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Family Stories

Date post: 25-Mar-2016
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Oral history stories worth telling
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This story is about my Grandma and Grandpa Kloster.

They had a microburst and it blew down their barn in 1995. One day Grandpa and my cousin Josh Muncy were in

the over filled barn with 95 animals. They were milking cows and the power went out. It started to dump rain. Being the power was out, they went outside and it was extremely windy. The barn blew down as soon as they walked out the door. Grandpa carried Josh inside with the wind blowing him backwards. They got in the house just in time. The house’s roof came off. Grandma and B were in a corner. All of the animals in the barn died. They built a new barn in that year and got in the newspaper.

I think this story is worth passing on because it was so heart breaking. I want to tell how hard it was for them.

By Connor Cannan

My Grandma lived through the Great Depression. She

grew up in Beaver Falls on a farm. It was the 1930’s and 1940’s.

Food was scarce and expensive. My Grandma and her family were very poor. All they got for Christmas was an orange and one pair of socks. They had to eat lard sandwiches. That was all they had. Since they were very poor, they had to make their own toys. They made stilts. They had a lot of fun with the stilts.

This is a good story to pass on because now you have a lot of food and toys. They were really poor during that time.

By: Caleb Moser

Let me tell you about Alex Rodriguez and my dad. At

that time Alex was not famous. My dad and Alex were best friends in college at this time. The story goes some what like this: when my dad played in college football, he played with Alex. They were the captains of the team. Every day after practice, Alex and my dad would race each other in the field. After they raced they would go eat at my dad’s house. I think this story should be passed down because my family should know they were best friends.

By: Daniel J Merino

My story is about when my dad was little. I love this story. My grandpa Micek had a 4230 John Deere that had no muffler. Like I said, grandpa had no muffler on his tractor. Every time he was drawing corn, it shook somebody’s house when he drove by! It shook the windows in the house. Also, it shook the walls in the house too! People always knew when Grandpa went by. I think I should pass this story on because it is cool. My dad told this story to me. I will probably tell my kids. If you like it, I think you should pass this story on too. By: Derek E. Micek

I never got to meet my grandma’s mom and dad. Grandma has an interesting story about my grandma’s dad’s first wife.

A long time ago Gerald was married to a woman named Mary Catherine. Mary Catherine had seven children. One day she got cancer. She was in the hospital for a long time. While she was there she got to know a roommate very well. They became best friends. One day Mary Catherine said, “When I die, I want you to take care of my children Mary Margaret.” Mary Catherine passed away and Mary Margaret went to her house to be the housekeeper and help take care of the children. A while later Mary Margaret got married to Gerald. They had four children.

I think this story is worth passing on to others because it is very interesting. It is interesting because Mary Margaret did as Mary Catherine asked her to do.

By Hailey Tweedy

My family story is about my dad asking his

friend that works at Stewarts’ to change my sister’s dirty diaper. At that time it wasn’t called Stewarts’. It was called Bonfaire. This is my family story. One day when Jordan was 5 months old she went to the bathroom (in her diaper). My dad was all alone. My mom was at work. My dad took Jordan to Bonfaire and asked his friend Joanie to change Jordan. She did right on the counter! When she was done, Dad put Jordan in the truck and went back home. I think this is a story worth passing down because of a dad taking his daughter to a store just to get her diaper changed. I think this is out of the ordinary. This is why I think this is a story worth passing down. By: Jayden Waugh

My Grandma Haggerty was 87 when she died. I

remember her well. My Grandma Haggerty never had a driver’s license. Someone always took her where she wanted to go. Whenever she wanted to go to North Carolina, the family would pick a date and go. If she wanted to go to the grocery store, she would be taken to get her groceries. She had a family birthday party at her home when she turned 87. Her first airplane ride was to fly home from North Carolina at the age of 82 with my cousin Heather. On any holiday she was brought to my grandma’s house to visit the family. She loved lottery tickets. I think this story is worth passing on to say that you don’t always need a driver’s license to be happy. You can be driven to where you want to go. I wish she could’ve gone to North Carolina this year. By: Lukas Sullivan

My family story is about my great-great grandfather.

His name is Charles Cane. His daughter was named Laura May Cane, but she married Henry Wilder and she then became Laura Wilder. Before she was born, her father, Charles, signed up for World War II. He was too short to join the army. So he put on lifts! Then he was put in the military. He survived the war. When the war was over, he was written about in the newspaper for being the shortest man in the army. Charles then married my great-great grandma and they had Laura.

I think this story should be passed on because it is exciting. Also he was lucky he survived, and had a wife and little girl. My grandma told me this story.

By Sarah Wilder

One day I was playing tag with my sisters. Brianna was it. I had to find a good hiding spot. So I hid in the dryer. My mom knew that I was in there. But then she put clothes in the dryer. After that she shut the door and it was dark. In a little bit my mom turned the dryer on. So then I banged on the door. I kept falling down because it was twirling. Then I banged on the door once more. This time my mom came and opened the door. I think it should be passed on because it was scary. Also I couldn’t push the door open because I was only 5. It should also be passed on because we don’t have that many family stories. By: Skylar Muncy

My family is large. My family is historical too! Also, my great-great

grandpa served under George Washington in the civil war. He was a brave man. The Indian Geronimo slept on my great-great grandfather’s back porch and had meals with the white man (grandpa). My great grandpa worked on the rail roads and the cotton fields. I also have lots of great aunt and uncles and many second and third cousins. My family is pretty large. I love to learn about my family, along with my friends. So many fascinating things! In my immediate family, I have five cousins. My favorite cousin is Zachary Eddens, he’s 17. On my mom’s side of the family people were born in the country. On my dad’s side of the family people were in the army or electronics. My grandpa (Scott Kostenbauder) worked IBM the company and is now retired. In my family it’s teaching or medical workings.

By; Ty Kostenbauder

My family story is a about my Grandma Bobbi.

It happened about 60 years ago. One day she was playing over at her neighbor’s house. Everybody had a pump in their yard to get water from. When she walked over to the neighbors, she brought their old dog, Lucky. When they were on their way home, she and Lucky started to race. My grandma was pretty fast. She never let Lucky get in front of her. Since they were at the same speed, they went up the front steps at the same time. The stairs were getting narrower. Lucky pushed my grandma out of the way to get to the door first. When my grandma fell she landed right on their pump that was at the bottom of the stairs. The pump took a big chunk out of her head.

I think this story is worth passing on because it happened to my grandma a long time ago and it is good to remember the past.

By: Lexie Greene

My great, great, great grandfather Earl Johnson was born in 1915 and died in 1993, he was a great musician and played the clarinet. The summer after he graduated from high school he got a job playing in a band on a cruise ship that sailed the Great Lakes. The ship’s name was the George M. Cox. During that summer, the Cox ran aground on the Rock of Ages in Lake Superior and sank. All the crew and passengers suffered from severe hypothermia, but everyone survived.

Then in 1934, he moved from Manistee, Michigan to Chicago, Illinois for the summer and played in bands, night clubs, and speakeasies. One night he went to listen to Louis [Sachmo] Armstrong play and was invited up onto the bandstand to sit in and play with the great Louis Armstrong. After playing that night, Louis called Earl, Little Sachmo and would come to listen to my great, great, great grandfather play. Earl would sit in and play in several bands through out the years, and at one time formed his own band.

My great, great, great grandfather was an avid hunter and taught my great, great grandfather and his brother the ways of the woods which were passed down to my great grandfather and his brother. Earl was a great story teller and would tell stories to my great grandfather and his brother at deep camp in Michigan when they were growing up. Sometimes the same story had a different ending, but my great grandfather and his brothers didn’t get tired of hearing them. By Logan Johnson

My Story

This story is about my Uncle Michael. He is in the

army. He is learning how to be a pilot. I don’t see him a lot. He has three dogs. Once when my uncle came to visit us, he told us he was going into a real war. I was scared. He didn’t get hurt. I was happy he didn’t get hurt. That’s my story. I would want to pass it on to others, because it’s an interesting story.

By Gabrielle Guotermout

One warm summer night my uncle was watching T.V. when he heard a loud boom!! He checked the house then ran outside with a flashlight. To his surprise, a seven foot tall bear was standing right near the garbage. My uncle ran inside slamming the door. The people that were sleeping woke up and ran downstairs. Once my uncle saw the bear leave, he went back outside. Nothing seemed wrong until he went out front. The garbage was torn open. The next week the bear did the same thing!! So he decided to lure the bear back. He got a motion camera. He got some meat for the lure. The bear took the bait!! We saw the pictures. Everyone was scared by the pictures. The bear was never seen again.

By: Jake

My brother Colby James River was in a very bad

fire. It all started when he put gas into a chain saw. When he was putting gas into the chain saw he had spilled a little. When he started the chain saw there were a few sparks that flew off, hit the gas and started a FIRE!!!!! Then the disaster happened. The chain saw and the gas can caught on fire!!! He grabbed them both while they were on fire and threw them both outside. Then my mom heard all the commotion and ran out. She saw Colby on fire and ran in to get the fire extinguisher to put out the fire on Colby. Then my brother Kasey called 911. The firemen came and put the fire out. They transported my brother to Syracuse University Hospital. My mom cried a lot. Colby is now recovered from the accident; he is now an EMT and a Lewis County dispatcher because of what happened to him.

This story should be passed down because he had a bad experience that caused him to take a job as an EMT. By Katie Best

My Great-Great-Uncle Frances Ingelheart was

one of six kids. He was born and raised in my grandpa’s camp. He was in World War II. He was twenty when he went to war. He built roads and kept the army going.

He entered the war on December 7th. He was in Korea for the first two years. He loved kids and Tug Hill. He never got married. He was 36 when he got out of the war.

This story should be passed on because it is awesome. A family story should be passed on because you should learn about your past.

By: Connor Carroll

This story is about my Grandma and Grandpa Kloster.

They had a microburst and it blew down their barn in 1995. One day Grandpa and my cousin Josh Muncy were in

the over filled barn with 95 animals. They were milking cows and the power went out. It started to dump rain. Being the power was out, they went outside and it was extremely windy. The barn blew down as soon as they walked out the door. Grandpa carried Josh inside with the wind blowing him backwards. They got in the house just in time. The house’s roof came off. Grandma and B were in a corner. All of the animals in the barn died. They built a new barn in that year and got in the newspaper.

I think this story is worth passing on because it was so heart breaking. I want to tell how hard it was for them.

By Connor Cannan
