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Family Connection Newsletter

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  • 8/13/2019 Family Connection Newsletter


    Happiness is not the absence of prolems but the ability to deal with them

    H. Jackson Br

    Tax Time Savings StrategiesThe tax season is upon us once again. Instead of dreading tax time, why not look for ways toimprove your financial health? Here are several ways to help ensure that you file promptly, correctand beneficially:

    1. Save money on tax preparation by utilizing legitimate programs offering free tax assistance such Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) offices, located on most military installations. IRS

    trained volunteers provide free tax preparation and electronic filing.

    Military OneSource (MOS) tax services allow service members to file taxes electronically anfor free. MOS tax counselors can assist you by locating and referencing specific tax definitioand helping you to make an informed decision about your tax situation. Knowledge of theunique tax requirements and issues related to military personnel andtheir families will be incorporated into counseling sessions when ap-plicable. To learn more about what MOS counselors can and cannotdo, call 1-800-342-9647 or visit MOS.

    2. Make sure you benefit from all tax credits and/or deductions forwhich you qualify, such as benefits for retirement savings oreducation. According to the IRS, members of the U.S. ArmedForces, especially those serving in combat zones, may beeligible for special tax benefits.

    3. Have any refund direct-deposited into your bank account.This is the fastest and safest way to receive your refund.

    Military Saves 2014Take the PledgeMilitary Saves seeks to motivate, support andencourage military families to save money, reducedebt and build wealth. Military Saves encouragesall service members, their families and civilianemployees to take the Military Saves pledge andfor organizations to promote savings year-round.Military Saves Week is February 24 March 1, 2014.Contact your local FFSCfor Military Saves Weekspecial events.

    Continued on Page 2


    eady and Resilient Sailors and Navy

    amilies Video Podcast Series

    hanges to Imminent Danger Payocations

    asic Allowance for Housing

    Sense of Belonging

    een Dating Violence Awareness andrevention Month

    ew Sesame Street Book and DVD Little Children, Big Challenges

    ebruary is American Heart Month

    mployment and Transition Corner

    Familyc o n n e c t i o n

    F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4

    mily Connection is a publication of the Fleet

    d Family Support Program.

    e Navy's Fleet and Family Support Program

    omotes the self-reliance and resilience of

    ilors and their families. We provide information

    at can help you meet the unique challenges of

    e military lifestyle.

    e appearance of external links in this newsletter

    oes not constitute official endorsement on behalf

    the U.S. Navy or Department of Defense.

    you have questions or comments, contact

    mothy McGough at [email protected] .

    sit us online at:


    CenterFleet & Family Support

  • 8/13/2019 Family Connection Newsletter


    Relocation Tip

    Before you move,check out thechanges effectiveJanuary 1, 2014which will affectyour PCS travelentitlements.

    New Spouse Orientation

    New Spouse Orientation is offeras an on-demand coursedesig

    to support new Navy spouses. Iprovides information on benefisupport services, military culturresources to help spouses adapthe military lifestyle.

    Add JSS to your

    Mobile Network


    iPhone, iPad User

    Download JSS

    at the App Store

    JSS Dial-in Access 24/7?

    1- 877- J SS- N O W1(577-6691)

    The CNIC Fleet and Family Support Program

    (FFSP) has developed a series of videopodcasts specifically designed to help Navyfamilies adjust to the challenges of deploy-ment. These four- to five-minute podcastsprovide an overview of the following:

    N Resilience During Deployment.Sailors and family members areintroduced to the emotional cycle ofdeployment and the wide range ofemotions that may be experiencedduring a deployment.

    N Children and Deployment. Parentsand caregivers are introduced to someof the services and resources availableto help develop and raise resilientchildren.

    N Financial Planning for Deploy-ment.Sailors and family membersare given an overview of the actionsand resources available to preparefinancially for deployment and the im-portance of creating a spending plan.

    N Community-Based Deployment

    Support.Sailors and family membersare introduced to resources and ser-vices that help promote the resiliencerequired to handle any situation thatmay arise during a deployment.

    N Navy Family OmbudsmanProgram.Covers general roles andresponsibilities of the Command

    Ombudsman, type of support pro-vided and how to locate and contactyour Command Ombudsman.

    N Homecoming and Reintegration.Introduces the services and resourcesavailable at local Fleet and FamilySupport Centers (FFSC), within thecommunity and online.

    N Individual Augmentee Deployment.Provides the tools and resourcesavailable to assist with the unique chal-lenges of an IA deployment.

    The podcasts help Sailors and family mem-bers identify services and resources availablethrough Fleet and Family Support Centers,community and web-based sources thatenhance family resilience. The podcasts areavailable on FFSP YouTube channeland theFFSP website.

    4. Reach savings goals or develop a rainy day fund bydirect-depositing your refund into a savings account or usingthe refund to pay down debt, such as high-interest loans or credit cards.

    5. Watch out for tax-related scams and fraud, such as fake emails claiming to come from theIRS that try to trick taxpayers into revealing personal information. For additional informa-tion, visit MyMoneyor the IRS.

    Once your taxes are done, visit your local Fleet and Family Support Center. See your PersonalFinancial Manager, get your free credit report and score, then get started on your spending/savings plan for next year.

    Do not put your tax filing off to the last minute. Take advantage of the resources available formilitary families that can make tax time stress-free.

    Ready and Resilient Sailorsand Navy Families Video Podcast Series

    Continued from Page 1

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  • 8/13/2019 Family Connection Newsletter


    Changes toImminent DangerPay LocationsThe Defense Department announcedchanges in imminent danger pay that

    will go into effect June 1, 2014 and willaffect approximately 50,000 servicemembers. At least 15 land areas andsix air spaces, including the air spaceabove the Persian Gulf, will no longerbe IDP locations. For more informa-tion, click here.

    Basic Allowance forHousingNavy Housing Service Centers (HSCs)offer many different free services, oneof which is helping service membersand their families understand theirhousing options and benefits.

    The 2014 Basic Allowance for Hous-ing (BAH) Rates have been released.Whatever the rate in your local area,the HSC is available to assist servicemembers and their families in find-ing safe, suitable and affordablehousing. It is important to know that

    while BAH rates fluctuate from yearto year, Individual Rate Protectionprevents decreases in housing allow-ances as long as your status remainsunchanged. Changes include PCS,reduction in pay grade and change independent status.

    HSC counselors can walk familiesthrough their specific BAH rates andhelp them compare homes, utilityrates and other factors to find thebest home for them.

    For more information on BAH visit theDefense Travel websiteor click to findyour local HSC.

    A Senseof BelongingBelonging is defined as a persons beliefthat they contribute to a group in whichthey are accepted and which they enjoy.People have less depression and generalunhappiness and experience fewer suicidalthoughts and poor behaviors and whenthey feel a sense of belonging. This is provenwith elderly people, those with health issues

    and teen populations in that they all reportincreased wellness when they belong to agroup or community. Teens, in particular,report having reduced substance use anddelinquent behavior when they have a senseof belonging. As a Navy community, westrive to foster a sense of belonging that ex-tends to our families. According to the REACHCenter at the University of Arizona, resilientfamilies provide opportunities for their familymembers to belong, and there are five waysto instill belonging in a family:

    1. All participants have equal status.

    2. Activities are cooperative versuscompetitive.

    3. Ample time for interaction amongmembers is available.

    4. Adults support intergroup understanding.

    5. Adults set and maintain an inclusiveenvironment.

    Research findings available through theREACH Center at the University of Arizona

    show that belonging provides a safe environ-ment in which people thrive and grow. It alsoenables people to develop a positive self-image, positive ethnic identity and toleranceof others. To learn more about the benefits ofbelonging and military family resiliency visitUniversity of Arizonas REACHwebsite.

    Teen DatingViolence Awareness anPrevention Month

    One of the greatest actsparent, educator or carinadult can do for our tee

    ers is to model supportive, caring and respecrelationships. Doing so sets the stage for theteens dating expectations. It also protects thfrom entering an abusive relationship.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Preven(CDC)surveyed teens and discovered that 110 have been purposefully physically assau(grabbed, hit, slapped, pushed, injured) by aboyfriend or girlfriend in the past year. Unfotunately, physical abuse is not the only formof dating violence. Other forms are emotion

    verbal, sexual, stalking and other cyber tactAccording to BreaktheCycle.org, when incluthe additional forms of abuse, 1 in 3 teens hexperienced dating violence. These numbeare alarming because abuse is linked to othteen issues such as injury, substance use, pogrades, truancy, STDs, pregnancy, suicidalideation, low self-esteem, depression and cotinued intimate partner abuse in the future.These are the immediate effects but there aalso costs to society such as long-term healcare, loss of economic potential, crime andemergency response resources. Teen datinglence is not just about teens; it is a communissue, needing community attention.

    To learn more information on what constituteen dating violence, signs of teen distress asafety planning for use of technology, homand school environments, visit the loveisressite. If you know a teen experiencing vio-lence, call the National Teen Dating Hotline866-331-9474, or contact your local FFSC.

    F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1

  • 8/13/2019 Family Connection Newsletter


    Employment and Transition CornerInternational Culinary Centers Military Scholarship Program

    Returning Warrior Workshops (RWW)

    Returning Warrior Workshop Schedule and IA Family Events www.ia.navy.mil.

    Click Links and Resources.

    U.S. Navy IndividualAugmenteesLike us on Facebook.

    Discipline, respect, organization and the ability to master skills are keyin the kitchen. If you are a good Soldier, you can be a professional cook.

    I cant imagine a career better suited for Veterans. - Benjamin Lubin,USMC Veteran and ICC graduate.

    Sailors and Veterans interested in transitioning to a successful culi-nary career should check out the scholarship opportunities offered

    by the International Culinary Center (ICC).The ICC awards qualify ing Veterans up to $7500 which, whencombined with other benefits and grants like the Post-9/11 GI Bill, canreduce up to 80% of tuition costs at the renowned culinary institute.

    At ICC campuses in New York City and Californias Silicon Valley,students choose from a variety of courses, including the Classic

    Culinary Arts, which promises to transform a novice into a cookqualified for an entry-level position in just six months. ICCs rollingadmission, full- and part-time programs and day and evening clasoffer scheduling flexibility. And, once in the classroom, students lefrom experienced chefs using a curriculum designed to maximizehands-on training.

    With a graduation rate near 90 percent and famous alumni includBobby Flay and Daisy Martinez, ICC prides itself on preparing itsstudents for the job market. ICCs career services provide job andinternship placement, resume development, on-site career fairs avaluable networking connections. For more information about thprogram or the New York and California campuses visit ICCs web

    New Sesame StreetBook and DVD Little Children,

    Big ChallengesThe Defense Department and SesameStreet have unveiled a book and DVDto develop resilience in young children.Barbara Thompson, the Director, Officeof Family Policy/Children and Youth, saidLittle Children, Big Challenges lets mili-tary children know that challenges area part of life. Whether a child struggles

    with sitting quietly at the dinner table or faces a bully at school, thebeloved Sesame Street characters can help.

    After several collaborations initiated by Sesame Street on topicssuch as grief, DOD wanted to get ahead of the game, Thompsonsaid, and produce something that was preventive in nature. SoLittle Children, Big Challenges was born. For more information click

    hereor visit the Sesame Workshopweb page.

    February is American Heart MontHeart disease is the leading cause

    of death for both men and women,but heart disease is preventable andcontrollable.

    Heart disease is a major problem.Every year, about 715,000 Americanshave a heart attack. About 600,000 people die from heart diseasethe United States each yearthats 1 out of every 4 deaths.

    The situation is alarming, but there is good news: heart disease ispreventable and controllable. We can start by taking small steps eery day to bring our loved ones and ourselves closer to heart heaCDCis providing a tip a day throughout February, but you can ta

    small steps all year long.

    IA Discussion Group Schedule

    View the Fleet-wide list of classes, supportgroups and events.

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  • 8/13/2019 Family Connection Newsletter


