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FAITH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH September 8th The Rev. Manuel Stivers (610) 509-2554 The Rev. Don Hayn (610) 657-8451 Mr. Michael Miller President, Church Council 484-863-4994 [email protected] Mrs. Linda Eberhart Organist (610) 264-0476 Mrs. Jennifer Kishbaugh Director of Music (610) 451-8660 3355 MacArthur Road Whitehall, PA 18052 [email protected] www.faithlutheranwhitehall.org (610) 435-0451 Fax (610) 437-6591 Monday, September 2nd Labor Day Office Closed ++++++++++++++ Tuesday, September 3rd 1:00 pm Mid-week Communion The Gathering Place ++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday, September 8th Fall Worship Begins 8:00 am & 10:30 am Rally Day & Church Picnic ++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday, September 9th 7:00 pm Church Council meeting ++++++++++++++++++++++
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September 8th

The Rev. Manuel Stivers (610) 509-2554

The Rev. Don Hayn

(610) 657-8451

Mr. Michael Miller President, Church Council

484-863-4994 [email protected]

Mrs. Linda Eberhart Organist

(610) 264-0476

Mrs. Jennifer Kishbaugh Director of Music

(610) 451-8660

3355 MacArthur Road Whitehall, PA 18052 [email protected] www.faithlutheranwhitehall.org

(610) 435-0451 Fax (610) 437-6591

Monday, September 2nd Labor Day

Office Closed


Tuesday, September 3rd

1:00 pm

Mid-week Communion

The Gathering Place

++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday, September 8th

Fall Worship Begins

8:00 am & 10:30 am Rally Day & Church Picnic

++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday, September 9th

7:00 pm

Church Council meeting ++++++++++++++++++++++

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From the President of Church Council

Amazing that the unofficial ending of summer, Labor Day weekend and the start of schools and colleges, is here. Many events are happening at Faith Lutheran as well- two Sunday services, Rally Day, Sunday School, church picnic and return of the choir all happen on Sunday, September 8. Giving of yourself, your time and your talents can be very rewarding. All of the above activities require volunteer assistance. Paul Eichelberger is looking for a few more ushers. Kathy Haller needs several more people on Alter Guild. Joanne Gantz-Jalowiecki could use several more people for Sunday School. All of these occur primarily on Sunday and fit into the schedule of most who work. The point is, we should not expect a small group to do most of the volunteering. This is your church, involvement leads to fulfillment and joy. Give it a try! On Sunday, August 11, we conducted a meeting to answer questions and concerns about supporting a faith based day care here at Faith Whitehall. Unfortunately, as often happens, rumors and here say led to misconceptions. Here are the motivations and goals that guided Church Council to make the decision to house the former St. Paul’s Catasauqua Day Care here at Faith. 1. Faith’s mission statement begins with, “We are an OPEN and CARING community…” Therefore, council followed our mission to open our doors to others in need. 2. Procuring new young families to become members has not been a strong suit of Faith. To grow and sustain this congregation over time requires young families. What better way to introduce families to Faith Lutheran than to have us care and teach their children 5 days a week. 3. St. Paul’s failed due to declining membership which led to financial problems. The day care extended the lifespan of that church well beyond the time it would have closed without them. 4. While our building is heavily utilized, the classroom wing is vacant weekdays. The day care will utilize the entry door in the classroom wing for entrance and exit. There will be no additional traffic into the office entrance. 5. We pass all required safety and fire codes. Fred Scheirer will train the day care staff on all safety and fire requirements. The classroom wing now has smoke detectors in every room. The building is equipped with 360 degree surveillance camera’s outside and most internal areas. On Tuesday, August 20, based upon our organization and preparation, the Whitehall Township Zoning Board passed our request (5-0) for a variance of having two business’s (day care groups) in one building. Since then, we have had a meeting to discuss numerous issues that must be resolved. The target start date for the day care is September 16 based upon state approval. A board of 5 people will be formed to oversee the operation of the day care. The day care will be monitored monthly by council to ensure income covers all expenses. Next month we will provide more details of the day care as goals and procedures are finalized. We ask your support for the mission we share.

Yours in Christ,

Mike Miller

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September Call Committee Update

The Call Committee has been meeting over the past few months. Our purpose is to find the

best candidates that meet our congregation’s needs, helps us grow in our faith, and reach

our goals. The Call Committee is committed to bring you the best candidates for your

review, approval, and final selection. During this first phase of our work, we need to build

our on-line Parish Study Book for interested candidates to review. If interested candidates

feel they are a match for our church, they apply to the Bishop’s Office. The process

continues when the Bishop screens interested candidates and forwards their bios and information to the Call

Committee. We review his recommendations, interview, and bring the best candidates to the congregation for

your final selection. While we are following the process defined by Synod and the Bishop’s office, news of our

vacancy will travel through social media, members’ friendships and families, and other contacts in the area.

The Parish Study Book, that will be posted on-line, has three sets of data for interested candidates to review:

The Ministry Site Profile

This has been the focus of the Call Committee at our recent meetings. The Ministry Site Profile provides an

overview of our congregation, history, programs, mission outreach, demographics, financial information,

committee goals, and long range plans.

The 5 Question Questionnaire

This section is completed by the congregation during the month of September. We are distributing the 4

question questionnaire that every member of the congregation (in middle school and older) is asked to

complete. Copies of the questions will be available:

a) in the bulletin each week, d) in the church’s vestibule

b) sent out in an e-mail, e) in the church office

c) posted on Facebook

You can drop off your completed questionnaires in labeled collection boxes in the vestibule and in the church

office. You do not include your name on the questionnaire. We are asking that these are completed by Sunday,

September 22nd.

The Vitality Survey

The final section of the Parish Study Book is the Vitality Survey that will be completed in church on Sunday,

October 6th. It will be explained and administered by Pastor Peggy Wuertle, from the Bishop’s Office, during

both the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Once the Study Parish Book is complete, the Bishop will be joining us to review the next steps in the call

process, sharing his thoughts, and he will bring copies of the completed Parish Study Book for anyone who is

interested in reading it.

This is an exciting time for our church as we start a new academic year during September and move into the

Fall. It is also an exciting time for all of us to reflect on the future of Faith Lutheran, what our church, and

attending church, means to us as individuals, and that we all have the opportunity to give input that will help us

select our next pastor.

We will continue to provide the congregation with updates, but if you have any questions, please contact Tim

Lucas at – [email protected].

Yours in Faith, The Call Committee

(Pam Blacker, Carl France, Grace Kemmerer, Stacy Kemmerer, Tim Lucas, Tara Miller, and Harold Whittaker)

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**Please note** Summer worship

including September 1st (only one service - 9:00 am)

Fall Worship Begins

September 8th

We will resume both worship services 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM

Church Picnic & Rally Day after worship


The Altar Guild is in need of volunteers for first and second

services. Altar Guild volunteers set up the altar for each service and

clean up after each service. Our volunteers usually arrive at least a half

hour before a service begins and stay until everything is cleaned

up. (Usually, about 15 to 20 minutes after each service.) We also

decorate and undecorate the church for Harvest Home, Advent Season, Easter, and Pentecost. Men

and women can volunteer, and we will train you on the job. If interested, you will placed on the

schedule with a veteran altar guild person for training. We usually work in pairs so you will never

be alone. If you are interested, please contact Cathy Haller at (610) 266-8762

or [email protected]. I will be happy to explain the job in more details to you.

Mid-Week Communion Tuesday

September 3rd 1:00 pm

the Gathering Place


Kaitlyn Anna Hontz and

Ryan Matthew Hontz

The Hontz Family:

Matthew, Lori and


Kaitlyn & Ryan. God's blessings and our best wishes

to all those celebrating a special day

this month.

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Congratulations to Grace Kemmerer,

this year’s winner of the

Robert L. George Scholarship

This is a $500 scholarship given to a student in two

increments of $250, once in

August and again in January.

The selection process consisted of a leadership role,

grade point average, service activities, ministerial

program and an essay on “How has Faith Church

helped in your spiritual growth?” The Scholarship

committee scored each candidate in each of these

areas and the highest scoring applicant was awarded

the scholarship. The committee had a very tough

decision and is proud of all our applicants.

Congratulations and best wishes to ALL our students.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shel Ehret, for the

Robert L. George Scholarship Committee

Dear Faith:

Thank you so much for the warm

welcome on Leo's Baptism. We

especially appreciate Rev. Stivers

for baptizing Leo and the women

in the quilting group for the

beautiful quilt. We love it! I'm so

happy we were able to baptize

Leo in the church I grew up in.

Thank you again for

accommodating us. All our love.

Nicole Heller & Family

Dear Faith:

I would like to give a big thank you to the

church for selecting me as the recipient of

the Robert L. George Scholarship. It

meant a lot to me and it will be put to

great use towards my college education.

I'm happy to have been a part of FELC for

this long and I'm even happier to say that I

will stay as involved in the church even

when I'm attending college.

Gracie Kemmerer

To Sue Stahler and her helpers:

Thank you for preparing the Over

80's Birthday Party annually.

Marilyn Reese

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Church News continued:


The September Newsletter is sponsored by

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Lawall in honor of their

Wedding Anniversary.






All are welcome!

Join us for fellowship and fun!

Thanks to over 250 Faith members and family who came out to support and

celebrate Pastor and Sandy Bodnyk's retirement! We appreciate the love and

insight shared by our guest speakers, Bishop Samuel Zeiser, Lehigh County

Executive, Phillips Armstrong, Faith Council President, Mike Miller, Faith's own,

Art Frye Sr., and several of our previous interns: Pastor Virginia Goodwin,

Pastor William Hodgetts, Pastor June Bair and Pastor Steve Meyer. Although

they couldn't be with us, Pastor Debby North and Pastor Josh Johnson

forwarded their congratulatory messages shared by Jackie Daniel. Special

thanks to Michael John for sharing his loving appreciation and for enlightening

all the guests on what it's really like to be a "PK", "Pastor's Kid". We all love you

Mike! The Pastor's Retirement Committee did a great job planning, organizing

and executing a wonderful celebration. Our heartfelt thanks for a job well done

go to the following:

Barbara Yurasits, Linda Wehr, Fred & Linda Scheirer, Stacy Kemmerer, Dan &

Gail Herzog, Rosemarie Haffner, Shel & Judy Ehret, Richard & Jackie Daniel, Charles Church and Norma Hrozencik

Page 7: FAITH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHfaithlutheranwhitehall.org/forms/sep2019.pdf3355 MacArthur Road Whitehall, PA 18052 faithlutheranwhitehall@rcn.com (610) 435-0451 Fax (610) 437-6591




“Do unto others as you would have

them do unto you”

We are encouraging ALL OUR MEMBERS to share with those less fortunate by bringing any of the

following canned and/or packaged foods to Faith Church up to and including Friday, October 11.

Tuna, pancake mix and pancake syrup, canned fruit, canned meats, canned pastas, (spaghetti's, ravioli),

soup (not tomato), boxed potatoes, hamburger helper, pasta sides (rice or noodle), coffee and tea, egg

noodles, elbow macaroni, stuffing mix, canned vegetables (preferably corn, green beans, peas, yams or

sweet potatoes; cranberry sauce, jelly, cereal, spaghetti sauce, cake mixes and icing and baby food are

examples of foods which are appreciated. The food is shared with the Whitehall Food Pantry, with

some being used for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets we prepare for distribution from our

church. Please check the dates on all donations to make sure they’re not expired. Monetary donations

are always welcome. Please make checks payable to FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH with a

notation on the check that it’s a donation for the Food Pantry. This allows the church to give you

credit on your statement, even though the money will be given to the Whitehall Food Pantry. Do not

underestimate a moment of your KINDNESS. It has the power to change lives in ways you may never

know. Thank you in advance for caring and sharing. God bless you all!



Inviting all Middle & High School instrumental students with

at least 2 years' experience to play during the 6:30 pm Special

Music time prior to the 7 pm Christmas Eve Service. Those

interested would be playing in an instrumental ensemble (no

solos). Instrumentalists will receive music in advance and will

rehearse together prior to playing in church. If interested,

please contact Jennifer Kishbaugh

([email protected]) with your name, grade &

instrument by Sunday, October 6.

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All classes begin on Rally Day, September 8, 2019 at 9:15 AM

– 10:15 AM. Classes for all ages are offered. Rally Day is a

busy Sunday returning to our two worship services at 8:00 AM

and 10:30 AM, our Sunday School classes and

then our church picnic.

It is also the start of our two confirmation classes. There will be a meeting of seventh and eighth

graders and parents at 9:30 AM in Blacker Hall. Meet the teachers of the classes and have any

questions ready. If you have any questions before Rally Day or cannot attend the orientation,

please contact me, Joanne Gantz-Jalowiecki, at (610) 434-7844. Also, if you know of any

prospective members with children interested in our program, give me a call.


Mark your calendar! Everyone loves a parade. It was decided

that Faith Lutheran would enter the Coplay Halloween Parade this

year. The parade is scheduled for October 15. Following our

fun VBS theme, Giddy Up Junction, Taking God’s Love to New

Frontiers, our horses will be coming out of their corrals and

following the trails of Coplay. If you don’t want to be part of the parade,

please come and plan on supporting us as we gallop those trails. If you want to help decorate the

barnyard, or be a galloping cowboy/cowgirl, please talk to Heidi Carr or myself. More information as it

becomes available will be shared with you. This is open to everyone!






Last year’s Halloween bingo was a real hit with you folks. This year, instead

of coming in costume, I am asking for people to submit their scariest hand-

carved jack-o-lanterns. There will be a judging committee and a 1st, 2nd and 3rd

cash prize will be awarded. Advanced tickets will be available after September 10th or you may

purchase the day of. Any questions, please contact Joanne Gantz-Jalowiecki (610) 434-7844.


Christmas Tea

Sunday, December 1st A meeting for anyone who would like to be part of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, at

7:00 PM. If you are interested, but want information before the meeting, contact Joanne at (610) 434-7844.

Everyone knows these tickets move really fast, so if you are interested, now is not too soon to request them.

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“O come and let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our

salvation! Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful

noise to Him with songs of praise!”

-Psalm 95: 1-2

Worship and music are inseparable. The arts are a powerful medium for ministry,

providing a vehicle for personal and corporate praise, prayer, and thanksgiving to

God. Music speaks what cannot be expressed in words, thus soothing the mind,

healing the heart, calming and uplifting the spirit. Music is a gift from God that flows

from heaven to the soul. However great or small your talents, there is a place for

you in our music ministry. I hope that this helps you to find a way to come out this fall to “make a joyful noise unto the


Musical opportunities include:

Sunday School: (Nursery-6th grade)

Sunday School children sing each Sunday morning as the opening to Sunday School in the Sanctuary. Children sing

Sunday School favorites from years gone by to newer selections. Additionally, the Sunday School children sing selections

in church throughout the year.

Bell Choir: (7th grade and up)

I look forward to NEW members joining us this year. Having the ability to read music is an advantage but if you are

unable to read music and have an interest in playing, please do not be discouraged; come to a rehearsal and see what it is

all about. If you were part of the bell choir last year you need not contact me, as I will count on you continuing playing

with us, but if you are a potential new member that would be interested in playing please contact me BEFORE the first

rehearsal for the purpose of assigning bells.

Rehearsals-one night a week (Thursdays 6:15-7:15)

Location-Rhoads Room/Sanctuary

Ministry-rings once a month during the worship service and special events of the church season

Senior Choir: (9th grade and up)

Calling all who are interested in praising God in song! If you have not been in the choir before and are interested in

joining us, please contact me BEFORE the first rehearsal, so that a folder is prepared for you.

Rehearsals-one night a week (Thursdays 7:30-8:30)

Location-Rhoads Room/Sanctuary

Ministry-weekly ministry for one (occasionally two) services on Sundays and special events of the church season

Special Music:

Vocalists and instrumentalists for special musical offerings are welcomed. Solos, duets, trios, and small ensembles are

valued anytime, but especially during the summer months. Please let me know if you are interested in sharing your special



There are Senior Choir anthems that sometimes have an accompaniment part that require various instrumentation (violin,

trumpet, flute, drum, clarinet, etc) ; if you would be interested in accompanying the Senior Choir on a particular

instrument—please let me know what instrument it is that you play and what level you play at (beginner, intermediate,


***Rehearsals for all ensembles begin Wednesday, September 4th. Regular scheduled rehearsals WILL be on

THURSDAYS (with the exception of Thursday, September 5th rehearsal moved to Wednesday, September 4th due to my

“Meet the Teacher” night at school). If you took a break from music and are ready to come back, if you have never rung a

bell or sung in a choir before, or if you have been part of the music ministry here for years; I look forward to glorifying

God’s name with you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at home: [email protected] (subject

heading: FELC Music) or at 610-451-8660 (cell/text).

Jennifer Kishbaugh, Director of Music

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September 1 September 8 September 15 September 22 September 29

Liturgists Shiryl Decker E - Art Frye L - Tom Colburn

E - Norma Hrozencik L - Jackie Daniel

E - Pat Wotring L - Barb Farrell

E - Art Frye L - Barb Kotsch

Communion Assistants

Bobbi Kling

Rosemarie Haffner None Needed None Needed None Needed None Needed

Altar Guild

Kris Eichelberger

Rosemarie Haffner

E - Cathy Haller

L- Sara Laub

Rebecca Ward

E - Donna Ziegenfuss

L- Kathy Stofflet

Rosemarie Haffner

E - Norma Hrozencik

Diane Batza

L- Nancy Buskirk

Sara Laub

E - Kris Eichleberger

L- Kathy Stofflet

Rebecca Ward

Acolytes/ Crucifers

Jenna Lance E - TBA








Lectors Shiryl Decker E - Don Jackson

L - Evan Colburn

E - Kris Eichelberger

L - Dorothy Bretz

E - Rachael Carr L - Stacey Cave

E - Norma Hrozencik L - Tom Colburn

Narthex Greeters

Erich & Rena Berg

E - Dwayne & Theresa


L - Mike & Carol Miller

E - Paul & Kris


L - Phyllis Brader

E - Joanne Gantz-


L - Nancy Buskirk

E - Joe, Stacy Kemmemer

& Girls

L - Ralph & Nancy Eckhart

Ushers Team # 3 E - Team # 4

L - Team # 5

E - Team # 1

L - Team # 6

E - Team # 2

L - Team # 7

E - Team # 3

L - Team # 8

Flower Sponsors & Bulletin Sponsors

F - Open B - Open

F - Nelson & Kathy Schaeffer B - Open

F - Sharon Kinney B - Sharon Kinney &

Norma Hrozencik F & B - Pam Blacker Open

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00 AM Worship Service

10:30 AM Fellowship Comm.


4:00 PM E.F.O.D. Worship Service

8:00 PM AA Meeting


Office Closed


10:00 AM Prayer


1:00 PM Mid-Week


5:00 PM Weight


7:00 PM Boy Scouts

7:00 PM Zumba


5:15 PM Community


6:15 PM Bell Choir

6:30 PM Girl Scouts

7:00 PM E.F.O.D.

Worship Service

7:15 PM Senior


5 6 7

Set up for Picnic

8 Church


Christian Ed


8:00 AM - 10:30

AM Worship


9:15 AM Sunday School &

Confirmation Class

4:00 PM E.F.O.D. Worship Service

8:00 PM AA Meeting


6:00 PM Cub

Scouts Committee


7:00 PM Church


7:00 PM Daisy's


10:00 AM Prayer


5:00 PM Weight


7:00 PM Boy Scouts

7:00 PM HR


7:00 PM Zumba


6:30 PM Girl Scouts

7:00 PM E.F.O.D.

Worship Service


6:15 PM Bell Choir

7:30 PM Senior



6:30 PM Cathering



10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Birthday Party


8:00 AM - 10:30 AM Worship


9:15 AM Sunday School &

Confirmation Class

11:30 AM Worship & Music

1:00 PM Dream Weavers

4:00 PM E.F.O.D. Worship Service

8:00 PM AA Meeting


1:00 PM


7:00 PM Daisy's


10:00 AM Prayer


5:00 PM Weight


7:00 PM Boy Scouts

7:00 PM Zumba


5:15 PM Community


6:30 PM Girl Scouts

7:00 PM E.F.O.D.

Worship Service


6:00 PM Cub


6:15 PM Bell Choir

7:30 PM Senior



8:00 AM CTC

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Cathering Prep



8:00 AM - 10:30 AM Worship


9:15 AM Sunday School &

Confirmation Class

4:00 PM E.F.O.D. Worship Service

8:00 PM AA Meeting


1st Day of


1:00 PM


7:00 PM Daisy's


10:00 AM Prayer


11:00 AM Hunger


5:00 PM Weight


7:00 PM Boy Scouts

7:00 PM Christmas

Tea Meeting

7:00 PM Property


7:00 PM Zumba


6:30 PM Girl Scouts

7:00 PM E.F.O.D.

Worship Service


6:00 PM Cub


6:15 PM Bell Choir

7:30 PM Senior


27 28


8:00 AM - 10:30 AM Worship


9:15 AM Sunday School &

Confirmation Class

4:00 PM E.F.O.D. Worship Service

8:00 PM AA Meeting


1:00 PM


7:00 PM Daisy's
