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Faculty of Dentistry - Year One Report: 2015

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DEAN’S MESSAGEWe are now well underway in implementing the Faculty of Dentistry’s Strategic Plan 2014-19. Many faculty, students, and staff have devoted a great deal of time as part of their commitment to the Faculty’s twenty-one Working Groups, charged with achieving the priorities delineated for our first twelve to eighteen months. As our plan states, we are committed to monitoring and tracking our progress. This document represents our first progress report as of June 30, 2015.

We have also determined our priorities for the coming year. These 12 goals are aimed at bringing us another step closer to achieving our overall objectives of our five-year plan.

As a Faculty, we remain committed to our vision of improving health by advancing dentistry through inspired leader-ship, innovation and excellence in education, research and practice. As we implement our priorities, we remain true to our values of excellence, ethicality, respect, compassion, collaboration, accountability, and social responsibility.As we look forward to this next phase of implementation, it is clear that challenges remain. Yet, through commitment and distributed leadership, I am confident that we will reach our objectives.

I want to thank the 2014-15 Implementation Committee for their work in achieving so many of our goals, and espe-cially, our Strategic Direction Leadership, which includes Bernhard Ganss, Jim Yuan Lai, James Posluns, and Howard Tenenbaum. I also want to thank the 2015-16 Implementation Committee, whose members have been tasked with bringing to fruition our strategic priorities for the coming year:

Again, I want to thank everyone involved for their dedication to making the Faculty of Dentistry the very best it can be. I look forward to working together as we make steady progress on our goals.

Daniel Haas,Dean, Faculty of Dentistry

Chair: Daniel HaasGrace Bradley Mary Choi Bernhard Ganss Jim Yuan Lai Ernest Lam

Lindsay LouwagieMorris ManolsonJames Posluns Carlos Quiñonez Howard Tenenbaum Erin Vollick

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Lead: Jim Yuan LaiWorking Group: Grace Bradley, Laura Tam, James Posluns, Margaret Edghill, Shael MarkinProgress to June 30, 2015:

The working group developed a plan to facilitate better communication and integration of the undergraduate curriculum. They reviewed the DDS and IDAPP courses and aligned them into 7 related course groupings. This plan is now in place and sessions with course directors are now in the process of being moderated for each group, where course objectives and outlines will be shared in advance. Each group will discuss the course topics, sequencing, and how to improve horizontal and vertical integration.This information will inform a revised, more coherent curriculum. Progressing into the implementation of curriculum renewal, this priority will now evolve into next year’s Priority #1, including exploring the feasibility of core curriculum.

Status: ☑ Completed

Create a plan for a renewed undergraduate curriculum to streamline and improve coherence, creating core curriculum and electives.




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Lead: Grace BradleyWorking group: Jim Yuan Lai, David Cornell, Wafa El-Badrawy, Gajanan Kulkarni, Johnson Cheung, James Fiege, Margaret Edghill, Shael MarkinProgress to June 30, 2015:

In looking at improving teaching quality, the working group revised and developed new questions for Course Evalua-tions and Lecturer Evaluations for clinical and preclinical. These new course evaluations and evaluations for didactic lecturers were implemented this year. The evaluations for DDS4 clinical instructors are being pilot-tested online, with the use of Survey Monkey. Further, members of the working group met with the University’s Centre for Teaching Sup-port & Innovation (CTSI), and have developed plans for implementing online course evaluations. This work has set the basis for next year’s Priority # 2 to renew, standardize and strengthen evaluation, testing and grading of students, including student self-assessment.

Status: ☑ Completed

Assess needs regarding teaching quality and develop programs to outline and implement interventions.


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Lead: Carlos QuiñonezWorking Group: Jim Yuan Lai, James PoslunsProgress to June 30, 2015:

A number of outreach sites have been initiated in community settings, both locally and globally. Sites already imple-mented for 2014-15 include St. Michael’s Hospital and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto. International opportunities have been initiated in Uganda and Ethiopia, which will start in the next academic year.The process to pursue increased opportunities for service learning is underway. It has been decided to pursue this at 3 levels: the GTA, underserviced areas in Ontario, and internationally. The following is being conducted:

• Further define the pedagogical objectives, in order to give direction to the program directors, including objectives for learning, student outcomes, reporting templates, etc. • Exploration of sustainable funding opportunities for international placements (e.g. donor options).• Incorporation into the curriculum.• Long-term plan to appoint a program coordinator to oversee program development, monitoring and evaluations, and growth.

Status: ☑ Completed

Initiate outreach opportunities in community settings that serve populations in need.


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Lead: James Posluns Working Group: Karen Burgess, Rhea Gold, Laura TamProgress to June 30, 2015:

A thorough assessment of patient flow was completed. It was determined that patient intake will remain as two main portals, that being Oral Diagnosis and Emergency. A thorough assessment of how patients are distributed to students was completed and it was determined that initial random distribution was effective. Overall, the number of completed cases per student and per class has increased and the average time required for completion has decreased over the past 18 months.

Areas of need were identified in patient reception. Patients are able to register and pay over the telephone. Manpower was increased through the hiring of an additional reception position. Improvements are underway that will decrease wait times both on the telephone and in patient reception. The kiosk is being retrofitted with a telephone and a comput-er. An individual will staff the kiosk and will serve to assist patients as required.

The Access to Care Fund application process was improved. Students are required to orally present their applications to a small committee. The student is actively engaged in a discussion about need and the role he or she would play in delivering potentially life-altering treatment. Decisions regarding coverage are made immediately following the presen-tation, enabling the student to commence treatment for a patient in need without delay. Overall, the utilization of Ac-cess to Care funds and the number of patients benefiting from Access to Care has increased over the past 18 months.

Extended hours are being considered and continued to be discussed. Improved patient education materials were pro-duced and will be distributed beginning in September 2015.

Status: ☑ Completed

Undertake a thorough assessment of how patients are guided and monitored through treatment in an effort to improve overall experience.



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Lead: James PoslunsWorking Group: Romanita Ghilzon, Rhea Gold, Richard Rayman, Laura TamProgress to June 30, 2015:

Multiple meetings and discussion have taken place over the last 12 months to assess and to evaluate the balance between the core experience and comprehensive care as it relates to student learning. Efforts were made to assist students in developing treatment plans that were acceptable to patients from the perspective of complexity and the perspective of finances. The mechanics of exactly how patients are distributed to students were examined in detail. The working group concluded that while it may be efficient to select specific patients for a particular procedure later in the term once a student has identified an area of need, a random approach to distribution mimics private practice and generally provides students with a well-rounded clinical experience. Overall, student exit surveys indicate an adequate exposure to multiple areas of dentistry. Overall, the opinion of the working group is that a greater emphasis should be placed on delivering care using the comprehensive care model, with a greater dependence on the disciplines determining competency through means oth-er than numbers. While this shift in assessment fundamentals appears daunting, in reality, it is already partly in place. Students continue to focus on the core experience, manipulating their patient dockets to ensure the stated number of procedures is completed. However, all program directors are aware that significant differences exist in student ex-periences for all who are put forward to convocation. At the end of the day, at the final progress meeting, the overall question regarding a borderline student is always “is he or she competent?” based on what the student in question has been able to demonstrate while in the clinic. Going forward, limits will be placed on the number of assigned patients and students will be encouraged to complete as many patients as possible. As patients requiring specific treatments present to the Clinic Office, they will be distrib-uted to students with the need and the space in their roster to complete treatment in a timely manner. Student produc-tion will be monitored closely throughout the year to ensure that a complete clinical experience is achieved.

Status: ☑ Completed

Assess the balance between core-experience and comprehensive care to optimize student learning.


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Lead: Dennis CvitkovitchProgress to June 30, 2015:

At the November 7, 2014 research retreat the following three research foci were proposed and ensuing discussions confirmed that these are appropriate and useful to break down perceived “silos” and to put our faculty in a favorable position for funding and fundraising opportunities:

1) Biomedical and Clinical Research2) Population and Global Health Research3) Education Research.

Status: In Progress

Next steps for completion:• Further consultation with all faculty to arrive at a consensus regarding the most appropriate foci.• Will continue as a Priority action item for 2015-16.

Confirm three to four strategic research foci for the Faculty.



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Lead: Chris McCullochWorking group: Boris Hinz, Yoav Finer, Howard Tenenbaum, Morris Manolson, Eli Sone and Bernhard GanssProgress to June 30, 2015:

Considering the increasing competitiveness of external funding and the limited availability of funds for new hires, the need to emphasize academic excellence, including the likelihood of starting up a robust research program and, when required, excellence in clinical dentistry was recognized as paramount for faculty recruitment. Other recommenda-tions (e.g. increasing the number of Canada Research Chairs, exploring options to fund endowed positions) were also included, but these are directly dependent on academic excellence including the ability to secure external fund-ing support.

Status: In Progress

Next steps for completion:• Further increase the focus of all searches strictly on academic excellence and competitiveness for external grant funding.• Continue to work with the University to ensure that the number of CRCs held by Faculty-appointed staff is commensurate with Tri-Council funding success.• Explore opportunities for endowed faculty positions with the office of Advancement.• Actions to be incorporated into 2015-16 Priority #8.

Pursue funding mechanisms for hiring additional faculty.


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Lead: Paul SanterreWorking group: Howard Tenenbaum, Ernest Lam, Chris McCulloch, Susan Alksnis Progress to June 30, 2015:

In the short term, existing space is scrutinized for more efficient use, promoting equipment sharing and discarding un-used equipment. CU-SEE Inc. has been contracted to assist in creating an equipment inventory. Beyond this, it will be necessary to develop a long-term vision for the Faculty’s research enterprise, centered on prominent research themes, to put proposals for increased research space forward. Two such potential themes, a Centre for Biofilm Research tied to industry partnerships, and an advancement concept called CREW-R3 [Centre for Research Excellence in Wounds (Repair-Regenerate-Renew)], have been proposed.

Status: In Progress

Next steps for completion:

• Complete an inventory for research equipment.• This will evolve into the Priority item #8 for 2015-16: Develop a long-term vision for improved and increased research infrastructure for the Faculty, including funding and space. This will include a feasibility study to con sider converting the 4th and 5th floor of the new wing of the Dentistry building into wet lab space and/or add ing a 6th floor to the existing structure.

Pursue mechanisms to increase research space to retain and attract researchers.


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Lead: Bernhard Ganss Progress to June 30, 2015:

The Dean has agreed to support this program through the Enrichment Endowment Fund. The RAMP program is now in place and has seen two rounds of funding support for junior researchers (2013 and 2014), both of which have re-ceived CIHR bridge funding. The program is being continued as-is for 2015 and thereafter.

Status: ☑ Completed

Move forward with the Research Advancement and Mentoring Program (RAMP) to support junior faculty.


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Lead: Mary ChoiWorking Group: Lisa Johnson, Nicholas Dunn, Carlos Quiñonez, Morris Manolson, James Posluns, Margaret Edghill, Richard Rayman, James Fiege, Alison Mahoney, Erin Vollick Progress to June 30, 2015:

The Working Group reviewed the existing UofT Code of Conduct and recognized that embracing it was an important first step. It was determined that the codes of conduct that have been identified might be important purveyors of the standards of behaviour expected, yet their scope is narrow. This priority has now evolved into a broader approach that should facilitate more appropriately the strengthening of a culture of professionalism and collegiality, which will evolve into a Priority action for 2015-16.

Resources used:• HR Guideline on Civil Conduct• Code of Student Conduct• Standards of Professional Practice Behavior for all Health Professional Students• Draft Faculty of Dentistry Code of Conduct • Draft “Student Code of Behaviour”

Status: ☑ Completed

Embrace the U of T Code of Conduct to articulate the responsibilities and accountabilities of the Faculty community – students, faculty, clinical instructors, staff, patients, and volunteers.



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Lead: Margaret EdghillProgress to June 30, 2015:

The development and implementation of the admissions on-line application process for DDS and IDAPP has now been completed. The future plans are to convert this to an entirely online process. The process for the audit of the admissions package distributed to incoming students as well as the non-mandatory portions of the admissions inter-views is underway with recommendations for improvement being developed by the Registrar and Communications Officer. These recommendations will be considered for implementation for the coming academic year.

Status: ☑ Completed

Improve the process for applications and admissions across all programs to achieve a “best experience.”


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Lead: Daniel HaasProgress to June 30, 2015:

Following approval of the Strategic Plan in May 2014, one of the first items acted upon was the appointment of a Director of Student Life. Dr. Richard Rayman graciously accepted this appointment, which officially began on July 1, 2014. In his first year he has been very active in developing this new role in our Faculty, having established himself as a resource and advocate for the students. A few of the examples of his accomplishments have been: the creation of a peer mentorship program; supported various clubs and organizations such as Research Journal, Evidence Based Dentistry, SPEA; worked with students leaders to set the agenda for the Student-Staff Relations committee; organized and conducted exit interviews; met with groups of students in all DDS years; has met with numerous students to dis-cuss their concerns. He continues to develop this position.

Status: ☑ Completed

Appoint a Lead for Student Life to focus on student engagement, well-being, and student life.


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Lead: Bernhard Ganss, Ernest LamProgress to June 30, 2015:

A draft mentoring proposal was developed in alignment with current scholarship on best practices for supporting early-career faculty, as well as with consultation with key stakeholders. The proposal outlines two key stages: pre-en-gagement (recruitment) and post-engagement (development to tenure). Key facets include appointing a senior faculty member as mentor, to be included from the beginning in the search process, and who will provide guidance to junior faculty in their years to tenure. This includes bi-annual reviews with senior faculty mentors and annual reviews with the Dean, focusing on faculty development rather than evaluation. The timelines to tenure provide a step-by-step checklist of objectives and key goals throughout their six years. The Strategic Plan Implementation Committee re-viewed the proposal and approved it for implementation as part of the new academic administrators’ roles in the new organizational structure.

Status: ☑ Completed

Design and implement a formal mentorship program for junior faculty, focusing on the first three years to tenure.


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Lead: Jim Yuan LaiProgress to June 30, 2015:

This process has begun. We are currently awaiting the course evaluation and evaluation of instructors. Data from the previous survey of alumni conducted in 2011 will be used. The plan is to develop a comprehensive faculty develop-ment program for junior faculty members. The potential domains/topics are:

• Knowledge – in-service meeting/topics, discipline specific core knowledge, role of dentistry in a University, role of research, ethics, collegial conduct.• Assessment – use of and how to develop multiple choice exams, essay, competency assessment, mini-CEX, 360 evaluation, portfolio assessment. • Curriculum Design – how to develop objectives/goals, are we achieving our course objectives?, clinical relevancy of curriculum.• Teaching/Mentor – how to teach in clinic, 5min preceptorship, how to give lectures and engage students, use of innovative technology, how to be a role model.

Status: In Progress

Next steps for completion:

This priority will evolve under the Education Direction and new Priority #3 for 2015-16. • Need to review the evaluation.• Consult with students and faculty on the topics for the program.• Fundraising to sponsor travel and invite subject matter experts.

Assess needs for – and launch – a formal faculty development program.


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Lead: James Posluns, Rhea GoldProgress to June 30, 2015:

Working with Erin Vollick, Communications Officer, a final draft of the New Clinical Instructors Information guide is being completed. The guide will be available for distribution in September 2015. Communication with the clinical instructors is in the progress of improvement. IITS is currently consolidating a singular database that will necessitate that all instructors use a UTOR email address for Faculty communication. Faculty orientation sessions for new clinical instructors are planned for September. New instructors will be encouraged to liaise with the team leader of the clinic to which they are assigned for an individual clinic orientation. The axiUm training sessions will take place in September (or as needed) for new instructors in the Fall.

It was determined that the selection of new clinical instructors remains under the jurisdiction of the disciplines who are the most appropriate individuals to make selection decisions. The selection of clinical educators is possible through the improved methods of instructor feedback and evaluation recently implemented.

Status: ☑ Completed

Enhance the process by which we select and orient clinical instructors.


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Lead: Mary ChoiWorking Group: Mary Choi, Alison MahoneyProgress to June 30, 2015:

Much progress has been made in assessing and identifying the needs for the administrative and clinical support staff in terms of development throughout the 2014-15 year. Many staff members have taken various courses and work-shops offered through the University’s Organizational Development and Learning Centre (ODLC), as well as in-house training and workshops (e.g. Lunch n’ Learn; info sessions led by various University units such as the Equity Officer, Sexual Harrassment Officer, Crisis Officer).

Status: In Progress Next steps for completion:

We will continue to assess the needs for administrative staff development, and develop programs to meet these needs, as laid out in the 2015-16 Action Item #10.

Assess needs for administrative and clinical staff development, and expand programs.


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Lead: Rhea Gold Progress to June 30, 2015:

A new group of administrative staff undertook the implementation of this initiative. Opportunities for teamwork and enhanced interactions among staff have been seen by the improvement in the quality of the planned social events that have taken place in the past year. These have been well received. This group of administrative staff will continue to focus on the quality of such events as opposed to increasing their number.

Status: ☑ Completed

Foster opportunities for teamwork and collaboration across units, divisions and departments (including more social events).


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Lead: Susan AlksnisProgress to June 30, 2015:

Initiatives have been expanded for both goals of expanded mentorship and external placements with alumni, as well as alumni engagement.

A new annual event to engage recent alumni in a mentorship evening with students was created. The Young Alumni Mentoring Students event focuses on the career and education experiences of recent alumni and the questions of current DDS students planning their next steps after school. This is followed by a social networking event for mentors with Alumni Relations staff. Mentors are recent graduates (up to 12 years out) and represent experience in a broad range of specialties, graduate education, and work environments. In January 2015 there were 23 mentors/alumni and 74 students.

A new program started in 2014-15 was the “Dentistry Mentorship Lecture Series For Young Alumni & Students.” Its purpose is to increase engagement with recent alumni (up to four years out) and students via informal lectures on rel-evant topics and interesting experiences presented by peer young alumni. The inaugural event took place in October 2014 and featured a recent alumnus on experiences with remote dentistry and the clinical opportunities it provides. It was attended by 5 alumni and 74 students.

There has been increasing engagement with the recent alumni body by inviting a recent alumni speaker to present interesting experiences in advance of the business meeting portion of the Alumni Association Annual General Meeting. The meeting in the fall of 2014 attracted 33 alumni.

Most recently, in June 2015, additional alumni engagement with students is being achieved through the new Gradu-ation Reception event, which includes DDS4 Clinical Instructors and the Alumni Association Board. Plans are now in place for the coming academic year for a networking event to connect DDS4 students looking for employment with alumni seeking associates. We are now well positioned to see such initiatives continue to grow.

Status: ☑ Completed

Work with alumni to expand initiatives for student mentorship and external placements.


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Lead: Daniel Haas, Mary ChoiProgress to June 30, 2015:

It was determined that assigning responsibility for this role was best accomplished by creating a position of Communi-cations Officer. This person would have the expertise to undertake the communications audit and needs assessment in order to determine communications needs, associated resources, and recommendations. It would also accomplish the objective of centralizing internal and external communications. Thus, a job description for a Communications Officer was developed and the position posted. The search was very successful, with Erin Vollick beginning her role as Communications Officer as of January 5, 2015.

Erin has already begun the auditing process with numerous units within the Faculty. She is writing a strategic com-munications plan, which will be finalized over the coming year. She has already undertaken a revision of the Faculty’s website’s front page and functionality, creation of a news section, revitalization of social media channels for the Faculty, created drafts of 2 brochures for the Director of Clinics to distribute to new patients and new Clinical Associ-ates, and assumed co-responsibility for the UofT Dentistry magazine. She initiated an e-newsletter that is now sent out monthly and has published a number of stories, many of which have been picked up by the media-at-large.

Thus, the performance measures have been accomplished. Communications staffing is in place. There has been an increase in the number and reach of media releases. The survey of pre- and post- communications strategy is part of the auditing process.

Status: ☑ Completed

Undertake a communications audit / needs assessment to determine communica-tion needs, associated resources and recommendations; centralize internal and external communications and assign responsibility for this role.



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Lead: Susan AlksnisProgress to June 30, 2015:

Progress has been made on the two priority actions to lay the foundation to advance external relations and partner-ships.

A repository of current external partnerships throughout the Faculty has been started by the new Communications Officer, Erin Vollick, who will develop and maintain a database of this information. It is anticipated that this database will accurately capture the range of the school’s local, national, and global outreach impacting dental education, re-search and clinical care. This database will be a resource to strengthen existing collaborations, leverage additional partnership opportunities, and provide content for external and internal communication strategies.

Administrative oversight and accountability for external relations rests with the Dean, working with other academic and administrative staff as appropriate. External relations includes a broad set of activities and communications that extend beyond the Faculty, such as collaborations with organized dentistry, government, health and other organizations; gov-ernment relations; community advocacy; marketing and recruitment; public and media relations; and fundraising and alumni programming. Growth in external partnerships will be driven by strategic plan objectives. Numerous new exter-nal collaborations have been established to achieve strategic plan objectives:

An example of a joint project with organized dentistry is the program with the Ontario Dental Association summer men-torship. An example of collaboration with other academic sites is the introduction of student placements with CAMH and St. Michael’s, which started in 2014-15, as well as one with George Brown College that is now being planned for the coming academic year.

The Faculty’s engagement in global health initiatives can be seen in our involvement in the Toronto Addis Ababa Aca-demic Collaboration. Following a site visit by Dean Haas and Aaron Fenton in October 2014, a plan is now in place to engage our faculty members and clinical instructors, as well as students, in this program. This project is now being led by Joel Rosenbloom, with visits planned for the 2015-16 academic year. Planning for another initiative with Bridge-To-Health in Uganda for 2015-16 is currently underway.

Status: ☑ Completed

Lay the foundation for a robust strategy for external relations and partnerships; compile a directory of current and potential partnerships through all units of the Faculty; establish administrative oversight/accountability for external relations.


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Lead: Daniel HaasWorking Group: Mary Choi, Ernest Lam, Jim Yuan Lai, Grace Bradley, Morris Manolson, Bernhard GanssProgress to June 30, 2015:

The working group committee met over the academic year to assess the need for change and take into account the findings from the External Review, Strategic Plan, and the concurrent consultation process. This consultation was in the form of roundtable discussions with stakeholders.

There are 2 levels for potential restructuring: academic administration and the current discipline/department structure. It is being proposed that the current 4 associate dean positions be eliminated and replaced by 2 Vice-Deans (one for Research and one for Education, our two main missions), an Associate Dean Undergraduate and an Associate Dean Graduate. Each Vice-Dean would be responsible to ensure appropriate mentoring and faculty development. The research enterprise would be unified without separate divisions. The Associate Dean Undergraduate would be respon-sible for the DDS and IDAPP curricula. The Associate Dean Graduate is responsible for all graduate training.

The current structure of 19 disciplines in 2 departments may have served the Faculty well in the past, but it is not the best structure to accomplish our goals for the future, as we aim to advance our research, education and clinical service missions with increased emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. Thus, it is being proposed that the current 2-department structure of Biological and Diagnostic Sciences and Clinical Sciences be eliminated. To facilitate collab-oration, both education and research will no longer be subdivided by a discipline structure. The 10 specialty programs will continue to have directors. Each faculty member whose primary focus is within a foundation science will be formal-ly linked with at least one of the clinical fields. All faculty members, including those whose focus is in a clinical field, will be formally linked to at least one of the research foci.

Status: In Progress

Develop a plan for organizational structure changes in response to key priorities outlined by the Working Groups and strategic plan; review administrative and committee structures to support organizational changes.


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Next steps for completion:

This priority action item is in progress as the proposed plan has not been finalized or accepted, as a consultative approach is being conducted. The committee distributed this proposal to all faculty and staff in early July for consideration. All feedback received will be taken into account prior to the preparation of the final report, which the committee is aiming to release in the fall and present to Faculty Council for information and discussion. This will then be submitted to the Provost for consideration for approval for the 2016-17 academic year. If that is approved, the Constitution and By-Laws for committees will be revised to be consistent with any new structure. A review of the administrative support structure will also follow to align it with any new structure.

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Design and implement DDS curriculum renewal, including exploring the feasibility of added electives and core curriculum.

Lead: Jim Yuan Lai

Performance measures:

» Implementation of curriculum renewal started.

» Feasibility of core curriculum determined.

Renew, standardize and strengthen evaluation, testing and grading of students, including student self-assessment.

Performance measures:

» New evaluation measures developed and implementation started.

Lead: Jim Yuan Lai



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Develop a formal program to strengthen teaching quality across undergraduate and graduate programs.

Performance measures:

» Linking to priority #14 from 2014-15, and using the results of Priority #13 on mentorship, will have initiated a faculty development program.

Lead: Grace Bradley

Explore sustainability of existing graduate programs and feasibility of new educational program options, such as new AEGD, new Masters, etc.

Performance measures:

» Feasibility of these programs determined.

Lead: Morris Manolson



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Develop a five-year plan to redevelop and reorganize the clinics within the Faculty to improve the clinical experience for patients and students, and the efficient delivery of interdisciplinary care. Lead: James Posluns

Performance measures:

»A written, formal five-year plan with widespread support following input from multiple stakeholders, including feasibil-ity study on funding options and sequencing of infrastructure changes linked to pedagogical renewal.

Explore feasibility of creating a Centre of Excellence.

Performance measures:

» Feasibility study completed, with recommendations for next steps as appropriate. The project will look at a model that incorporates clinical service as well as the development of fundamental scientific investigation goals for clinical dentistry.

Lead: Howard Tenenbaum



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Finalize 3 to 4 strategic research foci for the faculty.

Lead: Bernhard Ganss

Performance measures:

» Consensus among faculty members.

» Development of key performance indicators (e.g. H-index) for all foci.

» Strategies to increase exposure of all foci.

Performance measures:

» Conduct a feasibility study to consider conversion of the 4th and 5th floor of the new wing of the Dentistry building into wet lab space and/or adding a 6th floor to the existing structure.

» Structural reorganization of the research office, including administrative and technical support staff, to better carry out research administration.

Develop a long-term vision for improved and increased research infrastructure for the Faculty, including funding and space.

Lead: Bernhard Ganss



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Lead - Howard Tenenbaum

Performance measures:

» A proposed plan for implementation across the Faculty, for faculty, staff, and students.

Continue to assess needs for administrative assistants’ staff development, and develop programs to meet these needs.

Performance measures:

» Assessments of all staff reactions to and appreciation of new programs by way of various survey tools.

Lead - Mary Choi



Develop and implement plans to foster and strengthen our culture of professionalism and collegiality.

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Finalize organizational structure changes, followed by a review of its administrative support and the Faculty’s constitution and by-laws.

Lead : Daniel Haas

Performance measures:

» Renewed Faculty structure, accepted by Provost.

» Plan for appropriate administrative support is developed.

» Review of Constitution & By-laws, with proposed revisions to ensure appropriate committee composition following the new organizational structure.

Explore a range of options to secure further sustainable funding for the Faculty of Dentistry.

Performance measures:

»New funding sources identified.

» Increase in total amount donated.

» Increase in number of donors.

Lead : Daniel Haas



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2014-15 Implementation Committee:

Susan AlksnisGrace BradleyMary ChoiDennis CvitkovitchFatima Ebrahim Margaret EdghillBernhard Ganss Rhea GoldDaniel HaasJim Yuan Lai Ernest LamMorris ManolsonChristopher McCullochJames Posluns Carlos QuiñonezRichard RaymanPaul SanterreLaura TamHoward Tenenbaum

As well as the many faculty, students and staff who participated in the working groups and consultations.

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