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FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future)...

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Page 1: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue
Page 2: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue

AP-2 / 2010-11© 2010 The Common Application, Inc.

FAMILYPlease list both parents below, even if one or more is deceased or no longer has legal responsibilities toward you. Many colleges collect this information for demographic purposes even if you are an adult or an emancipated minor. If you are a minor with a legal guardian (an individual or government entity), then please list that information below as well. If you wish, you may list step-parents and/or other adults with whom you reside, or who otherwise care for you, in the Additional Information section.

HouseholdParents’ marital status (relative to each other): � Never Married � Married � Widowed � Separated � Divorced (date ________________________) mm/yyyyWith whom do you make your permanent home? � Parent 1 � Parent 2 � Both � Legal Guardian � Ward of the Court/State � Other

Legal Guardian (if other than a parent)

Relationship to you _______________________________________________

____________________________________________________________Last/Family/Sur First/Given Middle Title (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.)

Home address if different from yours



Preferred Telephone: � Home � Cell � Work

(_______) ____________________________________________________Area/Country/City Code

E-mail _______________________________________________________

Occupation _____________________________________________________

Employer _____________________________________________________

College (if any) ___________________________________ CEEB ________

Degree _________________________________________ Year _________

Graduate School (if any) ____________________________ CEEB ________

Degree _________________________________________ Year _________

SiblingsPlease give names and ages of your brothers or sisters. If they are enrolled in grades K-12 (or international equivalent), list their grade levels. If they have attended or are currently attending college, give the names of the undergraduate institution, degree earned, and approximate dates of attendance. If more than three siblings, please list them in the Additional Information section.

____________________________________________________________Name Age & Grade Relationship

College Attended ___________________________________ CEEB _______

Degree earned _________________________ Dates __________________or expected mm/yyyy – mm/yyyy

____________________________________________________________Name Age & Grade Relationship

College Attended ___________________________________ CEEB _______

Degree earned _________________________ Dates __________________or expected mm/yyyy – mm/yyyy

____________________________________________________________Name Age & Grade Relationship

College Attended ___________________________________ CEEB _______

Degree earned _________________________ Dates __________________or expected mm/yyyy – mm/yyyy

Parent 1: � Mother � Father � Unknown

Is Parent 1 living? � Yes � No (Date Deceased ____________________) mm/yyyy

____________________________________________________________Last/Family/Sur First/Given Middle Title (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.)

Country of birth ________________________________________________

Home address if different from yours



Preferred Telephone: � Home � Cell � Work

(_______) ____________________________________________________Area/Country/City Code

E-mail _______________________________________________________

Occupation _____________________________________________________

Employer _____________________________________________________

College (if any) ___________________________________ CEEB ________

Degree _________________________________________ Year _________

Graduate School (if any) ____________________________ CEEB ________

Degree _________________________________________ Year _________

Parent 2: � Mother � Father � Unknown

Is Parent 2 living? � Yes � No (Date Deceased ____________________) mm/yyyy

____________________________________________________________Last/Family/Sur First/Given Middle Title (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.)

Country of birth ________________________________________________

Home address if different from yours



Preferred Telephone: � Home � Cell � Work

(_______) ____________________________________________________Area/Country/City Code

E-mail _______________________________________________________

Occupation _____________________________________________________

Employer _____________________________________________________

College (if any) ___________________________________ CEEB ________

Degree _________________________________________ Year _________

Graduate School (if any) ____________________________ CEEB ________

Degree _________________________________________ Year _________

Generated Online6715599 Michelle Gregory



Gregory Diane F Ms. Kelly Thomas Mr.

Homemaker (full-time)

California SU Northridge University of Richmond




1985 1983



Yale University


Dylan Brother



Gregory 13





4707 5569

Page 3: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue

AP-3 / 2010-11© 2010 The Common Application, Inc.

EDUCATIONSecondary SchoolsCurrent or most recent secondary school attended ______________________________________________________________________________________

Entry Date _________________ Graduation Date _________________ School Type: � Public � Charter � Independent � Religious � Home School mm/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy

Address ________________________________________________________________________________ CEEB/ACT Code ___________________________ Number & Street

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code

Counselor’s Name (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.) ____________________________________________ Counselor’s Title _______________________________________

E-mail _____________________________________ Telephone (_______) ______________________ Fax (_______) ________________________________ Area/Country/City Code Number Ext. Area/Country/City Code Number

List all other secondary schools you have attended since 9th grade, including summer schools or enrichment programs hosted on a secondary school campus: School Name & CEEB/ACT Code Location (City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, Country) Dates Attended (mm/yyyy)

_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____________________

_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____________________

_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____________________

Please list any community program/organization that has provided free assistance with your application process: ______________________________________________

If your education was or will be interrupted, please indicate so here and provide details in the Additional Information section: ___________________________________

Colleges & Universities List all colleges you have attended since 9th grade, including summer schools or enrichment programs hosted on a college campus:

College/University Name & CEEB/ACT Code Location (City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, Country) Degree Candidate? Dates Attended Degree Earned Yes No mm/yyyy – mm/yyyy

_________________________________ ___________________________________________ � � __________________ __________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________________ � � __________________ __________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________________ � � __________________ __________________

ACADEMICSThe self-reported information in this section is not intended to take the place of your official records. Please note the requirements of each institution to which you are applying and arrange for official transcripts and score reports to be sent from your secondary school and the appropriate testing agencies. Where “Best Scores” are requested, please report the highest individual scores you have earned so far, even if those scores are from different test dates.

Grades Class Rank _________ Class Size _________ Weighted? � Yes � No GPA _________ Scale _________ Weighted? � Yes � No (if available) (if available)

ACT Exam Dates: ________ ________ ________ Best Scores: _________ ______ _________ ______ _________ ______ (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) COMP mm/yyyy English mm/yyyy Math mm/yyyy

_________ ______ _________ ______ _________ ______ Reading mm/yyyy Science mm/yyyy Writing mm/yyyy

SAT Exam Dates: ________ ________ ________ Best Scores: _________ ______ _________ ______ _________ ______ (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Critical Reading mm/yyyy Math mm/yyyy Writing mm/yyyy

TOEFL/ Exam Dates: ________ ________ ________ Best Score: _________ ______ ______IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy

AP/IB/SAT Subjects

Best Scores: ________ __________________________________ _____ ________ __________________________________ _____ (per subject, so far) mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score

________ __________________________________ _____ ________ __________________________________ _____ mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score

________ __________________________________ _____ ________ __________________________________ _____ mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score

________ __________________________________ _____ ________ __________________________________ _____ mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score

Current Courses Please indicate title, level (AP, IB, advanced honors, etc.) and credit value of all courses you are taking this year. Indicate quarter classes taken in the same semester on the appropriate semester line. First Semester/Trimester Second Semester/Trimester Third Trimester or additional first/second term courses if more space is needed

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________

Generated Online6715599 Michelle Gregory


St. Anthony's

456 Main Street

Williamsburg VA United States of America




[email protected]

08/2007 06/04/2011

College Counselor

757 123-4567 129-8911757

John Calhoun







Senior Bible Seminar Senior Bible SeminarAP English Language AP English LanguageUS Government World War IIAP Spanish AP SpanishAP Calculus AB AP Calculus ABPhilosophy and Science Philosophy and Science

153 3.74 4 ✔

10/2010 640 10/2010 660 10/2010 620 10/2010

11/2010 Math Level 1 600 11/2010 US History 560

11/2010 Literature 610

SAT SubjectSAT Subject

SAT Subject

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AP-4 / 2010-11© 2010 The Common Application, Inc.

Honors Briefly list any academic distinctions or honors you have received since the 9th grade or international equivalent (e.g., National Merit, Cum Laude Society).

Grade level or post-graduate (PG)

Honor Level of Recognition

School State/ National Inter-9 10 11 12 PG Regional national

� � � � � _________________________________________________________________________________ � � � �� � � � � _________________________________________________________________________________ � � � �� � � � � _________________________________________________________________________________ � � � �� � � � � _________________________________________________________________________________ � � � �� � � � � _________________________________________________________________________________ � � � �

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES & WORK EXPERIENCEExtracurricular Please list your principal extracurricular, volunteer, and work activities in their order of importance to you. Feel free to group your activities and paid work experience separately if you prefer. Use the space available to provide details of your activities and accomplishments (specific events, varsity letter, musical instrument, employer, etc.). To allow us to focus on the highlights of your activities, please complete this section even if you plan to attach a résumé.

Grade level or post-graduate (PG)

Approximate time spent

When did you participate in the activity?

Positions held, honors won, letters earned, or employer

If applicable, do you plan

to participate in college?

9 10 11 12 PG Hours per week

Weeks per year

School year

Summer/School Break

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� � � � � � � ________________________________________________________________ �Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Generated Online6715599 Michelle Gregory



✔✔✔✔✔✔ ✔18 52

10 14

8 8

5 40

- JV/Varsity Swimming

- JV/Varsity Basketball

Community Service (Volunteer)


✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔Dean's List


All-American, MVP, State Champion

Leading Rebounder

Swim Instruction for Underpriviledged Youth

College Counseling Prefect

YMCA Swim Instructor

Student Assistant to the Director of College Counseling

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Page 6: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue

Michelle Gregory


On the 24 of October 2009 at 8:24PM, Tom Kelly died of Cardiac Arrest. To me,

that meant that I was a 16-year-old girl going through the most difficult and amazing part

of my life, without a father. It also now means that I have spent almost a year in my life

learning, changing, and experiencing so many things that I never would have

acknowledge or wanted to, if my father had not died. Death involves a complete change

in the status of a living entity-the loss of being. In my case, it also involved a complete

change in a living entity-the transformation of my being.

As a young teenager living in an upper class neighborhood and attending a private

school, I had few worries in my life. My life was stable, safe, standard. I carried with me

an accepted, innate security. It was like a feeling from the inside that you do not realize

you ever had until you lose it. It is a comfort that allowed me to endure the evil and

wicked potential that sometimes consumes the world. However, the night my dad passed,

I lost the safety and insecurity slammed into me.

The one day I came across some information on Cardiac Arrest and the effects it

has on the body. I thought that if I began to better understand what happened to my

father, maybe I could regain the control and recover the comfort I had lost. Yet learning

about heart problems and heart failure was unaccommodating. They were just facts and

statistics so I went deeper into the aspects of death. Then one day a connection shocked

and awed me; the breakdown process and the steps the body went through in death,

fortuitously paralleled the crazy emotional part of dying that was overtaking me.

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Ultimately death occurs with the cessation of heartbeat, movement and brain

activity; the body stops working. With the realization that my dad might die that night, it

was as if everything had stopped working and was spiraling out of control. My dad died

and my world stopped and from then on, I have been living another life; I was rebirthed

in death. My life was a peaceful sailboat in the ocean, violently tossed into a storm. I

frantically and recklessly try to gain control of the powerful force but in the end the storm

passes and I am lost and shattered.

Then there is the calm after the storm. The body goes from ceasing to work, to

slowly beginning to cool. The temperature of the immediate environment primarily

influences the cooling that takes place. After a while, there were so many friends and

family around trying to help, that I calmed down and tried to pretend that everything was

going back to normal. However, not everything goes back to normal, it just gets harder.

The body’s skeletal muscles and tissues began to stiffen. The facts and emotions were

getting me straight on. I had no father. In one day, I had gone from worrying about how I

was going to make it through Physics, to worrying how my family was going to make it

through life, let alone a year.

After loosing shape and temperature, the body looses color. The red and blue

discoloration of the body, which results from the settling of the blood, begins. Now I was

changing and my life was changing. The idea of being fatherless, of living my life with a

single parent, was settling in and although I was not happy with it, I could deal with it.

After the body has stopped most activity, cooled, stiffened, and changed color, it goes

through Putrefaction and decomposes. I was moving on and letting the hurt and anger fall

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away. The devastation and bitterness was breaking down and now I could begin to form a

new self and new life.

As easy as the short-term process I went through is to categorize, the long-term

changes that enveloped me were most subtle and less self-controlled. The short-term

effects helped me deal with my emotions but the long-term effects helped me deal with

my life. I was and ma so scared to be what I should be. In school, in my swimming and in

my character, I should be such a better and bigger person, but I hold myself back to

where I feel safe. I hold myself back unintentionally and people think I am brave and that

I do such amazing things. However, there is so much more that I am capable of and as

long as I know that in my heart, I am lying to myself. I feel as if my dad knew that also

and that I was and am lying to him. It is as if I was driving past a bad accident and I

wanted to forget about it and put it behind me but it was so traumatic and affecting that it

stuck with me. I cannot forget who we both know I can be.

I have lived and entire year fatherless. Recently I read Laura Blumfeld’s

‘Revenge’, and one of the characters said something that summed up what I have felt for

the past year, “I have been robbed of this word: daddy.” In being robbed of a father, I

have gained frightening and valuable insight. I am not the person I want to be and I will

not be that person for many years. I want to effect change and not be a product of it. I

want to be able to look beyond my world and create something better for someone else.

What formwill that take? I don’t know the method or the mean, but I know that desire-

and complacency will not be an option. If I only live to dream and fail to act, my life will

not make a difference to me or the world around me. I will not forget who I can be.

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2010-11 SECONDARY SCHOOL REPORT SRFor Spring 2011 or Fall 2011 Enrollment

TO THE APPLICANTAfter completing all the relevant questions below, give this form to your secondary school counselor or another school official who knows you better. If applyingvia mail, please also give that school official stamped envelopes addressed to each institution that requires a Secondary School Report. ~

. IGlI FemaleLegal Name Gregory Michelle Kelly [QJMale

f..aSr!F3nH!yfSU{ {Eote! nam~ exactly 8$ it ;:!ppears Of! fltffciaf dLlcumenisj FIrst/Given MJaoie (camp/eta) .ir. etc.

Birth Date 08/03/1993mm/(j;.t.!YYJY

Social Security # __ -t-r- _(Opti{?"!a~j

Address 16 Bruce RoadApartmtmt 1/


VA USA 23187Numoer & Street Steterrtovince COilntry ZiP/Posta! Code

School you now attend ~S:.!:t.~A~n~t,,-!h:::.o.!..!nYL':::'s CEEB/ACT Code _

Current year courses-please indicate title, level (AP' IB, advanced honors, etc.) and credit value of all courses you are taking this year. Indicate quarterclasses taken In the same semester on the appropriate semester line.

fryst Semsste{lTHmester Third

Se~ Transc:..or.orip:...:t ,

IMPORTANT PRIVACYNOTE:By signing this form, I authorize all schools that I have attended to release all requested records covered under the FederalEducational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)so that my application may be reviewed by the Common Application member institution(s) to which I am applying.I further authorize the admission officers reviewing my application, including seasonal staff employed for the sole purpose of evaluating applications, to contactofficials at my current and former schools should they have questions about the school forms submitted on my behalf.I understand that under the terms of the FERPA,after I matriculate I will have access to this form and all other recommendations and supporting documentssubmitted by me and on my behalf, unless at least one of the following is true:1,The institution does not save recommendations post-matriculation (see list at www.commonapp.org/FERPA).2. I waive my right to access below, regardless of the institution to which itts sent~ Yes, I do waive my right to access, and I understand I will never see this form or any other recommendations submitted by me or on my behalf.o No, I do not waive my right to access, and I may someday choose to see this form or any other recommendations or supporting documents submitted by me or

on my behalf to the institution at which I'm e rolling, if tha ltution saves them after I matriculate.Required Signature ~~:t, Date IV{ L~ /10

TO THE SECONDARY SCHOOL COUNSELORAttach applicant's official transcript, including courses in progress, a school profile, and transcript legend. (Check transcript copies for readability.) Use both pages tocomplete your evaluation for this student. Be sure to sign below.

Date 12/15/2010-=~__~~~ __~~~~~L- _


Title College Co

School Address Williamsburg

School St. An.:.::t:..:h.=.o:..:.ny"-'.=.s _

VA USA 23187Str.te:Fro'liace Country ZiP/POSfal Code

Counselor's Telephone t!.'!!!-) _1_23_-_4_5_6_7 _Area/G~~lH!try.-"Cfty coce NUtni'tY

_ Counselor's Fax (~--'..:12::.c9.::..-..:..89.::..1,_1'-- _Ext. ArCc1/Country, 'Cfty Coda Ncmbor

Secondary school CEEB/ACTcode _ Counselor's E-mail jf:[email protected]

02010 The Common Application, lnc, SR-I!2010-11

Page 10: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue

DNR 153 08/2007 06/2011

3.74 4.0 09/2007 12/2010


4.62 06/04/2011

85 15






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Page 13: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue

St. Anthony’s School Profile

CEEB Code: 000123 Head of School: Jonathan B. James Director of College Counseling: John Calhoun The School: St. Anthony’s School is a co-educational Catholic day school for grades 6-12, committed to the values of faith, scholarship, and service. The young men and women of St. Anthony’s are motivated and impassioned pupils who invest themselves fully in the academic rigors and co-curricular opportunities our school offers. Our administration, faculty and staff cultivate a vibrant learning environment for our students, nurturing each individual to achieve at his or her own full potential. St. Anthony’s is located in northwest Fairfield, Virginia, a suburb in close proximity to Durham. Accreditation: Southeast Association of Schools and colleges; Virginia Association of Independent Schools Enrollment: There are 153 students in the Class of 2011. In grades 9-12, there are a total of 709 students. 17% of the student body identifies as students of color. 40% of the students receive financial assistance to attend St. Anthony’s. Standardized Testing: Class of 2010 SAT Middle 50% 1650-1980 Mean: 1820 ACT Middle 50% 23-29 Mean: 25 Class Rank: Due to the nature of the school and the small size of the senior class, St. Anthony’s does not rank its students.

Page 14: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue

Academic System and Curriculum: St. Anthony’s operates on a two-semester system with a shorter semester in the fall (18 weeks) and a longer semester in the spring (21 weeks). Students are restricted to a total of 3 honors or AP classes per year unless granted specific permission to take more. In addition, students are expected to complete 20 hours of community service each year. Graduation requirements are as follows

English 8 semesters Theology 6 semesters Social Studies 6 semesters Physical Education 3 semesters Mathematics 6 semesters Science 6 semesters Foreign Language 6 semesters Visual and Performing Arts 3 semesters

Advanced Placement Courses: AP Art History, AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science, AP European History, AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP French Language, AP Latin, AP Music Theory, AP Psychology, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature, AP US Government and Politics, AP US History Graduation Data: 85% of seniors plan to attend four-year colleges and universities and another 15% will attend a community college.

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Page 16: FAMILY · Country of birth _____ Home address if different from yours ... IELTS (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT ... The red and blue

2010-11 TEACHER EVALUATION TEFor Spring 2011 or Fall 2011 Enrollment

TO THE APPLICANTAfter completing all the relevant Questions below, give this form to a teacher who has taught you an academic subject (for example, English, foreign language, math,science, or social studies). If applying via mail, please also give that teacher stamped envelopes addressed to each institution that requires a Teacher Evaluation.

Kelly ~ Female----------ICQ Male

Middie (complete) Jr., etc.Legal Name _G_r_e.::.go_ry-=-:.,------=- .,----_.,---- __ --:.,----.,----_--:-.,----_-:::M_ic:-:-h~e-lI-e---~

l.ast/Famffy!Sur {Enter name exactly as It eppeet» on otttote! aocuments.) First/Give!]

Birth Date 08/03/1993mmiddiYYiY

Social Security # _(Optiona!!

Williamsburg VA~~-----.,----USA 23187Address 18 Bruce RoadZIP:PDsta/ CodeApartment it CNy/To/.m countr»

School you now attend _S_t._A_n_t_h_o_ny:....'_s CEEB/ACT Code _

IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE: Under the terms of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),after you matriculate you will have access to this formand all other recommendations and supporting documents submitted by you and on your behalf, unless at least one of the following is true:1. The institution does not save recommendations post-matriculation (see list at www.commonapp.orgIFERPA).2. You waive your right to access below, regardless of the institution to which it is sent:

~Yes, I do waive my right to access, and I understand I will never see this form or any other recommendations submitted by me or on my behalf.DNa, I do not waive my right to access, and I may someday choose to see this form or any other recommendations or supporting documents submitted by me

or on my behalf to the i~~tWiOfl ~tfVh~c'hI'~ enrolling at institution saves them after I matriculate. zf I .Required Signature ~ r r r ~ Date I II 1'0

TO THE TEACHERThe Common Application membership finds candid evaluations helpful in choosing from among highly qualified candidates. You are encouraged to keep this formin your private files for use should the student need additional recommendations. Please submit your references promptly, and remember to sign below.

Teacher's Name (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.) Bernadette Smithnesse print iJf type

Subject Taught .Enoli•••s•..•.h-------

Signature ~ Date 12/17/10mm/ddiyvVY

Secondary School-"'S•..•t~AWJ..1n.uth.•.•.Qu.nuy'-"s"__ _

School Address ..456 Main SL -.Williams.b.uJ:cL_.Y..A--.- ..'-LJo.S.u:A=>--_Number s street City/hTlj] S'ttitdP{o::'inc$ Country

. ~8L

Teacher's Telephone ( 757 ) --±o12"'3;)=-"I4.;;J5.;;J5~5------:,--:---------=...,--_Teacher's E-mail osmith@stanthonvsoreAreit/Co!lnirytCUy {$'ode Number Ext

Background InformationHow long have you known this student and in what context? 2 vears as he.r-teaG1:leF

What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student? athletic orGanized dedicated Good reader

List the courses you have taught this student, noting for each the student's year in school (101",11th, 12"'; first-year, sophomore; etc.) and the level of course difficulty(AP,IB, accelerated, honors, elective; 100-level, 200-level; etc.).

English 10; AP English Language 12

",2010 Tho Common Application, Inc. TEACHER EVALUATION 1 TH12010-11

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Recommendation for Michelle Gregory

I write to recommend Michelle Gregory whom I have taught both as a sophomore and this year in AP English. Her growth and maturity are remarkable. Her curious mind, congenial personality, and athletic ability make her someone who will enjoy, benefit from, and contribute to further study at the collegiate level. Michelle is an excellent English student. While somewhat quiet in class, if she is called upon, she always has an astute comment or keen observation. She is an excellent peer reviewer and gives feedback to her classmates in a constructive and kind manner. What’s more, Michelle’s papers are always well organized and often contain original ideas that she thoughtfully and carefully supports. One of my favorites was a paper where she compared Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and the movie 10 Thins I Hate About You. She clearly had a lot of fun with the paper and came up with some terrific analyses. Michelle is not just intelligent; she is also personal and warm. In her character and interactions with others she is also a standout student here at St. Anthony’s. Her relational skills are adept and reveal a young woman who cares for others, has an empathic heart, and uses her knack for negotiating life’s problems to help others. People love to talk with Michelle because she listens carefully and wisely sees that which underlies human behavior and emotions. She’s insightful, honest, concerned, and affable. There is something true and humble and genuine about Michelle that puts others at ease and wins her friends and respect. In addition to her academic acuity and attractive personal qualities, Michelle’s athletic ability is a standout among her peers. She is a stellar and inspirational swimmer. And despite her huge commitment to the sport, nothing is ever turned in late and she is always conscientious about making up work or doing work early if swimming conflicts with school. She is an extremely responsible student. I recommend Michelle wholeheartedly and believe that she is ready to prosper from the rigors of university level work and interaction. Sincerely, Bernadette Smith English Department St. Anthony’s

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2010-11 TEACHER EVALUATION TEFor Spring 2011 or Fall 2011 Enrollment

TO THE APPLICANTAfW comptonnq all tns relevant questions below, give this form to a teacher who has taught you an academic subject (for example, English, foreign language, math,science, or social studies), If applying via mail, please also give that teacher stamped envelopes addressed to each institution that requires a Teacher Evaluation,

13 Female[3J MaleLegal Name Gregory Michelle Kelly

{Eme{ fJalJW exactly as it t;,1iddfc (complete)on otticie! docwnenis.J

Birth Date 08/03/1993 Social Security # _mm/dd/yyyy


School you now attend _S_t._A_n_t_h_o_n..:..y_'s _ CEEB/ACT Code _

IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE: Under the terms ofthe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),after you matriculate you will have access to this formand all other recommendations and supporting documents submitted by you and on your behalf, unless at least one of the following is true:1. The institution does not save recommendations post-matriculation (see list at wwwGommonapp,orgIFERPA),2, YoUwaive your right to access below, regardless of the institution to which it is sent

~Yes, Ido waive my right to access, and Iunderstand Iwill never see this form or any other recommendations submitted by me or on my behalf,DNa, I do not waive my right to access, and I may someday choose to see this form or any other recommendations or supporting documents submitted by me

or on my behalf t~ ~e institutio~ at which I'm enrolling hat institution saves them after I matriculate, yRequired Signature ii!:~ Date I It/lv

TO THE TEACHERThe Common Application membership finds candid evaluations helpful in choosing from among highly qualified candidates, You are encouraged to keep this formin your private files for use should the student need additional recommendations, Please submit your references promptly, and remember to sign below.

Teacher's Name (Mr.lMs.lDr" eic.) Geoff BerlllaO----:,---- __

Sg,"',~ ~ g~'Secondary School ..••S"'t'-'A:lJnwtwh~oCLln:!Lv'..i:!s _

Subject Taught -I\~lUAa:Ut.uh .

Date 12/17/10mm/dJ<vvVY

School Address A!ifLMain.SL -----"lllilliamsbw:.~ ~ ~ _______ ~2~3~1aL _City/Tf)Vtn titai-c/?t"ovincl) Courd!}' ZIP/Posta; Code

Teacher's Telephone ( 757 ) -+1.L2~3-....3;>.;3;>.;3;>.;3~--------------- Teacher's E-mail aberman(Wstanthonvs ora/iIei?/Country/Dtty Code Number Ex!

Background InformationHow long have you known this student and in what context? 1 year as her-leacller------------------

What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student? Serial IS attentive mat! Ire and resnansible

List the courses you have taught this student, noting for each the student's year in school (10111,11th, 12111;first-year, sophomore; etc.) and the level of course difficulty(AP,IB, accelerated, honors, elective; iOO-level, 20D-level; etc.),

Introduction to College Math (11)

~ 201 0 ThQ Common Applicalion, Inc. TEACHER EVALUATION 1 THi2010-11

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Michelle came to introduction to College Math having had pre-calculus as a sophomore. She could have been successful in calculus as a junior but I don't thnk she had the time to devote to the class that it would have required. She is good in math. she always comes prepared and is serious and attentive in class. She found ICM easy, earning A's, in spite of a busy athletic schedule and some personal problems - and she never used her busy schedule as an excuse to delay taking tests or turning in homework. Michelle is quietly behaved in class. She always had an answer when called upon; and she was always right. She is mature and responsible. She would never think of blaming someone else for her problems. She is not a leader in the math classroom because she is so quiet, but her peers do respect her, so leadership is probably a quality she can develop. She is always willing to assist another student who is having difficulty, but is not pushy about it. I am happy to recommend her to your college/university.
