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Factweavers capability document

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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Factweavers Capability document Site - www.factweavers.com Contact - 09995311676
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FactweaversCapability document

Site - www.factweavers.comContact - 09995311676

Page 2: Factweavers capability document

Why Factweavers➢ Team powered by Elastic certified trainer

➢ Completed and delivered over 10 end to end solutions over the span of 2 years since inception.

➢ Specialization in the search and analytics stack

➢ End to end capabilities on building web based product

Author of the most referred book in Elasticsearch called “ Elasticsearch Blue prints’ was completed by Architect at Factweavers. It is the first book from an Indian to get the position of authorized reference for the new segment of data management.

Authored a book on Lucene 4. Lucene is the heart of Elasticsearch and is what enabled the text processing features of Elasticsearch.

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Platform architecture

Data ingressData is loaded from various sources like Excel sheet , SQL server , API like twitter or storage system like S3

Search databaseData is stored in a search and analytic document database like Elasticsearch

Visualization1. Authentication using

Node.JS/ Passport

2. Analytics and search using search database

3. Web pages using ReactJS / Javascript

4. Visualization using D3.js , amCharts

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Technology stackData fetching1. Java 8

2. Logstash

3. Node.JS

4. Phantom JS

5. Python Scrapy

6. Apache Nutch

Data analysis Big data1. NLP using GATE

2. Machine learning

3. Named entity analysis

4. Event analysis in text.

5. Sentiment analysis

6. Semantic web analysis based on ontologies

1. Elasticsearch

2. MongoDB

3. Kafka

4. Flume

5. Redis server

6. Apache Spark

Visualize / API1. Node.JS

2. React.JS

3. D3.JS

4. AMCharts

5. Vert.x

6. Drop wizard

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Social Media Analytics - OCTOBUZScope

➢ Feed fetching from twitter , facebook , instagram and news media

➢ Sentiment analysis

➢ Location detection on origin of the feeds

➢ Visualization , search and analytics on the feedsAdvantage

➢ 360 degree view on social media on any topic

➢ Topic analysis for easy understanding of topics

➢ Exportable reports

➢ Highly configurableTechnologies Used: Elasticsearch , Java8 , Flume , node.JS , MongoDB , AMCharts , D3.JS , NLP , Cluster analysis

Factweavers Solution➢ Use GNIP API to receive tweets of interest.

➢ Kafka queue to absorb high volume of feeds from GNIP

➢ Use Facebook API to fetch facebook post , comments and other information

➢ NodeJS/Express/Passport for Authentication and HTTP server

➢ Elasticsearch as document storage engine , Search and analytics

➢ Spatial / Temporal analysis

➢ Topic modelling

➢ AMCharts and D3.js for visualization

➢ Complete UI/UX design inhouse

Online Access - http://www.octobuz.com

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Financial News Analytics - MEDIABUZZScope

➢ Fetch news articles from various news sources via RSS or twitter

➢ Freebase analysis to extract all location , person , company entities

➢ Temporal analysis of feeds

➢ Entity analysisAdvantage

➢ The system make sense out of the news data and present a semantic layer to make more meaningful semantic search

Technologies Used: Elasticsearch , Java8 , RSS parsing , D3.JS , NLP , Twitter API fetching ,Freebase

Factweavers Solution➢ Created a component called data fetcher which is capable

of taking various RSS links as input and fetch news from them incrementally.

➢ Create component for parsing text news out of HTML news link.

➢ Created component for parsing news and extracting named entities and events.

➢ Build UI based on D3.js for visualization and search

Online Demo - http://factweavers.com/mediaBuzz

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Network analysis - SKOPOSScope

➢ Aggregate logs from different network device

➢ Construct topologies of the network.

➢ Apply various analysis like anomaly detection , path analysis and bug database correlation

Advantage➢ Detect Configuration errors.

➢ Compare topology changes and traffic flow from device to device.

➢ Real time alerting.

➢ Highly configurable User Interface.Technologies Used: Elasticsearch , Python, D3.JS , Cluster analysis , Multi threding

Factweavers Solution➢ Log and configuration extraction using protocols like


➢ Custom solution using python.

➢ User Interface to configure fetch schedule and protocols and device IP addresses.

➢ D3js for visualization.

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Amazon of Drones - DronoflyScope

➢ Fetch the news articles about various kinds of Drones from different sources

➢ Users can also contribute to articles/news

➢ On the fly search and categorisation of drones.

➢ A forum for discussion amongst the usersAdvantage➢ All news and information about Drones in a

single page.

➢ Categorisation of each news under appropriate tags, thus helping to make fast and good insights

➢ Allows users to discuss and rate the findings, thus providing valuable feedback

Technologies Used: Elasticsearch , node.JS , MongoDB ,React JS.

Factweavers Solution➢ The Factweavers data fetcher tool scraps the internet

for the news and articles related to drones.

➢ The articles are parsed and then pused to the admin database.

➢ An admin section was also designed inorder to enable the news addition manually.

➢ Admins can approve/edit the news/article in the UI.

➢ Approved news is shown in the dronofly.com

➢ Elasticsearch as document storage engine , Search and analytics

➢ Complete UI/UX design inhouse

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Knowledge base for BigData - BIGDGURU Scope

➢ Collect articles related to big-data, which include technical and non-technical ones.

➢ Users can also contribute to articles/news

➢ On the fly search on the articles.

➢ A forum for discussion amongst the usersAdvantage➢ Insightful articles and news about the hot

domain big data under the same roof

➢ Categorisation of each news under appropriate tags, thus helping to make fast and good insights

➢ Forums and threads for engaging users to discuss on the articles or topics.

Technologies Used: : Elasticsearch , node.JS , MongoDB ,React JS.

Factweavers Solution➢ The Factweavers data fetcher tool scraps the internet

for the news and articles related to big data.

➢ The articles are parsed and then collected in an admin database.

➢ An admin section was also designed in order to enable the news addition manually.

➢ User contributed articles are also incorporated in the admin database

➢ Admins can approve/edit the news/article in the UI.

➢ Approved news is shown in the bigdguru.com

➢ Elasticsearch as document storage engine , Search and analytics

➢ Complete UI/UX design inhouse

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Thank you
