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FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was...

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FAO-Unesco Soil map of the world Volume I Legend
Page 1: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It


Soil mapof the world

Volume ILegend

Page 2: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It


Soil map of the world

1: 5 000 000

Volume I


Page 3: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

FAO-UnescoSoil map of the world

Volume I LegendVolume II North AmericaVolume III Mexico and Central AmericaVolume IV South AmericaVolume V EuropeVolume VI AfricaVolume VII South AsiaVolutne VIII North and Central AsiaVolume IX Southeast AsiaVolume X Australasia

Page 4: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It



FAO - Unesco

Soil mapof the world1: 5 000 000

Volume ILegend

Prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organizationof the United Nations

Unesco - Paris 1974

Page 5: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Printed by Tipolitografia F. Failli, Romefor the Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnited Nationsand the United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization

Published in 1974 by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural OrganizationPlace de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris

(I) FAO/Unesco 1974Printed in Italy ISBN 92 - 3 - 101125 - 1

Page 6: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

The project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of theWorld was undertaken following a recommendationof the International Society of Soil Science. It isthe first attempt to prepare, on the basis of interna-tional cooperation, a soil map covering all the conti-nents of the world in a uniform legend, thus enablingthe correlation of soii units and the comparison ofsoils on a global scale. The project, which startedin 1961, fills a gap in present knowledge of soils andsoil potentialities throughout the world, and providesa useful instrument in planning agricultural and eco-nomic development.

The project has been carried out under th.e scien-tific authority of an international advisory panel,within the framework of FAO and Unesco pro-grammes. The different stages of the work includedcomparative studies of soil maps, field and labora-tory work, and the organization of international ex-pert meetings and study tours. The secretariat ofthe joint project, located at FAO Headquarters, wasvested with the responsibility of compiling the tech-nical information, correlating the studies, and draft-ing the maps and texts. FAO and Unesco shared theexpenses involved in the realization of the project,and Unesco undertook publication of the results.


The present volume is the first of a set of ten which,with maps, make up the complete publication ofthe Soil Map of the World. This first volume re-cords introductory information and presents the defi-nitions of th.e elements of the legend which is useduniformly throughout the publication. Each of thenine following volumes contains an explanatorytext and soil maps covering one of the main regionsof the world.

FAO and Unesco wish to express their gratitudeto the government institutions, the InternationalSociety of Soil Science, and the many individual soilscientists who have contributed to this internationalproject. Acknowledgement is made in the relevantvolumes of the assistance received in each mainregion.

The designations employed and the presentationof the material in this publication do not implythe expression of any opinion whatsoever on the partof the Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnited Nations or the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization concerning thelegal or constitutional status of any country, terri-tory or sea area or concerning the delimitation offrontiers.

Page 7: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It



The map

Sources of information

Topographic base

Sheet distribution

Map units

Cartographic representation

Explanatory texts



y 3. The soil units 10

Nomenclature and correlation 11

1 Soil horizon designations 20

Diagnostic horizons 23

3 Diagnostic properties 27

Definitions of soil units 323

3Key to the soil units 43


4 References 55


9 Index 57

Page 8: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

History of the project

Following consultations which took place on theoccasion of the Sixth Congress of the InternationalSociety of Soil Science (isss) in Paris in 1956, it wasdecided that Commission V would give special atten-tion to developing the classification and correlationof the soils of great regions of the world. In conse-quence, soil maps covering Africa, Australia, Asia,Europe, South America and North America atscales ranging from 1: 5 000 000 to 1 : 10 000 000were presented at the Seventh Congress of theSociety held at Madison, Wisconsin, United States,in 1960. This Congress recommended that waysand means be found to publish these maps, whichreflected a vast amount of knowledge accumulatedin different parts of the world on the properties ofsoils and on their distribution. However, it wassoon apparent that nomenclature, survey methods,legends and systems of classification varied widelyand that comparisons were difficult.

In response to the recommendation of the Con-gress, and recognizing the need for an integratedknowledge of the soils of the world, FAO and Unescoagreed in 1961 to prepare jointly a Soil Map of theWorld in association with the Internationa/ Societyof Soil Science. This map was planned to be ata scale of 1 : 5 000 000 and based on the compilationof available soil survey material and on field corre-lation.

The secretariat of the joint project was locatedat FAO Headquarters in Rome.' It was responsiblefor collecting and compiling the technical informa-tion, undertaking the necessary soil correlation, andpreparing maps and explanatory texts in cooperationwith soil scientists from different countries.

On behalf of FAo and Unesco the coordination of the proj-ect was assured by D. Luis Bramo (1961-68), L.D. Swin-dale (1968-70) and R. Dudal (from 1970). The Unesco secre-tariat for the project was composed of V.A. Kovda, M. Batisseand S. Evteev. Officers who were closely associated with thework of the FAO and Unesco secretariats were: O. Franzle andK. Lange in Unesco; K.J. Beek, J. Bennema, M.J. Gardiner,R.B. Miller, A.J. Pécrot, J. Riquier, A.J. Smyth, J.V.H. VanBaten and A.C.S. Wright in FAO. General soil correlationwas entrusted to R. Dudal.


Itnmediately upon the start of the project, FAOand Unesco convened an Advisory Panel, composedof eminent soil scientists from various parts of theworld, to study the scientific and methodologicalproblems relative to the preparation of a soil mapof the world. 2

At its first meeting, held in Rome in June 1961,the Advisory Panet laid the basis for the preparationof an international legend, tb.e organization of fieldcorrelation, and the selection of the scale of themap and of its topographic base. The Panel metsuccessively at Rome in July 1963, at Paris in Jan-uary 1964, at Rome in May 1964, at Moscow inAugust 1966, and at Rome in January 1970. Afirst draft of definitions of soil units and of a corre-lation table were presented to the Eighth Congressof the International Society of Soil Science heldat Bucharest in 1964. At the Advisory Panel meet-ing held at Moscow in 1966 a general agreementwas reached on the principles for constructing theinternational legend, on the preparation of the defini-tions of soil units, and on the adoption of a unifiednornenclature. It was on this basis that the first

2 The participants in this first meeting of the AdvisoryPanel were: G. Aubert (France), M. Camargo (Brazil),J. D'Hoore (Belgium), E.V. Lobova (U.S.S.R.), S.P. Raychaud-huri (India), G.D. Smith (United States), C.G. Stephens (Aus-tralia), R. Tavernier (Belgium), N.H. Taylor (New Zealand),I.V. Tiurin (U.S.S.R.), F.A. Van Baren (Netherlands). V.A.Kovda and M. Batisse represented Unesco; D. Luis Bramao,

Dudal and F. George participated for FAO.In addition to those who participated in the first meeting

of the Advisory Panel, the following, soil scientists took partin successive panel meetings or acted as hosts to regional soilcorrelation activities: F.H. Altaie (Iraq), L.J. Bartelli (UnitedStates), M. Brambila (Mexico), D.A. C,appannini (Argentina),F. Carlisle (United States), N. Cernescu (Romania), J.S. Clay-ton (Canada), R. Costa Lemos (Brazil), W.A. Ehrlich (Canada),P. Etchevehere (Argentina), G. Flores Mata (Mexico), F. Four-nier (France), V.M. Fridland (U.S.S.R.), I.P. Gerasimov(U.S.S.R.), J. K. Gitau (Kenya), S.V. Govinda Rajan (India),E.G. Hallsworth (Australia), W.M. Johnson (United States),Ch. E. Kellogg (United States), A. Leahey (Canada), D. Mul-jadi (Indonesia), S. Muturi (Kenya), H.B. Obeng (Ghana),M. Ohmasa (Japan), M. Oyama (Japan), R. Pacheco (Ecuador),

Pereira-Barreto (Senegal), K.A. Quagraine (Ghana),B.G. Rosanov (U.S.S.R.), R.B. Tamhane (India).

Scientists who were associated with the project for mostof its duration are listed on the legend sheet as scientificadvisors.

Page 9: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

draft of the Soil Map of the World was preparedand presented to the Ninth Congress of the Inter-national Society of Soil Science held at Adelaide in1968. This Congress approved the outline of thelegend, the definitions of soil units, and the nomen-clature. In accordance with the recommendation ofthis Congress that the Soil Map of the World bepublished at the earliest possible date, the first sheetswere printed in 1970.

Successive drafts of regional soil maps and legendswere prepared from a compilation of existing mate-rial combined with systematic field correlation, toensure consistent interpretation of the internationallegend. Major soil correlation activities were under-taken in South America (1962, 1963, 1964, 1965,1966), Mexico and Central America (1965, 1967),North America (1965, 1966, 1972), Europe (1962,1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971), Africa (1961,1963, 1970), South and Southeast Asia (1965, 1966,1972), North and Central Asia (1962, 1964) andAustralasia (1962, 1963, 1968). For Europe, thecorrelation work undertaken by the Working Partyon Soil Classification and Survey of the EuropeanCommission on Agriculture was closely associatedwith the work of the Soil Map of the World.

The conclusions of the advisory panel meetingsand the results of field correlation in various partsof the world were dealt with in 43 issues of the FAo/Unesco World Soil Resources Reports.


The objectives of the Soil Map of the Worldare to:

Make a first appraisal of the world's soil re-sources.

Supply a scientific basis for the transfer of expe-rience between areas with similar environments.

Promote the establishment of a generally acceptedsoil classification and nomenclature.

Establish a common framework for more detailedinvestigations in developing areas.


Serve as a basic document for educational, re-search, and development activities.

Strengthen intemational contacts in the field ofsoil science.

Quantitative and qualitative appraisals of soil re-sources on a global basis have engaged the minds ofsoil scientists from the beginning of the century.Estimates of land reserves have been made in termsof major soil groups, but the figures compiled fromdifferent sources varied widely. Such a variationin estimates reflects the problems which arise overthe consistent interpretation of available source ma-terial, problems which have been given special at-tention in the preparation of the Soil Map of theWorld.

With the tremendous amount of knowledge andexperience gained in the management and develop-ment of different soils throughout the world, thehardship perpetuated in some areas by methods oftrial and error is no longer justified. However, thetransfer of experience from one area to another hasusually been prevented by the seemingly insolubleproblem of comparing one soil with another and ofdescribing it in such a way that people in other coun-tries can recognize it.

The Soil Map of the World supplies a commondenominator by means of which the correlation ofresearch and experimentation can be made. Its gen-eral framework also provides a link between moredetailed surveys.

A major obstacle to a comparative study of soilresources is that soils of the same kind have beengiven a wide variety of names in different parts ofthe world. This diversity in nomenclature not onlyreflects differences in vernacular but also varieties ofapproach to soil classification and dissimilaritiesamong the criteria applied to separate soil units. Thelegend of the Soil Map of the World is not meantto replace any of the national classification schemesbut to serve as a common denominator. Improvingunderstanding between different schools of thoughtcould profitably lead to the adoption of an interna-tionally accepted system of soil classification andnomenclature which would considerably strengthenthe status and impact of soil science in the world.

Page 10: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Sources of information

From the beginning of the century a number ofworld soil maps have been published at scales vary-ing from 1: 20 000 000 to 1: 100 000 000. Thesemaps were based mainly on concepts of soil forma-tion, rather than on knowledge of the soils them-selves. As a result, they varied widely because ofdifferent methods of interpreting general data onrelief, climate, vegetation and geology in terms ofthe distribution of major soil groups. The FAO/Unesco Soil Map of the World differs from theseprevious undertakings; it is based to the maximumextent possible on factual information derived fromactual surveys. As this material is compiled fromsurveys of different intensity it is not of equal pre-cision and reliability. The sources of the materialused are therefore indicated on each sheet by meansof a small-scale inset map, which specifies whetherthe information was derived from systematic soil sur-veys, reconnaissance surveys, or general information.

Where the soil map is based on systematic soilsurveys, the boundaries of the mapping units areplotted from field observations, the density of whichdepends on the scale of the original maps used.

Where the map is compi/ed from soil reconnais-sance, the boundaries are based to a large extenton topographic, geological, vegetational and climaticdata. Information regarding the composition of soilassociations results from field observations, the den-sity of which, however, is not sufficient to enable theboundaries of the mapping units to be checked sys-tematically.

For those parts of the soil map compiled fromgeneral information, both the boundaries of the map-ping units and the composition of the soil associationsare large/y based on the interpretation of data onland forms, geology, vegetation and climate. Onlyoccasional field observations have been made, andthese are insufficient to supply detailed informationod,the distribution of the different soils throughoutthe area.

Approximately 600 soil maps of different scalesand legends have been compiled to form the Soil



Map of the World. They were selected from acollection at FAO of 11 000 maps related not onlyto soils but also to physiography, vegetation, cli-mate, geology and land use. Many of these mapswere used for correlation purposes and for fillinggaps where direct observations had not been made.Intensive use was also made of first-hand informationsupplied by FAO field staff engaged in developmentsurveys.

Topographic base

The Soil Map of the World was prepared on thebase of the topographic map series of the AmericanGeographical Society of New York at a nominalscale of 1 : 5 000 000. This scale was considered tobe the largest possibie for presenting a comprehen-sive picture of the world's soil resources, takinginto account the amount of knowledge at presentavailable. Grateful acknowledgement is made of thepermission given by the American GeographicalSociety to use this map.

The Americas are compiled on a bipolar obliqueconformal projection. The sheets covering Europe,Africa, Asia and Australasia are based on the Milleroblated stereographic projection, a system consist-ing of three conformal projections centred on Africa,Central Asia and Australasia, joined together ina continuous fashion by so-called " fill-in " projec-tions. These fill-in areas, mostly covering the oceans,although not conformal have the property of a con-formal match at their boundaries with the adjacentstrictly conformal projections. As a result there iscomplete angular continuity between all sheets.

Consideration was given in the early stages to theuse of an equal area projection so that the size ofthe mapping units could be directly measured. Anequal area projection has the disadvantage, however,of introducing unnecessarily large distortion. It wasfelt more important to represent the topographic fea-tures and soil patterns in their true shape. The con-formal projection, by which parallels and meridianscut each other at right angles, has the additional

Page 11: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

advantage of facilitating the compilation into onedocument of large-scale sectional maps and it there-fore simplifies considerably the process of reduction.Areas and distances measured directly on the mapare subject to variations related to the projection.However, accuracy can be obtained by use of theconversion tables based on the mean-scale depar-ture ratios published by the American GeographicalSociety.

Sheet dishibution

The base map of the American Geographical So-ciety of New York comprises 16 sheets. For thepurpose of the Soil Map of the World redistributionhas been made over 18 sheets in order to obtain anequal sheet size of 76 x 110 cm frame, and witha view to showing as many countries as possiblein full on at least one of the sheets. A nineteenthsheet is devoted to the legend, and is supplied withthe present volume.

The map sheets have been grouped into majorregions, each of which is described in a separatevolume as follows:

Legend (1 sheet)

North. America (2 sheets)

Mexico and Central America (1 sheet)

South America (2 sheets)

Europe (2 sheets)

Africa (3 sheets)

South Asia (2 sheets)

North and Central Asia (3 sheets)Southeast Asia (1 sheet)

Australasia (2 sheets)

The distribution of the maps is shown on thesheet index reproduced on the legend sheet and oneach map sheet.

Map units

Map units of a world soil map must be sufficientlybroad to have universal validity but must containsufficient elements to reflect as precisely as possiblethe soil pattern of large regions. The legend of theSoil Map of the World comprises an estimated 5 000different map units, which consist of soil units or


associations of soil units occurring within the limitsof a mappable physiographic entity.'

When a map unit is not homogeneous that is,when it does not consist of just one soil unit, whichis generally the case on a small-scale map it iscomposed of a dominant soil and of associated soils,the latter covering at least 20 percent of the area;important soils which cover less than 20 percent ofthe area are added as inclusions. The textural classof the dominant soil and the slope class are givenfor each association. Phases are used where indurat-ed layers or hard rock occur at shallow depth or inorder to indicate stoniness, salinity or alkalinity.Climatic variants need to be considered for inter-pretation purposes.

The different elements of the legend are definedbelow.


The number of soil units which compose thelegend of the Soil Map of the World is 106. Thelegend sheet presents these soil units in an orderwhich reflects the general processes of soil formation.The basic principles which underlie the separation ofthese soil units and their definitions are discussed inChapter 3. Areas of "non soil " are shown on themap as miscellaneous land units.

For easy reference the list of soil units is givenon pages 12-13, and in order to facilitate retrieval ofthe symbols the list is also shown on the legend sheet(in English, French, Russian and Spanish) in thealphabetical order of the abbreviations used to rep-resent them on the map.


Textural classes reflect the relative proportions ofclay (fraction Iess than 2 microns), silt (2-50 microns)and sand (50-2 000 microns) in the soil. The textureof a soil horizon is one of its most pertnanent charac-teristics. It is also a very important one since, incombination with other properties, it is directly relat-ed to soil structure, consistence, porosity and cationexchange capacity.

Three textural classes are recognized (marked bythe figures 1, 2 and 3 on the map) as shown in thetextural triangle on page 5.

At the time the present volume was issued the entire mapseries was not completed. The number of map units forNorth America (sheets II 1-2), Mexico and Central America(sheet III), South America (sheets IV 1-2), Africa (sheets VI1-2-3), South Asia (sheets VII 1-2), North and Central Asia(sheets VIII 1-2-3) and Australasia (sheets X 1-2) was 596,301, 469, 1 509, 383, 442 and 478 respectively. Certain mapunits are common to different map sheets. It is estimatedthat a total of about 5 000 map units cover the whole world.

Page 12: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Coarse textured: sands, loamy sands and sandyloams with less than 18 percent clay, and morethan 65 percent sand.

Medium textured: sandy loams, loams, sandyclay loams, silt loams, silt, silty clay loams andclay loams with less than 35 percent clay andless than 65 percent sand; the sand fraction maybe as high as 82 percent if a minimum of 18 per-cent clay is present.

Fine textured : clays, silty clays, sandy clays, clayloams and silty clay loams with more than 35percent clay.

The textural class is given for the dominant soilof each soil association. It refers to the texture ofthe upper 30 cm of the soil, which are importantfor tillage and water retention. Marked changes intexture within the soil resulting from profile devel-opment are indicated in the definitions of the soilunits (for example, the presence of argillic or natricB horizons or the occurrence of an abrupt texturalchange).

Because of the scale of the map the textural classesshown are limited to three. It is obvious that formanagement purposes soil texture has to be definedmore precisely.


Slope is an integral part of the land surface. Itinfluences drainage, run-off, erosion, exposure, acces-sibility. The slope classes referred to here indicate


the slope which dominates the area of a soil associa-tion.

Three slope classes are distinguished (marked bythe symbols a, b and c on the map)

level to gently undulating : dominant slopes rang-ing between 0 and 8 percentrolling to hilly: dominant slopes ranging be-tween 8 and 30 percent

steeply dissected to mountainous: dominant slopesare over 30 percent.

The effect of slope, for example on run-off anderosion, differs with the soil group and with climate.The separation of the three classes, however, givesa general indication which can be interpreted in re-lation to the other soil characteristics. The limit of8 percent is considered significant for purposes ofmechanization. Class " a " is obviously too broad

to delimit irrigable areas, for example but thescale of the map did not allow a more refined sub-division. Nevertheless the slope classes supply anindication of development potential.


Phases are subdivisions of soil units based oncharacteristics which are significant to the use ormanagement of the land but are not diagnostic forthe separation of soil units themselves. The phasesrecognized on the Soil Map of the World are: stonylithic, petric, petrocalcic, petrogypsic, petroferric,phreatic, fragipan, duripan, saline, sodic and cerrado.

The definitions of the petrocalcic and petrogypsichorizons, the petroferric contact, the fragipan andthe duripan are those formulated in the Soil tax-onomy of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (1974).It is to be noted that in this soil classification sys-tem the petrocalcic and petrogypsic horizons and thefragipan and duripan are diagnostic for separatingdifferent categories of soils. Since the occurrence ofthese horizons has not been systematically recordedin a number of countries, they are shown as phaseson the FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World wherethey have been observed.

Stony phase

The stony phase marks areas where the presenceof gravel, stones, boulders or rock outcrops in thesurface layers or at the surface makes the use ofmechanized agricultural equipment impracticable.Hand tools can normally be used and also simplemechanical equipment if other conditions are par-ticularly favourable. Fragments with a diameter upto 7.5 cm are considered as grave]; larger fragments

Page 13: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

are called stones or boulders. Though it could notbe separated on a small-scale map, this differenceis obviously important for soil management pur-poses.

Lithic phase

The lithic phase is used when continuous coherentand hard rock occurs within 50 cm of the surface.For Lithosols the lithic phase is not shown, sincethe presence of hard rock is already implied in thesoil definition.

Petrie phase

The petric phase marks soils which show a layerconsisting of 40 percent or more, by volume, ofoxidic concretions or of hardened plinthite,' or iron-stone or other coarse fragments with a thickness ofat least 25 cm, the upper part of which occurs within100 cm of the surface. The difference in the petro-ferric phase is that the concretionary layer of thepetric phase is not continuously cemented.

Petrocalcic phase

The petrocalcic phase marks soils in which theupper part of a petrocalcic horizon occurs within100 cm of the surface.

A petrocalcic horizon is a continuous cementedor indurated calcic horizon, cemented by calciumcarbonates and in places by calcium and some mag-nesium carbonate. Accessory silica may be present.The petrocalcic horizon is continuously cemented tothe extent that dry fragments do not slake in waterand roots cannot enter. It is massive or platy,extremely hard when dry so that it cannot be pen-etrated by spade or auger, and very firm to extremelyfirm when moist. Noncapillary pores are filled;hydraulic conductivity is moderately slow to veryslow. It is usually thicker than 10 cm. A laminarcapping is commonly present but is not required.If present, the carbonates constitute half or moreof the weight of the laminar horizon.

Petrogypsic phase

The petrogypsic phase marks soils in which theupper part of a petrogypsic horizon occurs within100 cm of the surface. A petrogypsic horizon is a

For the definition of plinthite see the section on diagnos-tic properties in Chapter 3.

For the definition of the calcic horizon see the section ondiagnostic horizons in Chapter 3.


gypsic horizon4 that is so cemented with gypsumthat dry fragments do not s/ake in water and rootscannot enter. The gypsum content in the petro-gypsic horizon is commonly far greater than theminimum requirements for the gypsic horizon andusually exceeds 60 percent.

Petroferric phase

The petroferric phase marks soils in which theupper part of the petroferric horizon occurs within100 cm of the surface. A petroferric horizon is acontinuous layer of indurated material, in which ironis an important cement and organic matter is absent,or present only in traces. The indurated layer mustbe continuous or, when it is fractured, the averagelateral distance between fractures must be 10 cm ormore. The petroferric layer is distinguished froma thin iron pan and from an indurated spodic Bhorizon because it contains little or no organicmatter.

Phreatic phase

The phreatic phase marks soils which have agroundwater table between 3 and 5 m from the sur-face. At this depth the presence of groundwater isnot normally reflected in the morphology of thesolum; however, its presence is important for thewater regime of the soil, especially in arid areas.With irrigation, special attention should be paid toeffective water use and drainage in order to avoidsalinization as a result of rising groundwater. Thisphase has been used especially in the U.S.S.R. Inother countries, groundwater depth is not consistentlyrecorded during soil surveys.

Fragipan phase

The fragipan phase marks soils which have theupper level of the fragipan occurring within 100 cmof the surface. A fragipan is a loamy (uncommonlya sandy) subsurface horizon which has a high bulkdensity relative to the horizons above it, is hard orvery hard and seemingly cemented when dry, is weaklyto moderately brittle when moist; when pressure isapplied peds or clods tend to rupture suddenly ratherthan to undergo slow deformation. Dry fragmentsslake or fracture when placed in water.

A fragipan is low in organic matter, slowly or veryslowly permeable and often shows bleached fractureplanes that are faces of coarse or very coarse poly-hedrons or prisms. Clayskins may occur as patches

For the definition of the gypsic horizon see the sectionon diagnostic horizons in Chapter 3.

Page 14: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

or discontinuous streaks both on the faces and inthe interiors of the prisms. A fragipan commonly,but not necessarily, underlies a B horizon. It maybe from 15 to 200 cm thick with commonly anabrupt or clear upper boundary, while the lowerboundary is mostly gradual or diffuse.

Duripan phase

The duripan phase marks soils in which the upperlevel of a duripan occurs within 100 cm of the sur-face. A duripan is a subsurface horizon that iscemented by silica so that dry fragments do notslake during prolonged soaking in water or in hydro-chloric acid.

Duripans vary in the degree of cementation bysilica and in addition they commonly contain ac-cessory cements, mainly iron oxides and calcium car-bonate. As a result, duripans vary in appearancebut all of them have a very firm or extremely firmmoist consistency, and they are always brittle evenafter prolonged wetting.

Saline phase

The saline phase marks soils which, in some hori-zons within 100 cm of the surface, show electricconductivity values of the saturation extract higherthan 4 mmhos/cm at 25°C. The saline phase isnot shown for Solonchaks 5 because their definitionimplies a high salt content. Salinity in a soil mayshow seasonal variations or may fluctuate as a re-sult of irrigation practices.

Though the saline phase indicates present or po-tential salinization, it should be realized that theeffect of salinity varies greatly with the type of saltspresent, the permeability of the soil, the climaticconditions, and the kind of crops grown.

Subdivision of the degree of salinity was not pos-sible at the scale of the map.

Sodic phase

The sodic phase marks soils which have morethan 6 percent saturation with exchangeable sodiumin some horizons within 100 cm of the surface. Thesodic phase is not shown for Solonetz 6 becausethe definition implies a high exchangeable sodiumsaturation in the natric B horizon.

For the definition of a Solonchak see the definitions ofsoil units in Chapter 3.

° For the definition of a Solonetz see the definitions of soilunits in Chapter 3.


Cerrado phase

Cerrado is a Brazilian name for level open countryof tropical savannas composed of tall grasses andlow contorted trees, which is very extensive in cen-tral Brazil.? This type of vegetation is closely re-lated to the occurrence of strongly depleted soilson old land surfaces. The cerrado phase thereforemarks areas where agricultural development meetswith great difficulties. In this instance the type ofvegetation has been used as an indicator for soilconditions since, in this part of Brazil, the densityof soil investigations did not allow a precise separa-tion of the poorer soils.


The preparation of soil maps on a regional orcontinental scale has shown that certain soils occur-ring in different climatic conditions can have similarmorphology and chemical composition. The occur-rence of similar soils in different environmentsmay result from:

Weak soil development on recent sediments whichdo not yet reflect a marked influence of the climateon soil formation (for example, for Fluvisols).

The dominant influence of one or more soil-forming factors other than climate (for example,the occurrence in different climatic belts of Podzolson quartz sands, of Andosols on materials rich involcanic glass or of Vertisols on sediments rich inmontmorillonite).

The effect of previous weathering cycles on soilformation as a result of which soils show marksof climatic conditions which no longer prevail (forexample, the occurrence of Ferralsols in subaridconditions or of Chromic Luvisols in humid tem-perate areas).

Since these soils cannot be distinguished on thebasis of characteristics other than soil temperatureand soil moisture, climatic data have been used inseveral major soil classification systems. In theFrench classification system, the " sols bruns eutro-phes de climats tempérés humides " and the " solsbruns eutrophes tropicaux " have similar generalcharacteristics but they are distinguished because ofthe difference in soil temperature. In Soil taxonomy(U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1974), Xerollsand Udolls have a comparable morphology, butare separated on the basis of a different moistureregime, the Xerolls being mostly dry in summer

This type of vegetation is more precisely described inVolume IV, Soil map of South America (FAo/Unesco, 1971).

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while the Udolls receive an appreciable amount ofrain. In the U.S.S.R., the Alluvial soils are furthersubdivided into Alluvial soils of arctic, boreal, sub-boreal, desertic, semidesertic, semidry subtropical andmoist subtropical regions, on the basis of the dif-ference in bioclimatic conditions under which theyOCCUr.

The Australian soil classification does not usesoil moisture and temperature as keying properties,because it is felt that if soils of similar morphologyoccur under different climatic conditions it is desir-able that a classification scheme should not obscurethis fact by grouping them on the basis of edaphicconsiderations. For the same reason the soil unitsof the Soil Map of the World have not been sepa-rated on the basis of differences in soil temperatureand soil moisture unless such differences are correl-ative with other soil characteristics which can bepreserved in samples. An exception was made forYermosols and Xerosols, which were defined interms of their aridic moisture regime.

Consideration was given to the insertion of" climatic variants " in the Soil Map of the World.However, the separation of such variants would haverequired a general agreement on a climatological clas-sification, and this appeared to be beyond the scopeof the publication. In consequence, only the boun-daries of permafrost and intermittent permafrosthave been shown on the soil map. However, theclimatic maps included in the explanatory texts aimat supplying, in first approximation, necessary datafor assessing the agricultural potential of soils interms of moisture and temperature characteristics asrelated to their other properties. In recognition ofthe importance of temperature and moisture as soilproperties as well as production factors, similarsoils occurring under different climatic conditionsshould be separated when it comes to interpretationand evaluation for development purposes.

Cartographic representation


The soil associations have been noted on the mapby the symbol of the dominant soil unit, followedby a figure which refers to the descriptive legend onthe back of map in which the full composition ofthe association is given.

Example: Lc5 Chromic Luvisols and ChromicVertisols

Fo2 Orthic Ferralsols and FerralicArenosols


Associations in which Lithosols are dominant aremarked by the Lithosol symbol I combined withone or two associated soil units.

Example: I-Bd Lithosols and Dystric Cam-bisols

I-Lc-To Lithosols, Chromic Luvisolsand Ochric Andosols

Where there are no associated soils or where theassociated soils are not known, the symbol I aloneis used.

If information on the texture of the surface layers(upper 30 cm) of the dominant soil is available, thetextural class figure follows the association symbol,separated from it by a dash.

Example: Lc5-3 Chromic Luvisols, fine textured,and Chromic Vertisols

Fo2-2 Orthic Ferralsols, medium tex-tured, and Ferralic Arenosols

Where two groups of textures occur that cannotbe delimited on the map, two figures may be used.

Example: Wm2-2/3 Mollie Planosols, medium andfine textured, and Pellic Verti-sols

Where information on relief is available, the slopeclasses are indicated by a small letter, a, b or c,immediately following the textural notation.

Example: Lc5-3a Chromic Luvisols, fine textured,and Chromic Vertisols, level togently undulating

In complex areas where two types of topographyoccur that cannot be delimited on the map two let-ters may be used.

Example: Fx1-2ab Xanthic Ferralsols, medium tex-tured, level to rolling

If information on texture is not available, thenthe small letter indicating the slope class will imme-diately follow the association symbol.

Example: I-Be-c Lithosols and Eutric Cambi-sols, steeply dissected


Each of the soil units used for the Soil Map ofthe World has been assigned a specific colour. Themap units have been coloured according to thedominant soil unit. Map units having the same

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dominant soil unit but which differ in their associ-ated soils are separated on the map by differentsymbols.

Colour selection has been made by clusters sothat soil regions of genetically related soils will showup clearly.

If insufficient information is available to specifythe dominant soil unit, the group of units as a wholeis marked by the colour of the first unit mentionedin the list. For example, the colour of the HaplicYermosols is used to show Yermosols in general,the colour of the Orthic Podzols to show Podzolsand the colour of the Ochric Andosols to showAndosols.

Associations dominated by Lithos°Is are shownby a striped pattern of the colours of the associatedsoils. If no associated soils are recognized, becausethey occupy less than 20 percent of the area or be-cause specific information is lacking, the colour ofthe Lithosol unit is applied uniformly with a hatchedoverprint.

The analytical colour chart of the legend sheetindicates how the different soil colours are com-posed. Each of the 18 base colours which havebeen used can be produced in four densities, in full(100 percent), in crossed grid (75 percent), in hor-izontal grid (50 percent) or in dotted grid (25 per-cent).

The colour chart shows which combinations ofbase colours and densities have been used to com-pose each of the 106 colours representing the soilunits. This chart should facilitate the reproductionof these colours and possibly at some stage allowfor the standardization of the colour schemes usedfor representing major soil groups.


Phases which indicate land characteristics not re-flected by the soil units or by the composition of thesoil associations are shown on the map by over-prints. The phases listed on the legend sheet are:stony, lithic, petric, petrocalcic, petrogypsic, petro-ferric, phreatic, with fragipan, with duripan, saline,sodic and cerrado. Phases are normally shown onlywhen they apply to the whole area covered by a mapunit. They may be given for only a part of a map


unit when the area to which they apply can be de-limited.

Areas of dunes or shifting sands, glaciers andsnow caps, salt flats, rock debris or desert detritusare also shown by overprints as miscellaneous landunits. Where the extent of the land unit is largeenough to be shown separately the sign may beprinted over a blank background. When a landunit occurs in combination with a soil associationthe sign may be printed over the soil colour. Boun-daries of permafrost and intermittent permafrost areindicated separately from those of the map units.

Explanatory texts

The map sheets of each of the major regions ofthe world are accompanied by an explanatory text.Each volume describes the specific development ofthe Soil Map of the World pro¡ect for this region,and indicates sources of information and the corre-lation work carried out.

Environmental conditions, climate, vegetation,physiography and lithology are dealt with in relation tosoil distribution. It should be pointed out that thesystems used for describing environmental factors arenot the same in all volumes. For climate and vege-tation no generally accepted classifications are in use,so that the selection of the system to be used wasleft to the discretion of the authors.

Each volume lists the soil associations which havebeen separated on the map with indication of asso-ciated soils, inclusions, phases, areas of units in 1 000ha, climate, countries of occurrence, vegetation andlithology of parent materials. In certain regions ithas not been possible to collect all the informationrequired, so that only part of it is given.

The distribution of the major soils is discussedin terms of broad soil regions. Special attention isgiven in each volume to the present land use and thesuitability of the land for both traditional and im-proved farming methods.

For each region a number of site and profile de-scriptions, with analyses, are given in an appendix.

It should be stressed that the explanatory textsto the Soil Map of the World are not monographson the soils of a given region but are intended tofacilitate the use and interpretation of the map.

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Lack of a generally accepted system of soil classifi-cation was a major obstacle to the preparation ofthe Soil Map of the World. The systems at presentin use show profound divergencies resulting fromdifferences in approach to classification as such,varying concepts of soil formation and dissimilaritiesin the environments to which the systems were tobe applied. It was therefore necessary to establisha common denominator between different soil clas-sification systems, and to combine into one outlinethe major soil units which have been recognized inall parts of the world, both in virgin conditions andunder cultivation.

The soil units adopted were selected on the basisof present knowledge of the formation, characteristicsand distribution of the soils covering the earth's sur-face, their importance as resources for productionand their significance as factors of the environment.These units do not correspond to equivalent catego-ries in different classification systems, but they aregenerally comparable to the " great group level.

To secure reliable identification and correlation inareas far apart, the soil units have been defined interms of measurable and observable properties. Tokeep the system " natural, " the differentiating cri-teria are essential properties of the soil itself. Keyproperties have been selected on the basis of generallyaccepted principles of soil formation so as to corre-late with as many other characteristics as possible.Such clusters of properties are combined intoso-called " diagnostic horizons " which have beenadopted for formulating the definitions. Many keyproperties are relevant to soil use and have a practi-cal value for application. As a result, the units whichhave been distinguished have prediction value forthe use of the soil.

The construction of the legend is based on aninternational agreement regarding the major soils tobe represented on the Soil Map of the World.No consensus could be obtained, however, on the" weight " which each of these units should havewithin a classification " system ." It is precisely inthe concepts on which the subdivisions in categoriesare based zonality, evolution, morphology, ecologyor geography that existing soil classification sys-


tems differ most. It appeared that, apart fromdifferences in approach, available knowledge of theworld's soils would have made it difficult to applyany of these concepts on a global basis.

The list of soil units used here is therefore a mono-categorical classification of soils, and not a taxo-nomic system subdivided into categories at differentlevels of generalization. However, for the sake ofa logical presentation, the soil units of the legendhave been grouped on the basis of generally acceptedprinciples of soil formation: Fluvisols, influenced bya floodplain regime; Gleysols, dominated by thehydromorphic soil-forming process; Chernozems, inwhich organic matter accumulates over great depthin the presence of calcium carbonate; Luvisols andAcrisols, characterized by illuviation of clay underconditions of high and low base saturation respec-tively; Podzols, in which illuviation of organic matterandjor sesquioxides is determining; Cambisols, char-acterized by weak weathering of rock without im-portant migration of weathering products within theprofile; Planosols, in which strong textural differen-tiation is caused by a destruction of clay in the sur-face layers; Ferralsols, in which destruction of thesorptive complex and accumulation of hydrated oxidesprevail.

Furthermore, an attempt has been made to presentthe soil units on the basis of a geographic and evo-lutionary background, listing first the soils whichare not bound to specific climatic conditions andare weakly developed, the Fluvisols, and endingwith the strongly weathered soils of the humid tropics,the Ferralsols. The concept of degree of soil pro-file development cannot, however, be used consistent-ly for classification purposes, since soils in differentparts of the world are not members of a continuoussequence of soil formation. For example, one canhardly compare the degree of development of Podzolsand Ferralsols, or of Luvisols and Kastanozems, sincethese soils are products of different environmentsand of different combinations of soil-forming pro-cesses.

The same applies to the concept of zonality, sincethe influence of climatic factors is often secondaryto the effect of parent material or age: for instance,

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Podzols may occur both under boreal and tropicalclimates; Planosols are formed under conditions ofalternating wetness and dryness which are often boundto specific physiographic conditions rather than tooverall climate.

The soil classification used for the Soil Map ofthe World is not a mere summation of elements butis meant to allow for a creative synthesis and factualinventory of the distribution and characteristics ofthe world's soils which can be used for both prac-tical and scientific purposes. It is fully realized thatthe present attempt has many shortcomings, someof which result from the necessity of reachingagreement through compromise. It is hoped that itwill be an important step toward the adoption ofan internationally accepted soil classification.

This chapter will deal with the nomenclature adopt-ed, the correlation of the soil units with those ofexisting soil classification systems, the definition ofthe diagnostic horizons and properties which havebeen used for defining the soil units, and finally withthe definitions of the soil units themselves.

Nomenclature and correlation

For easy reference and communication, the useof soil names is a necessity. Such names are meantto sum up, in an easily remembered term, a set ofcharacteristics which have been found to be represen-tative of a particular soil in different parts of theworld.

An attempt has been made to use as many" traditional " names as possible, such as Cherno-zems, Kastanozems, Podzols, Planosols, Solonetz,So lonchaks, Rendzinas, Regosols and Lithosols.Names which in recent years have acquired a moregeneral acceptance, like Vertisols, Rankers, Ando-sols, Gleysols and Ferralsols, have also been adopt-ed. Sharpening the definitions of these units by theuse of precisely defined terms may have created anarrower concept than that found in the literaturefor units bearing the same names. It should there-fore be stressed that the uniformity aimed at in thepreparation of the Soil Map of the World will bereached only if the names are used in accordancewith the definitions which have been agreed upon,possibly at the cost of restricting the meaning whichthey have acquired locally.

A number of terms, such as Podzolized, Podzolic,Brown Forest, Prairie, Mediterranean, Desert, Semi-Arid Brown, Lateritic and Alluvial soils, though firmlyestablished in current soils literature, could not beretained without perpetuating the confusion createdby the dissimilar use of these terms in different coun-


tries. For a limited number of soils it was imperativeto coin new names Their selection was influencedby the requirement for international work that thenames themselves would not change markedly withtranslation nor have different meanings in differentcountries.

Throughout the years the terms " podzolized " and" podzolic " have come to be used to indicate illu-vial clay accumulation, the formation of a bleachedhorizon, the penetration of bleached tongues of elu-vial material in a B horizon, an abrupt textural changebetween the eluvial laorizon and B horizon, andilluviation of acid organic matter or sesquioxides.In order to avoid the confusion which has arisenfrom the different uses of these terms, the namesLuvisols (from L. luvi, perfect tense from luo, towash, " lessiver "), and Acrisols (from L. acris, veryacid) have been introduced for soils in which theessential characteristic is the illuvial accumulationof clay under conditions of, respectively, high or lowbase saturation. The term " luvic " is used asan adjective to designate soils showing clay illuvia-tion which is not, however, considered to be thedominant soil-forming process (for example, LuvicChernozems, Luvic Xerosols, etc.). Soils in whichan abrupt textural change is not primarily due to clayilluviation but to a destruction of clay in the sur-face horizons, are distinguished as Planosols (fromL. planus, level, flat; connotative of the level ordepressed topography in which these soils generallydevelop). The term Podzols is reserved here forsoils which have a B horizon showing a substantialilluvial accumulation of iron or organic matter, orboth, but lacking clayskins on ped faces or in pores.Soils showing characteristics both of Luvisols andof Podzols, characterized by an illuvial accumula-tion of clay, tonguing of the E horizon into the Bhorizon, and an accumulation of iron and organicmatter in addition to the accumulation of clay, havebeen called Podzoluvisols. 1

The name " Brown Forest soils " has been usedto describe a wide variety of different soils. In itsoriginal concept it was a soil developing in sub-humid temperate climates, having a " mull " hu-mus, a B horizon with a stronger coloration anda slightly higher clay content than the C horizon,but showing no signs of clay illuviation, and hav-ing calcium carbonate in the lower part of thesolum. Subsequently this term was used also foracid soils (Acid Brown Forest soils), tropical soils(Sols bruns eutrophes tropicaux) and for soils with

The name Glossisols (from Gr. glossa, tongue) was alsoproposed for these soils on account of the tonguing which ischaracteristic of them. However, as they are called podzolicin large areas of Europe, it was decided that this precedenceshould be taken into account in coining the new name.

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Soil units


Je Eutric Fluvisols

Jc Calcaric Fluvisols

Jd Dystric Fluvisols

Jt Thionic Fluvisols


Ge Eutric GleysolsGe Calcaric Gleysols

Gd Dystric Gleysols

Gm Mollic Gleysols

Gh Humic GleysolsGp Plinthic Gleysols

Gx Gelic Gleysols


Re Eutric Regosols

Re Calcaric Regosols

Rd Dystric RegosolsRx Gelic Regosols



Qc Cambie Arenosols

Q1 Luvic Arenosols

Qf Ferralic Arenosols

Qa Albic Arenosols




To Ochric Andosols

Tm Mollic AndosolsTh Humic AndosolsTv Vitric Andosols


Vp Pellic Vertisols

Vc Chromic Vertisols



Zo Orthic Solonchaks

Zm Mollie Solonchaks

Zt Takyric Soionchaks

Zg Gleyic Solonchaks


So Orthic Solonetz

Sm Mollic Solonetz

Sg Gleyic Solonetz


Yh Haplic Yermosols

Yk Calcic Yermosols

Yy Gypsic YermosobY1 Luvic Yermosols

Yt Takyric Yermosols


Xh Haplic Xerosols

Xk Calcic XerosolsXy Gypsic XerosolsXI Luvic Xerosols


Kh Haplic Kastanozems

Kk Calcic Kastanozems

IC1 Luvic Kastanozems


Ch Haplic Chernozems

Ck Calcic Chernozems

Cl Luvic Chernozems

Cg Glossic Chernozems


Ilh Haplic PhaeozemsHe Calcaric PhaeozemsHI Luvic Phaeozems

Hg Gleyic Phaeozems


Mo Orthic Greyzems

Mg Gleyic Greyzems

Page 20: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It


Be Eutric Cambisols

Bd Dystric Cambisols

Bh Humic CambisolsBg Gleyic Cambisols

Bx Gelic Cambisols

Bk Calcic Cambisols

Bc Chromic Cambisols

By Vertic Cambisols

Bf Ferralic Cambisols


Lo Orthic Luvisols

Le Chromic Luvisols

Lk Calcic Luvisols

Ly Vertic Luvisols

Lf Ferric Luvisols

La Albic Luvisols

Lp Plinthic Luvisols

Lg Gleyic Luvisols


De Eutric Podzoluvisols

Dd Dystric Podzoluvisols

Dg Gleyic Podzoluvisols


Po Orthic Podzols

PI Leptic Podzols

Pf Ferric Podzols

Ph Humic Podzols

Pp Placic Podzols

Pg Gleyic Podzols


We Eutric Planosols

Wd Dystric Planosols

Wm Mollic Planosols

Wh Humic Planosols

Ws SoIodic Planosols

Wx Gelic Planosols



Ao Orthic AcrisolsAI Ferric Acrisols

Ah Humic Acrisols

Ap Plinthic Acrisols

Ag Gleyic Acrisols


Ne Eutric NitosolsNd Dystric Nitosols

Nh Humic Nitosols


Fo Orthic Ferralsols

Fx Xanthic Ferralsols

Fr Rhodic Ferralsols

Fh Humic Ferralsols

Fa Acre FerralsolsFp Plinthic Ferralsols


Oe Eutric Histosols

Od Dystric Histosols

Ox Gelic Histosols

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clay illuviation (Podzolized Brown Forest soils).Further difficulties arise in separating Brown Forestsoils from Brown Wooded soils, Burozems, Bruno-sols or Brown soils, and in justifying how certainBrown Forest soils may be red or yellow or maynever have borne any type of forest. For thesereasons the name Cambisols was coined as a commondenominator (from late L. cambiare, change, con-notative of changes in colour, consistence and struc-ture which result from weathering in situ).

The term Phaeozems (from Gr. phaios, dusky, con-notative of the dark colour of the A horizon) hasbeen coined for soils which occur in a transitionalbelt between Chernozems or Kastanozems and Luvi-sols. In literature these soils have been known asPrairie soils, Brunizems, Chernozems or degradedChernozems. None of these terms was suitable forinternational use because of the restricted meaningresulting from the reference either to different veg-etative cover or to colour connotations which are notuniversally valid.

Compilation of data for international correlationhas revealed that the concepts of " desert " and" desert soils " vary rather widely from one conti-nent to another. Subsequently the term " semi-arid," as used in Semi-Arid Brown soils, has alsoacquired a wide range of connotations. For thisreason the names Yermosols (from L. eremus, deso-late, connotative of empty spaces; cf. Sp. yermo,desert) and Xerosols (from Gr. xeros, dry) have beencoined to allow for a better correlation of soils foundin different arid and semiarid environments.

The term " Lateritic " was originally restricted tosoils, or to weathered material rich in iron whichhardens upon exposure. The term was progressive-ly extended to soils with mottled clay, soils withlayers of loose concretions, soils with thick iron pansand, even more broadly, to red or yellow soils oftropical regions. A number of alternative nameswith more specific definitions have been proposed,such as Allitic or Alferritic soils, Ferrallitic, Ferral-sols, Krasnozems, Laterized soils, Latosols, Ochro-sols, Oxisols, Red earths. The name Ferralsols,which combines brevity, connotation and a fairlywide acceptance, has been retained.

The term Lateritic is particularly inappropriatefor the so-called Reddish-Brown Lateritic soils.These show a movement of clay within the profilebut have diffuse horizon boundaries and a deeplystretched clay bulge, and generally show a low clayactivity. Because of their favourable physical prop-erties and their often higher fertility, especiallywhen derived from basic rock, these soils are sep-arated from the Ferralsols. They have been calledNitosols (from L. nitidus, shiny, bright, lustrous,connotative of their characteristic shiny ped faces).


Widely divergent uses have also been made of theterm " Alluvial soils. " In its most restricted sensethis name has been applied to soils on recent alluvialdeposits, enriched at regular intervals by fresh sedi-ments and showing no profile development. In con-trast, the broadest connotation of the term includessoils developed from alluvial deposits, regardless ofage, in which some profile development may evenhave taken place. In order to avoid differences ofinterpretation the name Flavisols has been intro-duced and newly defined.

The introduction of the names Histosols (fromGr. histos, tissue) for organic soils, and Arenosols(from L. arena, sand) for weakly developed sandysoils, needs no explanation. These changes havebeen made to obtain short names which are easilytranslated.

The nomenclature of the soil units is reviewedbelow, indicating the etymology of the name. Tofacilitate the use of the Soil Map of the World ter-minology, a comparison is made with names usedin some other classification systems.

Since the range of variability allowed for in eachsystem may differ widely, the old and new termsrarely match exactly. The soils grouped under themajor headings which follow are similar, althoughthe names they have been given in different countriesare seldom synonymous. It should be stressed thatthe preparation of soil maps on the basis of theinternational legend cannot be made by a mereconversion of names. The correlation listed belowis indicative but cannot replace the use of the orig-inal data for placing soils in the uniform legend.To obtain an accurate correlation each classificationsystem would have to be dealt with separately andsystematically, and this would be beyond the scopeof the present study.

The soil classification systems to which more fre-quent reference is made in this chapter are thosedeveloped in the following countries: Australia (Aus-tral.), Brazil (Br.), Canada (Can.), France (Fr.),Federal Republic of Germany (Germ.), the UnitedStates (U.S.A.), the U.S.S.R., and Zaire (Za).


(From L. fluvius, river; connotative of floodplainsand alluvial deposits): Alluvial soils pp.' (Austral.);Regosols pp. (Can.); Sols tropicaux récents pp. (Za);Sols minéraux bruts d'apport alluvial ou colluvial,Sols peu évolués non climatiques d'apport alluvialou colluvial (Fr.); Auenböden pp. (Germ.); Flu-vents (U.S.A.); Alluvial soils pp. (U.S.S.R.).

2 Pro parte.

Page 22: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Eutric Fluvisols (from Gr. eu, good, eutrophic,fertile).

Calcaric Fluvisols (from L. calciwn; connotativeof an accumulation of calcium carbonate).

Dystric Fluvisols (from Gr. dys, ill, dystrophic,infertile).

Thionic Fluvisols (from Gr. theion, denoting thepresence of sulfur): Brackmarsch pp. (Germ.); Kat-teklei (Netherlands); Catelays, Acid sulfate soils,Terres alunées (Indonesia, Viet-Nam); Mangrovesoils (Guinea, Guyana, U.S.S.R., Venezuela); Sul-faquepts, SuIfic Haplaquepts pp. (U.S.A.).


(From Russian local name gley, mucky soil mass;connotative of an excess of water.)

Eutric Gleysols (from Gr. eu, good, eutrophic,fertile): Rego Gleysols pp. (Can.); SoIs à gley peuprofond peu humifères pp. (Fr.); Gley pp. (Germ.);Haplaquents, Psammaquents, Tropaquents, Anda-quepts, Fragiaquepts, Haplaquepts, Tropaquepts pp.(U.S.A.), Meadow soils pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Calcaric Gleysols (from L. calcium; connotative ofthe presence of calcium carbonate): GroundwaterRendzina pp. (Austral.); Carbonated Gleysols pp.(Can.); SoIs hydromorphes à redistribution du cal-caire (Fr.); Borowina pp. (Germ.).

Dystric Gleysols (from Gr. dys, ill, dystrophic,infertile): Rego Gleysols pp. (Can.), SoIs a gley peuprofond peu humifères pp. (Fr.); Gley pp. (Germ.);Haplaquents, Psammaquents, Tropaquents, Anda-quepts, Fragiaquepts, Haplaquepts, Tropaquepts pp.(U.S.A.) ; Meadow soils (U.S.S.R.).

Mollie Gleysols (from L. mollis, soft; connotativeof good surface structure): Wiesenböden pp. (Aus-tral.); Humic Gleysols pp. (Can.); SoIs humiques

gley pp. (Fr.); Tschernozem-artige Auenböden pp.(Germ.); Lacovisti (Romania); Haplaquolls (U.S.A.);Meadow soils pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Humic Gleysols (from L. humus, earth; rich inorganic matter): Humic Gleysols pp. (Can.); Huma-quepts (U.S.A.); Meadow soils pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Plinthic Gleysols (from Gr. plinthos, brick; conno-tative of mottled clayey materials which harden irre-versibly upon exposure): Plinthaquepts (U.S.A.);Lateritic-Gleysoils (U.S.S.R.).

Gelic Gleysols (from L. gelu, frost; connotative ofpermafrost): Cryic Gleysols (Can.); Pergelic crya-quepts (U.S.A.); Tundra Gleysoils (U.S.S.R.).



(From Gr. rhegos, blanket; connotative of mantleof loose material overlying the hard core of the earth;soils with weak or no development): Skeletal soils pp.(Austral.); Orthic Regosols pp. (Can.); SoIs min&raux bruts d'apport éolien ou volcanique, SoIs peuévolués régosoliques d'érosion, Sols peu évolués d'ap-port éolien ou volcaniques friables (Fr.); Rohbödenpp. (Germ.); Orthents, Psamments pp. (U.S.A.).

Eutric Regosols (from Gr. eu, good, eutrophic,fertile).

Calcaric Regosols (from L. cakium; connotativeof the presence of calcium carbonate).

Dystric Regosols (from Gr. dys, ill, dystrophic,infertile).

Gelic Regosols (from L. gelu, frost; connotative ofpermafrost): Cryic Regosols (Can.); Pergelic Cryor-thents, Pergelic Cryopsamments pp. (U.S.A.).


(From Gr. lithos, stone; connotative of soils withhard rock at very shallow depth). Lithos°ls (Fr.);lithic subgroups (U.S.A.); Shallow mountain soils(U.S.S.R.).


(From L. arena, sand; connotative of weakly devel-oped coarse-textured soils): Psamments pp. (U.S.A.).

Cambie Arenosols (from late L. cambiare, change;connotative of changes in colour, structure or con-sistence resulting from weathering in situ).

Luvic Arenosols (from L. luvi, from luo, to wash,lessiver; connotative of illuvial accumulation of clay):Alfic Psamments (U.S.A.).

Ferralic Arenosols (from L. ferrum and aluminium;connotative of a high content of sesquioxides): Redand yellow sands (Br.); Arénoferrals (Za.); Oxic Quar-zipsamments (U.S.A.).

Albic Arenosols (from L. albus, white; connotativeof strong bleaching): Spodic Udipsamments (U.S.A.).


(From Polish rzedzic, noise; connotative of noisemade by plough over shallow stony soil): Rend-zinas pp. (Austral.); Calcareous Rego Black soilspp. (Can.); Rendzines pp. (Fr.); Rendzina (Germ.);Humuskarbonatbö den (Switzerland) ; Rendol Is(U.S.A.); Dern-carbonate soils (U.S.S.R.).

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(From Austrian Rank, steep slope; connotative ofshallow soils from siliceous material): Rankers (Fr.);Ranker (Germ.); Humussilikatböden (Switzerland);Lithic Haplumbrept (U.S.A.).


(From Japanese An, dark, and Do, soil; connota-tive of soils formed from materials rich in volcanicglass and common/y having a dark surface horizon):Yellow-brown loams and yellow-brown pumice soils(New Zealand); Humic Allophane soils, Trumaosoils (Chile); Acid Brown Forest pp., Acid BrownWooded soils pp. (Can.); SoIs bruns tropicaux surmatériaux volcaniques pp. (Za.); Andosols (Fr.);Andosols (Indonesia); Kuroboku (Japan); Andepts(U.S.A.); Volcanic soils (U.S.S.R.).

Ochric Andosols (from Gr. ochros, pale): Dystran-depts pp. (U.S.A.).

Mollie Andosols (from L. mollis, soft; connotativeof good surface structure): Eutrandepts pp. (U.S.A.).

Humic Andosols (from L. humus, earth; rich inorganic matter): Dystrandepts, Hydrandepts pp.(U.S.A.).

Vitric Andosols (from L. vitrwn, glass; connotativeof soils rich in vitric material): Vitrandepts (U.S.A.).


(From L. verto, turn; connotative of turnover ofsurface soil): Black earths, Grey and Brown soilsof Heavy Texture pp. (Austral.) ; Grumusols (Br.);Grumic subgroups (Can.); Argiles noires tropicales(Za.); Vertisols (Fr.); Pelosols (Germ.); Regurs (In-dia); Grumusols, Margalitic soils (Indonesia); Tirs(Morocco); Barros (Portugal); Vertisols (U.S.A.);Black and Gray Tropical soils, Regurs, Vertisols,Compact soils (U.S.S.R.).

Pellic Vertisols (from Gr. pellos, dusky, lackingcolour; connotative of soils with a low chroma):Black Earths (Austral.); Smolnitza (Bulgaria andYugoslavia); Vertisols à drainage externe nul ouréduit (Fr.); Barros Pretos (Portugal); Pelluderts,Pellusterts, Pelloxererts (U.S.A.).

Chromic Vertisols (from Gr. chromos, colour; con-notative of soils with a high chroma) : Brown soilsof heavy texture pp. (Austral.); some of the typi-cal Cinnamonic soils (Bulgaria); Vertisols 6. drainageexterne possible (Fr.); Barros Castanho Avermel-hados (Portugal); Chromuderts, Chromusterts, Chro-moxererts and Torrerts (U.S.A.).



(From Russian sol, salt.)

Orthic Solonchaks (from Gr. orthos, true, right;connotative of common occurrence): Solonchaks(Austral.); Saline subgroups pp. (Can.); SoIs salinspp. (Fr.); Salorthids (U.S.A.); Solonchaks pp.(U.S.S.R.).

Mollie Solonchaks (from L. mollis, soft; conno-tative of good surface structure): Solonchaks (Aus-tral.); Saline subgroups pp. (Can.); SoIs salins pp.(Fr.); Salorthidic Calciustolls and Salorthidic Hap-lustolls (U.S.A.); Solonchaks pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Takyric Solonchaks (from Uzbek takyr, barrenplain): SoIs bruts xériques organises d'apport (Fr.);Takyr pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Gleyic Solonchaks (from Russian local namegley, mucky soil mass; connotative of an excessof water): Halaquepts pp. (U.S.A.); Meadow Solon-chaks (U.S.S.R.).


(From Russian sol, salt.)

Orthic Solonetz (from Gr. orthos, true, right; con-notative of common occurrence): Solonetz and Solo-dized Solonetz pp. (Austral.); Solonetz pp. (Can.);SoIs sodiques A. horizon B et Solonetz solodisés pp.(Fr.); Natrustalfs, Natrixeralfs, Natrargids, Nadur-argids (U.S.A.); Solonetz pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Mollie Solonetz (from L. mollis, soft; connotativeof good surface structure): Solonetz and SoIodizedSolonetz pp. (Austral.); Black and Gray Solonetz(Can.); SoIs sodiques à horizon B et Solonetz solo-disés (Fr.); Natralbas, Natriborolls, Natrustolls,Natrixerolls (U.S.A.); Solonetz pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Gleyic Soionetz (from Russian local name gley,mucky soil mass; connotative of an excess of water):Solonetz pp. (Austral.); Gleyed Solonetz (Can.);Natraqualfs (U.S.A.); Meadow Solonetz (U.S.S.R.).


(From Sp. yermo, desert): Desert Sand Plain soilspp., Desert Loams pp. (Austral.); SoIs bruts xéri-ques inorganisés pp., SoIs peu évolués xériques pp.(Fr.); Typic Aridisols (U.S.A.); Desert soils (U.S.S.R.)

Haplic Yermosols (from Gr. haplos, simple; con-notative of soils with a simple, normal, horizonsequence): Camborthids and Durorthids (U.S.A.).

Calcic Yermosols (from L. calxis, lime; connota-tive of strong accumulation of calcium carbonate):Calciorthids pp. (U.S.A.).

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Gypsic Yermosols (from L. gypsum): SoIs gypseuxpp. (Fr.); Gypsiorthids pp. (U.S.A.).

Luvic Yermosols (from L. luvi, from luo, to wash,lessiver; connotative of illuvial clay accumulation):Argids (U.S.A.).

Takyric Yermosols (from Uzbek takyr, barrenplain): Takyr pp. (U.S.S.R.).


(From Gr. xeros, dry): Sols bruns isohumiquespp., Sierozems pp., Sols bruns subarides pp. (Fr.);Mollie Aridisols (U.S.A.); Semi-Desert soils, Siero-zems (U.S.S.R.).

Haplic Xerosols (from Gr. haplos, simple; conno-tative of soils with a simple, normal horizon se-quence): Mollie (xerollic or ustollic) Camborthidsand Durorthids (U.S.A.).

Calce Xerosols (from L. calxis, lime; connotativeof strong accumulation of calcium carbonate): Mol-lie (xerollic or ustollic) Calciorthids pp. (U.S.A.).

Gypsic Xerosols (from L. gypsum): SoIs gypseuxpp. (Fr.); Mollic (xerollic or ustollic) Calciorthidspp. (U.S.A.).

Luvic Xerosols (from L. luvi, from luo, to wash,lessiver; connotative of illuvial clay accumulation):Mollie (xerollic or ustollic) Haplargids and Durargids(U.S.A.).


(From L. castaneo, chestnut, and from Russianzemlja, earth, land; connotative of soils rich in or-ganic matter having a brown or chestnut colour):Brown and Dark Brown soils (Can.); Sols châtainspp. (Fr.); Ustolls (U.S.A.); Chestnut soils of theDry Steppes (U.S.S.R.).

Haplic Kastanozems (from Gr. haplos, simple; con-notative of soils with a simple, normal horizon se-quence): Rego Brown and Orthic Brown soils pp.;Rego Dark Brown and Orthic Dark Brown soils

pp. (Can.); Sols chatains modaux (Fr.); Haplustolls,Aridic Haploborolls (U.S.A.).

Calcic Kastanozems (from L. calxis, lime; con-notative of strong accumulation of calcium carbo-nate): Calcareous Brown soils pp., Calcareous DarkBrown soils (Can.); Sols chatains encroiltés (Fr.);Calciustolls, Aridic Calciborolls (U.S.A.).

Luvic Kastanozems (from L. luvi, from luo, towash, lessiver; connotative of illuvial clay accumu-lation): Eluviated Brown soils, Eluviated Dark Brownsoils (Can.); Argiustolls, Aridic Argiborolls (U.S.A.).



(From Russian chern, black, and zemlja, earth,land; connotative of soils rich in organic matter hav-ing a black colour.)

Haplic Chernozems (from Gr. haplos, simple; con-notative of soils with a simple, normal horizon se-quence): Rego Black and Orthic Black soils pp.(Can.); Chernozem modal (Fr.); Haploborolls, Ver-miborolls (U.S.A.); Typic Chernozems (U.S.S.R.).

Calcic Chernozems (from L. calxis, lime; connota-tive of strong accumulation of calcium carbonate):Calcareous Black soils pp. (Can.); Calciborolls pp.(U.S.A.).

Luvic Chernozems (from L. luvi, from luo, towash, lessiver; connotative of illuvial clay accumu-lation): Eluviated Black soils (Can.); ChernozemsB textural (Fr.); Argiborolls pp. (U.S.A.); Podzol-ized Chernozems (U.S.S.R.).

Glossic Chernozems (from Gr. glossa, tongue; con-notative of tonguing of the A horizon into the under-lying layers): tonguing Chernozems of Siberia(U.S.S.R.).


(From Gr. phaios, dusky, and Russian zemlja,earth, land; connotative of soils rich in organic matterhaving a dark colour.)

Haplic Phaeozems (from Gr. haplos, simple; con-notative of soils with a simple, normal horizon se-quence): Brunizem (Argentina); Rego Dark Graysoils pp. (Can.); Brunizem modal (Fr.); Tschernozem(Germ.); Hapludolls (U.S.A.); Degraded Cherno-zems pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Calcaric Phaeozems (from L. calcium; connotativeof the presence of calcium carbonate): Vermudollspp. (U.S.A.).

Luvic Phaeozems (from L. luvi, from luo, to wash,lessiver; connotative of illuvial clay accumulation):Brunizem con B textural (Argentina); Orthic DarkGray soils pp. (Can.); Brunizem à B textural (Fr.);Parabraunerde-Tschernozem (Germ.); Argiudolls(U.S.A.); Podzolized Chernozems pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Gleyic Phaeozems (from Russian local namegley; connotative of an excess of water): GleyedDark Gray soils pp. (Can.); Gley-Tschernozem pp.(Germ.); Argiaquolls (U.S.A.).


(From Anglo-Saxon grey, colour formed by blend-ing of white and black; connotative of white silicapowder which is present in layers rich in organic

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matter, and from Russian zemlja, earth, land; con-notative of soils rich in organic matter having a greycolour.)

Orthic Greyzems (from Gr. orthos, true, right;connotative of common occurrence): Argiborolls pp.(U.S.A.); Gray Forest soils (U.S.S.R.).

Gleyic Greyzems (from Russian local name gley;connotative of an excess of water): Aquolls pp.(U.S.A.); Meadow Gray Forest soils (U.S.S.R.).


(From late L. cambiare, change; connotative ofchanges in colour, structure and consistence result-ing from weathering in situ.)

Eutric Cambisols (from Gr. eu, good, eutrophic,fertile): Orthic Brown Forest soils (Can.); TypischeBraunerde (Germ.); SoIs bruns modaux, SoIs brunseutrophes tropicaux pp. (Fr.); Eutrochrepts pp.,Ustochrepts pp., Xerochrepts pp., Eutropepts (U.S.A.).

Dystric Cambisols (from Gr. dys, ill, dystrophic,infertile): Acid Brown Forest soils or Acid BrownWooded soils (Can.); Saure Braunerde (Germ.); SoIsbruns acides (Fr.); Dystrochrepts, Dystropepts(U. S.A.).

Humic Cambisols (from L. humus, earth, rich inorganic matter): Haplumbrepts, Humitropepts pp.(U.S.A.).

Gleyic Cambisols (from Russian local namegley; connotative of an excess of water): AquicDystrochrepts, Aquic Eutrochrepts (U.S.A.).

Gelic Cambisols (from L. gelu, frost; connotativeof permafrost): Cryic Brunisols (Can.); Pergelic Cryo-chrepts (U.S.A.).

Calcic Cambisols (from L. calxis, lime; connotativeof strong accumulation of calcium carbonate): Solsbruns calcaires, Sols bruns calciques pp. (Fr.); Kalk-braunerde pp. (Gz.rm.); Eutrochrepts pp., Usto-chrepts pp., Xerochrepts pp. (U.S.A.).

Chromic Cambisols (from Gr. chromos, colour;connotative of soils with a high chroma): Sols fersial-litiques non lessivés pp. (Fr.); Xerochrepts pp.(U.S.A.); Cinnamonic soils pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Vertic Cambisols (from L. verto, turn; connota-tive of turnover of surface soil): Chocolate soilspp. (Austral.); Sols bruns eutrophes tropicaux pp.(Fr.); Vertic Tropepts (U.S.A.).

Ferralic Cambisols (from L. ferrum and aluminium ;

connotative of a high content of sesquioxides): OxicTropepts (U.S.A.).



(From L. luvi, from lao, to wash, lessiver; conno-tative of illuvial accumulation of clay.)

Orthic Luvisols (from Gr. orthos, true, right; con-notative of common occurrence): Grey-Brown Podzol-ic soils (Austral., Can.); Sols lessivés modaux (Fr.);Parabraunerde (Germ.); Hapludalfs; Haploxeralfs pp.(U.S.A.); Podzolized Brown Forest soils (U.S.S.R.).

Chromic Luvisols (from Gr. chromos, colour; con-notative of soils with a high chroma): Terra Rossa(Austral., Italy); Red Brown Earths pp. (Austral.);Terra Rossa, Terra Fusca pp. (Germ.); Sols fersial-litiques lessivés (Fr.); Solos Mediterraneos Vermelhoso Amarelos (Portugal); Rhodoxeralfs, Haploxeralfspp. (U.S.A.); Cinnamonic soils pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Calcic Luvisols (from L. calxis, lime; connotativeof strong accumulation of calcium carbonate): Hap-lustalfs pp. (U.S.A.).

Vertic Luvisols (from L. verto, turn; connotativeof turnover of surface soil): Vertic Haploxeralfs(U.S.A.).

Ferric Luvisols (from L. .ferrum, iron; connotativeof " ferruginous " soils): Lateritic Podzolic soils pp.(Austral.); Red-Yellow Podzolic soils of high basestatus (Br.); Sols ferrugineux tropicaux lessivés(Fr.); Grey Podzolic soils pp. (Thailand, KhmerRep., Viet-Nam).

Albic Luvisols (from L. albus, white; connotativeof a bleached horizon): Gray Wooded soils (Can.);Sots podzoliques pp. (Fr.); Eutroboraffs (U.S.A.).

Plinthic Luvisols (from Gr. plinthos, brick; conno-tative of mottled clayey materials which harden irre-versibly upon exposure): Lateritic Podzolic soils pp.(Austral.); Groundwaterlaterites pp. (Ghana); GreyPodzolic soils pp. (Thailand, Khmer Rep., Viet-Nam); Plinthustalfs, Plinthoxeralfs (U.S.A.).

Gleyic Luvisols (from Russian local name gley,mucky soil mass; connotative of an excess of water).Sols lessivés hydromorphes pp., Sols à gley lessivéspp. (Fr.); Gley-Braunerde (Germ.); Aqualfs (U.S.A.);Podzolic G/ey soils pp. (U.S.S.R.).


(From Podzols and Luvisols.)

Eutric Podzoluvisols (from Gr. eu, good; eutrophic,fertile): Sols lessivés glossiques (Fr.); Braunerde-Pseudogley pp., Fahlerde pp. (Germ.); Glossu-daIfs, Glossoboralfs (U.S.A.); Derno-Podzolic soils(U.S.S.R.).

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Dystric Podzoluvisols (from Gr. dys, ill; dystrophic,infertile): Ortho-Podzolic soils (U.S.S.R.).

Gleyic Podzoluvisols (from Russian local namegley, mucky soil mass; connotative of an excessof water): Glossaqualfs, Aquic Giossudalfs, AquicGlossoboralfs (U.S.A.), Podzolic-Gley soils pp.(U. S. S. R.).


(From Russian pod, under, and zola, ash; conno-tative of soils with a strongly bleached h.orizon.)

Orthic Podzols (from Gr. orthos, right, true; con-notative of common occurrence): Podzols humo-ferrugineux (Fr.); Eisenhumuspodsol (Germ); Or-thods pp. (U.S.A.); Humic-Ferrous Illuvial Podzols(U.S.S.R.).

Leptic Podzols (from Gr. leptos, shallow; conno-tative of weak development): Brown Podzolic soilspp. (Austral.).

Ferric Podzols (from L. ferrum, iron): Podzolsferrugineux (Fr.); Eisenpodsol (Germ.); Ferrods(U.S.A.); Iron-Illuvial Podzols (U.S.S.R.).

Humic Podzols (from L. humus, earth; rich in or-ganic matter): Podzols humiques pp. (Fr.); HumusPodsol (Germ.); Humods pp. (U.S.A.); Humus-Illu-vial Podzols (U.S.S.R.).

Placic Podzols (from Gr. plax, flat stone; conno-tative of the presence of a thin iron pan): Thin Iron-pan Podzols (Ireland, United Kingdom); Placorthods,Placohumods (U.S.A.).

Gleyic Podzols (from Russian local name gley,mucky soil mass; connotative of an excess of water):Podzols à gley (Fr.); Gley-Podsol (Germ.); Aquods(U.S.A.); Podzolic Swampy Humic-Illuvial soils(U.S.S.R.).


(From L. planus, flat, level; connotative of soilsgenerally developed in level or depressed topographywith poor drainage.)

Eutric Planosols (from Gr. eu, good; eutrophic,fertile): Planosols pp. (Argentina, Br.); Pseudo-Podzolic soils pp. (Bulgaria); Solos argiluviados para-hidromorficos (Portugal); AThaqualfs, Paleargids pp.,Palexeralfs pp., Paleustalfs pp. (U.S.A.); Podbels(U.S.S.R.).

Dystric Planosols (from Gr. dys, ill; dystrophic,infertile): Planosols pp. (Br.); Pseudogley, Stagno-gley pp. (Germ.) ; Albaquults (U.S.A.).


Mollie Planosols (from L. mollis, soft; connota-tive of good surface structure): Brunizem Planosols(Argentina); Argialbolls, Mollie Albaqualfs (U.S.A.).

Humic Planosols (from L. humus, earth; rich inorganic matter).

Solodic Planosols (from Russian sol, salt): Solo-dized Solonetz pp., Soloths (Austral.); Solods (Can.);Solods (Fr.); Solods (U.S.S.R.).

Gelic Planosols (from L. gelu, frost; connotativeof permafrost).


(From L. (kris, very acid; connotative of lowbase saturation.)

Orthic Acrisols (from Gr. orthos, true, right; con-notative of common occurrence): Red-Yellow Pod-zolic soils pp. (Austral.); Red-Yellow Podzolic soils,low base status (Br.); Hapludults, Haplustults, Haplo-xerults (U.S.A.); Yeltozems pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Ferric Acrisols (from L..ferrum, iron; connotative offerruginous soils) : Palexerults, Paleustults pp.(U. S.A.).

Humic Acrisols (from L. humus, earth; rich in or-ganic matter): Rubrozems (Br.); Humults (U.S.A.).

Plinthic Acrisols (from Gr. plinthos, brick; conno-tative of mottled clayey materials which harden irre-versibly upon exposure): Hygroferralsols lessivésplinthite, Hygro-xéroferralsols lessivés à plinthite(Za.); Plinthaquults, Plinthudults, Plinthustults(U. S.A.).

Gleyic Acrisols (from Russian local name gley,mucky soil mass; connotative of an excess of water):Aquults pp. (U.S.A.).


(From L. nitidus, shiny; connotative of shiny pedsurfaces.)

Eutric Nitosols (from Gr. eu, good; eutrophic, fer-tile): Krasnoz,ems pp. (Austral.); Terra Roxa estru-turada, medium to high base status (Br.); Hygro-ferrisols pp., Hygroxéroferrisols pp. (Za.); Tropudalfs,Paleudalfs, Rhodustalfs pp. (U.S.A.).

Dystric Nitosols (from Gr. dys, ill; dystrophic,infertile): Krasnozems pp. (Austral.); Terra Roxaestruturada, low base status (Br.); Hygroferrisols pp.(Za.); Tropudults, Rhodudults, Rhodustults, Pale-xerults pp. (U.S.A.); Krasnozems pp. (U.S.S.R.).

Humic Nitosols (from L. humus, earth; rich inorganic matter): Tropohumults, Palehumults pp.(U.S.A.).

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(From L. ferrum and aluminium; connotative of ahigh content of sesquioxides): Latosols (Br.); Ferral-sols (Za.); SoIs ferralitiques pp. (Fr.); Oxisols(U.S.A.); Lateritic soils pp., Ferralitic soils pp.(U. S. S . R.).

Orthic Ferralsols (from Gr. orthos, true, right; con-notative of common occurrence): Red-Yellow Lato-sols (Br.); Hygroferralsols pp., Hygro-xéroferralsolspp. (Za.); Sols ferralitiques moyennement à forte-ment désatures pp. (Fr.); Red-Yellow Latosols (Indo-nesia, Viet-Nam); Orthox pp., Torrox pp., Ustox pp.(U.S.A.).

Xanthic Ferralsols (from Gr. xanthos, yellow): PaleYellow Latosols (Br.); Hygroferralsols pp. (Za.);Sols ferralitiques jaunes fortement désaturés pp. (Fr.);Orthox pp. (U.S.A.).

Rhodic Ferralsols (from Gr. rhodon, rose): Lato-sols Roxo (Br.); Hygro-xéroferralsols pp. (Za.); Solsferralitiques faiblement à moyennement désaturés pp.(Fr.); Orthox pp., Torrox pp., Ustox pp. (U.S.A.).

Humic Ferralsols (from L. humus, earth; rich inorganic matter): Humic Latosols (Br.); Sols ferrali-tiques fortement désaturés humiques pp. (Fr.); Hu-mox (U.S.A.).

Acre Ferralsols (from Gr. akros, ultimate; conno-tative of very strong weathering): Acrox (U.S.A.).

Plinthic Ferralsols (from Gr. plinthos, brick; con-notative of mottled clayey materials which hardenirreversibly upon exposure): Plinth.aquox pp. (U.S.A.).


(From Gr. histos, tissue; connotative of soils richin fresh or partly decomposed organic matter): Moorpeats (Austral.); Organic soils (Can.); Sols hydro-morphes organiques (Fr.); Moorböden (Germ.);Histosols (U.S.A.); Bog soils (U.S.S.R.).

Eutric Histosols (from Gr. eu, good; eutrophic,fertile).

Dystric Histosols (from Gr. dys, ill; dystrophic,infertile).

Gelic Histosols (from L. gelu, frost; connotative ofpermafrost).

Soil horizon designations

A soil horizon may be defined as a layer of soil,approximately parallel to the soil surface, with char-acteristics produced by soil-forming processes (U.S.


Soil Conservation Service, 1951). A soil horizon iscommonly differentiated from the one adjacent bycharacteristics that can be seen or measured in thefield such as colour, texture, structure, consis-

tence and sometimes also in laboratory tests. Inaddition to genetic soil horizons many soils showstratification due to variations in parent material orlithological discontinuities. Strictly speaking, a suc-cession of different materials should not be differen-tiated as " horizons " but as " layers. The distinc-tion is not always very clear, however, since soil-forming processes are often active throughoutstratified materials.

A soil is usually characterized by describing anddefining the properties of its horizons. Abbreviatedhorizon designations, which have a genetic conno-tation, are used for showing the relationships amonghorizons within a profile and for comparing horizonsamong different soils.

Horizon designations are therefore an element inthe definition of soil units and in the description ofrepresentative profiles. Horizon designations aredefined in broad qualitative terms, and of course donot substitute for clear and complete descriptions ofthe morphological characteristics of each horizon.

Though the ABC horizon nomenclature is used bythe great majority of soil scientists, the definition ofthese designations and their qualification with suffixesor figures vary widely. Within the framework ofthe Soil Map of the World project, the InternationalSociety of Soil Science (isss) convened a panel ofexperts' to work out a system of soil horizon designa-tions which could be recommended for internationaluse. A first draft was published in Bulletin No. 31of Isss in 1967 and discussed at the Ninth Congressof the Society held at Adelaide, Australia, in 1968.

The following definitions incorporate the numer-ous suggestions received both during discussion atthe Congress and by correspondence.

The symbols used to designate soil horizons areas follows:

Capital letters H, 0, A, E, B, C and R indicatemaster horizons, or dominant kinds of departurefrom the assumed parent material. Strictly, C andR should not be labelled as " soil horizons " but as" layers," since their characteristics are not producedby soil-forming factors. They are listed here withthe master horizons as important elements of a soil

3 This working group met at FAO Headquarters in Rome inSeptember 1967. It was composed of J. Bennema (Nether-lands), J. Boulaine (France), D. Luis Bramdo (FAo), R. Dudal(FAo), S. Evteev (Unesco), I.P. Gerasimov (U.S.S.R.), E. Miloken-hausen (Federal Republic of Germany), R.W. Simonson(United States), A.J. Smyth (FA.o), F.A. Van Baten (Nether-lands).

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profile. A combination of capital letters is usedfor transitional horizons.

Lower case letters are used as suffixes to qualifythe master horizons in terms of the kind of depar-ture from the assumed parent material. The lowercase letters immediately follow the capital letter.Two lower case letters may be used to indicate twofeatures which occur concurrently.

Arabic figures are used as suffixes to indicate verticalsubdivision of a soil horizon. For A and B horizonsthe suffix figure is always preceded by a lower caseletter suffix.

,4rabic figures are used as prefixes to mark lithologicaldiscontinuities.


H: An organic horizon formed or forming fromaccumulations of organic material deposited on thesurface, that is saturated with water for prolongedperiods (unless artificially drained) and contains30 percent or more organic matter if the mineralfraction contains more than 60 percent of clay,20 percent or more organic matter if the mineralfraction contains no clay, or intermediate propor-tions or organic matter for intermediate contents ofclay.

H horizons form at the surface of wet soils, eitheras thick cumulative layers in organic soils or as thinlayers of peat or muck over mineral soils. Evenwhen ploughed the surface soil keeps a high contentof organic matter following the mixing of peat withmineral material. The formation of the H hori-zon is related to prolonged waterlogging, unless soilsare artificially drained. H horizons may be buriedbelow the surface.

0: An organic horizon formed or forming fromaccumulations of organic material deposited on thesurface, that is not saturated with water for morethan a few days a year and contains 35 percent ormore organic matter.

0 horizons are the organic horizons that develop ontop of some mineral soils for example, the " rawhumus " mat which covers certain acid soils. Theorganic material in 0 horizons is generally poorlydecomposed and occurs under naturally well-drainedconditions. This designation does not include ho-rizons formed by a decomposing root mat belowthe surface of the mineral soil which is characteristicof A horizons. 0 horizons may be buried belowthe surface.


A: A mineral horizon 4 formed or forming at oradjacent to the surface that either:

shows an accumulation of humified organicmatter intimately associated with the mineralfraction, or

has a morphology acquired by soil formationbut lacks the properties of E and B horizons.

The organic matter in A horizons is well decom-posed and is either distributed as fine partic/es or ispresent as coatings on the mineral particles. As aresult A horizons are normally darker than the adja-cent underlying horizons. The organic material isderived from plant and animal remains and incor-porated in the soil through biological activity ratherthan by translocation. In warm arid climates wherethere is only slight or virtually no accumulation oforganic matter, surface horizons may be less darkthan adjacent underlying horizons. If the surfacehorizon has a morphology distinct from that of theassumed parent material and lacks features charac-teristic of E and B horizons, it is designated as anA horizon on account of its surface location.

E: A mineral horizon showing a concentration ofsand and silt fractions high in resistent minerals,resulting from a loss of silicate clay, iron or alumi-nium or some combination of them.

E horizons are eluvial horizons which generally under-lie an H, 0 or A horizon from which they are nor-mally differentiated by a lower content of organicmatter and a lighter colour. From an underlyingB horizon an E horizon is commonly differentiatedby co/ours of higher value or lower chroma, or bycoarser texture, or both.

B: A mineral horizon in which rock structure isobliterated or is but faintly evident, characterizedby one or more of the following features:

an illuvial concentration of silicate clay, iron,aluminium, or humus, alone or in combinations;

a residual concentration of sesquioxides relativeto source materials;

an alteration of material from its original con-dition to the extent that silicate clays are formed,oxides are liberated, or both, or granular, blocky,or prismatic structure is formed.

4 The term " mineral horizon " is used here to indicate thatorganic matter contents are lower than those present in organ-ic horizons defined above as H and O. When necessary anadditional symbol L can be used to designate limnic layerswhich include both organic and inorganic material. In orderto secure compatibility between horizon designations and diag-nostic horizons the criteria used to separate mineral and organ-ic horizons are drawn from Soil taxonomy (U.S. Soil Conser-vation Service, 1974).

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B horizons may differ greatly. It is generally neces-sary to establish the relationship between overlyingand underlying horizons and to estimate how a B

horizon has been formed before it can be identified.Consequently, B horizons generally need to bequalified by a suffix to have sufficient connotationin a profile description. A "humus B" horizonis designated as Bh, an " iron B" as Bs, a " texturalB" as Bt, a " colour B" as Bw. It should be stress-ed here that the horizon designations are qualitativedescriptions only. They are not defined in the quan-titative terms required for diagnostic purposes. B

horizons may show accumulations of carbonates,of gypsum or of other more soluble salts. Suchaccumulations, however, do not by themselves dis-stinguish a B horizon.

C: A mineral horizon (or layer) of unconsolidatedmaterial frorn which the soIum is presumed to haveformed and which does not show properties diag-nostic of any other master horizons.

Traditionally, C has been used to designate"parent material." It is seldom possible toascertain that the material underlying the A, E andB horizons and from which they are assumed tohave developed is unchanged. The designation C istherefore used for the unconsolidated material under-lying the solum that does not meet the requirementsof the A, E or B designations. This material may,however, have been altered by chemical weatheringbelow the soil and may even be highly weathered(" preweathered ").

Accumulations of carbonates, gypsum or othermore soluble salts may be included in C horizons ifthe material is otherwise little affected by the processeswhich contributed to the formation of these interbed-ded layers. When a C horizon consists mainly ofsedimentary rocks such as shales, marls, siltstones orsandstones, which are sufficiently dense and coherentto permit little penetration of plant roots but canstill be dug with a spade, the C horizon is qualifiedby the suffix m for compaction.

R: A layer of continuous indurated rock. The rockof R layers is sufficiently coherent when moistto make hand digging with a spade impracti-cable. The rock may contain cracks but these aretoo few and too small for significant root develop-ment. Gravelly and stony material which allowsroot development is considered as C horizon.


Soil horizons in which the properties of two masterhorizons merge are indicated by the combination of


two capital letters (for instance AE, EB, BE, BC, CB,AB, BA, AC and CA). The first letter marks themaster horizon to which the transitional horizon ismost similar.

Mixed horizons that consist of intermingled parts,each of which are identifiable with different masterhorizons, are designated by two capital letters sepa-rated by a diagonal stroke (for instance E/B, 13/C).

The first letter marks the master horizon that domi-

nates. It should be noted that transitional horizonsare no longer marked by suffix figures.


A small letter may be added to the capital letterto qualify the master horizon designation. Suffix

letters can be combined to indicate properties whichoccur concurrently in the same master horizon (forexample, Ahz, Btg, Cck). Normally no more thantwo suffixes should be used in combination. In

transitional horizons no use is made of suffixes whichqualify only one of the capital letters. A suffixmay be used, however, when it applies to the tran-sitional horizon as a whole (for example, BCk, ABg).

The suffix letters used to qualify the master hori-zons are as follows:

Buried or bisequal soil horizon (for example,Btb).

Accumulation in concretionary form; this suffixis commonly used in combination with anotherwhich indicates the nature of the concretionarymaterial (for example, Bck, Ces).Mottling reflecting variations in oxidation andreduction (for example, Bg, Btg, Cg).

h. Accumulation of organic matter in mineral hori-zons (for example, Ah, Bh); for the A horizon,the h suffix is applied only where there has beenno disturbance or mixing from ploughing, pastur-ing or other activities of man (h and p suffixesare thus mutually exclusive).

k. Accumulation of calcium carbonate.Strongly cemented, consolidated, indurated; thissuffix is commonly used in combination withanother indicating the cementing material (forexample, Cmk marking a petrocalcic horizonwithin a C horizon, Bms marking an iron panwithin a B horizon).Accumulation of sodium (for example, Btn).

P. Disturbed by ploughing or other tillage practices(for example, Ap).

q. Accumulation of silica (Cmq, marking a silcretelayer in a C horizon).


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Strong reduction as a result of groundwater in-fluence (for example, Cr).

Accumulation of sesquioxides (for example, Bs).

Illuvial accumulation of clay (for example, Bt).

Unspecified; this suffix is used in connexion withA and B horizons which are not qualified byanother suffix but have to be subdivided verti-cally by figure suffixes (for example, Aul, Au2,Bul, Bu2). The addition of u to the capitalletter is provided to avoid confusion with theformer notations Al, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 inwhich the figures had a genetic connotation. Ifno subdivision using figure suffixes is needed,the symbols A and B can be used without u.Alteration in situ as reflected by clay content,colour, structure (for example, Bw).

Occurrence of a fragipan (for example, Btx).

Accumulation of gypsum (for example, Cy).

Accumulation of salts more soluble than gypsum(for example, Az or Ahz).

When needed, i, e and a suffixes can be used toqualify H horizons composed of fibric, hemic orsapric organic material respectively (U.S. Soil Con-servation Service, 1974).

Letter suffixes can be used to describe diagnostic ho-rizons and features in a profile (for example, argillicB horizon: Bt; natric B horizon: Btn; cambic B hori-zon: Bw; spodic B horizon: Bhs, Bh or Bs; oxic B hori-zon: Bws; calcic horizon: k; petrocalcic horizon:mk; gypsic horizon: y; petrogypsic horizon: my;petroferric horizon: ms; plinthite: sq; fragipan: x;strongly reduced gleyic horizon: r; mottled layers:g). But it should be emphasized that the use of a cer-tain horizon designation in a profile description doesnot necessarily point to the presence of a diagnostichorizon or feature see also under B horizon above

since the letter symbols merely reflect a qualita-tive estimate.


Horizons designated by a single combination ofletter symbols can be vertically subdivided by num-bering each subdivision consecutively, starting at thetop of the horizon (for example,Bt1 - Bt2 - Bt3 - Bt4).The suffix number always follows all of the lettersymbols. The number sequence applies to one sym-bol only so that the sequence is resumed in caseof change of the symbol (for example, Btl - Bt2 -Btx1 - Btx2). A sequence is not interrupted, however,by a lithological discontinuity (for example, BO -Bt2 - 2Bt3).


Numbered subdivisions can also be applied totransitional horizons (for example, AB1 - AB2), inwhich case it is understood that the suffix appliesto the entire horizon and not only to the last capitalletter.

Numbers are not used as suffixes of undifferentiat-ed A or B symbols, to avoid conflict with the oldnotation system. If an otherwise unspecified A orB horizon should be subdivided, a suffix u is added.


When it is necessary to distinguish lithologicaldiscontinuities, Arabic (replacing former Roman) nu-merals are prefixed to the horizon designations con-cerned (for instance, when the C horizon is differentfrom the material in which the soil is presumed tohave formed the following soil sequence could begiven: A, B, 2C. Strongly contrasting layers withinthe C material could be shown as an A, B, C, 2C,3C... sequence).

Diagnostic horizons

Soil horizons that have a set of quantitativelydefined properties which are used for identifyingsoil units are called " diagnostic horizons. " Sincethe characteristics of soil horizons are produced bysoil-forming processes, the use of diagnostic horizonsfor separating soil units ensures that the classificationsystem is based on general principles of soil genesis.Objectivity is secured, however, in that the processesthemselves are not used as criteria but only theireffects, expressed quantitatively in terms of morpho-logical properties that have identification value.

The definitions and nomenclature of the diagnostichorizons used here are drawn from those adoptedin Soil taxonomy (U.S. Soil Conservation Service,1974). The definitions of these horizons have beensummarized and sometimes simplified in accordancewith the requirements of the Fao/Unesco legend.Reference is made to Soil taxonomy for additionalinformation on the concepts underlying the defini-tions of the diagnostic horizons and for detaileddescriptions of their characteristics. Where there wascompatibility between horizon designations and diag-nostic horizons the ABC terminology has been com-bined with the diagnostic qualification.

The plaggen epipedon, the anthropic epipedon, thesombric horizon and the agric horizon of Soil taxon-omy have not been used, since the scale of the mapdid not allow for separating soils which are charac-terized by these horizons. The duripan, fragipan,petrocalcic horizon and petrogypsic horizon havealso not been used as diagnostic horizons, since

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information on their occurrence is not available ina number of countries. Where such horizons havebeen observed they are shown on the map as phases.

The terminology used to describe soil morphologyis the one adopted in Guidelines for soil profile descrip-tion (FAO, 1967). Colour notations are according tothe Munsell soil colour charts. Chemical and phys-ical characteristics are expressed on the basis ofSoil survey laboratory methods and procedures forcollecting soil samples (U.S. Soil Conservation Ser-vice, 1967).


The histic H horizon is an H horizon which is morethan 20 cm but less than 40 cm thick. It can bemore than 40 cm but less than 60 cm thick if itconsists of 75 percent or more, by volume, of sphag-num fibres or has a bulk density when moist of lessthan 0.1.

A surface layer of organic material less than 25 cmthick also qualifies as a histic H horizon if, afterhaving been mixed to a depth of 25 cm, it has 28percent or more organic matter and the mineralfraction contains more than 60 percent clay, or 14percent or more organic matter and the mineralfraction contains no clay, or intermediate propor-tions of organic matter for intermediate contents ofclay. The same criteria apply to a plough layerwhich is 25 cm or more thick.

A histic H horizon is eutric when it has a pH(H20, 1: 5) of 5.5 or more throughout; it is dystricwhen the pH (H», 1: 5) is less than 5.5 in at leasta part of the horizon.


The mollic A horizon is an A laorizon which, afterthe surface 18 cm are mixed, as in ploughing, has thefollowing properties:

The soil structure is sufficiently strong, so thatthe horizon is not both massive and hard or veryhard when dry. Very coarse prisms larger than30 cm in diameter are included in the meaning ofmassive if there is no secondary structure withinthe prisms.

Both broken and crushed samples have colourswith a chroma of less than 3.5 when moist, a valuedarker than 3.5 when moist, and 5.5 when dry;the colour value is at least one unit darker thanthat of the C (both moist and dry). If a C horizon isnot present, comparison should be made with thehorizon immediately underlying the A horizon. Ifthere is more than 40 percent finely divided lime, the


limits of colour value dry are waived; the colourvalue, moist, should then be 5 or less.

The base saturation is 50 percent or more (bythe NHOAc method).

The organic matter content is at least 1 percentthroughout the thickness of mixed soil, as specifiedbelow. The organic matter content is at least 4 per-cent if the colour requirements are waived becauseof finely divided lime. The upper limit of organiccarbon content of the mollic A horizon is the lowerlimit of the histic H horizon.

The thickness is 10 cm or more if resting directlyon hard rock, a petrocalcic horizon, a petrogypsichorizon or a duripan; the thickness of the A mustbe at least 18 cm and more than one third of the thick-ness of the solum where the solum is less than 75 cmthick, and must be more than 25 cm where the solumis more than 75 cm thick.5

The content of P20, soluble in 1 percent citricacid is less than 250 ppm, unless the amount of P205soluble in citric acid increases below the A horizonor when it contains phosphate nodules, as may bethe case in highly phosphatic parent materials. Thisrestriction is made to eliminate plough layers of veryold arable soils or kitchen middens. Such a horizonis an anthropic A horizon. Because of the scale ofthe map it has not been possible to use_it as a diag-nostic horizon.


The requirements of the umbric A horizon arecomparable to those of the mollic A horizon in col-our, organic matter and phosphorus content, consis-tency, structure and thickness. The umbric A ho-rizon, however, has a base saturation of less than50 percent (by the NH2OAc method). The restric-tion against a massive and hard or very hard ho-rizon when dry is applied only to those A horizonsthat become dry. If the horizon is always moist,there is no restriction on its consistency or structure.

Horizons which have acquired the above require-ments through the slow addition of materials undercultivation are excluded from the umbric A horizon.Such horizons are plaggen A horizons. Because ofthe scale of the map it has not been possible to sepa-rate soils which are characterized by such man-madesurface layers.

The measurement of the thickness of a mollic A horizonincludes transitional horizons in which the characteristics ofthe A horizon are dominant for example, AB, AE or AC,

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An ochric A horizon is one that is too light incolour, has too high a chroma, too little organicmatter, or is too thin to be mollic or umbric, or isboth hard and massive when dry.

In separating Yermosols from Xerosols a distinc-tion is made between very weak and weak ochric Ahorizons:

A very weak ochric A horizon has a very lowcontent of organic matter with a weighted averagepercentage of less than 1 percent in the surface 40 cmif the weighted average sand/clay ratio for this depthis 1 or less; or less than 0.5 percent organic matterif the weighted sand/clay ratio is 13 or more; forintermediate sand/clay ratios the organic mattercontent is intermediate. When hard rock, a petro-calcic horizon, a petrogypsic horizon or a duripanoccur between 18 and 40 cm, the contents of organicmatter mentioned above are respectively less than1.2 and 0.6 percent in the surface 18 cm of the soil.

A weak ochric A horizon has a content of or-ganic matter which is intermediate between that ofthe very weak ochric A horizon and that requiredfor the mollic A horizon.


An argillic B horizon is one that contains illuviallayer-lattice clays. This horizon forms below an elu-vial horizon, but it may be at the surface if the soilhas been partially truncated. The argillic B horizonhas the following properties:

1. If an eluvial horizon remains, the argillic B hori-zon contains more total and more fine clay thanthe eluvial horizon, exclusive of differences whichmay result from a lithological discontinuity. Theincrease in clay occurs within a vertical distance of30 cm or less:

if any part of the eluvial horizon has less than15 percent total clay in the fine earth (less than2 mm) fraction, the argillic B horizon mustcontain at least 3 percent more clay (for example,13 percent versus 10 percent);

if the eluvial horizon has more than 15 percentand less than 40 percent total clay in the fineearth fraction, the ratio of the clay in the argillicB horizon to that in the E horizon must be 1.2or more;if the eluvial horizon has more than 40 percenttotal clay in the fine earth fraction, the argillicB horizon must contain at least 8 percent moreclay (for example, 50 percent versus 42 percent).


2. An argillic B horizon should be at least one tenththe thickness of the sum of all overlying horizons,or more than 15 cm thick if the eluvial and illuvialhorizons are thicker than 150 cm. If the B horizonis sand or loamy sand, it should be at least 15 cmthick; if it is loamy or clayey, it should be at least7.5 cm thick. If the B horizon is entirely composedof lamellae, the lamellae should have a thickness of1 cm or more and should have a combined thicknessof at least 15 cm.

3. In soils with massive or single grained structurethe argillic B horizon has oriented clay bridging thesand grains and also in some pores.

4. If peds are present, an argillic B horizon either:

shows clayskins on some of both the verticaland horizontal ped surfaces and in the pores,or shows oriented clays in 1 percent or moreof the cross-section;

if the B has a broken or irregular upper bound-ary and meets requirements of thickness andtextural differentiation as defined under 1 and 2above, clayskins should be present at least inthe lower part of the horizon;

if the B horizon is clayey with kaolinitic clayand the surface horizon has more than 40 per-cent clay, there are some clayskins on peds andin pores in the lower part of that horizon hav-ing blocky or prismatic structure; or

if the B horizon is clayey with 2 to 1 latticeclays, clayskins may be lacking, provided thereare evidences of pressure caused by swelling;or if the ratio of fine to total clay in the Bhorizon is greater by at least one third than theratio in the overlying or the underlying horizon,or if it has more than 8 percent more fine clay;the evidences of pressure may be occasionalslickensides or wavy horizon boundaries in theilluvial horizon, accompanied by uncoated sandor silt grains in the overlying horizon.

5. If a soil shows a lithologic discontinuity betweenthe eluvial horizon and the argillic B horizon, orif only a plough layer overlies the argillic B horizon,the horizon need show clayskins in only some part,either in some fine pores or, if peds exist, on somevertical and horizontal ped surfaces. Thin sectionsshould show that some part of the horizon has about1 percent or more of oriented clay bodies, or the ratioof fine clay to total clay should be greater by at leastone third than in the overlying or the underlyinghorizon.

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6. The argillic B horizon lacks the set of propertieswhich characterize the natric B horizon.


The natric B horizon has the properties 1 to 5 ofthe argillic B horizon as described above. In addi-tion, it has:

A columnar or prismatic structure in some partof the B horizon, or a blocky structure with tonguesof an eluvial horizon in which there are uncoatedsilt or sand grains extending more than 2.5 cm intothe horizon.

A saturation with exchangeable sodium of morethan 15 percent within the upper 40 cm of the ho-rizon; or more exchangeable magnesium plus so-dium than calcium plus exchange acidity (at pH 8.2)within the upper 40 cm of the horizon if the sat-uration with exchangeable sodium is more than15 percent in some subhorizon within 200 cm ofthe surface.


A cambie B horizon is an altered horizon lackingproperties th.at meet the requirements of an argillic,natric or spodic B horizon; lacking the dark colours,organic matter content and structure of the histic H,or the mollic and umbric A horizons; showing nocementation, induration or brittle consistence whenmoist, having the following properties:

1. Texture that is very fine sand, loamy very finesand, or finer.

2. Soil structure or absence of rock structure in atleast half the volume of the horizon.

3. Significant amounts of weatherable minerals re-flected by a cation exchange capacity (by NH2OAc)of more than 16 me per 100 g clay, or by a contentof more than 3 percent weatherable minerals otherthan muscovite, or by more than 6 percent muscovite.

4. Evidence of alteration in one of the followingforms:

higher clay content than the underlying horizon;

stronger chroma or redder hue than the underly-ing horizon;

(e) evidence of removal of carbonates (when carbon-ates are present in the parent material or inthe dust that falls on the soil) reflected particu-larly by a lower carbonate content than the under-


lying horizon of calcium carbonate accumulation;if all coarse fragments in the underlying horizonare completely coated with lime, some in thecambie horizon are partly free of coatings; ifthe coarse fragments are coated only on theunderside, those in the cambie horizon shouldbe free of coatings;

(d) evidence of reduction processes or of reductionand segregation of iron reflected by dominantmoist colours on ped faces, or in the matrixif peds are absent, is as follows:

chromas of 2 or less if there is mottling,if there is no mottling and the value is less

than 4, the chroma is less than 1; if the valueis 4 or more the chroma is i or less,

the hue is no bluer than 10v if the huechanges on exposure to air.

5. Enough thickness that its base is at least 25 cmbelow the soil surface.


A spodic B horizon meets one or more of thefollowing requirements below a depth of 12.5 cm,or, when present, below an Ap horizon:

A subhorizon more than 2.5 cm thick that iscontinuously cemented by a combination of organicmatter with iron or aluminium or with both.

A sandy or coarse-loamy texture with distinctdark pellets of coarse silt size or with sand grainscovered with cracked coatings.

One or more subhorizons in which:

if there is 0.1 percent or more extractable iron,the ratio of iron plus aluminium (elemental)extractable by pyrophosphate at pH 10 to per-centage of clay is 0.2 or more, or if there isless than 0.1 percent ex tractable iron, the ratioof aluminium plus carbon to clay is 0.2 or more;and

the sum of pyrophosphate-extractable iron plusaluminium is half or more of the sum of di-thionite-citrate extractable iron plus aluminium;and

(e) the thickness is such that the index of accumu-lation of amorphous material (CEC at pH 8.2minus one half the clay percentage multipliedby the thickness in centimetres) in the horizonsthat meet the preceding requirements is 65 ormore.

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The oxic B horizon is a horizon that is not argillicor natric and that:

Is at least 30 cm thick.

Has a fine-earth fraction that retains 10 me orless ammonium ions per 100 g clay from an unbuf-fered N NH4C1 solution or has less than 10 me ofbases extractable with N NH2OAc plus aluminiumextractable with N KC1 per 100 g clay.

Has an apparent cation-exchange capacity ofthe fine earth fraction of 16 me or less per 100 gclay by NH2OAc unless there is an appreciablecontent of aluminium-interlayered chlorite.

Does not have more than traces of primaryaluminosilicates such as feldspars, micas, glasses, andferromagnesian minerals.

Has texture of sandy loam or finer in the fineearth fraction and has more than 15 percent clay.

Has mostly gradual or diffuse boundaries be-tween its subhorizons.

Has less than 5 percent by volume showing rockstructure.


The calcic horizon is a horizon of accumulationof calcium carbonate. The accumulation may bein the C horizon, but it may also occur in a B orin an A horizon.

The calcic horizon consists of secondary carbonateenrichment over a thickness of 15 cm or more, hasa calcium carbonate equivalent content of 15 percentor more and at least 5 percent greater than that ofthe C horizon. The latter requirement is expressedby volume if the secondary carbonates in the calcichorizon occur as pendants on pebbles, or as con-cretions or soft powdery forms; if such a calcichorizon rests on very calcareous materials (40 per-cent or more calcium carbonate equivalent), thepercentage of carbonates need not decrease withdepth.


The gypsic horizon is a horizon of secondary cal-cium sulfate enrichment that is more than 15 cmthick, has at least 5 percent more gypsum than theunderlying C horizon, and in which the product ofthe thickness in centimetres and the percent of gypsumis 150 or more. If the gypsum content is expressedin me per 100 g of soil, the percentage of gypsumcan be calculated from the product of the me of


gypsum per 100 g of soil and the me weight of gyp-sum, which is 0.086. Gypsum may accumulate uni-formly throughout the matrix or as nests of crystals;in gravelly material gypsum may accumulate as pen-dants below the coarse fragments.


The sulfuric horizon forms as a result of artificialdrainage and oxidation of mineral or organic mate-rials which are rich in sulfides. It is characterizedby a pH less than 3.5 (H20, 1:1) and jarosite mottleswith a hue of 2.5y or more and a chroma of 6 ormore.


The albic E horizon is one from which clay andfree iron oxides have been removed, or in which theoxides have been segregated to the extent that thecolour of the horizon is determined by the colourof the primary sand and silt particles rather than bycoatings on these particles.

An albic E horizon has a colour value moist of4 or more, or a value dry of 5 or more, or both.If the value dry is 7 or more, or the value moistis 6 or more, the chroma is 3 or less. If the parentmaterials have a hue of 5YR or redder, a chromamoist of 3 is permitted in the albic E horizon wherethe chroma is due to the colour of uncoated silt orsand grains

An albic E horizon may overlie a spodic B, anargillic or natric B, a fragipan, or an imperviouslayer that produces a perched watertable.

Diagnostic properties

A number of soil characteristics which are usedto separate soil units cannot be considered as hori-zons. They are rather diagnostic features of hori-zons or of soils which when used for classificationpurposes need to be quantitatively defined.


An abrupt textural change is a considerable in-crease in clay content within a very short distancein the zone of contact between an A or E horizonand the underlying horizon. When the A or E hori-zon has less than 20 percent clay, the clay contentof the underlying horizon is at least double that ofthe A or E horizon within a vertical distance of 8 cmor less. When the A or E horizon has 20 percentclay or more the increase in clay content should beat least 20 percent (for example, from 30 to 50

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percent clay) within a vertical distance of 8 cm orless, and the clay content in some part of the under-lying horizon (B horizon or impervious layer) shouldbe at least double that of the A or E horizon above.


Albic materials are exclusive of E horizons, andhave a colour value moist of 4 or more, or a valuedry of 5 or more, or both. If the value dry is 7 ormore, or the value moist is 6 or more, the chromais 3 or less. If the parent materials have a hue of5YR or redder, a chroma moist of 3 is permitted ifthe chroma is due to the colour of uncoated silt orsand grains.


The concept of aridic moisture regime is used tocharacterize Yermosols and Xerosols and to sepa-rate them from soils, outside arid areas, which havea comparable morphology. In most years thesesoils have no available water in any part of themoisture control section more than half the time(cumulative) that the soil temperature at 50 cm isabove 5°C (the moisture control section lies approx-imately between 10 and 30 cm for medium to finetextures, between 20 and 60 cm for medium to coarsetextures, and between 30 and 90 cm for coarse tex-tures). Tbere is no period as long as 90 consecu-tive days when there is moisture in some or all partsof the moisture control section while the soil temper-ature at 50 cm is continuously above 8°C. In mostyears the moisture control section is never moist inall parts for as long as 60 consecutive days during3 months following the winter solstice if mean sum-mer and mean winter temperatures differ by 5°C ormore and mean annual temperature is less than22°C.


An exchange complex that is dominated by amor-phous material shows the following characteristics:

The cation exchange capacity of the clay atpH 8.2 is more than 150 me per 100 g measuredclay, and commonly is more than 500 me per 100 gclay. The high value is, in part, the result of poordispersion.

If there is enough clay to give a 15-bar watercontent of the soil of 20 percent or more, the pHof a suspension of 1 g soil in 50 ml N NaF is morethan 9.4 after 2 minutes.


The ratio 15-bar water content to measured clayis more than 1.0.

The amount of organic carbon exceeds 0.6 percent.

Differential thermal analysis shows a low tem-perature endotherm.

The bulk density of the fine earth fraction isless than 0.85 g per cm' at 1/3-bar tension.


The term ferralic properties is used in connexionwith Cambisols and Arenosols which have a cationexchange capacity (from NH4C1) of less than 24 meper 100 g clay in, respectively, at least some sub-horizon of the cambic B horizon or immediatelyunderlying the A horizon.


The term ferric properties is used in connexionwith Luvisols and Acrisols showing one or more ofthe following: many coarse mottles with hues redderthan 7.5YR or chromas more than 5, or both; dis-crete nodules, up to 2 cm in diameter, the exteriorsof the nodules being enriched and weakly cementedor indurated with iron and having redder hues orstronger chromas than the interiors; a cation ex-change capacity (from NH4C1) of less than 24 meper 100 g clay in at least some subhorizon of theargillic B horizon.


Gilgai is the microrelief typical of clayey soils thathave a high coefficient of expansion with distinctseasonal changes in moisture content. This micro-relief consists of either a succession of enclosed micro-basins and microknolls in nearly level areas, or ofmicrovalleys and microridges that run up and downthe slope. The height of the microridges commonlyranges from a few cm to 1 m. Rarely does theheight approach 2 m.


For Ferralsols and Nitosols of low base saturationthe terminology " high organic matter content in theB horizon " refers to an organic matter content(weighted average of the fine earth fraction of thesoil) of 1.35 percent or more to a depth of 100 cm(exclusive of an 0 horizon if present); for Acrisolsa high organic matter content in the B horizon meansone or both of 1.5 percent or more organic matterin the upper part of the B horizon, or an organicmatter content (weighted average of the fine earth

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fraction of the soil) of 1.35 percent or more to adepth of 100 cm (exclusive of an 0 horizon ifpresent).


The term " high salinity " applies to soils whichhave an electric conductivity of the saturation extractof more than 15 mmhos per cm at 25°C at some timeof the year, within 125 cm of the surface when theweighted average textural class of the surface iscoarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within75 cm for fine textures, or of 4 mmhos within 25 cmof the surface if the pH (11,0, 1:1) exceeds 8.5.


A distinction is made between soils which arestrongly influenced by groundwater, the Gleysols, andthe soils of which only the lower horizons are in-fluenced by groundwater or which have a seasonallyperched watertable within the profile, the " gleyicgroups. The Gleysols have a reducing moistureregime virtually free of dissolved oxygen due to satu-ration by groundwater or its capillary fringe. Sincehydromorphic processes are dominant, the occur-rence of argillic, natric, spodic and oxic B horizonsis excluded from Gleysols by definition.

The morphological characteristics which reflectwaterlogging differ widely in relation to other soilproperties. For the sake of brevity, the expression" hydromorphic properties " is used in the definitionof Gleysols and gleyic groups. This term refers toone or more of the following properties:

Saturation by groundwater, that is, when waterstands in a deep unlined bore hole at such a depththat the capillary fringe reaches the soil surface; thewater in the bore hole is stagnant and remainscoloured when a dye is added to it.

Occurrence of a histic H horizon.

Dominant hues that are neutral N, or bluerthan 10Y.

Saturation with water at some period of theyear, or artificially drained, with evidence of reduc-tion processes or of reduction and segregation ofiron reflected by:

4.1 in soils having a spodic B horizon, one or moreof the following:

(a) mottling in an albic E horizon or in the top ofthe spodic B horizon;


(b) a duripan in the albic E horizon;

(c) if free iron and manganese are lacking, or ifmoist colour values are less than 4 in the upperpart of the spodic B horizon, either:

no coatings of iron oxides on the individualgrains of silt and sand in the materials in orimmediately below the spodic horizon whereverthe moist values are 4 or more and, unless anAp horizon rests directly on the spodic horizon,there is a transition between the albic E andspodic B horizons at least 1 cm in thickness, or

fine or mediurn mottles of iron or manga-nese in the materials immediately below thespodic B horizon;

a thin iron pan that rests on a fragipan or on aspodic B horizon, or occurs in an albic E horizonunderlain by a spodic B horizon.

4.2 in soils having a mollic A horizon

If the lower part of the mollic A horizon has chromasof 1 or less, either:

distinct or prominent mottles in the lower mol-lic A horizon; or

colours immediately below the mollic A horizonor within 75 cm of the surface if a calcic horizonintervenes, with one of the following:

if hues are 10YR or redder and there aremottles, chromas of less than 1.5 on ped sur-faces or in the matrix; if there are no mottles,chromas of less than 1 (if hues are redder than10YR because of parent materials that remainred after citrate-dithionite extraction, the re-quirement for low chromas is waived)

if the hue is nearest to 2.5y and there aredistinct or prominent mottles, chromas of 2 orless on ped surfaces or in the matrix; if thereare no mottles, chromas of 1 or less

if the nearest hue is 5y or yellower and thereare distinct or prominent mottles, chromas of3 or less on ped surfaces or in the matrix; andif there are no mottles, chromas of 2 or less

hues bluer than 10Yany colour if the colour results from un-

coated mineral grainscolours neutral N.

If the lower part of the mollic A horizon has chromasof more than 1 but not eyceeding 2, either:

(a) distinct or prominent mottles in the lower mol-lic A horizon; or


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(b) base colours immediately below the mollic Ahorizon that have one or more of:

values of 4 and chromas of 2 accompaniedby some mottles with values of 4 or more andchromas of less than 2

values of 4 and chromas of less than 2values of 5 or more and chromas of 2 or

less accompanied by mottles with high chroma.

4.3 in soils having an argillic B horizon immediatelybelow the plough layer or an A horizon that has moistcolour values of less than 3.5 when rubbed, one ormore of the following:

moist chromas of 2 or less;

mottles due to segregation of iron;

iron-manganese concretions larger than 2 mm,and combined with one or more of the following:

dominant moist chromas of 2 or less incoatings on the surface of peds accompanied bymottles within the peds, or dominant moistchromas of 2 or less in the matrix of the argillicB horizon accompanied by mottles of higherchromas (if hues are redder than 10yR becauseof parent materials that remain red after citrate-dithionite extraction, the requirement for lowchromas is waived)

moist chromas of 1 or less on surfaces ofpeds or in the matrix of the argillic B horizon

dominant hues of 2.5y or 5y in the matrixof the argillic B horizon accompanied by distinctor prominent mottles.

4.4 in soils having an oxic B horizon:

plinthite that forms a continuous phase within30 cm;

if free of mottles, dominant chromas of2 or less immediately below an A horizon thathas a moist colour value of less than 3.5; or ifmottled with distinct or prominent mottleswithin 50 cm of the surface, dominant chromasof 3 or less.

4.5 in other soils:

(a) in horizons with textures finer than loamy finesand:

if there is mottling, chromas of 2 or lessif there is no mottling and values are less

than 4, chromas of less than 1; if values are4 or more, chromas of 1 or less;


(b) in horizons with textures of loamy fine sand orcoarser:

if hues are as red as or redder than 10YRand there is mottling, chromas of 2 or less;if there is no mottling and values are less than4, chromas of less than 1; or if values are 4or more, chromas of 1 or less

if hues are between 10YR and 10Y and thereis distinct OT prominent mottling, chromas of3 or less; if there is no mottling, chromas of1 or less.


Interfingering consists of penetrations of an albicE horizon into an underlying argillic or natric Bhorizon along ped faces, primarily vertical faces.The penetrations are not wide enough to constitutetonguing, but form continuous skeletans (ped coat-ings of clean silt or sand, more than 1 mm thick onthe vertical ped faces). A total thickness of morethan 2 mm is required if each ped has a coating ofmore than 1 mm Because quartz is such a commonconstituent of soils, the skeletans are usually whitewhen dry, and light grey when moist, but their col-our is determined by the colour of the sand or silt

fraction. The skeletans constitute more than 15 per-cent of the volume of any subhorizon in which inter-fingering is recognized. They are also thick enoughto be obvious, by their colour, even when moist.Thinner skeletans that must be dry to be seen as awhitish powdering on a ped are not included in themeaning of interfingering.


Permafrost is a layer in which the temperature isperennially at or below 0°C.


Plinthite is an iron-rich, humus-poor mixture ofclay with quartz and other diluents, which commonlyoccurs as red mottles, usually in platy, polygonalor reticulate patterns, and which changes irreversiblyto an ironstone hardpan or to irregular aggregateson exposure to repeated wetting and drying. In amoist soil, plinthite is usually firm but it can be cutwith a spade. When irreversibly hardened the ma-terial is no longer considered plinthite but is calledironstone.


Slickensides are polished and grooved surfaces thatare produced by one mass sliding past another.Some of them occur at the base of a slip surface where

Page 38: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

a mass of soil moves downward on a relatively steepslope. Slickensides are very common in swelling claysin which there are marked changes in moisture con-tent.


The term " smeary consistence " is used in connex-ion with Andosols characterized by thixotropic soilmaterial, that is, material that changes under pres-sure or by rubbing from a plastic solid into a liqui-fied stage and back to the solid condition. In theliquified stage the material skids or " smears " be-tween the fingers.


Soft powdery lime refers to translocated authigeniclime, soft enough to be cut readily with a finger nail,precipitated in place from the soil solution ratherthan inherited from a soil parent material. It shouldbe present in a significant accumulation.

To be identifiable, soft powdery lime must havesome relation to the soil structure or fabric. It maydisrupt the fabric to form spheroidal aggregates, orwhite eyes, that are soft and powdery when dry, orthe lime may be present as soft coatings in poresor on structural faces. If present as coatings, itcovers a significant part of the surface; commonly,it coats the whole surface to a thickness of I to 5 mmor more. Only part of a surface may be coated iflittle lime is present in the soil. The coatings shouldbe thick enough to be visible when moist and shouldcover a continuous area large enough to be morethan filaments. Pseudomycelia which come and gowith changing moisture conditions are not consid-ered as soft powdery lime in the present definition.


Sulfidic materials are waterlogged mineral or or-ganic soil materials containing 0.75 percent or moresulfur (dry weight), mostly in the form of sulfides,and having less than three times as much carbonate(CaCO3 equivalent) as sulfur. Sulfidic materials accu-mulate in a soil that is permanently saturated, gen-erally with brackish water. If the soil is drainedthe sulfides oxidize to form sulfuric acid; and thepH, which normally is near neutrality before drain-age, drops below 3.5. Sulfidic material differs fromthe sulfuric horizon in that it does not show jarositemottles with a hue of 2.5Y or more or a citroma of6 or more.



Soils with takyric features have a heavy texture,crack into polygonal elements when dry and forma platy or massive surface crust.


A thin iron pan is a black to dark reddish layercemented by iron, by iron and manganese, or byan iron-organic matter complex, the thickness ofwhich ranges generally from 2 mm to 10 mm. Inspots it may be as thin as 1 mm or as thick as 20to 40 mm, but this is rare. It may, but not neces-sarily, be associated with stratification in parentmaterials. It is in the solum, roughly parallel tothe soil surface, and is commonly within the upper50 cm of the mineral soil. It has a pronounced wavyor even convolute form. It normally occurs as asingle pan, not as multiple sheets underlying oneanother, but in places it may be bifurcated. It is abarrier to water and roots. It is used here as a diag-nostic property of Placic Podzols.


As used in the definition of Podzoluvisols, theterm tonguing is connotative of the penetration of analbic E horizon into an argillic B horizon along pedsurfaces, if peds are present. Penetrations to be con-sidered tongues must have greater depth than width,have horizontal dimensions of 5 mm or more in finetextured argillic horizons (clay, silty clay and sandyclay), 10 mm or more in moderately fine texturedargillic horizons, and 15 mm or more in mediumor coarser textured argillic horizons (silt loams, loams,very fine sandy loams, or coarser), and must occupymore than 15 percent of the mass of the upper partof the argillic horizon.

With Chernozems, the term tonguing refers topenetrations of the A horizon into an underlyingcambic B horizon or into a C horizon. The pene-trations must have greater depth than width, andmust occupy more than 15 percent of the mass ofthe upper part of the horizon in which they occur.


The term " vertic properties " is used in connexionwith Cambisols and Luvisols which at some periodin most years show cracks that are 1 cm or morewide within 50 cm of the upper boundary of the Bhorizon and extend to the surface or at least to theupper part of the B horizon.

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Minerals included in the meaning of weatherableminerals are those that are unstable in a humid cli-mate relative to other minerals, such as quartz and1 : 1 lattice clays, and that, when weathering occurs,liberate plant nutrients and iron or aluminium. Theyinclude:

Clay minerals: all 2 : 1 lattice clays except alu-minium-interlayered chlorite. Sepiolite, talc andglauconite are also included in the meaning ofthis group of weatherable clay minerals, althoughthey are not always of clay size.

Silt- and sand-size minerals (0.02 to 0 2 mm indiameter): feldspars, feldspathoids, ferromagne-sian minerals, glasses, micas, and zeolites.

Definitions of soil units

The definitions of soil units given in this sectionare listed in the order in which they are shown onthe legend sheet. For the sake of brevity the defini-tions include only a limited number of necessarycharacteristics, sufficient to separate the differentunits. When definitions are not explicit enough for asoil to be easily placed, it is suggested that theybe interpreted in conjunction with the key tothe soil units which follows this chapter. Thesoil horizon designations, diagnostic horizons, anddiagnostic properties used in this section havebeen defined in earlier sections of this chapter.

The soils defined below have their upper boundaryat the surface, or at less than 50 cm below the surfacewhen they are covered with a mantle of new material.In other words, horizons buried by 50 cm or morenewly deposited surface material are no longer diag-nostic for classification purposes.

The definitions listed do not express differencesin soil temperature and soil moisture unless suchdifferences are also reflected by other soil characteris-tics which can be preserved in samples. An excep-tion to this rule is made for soils with an aridicmoisture regime Yermosols and Xerosols sincesoil moisture in this case is the only characteristicby which these soils can be separated from otherswith a similar morphology.

When two or more B horizons occur within 125 cmof the surface it is the upper B horizon vvitich isdetermining for the classification, as long as it issufficiently developed to meet the requirements ofthe diagnostic horizon.


The terminology " having no diagnostic horizonsother than " indicates that one or more of the diag-nostic horizons listed may be present.

All definitions of soil units listed below, with theexception of Histosols, refer to mineral soils; thatis, soils that are lacking an H horizon of 40 cmor more (60 cm or more if the organic materialconsists mainly of sphagnum or moss or has a bulkdensity of less than 0.1), either extending down fromthe surface or taken cumulatively within the upper80 cm of the soil, or lacking an H horizon, of a thick-ness even less than 40 cm, when it rests on rocks oron fragmental material of which the interstices arefilled with organic matter.

For all definitions given, except for the Lithosols,it is implied that the soil is not limited in depth bycontinuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm ofthe surface.

The analytical data which are used in the defi-nitions are based on laboratory procedures describedin Soil survey laboratory methods and proceduresfor collecting soil samples (U.S. Soil ConservationService, 1967).

FLuvlsoLs ° (J)

Soils developed from recent alluvial deposits hav-ing no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buriedby 50 cm or more new material) an ochric or an um-bric A horizon, a histic H horizon, or a sulfurichorizon. As used in this definition, recent alluvialdeposits are fluviatile, marine, lacustrine, or collu-vial sediments characterized by one or more of thefollowing properties:

having an organic matter content that decreasesirregularly with depth or that remains above 0.35

percent to a depth of 125 cm (thin strata ofsand may have less organic matter if the finersediment below meets the requirements);

receiving fresh material at regular intervals and/orshowing fine stratification;

(e) having sulfidic material within 125 cm of thesurface.

Eutric Fluvisols (Je)

Fluvisols having a base saturation (by NH2OAc)of 50 percent or more at least between 20 and 50 cmfrom the surface but which are not calcareous at the

° Most but not all Fluvisols show hydromorphic properties;however, the scale of the map did not permit a separation tobe made between different drainage classes.

Page 40: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

same depth; lacking a sulfuric horizon and sulfidicmaterial within 125 cm of the surface.

Calcaric Fluvisols (Je)

Fluvisols which are calcareous at least between20 and 50 cm from the surface; lacking a sulfurichorizon and sulfidic material within 125 cm of thesurface.

Dystric Fluvisols (Jd)

Fluvisols having a base saturation (by NH2OAc)of less than 50 percent in at least a part of the soilbetween 20 and 50 cm from the surface; lacking asulfuric horizon and sulfidic material within 125 cmof the surface.

Thionic Fluvisols (Jt)

Fluvisols having a sulfuric horizon or sulfidic mate-rial, or both, at less than 125 cm from the surface.


Soils formed from unconsolidated materials ex-clusive of recent alluvial deposits, showing hydro-morphic properties within 50 cm of the surface; hav-ing no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buriedby 50 cm or more new material) an A horizon, a his-tic H horizon, a cambie B horizon, a calcic or agypsic horizon; lacking the characteristics which arediagnostic for Vertisols; lacking high salinity; lack-ing bleached coatings on structural ped surfaceswhen a mollic A horizon is present which has achroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least 15 cm.8

Eutric Gleysols (Ge)

Gleysols having a base saturation (by NI-140Ac)of 50 percent or more at least between 20 and 50cm from the surface but which are not calcareouswithin this depth; having no diagnostic horizonsother than an ochric A horizon and a cambie Bhorizon; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the sur-face; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of the surface.

Calcaric Gleysols (Gc)

Gleysols which have a calcic or a gypsic horizonwithin 125 cm of the surface and/or are calcareous atleast between 20 and 50 cm from the surface; havingno diagnostic horizons other than an ochric A hori-zon and a cambie B horizon; lacking plinthite within125 cm of the surface; lacking permafrost within200 cm of the surface.

" Recent alluvial deposits " are described in the definitionof Fluvisols, p. 32.

8 Soils showing these characteristics are grouped with GleyicGreyzems.


Dystric Gleysols (Gd)

Gleysols having a base saturation (by NH2OAc)of less than 50 percent at least between 20 and 50 cmfrom the surface; having no diagnostic horizons otherthan an ochric A horizon and a cambie B horizon;lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; lack-ing permafrost within 200 cm of the surface.

Mollie Gleysols (Gm)

Gleysols having a mollic A horizon or a eutrichistic H horizon; lacking plinthite within 125 cm ofthe surface; lacking permafrost within 200 cm ofthe surface.

Humic Gleysols (Gh)

Gleysols having an umbric A horizon or a dystrichistic H horizon; lacking plinthite within 125 cm ofthe surface; lacking permafrost within 200 cm ofthe surface.

Plinthic Gleysols (Gp)

Gleysols having plinthite within 125 cm of thesurface; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.

Gelic Gleysols (Gx)

Gleysols having permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.


Soils from unconsolidated materials, exclusive ofrecent alluvial deposits, having no diagnostic horizons(unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) otherthan an ochric A horizon; lacking hydromorphicproperties within 50 cm of the surface;° lacking thecharacteristics which are diagnostic for Vertisols andAndosols; lacking high salinity; when coarse tex-tured, lacking lamellae of clay accumulation, featuresof cambie or oxic B horizons or albic material whichare characteristic of Arenosols.

Eutric Regosols (Re)

Regosols having a base saturation (by NH40Ac)of 50 percent or more at least between 20 and 50 cmfrom the surface but which are not calcareous withinthis depth; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.

A gleyic group could occur within the Regosols showinghydromorphic properties at more than 50 cm from the surface;however, this group has not been separated in the Soil Mapof the World legend.

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Calcaric Regosols (Rc)

Regosols which are calcareous at least between 20and 50 cm from the surface.

Dystric Regosols (Rd)

Regosols having a base saturation (by NILOAc)of less than 50 percent at least between 20 and 50 cmfrom the surface; lacking permafrost within 200 cm ofthe surface.

Gelic Regosols (Rx)

Regosols having permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.


Soils which are limited in depth by continuouscoherent hard rock within 10 cm of the surface.


Soils from coarse-textured unconsolidated mate-rials, exclusive of recent alluvial deposits, consistingof albic material occurring over a depth of at least50 cm from the surface or showing characteristics ofargillic, cambic or oxic B horizons which, however,do not qualify as diagnostic horizons because oftextural requirements; having no diagnostic horizons(unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) otherthan an ochric A horizon; lacking hydromorphicproperties within 50 cm of the surface; lacking highsalinity.

Cambic Arenosols (Qc)

Arenosols showing colouring or alteration charac-teristic of a cambic B horizon immediately below theA horizon; lacking lamellae of clay accumulation;lacking ferralic properties.

Luvic Arenosols (Q1)

Arenosols showing lamellae of clay accumulationwithin 125 cm of the surface; not consisting of albicmaterial in the upper 50 cm of the soil.

Ferralic Arenosols (Qf)

Arenosols showing ferralic properties; lackinglamellae of clay accumulation within 125 cm of thesurface.

Albic Arenosols (Qa)

Arenosols consisting of albic material to a depthof at least 50 cm from the surface.



Soils having a mollic A horizon " which contains orimmediately overlies calcareous material with a cal-cium carbonate equivalent of more than 40 percent;lacking hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of thesurface; lacking the characteristics which are diag-nostic for Vertisols; lacking high salinity.


Soils, exclusive of those formed from recent alluvialdeposits, having an umbric A horizon which is notmore than 25 cm thick;" having no other diagnos-tic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more newmaterial); lacking hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface; lacking the characteristicswhich are diagnostic for Andosols.


Soils having a mollic or an umbric A horizon pos-sibly overlying a cambic B horizon, or an ochric Ahorizon and a cambic B horizon; having no otherdiagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or morenew material); having to a depth of 35 cm or moreone or both of:

a bulk density (at 1/3-bar water retention) ofthe fine earth (less than 2 mm) fraction of thesoil of less than 0.85 g/cm3 and an exchangecomplex dominated by amorphous material;

60 percent or more vitric 12 volcanic ash, cin-ders, or other vitric pyroclastic material in thesilt, sand and gravel fractions;

lacking hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of thesurface; lacking the characteristics which are diag-nostic for Vertisols; lacking high salinity.

Ochric Andosols (To)Andosols having an ochric A horizon and a cam-

bic B horizon; having a smeary consistence and/orhaving a texture which is silt loam or finer on theweighted average for all horizons within 100 cm ofthe surface.

Mollic Andosols (Tm)Andosols having a mollic A horizon; having a

smeary consistence, and/or having a texture whichis silt loam or finer on the weighted average for allhorizons within 100 cm of the surface.

" When the A horizon contains a high amount of finelydivided calcium carbonate the colour requirements of themollic A horizon may be waived.

" When the umbric A horizon is thicker than 25 cm, thedefinition of the Humic Cambisols applies.

" Including glass, crystalline particles coated with glass, andpartially devitrified glass.

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Humic Andosols (Th)

Andosols having an umbric A horizon; having asmeary consistence and/or having a texture whichis silt loam or finer on the weighted average for allhorizons within 100 cm of the surface.

Vitric Andosols (Tv)

Andosols lacking a smeary consistence and/orhaving a texture which is coarser than silt loam onthe weighted average for all horizons within 100 cmof the surface.


Soils having, after the upper 20 cm have beenmixed, 30 percent or more clay in all horizons toa depth of at least 50 cm; deve/oping cracks fromthe soil surface downward which at some period inmost years (unless the soil is irrigated) are at least1 cm wide to a depth of 50 cm; having one or moreof the following: gilgai microrelief, intersecting slick-ensides, or wedge-shaped or parallelepiped structuralaggregates at some depth between 25 and 100 cmfrom the surface.

Pellic Vertisols (Vp)

Vertisols having moist chromas of less than 1.5 dom-inant in the soil matrix throughout the upper 30 cm.

Chromic Vertisols (Vc)Vertisols having moist chromas of 1.5 or more dom-

inant in the soil matrix throughout the upper 30 cm.


Soils, exclusive of those formed from recentalluvial deposits, having a high salinity andhaving no diagnostic horizons other than (unlessburied by 50 cm or more new material) an Ahorizon, a histic H horizon, a cambic B horizon,a calcic or a gypsic horizon.

Orthic Solonchaks (Zo)

Solonchaks having an ochric A horizon; lackingtakyric features; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 50 cm of the surface.

Mollie Solonchaks (Zm)

Solonchaks having a mollic A horizon; lackingtakyric features; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 50 cm of the surface.

Takyric Soionchaks (Zt)

Solonchaks showing takyric features; lacking hydro-morphic properties within 50 cm of the surface.


Gleyic Solonchaks (Zg)

Solonchaks showing hydromorphic propertieswithin 50 cm of the surface.


Soils having a natric B horizon; lacking an albicE horizon which shows hydromorphic properties inat least a part of the horizon and an abrupt texturalchange.

Orthic Solonetz (So)

Solonetz having an ochric A horizon; lackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface.

Mollic Solonetz (Sm)

Solonetz having a mollic A horizon; lacking hydro-morphic properties within 50 cm of the surface.

Gleyic Solonetz (Sg)

Solonetz showing hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface.


Soils occurring under an aridic moisture regime;having a very weak ocluic A horizon and one ormore of the following: a cambic B horizon, an ar-gillic B horizon, a calcic horizon, a gypsic horizon;lacking other diagnostic horizons; lacking the charac-teristics which are diagnostic for Vertisols; lackinghigh salinity; lacking permafrost within 200 cm ofthe surface.

Haplic Yermosols (Yh)

Yermosols having no diagnostic horizons otherthan a very weak A horizon and a cambie B horizon;lacking takyric features.

Calcic Yermosols (Yk)

Yermosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cmof the surface; lacking an argillic B horizon overly-ing the calcic horizon; lacking takyric features.

Gypsic Yermosols (Yy)

Yermosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cmof the surface; lacking an argillic B horizon over-lying the gypsic horizon; lacking takyric features.

" The depth requirement varies with the weighted averagetextural class: less than 125 cm from the surface for coarsetextures, less than 90 cm for medium textures, less than 75cm for fine textures. When both a calce and a gypsic hori-zon are present the classification of the soil is determined bythe diagnostic horizon which occurs nearest to the surface.

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Luvic Yermosols (Y1)

Yermosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcicor a gypsic horizon may be present if underlying theB horizon; lacking takyric features.

Takyric Yermosols (Yt)

Yermosols showing takyric features.

XERosoLs (X)

Soils occurring under an aridic moisture regime;having a weak ochric A horizon and one or moreof the following: a cambic B horizon, an argillic Bhorizon, a calcic horizon, a gypsic horizon; lackingother diagnostic horizons; lacking the characteristicswhich are diagnostic for Vertisols; lacking highsalinity; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.

Haplic Xerosols (Xh)

Xerosols laaving no diagnostic horizons other thana weak A horizon and a cambic B horizon.

Calcic Xerosols (Xk)

Xerosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cmof the surface; lacking an argillic B horizon overlyingthe calcic horizon.

Gypsic Xerosols (Xy)

Xerosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cmof the surface; lacking an argillic B horizon overlyingthe gypsic horizon.

Luvic Xerosols (XI)

Xerosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcic ora gypsic horizon may be present if underlying theB horizon.


Soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chromaof more than 2 to a depth of at least 15 cm; havingone or more of the following: a calcic or gypsichorizon or concentrations of soft powdery lime within125 cm of the surface ;" lacking a natric B horizon;lacking the characteristics which are diagnostic forRendzinas, Vertisols, Planosols or Andosols; lack-ing high salinity; lacking hydromorphic properties

" The depth requirement varies with the weighted averagetextural class: less than 125 cm from the surface for coarsetextures, less than 90 cm for medium textures, less than 75 cmfor fine textures. When both a calcic and a gypsic horizonare present the classification of the soil is determined by thediagnostic horizon which occurs nearest to the surface.

" Hydromorphic properties present within 50 cm of thesurface in the absence of an argillic B horizon meet the defi-nition of the Mollie Gleysols; Kastanozems or Chernozemswith hydromorphic properties combined with the presence ofan argillic B horizon have not been distinguished.


within 50 cm of the surface when no argillic B ho-rizon is present."

Haplic Kastanbzems (Kh)Kastanozems lacking an argillic B horizon, a cal-

cic horizon and a gypsic horizon.

Calcic Kastanozems (Kk)

Kastanozems having a calcic or a gypsic horizon;lacking an argillic B horizon overlying the calcic orgypsic horizon.

Luvic Kastanozems (KI)

Kastanozems having an argillic B horizon; a cal-cic or a gypsic horizon may be present if underlyingthe B horizon.


Soils having a mollic A horizon with a moistchroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least 15 cm;having one or more of the following: a calcic orgypsic horizon or concentrations of soft powderylime within 125 cm of the surface;" lacking a natricB horizon; lacking the characteristics which are diag-nostic for Rendzinas, Vertisols, Planosols or Ando-sols; lacking high salinity ; lacking hydromorphicproperties within 50 cm of tlae surface when no argil-lic B horizon is present;" lacking bleached coatingson structural ped surfaces.

Haplic Chernozems (Ch)

Chernozems lacking an argillic B horizon, a cal-cic and a gypsic horizon; not showing tonguing ofthe A horizon into a cambic B or into a C horizon.

Calcic Chernozems (Ck)

Chernozems having a calcic or a gypsic horizon;lacking an argillic B horizon overlying the calcic orgypsic horizon; not showing tonguing of th.e A hori-zon into a cambic B or into a C horizon.

Luvic Chernozems (Cl)

Chernozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcicor a gypsic horizon may be present when underlyingthe B horizon.

Glossic Chernozems (Cg)

Chemozems showing tonguing of the A horizon intoa cambic B horizon or into a C horizon; lacking anargillic B horizon.


Soils having a mollic A horizon; lacking a calcichorizon, a gypsic horizon and concentrations of softpowdery lime within 125 cm of the surface;" lacking

Page 44: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

a natric and an oxic B horizon; lacking the character-istics which are diagnostic for Rendzinas, Vertisols,Planosols or Andosols; lacking high salinity; lackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surfacewhen no argillic B horizon is present ; " lacking bleach-ed coatings on structural ped surfaces when the mollicA horizon has a moist chroma of 2 or less to a depthof at least 15 cm.

Haplic Phaeozems (Hh)

Phaeozems lacking an argillic B horizon and whichare not calcareous between 20 and 50 cm of thesurface.

Calcaric Phaeozems (Hc)

Phaeozems which are calcareous at least between20 and 50 cm of the surface; lacking an argillic Bhorizon.

Luvic Phaeozems (Hl)

Phaeozems having an argillic B horizon; lackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the sur-face.

Gleyic Phaeozems (Hg)

Phaeozems having an argillic B horizon and show-ing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of thesurface.


Soils having a mollic A horizon with a moistchroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least 15 cm andshowing bleached coatings on structural ped sur-faces;" lacking a natric and oxic B horizon; lack-ing the characteristics which are diagnostic for Rend-zinas, Vertisols, Planosols or Andosols; lacking highsalinity.

Orthic Greyzems (Mo)

Greyzems lacking hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface.

Gleyic Greyzems (Mg)

Greyzems showing hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface.

" Hydromorphic properties present within 50 cm of thesurface in the absence of an argillic B horizon meet the defi-nition of the Mollie Gleysols.

Greyzems generally show clay migration and usually havean argillic B horizon.


CAlmsoLs (B)

Soils having a cambie B horizon and (unless buriedby more than 50 cm or more new material) no diag-nostic horizons other than an °citric or an umbricA horizon, a calcic or a gypsic horizon; the cam-bie B horizon may be lacking when an umbric A hori-zon is present which is thicker than 25 cm; lackinghigh salinity; lacking the characteristics diagnostic forVertisols or Andosols; lacking an aridic moistureregime; lacking hydromorphic properties within 50 cmof the surface.

Eutric Cambisols (Be)

Cambisols having an ochric A horizon and a basesaturation (by NH2OAc) of 50 percent or more atleast between 20 and 50 cm from the surface but whichare not calcareous within this depth; lacking verticproperties; having a cambie B horizon not strongbrown to red;" lacking ferralic properties in thecambie B horizon; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 100 cm of the surface; lacking permafrostwithin 200 cm of the surface.

Dystric Cambisols (Bd)

Cambisols having an ochric A horizon and a basesaturation (by NH2OAc) of less than 50 percent atleast between 20 and 50 cm from the surface; lackingferralic properties in the cambie B horizon; lackinghydromorphic properties within 100 cm of the sur-face; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of the sur-face.

Humic Cambisols (Bh)

Cambisols having an umbric A horizon which isthicker than 25 cm when a cambie B horizon is lack-ing; lacking vertic properties; lacking hydromor-phic properties within 100 cm of the surface; lack-ing permafrost within 200 cm of the surface.

Gleyic Cambisols (Bg)

Cambisols showing hydromorphic properties below50 cm but within 100 cm of the surface; " lackingpermafrost within 200 cm of the surface.

Gelic Cambisols (Bx)

Cambisols having permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.

18 Rubbed soil having a hue of 7.5ya and a chroma of morethan 4, or a hue redder than 7.5Ya.

" Hydromorphic properties occurring within 50 cm of thesurface or the presence of a histic H horizon meet the defini-tion of the Gleysols.

Page 45: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Calcic Cambisols (Bk)

Cambisols having an ochric A horizon and showingone or more of the following: a calcic horizon, agypsic horizon or concentrations of soft powderylime within 125 cm of the surface;" calcareous atleast between 20 and 50 cm from the surface; lackingvertic properties; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 100 cm of the surface; lacking permafrostwithin 200 cm of the surface.

Chromic Cambisols (Be)

Cambisols having an ochric A horizon and a basesaturation (by NI140Ac) of 50 percent or more atleast between 20 and 50 cm from the surface but whichare not calcareous within this same depth; having astrong brown to red " cambie B horizon; lackingferralic properties in the cambic B horizon; lackingvertic properties; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 100 cm of the surface; lacking permafrostwithin 200 cm of the surface.

Vertic Cambisols (By)

Cambisols having an ochric A horizon; showingvertic properties; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 100 cm of the surface; lacking permafrostwithin 200 cm of the surface.

Ferralic Cambisols (Bf)

Cambisols having an ochric A horizon and acambie B horizon with ferralic properties; lackingvertic properties; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 100 cm of the surface; lacking permafrostwithin 200 cm of the surface.

Luvisots (L)

Soils having an argillic horizon which has a basesaturation of 50 percent or more (by NI-140Ac) atleast in the lower part of the B horizon within 125 cmof the surface; lacking a mollic A horizon; lackingthe albic E horizon overlying a slowly permeablehorizon, the distribution pattern of the clay and thetonguing which are diagnostic for Planosols,Nitosols and Podzoluvisols respectively; lacking anaridic moisture regime.

" The depth requirement varies with the weighted averagetextural class: less than 125 cm from the surface for coarsetextures, less than 90 cm for medium textures, less than 75 cmfor fine textures.

" Rubbed soil having a hue of 7.5YR and a chroma of morethan 4, or a hue redder than 7.5YR.


Orthic Luvisols (Lo)

Luvisols having an argillic B horizon which isnot strong brown to red ;" lacking an albic E horizon;lacking a calcic horizon, a gypsic horizon and con-centrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm ofthe surface ;" lacking ferric and vertic properties; lack-ing plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; /ackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the sur-face.

Chromic Luvisols (Le)

Luvisols having a strong brown to red" argillic Bhorizon; lacking vertic and ferric properties; lackingan albic E horizon; lacking a calcic horizon, concen-trations of soft powdery lime" and plinthite within125 cm of the surface; lacking hydromorphic prop-erties within 50 cm of the surface.

Calcic Luvisols (Lk)

Luvisols having a calcic horizon or concentrationsof soft powdery lime, or both, within 125 cm of tttesurface;" lacking vertic properties; lacking an albicE horizon; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of thesurface; lacking hydromorphic properties within 50 cmof the surface.

Vertic Luvisols (Lv)

Luvisols showing vertic properties; lacking an al-bic E horizon; lacking plinthite within 125 cm ofthe surface; lacking hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface.

Ferric Luvisols (Lf)

Luvisols showing ferric properties; lacking verticproperties; lacking an albic E horizon; lacking acalcic horizon, concentrations of soft powdery lime"and plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; lackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the sur-face.

Albic Luvisols (La)

Luvisols having an albic E horizon; lackingplinthite within 125 cm of the surface; lackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface.

Plinthic Luvisols (Lp)

Luvisols having plinthite within 125 cm of the sur-face.

Gleyic Luvisols (Lg)

Luvisols having hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cmof the surface.

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Soils having an argillic B horizon showing anirregular or broken upper boundary, resulting fromdeep tonguing of the E into the B horizon, or fromthe formation of discrete nodules (ranging from 2to 5 cm up to 30 cm in diameter) the exteriors ofwhich are enriched and weakly cemented or induratedwith iron and having redder hues and stronger chro-mas than the interiors; lacking a mollic A horizon.

Eutric Podzoluvisols (De)

Podzoluvisols having a base saturation of 50 per-cent or more (by NH2OAc) throughout the argillicB horizon within 125 cm of the surface; lackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the sur-face.

Dystric Podzoluvisols (Dd)

Podzoluvisols having a base saturation of lessthan 50 percent (by NH2OAc) in at least a part ofthe argillic B horizon within 125 cm of the surface;lacking hydromorphic properties within 50 cm ofthe surface.

Gleyic Podzoluvisols (Dg)

Podzoluvisols showing hydromorphic propertieswithin 50 cm of the surface.


Soils having a spodic B horizon.

Orthic Podzols (Po)

Podzols having a spodic B horizon wlaich in allsubhorizons has a ratio of percentage of free ironto percentage of carbon of less than 6, but whichcontains sufficient free iron to turn redder on igni-tion; having one or both of the following: an albicE horizon that is thicker than 2 cm and is con-tinuous, and a distinct separation within the spodicB horizon of a subhorizon which is visibly more en-riched with organic carbon; lacking a thin iron pan inor over the spodic B horizon; lacking hydromorphicproperties within 50 cm of the surface.

Leptic Podzols (P1)

Podzols having a spodic B horizon which in allsubhorizons has a ratio of percentage of free ironto percentage of carbon of less than 6 but whichcontains sufficient iron to turn redder on ignition;lacking or having only a thin (2 cm or less) anddiscontinuous albic E horizon; lacking a subhorizonwithin the spodic B horizon which is visibly moreenriched with carbon; lacking a thin iron pan in


or over the spodic B horizon; lacking hydromophic properties within 50 cm of the surface.

Ferric Podzols (Pf)

Podzols in which the ratio of percentage of freeiron to percentage of carbon is 6 or more in allsubhorizons of the spodic B horizon; lacking a thiniron pan in or over the spodic B horizon; lackinghydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the sur-face.

Humic Podzols (Ph)

Podzols having a spodic B horizon in which asubhorizon " contains dispersed organic matter andlacks sufficient free iron to turn redder on ignition ; "lacking a thin iron pan in or over the spodic B hori-zon; lacking hydromorphic properties within 50 cmof the surface.

Placic Podzols (Pp)

Podzols having a thin iron pan in or over thespodic B horizon.

Gleyic Podzols (Pg)

Podzols showing hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface; lacking a thin iron pan inor over the spodic B horizon.


Soils having an albic E horizon overlying a slowlypermeable horizon within 125 cm of the surface (forexample, an argillic or natric B horizon showing anabrupt textural change, a heavy clay, a fragipan), ex-clusive of a spodic B horizon; showing hydromor-phic properties at least in a part of the E horizon.

Eutric Planosols (We)

Planosols having an ochric A horizon and havinga base saturation of 50 percent or more (by NI-140Ac)throughout the slowly permeable horizon within125 cm of the surface, but having no more than 6percent sodium in the exchange complex throughout;lacking permafrost within 200 cm of the surface.

Dystric Planosols (Wd)

Planosols having an ochric A horizon and hav-ing a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by

22 If this subhorizon is discontinuous, it should be present in atleast half of a soil section large enough to study a full cycleor recurring horizon variations.

" Normally corresponding to less than 0.5 percent Fe inthe fine earth fraction.

Page 47: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

NH2OAc) in at least a part of the slowly permeablehorizon within 125 cm of the surface, but havingno more than 6 percent sodium in the exchangecomplex throughout; lacking permafrost within 200 cmof the surface.

Mollie Planosols (Wm)Planosols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric

histic H horizon; having no more than 6 percentsodium in the exchange complex of the slowly per-meable horizon; lacking permafrost within 200 cmof the surface.

Humic Planosols (Wh)Planosols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric

histic H horizon; having no more than 6 percent so-dium in the exchange complex of the slowly permeablehorizon; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.

Solodic Planosols (Ws)

Planosols having more than 6 percent sodium inthe exchange complex of the slowly permeable hori-zon; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of the sur-face.

Gelic Planosols (Wx)Planosols having permafrost within 200 cm of

the surface.


Soils having an argillic B horizon with a basesaturation of less than 50 percent (by NH2OAc) atleast in the lower part of the B horizon within 125 cmof the surface; lacking a mollic A horizon; lackingan albic E horizon overlying a slowly permeablehorizon, the distribution pattern of the clay andthe tonguing which are diagnostic for Planosols,Nitosols and Podzoluvisols respectively; lacking anaridic moisture regime.

Orthic Acrisols (Ao)

Acrisols having an ochric A horizon; lackingferric properties; lacking a high organic matter con-tent in the B horizon; lacking plinthite within 125 cmof the surface; lacking hydromorphic propertieswithin 50 cm of the surface.

Ferric Acrisols (Af)

Acrisols having an ochric A horizon; showingferric properties; lacking a high organic matter con-tent in the B horizon; lacking plinthite within 125 cmof the surface; lacking hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface.


Humic Acrisols (Ah)

Acrisols having an umbric A horizon or a highcontent of organic matter in the B horizon, or both;lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; lack-ing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of thesurface.

Plinthic Acrisols (Ap)

Acrisols having plinthite within 125 cm of thesurface.

Gleyic Acrisols (Ag)

Acrisols showing hydromorphic properties within50 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cm

of the surface.


Soils having an argillic B horizon with a claydistribution where the percentage of clay does notdecrease from its maximum amount by as muchas 20 percent within 150 cm of the surface;" lack-ing a mollic A horizon; lacking an albic E hori-zon; lacking the tonguing which is diagnostic forthe Podzoluvisols; lacking ferric and vertic proper-ties; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; "lacking an aridic moisture regime.

Eutric Nitosols (Ne)

Nitosols having a base saturation of 50 percentor more (by NH2OAc) throughout the argillic Bhorizon within 125 cm of the surface.

Dystric Nitosols (Nd)

Nitosols having a base saturation of less than50 percent (by NH2OAc) in at least a part of theargillic B horizon within 125 cm of the surface; lack-ing a high organic matter content in the B horizonand lacking an umbric A horizon.

Humic Nitosols (Nh)

Nitosols having a base saturation of less than50 percent (by NFLOAc) in at least a part of theargillic B horizon within 125 cm of the surface; hav-ing an umbric A horizon or a high organic mattercontent in the B horizon, or botb.

24 This requirement implies that these soils have no lithiccontact within 150 cm of the surface.

" Normally Nitosols do not show hydromorphic propertieswithin 50 cm of the surface; Gleyic Nitosols may occur butthis unit has not been separated here.

Page 48: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It


Soils having an oxic B horizon.

Orthic Ferralsols (Fo)

Ferralsols having an oxic B horizon that is neitherred to dusky red " nor yellow to pale yellow; "lacking an umbric A horizon and lacking a highorganic matter content in the B horizon when thebase saturation is less than 50 percent (by NH40Ac)in at least a part of the B horizon within 100 cmof the surface; having a cation exchange capacity(from NH4C1) of more than 1 5 me per 100 g of claythroughout tlae oxic B horizon within 125 cm ofthe surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of thesurface.

Xanthic Ferralsols (Fx)

Ferralsols having a yellow to pale yellow " oxicB horizon; lacking an umbric A horizon and lack-ing a high organic matter content in the B horizonwhen the base saturation is less than 50 percent(by NH2OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within100 cm of the surface; having a cation exchangecapacity (from NH4C1) of more than 1.5 me per100 g of clay throughout the oxic B horizon within125 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cmof the surface.

Rhodic Ferralsols (Fr)

Ferralsols having a red to dusky red " oxic Bhorizon; lacking an umbric A horizon and lackinga high organic matter content in the B horizon whenthe base saturation is less than 50 percent (byNH2OAc) in at least part of the B horizon within 100cm of the surface; having a cation exchange capacity(from NH4C1) of more than 1.5 me per 100 g of claythroughout the oxic B horizon within 125 cm of thesurface; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the sur-face.

26 Rubbed soil having hues redder than 5ya with a moistvalue of less than 4 and a dry value not more than one unithigher than the moist value.

27 soil having hues of 7.5Ya or yellower with a moistvalue of 4 or more and a moist chroma of 5 or more.


Humic Ferralsols (FL)

Ferralsols having a base saturation of less than50 percent (by NH2OAc) in at least a part of theB horizon within 100 cm of the surface; having anumbric A horizon or a high organic matter contentin the B horizon, or both; lacking plinthite within125 cm of the surface.

Acric Ferralsols (Fa)

Ferralsols having a cation exchange capacity (fromNH4C1) of 1.5 me or less per 100 g of clay in at leastsome part of the B horizon within 125 cm of thesurface; lacking an umbric A horizon and lacking ahigh organic matter content in the B horizon whenthe base saturation is less than 50 percent (byNH2OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within100 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cmof the surface.

Plinthic Ferralsols (Fp)

Ferralsols having plinthite within 125 cm of thesurface.


Soils having an H horizon of 40 cm or more(60 cm or more if the organic material consistsmainly of sphagnum or moss or has a bulk densityof less than 0.1) either extending down from the sur-face or taken cumulatively within the upper 80 cmof the soil; the thickness of the H horizon may beless when it rests on rocks or on fragmental materialof which the interstices are filled with organic matter.

Eutric Histosols (0e)

Histosols having a pH (H20, 1: 5) of 5.5 or moreat least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface; lack-ing permafrost witb.in 200 cm of the surface.

Dystric Histosols (0d)

Histosols having a pH (H20, 1: 5) of less than5.5 at least in some part of the soil between 20 and50 cm from the surface; lacking permafrost within200 cm of the surface.

Gelic Histosols (Ox)

Histosols having permafrost within 200 cm of thesurface.

Page 49: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other soils which are limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rockwithin 10 cm of the surface


Other soils which, after the upper 20 cm are mixed, have 30 percent or moreclay in all horizons to at least 50 cm from the surface; at some period in mostyears have cracks at least 1 cm wide at a depth of 50 cm, unless irrigated,and have one or more of the following characteristics: gilgai microrelief, intersect-ing slickensides or wedge-shaped or parallelepiped structural aggregates at somedepth between 25 and 100 cm from the surface


Vertisols having moist chromas of less than 1.5 dominant in the soil matrixthroughout the upper 30 cm

Pellic Vertisols (Vp)

Other VertisolsChromic Vertisols (Ve)



Soils having an H horizon of 40 cm or more (60 cm or more if the organicmaterial consists mainly of sph.agnum or moss or has a bulk density of less than 0.1)either extending down from the surface or taken cumulatively within the upper 80 cmof the soil; the thickness of the H horizon may be less when it rests on rocks oron fragmental material of which the interstices are filled with organic matter


Histosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface

Gelic Histosols (Ox)

Other Histosols having a pH (Hp, 1: 5) of less than 5.5, at least in somepart of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface

Dystric Histosols (Od)

Other HistosolsEutric Histosois (0e)

Page 50: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other soils developed from recent alluvial deposits, having no diagnostic horizonsother than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an ochric or an umbricA horizon, an H horizon, or a sulfuric horizon


Fluvisols having a sulfuric horizon or sulfidic material, or both, at less than125 cm from the surface

Thionic Fluvisols (Jt)

Other Fluvisols which are calcareous, at least between 20 and 50 cm from thesurface

Calcaric Fluvisols (Jc)

Other Fluvisols having a base saturation (by NH2OAc) of less than 50 per-cent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface

Dystric Fluvisols (Jd)

Other FluvisolsEutric Fluvisols (Je)

Other soils having high salinity and having no diagnostic horizons other than (un-less buried by 50 cm or more new material) an A horizon, an H horizon, a cam-bic B horizon, a calcic or a gypsic horizon


Solonchaks showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface

Gleyic Solonchaks (Zg)

Other Solonchaks showing talcyric featuresTakyric Solonchaks (Zt)

Other Solonchaks having a mollic A horizonMollie Solonchaks (Zm)

Other SolonchaksOrthic Solonchaks (Zo)

Other soils showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface; havingno diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material)an A horizon, an H horizon, a cambic B horizon, a calcic or a gypsic horizon


Gleysols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface

Other Gleysols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface


Gelic Gleysols (Gx)

Plinthic Gleysols (Gp)

Page 51: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other Gleysols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric histic H horizonMollie Gleysols (Gm)

Other Gleysols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric histic H horizon

Humic Gleysols (Gh)

Other Gleysols having one or more of the following: a calcic horizonor a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, or are calcareous at leastbetween 20 and 50 cm from the surface

Cakaric Gleysols (Gc)

Other Gleysols having a base saturation (by NH40Ac) of less than 50 per-cent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface

Dystric Gleysols (Gd)

Other GleysolsEutric Gleysols (Ge)

Other soils having either a mollic or an umbric A horizon possibly overlying acambic B horizon, or an ochric A horizon and a cambie B horizon; having no otherdiagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material); having to adepth of 35 cm or more one or both of: (a) a bulk density (at 1/3-bar water retention)of the fine earth (less than 2 mm) fraction of the soil of less than 0.85 g/cm3 andthe exchange complex dominated by amorphous material; (b) 60 percent or morevitric volcanic ash, cinders, or other vitric pyroclastic material in the silt, sand andgravel fractions


Andosols having a mollic A horizon

Other Andosols having an umbric A horizon

Other Andosols having a smeary consistence and/or having a texture whichis silt loam or finer on the weighted average for all horizons within 100 cmof the surface

Ochric Andosols (To)

Other Andosolslade Andosols (Tv)

Other soils of coarse texture consisting of albic material occurring over a depthof at least 50 cm from the surface, or showing characteristics of argillic, cambieor oxic B horizons which, however, do not qualify as diagnostic horizons because of


Mollie Andosols (Tm)

Humic Andosols (Th)

Page 52: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

the textural requirements; having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buriedby 50 cm or more new material) an ochric A horizon

Other soils having no diagnostic horizons or none other than (unless buried by 50 cmor more new material) an ochric A horizon


Regosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surfaceGelic Regosols (Rx)

Other Regosols which are calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm fromthe surface

Calcaric Regosols (Re)

Other Regosols having a base saturation (by NI-140Ac) of less than 50 per-cent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from thesurface

Dystric Regosols (Rd)

Other RegosolsEutric Regosols (Re)


Arenosols consisting of albic material

Other Arenosols showing lamellae of clay accumulation

Other Arenosols showing ferralic properties

Other Arenosols

Other soils having an umbric A horizon which is not more than 25 cm thick; hav-ing no other diagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more of new material)


Other soils having a mollic A horizon which contains or immediately overlies cal-careous material with a calcium carbonate equivalent of more than 40 percent (whenthe A horizon contains a high amount of finely divided calcium carbonate the colourrequirements of the mollic A horizon may be waived)



Albic Arenosols (Qa)

Luvic Arenosols (Q1)

Ferralic Arenosols (Qt.)

Cambic Arenosols (Qc)

Page 53: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other soils having a spodic B horizon


Podzols having a thin iron pan in or over the spodic B horizon

Placic Podzols (Pp)

Other Podzols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the sur-face

Gleyic Podzols (Pg)

Other Podzols having a B horizon in which a subhorizon contains dispersedorganic matter and lacks sufficient free iron to turn redder on ignition

Humic Podzols (Ph)

Other Podzols in which the ratio of percentage of free iron to percentage ofcarbon is 6 or more in all subhorizons of the B horizon

Ferric Podzols (Pf)

Other Podzols lacking or having only a thin (2 cm or less) and discontin-uous albic E horizon; lacking a subhorizon within the B horizon which isvisibly more enriched with carbon

Leptic Podzols (P1)Other Podzols

Orthic Podzols (Po)

Other soils having an oxic B horizon


Ferralsols having plinthite within 125 cm of the sur acePlinthic Ferralsols (Fp)

Other Ferralsols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by 1\11-140Ac)in at least a part of the B horizon within 100 cm of the surface; having anumbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, or both

Humic Ferralsols (Fh)

Other Ferralsols having a cation exchange capacity (from NH4C1) of 1.5 meor less per 100 g of clay in at least some part of the B horizon within125 cm of the surface

Acre Ferralsols (Fa)

Other Ferralsols having a red to dusky red B horizon (rubbed soil has huesredder than 5vR with a moist value of less than 4 and a dry value not morethan one unit higher than the moist value)

Rhodic Ferralsols (Fr)

Other Ferralsols having a yellow to pale yellow B horizon (rubbed soil hashues of 7.5vit or yellower with a moist value of 4 or more and a moistchroma of 5 or more)

Xanthic Ferralsols (Fx)

Other FerralsolsOrthic Ferralsols (Fo)


Page 54: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other soils having an albic E horizon overlying a slowly permeable horizon (forexample, an argillic or natric B horizon showing an abrupt textural change, a heavyclay, a fragipan) within 125 cm of the surface; showing hydromorphic properties atleast in a part of the E horizon


Planosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surfaceGene Planosols (Wx)

Other Planosols having more than 6 percent sodium in the exchange com-plex of the slowly permeable horizon

SoIodic Planosols (Vis)

Other Planosols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric histic H horizonMollie Planosols (Wm)

Other Planosols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric histic H horizonHumic Planosols (Wh)

Other Planosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH,,,OAc)in at least a part of the slowly permeable horizon within 125 cm of thesurface

Dystric Planosols (Wd)

Other PlanosolsEutric Planosols (We)

Other soils having a natric B horizon


Solonetz showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surfaceGleyic Solonetz (Sg)

Other Solonetz having a mollic A horizonMollie Solonetz (Sm)

Other SolonetzOrthic Solonetz (So)

Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of 2 or less to a depthof at least 15 cm, showing bleached coatings on structural ped surfaces


Greyzems showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface

Gleyic Greyzems (Mg)

Other GreyzemsOrthic Greyzems (Mo)


Page 55: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of 2 or less to adepth of at least 15 cm; having one or more of the following: a calcic or a gyp-sic horizon, or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surfacewhen the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium tex-tures, within 75 cm for fine textures


Chernozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon mayunderlie the B horizon

Luvic Chernozems (G)

Oth.er Chernozems showing tonguing of the A horizon into a cambic B orinto a C horizon

Other Chernozems having a calcic or a gypsic horizon

Other Chernozems

Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of more than 2 toa depth of at least 15 cm; having one or more of the following: a calcic or gypsichorizon, or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surfacewhen the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures,within 75 cm for fine textures


Kastanozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon mayunderlie the B horizon

Luvic Kastanozems (KI)

Other Kastanozems having a calcic or a gypsic horizonCalcic Kastanozems (Kk)

Other KastanozemsHaplic Kastanozems (Kh)

Other soils having a mollic A horizon


Phaeozems, having an argillic B horizon, showing hydromorphic propertieswithin 50 cm of the surface

Other Phaeozems having an argillic B horizonLuvic Phaeozems (HI)


Glossic Chernozems (Cg)

Calcic Chernozems (Ck)

Haplic Chernozems (Ch)

Gleyic Phaeozems (Hg)

Page 56: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other Phaeozems being calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from thesurface

Calcaric Phaeozems (He)

Other PitaeozemsHaplic Phaeozems (11h)

Other soils having an argillic B horizon showing an irregular or broken upper boun-dary resulting from deep tonguing of the E into the B horizon or from the for-mation of discrete nodules (ranging from 2 to 5 cm up to 30 cm in diameter)the exteriors of which are enriched and weakly cemented or indurated with iron andhaving redder hues and stronger chromas than the interiors


Podzoluvisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the sur-face

Gleyic Podzoluvisols (Dg)

Other Podzoluvisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent(by NI-140Ac) in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface

Dyshic Podzoluvisols (Dd)

Other PodzoluvisolsEutric Podzoluvisols (De)

Other soils having a weak ochric A horizon and an aridic moisture regime; lack-ing permafrost within 200 cm of the surface


Xerosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon may underliethe B horizon

Luvic Xerosols (X1)

Other Xerosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface 1

Gypsic Xerosols (Xy)

Other Xerosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cm of the surface

Calcic Xerosols (Xk)Other Xerosols

Haplic Xerosols (Xh)

Other soils having a very weak ochric A horizon and an aridic moisture regime;lacking permafrost within 200 cm of the surface


Yermosols showing takyric featuresTakyric Yermosols (Yt)

1 The depth requirement varies with the weighted average textural class: less than 125 cm from the surfacefor coarse textures, less than 90 cm for medium textures, less than 75 cm for fine textures. When both acalcic and gypsic horizon are present the classification of the soil is determined by the diagnostic horizonwhich occurs nearest to the surface.


Page 57: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other Yermosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizonmay underlie the B horizon

Luvic Yermosols (Y1)

Other Yermosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface

Gypsic Yermosols (Yy)

Other Yermosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cm of the surface

Calce Yermosols (Yk)

Other YermosolsHaplic Yermosols (Yh)

Other soils having an argillic B horizon with a clay distribution where the per-centage of clay does not decrease from its maximum amount by as much as 20 per-cent within 150 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the surface;lacking vertic and ferric properties


Nitosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NI-140Ac) inat least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface; having anumbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, orboth

Humic Nitosols (Nh)

Other Nitosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NI-140Ac)in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface

Other soils having an argillic B horizon; having a base saturation which is lessthan 50 percent (by NH40Ac) in at least some part of the B horizon within125 cm of the surface


Acrisols having plinthite within 125 cm of the sur ace

Plinthic Acrisols (Ap)

Other Acrisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of thesurface

Gleyic Acrisols (Ag)


Dystric Nitosols (Nd)

Other NitosolsEutric Nitosols (Ne)

Page 58: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other soils having an argillic B horizon


Luvisols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surfacePlinthic Luvisols (Lp)

Other Luvisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface

Gleyic Luvisols (Lg)

Other Luvisols having an albic E horizonAlbic Luvisols (La)

Other Luvisols showing vertic propertiesVertic Luvisols (Lv)

Other Luvisols having a calcic horizon or concentrations of soft powderylime within 125 cm of the surface when the weighted average textural classis coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures

Calcic Luvisols (Lk)

Other Luvisols showing ferric propertiesFerric Luvisols (Lf)

Other Luvisols having a strong brown to red B horizon (rubbed soil has ahue of 7.5YR and a chroma of more than 4, or a hue redder than 7.5YR)

Chromic Luvisols (Le)

Other LuvisolsOrthic Luvisols (Lo)

Other soils having a cambic B horizon or an umbric A horizon which is morethan 25 cm thick


Cambisols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface

Gelic Cambisols (Bx)


Other Acrisols having an umbric A horizon or a high organic mattercontent in the B horizon, or both

Humic Acrisols (Ah)

Other Acrisols showing ferric propertiesFerric Acrisols (Af)

Other AcrisolsOrthic Acrisols (Ao)

Page 59: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Other Cambisols showing hydromorphic properties within 100 cm of thesurface

Gleyic Cambisols (Bg)

Other Cambisols showing vertic propertiesVert ic Cambisols (By)

Other Cambisols showing one or more of the following : a calcic horizonor a gypsic horizon or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cmof the surface when the weighted average textural class is coarse, within90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures ; calcareous atleast between 20 and 50 cm from the surface

Calcic Cambisols (Bk)

Other Cambisols having an umbric A horizon which is thicker than 25 cmwhen a cambic B horizon is lacking

Humic Cambisols (Bh)

Other Cambisols having a cambic B horizon with ferralic properties

Ferralic Cambisols (Bf)

Other Cambisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (byN1-140Ac) at least in some part of the B horizon

Dystric Cambisols (Bd)

Other Cambisols which have a strong brown to red B horizon (rubbed soilhas a hue of 7.5YR and a chroma of more than 4, or a hue redder than 7.5YR)

Chromic Cambisols (Be)

Other CambisolsEutric Cambisols (Be)


Page 60: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The system of soil1970 classification for Canada. Ottawa.

COMMISSION DE PÉDOLOGIE ET DE CARTOGRAPIIIE DES SOLS. Clas-1967 sification des sols. Grignon, ENSA,DLTDAL, R. & MOORMANN, F.R. Major soils of South-East1957 Asia, their characteristics, use and agricultural poten-

tial. J. trop. Geogr., 18 : 54-80.

FAO. World Soil Resources Reports.1961-73

Report of the first Meeting of the Advisory Group onthe Soil Map of the World, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June1961. Rome, 1961.Report of the first Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlationand Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, 28-31 May 1962. Rome, 1962.Report of the first Soil Correlation Seminar for Eu-rope, held at Moscow, U.S.S.R., 16-28 July 1962.Rome, 1962.Report of the first Soil Correlation Seminar for Southand Central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, U.S.S.R.,14 September-2 October 1962. Rome, 1962.Report of the fourth session of the Working Partyon Soil Classification and Survey of the Sub-Commis-sion on Land and Water Use of the European Com-mission on Agriculture, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 March1963. Rome, 1963.Report of the second Meeting of the Advisory Panelon the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 9-11 July 1963.Rome, 1963.Report of the second Soil Correlation Seminar forEurope, held at Bucharest, Romania, 29 July-6 August1963. Rome, 1963.Report of the third Meeting of the Advisory Panelon the Soil Map of the World, Paris, 3 January 1964.Rome, 1964.Adequacy of soil studies in Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru,November-December 1963. Rome, 1964.Report on the soils of Bolivia. Rome, 1964.Report on the soils of Paraguay. Rome, 1964.Preliminary definitions, legend and correlation tablefor the Soil Map of the World, Rome, August 1964.Rome, 1964.Report of the fourth Meeting of the Advisory Panelon the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 18-21 May1964. Rome, 1964.[Report of the] Meeting on the Classification and Cor-relation of Soils from Volcanic Ash, held at Tokyo,Japan, 11-27 June 1964. Rome, 1965.Report of the first session of the Working Party onSoil Classification, Survey and Soil Resources of theEuropean Commission on Agriculture, Florence, Italy,1-3 October 1964. Rome, 1965.Detailed legend for the third draft of the Soil Mapof South America. Rome, 1965.



[Report of the] first Meeting on Soil Correlation forNorth America. Mexico, 1 to 8 February 1965. Rome,1965.

The soil resources of Latin America. Rome, 1965.[Report of the] third Soil Correlation Seminar forEurope : Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey andYugoslavia, 29 August-22 September 1965. Rome,1966.

Report on the Meeting of Rapporteurs on the Prepa-ration of a Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1:1 000 000),Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey ofthe European COMMiSSi011 on Agriculture, Bonn, 29November-3 December 1965. Rome, 1966.Report of the second Conference on Soil Survey, Cor-relation and Interpretation for the Latin AmericanRegion, held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-16 July1965. Rome, 1966.[Report of the] Soil Resources Expedition in Westernand Central Brazil, 24 June-9 July 1965. Rome,1966.

Bibliography on soil and related sciences for LatinAmerica. Rome, 1966.Report on the soils of Paraguay. 2nd ed. Rome,1964.

[Report of the] Soil Correlation Study Tour in Uru-guay, Brazil and Argentina, June-August 1964. Rome,1966.[Report of the] Meeting On Soil Correlation and SoilResources Appraisal in India, New Delhi, India, 5 to15 April 1965. Rome. 1966.Report of the sixth session of the Working Party onSoil Classification and Survey of the European Com-mission on Agriculture, Montpellier, France, 7-11 March1967. Rome, 1967.[Report of the] second Meeting on Soil Correlationfor North America, Winnipeg, Vancouver, 25 July-5 August 1966. Rome, 1967.Report of the fifth Meeting of the Advisory Panelon the Soil Map of the World, Moscow, U.S.S.R.,20-28 August 1966. Rome, 1966.Report of the Meeting of the Soil Correlation Com-mittee for South America, held in Buenos Aires, Ar-gentina, 12-19 December 1966. Rome, 1967.Trace element problems in relation to soil units inEurope. Rome, 1967.Approaches to soil classification. Rome, 1968.Definitions of soil units for the Soil Map of the World.Rome, 1968.Soil Map of South America I : 5 000 000. Draftexplanatory text. Rome, 1968.Report of a Soil Correlation Study in Sweden andPoland, 27 September-I4 October 1968. Rome, 1968.Report of the Meeting of Rapporteurs on the Prepara-tion of a Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1 : 1 000 000),Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of

Page 61: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

the European Commission on Agriculture, Poitiers,21-23 June 1967. Rome, 1969.Supplement to Definitions of soil units for the SoilMap of the World. Rome, 1969.Report of the seventh session of the Working Partyon Soil Classification and Survey of the EuropeanCommission on Agriculture, Varna, Bulgaria, 11-13September 1969. Rome, 1969.A correlation study of red and yellow soils in areaswith a Mediterranean climate. Rome, 1970.Report of the Regional Seminar on the Evaluationof Soil Resources in West Africa, Kumasi, Ghana,14-19 December 1970. Rome, 1971.Soil Research and Soil Fertility Research in Asiaand the Far East. Report of Regional Seminar, NewDelhi, 15-20 February 1971. Rome, 1971.Report of the eighth session of the Working Partyon Soil Classification and Survey of the EuropeanCommission on Agriculture, Helsinki, Finland, 5-7 July1971. Rome, 1971.Report of the ninth session of the Working Party onSoil Classification and Survey of the European Com-mission on Agriculture, Ghent, Belgium, 28-31 August1973. Rome, 1973.

FAO. Report to the Government of Brazil on the classification1966 of Brazilian soils, by J. Bennema. Rome. FAO/EPTA

Report No. 2197.

FAO. Guidelines for soil description. Rome.1967


FAo/Unesco. Soil map of the world, 1 : 5 000 000. Vol. 4.1971 South America, prepared by the Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations. Paris.

KOVDA, V.A., LOBOVA, E.V. & ROZANOV, B.G. [Classifica-1967 tion of the world's soils.] Pochvovedeniye, Nos. 4 and

7. (In Russian)

MIYCKENHAUSEN, E. Entstehung, Eigenschaften und Systema-1962 tik der Böden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Frank-

furt am Main, DLG-Verlag GmbH.

Rozov, N.N. & IvANovit, E.N. [Classification of the soils of1967 the U.S.S.R.] Pochvovedeniye, No. 2. (In Russian)

STACE, H.C.T. et al. A handbook of Australian soils. Glen-1968 side, South Australia, Rellim Technical Publications.

U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. Soil survey manual, by the1951 Soil Survey Staff. Washington, D.C., U.S. Depart-

ment of Agriculture. Agriculture Handbook No. 18.

U.S. SOIL CONSERVAT/ON SERVICE. Soil survey laboratory me/h-1967 ods and procedures for collecting soil samples. Washing-

ton, D.C. Soil Survey Investigations 1.

U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. Soil taxonomy : a basic1974 system of soil classification for making and interpreting

soil surveys, by the Soil Survey Staff. Washington,D.C.

WORKING PARTY ON SOIL HORIZON DESIGNATIONS. Proposal1967 for uniform system of Soil Horizon designations. Bull.

Int. Soc. Soil Sci., Amsterdam, 31: 10-14.

Page 62: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It


Abrupt textural change, 11, 27Aerie Ferralsols, 20, 41, 47Acrisols, 10, 11, 19, 28, 40, 51A horizon, 20, 21, 24, 25Albic Arenosols, 15, 34, 46Albic E horizon, 27, 29Albic Luvisols, 18, 38, 52Albic material, 28Alluvial deposits, recent, 32Amorphous material, 28Analytical colour chart, 9Analytical data, 32Andosols, 7, 11, 16, 31, 34, 45Arenosols, 14, 15, 34, 45-46Argillic B horizon, 23, 25, 30Aridic moisture regime, 8, 28Associated soil, 4, 8, 10Association, soil, 3, 8-9

B horizon, 20, 21, 22, 28, 32Buried horizon, 22

Calcaric Fluvisols, 15, 33, 44Calcaric Gleysols, 15, 33, 45Calcaric Phaeozems, 17, 37, 50Calcaric Regosols, 15, 34, 46Calcic Cambisols, 18, 37, 53Calcic Chemozems, 17, 36, 49Calcic horizon, 6, 23, 27Calcio Kastanozems, 17, 36, 49Calcic Luvisols, 18, 38, 52Calcic Xerosols, 17, 36, 50Calcic Yermosols, 16, 35, 51Cambic Arenosols, 15, 34, 46Cambic B horizon, 23, 26Cambisols, 10, 18, 31, 37, 52Cartographic representation, 8Cerrado, 9Cerrado phase, 7, 9Chernozems, 10, 11, 17, 31, 36, 49C horizon, 20, 22Chromic Cambisols, 18, 38, 53Chromic Luvisols, 7, 18, 38, 52Chromic Vertisols, 16, 35, 43Clay minerals, 32Clayskins, 6, 25Climatic factors, 7, 10

Climatic variants, 4, 7, 8Coarse textured, 5Colour chart, 9, 24Colours, 8, 9, 24Correlation, 10, 11-20

Definitions of soil units, 32-41Desert detritus, 9Diagnostic horizons, 10, 23-27Diagnostic properties, 27-32Dissected, steeply, 5, 8Dominant soil, 4, 8Dunes, 9Duripan, 7, 9, 23, 29Duripan phase, 7, 9Dystric Cambisols, 18, 37, 53Dystric Fluvisols, 15, 33, 44Dystric Gleysols, 15, 33, 45Dystric Histosols, 20, 41, 43Dystric Nitosols, 19, 40, 51Dystric Planosols, 19, 39, 48Dystric Podzoluvisols, 19, 39, 50Dystric Regosols, 15, 34, 46


E horizon, 20, 21, 28Elements of the legend, 4-8Eluvial horizon, 21, 25Eutric Cambisols, 18, 37, 53Eutric Fluvisols, 15, 32, 94Eutric Gleysols, 15, 33, 45Eutric Histosols, 20, 41, 43Eutric Nitosols, 19, 40, 51Eutric Pianos°ls, 19, 39, 48Eutric Podzoluvisols, 18, 38, 50Eutric Regosols, 15, 33, 46Exchange complex dominated by

amorphous material, 28Explanatory texts, 9

Ferralic Arenas°Is, 15, 28, 34, 46Ferralic Cambisols, 18, 28, 38, 53Ferralic properties, 28Ferralsols, 7, 10, 11, 14, 20, 28, 41, 47Ferric Acrisols, 19, 28, 40, 52


Ferric Luvisols, 18, 28, 38, 52Ferric Podzols, 19, 39, 47Ferric properties, 28Figure prefixes, 22Figure suffixes, 22Fine textured, 5, 8Fluvisols, 7, 10, 14, 15, 32, 44Fragipan, 6, 9, 23Fragipan phase, 6, 9


Gelic Cambisols, 18, 37, 52Gelic Gleysols, 15, 33, 44Gelic Histosols, 20, 41, 43Gelic Planosols, 19, 40, 48Gelic Regosols, 15, 34, 46Gently undulating, 5Gilgai microrelief, 28Glaciers, 9Gleyic Acrisols, 19, 30, 40, 51Gleyic Cambisols, 18, 29, 37, 53Gleyic Greyzems, 18, 29, 37, 48Gleyic groups, 29Gleyic Luvisols, 18, 30, 38, 52Gleyic Phaeozems, 17, 29, 37, 49Gleyic Podzols, 19, 29, 39, 47Gleyic Podzoluvisols, 19, 30, 39, 50Gleyic Solonchaks, 16, 29, 35, 44Gleyic Solonetz, 16, 35, 48Gleysols, 10, 11, 15, 29, 33, 44Glossic Chemozems, 17, 36, 49Glossisols, 11Greyzems, 17, 18, 37, 48Groundwater, 6, 23, 29Gypsic horizon, 6, 27Gypsic Xerosols, 17, 36, 50Gypsic Yermosols, 17, 35, 51

Haplic Chemozems, 17, 36, 49Haplic Kastanozems, 17, 36, 49Haplic Phaeozems, 17, 37, 50Haplic Xerosols, 17, 36, 50Haplic Yermosols, 16, 35, 51Hardened plinthite, 6, 30H horizon, 20, 21, 32High organic matter content in the

B horizon, 28High salinity, 29Hilly, 5, 8Histic H horizon, 24, 29

Page 63: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Histosols. 14, 20, 32, 41, 43Horizon designations, 20-23Horizon nomenclature, 20-23Horizons, soil, 20Humic Acrisols, 19, 40, 52Humic Andosols, 16, 35, 45Humic Cambisols, 18, 34, 37, 53Humic Ferralsols, 20, 41, 47Hunde Gleysols, 15, 33, 45Humic Nitosols, 19, 40, 51Humic Planosols, 19, 40, 48Humic Podzols, 19, 39, 47Hydromorphic properties, 29-30

Inclusion, soil, 4Interfingering, 30Iron pan, thin, 6, 29, 31Ironstone, 6, 30

Kastanozems, 10, 11, 17, 36, 49Key properties, 10Key to the soil units, 43-53

Laboratory methods, 24, 32Land units, miscellaneous, 9Legend, 4, 10Leptic Podzols, 19, 39, 47Letter suffixes, 22Level, 5, 8Lithic phase, 6, 9Lithological discontinuity, 21, 23, 25Lithosols, 15, 32, 34, 43Luvic Arenosols, 15, 34, 46Luvic Chernozems, 17, 36, 49Luvic groups, 11Luvic Kastanozems, 17, 36, 49Luvic Phaeozems, 17, 37, 49Luvic Xerosols, 17, 35, 50Luvic Yermosols, 17, 35, 51Luvisols, 7, 10, 11, 18, 28, 31, 38, 52

Map units, 4, 8Master horizons, 20, 21, 22Medium textured, 5, 10Microrelief, gilgai, 28Mineral horizon, 21Mineral soils, 32Miscellaneous land units, 4, 9Mixed horizons, 22Moisture control section, 28Moisture regime, aridic, 28Moisture regime, reducing, 29

Mollie A horizon, 24, 29Mollie Andosols, 16, 34, 45Mollie Gleysols, 15, 33, 45Mollie Pianos°Is, 19, 40, 48Mollie Solonchaks, 16, 35, 44Mollie Solonetz, 16, 35, 48Mountainous, 5


Natric B horizon, 7, 23, 26Nitosols, 14, 19, 28, 40, 51Nomenclature, 11-20

Ochric A horizon, 25Ochric Andosols, 16, 34, 450 horizon, 20, 21Organic horizon, 21Organic matter content, 21, 24, 25, 28Orthic Acrisols, 19, 40, 52Orthic Ferralsols, 20, 41, 47Orthic Greyzems, 18, 37, 48Orthic Luvisols, 18, 38, 52Orthic Podzols, 19, 39, 47Orthic Solonchaks, 16, 35, 44Orthic Solonetz, 16, 35, 48Overprints, 9Oxic B horizon, 23, 27, 30Oxidic concretions, 6

Parent material, 10, 22, 28Pellic Vertisols, 16, 35, 43Perched watertable, 29Permafrost, 8, 9, 30Petrie phase, 6, 9Petrocalcic horizon, 6, 22, 23Petrocalcic phase, 6, 9Petroferric horizon, 6, 23F'etroferric phase, 6, 9Petrogypsic horizon, 6, 23Petrogypsic phase, 6, 9Phaeozems, 14, 36, 49Phases, 4, 5, 9Phreatic phase, 6, 9Placic Podzols, 19, 31, 39, 47Pianos°Is, 10, 11, 19, 39, 48Plinthic Acrisols, 19, 40, 51Plinthic Ferralsols, 20, 30, 41, 47Plinthic Gleysols, 15, 33, 44Plinthic Luvisols, 18, 38, 52Plinthite, 6, 23, 30Podzols, 7, 10, 11, 19, 39, 47Podzoluvisols, 11, 18, 19, 31, 38, 50Prefixes, 21, 23Projection, 3, 4

Quartz, 30, 32


Rankers, 11, 16, 34, 46Recent alluvial deposits, 32Reducing moisture regime, 29Reduction of iron, 26, 29Regosols, 11, 15, 33, 46Rendzinas, 11, 15, 34, 46Rhodic Ferralsols, 20, 41, 47R horizon, 20, 23Rock debris, 9Rolling, 5, 8


Takyric features, 31Takyric Solonchaks, 16, 35, 44Takyric Yermosols, 17, 35, 50

Saline phase, 7Salinity, 9, 29Salinization, 6, 7, 29Salt flats, 9Segregation of iron, 26, 29, 30Sheet distribution, 4Sheet index, 4Shifting sands, 9Silt- and sand-size minerals, 32Slickensides, 30Slope classes, 5, 8Smeary consistence, 31Snow caps, 9Sodic phase, 7, 9Soft powdery lime, 31Soil association, 3, 8, 9Soil classification, 10Soil correlation, 10Soil formation, 4, 10Soil forming processes, 10, 20Soil horizons, 20-23Soil horizon designations, 20-23

Master horizons: H, 0, A, E, B,C, R, 21-22

Transitional horizons, 22Letter suffixes, 22Figure suffixes, 23Figure prefixes, 23

Soil moisture, 7, 8, 28Soil survey laboratory methods, 32Soil temperature, 7, 8, 28Soil units, 4, 10, 12-13, 32-41, 43-53Soiodic Planosols, 19, 40, 48Solonchaks, 7, 11, 16, 35, 44Solonetz, 7, 11, 16, 35, 48Spodic B horizon, 6, 23, 26, 19Sources of information, 3Steeply dissected, 5Stony phase, 5, 9Suffixes, 21, 22, 23Sulfidie materials, 31Sulfuric horizon, 27Symbols, 8System of soil classification, 10

Page 64: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

Textural classes, 4, 5, 8Textural triangle, 4, 5Texture, 4, 5, 8Thin iron pan, 6, 29, 31Thionic Fluvisols, 15, 33, 44Thixotropic soil material, 31Tonguing, 31Topographic base, 3Transitional horizons, 22, 24

Umbric A horizon, 24Undulating, gently, 5, 8


Vertic Cambisols, 18, 38,53Vertic Luvisols, 18, 38, 52Vertic properties, 31Vertisols, 7, 11, 16, 35, 43Very weak ochric A horizon, 25Vitric Andosols, 16, 35, 45

Waterlogging, 29Weak ochric A horizon, 25Weatherable minerals, 32



Xanthic Ferralsols, 20, 41, 47Xerosols, 8, 11, 14, 17, 28, 32, 36, 50


Yermosols, 8, 14, 16, 17, 28, 32, 35, 50

Zonality, 10

Page 65: FAO-Unesco Soil map of the worldThe project for a joint FAo/Unesco Soil Map of the World was undertaken following a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science. It

ISBN 92- 3- 101125 - 1
