction manual is biased as such but it shows there product in a way in which makes you want to use it. It would be biased towards health and keeping fit because this is what this product is about and this is what this product is explaining.

This instruction manual has to accurate and to my eyes it does look accurate so you are able to follow the instructions to use the product correctly.

Here this shows how the women and mans section are shown on the instruction manual. They have each section labeled which links with the high clarity of the piece.

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How to guide: This is a how to guide to contouring. This shows you how to apply make up to certain areas of the face to create a heavily contoured look. This gives the reader advice and tips to completing a task in this case contouring. It can be step by step like a manual but this is not.

This piece from the text of this how to guide gives you advice on how to make your lips look fuller.

Typography of this how to guide is a very soft font which suggests that it is very girly. It is very small and almost cute looking which shows that this is guide aimed at girls. It is a Calibri like font but it is in italics for the titles of the page and normal for the instructions.

This how to contour guide has a very strong clarity. As you can see it is all spaced out and has arrows that point to the part of the face that the text is on about. This is effective communication and makes the guide clear and easy to understand for the audience. The font is spaced out and is in short hand to keep it simple and not have mountains of text. The clarity of this how to guide is spot on and I think they have got it just right as it makes the audience want to read it.

This uses as few words as possible. It uses short hand writing to explain what to do/advice and tips. This keeps it really simple and allows there to be a strong conciseness. For example it says ‘Highlight: Top of the chin. Instead of using a proper sentence.

This uses illustration to support the text for example there is a illustration of a women's face with different highlighted areas to shows the audience when to apply what the how to guide Is showing.

This how to guide is biased about make up as this is what it is showing. But it does not necessarily mean that this how to guide shows that it is biased. It is very soft. It does not push make up in your face when you read it. This does not show that it is biased. It shows that it could be but is not.

This avoids ambiguity by showing there is clear information. It tells you exactly what to do and is clear about the tips and advice there is no room for people to interpret other information. As it is very straight for

The language used in this work is very simple and shorthand they use ‘:’ to create shorter sentences. The language is in the middle of formal and slang. They do not use really formal language yet it does not use slang and abbreviations. It’s just easy language for the audience to understand.

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This is a factual writing piece of Journalism. This is information us about an event that is happening and communicating to the audience about the facts of the occurrence. This is in an news like format as it come from The Guardian news paper website.

The typography used here is an Arial font which is very plain and nothing special. This shows that is aimed at adults and it shows that it is newspaper story. It’s a universal font so any one can read it. The title is a lot bigger than the rest of the writing to catch the audiences attention. The typography is nothing special and they needed to go for a plainer font so people would be able to read it clearly. The clarity of this piece of journalism is very effective as it is all organized and clear. It is spaced out and separated out so that there is a main layout style. You have a clear title and article that is separated with spaces by a picture. It is easy to understand which is an effective communication.

This does not follow conciseness as it can not say as few words as possible. As this is a news article it has to be descriptive and it has to engage in all the facts and add as much in as possible to create a detailed news article about the subject and this instance the subject is about the Shetland Islands.

The writing has a picture to support the text. This typically comes with a piece of factual journalism as it supports the writing and gives the reader a vivid understand of what the writing is about. In this case It shows the mother and daughter that are mentioned in the article. I suppose that this is to show that it is actually affecting real people and you can see the people that it is affecting.

This article must be accurate this is because it is delivering information to the public. You can believe that this is the right information due to there being a photograph and quotes.

A journalism piece could definitely be biased as there is a story and there is obviously two sides to every story but it takes the story from two different sides and shows this in the writing. For example on the right it shows that the young girl is upset but then shows the other side and says the council know they will have a better education. This article is not being biased even though it could be.

This avoid ambiguity as it presents clear information in a column and backs statements up with quotes .

This uses formal language because it is a national newspaper and is aimed at a higher class audience. As it is aimed at a more academic audience they use formal words and language style to accommodate there audience. Also they have to be professional so they can not use slang as that would not be professional.

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This journalism piece is evidencing an argument between two opinions which in this case is whether or not children on the Shetland islands should be sent away to boarding school. This argument has two sides and this is shown by there being two paragraphs. One of the paragraphs shows the young girls point of view and the other shows the councils point of view. This clearly explains both sides to the story for the audience to chose what they thing is right. They explain issues and benefits for both dies which is evidencing the argument well.

This news article uses a lot of sources such as people. They have take a a young girl living in the Shetlands and they have used the council as another. The reference these sources well as the tell the audience who the source is from and how they are related to the situation. The photograph is clearly labeled underneath. So you understand where the image comes from and how it is relevant. Quotes are correctly attributed through out the article.

Legal constraints will be considered as this is an article. As they are talking about news gagging orders will have to be thought about as they can not releaser anything that has a gagging order on it. As it is a piece or writing by a journalist and is published online practicality in journalism has to be thought about. They can not write anything that is going to offensive towards people and they have to think about what is suitable to write. In this specific news article they have been practical and they have not written anything that could be offensive to either of the argument. They have been sensible and they have not been biased. Issues of libel needed to be taken into consideration as well.

Codes of practice needed to be thought of as well as this is a news article published online. Things like editors codes of practice, ASA guidelines and NUJ codes needed to be thought about as they needed to follow rules and regulations. This article seems to follow all these regulations as there is not anything that is inappropriate to the story. The main codes of practice that needed to be taken into consideration must be editors codes practice. As it is a news story by a journalist.
