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Farm Business Plan1

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  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    [YOUR COMPANY NAME]Business Plan 





    [YOUR PHONE NUMBER][YOUR [email protected]]

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Table of Contents

    1.0 Exec!"#e S$$%&'................................................................................................................1

    C(%&!) H"*(+"*(!....................................................................................................................-

    1.1 Oec!"#e...........................................................................................................................-

    1.- M""................................................................................................................................-

    1.2 3e' ! Scce.................................................................................................................-

    -.0 C$4%' S$$%&'................................................................................................................2

    -.1 C$4%' O5e&("4..........................................................................................................2

    -.- S!%&!64 S$$%&'...............................................................................................................2T%+e) S!%&!64.......................................................................................................................2

    C(%&!) S!%&!64.......................................................................................................................7

    2.0 P&8c! %8 Se"ce............................................................................................................7

    7.0 M%&9e! A%+'" S$$%&'......................................................................................................7

    7.1 M%&9e! Se*$e!%!"..........................................................................................................:

    T%+e) M%&9e! A%+'"...........................................................................................................:7.- T%&*e! M%&9e! Se*$e! S!&%!e*'........................................................................................;

    7.2 Se"ce B"e A%+'"..................................................................................................;

    7.2.1 C$4e!"!" %8 B'"* P%!!e&.................................................................................;


  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Table of Contents

    C(%&!) M"+e!e................................................................................................................1-

    >.0 M%%*e$e! S$$%&'........................................................................................................1-

    >.1 Pe&e+ P+%..................................................................................................................1-

    T%+e) Pe&e+..................................................................................................................12

    ?.0 "%c"%+ P+%.......................................................................................................................12

    ?.1 S!%&!64 8"*...............................................................................................................12

    T%+e) S!%&!64 8"*.......................................................................................................12

    ?.- I$4&!%! A$4!".....................................................................................................17?.2 B&e%96e#e A%+'".........................................................................................................17

    T%+e) B&e%96e#e A%+'".................................................................................................17

    C(%&!) B&e%96e#e A%+'".................................................................................................1:

    ?.7 P&ec!e8 P&"! %8 L..................................................................................................1:

    T%+e) P&"! %8 L..........................................................................................................1;

    C(%&!) P&"! M!(+'............................................................................................................1>C(%&!) P&"! Ye%&+'..............................................................................................................1>

    C(%&!) & M%&*" M!(+'..............................................................................................1?

    C(%&!) & M%&*" Ye%&+'.................................................................................................1?

    ?.: P&ec!e8 C%( +5.........................................................................................................1

    T%+e) C%( +5.................................................................................................................1

    C(%&!) C%(.........................................................................................................................-0

    ?.; P&ec!e8 B%+%ce S(ee!..................................................................................................-0

    T%+e) B%+%ce S(ee! -1

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    1.0 Exec!"#e S$$%&'


    Introdution[YOUR COMPANY NAME] 8e#e+4 %8 $%"!%" Bee & !(e 4++"%!" %*&"c+!&%+ c&4, !(e

    4&8c!" (e' %8 4&e ee5%x.



     T!e Co"#an$

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] " 8e!e&$""* "! &$%+ c$4%' !&c!&e 5"!( :0 5e&("4 (e+8 '


     Our Ser%ies

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] e++ ee 4++"%!" e"ce & !(e e&!"+"F%!" c&4, &*%"c DA %44&#e8(e' %8 4&e ee5%x.

     &inanial Considerations

    T(e c&&e! "%c"%+ 4+% & [YOUR COMPANY NAME] " ! ec&e 8"* " !(e %$! G;?0,000. T(e8"* 5"++ e e8 ! 4&c(%e ee %8 4&8ce ee ("#e, c!&c! % (e' 9"!c(e, 4&c(%e+%8, e="4$e!, % e"ce !&c9 %8 4&#"8e %+%&"e & e$4+'ee %8 5&9"* c%4"!%+ !"+ !(e "e$%"!%" 4&"!%"+"!'

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Chart: Highlights

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image2em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

    1.1 Oec!"#e

    T(e ec!"#e [YOUR COMPANY NAME] %&e)

    • T ec$e % 4&e$"e& 4&#"8e& ee 4++"%!" e"ce " [YOUR COUNTRY].

    • T (e+4 &ee!%+"( !(e ee 44+%!" ee!"%+ ! !(e e&!"+"F%!" &"! %8 #e*e!%+e %8 !%" "!%"+"!' ! ee8 "!e+.

    • T $%&9e! &*%"c (e' %8 ee5%x.

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    •  A c$$"!$e! ! !(e e"ce 4++"%!"* !(e %!" c&4 %8 &ee!%+"("* !(e C!&' ee44+%!".

    -.0 C$4%' S$$%&'

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] 5% e!%+"(e8 " 17 % % (' %&$ ee 9ee4e& ' [YOUR NAME].Lc%!e8 " [YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE], [YOUR COMPANY NAME] 4&#"8ec$$e&c"%+ %*&"c+!&%+ 4++"%!" ' !(e $! #%+%+e 4++"%!&, ee. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] " %c$$e&c"%+ ee9ee4e& !(%! &%"e, &e! %8 !&%4&! ee ("#e & !(e 4++"%!" %*&"c+!&%+ c&4 "[YOUR COUNTRY].

    -.1 C$4%' O5e&("4

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] " 5e8 " e=%+ 4%&! ' [NAME]S %8 !(e c$4%' " c&&e!+' ex%$""* !(ee! %+!e&%!"#e & "! +e*%+ e!%+"($e! " &8e& ! 4&#"8e [YOUR COUNTRY] 5"!( "! =%+"!' 4++"%!"e"ce.

    -.- S!%&!64 S$$%&'

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] " &e=e!"* "%c"* " !(e %$! G;?0,000, !(" %$!, G70,:>; 5"++ e

    e8 ! 8 !%&! 4 ex4ee "c&&e8 !"+ "%c"* " ec&e8 5("c( " 4&ec!e8 ! e A*! -011.

    T%+e) S!%&!64



    Start-u# E.#ensesBee Bo.es G2:,000Bee su##lies G1,20-one$ su##lies G1,:?-


  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Chart: )tart*+,

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image-em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

    2.0 P&8c! %8 Se"ce

    T(e 4&"$%&' e"ce +!"$%!e+' 4&#"8e8 ' [YOUR COMPANY NAME] 5"++ e %*&"c+!&%+ c&4 4++"%!" ce!(e c$4%' (% "c&e%e8 % e!%+"(e8 ee 44+%!". T(e "&! !e4 " 8e#e+4$e! " ! "c&e%e !(ec$4%' ee 44+%!" %+* 5"!( !(e %c"%!e8 ("#e %8 %c"+"!"e &e="&e8 ! $%"!%" %8 e"ce %

    (e%+!(' 44+%!". T(e '6 4&8c! (e' %8 ee5%x 5"++ %+ e $%&9e!e8 %8 %c"%!e8 4&"! 5"++e &e"#e!e8 " !(e %c=""!" %8 $%"!e%ce !(e ee. Oce % (e%+!(' 44+%!" " %!!%"e8,4++"%!" e"ce 5"++ c$$ece %8 !(e ee 5"++ e !&%4&!e8 % &e="&e8 %8 !(e c!"e88e#e+4$e! !(e ee 44+%!" 5"++ e % *"* c$4%' 4&"&"!'.

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    7.2 Se"ce B"e A%+'"

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] 4&#"8e (e' ee 8&"* +5e&"* ! 4++"%!e c&4 5("c( !(e 4&eece  !(ee 4++"%!" ("#e " c&"!"c%+ ! !(e 8e#e+4$e! % ec$"c%++' #"%+e c&4.

    Be*""* " Oc!e& -00;, $e ee 9ee4e& e*% &e4&!"* +e 2060 4e&ce! !(e"& ("#e.

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    c!$e& %!"%c!" e' &e+! %8 c%8"8 !e!"$"%+. T(e c$4%' *%+ " ! &%9 ("*( & 4&ee&&e89e'5&8 !(e $%" e%&c( e*"e " &*%"c & %!&%+ e%&c(e %8 "c&e%e e%&c( e*"e4!"$"F%!" ' 5&"!"* % 9e'5&8 &"c( !"!+e. T(e c$4%' 5"++ $"! !(e 5e"!e ! 9e' 8"&ec!&"e. T(ec$4%' 5"++ %+ 8&%$%!"c%++' "c&e%e #"""+"!' ' 5&"!"* ee 9ee4"* %8 4++"%!" &e+%!e8 %&!"c+e %88"!&"!e !(e$ ! e8"!& % &ee c!e! & e6$%"+ e5+e!!e& & 5e"!e &e=e!"* !(%! % +"9 ! !(ec$4%' 5e"!e %8 % e6+"e 8ec&"4!" c$4%' e&"* e "c+8e8 5"!( !(e %&!"c+e.

    I! " 4&ec!e8 !(%! !(e c$4%' 5e"!e 5"++ ec$e ++' 4e&%!"%+ 5"!(" !(&ee $!( %8 $e & %++  !(e "!e c!&c!" 5"++ e "$4+e$e!e8 ' $%%*e$e! 5(e e%"+e +e $%%*e$e! 8e!e&$"e !(ec! % 4&e"%+ " !""e8.

    :.- De#e+4$e! Re="&e$e!

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] 5"++ !"+"Fe % +"e 5e"!e "+8e& & !(e e!%+"($e! !(e C$4%'5e"!e %8 e& "!e&%ce 5("c( !(e C$4%' ex4ec! ! e!%+"( 5"!(" !("&!' 8%' &ece"4! 8"*.T(e 5e"!e 5"++ e % *"* c$4%' 4&ec! %8 5"++ e 48%!e8 % e"ce e&"* %&e ex!e8e8%8 $8""e8 %8 % c!$e& !e!"$"%+ %8 e' &e+! %&e &ece"#e8.

    ;.0 S!&%!e*' %8 I$4+e$e!%!" S$$%&'

    T(e 4&"$%&' %+e %8 $%&9e!"* !&%!e*' & [YOUR COMPANY NAME] c"! !(e ++5"*)

    1. T 4&#"8e % 4%&%++e+e8 4++"%!" e"ce ! %&$e& & !(e 4&8c!" &"! %8 #e*e!%+e "[YOUR COUNTRY].

    -. T e!%+"( % +'%+ ++5"* %&$e& %e8 % ("*( +e#e+ c!$e& %!"%c!".

    2. T 4&#"8e !(e ("*(e! =%+"!' 4++"%!" %! !(e $! c$4e!"!"#e 4&"ce.

    7. T e!%+"( %8 $%"!%" % ex!e"#e 8%!%%e %&$e& & $%&9e!"* 4&4e.

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (% c+e%&+' 8e"e8 !(e !%&*e! $%&9e! %8 (% 8"e&e!"%!e8 "!e+ ' e&"*% +"8 +!" ! +"++"* "! c!$e& ee8. Re%%+e %+e !%&*e! (%#e ee e!%+"(e8 5"!( %

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    ;.1.1 S!&e*!(

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] "!e8 ! 8"!"*"( "!e+ % % +e%8e& " !(e %*&"c+!&%+ 4++"%!" "8!&' ' !+' 4&#"8"* e"ce ! %&$e& " ee8 c&4 4++"%!" ! ' 4&#"8"* % ee!"%+ *+%+ e#"&$e!%+e"ce " &8e& ! &ee!%+"( !(e ee 44+%!" " !(" c!&' . C$4%' 4&8c!" [YOUR COUNTRY]ee 44+%!" 5"++ %cc! & % +%&*e 4%&! "! *&5!( % !(e %!" c!"e "! &ec*"!" & !(e ee8 44&! e&! ! 4&8ce %8 !%" c&4 ! ee8 !(e 44+%!" & %!", &e8c"* & 8e4e8ec' "$4&!e8 &"! %8 #e*e!%+e %8 "c&e%"* !(e %"+"!' & c!&' ! ee8 "!e+.


  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    E#e&' e&! (+8 e ex(%!e8 ! 8e#e+4 4&"!e8 %8 4&ee! 4+"c $%&9e!"* $%!e&"%+ " % "8e!"c%+%8 c"!e! $%e&. C$4%' &%8"* 8e"e c$4%"e 5"!( !(e e %8#e&!"e$e!, +'e&,"e c%&8, +e!!e&(e%8, &$, $%&9e!"* $%!e&"%+, %8 !(e c$4%' 5e"!e %++ (%#"* "8e!"c%+ 8e"*,c+&, +*, %8 %44e%&%ce.

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Chart: )ales $o0thl1

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image3em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

    Chart: )ales .1 4ear

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image5em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    • P&c(%"* +%8 ! (e !(e "$4e8"* %8 ex"!"* ee 44+%!".

    • B"+8 ece%&' ("* !&c!&e.

    B"+8 %8 e="4 % (e' 9"!c(e.• P&c(%e ("#e.

    • I$4+e$e! % %**&e"#e %8#e&!""* c%$4%"*.

    • 8"* !(e c$4%' 5&9"* c%4"!%+ " &8e& ! c#e& 4e&%!"* ex4ee %8 4&ec!e8 4%'&++.

    Ta.le: $ilesto0es


    Milestone S!%&!D%!e

    E8 D%!e B8*e! M%%*e& De4%&!$e!

    Pur!ase Land ?/1/-011 10/1/-011 G-0,000 YOUR NAME O5e&  Construt &ailit$ /1/-011 1-/21/-011 G;0,000 YOUR NAME O5e&  Construt @ E,ui# it!en /1/-011 1-/21/-011 G:0,000 YOUR NAME O5e&  Pur!ase Tru ?/1/-011 10/1/-011 G;0,000 YOUR NAME O5e&  Pur!ase i%es /1/-011 1-/21/-011 G1-0,000 YOUR NAME O5e&  I"#le"ent Ad%ertisin) /1/-011 1-/21/-011 G10,000 YOUR NAME O5e&  &und orin) Ca#ital /1/-011 1-/21/-011 G0,000 YOUR NAME O5e&  

    Totals G;?0,000

    Chart: $ilesto0es

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image6em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    COMPANY NAME] 5"++ c#e' "! c$$"!$e! ! =%+"!' e"ce %8 4&e"%+"$ ' "#e!"* !(e !"$e&e="&e8 ! ex!e"#e+' !&%" %++ c$4%' 4e&e+ ! 4(+8 %8 %8(e&e ! !(e C$4%' !%8%&8  exce++ece " e"ce %8 "e 8ec&$.

    YOUR NAMESJ, O5e& %8 O4e&%!" M%%*e&, 5"++ #e&ee %++ e+e$e! !(e C$4%' %8 "!4e&%!", 4&"!%"+"!' %8 c$$"!$e! ! e"ce %8 excee8"* c!$e& ex4ec!%!". T(e C$4%'4&ec! !(e "c+" %88"!"%+ e$4+'ee ' !(e e8 'e%& e.

    >.1 Pe&e+ P+%

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] 4&ec! !(e ex!e" %88"!"%+ e$4+'ee ' !(e e8 'e%& 1 5"!( %+%&"e

    "c+8"* % 2 %%+ c! +"#"* "c&e%e " 'e%& !5. I! " !(e C$4%' *%+ ! 4&#"8e !%+ee$4+'$e! 5"!( 4&4&!"%!e %+%&"e ! "! ee 9ee4e& " &8e& ! c$4e%!e %44&4&"%!e+' & !(e5&9"* e#"&$e! %8 ex!e8e8 !&%#e+ ce 4++"%!" e"ce c$$ece.

    Ta.le: Perso00el

    Personnel Plan

     Ye%& 1 Ye%& - Ye%& 2 YOUR NAME G20,000 G20,00 G21,?->

     YOUR NAME G1:,000 G1:,7:0 G1:,17La?orers G20,000 G20,00 G21,?->Total Peo#le 0 0 0

    Total Pa$roll G>:,000 G>>,-:0 G>,:;?

    ?.0 "%c"%+ P+%

    T(e c&&e! "%c"%+ 4+% & [YOUR COMPANY NAME] " ! !%" 8"* " !(e %$! G;?0,000. T(e8"* 5"++ e e8 ! 4&c(%e ee, c!&c! ("#e, 4&c(%e +%8, c!&c! % (e' 9"!c(e, 4&c(%e %c$4%' !&c9 %8 ece%&' e="4$e!  %8 ! 4&#"8e 4e&%!"* 8 !"+ !(e C$4%' $%"!%"4&"!%"+"!'.

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    ?.1 S!%&!64 8"*

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (% &e=e!e8 8"* " !(e %$! G;?0,000 %8 ex4ec! &ece"4! !(%!8"* " A*! -011, %! 5("c( !"$e !(e c$4%' 5"++ 4&cee8 5"!( !(e *%+ +"!e8 " !(e M"+e!e !%+eexec!"* !(e c$4%' 4&c(%e % +"!e8 %8 8"* 5&9"* c%4"!%+.

    Ta.le: )tart*+, &+0di0g

    Start-up Funding 

    S!%&!64 Ex4ee ! 8 ;

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    ?.- I$4&!%! A$4!"T(e !%+e e+5 4&ee! !(e %$4!" e8 " !(e "%c"%+ c%+c+%!" !(" 8"* 4+%. [YOURCOMPANY NAME] " 8e!e&$""* "! !%! % % c$4%' %8 %cc&8"* ! !(" 4+% " !%xe8 %cc&8"*+' %!% e!"$%!e8 -: !%x &%!e. De4&ec"%!" ex4ee " %e8 !(e c(e8+e8 %88"!" " !(e M"+e!e !%+e.I&%ce, !"+"!"e %8 %++ !(e& ex4ee %$e % 2 %%+ "c&e%e 8e ! "+%!" Q !(e& c!#%&"%+e.

    ?.2 B&e%96e#e A%+'"

    T(e C$4%' $!(+' &e#ee &e%96e#e %%+'" & 'e%& 1 " 4&ec!e8 ! e G17,>>. S%+e %&e4&ec!e8 ! "c&e%e 20 & 'e%& 2 8e ! !(e "!e&%+ ex4%" !(e C$4%' %8 c&&e48"*

    %8#e&!""* c%$4%"*.

    Ta.le: 7rea*e8e0 (0al1sis

    Break-even Analysis

    Mont!l$ Re%enue Brea-e%en ;1

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Chart: Pro!it $o0thl1

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/imageem!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

    Chart: Pro!it 4earl1

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image;

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Chart: %ross $argi0 $o0thl1

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image;;em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

    Chart: %ross $argi0 4earl1

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image;2em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Chart: Cash

     INCLUDEPICTURE "ooxWord://word/media/image;-em!" # $ER%E&'R$(TINET

    ?.; P&ec!e8 B%+%ce S(ee!

    [YOUR COMPANY NAME] e! 5&!( " G:70,:?0 G7?0,?2 %8 G7:2,:-; & 'e%& 1, - %8 2, &e4ec!"#e+'.

    T(e C$4%' T!%+ Ae! %! !(e e8 -011, -01- %8 -012 5"++ e G:77,171, G:11,>70  %8 G7;1,:02,&e4ec!"#e+'.

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Ta.le: 7ala0e )heet

    Pro Forma Balance Sheet 

     Ye%& 1 Ye%& - Ye%& 2 Ae!C&&e! Ae!C%( G--,02> G7>,:2- G::,1-O!(e& C&&e! Ae! G0 G0 G0T!%+ C&&e! Ae! G--,02> G7>,:2- G::,1-L*6!e&$ Ae!L*6!e&$ Ae! G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000

     Acc$+%!e8 De4&ec"%!" G:>,?; G11:,>- G1>2,;??T!%+ L*6!e&$ Ae! G:--,107 G7;7,-0? G70;,21-T!%+ Ae! G:77,171 G:11,>70 G7;1,:02

    L"%"+"!"e %8 C%4"!%+ Ye%& 1 Ye%& - Ye%& 2C&&e! L"%"+"!"e

     Acc! P%'%+e G2,:;1 G20,?7> G>,>?C&&e! B&&5"* G0 G0 G0O!(e& C&&e! L"%"+"!"e G0 G0 G0

    S!!%+ C&&e! L"%"+"!"e G2,:;1 G20,?7> G>,>?L*6!e&$ L"%"+"!"e G0 G0 G0T!%+ L"%"+"!"e G2,:;1 G20,?7> G>,>?P%"86" C%4"!%+ G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000Re!%"e8 E%&"* G70,:>;J G12,7-0J G1,10>JE%&"* G?,?77J G:,;?>J G->,2;>JT!%+ C%4"!%+ G:70,:?0 G7?0,?2 G7:2,:-;T!%+ L"%"+"!"e %8 C%4"!%+ G:77,171 G:11,>70 G7;1,:02Net ort! G:70,:?0 G7?0,?2 G7:2,:-;

    ?.> B"e R%!"

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1


    Pe&ce! S%+eS%+e 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00& M%&*" >.: ?.2: ?.2: >1.>?

    Se++"*, ee&%+ Q A8$""!&%!"#e Ex4ee --2.2> 17>.20 11:.;1 1-.>2 A8#e&!""* Ex4ee 1-.; ?.7: ;.; 0.2;P&"! Be&e I!e&e! %8 T%xe 61-:.71 67?.; 61>.-> :.0;

    M%" R%!"C&&e! ;.1 1.:7 ;.- 1.7;"c9 ;.1 1.:7 ;.- 1.1>T!%+ De! ! T!%+ Ae! 0.;: ;.02 1.>2 ?.P&e6!%x Re!& Ne! 611.;; 6:.2 .72

     A88"!"%+ R%!" Ye%& 1 Ye%& - Ye%& 2Ne! P&"! M%&*" 61-:.71 67?.; 61>.-> .%Re!& E="!' 61?.-? 61-.71 6;.02 .%

     Ac!"#"!' R%!" Acc! P%'%+e T&#e& 1-.:> 1.:1 ;.0> .%P%'$e! D%' -> 12: 17; .%T!%+ Ae! T&#e& 0.17 0.-7 0.27 .%

    De! R%!"De! ! Ne! G1;,;?: G7>,-17 .%I!e&e! C#e&%*e 0.00 0.00 0.00 .%

     A88"!"%+ R%!" Ae! ! S%+e ;.0 7.-0 -.1 .%C&&e! De!/T!%+ Ae! 1 ; - .%

     Ac"8 Te! ;.1 1.:7 ;.- .%

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1



    Ta.le: )ales &oreast

    Sales Forecast 

     M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!(10




    Pollination Ser%ies G1,;?0 G1,;?0 G1,;?0 G2,;00 G2,;00 G2,;00 G,;00 G,;00 G,;00 G,;00 G,;00 ;46522

    Or)ani one$ Sales G2>: G2>: G2>: G2>: G2>: G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Bees*a. Sales G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- ;848

    Total Sales G-,27> G-,27> G-,27> G7,-;> G7,-;> G2,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- ;46948

    >iret Cost o( Sales  M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!(10



    Or)ani one$ Costs G112 G112 G112 G112 G112 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Bees*a. Costs G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? ;99

    Su?total >iret Cost o(Sales

    ;822 ;822 ;822 ;822 ;822 ;99 ;99 ;99 ;99 ;99 ;99 ;99

    P%*e 1

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1



    Ta.le: Perso00el

    Personnel Plan

     M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!(10



     YOUR NAME G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 YOUR NAME G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0 G1,-:0La?orers G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00 G-,:00Total Peo#le 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Total Pa$roll G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0

    P%*e -

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1



    Ta.le: Pro!it a0d Loss

    Pro Forma Profit andLoss

     M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!(10



    Sales G-,27> G-,27> G-,27> G7,-;> G7,-;> G2,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- ;46948>iret Cost o( Sales G-00 G-00 G-00 G-00 G-00 G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? ;99Ot!er Costs o( Sales G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2Total Cost o( Sales G-00 G-00 G-00 G-00 G-00 G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? G?? ;99

    Gross Mar)in G-,17> G-,17> G-,17> G7,0;> G7,0;> G2,?07 G,?07 G,?07 G,?07 G,?07 G,?07 ;4692<Gross Mar)in 3 1.7? 1.7? 1.7? :.21 :.21 >.>: .1- .1- .1- .1- .1- 440183


    Pa$roll G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 ;568=2Maretin)/Pro"otion G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 G?22 ;9::

    >e#reiation G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: G7,?-: ;1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 G17,;>1 ;1,;J G>,;J G>,;J G:,>>J G:,>>J G;,07-J G7-J G7-J G7-J G7-J G7-J D;

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1



    Ta.le: Cash &low

    Pro Forma Cash Flow 

     M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!(10

     M!( 11  Mont!18

    Cas! Reei%ed

    Cas! (ro" O#erationsCas! Sales G-,27> G-,27> G-,27> G7,-;> G7,-;> G2,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- ;46948

    Su?total Cas! (ro" O#erations G-,27> G-,27> G-,27> G7,-;> G7,-;> G2,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- ;46948

    Additional Cas! Reei%ed

    Sales Ta.6 FAT6 ST/GSTReei%ed

    0.00 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Ne* Current Borro*in) G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Ne* Ot!er Lia?ilities Dinterest-(ree

    G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Ne* Lon)-ter" Lia?ilities G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Sales o( Ot!er Current Assets G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Sales o( Lon)-ter" Assets G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Ne* In%est"ent Reei%ed G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Su?total Cas! Reei%ed G-,27> G-,27> G-,27> G7,-;> G7,-;> G2,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- G,?- ;46948

    E.#enditures  M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!(10

     M!( 11  Mont!18

    E.#enditures (ro" O#erations

    Cas! S#endin) G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 G;,-:0 ;568=2

    Bill Pa$"ents G1-> G2,>; G2,>; G2,>; G2,>; G2,>- G2,;?2 G2,;?2 G2,;?2 G2,;?2 G2,;?2 ;:659:

    Su?total S#ent on O#erations G;,2>> G10,07; G10,07; G10,07; G10,07; G10,07- G,22 G,22 G,22 G,22 G,22 ;464::

    Additional Cas! S#ent

    Sales Ta.6 FAT6 ST/GST PaidOut

    G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Prini#al Re#a$"ent o(

    Current Borro*in)

    G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Ot!er Lia?ilities Prini#alRe#a$"ent

    G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Lon)-ter" Lia?ilities Prini#alRe#a$"ent

    G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Pur!ase Ot!er CurrentAssets

    G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Pur!ase Lon)-ter" Assets G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    >i%idends G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 ;2

    Su?total Cas! S#ent G;,2>> G10,07; G10,07; G10,07; G10,07; G10,07- G,22 G,22 G,22 G,22 G,22 ;464::

    Net Cas! &lo* G7,020J G>,;J G>,;J G:,>>J G:,>>J G;,1:0J G7-J G7-J G7-J G7-J G7-J D;

  • 8/16/2019 Farm Business Plan1



    Ta.le: 7ala0e )heet

    Pro Forma BalanceSheet 

     M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!( 10 M!( 11 M!( 1- Ae! S!%&!"*


    C&&e! Ae!C%( G:,7-7 G::,27 G7>,;: G2,; G27,-1> G-?,72> G--,-?> G--,-7: G--,-07 G--,1;- G--,1-0 G--,0> G--,02>O!(e& C&&e! Ae! G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0T!%+ C&&e! Ae! G:,7-7 G::,27 G7>,;: G2,; G27,-1> G-?,72> G--,-?> G--,-7: G--,-07 G--,1;- G--,1-0 G--,0> G--,02>

    L*6!e&$ Ae!L*6!e&$ Ae! G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000 G:?0,000

     Acc$+%!e8 De4&ec"%!" G0 G7,?-: G,;7 G17,7>7 G1,- G-7,1-2 G-?,7? G22,>>2 G2?,:> G72,7-- G7?,-7> G:2,0>1 G:>,?;T!%+ L*6!e&$ Ae! G:?0,000 G:>:,1>: G:>0,2:1 G:;:,:-; G:;0,>01 G:::,?>> G::1,0:- G:7;,--> G:71,702 G:2;,:>? G:21,>:2 G:-;,- G:--,107T!%+ Ae! G;2,7-7 G;20,:; G;1?,07; G;0:,:-- G:7,1? G:?7,217 G:>2,22 G:;?,7>2 G:;2,;0; G::?,>70 G::2,?>7 G:7,00> G:77,171

    L"%"+"!"e %8 C%4"!%+ M!( 1 M!( - M!( 2 M!( 7 M!( : M!( ; M!( > M!( ? M!( M!( 10 M!( 11 M!( 1-

    C&&e! L"%"+"!"e Acc! P%'%+e G0 G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1C&&e! B&&5"* G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0O!(e& C&&e! L"%"+"!"e G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0S!!%+ C&&e! L"%"+"!"e G0 G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1

    L*6!e&$ L"%"+"!"e G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G 0 G0 G0T!%+ L"%" +" !"e G0 G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,;; G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1 G2,:;1

    P%"86" C%4"!%+ G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000 G;?0,000Re!%"e8 E%&"* G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;J G70,:>;JE%&"* G0 G1-,:-7J G-:,07?J G2>,:>-J G7?,1>:J G:?,>>J G;,;7;J G>7,:1-J G>,2>?J G?7,-7:J G?,111J G2,>>J G?,?77JT!%+ C%4"!%+ G;2,7-7 G;-;,00 G;17,2>; G;01,?:- G:1,-7 G:?0,;7: G:;,>>? G:;7,1- G:;0,07; G:::,1> G::0,212 G:7:,77> G:70,:?0T!%+ L"%"+"!"e %8 C%4"!%+ G;2,7-7 G;20,:; G;1?,07; G;0:,:-- G:7,1? G:?7,217 G:>2,22 G:;?,7>2 G:;2,;0; G::?,>70 G::2,?>7 G:7,00> G:77,171

    Net ort! G;2,7-7 G;-;,00 G;17,2>; G;01,?:- G:1,-7 G:?0,;7: G:;,>>? G:;7,1- G:;0,07; G:::,1> G::0,212 G:7:,77> G:70,:?0

    P%*e :
