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Farnham Grace 1957 Japan

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  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    D e a r F r i e n d s ;

    l okyo , JapanJanuary 26, 1957

    FEB 1 ; 1957

    Grreetings fo r the New Year, Here in Mabashi vre a re encouraged w ith the p ro gre ssduring th e past few months. There i s a gradual increase in attendance with someformer memhers returning an d new people coming. The meeting of the women on Wednesday afternoons has about doubled in attendance. This is a worship service for manyo f the wmen v;ho cannot at tend on S\inday. have appreciated the f ai th fu ln es s o fchurch officers an d a group of members. Those who l e f t with the pastor l a s t Maywere young peop le excep t f o r one woman t e a c h e r A form er deacon , I f r , Haru ta , vdioha d to enter a T B hospi ta l l a s t f a l l ha s recovered an d i s a tt en di ng t he s er vi ce swith h is wife. Some High School young people are a lso coming. have a more d i ff i c u l t problem to get o\ir young people in to church than yo u do in America. Non-C h r is ti a n p a re n ts want the young people to spend t he i r time studying. They areAtforried, t o o t h a t i f t h e young people-^00106- (Sir is t lan. . t h e y tsonnot m af ce ^ g oo dmarriage fo r them. Most o f the marriages a re s t i l l planned by the paren ts .

    had our usTial Christmas ce lebra t ions . The Sunday serv ice was a message by

    ou r earnest deacon, Mr, Saito, on salvation (the t rue Christmas message). Afterwards,a group of C^istians had lunch together. Each had his l i t t l e box of coldboi led r i c e . I t t a s t e s b : ^ t e r than i t sounds. That evening, the re was a BibleSchoo l p rogram followed ^3^.a f i lm shovm by Ju l iu s Tleenor. are able to borrov;these f i lms f rom some other Mssions Moody Bible Ins t i tu te an d Science an d t he B iblef i lms). Much of th e preparation for the children s program fe l l iq)on Mrs. Hongo asth e other two teachers had only Sunday off and I took the influenza two we^s beforeChristmas. Mrs. Hongo took care of me, shopp ing and preparing my meals, an d alsohad to shop fo r th e g i f t s and t r e a t s fo r the ch i ld ren . We gave the smal l ch i ld renB i b l e s t o r y books and th e o l d e r c h i l d r e n Nev/ Tes tamen t s . Christmas eve, I t ook agroup of High School students to sing^ i^bls for some old people. Because of illnesswe did not get to the hospi ta l u n t il a f t e r Christmas. Mrs. Virginia i leenor wentv;ith Mrs. Hongo and me. vis i ted every pa t i en t of the two hundred be d hospi ta lgiving out a Christmas card an d a t r a c t . Although v;e v i s i t t h i s hospi ta l every tvK)weeks, we cannot see every p a t i e n t because we take time to t a l k to some who a re i nte res ted . Our time i s also l imi ted as vre cannot go u n t i l t he i r res t period i s overa t t h r e e p . m,

    I a pp re ci at ed t h e response to my appeal fo r Christmas cards . rece ivedeno\:^h fo r next year a l s o . Perhaps we may give soae to some o t h e r churches . Thisy e a r we used th ose s en t by th e Ing lewood ,Ca l i fo rn ia , church because o f th e e x c e l l e n tjo b of past ing v^ich they do . They cut a pic ture or a Bible verse from on e card topas t e over the v /r it in g o n a no th er card. Thei r work i s so nea t ly done t ha t i t i sha rdly no t iceabl e . Some groups u se d c ol or ed crayon to cover the isrriting. Othersused brown paper. This makes them a l l r i gh t fo r m ai lin g b ut we l ike more a t t r ac t ive

    cards to give out to the pat ients so we sha l l ro-do these for next year. I suggestt h a t you s o r t yoair c a r d s and c u t t h e l e s s a t t r a c t i v e c a r d s .

    The home o f on e o f our members l i v ing near the c hu rc h b u rn e d to th e groundC hr is tm as d ay, Fortunately, there v/as no wind o r the church bui ld ing and my homem ig ht ha ve burned, a l so . The f i r e department had been c a l l o d to ano ther f i r e a t thesame t ime so was delayed i n coming here . Very l i t t l e v/as saved. The family a re l i ving i n th e s ide rooms o f th e church vAiere th e p as to r used to l i v e u n ti l they can f indanother place . The way the church people h elp ed o ut i n t h i s emergency was a t e s t imony to non-Chris t ians. I t i s considered a crime i f a f i r e s t a r t s in your home sot he r e has been much q u es ti on in g b y po l i ce .

    I ha d two unpleasant experiences recent ly. I was s i t t i n g reading i n the elecs^t r i e car, A man pul led a h e a ^ sack of riceT from the rack above an d landed on niyhead hurt ing my neck an d back. The man sa id Oh, excuse me * and soon got o ff thet r a i n . No ons o f those crowded around sa id a v/ord to inqui re how badly hur t I was*Another t ime, I was vralking ra pid ly , as I usual ly do , when I came to a piece ofbroken pavement an d f e l l f l a t . The man w al ki ng b eh in d me passed v dt h o nl y a glancein my direc t ion . I thought, I f he were an American, he would help me up an d inqui re i f I were hur t . And yet , these same people are alvreiys kind an d go out o ft h e i r way to give you direc t ions . I believe they do no t vsjit to get involved in ana cc id en t b ut i t i s par t ly that they have no t the Christipji sympathy and helpfulness,I once saw a man with a load f a l l on a crowded stairway from a s ta t ion platform. Noone o ffe re d to he lp him u n t i l I reached hi m and l e n t a hand ,

    I have a t tended t\io funera l s recent ly. One was a Chr is t ian mmen but as noneo f the family were Chr is t ian , they ha d a Buddhist funera l . However, on e o f her sonsasked us to also have a Chri s ti an serv ice a t th e church. This v;e did but only th eone son and two o f h er f r i ends a t t ended . The o t h e r f u n e r a l was o f th e mother o f oneof ou r Christ ian young men. In both instances, the body was on a highly decoratedstand w5.th a pic ture of the flec^^.asyd, A luddhis t p r i e s t in beaut i fu l embroideredrobes s a t near by w ith the family. Only a fe w could e n t e r th e s m l l homes so the re

  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    was a place to burn incense just incsidc the open sliding doors. People filed past,bowed in prayer, clapped their hands and l i t a stick of incense or dropped some onsome hot coals. Some had a special string of beads which they put over their liandsas they prayed, family and friends inside the house went forward in front of thecoffin, burned incense and then rang a tiny bell, I did not want to take part inbowed to th e family. There is no message of hope and comfort ina Buddhis t f u n e r a l .

    Mr. Itagaki reports progress at Kashiv/a They had a three day evangelisticmeeting in the fall and some new people began to attend the services, Mrs Itagakiusually comes to see me about once a month and I sometimes go there but not onSunday as I help at Mabashi I share materials for the work

    ^ A recent letter from Mrs. Rickerson of Miyako Island speaks of the work of MrsKuninaka. The Rickersons drive out to the near by tovms and hold meetings in theschool building for children after school. About 200 children gather at these meetings. Vkith a group in the church at Hirara where they live Mrs Kuninaka assistsin teaching about one thousand children a week. They have made sixty flannelgraphlessons which they use for this teaching. Mrs. Kuninaka also teaches a Junior Highgroup at Hirara one evening a week. She has been working in Miyako Island over threeyears now. knov/ that she gets lonely at times. Her husband s family live therebut her father and sis ter l ive near Tokyo.

    Mrs. Kongo is trying to do as much of the pastoral work as possible. She doesmuch calling and people often come to talk over their problems. She has alwaysplayed th e organ fo r the services. She now teaches a class in th e Bible School andassists in some of my young people s classes. Her most important work has alwaysbeen the work vd.th the women. They love and respect her and she has led a number toChrist. I t means so much to me to have such a good dependable friend and co-workerShe has l ived with me since the Matos moved out of the church because she knew that ^I would be lonely here. She had made her homo vdth a brother who has an orphanageas her only child lives in Hokkaido. If anyone would like to send good used cloth- ,ing for the children of the orphanage I am sure ili wouldibe appreciated. There are

    nh drea-^^f 1 1 American agagr-people used to help but gythese keep changing not so much is received now. The Japanese government furnishesabout half the needed amount. They also receive American surplus food supplies.

    We are glad to have the Pleenors in Tokyo again. They are busy in the v/ork.They are starting special children s meetings in a poor distr ict .

    I want to thank a ll vdio send offerings fo r th e work. The Oourt Street Church ofSalem is increasing its offering. This will help to make up for the fifty dollarsper month formerly sent by th e Los Gat.os diurch. The Los Gatos church has offered tohelp in getting other donations, I was disappointed to learn that i t is not sendingi t s offering to another foreign fie^-d but iis..using to establish churches in nearby areas. I feel like quoting the words of Christ , This you should have done andnot have l e f t the other undone, There are many more millions vdthout Christ in theforeign field than in the home field I believe also that many churches at homecould establish more churches than they do, Mrs. Allumbaugh of Eugene Oregonwhose heart is alvys with the missionaries, has pledged five dollars per month Ihave spent some happy times in her home v/here missionaries are always welcome.

    I received boxes containing gifts of food and other things from churches atCourt Street. Salem Oregon; Canton Ohio; and Hillsboro, Oregon; and also fromfriends and members of my family, I usually receive tv/o or three cake mixes. NowI have eno\igh to share v/ith some of my Japanese friends.

    There are many problems and evangelistic work is slow in Japan now. Rememberthat v;e need your prayers The supplication of a righteous man availeth mach in i t sv/orking.

    Your Missionary

    G r a c e Parnham.

    P. S, have received v/ord that Thelma V/icks of Dorena Oregon has pledged tendollars pe r month to the work here. Truly we ar e grateful to her and to the Godwho supplies our every need.

  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    - ^GEACS iOiiPOHT

    October 1 s t - recemtior 31s t1956

    H e c e i D t s

    OregonSalem, Cour t Street 602.26Salem, Cour t S t r e e t J r .

    Te a c h e r 1 ^ 1 0Mr, Mrs. R, Miner ( 5

    Vfas Christiiis.s g i f t 20.00Eov; R i v e r Church 30.00Crahtree C. W P. 15,00Stay ton Church -^1,00Stn .y ton Church P e t e r

    (ChrisGniaa g i f t ) 20.00Mrc. L. E. Allumbaugh 5,00Thelma Wicks 10 ,00A ff i e McOauley 10 .00M r. M r s . H . B e n t o n

    (Christinas g i f t 5,00J o y Calavan ^ 0 0

    Total 777.36

    C a l i f o r n i aL o s G-a to s

    T o t a l

    MichiganM i s s M a b e l G-ould

    T o t a l

    M i n n e s o t a

    Mrs , H, L M c M i l l e nt r i a t a a cCh j

    T o t a l

    l l i n o i s

    5 Members o f MissionarySocie ty Fisher Church 5,00

    Christmas g i f tT o t a l

    C o l o r a d o

    Mrs. Robert G-ore 5.00T o t a l

    Pennsy lvan iaBryn Mav/r Missionary So, 25.00

    T o t a l

    O h i o

    Women's Missionary So,F i r s t Chris t ian , Canton 50 ,00

    To t a l

    G e o rg i aM r s . C h a s . J G r e e n e

    (Mrs. Hongo)T o t a l

    K a n s a s

    S u b l e t t e C h i i r c h

    T o t a l

    150 .00

    1 . 0 0

    - 3 . 0 0 0

    3 0 . 0 0

    ^5 .00

    1 5 0 . 0 0

    1 0 0

    1 0 0 0

    5 . 0 0

    5 . 0 0

    25 .00

    5 0 . 0 0

    3 0 0 0


    Received i n JapanM r. M r s . E. L . Farnham

    ( 50 percjonnl) 100,00M r. M r s . M. H . F a r n h a m

    Christmas g i f t 10.00Mr, W A, Kuhn 500

    To ta l 115,00



    Living Liiik Salary (3 months)Court Street , Salem, Oregon 300.00J T i r s t C h r i s t i a n C h u r c hLos Gatos , C a l i f o r n i a

    Japanese Workers:Mrs. Masuka iCuninaka(Miyako Is . ) 7500

    J r . Dept . Sr.lera, OregonChurch Row River, Oregon

    Mrs, Fusako Hon^^^o 5 0 . 0 0Mrs. Greene, Georgia

    Mr. an d Mrs, I tagaki ?e ter ) 75 .00Stayton, Oregon

    R e n t f o r K as hiw a w ork 33 .00

    TOTA L E XP Ei ^S Sl S 533.00

    C a s h R e c e i v e d 1213.36Cash or; hand , October 1 s t 1 3 7 ^ . 8 9GRAM) TOTAL CASH 2589.25

    E j ^ e n s e s S 3 3 . 0 0

    BALANCE December 31st , I956 2056.25


  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    6 1957

    Dear Fr iends :

    Spr ing News e t t e r1957

    As I would like to write to each of you individually, I hope that each of youwill consider this a personal letter Several have inquired about my health after^ little accidcnt on the train of Ixavii^sa big saclr of rice dropped on my head. Ihave entirely recovered thanks to Mrs. Kongo s excellent massages. There is also araemherof the church who makes her living hy giving massage, so I have her come oncea week on the day that we make the long trip to the T. B. hospital. She only chargesf i f ty ccnts and i t is very res t ful ^

    I had three severe colds during the v;inter but I found that many others had thesamo eperience. As a Japanese said to mo one time, Colds are available . Mrs.iiongo took such good care of me urging me to stay in bed and doing everything shecould for me. It certainly means everything to me to have her with me. It is

    lonely, also, beins alone but we have canj - pleasant times together.t first few days of April v as a conference of Church ofhrist missionaries at a hot springs hotel about a tv;o hour trip south of TokytJ.

    Some from a distance could not come but there were twenty-nine adiats and twenty-twochildren. Mr. Taylor came from Korea; the Hammondsfrom Kyushu, the southern pointof Japan; and iAt Taber from Hokkaido, the northern island. The Tokyo missionarieswere all there and six from the Osaka Tanabe Okayamaareas. The Downeys, Okinawa

    language in Tokyo, attended v/ith their l i t t l e three yearold Debbie. She was red v/ith moosles the next day exposing all the l i t t le folk. Asthe conference vras held in a Japanese hotel, we sat on the floor, (of course, onbig square cushions on the padded matting), but for Americans not used to sittingfor long Japanese style this was very tiring. We slept on .mattresses on the mattingand ate at low tables. Before the meeting v/as over, half the group wuld line upleanii^ gainst the wall with their legs stretched out. During the last speech Iwent to Mrs. Sims and said, Let mo take the baby outside, I need a rest But theprogram of speeches and joyful singing was inspiring and the fellowship wonderful.

    On Sunday evenings for a month, thc\ e are special meetings being held at Kash-i where the Itagakis are vrarking. They were delighted to receive a layette fromthe Stayton, Oregon, church for their little one e.^ected in July. Mrs. Itagakiis such a capable teacher that the kindegarten where she is teaching tell her totake a vacation but not to quit. Mr. Itagaki thiiLks he can take care of the babyduring school hours, I tell him that sometimes he \till be tying the baby on hisback and head for the kindegarten on his bicycle.

    The Sato family, v^OBe house burned on Christmas day, lived for four months inthe church building. They liave purcJiased a home but the mother and daughter, bothChristians, continue to attend the services. In searching for their new homethey kept in mind that they did not v/ant to be too far from the church. The daughterteaches in the Bible School, So often when Japanese Christians move away they do notcome back fo r church s e rv i ce s

    The attendance at the Mabashi church has shown a gradual Increase. There werenot so ma^ children through the winter but now that the weather is warmer more arecoming. Usually those entering High School do not continue to attend the BibleSchool but the class entering High School in April is continuing to attend, MrSaito, one of the deacons, is the teacher and he gives an excellent message.

    On Easter Sunday in the afternoon Mrs, Kongoand m;y-selfand three womenof thechurch visited the T. B. hospital taking tracts and colored eggs for each patient.Because of new medicine for T B.. there are many empty beds in the hospitals andvery few patients are in a critical condition. When I first began to visit thishopital eight years ago, there was always a number in a serious condition and seldomdid a^one p t well enoi;gh to go home. A number are reading the Bible and ask us

    ^^oee with a background o fBuddhist thought and idolatry. Some have said that they had faith in Christ butI tZt baptized. One young man asked us to sprinkle him.hich, of course, we wouldnot do. I said, God will forgive if you have done allthat you can but he v;ould not accept a substitute baptism.

    Me have been able to get some surplus food through Church World Service forneedypeople. got butter, milk and beans for two sick peopleand for an old lady.


  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    r have appreciated a l l the kindnesses shown my sister Mrs. Myrtle Sylvesterduring her months of suffering and wards of sympathy to me since she passed away inMarch, I t i s hard to be so fa r .way a t such a time but We sorrov; not as those whohave no hope . We know that v/e shal l nieet again. I t is sad to think of t he m il li on shere in this land v;ho do not have this hope of eternal l i f e .

    I want to thanjc those again who gave offerings to continue th e work which Mrs.Kuninaka is doing in Miyako Island, the Itagakis in Kashiwa, and Mrs. Kongo, myslBlftand others ar e doing in'Mahashi as well as for your prayers for evangelism in Japan*

    Your Missionary,

    G-race P a r n h a m


    January 1 s t - March 3 1 s t1957

    R e c e i - p t s

    OregonThelma Wicks $ 30.00Mr. and Mrs, R. Miner 15.00Court S t r e e t Salem 429.80

    J r .Teacher ^7,66

    Street Loyal Friends 25 00Row River Church 30.00C e n t r a l P o i n t M i s s i o n

    C i r c l e 1 8 . 0 0Mr, & Mrs. M. H. Farnham 2*^.00

    C a l i f o r n i aMr, an d M r s . A l b e r t H o l l a n d

    T o t a l1 0 . 0 0

    O h i o

    Canton 1 s t Charch W. M. S. 1 ^ . 0 0T o t a l

    I o w a

    M r, & M r s , L e i n e m a nT o t a l .

    H a w a i iE d n a S l a k e

    T o t a l


    1 0 . 0 0

    2 . 0 0

    E x p e n s e s

    Living Link Salary (3 months)Court S t r e e t S al em , O re go nan d f r iends i n other places


    Japanese Workers;Mrs, Jusako Hongo 50,00

    Mrs. Greene, GeorgiaMrs. Masuko Kuninaka 75 00

    J r . Dept . Court S t . Salem, Ore . C h u r c n Rov; R i v e r

    Ma an d Mrs Itagaki 75.00;on , O r e g o n

    Rent f o r I ta ga k i s and work a tKashiwa' 33.00

    Offering from Row River D,V,B.S 12.00Used f o r B i b l e s f o r C h i l d r e n

    1 0 , 0 0 f o r Chris tmas .

    TOTAL EXPENSES $ 5i^5,00

    15 00 Cash Received $ 657.^^6Cash on hand, January l e t I957 ZO 6.2 GRASCD TOTAL CASH $2713.71

    Expense . 001 0 . 0 0

    BALANCE March 31st , I957 $2168.71

    2.00 Chr is tmas g i f t s of money ($90.00) fromr e l a t i v e s used f o r c lo th ing and medical ,

    $ 657*^6

  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    Dear Pr lends t

    6 iQc y Tokyo, JapanJuly 6, 1957

    As I was late in sending the spring news we decided to include th e material inthe Ju ly l e t t e r^

    Mrs. MiakSi who is nearing ninetyi was able to have the meeting which she hadplanned to te l l her neighbors about Christ Those belonging to a l i t t l e neighborhood club gave some money; one loaned the use of her homei and the women were goingto cook the meal, but Mrs, Miake insisted on doing a l l of i t herself even though sheis not so strong now. As her home is never clean, the neighbors would have preferredto have cooked the meal. Mr. Julius Fleenor brought his movie projector and ohotredtwo B ib le film s a f t e r the meal

    I made-a. jfcrip a hot Bixr.ings_ijajJunejf4Jbh_a_^pup of women from ourchurch. Others had planned on going but v/ere unable to make the trip. All had putaside a l i t t l e money each month for eight months. At the Japanese Hotel, we had tworooms which opened together where we a l l slept on thin mattresses, The meals wereserved on trays placed before each one. The trays had legs so were l ike tiny tables.The waitress sat in the center of the room f i l l ing our rice bov/ls from a big coveredconta iner o f hot r i c e We were served ra w f i s h an d tv/o kinds o f f ri ed r iv er t rou tand leaves and sprouts taken fro.m the mountains, Pern sprouts ar e considered a de licacy, I at e heartily of everything even the lunch the next day when we made a t r ipfar ther in to the mountains. The lunch consisted of tv/o ba l l s of cold boiled r icevrrapped in dried seavreed. In the center of each ball was a pink pickled plum, sourand bit ter. When i t is hot, they say that the plum preserves the r ice, A bus rideover a dangerous mountain road gave us such a jerking up that I spent a couple ofdays in bed on our return, I had evidently strained my back and taken a l i t t l e cold,There were such stacks of bundles of fern sprouts v/hich the people were bringing fromthe mountains to sel l that we had difficulty standing even when clinging to an overhead bar. But the beautiful scenery, reminding me of Oregon, a boat ride, a hikealong a roaring mountain stream and the hours of closer fellowship with these Japanese women; made th e t r i p worth vMle ,

    A pretty wedding was held in the church in June, wlien Miss Yasulgc Okamoto^beca Tnft brirde of Mr. Takashi^ JjiSjaajni. - The groom s mother and s i s t e r a re fa i thful

    Cliristians, The ceremony was performed by a deacon of the Mabashi church and anotherdeacon and his wife stood up with the young ^couple. Although Mr. Saito had neverperformed a marriage ceremony, because of his earnest faith, he gave a very impress iv e s er vi ce . According to Japanese law, onl y t he registration is necessary butthe service is usually a Shinto service v/here each drinks nine sips of wine. Ofcourse , Chr i s t i ans have only th e church s e r v i c e .

    The Japanese Christ ian wedding ceremony i s American with variations . A ll the

    wedding party march down th e ais le and so r ap id ly t ha t th e organist can play only afew bars of th e wedding march. There i s f i r s t th e groom who i s aficoaipanied by th ebest man; then th e bride and bridesmaid v/alking together. The young people alwayschoose an older couple, supposed to be th e go-between , v/ho make the marriage arrangements, The audience sings two or three hymns b ef or e th e ceremoaiy. Immediatelya f t e r t he s er vi ce , th e young couple are seated v/hile a short sermon i s given. Thena member o f each family gives a word o f thanks to those who have a s s i s t e d i n th e s e rvice an d those vdxo a t tend , tilhile tea and cakies are served, there are usually manyspeeches , w i t t y an d wise .

    The new couple i s l iv ing in the apartment in the church. They are glad to havethe use of these rooms an d i t i s be t t e r no t to have the building engaty. Neither i sa Chr is t i an but they a tte nd th e church serv ice an d we hope to l ead them to Chr is t .

    Mrs. Masuka Kuninaka, who was working vrt.th the Rickersons in Miyako Island, i snow teaching public school . She plans to continue to do Chr is t ian work but ,as sh ehas her sa la ry from the school, we a r s not supporting her. However, v/3 gave herf i f t y dol lars for her fare home and th e usual ^ i f t of mpney v/hen leaving a vn>rk. Shemay return to Japan in the Autumn, We are p la nn in g to open up a no th er B ib le Schooli n Tokyo and w i l l use the funds provided fo r th e Miyako v/ork but v/ith another worker.Mrs. Kuninaka ha s worked well in Miyako bu t i s not so strong and ha s s i ^ t in onlyone eye . T h is ha s made t h e work d i f f i c u l t f o r h er

    We ce lebra ted f lovrer day i n June, Th e B i b l e School c h i l d r e n and t eacher sbrought flowers an d t he n t oo k them to the old an d s ick and to the pol ice bo an d the

    guards a t the rai lroad crossing, A group went to a nearby hospi ta l .Po r the f i r s t two weeks in August there wil l b e m is si on a ry conferences in the

    mountains. This i s an interdenominational conference. We enjoy the fellov/ship an dins^pirrtion o f a ss oc ia ti on with missionaries from a l l over Japan. I shal l spend th emonth o f August with the Fleenors a t our co t tage .

  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    There will be a number of Christ ir.j; young }jeople s service canps duriiig thissummer using our summer house as a dornatory. i t will be rather crowded but theyoung peop le w i l l s l e e p on t h i n m a t t r e s s e s on th e f l o o r .

    Again I wish to thank all those who remember uS in their prayers and offerings.

    Your Missionary,

    G r a c e F a r n h a m


    Apr i l l e t - June 30th

    R e c e i p t a

    OregonThelma Wicks 30,00Salem, Court S t r e e t if-10,44Salem, Cour t S t r e e t J r .

    Teacher 29.55Salem, Loyal Fr iends

    Court S t r e e t 20.00Mr, Mrs. R. Miner 15.00Row River Church 30,00Coqui l l e Chris t ian Church 20.00Crab t ree C. W. F. 20,00Mrs. L, E. Allumbaugh 20.00

    T o t a l

    E r o e n s e a

    Living Link Salary (3 months)Court S t r e e t S ale m, O re go n

    Japanese Workers:Mrs. Fusalco KongoKr, Mrs, I t a g a k iM r s . Masuko K u n i n a k a

    J r . D ept. Court S t . Salem,Church Rov/ River, Oregon

    R e n t f o r K a s h i w a v;ork

    Stay ton O re go n C hu rc h o s p i t lVi s i t a t i o n

    60^1-.99 t o t a l EXPENSES

    C a l i f o r n i aMr, Mrs. Andy Livacich 5.00

    Rttraey , - T o t a l

    GeorgiaMrs . C h a s . J . G r e e n e

    (Mrs. Kongo) 30.00To t i a l

    H a w a i i

    M rs. Edna F l a k e 2 .00T o t a l

    MichiganM i s s M a b e l G o u l d l . Q Q

    T o t a l


    C a s h R e c e i v e d

    Cash on hand, Apri l 1 s tCASH

    30.00 Expenses

    balance June 30th, 1957


    5 0 . 0 0

    7 5 . 0 0

    5 0 . 0 0O r e .

    3 3 . 0 0




    2836.70^ ^ 2 0 0 0


    * Our trips to the T. B, Hospital have30 .00 been c o s t i n g us abou t tw o d o l l a r s -per

    month for t r a i n fare an d a fev/ things to^ ive out to the p a t i e n t s . Mrs, Kongo i ns i s t s on paying her share from her smal l

    2.00 s a l a r y. Because o f t h i s I iiave decidedto l e t you help us ou t by talcing t h i samount from th e g e n e r a l fund.

    1 . 0 0

    V N0D3d0jl d33)iiitiiiidii iiiiiiiihiiiii


    SXOUXXII 'Q-9TI0f96'xoa

    ^S6l 5

    MO OVO W31VS

    \ l -o 'Cyw .j;

  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    -\-X ^

    ^okyo J a p ^F a l l 1957

    D e a r F r i e n d s

    I t is fa l l and again time fo r a word of news and greeting I spent a month inthe mountains v;ith the Fleenors a t the cotta^-.e there v/hich we own to^^ether. I t wasespecially hot in Tokyo this summer so,though I had intended to go on July 30^^^I was having frequent headaches, I went a fcv/ days earl ier. We had a rest before themissionary conferences be^^^an on th o f i r s t uf Au^^ust, There are two conferencessponsored by interdenominational groups. Seve ral hundred missionaries gather in alarge tabernacle built years ago for the pui*pose. The addresses wore given by menof strong faith some who have been years in Japan or China, This year one speakerwas a Chr is t ian business man f rom America . He considers h is main business h is workfor th e Lord, There were also a few Japanese paators who spoke. One had made at^rip to China with a group of Japanese Chri st i an leade rs . He said that there wasl i t t l e freedom fo r th e church in red China Dr Hideo Aoki an American born Japanese nov; a missionary of th e Church of Christ in Tokyo, was one of the speakers.

    I t i s an inspiration to h ea r th es e men of fai t i i speak: and to have th e opportuni ty to meet o ld f ri en ds . We had a gathering of pre-war missionaries. There arenot many here now, I met f ive o r si:c who v/ere interned with me

    Pour young people s camps were held in o lr summer home. The Fleenors were incharge but I assisted v/hile I vra s there.. Tiie house was almost bursting when thir ty-five of us ate and slept there for five days. All the classes were held there also.I t v/as an encouragement to notice the change in some of the young people in thosefew days. Of the f i r s t group, a ll made some dicisionto read the Bible, attendchurch services invi te t he i r fr iends e tc . However, only three made t he d ec is io nto accept Christ as their Savior, But this is understandable when you realize thatthey had had very l i t t l e teaching: before as they had only recently begun to attendclasses at th e church Tliat is the majority were nev;, The second camp, ot threedays, was a family camp from th e Shimoochiai church where the Fleenors are. I t wasgood to see even a fev; faraily groups in a Christian camp. One young mother who camwith her husband an d small so n was a Mabashi Bible School chi ld before the war. Therwere tv/o o t h e r former Mabashi members t h e r e wi th some o f t h e i r f a m i l i e s . They no wl i ve nearer to the Shimoochiai church. I t was good to have fellowship with themagain. . >

    The following v/eek was for a group of poor children from the work v;hich theFleenors have opened in a slum district. An earnest Cliristian Japanese womanledthis group very capably. She insisted thp.t they all pray and gave them earnest talksabout sin and repentance. This was especially important for this group lor some of

    them came from very bad surroundings. She also inqpressed upon them that they mustno t v/orship idols nor talce part in th e frequent festivals of shrines and temples.Some Japanese leaders neglect th is teachinr. I wonder i f i t is because they are soaccustomed to idoltry that i t does not seem so bad to them. In this camp eighteenwere baptized. We can not help but be conc>:-:ied fo r fear that some were only doingwhat their friends did, but we loiov; that their teacher will do her best to lead them.

    The last camp was fo r college age, I I lad planned to take both young women who.teach in our Bible School but one could not ,^et leave from th e office where she works*This group wao intorcsting. There v;as a Chinese mother v/i th he r three boys who hadescaped from China after suffering much from the communists. She had come from aChrist ian family of high class in China, aaid she gave a v;onderful testimony of how^God ha d led and cared for her v/hen she was so discouraged t l ia t sh e th oug ht tha t su icide was the only solution. She i s tryin>^ to educate her boys in th e American sfchoolas sh e thinks there i s more fut i i re for them i f they knov/ English well . She has beenteaching Chinese in one of the Tokyo universit ies but there i s not as much demand fort eachers o f Chinese as the re used t o b e . Sh e has a l so t augh t Chinese cooking.Through the assistance of the Fleenors she was able to ge t a position as cook in theChristian Academy where the children oi missionaries are educated Her childrenwill also attend there. We hope to have more from Mabashi attending camp next year.The women s group a r e ask ing f o r a cainp,

    A young man whom we f ormerly t augh t in th e T, B, hospital was baptized here a tMabashi recently. Since le av in g th e hospi a l he ha d been attending services nearhj s home but they did not teach him cinythiu^ about baptism because the lea de r was ofthe no church group who teach that baptism and th e Lord s Supper are sp i r i tua l only.

    We have heard of se ve ra l former patients a t that hospital who have gone to churches near t h e i r homes an d become Chr is t i ans One young woman has opened a B ib le stu dy

    , c l a s s a t th e p la ce v^here sh e works. The seed which v/e were sowing through the monthsi n which we have b ee n g oin g t h e r e has begun t o b e a r f r u i t

  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan


    I vis i t ed the I tagakis l a s t month. The have a s tr on g h e al th y tahy as he i sfe d according to methods of feeding modern Rabies in Japan. Mrs. I tagaki is againteaching kindergartisn and he caros for the ^ alsy during school hours. They have agood Bible school aid regular Sunday serviuBS in the i r home but as the house i s tobe sold they wil l have to move in Warch.

    Mrs. Kuniaka, who has been ass i s t ing the Rickersons in evangel is t ic work on theisland of Miyako u nti l la st spring, vis i ted ner home near Tokyo and th e church atMabashi in the suirjner. She returned to Miyako in September. She is in teres ted inthe evangel is t ic work there but she f e l t lonely a t the thought of going again so f a rfrom home. can understand very well hov/ sh e f e l t . She wil l continue to teachschool for the present .

    are happy to have f el lo ws hi p w it h Dr. an d Mrs Ao?

  • 8/13/2019 Farnham Grace 1957 Japan



    Ju ly 1 s t - Se^ *^ .fflber 30 th


    Ore^^ohSalem, Cour t Street 668,53Salem, Cour t S t r e e t J r . 21,90

    T e a c h e r

    Mr , & Mrs. M. H, F a r n - 25.00ham (Bir thday)

    Salem, Loyal Fr iends 15 .00C o u r t Stree t

    Mrs . T helm a L . Wicks 3 0 . 0 0Rov/ R i v e r C h u r c h 3 0 . 0 0S t a y t o n Church 30.00Coquille C. W. F. I6.67Mr. iSj M rs, R . Mine r 1 5 . 0 0Mrs, L, E , Allura taugh I'S.OO

    T o t a l

    C j ^ l f o r n i aM r s . R u t h L i v a c i c h

    (Bir thday) 'i.OQT o t a l

    I n d i a n a

    D a n v i l l e C h r i s t i a n Charch 29.^^T o t a l


    S x p e n s e a

    Living Link Salary (3 months)Court S t r e e t , S al em , O re gon

    F r i e n d s

    Japanese Workers; Kr:5. l \ :cako Hongo

    Mrs. Greene, Georg iaMr. & Mrs. P e t e r I t a g a k i

    R e n t f o r K a s h i w a w o r k

    H o m i t a l t r i p sRo ^;. r e p a i rB o i r i b o o f e n c e

    Christian Service Camps (scholarships , e t c .

    Repair o f summer house fo r can^js


    $ 300,00

    $ 867.00

    5 0 , 0 0

    75 .003 3 . 0 0

    6 .005 . 2 0

    7 .958 .75

    2 ^ , 0 0

    $ 510.90

    $ 901.^52-^16.70

    3217.^5 i io go


    / ..

    C a s h r e c e i v e d

    Gash on hand, J u l y I s t5 . 0 0 GRAIID TOTAL CASH

    E x p e n s e s

    29 'M

    $ 90 1 M ~

    ^ J

    BALANCE September 30th, 1957



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