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Fantastic beasts and where to find them

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Teaser Trailer Analysis
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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Teaser Trailer Analysis

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The first scene in the teaser trailer is the world renowned logo of Warner Bros. (one of the Big Six) who are a fan favourite for sci-fi and fantasy films. It is also the studio that fans recognise for the Harry Potter franchise which this film is linked to so for fans it would help cement that link. Also the transition of the logo coming into view is similar to that of a spell within the Harry potter franchise so this would excite fans before the name of the film has even been said/shown to them.

Although Warner Bros. produce a multitude of films they only use this opening sequence for Harry potter films. However, this one is designed slightly different which connotes that the film is within the same universe but at a different point in time and focuses on a different character.

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This scene is seeming normal, it focuses on a young man coming to New York with the towering sky line in the background. This is done confuse the reader as nothing shouts ‘magical’. However, the one thing that sticks out is the peculiar leather suitcase he’s carrying, it’s suspicious because no one else has their bag with them as it is probably in the hold or in their room, but he refuses to leave it alone which hints that something is special about it. The amazing CGI skyline is to draw the audiences attention away from this but the case is present in all the shots on the boat so you’re meant o gradually realise that it’s there.

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In the very next scene the suitcase that we’ve been distracted from is suddenly focused on that audience resonates that it was there the whole time. This scene is very short and only shows the claws peering out of the case, but it is very useful as it shows magic/magical creature for the first time but in a very slight way so not too much is release but it’s enough to keep fans thirsty for more and make them want to find out what is actually in the case and why he won’t it out of his sight. The case also resembles an item from the Harry Potter series that only hard-core fans would recognise and make the link between Hagrid and this new character.

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Here we see the character again, but this time he looks to have a place of his own despite just coming to the city which could denote an advancement in time making the audience wonder where he is or where he’s come across the money for a new place. He’s preparing an extremely large meal with lots of meat that surely not even him and his friend could finish, this makes the audience question who its for. The audience might also notice that the case is not with the character now even though before he wouldn’t let it go, connoting that this is actually inside the case.

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Done in the same style as the opening scene of the Warner Bros. logo the text, that reads “This November”, is giving the audience part of a date that the film will be released to the public. They don’t include the specific date like; 17th November 2016, as it would be too much to read and wouldn’t keep in touch with the mysterious tone that they’ve set with this trailer so far.

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Now that it has been revealed that beasts are within his case the audience is faced with the conundrum of how the protagonist will get it through security checks. This scene is set up to single him out amongst the crowd of people behind him, and those in front. His costume is lighter than everyone else’s and the general way he dresses is different, this could connote that he’s English but it is also fitting that he dresses this way because he is a wizard and isn’t adapt to blending in with muggles. Through lighting his case is also highlighted, with the foreground being quick dark to accentuate the audience’s focus. His body language shows that he is quite nervous and is keeping himself to himself with his legs close together and arms straight by his sides.

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Newt also stands out with his messy unkempt hair, whereas everyone else is wearing some form of hat to denote their wealth and show it off. This scene captures how unwilling Newt is to put his case at risk, the stacks of confiscated cases in the background adds to the tense atmosphere of Newt being discovered before the film has even started. The wide medium range shot displays muggles willingly handing over their cases with nothing to hide, which amplifies Newt being suspicious and you can just make out the inspectors frowning facial expression.

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The previous shot is very clever as it added suspense without giving away any of the films plot away, but got the audience questioning how he’ll get out of this using magic. Again the focus is on the case with a close up shot and it is emphasised that this case is special and what the film will be based around.

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J.K. Rowling is one of, if not the most recognised author around the world for her best selling book series: Harry Potter. The trailer has used her name as a type of ‘Buzz word’ to draw in fans of her previous work into seeing the film and finding out more. This also gives the studio a chance to show off magic which is a fan favourite, with the blue flames.

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This scene is used to demonstrate the different between the UK magical parliament and US one. The large portrait in the background hints that this is the president, but the wide angles establishing shot shows a lot more than just aesthetics. For example we see a group of men and women dressed in the same uniform like police pursing someone in their own political building.

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In the next scene see a light focus medium range shot in the same building, and probably the same building but this time coming up from where the supposed police ran down. The audience should then piece together that they were the ones being chased leaving the question of; why? Trailers often create these rhetorical questions to make the audience have to come and see the film to find out the answers.

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By using the same font, background, fire effects and conventions this scene links together with the previous one “J.K. Rowling Invites You” to create a connection and almost a conversation with the audience. This text “To Explore A New Era” also denotes the fact that this film is set in a different place in time, and from the use of mise en scene, building architecture, and characters costume.

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One of the main focuses of this film is the inclusion of new magical creatures. In this scene the audience gets their first glance at a beast, however it is unnamed and the scene is very short just showing off its bright colours and unique features. This creature will not only intrigue kids but also adult fans.

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Another beast is shown to the audience as a teaser, but this time its more relatable for the audience as it mimics the real animal the mole. This could make the audience question how far apart the magical world is from reality.

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This scene adds a comical sense to the trailer and makes it more light hearted. This also reveals to the audience that the case is more than it seems and the beasts are hidden within the case. Also this could hint to the viewer that the room from a previous scene was inside the case.

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