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Fall 2013 TDheiamond A publication of Lambda Sigma ... · Beta Delta –Middle Tennessee State...

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A H Fall 2013 The Diamond A publication of Lambda Sigma National Sophomore Honor Society INSIDE THIS ISSUE Chapter Presidents Convene at University of Toledo page 2 Chapter Awards Announced page 3 Gift of Honor page 3 Ruth Knights Outstanding Advisor Named page 4 National Scholarship Recipients page 4 Lambda Sigma Welcomes New Chapter at Minnesota State University – Mankato page 6 Scholarship Donation Challenge page 6 Updates from Chapters page 7 Service within the Chapters page 9 Upcoming Deadlines Chapter Roster National Directory page 12 President’s Message huge thanks from the national board for a fabulous presidents’ conference at the University of Toledo. Accolades to the Alpha Psi chapter and their advisor, Jim Zubricky, for a job well done. It was fun seeing so many friendships made, and the meetings were filled with students sharing ideas on service projects and fundraisers as they tackled the tough questions of attendance and keeping up their chapter’s spirit and enthusiasm throughout the year. The national board felt very honored to learn from the convention evaluations that the students thought the most helpful part of the conference was meeting with their board liaison. I would like to share with you a passage I quoted from a speech by Mother Theresa. It’s about leadership and the courage it takes to make a difference and follow your dream. Perhaps you can use it at a meeting or your initiation ceremony. “People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you. Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough. Give the world the best you've got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it was never between you and them anyway.” Jane Price Harmon National President Congratulations – Lambda Sigma Honor Chapters onor chapters are selected by the national executive board for excellence and achievement. Requirements these chapters must fulfill to be considered include: completion of all reports (mid-year status report, ritual report and annual reports by the president, treasurer, and advisor); completion of all rituals in accordance with chapter and national guidelines; submission of the Initiate List along with payment of all required fees; submission of an article to at least one issue of The Diamond; evidence of campus and community service, minimum contribution of $50.00 to the national scholarship fund; electronic submission of current bylaws by November 1st; implementation of a chapter project consistent with the national service project, underprivileged and at-risk-youth, and attendance at the presidents’ conference. Congratulations to the following chapters on receiving this high honor: Alpha – University of Pittsburgh Zeta – Muskingum Eta – Carnegie Mellon University Iota – University of Mississippi Lambda – Westminster College Omicron – Northern Illinois University Pi – Auburn University Rho – Thiel College Mu – Eastern Kentucky University Tau – University of Kansas. Chi – Louisiana Tech University Omega – Pittsburg State University Alpha Gamma – Duquesne University Alpha Delta – University of Southern Mississippi Alpha Eta – Behrend College (continued on page 2)
Page 1: Fall 2013 TDheiamond A publication of Lambda Sigma ... · Beta Delta –Middle Tennessee State University Beta Epsilon –Washington University Beta Eta –Pace University –Pleasantville



Fall 2013The

DiamondA publication of Lambda Sigma National Sophomore Honor Society


Chapter PresidentsConvene at

University of Toledopage 2

Chapter AwardsAnnounced

page 3

Gift of Honorpage 3

Ruth KnightsOutstanding Advisor

Namedpage 4

National ScholarshipRecipients

page 4

Lambda SigmaWelcomes New Chapterat Minnesota StateUniversity – Mankato

page 6

Scholarship DonationChallenge

page 6

Updates from Chapterspage 7

Service within theChapters

page 9

Upcoming DeadlinesChapter Roster

National Directorypage 12

President’s Message

huge thanks from the national boardfor a fabulous presidents’ conference atthe University of Toledo. Accolades tothe Alpha Psi chapter and their advisor,

Jim Zubricky, for a job well done. It was funseeing so many friendships made, and themeetings were filled with students sharingideas on service projects and fundraisers asthey tackled the tough questions of attendanceand keeping up their chapter’s spirit andenthusiasm throughout the year. The nationalboard felt very honored to learn from theconvention evaluations that the studentsthought the most helpful part of theconference was meeting with their boardliaison.

I would like to share with you a passage Iquoted from a speech by Mother Theresa.It’s about leadership and the courage it takesto make a difference and follow your dream.Perhaps you can use it at a meeting or yourinitiation ceremony.

“People are oftenunreasonable, illogical,and self-centered.Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, peoplemay accuse you ofselfish, ulterior motives.Be kind anyway.

If you are successful,you will win some falsefriends and true enemies.Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people maycheat you. Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someonecould destroy overnight. Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, peoplemay be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will oftenforget tomorrow. Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it maynever be enough. Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it was neverbetween you and them anyway.” �

Jane Price HarmonNational President

Congratulations –Lambda SigmaHonor Chapters

onor chapters are selected by thenational executive board for excellenceand achievement. Requirements thesechapters must fulfill to be considered

include: completion of all reports (mid-yearstatus report, ritual report and annualreports by the president, treasurer, andadvisor); completion of all rituals inaccordance with chapter and nationalguidelines; submission of the Initiate Listalong with payment of all required fees;submission of an article to at least one issueof The Diamond; evidence of campus andcommunity service, minimum contribution of$50.00 to the national scholarship fund;electronic submission of current bylaws byNovember 1st; implementation of a chapter

project consistent with the national serviceproject, underprivileged and at-risk-youth, andattendance at the presidents’ conference.

Congratulations to the followingchapters on receiving this high honor:

Alpha – University of PittsburghZeta – Muskingum

Eta – Carnegie Mellon UniversityIota – University of MississippiLambda –Westminster College

Omicron – Northern Illinois UniversityPi – Auburn UniversityRho – Thiel College

Mu – Eastern Kentucky UniversityTau – University of Kansas.

Chi – Louisiana Tech UniversityOmega – Pittsburg State University

Alpha Gamma – Duquesne UniversityAlpha Delta – University of Southern

MississippiAlpha Eta – Behrend College

(continued on page 2)

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Alpha Theta – Slippery Rock UniversityAlpha Iota – Mississippi State UniversityAlpha Lambda – D’Youville College

Alpha Mu – Berry CollegeAlpha Pi – Lawrence UniversityAlpha Sigma – Gannon CollegeAlpha Tau – Alabama UniversityAlpha Psi – University of Toledo

Beta Delta – Middle Tennessee State UniversityBeta Epsilon –Washington University

Beta Eta – Pace University – Pleasantville CampusBeta Mu – Alvernia University �

Page 2

showing the passion and care thecommunity has for everyone. Three ofthe founders of Bridge Club were LambdaSigma alumni from the Alpha Psi chapter.This organization has grown withchapters chartered at Grand Valley StateUniversity and Bowling Green StateUniversity.

Delegates were able toprepare approximately 150 PB & J lunchesincluding sandwiches with chips and cookies.After completing the service projectpresidents participated in some ice-breakersand visited with one another about ideas toincorporate into their own chapters beforeheading back to the hotel.

Saturday morning began with breakfast andan official welcome and roll call of thechapters. The opening session began withannouncements from national board members. Board liaisonswere announced and then the presidents and board liaisonsdivided into groups. This served as an opportunity for thepresidents to learn and share their thoughts and questionsconcerning the ritual, service and fundraiser projects,attendance policies, reports, bylaws, leadership issues, and muchmore. Wilton Jackson and Taylor Arnold, the studentrepresentatives, followed with an explanation on the purpose ofstudent representatives on the board and encouraged thedelegates to consider running for this position. Nominationsfor this position were made before breaking for lunch and thena campus tour. The afternoon session then began with Mark Shotwellleading discussions on questions from presidents, which mayhave not been discussed in the earlier sessions with boardliaisons. Election of the student representative then followed.

The closing banquetwas held Saturdayevening. Awards wereannounced and honorchapter certificateswere presented. TheOutstanding Chapter

Award was presented to Alpha Sigma chapter at GannonUniversity. The Most Improved Chapter was Chi chapter fromLouisiana Tech University. The Ruth Knight Outstanding AdvisorAward recipient was Nicholas Christian from Urbana University.Finally the Gift of Honor was presented to Mark Kidd. At theconclusion of the banquet it was announced that Marybeth Bondfrom Ferrum College was elected the new student represent-ative. She will serve a two-year term on the national board.

At the conclusion of the banquet everyone participated in aninteractive leadership activity led by Jennifer Rock. Students notonly learned more about leadership, but had a fun time doing so!

Sunday morning came early for most delegates as the busdeparted for the airport to take everyone back to theirrespective chapters with many new ideas in hand. �

(continued from page 1)

Chapter PresidentsConvene atUniversity of Toledo

his year the Lambda Sigma presidents traveled to Toledo,Ohio. The Alpha Psi chapter welcomed all delegates onSeptember 20th for a weekend of learning, sharing, andfun at the 2013 National Lambda Sigma Presidents’Conference.

Some delegates were metat the airport in Detroitwhile others drove toToledo. Activities beganFriday night with awelcome and werereminded of the schedulefor Saturday’s sessions.Then everyone participated in a service project that is veryspecial to Alpha Psi chapter. Jangus Whitiker, a former president,discussed how this project came about several years ago andhas continued to grow.

Bridge Club is a nonprofitorganization founded at theUniversity of Toledo run inconjunction with Food ForThought. The purpose is to“bridge” the gap between thehomeless community and thestudents of the University ofToledo by making personalinterconnections throughpassing out peanut butter andjelly (PB & J) lunches. Thelunches are made Friday nightsand then passed out onSaturday mornings indowntown Toledo. The lunchesnot only provide nourishment,

but more importantly, give students the ability to spark upconversations with people they normally do not talk with,

T-shirt exchange.

The “bow tie” men.

Filling lunch sacks with sandwiches,chips and cookies.

Jangus Whitner,one of the founders

of Bridge Club.

Working together tomake sack lunches.

Making PB & J sandwiches.

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nominations for Professor of the Semester and the entiresophomore class voted on the selection for fall and spring.Executive board members attended Gannon’s Gold Conferencefor campus leaders and were proactive in soliciting funds fromSGA to assist with projects and enhance the initiation banquetat the end of the year. Advisor Nancy Kujawinski stated, “Weare so humbled and honored to receive the 2013 OutstandingChapter Award. The students are very proud of everythingthey accomplished in 2012-13. They certainly raised the bar fortheir successors and were an outstanding group to work with.”

The Chi chapter at Louisiana Tech University is certainlydeserving of the Most Improved Chapter Award for theirefforts in re-building the chapter to a thriving organization oncampus. Although the chapter membership had been low thepast couple of years that did not hinder Chi from having asuccessful year in 2012-2013. A point system was institutedthat fostered increased attendance at meetings and events. Thechapter’s focus was on participating in meaningful projects andincreasing their membership during the membership selectionprocess. They were successful with both goals. Theyparticipated in the Big Event, a campus cleanup project, as wellas worked with underprivileged and at-risk-youth at the localBoys and Girls Club. They were actively involved in the fightagainst muscular dystrophy by raising money for the cause andparticipating in at he local walk. Relay for Life was anothercause members supported. The chapter was represented at allmajor campus activities and partnered with the Society ofWomen Engineers and National Society of Black Engineers in arecycling project. In order to become more visible to the firstyear students they hosted a barbecue for prospective membersand assisted in Dawg Haul, which helps freshmen move into theresidence halls. Louisiana Tech University’s Chi chapter willcontinue to strive for excellence while making a difference oncampus, in the community, and in the lives of the students. �

Chapter AwardsAnnounced

ost Outstanding Chapter Award and the MostImproved Chapter Award were announced at theclosing banquet at the presidents’ conference. Theseawards were for the 2012-2013 year. The Most

Outstanding Chapter Award was presented to Alpha Sigma atthe Gannon University. The Most Improved Chapter Awardwent to Chi at Louisiana Tech University

The Alpha Sigma chapter has consistently been an honorchapter with high visibility on campus and involvement innumerous service opportunities both on campus and in thecommunity. This resulted in the chapter receiving Gannon’s2012-2013 Outstanding Club of the Year Award, as well as theiradvisor, Nancy Kujawinski, receiving Gannon’s OutstandingAdvisor Award. Many of Alpha Sigma’s service projectscentered on the national theme of serving underprivileged andat-risk-youth. One project, Cupcakes for Kids, involved raisingmoney and interacting with the children at Erie’s Children’sAdvocacy Center. During National Children’s Abuse Month themembers again raised money for the Children’s AdvocacyCenter by making and selling blue ribbons. The chapter formeda relationship with this center that will result in the chaptercontinuing to work with them for years to come. They alsovolunteered at the Art House and MLK Center helping at-risk-youth with their homework and hope to continue this projectas well. In addition to serving underprivileged and at-risk-youthand their campus involvement, the chapter reached out to thecommunity by initiating new projects. Some of these includedmaking survivor flowers for the Pink Zone Basketball gameduring Breast Cancer Awareness Week and participating inGannon’s Relay for Life raising $633. Members also made

student affairs division at the University of Alabama and theUniversity of Mississippi. While at Ole Miss he also received adoctorate in educational leadership. His career path then tookhim to Virginia where he had positions at George MasonUniversity before becoming dean of students in 2010 atNorthern Virginia Community College – Manassas Campuswhere he is currently employed.

Throughout his career he has attended several institutes and hasbeen involved in numerous professional organizations, takingleadership roles in the Southern Association of College StudentAffairs (SACSA). He has also served on many institutional com-mittees, made many presentations, as well as published numerousarticles. Several of his awards have included University ofMississippi Chancellor’s Diversity Award, the SACSA HowardDavis, Sr. Outstanding Service to Association Award, and theUniversity of Southern Mississippi undergraduate Hall of Fame.

Kidd’s presence made a difference both as an advisor and onthe national board. He will be remembered as a strong studentadvocate and his expertise and perspective in higher educationthat he brought to the national board. �

Gift of Honor

he 2013 recipient of the Gift ofHonor was announced at theNational Presidents’Conference in September.

Mark Kidd received this award which isthe highest honor given by Lambda SigmaSociety. This marks the eleventh time thishonor has been bestowed on an individualsince it was first given in 1980. Kidd hasserved Lambda Sigma in many ways. Thisincludes having served as a national boardmember from 2009-2013, as advisor for 2chapters, and as one of the individualsinstrumental in chartering the Beta Kappa chapter at GeorgeMason University. Prior to serving as advisor at George Masonhe also served as advisor at Ole Miss where the chapterconsistently received honor chapter.

After receiving a bachelor’s and master’s degree from theUniversity of Southern Mississippi, Kidd then served in the

Janice Price Harmonpresenting Gift of Honorplaque to Mark Kidd.

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Ruth KnightsOutstanding AdvisorNamed

icholas Christian was named therecipient of the 2013 Ruth KnightsOutstanding Advisor of

the Year in October at the Lambda SigmaSociety’s Presidents’ Conference at theUniversity of Toledo. Christian is agraduate of Taylor University where hereceived a Bachelor of Arts in Christianeducation and an Associate of Arts inbusiness administration. He thenattended Ball State University where he

received a master’s degree in student affairs administration inhigher education. He has served as director of Career Servicesat Urbana University for eight years and has served as theadvisor to the Beta Theta chapter since it was chartered in2006. Christian has been involved in numerous professionalassociations as well as civic engagement including theChampaign County Chamber of Commerce were he currentlyserves as president on the board of directors.

The national board was delighted to bestow this honor onChristian. His consistent leadership has made Beta Theta astrong and viable chapter. He is a hands-on advisor who hashigh standards and expectations for the chapter, and he iscommitted to helping the students he works with to achievetheir goals. Christian was more than deserving of being namedthe Lambda Sigma Outstanding Advisor for 2012-13. �


he 2013-2014 national scholarshiprecipients are: Wilton Jackson,John Yocca Scholarship, fromthe University of Southern

Mississippi; Emily Kenney, Pat WattScholarship, from WashingtonUniversity; Rachel Quillin, Emily TaylorScholarship, from Berry College;Amanda Ghosh, Thyrsa AmosScholarship, from Pace University-NYCCampus; and Michael Giffin, NationalBoard Scholarship, from NorthernIllinois University.

Wilton Jacksona junior broadcastjournalism major,is from Jackson,MS. Hisinvolvement at theUniversity ofSouthernMississippiexemplifies the fourpillars of Lambda Sigma – leadership,scholarship, service, and fellowship. As atrue scholar he has maintained a 3.89overall grade point average while amember of the prestigious HonorCollege. He has not only been involvedin campus life, but has held majorleadership roles in numerousorganizations. He served as president ofLambda Sigma and currently serves as

junior advisor and student representativeon the national board. “In so many waysLambda Sigma has impacted my life. Itallowed me the opportunity tofellowship and bond with members, toembrace the true concept of scholarshipamongst other highly qualified scholars,to provide an opportunity for me tolead an extraordinary group of talentedstudents on a local and national level,and to create a tremendous impact onthe Southern Miss and Hattiesburgcommunities through various outreachinitiatives,” stated Jackson. Otherinvolvements on campus with leadershiproles have included Student GovernmentAssociation Judicial Board as vicechairman, Phi Eta Sigma as vice-president, Gamma Beta Phi as secretary,Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity as exchequer,and the Legacy Alumni Association as astudent board member. He alsocurrently serves as a reporter for theyearbook staff, a resident assistant, and amember of the elite group, SouthernStyle – the official campus hosts.Jackson’s numerous leadership roles andaccomplishments resulted in him beingselected as Southern Miss’ MostOutstanding Freshman Male. As a resultof his commitment to service Jacksonwas selected as a Luckyday CitizenshipScholar. The director of this programstates, “I have worked with over a 1000students in my career and I would placeWilton among the top few for initiative,positive attitude, and respectfulness.While his professional and humanizingattitude set him apart, he also workshard at his studies. He has made and

continues to make an impact on theSouthern Miss campus and Hattiesburgcommunity.” Upon graduation, Jacksonplans to pursue a career as a sportsreporter after attending graduate school.

While pursuing adegree inbiomedicalengineering EmilyKenney hasmaintained a 3.66grade pointaverage atWashingtonUniversity. Whilegrowing up in an air force family Kenneymoved often and had the opportunity tomeet a variety of people andexperienced many different cultures.The one consistent variable she noticedwas her passion for service. As shedeveloped an interest in science andmath in each of the schools sheattended, she wanted to find an area thatwould allow her to continue her passionfor service. She states, “When Idiscovered the specific field ofbiomedical engineering, I felt that all mypassions were summed up in this area ofstudy. Not only could I utilize my skillsin math and science, I would be able toserve the world around me by advancingmedical technology and directlyimproving lives.” At WashingtonUniversity she has found manyopportunities to embrace from researchin biomechanics to summer programs.Kenney is also an active member ofMedical Equipment Restorers In Training,

Wilton Jackson

Emily Kenney

Nicholas Christian

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which restores medical equipment thatis no longer functional so thatdeveloping countries such as Kenya andHonduras can benefit from thistechnology. She serves as a mentor forSt. Louis female youth who areinterested in someday being leaders inscience and engineering, a courseassistant in a freshman engineeringseminar course, and a representative ofthe university for interactions withprospective freshmen. Outside of herfield of study she has also been involvedon campus. In Lambda Sigma she servedas internal vice-president as well ascommunications and publicity chair. Shewas instrumental in organizing RandomActs of Kindness on campus, organized abenefit night and other fundraisers for achildren’s medical center, and was teamcaptain for Relay for Life raising over$1,000 for the Cancer Society. Kenneyhas also been active in the CatholicStudent Center serving as a welcometeam leader, and was one of only tworecipients selected from undergraduateor graduate applicants for the YoungCatholic Scholar award. Kenney’s careergoals include enhancing the lives ofindividuals around the world through thecreation and innovation of advancedmedical technologies.

Rachel Quillin ispursuing a doublemajor in abiochemistry andhistory. She hasmaintained a 3.91grade pointaverage at BerryCollege andrecently wasinducted into Phi Kappa Phi NationalHonor Society. She is also a member ofPhi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, amember of the PresidentialAmbassadors, and Allied Health Club.Serving as president of Alpha Mu chapterof Lambda Sigma, Quillin demonstratedoutstanding leadership and served as anexcellent role model for communityservice through her work with the OpenDoor Children’s Home, a safe residencefor abused and neglected children. Shebegan tutoring the children but quicklynoticed a common characteristic of lowself-esteem and lack of basic reading

comprehension. This drove her to spendmore time and personal resources todevelop a literacy program. She beganorganizing activities and providing prizesto foster a positive environment and togenerate excitement for reading anddiscussion. Wanting the children to livea fuller life, with greater self-esteem,confidence, and the ability to connectwith others she created this programand is now soliciting money and booksfrom the Berry community. Quillinserves as an ambassador for these girlsto everyone she meets. As stated byJeremy Worsham in his letter ofrecommendations, “Rachel is one of themost remarkable young women that Ihave ever met. Her vibrant personalityand uplifting attitude is a blessing to herfellow coworkers and me. She neverfails to encourage others and lift up theirspirits, even when she may be strugglingherself. Everyday Rachel puts thewelfare of others before herself, andtruly exemplifies Berry College’smotto – not to be ministered unto, butto minister, more than any student that Ihave ever met.” Upon completion ofher undergraduate degrees Quillin plansto pursue a medical degree and a careerin alternative medicine. She isparticularly interested in adopting aholistic approach to the body to moreeffectively treat the increasingly complexmedical conditions and diseases plaguingour population. She also plans tocontinue her efforts in working to betterher community, especially throughhelping disadvantaged children.

Amanda Ghoshhas maintained a3.76 grade pointaverage whilepursuing a doublemajor in womenstudies andtheatre arts-dancewith a minor inarts management.She is also a student in the PforzheimerHonors College at Pace University.Originally from San Diego she chose toattend college in New York City becauseof the unlimited opportunities availableand the buzzing lifestyle. Once arrivingin NYC she quickly became involved oncampus and in the community. Elected

as vice-president of Lambda Sigma, shesoon became the acting president. Inher leadership role she organizednumerous events and multiplefundraisers for the chapter’s localcharity, Prevent Abuse America. She alsohas held leadership positions in KappaDelta Sorority including the assistant tothe vice-president for membership, hasserved as a peer leader/mentor andteaching assistant for a freshman UNV101 class, and has been involved in thePace Water Bottle Alliance that raisesawareness about the water crisis and theharmful effects of bottled water. Duringher summers she has interned at the LaJolla Playhouse, a prestigious regionaltheatre in San Diego where original playsare often Broadway bound. During thistime she has gone above and beyond herduties as an intern and became involvedwith La Jolla Playhouse’s CARE Program.This program provides teachers with thetools to integrate arts into the schoolcurriculum, which plays a significant rolein the positive growth of children. Hercontinued involvement has allowed herto take on leadership positions with thisprogram. Her passion for theatre hasled her career goals to include managinga theatre company dedicated topromoting social change. She seestheatre as a reflection of society. Ghoshstates, “I have learned that theatreempowers people to change themselvesand the world. Furthermore, I want tomanage my own theatre company to usetheatre performance and theatreeducation to portray what is happeningin the world and society through anartistic lens.”

As a physics andchemistry major atPittsburg StateUniversity,Michael Giffinhas maintained a4.0 grade pointaverage. Hisacademic honorsinclude being amember of the Honors College, Phi EtaSigma Honor Society, recipient of theOutstanding Freshman in ChemistryAward, and recipient of numerous

Rachel Quillin

Amanda Ghosh

Michael Giffin

(continued on page 6)

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scholarships. His love for science has ledto his involvement in undergraduateresearch. As stated in a letter ofrecommendation, “Michael’s ambitionand great intellectual abilities so far havemade him shine above the rest of hispeers. In my opinion, Michael is one ofthe most exceptional students I ever hadthe pleasure to teach. He is bright,ambitious, and extremely mature.” Inaddition to excellence in his academics

Giffin also has been involved in campusactivities serving in several leadershippositions. These activities includeStudent Government senator, HonorsCollege Association peer mentor, and amember of Society of Physics Students,Chemistry Club, and Tennis Club.Serving as president of Lambda Sigma,Omega chapter received Honor Chapterthis past year. His leadership wasinstrumental in the chapter building arelationship with the Family Resource

Center which supports the nationalservice theme of underprivileged and at-risk-youth. For several months Giffinand other chapter members volunteeredwith children at the center. Then thechapter raised and donated $400 to theFamily Resource Center after thechapter’s third Annual PSU’s Got Talentsuccessful event. After graduating Giffinplans to continue his education to earn adoctorate in materials science with theintent of teaching at the college level. �

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(continued from page 5)

Lambda SigmaWelcomes NewChapter atMinnesota StateUniversity –Mankato

n a warm, late summer evening inMankato, Minnesota, the Beta Nuchapter of Lambda Sigma wasinstalled on September 3, 2013,

and 18 charter members were initiatedas members in the presence of MSU-Mankato administrators and familymembers. Denise Rode, national

recording secretary and advisor to theOmicron chapter at Northern IllinoisUniversity, conducted an orientationsession with the new members andpresided at the initiation banquet andceremony.

Bringing Lambda Sigma to MinnesotaState – Mankato was the idea of VicePresident for Student Affairs &Enrollment Management David Jones,who worked first with past staff memberLaurie Woodward, and more recentlywith Gregory Wilkins, to plan theinstallation and initiation. A studentcommittee headed by chapter Vice-President Brian Viessman helpedorganize the event, which featuredMinnesota wildflowers in the school andLambda Sigma colors of gold andblue/purple, as a well as a congratulatorycake. Jones provided a welcome for theevent, Associate Director of theCentennial Student Union and StudentActivities Greg Wilkins, AssistantDirector of Greek Life John Bulcock, andDirector of Recreation Todd Pfingstenparticipated in the ceremony. ChapterPresident Rebecca Wegscheid closed theevent with remarks that expressed herexcitement about, and her hopes for, thenewest chapter of Lambda Sigma.

The national board and the other 39active chapters of Lambda Sigma acrossthe country, welcome Beta Nu to theLambda Sigma family! �

Denise RodeInstalling Officer


isted below are chapters whodonated to the scholarship fundlast year at the level indicated.These chapters challenge all other

chapters to make contributions duringthe 2013-2014 school year. Minimumscholarship donations of $50 are requiredto be considered for honor chapterstatus. Congratulations to these chapters!

$250 � Diamond Level – Rho$150 - $249 � Gold Level – Alpha,

Alpha Delta, Alpha Sigma$100 - $149 � Blue Level –

Zeta, Eta, Mu, Alpha Lambda,Alpha Psi, Alpha Pi, Beta Eta �

Installation cake.






Lambda Sigma Society, a national

honor society for second year

students, is dedicated to the

purpose of fostering leadership,

scholarship, fellowship and service

among its members as they

promote the interests of the colleges

and universities they represent. �

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Alpha ChapterRecognizedas StudentOrganizationof the Year

he University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)caters to over 400 clubs andorganizations run by its 28,766undergraduate and post-graduate

students. Every year, the Division ofStudent Affairs recognizes one of thesenumerous organizations as the soleStudent Organization of the Year.

As described by the Office of StudentAffairs, “The Student Organization of theYear Award recognizes one studentorganization that has excelled at makingthe University of Pittsburgh the bestcollegiate experience in the world throughits programming, campus initiatives,service, and student engagement.”

Eligible recipients of the distinguished awardmust complete an application includingup to 2 letters of recommendation andmust be an officially registered club ofthree or more years, having undergoneadditional leadership training offeredthrough the university. Mostimportantly, each group’s activities fromprior years are disregarded duringapplication review. By focusing on theacademic year immediately preceding theaward, organizations of all sizes andbackgrounds have an opportunity to shineand be recognized for their achievements.

With only 40 active members, rising aboveover 300 qualified applicants, LambdaSigma’s Alpha chapter was the selected

beneficiary of this prestigious award forthe 2012-2013 academic year. As StudentOrganization of the Year, Alpha chapterreceived the opportunity to send onechapter representative to the InternationalYouth Leadership Conference (IYLC) inPrague, Czech Republic.

IYLC focuses on strengtheningrelationships and cooperation betweencultures, by creating a network betweenthe future leaders of the world. As atrue personification of Lambda Sigma’sfour pillars of leadership, scholarship,fellowship, and service, chapter presidentof the 2012-2013 school year, YalehAsadi, was the obvious choice as arepresentative.

Asadi, a current junior studying finance,participated in the weeklong, biannualIYLC forum on world politics,international relations, law, media,business, and global economy in July ofthis past summer. More than 100university students from over 35countries participated – challenging theirleadership skills, debating current issues,and realizing their leadership potential.

“While at the conference, I met young

leadersfrom variouscountries, andlearned about the traits andcharacteristics needed to bea leader,” Asadi said of herexperience. “One particularrepresentative stood out tome, her name was BasantMotawi. Basant started amovement in Egypt toempower women to speakup against corruption. Fromher I learned that a leader

must be fearless. We often hearambitious, personable and intelligentused as traits to describe exceptionalleaders, but the factor that distinguishesa true leader from a follower is theability to look fear in the eyes andovercome it. Basant actively protestedfor her rights, and had to fear for herlife. Here in the United States, ourpersonal safety as vocal leaders isprotected by the luxury and safety offreedom of speech, and the extent towhich our courage is challenged isnowhere near Basant.”

In the upcoming year, Yaleh challengeseveryone to, “be fearless, and set goalsthat you know will be difficult to achieve,but will have a great return. The worst formof failure is the failure to try, out of fear.”

From everyone at Alpha chapter, we wishyou the best in all of your endeavors thisyear. Let us make this a great year forour chapters as intrepid young leaders.As Franklin D. Roosevelt so brilliantsummarized, “the only thing we have tofear, is fear itself.” �

Rebekah L. SayrePresident

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Updates fromChaptersUpdates fromChapters

Left to right: Dr. Patricia Beeson (Provost), Yaleh Asadi (Past President),Dr. Kathy Humphrey (Vice Provost and Dean of Students),

Dr. Cheryl Finlay (Advisor)

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Updates from Chapters

Zeta MemberEmbracesAmericanCulture

handrika Misra is a very specialmember of the Zeta chapter ofLambda Sigma. She has all thequalities of a Lambda Sigma

member, good standing in scholarship,service, and leadership. In addition to allof those things, Misra also is unique inthat she is originally from New Delhi,India. Misra originally visited the UnitedStates twice before starting the processof applying for college as she really likedthe environment here.

“There aren’t any legit differencesbetween school in India and school inAmerica that I can think of. The onedifference I can point out is that Indiancolleges do not have Greek Life, that’sjust an American thing and I feel really

good about that fact that I get the bestof both worlds,” said Misra.

She always wanted to study in anothercountry. Her brother graduated fromMuskingum University so she applied toMuskingum along with other colleges.The small college atmosphere asopposed to the thousands of students atthe state colleges, appealed to her.

Upon her arrival at Muskingum Misrawanted to get involved and stay busy. Italso proved to be a great way to get tomeet new people. Misra is a member ofLambda Sigma, F.A.D. Club, Pi Phi GammaSorority, Multicultural Association ofStudents, Black Student Union and CircleK International serving as treasurer.Many of these groups allow her toparticipate in service. She has goneabove and beyond in serving thecommunity. Some of the serviceprojects have been participating in areClean Up New Concord, volunteering atthe Beckett House (local nursing home),

working thesoccerconcessionstands inCambridge,cleaning upcampus everySunday, serving asa Crossing GuardduringHalloween inCambridge, andhelping set up, tear down and runevents. Her favorite volunteer work hasbeen serving food at the ZanesvilleChrist’s Table. “It just feels good toserve the community and to give back ina whatever way I can,” stated Misra.

Misra is so excited to be at Muskingum.It allows her so serve others while goingto college. The experience has beenphenomenal so far, academically andotherwise. “Hopefully the next two anda half years are as good as my time hereso far,” stated Chandrika. �

Chandrika Misra

Omicron FindsOpportunitieson Campus forLeadership,Fellowship andService

ith enthusiasm and excitement, theOmicron chapter of NorthernIllinois University has kept quitebusy this semester. Beginning on a

high note, members participated inseveral university-wide Welcome Daysevents, including helping incomingstudents move in, ushering for thepresident’s first address to freshman, andspeaking to prospective Lambda Sigma

members at various organizational andcollege fairs.

At an especially memorable event, wewere honored to host Dana Stover asthe keynote speaker for our pinningceremony. A business professor,advocate for sophomore involvement,and the wife of our new president, sheshared her experiences, hopes, aninteresting bag of spicy chocolates, and acorresponding story about seizingopportunities with us.

Driven forward with newfoundinspiration and a tingling on our tongues,the Omicron chapter wasted no timegetting involved throughout thecommunity and university. We haveparticipated in our standing tradition ofushering for the NIU theater

department and will continue to do sothroughout the academic year. Mostrecently we had many members takingpart in several homecoming activitiessuch as the parade, the powder pufffootball game, the recycled boat race,and we even had two members thatwere on homecoming court.

We have many events scheduledthroughout the rest of the semester.One exciting event that we haveorganized is a Lambda Sigma alumnitailgating event, so that Huskies, old andnew, can share their experiences witheach other. As you can see, our chapterhas been busy so far this semester andstill has many events yet to come. Weare proud to be making connectionswith each other and throughout theuniversity community. �

MHonor Cords Availableany chapters are now providing honor cords for theirgraduating seniors to be worn at graduation. If you areinterested in ordering these blue and gold cords, youmay do so by contacting the following company:

Schoen Trimming and Cord Co., Inc.at

http://www.cordsandtassels.com/ products2.htmor

calling them at 212-255-3949. �

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ServiceChapterswithin the

Alpha TauEmbracesServantLeadership

ith the intention of continuing thetradition of excellence inleadership and devotion to servicethat the previous members of the

Alpha Tau chapter established before us,we began work straight away. Afterrefreshing our terms of membership andupdating our chapter’s goals for the year,the University of Alabama chaptereagerly delved into various leadershipand service opportunities that presentedthemselves in the Tuscaloosa community.

During the first meeting of the year,members sponsored a canned food driveto assist area food banks and collected atotal of 175 pounds of food, which wasthen donated to the Beat Auburn, BeatHunger campaign. Also, during themeetings, our membership has beencollecting clothing to be donated toTemporary Emergency Services to assistin the essential preparations of ourcommunity for emergency events.

Additionally, with October’s NationalBreast Cancer Awareness Month, theUniversity of Alabama chapter workedclosely with a local restaurant, T-Burger,to create a fundraising event. Apercentage of all proceeds spent at theTuscaloosa favorite restaurant weredonated directly to the National BreastCancer Association so that we might beable to assist in the search for a cure.

Finally, after our president attended the2013 National Lambda Sigma Presidents’Conference in Toledo, OH, we beganworking with various chapters in thesoutheast to promote cross-state

community service projects. With this inmind, we have opened a line ofcommunication with the Mississippi Statechapter to join them in assisting with thecleanup and preparation of an at-riskchildren’s home as we continueto strive to emulate the national emphasison under-privileged and at-risk-youth.We look forward to continuing tocultivate these relationships and growstronger together.

The Alpha Tau chapter at the Universityof Alabama is extremely excited for theupcoming few months that are sure to befilled with outstanding opportunities forservant leadership and eagerly awaits thefruition of our partnerships with sister chap-ters of Lambda Sigma in the southeast. �

Maxton Thoman

Beta Eta GivesBack to theCommunity

ambda Sigma’s Beta Eta chapterhad a Halloween party for a localchildren’s home, The PleasantvilleCottage Schools. It is a foster

home for children who are emotionallydisturbed. The organization helps thesechildren heal and learn to live in society.The school is not far from PaceUniversity Pleasantville, and Pace doesservice events throughout the year withthe school. One of the most successfulevents has been making homework kitsfor the children so they have back toschool supplies. Unfortunately, thePleasantville Cottage Schools does nothave the money to buy supplies for allthe kids, so they were extremely gratefuland happy to have received their newsupplies in September.

The Halloween party was a big successbecause it was something fun foreveryone involved. As members we gotto dress up and hand out candy, as wellas spend time with the children, talkingand coloring. The children enjoyedspending time with us, and enjoyed thecandy and crafts they made. �

Alpha SigmaPartners withthe GannonEducationDepartment

ur chapter partnered with theGannon Education Department insupport of both organizations’initiatives to assist underprivileged

and at-risk-youth at the Martin LutherKing Center. The center’s mission is toimprove the conditions of work, play,study, health and living conditions of thepeople in Erie. Lambda Sigma memberstutored, read, played, and assisted thechildren and will continue to do sothroughout the rest of the year.Halloween cards were made anddelivered to the children during theOctober visits. �

Adam Wolf, Jessica Armstrong, Mary Stephens,Shaylyn Walberg and Ashley Chismar,officers who developed the relationshipwith the Martin Luther King Center.

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Service within the Chapters

Empty BowlsRaises Moneyfor HungerRelief

he Beta chapter of Lambda Sigmais doing a service project that wehope will become an annualtradition. Our chapter, with the

assistance from Miami University SecondYear Program, has purchased onehundred bowls from You’re Fired. Theywill be painted and donated to EmptyBowls, which was initiated in 1990 by anart teacher from Michigan. He waslooking for a creative way for hisstudents to support a local fooddrive. The idea grew, and in the twenty-

three years since its inception, EmptyBowls has grown into an internationalevent, raising millions of dollarsworldwide for hunger relief. The OxfordOhio local event has raised over $43,000for local efforts to alleviate hunger andfood insecurity in our own community.At the Empty Bowls event, guestspurchase a donated bowl for $10 andthey then receive soup for their bowl,salad, and a drink. Our donation of thebowls will allow the local Empty Bowlsevent to raise $1,000.

Our chapter invited all freshmen to joinus to paint the bowls. Then they werefired and donated to Empty Bowls. Wehope that this project increased ourvisibility on campus while supporting aworthwhile cause. Hopefully, this projectwill become an annual event for ourchapter. �

Beta LambdaContinuesRelationshipwith OdumHome

In September, the Beta Lambda chaptervolunteered at the Friends of Childrenworkday event for the Odum Home, aBaptist children’s shelter that cares forboys, girls, and single mothers and theirchildren. With over a hundredvolunteers from a variety of churchaffiliations, regions, and backgrounds, theevent consisted of assigning tasks andchores to individuals in an effort to buildbetter community ties and bonds withthe Odum Home and the children intheir care. Tasks included cooking, raking,window cleaning, housing cleaning, etc.

Early in the morning our membersregistered and as a group we wereassigned to clear the lawn from treebranches and helping others groups totrim the bushes. Once finished with thetasks, some of our members playedfootball with the children and helpedthem score a few touchdowns. Othersmembers mingled with the volunteersand Odum Home staff such as KathyLocklear, the residential servicecoordinator who introduced us to theevent and got the Beta Lambda chapterinvolved. The workday ended withvolunteers and the children sharingprayer and a delicious meal.

The event was such a great experienceand gave us more determination tosupport and strength our relationshipwith the Odum Home that was createdby the previous chapter. We plan to helpthrough mentoring, tutoring, and in anyway to make this an ongoing serviceproject for future chapters. �

Sandra Torres President

Beta members painting bowls.

Designing bowls.

Painting bowls.

Please visit the Lambda Sigmawebsite atwww.lambdasigma.org

for additional chapter articles.

Page 11: Fall 2013 TDheiamond A publication of Lambda Sigma ... · Beta Delta –Middle Tennessee State University Beta Epsilon –Washington University Beta Eta –Pace University –Pleasantville



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Service within the Chapters

Beta EpsilonWashingtonUniversityHonor Chapter

he Beta Epsilon chapter atWashington University in St. Louisis looking forward to some greatprograms this year! We launched a

Smile Campaign, Lambda Sigma’s effortto bring more smiles to our campusduring midterms. We printed brightyellow business-sized cards with a largesmiley face and “smile!” on one side,with instructions to pass the happinessalong on the other. The idea is to spreadhappiness with the goal being to simplymake someone’s day a little brighter. Thefifteen members of our chapterdistributed them around campus and wecan not wait to see them in the hands ofothers. This is a new project that wehope to continue to implement multipletimes throughout the year; hopefully itssuccess will establish it as a WashingtonUniversity Lambda Sigma tradition formany years to come.

With Parents and Family Weekendquickly approaching, we are also lookingforward to our cupcake fundraiser!Parents will be able to place orders forcupcakes for their students, to bedelivered as a surprise on a later date.Ideally, this fundraiser will do more thanraise money. It will bring happiness tostudents, as well as generate excitement

about Lambda Sigma within the freshmanclass. We are also excited to startvolunteering with New DimensionsSoccer, a multicultural outreach programfor children in St. Louis. We’ll bevolunteering in an afterschool programand teaching soccer skills to children inunder-served communities with the goalof hoping them develop life skills. We cannot wait! �

Omega ChapterServes Campusand Community

t Pittsburg State University, theOmega chapter of Lambda Sigmabegan the fall semester with agreat start. Chapter members

worked hard to fundraise on game daysin Gorilla Nation. Partnering with theuniversity athletics department, studentssold football programs prior to andduring the games – not only raising

money for the chapter, but also engagingwith the community! During ourHomecoming week on campus, ourchapter hosted a canned food drive forthe Wesley House, an emergencyassistance outreach ministry andcommunity food pantry for southeastKansas. Student organizations competedin donating the most canned goods toearn homecoming points, and uponcompletion of the drive, our chapterdelivered almost 1,000 cans to theWesley House. Our members alsoplanned a Halloween party for ourinternational students on campus.Our goal of hosting this event was tointroduce part of our culture with ourinternational students, and to help themmake connections with Americanstudents on campus. Games and treatswere plentiful as the internationalstudents enjoyed themselves! Thingsare busy for the Omega chapter, but weare excited for what all this year willbring us! �

Diversity Statement

nherent in the purposes and ideals of Lambda Sigma Society is theunderstanding of the importance of diversity within the organization inachieving its goals. To this end, the National Executive Board of LambdaSigma Society encourages its member chapters to actively pursue

candidates for membership who would broaden and strengthen the localchapters by providing diverse backgrounds. This diversity within theorganization should serve to enhance the potential for leadership and serviceby acknowledging the wide range of students within the college or universityand their potential to contribute to the goals of the society. �

I BProfessor ofthe MonthMugs Available

lue ceramic mugs with thegreek letters Lambda Sigmaand “Excellence in Teaching”all in gold letters are available

for $7.50 each. Contact JohnHauser, national vice president, toplace your order. His contactinformation is listed on the lastpage of this newsletter.�

Page 12: Fall 2013 TDheiamond A publication of Lambda Sigma ... · Beta Delta –Middle Tennessee State University Beta Epsilon –Washington University Beta Eta –Pace University –Pleasantville

NATIONAL PRESIDENTJane Price Harmon126 Seventeenth StreetAtlanta, GA 30309(404) 892-2491 – [email protected]: Zeta, Alpha Epsilon,

Alpha Mu, Alpha Pi, Beta Kappa

PRESIDENT ELECTDenise Rode, Ed.D.Northern Illinois UniversityDirector, First and Second YearExperience

Chick Evans Field House, Room 101(815) 753-67881 – office(815) 751-8256 – cellemail: [email protected]: Pi, Tau, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Tau,

Alpha Psi

VICE PRESIDENTJohn Hauser 58 Eagle St.Greenville, PA 16125 (724) 588-2474 – home(724) 456-4066 – [email protected]: Alpha, Alpha Theta, Alpha

Omega, Beta Zeta, Beta Eta, BetaLambda, Beta Nu

RECORDING SECRETARYAshley Elsasser132 Harding St. Chapin, SC 29036(803) 345-1720 – [email protected]

EXECUTIVE SECRETARYRon G. Wolfe108 Westside Dr.Richmond, KY 40475(859) 623-5088 – [email protected]: Omicron, Beta Delta

TREASURERJason Sharp225 Ferrum Mt. Rd.Ferrum, VA 24088(517) 290-5447 – [email protected]


Linda Fuerst Lawrence UniversityVolunteer Coordinator711 E. Boldt Way SPC 17Appleton, WI [email protected](920) 832-6853 – office(920) 731-8937 – home(920) 475-8067 – cellChapters: Lambda, Alpha Phi,

Beta Gamma, Beta Theta, Beta Mu

EDITORBarbara Ross106 Rhodes Dr. Hattiesburg, MS 39402(601) 297-5947 – [email protected]: Iota, Mu, Chi, Alpha Delta,

Alpha Iota, Alpha Kappa

ADVISORSMark Shotwell – ScholarshipsSlippery Rock UniversityDepartment of BiologySlippery Rock, PA 16057-1326(724) 738-2476 – office(724) 372-3082 – [email protected]: Beta, Eta, Omega, Alpha

Gamma, Beta Epsilon

Neal Edman – Rituals Vice President and Dean ofStudent Affairs

Westminster CollegeMarket StreetNew Wilmington, PA 16172(724) 946-7110 – office(724) 813-6462 – [email protected]: Epsilon, Rho, Alpha Eta,

Alpha Lambda, Alpha Sigma

Amy Fountain – By-lawsInstructorDepartment of CommunicationMississippi State UniversityP.O. Box PFMississippi State, MS 39762(662) 325-3320 – office(662) 312-0200 – [email protected]

MEMBERS-AT-LARGETerri MandoPenn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeAssistant Director fo the Academic &Career Planning Center

125 Reed Union Building4071 College Drive • Erie, PA 16563(814) 898-6612 – office(814) 449-2199 – [email protected]

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVESWilton C. Jackson, II118 College Dr. # 7453Hattiesburg, MS 39406(601) [email protected]

Marybeth BondMSC 2615P.O. Box 1000 • Ferrum CollegeFerrum, VA 24088(301) 467-1559 – [email protected]

Website:http://www.lambdasigma.orgDistribution Lists:[email protected]@yahoogroups.com

National Address Directory

Lambda SigmaChapter Roster

Alpha University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PABeta Miami University Oxford, OHEpsilon Allegheny College Meadville, PAZeta Muskingum University New Concord, OHEta Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PAIota University of Mississippi University, MSLambda Westminster College New Wilmington, PAOmicron Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IlMu Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KYPi Auburn University Auburn University, ALRho Thiel College Greenville, PATau University of Kansas Lawrence, KSChi Louisiana Tech University Ruston, LAOmega Pittsburg State University Pittsburg, KSAlpha Gamma Duquesne University Pittsburgh, PAAlpha Delta University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MSAlpha Epsilon Mansfield University Mansfield, PAAlpha Zeta Texas A & M University College Station, TXAlpha Eta Penn State Erie –The Behrend College Erie, PAAlpha Theta Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PAAlpha Iota Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MSAlpha Kappa Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GAAlpha Lambda D’Youville College Buffalo, NYAlpha Mu Berry College Mt. Berry, GAAlpha Pi Lawrence University Appleton, WIAlpha Sigma Gannon University Erie, PAAlpha Tau University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, ALAlpha Phi Ferrum College Ferrum, VAAlpha Psi University of Toledo Toledo, OHAlpha Omega Westfield State College Westfield, MABeta Gamma University of Pikeville Pikeville, KYBeta Delta Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, TNBeta Epsilon Washington University St. Louis, MOBeta Zeta Pace University – NYC Campus New York, NYBeta Theta Urbana University Urbana, OHBeta Eta Pace University – Pleasantville Pleasantville, NYBeta Kappa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Beta Lambda University of North Carolina – Pembroke, NC

PembrokeBeta Mu Alvernia University Reading, PABeta Nu Minnesota State University – Mankato Mankato, MN


JANUARY 31, 2014Report on Rituals..............................................................Neal EdmanDiamond Article..............................................................Barbara RossMid-Year Status Report....................................................Ron Wolfe

MAY 1, 2014Scholarship Application.............................................Mark Shotwell

JUNE 1, 2014President’s Report...............................................................Ron WolfeTreasurer’s ReportAdvisor’s ReportInitiate ListNational Dues ($40/member)Convention Assessment ($350)Scholarship Donation (Minimum Donation $50 for Honor

Chapter Status)

All reports and The Diamond articles are to be submittedelectronically. Reports are located on the website. �
