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Fall orientation 9.11.12

Date post: 08-May-2015
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WELL WITHIN A Path to Holistic Healing in Body, Mind, & Spirit
  • 1.WELL WITHINA Path to Holistic Healing in Body, Mind, &Spirit

2. Our Mission Well Within is a warm and welcoming nonprofitwellness resource center that offers innovativeprograms, support and services to those whoseek well-being and healing of body, mind, andspirit. 3. Our Vision To empower individuals to embrace self-directed holistic healing, build upon theirpersonal strengths, and achieve wellness nomatter what stage of health or disease is beingexperienced. 4. Our Wellness ModelEducation Awareness Accessibility Transformation Empowerment 5. Education Todays Orientation Optimal Health Self Care at theCore 3 Keys to Becoming Well Within Overview of our Programs How to get engaged 6. Becoming Well Within Wellness is inherent in everyone, nomatter what level of health or disease isbeing experienced 7. Well Within: Holistic Model ofWellness 8. SurgeryPharmaceuticalSelf-CaresOptimal HealthHealth is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, andnot merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ~World HealthOrganization, 1948 9. Dr : We can cure yourcondition with surgeryor a strict diet.Patient: Better go withsurgery, doc, my insurancewont cover strict diet. 10. AwarenessI hear, and Iforget.I see, and Iremember.I do, and Iunderstand.-ChineseProverb 11. The Circle of Life Self Assessment - Instructionsthe assessment can download from our website or you can pick it up at WellWithin Use the Circle of Life Assessment to measure your current(within the last month or two) satisfaction in 12 aspects of yourlife.Rather than giving yourself a score based on how well youthink you are performing (or how others might judge you), thepurpose of this assessment is to measure how you feel orwhat your level of satisfaction is with each area of your life atthis time. Allow 10 minutes in an undisturbed place, perhapswith relaxing music, while you fill in your circle assessment.Your responses are just for you and your use at Well Within.Using colored pencils or crayons, shade in each sectionmeasuring your satisfaction in each area on a scale of 1-10with 10 being the highest.When finished please write on the back of your 12. Consider your top 3 strengths What makes these areas of my life with thehighest score (your strengths) work so well inmy life? What am I doing to make it successful? 13. Stress Nonspecific response of the body to anydemand placed upon it. The body responds in the same mannerwhether the stressor is + or Eustress positive stressors Distress negative stressors 14. Eustress Positive Stress?! 15. Stress Response Stress Response Relaxation ResponseMetabolismMetabolismHeart RateHeart RateBlood BloodPressure PressureBreathing BreathingRate RateMuscleMuscleTensionTension 16. Relaxation Response The relaxation response has been scientifically proven to be an effective treatment for a wide range of stress-related disorders. In fact, to the extent that any disease is caused or made worse by stress, the relaxation response can help. 17. 1st Key to Becoming Well WithinRelaxationResponse 18. 2nd Key to Becoming WellWithin Relaxation ResponsePositiveEmotion 19. Third Key to Becoming WellWithinRelaxationResponse Positive Emotion Provide Support 20. Complementary Medicine Complementary Medicine - specifically thefield of mind-body medicine. National Center for Complementary andAlternative Medicine, http://nccam.nih.gov/ 21. Well Within Programs IntegrativeWellnessIndividualPracticeWellnessAdditional HealingCoaching sessions Groups CirclesServicesProgramsIntegrativeWellness Support CircleIndividual/GroupSpring ForestEnergy TheapiesOutreachCoachingQigongVolunteerguestexperts from a variety of Renewing Life holistic disciplinesofferprograms Premiere that supportProgram: HolisticSelf-care forHolistic Movementwellbeing.Prayer Support Psychotherapy MeditationCancer SmokingSurvivorship Cessation 22. Additional Resources On the RadioOn the Web Hope, Healing & Wellbeing Becoming Well Withinwith Mary Treacy OKeefeResource Directory Learn to live each day to the http://www.becomingwell.org/fullest by enhancing mental, a directory of integrated orphysical, and spiritual healing complementary medicine andas well as overall wellness.other resources inMinnesota. 23. Next steps Register for our programs by calling the office Financial Assistance is always available Stay connected with your wellness goals bystaying connected to Well Within Follow us on Facebook Regularly check our website for current programs Follow our e-newsletter for updates and wellnessinformation 24. WELL WITHINA Path to Holistic Healing in Body, Mind, &Spirit
