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Faith Lutheran church OCTOBER 2016 Notes of Faith Confirmaon on Reformaon Sunday: Sunday, October 30 As followers of Christ, we learn to love and live to serve. Marn Luther 1483 - 1546 Time aſter Pentecost Marn Luther was eight years old when Christopher Columbus set sail from Europe and landed in the Western Hemisphere. Luther was a young monk and priest when Michelangelo was painng the Sisne Chapel in Rome. A few years later, he was a junior faculty member at a new university in small-town Germany, intently studying the Scriptures, capvated with an extraordinary ardor for understanding Paul in the Epistle to the Romans.In these days Luther was tormented by (Connue on page 13)
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Faith Lutheran church


Notes of Faith

Confirmation on Reformation Sunday: Sunday, October 30

As followers of Christ, we learn to love and live to serve.

Martin Luther 1483 - 1546

Time after Pentecost

Martin Luther was eight years old when Christopher Columbus set sail from Europe and landed in the Western Hemisphere. Luther was a young monk and priest when Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel in Rome. A few years later, he was a junior faculty member at a new university in small-town Germany, intently studying the Scriptures, “captivated with an extraordinary ardor for understanding Paul in the Epistle to the Romans.” In these days Luther was tormented by …

(Continue on page 13)

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GOD LANGUAGES Did you know that how you worship and live your faith actually has a lot of do with your personality, how you’re wired, and different learning styles? Everyone has a “God Language.” God Languages are ways that you tend to worship most naturally. The God Languages are meant to accompany your communal worship with others, with the body of Christ. Knowing these God Languages help you to engage in worship in ways that

are meaningful and fulfilling. As the Worship, Music, and Arts Committee meets to plan worship, we are aware of these different God Languages. The goal is to engage these different languages throughout our various forms of worship and time together as we grow in faith. Because of this, you will occasionally experience different liturgies, prayers, music, and formats. We are excited for this and hope you will share your feedback. Through this, we hope to help you learn different ways to help you practice and understand various ways to live your faith, worship, and best connect with God. God Languages in a nutshell:

The Activist: Worship through being part of a cause that shows God’s love. Example: Service projects, social justice work for what is right, standing up to people who do wrong or are mean, participate or lead events that help the poor, abused, or in trouble. (Often likes leading and planning service projects or praying on behalf of others)

The Aesthetic: Worships through solitude and simplicity Example: Prefer quiet, silence, or to be alone. Prefer simplicity and doesn’t need a lot of “stuff.” (Often prefers personal prayer and devotion time)

The Caregiver: Worship through serving others. Example: Sees practical needs and is motivated to do something about it. Spiritually alive when helping others accomplish God’s work. Love to help people. (Often enjoys active parts of worship such as ushering, communion assistants, greeting or sitting with others who need help.)

The Contemplative: Worship through Adoration Example: Feels the warmth of God’s love. Openly talks about relationship with God. Has deep, loving thoughts about God. Experiences joy when sensing God’s presence. (Often enjoys prayer and praise music/hymns)

Notes of Faith


God Languages The Activist

The Aesthetic The Caregiver

The Contemplative The Enthusiast The Intellectual The Naturalist The Sensate

The Traditionalist

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The Enthusiast: Worship through Celebration Example: Feels closest to God when gathered with others to sing and worship. Expresses emotion while worshiping. Rarely shy about expressing love for God publicly. Comfortable with spiritual mystery. (Often enjoys the upbeat parts or intense parts of worship where expression and emotions can be shared)

The Intellectual: Worship through intellect or the mind. Example: Sees faith as something to be understood as much as experienced. Gets bored when the mind isn’t stimulated. Often prefers the intellectual parts of worship such as the sermons and Bible studies. Needs to engage the mind to grow spiritually. Likes to challenge others or ask questions. Enjoys learning new things about God and theology. (Often prefers sermons or teaching moments)

The Naturalist: Worship through experiencing God in the outdoors. Example: Witnessing God in nature comes naturally. Hearing scriptures read outdoors makes it come more alive. Love for nature connects you to God’s creation and God’s love. Seeing God through nature reminds you that you are not alone. (Often prefers outdoor worship, camp, outdoor or off-site experiences, appreciated the aesthetic parts of the sanctuary such as altar flowers and such).

The Sensate: Worship through the senses. Example: Likes to use all the senses to worship: sight, smell, sound, touch, taste. Feels drawn to God in the presence of beauty such as architecture, stained glass, formal language, music, etc. Prefers hearing scripture read out loud. Can focus on God and prayer better when moving or doing something with the hands or body; sitting without movement makes it difficult to connect with God. Sometimes drawing helps connect with God. (Often prefers the many sense of worship--the sound of music, the sight of stained glass, the taste of communion, the smell of the sanctuary or coffee at the entrance. Bubble mapping may be a preferred worship note format).

The Traditionalist: Worship through ritual and symbol. Example: Enjoys faith practices like worship, bible study, prayer, or communion to be done in familiar ways. Feels connected to the believers/generations that came before by continuing the faith practices in which they engaged. Likes to know what will happen next in worship. Thinks Creeds (Apostles, Nicene, etc) are helpful in worship because it makes sure that the substance and practices are accurate and truthful. Celebrates the traditions of the past.

Pastor Shannyn [email protected]

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Notes of Faith

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18 KJV Lately, I have been reading a book given to me by Estelle, called “Vision: The Life and Music of Hildegard von Bingen”. This is a perfect book for a visit to the doctor’s office, because I usually read a few pages and then ponder what I have read, and re-read and re-read those same pages. There is quite a bit of food for thought. As a person who has always deeply love the arts, whether paintings and sculpture, dancing, theatre, and most of all, music, the imagery that is present through this type of media gets to my soul much more quickly than words alone. Perhaps it has to do with the need for brevity that comprises so many musical texts, or the fact that an artist must contain their big ideas in a relatively small structure, or short dance or play. In this book there is reference to a hymn written by Hildegard, which speaks of the sins of people being turned into precious gems, virtues of the soul. I thought this was an enormously powerful image, as the image of God’s words through the prophet Isaiah. I would say that most of my sins take the form of a rather low-key nature. But every now and then, there is a doozy ... something that flies out of my mouth or into an email without proper attention from me that becomes something hurtful and horrible! It is not my intention ever to do or say such a thing. This is why we often confess to sins that we don’t even know, because sometimes we are unaware of the pain at the other end. I love the passage above from Isaiah! The first part of the chapter is a listing of sins of the communities at Sodom and Gomorrah, so many that God no longer delights in the offerings of the people. And then, almost suddenly, the Lord says:” Come now, let us reason together.” God’s reaction could have been to cut his people off from community with him. God could have brought many horrors to their community in exchange for what they had done. God chose another way. “Let’s talk about this. As wicked as you have been, your sins shall dissolve before my eyes. I will not see them. It shall be as it was in the beginning, when you were new and perfect.” I am sure that many of you know of a relationship that went sour because of some act or set of words that brought a destructive end. And yet, somehow, at a later time, the relationship was restored to something even better, better because of the shared and known pain and separation, and better because of knowing that the choice was to come back together. I believe God always chooses to get back together, and what delight when we want to get back together with him. We have a new and wonderful “do-over”! I am grateful for that every single day! Thank you God, for your unconditional and ever abiding love! Your sister in Christ! Nan Beth Walton, Director of Music [email protected]


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Fall is here and October puts us in the swing of things here at Faith! Check out the many opportunities below and please be in touch if you have questions. Also, please make sure that I have your email address if you are a parent of a high school or Confirmation student. Confirmation students meet weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM. We are exploring Bible stories through the book Manna and Mercy by Daniel Erlander. High School students meet on the second and fourth Sundays of every month. In October we have our Second Sunday Breakfast on the 9th at 9:15 AM. High School Coffee Convo is on the fourth Sunday, October 23rd at 9:15 am and is facilitated by Sarah Busic and Greg Johnson. Please let me know if you would like to get involved or have any questions!

Callie Moothart Director of Next Generations Ministries

[email protected]

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Confirmation Sunday will be October 30th, during the 10:30 service. Please attend this special service and recognize our high school students who have chosen to affirm their baptism and begin their journey in faith.

High School students will get together on Wednesday, October 26th at 5:00 PM for an adventure up to Bob’s Corn Maze in Snohomish! Sign-ups will go out via email, and I will definitely need adults to help drive. Looking forward to this fun annual event!

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FAITH’S BIBLE STUDY CIRCLES will be meeting and all are invited. Mary Martha Circle will meet on Monday, October 10th at 7:00 p.m., at the home of Dallas Presley, who will host. Selma Wendt will be the study leader. Ruth Circle will meet on Thursday, October 20th at 12:00 Noon, in the Church Library. Margaret Young will be the hostess and the Bible Study, led by Pastor Shannyn, will begin at 1p.m. October’s Study from the October 2016 issue of Gather magazine and is entitled “When God Forgives the Guilty”. It is written by Meghan Johnston Aelabouni. October’s title is “JESUS and the evil eye: when God blesses the undeserving”. If you have not subscribed to the magazine, a few copies of Gather are in the church office. (If you borrow them, please return these magazines in a timely manner so others may also use them.) REGISTRATION for the “All Anew” Tenth Triennial Gathering opened September 6. (Early bird fees are available through January 6, 2017.) This fantastic gathering of Women of the ELCA will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota July 13-16, 2017. One woman said this: “I go (to the gathering) for the energy of thousands of women coming together, supporting each other, praising God in worship, going to workshops to get educated and listening to some fantastic speakers from across the country and around the world. Women coming together….praising God and moving the kingdom forward.” You can learn more about the gathering by visiting welcatg.org. Please contact Julie Pierce or Estelle Morley for additional registration information and there is a Triennial Booklet in the narthex to look through. The Fall Ingathering of items for LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF is soon taking place. The women of Faith’s two Circles, will be assembling kits and the quilters will ready their wares. On Sunday, October 23rd Faith Lutheran will display, bless, and pack all items ready for loading and shipping. On November 4 & 5, the loading will take place at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church. Once again, Andrine Baker will faithfully serve as our LWR Coordinator. Thank you to one and all. In November, Faith Lutheran Church Women will be gathering in the annual Thankoffering from the congregation, the total of which all is sent to Chicago for ELCA and Women of the ELCA ministries and support. Stay tuned for further details.

In Christ’s Service, Estelle Morley, President Faith Lutheran Church Women

Notes of Faith


Join us!

The quilters welcome you to join them at Faith to tie quilts Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

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The Faith Council met on September 13, 2016. Pastor Shannyn reported that she has felt very welcomed during her first month at Faith, and has already had some productive meetings with various committees, including Parish Ed and Stewardship. For Adult Ed, the plan is to focus on stewardship in the coming year; not just financial, but also seeking ways to enable members to identify and share their time, talents, gifts, etc. We reviewed the plans for her Installation service (Saturday, September 24th at 2pm) and what roles some members of the congregation will play in the ceremony. We also discussed the plans to hold small group gatherings (“cottage meetings”) hosted by members at their homes or at church, to enable her to get to know the members of the congregation and vice versa. Pastor Shannyn will identify several dates she will be available, and Missy will help coordinate sign-ups for members. Childcare will be provided as needed for those who attend the meetings at church.

In his Finance update, Wally reported that donations have been up somewhat over 2015 and the budget is generally in good shape. We are proceeding with the purchase of 100

comfortable mesh folding chairs, with help from a generous donation from an anonymous donor. Additionally, the chairs in the Social Hall were cleaned on 9/16/16. We discussed the 2017 budget planning process and proposed some dates for the congregational discussions. Wally will request budget plans from each Committee chair as well. John Hall reported on the general plan to replace the carpet in the sanctuary, with an aim to complete the project before Thanksgiving.

Gwen gave an update from the Parish Ed committee meeting. The theme for the 2016-2017 Sunday school year is “Listen, God is Calling,” and the emphasis will be on growing the student body through personal and community outreach. Two new childcare providers have been hired, and will be available from 10:10am - 12:10pm each Sunday. Karren reported from the Wedgwood Pre-school meeting that the Co-op would like to pay for some kind of turf or other artificial covering for the play yard behind the parsonage house, and the Council requested that the Co-op provide a more detailed plan for evaluation. A new church use policy and fee schedule was approved, to take effect January 1, 2017.

The group also made plans for a Council retreat on November 12th, to educate new members on their roles and responsibilities, and to engage in some long term planning for Faith.

Faith will receive an award for its work on Faith House at the LCSNW annual luncheon on Saturday, October 23rd from 1-3pm at the Lynnwood Convention Center (guest speaker: travel author Rick Steves). Suzanne Phillips is coordinating attendees for the table reserved for Faith.

The Executive Committee will meet next on October 4th and the Council meeting will occur on October 11th. Stacey Dillon; Council Secretary

Photo Credit: Theo Roe

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We had a wonderful start to Sunday School! And what is more fun than to pass out Bibles to our young people? The Parish Education Committee thanks the congregation for their support of our program as we begin a new year of being open to God’s promises for us.

“Listen, God is Calling” is our theme for the year. Our monetary offering will again go to Amara Sanctuary, a non-profit serving children just coming into foster care. We will also still collect (with several special invitations to the whole congregation to contribute) individual, single serving, ready-to-eat or microwavable foods for University Food Bank’s Backpacks for Kids, which sends home meals with children who depend on school breakfasts and lunches to help them over weekends and holidays when school is not in session.

New this year, we will be starting Prayer Partners, a way to connect adults in our congregation and our young students together. If you were interested in this for your student, but didn’t have a chance to leave your name on the first day of Sunday School, let Barb or Sandi know.

We love visitors! Please encourage your kids to bring their friends. All are welcome! One of our teachers relayed to me how his daughter, being the only girl in the class, started bringing a friend to Sunday School. That friend went on to be confirmed at Faith and to go on some high school youth trips. So you never know where one invitation might lead!

UPCOMING DATES: October 2: St. Francis Pet Blessing Festival Day 9:15 in the Social Hall

Everyone is invited to bring their friendly pets to the pet blessing. We will keep the dogs separate from the smaller animals to keep everyone as stress-free as possible. We have had reptiles, fish, bees, rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, and, of course, dogs. Who knows what might arrive this year? If your pet does not travel well (and we don’t want any pets left in warm cars, of course!!) or is shy, bring a picture. We will also remember our pets who have passed away. Meanwhile, the Pre-Elementary class will be having their own Pet Blessing in their regular space. October 9, 16, 23, and 30 will be regular classes (October 30 is Confirmation during worship.)


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Notes of Faith

Dear Members of the Church’s Sunday School Program,

Thank you for sharing your Sunday School collections with Amara. We received your gift of $148.34 ...in addition to your gift of $100.51 in February. Your support contributes to all of our child-focused programming at Amara, including the Emergency Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is able to provide a safe, stable and nurturing environment for children removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect.

With gratitude, John Morse Executive Director

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We welcomed Shannyn Fuerst to this Book Group meeting at Kristin Johnson's! Please add her to your Book Group list. Thanks, Kristin for hosting this last meeting of summer. October 19: Please read Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson. We'll meet at the home of Lynn Krog. November 16: IMPORTANT!!! We are attending a professional reading of Noah Foster-Koth's play, Red Ivory which won a spot on the SIFF first draft

night. You must SIGN UP for free tickets—contact Sheryl for the link. We will arrange carpools before the event. For more information contact Sheryl at [email protected]


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Dearest Faith Church Members, The Sommerdorf family wants to thank you so very much for the outpouring of love and support during Barry Sommerdorf’s Memorial Service. Pastor Shannyn quickly got to know Barry and his family so she could reflect us in her sermon. Estelle Morley thoughtfully organized the potluck luncheon that Barry always valued as part of church membership. Many members came forward to help with the service; many more set up the social hall, prepared, served food, and cleaned up afterwards. We are so very, very grateful; it made honoring Barry so easy for his family and filled our hearts to overflowing. Thank you! Darlene, Jill and Jodi and families

FAITH FOOD DRIVE Sunday, October 30 There will be a special offering of items for the food bank taken on this Sunday. A list of items needed can be picked up at either entrance to the Sanctuary. Monetary offerings are also accepted (Make checks out to the University Food Bank) Each year, about 70% of the food UDFB distributes is donated. While most comes from larger business and nonprofit partners, an important amount comes from individuals in the community organizing a food drive. This simple and generous act is very much appreciated.

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Notes of Faith

Faith Lutheran Church

will be awarded the

Ruben Spannaus Award

for Outstanding Community Service!

Featuring Keynote Speaker Rick Steves Sunday, October 23 Social Hour begins at 1:00 To RSVP or for questions contact Julie Malloy at [email protected] Faith Lutheran Church will be awarded the Ruben Spannaus Award for Outstanding Community Service at this event!

The Ruben Spannaus Award is named in honor of the first director of Lutheran Community Services who helped start the agency more than 70 years ago (originally called Associated Lutheran Welfare). Rev. Spannaus made significant contributions to the community and was a true friend and supporter of the Lutheran Community Services Northwest. Rev. Spannaus passed away in May 2006. Each year, the award is given to a person or persons who exemplifies the leadership, initiative and vision of Rev. Spannaus, and who supports or advocates for the agency’s mission: "LCS partners with individuals, families and communities for health, justice and hope."



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Why Struggle Matters

By the Rev. Kirby Unti, NWWA Synod Bishop From the October 2016 Edition of The Spirit I had the privilege of hearing an incredible speaker, Luis Ortega, speak at the New Teacher's Breakfast sponsored by the Renton Chamber of Commerce. Luis is the founder of Storytellers for Change, where he works to motivate youth, educators and community leaders to tell and share their stories of positive change.

His story begins with an invitation from a former teacher to return to his high school to talk to a group of students who were struggling. Luis himself knew struggle well. He had come to America with his family - hoping to get a better education. After several humiliating educational experiences, including a school counselor who said he was not fit for college, Luis enrolled at the University of Washington.

His greatest fear was public speaking. He dreaded returning to his high school to give a talk. The content of his talk was to share his story of perseverance in getting an education when the deck was stacked against him. It was one very long hour and he felt like he was not connecting and the students appeared ready to leave the moment the bell rang. Luis himself was more than ready to leave when a young man, who patiently waited for everyone else to leave, came forward and embraced Luis - expressing that finally he met someone who gave him hope for his own life.

This is the day Luis discovered the power of his own story of struggle. It had the power to give hope and transform lives. He has since spoken in over 1000 schools telling the story of how his family returned to Mexico leaving Luis alone to navigate the last years of college education. His biggest challenge was making the choice between housing or tuition. Luis knew it had to be tuition if he was going to fulfill his parents' desire in coming to America. This meant living on the streets for two years while still going to school.

Luis took most of the audience by surprise when he said the most important experience in life is struggle. Struggle is the cornerstone of building character. Struggle is what sets the table for learning the power of sacrifice. This in turn builds a great sense of solidarity with a massive number of people in the world who face an untold number of struggles.

Luis says struggle is what taught him the value of giving up his life in service. He is so committed to these principles that he will go to any school to tell his story knowing there might be that one student for whom it will make a difference. Imagine living on the streets, attending the university and visiting every school that invited him to come.

It is clear that those who struggle - who make great sacrifices to survive - grow hearts of solidarity and find, in turn, great joy in service. When this is your journey you indeed have a powerful story of transformation to tell. I could not help but think throughout his speech how clearly able he was tell the story of faith. "Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life? -Matthew 16:24-26


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Notes of Faith

Parents in love = Families in love MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND

It’s hard to think about November when you are planning a family day at the beach or doing some other fun warm-weather activity. But as you are having fun in the sun, think about the blessings you have in your marriage. After bathing suits and water skis are stored for the winter, we invite you to invest in your marriage this fall to learn ways to more fully share the love you have with each other.

Your whole family deserves the love Mom and Dad discover on a Lutheran Marriage Encounter weekend! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones—and focus only on each other. If you’d like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you’ll like the difference a Lutheran Marriage Encounter weekend can make! Join millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive.

The Fall weekend schedule for the Seattle area is:

November 4-6, 2016 DON’T DELAY – REGISTER NOW!

For more information or to register, check the web site: www.GodLovesMarriage.org

or call Carl & Dallas Anne Presley 206-522-6849

A weekend of discovery. . .a lifetime of love

ADULT FORUM Sunday mornings at 9:15 in the Library

STEWARDSHIP IN DAILY LIVING Join us this fall for an Adult Forum series on a subject that touches all areas of our life: stewardship. We look forward to some lively discussion. Don’t miss it! October 2 Integrating Stewardship with Your Financial Plan with David Foster-Koth October 9 Stewardship of Relationships with Dallas and Carl Presley October 16 Exploring Stewardship With Your Children October 23 Stewardship of Serving October 30 Stewardship of the Environment November 6 Stewardship of Spiritual Gifts November 13 Mission Fest/Community Stewardship

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Martin Luther was eight years old when Christopher Columbus set sail from Europe and landed in the Western Hemisphere. Luther was a young monk and priest when Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel in Rome. A few years later, he was a junior faculty member at a new university in small-town Germany, intently studying the Scriptures, “captivated with an extraordinary ardor for understanding Paul in the Epistle to the Romans.” In these days Luther was tormented by the demand for righteousness before God. “I did not love, yes, I hated the righteous God who punishes sinners, and secretly, if not blasphemously, certainly murmuring greatly, I was angry with God.” Then, in the midst of that struggle with God, the message of the Scriptures became clear, like a long-shut door opening wide. When he realized that a “merciful God justifies us by faith … I felt that I was altogether born again and had entered paradise itself through open gates.”

What Luther discovered is the freedom of Christians trusting God’s mercy in Christ. As he later wrote, “Faith is God’s work in us. It changes us and makes us to be born anew of God. This faith is a living, busy, active, mighty thing. It is impossible for it not to be doing good works incessantly. Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that believers would stake their lives on it a thousand times.” This discovery set Luther’s life on a new course —both his own life and his public service as a preacher and teacher. When a church-endorsed sales team came to the Wittenberg area in October, 1517, Luther was concerned that the promotion and sale of indulgences undermined the promise of God’s unreserved mercy in Jesus and the faith that trusts that promise. His 95 Thesesor Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences became the first of a life-long stream of books, sermons, letters, essays, even hymns in which he expressed his confidence in this life-giving promise from God, the Gospel, and its liberating implications for all of life in church and society.

Taken from www.elca.org/Faith/ELCA-Teaching/Luther-and-Lutheranism

To learn more about celebrating 500 years of Reformation go to: www.elca.org/News-and-Events/500-Years

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Take a Bite Out of Hunger Benefit Auction Saturday, October 15

Dear Food Bank Supporters, Before I provide details about the auction, I wanted to thank you for your generous support. Because of you we’ve been able to open a new food bank (5017 Roosevelt Way NE) and at the same time continue to meet the demands for our Walk-In food bank, Packs For Kids, and Home Delivery customers! Pat yourself on the back; you are helping to make our community stronger, more compassionate, and a better place to live. Now the auction: The food bank auction committee is busy planning our 21st annual “Take a Bite Out of Hunger” benefit auction. They’ve procured some great items – Dinner for Two at The Herbfarm, Mazatlán vacation, Alaska Airline tickets, Southwest Airlines tickets, Cheesemaker for a day at Beecher’s Cheese and more. That said, we still need more auction items. Our wish list includes Seahawk tickets, Northwest vacation stays, performance tickets, restaurant gift cards, fun experiences, and more. Either contact me directly via email ([email protected]) or fill out the item donation form on the auction webpage if you have an item to donate. Our goal is to underwrite the auction with sponsorship dollars. Please contact me directly if you or your business are interested in sponsoring. You can buy auction tickets or make a donation directly from the auction website.

DETAILS 21st Annual Take a Bite Out of Hunger Benefit Auction

Date: Saturday, October 15 Time: 5:30 PM (Doors open) Location: St. Demetrios Hall, 2100 Boyer Ave E, Seattle 98112 Tickets: General Tickets $80 each ($100 beginning 9/15/15) Table of eight $640 each ($800 each table beginning 9/15/16) Patron Level Tickets $125 each, Table $1000 ($150 per ticket, $1200 per table beginning 9/15/16)

Note Patron Ticket buyers receive entry into a raffle for a live-quality auction item, special recognition, upgraded wine and more. Attire: Business Casual or dress to match the Harvest Moon Homecoming theme Why: Benefit for the customers of the University District Food Bank

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1 Taylor Astel 19 Julia Cressey

Lei’ala Manahan 20 Karen Knutson

6 Emily Inslee 21 Nell Baumgarten

Alec Keith 22 Suzanne Gleason

Christina Pazderic/Soong 26 Cindy Beck

8 Ross Hunnicutt Christina Rose Booth

Rosalie Hunnicutt Areal GoodVoice-Petersen

10 Elise Hansen 27 Heather Moe

11 Aimee Hasle Robert Monsen

14 John Bergo Nan Beth Walton

Sharon Jodock-King 28 Sara Legler

15 Meg Monsen 29 Hanna Petros

Heather Templeman Suzanne Phillips

17 Erik Johnson 30 Neil Dexter

18 Sarah Powelson David Peterson

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Faith Lutheran Church Staff

Rev. Shannyn Fuerst Pastor [email protected]

Nan Beth Walton, AIM Director of [email protected] Music

Callie Moothart Dir. of Next [email protected] Generations Ministries

Missy Tade Office [email protected] Manager

Sunday Worship Schedule 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Publication Notices

Notes of Faith is published once a month. News deadline is the 20th.

Weekly Email is sent out every Thursday News deadline is Wednesdays at noon

Articles can be submitted to [email protected]

Congregational Council Executive Committee President: Jan Ray: [email protected] Vice President: Gwen Schaeffer Secretary: Stacey Dillon Treasurer: Wally Powelson

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Faith Lutheran church

Faith Lutheran Church 8208 18th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115

Phone: 206-523-9636

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.faithseattle.org

Visit us on Facebook: facebook.comFaithLutheranChurchSeattle

Worship services at 8:00a and 10:30a Education Hour at 9:15a
