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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Improve Them - Agile Cambridge 2017

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FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO IMPROVE THEM Chris Smith @cj_smithy Agile Cambridge, 29 th September 2017


Chris Smith@cj_smithy

Agile Cambridge, 29th September 2017

In this workshop…

Find out about Redgate’s Fantastic Beasts; why they exist, what they represent and how we use them.

Explore what the Beasts mean to you and take away the means to unleash them in your habitat.


We do our best work in teams

Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

SRS Story

SRS Story

Turn the Ship Around!

Desired Outcomes

More engaged and motivated teams

Better decisions, taken by those with the most information

Increased personal growth

Alignment with product strategy

Alignment with vision for great product development teams

Building a Vision for Our Dev Teams

The Fantastic Beasts

We needed something:

• Memorable and fun

• We could use as an internal brand

• Encouraged us to think differently

Here comes an interactive bit…

The Forced Analogy Game

1. Get into groups of 5 to 8

2. Grab an index card and a pen.

3. Draw an inanimate object. You may label it. You have 1 minute.

4. Each group put their cards together and shuffle them

5. Each person take a card.

6. Think about how your team are like that object. Yes, really. You have 1 minute.

7. Go around the table and share. You have 5 minutes.

The Forced Analogy Game


PorpoiseWe deliberately focus on

our purpose

Every team member knows why their team exists; their mission

and why it’s important.

Teams have a plan for their upcoming work.

Teams know the benefit they hope their work will deliver and

how it contributes to their mission.

JellyfishWe are honest and


Everyone is able to see a team’s aims, plans and

progress without having to ask.

Teams are honest and open about failures and

successes; asking for help when they need it, and

celebrating achievements.

ChameleonWe inspect & adapt

Teams ship frequently, deliver value in thin slices and use

feedback to guide their solutions.

Teams take time and space to think deeply about the important

challenges they face.

Teams continuously improve, shaping their processes and

practices so they work better for them.

Owl We learn about the users of

our products

Team members engage with our users and strive to learn about

them and their world.

Team members understand the domain in which their products


Teams use this knowledge to make critical decisions and build

software that our customers love.

MeerkatWe collaborate and listen

Team members work together more often than they work apart.

Team members engage in open, honest debate and really listen to

each other.

Teams think about how their work affects others and often go

out their way to help.

KoalaWe deliver

sustainable quality

Teams balance technical excellence with the drive to

deliver valuable work to users. Neither one overwhelms the


Teams care about the products they create, the code they

engineer and the service they provide to their customers.

How we use the Beasts

Here comes an interactive bit…

How does your team score against the Beasts?

Groups of 5 to 8

Each person needs a scorecard, two pens (different colours) and a few post-its

You are going to score your team against each beast…

PorpoiseWe deliberately focus on our purpose

JellyfishWe are honest and transparent

ChameleonWe inspect & adapt

Development teams at Redgate enjoy delivering valuable, ingeniously simple solutions with the help of six Fantastic Beasts


With the power of the Porpoise we stay focused on our


The agile Chameleon reminds us to adapt as we frequently inspect feedback and learn

from our situation

The transparency of the Jellyfish keeps us open and


The wise Owl focusses us on learning about our users and their


The collaborative Meerkatencourages us to listen and

be mindful of others

The proud Koala maintains a healthy

balance between deliveryand quality

How does your team score against the Beasts?

Show your group your card

Discuss; what is interesting, what patterns are there, what questions do you have?

Choose two animals for the group to spend more time on.

How does your team score against the Beasts?

Share why is your score X and not zero? Stay positive. You have 5 minutes.

Think about what you could do to make your score one better. Write it on a post-it.

Share your “one better” ideas in your group. You have 4 minutes.

Push your group mates for concrete actions.

How does your team score against the Beasts?

Share why is your score X and not zero? Stay positive. You have 5 minutes.

Think about what you could do to make your score one better. Write it on a post-it.

Share your “one better” ideas in your group. You have 4 minutes.

Push your group mates for concrete actions.

Development teams at Redgate enjoy delivering valuable, ingeniously simple solutions with the help of six Fantastic Beasts


With the power of the Porpoise we stay focused on our


The agile Chameleon reminds us to adapt as we frequently inspect feedback and learn

from our situation

The transparency of the Jellyfish keeps us open and


The wise Owl focusses us on learning about our users and their


The collaborative Meerkatencourages us to listen and

be mindful of others

The proud Koala maintains a healthy

balance between deliveryand quality

How we use the Beasts

Retrospective session

Use scaling technique to assess each beast

Discuss recent improvements

Brainstorm how team could +1 on score

Highlight patterns and themes

Decide what to do

Are the Beasts working?

What did we need to improve?

Incoming interactive bit…

What do your teams need?

What principle do your teams need?

Discuss in your groups and decide one to work on. You have 2 minutes.

What animal should that be represented by?

[insert fantastic beast here]

[insert “collaborative” 80’s movie villain here]

It’s OK, it’s nearly lunch…

In this workshop…

Find out all about our Fantastic Beasts; why they exist, what they represent and how we use them.

Explore what the beasts mean to you and take away the means to unleash them in your habitat.

Development teams at Redgate enjoy delivering valuable, ingeniously simple solutions with the help of six Fantastic Beasts


With the power of the Porpoise we stay focused on our


The agile Chameleon reminds us to adapt as we frequently inspect feedback and learn

from our situation

The transparency of the Jellyfish keeps us open and


The wise Owl focusses us on learning about our users and their


The collaborative Meerkatencourages us to listen and

be mindful of others

The proud Koala maintains a healthy

balance between deliveryand quality


Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates UsDan Pink

Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and ChangemakersDave Gray, Sunni Brown, James Macanufo

Turn the Ship Around!L. David Marquet

We’re hiring!



Chris Smith@cj_smithy
