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Fantasy Age - Abdanck's Homebrew Rules

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  • 8/18/2019 Fantasy Age - Abdanck's Homebrew Rules

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  • 8/18/2019 Fantasy Age - Abdanck's Homebrew Rules


    Combat & Movement

    Breaking apart of movementYou spend your Minor Action to move your Speed for your turn, but you can spread that movement over

    your turn. Assuming Speed 10, you can move 4, do a Major Action, then move another 6.

    Grapple Stunt : 3 SPYou slip inside your opponent’s guard and restrain them. You can only perform this stunt if your original

    attack was unarmed, or with a gauntlet or chain weapon and you have at least one hand free. You must

    succeed on a Accuracy (Brawling) test vs target Defense. To break a grapple you need to succeed on aopposed Accuracy (Brawling) Test. You can release him as a free action.

    A restrained creature's speed becomes 0, and it cannot benefit from any bonus to its speed.

    Attack rolls against the creature have a +1 bonus, and the creature's attacks have a -1 penalty.

    The creature suffers a -2 penalty on all Dexterity tests.

    Ignore Shield Stunt : 2 SPYou can ignore your target shield defense bonus when you attack with a flexible weapon (morning star, flail,

    spiked chains…)

    Rapid Ready : 1 SPYou can take a ready action as a free action, even if you have already used 1 ready action this round.

    Bleeding Stunt : 3 SP+You provoke a bleeding wound to your target, causing a loss of 1 hit point/rd. You can add +1 hit point of

    bleeding damage for each SP you spent. The bleeding can be stopped by a successful Heal action (TN = 7 +

    damage dealt +1/bleeding damage); or with magical healing.

    Severe Injury Stunt : 6 SPYou severely wound your targets in their attack limb or otherwise wound them beyond immediate healing

    abilities. This includes but is not limited to bleeding, breaking, burning, denting, or whatever fits your mode

    of attack. Your target tests their Constitution (Stamina) vs. TN = damage dealt to a minimum of 11 to resist

    the effect, if you dealt damage more than once they test against the highest result. If they succeed they

    resist the effect. If they fail they lose use of the limb (or any weapons in it), and become Injured (Targets get

    -2 to attacks, defense, and ability tests and move at ½ speed. Also targets lose 1d6 HP at the beginning of

    their turn until healing is administered), but the lost limb or severe injury will require more extensive


    Character Creation & Advancement

    Hit PointCharacters HP = Class Base + Level x Constitution + 1/lvl

    Magic PointCharacters MP = 10 + Level x Willpower + 3/lvl

    AbilitiesLevel 1 maximum Ability value = 4

    Maximum Ability value = 6

    EncumbranceLight : 20 Kg + Strength x10 / No penalty

    Medium : 30 Kg + Strength x10 / -2 to all physical action (Fight, Acrobatic skill, etc…) & speed -4

    Heavy : 40 Kg + Strength x10 / -2 to all physical action (Fight, Acrobatic skill, etc…) & speed halved

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    Weapons Groups

    You can learn a new weapon group or increase your level in a weapon group you already have as a Talent


    If you are untrained in a weapon group, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and inflict half damage (rounded

    down) when using a weapon from that group. If it’s a missile weapon, the range is cut in half as well. When

    halving damage, add your Strength (or Perception for Bows and Black Powder weapons) before cutting the

    damage in half.

    Novice: You are trained and know how to use weapons of that group.

    Journeyman: Your weapons knowledge increase. You get +1 damage with weapons of that group.

    Master: You have mastered your weapon. You get +1SP when you generate stunt points with weapons of

    that group.





    Attack roll modifiers


    Rain, mist, or smoke obscures the defender. -1

    Melee attacker in the mud. -2

    Melee attacker in heavy snow. -3Attacker is on higher ground or Flying above +1


    Defender using restrained body or larger creature as cover. -1

    Defender in light cover, such as a hedge or the woods. -2

    Defender in heavy cover, such as a building or stone wall. -3


    Combat in low light. -1

    Combat at night. -2

    Melee attacker is blinded. -3

    Defender is blinded +2


    Attacker is Dazed/Prone -1

    Defender is Prone more than 2 yards away -1

    Ranged attack vs. defender engaged in melee combat. -2

    Attacker is Frightened/Intimidate by the defender -2

    Defender is Invisible -2

    Defender is Prone within 2 yards +1

    Melee attacker and allies outnumber defender 2 to 1. +1

    Melee attacker and allies outnumber defender 3 to 1.

    Defender is drunk/Stunned/+2

    Attacker is Invisible +2

    Defender is unaware of the attack. +3

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    Every Craft attempt is defined by two elements: the time required and the TN. The time required to craft an item is influenced not by

    an item's price in silver pieces, but rather by its complexity. The TN is likewise influenced by item complexity.

    Time Unit: This columns tells

    you how long must be spent

    working before a Craft check

    is permitted.

    TN Modifier: This modifier is

    added to base TN 7 of all

    Craft checks.

    Item Complexity

    The complexity categories listed on the table above require some defining. Keep in mind that there is a certain amount of subjectivity

    at work here. The key to item complexity isn't to rely an exhaustive list of what items belong to which categories. Instead, these rules

    provide basic category descriptions and a few examples of sorts of items one might expect to fit each respective category.

    Very Simple: These items are more or less all one piece or one material of simple shape with no moving parts.

    Examples: crowbar, quarterstaff.

    Simple: A simple item is largely made of one material, but it requires a more specialized shape.

    Examples: many simple weapons (club, staves,…), backpack, most common articles of clothing, simple traps such as pits.

    Moderate: Moderate complexity items are characterized by diverse materials or different parts that must be integrated into a whole.

    Examples: Most weapons, bows, all shields, leather armors, locks, simple traps using simple mechanical triggers, acid.

    Complex: Complex items have diverse materials, moving parts, different parts, and/or

    decorative bits. Examples: Most types of metal armors, crossbows, most vehicles

    (excluding large ocean-going vessels), grenade, etc…

    Very Complex: These are the most complicated items. They require diverse

    materials, moving parts, different parts, decorated bits, and/or multiple

    functions or uses. Examples: ocean-going vessels, unusual armors

    (such as barding),…

    ToolsAll crafts require artisan’s tools to give the best chance of success. If

    improvised tools are used, the check is made with a -2 penalty. On the

    other hand, masterwork artisan’s tools and/or apprentice to help provide a

    +1 to +2 circumstance bonus on the check.,

    Failing a Craft CheckWhat happens if the Craft check fails? Well, that depends on how badly it failed. When confronted with a failed Craft check, there

    are up to three possible bad effects :

    1. If the Craft check fails, the item is not completed. Work for another time unit and try again.

    2. If the Craft check fails by 4 or more, half of the raw materials are ruined. Pay half the raw materials cost to replace the ruined


    3. If the Craft check fails by 8 or more and you are using Craft (alchemy), your laboratory explodes. Pay to replace it as well as the

    ruined raw materials (as number 2 above). Also make a TN 11 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid 1d6 points of fire damage.

    Repairing ItemsYou can repair an item by making checks against the same TN that it took to make the item in the first place. The cost of

    repairing an item is 20% of the item's price.

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    Construction (Stone/Wood)When building a structure from scratch, the character describes the kind of structure he or she wants to construct; then the GM

    decides if the structure is simple, moderate, complex, or advanced in scope and difficulty.


    Type of structure Craft TN Time

    Simple (bookcase, false wall) 11 2 days

    Moderate (catapult, shed, deck) 15 4 days

    Complex (bunker, domed ceiling) 17 1 week

    Magnificent (cathedral) 19 10 years

    Fine ArtsYou can draw and sketch, and, with proper materials, produce works of fine art such as paintings and sculptures.

    Check result Effort Archieved

    1-8 Untalented amateur9-12 Talented amateur

    13-16 Professional

    17-19 Expert

    20+ Master

    JewelryYou are trained in cutting gems and fashioning jewelry. When finding a gem, a jeweler can attempt to improve its cut, thereby

    increasing its value.

    However, failure has a chance of ruining the stone. The TN of the check is dependent on the initial value of the gem, as follows:

    Check result Final valueTN – 9+ Initial value decreases by 1 step

    TN -4 to -8 Initial value is cut in half  

    TN -1 to -3 Initial value is unchanged

    TN 0 to +4 Initial value increases by 20%

    TN +5 to +8 Initial value is doubled

    TN +9+ Initial value increases by 1 step

    Initial value TN10 sp 9

    50 sp 11

    100 sp 13

    500 sp 15

    1000 sp 17

    5000 sp 19

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    REQUIREMENT: Intelligence 2 or higher

    You know how to create potions and bombs using alchemical formulas.

    These vials are not magic, though some may treat them that way. If you have the ingredients, you can make

    one vial in an hour.

    NOTE: You need to know a vial’s lower DEGREE recipes in order to learn its more advanced recipes.

    Novice: You know how to prepare basic potions and bombs. Choose

    three NOVICE potions and/or bombs you know how to make from

    memory. You can brew other NOVICE concoctions as you find and

    learn their recipes.

    Journeyman: You have learned how to prepare more effective—

    and more dangerous—concoctions. Choose two JOURNEYMAN potions

    and/or bombs you know how to make from memory. You can brew

    other JOURNEYMAN concoctions as you find and learn their recipes.

    Master: You have learned how to prepare the most efficient potions

    and deadliest bombs. Choose two MASTER potions and/or bombs you

    know how to make from memory. You can brew other MASTER

    concoctions as you find and learn their recipes.


    The following potions and bombs replace the original grenades and the according rules. Each concoction

    exists in three degrees (NOVICE, JOURNEYMAN, and MASTER). In order to learn a recipe of a higher degree,

    you need to already know its lower degree versions.


    Taking a potion or bomb out of a pouch is a Minor Action (Ready ).

    Throwing a bomb in hand is a Ranged Attack ( Accuracy: Bombs).

    Imbibing a potion in hand is a Minor Action ( Activate).

    Degree Buy Cost Make Cost Recipe Cost

    Novice 25 sp 5 sp 5 gp

    Journeyman 50 sp 10 sp 10 gp

    Master 100 sp 20 sp 20 gp

    Anyone carrying grenades is asking for trouble, whether they have the Alchemy talent or not. All enemies

    attacking such characters can perform the Kaboom! stunt.

    SP Cost Stunt 3

    Kaboom! Your attack detonates either a grenade held by your target or carried by your target. (“Held”

    means “prepared to throw”; “carried” means “stowed somewhere on their person.”) If your targethas the Alchemy talent, their carried grenades may not be chosen. Held grenades must always be chosen

    before carried grenades, if both are legal targets. If carried grenades are targeted and multiple grenades

    are being carried, the GM randomly determines the exploding grenade among them. The detonated

    grenade inflicts its full damage on your target and anyone else within 2 yards of him. Be aware that if you

    inflict this stunt on a melee attack, you are within 2 yards of the exploding grenade, unless you also


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    Antidote: Distilled from snake glands and powdered toads, Antidotes are administered to counter the effects

    of ongoing poison. You can drink multiple antidotes for additional effect.

    Novice: You may re-roll a failed CONSTITUTION test to resist a poison. If the poison does not allow a test, it

    automatically reduces any one poison effect by one degree (e.g. a debilitating -2 modifier to all action tests is

    reduced to -1).

    Journeyman: You may re-roll a failed CONSTITUTION test to resist a poison with a +2 bonus. If the poison

    does not allow a test, it automatically reduces any one poison effect by two degrees (e.g. a debilitating -2

    modifier to all action tests is reduced to 0).Master: You may re-roll a failed CONSTITUTION test to resist a poison with a +4 bonus. If the poison does not

    allow a test, it automatically reduces any one poison effect by three degrees (e.g. a debilitating -3 modifier to

    all action tests is reduced to 0).

    Healing Potion: Made from rare herbs and mosses, Healing Potions restore a number of lost HEALTH. Healing

    Potions do not count as magical healing, though many folk might believe otherwise.

    Novice: Restores 1d6 + CONSTITUTION in lost HEALTH.

    Journeyman: Restores 2d6 + CONSTITUTION in lost HEALTH.

    Master: Restores 3d6 + CONSTITUTION in lost HEALTH.

    Liquid Courage: Made from hot chili peppers and squeezed animal… parts, this LIQUID COURAGE increases

    the recipients courage up to the point of foolishness, but without the debilitating effects of alcohol. Multiple

    doses don’t stack, only the strongest degree takes effect.

    Novice: You gain a +1 bonus on all WILLPOWER (Courage / Morale) tests for 1 hour.

    Journeyman: You gain a +2 bonus on all WILLPOWER (Courage / Morale) tests for 1 hour.

    Master: You gain a +3 bonus on all WILLPOWER (Courage / Morale) tests for 1 hour.

    Mage's Elixir: MAGE’S ELIXIRS are made from magically infused plants and Lyrium dust. They restore a small

    portion of a mage’s spell power.

    Novice: Restores 1d6 + WILLPOWER in lost MAGIC POINTS.

    Journeyman: Restores 2d6 + WILLPOWER in lost MAGIC POINTS.

    Master: Restores 3d6 + WILLPOWER in lost MAGIC POINTS.

    Rogue's Brandy: This brandy, spiked with pulverized rare bird feathers and strange underground mushrooms,

    increases the user’s glibness and suave. Multiple doses don’t stack, only the strongest degree takes effect.

    Novice: You gain a +1 bonus on all COMMUNICATION tests for 10 minutes.

    Journeyman: You gain a +1 bonus on all COMMUNICATION tests for 1 hour.

    Master: You gain a +2 bonus on all COMMUNICATION tests for 1 hour.

    Warrior's Stout: This special-brew stout, seasoned with rare herbs and meat broth, bolsters a man’s strength

    (and the confidence in his stomach). Multiple doses don’t stack, only the strongest degree takes effect.

    Novice: You gain a +1 bonus to your STRENGTH for 1 minute.

    Journeyman: You gain a +2 bonus to your STRENGTH for 1 minute.

    Master: You gain a +3 bonus to your STRENGTH for 1 minute.

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    Acid Bomb: Acid bombs burn through a target’s armor and leave lasting damage. An armor damaged by acid

    must be repaired with an appropriate STRENGTH (Smithing) or DEXTERITY (Craft) test. If the armor was natural

    (e.g. animal hide or scales), the armor is automatically “repaired” when all HEALTH is regained.

    Novice: The target suffers 1d6 DAMAGE and must reduce its ARMOR RATING by 1.

    Journeyman: The target suffers 1d6+3 DAMAGE and must reduce its ARMOR RATING by 2.

    Master: The target suffers 2d6 DAMAGE and must reduce its ARMOR RATING by 3.

    Dust Bomb: Releasing a cloud of dust, sand, and sharp crystals, DUST BOMBS make it painful to see. The target

    may use his actions to reduce the penalty by -1 per MINOR ACTION and -2 per MAJOR ACTION. Multiple bombs

    don’t stack, only the strongest degree takes effect.

    Novice: The target suffers a -1 penalty on all its ACTION TESTS for the rest of the encounter.

    Journeyman: The target suffers a -2 penalty on all its ACTION TESTS for the rest of the encounter.

    Master: The target suffers a -3 penalty on all its ACTION TESTS for the rest of the encounter.

    Fire Bomb: On impact, this bomb sprays liquid fire that sticks to the target. At the beginning of each of the

    target’s turns, each fire bomb deals damage equal to its degree. The target may use his actions to reduce theongoing damage by 1d6 per MINOR ACTION and 2d6 per MAJOR ACTION. As with any fire-based attack, the

    fire may ignite other flammable items in the area of effect at the GM’s option. Multiple bombs stack, but only

    to a maximum of 6d6 damage per turn.

    Novice: The target suffers 1d6 fire damage per turn.

    Journeyman: The target suffers 2d6 fire damage per turn.

    Master: The target suffers 3d6 fire damage per turn.

    Ice Bomb: Ice bombs freeze the target’s muscles and hinder its mobility. The target of an ice bomb reduces its

    SPEED by half (rounded down) for the rest of the encounter. The target can try to shake of the effects with aMAJOR ACTION and a successful STRENGTH (Might) test.

    Novice: The target must make a successful TN 13 STRENGTH (Might) test to shake of the effect.

    Journeyman: The target must make a successful TN 15 STRENGTH (Might) test to shake of the effect.

    Master: The target must make a successful TN 17 STRENGTH (Might) test to shake of the effect.

    Slick Bomb: Thrown at a target’s feet, SLICK BOMBS create a short-lived patch of highly slippery liquid.

    Novice: The target must make a successful TN 13 DEXTERITY (Acrobatics) test or be knocked prone.

    Journeyman: The target must make a successful TN 15 DEXTERITY (Acrobatics) test or be knocked prone.

    Master: The target must make a successful TN 17 DEXTERITY (Acrobatics) test or be knocked prone.

    Smoke Bomb: One round after the fuse on a smoke bomb is lit, it will begin spewing a thick cloud of smoke

    about 10 feet high, that will spread outwards and obscure normal vision.

    Novice: The smoke spreads at a rate of 1 yard per round for 5 rounds until an area 10 yards in diameter is


    Journeyman: The smoke spreads at a rate of 2 yards per round for 5 rounds until an area 20 yards in diameter

    is filled.

    Master: The smoke spreads at a rate of 3 yard per round for 5 rounds until an area 30 yards in diameter is


    Thunder Bomb: Thunder bombs create a loud sonic blast, confusing and stunning the target. The target must

    succeed at a CONSTITUTION (Stamina) test or is considered STUNNED, as per the JOURNEYMAN DEGREE of the


    Novice: The target must make a successful TN 13 CONSTITUTION (Stamina) test or be STUNNED.

    Journeyman: The target must make a successful TN 15 CONSTITUTION (Stamina) test or be STUNNED.

    Master: The target must make a successful TN 17 CONSTITUTION (Stamina) test or be STUNNED.

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    Special MaterialsA craftsman working with an unusual material (such as Silverite)

    faces a 50% increase in time unit, which stacks with the increase

    in time unit associated with quality items when applicable.

    For example, a Silverite masterwork longsword has a time unit

    of 8 days. Also, unusual materials are harder to work with and

    increase the item's TN as shown below:


    Quality Craft & Cost Armor & Shield Weapon Tools

    Very Poor

    Standard TN -4

    Item cost is 50% of standard

    -50% Time Unit

    +1 Armor Penalty

    -2 Armor Rating

    Shield : -1 Defense

    -1 Atk

    Breaks on a roll

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    Class: Mage

    Requirements: Intelligence 3 or higher

    Crafting magical items requires magical materials, either gathered from magical locations or obtained from a

    magical foundation. Creating a permanent magical item requires the mage to know an arcana that could

    logically be associated with the powers of the item (so a shadow cloak requires the mage to know the

    shadow arcana while the adept's wand would likely require the power arcana). Focus Intelligence

    (Enchantement) apply.

    Novice: The mage can create common magical items. At this level the mage can only create temporary

    magical items. Creating a temporary magical item takes 1 day and 25sp.

    Journeyman: At this level the mage can create. magical items of uncommon level. The mage can now make

    permanent magical items. Creating a common permanent magical item costs 100sp and takes 1 day.

    Creating an uncommon permanent costs 250sp and takes 1 week.

    Master: At this level the mage can craft rare magical items. Creating a rare magical item costs 200gp and

    takes 1 month. The mage cannot normally create legendary items. The mage may be able to create a

    legendary item under specific circumstances with gm permission.

    Power Description C U R L

    Fire Resistance You gain resistance from Fire damage -1 -3 -6 Immunity

    Frost Resistance You gain resistance from Frost damage -1 -3 -6 Immunity

    Light Resistance You gain resistance from Lightning damage -1 -3 -6 Immunity

    Shock Resistance You gain resistance from Force damage -1 -3 -6 Immunity

    Acid Resistance You gain resistance from Acid damage -1 -3 -6 Immunity

    Poison Resistance You gain resistance from Poison damage-1 dmg

    or -2 TN

    -3 dmg

    or -4 TN

    -6 dmg

    or -6 TNImmunity

    Disease Resistance You gain resistance from Disease -2 TN -4 TN -6 TN Immunity

    Regeneration You regenerate hit point as long as your health >0 +1 hp/h +1 hp/rd +3 hp/rd +6 hp/rd

    Ability Bonus You gain a bonus to a specific ability +1 for 1h +1 +2 +3

    Ability Check Bonus You gain a bonus to a specific ability check (ex : Dexterity (Stealth)) +2 for 1rd +2 +4 +6

    Defense Bonus You gain a bonus to your Defense +1 for 1h +1 +2 +3

    Armor Bonus You gain a bonus to your Armor Rating +1 for 1h +1 +2 +3

    Armor Agility You reduce the Armor Penalty -1 -2 -3

    Attack Bonus The item grants a bonus on attack rolls +1 for 1h +1 +2 +3

    Damage Bonus The item grants a bonus to damage rolls +1 for 1h +1 +2 +3

    Focus BonusYou either gain a focus you do not already have, or increase the

    bonus of a focus you do already have by +1.1 Focus 2 Focus 3 Focus

    Talent BonusThe item grants you the benefits of a talent you do not already

    have usually at the Novice level up to Master level.

    N Level

    Or +1 lvl

    J Level

    Or +1 lvlM Level

    Spell BonusThe item grants you, once a day, the use of a particular spell you

    don’t already know.N spell J spell M spell

    Stunt Bonus

    The item grants you the ability to perform a particular stunt at a

    reduced cost in Stunt Points, or to perform a unique stuntnormally unavailable to you. -1 -2 -3

    Stunt Reservoir The item grants you Stunt Point to spent every encounter +1 +2 +3

    Life Bonus The item grants you extra health +1d6 +5 +10 +20

    Mana Bonus The item grants you extra mana +1d6 +5 +10 +20

    Luck BonusThe item may modify one die by one point up or down in order to

    produce doubles to Stunt.1 time 1x/week 1x/day 1x/Enc

    Magical Power The item grants a bonus to Spellpower +1 +2 +3 +4

    Quality Ability (Focus) TN Time Temp. Cost Perm. Cost

    Common Intelligence (Enchantment) 13 1 day 25 sp 100 sp

    Uncommon Intelligence (Enchantment) 15 1 week 5 gp 25 gp

    Rare Intelligence (Enchantment) 17 1 month 20 gp 200 gp

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    Class: Mage, Rogue, Warrior

    Requirements: Intelligence 3 or higher, Dexterity 1 or higher

    You are a trained enchanter, able to inscribe runes onto armor and weapons with Lyrium ink. Focus Dexterity

    (Calligraphy) apply.

    Novice: You can inscribe a Novice rune you know onto a suit of armor or a weapon. A Novice rune takes 2hours to inscribe. You can do it faster with a successful TN 13 Intelligence (Enchantment) test. Each degree of

    success reduces the time by 15 minutes. If your Stunt Die result was 3, for example, you’d do it 45 minutes


    Journeyman: You can inscribe a Journeyman rune you know onto a suit of armor or a weapon. A Journeyman

    rune takes 3 hours to inscribe. You can do it faster with a successful TN 15 Intelligence (Enchantment) test.

    Each degree of success from the Dragon Die reduces the time by 15 minutes.

    Master: You can inscribe a Master rune you know onto a suit of armor or a weapon. A Master rune takes 4

    hours to inscribe. You can do it faster with a successful TN 17 Intelligence (Enchantment) test. Each degree of

    success from the Dragon Die reduces the time by 15 minutes.


    Type Power Description N J M

    Armor Rune of Defense A Rune of Defense makes you harder to hit in combat. +1 +2 +3

    Armor Rune of Fortune

    Once per encounter, you can take a bonus on any one die roll

    (ability test, damage roll, etc.). You can decide to

    use the bonus after the dice are rolled.

    +2 +4 +6

    Armor Rune of ProtectionArmor and shields enhanced with this rune are more resilient and

    get armor rating bonus+1 +2 +3

    Armor Rune of Valiance This rune fills you with courage and give bonus to Willpower tests. +1 +2 +3

    Armor Rune of Warding You gain resistance to magic with a bonus on tests to resist spells. +1 +2 +3

    Weapon Rune of Cold IronA weapon with a Cold Iron rune is a bane to the undead and inflicts

    a damage bonus.+1 +3 +5

    Weapon Rune of Devastation

    This Rune give a bonus when generating stunt points. However, the

    bonus stunt point can only be spent on Mighty Blow and Lethal


    +1 +2 +3

    Weapon Rune of ElementsThis rune add an elemental damage bonus (Fire, Ice, Lightning,

    Acid)+1 +2 +3

    Weapon Rune of Paralyzation

    When wielding this weapon, you can perform the paralyze stunt for

    Stunt Points. The target of your attack must make a successful

    Constitution (Stamina) test or become paralyzed. A paralyzed

    character cannot move at all for the rest of the encounter, loses

    their Dexterity from Defense, and can take no actions, but is not

    subject to a coup de grace unless otherwise unconscious or dying.

    At the start of their turn on each subsequent round, the paralyzed

    character can make another test to end the effect of the rune.

    6 SP


    5 SP

    TN 15

    4 SP

    TN 17

    Weapon Rune of SilveriteA weapon with a Cold Iron rune is a bane to the Darkspan &

    demons and inflicts a damage bonus.+1 +3 +5

    Weapon Rune of Slowness

    When wielding this weapon, you can perform the slow stunt for 4SP. The target of your attack must make a successful Willpower

    (Self-Discipline) test or become slowed. A paralyzed character

    suffers a penalty on attack and casting rolls and a penalty on

    Speed. At the start of their turn on each subsequent round, the

    slowed character can make another test to end the effect of the



    -1 penalty

    -4 speed

    TN 15

    -2 penalty

    -6 speed

    TN 17

    -3 penalty

    -8 speed

    Weapon Rune of StrikingA weapon enchanted with this rune strikes true and get bonus on

    Attack Rolls.+1 +2 +3

    Quality Ability (Focus) TN Time Cost

    Novice Rune Dexterity (Calligraphy) 13 2 hours 10 gp

    Journeyman Rune Dexterity (Calligraphy) 15 3 hours 25 gp

    Master Rune Dexterity (Calligraphy) 17 4 hours 200 gp

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    Your Disguise check result determines how good the disguise is, and it is opposed by others’ Perception check results. If you don’t

    draw any attention to yourself, others do not get to make Perception checks. If you come to the attention of people who are

    suspicious (such as a guard who is watching commoners walking through a city gate), it can be assumed that such observers are doing

    an opposed Perception checks.

    The effectiveness of your disguise depends in part on how much you’re attempting to change your appearance. Creating a disguise

    requires 1d3 × 10 minutes of work.

    Disguise Disguise TN Modifier

    Minor details only -4

    Disguised as different gender1


    Disguised as different race1


    Disguised as different age1


    Disguised as different size1



    These modifiers are cumulative; use any that apply.2 Per step of difference between your actual age category and

    your disguised age category.3 The steps are: young (younger than adulthood), adulthood,

    middle age, old, and venerable.

    If you are impersonating a particular individual, those who know what that

    person looks like get a bonus on their Perception checks according to the

    table below. Furthermore, they are automatically considered to be suspicious

    of you, so opposed checks are always called for.

    Familiarity   Viewer’s Perception Check Bonus

    Recognizes on sight +1

    Friends or associates +2

    Close friends +4

    Intimate +8

    Usually, an individual makes a Perception check to see through your disguise immediately upon meeting you and every hour

    thereafter. If you casually meet many different creatures, each for a short time, check once per day or hour, using an

    average Perception modifier for the group.


    Revente TN

    Revente à 10% du prix 5Revente à 30% du prix 7

    Revente à 50% du prix 9

    Revente à 60% du prix 11

    Revente à 70% du prix 13

    Revente à 80% du prix 15

    Revente à 90% du prix 17+

    Au lieu de revendre à 50% du prix de base d’un objet, si on possède le focus Communication (Bargaining), on peut tenter de

    marchander. L’opération prend 1d3 heures pour faire un test pour les résultats suivants :

    Achat TN

    Achat à 150% du prix 5Achat à 120% du prix 7

    Achat à 100% du prix 9

    Achat à 90% du prix 11

    Achat à 80% du prix 13

    Achat à 70% du prix 15

    Achat à 60% du prix 17

    Achat à 50% du prix 19+

    Modificateurs TN

    Localisation éloignée/monopole +2Hostile (Culture/Race opposée) -4

    Unfriendly (Culture/Race différente) -2

    Indifferent (Même Culture/Race) 0

    Friendly (Même communauté) +2

    Helpful (Même famille) +4

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    You can impress audiences with your talent and skill in your chosen performance.

    Retries are allowed, but they don't negate previous failures, and an audience that has been unimpressed in the past is likely to be

    prejudiced against future performances. (Increase the TN by 2 for each previous failure.)

    Performance DC

    Routine performance. Trying to earn money by playing in public is akin to begging. You can earn 2d6 cp/day. 9

    Enjoyable performance. In a prosperous city, you can earn 1d6 sp/day. 11

    Great performance. In a prosperous city, you can earn 2d6 sp/day. In time, you may be invited to join a

    professional troupe and may develop a regional reputation.15

    Memorable performance. In a prosperous city, you can earn 4d6 sp/day. In time, you may come to the attention

    of noble patrons and develop a national reputation.17

    Extraordinary performance. In a prosperous city, you can earn 1d6 gp/day. In time, you may draw attention from

    distant patrons, and develop a international reputation.19+

    Examples of Performance :

    • Act

    • Dance

    Music instruments• Oratory (epic, ode, storytelling)

    • Sing


    Game Example :

    Bounder is unique among gambling games in that both the players and dealer use dice.

    The dealer gets 3d6, and each player gets 2d20.

    To start, each player bets a stake (minimum 1 cp).

    1. Each player rolls his first d20, making his “point.”

    2. After all players have rolled their points, each player may double his stake if desired.

    3. Then the dealer rolls 3d6. Anyone whose point the dealer matches loses his stake.

    4. Then each player rolls his second d20.

    If the player’s two dice results are on either side of the dealer’s result—one greater than

    and one less than the dealer’s number—he “bounds” the dealer and wins an amount

    equal to the amount he bet. Otherwise, he loses his stake.

    If a player rolls a 1 and a 20 (or a 20 and a 1), he wins double his bet.


    Add or Substract 1 to 1 dice 11

    Add or Substract 2 to 1 dice 13

    Add or Substract 1 to 2 dices 15

    Add or Substract 2 to 2 dices 17

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    You can hide a small object (including a light weapon or an easily concealed

    ranged weapon, such as a dart, sling, or hand crossbow) on your body.

    Your Dexterity (Legerdemain) check is opposed by the Perception check of

    anyone observing you or of anyone frisking you. In the latter case, the searcher

    gains a +2 bonus on the Perception check, since it's generally easier to find such

    an object than to hide it.

    Heavy or baggy clothing (such as a cloak) grants you a +2 bonus on the check.

    Drawing a hidden weapon is a minor action.

    Hide item

    Your training allows you to pick pockets, draw hidden weapons, and take a variety of actions without being noticed.

    A TN 10 Dexterity (Legerdemain) check lets you palm a coin-sized, unattended object. Performing a minor feat of legerdemain, such

    as making a coin disappear, also has a TN of 10 unless an observer is determined to note where the item went.

    When you use this skill under close observation, your skill check is opposed by the observer's Perception check. The observer's

    success doesn't prevent you from performing the action, just from doing it unnoticed.

    If you try to take something from a creature, you must make a TN 13

    Dexterity (Legerdemain) check. The opponent makes a Perception check to

    detect the attempt, opposed by the Dexterity (Legerdemain) check result

    you achieved when you tried to grab the item. An opponent who succeeds

    on this check notices the attempt, regardless of whether you got the item.

    You cannot use this skill to take an object from another creature during

    combat if the creature is aware of your presence.

    You can also use Dexterity (Legerdemain) to entertain an audience as

    though you were using the Communication (Performance) skill. In such a

    case, your “act” encompasses elements of legerdemain, juggling, and the


    Any Dexterity (Legerdemain) check is normally a minor action. However, youmay perform a Dexterity (Legerdemain) check as a free action by taking a -4

    penalty to the attempt.


    Perception has a number of uses, the most common of which is an opposed check versus an opponent's Stealth check to notice

    the opponent and avoid being surprised. If you are successful, you notice the opponent and can react accordingly. If you fail, your

    opponent can take a variety of actions, including sneaking past you and attacking you.

    Perception is also used to notice fine details in the environment. The TN to notice such details varies depending upon distance,

    the environment, and how noticeable the detail is.

    Passive Perception = 9 + Perception + Perception Focus

    Example TN

    Hear the sound of battle 5

    Notice the stench of rotting garbage 5

    Detect the smell of smoke 7

    Hear the details of a conversation or spellcasting 7

    Notice a visible creature 7

    Determine if food is spoiled 9

    Hear the sound of a creature walking 9

    Hear the details of a whispered conversation 11

    Find the average concealed door 11

    Hear the sound of a key being turned in a lock 13

    Find the average secret door 13

    Hear a bow being drawn 15

    Sense a burrowing creature underneath you 17

    Notice a pickpocket Opposed Legerdemain

    Notice a creature using Stealth Opposed Stealth

    Find a hidden trap Varies by trap



    Distance to the source, object, or creature +1/4 yards

    Through a closed door +2

    Through a wall +4/30 cm

    Favorable conditions -1

    Unfavorable conditions +1

    Terrible conditions +2

    Creature making the check is distracted +2

    Creature making the check is asleep +6

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    Jumping and Falling

    You can use the Strength (Jumping) skill to make jumps. The base TN to make a jump is equal to the distance to be crossed (if 

    horizontal) or four times the height to be reached (if vertical). You can’t exceed your speed with a jump check.

    The only modifiers that apply are those concerning the surface you are jumping from.

    If you fail this check by 4 or less, you can attempt a TN 13 Strength (Climb) to grab hold of the other side after having missed the

     jump. If you fail by 5 or more, you fail to make the jump and fall (or land prone, in the case of a vertical jump).

    Running JumpFor a running jump, half the result of your Strenth (Jumping) check indicates the distance traveled in the jump (and if the check fails, the

    distance at which you actually land and fall prone). Halve this result for a standing long jump to determine where you land.

    High Jump TN

    1 foot 5

    2 feet 7

    3 feet 10

    4 feet 13

    > 4 feet +4 per foot

    Long Jump TN

    2 yards 7

    4 yards 11

    6 yards 13

    8 yards 16

    > 8 yards +3 per 2 yards


    Long JumpA long jump is a horizontal jump, made across a gap like a chasm or stream. At the

    midpoint of the jump, you attain a vertical height equal to one-quarter of the

    horizontal distance.

    If your check succeeds, you land on your feet at the far end. If you fail the check by

    less than 5, you don’t clear the distance, but you can make a TN 13 Strength (Climb)

    to grab the far edge of the gap. You end your movement grasping the far edge. If

    that leaves you dangling over a chasm or gap, getting up requires a move action

    and a TN 11 Strength (Climb) check.

    High JumpA high jump is a vertical leap made to reach a ledge high

    above or to grasp something overhead.

    If you jumped up to grab something, a successful check

    indicates that you reached the desired height. If you wish to

    pull yourself up, you can do so with a move action and a TN

    13 Strenght (Climb) check. If you fail the check to jump, you

    do not reach the height, and you land on your feet in the

    same spot from which you jumped.

    These TN has a +4 malus if you do not have at least

    4 yards of space to get a running start.

    These TN has a +4 malus if you

    do not have at least 8 yards of

    space to get a running start.

    Creature Size Vertical Reach

    Colossal 128 ft.

    Gargantuan 64 ft.

    Huge 32 ft.

    Large 16 ft.

    Medium 8 ft.

    Small 4 ft.

    Tiny 2 ft.

    Diminutive 1 ft.

    Fine ½ ft.

    Obviously, the difficulty of reaching a given height varies

    according to the size of the character or creature. The

    maximum vertical reach (height the creature can reach

    without jumping) for an average creature of a given size is

    shown on the table below. (As a Medium creature, a

    typical human can reach 8 feet without jumping.)

    Quadrupedal creatures don’t have the same vertical

    reach as a bipedal creature; treat them as being one sizecategory smaller

    FallingWhen you deliberately fall any distance, even as a result of a missed jump, a TN 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check allows you to

    ignore the first 4 yards fallen, or decrease the Hazard by 1 step, although you still end up prone if you take damage from a fall.

    Hop UpYou can jump up onto an object as tall as your waist, such as a table or small boulder, with a TN 9 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.

    Doing so counts as 4 yards of movement, then hop up onto a counter.

    Pole VaultWhen carrying any long pole or staff, you can use it to augment the height of a jump. Make a running high jump as normal, but

    make a second check at TN 13 to add the length of the pole to the total distance you jump. You may jump above the maximum

    distance normally allowed by your height after applying this modifier. If you fail the check to use the pole, resolve your initial

     jump check, but halve the height it would normally allow you to clear.


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    With a successful Climb check, you can advance up,

    down, or across a slope, wall, or other steep incline

    (or even across a ceiling, provided it has handholds)

    at one-quarter your normal speed.

    A slope is considered to be any incline at an angle

    measuring less than 60 degrees; a wall is any incline

    at an angle measuring 60 degrees or more.

    A Climb check that fails by 4 or less means that you

    make no progress, and one that fails by 5 or more

    means that you fall from whatever height you have

    already attained.

    The TN of the check depends on the conditions of

    the climb. Compare the task with those on the

    following table to determine an appropriate TN.

    You need both hands free to climb, but you may

    cling to a wall with one hand while you cast a spell

    or take some other action that requires only one


    While climbing, you can’t move to avoid a blow, so

    you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). You

    also can’t use a shield while climbing.

    Anytime you take damage while climbing, make a

    Climb check against the TN of the slope or wall.

    Failure means you fall from your current height and

    sustain the appropriate falling damage.

    Climbing is part of movement, so it’s generally part of a move action (and may be combined with other types of movement in a move action). Each

    move action that includes any climbing requires a separate Climb check. Catching yourself or another falling character doesn’ t take an action.

    Make Your Own Handholds and Footholds

    You can make your own handholds and footholds by

    pounding pitons into a wall. Doing so takes 1 minute

    per piton, and one piton is needed per 2 yards of

    distance. In the same way, a climber with a handaxe

    or similar implement can cut handholds in an ice


    Catch Yourself When Falling

    It’s practically impossible to catch

    yourself on a wall while falling. Make a

    Strenght (Climb) check (TN = wall’s TN +

    8) to do so. It’s much easier to catch

    yourself on a slope (TN = slope’s TN + 4).

    Catch a Falling Character While Climbing

    If someone climbing above you or adjacent to you falls, you can attempt to catch the falling

    character if he or she is within your reach. Doing so requires a successful melee attack against

    the falling character (though he or she can voluntarily forgo any Dexterity bonus to Defense if

    desired). If you hit, you must immediately attempt a Strength (Climb) check (TN = wall’s DC + 5).

    Success indicates that you catch the falling character, but his total weight, including equipment,

    cannot exceed your heavy load limit or you automatically fall. If you fail your Strength (Climb)

    check by 4 or less, you fail to stop the character’s fall but don’t lose your grip on the wall. If you

    fail by 5 or more, you fail to stop the character’s fall and begin falling as well.

    Climb TN Example Surface or Activity

    5 A slope too steep to walk up, or a knotted rope with a wall to

    brace against.

    7 A rope with a wall to brace against, or a knotted rope, or a rope

    affected by the rope trick spell.

    9 A surface with ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a veryrough wall or a ship’s rigging.

    11 Any surface with adequate handholds and footholds (natural or

    artificial), such as a very rough natural rock surface or a tree, or an

    unknotted rope, or pulling yourself up when dangling by your


    13 An uneven surface with some narrow handholds and footholds,

    such as a typical wall in a dungeon.

    14 A typical buildings upper-story wall

    15 A typical buildings lower-story wall

    17 A rough surface, such as a natural rock wall or a brick wall.

    19 An overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds, or a

    typical city wall

    21 A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical (or inverted) surface cannot be


    TN Modifier* Example Surface or Activity

    -4 Climbing a chimney (artificial or natural) or other location where

    you can brace against two opposite walls.

     –2 Climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular


    +2 Surface is slippery.+4 Accelerated climbing (half speed)

    +6 Accelerated climbing (full speed)

    +2 One needed hand not free (e.g., holding lamp)

    +6 Both hands carrying objects*

    These modifiers are cumulative; use all that apply

    Rope You can use a rope to haul a character upward

    (or lower a character) through sheer strength. You

    can lift double your maximum load in this manner.


    You know how to swim and can do so even in stormy water. Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water.

    Success means you may swim at up to half your speed (as a major action) or at a quarter of your speed (as a minor action).

    If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress. If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater. If you are underwater, either

    because you failed a Swim check or because you are swimming underwater intentionally, you must hold your breath


    Calm Water 9

    Rough Water 11

    Stormy Water 15

    Hurricane conditions 17

    Tsunami 19

    You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to twice yourConstitution score, but only if you do nothing other than moving or doing free

    actions. If you take a major action, such as making an attack, the remainder of

    the duration for which you can hold your breath is reduced by 1 round. After

    that period of time, you must make a TN 10 Constitution check every round to

    continue holding your breath. Each round, the DC for that check increases by 1.

    If you fail the Constitution check, you begin to drown.

    The TN for the Swim check depends on the water. Each hour that you swim, you

    must make a TN 15 Strength (Swim) check or take 1d6 points of damage

    from fatigue.

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    Professions Craft Income/day

    Alchimiste, Apothicaire, Herboriste, Teinturier, Candle maker, Soap maker, poisoner Alchemy 20 sp

    Armurier, Forgeron Smithing 15 sp

    Architecte, Ingénieur 10 sp

    Artiste (Acteur, Danseur, Musicien, Chanteur, etc…) Varies

    Boulanger, Boucher, Cuisinier, Brasseur, Vigneron, Aubergiste, Apiculteur Cooking 8 sp

    Fabriquant de livre/papier/parchemin Bookbinding 12 sp

    Archerie Bowmaking 15 sp

    Greffier, Juriste, Comptable, Libraire 14 sp

    Marchand Varies

    Maçonnerie, Tailleur de pierre, Briquetier Stone Worker 8 sp

    Cartographe Cartography 12 sp

    Copiste, Enlumineur, Scribe Calligraphy 13 sp

    Charpentier, Tonnelier, Menuisier, Shipbuilder, Charron, Bucheron Wood Worker 8 sp

    Jardinier 3 sp

    Embaumeur, Taxidermist 8 sp

    Fonderie, Ferrailleur Founder 8 sp

    Souffleur de verre Glassmaking 22 sp

    Fermier, Meunier 10 sp

    Eleveur, Dresseur, Berger, Maitre d’étable 8 sp

    Joaillerie, Graveur Jeweler 15 sp

    Fourreur, Cordonnier, Sellier, Tanneur Leatherworking 12 sp

    Serrurier, Armurier (armes à feu), Horloger Mechanic 15 sp

    Peintre, Dessinateur, Portraitiste Painting 8 sp

    Pilote, Chauffeur, Cocher 5 sp

    Masseur, Docteur, Chirurgien, Bourreau, Sage-femme, Acuponcteur 5-20 sp

    Chasseur, Pêcheur, Trapper 8 sp

    Courtisane, Portier, Joueur, Valet, Servante, Laveuse 1-5 sp

    Marin 1-5 sp

    Soldat, Servant 1-10 sp

    Potier Pottery 8 sp

    Sculpteur Sculpting 8 sp

    Tatoueur Tatooing 8 sp

    Drapier, Bonnetier, Mercier, Matelasseur, Tailleur, Coiffeur Tailoring 8 sp

    Tisserand, Cordier, Travail de l’osier, Crochet, Broderie, Tricot Weaving 8 sp

    Run an Inn/Tavern : Profitability is ranked on a scale of –5 to +5.

    Each Sunday, the Profit Rating can change. Owner makes a check to

    influence profitability.

    Profession Check Profit Rating
