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Family attractions

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Publicity for Family Attractions Heidi, Sarah and Ellen
Page 1: Family attractions

Publicity for Family Attractions

Heidi, Sarah and Ellen

Page 2: Family attractions


Similarities Differences

Bold titles and pictures- drawing in attention

Admission prices shown Layout of the attraction

leaflets Purpose of the leaflet/

item selling the attraction

Where they would be displayed e.g. in a newspaper

Graphology e.g. colour and printed

Quotes/reviews within the text

Amount of text Language/ types of

attractions Admission prices- type

of money

Page 3: Family attractions

Which resources did you use, why, and how did you find them? Internet If online, what search terms produced the best results? “Travel and Tourism ads of 19...” and “family attraction leaflets” Which resources seemed to be the most profitable and why? Which resources

were least profitable and why? Travel and family attractions = most internet sites with resources within.

least amount of resources = vague language e.g. flyers for attractions What other texts did you gather? 1920s to the current time What were the reasons you selected the text you did? Same attraction as our original text whilst also being from the time of today Why is your selected text a valid comparative text with your starter text ? Same attraction = the same audience, purpose and genre of the text What advice would you give if someone was planning to do this topic for their

own A2 investigation? What was easy; what was difficult in finding data? The data was very easy to get hold of for the current time but for the earlier

years this was harder to get hold of because the leaflets were mainly designed for America or not England


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What does detailed analysis of these two texts show about how language has changed over time?(A01 + A03)

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Lexis (A01)

Old Text New Text

We carried out a concordance test on this text and found that “aquarium (4)” “illusion (7)” and “mermaid (8)” were the most common words used (excluding “the (42)” and “and (17)”). 21.9% of the lexis is polysyllabic.

For the new text, even though “aquarium (4)” is used in the same amount as the old text, the other most popular words are - “centre (4)”, “parties (4)” “ sea (4)” and “marine (6)” (excluding “the (22)” and “and (24)”). 15.47% of the lexis is polysyllabic.

Page 6: Family attractions

Recumbent and Drapery:


Page 7: Family attractions

Grammar (A01)


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Old Text New Text

We carried out a readability test on our two texts and these are our results:

Page 8: Family attractions

Grammar ((A01)Extended)

Old Text New Text

This text contains 9 subordinate clauses e.g. “There is no mistake this time, and we absolutely decline to credit the exhibitor, who is himself a Tyrolean and character vocalist and ventriloquist, when he tells us that it is an illusion.”

This text contains 14 Subordinate clauses e.g. “Walk around the historic Barbican and harbour and see the fishing boats unload at the market.”

Subordinate Clauses

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Discourse Structure (A01)

Old Text New Text

The structure of this text is more clumped together in one part of the flyer

Reviews under the title of “Press Notices”.

The structure of this text is organised by using many headings and sub-headings as well as short paragraphs which are scattered throughout the pages of the flyer.

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Graphology (AO1)

Old Text New Text

Uses little graphology: Bold Headings and

Sub-headings Picture of a mermaid Underlining of certain

headings Quotations are used

with italics

Uses a lot of graphology: Uses pictures and a blue

colour scheme throughout

Had different font styles, and heading designs to separate different paragraphs

Uses Logos and child like drawings as well as child like writing font

Page 11: Family attractions

6 pence = 1 sixpence (a 'tanner') (6d) 1 shilling = 12 pennies £1 (also shown as 1l.) was 20 shillings. 1 shilling (1s.), was 12 pence. Also often

known as a 'bob’


Page 12: Family attractions


"four or five days a week, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., with three-quarters of an hour for dinner and half an hour for tea."

Washers, 2s. 6d. to 2s. 8d. per day Ironers, 3s. 6d to 4s. per day, piece-work ; Collar-ironers, 3s. 6d. to 5s. per day, piece-work

SOURCE Toilers in London, 1889


Coal-whipper (ie. specialised labourer, dealing only in shifting coal from ships) £39 6s. 6d (if in continuous employment) (a)

Sewer-flusher £1 4s. per week 'regular' (a) see also "A Pound a Week" by James Greenwood

SOURCE a) Letter to the Morning Chronicle by Henry Mayhew, 1849


women matchbox-makers at home, 1s. 6d per day, 1s. 3d after deductions for materials (b)

women upholsters, 9s. to 11s. per week (a) 'workshop' apprentice (male) 8-10s. per week; 'workshop'

worker (male) 30s.+ per week

SOURCE a) Letter to the Morning Chronicle by Henry Mayhew, 1849 b) Toilers in London, 1889 c) Some Habits and Customs of the Working Classes, 1867, by Thomas Wright


Sandwich-board men (ie. men walking round with advertising boards on their backs) 1s to 1s. 8d. per day (= c.£12-£20 per year, if employed full-time, 5 days a week - which is very unlikely!)

SOURCE Down East and Up West by Montague Williams, 1894


Butlers, £40 to £100 (a) Footmen, £20 to £40 (a) Pages, £8 to £15 (a) Cooks, £18 to £50 (a) House-maids, £10 to £25 (a) Nursery Governess £20 to £40 (b) Parlour-maids, £12 to £30 (a) Maids of all Work, £6 to £15. (a)

SOURCE a) Dickens's Dictionary of London, 1879 b) Cassell's Household Guide, c. 1880s


Female, £20 to £50 (a) Grocer's Assistant, 12s. per week (c. £30 per year) (b) shop worker £25 a year, after apprenticeship, rising £10

annually, to £120; (nb. "first man" or "buyer" £300 up to £1,000p.a.) (c)

SOURCE a) Choice of a Business for Girls by Emily Faithfull, 1864 b) Letter to the Morning Chronicle by Henry Mayhew, 1849 c) Tempted London, 1889



Page 13: Family attractions

Family Budgets   £ s d

Rent 105 0 0

Rates and taxes (including gas)

38 18 10

Coals 12 8 6

Wages 48 2 1

Food: Butcher 46 9 11

Food: Baker 9 8 8

Food: Dairyman 35 4 8

Food: Grocer 38 8 10

Food: Greengrocer 10 6 0

Food: Poulterer 10 3 7

Dress: Wife 35 8 4

Dress: Husband 29 17 3

Washing 34 14 9

Doctor and chemist 33 1 0

Travelling and tips 43 7 5

Local travelling 19 17 9

Stamps 7 16 7

Stationary 8 1 3

Pleasures, presents, smoking

35 18 2

Wine 15 0 8

House repairs &c. 26 12 10

Garden 4 13 9

Balance 50 19 2

  700 0 0

Page 14: Family attractions

Who wrote it? Mr. Harry Phillips Who was the intended audience? The Living Mythological

Mermaid was intended for adults of the upper class sector How would it have been accessed by readers? This type of flyer

would have been advertised on certain street signs, in churches, village notice boards and in other family locations like the beach that were highly popular of the time.

What was happening at the time? This attraction addressed the new entertainment of that time e.g. “freak show”, “female performer” through the “royal aquarium” which was becoming very popular due to its ‘out-of-this-world’/magical feel.

How might any of this be reflected in the text? The out-dated lexis that in within the text e.g. “recumbent” and “drapery” which are not commonly used in the times of today.

How can you tell that this text was written in a very different era from our own? Graphology is a major clue as to when this poster was produced.

Old Text (A03)

Page 15: Family attractions

Who wrote it? The National Marine Aquarium Who was the intended audience? Families and

their parents. How would it have been accessed by readers?

Internet, schools, papers and magazines. What was happening at the time? Summer

Holidays How might any of this be reflected in the text?

Through simple language and Alliteration.

New Text (AO3)

Page 16: Family attractions

What have we found out during this investigation?

Time Frame- upper class differences from now and then; who could afford what compared to who could afford it now.

How technology has changed which adapts layout e.g. printed, colour and pictures

Certain words are no longer in common use e.g. Drapery

Today our sentence structure and language is more complicated than the 18th century meaning our texts have a higher reading age


Page 17: Family attractions

SHOULD YOU DO THIS?We would say that this topic is very interesting and is quite simple to research due to the amount of resources available, however; a lot of the 19th century posters that are available are of American attractions and this may hinder the language, so in turn effecting your results.


Page 18: Family attractions

http://www.tourismleafletsonline.com – tourism leaflets by Xtreme Multimedia, Yorkshire , 2008

http://www.vintageadbrowser.com/travel-ads - Vintage ad browser, Germany, released in 2010 by Phillip Lenssen

http://folk.uib.no/nfylk/concordle/ - Concordle, June 14th 2013, Ladislav Kocbach

http://www.online-utlity.org/english/readability_test_and_improve.jsp - Readability test, April 2006, Mladen Adamovic

http://www.bl.uk/ - British Library, June 1998 http://www.oed.com , Oxford English Dictionary

Online,Oxford University Press. http://www.victorianlondon.org/finance/money.htm

