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Fall 2012 _ALL_ Detroit

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Fall 2012 …For no man can do these miracles, except God be with him… John 3:2b Vol 1 No 11 JESUS THE HEALER Greetings in the name of Jesus, the Healer. I want to welcome you to our Ministry via this newsletter. We are the Ministry of the Watchman International Church for All Nations. We were founded in 1988 by our Senior Pastor, Prophetess Barbara A. Williams. We’re non-denominational/full gospel, so we teach believers how to pray for the sick, and witness in the full power of God. We have two meetings per week at our churches in Ohio and Michigan. Our church in Michigan recently relocated to 26820 Groesbeck Hwy in Warren with Prophetess Barbara Williams. Our church in Ohio is located at 4200 Prospect Avenue in Cleveland with Pastor Shirley S. Camp. We invite you to come and worship with us. The meeting schedule is on the back of this newsletter. We also invite you to attend our upcoming Cleveland Healing School & Miracle Service on April 27, 2013, at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, 3750 Orange Place, Beachwood, Ohio at 12:00 noon. Transportation is available from the Detroit area. For more information, please call 1-800-560-9240 or log on to www.ministryofthewatchman.com. We are here to serve you! Our ministry team has been very busy visiting the neighborhoods and praying for those in need. We are in your neighborhood by Divine appointment, so God has sent us here to let you know that you are loved and God wants you well . The word of God says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He never changes in His great love for us, and He wants us all well, so let’s believe God together for a total healing for all humanity and for the Healing and Miracle bus to take us to meet every need with the mighty power of God. The Ministry of the Watchman’s Healing & Miracle Bus travels throughout Cleveland communities every first and last Saturday of the month to share the love of God as well as His desire to perform miracles. Many contacts are made with God’s people as we share free bread and experience God’s power as people are ministered to. Here are a few reports from recent trips on the Healing and Miracle Bus: “During a recent trip on the miracle and healing bus there was a lady who wanted prayer for her husband who had surgery for throat cancer. The lady was concerned about her husband being able to talk again. She was also concerned about the household finances. Usually, we allow the older ladies to pray, but this time my mother said for me and my friend April to pray for the needs stated. I prayed for the Lord to first of all come into her heart as her Savior. I also prayed for healing of her husband, and against the lack in their lives. When we finished praying I noticed a change in the lady’s countenance and how happy she now was. It was good to know that my prayers brought faith and hope into the life of another person. Prayer is a powerful weapon we use in the lives of others. Diane Price, Euclid, OH During our last trip on the miracle bus it was raining very hard. When we arrived we noticed the people waiting under the shelter for us. We were able to use the community area inside the building to pass out the bread. We not only had bread, but also cream cheese, butter and jelly for the bread. Once we got inside, we were able to serve many people. Every bag of bread was received graciously. It was a joy to serve people who were welcoming and anxious to receive God’s blessings. The inclement weather did not stop us from doing God’s work. Since we visit on a regular basis we have gotten to know some of the people and it is good see them time and time again. They have become more comfortable in expressing their prayer needs. It is a blessing to spend time with God’s people and pray for their needs. Donna Lockhart, Euclid, OH I am involved in bagging and storing the bread for the ministry. Recently, I experienced the blessings of the Lord associated with the preparation of the bread. I was procrastinating in getting the bread ready and was feeling too tired to deal with it. I heard the Lord speak to me to ask for His help. I then had a burst of energy and was blessed by the refreshing I received as I prepared the bread. I sensed the heart of God and how important this aspect of ministry was to Him. I am now reassured how pleased He is when we serve His people through the simple act of passing out the bread on the miracle bus. Patricia Frazier, Euclid, OH The Ministry of the Watchman, with the Healing & Miracle Bus, out in the community passing out bread and pastries. WHEN EVENING HAD COME, THEY BROUGHT TO HIM MANY WHO WERE DEMON- POSSESSED. AND HE CAST OUT THE SPIRITS WITH A WORD, AND HEALED ALL WHO WERE SICK, THAT IT MIGHT BE FULFILLED WHICH WAS SPOKEN BY ISAIAH THE PROPHET, SAYING: “HE HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES AND BORE OUR SICKNESSES.” MATTHEW 8:16-17 Ministry of the Watchman and neighborhood residents with bread and pastries from the Healing & Miracle Bus. “STRONG FAITH” TELEVISION BROADCAST Southfield / Roseville Area, MI Comcast Cable Ch. 18 - Monday at 5:30 pm Taylor / Downriver Area, MI Comcast Cable Ch. 20 - Wednesday at 8:00 pm & 10:00 pm NOW BROADCASTING 7 DAYS PER WEEK IN THE CITY OF DETROIT! Comcast Cable Ch. 68 – go to ministryofthewatchman.com for daily broadcast times. See what's new at MinistryofThewatchman.com FREE HEALING PACKET FOR THOSE IN NEED! DAILY BIBLE TEACHING! MP3 PODCAST! MEETING INFO! We've got something for YOU, to strengthen & encourage you in the Word of God! Plus for Prophetic Teaching & Music on CD, Prayer Manuals, Books, Healing School DVDs, and Much More, ONLINE ORDERING AVAILABLE!
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Fall 2012 …For no man can do these miracles, except God be with him… John 3:2b Vol 1 No 11

JESUS THE HEALER Greetings in the name of Jesus, the Healer. I want to welcome you to our Ministry via this newsletter. We are the Ministry of the Watchman International Church for All Nations. We were founded in 1988 by our Senior Pastor, Prophetess Barbara A. Williams. We’re non-denominational/full gospel, so we teach believers how to pray for the sick, and witness in the full power of God. We have two meetings per week at our churches in Ohio and Michigan. Our church in Michigan recently relocated to 26820 Groesbeck Hwy in Warren with Prophetess Barbara Williams. Our church in Ohio is located at 4200 Prospect Avenue in Cleveland with Pastor Shirley S. Camp. We invite you to come and worship with us. The meeting schedule is on the back of this newsletter.

We also invite you to attend our upcoming Cleveland Healing School & Miracle Service on April 27, 2013, at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, 3750 Orange Place, Beachwood, Ohio at 12:00 noon. Transportation is available from the Detroit area. For more information, please call 1-800-560-9240 or log on to www.ministryofthewatchman.com. We are here to serve you! Our ministry team has been very busy visiting the neighborhoods and praying for those in need. We are in your neighborhood by Divine appointment, so God has sent us here to let you know that you are loved and God wants you well. The word of God says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He never changes in His great love for us, and He wants us all well, so let’s believe God together for a total healing for all humanity and for the Healing and Miracle bus to take us to meet every need with the mighty power of God.

The Ministry of the Watchman’s Healing & Miracle Bus travels throughout Cleveland communities every first and last Saturday of the month to share the love of God as well as His desire to perform miracles. Many contacts are made with God’s people as we share free bread and experience God’s power as people are ministered to. Here are a few reports from recent trips on the Healing and Miracle Bus:

“During a recent trip on the miracle and healing bus there was a lady who wanted prayer for her husband who had surgery for throat cancer. The lady was concerned about her husband being able to talk again. She was also concerned about the household finances. Usually, we allow the older ladies to pray, but this time my mother said for me and my friend April to pray for the needs stated. I prayed for the Lord to first of all come into her heart as her Savior. I also prayed for healing of her

husband, and against the lack in their lives. When we finished praying I noticed a change in the lady’s countenance and how happy she now was. It was good to know that my prayers brought faith and hope into the life of another person. Prayer is a powerful weapon we use in the lives of others. Diane Price, Euclid, OH

During our last trip on the miracle bus it was raining very hard. When we arrived we noticed the people waiting

under the shelter for us. We were able to use the community area inside the building to pass out the bread. We not only had bread, but also cream cheese, butter and jelly for the bread. Once we got inside, we were able to serve many people. Every bag of bread was received graciously. It was a joy to serve people who were welcoming and anxious to receive God’s blessings. The inclement weather did not stop us from doing God’s work. Since we visit on a regular basis we have gotten to know some of the people and it is good see them time and time again. They have become more comfortable in expressing their prayer needs. It is a blessing to spend time with God’s people and pray for their needs. Donna Lockhart, Euclid, OH

I am involved in bagging and storing the bread for the ministry. Recently, I experienced the blessings of the Lord associated with the preparation of the bread. I was procrastinating in getting the bread ready and was feeling too tired to deal with it. I heard the Lord speak to me to ask for His help. I then had a burst of energy and was blessed by the refreshing I received as I prepared the bread. I sensed the heart of God and how important this aspect of ministry was to Him. I am now reassured how pleased He is when we serve His people through the simple act of passing out the bread on the miracle bus. Patricia Frazier, Euclid, OH

The Ministry of the Watchman, with the Healing & Miracle Bus, out in the community passing

out bread and pastries.






















Ministry of the Watchman and neighborhood residents with bread and pastries from the

Healing & Miracle Bus.


Southfield / Roseville Area, MI Comcast Cable Ch. 18 - Monday at 5:30 pm

Taylor / Downriver Area, MI Comcast Cable Ch. 20 - Wednesday at 8:00 pm & 10:00 pm

NOW BROADCASTING 7 DAYS PER WEEK IN THE CITY OF DETROIT! Comcast Cable Ch. 68 – go to ministryofthewatchman.com for daily broadcast times.

See what's new at M i n i s t r y o f T h e w a t c h m a n . c o m


We've got something for YOU, to strengthen & encourage you in the Word of God!

Plus for Prophetic Teaching & Music on CD, Prayer Manuals, Books, Healing School DVDs, and Much More,


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The Prayers of the Righteous Availeth Much! “While on vacation, our 12-year-old son C.J. suddenly fell to the floor in

severe pain. It was later determined that he had a hip injury which caused his growth plate to shift requiring emergency surgery. Once we returned home we went to a local surgeon who said the hardware had shifted and additional surgery was needed. C.J. had been on steroids most of his life due to respiratory problems. This made his bones brittle and difficult to heal. When we returned for his follow-up it was noted that there was a fracture around one of the screws requiring a third surgery. This was very devastating as by this time C.J. had not walked for six months.

He underwent the third surgery which included placing screws and a plate. He seemed to recover well, then the surgeon said that he needed to go in again to remove and replace screws. By this time, we were perplexed, as we were praying and believing God the best we could. We asked for prayer from other ministries, including the Ministry of the Watchman. We were believing that what the doctor wanted to do would not be necessary. We also sought out another opinion. We asked the surgeon if the procedure could wait until we were sure. The surgeon agreed. Several days later the surgeon called to say he had changed his mind about what he needed to do and instead did a much simpler procedure to remove one of the screws. During another visit the doctor changed his words again and said that C.J. could advance from the wheelchair to crutches. He is now in physical therapy. At C.J.’s most recent visit the doctor said that there are signs of the bone healing for the first time since the fracture. C.J.’s condition has improved so much that he now uses one crutch instead of two! He is very happy and thanking God to complete the healing process. God is great! No more surgeries!” Yulanda O’Neal, C.J.’s mother, Pell City, Alabama.


“He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” Psalm 107:20

Healed and Restored For several days I had suffered from symptoms of the flu including a headache, muscle pain and fatigue. I came to the

Cleveland Healing School with expectation that I would feel better afterward. I listened to Pastor Barbara’s teaching which helped to build my faith. I went up front for prayer after the teaching. I felt the power of God when hands were laid upon me. Later, I realized that all the symptoms that I had battled with for days were gone! I thank and praise God! Alicia Kirkland, Cleveland Heights, OH

This was the first time I came to the Cleveland Healing School. I had experienced healing from the Lord in the past. Earlier this year, I experienced a fall injuring my right shoulder, knee and back. I did not seek medical care, but prayed for healing. When I was asked to come to the healing meeting, I decided that I would attend. I listened to the teaching of Pastor Barbara Williams and then went up for prayer for healing. Following prayer all the pain was gone from my back and knees and I was also able to raise my right shoulder for the first time since the fall. Jesus is my healer!! Pastor Ann Washington, East Cleveland, OH.

Do You Need a Miracle?


You’re invited to a special

HEALING SCHOOL and MIRACLE SERVICE With the Miracle Ministry of Prophetess Barbara Williams

April 27, 2013 - 12:00 Noon Fairfield Inn & Suites (Formerly Holiday Inn)

3750 Orange Place, Beachwood, OH

COME AND BE HEALED! Jesus Healed EVERYONE who came to Him believing…

AND HE STILL DOES TODAY! Jesus Has Healed Hundreds of People at These Powerful Meetings!

IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MIRACLE! All Welcome! BRING THE SICK! No Registration Fee!

Motorcoach Transportation available from Detroit, Michigan


26820 Groesbeck Hwy, Warren, MI REV. BARBARA WILLIAMS, PASTOR

Sunday Worship: Sunday, 11:30 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: Saturday, 10:30 a.m.


FOR MORE INFO: CALL 1-800-560-9240 OR GO TO MINISTRYOFTHEWATCHMAN.COM Grace and Truth Ministries, a non-profit corporation under the laws of the state of Ohio

The Miracle Messenger Staff: Publisher, Rev. Barbara Williams; Editor, Rev. Shirley Camp; Associate Editor, Tonya Sams; Reporter, Patricia Frazier; Distribution, Tonya Sams


