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Faith & Family The Paducah Sun | Friday, January 11, 2013 | paducahsun.com Section C JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. Musician James Taylor is using his Facebook site to help to promote a Jeffersonville church that’s raising money to move and install a new pipe organ. Ellyn Kusmin, Taylor’s as- sistant, wrote an email to the Rev. Donald Hill, co-pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, saying she had seen a Dec. 24 article in The Courier-Journal about the church. “We would like to help in some way,” Kusmin wrote Dec. 25. A link to The Courier-Journal story posted on Taylor’s Face- book page had garnered about 1,300 “likes” and had been shared more than 200 times within 24 hours. And church ofcials are now planning an auction after Kusmin offered an item from Taylor’s collection that she said he’ll autograph and personalize for the highest bidder — a signed piece of music from Taylor’s personal set for “Fire and Rain,” parts that Kusmin said Taylor used on tour many years ago with the Pittseld (Mass.) Sym- phony. The auction date hasn’t been set, but Hill, who leads the church with his wife, the Rev. Nancy Woodworth-Hill, said they’ve been overwhelmed by the musician’s generosity. “This came as a total surprise,” Hill told the newspaper. “He’s just an amazingly generous man.” So far, the group has raised more than $800 toward its $10,000 goal through a “crowd- funding” page called GoFundMe. Instead of receiving a cease- and-desist letter for using Tay- lor’s 1970 copyright song “Fire and Rain” as background music in a YouTube video to promote the church fundraiser, Kusmin’s Christmas email was much more kind. “We would no doubt give per- mission to you for the limited life of this video ‘cause,’” she wrote. The small congregation re- cently restored the 118-year-old, Victorian-style building at 321 E. Market St. from residual dam- age that followed oods in 1937, 2007 and 2009, as well as a 1981 re. Its original pipe organ from 1894 was destroyed by the Great Flood of 1937. The 1981 re destroyed its replacement organ and parish hall and damaged its sanctuary. Recently, a pipe organ was do- nated, but church ofcials say it will cost $45,000 to disassemble, move and install in the church. Charlie White writes for the Lou- isville Courier-Journal. ‘Fire and Rain’ to help raise funds BY CHARLIE WHITE Associated Press Associated Press Musician James Taylor is using his Facebook page to help promote the efforts of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Jeffersonville, Ind., to raise money for a new pipe organ. Singer Taylor uses Facebook to assist church in getting new pipe organ Associated Press Musician James Taylor plays his guitar in 2007 at the NBC Studios in Burbank, Calif. Taylor is using his Facebook page to help a Jeffer- sonville church. “This came as a total surprise. He’s just an amazingly generous man.” Rev. Donald Hill Co-pastor, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church RALEIGH, N.C. — The Catho- lic Diocese of Raleigh, N.C., is still months away from breaking ground on its new cathedral off Western Boulevard, but already it has bought the windows. Forty-two stained-glass win- dows are being removed from a church in Philadelphia and painstakingly restored so they can be installed in Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, N.C. The 85-year-old windows from Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Church tell the story of Jesus’ life, from the angel’s visit to Mary to the resurrec- tion and ascension, in vivid colored glass held together by lead. Ascension of Our Lord closed Oct. 1, one of countless once-thriving churches and synagogues in the Midwest and Northeast whose congregations have shrunk as members move to the suburbs or beyond. Their buildings are often lled with ornate windows, statues, carved woodwork and other works of art that sometimes nd new homes in the growing churches of the South. Raleigh Bishop Michael Bur- bidge knew about the Ascension windows from his days as an auxiliary bishop in the Archdio- cese of Philadelphia and asked about them when he heard the church was closing. Burbidge grew up in the city, attending a church that itself closed a decade ago, and is familiar with what can get left behind when a parish dies. “Some of those parish church- es _ they’re like cathedrals them- selves,” Burbidge said. “They’re very beautiful.” The Ascension windows are large _ as tall as 17 feet 8 inches and more than 4 feet wide _ and it takes a big church like the planned Raleigh cathedral to hold them. Architect James McCrery of Washington, D.C., said he made only minor modi- cations to his design for Holy Name of Jesus, increasing the height and width of the windows by a few inches. Three panels from one of the windows, standing about 7 feet tall and depicting the Adoration of the Magi, have been restored As churches grow in the South, windows from the North follow BY RICHARD STRADLING McClatchy-Tribune News Service McClatchy-Tribune News Service A restored section of one of the 17 1 2-foot-tall windows from the historic Ascension of Our Lord Church is displayed Dec. 19 in Phila- delphia. The windows been acquired by the Catholic Diocese of Ra- leigh for use in the new cathedral it plans to build in Raleigh. Please see WINDOWS | 2C
Page 1: Faith & Familymatchbin-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/public/sites/1140/...2C • Friday, January 11, 2013 • The Paducah Sun Faith & Family paducahsun.com “You are here,” the map at

Faith & FamilyThe Paducah Sun | Friday, January 11, 2013 | paducahsun.com Section C

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind.  — Musician James Taylor is using his Facebook site to help to promote a Jeffersonville church that’s raising money to move and install a new pipe organ.

Ellyn Kusmin, Taylor’s as-sistant, wrote an email to the Rev. Donald Hill, co-pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, saying she had seen a Dec. 24 article in The Courier-Journal about the church.

“We would like to help in some way,” Kusmin wrote Dec. 25.

A link to The Courier-Journal story posted on Taylor’s Face-book page had garnered about 1,300 “likes” and had been shared more than 200 times within 24 hours.

And church offi cials are now planning an auction after Kusmin offered an item from Taylor’s collection that she said he’ll autograph and personalize for the highest bidder — a signed piece of music from Taylor’s personal set for “Fire and Rain,” parts that Kusmin said Taylor used on tour many years ago with the Pittsfi eld (Mass.) Sym-phony.

The auction date hasn’t been set, but Hill, who leads the church with his wife, the Rev. Nancy Woodworth-Hill, said they’ve been overwhelmed by the musician’s generosity.

“This came as a total surprise,” Hill told the newspaper. “He’s just an amazingly generous man.”

So far, the group has raised

more than $800 toward its $10,000 goal through a “crowd-funding” page called GoFundMe.

Instead of receiving a cease-and-desist letter for using Tay-lor’s 1970 copyright song “Fire and Rain” as background music in a YouTube video to promote the church fundraiser, Kusmin’s Christmas email was much more kind.

“We would no doubt give per-mission to you for the limited life of this video ‘cause,’” she wrote.

The small congregation re-cently restored the 118-year-old, Victorian-style building at 321 E. Market St. from residual dam-age that followed fl oods in 1937, 2007 and 2009, as well as a 1981 fi re.

Its original pipe organ from 1894 was destroyed by the Great Flood of 1937. The 1981 fi re destroyed its replacement organ and parish hall and damaged its sanctuary.

Recently, a pipe organ was do-nated, but church offi cials say it will cost $45,000 to disassemble, move and install in the church.

Charlie White writes for the Lou-isville Courier-Journal.

‘Fire and Rain’ to help raise funds

BY CHARLIE WHITEAssociated Press

Associated Press

Musician James Taylor is using his Facebook page to help promote the efforts of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Jeffersonville, Ind., to raise money for a new pipe organ.

Singer Taylor uses Facebook to assist church in getting new pipe organ

Associated Press

Musician James Taylor plays his guitar in 2007 at the NBC Studios in Burbank, Calif. Taylor is using his Facebook page to help a Jeffer-sonville church.

“This came as a total surprise.

He’s just an amazingly

generous man.”

Rev. Donald HillCo-pastor,

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

RALEIGH, N.C. — The Catho-lic Diocese of Raleigh, N.C., is still months away from breaking ground on its new cathedral off Western Boulevard, but already it has bought the windows.

Forty-two stained-glass win-dows are being removed from a church in Philadelphia and painstakingly restored so they can be installed in Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, N.C. The 85-year-old windows from Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Church tell the story of Jesus’ life, from the angel’s visit to Mary to the resurrec-tion and ascension, in vivid colored glass held together by lead.

Ascension of Our Lord

closed Oct. 1, one of countless once-thriving churches and synagogues in the Midwest and Northeast whose congregations have shrunk as members move to the suburbs or beyond. Their buildings are often fi lled with ornate windows, statues, carved woodwork and other works of art that sometimes fi nd new homes in the growing churches of the South.

Raleigh Bishop Michael Bur-bidge knew about the Ascension windows from his days as an auxiliary bishop in the Archdio-cese of Philadelphia and asked about them when he heard the church was closing. Burbidge grew up in the city, attending a church that itself closed a decade ago, and is familiar with what can get left behind when a parish

dies.“Some of those parish church-

es _ they’re like cathedrals them-selves,” Burbidge said. “They’re very beautiful.”

The Ascension windows are large _ as tall as 17 feet 8 inches and more than 4 feet wide _ and it takes a big church like the planned Raleigh cathedral to hold them. Architect James McCrery of Washington, D.C., said he made only minor modi-fi cations to his design for Holy Name of Jesus, increasing the height and width of the windows by a few inches.

Three panels from one of the windows, standing about 7 feet tall and depicting the Adoration of the Magi, have been restored

As churches grow in the South, windows from the North follow

BY RICHARD STRADLINGMcClatchy-Tribune News Service

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

A restored section of one of the 17 1⁄2-foot-tall windows from the historic Ascension of Our Lord Church is displayed Dec. 19 in Phila-delphia. The windows been acquired by the Catholic Diocese of Ra-leigh for use in the new cathedral it plans to build in Raleigh.Please see WINDOWS | 2C

Page 2: Faith & Familymatchbin-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/public/sites/1140/...2C • Friday, January 11, 2013 • The Paducah Sun Faith & Family paducahsun.com “You are here,” the map at

2C • Friday, January 11, 2013 • The Paducah Sun Faith & Family paducahsun.com

“You are here,” the map at the mall tells us, with a small red arrow pointed at our exact location. Wouldn’t it be convenient if we had that directory in our spiritual lives, one that could tell us exactly where we are and where we are going?

Dr. Larry Crabb, a psychologist, speaker, and Bible teacher, fi rst used this metaphor to make the point that to move forward in one’s spiritual journey, one must fi rst know where one stands. You must fi nd your red dot on your spiri-tual map.

I’ve heard a few inter-esting responses to this concept: “I feel like I’m in the sporting goods store, just playing around,” “I’m just stuck at the directory, going nowhere,” “I’m not even in the mall!”

Dr. Crabb explains that

the fi rst step in connecting to God is coming to him “just as you are.”

To be authentic rather than try to be what you think you are suppose to be. He suggests that we should periodically fi nd our “red dot” and deter-mine where we are at the moment, without holding back anything, without fear of judgment.

We need to be willing to look at the map and determine if we are in the mall, so to speak, or if we are still out in the parking

lot, looking for a place to park. Are we stuck some-where? Or are we moving around, experiencing the opportunities mapped out on the directory, exploring the places that God might take us or feasting on the spiritual food waiting on us in the proverbial food court?

You must know where you are to get where you are going. That is a basic concept, but one that we often ignore. We rush around, we go to church on Sunday, we take a quick read of our sacred scriptures, we pray, and we volunteer. But do we sit down, alone, and consider: Where am I spiritually?

“Certain things can be learned in solitude that can be learned nowhere else,” says Dr. Crabb. “The Spirit dwells in us. Only silence allows us to hear his quiet-

est whisper, the voice in which he communicates the deepest life.”

Crabb suggests we simply start off telling God where we are, what we are thinking, and what we are feeling. We don’t have to dress it up in pretty words and holy phrases.

One morning I said, “God, I just want you to know that I feel really confused right now. I can’t even get my head around my thoughts and feelings. I have been so preoccupied with myself and not you. I am going to need some help today keeping focused on you in my prayer time and not making it all about me. I need some help sort-ing through all the clutter in my head. I just don’t feel motivated to push through these clouds today.”

Being omniscient, God already knew all of that,

of course. But praying it made me more aware of where I was, spiritually speaking. It helped me locate my red dot.

In a way, Communion, the breaking of the bread, is a moment where we seriously consider our red dot. As we take the body broken for us and the blood spilled for us, it is a time to meditate on what we are doing with this gift of grace. How are we spending what was freely given? How are we build-ing a bridge to the one who made it possible for us to connect with God? Is there something amiss in our life that might prevent us from genuinely communing with God?

We are told in the New Testament to stop, leave the communion table, and address that issue. That’s pretty serious business.

That apparently means we need to know where our red dot is in order to genu-inely commune with God.

But we need no sacred ritual — no matter how important — to start the process of fi nding our red dot. We simply need to be quiet and commune with God in prayer.

Look at your spiritual map, look for that red dot, fi nd those words, “You are here” and, if you are doing this in a sincere effort to seek God, you are starting out right where you need to be.

Jaletta Albright Desmond is a columnist who writes about faith, family, and the fascinatingly mundane aspects of daily life. She lives in North Carolina with her family. Contact her at [email protected].

Know where you are to get where you are going

Jaletta Desmond

Special services

Just By Faith Inter-De-nominational Ministries, 1120 Johnson St., Me-tropolis, Ill.; second church anniversary. Theme: “He Wants the Best for Us.” Special service, 3 p.m. Sunday at Metropolis Community Center, 900 W. 10th St. Guests will be Rev. James Hudson and members of Harrison Street Missionary Baptist Church of Paducah.

New Greater Love Mis-sionary Baptist Church, 1249 N. 12th St., annual Usher Musical at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. All area churches in-vited. Musical guests include

The Golden Echoes and Mt. Moriah Male Chorus.

Pentecostal Tabernacle, 16235 U.S. 45, Water Valley, revival Jan. 18-20. Guest speaker is Dr. Jer-emy Mays. Services Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Eckankar, the religion of the light and sound, will hold worship service 11 a.m. to noon Sunday, at the Paducah Yoga Center, Seventh and Broadway.


First Christian Church, 415 Audubon Drive, will host a community break-

fast 8-10 a.m. Saturday in the fellowship hall with all proceeds going to benefit Waylin Grace, a 2 1/2 year-old boy who is fight-ing Stage IV High-Risk Neuroblastoma at Vander-bilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. Breakfast will included eggs, bacon, sausage, country ham, bis-cuits and gravy, pancakes, coffee, milk, and juice.

Radio Ministry

First Christian Church, 415 Audubon, Paducah. Morning worship is broad-cast every Sunday 10:45 a.m. on 1560 am WPAD or 99.5 FM.

“God’s Guide for Daily Living” is presented each Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. by the Fairdealing Church of Christ, 8081 U.S. 68-East, Benton, KY, on Benton radio stations WCBL 99.1 FM and 1290 AM by Lexie B. Ray, minis-ter of the church.

 Items for the Church Cal-endar must be received by email by noon Tuesdays to [email protected]. No handwritten announce-ments please. Put Church Calendar in the subject line. Include the name, location, physical address, date and time of the event, along with contact information.

Church Calendar

and are on display in the lobby of the Catholic Cen-ter, the diocese headquar-ters on the site where the cathedral will stand.

The diocese paid $320,000 for the windows, and is spending another $1 million to have them restored.

It hopes to sell naming rights to cover those costs, Burbidge said.

To commission new windows of this quality and size and beauty would be cost prohibitive, McCrery said.

“You always have your eye out for beautiful art that’s available,” he said. “But for us being able to fi nd windows that were big enough, great enough in number, and available, the likelihood is essentially nil. So when this came to us, we embraced it immedi-ately.”


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Concord United Methodist ChurchConcordpad.com

5178 Hinkleville Road270-443-2669

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Faith Center of Paducahwww.faithcenter.tv

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Pastor John Aitken

First Baptist Churchfbcpaducah.org

2890 Broadway • 270-442-2728Sunday Morning Services 8:30 am &11:00 am

Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pmMIDWEEK Service 6:00 pm

Immanuel Baptist Churchibcpaducah.org

3465 Buckner Lane Paducah • 443-5306Sunday School - 9:30AM • Morning Worship - 10:45AM

The Paducah Seventh DayAdventist Church

paducah22.adventistchurchconnect.org5320 Kentucky Dam Road • 898-3010

Sabbath School 9:30 a.m., Church 11 a.m.Vegetarian meal fi rst Sabbath of every month

United Church of Paducahuccpaducah.org

United Church of Christ4600 Buckner Lane • 270-442-3722

Ronald W. Ruggles, Sr. PastorSunday Worship: 10:00 am, Wednesday Bible Study: 6:20 pm

Church Directory

*Full service nursery provided for all services.SouthlandBaptistTemple.com • 927 Yarbro Ln, Paducah, KY 42003 • 270-444-9678


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Page 3: Faith & Familymatchbin-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/public/sites/1140/...2C • Friday, January 11, 2013 • The Paducah Sun Faith & Family paducahsun.com “You are here,” the map at

paducahsun.com Obituaries The Paducah Sun • Friday, January 11, 2013 • 3C

Funeral noticesPaid obituaries furnished to The Paducah Sun by mortuaries.

METROPOLIS, Ill. — Ben Edward Sawyer, 88, of Me-tropolis, Ill., formerly of

Gleason, T e n n . , p a s s e d a w a y Wednes-day, Jan-uary 9, 2013, at Western B a p t i s t H o s p i -tal in Paducah.

He was surrounded by his wife and children.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Satur-day, January 12, 2013, at the Aikins-Farmer Funeral Home. Rev. Alan Milligan will offi ciate. Military de-tail will follow the service. Burial will follow at the New Valley United Meth-odist Church Cemetery in Gleason, Tenn.

Mr. Sawyer was born in Gleason, Tenn., on Sep-tember 26, 1924. He was a decorated soldier of WWII in which he served the United States Military for 3 years.

Ben is survived by his wife and high school sweet-heart, Myrtle Dellinger, for-merly of Gleason. The cou-ple was married for nearly 65 years (wed on January 23, 1948).

Also surviving are one brother, Bobby Sawyer of Houston, Texas; one sis-ter, Sue Quinn of Fruit-land, Tenn.; two children, Cynthia Sawyer Howard of

Kirksey, Ky., and Don E. Sawyer and wife, Marna of Metropolis; fi ve grandchil-dren, Dr. Robert Sawyer Howard and wife, Mallory, of Kirksey, Ky., Mary Kay Howard Bowden and hus-band, Brandt, of Houston, Texas, Kimberly Howard Willson and husband, Drew of Memphis, Tenn., Marlie Sawyer Motta and husband, David of Celebration, Fla., and Vance Edward Sawyer of Bloomington, Ill.; four great-grandchildren, Rus-sell and Annabelle Bowden and Mary Drew and Sand-ers Willson.

Friends may call to the Aikins-Farmer Funeral Home in Metropolis from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Janu-ary 11, 2013.

Memorial contributions may take the form of dona-tions to the Massac County High School Department, 2841 Old Marion Rd., Me-tropolis, IL 62960; Powers United Methodist Church, 3210 Illinois 145 Rd., Me-tropolis, IL 62960; New Valley United Methodist Church Cemetery, P.O. Box 172, Gleason, TN 38229.

Pallbearers — David Motta, Drew Willson, Brandt Bowden, Vance Sawyer, Robert Howard, Mike Quinn, Larry Quinn

Honorary Pallbear-ers — Richard Margherio, Mike “Possum” Stephens, Charles “Moose” Griffey, Dale Mittendorf, Albert Wainscott, Robbie Ru-dolph, Frank Pritchett, Ben Camp

Ben Edward Sawyer

Sonny “Ray” Bucking-ham, 76, of West Paducah passed away at his home

Wednes-day, Jan-uary 9, 2013, at 2:56 a.m.

R a y was a na-tive of C a r l i s l e C o u n -ty who made his home in

West Paducah for the past forty years. He was of the Pentecostal faith, an avid sportsman who loved to hunt and fi sh, a carpenter and farmer who enjoyed spending time with his faithful companion “Pee-Wee,” his little dog.

He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Fay Cornwell Buckingham; his daughter, Rita Jo Beames and hus-band Stephen of Lone Oak; two sisters, Luzene Hooper of Moor Park, Calif., and Eva Knott of Paducah; two brothers-in-law, Paul Cornwell and wife Mary

of West Paducah and Tom Cornwell and wife Donna of Loranger, La., and many nieces and nephews.

He is preceded in death by his parents, Roy and Vesta Thurston Bucking-ham; a son-in-law, Mark Dowell; a sister, Betty Har-ris; and a brother, J.D. Buckingham.

Visitation for Mr. Buck-ingham will be at the Lone Oak Chapel of Milner & Orr Funeral Home on Fri-day, January 11, 2013, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Funeral services will take place at the Lone Oak Chapel of Milner and Orr Funeral Home on Saturday, Janu-ary 12, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. with burial to follow at Pal-estine Cemetery.

The Rev. Ronny Mason will offi ciate.

Expressions of sympathy may take the form of con-tribution to: St. Jude Chil-dren’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Mem-phis, TN 38105.

You may leave condo-lences or light a candle at www.milnerandorr.com.

Sonny ‘Ray’ Buckingham

BENTON — Jack Lee Cole, age 82, of Benton, Ky., died Thursday, Janu-

ary 10, 2013, at C a l v e r t City Con-valescent Center in C a l v e r t City, Ky.

He was a retired Lab Tech-nician for Air Prod-

ucts. Mr. Cole was a mem-ber of the T.L. Jefferson Masonic Lodge No. 622.

He was a deacon at First Missionary Baptist Church.

Mr. Cole was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and served during the Korean Confl ict.

He was the son of the late Terrel Cole and the late Thelma (Phillips) Cole.

He is survived by two daughters, Susan Thomas and husband Doug of Ben-ton, Ky., and Cindy Wat-kins and husband Benny of Benton, Ky.; one sister, Judy Homer and husband John of Benton, Ky.; and

four grandchildren, Cole Thomas and wife Amanda of Lone Oak, Ky., Luke Thomas of Benton, Ky., Karly Watkins and Kayla Watkins, both of Benton, Ky.

He was preceded in death by his parents, and his wife, Nelle (Miller) Cole.

Arrangements are being handled by Collier Funeral Home, P.O. Box 492, Ben-ton, KY.

Funeral service will be at Collier Funeral Chapel at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, Janu-ary 12, 2013, with Rev. K. Alan Miller offi ciating.

Interment will follow at Cole Cemetery in Benton, Ky.

Visitation will be held between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Fri-day, January 11, 2013, at the Collier Funeral Home in Benton, Ky.

Memorial contributions may be given to the Cole Cemetery Fund, c/o Neil Cole, 16 Bondurant Ln., Benton, KY 42025 or the First Missionary Baptist Church Building Fund, 100 W. 13th St., Benton, KY 42025.

Jack Lee Cole

METROPOLIS, Ill. — Mrs. Janice Deming, age 62, of Metropolis, Ill., passed away at 7:40 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013, at the Lourdes hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Sat-urday, Jan. 12, 2013, at the Aikins-Farmer Funeral Home. Rev. Mike Hardi-son will offi ciate.

Janice is survived by her husband of 43 years, Darryl Deming of Metropolis, Ill.; one daughter, Darcy Dem-ing of Metropolis, Ill.; one brother, David Crossett and

wife Sarah of Mexico, New York, and one sister, Patti Tifft of Syracuse, New York.

Janice was preceded in death by her parents, William and Anna Mae (Spedding) Crossett, and two sons, David Darryl Deming and Scott Michael Deming.

Visitation will be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013, at the Aikins-Farmer Funeral Home.

Aikins-Farmer Funeral Home in Metropolis is in charge of arrangements.

Janice Deming

CLINTON — Mrs. Judith Ann Bone Wilson, age 79, of Clinton passed away 10 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013, at Clinton-Hickman County ICF Nursing Home.

She was a homemaker and a member of Clinton First Baptist Church.

She is survived by her son, Robert Wilson of Clinton; her grandson, Ty-ler Wilson of Wingo; two granddaughters, Raekeira Causer of Dayton, Tenn., and Allison Wilson of Clin-ton; one niece, Kay Wiley of Clinton; three nephews,

Curtis “Mutton” Wilson of Union City, Tenn., Terry Wilson of Pell City, Ala-bama, and Kenny Wilson of Clinton, Ky.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Ger-ald Wilson, and her par-ents, Freeman and Laverne Jackson Bone.

Graveside memorial ser-vices will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013, at Pleasant View Memorial Gardens with Rev. Kevin Clark offi ciating. Brown Funeral Home in Clinton is in charge of arrangements.

Judy Wilson

BENTON — Mary J. Brown, age 84, of Benton, Ky., died Thursday, Janu-

ary 10, 2013, at Marshall C o u n t y Hospital in Ben-ton, Ky.

S h e was a member of First B a p t i s t C h u r c h

in Benton, Ky. Mrs. Brown was retired as a district manager for Avon.

She was the daughter of the late Willard Fisher and the late Martha (Timms) Fisher.

She is survived by her husband, Roy L. Brown of Benton, Ky.; one son, Gary Brown, wife Karen, Benton,

Ky.; two brothers, Thom-as A. Fisher, Vincennes, Ind., and Roy C. Fisher, Vincennes, Ind., and one grandchild, Jessica Dar-nall, husband Jason, Ben-ton, Ky.

She was preceded in death by her parents, six brothers, and one son, Ran-dy K. Brown.

Arrangements are being handled by Collier Funeral Home, P.O. Box 492, Ben-ton, Ky.

Funeral services will be at Collier Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. Saturday, Janu-ary 12, 2013, with the Rev. Don Wilson offi ciating. In-terment will follow at Cole Cemetery, Benton, Ky.

Visitation will be held be-tween the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 12, 2013, at the Collier Funeral Home.

Mary J. Brown

Sarah E. Thompson, 86, of Paducah, Ky., went home to be with the Lord at 3:10 a.m. Thursday, January 10, 2013, from Parkview Nurs-ing and Rehabilitation Cen-ter.

She was the retired own-er and operator of Thomp-son’s Sewing Notions. Sarah was a member of the Salt and Light Community Church. She enjoyed sew-ing and collecting antiques.

Sarah is survived by her daughter, Susan G. Wall and husband David Lee Wall of Reidland, Ky.; one son, Norris Thompson Jr. and wife Patty Thomp-son of Paducah, Ky.; three grandchildren, David Lee Wall III, Aimee Woodruff and Niki Thompson; and

three great-grandchildren, Trey Wall, Addi Wall and Hollyn Woodruff.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Nor-ris Thompson Sr.; one sis-ter, Christine Hasting; and two brothers, Fred Owen and Eugene Owen. Her parents were Fred and Su-sie Owen.

Graveside services will be 11:00 a.m. Saturday, January 12, 2013, at the Mt. Kenton Cemetery with the Rev. Jim Glover offi ciating. There will be no visitation.

You may leave a mes-sage of sympathy and light a candle at www.milneran-dorr.com.

Milner & Orr Funeral Home of Paducah is in charge of arrangements.

Sarah E. Thompson

BENTON — John E. Hoover entered this world in Calvert City, Ky., on

January 6, 1938, the son of the late Floyd R. and Sadie S p a r k s H o o v e r . He en-tered into G o d ’ s paradise at 7:42

p.m., January 9, 2013, at Western Baptist Hospital. Thus, he rests from his la-bors of love and works of faith following his eighteen years of courageous and valiant battle with the para-lyzing and painful effects of a major stroke.

Last July, at a family gathering, John rose from his seat, braced himself, and pointed to LaWanda, his wife of more than fi fty-two years, and proclaimed, “I would not be here if it were not for her.” He re-ferred to her unconditional love and faithfulness as a wife and self-sacrifi cing and peerless care-giver. John and LaWanda exem-plifi ed Christian marriage and parenting. They de-voted themselves to raise their sons, Greg and Scott, to love and serve God and their fellow human be-ings. They had grandparent pride in Rachel, Amanda, Jamison, Alyssa, Deidre and Jonathan to whom John was their beloved “Paw Paw.” Mildred Ri-ley, his mother-in-law, will miss his presence in their joint residence. There was a tight-knit bond between John and his surviving sib-lings: Arlene Brown, Ken-neth Hoover, and Jerry Hoover. John’s departure was preceded by two broth-ers: Albert Louis Hoover (killed in WW II) and Thomas Hoover (U.S. Navy veteran). He had a cher-ished relationship with his late father-in-law, J.C. Ri-ley (Pearl Harbor survivor).

The highlight of John’s life was his forty-year preaching ministry with churches of Christ. Having graduated at Paducah Til-ghman High School (1956), he trained formally for a lifetime of service at Freed-Hardeman University (A.A. Degree) and Murray State University (B.A. and M.A. Degrees). He touched liter-ally thousands of lives for their good and God’s glory. He was known for his indis-criminate love and compas-sion for everyone. He min-

istered to the sick, helped the hurting, mended bro-ken lives, comforted the bereaved and was a source of enthusiastic encourage-ment. His bond with youth enabled him to leave a lega-cy that will honor his infl u-ence for generations. His co-labor as a public school teacher and gospel minister provided him a unique op-portunity to model the spir-itual, character and ethical principles that were the es-sence of his life.

John served with zealous commitment and an effec-tive preaching ministry the following Kentucky church-es of Christ: Smithland, Hickory Grove, Coldwater, Briensburg, Northside in Mayfi eld and Spring Creek. Additionally, he ministered with churches of Christ in Indiana, Tennessee and Missouri.

This versatile and life-loving Kentuckian was an avid sports fan. One of the pure joys of his pain-ridden years was his blue-blooded devotion to University of Kentucky Basketball and red-blooded loyalty to St. Louis Cardinal baseball. In his fi nal years, he relished the St. Louis Cardinals’ World Series Champion-ship in 2011 and U.K.’s eighth NCAA Champion-ship in 2012. His grandson, Jamison, may have sum-marized the spirit of John Hoover the very best when he was informed that his “Paw Paw” had departed to be with the Lord. He said, “Heaven just received a ‘Five-Star’ recruit.”

The celebration of John’s earthly life will be at the Northside Church of Christ (Housman Street) in May-fi eld, Ky., on Saturday, January 12, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. with John Dale and Gary Knuckles leading the service.

The internment will follow the service in the Woodlawn Memorial Gar-dens, Paducah, Kentucky.

The family will receive friends from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, Janu-ary 11, 2013, at Collier Fu-neral Home in Benton, Ky. Friends may also visit with the family Saturday, Janu-ary 12, 2013, after 11:00 a.m. until the funeral hour at 2:00 p.m. at the North-side Church of Christ in Mayfi eld, Ky. Memorial contributions may be made to New Pathways for Chil-dren, 3233 Shaw Road, Melber, Ky. 42069 or to Freed-Hardeman Univer-sity in Henderson, Tennes-see.

John E. Hoover





More obituaries,Page 6A

FULTON — John Avent of Fulton died Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013, at the Haws Memorial Rehab & Nurs-ing Facility. Arrange-ments were incomplete at Hornbeak Funeral Cha-pel in Fulton.

John AventBENTON — Tennie Irene

English, 89, of Benton died at 10:05 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013, at the Calvert City Convalescent Center.

Arrangements were in-complete at Collier Funeral Home in Benton.

Tennie English

MAYFIELD — Grave-side services for Danny L. Wade, 73, of Mayfi eld will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 11, 2013, at Farm-ington Cemetery.

Mr. Wade died Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013, at Murray-Callo-way County Hospital.

He was of the Baptist faith.

Mr. Wade is survived by one brother, Jerry Wade of Mayfield, and two sisters, Betty Smith of Benton and Patsy Simon of Martin, Tenn.

His parents were Lu-bie L. “Rack” Wade and Dorothy Mitcheum Bar-rington.

There will be no visi-tation. Byrn Funeral Home in Mayfi eld is in charge of arrange-ments.

Danny WadeBurlond Murphy, 89, of

Paducah died at 9:40 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013, at Southgate Nursing and Re-habilitation Center in Me-tropolis.

Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013, at Milner & Orr Funeral Home of Paducah with entomb-ment to follow in Wood-lawn Memorial Gardens.

Friends may call from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18, 2013, at Milner & Orr Funeral Home of Paducah. Other arrange-ments were incomplete.

Burlond Murphy

Aileen Chatman of Paducah died Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013.

She was a member of the Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses for more than 60 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ho-sea Chatman.

Private services will be conducted. Mundy Funeral Home is in charge of ar-rangements.

Aileen Chatman

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Name Div PE Last Chg %ChgYTD

Name Div PE Last Chg %Chg

13,661.72 12,035.09 Dow Industrials 13,471.22 +80.71 +.60 +2.80 +8.025,552.06 4,795.28 Dow Transportation 5,574.04 +28.25 +.51 +5.04 +7.00

499.82 435.57 Dow Utilities 458.69 +1.72 +.38 +1.24 +1.588,674.48 7,222.88 NYSE Composite 8,713.76 +77.66 +.90 +3.20 +13.442,509.57 2,164.87 NYSE MKT 2,411.20 +18.05 +.75 +2.36 +5.453,196.93 2,662.96 Nasdaq Composite 3,121.76 +15.95 +.51 +3.39 +14.571,474.51 1,266.74 S&P 500 1,472.12 +11.10 +.76 +3.22 +13.63

15,465.88 13,248.92 Wilshire 5000 15,520.17 +100.51 +.65 +3.50 +13.98880.47 729.75 Russell 2000 881.24 +1.73 +.20 +3.75 +14.37


AT&T Inc 1.80f 45 34.37 +.13 +2.0AirProd 2.56 19 87.88 -.08 +4.6AEP 1.88 14 43.55 +.39 +2.0AmeriBrgn .84f 16 43.89 +.12 +1.6Aon plc .63 18 58.08 +1.29 +4.4ATMOS 1.40f 15 35.70 +.27 +1.7BB&T Cp .80 12 30.54 +.50 +5.6Comcast .65 20 38.50 +.08 +3.1CrackerB 2.00 15 65.18 -.06 +1.4Dillards .20a 13 80.43 +.37 -4.0Dover 1.40 13 67.41 +.18 +2.6EnPro ... 21 42.00 +.38 +2.7FredsInc .24a 14 12.58 +.06 -5.5FullerHB .34 26 36.55 +.06 +5.0GenCorp ... ... 10.00 +.10 +9.3Goodyear ... 20 14.13 -.23 +2.3HonwllIntl 1.64f 22 66.42 -.12 +4.6Jabil .32 11 19.63 +.56 +1.8KimbClk 2.96 18 84.93 +.32 +.6

Kroger .60f 21 25.55 ... -1.8Lowes .64 21 35.55 +.67 +.1MeadWvco 1.00 34 32.61 -.19 +2.3MotrlaSolu 1.04 24 56.78 +.53 +2.0NiSource .96 26 25.50 +.31 +2.5OldNBcp .36 13 12.86 -.01 +8.3Penney ... ... 19.15 +.35 -2.8PilgrimsP ... 12 8.07 -.03 +11.5RadioShk ... ... 2.10 +.01 -.9RegionsFn .04 ... 7.35 +.05 +3.1SbdCp 3.00 11 2589.00 +20.00 +2.3SearsHldgs ... ... 41.30 +.53 -.1Sherwin 1.56 30 162.36 +.19 +5.6TecumsehB ... ... 4.89 -.10 +6.3TecumsehA ... ... 4.90 +.08 +6.0Total SA 2.97e ... 52.38 +.83 +.7USEC ... ... .61 -.01 +15.1US Bancrp .78 12 33.64 +.37 +5.3WalMart 1.59 14 68.36 -.21 +.2WestlkChm .75a 18 85.89 +1.14 +8.3


A-B-C-DADT Cp n 28 46.50 +.50AES Corp dd 11.09 +.19AK Steel dd 4.79 +.03AT&T Inc 45 34.37 +.13AU Optron ... 4.32 +.02AbtLab s ... 33.85 +.28AbbVie n ... 34.00 +.10ActivsBliz 14 10.93 -.01AdobeSy 23 38.62 -.04AMD dd 2.62 -.01Aeropostl 17 13.24 -.13Agilent 13 43.67 +.32AkamaiT 37 39.50 -.20AlcatelLuc ... 1.63 +.07Alcoa 36 8.97 -.11AllegTch 19 31.02 -.33Allergan 30 103.38 +2.68AllscriptH 19 9.93 +.35Allstate 8 42.58 +.35AlphaNRs dd 9.77 -.13AlpAlerMLP q 16.70 +.08AlteraCp lf 20 34.93 +.57Altria 16 32.70 +.80AmBev ... 42.97 +.24Amazon cc 265.34 -1.01AMovilL 25 24.60 +.27ACapAgy 10 30.96 +.07AmCapLtd 3 13.14 +.14AEagleOut 18 19.94 -.69AmExp 14 60.79 +.53AmIntlGrp 2 35.80 +.04ARltyCT n ... 12.56 +.17AmTower 44 78.67 +.94Amgen 16 87.81 -.86Anadarko dd 77.66 -.34AnglogldA ... 28.77 -.10Annaly 10 14.73 +.09ApolloGrp 6 19.23 -.09ApolloInv 7 8.96 +.01Apple Inc 12 523.51 +6.41ApldMatl 90 11.64 -.04ArcelorMit dd 17.52 +.69ArchCoal dd 7.23 -.05ArchDan 18 28.34 -.14ArenaPhm dd 9.70 -.13ArmHld ... 42.01 +2.00ArmourRsd 10 6.98 -.02AscenaRt s 17 16.86 -1.26Atmel 42 7.07 +.18AuRico g 16 8.33 +.28AvagoTch 15 33.52 +.71Avon 57 15.51 +.01BB&T Cp 12 30.54 +.50BHP BillLt ... 78.69 -.27BP PLC 6 45.01 +.74Baidu 25 110.57 +6.23BcoBrad pf ... 18.43 -.21BcoSantSA ... 8.41 +.31BcoSBrasil ... 7.81BkofAm 31 11.78 +.35BkNYMel 13 26.83 +.22Barclay ... 19.08 +.36BariPVix rs q 26.57 -.67BarrickG 10 34.50 +.89Baxter 17 68.43 +.04BerkH B 18 94.65 +1.33BestBuy dd 12.21 +.62Blackstone 70 16.88 +.18BlockHR 17 19.80 +.34Boeing 14 77.09 +.33BostonSci dd 6.30 +.02Brandyw dd 12.55 +.02BrMySq 30 34.09 +.41Broadcom 28 34.83 +.31BrcdeCm 14 5.47 +.10CBRE Grp 19 20.55 -.02CBS B 16 38.54 +.59CSX 11 20.54CVS Care 17 51.23 +.95CblvsnNY 18 15.41 +.42CabotOG s 94 47.76 +.23CdnNRs gs ... 30.14 +.63CapOne 11 62.87 +.56Carlisle 15 59.75 -.02Carnival 22 37.14 +.04Caterpillar 10 95.08 +.64Celgene 27 95.48 +3.14Cemex ... 10.53 -.02Cemig pf s ... 10.88 +.25CenterPnt 21 19.79 +.12CntryLink 36 40.18 +.35CheniereEn dd 20.54 +.19ChesEng dd 16.73 -.35Chevron 9 110.47 +.93Chicos 17 17.38 -.35Chimera ... 2.76 -.01ChiMYWnd dd 1.65 +.26CinciBell 47 5.16 -.09Cirrus 20 31.54 +1.33Cisco 13 20.44 +.14Citigroup 13 42.83 +.79CitrixSys 38 70.48 -.27Clearwire dd 3.15 +.02CliffsNRs 6 37.74 +.39Clorox 18 75.48 +.66Coach 16 57.49 -.47CobaltIEn dd 26.56 +.43CocaCola s 19 36.96 -.07Comcast 20 38.50 +.08Comc spcl 20 36.96 +.05Comerica 13 32.10 +.50ComstkRs dd 14.54 +.50Comverse dd 3.97 -.01ConAgra 20 30.62 +.22ConocPhil s 7 58.50 +.25ConsolEngy 20 30.90 +.07ConstellA 16 35.68 -.14Corning 10 12.64 +.24CSVelIVSt q 19.53 +.49CSVS2xVx rs q 6.64 -.21CypSemi 12 9.94DCT Indl dd 6.65 +.02DDR Corp dd 15.62 -.04DR Horton 8 20.86 -.29Danaher 19 59.99 +.19DeanFds 25 17.64 +.20DeckrsOut 9 37.02 +.90Dell Inc 7 11.04 +.11DelphiAuto ... 38.81 +.34DeltaAir 6 13.30 +.19DenburyR 10 16.80 +.21Dndreon dd 5.10 -.34DevonE 34 53.88 +.53DirecTV 13 52.44 +.58DrxFnBull q 136.95 +4.53DirSCBear q 12.00 -.09DirFnBear q 13.12 -.43DirDGldBll q 10.23 +.66DirxSCBull q 71.25 +.46Discover 9 40.48 +.63Disney 16 50.79 +.01DollarGen 16 43.38 +.39DollarTr s 15 38.14 -.04DomRescs 22 52.22 +.02DowChm 26 33.84 +.34DryShips dd 2.19 +.05DuPont 14 46.20 -.24DukeEn rs 18 65.37 +.36DukeRlty cc 14.75 +.19Dynavax dd 3.33 +.03

E-F-G-HE-Trade 40 9.55 +.18eBay 18 53.00 +.24EMC Cp 20 23.85 -.17Eaton 13 55.93 +.16Elan 13 10.63 -.15EldorGld g 29 12.84 +.50ElectArts dd 14.00 +.30EmersonEl 21 55.14 +.44EmpDist 16 20.85 +.03EnCana g 19 19.76 +.14EnergySol dd 3.81 +.06Ericsson ... 10.28 +.41EsteeLdr s 29 63.80 +1.31ExcelM dd .73 +.04ExcoRes dd 6.55 +.07Exelon 16 29.26 +.02ExpScripts 31 55.84 +.81ExxonMbl 11 89.10 +.96Facebook n ... 31.30 +.71Fastenal 33 46.50 -1.05FedExCp 16 97.70 +.93FidlNFin 11 25.47 +.44FifthThird 10 15.70 +.29Finisar 31 15.50 +.14FstHorizon dd 10.10 +.05FstNiagara 33 8.23 +.01FstSolar dd 31.97 +.07FirstEngy 15 40.12 -.10Fluor 17 62.63 +1.90



Name Vol (00) Last Chg

NokiaCp 2241835 4.45 +.70BkofAm 1917249 11.78 +.35S&P500ETF1054794 147.08 +1.16FordM 789693 13.83 +.36SPDR Fncl 581472 17.15 +.22

GAINERS ($2 OR MORE)Name Last Chg %Chg

Edenor 2.55 +.47 +22.6NokiaCp 4.45 +.70 +18.7Supvalu 3.47 +.43 +14.1ZaleCp 4.68 +.49 +11.7IFM Inv rs 2.79 +.29 +11.6

LOSERS ($2 OR MORE)Name Last Chg %Chg

52-Week Net YTD 52-wkHigh Low Name Last Chg %Chg %Chg %Chg

Molycorp 8.34 -2.45 -22.7Molycp pfA 28.45 -4.78 -14.4Orbitz 2.98 -.33 -10.0EllieMae 25.26 -2.26 -8.2DirDGldBr 32.83 -2.51 -7.1

DIARYAdvanced 1,962Declined 1,039Unchanged 134Total issues 3,135New Highs 308New Lows 4

DIARYAdvanced 262Declined 168Unchanged 38Total issues 468New Highs 17New Lows 1

DIARYAdvanced 1,434Declined 1,031Unchanged 111Total issues 2,576New Highs 174New Lows 12

GAINERS ($2 OR MORE)Name Last Chg %Chg

PowrREIT 11.16 +.79 +7.6Daxor 8.07 +.52 +6.9IntTower g 2.32 +.12 +5.5Banro g 3.10 +.16 +5.4EmrldO rs 6.02 +.31 +5.4

LOSERS ($2 OR MORE)Name Last Chg %Chg

SDgo pfC 21.11 -2.01 -8.7PacBkrM g 5.80 -.54 -8.5ASpecRlty 3.20 -.26 -7.6RareEle g 3.38 -.17 -4.8KeeganR g 4.01 -.12 -2.9

GAINERS ($2 OR MORE)Name Last Chg %Chg

Trovag un 17.86 +3.63 +25.5VOXX Intl 9.26 +1.43 +18.3Insignia 2.14 +.33 +18.2FisherCom 33.21 +4.72 +16.6Hastings 3.19 +.41 +14.7

LOSERS ($2 OR MORE)Name Last Chg %Chg

DragonW g 2.49 -.93 -27.2Bazaarvc n 7.49 -1.41 -15.8UniPixel 15.36 -2.26 -12.8Optibase rs 5.60 -.64 -10.3StaarSur 5.65 -.54 -8.7



Name Vol (00) Last Chg

NA Pall g 33695 1.67 +.08CheniereEn 29824 20.54 +.19NwGold g 28129 10.60 +.02Rentech 28121 3.00 +.13YM Bio g 19956 2.90 +.01



Name Vol (00) Last Chg

Facebook n 930297 31.30 +.71SiriusXM 811803 3.13 +.01Microsoft 700522 26.46 -.24Intel 434536 21.80 +.35PwShs QQQ357092 67.17 +.40

American CentEqIncInv 8.03 +0.03 +2.7GrowthInv 27.64 +0.14 +2.8UltraInv 26.95 +0.18 +3.5ValueInv 6.60 +0.06 +3.6American FundsAMCAPA m 22.33 +0.13 +3.0BalA m 20.87 +0.11 +2.3BondA m 12.91 -0.02 -0.2CapIncBuA m 53.55 +0.28 +1.5CapWldBdA m21.15 +0.05 -0.2CpWldGrIA m 38.05 +0.29 +2.3EurPacGrA m 41.94 +0.33 +1.7FnInvA m 42.08 +0.28 +3.2GrthAmA m 35.50 +0.27 +3.3HiIncA m 11.48 +0.02 +1.2IncAmerA m 18.37 +0.08 +1.7IntBdAmA m 13.73 -0.01 -0.2InvCoAmA m 31.15 +0.25 +3.3MutualA m 29.07 +0.14 +2.5NewEconA m 29.39 +0.16 +3.4NewPerspA m32.08 +0.23 +2.6NwWrldA m 55.40 +0.22 +1.7SmCpWldA m41.04 +0.13 +2.8TaxEBdAmA m13.21 +0.5WAMutInvA m32.05 +0.21 +2.7AquilaChTxFKYA m 11.10 +0.3ArtisanIntl d 25.07 +0.26 +2.0IntlVal d 31.06 +0.30 +2.2MdCpVal 21.50 +0.17 +3.4MidCap 39.04 +0.21 +4.0BernsteinDiversMui 14.86 +0.3IntDur 14.04 -0.01 -0.3BlackRockEngy&ResA m29.49 +0.19 +1.9EqDivA m 20.40 +0.16 +2.6EqDivI 20.44 +0.15 +2.6GlobAlcA m 20.10 +0.14 +1.8GlobAlcC m 18.71 +0.13 +1.8GlobAlcI 20.19 +0.14 +1.8HiYldBdIs 8.18 +0.01 +1.3Cohen & SteersRealty 65.80 +0.04 +1.9ColumbiaAcornIntZ 41.83 +0.32 +2.4AcornZ 31.44 +0.05 +3.3DFA1YrFixInI 10.33 +0.12YrGlbFII 10.045YrGlbFII 11.13 -0.01 -0.2EmMkCrEqI 20.84 +0.11 +2.2EmMktValI 30.70 +0.18 +2.9IntSmCapI 16.67 +0.25 +4.3USCorEq1I 12.79 +0.08 +3.6USCorEq2I 12.62 +0.08 +3.6USLgValI 23.78 +0.20 +3.8USSmValI 27.14 +0.10 +3.5USSmallI 23.46 +0.05 +3.5DWS-ScudderGrIncS 18.91 +0.18 +3.4DavisNYVentA m 36.23 +0.32 +4.2NYVentY 36.62 +0.32 +4.2Delaware InvestDiverIncA m 9.35 +0.1Dimensional InvestmeIntCorEqI 10.98 +0.16 +3.0IntlSCoI 16.47 +0.22 +3.4IntlValuI 17.18 +0.30 +3.5Dodge & CoxBal 80.52 +0.64 +3.2Income 13.87 +0.1IntlStk 35.73 +0.50 +3.1Stock 127.04 +1.34 +4.2DoubleLineTotRetBdN b 11.37 +0.4DreyfusApprecia 45.11 +0.37 +2.7FMILgCap 17.62 +0.10 +3.0FPACres d 28.75 +0.17 +2.1NewInc m 10.59 +0.2Fairholme FundsFairhome d 31.71 +0.23 +0.9FederatedStrValI 5.11 +0.03 +2.4ToRetIs 11.40 -0.01 -0.2FidelityAstMgr20 13.21 +0.02 +0.6AstMgr50 16.70 +0.06 +1.5Bal 20.61 +0.10 +2.1BlChGrow 50.55 +0.31 +3.1CapApr 30.39 +0.13 +3.4CapInc d 9.61 +0.01 +1.3Contra 80.13 +0.46 +3.3DivGrow 30.91 +0.21 +3.4DivrIntl d 30.52 +0.28 +1.9EqInc 48.52 +0.38 +3.1EqInc II 20.08 +0.15 +3.1FF2015 11.97 +0.04 +1.4FF2035 12.09 +0.08 +2.2FF2040 8.44 +0.05 +2.2Fidelity 37.08 +0.28 +3.5FltRtHiIn d 9.96 +0.5Free2010 14.31 +0.05 +1.3Free2020 14.53 +0.06 +1.5Free2025 12.17 +0.06 +1.8Free2030 14.50 +0.07 +1.9GNMA 11.73 -0.01GrowCo 96.54 +0.43 +3.4GrowInc 21.94 +0.18 +3.2HiInc d 9.42 +1.0IntMuniInc d 10.68 +0.4IntlDisc d 33.67 +0.31 +1.8InvGrdBd 7.98 -0.01 -0.2LatinAm d 47.47 +0.41 +2.5LowPriStk d 40.54 +0.27 +2.6Magellan 75.80 +0.55 +3.5MidCap d 30.33 +0.07 +3.2MuniInc d 13.61 +0.4NewMktIn d 17.82 +0.02 +0.2OTC 62.02 +0.29 +2.4Puritan 19.83 +0.09 +2.2ShTmBond 8.60StratInc 11.39 +0.01 +0.3Tel&Util 19.02 +0.14 +2.0TotalBd 10.93 -0.01 -0.1USBdIdx 11.85 -0.01 -0.3USBdIdxInv 11.85 -0.01 -0.3Value 79.08 +0.52 +3.6Fidelity AdvisorNewInsA m 23.49 +0.13 +3.3NewInsI 23.78 +0.14 +3.3StratIncA m 12.71 +0.01 +0.2Fidelity Spartan500IdxAdvtg 52.14 +0.39 +3.3500IdxInstl 52.14 +0.39 +3.3500IdxInv 52.14 +0.39 +3.3ExtMktIdAg d 41.53 +0.10 +4.1TotMktIdAg d 42.64 +0.28 +3.4First EagleGlbA m 49.42 +0.36 +1.7OverseasA m 22.32 +0.19 +1.4FrankTemp-FrankFed TF A m 12.79 +0.4FrankTemp-FranklinCA TF A m 7.55 +0.5Growth A m 52.04 +0.22 +2.8HY TF A m 10.97 +0.4Income A m 2.28 +0.01 +2.3Income C m 2.30 +0.01 +2.2IncomeAdv 2.26 +0.01 +1.9NY TF A m 12.15 +0.4RisDv A m 38.90 +0.14 +2.9StrInc A m 10.76 +0.01 +0.7US Gov A m 6.78 -0.01 -0.3FrankTemp-MutualDiscov A m 29.19 +0.20 +3.3Discov Z 29.57 +0.19 +3.2Shares A m 23.03 +0.16 +3.2Shares Z 23.20 +0.16 +3.2FrankTemp-TempletonGlBond A m 13.51 +0.02 +1.0GlBond C m 13.54 +0.02 +1.0GlBondAdv 13.47 +0.02 +1.0Growth A m 20.14 +0.24 +3.7World A m 16.35 +0.19 +3.9GMOEmgMktsVI 11.90 +0.04 +1.4IntItVlIV 21.57 +0.33 +3.1QuIII 23.01 +0.18 +3.0Goldman SachsHiYieldIs d 7.39 +0.01 +1.3HarborBond 12.47 -0.1CapApInst 43.99 +0.33 +3.5IntlInstl d 63.19 +0.66 +1.7IntlInv m 62.60 +0.65 +1.7

Name P/E Last Chg

3,898,328,735Volume 72,854,559Volume 1,717,731,199Volume










13,480Dow Jones industrialsClose: 13,471.22Change: 80.71 (0.6%)


HartfordCapAprA m 35.61 +0.29 +3.5CpApHLSIA 44.83 +0.36 +3.4INVESCOComstockA m 18.47 +0.15 +3.7EqIncomeA m 9.44 +0.05 +2.7HiYldMuA m 10.15 +0.01 +0.4IvyAssetStrA m 26.62 +0.19 +2.9AssetStrC m 25.96 +0.19 +2.9JPMorganCoreBdUlt 12.04 -0.01 -0.2CoreBondA m12.04 -0.01 -0.2CoreBondSelect12.03 -0.01 -0.2HighYldSel 8.24 +0.01 +1.2LgCapGrSelect24.79 +0.11 +3.5MidCpValI 28.69 +0.10 +2.5ShDurBndSel 11.00 +0.1USLCpCrPS 22.97 +0.19 +3.8JanusGlbLfScT d 31.67 +0.12 +5.8PerkinsMCVT 22.03 +0.14 +3.2John HancockLifBa1 b 13.82 +0.06 +2.0LifGr1 b 13.84 +0.08 +2.7LazardEmgMkEqtI d 19.84 +0.07 +1.5Legg Mason/WesternCrPlBdIns 11.66 -0.01Longleaf PartnersLongPart 27.45 +0.20 +4.0Loomis SaylesBondI 15.35 +0.05 +1.5BondR b 15.29 +0.05 +1.5Lord AbbettAffiliatA m 12.51 +0.12 +4.1BondDebA m 8.23 +0.01 +1.2ShDurIncA m 4.66 +0.3ShDurIncC m 4.69 +0.3MFSIsIntlEq 19.53 +0.24 +1.5ValueA m 26.39 +0.24 +4.1ValueI 26.51 +0.24 +4.1Manning & NapierWrldOppA 7.92 +0.10 +2.2Matthews AsianChina d 24.18 +0.13 +3.0India d 17.65 +0.03 +0.8MergerMerger b 15.89 +0.03 +0.4Metropolitan WestTotRetBdI 10.89 +0.1TotRtBd b 10.89NatixisInvBndY 12.72 +0.03 +0.8StratIncA m 15.77 +0.08 +1.9StratIncC m 15.86 +0.08 +1.9Neuberger BermanGenesisIs 50.19 +0.03 +3.0NorthernHYFixInc d 7.62 +0.01 +1.1OakmarkEqIncI 29.20 +0.16 +2.5Intl I 21.64 +0.25 +3.4Oakmark I 50.27 +0.41 +3.6OberweisChinaOpp m 11.57 +0.09 +4.0Old WestburyGlbSmMdCp 15.06 +0.08 +2.5LgCpStr 10.29 +0.11 +2.7OppenheimerDevMktA m 35.99 +0.25 +2.0DevMktY 35.56 +0.24 +1.9GlobA m 66.33 +0.68 +2.8IntlBondA m 6.61 +0.03 +0.6IntlBondY 6.61 +0.03 +0.6IntlGrY 31.15 +0.32 +1.4MainStrA m 38.31 +0.32 +3.3RocMuniA m 17.13 +0.01 +0.9RochNtlMu m 7.66 +0.6StrIncA m 4.39 +0.01 +0.8PIMCOAAstAAutP 11.14 +0.02 +0.5AllAssetI 12.71 +0.05 +1.0AllAuthA m 11.12 +0.02 +0.5AllAuthIn 11.15 +0.03 +0.5ComRlRStI 6.61 +0.05 -0.5DivIncInst 12.30 +0.01 +0.6EMktCurI 10.63 +0.05 +0.8EmMktsIns 12.51 +0.01 +0.2HiYldIs 9.73 +0.01 +1.1InvGrdIns 11.15 +0.4LowDrIs 10.49 -0.01 -0.1RERRStgC m 4.37 -0.01 +1.4RealRet 12.22 -0.01 -0.4RealRtnA m 12.22 -0.01 -0.4ShtTermIs 9.88TotRetA m 11.23TotRetAdm b 11.23TotRetC m 11.23 -0.1TotRetIs 11.23TotRetrnD b 11.23TotlRetnP 11.23PermanentPortfolio 49.22 +0.32 +1.2PrincipalLCGrIInst 10.23 +0.05 +3.6PutnamGrowIncA m 15.40 +0.15 +3.7NewOpp 60.61 +0.33 +3.5RoycePAMutInv d 11.89 +0.01 +3.4PremierInv d 19.81 +0.04 +3.4Schwab1000Inv d 39.76 +0.28 +3.4S&P500Sel d 22.92 +0.18 +3.3ScoutInterntl d 33.82 +0.35 +1.4SequoiaSequoia 173.18 +0.40 +2.9T Rowe PriceBlChpGr 47.45 +0.25 +4.0CapApprec 22.76 +0.10 +2.3EmMktStk d 34.59 +0.19 +1.6EqIndex d 39.66 +0.30 +3.3EqtyInc 27.29 +0.21 +3.2GrowStk 39.07 +0.17 +3.4HealthSci 43.87 +0.18 +6.4HiYield d 7.06 +0.01 +1.3InsLgCpGr 19.59 +0.11 +3.8IntlBnd d 10.06 +0.06 -0.3IntlGrInc d 13.26 +0.17 +2.3IntlStk d 14.70 +0.14 +2.1LatinAm d 38.99 +0.17 +2.5MidCapVa 24.76 +0.12 +3.0MidCpGr 58.20 +0.19 +3.1NewAsia d 17.05 +0.11 +1.4NewEra 43.12 +0.44 +2.9NewHoriz 34.52 +0.11 +4.1NewIncome 9.83 -0.1OrseaStk d 8.69 +0.11 +2.2R2015 13.12 +0.07 +1.9R2025 13.43 +0.08 +2.4

R2035 13.74 +0.09 +2.7Rtmt2010 16.73 +0.07 +1.6Rtmt2020 18.26 +0.10 +2.1Rtmt2030 19.41 +0.12 +2.6Rtmt2040 19.62 +0.13 +2.8ShTmBond 4.85SmCpStk 35.25 +0.06 +3.6SmCpVal d 40.54 +0.07 +3.5SpecInc 13.05 +0.02 +0.5Value 27.38 +0.22 +3.8TCWEmgIncI 9.41 +1.0TotRetBdI 10.32 +0.01 +0.3TIAA-CREFEqIx 11.17 +0.07 +3.4TempletonInFEqSeS 20.11 +0.26 +2.6ThornburgIntlValA m 28.12 +0.25 +2.4IntlValI d 28.78 +0.26 +2.5Tweedy, BrowneGlobVal d 23.72 +0.04 +2.1Vanguard500Adml 135.68 +1.02 +3.3500Inv 135.68 +1.03 +3.3BalIdxAdm 24.22 +0.09 +1.9BalIdxIns 24.22 +0.09 +1.9CAITAdml 11.78 +0.4CapOpAdml 80.15 +0.31 +3.2DivGr 17.14 +0.13 +3.0EmMktIAdm 37.44 +0.23 +1.8EnergyAdm 113.94 +1.06 +2.5EnergyInv 60.70 +0.56 +2.5EqIncAdml 52.09 +0.39 +2.9Explr 82.56 +0.13 +3.9ExtdIdAdm 47.66 +0.11 +3.9ExtdIdIst 47.65 +0.10 +3.9ExtdMktIdxIP 117.59 +0.26 +3.9GNMA 10.88 -0.01 -0.2GNMAAdml 10.88 -0.01 -0.2GrthIdAdm 37.80 +0.21 +3.2GrthIstId 37.80 +0.21 +3.2HYCor 6.15 +0.01 +0.8HYCorAdml 6.15 +0.01 +0.8HltCrAdml 62.61 +0.43 +3.6HlthCare 148.42 +1.02 +3.6ITBondAdm 11.89 -0.03 -0.5ITGradeAd 10.30 -0.01 -0.1ITIGrade 10.30 -0.01 -0.1InfPrtAdm 28.40 -0.05 -0.5InfPrtI 11.57 -0.02 -0.4InflaPro 14.46 -0.02 -0.5InstIdxI 134.80 +1.01 +3.3InstPlus 134.81 +1.02 +3.3InstTStPl 33.38 +0.22 +3.4IntlGr 19.81 +0.26 +2.8IntlGrAdm 63.00 +0.81 +2.8IntlStkIdxAdm 25.67 +0.31 +2.5IntlStkIdxI 102.64 +1.22 +2.5IntlStkIdxIPls 102.66 +1.22 +2.5IntlVal 32.03 +0.44 +2.7LTGradeAd 10.78 -0.02 -0.5LTInvGr 10.78 -0.02 -0.5LifeCon 17.15 +0.05 +1.1LifeGro 23.87 +0.16 +2.4LifeMod 20.91 +0.09 +1.8MidCapIdxIP 115.02 +0.48 +3.5MidCpAdml 105.59 +0.45 +3.6MidCpIst 23.32 +0.10 +3.6MidCpSgl 33.32 +0.14 +3.5Morg 20.54 +0.11 +3.2MuHYAdml 11.33 +0.4MuInt 14.43 +0.4MuIntAdml 14.43 +0.4MuLTAdml 11.85 +0.5MuLtdAdml 11.16 +0.1MuShtAdml 15.92 +0.1PrecMtls 16.04 +0.10 +0.6Prmcp 71.97 +0.35 +3.6PrmcpAdml 74.65 +0.37 +3.6PrmcpCorI 15.42 +0.09 +3.3REITIdxAd 95.25 +0.07 +2.2STBondAdm 10.62 -0.1STBondSgl 10.62 -0.1STCor 10.83STGradeAd 10.83STIGradeI 10.83STsryAdml 10.73 -0.1SelValu 21.70 +0.17 +3.4SmCpIdAdm 40.15 +0.06 +3.6SmCpIdIst 40.15 +0.07 +3.6SmCpIndxSgnl36.17 +0.06 +3.6Star 21.21 +0.10 +2.0TgtRe2010 24.41 +0.08 +1.2TgtRe2015 13.59 +0.05 +1.6TgtRe2020 24.27 +0.12 +1.8TgtRe2030 23.94 +0.15 +2.4TgtRe2035 14.46 +0.10 +2.6TgtRe2040 23.83 +0.18 +2.8TgtRe2045 14.96 +0.11 +2.8TgtRetInc 12.28 +0.02 +0.7Tgtet2025 13.88 +0.08 +2.1TotBdAdml 11.04 -0.01 -0.4TotBdInst 11.04 -0.01 -0.4TotBdMkInv 11.04 -0.01 -0.4TotBdMkSig 11.04 -0.01 -0.4TotIntl 15.35 +0.19 +2.5TotStIAdm 36.87 +0.25 +3.4TotStIIns 36.87 +0.24 +3.4TotStISig 35.58 +0.23 +3.4TotStIdx 36.85 +0.24 +3.4ValIdxIns 23.75 +0.21 +3.6WellsI 24.32 +0.05 +0.9WellsIAdm 58.93 +0.13 +0.9Welltn 34.63 +0.19 +2.3WelltnAdm 59.81 +0.33 +2.3WndsIIAdm 53.82 +0.44 +3.2Wndsr 15.69 +0.15 +3.9WndsrAdml 52.94 +0.53 +3.9WndsrII 30.33 +0.25 +3.2VirtusEmgMktsIs 10.42 +0.03 +1.1Waddell & Reed AdvAccumA m 8.41 +0.04 +2.7SciTechA m 11.53 +0.05 +3.5YacktmanFocused d 21.13 +0.14 +3.0Yacktman d 19.72 +0.13 +3.1

YTDName NAV Chg %Rtn

FootLockr 14 33.49 +.48FordM 11 13.83 +.36FreeSeas h dd .36 +.03FMCG 11 35.60 +.38FrontierCm 21 4.34 -.01FuelCell h dd 1.21 +.05Fusion-io dd 19.02 -.24GATX 18 45.67 +.06GT AdvTc 4 3.41 -.03GameStop dd 22.79 +.18Gap 15 31.35 -.46Garmin 13 39.39 +.09GenDynam 10 71.65 +.97GenElec 16 21.17 +.22GenGrPrp dd 19.12 -.10GenMills 15 41.60 +.37GenMotors 11 30.44 +.47Genworth 10 8.23 +.09Gerdau ... 9.21 -.04GeronCp dd 1.67 +.03GileadSci 24 77.94 +.07GoldFLtd ... 12.08 +.14Goldcrp g 21 37.28 +1.46GoldmanS 13 137.37 +3.05Goodyear 20 14.13 -.23Groupon dd 5.19 +.14HCA Hldg 5 33.17 +.12HalconR rs dd 7.72 +.01Hallibrtn 11 36.90 +.42HarmonyG ... 7.78 +.07HartfdFn 8 24.07 +.20Hasbro 14 37.07 +1.39HltMgmt 11 9.23 +.09HeclaM 53 5.87 +.18Hemisphrx dd .29 +.00Herbalife 10 39.24 -.71Hertz 17 17.59 +.10Hess 13 56.61 +1.01HewlettP dd 16.28 +.43HollyFront 6 44.44 +.70Hologic dd 22.68 +.32HomeDp 23 63.62 +.45HonwllIntl 22 66.42 -.12HopFedBc 29 9.01 +.11HostHotls cc 16.90 +.19HstnAEn dd .27 +.06HovnanE dd 6.49 -.05HudsCity dd 8.61 +.08HuntBncsh 12 6.67 +.09Huntsmn 8 17.97 -.21

I-J-K-LIAMGld g 11 10.88 +.22iShGold q 16.27 +.14iShBraz q 56.98 +.54iSCan q 29.03 +.25iShGer q 24.90 +.40iSh HK q 20.04 +.13iShJapn q 9.85 +.08iSh Kor q 63.42 +.76iShMex q 73.45 +.74iSTaiwn q 13.71 +.23iShSilver q 29.78 +.43iShChina25 q 41.52 +.52iSCorSP500 q 147.80 +1.11iShEMkts q 44.83 +.39iShB20 T q 118.79 -.33iS Eafe q 57.92 +.73iShR2K q 87.47 +.20iShREst q 66.50 +.16iShDJHm q 22.18 -.15Infosys 14 43.95 +1.27IngrmM 9 17.49 +.18Intel 10 21.80 +.35IBM 13 192.88 +.56IntlGame 17 14.97 +.23IntPap 20 40.01 -.32Interpublic 15 11.74 +.11Invesco 17 27.56 +.19Isis dd 13.22 +1.23ItauUnibH ... 17.22 -.13JDS Uniph dd 13.47 -.05JPMorgCh 10 46.15 +.68Jabil 11 19.63 +.56JanusCap 15 9.16 +.01Jefferies 15 18.76 +.17JetBlue 12 5.81 -.06JohnJn 24 72.19 +.46JohnsnCtl 13 31.49 +.07JnprNtwk 58 20.30 +.35KB Home dd 16.45 -.03KKR 8 15.92 +.18Keycorp 10 8.94 +.04Kimco 66 19.81 +.05KindMorg 55 37.10 -.02Kinross g dd 9.48 +.15KodiakO g 25 9.32 +.05Kohls 10 42.50 +.55KraftFGp n ... 46.01 -.38Kroger 21 25.55LDK Solar dd 2.18 -.03LSI Corp 34 7.11 +.20LVSands 25 52.44 +.03LeapWirlss dd 6.88 +.60LeggMason 21 26.84 +.84LennarA 15 41.02 -.69LibCapA 8 122.62 +1.45LibtyIntA 21 20.93 +.11LillyEli 14 53.25 +.28Limited 17 44.30 +.18LinkedIn cc 118.04 +4.38LockhdM 11 94.11 +.12LodgeNet h dd .03 -.01Lowes 21 35.55 +.67LyonBas A 18 60.61 +1.01

M-N-O-PMBIA dd 8.58 +.39MEMC dd 4.05 +.08MGIC dd 2.92 -.06MGM Rsts dd 12.67 -.22Macys 12 37.25 +.56MannKd dd 2.59 -.02MarathnO 12 32.28 +.63MarathPet 9 62.79 +.37MktVGold q 45.41 +1.05MV OilSv s q 40.71 +.44MV Semi q 33.73 +1.30MktVRus q 30.05 +.25MktVJrGld q 20.46 +.57MartMM 45 98.42 +.38MarvellT 15 8.48 +.30Masco dd 17.47 +.04Mattel 15 37.00 +.19MaximIntg 23 29.64 -.22McDrmInt 16 11.83 +.49McDnlds 17 91.40 +.59Medtrnic 12 43.85 +.47MelcoCrwn 36 19.06 -.13Merck 20 42.78 +.19MetLife 23 36.59 +.54MetroPCS 9 9.73 +.34MKors ... 52.01 -1.30MicronT dd 7.42 +.11Microsoft 14 26.46 -.24Molycorp dd 8.34 -2.45Mondelez ... 27.31 +.26Monsanto 24 99.47 -.11MorgStan dd 20.34 +.72Mosaic 14 59.73 +.38Mylan 17 28.25 +.22NRG Egy dd 23.14 +.34NXP Semi ... 28.31 +1.40NYSE Eur 17 32.45 +.06Nabors cc 14.59 -.30NetApp 26 32.42 +.21Netflix cc 98.00 +2.09NwGold g 32 10.60 +.02Newcastle 4 9.88 +.05NewellRub 15 21.95 -.31NewfldExp 11 28.19 +.90NewLead h ... 1.87NewmtM 14 45.95 +1.05NewsCpA 25 26.97 +.58NewsCpB 25 27.50 +.50Nexen g ... 26.95 -.04NiSource 26 25.50 +.31NikeB s 22 52.55 +.10NobleCorp 18 36.40 +.26NokiaCp ... 4.45 +.70NA Pall g ... 1.67 +.08NorthropG 9 67.40 +.36NuSkin 12 41.37 +.47Nvidia 15 12.23 +.02OCZ Tech dd 2.02 +.08OcciPet 11 83.01 +.90OfficeDpt dd 3.65 +.07Oi SA s ... 4.31 +.15OnSmcnd 85 7.63 +.18Oracle 16 34.91 +.45PMC Sra dd 5.37 +.09PNC 12 61.14 +.97PPG 18 141.77 +.37PPL Corp 10 29.00 +.04Pandora dd 10.86 +.23

PattUTI 9 19.37 +.01Paychex 21 31.85 -.11PeabdyE 9 26.60 +.34PennWst g ... 10.51 -.39Penney dd 19.15 +.35PepcoHold 17 19.42 -.60PepsiCo 19 70.81 +.80PeregrinP dd 2.14 +.08PetrbrsA ... 19.66 +.33Petrobras ... 20.01 +.36Pfizer 16 26.76 +.29PhilipMor 17 87.29 +1.46Phillips66 n ... 51.51 +.19PiperJaf dd 34.34 +1.13PitnyBw 4 11.90 +.02Potash 16 42.78 +.34PwShs QQQ q 67.17 +.40ProLogis 66 38.04 -.18ProShtS&P q 32.92 -.24PrUltQQQ s q 58.31 +.71PrUShQQQ q 27.76 -.35ProUltSP q 64.13 +.93PrUVxST rs q 14.27 -.71ProctGam 18 69.27 +.39ProgsvCp 15 22.38 +.38PrUShSP rs q 50.70 -.74PrUShL20 rs q 65.87 +.33PUSSP500 rs q 34.19 -.77Prudentl 17 57.90 +1.59PSEG 11 30.14 +.04PulteGrp 46 19.41 -.08

Q-R-S-TQlikTech h cc 20.65 +.27Qualcom 18 64.78 -.10Quiksilvr dd 5.51 +.05RF MicD dd 4.90 +.16RadianGrp dd 6.13 -.13Ralcorp 61 89.62 -.09RegionsFn cc 7.35 +.05Rentech cc 3.00 +.13RschMotn 23 11.92 +.43RiteAid dd 1.39 +.02RiverbedT 47 19.71 -.17RockwdH 14 51.32 +.25Rovi Corp dd 16.69 -.18RymanHP cc 40.70 +.59SAP AG ... 82.40 +2.35SLM Cp 8 17.64 +.08SpdrDJIA q 134.54 +.87SpdrGold q 161.98 +1.49S&P500ETF q 147.08 +1.16Spdr Div q 59.94 +.27SpdrHome q 27.73 -.02SpdrLehHY q 41.20 +.07SpdrS&P RB q 29.22 +.16SpdrRetl q 63.05 +.03Safeway 8 17.56 +.16StJude 12 38.16 +.86SanDisk 23 45.60 +.29SandRdge dd 6.87 -.06Sanofi ... 48.45 +.38Schlmbrg 18 73.25 +1.05Schwab 23 15.33 +.20SeagateT 4 33.68 +.20Sequenom dd 4.20 -.37SiderurNac ... 6.22 +.15SilvStd g 33 14.00 -1.15SilvWhtn g 23 36.32 +1.04Sina 97 54.22 +2.68SiriusXM 5 3.13 +.01SkywksSol 20 21.32 +.31SmithWes 10 8.26 -.31Sonus dd 2.28 +.06SonyCp ... 11.05 +.31SouthnCo 17 43.22 +.16SwstAirl 22 11.07 +.07SwstnEngy dd 32.09SpectraEn 18 27.88 +.06SprintNex dd 5.94 +.06SP Matls q 39.07 +.17SP HlthC q 41.78 +.29SP CnSt q 35.76 +.21SP Consum q 48.83 +.28SP Engy q 73.52 +.66SPDR Fncl q 17.15 +.22SP Inds q 39.23 +.19SP Tech q 29.55 +.15SP Util q 35.36 +.15Staples dd 11.74 +.03Starbucks 30 54.54 -.09StateStr 13 50.25 +.74StillwtrM 28 13.53 +.32Stryker 15 58.84 +.46Suncor gs 10 34.14 +.39SunPwr h 55 8.18 +.03Suntech dd 1.78 -.09SunTrst 9 28.60 -.11Supvalu dd 3.47 +.43Symantec 13 19.94 +.42Synovus 56 2.47 +.02Sysco 16 30.95 +.07TD Ameritr 17 18.20 +.21TJX s 19 43.73 +.06TaiwSemi ... 18.18 +.64TalismE g ... 11.77 -.14Target 13 60.31 +.13Tellabs dd 2.23 +.02TenetHlt rs cc 33.16 -.30Tesoro 10 42.85 +2.38TevaPhrm 16 38.78 +.41TexInst 21 32.43 +.43Textron 19 26.61 +.243D Sys 87 59.31 -1.093M Co 15 96.89 +.48Tiffany 19 60.40 -2.86TimeWarn 18 49.81 +.18TollBros 12 34.09 -.32Total SA ... 52.38 +.83Transocn dd 53.99 +1.23Tranzyme h dd .66 +.10TrinaSolar dd 5.76 -.05TripAdvis ... 43.49 -.84Tronox s ... 20.20 -.74TwoHrbInv 10 12.01 +.07TycoIntl s 30 30.39 -.16Tyson 12 20.16 -.12

U-V-W-X-Y-ZUBS AG ... 17.15 +.34US Airwy 5 15.14 +.01UltraPt g dd 18.14 +.17UniPixel dd 15.36 -2.26UtdContl dd 25.39 -.25UPS B 20 78.20 +1.20US Bancrp 12 33.64 +.37US NGs rs q 17.95 +.38US OilFd q 34.17 +.29USSteel dd 25.73 +.27UtdTech 15 84.97 +.42UtdhlthGp 10 53.11 +.74UranmRs h dd .56 +.05UrbanOut 32 42.64 +1.89Vale SA ... 20.71 +.30Vale SA pf ... 19.94 +.28ValeroE 9 34.90 +.53VangValu q 60.91 +.53VangREIT q 67.20 +.07VangEmg q 45.18 +.40VangEur q 49.84 +.79VangEAFE q 35.94 +.49Verisign 24 38.87 -.69VerizonCm 40 43.59 +.59ViacomB 16 58.50 +.70Visa 51 160.51 -1.28Vivus dd 14.06 -.37Vodafone ... 26.65 +.25VulcanM dd 54.20 +.45WPX Engy dd 14.68 +.01WalMart 14 68.36 -.21Walgrn 17 38.57 +.12WalterEn 60 39.41 +.62WarnerCh 9 13.19 +.32WsteMInc 18 34.86 +.29WeathfIntl ... 11.62 +.01WellPoint 8 62.24 +.19WellsFargo 11 35.40 +.69WDigital 6 44.16 +.36WstnRefin 19 28.21 +1.19WstnUnion 7 13.85 +.49Weyerhsr 53 30.54 +.18WmsCos 22 33.81 +.04Windstrm 43 9.92 +.12WT India q 19.82 +.09XL Grp cc 26.56 +.12Xerox 8 7.29 +.07Yahoo 6 18.99 -.34Yamana g 19 17.49 +.98YingliGrn dd 3.03 -.02YoukuTud dd 21.84 +2.03YumBrnds 19 66.25 +1.43ZionBcp 22 21.95 +.10Zynga dd 2.48 +.04



Trade deficitThe bigger the U.S. trade deficit gets, the more it’s likely to weigh down the nation’s economic growth.

The latest trade deficit tally, due out today, is expected to show a modest decline in November. The deficit climbed nearly 5 percent the previous month, as U.S. exports fell due to weaker sales of commercial aircraft, autos and farm products. Imports also fell in October, but by a smaller margin.

Wells Fargo’s 4QWall Street anticipates that Wells Fargo’s fourth-quarter earnings im-proved compared with a year earlier.

Wells, the nation’s biggest mortgage lender, has expanded its loan portfolio by making new loans to consumers and keeping them on its books. The strategy has enabled the bank, due to deliver its latest quarterly report card today, to earn more fees. An improving housing market and ultra-low mortgage rates are resulting in more applications for home loans. Source: FactSet

Trade - goods and services

Seasonally adjusted In billions of dollars






Source: FactSet

Price-to-earnings ratio: 11based on past 12 months’ results

Dividend: $0.88 Div. Yield: 2.5%





4Q ’11

Operating EPS

4Q ’12

est.$0.73 $0.87

WFC $35.40



Fed banker speaksCharles Plosser, president of the Fed’s Philadelphia branch, has been among the critics of the Fed’s bond purchases.

Investors will be listening today for what Plosser has to say on the economy and the decision by Federal Reserve officials last month to continue buying bonds indefinitely in hopes of stimulating the U.S. economy. Plosser is scheduled to speak at the American Economic Association’s annual meeting.

General Electric (GE)

Pfizer (PFE)

AT&T (T)

Merck (MRK)

Verizon (VZ)

Kraft (KFT)

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)

Procter & Gamble (PG)

DuPont (DD)

Intel (INTC)

Average of the Dogs

Dow Jones industrial average


21.1% 3.6%

20.0 3.6

















Best in show? Since 1973, the Dogs have produced an average annual return of 11 percent.

2012 total return Current dividend yield

*Through Sept. 23, when removed from the Dow ** Company split into Kraft Foods Group and Mondelez InternationalSource: Michael O’Higgins Asset Management Mark Jewell; J. Paschke • AP

Dogs of the DowThe “Dogs of the Dow” beat the average

return of all 30 stocks in the Dow Jones industrial average for a third straight year in 2012, but just barely.

The Dogs are the 10 stocks in the index with the highest dividend yields at the start of the year. The yield is the annual dividend divided by the stock price. Often a stock’s yield is high because its price has fallen. That means if you

invest in the Dogs, you’re likely to buy blue chips at bargain prices.

To follow the strategy, buy the Dogs in January. At the end of the year, sell those whose yields have fallen out of the top 10. The Dogs averaged a total return of 10.3 percent last year, compared with 10 percent for the Dow.

Both the Dogs and the Dow trailed the 16 percent return of the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.

g p p yy p pSource: Michael O’Higgins Asset Management Mark Jewell; J. Paschke • AP

Wheat CBOT5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushelMar 13 747.00 756.00 744.00 744.00 -1.00May 13 756.00 764.00 753.00 753.00 -1.00Jul 13 763.00 771.00 759.00 760.00 -1.00Sep 13 777.00 782.00 769.00 770.00 -1.00Est. Sales 215,823 Wed’s sales 105,803Wed’s open int.476,623 Chg. +4345.00Corn CBOT5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushelMar 13 696.00 700.00 695.00 698.00 +4.00May 13 694.00 699.00 693.00 697.00 +3.00Jul 13 688.00 691.00 687.00 690.00 +2.00Sep 13 603.00 607.00 602.00 607.00 +3.00Est. Sales 442,920 Wed’s sales 208,618Wed’s open int.1,162,874 Chg. +14440.00Oats CBOT5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushelMar 13 337.00 340.00 333.00 339.00 +3.00May 13 339.00 345.00 339.00 345.00 +3.00Jul 13 348.00 350.00 345.00 350.00 +3.00Sep 13 347.00 352.00 347.00 352.00 +4.00Est. Sales 1,613 Wed’s sales 440Wed’s open int.10,590 Chg. -47.00Soybean CBOT5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushelJan 13 1421.00 1429.00 1414.00 1417.00 -2.00Mar 13 1385.00 1394.00 1376.00 1379.00 -5.00May 13 1374.00 1383.00 1368.00 1371.00 -3.00Jul 13 1370.00 1379.00 1364.00 1367.00 -5.00Est. Sales 266,647 Wed’s sales 119,560Wed’s open int.537,424 Chg. -2020.00

COMMODITIESOpen High Low Settle Chg

CSI .50 18 30.50 -- +7.02



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is currently accepting applications for:

The Paducah Sun currently has a full-time position available for an Office Delivery Agent. Duties will include delivery of newspaper routes, making of new delivery tapes, delivery of missed papers of home delivery subscribers, assist with kiosk and door to door sales. Company vehicle provided.

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On all personal andhappy ads, The Pa-ducah Sun reservesthe right to divulgethe name of the partyplacing the ad. Also,we will no longer putany age on happybirthday ads.

FREEEnd Rolls &

Wood PalletsThe Paducah Sun ispleased to offer freenewsprint end rollsand wood pallets tot h e c o m m u n i t y .Either may be pickedup daily while sup-plies last in the alleybehind The PaducahSun building.

0142 LOST

LOST YOUR DOG??Check your localAnimal Shelter orHumane Society



Public AuctionSAT., JAN. 12, 9 AM

500 N. 12TH ST.Moving!

Chest bench; chairs;t a b l e s ; p i c t u r e s ;brass lamps; wheel-chair; shelves; desk;clocks; books; glass-china-cook-kitchen-ware; linens; tools;art. tree; other itemstoo numerous toment ion .

Come Bid & Buy!HAM'S

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ESTATE SALE:Indoors. Antiques,furn., tools, house-wares, SAT. 9-2.

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CLOSERS WANTED–Good pay–Pre set leads–Local territory

Call Phil at804-516-7905






ASSOCIATEFrito-Lay is currentlyseeking aggressiveind iv idua ls fo r aRoute Sales Asso-ciate in the Paducaharea. Successful can-didates will possessa stable and product-ive work history & awillingness to learnFri to-Lay's sel l ingmethods. Prior salesexperience in thegrocery / re ta i l i n -dustry is a plus. FritoLay offers a startingstar t ing salary of$775 wk. + OT andcompetitive benefits.To start your careerwith a leader, visit


No walk-ins orresumes accepted at

our local facilitiesplease.



CASE MANAGER/SUPPORT BROKERConsumer DirectedOptions Program

The Purchase AreaDevelopment Districtis seeking an indi-vidual to work withMedicaid eligible indi-viduals in the stateConsumer DirectedOptions (CDO) pro-gram. The SupportBroker (Case Man-ager) is responsiblefor assessment andon-going case man-agement functions forup to a maximum of40 residents in theeight county Pur-chase Distr ict .The ideal candidatewill have a Bachelor’sDegree or higher inSocial Work or Nurs-ing. Responsibilitiesinclude assessingconsumers for Medi-caid Waiver eligibility,working with con-sumers and/or theirrepresentatives to as-sure compliance withprogram regulations,providing technicalassistance to con-sumers regarding theprogram requ i re -ments as needed,working cooperat-ively with partneragencies, v is i t inge a c h c o n s u m e rmonthly, maintainingclient and servicedocumentation, man-aging policy and pro-cedure requirementsof the program, andcompleting all neces-sary paperwork re-quired, etc. Ski l lsneeded include ex-cellent verbal andwritten communica-tion, self-directionand excellent organ-izational skills, effi-ciency, ability to re-late to consumersand other profession-als. A working know-ledge of the Medi-caid Waiver and/orCase/Care Manage-ment experience is aplus. The PADD of-fers an at t ract ivecompensation pro-gram. Send covera n d r e s u m e t oPADD, Attn: HumanServices Director, POBox 588, Mayfield,K Y 4 2 0 6 6 . T h eP A D D i s a nEOE/AA/ADA em-ployer.


BUSY Medical Prac-t ice seek ing Fu l lT ime Reg i s t e redNurse. One to threeyears nursing experi-ence required. Re-search experience aplus. Please send re-sumes to BB 512 c/oThe Paducah Sun,PO Box 2300, Padu-cah, KY 42002.


PHARMACY TECHNeeded for a busypharmacy. Computer,communication andcustomer serv iceskills a must. EOE.Send resume to: Jen-nifer, PO Box 1157,Paducah, KY 42002.

OUR dental practiceis seeking an out-standing dental as-sistant, EDDA certi-fication preferred, toprovide excellent ser-vice to our patients.Please send resumeto BB 510 C/O Padu-cah Sun, PO Box2300, Paducah, KY42002.


Lake WayNursing and

Rehabilitation Center2607 Main St.

Benton, KY 42025270-527-3296

Big things are hap-pening at Lake WayNursing and Rehabil-itation Center withthe introduction of anew Administrator,Selina Beck and herdesire to uphold themission of Lake Way,we a re cu r ren t l yseeking nursing staffmembers who desireto fulf i l l our samemission. If you are aSta te Reg is te redNurse Assistant, Re-gistered Nurse or Li-censed P rac t i ca lNurse we have a fewopenings left for theRIGHT person to fill.Remember at LakeWay we build bridgesthat span from ourfamilies at home toour families at work.



LPN needed for busyAl lergy & Asthmaclinic. If you are de-pendable, energetic& want to work in anenjoyable environ-ment with great be-nefits & schedule, faxresume to C l in icManager, Sandee at502-429-6157.

PERSON who is fa-mi l iar wi th dentalsoftware DENTRIXfor temporary dataentry job. Email [email protected]

RIVER'S Bend Re-tirement Communityis currently seekingan RN for days. Ourshifts are 12 hoursand rotate weekends,which offer great shiftdiffs. If you are inter-ested, please con-tact Kim Shoulders at388-2868 ext. 212 orapply within at 300Beech St., Kuttawa,KY 42055.

RIVER'S Bend Re-tirement Communityis currently seekingC e r t i f i e d N u r s eA ides , a l l sh i f t s .Weekend rotation,with great shift diff. Ifyou are interested,please contact KimShoulders at 388-2868 ext. 212 or ap-ply wi th in at 300Beech St., Kuttawa,KY 42055.



The Purchase Dis-trict Health Depart-ment is seeking qual-ified applicants for aLocal Health Nurse Ifor the School NurseProgram wi th theH i c k m a n C o u n t ySchool System. Du-ties include, but notlimited to, providingimmun i za t i ons &schoo l phys ica ls .This is a non-benefitposition with hours ofwork being less than800 hours per year.Minimum Require-ments: Associate de-gree or diploma fromcan accredited col-lege, university, orschool of nursing.Must have RN l i -cense in Kentucky orcompact state or pro-visional l icense inKentucky, meeting allrequirements of KRS314.041 and approv-al to practice as Re-gistered Nurse Ap-plicant. Pre-employ-ment screening re-quired.The entry-level hourlyrate of pay is $16.00.Applications may besecured at the Hick-man County HealthCenter or any of thePurchase Dis t r ic tHealth Centers. Ap-plications must besubmitted with a copyof college transcriptand copy of RN li-cense. Completedapplications must bereceived by the closeof business on Janu-ary 18, 2013.

Purchase DistrictHealth Department

is an EqualOpportunity Employer.


C O M P U T E R / N e t -work Technician Spe-cialist position. De-tails at: www.smartpathtech.com/career


MARKETING FIRMHIRING for in-storerep. Must be goodwith people. We train.


PART T ime Exp .Handyman w/ tools &Maids. Comfort SuiteI 24 & Hwy 60.

AVON: $8-15/hour.Full or PT. 703-2866.


SCREEN PRINTERMinimum 1 yr. experi-ence, excellent pay &benef i ts. Mai l re-sume to PO Box 10,LaCenter, KY 42056.

DIESEL MECHANICClass A or B helpful.

Apply at DISS,6760 KY Dam Rd.

No phone calls.


CLASS A CDL, $4455k per yr 441-3323.

EQUIPMENTHAULER DRIVERSTC in Paducah hasan opening for an ex-perienced driver tohaul company equip-ment & trucks to com-pany locations. Musthave CDL-A with Xendorsement. Pleasecall JR at 443-9298 ortoll free at 1-800-442-0722 for more detailson benefits.

Hiring Class ADrivers

Teams & SolosSIGN ON BONUSTEAMS / $10,000

SOLO / $3,0003 Years OTR Experi-ence. Age 24+. GreatWeekly Pay, Bene-fits, Bonus Programs.Volvo’s w/53 ft. DryV a n . M i d w e s tRoutes. 10cpm Extrafor Canada Runs.

Call TNi1-866-378-5071www.tri-nat.com


INSTALLERPrice Ballard-Carl-i s l e P r o p a n e i nSomerse t has anopening for a localpropane gas deliverysalesman truck driverand tank installer.Mus t have CDL-HazMat Tanker, bestjob with excellentpay and benefits .Please call (270)665-5173 or toll free1-800-874-4427 ext.144 or email us at:

[email protected]

SEEKING Local CDLClass A driver withHAZMAT Endorse-ment. Full time withbene f i t package .$14.50 per hour .Reply to Box 511 c/oPaducah Sun, POBox 2300, Paducah,KY 42001.

ClassifiedThe Paducah Sun | Friday, January 11, 2013 | paducahsun.com6C


SOYBEAN Hay, bigbales, barn kept. $25/roll. 270-519-5605.


ALVAREZ 5 stringBanjo with hard case.C i rca 1975, w i thbeautiful wood reson-ator. $500 .519-1668.


DUSTY Strings ham-mer dulcimer w/ hardcase, floor stand, ex-tra hammers. $300.519-1668.


SOFA & Loveseat,great versatile color.$300. Exc. cond.444-9300.

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(Answers tomorrow)SHIFT WOMEN PIRACY CELERYYesterday’s Jumbles:

Answer: The balloon was ascending perfectly, but the squab-bling operators were going — NOWHERE FAST

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, assuggested by the above cartoon.

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,one letter to each square,to form four ordinary words.





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By Owner

WAS $249,900 NOW $152,750

CALL OWNER 270-559-0755 270-519-0818 270-559-1839

415 N. 6th St. - Unit B

Is currently accepting applications for


The Paducah Sun is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or disability.

The Paducah Sun Production Department has positions available for part-time production worker. Positions’ Main Requirements:

• Place preprinted sections into newspapers or preprint jacket. • Assist in the processing of newspapers including stacking, bundling,

counting, and labeling finished products and delivering papers to post office. Job Specifications:

• Education: High school diploma, GED or equivalent. • Skills and Abilities: Fast learner, be alert, ability to communicate,

ability to work with hands, responsible for acting in a safe and responsible manner, valid driver’s license required.

• Hours may vary from 6 p.m. until 5 a.m., Monday through Sunday.

An application and job description may be obtained at The Paducah Sun office located at 408 Kentucky Ave., Paducah, KY

from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday


DOMINO'S PIZZA isnow accepting applic-ations for its Manage-ment Program andDrivers. We of ferAFLAC, Dental &Health Insurance. ASimple IRA plan withcompany matchingfunds. With over 25years experience of-fering great training &opportunities to ad-vance. Entry levelmanagement beginsat $8.00. Drivers av-erage $10-$16 perhour - take homecash daily. Must be18 yrs. old w/ validdrivers license & in-surance.

Apply in person at3240 Lone Oak


E X P E R I E N C E Dcooks, servers, dish/prep. Apply in per-son at The Keg Bar &Grill, 444 Lake St.,Fulton, KY 42041.


Burgers, Steaks, &Beer . The area 'snewest restaurantnow taking applica-tions for experiencedServers & Cooks.

Apply in person at323 Ferry St.,Metropolis, IL.

Like us on Facebook.

HOLMAN HOUSECafeteria hiring

exper. Dishwasher.

OASIS SouthwestGrill is hiring experi-enced servers, full-time. Apply within, nophone calls. I-24 Exit40, Kuttawa.


N O T E T O P A R -E N T S : K e n t u c k yState Law requires li-censing for child carefacil i t ies providingcare for 4 or morechildren not related tot h e l i c e n s e e b yblood, marriage oradoption.


WILL Sit with Sick orElderly, 442-4447.



LABRADOODLES,ye l l ow & b lacks ,ready Valent ine 'sDay, depos i t w i l lhold, 270-224-2339.

TEACUP poodle pup,12 wks old, weighs 1lb. 270-252-9081

TINY Reg. Yorkiepups, $300. Shots,wormed. 270-705-8452, 705-9019.

Yo-Chons, Doxies,Yorkiepoos & Shih

Tzus. 270-601-3210twinoakskennels.net



SOYBEAN Hay, bigbales, barn kept. $25/roll. 270-519-5605.


JOHN Deere 520 alloriginal with 3 pt.Chevy tandem graintruck. 270-293-9432.



Col. Paul Wilkerson& Sons Real Estate/Auction, Lowes, KY674-5659, 674-5523


GE refrigerator-freez-er, ice maker, white,$100, 349-3715.


ALVAREZ 5 stringBanjo with hard case.C i rca 1975, w i thbeautiful wood reson-ator. $500 .519-1668.

DUSTY Strings ham-mer dulcimer w/ hardcase, floor stand, ex-tra hammers. $300.519-1668.


W E I D E R b e n c hw/270 lb. of weights,$100. 349-3715.


R A T T A N T a b l e ,glass top & 4 chairs,$150. 444-6182.SOFA & Loveseat,great versatile color.$300. Exc. cond.444-9300.

WALL hugging sofa& loveseat, reclines,Wildcat blue, $700.444-6182.


NEW Bosch Router +access. in cabinet,$1100. 898-8458.

POWERMATICTable Saw w/extras,

$2800. 898-8458


JUNK Cars/Batteries,$200 & up. 933-8698.

WANTED TO BUY:RAW FURS, McClel-lan Fur Co., Pulaski,IL. 618-342-6316 or618-342-6871.


JET 3 Power chair,new batteries, exc.cond. $1,200. 270556-3094.

THIS NEWSPAPERCOULD BE YOURSEVERY DAY! Whatbetter gift to giveyourself or a friend,Call The PaducahSun Customer Ser-vice Department fordetails. 575-8800 or1-800-599-1771.




All real estate advert-ised herein is subjectto the Federal FairHousing Act whichmakes it illegal to ad-vertise any prefer-ence, limitations, ordiscrimination basedon race, color, reli-gion, sex, handicap,familial status or na-tional origin, or inten-t ion to make anysuch preferences,limitations or discrim-ination. State lawsforbid discriminationin the sale, rental oradvertising of real es-tate based on factorsin addition to thoseprotected under fed-eral law. We will notknowingly accept anyadvertising for realestate which is in vi-olation of the law. Allpersons are herebyin fo rmed tha t a l ldwellings advertisedare available on anequal opportuni tybasis.


LONE OAK1 BR, 1 B, exc., quietlocation, water paid.No pets, no smoking,554-0211, 217-58901BR Apartment forRent. 270-210-8995


1 BR, 1 B, appls. &W/D included, $550mo. + dep. 559-6252.

1BR & 3BR, $550 &$950 + deposit, Re-idland, 270-559-6252

2 BR, 1 B, $450/mo.,no W/D. 331-2506.

CALVERT CITY, nice2BR apt., $450/mo.210-0929.

NEW apt. for rent,Exit 16 area, all utilit-ies included exceptinternet, $700 mo.270-816-7039.

NEWLY remodeled.1 & 2 BR Apt. 270933-6640, 564-9744.

LONE Oak, 2BR 1Btownhouse, water &refuse incl., $500 +dep. lease. 554-0602

Cardinal Point2 BR, 1 B, 1 laundry

room, West Endarea. 444-7334.

Hrs: 10-12, Mon.- Fri.

REIDLAND, 2 BR,$495. Lease. Nopets . 898-2256.

Southgate Manor1 BR. 270-442-6621

WEST END LTD2BR, 1B TownhomeW/D hookup in kit.

2BR, 1B flat, privatestorage, W/D hook-

up in basement.270-442-9258

Hours: 8-10 a.m.Mon-Fri.


Senior & Disabled270-443-3809. EHO

WILLOW OAKS1, 2, & 3 BR APTS.All electric, laundryroom on property

270-443-4200Hours: 1:30-4:30



1 BR apt., incl. utils.,cable/WiFi, no pets,$650. Reidland, nolease. 898-7146.

1 BR, 1 B furn. apt. inFreemont. 554-9612.

1 & 2 BR apts., fur-nished/unfurnished,$550-700. 443-7103.

$475/$625/MO. 1BR,no pets, 559-0688.


165 EMMY Ln., 3 BR2 B, all elec., 1800sq. ft., in Locust Val-ley Estates Subd.,good neighborhoodoff Lovelaceville Rd.,$750/mo., $750 dep.req'd. Additional petdep. Refs & proof ofincome req 'd . Byappt., 270-674-5532.

2 9 0 6 B R A D L E Y ,3BR, $575+dep., nopets, 270-534-9717.

3BR 1B, 932 MLK Dr.No pets. $600/mo.+dep. 270-443-0257.

3BR 1B, Reidland,a p p l i a n c e s , n i c earea, 270-217-2707.

3BR 2B MH, lot 56,new, $650/mo.; 3BR2B MH doublewidew/carport, $675/mo.554-8552.

3 BR, 1.5 B, no pets,$700. 556-0848.


2BR 1B, $550 +dep.,no pets, 559-0688.

WEST END: 2BR 2B,like new, $1000.4BR 2B, fireplaces &patios, $1300.442-3147, 556-4567.


LIKE new, Lone Oak,2BR 2B, appliances,gar. w/storage, deck,gas heat, no pets,$800. 270-331-8929.LONE OAK, 115 ARue Marne, 3 Bed-room, 1.5 bath, gar-age, $750, 217-1002.

NEW const. on Silo'sGolf Course, hard-wood, fp, granite,stainless, 2BR 2B, 2car gar., no smoking/no pets, $1200/mo. &$1200 dep. 853-2621REIDLAND, 2 BR 2B, garage, big yard.$750 + deposit.270-362-3907

2BR 2.5B town-house, 1 car garage,fireplace, Reidland,


WEST END2BR 1B, 898-7207.WEST END, 2BR,2B, LR, DR, utilityroom, $650, 270-217-2910, 210-5910.

WEST End/mall area,2 BR, 2 B, garage,$875 + dep. 270-564-6861, 270-994-5597.


OFFICE space, 612S. 6th St., 1,600 sq.ft., ideal for beautyshop. 519-7820.

2715 OLIVET Church2500 SF. 559-1515.


1 BR, Possum Trot,no pets, warm home,$350/350, 559-2884

2 BR, $400-$500.No pets. Indian Oaks

3BR 2B MH, lot 56,new, $650/mo.; 3BR2B MH doublewidew/carport, $675/mo.554-8552.SMALL 2BR $400mo. + $400 dep. wa-ter & trash included.No pets. 556-1971.



FSBO: 2BR 1B, 1.5acres, lg. 2 car gar-age, 2965 Giebe Rd.,270-519-7884.


SEEING is believing.Don't buy propertybased on pictures orrepresentations. Forf r e e i n f o r m a t i o nabout avoiding time-share and real es-tate scams, write theFederal Trade Com-mission at Washing-ton, DC 20580 or callthe National FraudInformation Center, 1-800-876-7060.


02 CLAYTON, 3BR2B, mint condition,270-489-2525.



2007 JEEP Liberty,95k miles, $8,400.call after 11:30 am,270-293-9269.


1994 OLDS 4 doorDelta 88, 48,450 ori-ginal miles, whitew/blue leather interi-or, Super Sport mod-el, $4,500. 270-251-2005 or 970-0599.

2000 CHRYSLERCirrus, nice, 181Kmiles, asking $1,500.270-703-9786.

2005 LEXUS RS 330Loaded 95k miles.Runs perfect. 9948111 or 994-8113

2007 OUTBACKMUST SELL, go towww.tomocub.com


801 M.L. King Jr. Dr.



Government WildlifeJobs! Great Pay andBenefits. No Experi-ence Necessary. Theticker to a dream jobmight real ly be ascam. To protectyourself, call the Fed-eral Trade Commis-sion toll-free, 1-877FTC-HELP, or visitwww.ftc.gov. A pub-lic service messagefrom The PaducahSun and the FTC.


SOME ads in thisclassification are notnecessarily for "helpwanted" but for em-ployment informationbooklets.





Pursuant to terms ofvarious Judgments inthe McCracken Cir-cuit Court, the Com-missioner will sell onor about the hour of1:30 p.m., JANU-ARY 28, 2013, atpublic auction to thehighest bidder at theMcCracken CountyCourthouse, Padu-cah, Kentucky, theproperties describedin the following ac-tions:3 6 0 M A Y F I E L DMETROPOLIS RD,PADUCAH, KY; RE-GIONS BANK DBAREGIONS MORT-GAGE VS ANTONIOL. BOBBITT, ET AL;12-CI-00768Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$74,541.01; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs, andattorney's fees; andthe costs of this sale.Being Tract 1 onWaiver of Subdivi-sion Plat of DonaldC. Buchanan Prop-erty, in Plat SectionH, p. 288; Deed Book1185, p. 121.5941 KENTUCKYDAM RD, PADU-CAH, KY; U.S. BANKNATIONAL ASSOCI-ATION VS ELAINEM. CLARK, ET AL;12-CI-00116.Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$58,610.05; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs, andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Part of Lot No. 3 inthe subdivision ofFred L Babb, meas-uring 102.2' x 314.2'x 220' x 382.9'; Deed


Book 892, p. 620.2240 TED WILLI-AMS DR, PADUCAH,KY; M & T BANK VSJAMES F. DODSON,ET AL; 12-CI-00629Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$91,160.32; interest;Plaintiff's costs, andexpenses; and thecosts of this sale.On Ted Williams Rd(formerly GeorgiaRoad) measur ing171.58' x 126.7' x172.33 ' x 126.7 ' ;Deed Book 1143, p.113. Except any in-terest in coal, oil, gasand other minerals.7255 CLINTON RD,PADUCAH, KY; JP-MORGAN CHASEBANK, NATIONALASSOCIATION VSJ A M E S W F E R -GUSON, ET AL; 12-CI-00763Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$152 ,515 .48 ; i n -terest; late charges;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.TRACT I: Containing3.59 acres, more orl e s s s h o w n b yWaiver of Subdivi-sion plat for ScottHagan, in plat Sec-tion "J", p. 164; DeedBook 1132, p. 164.TRACT II: Contain-ing 1/2 acre on WestSide of Clinton Rd;Deed Book 1132, p.769.1722 1/2 MONROEST, PADUCAH, KY;EVERBANK VS DE-BORAH HARVEY,ET AL; 11-CI-00457.Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$35,713.93; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs, andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Being Lot 8, Block 2,Fountain Park Addi-tion in Deed Book 38,p. 147; Deed Book1032, p. 51.2985 HUSBANDSRD, PADUCAH, KY;M O N T G O M E R YB A N K , N . A . V SGEORGE HOLDER,ET AL; 12-CI-00653


Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$542 ,737 .25 ; i n -terest; late charges;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Commercial Prop-erty contains oneacre shown in PlatSection J, p. 548;measuring 213.20' x177 ' x 239.80 ' x101.66' x 75.06' x25.49'; includes anon-exclusive en-trance easement and30' drive; Deed Book871, p. 774 and DeedBook 1156, p. 27.225 RUOFF DR, PA-DUCAH, KY; WELLSFARGO BANK, N.A.V S F R E D L .JANSSEN, ET AL; 12- CI-00872.Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$78,790.94; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Being Lot 8, Block"B", in Tenne-VueEstates Subdivision,Molloy Division, Sec-tion III in Plat Book"G", p. 338; DeedBook 890, p. 596.941 NORTH 25THST, PADUCAH, KY;U.S. BANK NATION-AL ASSOCIATION,ND VS KENNETH L.JOHNSON, ET AL;12-C00707Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$70,215.90; interest;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Being Lot 9, Block 6,Thurman Noble ParkAddition in Plat Book"A", p. 222-223. Lotfronts 48' and ex-tends back 141 1/2'to an al ley; DeedBook 707, p. 113.2112 SEITZ ST, PA-DUCAH, KY; BANKOF AMERICA, N.A.V S H E I R S A N DL E G A T E E S O FMARY A. JOHNSON,ET AL; 12-CI-00709Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f

paducahsun.com The Paducah Sun • Friday, January 11, 2013 • 7C





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Dealer Discount .............................................................. -$800Factory Rebate ............................................................ -$1,500College/Military/Farm Bureau .......................................... -$500FMCC Owner Loyalty ...................................................... -$500

Selling Price .........................................$19,995

DEALER DISCOUNT ...................................................... -$1,000

FACTORY REBATE ........................................................ -$1,000

COLLEGE/MILITARY/FARM BUREAU ................................. -$500

SELLING PRICE ......................................$19,995

AUTOMATIC-AIR-CRUISE-SYNCDEALER DISCOUNT ...................................................... -$1,095FACTORY REBATE ........................................................ -$2,000FMCC BONUS ................................................................. -$500COLLEGE/MILITARY/FARM BUREAU ................................. -$500SELLING PRICE ......................................$15,995


FORD STX DISCOUNT ................................................... -$1,500DEALER DISCOUNT ...................................................... -$2,715FMCC BONUS .............................................................. -$1,5005.0 V8 BONUS .............................................................. -$1,5005.0 BONUS CASH ......................................................... -$1,500COLLEGE/MILITARY/FARM BUREAU ................................. -$500SELLING PRICE ......................................$21,995

Stk. #13FT181 Stk. #13FC110 Stk. #13FC049 Stk. #13FT151




2013 F150 STXMSRP IS $31,210

$19,995 $19,995 $15,995 $21,995

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MSRP IS $22,4 MSRP IS $3

See disclaimer at Service Department See disclaimer at Service Department



$23,444.15; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Lot 6 and Lot 7 ,Block 5 of O'Bryan'sAddition in Plat Book"A" , p . 77; DeedBook 950, p. 612.Also includes a 2001Fleetwood 52 x 28mobile home.936 H.C. MATHISDR, PADUCAH, KY;C I T I M O R T G A G E ,INC. VS PERCY S.JOHNSON, ET AL;12-CI-00600Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$43,434.38; interest;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of the sale.Lot 8, Block 12, Thur-man's Noble ParkAddition in Plat Book"A", p. 222-3; DeedBook 1133, p. 491.4110 APPERSONRD, KEVIL, KY; CPLANT FEDERALCREDIT UNION VS.KELLYE SUTTONKNIGHT, ET AL; 11-CI-01232Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$92,249.44; interest;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees and thecosts of this sale.Lot 2 of "John Sum-mers Subdivision"containing 5.0 acres;Deed Book 1147, p.132.120 DOVE LN, PA-DUCAH, KY; JP-MORGAN CHASEB A N K , N . A . V SDAMARA LANIER;12-CI-00975Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$223 ,027 .49 ; i n -terest; late charges;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Lot 2, Waiver of Sub-division for W.M. &Phyllis Curtis in PlatSection "L", p. 1251;Deed Book 1143, p.341.141 MARK DR, PA-DUCAH, KY; PHHMORTGAGE COR-P O R A T I O N V SR I C H A R D M C -CORKLE, ET AL; 11-CI-00211


Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$150 ,546 .31 , i n -terest; late charges;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Being Lot 6, Block F,Sect ion 1, of theBluegrass EstatesSubdivision in PlatSect ion H, p. 23;Deed Book 1069, p.613.1926 MADISON ST,PADUCAH, KY; BACHOME LOANS SER-V I C I N G L P V SCRAIG MORGAN,ET AL; 09-CI-01358Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$95,436.90; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Property on souths ide o f Mad ison ,measures 50' x 165'x 50' x 165'; DeedBook 1139, p. 306.1 6 0 5 S O U T HFRIENDSHIP ROAD,P A D U C A H , K Y ;BRANCH BANKINGAND TRUST COM-P A N Y V S B A R -BARA Y. MOSS, ETALSale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$88,013.64; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Being a 1.06 acret r a c t o n P l a t o fWaiver of Subdivi-sion for Frank Moskoin Plat Book "K", slide115 ; Deed Book1103 , p . 725 .809 OAKS RD, PA-DUCAH, KY; RE-GIONS BANK VSASHLEY MULDER,ET AL; 12-CI-01060Sale is made to re-cover the following:$61,879.50; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Property measures292' x 60' x 300' x60'. Deed Book 1189;p. 372.101 WILTON CLE,P A D U C A H , K Y ;BANK OF AMERICA,N . A . V S P A U L A


DENNISE PORTER;11-CI-00284Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$124 ,402 .53 ; i n -terest; late charges;plaint i f f 's chargesand attorney feesand the costs of thissale.Lot 74 in FieldmontSubdivision in Plat"H", p. 117; DeedBook 1156, p. 259.2029 CLARK ST, PA-DUCAH, KY; FLAG-STAR BANK, FSBV S K E V I NROBERTSON, ETAL; 12-CI-00630Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$68,108.02, interest,plaintiff's costs andattorney fees and thecosts of this sale.Property north ofClark Street 50' x165' 3" to an alley x50' x 165' 3"; DeedBook 1086, p. 652.215 FAIRVIEW DR,P A D U C A H , K Y ;W E L L S F A R G OBANK, N.A. VS JEN-NIFER RODGERS,ET AL; 12-CI-01049Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$161 ,094 .69 ; i n -terest; late charges;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.Lot 8 , B lock "A" ,Churchview Subdivi-sion in Resubdivi-sion of Block "A" inPlat Book "G", p.362 ; Deed Book1166 , p . 286 .1609 HARRISON ST,P A D U C A H , K Y ;W E L L S F A R G OB A N K , N . A . V SHEIRS OF MARYRUTTER, ET AL; 12-CI-00391Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$19,030.41; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of the sale.Subject to UnitedStates 120 Day Rightof Redemption.Lot 25, Block 11 ofFountain Park Addi-tion in Deed Book 38,p. 147, fronting Har-


rison 50' and depth of1654' to an al ley;Deed Book 574, p.778.1115 FISHER RD,P A D U C A H , K Y ;ALLREED HOUSE,ET AL VS EDWARDSTEVENS, ET AL;11-CI-01265Sale is made to re-cover the following:$ 1 0 , 2 6 4 . 5 0 a n d$3,514.45, interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of this sale.1. Mt. Zion Churchand Fisher SchoolHouse Road measur-ing 77 2/3 poles x 123/5 poles x 12 3/5poles x 58 2/3 polesx 90 poles x 71 1/2poles containing 39acres.2. Lot 7 on plat ofScott Land 73 x 991/2 poles x 72 1/2poles x 99 1/3 polescontaining 45 acres.Also a strip of 1 rodwide and 17 rodslong for roadway pur-poses. Also a strip of


1 rod wide and 17rods long for road-way purposes. Also astrip for road waypurposes 66 polesand 1 rod wide.3. Southeast Quarterof Section 5, Town-sh ip 6 , Range 1West. 100 acres ex-cept 40 acres sold toP.M. Scott making it60 acres.1957 MADISON ST,P A D U C A H , K Y ;DEUTSCHE BANKNATIONAL TRUSTC O M P A N Y V SELMO THOMAS, ETAL; 12-CI-00550Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$40,304.93; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs andattorney fees; andthe costs of the sale.Being Lot 44, Block 3in Terrell's FountainPark Addition in PlatBook A, p. 84, front-ing Madison St. 40'extends back 160'uniform width to an


al ley; Deed Book826, p. 629.129 NOLAN DR, PA-DUCAH, KY; BANKOF AMERICA, N.A.VS BARBARA M.THOMPSON, ET AL;12-CI-00124Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$110 ,595 .92 ; i n -terest; late charges;Plaintiff's costs andattorneys fees; andthe costs of the sale.Property measures103.0 ' x 200.0 ' x101.4' x 205.9'. DeedBook 1180, p. 52.7285 CAIRO RD,WEST PADUCAH,K Y ; D E U T S C H EBANK NATIONALTRUST COMPANYVS PEGGY WAL-LACE, ET AL; 12-CI-00643Sale is made to re-cover the following:Judgmen t i n t hea m o u n t o f$54,339.18; interest;l a t e c h a r g e s ;Plaintiff's costs and


attorney fees; andthe costs of the sale.Tract contains 6.93acres and includes amobile home, 1997Clayton River; DeedBook 697, p. 71.TERMS: The follow-ing terms are in ef-fect unless otherwisement ioned above:Properties are to besold for cash or oncredit of 30 days,with purchaser beingrequired to executebond with approveds u r e t y p e r K R S426.705. Credit saleswill accrue interest atthe rate of 12% perannum. The proper-ties are located inMcCracken County,and plat and deedbooks referred toherein are located int h e M c C r a c k e nCounty Clerk's Of-fice. Properties are tobe sold free and clearof all liens, encum-brances, and interestof all parties exceptas specifically noted.Purchaser shall be


required to pay alltaxes that becomedue against the prop-erty in 2012 and allsubsequent years.Some sales may becanceled, and anya n n o u n c e m e n t smade at the sale takep recedence ove rprinted matter con-tained herein. Theundersigned Com-missioner does nothave access to theinside of the abovementioned proper-ties.This the 9th day ofJanuary 2013.

Mark L. AshburnMaster


8C • Friday, January 11, 2013 • The Paducah Sun paducahsun.com


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