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Fair Recruitment & Selection … April 2011_files... · the best person for the job. This...

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& Selection Handbook Fair Recruitment www.fairemployment.sg
Page 1: Fair Recruitment & Selection … April 2011_files... · the best person for the job. This recruitment handbook provides principles that employers ... Importance of Fair Recruitment

& Selection HandbookFair Recruitment


Page 2: Fair Recruitment & Selection … April 2011_files... · the best person for the job. This recruitment handbook provides principles that employers ... Importance of Fair Recruitment

02 01

The desired outcome of any recruitment exercise is to hire the most qualified and suitable

candidate to fill the post. While there is no perfect recruitment model as organisations have

differing hiring needs, hiring on merit increases significantly the likelihood that you will get

the best person for the job. This recruitment handbook provides principles that employers

can make reference to when designing a fair and objective recruitment process for their

own organisation.

This handbook brings employers through the entire recruitment process and offers practical

tips in the following areas:

• Identifiyingyourtalentandhiringneeds.

• Findingyourcandidates.

• Attractingyourcandidates.

• Howyoucanconducttherecruitmentinterview.

• Whattodoaftertheinterview.

CONTENTS1. Introduction:HiringonMerit ...........................................................................................01

2. ImportanceofFairRecruitmentandSelection ................................................................02

3. WhyitisImportanttoHiretheRightPerson ...................................................................04

4. SuccessinEnsuringGoodHires.....................................................................................06

5. PrinciplesofFairRecruitmentPractices ..........................................................................08

6. ASystematicHiringProgramme .....................................................................................10

6.1. RecruitmentandSelectionPolicy .........................................................................10

6.2. JobAnalysis .........................................................................................................10

6.3. UsesofJobDescription/JobSpecification..........................................................20

6.4. Job Description ....................................................................................................21

6.5. JobSpecification ..................................................................................................22

6.6. DevelopmentofSelectionCriteria .........................................................................24

6.7. Questioning Technique .........................................................................................30

6.8. JobAdvertisement ...............................................................................................31

6.9. ApplicationForm ..................................................................................................33

6.10. InterviewStructure................................................................................................36

6.11. TrainingofInterviewers .........................................................................................38

6.12. TipsonConductingInterviews .............................................................................39

6.13. PanelInterview .....................................................................................................40

6.14. PhoneInterview ....................................................................................................41

6.15. RésuméReview ...................................................................................................44

6.16. CharacterReferences ...........................................................................................44

6.17. InformingCandidatesofInterviewResults ............................................................44

6.18. EmployeeOrientationandInduction .....................................................................47

7. SummaryandConclusion ..............................................................................................48

Page 3: Fair Recruitment & Selection … April 2011_files... · the best person for the job. This recruitment handbook provides principles that employers ... Importance of Fair Recruitment

The recruitment and selection interview is the most important and critical step in the recruitment

process.Recruitingtherightemployeesdoesnothoweverbeginwiththe interviewandend


controlling prior to the interviewing process. The post interview employee orientation and


the new employee a “jump-start” to be productive in your company.

The decision that a hiring manager, interviewer or supervisor makes may affect the company


the other hand, poor recruitment and selection interview methods result in poor selection,

which undermines organisational capabilities, wastes management time, lowers productivity,

increases staff turnover, and may also adversely affect staff morale.

It is therefore important for employees with hiring responsibilities in the organisation to be

trained and equipped with fair recruitment and selection skills in order to select the right person

fortheright job.Thiscanbedoneformallythroughtrainingcourses.Organisationscanalso

provide written guides or checklists to prepare hiring managers for this very important task.

Whichever the choice, organisations must note that recruitment and selection cannot be left to


candidate on the basis of merit.

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The right person on the job will:

• Bemoreproductive.

• Learnfaster.

• Bemoresatisfiedwiththejobandstaylonger.

• Requirelesstrainingandsupervision.

• Freeupthemanager/supervisor’stimetoaddvalueinotherareas.

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Employees help managers to get work done. Hence it is important

that managers are fully committed to recruit good employees in

the first place. To do so, managers must ensure that there is:

• Goodanalysisofjobfunctions.

• Goodanalysisofsuitablepersonality/temperamentfortheposition.

• Effectivepre-interviewscreening.

• Useofeffectiveinterviewingandquestioningtechniques.

• Properutilisationofpanelinterviewstogainrelevantjob-relatedinformationandtoensure

more robust assessment of the best candidate for the job.

• Properuseandselectionofinterviewtools.

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Fair recruitment practices that successful organisations subscribe to include:

a. ApplyingtheTripartiteGuidelinesonFairEmploymentPractices1.

b. Recruitingandselectingemployeesonthebasisofmerit.

c. Givingjobapplicantsafairopportunitytodemonstratetheirknowledge,skillsandexperience

during interviews.

d. Providingsufficientinformationforcandidatestomakeaninformeddecisionaboutjoining

the organisation.

e. Using consistent evaluation criteria established by the organisation for the specific job

position for selection.

f. Ensuringallinterviewersareawareoftheestablishedcriteriaforinterviewandselection.

g. Ensuring that the remuneration for the new employee is in linewith the company’s pay

structure, taking into account the salaries of the existing employees in the organisation as

well as current remuneration practices of the industry.

h. Ensuringthatpsychometrictoolsorothertypesoftestsusedarerelevanttothejob.The

usage of any assessment tools should be clearly explained to the job applicants during

the interview.

i. Abidingbyrelevantlabourlawswhenrecruitingnewemployees.

j. Informing job applicants of the outcome of their applicationwhen the position has

been filled.

1 TheTripartiteGuidelinesonFairEmploymentPracticesisissuedbytheTripartiteAllianceforFairEmploymentPracticesinMay2006.TheseguidelinesrepresenttheworkoftheTripartitepartners,namelyMOM,SNEFandNTUCinworkingout guidelineswhich are practical, effective and sustainable forworkplaces in Singapore. The inclusion of numerousexamples in the guidelines provides an easy way to understand how these guidelines should be adopted for use in different organisations.AsoftcopyoftheGuidelinesisavailableatwww.fairemployment.sg.

08 09

The recruitment and selection process is one of the

most important responsibilities ofHumanResource (HR)

practitioners, employers, line managers and supervisors.

In fact, linemanagersandsupervisorsplayacrucial role

in providing accurate information about job requirements

before HR managers can source and attract the right

candidates. Successful organisations often pay much

attention to their HR function, policies and processes.

CEOs, line managers and supervisors are very much

involved in the recruitment process.

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6.1. Recruitment and Selection Policy

It is important to develop an effectiveHR recruitment and selection policy to ensure that the

companyrecruitsthemostsuitablepersonforthe job.Atypicalpolicyprovidesthenecessary

guidelines for line managers and supervisors in the entire recruitment process.



6.2. Job Analysis


analysis, interviewers and those involved in the recruitment process would not know specifically


analysis identifies the duties, responsibilities and other information pertaining to the activities



prelude to a job description and job specification.

Steps to job analysis:

1. Identifyjobtitle.

2. Identifythejobpositionintheorganisationstructure,e.g.identifythereportingofficer,and

subordinates for the post.

3. Identify the core and non-core duties and responsibilities for the job.Core duties are

performed regularly and frequently, e.g. in the case of a secretary, answering calls for the



4. Identify the standards and competencies required for each job activity. Standards are

what should be done, e.g. in the case of answering phone calls, standards required are

that all incoming calls must be answered within five ring tones; calls should be screened

before passing over to the boss and all calls and messages should be recorded in the

message book. Competencies arewhat the candidate should possess to be able to

perform the job activity to the minimum standards required, such as attentiveness, good

hearing ability, politeness, ability to write legibly, good communication skills, etc.

5. Identifythetools,equipment,machineryandapparatususedonthejob.

6. Identifythephysicalchallenges,e.g.workinginair-conditionedenvironmentoroutdoors,

carrying heavy equipment most of the time, environment is noisy and dusty, etc.

7. Identifyallotheractivitiesrelatedtothejob.

8. Establishthejobdescriptionandjobspecification.

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When analysing a job, take into consideration the following:

• Jobtitle.

• Division/Department.

• Reportingstatus.

• Detailsofactivitiesperformed(Coreandnon-coreactivities).

• Scopeofwork.

• Spanofcontrol.

• Standardsrequired.

• Frequencyofperformance.

• Competencylevels.

• Natureofwork(E.g.workplacecondition,equipmentusedandspecificduties


• Relevantinformationpertainingtothejob.

Job Analysis Form (SAMPLE)

This form is used to obtain information about the duties and requirements of the job. It can be used by the job analyst or by the job holder.

A. Job identification

Name : ______________ Job title : __________________

Department : HR Department Position reporting to : Senior HR Executive

B. Job summary

1. Describe the functions of the job in brief.




C. Major duties / Responsibilities and performance standards

2. List the major duties and responsibilities of the job. Each task statement should be a

clear description of the task and should start with a verb (action word).


Major duties and responsibilities


Performance standards


(Skills, knowledge and abilities)

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3. Who are the employees that the job holder has to supervise?

4. Who will the job holder be in contact with during the course of his work? State their

job titles and briefly explain the purpose of contact.

D. Personal characteristics / Job specifications

5. List the physical requirements for the job. Give examples to explain the need for

the requirements.

a. No. of direct employees

b. No. of indirect employees

Job titles

Job titles

Internal (Exclude own department) External (Outside the organisation)

6. What educational qualifications, knowledge, skills and attributes are required for

the job?

7. List machines, equipment and vehicles that will be used during the course of work.




8. List licenses and special certifications required for the job.




E. Working conditions

9. Describe the physical environment under which this job will be performed,

e.g. air-condition environment, noisy and dusty environment, outdoor environment,





10. What are the working hours? Any shift requirements?




Degrees, diplomas, certificates, etc. Knowledge, skills and attributes required

14 15

Physical characteristics

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F. Health and safety features

11. Describe fully any health or safety hazards associated with the job.




G. Other matters relating to the job




Employee’s certification

I certify that the particulars provided are complete.

Name : ________________________________ Signature: _________________________

Date : ________________________________

Line superior’s / Manager’s certification

A. I agree with the job analysis as stated in this form.

B. Remarks / Comments:




Name : _______________________ Designation: _____________________________

Signature : _______________________ Date: _____________________________

A soft copy of this form can be downloaded from www.fairemployment.sg and customised for your organisation.

Instructions on how to use the job analysis form:

1. The job analysis form contains a total of 4 pages.

A. Job identification

This segment requires information on:

• Name.

• Jobtitle.

• Department.

• Positionreportingto.


B. Job summary

This segment requires a brief description of the job.

C. Major duties / Responsibilities and performance standards



• Inasecretarialjob,thecoredutieswouldincludeansweringphonecalls,takingmessages,

preparing daily appointments for the boss, etc.



• “Answerphonecalls”–Shouldbedonebeforethe5thringingtone.

• “Takemessages”–Shouldbedoneonprescribedwritingpadandtransmittedassoon

as possible.

• “Preparedailyappointments”–Shouldbedoneoneweekahead,i.e.schedulesshould

be for the next seven days and beyond.



• “Answerphonecalls”–Veryoftenthroughouttheworkinghours.

• “Takemessages”–Veryoften,asandwhenamessageisreceived.

• “Preparedailyappointments”–Asandwhennecessary.16 17

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• Adaptability–Abletoperformavarietyoftasks,oftenchangingassignmentsonshortnotice.

• Initiative–Aself-starter,workingwellwithoutclosesupervision.

• Co-operative–Workswellwithotherpeople.

• Administration–Keepsothermembersoftheorganisationinformedofprogressandproblems.

• Organisation–Establishprioritiesandacourseofactionforhandlingmultipletasks.

D. Personal characteristics / Job specifications



• In the case of a secretary, at times he / she has to carry boxes of files from one

department to another. Typically each box would weigh about 5 kilograms.



• GCE‘A’Levelorequivalent,plus3yearsofworkingexperienceinasimilarposition.

• Preferablyworking inamanufacturingenvironmentwithsomeexperience inhandling


• Abletopreparepowerpointslides.

• Abletopreparespreadsheets.

• Abletotypeaccuratelyat80–100wordsperminute.

• Abletotakeshorthand.

• Goodcommunicationskills(Verbalandwritten).



• Computers.

• Photocopiers.

• Papershredder.

• Otherofficeequipment.



• Notapplicable.

E. Working conditions


quiet and air-conditioned office.

Working hours:


5 pm.

F. Health and safety features

Describeanyworkhazardsand/orsafetyapparelsrequired. Inthecaseofasecretary,

there might not be anything hazardous.

G. Other matters relating to the job



The person who fills up the form would sign off. The date should also be indicated.


The supervisor would sign off. The date should also be indicated.


The manager would sign off. The date should also be indicated.



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6.3. Uses of Job Description / Job Specification

(a) Enablemanagerstocompareonejobtoanotherandtorankthejobsaccordingtotheir


(b) Helpintherecruitment,selectionandhiringofnewemployeesbecausetheyspelloutthe

actual work performed, exact qualifications, education, skills and experience candidates

need in order to be successful on the job.

(c) Helpgrowingcompaniesplan futuremanpowerneeds.Companiesdo thisby

comparing the current requirements with the kinds of jobs and skills that will be in

demand in the future and decide how to best meet the manpower needs.

(d) Traininganddevelopmentneedsarealsoeasily identified.Qualificationsofcurrentjob

holders can be compared to the ideal ones described and appropriate training can be

given to fill the gaps.

(e) Facilitateemployees’performancemanagementandappraisal.

(f) Usedforjobdesign,jobenlargementandjobenrichmentpurposes.

6.4. Job Description




management, job evaluation, salary benchmarking, employment contract, job advertisement,

job enlargement, job enrichment, job design and job re-engineering.



job descriptions so as to contribute their best in an organisation.

Ajobdescriptionshouldcapturethedateit iswrittenandshouldhavethesignaturesofthe

people involved.

When preparing a job description, you should include the following details:

• Job title, division / department, accountability (Who he / she reports to andwho he /


• Abriefdescriptionofthejob.

• Anorganisationdiagramshowingtherelationshipofthejobandotherswithinthedepartment,

in particular the reporting status.

• A list of core duties, responsibilities and activities with corresponding standards of

requirement, frequency of performance and level of competency.


manager or in the case of smaller organisations by the proprietor / owner / director.


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6.5. Job Specification

Job specification relates to the specific knowledge, skills, experience, abilities and attributes

necessary for the incumbent to perform the duties, activities and responsibilities of the job up

to the minimum standards required.

Job specification is used for job advertisements, employee recruitment, performance appraisal

and performance management, job evaluation, salary benchmarking, employment contract, job

design and job re-engineering.

The job specification should consist of:

4. Job specifications:


qualifications required:

• DiplomainAccountingor



• KnowledgeofSingapore’s

accounting conventions.

• KnowledgeofMSExcel



• Leadershipandinterpersonalskills.

• Atleast4yearsofsimilar

working experience.


• Abilitytoworkwithothers.

• Showinitiative.

• Abilitytomulti-task.

• Verbalability.

• Abilitytomakesimplecalculations.

Core duties / Activities Standards applicable Required competencies

• Education.

• Experience.

• Specialskills/Training.

• Languageproficiency.

• Physicalattributes.

• Positivecan-doattitude.

• Allotherattributesnecessarytoenable

the incumbent to perform the job to the

required standards.

A job specification should be captured in writing and duly endorsed by the supervisor /

department manager or in the case of smaller organisations by the proprietor / owner /


Job Description / Job Specification (SAMPLE)

1. Job title: Accountsassistant

2. Job description (Summary): To assist the financial controller in keeping the


3. Details of job description:

22 23

a. Handleallaccounts receivables and payables.


c. Assistinmonthlyclosing of accounts.


e. Liaisonwithbanks.

Timely and in compliance with accounting procedures.

Timely and in compliance with accounting procedures.

Timely and in compliance with accounting procedures.

Timely and in compliance with accounting procedures.

Timely and in compliance with accounting procedures.

Knowledgeofaccounting and book-keeping, good in numbers and meticulous.

Knowledgeofaccounting and book-keeping, good in numbers and meticulous.

Knowledgeofaccounting and book-keeping, good in numbers and meticulous.

Knowledgeofemployees payroll / records and knowledge of accounting.

Courteous,politeandknowledgeable in banking procedures.

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6.6. Development of Selection Criteria

Havinga listof selectioncriteriahelpsensure that thehiringdecision ismadeon thebasis

of objective criteria that are applied consistently and fairly to all candidates. The selection

criteria helps interviewers focus on what they should be looking for in the candidates and for

them to assess the various candidates interviewed to select the one who best meets the job


The following are activities related to developing the list of selection criteria:

a) Identify requirements based on job description, job specification, job grade

and attributes.

b) Identifythekeypersonalitytraitswhichareimportanttothesuccessofthejob.

c) Establishalistofselectioncriteriathrough:

• Qualifications.

• Experience.

• Technical/Functionalskills.

• Abilities.

• Attributes.

• Teamwork.

• Leadership.

• Communication.

• Interpersonalskills.

• Integrity.

• Honesty.

• Motivation.

• Problemsolving.

• Analyticalskills.

• Creativity.

• Customerfocus,etc.

d) Prepare a list of interview questions directly related to the selection criteria identified

and review whether these questions are relevant to the job. Should questions which

may seem discriminatory be asked, the reasons for asking should be explained to

prevent misunderstanding.

Examples of non-discriminatory employment interview questions

During the interview, try to ensure all the relevant areas are covered. While there will be

differences depending on the response to questions, keeping to a consistent set of issues and

scenarios allows for more objective comparisons of the suitability of candidates.

1. Questions on qualifications

a. When was the last time you attended a course of study, workshop or seminar?

b. What is your highest level of education?

c. What was your specific field of study?

2. Questions on job skills

a. What are some of your core skills?

b. What do you think are the skills requirement for the job you are applying?

c. Howcompetentareyouinoperatingcomputers?Whatsoftwareareyoufamiliarwith?

3. Questions on job experience

a. What did you do in the last five years?

b. Whatwerethechallengesinyourpastexperienceasa(Jobtitle)?

c. Howexperiencedareyouinhandlingcustomers?

4. Questions on analytical skills

a. Youarerequiredtogivea10minutespresentationonwhatyouwoulddoasamanager

in the event of a fire in your office, what are the issues that you would include in

your presentation?

b. Whatwouldyoudotoincreaseproductivityinyourdepartment?Howwouldyoucarry

out the tasks?

c. Tell us what you would do if you were to start your career all over again.


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5. Questions on willingness to work in a team

a. Who are your team members in your present job? What is your working relationship with

each of them?

b. Tell us the challenges you faced when you were working with a team.

c. Howmanyworkteamshaveyouworkedwithoverthelasttwoyears?Whatdistinctive

strengths and weaknesses have you seen in the team members?

6. Questions on passion for job and company

a. Whatarethegoalsandobjectivesofyourpresentcompany?Doyouknowourcompany’s

goals and objectives?

b. Howlonghaveyoubeenlookingforanewjob?Howlonghaveyoubeenonyourlastjob?

7. Questions on integrity

a. What are three adjectives that others would use to describe you?

b. What does integrity mean to you?

c. Howwouldyou respond if youwere todiscover thataco-worker isusing theoffice

phone for personal long distance calls?

8. Questions on self confidence

a. When was the last time you were given a task that was beyond your scope of work?

Tell us about that situation.

b. What would you do if you were retrenched from your company?

c. Howconfidentareyoutoperformthejobthatyouhaveappliedfor?

9. Questions on self development

a. When did you last enroll in a course of study, e.g. attending seminars, workshops

and lectures?

b. What training courses, seminars and workshops will you be attending in the next

12 months?

c. Doyouthinkitisimportanttocontinuelearningthroughoutone’slifetime?Why?

10. Questions on travel

a. This job might require you to travel overseas more than 50% of the time. Would that be

fine with you?

b. One of the challenges in this job ismaking frequent trips out of Singapore on short

notices. Will you be able to handle this?

c. Howmuchoverseastravellingdoyoudoinyourpresentjob?

11. Questions on working long hours

a. Thejobinvolveshandlingcustomers’complaintsandfollowingupwiththesecomplaints.


you to work long hours, e.g. staying till 9 pm?

b. What are the working hours like in your present job?

12. Questions on handling heavy equipment

a. Youarerequiredtocarryheavyobjects/materials(About20kilograms)inthisjob.Can

you handle that?

b. There are often times when you have to climb steep stairs on site visits which are in the


c. Do you have to carry heavy items in your present job? What is the heaviest item that you

have carried during the course of your work?

13. Questions on foreign languages

a. YouwillbedealingwithChinesespeakingcustomersmostofthetime.Manyofthemare




c. ThisjobwillrequireyoutocorrespondwithourclientsfromChina.Areyouabletoreply


14. Questions on handling bigger roles and leadership

a. Ifyouareasupervisorandoneofyoursubordinatesisuncooperativeandrefusetotake

instructions from you, what would you do?

b. Tell us of an incident of misconduct by a subordinate of yours. What did you do? What

was the outcome?

c. What have you done in the last 12 months to upgrade yourself in terms of knowledge,

skills and expertise?

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15. Questions on experience

a. Tell me about a specific area of responsibility that you have enjoyed most.

b. In view of the position that we are offering, tell me about your relevant experience.

c. What have you learned from the jobs you have had?

16. Emotional questions

a. Givemeanexampleofacrisissituationyouwereinvolvedin.Whatdidyoudo?

b. Tell me about a time when you were very angry at the workplace. What did you do?

c. Has there been a time when a person’s anger was misdirected at you. How did

you react?

17. Questions on adaptability

a. Howdoyouestablishgoodworkingrelationshipswithpeople?

b. Ifyouweretobeofferedthisposition,howdoyouimagineyouwouldspendyourfirst

two weeks on the job?

c. Tell me about the most difficult job-related task you have faced.

18. Interpersonal questions

a. Howdoyougiveyoursubordinatesnegativefeedback?

b. Howimportantwascommunicationandinteractionwithothersinyourlastjob?What

did you do to be effective?

c. Were youever amember / leaderof a team in aprofessional setting?Howdid you

perform in that role?

19. Questions on competencies

a. Howdidyougainyourknowledgeofthisindustry/company?

b. Otherthantherequisiteskills,whatotherskillsdoyouhavethatwouldhelpyouperform

this job well?

c. What do you know about our organisation?

Note:Itisimportantthatthehiringmanagers/interviewersareveryclearastothespecificrequirementsofthejobandbasetheinterview questions and selection criteria on the relevant factors. They should be careful to avoid using unfounded proxies and assumptions, such as having young children would imply that the candidate would not be willing to travel, or that being over 40 years old would mean not being physically strong.




Recommendation for hiring: Notrecommended/Recommended/Highlyrecommended

Interviewer’ssignature: _________________________ Date: ____________________________

Qualifications, skills, experience, abilities and other job requirements

1. Academic/professionalqualifications.

2. Job related skills.

3. Job related experience.

4. Abilitytoexpressideasandthoughts.

5. Abilitytorespondtoquestions.

6. Willingness to work in a team.

7. Passionforthejobandcompany.

8. Integrityandhonesty.

9. Selfconfidence.

10. Passionforselfdevelopment.

11. Abilitytotravelextensively.

12. Abilitytoworklonghours.

13. Abilitytohandleheavyequipment.

14. AbilitytoworkoutsideSingapore.

15. Abilitytospeakcustomer’slanguage.

16. Supervisory/managerialpotential.

Total score:

Score(Max. 10) Remarks

Interview Evaluation Form (SAMPLE)

Interview assessment form

Nameofcandidate : __________________________________________________________

Positioninterviewedfor: __________________________________________________________

Interviewedby : _________________________ Date: ___________________________

A soft copy of this form can be downloaded from www.fairemployment.sg and customised for your organisation.

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6.7. Questioning Technique


understand thecandidates.Bearing inmind thepurposesof the interview, it isprudent for

interviewers to ask questions that allow the candidates to talk and provide information as

required. The following are different types of questions that can be asked:

a) Open-ended questions

Anopen-endedquestion isuseful forexploringandgathering information. Itallowsfora


“who”, “why”, “how” or “describe”.


• “Howdoyousucceedinworkingunderpressure?”

• “I’minterestedtohearabout…”

• “I’mcurioustolearn…”

• “Wouldyousharewithmeabout...”

• “Givemeanexampleof…”

• “Howdoyougoabout…”

b) Close-ended questions



• “Areyouattentivetodetails?”

• “Canyoustartworkondd/mm/yy?”

c) Probing questions

Probing questions are used for checking additional specific information.When seeking

more details, there are a number of types of probes you can use, depending on what the

candidate is saying and what you want to discover.


• “Tellmeexactlywhathappenedafterthat…”

• “Wasthereanoccasionwhenyourrelationshipwithteammembersdidn’tworkoutwell?”

d) Situational questions



“Imagine yourself as a supervisor and one of your subordinate employees consistently

arrives late for work. What action would you take?”

6.8. Job Advertisement

The job advertisement will be based on the information enclosed in the job description and

the job specification. The objective is to design an advertisement that will attract qualified job

applicants who are able and willing to do the job and be cost-effective in doing so. The content

of the advertisement should be non-discriminatory.


placement (career) centres, alumni offices, professional and trade associations or NTUC


consultants or ask for referrals from friends and business associates.

Attracting your talent pool

When using job advertisements to attract applicants, you should consider the target audience,

how long the advertisements should run, how fast you want a response and how much you are

prepared to spend for the advertisements. The options include:

a) Newspapersandmagazines–Theycanreachspecificaudienceswithinasectororlocality.

b) Internetsites–Theycanreachawideaudiencequickly.Someinternalsitesandjobportals

also have a database of candidates that you can search.

Check the costs – Internet sites can be cheaper than advertising in a newspaper. You

should also time the advertisement carefully, e.g. avoid holiday periods and remember to

plan how you will deal with responses.

c) In-house advertisements – They are free but the exposure is limited to company

employees.Consider ifyouwishtohaveanemployeereferralprogrammeforexisting

staff to tap on their network to identify suitable candidates for shortlisting.30 31

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6.9. Application Form

Job application forms are commonly used by employers to obtain relevant information from job

applicantstohelpmakean initialassessmentoftheapplicants’suitability.Somecompanies


vitae instead. Job application forms should be realistic and straightforward, appropriate for the

level of the job and non-discriminatory. The forms should request for information directly related

to the job, i.e. the essential information that the interviewers need to enable them to shortlist

appropriate candidates for interview.

An application form should contain:

• Jobtitle.

• Jobposition.

• Personalparticulars.

• Contactdetails.

• Qualifications(Academicandprofessional).

• Employmenthistory.

• Personaldeclarationandsignature.


A good job advertisement should:

• Haveajobtitle.

• Haveastrongopeningstatementthathighlightstheattractivefeaturesofthejob.

• Statetherelevantrequirements,e.g.skillsandexperience,qualifications,knowledgeand

attributes needed based on the job analysis, job description and job specification.

• Beabletocapturetheattentionofthereader.

• Containnon-discriminatorylanguage.

• Beclearandconcise.

• Informationonlocationandsalaryrangemaybegivensothatcandidatescandecide

whether to apply.

• Providebriefinformationaboutthejobandthecompany.

• Indicatehowtheapplicantsshouldrespondtotheadvertisement,e.g.bysendingaCV

or completing an application form.

If there is a specific requirement in your advertisement which may be misconstrued as

discriminatory, you should state the reason for the requirement to prevent misunderstanding,


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Other qualifications / Courses attended / Awards attained


From ToQualifications/Awardsobtained Awardinginstitution

Employment history


From To


order)Positionheld Key

responsibilitiesReason(s)for leaving

Details of current employment

No approach will be made to your present employer without your consent.

Presentemployer : _________________________ Designation : ______________________

Presentmonthlysalary: _________________________ Bonus : ______________________

Keyresponsibilities : ___________________________________________________________


Noticerequired(Toendpresentemployment) : ________________________________ (Weeks)

Reasonforleaving : _______________________________________



1.Name : _________________________ Designation : _____________________

Organisationname: ____________________________________________________________

Contactno. : _________________________ Emailaddress: _____________________

2.Name : _________________________ Designation : _____________________

Organisationname: ____________________________________________________________

Contactno. : _________________________ Emailaddress: _____________________

Tell us why you applied for this job and why you think you are the best person for the job.




deliberately false information could result in my dismissal.

Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________________


From To


Qualifications obtained (‘O’/’A’Levels, Diploma,Degree)


Academic qualifications

Job Application Form (SAMPLE)

Personal information



Areyou(Tickone) :SingaporeCitizen/SingaporePermanentResident/


Address: _______________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ Postalcode: ________________

Contactno.: __________________________ Emailaddress: ___________________________

A soft copy of this form can be downloaded from www.fairemployment.sg and customised for your organisation.

34 35

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6.10. Interview Structure

The interview structure provides a quick overview of the different phases of the recruitment

process. It provides guidance on the respective roles and activities involved in employee

recruitment. This ensures an effective selection of the best candidate for the job.

The interview structure can typically be divided into three phases:

• Phase1(Planningandpreparation).

• Phase2(Interaction).

• Phase3(Evaluation).

Phase 1 (Planning and preparation)

Planning and preparation for an interview are critical success factors of effective employee

recruitment. They involve all the issues necessary to ensure proper interviewing and selection

of candidates. The activities of planning and preparation include the following:

• Identifyjobdescription.

• Identifyjobspecification.

• Identifyjobgrade.

• Establishselectioncriteria.

• Establishlistofinterviewquestions.

• Identifypanelofinterviewers(Establishrolesofinterviewers,e.g.whotoaskwhatquestions,


• Reviewjobapplications.

• Shortlistcandidatesforinterview.

• Informcandidatesofinterviewvenue,date,time,etc.

• Prepareinterviewlocation.

Phase 2 (Interaction)

Phase2dealswiththeface-to-face interviewingofcandidates. It is justas importantasthe

planning and preparation phase. The interviewer should be prepared and well trained on the

use of effective interviewing techniques for candidate selection, bearing in mind, the need to


the candidate is given a fair opportunity to be assessed on his / her merits and goes off with a

good impression of the company, regardless whether he / she gets the job. The following are

activities included under this phase:

• Welcomeatthereceptiondesk.

• Establishrapport(Useofice-breaker,e.g.didtheintervieweehavedifficultyfindinghis/


• Takebriefnotesforreferenceandreview(Usetheinterviewevaluationform,takepointers


• Provideinformationaboutthecompany,thejobandexpectations.

• Allowcandidatestoaskquestions.

• Informcandidatesonthenextstepfollowingtheinterview.

• Closetheinterviewwithanoteofthankstothecandidate.

Phase 3 (Evaluation)


on the first two phases, i.e. how well the planning and preparation is carried out and how well


taken during the interview. With the prepared evaluation checklist, the scores on each of the

criteria for the candidates interviewed would be evaluated accordingly. The following are the

activities involved:

• Reviewnotesonindividualcandidatesinterviewed.

• Evaluatecandidates’suitabilitybasedonselectioncriteria.

• Rankcandidates.

• Makeahiringrecommendation/decision.


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38 39

6.11. Training of Interviewers

Employee recruitment is an important andvital component in theHRprocess.Organisations

could save a lot of money if interviewers are proficient in their job. Training should be given to all

employees involved in the recruitment process. Training of interviewers could be done on the job


interviewers are given updates and sufficient training to achieve the desired level of competency.

The specifics of a training programme for interviewers should include:

• Howtoputjobapplicantsatease.

• Awarenessoferrorsandpitfallsofinterview(e.g.stereotyping).

• TripartiteGuidelinesonFairEmploymentPractices.

• Proceduresforinterviewandselection.

• Developmentofselectioncriteria.

• Listofinterviewquestions.

• Questioningtechniques.

• Awarenesstoensurethatallcandidatesforthesamejobshouldbeaskedthesameset

of questions.

• Listeningskills.

• Useofinterviewevaluationform.

• Ratingandrankingofcandidatesinterviewed.

• Roleplay.

6.12. Tips on Conducting Interviews

• Bepunctualfortheinterview.

• Establishrapport.

• Ensurethatthecandidatesarewellattendedto,fromthetimeofarrivalatthereception

desk to the time after the interview.

• Useapreparedlistofquestions.

• Ensurethatallquestionsaskedarerelatedtothejobrequirementsandselectioncriteria.

• Beproperlyacquaintedwiththe“SystematicHiringProgramme”sectionofthishandbook.

• Allowcandidatestoaskquestionsaboutthecompanyandthejob.

• Beagoodlistenerduringtheinterview.

• Takenotes.

• Prepareinterviewer’sreportforcandidateaftereachinterview.

• Reviewnotesandmakehiringrecommendations.

Remember thatyouare looking for themostsuitablecandidate for the job thatmeetsyour


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6.13. Panel Interview




expected to ask as well as to keep track of the responses of the candidate.

After the interview,panelmembersshouldcompareeachother’s individualevaluationof the

candidates and then jointly decide whether to hire, not to hire or to call for another interview.


should be:

• Properlyacquaintedwiththe“Job interviews”sectionof theTripartiteGuidelinesonFair


• Allocatedwithspecificquestionstoask.

• Awareofwhateachotherisexpectedtodobefore,duringandaftertheinterviews.

• Appointa“coordinator”tocompiletheresultsoftheinterviews.

• Comparenotesandmakeahiringrecommendation/decision. 6.14. Phone Interview

Thephone interview is used for short-listing candidates. It is increasingly popular as a first

level screening process for jobs which require candidates with good verbal communication

skills, e.g. receptionist, customer relations officer, call centre agents, telemarketers and sales

promoters. The phone interview is also used for employee recruitment to check and verify


information submitted in the résumé. This is to ensure that the candidate has the relevant

qualifications and experience required before an appointment is made to meet the candidate.

Questions should not be phrased in a way that may be perceived as discriminatory.


• Preparealistofquestionstoaskduringtheinterviews.

• PreparealistofFAQ(Questionsandanswers)thatcandidatesarelikelytoask.

• Statethepurposeofthecallandbespecificwiththequestions.

• Beagoodlistenerandtakechargeoftheconversation.

• Bepolitethroughouttheconversation.

• Informthecandidateonwhattoexpect.

• Thankthecandidateforthetimespent.


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Telephone Reference Check (SAMPLE)

Good morning / afternoon,



given us?

1. What were his / her dates of employment with your company?

2. He/shesaidhis/herearningswereS$_________________.Whatwashis/herstartingpay

S$____________________________andleavingpayS$ ___________________________ ?

3. Does he / she handle his / her customers well? ____________________________________

4. Would you say he / she was a good worker and a self starter? _______________________

5. Do you find him / her trustworthy? ________________________________________________

6. Howdoeshe/shegetalongwithhis/hercolleagues? _____________________________

7. Howdoeshe/sheacceptsupervision? ___________________________________________

8. Why did he / she leave your company? ___________________________________________

9. Wouldyourehirehim/her?____________________Ifno,why? _______________________

Phone Interviewing Questions (SAMPLE)

• Canyoutellmemoreaboutyourself?

• Whyareyouapplyingforthisposition?

• Howmanyyearsofexperiencedoyouhavein__________________?

• Whatareyourresponsibilitiesinyourcurrentposition?

• Whyareyouconsideringleavingyourcurrentposition?

• Tellmewhatyouknowaboutourcompany/position?

• Whatisthemostimportantthingyouarelookingforinacompany/job?

• Describetomethemostsignificantaccomplishmentinyourcareersofar?

• Whatisyourgreatestweakness/strength?

• Wheredoyouseeyourselfinfiveyears?

• Whenwouldyoubeavailable?

• Whatisyoursalaryexpectation?

• Doyouhaveanyquestions?

The advantages of phone interviews are:

• Convenient.

• Speed.

• Minimumtimeinvolved.

• Lowcost.

The disadvantages of phone interviews are:

• Difficultyindetectingnonverbalcommunicationskills.

• Norapport.

• Voicedistortion.

• Noidentification.

A soft copy of this form can be downloaded from www.fairemployment.sg and customised for your organisation.

A soft copy of this form can be downloaded from www.fairemployment.sg and customised for your organisation.

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Rejection Letter (SAMPLE)





We refer to your application for the position of ________________ and the subsequent interview

at our office.

We would like to inform you that after careful consideration, we felt that another candidate for

the ___________________ position was much closer to our job requirements. This is in no way


We would like to take this opportunity to wish you the best in your future endeavours.

Thank you for your interest in ...

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.



6.15. Résumé Review


should bear in mind the requirements of the job and to check these requirements against the


• Education.

• Workexperience.

• Keyaccomplishments.

• Careerhistory.


meet the job requirementsandselectioncriteriaandavoidbeing influencedbyunrelated

issues, e.g. a beautiful photo of the candidate attached to the job application.

6.16. Character References

The character reference list furnished by the candidate will usually direct you to people who are


doubts about a candidate you have selected, do not be too quick to reverse the hiring decision.


6.17. Informing Candidates of Interview Results

Candidates attending job interviewswant to know the resultsof their interviewas soonas

possible. There are candidates who even request to know the outcome immediately after their

interview. It is good practice for interviewers to inform candidates of their interview results


by phone.

44 45

A soft copy of this form can be downloaded from www.fairemployment.sg and customised for your organisation.

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6.18. Employee Orientation and Induction




with ample knowledge of the job and the organisation in the shortest period of time.


Some organisations make use of the “buddy” system in addition to a formal employee


in all aspects of work as well as to get him acquainted to the new work place. The “buddy”

arrangement could usually go on for 2 weeks or more.


• Introductiontothecompany–Vision,mission,goals,valuesandhistory.

• Geographicalcoverageandofficelocations.

• Companyproductsandservices.

• Companyorganisationstructure–Whoiswho?

• Functionsofdivisions,departmentsandbusinessunits.

• Observationofsafetyandhealthrules.

• Generalemploymenttermsandconditions.

• Proceduresforsalaryadministration.

• Proceduresforperformanceappraisal.

• Proceduresforrecruitment,promotionsandtransfers.

• Companywelfareandbenefits.

• Hospitalisationbenefitsandinsurances.

• Grievanceprocedures.

• Workinghours.

• Generalworkingrulesandregulations–Dresscode,hairstyles,etc.

Letter of Offer (SAMPLE)





We are pleased to offer you the position of ______________________. The terms and conditions

of employment and our benefits package is enclosed.

This offer includes:

• AstartingsalaryofS$___________________withasix-monthreviewinthefirstyear.

• TransportallowanceofS$___________________(Ifapplicable).

• (Listothertermsandconditionsofemploymentofferedbytheorganisation).



We look forward to having you join our organisation.



46 47

A soft copy of this form can be downloaded from www.fairemployment.sg and customised for your organisation.

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components of good HR. Successful companiesspend time and efforton recruitment. A

good hire can contribute towards positive changes including productivity growth, team work

and enhancement of employee morale.

The contents in this handbook will assist you to implement a fair and objective recruitment and

selection process in your organisation and become a more competent recruiter.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic mechanical

means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher.

Produced by:

Reprinted in September 2009

