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Farmer, Lesley Session Girls And Games 090903

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Girls Got Game?: Egaming and Females Presented by Lesley Farmer [email protected] www.csulb.edu/~lfarmer
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Girls Got Game?:

Egaming and Females

Presented by Lesley Farmer

[email protected]


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What’s the Situation?

Are girls interested in egaming?

• YES! About 67% of 9-12 year old girls do and over

90% of 13-17 year old girls use technology

• 40% of girl game daily

• 6% of preteen and 4 % of teen girls make up game


• Girls spend less time (household priorities)

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What’s the Problem??

Girls don’t like the computer culture:

• They don’t like the nature of most computer games

• They dislike stereotypical female characters

• They see few female role models

• And their attitude becomes more problematic when

they hit adolescence because of social issues…

• … by the way, did you know that parents are more

likely to buy computers for boys than girls?

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What Happens in Schools?

• Technology-enhanced projects are gender-neutral

or more male oriented.

• Girls are discouraged from taking advanced tech


• Girls lack info about the impact of technology on

salaries and promotions.

• Girls tend to classify all tech jobs as masculine.

• Schools tend to “dis” egames.

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Benefits of Egaming

• use of fixed, equitable rules

• clear roles and expectations

• internally-consistent environment where everything is possible

• clear goals within a rich context that gives goals personal meaning and relevance

• opportunities to explore identities

• cognitive and affective engagement

• multiple ways to achieve goals through constructivist strategies

• specific, timely feedback

• sense of control and personal investment

• situated learning

• sense of reward for effort, including trial and error

• structured interaction between players, and between players and the game

• blend of cooperation and competition

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Egame Mastery and Gender

• Girls master individually vs. boys learning from

each other (because of societal messages)

• Girls ask boys for advice

• Girls tend not to use manuals

• Girls tend to reset level or game

• Girls may walk away from controls/navigation

• Expert gamers are gender-neutral

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Tips to Engage Girls with Egames

• Provide choice

• Get the girls’ input – and act on it

• Make it social: encourage buddy learning

• Focus on communication – and human relationships

• Encourage intellectual risk-taking

• Emphasize effort more than mastery

• Have fun!

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Criteria for Choosing Egames

• confidence: encourage and support girls’ abilities

• collaboration: facilitate working together

• personal identification: relate to personal life

• contextuality: present information in narrative or story form

• flexibility/motility: offer several navigational paths

• social connectivity: facilitate interpersonal connections

• inclusion: portray diverse populations

• multimedia presence: meld high-quality graphic, motion and audio elements

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Library Portals and Egaming

• add game-related displays that include game art,

game-related fiction, and information about

careers in gaming

• link to gaming magazines and strategy guides

• publicize gaming events and resources

• add student-created content, such as game


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Instruction and Egaming Principles

• provide student choice (which topic to study)

• offer opportunities for low-pressure situations

• emphasize the importance of memorizing and mastering basics of a concept before applying the knowledge

• Facilitate collaborative work

• provide extra help for struggling students

• provide extension activities for students who excel

• evaluate effort rather than product

• use alternative and authentic assessments – designing demo games, tests based on mastery levels (not everyone takes the same tests)

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Egaming and Information Literacy

• just-in-time verbal or textual feedback when the learner wants it

• affirmation of effort as it leads to performance and competence

• incorporation of the affective domain, particularly as it relates to personal priorities

• consideration of systems and relationships as they impact information analysis and use

• emphasis on distributed knowledge and cross-functional information-seeking teams

• acknowledgement and leveraging of multiple perspectives

• empathy of complex information systems

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Representative Games/Web Sites

Links4Kids: Girls Only: http://www.links4kids.co.uk/girlsonly.htm

Girl Scouts: Girls Only: http://www.gogirlsonly.org/games/

American Girl: http://www.americangirl.com/

MyPopStudio: http://www.mypopstudio.com/

*Digital Films: http://www.digitalfilms.com

*Toondo: http://www.toondo.com

Zoey’s Room: http://www.zoeysroom.com/

Girls Tech: http://girlstech.douglass.rutgers.edu/

*PPT Game Templates:


Gamer Girls Unite: http://www.gamergirlsunite.com/news.php

*Yahoo Games: http://games.yahoo.com/


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ReferencesAgosto, D. (2004). Girls and gaming: A summary of the research with implications for practice. Teacher Librarian, 31(3), 8-14..

American Association of University Women. (2000). Tech-savvy: Education girls in the new computer age. Washington, DC: American Association of University Women.

Amory, Alan, et al (1999). The use of computer games as an educational tool.. British Journal of Educational Technology, 30, 311-321.

Becker, K. (2007) Digital game-based learning once removed.. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38, 479-488.

Cassell, J., & Jenkins, H. (Eds). (1998). From Barbie to Mortal Kombat. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Cooper, J., & Weaver, K. (2003). Gender and computers: Understanding the digital divide. Nawah, NJ: Erlbaum.

DeKanter, N. (2005). Gaming redefines interactivity for learning. TechTrends, 49(3), 26-31.

Fromme, J. (2003). Computer games as a part of children's culture. Game Studies, 3(1). http://www.gamestudies.org/0301/fromme/

Gee, James. (2007). What video games have to teacher us about learning and literacy (2nd ed.). Palgrave, England: Macmillan.

Graner Ray, S. (2004). Gender inclusive game design: Expanding the market.. Hingham, Eng.: Charles River Media.

Helmrich, E., & Neiburger, E. (2007). Video games as a service: Three years later. VOYA, 30(2) 113-115.

Jenkins, H. (2008). Reality bytes: Eight myths about video games debunked. The Video Game Revolution. Jones, S. (2003). Let the games begin. Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Kaiser Family Fntn.. (2005). Generation M: Media in the lives of eight to eighteen year olds. Menlo Park, CA: Author.

Koster, R.(2004). A theory of fun for game design. Phoenix, AZ: Peralglygh.

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Macgill, A. (2007). Parent and teen Internet use. Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project.

McFerrin,E., et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2008 pp. 991-996). Chesapeake, VA: American Association of Computer Education.

Neiburger, E. (2007). Gamers...in the library?! Chicago: American Library Association.

Nicholson, S. (2007). The role of gaming in libraries: Taking the pulse. http://boardgameswithscott.com/pulse2007.pdf

Prensky, M. (2006). Don’t bother me mom – I’m learning! St. Paul, MN: Paragon House.

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Simpson, E. (2005). Evolution in the classroom: what teachers need to know about the video game generation. TechTrends, 49(5), 17-22.
