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Faithful Magazine - June 09

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The June issue of faithful magazine. A catholic magazine for teen girls.
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June 09 A Catholic Magazine For Girls
Page 1: Faithful Magazine - June 09

June 09A Catholic Magazine For Girls

Page 2: Faithful Magazine - June 09


A message from AnnaPage 4

The AscensionPage 6

PentecostPage 7

BooksPage 8

A True StoryPage 10

ConfirmationPage 14

Fun StuffPage 15

The AscensionPage 5

The AscensionPage 11

Page 3: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Blessed Virgin MaryPage 18

Praying the RosaryPage 19

A PrayerPage 17

Saint SpacePage 16

Page 4: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Thank you for taking the time to read and/or download this magazine.

Easter has come and gone and now we have a long stretch of ordinary time and of course summer time!

I hope you all have a good summer and enjoy reading this issue of Faithful Magazine.

This issue as you may have already noticed, is slightly different in format to the previous issues.

I am just testing out a new template so please do tell me what you like/dislike :)

Now in this issue we have articles about: the Ascension, Pentecost, and Confirmation.

Also included in this issue is more fun stuff for you to enjoy, a real life inspirational story and book recommendations.

The next issue will be coming out on the 1st September 09 so please send in any ideas or submissions by then!

You can send them in using the form on the website or directly to my email: [email protected]

A message from Anna4

Page 5: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Each one of God’s childrenHas a special part to play

Whether it be great or smallWe are needed every day

If your part seems very smallDon’t feel you’re insignificantDon’t feel that you can’t offer

muchAnd you wouldn’t make a


Though you’re tempted to give upAnd let another take your place

Remember God gave you your giftsAnd you cannot be replaced

And these gifts that God has givenHe longs for you to share

You’re just as important as anyoneSo don’t be in despair

The only one who matters mostIs watching for your partWith much anticipation

And excitement in His heart

So do not disappoint HimBy not taking your cue

Though you think it unimportantThis part is made for you

Don’t let God walk awayWith a disappointed heart

Because you felt so unworthyOf your very special part

The parts that we’ve been givenIsn’t based on size at all

But rather on the abilitiesAnd the gifting of the Lord

For each part is importantTo make the whole thing work

So do your part with enthusiasmAnd know that you have worth

© By M.S.Lowndes

You Have A Part To Play5

Page 6: Faithful Magazine - June 09

We recently celebrated Jesus’ Ascension. Ascension day celebrates jesus’ ascension into heaven after he was resurrected on Easter Day.

Jesus explains to the disciples that he will always be with and and he will give them the gift of the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 1:1-11 we are told in that after Jesus was taken up the apostles were still

staring up into the sky. Two men in white appeared to them and told them that

Jesus would return in the same as they had seen him go to heaven.

Ascension Day is important. Jesus

didn’t do this just to have a dramatic departure that everyone would remember. No, he wanted to show us that he is risen and that he is in heaven. It shows us that Jesus is still with us and

he did not rise just to die again.

Also it shows us Jesus’ power. He beat death and ascended into heaven to reign in glory.

He promised us the Holy Spirit and during Pentecost he fulfils this promise.

Ascension Day is officially celebrated on a Thursday, but, as with several other feast-days, in many places it has been moved to a Sunday.

The Ascension

Readings about the ascension: Mark 16:15-20

Acts 1:1-11


Page 7: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Pentecost is the day when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit coming down upon the Apostles.

Pentecost is always 7 weeks after Easter Sunday so this year we celebrated it on the 31st May.

Jesus had promised the Apostles that he would send the Holy Spirit, and it is on Pentecost that they received the gifts of the Spirit.

The Apostles began to preach in all the languages that the people who were there spoke and about 3000 people were converted and baptised that day.

Pentecost is often called the birthday of the church for this reason.

The gifts of the Spirit are: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude (Courage), Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord.

PentecostWhen Pentecost day came

round, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled

the entire house in which they were sitting; and there

appeared to them tongues as of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of

each of them.

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak

different languages as the Spirit gave them power to

express themselves.

Now there were devout men living in Jerusalem from every nation under heaven, and at

this sound they all assembled, and each one was bewildered to hear these men speaking

his own language. They were amazed and astonished.

'Surely,' they said, 'all these men speaking are Galileans?

How does it happen that each of us hears them in his own native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea

and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya round Cyrene; residents of

Rome - Jews and proselytes alike - Cretans and Arabs, we

hear them preaching in our own language about the

marvels of God.'


Page 8: Faithful Magazine - June 09


The Lost Island of Tamarind.

By Nadia Aguiar

Letters to a Young Catholic

By George Weigel

The City of Ember

By Jeanne DuPrau

Three children. Alone on the ocean waves, after a fierce storm throws their parents from the Pamela Jane into the icy waters below. Maya, Simon and Penny now face a wild rescue adventure that will lead them to a truly magical place . . .

Imagine an island with green mountains looming over pink sandy beaches and tide pools lit by the moon. An island with the darkest of secrets, where pirates lurk and jaguars roam – and a precious stone holds a power that is both wondrous and terrifying.

I thought this book was truly amazing. It took me on an almost believable adventure and I just couldn’t stop reading! Recommended for ages 9 and up.

Letters to a Young Catholic conveys the power of a faith that is at once personal and universal, timely and eternal.

George Weigel invites readers on an extraordinary journey to the building blocks of Catholic faith; taking us to a wide variety Catholic landmarks.

Weigel also examines the intangible, though no less concrete, foundations of the faith, such as grace, prayer, sin and forgiveness, suffering, and -- most importantly -- love.

This book is quite a hard read, and I am only part-way through it, but I think it is well worth it! I would recommend it for around ages 14 and up, depending on how confident a reader you are.

Many hundred of years ago, the city of Ember was created by the Builders to contain everything needed for human survival.

It worked.. But now the storerooms are almost out of food, corruption is spreading through the city and worst of all - the lights are failing. Soon Ember could be engulfed by Darkness.

But when two children, Lina and Doon, discover fragments of an ancient parchment, they begin to wonder if there could be a way out of Ember. Can they decipher the words from long ago and find a new future for everyone?

A really good book, with great suspense and now a movie as well!


Page 9: Faithful Magazine - June 09

The Books of BayernBy Shannon Hale

The Goose Girl Enna Burning River secrets

The Goose Girl is pretty much based on the fairy tale of the Goose Girl, where a princess is travelling to a far away country/kingdom to marry her prince when her maid swaps places with her and impersonates the princess. The princess goes to the castle and gets a job as a goose girl while the maid continues to pretend to be the princess. I won’t tell you the rest of the plot, although you may already be familiar with it, as it may spoil it for some!

Although the plot is very similar to that of the fairy tale there are many added details which make this a very enjoyable tale. There are additional characters and story-lines to pad it out and add more interest to the story.

Enna Burning follows the character of Enna from The Goose Girl.

Enna is given a piece of vellum which enables her to create fire without so much as a spark. She cannot decide if this is power that she wants, but then the war threatens her country and she starts using this power to try and help the war effort.

However she could never have imagined that controlling the fire could be so difficult and it begins to consume her and everything she loves.

This book is a powerful sequel to The Goose Girl and I really enjoyed it.

It really draws you in and there is a great attention to detail.

River Secrets is the third book in The Books of Bayern series.

A fierce war between two kingdoms is now over. But after some gruesome discoveries, it becomes clear that not everyone is happy with the peace. How far are they prepared to go to provoke a new war?

Enna and her friends go to the neighbouring kingdom in order to secure peace, but when they get there they find that they are in increasing danger.

This book was a great conclusion to the Bayern series.

The whole series is a beautiful fantasy series, full of well portrayed characters and poetic details.


Page 10: Faithful Magazine - June 09

A true Story.

Submitted by Sophie.

Age 12.

Sandra was 20 and lived in London where she was a singer.One late evening she had to go home and she really felt very tired so she decided to take a short-cut though the park - not a very good idea.As she was about half-way though she heard someone coming towards her. It was a man staring intently at her as he got closer. Sandra immediately knew he was going to kill her. She didn't know what to do but in her despair she begged her guardian angel to protect her. The man came closer and closer and went right past her!

About a minute later she heard a scream and a shot. Terrified, she ran home.The next day the newspapers said that a lady had been murdered in the very same park Sandra had been and the police had caught the murderer.Sandra went to the police to see if she could talk to him and she could.“Why didn't you kill me?” she asked.“I was going to kill the first woman I saw alone. You weren't alone. I saw a man next to you,” the man told her.Sandra’s guardian angel had saved her life!


Page 11: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Messy Tessie's ValentineBy Debbie O’Connor

Tessa Scroggins tried to slip inconspicuously through the crowded hallway. She

had to pass Brenda Jones and the rest of the cheerleading squad congregated

at Brenda's locker, laughing and gossiping.

Maybe they won't notice me, Tessa thought hopefully.

"Hey, girls," she heard Brenda shrill. "It's Messy Tessie. Hey, Tessie" she said in

a mockingly friendly tone, "what's the rush? Is there a big sale at Goodwill?"

Brenda's crowd laughed; Tessa turned red. Why can't she just leave me alone?

she wondered. Or fall off the face of the earth?

Tessa didn't see Danny Baker until she smacked into him. Books and papers


"Hey, Tessa," Danny said. "What's the rush? Let me help you."

"Umm, thanks Danny," she said smiling shyly. Danny was the cutest boy in the

seventh grade, and the nicest. He didn't seem to mind going against the popular

tide. He was the only kid at Lake Castle Junior High who did.

"No problem. Just watch where you're going," he laughed. "Whoops, almost

missed one," he said, handing her a novel. "You reading this?" he asked.

"Sure," she replied. "I read a lot."

"Me too," Danny said. "But this is too dark and heavy for me."

"It is a little dark," she admitted. I relate to dark, she thought.

Tessa made it to homeroom just in time. Brenda glared at her from the back of

the room.

Mrs. Anderson announced that the entire seventh grade would have homeroom

in the gym to celebrate Valentines Day on Friday. Everyone should bring

something from home for the party and students were encouraged to bring

Valentines for their classmates.


Page 12: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Mrs. Anderson announced that the entire seventh grade would have homeroom

in the gym to celebrate Valentines Day on Friday. Everyone should bring

something from home for the party and students were encouraged to bring

Valentines for their classmates.

Great, another chance to be humiliated, Tessa thought.

Tessa lingered after the others left. "Mrs. Anderson," she said, "I may not be

able to bring anything Friday. My Mom and I..."

"It's okay, Tessa," Mrs. Anderson said kindly. "Just bring yourself."

"Thanks," Tessa said. She hurried to her next class relieved she wouldn't have to

ask her mother to spend money.

Tessa got to the bus late that afternoon. Brenda and her entourage occupied the

back. No one would let her sit, and the bus driver failed to notice and took off.

Tessa went sprawling to the floor. Her glasses snapped. She heard Brenda


She walked home from her bus stop alone. Sally Thomas lived two houses

down, but she was Brenda's friend and wouldn't be caught dead walking with

"Messy Tessie."

Tessa sighed. She remembered long afternoons playing with Sally when they

were younger. She wished she had at least one friend.

Tessa unlocked her door and was greeted by Bruce, her alley cat. His welcome

brought Tessa to tears. She clung to the cat and cried. Bruce struggled free,

only to come and rub against her a moment later.

Tessa stroked her kitty and regained her composure. She sat down and

deliberately finished her homework. Then she picked up her "dark" novel and

read until six. At six, she made Hamburger Helper. Annie Scroggins arrived as it

was finished.

"Hi honey," she said. "How was your day?"

Tessa noticed that her mother looked tired. "Okay," she said. I can tell her about

the glasses later, she thought.


Page 13: Faithful Magazine - June 09

The next day was just as bad. Tessa overheard Brenda laughing that Messy

Tessie needed a Valentine Makeover. At noon, she found a Valentine stuck to her

locker door."Messy Tessie's clothes are rags. Her hair is greasy. What a hag."

Tessa's eyes filled. She tossed the rhyme in the trash and stormed down the

hall. Brenda and her friends laughed.

Danny Baker saw it all.

"Brenda, can I talk to you?" he said.

"Ooh," the cheerleaders gushed insinuatingly.

Danny's face flushed. Brenda walked over with an expectant smile.

"Brenda, that was mean," Danny said. "Why don't you cut Tessa some slack?"

Brenda's smile melted. "Cut Tessa some slack?" she repeated dazedly.

"Yes. You're being mean. Stop."

"You like Tessa," she said accusingly.


"Hey girls, Danny's into Messy Tessie. Can you believe it?"

The other girls giggled, but less enthusiastically than usual. Sally looked guilty.

Danny was angry, but he wisely walked away.

That night he prayed over a decision. It was embarrassing, but it was worth it.

The next day, Tessa found an elaborate homemade Valentine in her locker. It

read, "Ignore those girls. You have a real friend. His name is Jesus. He loves you

very much. Sincerely, Danny Baker."

Tessa smiled. Jesus, she thought. So that's why he's so different.

Copyright 2008 Debbie O'Connor

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


Page 14: Faithful Magazine - June 09

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is one of the Seven Sacraments. It is the sacrament in which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way to join us more closely with Jesus and His church.

It is the completion of our reception of the grace we received through baptism.

What age do I have to be?

One is usually confirmed between the ages of around 12 and 18, but it varies from place to place.

What are the requirements for Confirmation?

In order to receive the sacrament of Confirmation you must be a baptised Catholic.

You should study and learn more about your faith before being confirmed because a confirmed catholic is expected to live up to their faith.

What happens in Confirmation?

The bishop will extend his

hands over the person

and anoints the forehead in the form of a cross

while saying: "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." The person being confirmed answers "Amen,"

Why do we choose a Saint’s name?

There are a number of different reasons for taking a saint’s name when you are confirmed, but the main reason is that you are asking for a change in your life. You are asking Jesus to change you just as he changed Saul

to Paul (Acts 13:9).

Where is Confirmation in the Bible?

When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, and they went down there and prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit, for as yet he had not come down on any of them: they had only been baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-17)


Page 15: Faithful Magazine - June 09

I’m going to be running a small competition.

All you have to do is send in your favourite pro-life quote and I will put all the quotes in the next issue and choose three winners.

I’m afraid I can’t do prizes or anything, so you’ll just get the satisfaction of knowing you are a winner :)

Please send in submissions to: [email protected]

by 15th August 09

Fun Stuff






Page 16: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Saint Clare of Assisi was born on the 16th July 1194 in Assisi, Italy.

Clare was an Italian noblewoman who founded an order of nuns, now called, the Poor Clares.

When she herd St. Francis preaching in the street she wanted to be like him and live a simple life for Jesus.

So, she ran away from home and gave her life to God. St. Francis cut her hair and gave her a rough brown habit to wear. Her parents tried many times to get Clare to return home, but she refused.

Soon many young women joined her. St. Clare and her sisters wore no shoes, ate no meat, lived in a poor house, and kept silent most of the time.

They depended on donations of money and food from other people.

However, they were very happy because the Lord was close to them all the time.

When St. Clare heard about the Franciscan martyrs in Morocco in 1221, she tried to go there

to give her own life to God, but she was restrained.

Towards the end of her life, when she was too ill to attend mass, an image of the service would display on the wall of her room. This is why she is the patron saint of television!

Her feast day is on the 11th August.

The Basilica of Saint Clare is a church in Assisi, central Italy. It is dedicated to Saint Clare and contains her remains.

Saint SpaceSaint Clare of Assisi

Got a saint you’d like me to focus on?

Email me at [email protected] and tell me!


Page 17: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Lord Jesus,

I thank you that on the first

Easter Day you conquered

death and the grave and rose

to life again.

I thank you that you are not

only a memory, but that you

are also a living presence.

I thank you that you promised

to be with us to end of the world and beyond.



Page 18: Faithful Magazine - June 09

Last month, May, was the month of Mary.

Mary was the mother of Jesus.

Mary has many different titles and names. She is often called Our Lady, Mother of God or The Virgin Mary, as well as many other different names.

As Catholics we have many beliefs about Mary, including the Immaculate Conception, the Annunciation, the Virgin Mother of God, and Perpetual Virginity. I shall try to explain these in this article.

The Immaculate Conception

We believe that Mary was conceived without original sin, and she was filled with grace from the very moment of her conception.

The feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on the 8th December.

The Annunciation

Really The Annunciation is just a fancy name for that time when Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and given the news that she has been chosen to bear God’s son.

I’m sure most of you reading this will already be familiar with this story. However there is a lot of importance to this story.

What if Mary had said ‘No’? She could easily have done because she had free will. God did not tell her that she must be the mother of God, but her asked her to accept this request.

Mary is not someone who just does as she’s told, agreeing to accept something you don’t understand and that will

cause a scandal is not something you simply accept lightly. To say ‘Yes’ to all this Mary had to be a powerful and strong woman.

The Virgin Mother of God

We believe that Mary was a virgin, when she had Jesus and that Jesus was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Lady's Perpetual Virginity

Catholics believe that Mary stayed a virgin her whole life, even though she was married to Joseph.

Several times in the Bible the ‘brothers and sisters’ of Jesus are mentioned. However ‘brother’ is used throughout scripture to mean a family member, not necessarily a brother in the strict sense of the word. In Hebrew and Aramaic there is no distinction between the word for brother and another close relative.

Also at the foot of the cross, there would have been no need for Our Lord to entrust His Mother to the care of St John if she had other children who could take care of her.

Blessed Virgin Mary18

Page 19: Faithful Magazine - June 09

P"#$%&' )*+ R-.#"$

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, 

Creator of Heaven and Earth. And in 

Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, 

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, 

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under 

Pontius Pilate; was crucified, died and 

was  buried. He  descended  into Hell. 

The third day he rose again from the 

dead. He ascended  into Heaven, and 

sits at  the  right hand of God,  the Fa‑ther Almighty. He shall come again to 

judge the living and the dead. I believe 

in  the Holy  Spirit,  The holy Catholic 

Church, the communion of saints, the 

forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of 

the body, and life everlasting. Amen

T"# A&'()*#( C,##-

T"# O/, F1)"#,

3 3 H15* M1,7G*',7 B#

O" M7 J#(/(, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell; lead

all souls to Heaven, especially those

in most need of Thy mercy. Amen.

F', E1<" D#<1-#:

A??'/?<# )"# M7()#,7

O/, F1)"#,

10 3 H15* M1,7

G*',7 B#

O" M7 J#(/(

M7()#,5#(:J'7B/*: LWX+:1:26‑38, 39‑56

2:1‑21, 22‑38, 

2: 41‑52

L/D5?'/(: Mt. 3:13‑16

Jn. 2:1‑11

Mk. 1:14‑15

Mt. 17:1‑8, 26

G*',5'/(: Jn. 20:1‑29

Luke 24:36‑53

Acts 2:1‑41

S. of S.: 2:3‑6

Rev. 12:1

S',,'FB/*:  Mt. 26:36‑56

Mt. 27:26

Mt. 27:27‑31

Mt. 27:32

Mt. 33‑56

G, J, S, G, L, S, J

S/?-17 ‑ S1)/,-17:

