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Faith United Methodist Church The Faith Connection Newsletter JUNE 2016 Edition From the Pastor's Desk The day was Dec. 16, 1977. Sherry and I were living in Mt. Pleasant, MI, where we ministered to students through the Campus Crusade for Christ movement at the Central Michigan University. It was the last day of final exams and students were headed home for a welcomed Christmas break. As I finished my last report for the semester in my home office late in the afternoon, Sherry stepped into the room and said it was time to go to the hospital; our first child was about to be born. When we got to the hospital and as nurses began to take care of Sherry, I had the responsibility of signing her in. I was so excited, so emotionally wrapped up in what was happening, that I couldn’t remember my Social Security number. After seven very challenging hours, more so for Sherry than for me, I had the privilege of being in the delivery room when Elizabeth was born. Her beautiful, large, dark eyes drew me in; I was captivated by them. I was committed to being the best Dad for this little girl that I could possibly be. Fast forward to Nov. 19, 1981. Sherry, Elizabeth and I were living in Elizabethtown, PA, where I was the assistant pastor of a large church. After a couple of runs to a hospital in Lancaster the past week or so for what proved to be false labor pains for Sherry, we then knew that the day had arrived for the birth of our second child. Being in the delivery room, I was overjoyed to know, before the doctor announced to Sherry, that we had a son. It was one of the most emotional moments of my life. I was surprised by the happiness, the joy, the excitement that filled my heart, almost to the point of being overwhelming. How blessed Sherry and I were to have a daughter and a son. Being a father has tested my commitment to being a disciple of Jesus Christ. I’ve felt the heat of needing to be a good example to my children of living as a Christian. I’ve known that my children will be impacted far more by what they experience with me than by what they hear me say, by what they hear me teach. As my children have become adults, the heat is still on to be an example of Christian living to them, and the challenge won’t end until I breathe my last breath. When I as their father am no longer with them, I want them to know how loving, trustworthy, and powerful their heavenly Father is. The best thing we as fathers and grandfathers may do for our loved ones is to point them to their heavenly Father who loves them and delights in them as much, indeed much more, than any father on earth is capable of. Pastor Gary Faith United Methodist Church 7215 1 st Ave West; Bradenton, FL 34209 Phone: 941-794-8067; Email: [email protected]; Website: www.faithchurchum.org Rev. Gary Eldred
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Faith United Methodist Church

The Faith Connection Newsletter

JUNE 2016 Edition

From the Pastor's Desk The day was Dec. 16, 1977. Sherry and I were living in Mt. Pleasant, MI, where we ministered to students through the Campus Crusade for Christ movement at the Central Michigan University. It was the last day of final exams and students were headed home for a welcomed Christmas break.

As I finished my last report for the semester in my home office late in the afternoon, Sherry stepped into the room and said it was time to go to the hospital; our first child was about to be born. When we got to the hospital and as nurses began to take care of Sherry, I had the responsibility of signing her in. I was so excited, so emotionally wrapped up in what was happening, that I couldn’t remember my Social Security number.

After seven very challenging hours, more so for Sherry than for me, I had the privilege of being in the delivery room when Elizabeth was born. Her beautiful, large, dark eyes drew me in; I was captivated by them. I was committed to being the best Dad for this little girl that I could possibly be.

Fast forward to Nov. 19, 1981. Sherry, Elizabeth and I were living in Elizabethtown, PA, where I was the assistant pastor of a large church. After a couple of runs to a hospital in Lancaster the past week or so for what proved to be false labor pains for Sherry, we then knew that the day had arrived for the birth of our second child.

Being in the delivery room, I was overjoyed to know, before the doctor announced to Sherry, that we had a son. It was one of the most emotional moments of my life. I was surprised by the happiness, the joy, the excitement that filled my heart, almost to the point of being overwhelming. How blessed Sherry and I were to have a daughter and a son.

Being a father has tested my commitment to being a disciple of Jesus Christ. I’ve felt the heat of needing to be a good example to my children of living as a Christian. I’ve known that my children will be impacted far more by what they experience with me than by what they hear me say, by what they hear me teach.

As my children have become adults, the heat is still on to be an example of Christian living to them, and the challenge won’t end until I breathe my last breath. When I as their father am no longer with them, I want them to know how loving, trustworthy, and powerful their heavenly Father is. The best thing we as fathers and grandfathers may do for our loved ones is to point them to their heavenly Father who loves them and delights in them as much, indeed much more, than any father on earth is capable of.

Pastor Gary

Faith United Methodist Church 7215 1st Ave West; Bradenton, FL 34209

Phone: 941-794-8067; Email: [email protected]; Website: www.faithchurchum.org

Rev. Gary Eldred

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Intentional Discipleship by Sherry Eldred

The Covenant Bible studies have ended. Both the Tuesday night and Thursday morning groups have walked through the Bible 3 times, studying the creation of the covenant with God, living and embracing the covenant with God, and relying on and trusting the covenant with God. We have seen the many connections God has employed in both the Old Testament and the New Testament to show people He desires a relationship. We have also encountered the many different ways He seeks to establish that relationship with people. In fact, coming out of the study, one can only conclude that God, through Christ, will pursue you continually until you yield to accepting His gift of mercy, forgiveness, and love. If you are interested in a Covenant Bible Study in the fall, please contact Sherry Eldred at [email protected]. For the summer, two adult Sunday School classes (the Carlson’s and the Mack’s) have decided to join forces and study Adam Hamilton’s newest Bible Study called Half-Truths. Look for it to begin on June 12th in the library. Each lesson will focus on common sayings that are often thought to be in the Bible. The classes will explore Hamilton’s analysis of these common sayings and why part of the saying is biblically correct and part is not. Join these two classes in the library, at 9am, for the start of the series Half-Truths. Are you preparing for a serving ministry? How about a discipling ministry? As we grow in the Lord, we should be involved in ministry to serve and disciple. Look for Pastor Gary’s classes on basic and effective discipleship, coming in the Fall.

Half Truths Sunday School Class: On June 12th we are starting an all church summer Bible Study. EVERYONE is welcome to attend. The name of the study is Half Truths by Adam Hamilton. We will meet on Sundays at 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. It will run from June 12th through July 10th. There will be a DVD and discussion. No books are needed, just bring your Bible.

If you plan to attend, please call the teachers: Fred Mack at 758-7107 or Val/Jim Carlson at 941-792-8776 to sign up.

“Everything happens for a reason.” “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”

Adam Hamilton says these two statements are Half-Truths. Most of us see these statements as true, not half-true. Come and discuss Adam’s half-truths with us. It should be interesting!!!

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Church Treasurer’s News by Barb Munini

Financially, we continue to keep our ‘heads above water.’ However, we are into our lean months with our snowbirds gone and our permanent residents traveling or having visitors, and we may forget to make up our offerings for the weeks we are not in church. SO, why don’t you use autopay through your online bank and your offering will be mailed to the church for you by your bank.

It is simple, easy to do, and your bank can help you. Recently, I was out of town for three Sundays, but I never gave my offering a second thought as I have it sent automatically from my bank. If is a wonderful feeling, not having to remember to do something as someone else is taking care of things for me. If you don’t feel comfortable using autopay, then please drop your offering by the church office when you know you will be missing a Sunday.

If you are able to add a few extra dollars to your usual weekly or monthly offering, during these slow/lean months, please do so as the additional blessing will be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, May 22, it was announced that a very nice donation has been made to the church of a three octave set of Schulmerich handbells. Although they are used, they are in extremely good condition and Schulmerich is the ‘cadillac’ of handbells. Several families have made additional donations to the handbells fund for additional expenses that will be incurred, i.e., larger, sturdier tables, thicker foam padding and covers to protect the bells during practices and performances, gloves, etc. These handbells will augment our current hand chimes, not replace them.

If you are, or you know of someone who is, interested in learning how to play the chimes or bells, please contact Craig, our choir director. We are very blessed to have this wonderful addition to our music program. The handbells will practice during the summer and premier this fall. Thank you everyone! And God continue to bless you all and our church.

The Brick

The bricklayer laid a brick on the bed of cement.

Then, with a precise stroke of his trowel, spread another layer

And, without a by-your-leave, laid on another brick.

The foundations grew visibly,

The building rose, tall and strong, to shelter men.

I thought, Lord, of that poor brick buried in the darkness at the base of the big building.

No one sees it, but it accomplishes its task, and the other bricks need it.

Lord, what difference whether I am on the rooftop or in the foundations of your building,

as long as I stand faithfully at the right place?

(Michel Quoist)

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FAITH KIDS News by Linda Hasbrouck, Director of Children’s Ministries

([email protected] or 941-761-9546) CAVE QUEST - 2016 VBS If you haven’t already registered for VBS this year, it’ time! VBS is the week of June 20 – 24, from 9:00 – 12:00. Our theme is Cave Quest, Jesus is the light of the world. All children, ages 4 – 11, are invited. Bring a friend or two for extra fun! I’m attaching an application to this letter for those who need one, but you also can pick them up in the office or on our website at faithchurchum.org. VERY COOL SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL! Starting June 5th, all Sunday School participants, grades K-8, will be together in Faith Place doing fun activities that all ages will enjoy. I will lead this group with the help of our regular Sunday School teachers. On June 12th the children should wear old clothing because they will be painting large objects for scenery for VBS. We also have smocks we will be putting on everyone. On June 26th, all children that attended VBS will be doing the entire service showing our congregation all they have learned throughout the week. Those children who were unable to come to VBS, please come anyway. Sit in the front row and enjoy!! Since I will be traveling the month of July, I have invited guest teachers to work with the kids. You won’t want to miss these Sundays. I know they have some great activities planned. SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS FALL A lot of changes have come about since my last letter. After taking a close look at our Sunday School population, I realized that we have a good number of children in grades 5-8 this fall, also a sizable number in grades 3-4, and a smaller number in K-2. I have found teachers to work with that pre-teen class. They are Nelson and Debbie Applegate two Sundays of the month, Erika Vitiene the 4th Sunday, and the 5th -8th grade class will be attending the church service the first Sunday of the month. During that service they will be participating by taking turns reading scripture, helping with the ushering, and taking communion with their families. Nelson, Debbie, and Erika have all had experience with this age group and I’m excited about what they can teach to our youth with the new curriculum we are getting. The 3rd and 4th grade class will be taught by Ruth Klein as they have for the last six months. Brenda Bellows has offered to work with the K-2 kids, and Vicki Barth will continue with our pre-schoolers. I’m very excited about our teachers and our new curriculum, and I look forward to this fall. KICK-OFF SUNDAY Mark your calendars for Sunday, Aug. 21st! That is our first Sunday that the children will be with their new teachers in their new classrooms. Other changes that will start that day are that when children arrive, they should go into the church and sit with their parents/grandparents. This is what will happen every Sunday, not just Aug. 21. Of course, pre-schoolers may be taken back to Miss Vicki as soon as you get here. At 10:15 the service will start out with praise choruses that the kids will become familiar with, and then the last song of the group will be one of our VBS songs that they can teach to the congregation. What a great way to remember and teach the fantastic music we spent a week learning in June. The 5th – 8th graders will then be excused to go to Sunday School and the rest of the children will hear the children’s message, participate in quarter drill, and then go with their teachers to class. BIBLE SUNDAY August 21 is also the Sunday when all children in grades 3-8 who do not have their own Bible that they have gotten at Faith to take home, will receive a Bible of their very own. I need to know who these children are. Please send me an e-mail letting me know that your child does not have their own Bible at home and I’ll get them on the list. God bless our children and their teachers!

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Vacation Bible School

Registration Form

(One Per Child)

June 20 – 24, 2016

(9am to Noon)

Ages: 4 to 11

(Please Print)

Child’s name:_____________________________________ Male or Female?__________

Child’s age: __________ Date of birth:____________ Last school grade completed:___________

Name of parents(s):________________________________________________________________

Street address: ____________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________State: ___________ Zip: _______________

Home telephone: ___________________ Cell:______________ Caregiver’s #: _____________________

Home e-mail: _____________________________ Home church: _______________________________

T-shirt size: Child X-small (2-4)___Child small (6-8)____ Child Medium (10 – 12)____ Child Large (14-16) ____ Adult


Allergies or other medical conditions: _____________________________________________

In case of emergency contact: _______________________________Telephone # ________________

Fee: $15 or $25 a family. Scholarships available. Paid_____ Will pay later ___________

Please check here if you would like a scholarship for your child. ____________

I give permission for my child to be photographed and to use those images during a VBS presentation.

Parent or guardian signature: __________________________________ Date:________________

Please return this form to Faith United Methodist Church, 7215 1st Ave. W, Bradenton, FL, 34209.

Please cut off the bottom of this form as a reminder.


A reminder that your child is registered for Faith UMC’s VBS program held at our church June 20 – 24 from

9:00 – 12:00. There is a fee of $15 a child or $25 a family payable on or before the first day. This fee

includes a T-shirt, snack and many other take-home crafts and wearables. Scholarships are available –check

the blank above. Please call the director, Linda Hasbrouck, if you have questions or concerns: 761-9546.

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MAY 2016

By Sheila Rapavi, PrimeTimers Lead

Door prize winners (L-R, front): Elizabeth Schultz (pink flamingo), Betty Armstrong (What to Order When Eating Out book), Shirley Johnson (pink flamingo) and we cracked up when Ed Poutre’ won the pink chocolate fondue set. He laughed, too! ;0)

What’s PrimeTimers All About?

Affordable & Fun Monthly Activities for Adults ~ Join Us!

Because of YOU & your support ~ PrimeTimers continue to do good things!

~ Your PrimeTimers Team ~

Sheila Rapavi, Shirley Johnson, Marilyn Woodruff, Elizabeth Schultz, Mitz Damstra, Pat Black, Elma Sample & Bertha Snyder

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Fun Monthly Events for Adults

MAY 2016

By Sheila Rapavi, PrimeTimers Lead


The PrimeTimers had a great time dining at a long-time local eatery, the Seafood Shack (Website: SeafoodShack.com; by land: 4110 127th St W, Cortez 34215; by sea: Marker 49 on the ICW | 27’28,215 N 82’41,425 W) on May 22nd, 2016.

As reported on their website, it’s story began 44 years ago. The vibrant shoreline of Cortez, originally called Hunter’s Point, became the gorgeous backdrop to what is now a true classic in American seafood dining. 1971 was the year that started it all, that’s when The Seafood Shack Marina was built on the sunny seaside of Cortez – a fishing village that was nicknamed “The Kitchen” by many residents for its wealth of fish, scallops, and other delicious seafood.

With the success of the marina came the desire for fresh seafood. In 1972, a 180-seat restaurant was added and The Seafood Shack Bar & Grill was born! The pleasant customer response to the original Seafood Shack led to several expansions, resulting in today’s two-story restaurant facility.

For 32 of the past 44 years, guests and customers enjoyed boat tours of the Intercostals Waterway aboard ‘The Showboat’, a 300 seat 120-foot paddle wheeler. The Island Pearl, built in 1991 as a US Navy ’Liberty Launch’, is docked at The Seafood Shack today, offering guests 2-hour sightseeing tours three times a day (Phone: 941.780.8010).

Then in 1995, as the state’s oldest surviving fishing village, Cortez was listed as a Historic District on the National Registry of Historic Places.

The marina and restaurant were acquired by Toronto, Canada-based development firm, VANDYK group of companies in 2014. Ownership of The Seafood Shack may have changed hands, but the traditions are still savored and experiences still thriving. The new owners aim to enhance the overall marina and dining experience through the addition of a new menu and management and indoor and outdoor renovations, all the while continuing the legacy of The Shack and preserving its ‘Old Florida Feel’.

The revitalization of The Seafood Shack Marina, Bar & Grill brought it back to its glory days so that it can continue to flourish in the future. We were glad to be a part of the present! The Seafood Shack on located on the right side of Cortez before you go over first bridge to the island. If you didn’t, you should have joined us… it was great!

Remember The Next PrimeTimers Event!

Fishing On Manatee River ~ Everything Is Supplied

Saturday ~ June 11th ~ 10AM

$15 per person ~ Limited Availability ~ First Come, First Served (Pre-Payment of $15 secures your place on the boats)

PrimeTimers Do Party With A Purpose!

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By Sheila Rapavi

Sunday, May 22nd, was the next-to-the last Chancel Choir performance for this year ~ and what a performance it was! Our choir was already good when our ‘new’ Choir Director, Craig Ramberger, came to us, but it is better and better. After an incredible year, the Chancel Choir is taking a well-deserved break for the summer.

Craig sang his praises for the choir and thanked each for their devotion, hard work and participation ~ giving each a lovely keepsake card that reads... The musical note in your pocket is a reminder that your music draws others into the presence of God. This note is not magical nor is it a good luck charm. It is not meant to protect you or keep you from any and every physical harm. It is not meant for identification (though most will suspect when seeing it that you are a musician). It is there to remind you that your music is a service to God. Your music from the heart has His anointing upon it. Your service enables others to praise and worship God. Carry this card in your pocket as a reminder that your music helps others draw close to God and commune with Him face to face. Thank you for leading in worship. [“He will rejoice over you with singing.” ~ Zephaniah 3:17]

Take a look at some interesting facts from Craig’s notes…

Chancel Choir (Singers):

There are 40 weeks of rehearsal in a choir singing season, totaling approximately 3,600 minutes of rehearsal (or 60 total rehearsal hours in church, not including time spent at home rehearsing) resulting in approximately 3½ hours of anthems and cantatas presented to this congregation during church services this year.

Hand Chimes ("Ringers of Faith"):

There are 40 weeks of rehearsal in a season, totaling approximately 2,400 minutes of rehearsal (or 40 total rehearsal hours in church) resulting in approximately 2 hours of anthems presented to this congregation during church services this year.

Total Chime and Chancel Choir Actual Rehearsal time equals approximately 100 hours minimum per season per person for choir members who serve in both choirs.

Music Ministries at Bay Vue Rehab and Brookdale Palma Sola are not included in these hours. We are a music ministry outreach program of this church and consider this time as an extra part of our ministry.

Our current FUMC choir members (singers only) have volunteered a total of 292 years of service to music ministry here, we paid all of our singers just the minimum wage, we would owe them over $15,000.00 for this year!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A benefactor at Faith found three-octave set of bells on the east coast of Florida. Not being an expert on them, the Munini’s and the Wright’s took a road trip to check it out. After final review by Faith’s bell specialist (Craig), he discovered they are ‘the Cadillac of bells’ that just needed cleaning and a few minor repairs. Hearing the good news, the benefactor (who wishes to remain anonymous) finalized the sale.

Craig gave us a sample of the bells incredible sound by playing the largest and smallest bells. He noted there’s a difference in weight compared to the chimes. The new bells will be added to next year’s programs and more ringers are needed… remember there’s chimes opportunities available, too!

One thing those in the music program agree on is that it’s fun and you don’t have to have a good voice… that’s what Craig’s years of schooling trained him to help you develop. Before you know it, you’ll be great, too!

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President Lynda Bellows

The Ruth Circle

MAY 2016

The ladies of the Ruth Circle enjoyed spending quality time visiting with one another during their annual spring luncheon on May 4th, 2016, at Freedom Village.

B.J. Vergason did a wonderful job as the event coordinator, which included securing the room, handling reservations, the menu, tablescaping and cute gifts for the ladies to take home.

Dining in the tower, overlooking the water, the menu included a choice of soups or salad, several entrees, dessert and beverage for under $12.

Make The Very Most Of

Your Summer, Too!

The Ruth Circle will not meet in June, July or August, as they take the opportunity during the summer to travel and pursue other interests.

Ladies, remember you are welcome to join the ladies at the next Ruth Circle meeting on September 7th (the first Wednesday of the month) at the home of Mitz Damstra. Hosted By Lynda Bellows and co-host Mitz Damstra, with another great program by Marlene Green, it is sure to be a wonderful welcome

back meeting. Be sure to RSVP when its time!

2016 Officers: President Lynda Bellows, Secretary Jeanne Stocklin, and Treasurer Marilyn Woodruff

Programs: Marlene Green ~ Sunshine: Sarah Jackson & Shirley Johnson

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By Sheila Rapavi


Special thanks to Bev and Dick Mattie from the Family of God United Methodist Church in Palmetto; they donated handcrafted wood soldiers to Faith United Methodist Church on May 9th.

The soldiers hold American flags and represent all branches of service. They are a wonderful way to visually honor our military, especially on special days, such as Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day.

We salute the Mattie’s for their generosity.


Faith United Methodist Church is happy to welcome new members, Walter and Gloria Ruhlmann. Although they’ve attended other denominations in the past, they are first time United Methodist Church members, joining Faith on May 15th, 2016.

Walter and Gloria recently relocated from eastern Manatee County to Brookdale Palma Sola (formerly Emeritus), this is where they met the new Activities Director, Craig Ramberger (Faith’s Music Director). Craig and members of Faith’s choir have shared their musical talents with the residents at Brookdale and this outreach reached the Ruhlmanns, bringing them to our church.

They are thrilled to be in the church and love seeing the children on Sunday.


Tree roots play havoc with the sidewalks and asphalt around the church, lifting and buckling them, causing tripping hazards. Although the concrete section had been adjusted in the past, it lifted again.

There was one part of the adjustment that was missing… and it is something that should make a huge difference in the longevity of the repair. Seeking advice from an arborist, his advice was to put a bed of river rocks under the section. Why? Tree roots seek water and the river rock will deter them coming that direction. Good to know.

This several-day project required a lot of hard manual labor. Thinking out of the box, Larry Kramer and David Wright used two-by-fours, two-by-sixes, a four-inch PVC pipe, car jacks and lots of muscles to remove and replace the huge slab.


There’s an immediate part time opening for a Faith Church liaison for our outreach mission, the Meals On Wheels Friendship Dining. This is a paid position and as Activities Coordinator you will be working for Meals On Wheels. The clients are great and the program pretty much runs by itself now. Main responsibilities are client safety, taking temperature of food to ensure it is hot/cold enough, running activities and having fun with the attendees. Position is easy and working with the clients is very rewarding. Stop by the Church to see Jerry, Monday through Friday, 9AM-1PM. If you have questions, I’m happy to answer them for you. ~Sheila.

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Faith’s Outreach Ministry

MMMeeeaaalllsss OOOnnn WWWhhheeeeeelllsss PPPllluuusss (((MMMOOOWWW+++))) FFFrrriiieeennndddssshhhiiippp DDDiiinnniiinnnggg

Activity Coordinators: Sheila Rapavi and Charlene Moran

MAY 2016


Hanna Mielewczyk is new to Meals On Wheels Plus Friendship Dining and loves it! We are so pleased to welcome her to the Faith Center and extend a great big warm welcome.


The Tuesday ladies received a beautiful red rose from Faith United Methodist Church in honor of Mother’s Day!


Bingo winnings can be everything from great gifts to fun prizes to funny trinkets. In addition to celebrating Cinco de Mayo on May 5th, Faithful Friends had a lot of fun playing Bingo and were thrilled with the assortment of great gifts for the winners (everyone wins).

Prizes included handmade lap throws, cameras, stylish purses, assorted scarves and colorful sports bottles. When Bingo is yelled out, the winner receives a numbered card after their win is verified. The first

winner receives the #1 card, the second a #2 card, etc. At the conclusion of the game (once everyone has won), the Clients get to choose their prize, in sequential order, starting with the #1. There are always more prizes than Clients, so the last person is stuck with something they may not want, but something they too chose, as was the case this time. Other times, prizes are in a large shopping bag and it’s a reach in and blind-grab a surprise. In this case, everyone has the option to trade prizes among themselves once the game concludes. Either way it is always a lot of fun.


May’s Nutrition Class was on fish oil, ways to get it and its many benefits. We know it is good for medicinal purposes, but the extent was mind-boggling. It runs the gambit from lowering blood pressure to prevention of heart problems, not to mention mental disorders, eye problems, kidney issues, Alzheimer’s, migraines, pregnancy problems, muscle strength, pneumonia, cancer, allergies, diabetes related issues, eczema, obesity, osteoporosis, RA, lupus, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, gum disease, Lyme disease, sickle cell disease, and intravenously for scaly and itchy skin (psoriasis), blood infection, cystic fibrosis, pressure ulcers, and

rheumatoid arthritis (RA); and applied to the skin for psoriasis. Whew!

The nutrition themed activity included fishing, complete with bamboo cane poles. It takes skill to hook the fish, too. Those who weren’t fishing were busy cheering on the anglers with roars with congratulatory shouts when one is hooked. Naturally it was caught and release! (Check with your doctor before adding supplements.)


I am honored to have had the opportunity to take an idea and develop it into the excellent program it is today, embracing many fond memories along the way. One was seeing the transformation of an elderly client, who arrived in a wheel chair, head down, not uttering a peep. Before long he laughed out loud and with care, encouragement and patience, he eventually pushed that wheel chair all the way around the church ~ by himself! God is so good. Thank you to the PrimeTimers, great helpers and Faith’s people for their support. Although I will no longer be running this outreach ministry, I will be doing more good work at the church where I will share hugs and encouraging words with the Clients, who are still the most important reason of our ministry. I’m blessed to have time now to spoil my mother and great uncle with out any time restrictions. We already have several trips on the agenda and look forward to enjoying the freedom to travel, enjoy great friends and continued fun with our congregation. Thanks again to you all.

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We celebrated our monthly birthday celebration on May 18th at the Manatee Village Historical Park. Lot’s to see: Fogarty Boat Works (1866), Florida barns, the Stephens House (1894), smoke house, sugar cane mill, church (1887), courthouse (1892), ‘strawberry school’ (1908), Settlers ‘Cracker Gothic’ House (1912), cow hunter’s (not cowboys) bunkhouse, the ‘Old Cabbage Head’ steam engine, and the Wiggins General Store (1903). Luck was on Faith’s side… everyone won a door prize!


Happy Birthday Jim Dart, Mitz Damstra & Vida Wright.

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Birthdays George Huber 6/2

Linda Hasbrouck 6/7

Craig Ramberger 6/9

Dru Love 6/10

Lexi Baker-Level 6/11

Donna Sanders 6/11

Preston Powers 6/14

Shelley Booth 6/18

Ike Newell 6/18

Billy Sample 6/18

Cleo Smyth 6/19

Debbie Applegate 6/20

Charlene Moran 6/20

Bill Parker 6/20

Beth Davis 6/21

Macy Crick 6/24

Craig Kizer 6/26

Bertha Snyder 6/27

Ron White 6/27

Ruth Klein 6/28

Mark Barnebey 6/30

Charlie Hyams 6/30

Anniversaries Chuck & Kathy Richell 6/4

Bob & Jil Davidson 6/5

David & Debby Wright 6/9

Chris & Michelle Phillips 6/10

Bill & Cheryl Gaynor 6/15

Chuck & Kay Thoreson 6/15

June Calendar is located on our church website: faithchurchum.org

See the Master Calendar located in church office hallway


JUNE 2016
