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Fashionista 3.3

Date post: 26-Jun-2015
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Fashionista 3.3
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“Hey Dad, do you think you could read me a story before bed?” Charlotte Fashionista asked her father, Zac. It was a warm summer night, and things were rather calm in Terra Nova.

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“Sure Kiddo, what story would you like me to read to you? I think I’ve read most of the children’s books on your bookshelf”

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“Well that’s the thing dad. I was thinking maybe now that I am almost a teenager you could read me a book off of great-grandma Chanel’s bookcase.”

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“Well I guess you’re old enough to read one of those books. Let me go and pick one out that I think you would like.” Zac agreed as he wandered off into Chanel’s old room which was now occupied by his elderly parents.

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Zac browsed the bookshelf, looking for a novel which would be appropriate for his oldest child. Then a particular book caught his eye.

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The words Chanel Fashionista lay on the spine of a novel, where the author’s name should have been. “I didn’t know grandma wrote a book…” Zac stated with confusion as he pulled the novel of the shelf.

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“I found a book that says it was written by your grandmother” Zac announced to Charlotte as he sat down outside her bedroom door. “I was never told she was an author but I guess we can both read this together. I hope it’s appropriate…”

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Many years ago, a young woman named Calista decided to begin a new life. She and her family before her had been Gypsies. She hated their lifestyle of corruption and had run away where she moved into a small trailer park with only her cat. Her cat was a pure black cat with emerald eyes which she named Micah.

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To pay for her trailer, she worked the night shift bartending at a local club. She became acquainted with many people in the city after a few months of work.

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Among her acquaintances were a couple of women with oddly colored skin and quasi gothic garb. They were considered outcasts to the majority of the town but Calista had always been drawn to unique people, as she was one herself.

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Despite her relationship with some of the odd people in her life, Calista grew close to one of the richest men in the town. He was known as Mr. Big by reputation but his real name was Ryker Sicat.

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Eventually the pair decided to purchase a house together. They found one downtown that looked as though it had been abandoned for a decade or two. It was rather cheap for it’s large size and was known by the community as “The House of Fallen Trees.”

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Inside the home there was some furnishings as the previous owner of the home had died and had no known relatives for the furniture to go to. Much of the artwork that had once been in the home had been stolen by petty thieves. What remained in the main room were a couple of couches, a piano, and some bookshelves.

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The oddest part of the home were the graves in the backyard. Some of which did not even have headstones. It was only a minor detail to Calista as she decided she would eventually have the graves moved to a local cemetery.

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Upon the purchase of her new home, Calista called to invite one of her “unique” friends over.

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“I didn’t realize that this was your new home. I would have advised against it had I known this is what you were purchasing.” Laci Kimbrell added as she approached Calista outside the house.

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“What do you mean by that?” Calista asked, tilting her head to the side with concern.

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“This place…it’s overall presence is one even the darkest of people fear. Even us…witches.“

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“I knew there was something about you, ha! You seriously think I am going to fall for this? You tell me you’re a witch and that my house is creepy? I am not dumb you know.” Calista laughed.

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“I am serious Calista, this place is cursed! How dare you mock my culture? I am a witch and I am not brave enough to handle this place. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”Frustrated, Calista turned away and walked towards her so-called “Haunted House.”

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Behind her Laci grunted. “Ugh, I will never forgive myself if something were to happen to that innocent girl. Just in case.” She pulled out her wand and pointed it straight at Calista’s back.

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Within seconds Calista was surrounded by sparkling green lights that fluttered around her before attaching themselves to the surface of her skin.“What the-” She began.

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No longer was she dressed in her old Gypsy clothing, but was wearing an identical dress and hat to the one Laci wore. She could feel coldness moving through her body, it felt wonderful. She had never felt so alive and powerful.

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“Good Luck, Calista” Laci whispered as she hugged her former Gypsy friend goodbye.Calista watched with confusion and awe as Laci hopped onto a broomstick and flew into the dark sky.

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What on earth are you wearing Ryker asked as Calista walked in and over to the bookcase.“Oh uh, just something Calista gave me.” She answered as she browsed the bookshelf. “Mysteriously Mysterious Novel…what a weird title.”

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Calista pulled on the book but was startled when she heard a noise that sounded much like grinding gears.

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“What the heck?!” Ryker screamed as the bookcase started to turn. Calista stepped back for a moment but not far enough away that the bookcase caught her and began to take her along it’s roation.

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“Ryker help!” Calista yelped as she was pushed into a darkened room the size of a small closet. “Hang on I’ll find a way to get you back!”

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“Um that’s okay, I think I can figure it out” Calista dismissed once she noticed a large staircase leading straight into darkness.“Are you sure?” Ryker’s muffled voice hollered through the wall.“Yes just come back in 10 minutes if I am not out of here”

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Calista descended down a long series of staircases, whatever lie at the bottom had to be something wonderful! It was too dark to see below but she knew she was getting closer.

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Once she reached the bottom Calista’s mouth dropped open at the sight of what lie before her.

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Zac had taken a pause in the story. “Then what happened daddy?” Charlotte questioned, her eyes filled with curiosity.

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“That’s odd…a page seems to be missing, actually a lot of pages are. I guess we won’t know what happens.”

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“I’ll find those missing pages! I have to know what happens next!” Charlotte eagerly replied.

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Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter but I think it will be nice to have this plot twist, don’t you? Please comment if you have any comments, questions, or concerns! Hope you enjoyed! See ya soon!

~ Sara
